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ACTA-3-2012-FINAL:3-2011 16/04/2013 11:56 a.m.

Página 243




Lorenza Jaramillo1, Ignacio Briceño2, Camilo Durán1

1 Dental Research Center, School of Dentistry, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
Genetics Institute, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia.

ABSTRACT ing them within a 3D PEGDA scaffold polymerized by exposure

In order to obtain a tooth-like structure, embryonic oral ectoderm to UV (365nm) inside a pyramidal polypropylene mold. Con-
cells (EOE) and bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMSC) were structs were incubated from 24 to 48 hrs in α-MEM and then
stratified within a synthetic hydrogel matrix (PEGDA) and implanted for four to six weeks in the mesentery of adult male (3-
implanted in the ileal mesentery of adult male Lewis rats. Whole- 6 month old) Lewis rats. 76 constructs were implanted (37 exper-
mount in situ hybridization was used to evaluate the expression imental, 27 negative controls and 12 positive controls). Upon
of Pitx2, Shh and Wnt10a signals indicative of tooth initiation. In maturation, constructs were harvested, fixed in buffered forma-
rats, expression of the three markers was present in the oral ecto- lin, processed and stained with hematoxylin eosin (HE). Histo-
derm starting at embryonic stage E12.5, which was therefore logical evaluation of the experimental and negative constructs
selected for cell harvesting. Embryos were obtained by controlled showed that BMSCs underwent an apoptotic process due to lack
service of young female Lewis rats in which estrus was detected of matrix interactions, known as anoikis, and were thus incapable
by impedance reading. At E12.5, pregnant rats were humanely of interacting with the competent ectoderm. In contrast, embry-
euthanized and embryos were collected. The mandibular segment onic oral ectoderm was able to proliferate during the mesenteric
of the first branchial arch was dissected and the mesenchyme sep- implantation. In conclusion, PEGDA scaffolds are incompatible
arated from the ectoderm by enzymatic digestion with pancreatin with BMSCs, therefore it is essential to continue the search for an
trypsin solution. BMSCs were collected by flushing the marrow ideal scaffold that allows proper tissue interactions.
of tibiae and femurs of adult Lewis rats with α-MEM and cul-
tured in α-MEM in 25 cm2 flasks. Second passage BMSC’s were Keywords: Polyethyleneglycol diacrylate - 3D scaffolds -
recombined with competent oral ectoderm (E12.5-E13) stratify- embryonic structures - stem cells - mesentery.



RESUMEN piramidal de polipropileno (PP). Los constructos se cultiva-

Para lograr la formación de una estructura similar a un dien- ron entre 48 y 72 horas en α-MEM y posteriormente fueron
te se estratificaron células de ectodermo oral embrionario implantados en el mesenterio ileal de machos adultos (3 a 6
(EOE) con células troncales de medula ósea (BMSC) dentro meses de edad) por un período de cuatro a seis semanas. Se
de una matriz de diacrilato de polietilenglicol (PEGDA) que implantaron 76 constructos (37 experimentales, 27 controles
se implantó en el mesenterio ileal de machos adultos de ratas negativos y 12 controles positivos). En la fecha determinada
Lewis. Mediante hibridización in situ de bloque completo se los animales se sacrificaron mediante asfixia con una mezcla
evaluó la expresión de tres genes iniciadores putativos de la de CO2 y aire recuperando los constructos que se fijaron en
formación dental (Pitx2, Shh y Wnt10a), estableciendo que en formalina tamponada para luego procesarlos y teñirlos con
ratas las señales iniciadoras de dentogénesis aparecen entre hematoxilina eosina (HE). La evaluación histológica de los
E12.5 y E13. El tejido ectodérmico embrionario se obtuvo constructos experimentales, positivos y negativos mostró que
haciendo cruces controlados de hembras a las que se les detec- las BMSC incluidas en el hidrogel sufrieron un proceso de
tó el estro mediante impedanciometría. En E12.5 las hembras apoptosis conocido como anoikis que impidió su interacción
se sacrificaron y se extrajeron los embriones. Se disecó la por- con las células ectodérmicas. En contraste el EOE proliferó
ción mandibular del primer arco branquial y el ectodermo se durante el período de implantación. A futuro se debe buscar
separó del mesénquima mediante disociación enzimática con la matriz portadora ideal que permita el confinamiento de los
una solución de pancreatina tripsina. Las BMSC se extraje- dos grupos celulares y que brinde el soporte estructural nece-
ron de los huesos largos de las extremidades inferiores de sario para la proliferación de las BMSC facilitando su inter-
ratas mediante lavado con α-MEM y se cultivaron en cajas de acción con las células inductoras de origen ectodérmico.
25cm2 hasta un segundo pasaje. Las BMSC fueron recombi-
nadas con ectodermo embrionario competente (E12.5 - E13) Palabras clave: Diacrilato de Polietilenglicol (PEGDA) -
estratificándolas en un soporte tridimensional de PEGDA, soporte tridimensional - estructuras embrionarias - células
polimerizado con luz ultravioleta (365nm) dentro de un molde madre - mesenterio.

Vol. 25 Nº 3 / 2012 / 243-254 ISSN 0326-4815 Acta Odontol. Latinoam. 2012

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244 L. Jaramillo, et al.

INTRODUCTION (PEGDA) scaffolds are commonly used biomateri-

The need to restore or replace deteriorated or lost als in tissue engineering because their chemical and
organs as a result of alterations in their formation, physical properties such as resistance to flexion, ten-
pathology, trauma or any other event affecting their sion, compression and shearing can easily be modi-
integrity has driven the search for rehabilitating ther- fied according to the individual needs of the
apies. Some of these include repair or replacement developing tissue5,6. They are used as drug and cell
by means of autologous transplants, allogeneic transporters7, have been approved by the FDA (US
transplants and more recently, tissue engineering, Food and Drug Administration) for various medical
which integrates cell biology, molecular biology, applications6 and some are formed from a variety of
genetics and biotechnology to produce complex tis- polymers that are water-soluble or interact with
sues or organs. This study seeks to apply some of water, endowing them with high permeability8. They
the basic principles of tissue engineering to obtain a can be molded by photopolymerization processes
complex structure formed by tooth-like tissues and gentle enough to be performed in presence of living
use it in tooth regeneration trials. cells, which in turn can become homogeneously dis-
Tooth formation is the result of sequential, reiter- tributed within the structure9. Polyethylene glycol
ative, and reciprocal interactions between ecto- based hydrogels have proven to be biocompatible,
dermal and mesenchymal tissues, through the and support the viability of cells encapsulated with-
expression of signaling molecules families driving in them 10,11. Implantation of PEGDA constructs has
tissues and the cells contained within along diverse shown that the scaffold breaks down, allowing the
differentiation pathways1. A wide range of studies formation of a cell matrix with the microscopic
at cellular and molecular levels have provided suf- structures distinctive of the different cell layers
ficient evidence to establish that the embryonic oral included in it12. The aim of this study was to com-
epithelium provides inductive signaling for tooth bine rat embryonic oral ectodermal cells (with
initiation. In the early stages of mandibular devel- potential to induce odontogenesis) and mesenchy-
opment in mice, all the ectomesenchymal cells mal stem cells from adult rats in a hydrogel scaffold
seem to be capable of responding to signals from and implant them in vivo to achieve the formation
the oral epithelium2. The ability of the embryonic of a structure containing tissues of dental origin.
oral epithelium in early developmental stages (com-
petent dental epithelium) to direct odontogenesis MATERIAL AND METHODS
when recombined with non-oral ectomesenchyme Animals
suggests that ectomesenchymal cells are plastic in This study followed the legal provisions of The
their responses to oral epithelial signals 3. The use International Guiding Principles for Biomedical
of embryonic tissues as source of inductive signals Research Involving Animals developed by the
for organogenesis and their subsequent transplanta- CIOMS (Council for International Organizations of
tion to receptor sites in adult individuals for the Medical Sciences), which includes ethical and legal
development of a complex multicellular structure aspects of experimenting with animal models. The
in vivo, requires an animal model in which immu- laboratory procedures were performed according to
nity due to histocompatibility does not pose anoth- the standards for Biosafety for managing and dis-
er variable, therefore it is mandatory to use an posing of biological specimens of the Dental
inbred strain for this type of experiment. The Lewis Research Center of the School of Dentistry, Pontif-
inbred rat strain is one of the most frequently used icia Universidad Javeriana and the Center for Ani-
animal models for transplant experiments4 due to mal Experiments of the School of Dentistry,
its high level of homozygosity. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. This Project was
Cellular proliferation and maturation during organo- approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of
genesis requires a support structure in order to facil- the School of Dentistry, Pontificia Universidad
itate interactions, and in this regard the function of Javeriana as part of the project “In vivo Obtention
the scaffold has evolved into an instructive micro- of a tooth-like structure from odontogenic rat cells
environment facilitating cell adhesion, migration, in a hydrogel scaffold”.
differentiation and subsequently its own degrada- Approximately ten 8-week-old sibling pairs of
tion5. Synthetic polyethylene glycol diacrylate male (150-225g) and female (100-200g) Lewis

Acta Odontol. Latinoam. 2012 ISSN 0326-4815 Vol. 25 Nº 3 / 2012 / 243-254

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Odontogenic Cell Culture in PEGDA Hydrogel 245

(LEW/ SsNHsd) rats were purchased from Harlan Population

Laboratories, Inc. (Indianapolis, IN) and mated 34 pregnant females (10 - 38 weeks old) were used as
monogamously to generate the foundation colony. a source of embryonic tissues, 70 males (10 - 38 weeks
The pairs were retired from the foundation colony old) as implant recipients and 5 females (10 - 21 weeks
after the third pregnancy and replaced with a new old) as bone marrow donors (109 animals altogether).
sibling pair. The offspring produced were used for
breeding either in the foundation colony or in the Humane euthanizing conditions
production colony used for experiments. Male and All individuals were euthanized by asphyxia with a
female rats in the production colony were group- mixture of CO2/air followed by cervical dislocation.
housed in a One Cage® ventilated microisolator
(Lab Products, Inc.) (four or five rats per cage) in Culture conditions
disinfected polycarbonate cages (36 cm × 49 cm × Whenever culture medium is mentioned, it refers to
21.2 cm; One Cage, Lab Products, Inc., Seaford, α-MEM (Gibco 12000-022) supplemented with
DE) according to age and sex. For breeding, rats 10% bovine fetal serum (Gibco 16000-044) and 1%
were housed in pairs in polycarbonate cages (36 penicillin /streptomycin /amphotericin B (Gibco
cm × 23.5 cm × 21.5 cm; One Cage, Lab Products, 15240-062). All incubation steps were performed
Inc.). All cages were covered with filter tops and at 37ºC and 5% CO2, and the culture medium was
contained sterile pine wood chips (Depósito de changed every two days. In vitro culture time for
Maderas las Palmas SAS, Bogotá, Colombia). The the constructs was 48 to 72 hours.
cubicle containing the microisolator had an aver-
age of 50 filtered air (HEPA)turnovers/hour, tem- Bone marrow stem cell culture
perature 22+/- 1°C, relative humidity 55 to 65% The aseptic dissection technique for lower limb
and 12:12 light/dark cycle (lights on at 06:30 a.m. bones (tibia and femur) of humanely euthanized
and off at 6:30 p.m.). All animals were transferred young females to obtain bone marrow stem cells was
to clean, disinfected cages with a fresh bed twice a standardized. The marrow was flushed using a
week. Sterilized feed (Rodentina Agrinal Colom- syringe with an 18-gauge needle loaded with 1 ml
bia SA.) and water were provided ad libitum from of culture medium, mechanically disaggregated
the time of entry until euthanasia. Once a week, using the same needles, and centrifuged at 2600xg
water was supplemented with a vitamin/amino- for five minutes. The supernatant was discarded, the
acid complex (Promocalier L, Laboratorios Calier precipitate re-suspended in culture medium and
SA.) to compensate for the nutrients lost through seeded in 25 cm2 cell culture dishes to establish the
feed sterilization. primary culture. When 80-90% cell confluence was
Microbiological and serological monitoring was reached, cells were detached by incubation with 1
performed twice a year. The results were negative ml trypsin-EDTA solution (Sigma T-4049), collect-
for the following pathogens: Mycoplasma pulmo- ed by centrifuging, and transferred to fresh vials at a
nis, Sendai virus, CAR bacillus, Encephalitozoon density of 5-7 x 105 cells/vial, according to the
cuniculi, IDIR, Hantaan, LCMV, MAD1, MAD2, Neubauer chamber count using the 0.4% Trypan
RPV, RMV, KRV, H1, PVM, RCV/SDAV, REO3, Blue (Sigma T-8154) exclusion principle. Con-
RTV and Clostridium piliforme. The rats were structs were produced using the detached cells when
also negative for Helicobacter spp., Pasteurella the first passage was confluent (second passage).
spp., Streptobacillus moniliformis, Streptococcus
(Streptoccoco β haemolitic group A), Salmonella Embryo production
spp, Leisteria monocytogenes, Corynebacterium In order to perform controlled crosses, estrus was
kutscheri, Pneumococcis spp, Sarcoptes scabiei, determined in in the production colony females by
Cestodes (intestinal parasites), Spironucleus muris measuring the vaginal wall impedance using an
(intestinal parasites), Giardia muris, Siphacia obve- estrus cycle monitor (EC-40 Estrus Cycle Monitor®,
lata, Aspiculuris tetraptera, all arthropods, all Fine Science Tools). Females in estrus were mated
helminthes and all intestinal protozoa, therefore the during the night with trained males, separated the
health of the individuals housed at the SEA FOUJ next day and the service was confirmed by evaluat-
qualified as SPF (Specific Pathogen Free). ing the presence of a vaginal plug or sperm in vagi-

Vol. 25 Nº 3 / 2012 / 243-254 ISSN 0326-4815 Acta Odontol. Latinoam. 2012

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246 L. Jaramillo, et al.

nal lavage, in which case the female was consid- the portion containing the competent embryonic
ered to be pregnant and day zero for embryo devel- oral ectoderm (EOE) (Fig. 1 a and b). The dissected
opment was set. fragments were treated with 1 ml of trypsin-pancre-
The time to harvest embryos was determined by atin solution (Sigma T-4799-Sigma P-3292) and
evaluating the concurrent expression of three puta- incubated for 20 minutes at 37ºC to separate the
tive genes, namely Pitx2, Shh and Wnt10a, with the ectodermal layer from the mesenchymal tissue (Fig.
whole-mount in situ hybridization technique at 1 c). After enzymatic digestion, the EOE fragments
E11.5, E12, E12.5, E13 and E13.5 using RNA were incubated in culture medium at 37ºC until the
probes (sense and anti-sense). The probes were three-dimensional constructs were prepared, proce-
made from plasmids for each target gene donated dure that was completed within the hour following
by Dr. Irma Thesleff of the Institute of Biotechnol- euthanasia (Fig. 1 d).
ogy, University of Helsinki. Briefly, the eluted plas-
mid was amplified by cloning using an E. coli Construct preparation
transforming strain, purified and linearized using Three groups of constructs were prepared: experi-
restriction enzymes. The linearized plasmid was mental (seeded with BMSC y el EOE), negative
purified again, transcribed to obtain the RNA control (seeded only with BMSC) and positive con-
probes, which were applied to the embryos to eval- trol (seeded with tooth germ ectodermal and mes-
uate the expression of the target genes. enchymal cells at E12.5, E19 and 4PN).
On the day set for embryo harvesting, pregnant The PEGDA was prepared at a concentration of
females were humanely euthanized and a midven- 10% in PBS supplemented with a 1% antibiotic and
tral laparotomy was used to expose and remove the antimycotic solution, to which a 0.1% solution of
uterine horns which were placed in PBS with calci- photoinitiator (Ciba, Irgacure 2959) was added.
um and magnesium (DPBS) (Sigma D-1283). Polymerization was achieved by exposure to a
Embryos were removed from the yolk sac and 365nm UV radiation (Spectroline®BIB-150P lamp),
placed in clean DPBS solution. in a polypropylene (PP) pyramidal mold maintained
in an inert atmosphere (N2 flow) at a distance of
Embryonic ectoderm tissue preparation 15cm. Temperature of the mold was kept at 37ºC.
Using hypodermic needles under a stereomicro- Hydrogel loading capacity was tested by adding
scope (Nikon SMZ 1500), the mandibular segment 200,000; 400,000 and 700,000 cells per construct,
of the first branchial arch was dissected and divid- finding that full polymerization was achieved when
ed into two halves. The posterior segment of each 400,000 cells were included in 25 μl of total hydro-
of the two halves was again dissected, separating gel volume. After polymerization the construct was

Fig. 1: Embryo dissection and

ectoderm separation. a) Embryo
harvest at E12.5. b) Dissected frag-
ments are stored in PBS with Ca
and Mg. c) Enzymatic separation of
tissues from fragments in a pancre-
atin/trypsin solution, the ectoderm
separates cleanly from the mes-
enchymal portion of the fragment.
d) Competent ectoderm fragment
used in experiments. Scale bars:
a) 5mm, b) 300µm, c and d) 125µm.

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Odontogenic Cell Culture in PEGDA Hydrogel 247

removed from the mold and cultured in vitro until more advanced gestational stage (E19.5), and
implantation. Most of the constructs were implant- including the dissected germ without disaggregat-
ed, but some were used for preimplantation histo- ing in PEGDA hydrogel. The third type of positive
logical analysis and viability tests. Cell viability control was constructed by dissecting neonate tooth
within the construct was initially assessed by means germs (4PN), separating the ectoderm from the
of histological analysis and confirmed by Promega mesenchyme by mechanical dissection, and re-
live and dead cell staining (Invitrogen Live/Dead, aggregating it in a hydrogel mold.
L3224), the results of which were viewed under flu-
orescence microscope (Fig. 2). Negative Controls
Negative controls were prepared by including
Experimental constructs 400,000 BMSC in PEGDA.
Constructs were prepared in two phases, ectoder-
mal and mesenchymal, which were separately poly- Implantation surgery
merized within the mold. The ectodermal phase was Implantation surgery was performed under sterile
constructed by loading 5 µl of the hydrogel solu- conditions in the operating room. The animal was
tion containing EOE fragments (5 to 15) in the apex placed in an induction chamber and anesthetized
of the pyramidal mold. The mesenchymal phase (Ohmeda vaporizer model Fluotec 4 using 3%
was prepared by diluting 400,000 cells in 25µl Halothane with an oxygen flow between 1.5 and 2
hydrogel, pouring it over the ectodermal phase and l/min. After induction, the abdomen was shaved and
polymerizing. disinfected with 0.2% clorhexidine solution. The ani-
mal was reintroduced in the induction chamber and
Positive Controls afterwards connected by means of a rodent mask to
Three types of positive controls were used. The an open anesthesia circuit and maintained with 1.5-
tooth germ was dissected at the same gestational 2% Isoflurane (FORENE®) (Ohmeda vaporizer
age as the experimental constructs and ectoderm model Isotec 3) and a 1.5-2 l/min oxygen flow. Heart
and mesenchyme were separated. The mesenchyme rate and oxygen saturation were monitored (Ohmeda
was disaggregated with a dipase solution (Gibco Biox 3700 pulsoximeter®) with the pulsoximeter’s
17105041) in PBS 2U/ml, incubated for 20 minutes probe (Ohmeda Veterinary Pulse Oximeter Lingual
and then used to produce the constructs by means Sensor®) attached to the animal’s tail. Heart rate was
of the process described above for preparing exper- maintained at about 250 bpm and saturation over
imental constructs. A second type of positive con- 90% during the 25-minute surgery. At normal oper-
trol was prepared by dissecting the tooth germs at a ating room ambient temperature (21C), small rodents

Fig. 2: Determination of pre-implan-

tation construct cell viability using
Promega’s live and dead cell stain.
a) Control with live cells. b) Control
with dead cells. c) Mesenchymal
cells seeded in a three-dimensional
hydrogel (PEGDA) scaffold. Scale
bars: a and c) 30µm, b) 60 µm.

Vol. 25 Nº 3 / 2012 / 243-254 ISSN 0326-4815 Acta Odontol. Latinoam. 2012

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248 L. Jaramillo, et al.

can rapidly lose body temperature due to heat dissi- RESULTS

pation, therefore a thermic blanket was placed on top In this study, couplings to obtain embryos needed for the
of the surgical table to avoid hypothermia during the experiments were scheduled by estrus determination by
surgical procedure. means of vaginal wall impedance readings, which showed
To gain access to the implantation site the animal was that 16.75% of the females sampled were in estrus, 45%
placed in a decubitus supine position and a 1.5 cm were served and 27.7% carried embryos upon sacrifice. A
midventral incision was performed over the Linea total 34 pregnant females were euthanized humanely, from
Alba 3 cm caudal of the xiphoid appendix. A layer dis- which an average 7.2 embryos/female were obtained.
section was performed until exposure of the parietal Embryo development was not necessarily homogeneous,
peritoneum, which was then cut in order to gain access and sometimes differed by up to 0.5 days. Only EOE from
to the peritoneal cavity. The peritoneum was cut and embryos with uniform development was used for prepar-
tissue forceps used to extract the ileal portion of the ing the constructs.
small intestine, which was extended on the shaved The whole-mount in situ hybridization technique
abdominal region. For implantation, two triangular showed that the expression of selected tooth initiation
areas of mesentery delineated by nutrient vessels and markers (Pitx2 Shh and Wnt10a) in EOE is diffuse or
the intestine wall were selected (Fig. 3a), upon which has concentration gradients at stages E11.5 and E12,
a casing was made by passing a continuous 6-0 suture and is more localized to the areas of future dental
through the perivascular fat flanking the selected area development during gestational stages 12.5 and E13.5.
(Fig. 3b), taking care not to strangle the vessels or Prior to this stage, the signal is distributed diffusely in
break the mesentery or the construct upon closing the first and second branchial arches ectodermal
(Figs. 3c and d). The ileum was replaced inside the tissues. Similarly, during the development stages
abdominal cavity, the muscular and fascial layers observed, the Shh and Pitx2 signals, particularly the
closed in one plain with a simple continuous suture, former, are located in the limb formation control cen-
and the skin with simple interrupted sutures both using ters (ZPA) appearing first in the front limbs (E11.5)
4-0 silk. Postsurgical analgesia was achieved by oral and later in the hind limbs (E13.5). The concentrated
administration of a 0.62% morphine/water solution expression of these three genes was indicative of the
(2.5 mg/kg) dosed every 6 hours for 24 hours. Once appearance of tooth initiation signals, defining the
the constructs had reached the selected maturation moment for harvesting embryos to be used in construct
time (4-5 weeks), the animals were euthanized and the preparation. The dissection of the mandibular segment
constructs recovered and fixed in a buffered formalin of the first branchial arch and its subsequent enzymat-
solution (Sigma HT501528), after which they were ic treatment allowed ectodermal and mesenchymal
processed and stained with hematoxylin eosin (HE). portions to be separated, and the EOE was used in the

Fig. 3: Construct implantation.

a) The terminal mesenteric vessels
(arteries and veins) fan out and with
the wall of the small intestine delimit
triangles of mesenterium. b) A con-
tinuous 6-0 suture was passed
through the perivascular fat adjacent
flanking the triangle and forming the
casing. Extreme care was taken so
that upon closing the suture would
not strangle the nutrient vessels.
c) Closed casing containing the con-
struct. d) Construct in position
surrounded by mesentery and nutri-
ent vessels.

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Odontogenic Cell Culture in PEGDA Hydrogel 249

experiments to induce tooth differentiation. The inclu- surrounded by vessels and perivascular fat. The select-
sion of these fragments as a group in a small volume ed implantation site facilitated the recovery of the con-
of hydrogel formed the ectodermal phase of the con- structs and dissection of the surrounding tissues.
structs, which was subsequently attached to the mes- Histological analysis of the experimental controls
enchymal phase, constituted by bone marrow purified showed that the EOE remained viable and proliferat-
cells cultures used as initiation signal receptors. ed, becoming invaginated within the hydrogel, while
Purification of the sub-population of stem cells was the mesenchymal cells did not. In order to enable
based on their ability to adhere to the surfaces on closer contact among BMSC population in an
which they were seeded, expanding in two directions, attempt to stimulate them to maintain viability, a hol-
and hematopoietic cells were progressively excluded low pyramidal PEGDA mold was designed (Fig. 4a)
by means of successive medium changes. A homoge- that allowed for condensation of the BMSCs over the
neous cell population was obtained at second passage, ectoderm fragments by means of a brief centrifuga-
and at this stage they were used to produce the three- tion prior to hydrogel polymerization. The constructs
dimensional constructs. Including 400,000 BMSC’s thus formed were maintained in culture for 7 days
in a minimum hydrogel volume of 25 μl allowed the (Fig. 4 b), and then observed using an inverted micro-
production of a three-dimensional structure with no scope. Contraction of the cell mass towards the base
polymerization defects and easy to manipulate during of the pyramid was detected (Fig. 4c). Although con-
the in vitro culture and in vivo implantation processes. centration of BMSCs was increased, thus increasing
Figure 2 shows live cells remaining in PEGDA con- cell density in the hydrogel/cell solution before poly-
structs after three days’ culture in vitro. These results merization, results did not improve cell viability in
guided the production and implantation of 76 con- the implanted constructs (Fig. 4d and e). Non-prolif-
structs; 37 experimental (17 at E12.5 and 20 at E13), eration of BMSCs in PEGDA was confirmed with
12 positive controls and 27 negative controls, in the results of the negative controls, all of which showed
ileal mesentery where they matured for 3 to 5 weeks the BMSCs undergoing cell death (Fig. 4f).

Fig. 4: PEGDA constructs. a) Hollow pyramidal mold. This hollow mold allowed BMSCs to be condensed over ectodermal cells with
gentle centrifugation before polymerizing the hydrogel. b) Pyramid with hydrogel loaded with BMSC and polymerized inside the hol-
low mold, after being cultured in α-MEM for 7 days, there is a contraction in cell mass towards the base of the pyramid. c) Inverted
microscope image of the BMSC culture embedded in hydrogel; picture taken of the pyramid in Figure b. d) Histological section of the
BMSC from the previous picture stained with hematoxylin eosin (HE), cells show all phases of anoikis (karyopyknosis, karyorrhexis
and karyolysis) e) Section of an experimental construct recovered at 5 weeks, showing the vital proliferative ectoderm. The mes-
enchymal portion of the construct is occupied by cell remains. f) Section of a negative control recovered at 5 weeks, picture of the
mesenchymal portion similar to the one in e, HE stain. Scale bars a and b) 1 mm, c and e) 50µm, d) 25 µm and f )150 µm.

Vol. 25 Nº 3 / 2012 / 243-254 ISSN 0326-4815 Acta Odontol. Latinoam. 2012

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250 L. Jaramillo, et al.

In some complete experiments, where the epithelial involution of the odontogenic complex after implan-
portion was in direct contact with the mesentery, an tation, leading to the formation of a epidermal inclu-
external vascular network was created (Fig. 5a) sion cyst-like structure (Fig 6b) with an ectodermal
extending into the ectodermal portion, and some portion of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
cells of the mesenterium acquired a columnar mor- and a defined lumen containing shedded keratin (Fig.
phology similar to that of odontoblasts at the begin- 6c) and (Fig. 6d). At E12.5, when the posterior seg-
ning of dentin formation (Fig. 5b). ment of the mandibular portion of the first branchial
In the positive controls, histological sections show arch was embedded in hydrogel and implanted, a cir-
that the hydrogel allows nutrient diffusion but pre- cular primordium formed with stellate reticulum-like
vents the vascular proliferation that greatly con- cell structure surrounded by ectodermal columnar
tributes to final tooth development. Vascular cells, considered to be nodular structures predeces-
proliferation only occurred in cases in which there sors of dental structures (Fig. 6e). When a four-day
was a gap in the hydrogel cover as a result of con- post-natal (PN4) germ was used as positive control,
struct breakage at the time of implantation. interaction was achieved between BMSCs and EOE,
In the (E19.5) positive controls, tooth germs were forming a structure with dental tissues but lacking
included within the PEGDA (Fig 6a) but there was clearly defined organization (Fig. 6f).

Fig. 5: Experimental construct at 5

weeks’ implantation. a) View of an
external vascular network associated
with the epithelial portion in direct con-
tact with the mesenteric membrane. b)
The vascular contribution is distributed
within the ectoderm. The mesentery
cells in contact with the embryonic
ectoderm acquire a columnar morphol-
ogy, HE stain.

Fig. 6: Positive controls. a) Macroscopic image of a positive control of an E19.5 tooth germ embedded in hydrogel and implanted in
the mesentery for 5 weeks. b, c and d) Histological images of the specimen showing a layer of keratinized stratified squamous epithe-
lium. The lumen is filled with sloughed keratin, HE stain. e) Nodular structures which are precursors of tooth structures in a positive
control made with an E12.5 germ, implanted for 5 weeks. A circular primordium can be seen, which contains a stellate reticulum-like
cell structure surrounded by columnar ectodermal cells. f) Positive control with a 4-day post-natal (PN4) germ. Deposition of irreg-
ularly shaped matrix of enamel and pre-dentin. Scale bars: a) 500µm, b) 300µm, c) 100µm, d and e) 30µm, f) 60µm.

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Odontogenic Cell Culture in PEGDA Hydrogel 251

DISCUSSION ance reading, improving the service/pregnancy ratio

Tooth production by means of tissue engineering is and contributing to the application of the 3Rs prin-
an important aim in dental research, which is why ciple in animal model research, since by reducing
this study seeks to establish three-dimensional pseudo-pregnancies the number of available females
micro-environments establishing communication for periodical sampling remained stable16.
pathways among different cell types. Those interac- Different studies have used mouse competent embry-
tions would be homologous to the ones occurring onic dental ectoderm in tissue engineering experi-
naturally during tooth development, enabling the ments, to induce differentiation in adult bone
regeneration of dental tissues. A tooth is the result marrow-derived stem cells, achieving in vivo forma-
of the differentiation of epithelial cells into tion of complex dental structures17, 18. Collecting
ameloblasts and of ectomesenchymal cells into ectodermal cells from rat embryos offered advan-
odontoblasts. These differentiated cells produce tages because due to their size, the cell volume har-
enamel and dentin matrix13 through sequential, reit- vested is greater, tissue manipulation during the
erative, and reciprocal interactions of signaling mol- micro-dissection procedures is easier and it facili-
ecules between the ectodermal and mesenchymal tates future implantation of the germs obtained by
tissues1. Induction of the signaling cascade using cell recombination in individuals of the same species.
competent embryonic ectoderm and mesenchymal However, there is little information in the literature
tissue of non-dental origin has been extensively regarding embryonic tooth development and the
described14, demonstrating that in early stages of appearance of putative initiation signals for the for-
mouse development, the epithelium covering the mation of teeth in rats, which is why it was neces-
stomodeum of the mandibular portion of the first sary to use the whole-mount in situ hybridization
branchial arch provides inductive signals for tooth technique to evaluate the location of the expression
morphogenesis and histodifferentiation to non-den- of three putative signaling molecules in embryonic
tal origin mesenchyme suggesting that ectomes- oral ectoderm associated with dental competence. In
enchymal cells are plastic in their responses to Lewis rat embryos at different stages of development,
signals form the oral epithelium. There are two main the results showed that there is a delay of approxi-
approaches to tooth regeneration; the first based on mately two days in the appearance of initiation sig-
tissue engineering, which seeks to regenerate teeth nals compared to the information reported for mice.
by seeding disaggregated tooth germ cells on bio- While in mice, the initiation signals, especially the
materials that serve as scaffolds, while the second expression of Wnt10a and Pitx2 are concentrated in
involves reproducing the development processes in the embryonic ectoderm that covers the stomodeum
tooth formation using embryonic dental tissues as at E10.5, in rats this concentration is expressed at
inductors15. This study combined the two approach- E12.5. This is why the ectoderm covering the sto-
es by seeding embryonic cells and stem cells from modeum of the mandibular processes of the first
adult individuals in a PEGDA scaffold which was branchial arch in Lewis rat embryos, between E12.5
subsequently implanted in vivo in rats. PEGDA and E13.5, is competent for inducing in the underly-
hydrogel was selected as the scaffold because prior ing mesenchyme the signaling cascade needed for
research has enabled the in vivo production of a the formation of dental structures. Careful schedul-
structure in the shape of a human mandibular ing was needed to coordinate the time at which ecto-
condyle from a population of mesenchymal stem dermal tissue was harvested and the progress of the
cells induced to differentiate into chondrogenic and mesenchymal cultures because as from the date of
osteogenic lineages12 allowing stratification of the scheduled crossing, there were 12.5 to 13.5 days
embryonic ectodermal tissues and mesenchymal to have the BMSCs in second passage.
BMSC by polymerizing separate layers which main- The implant sites reported in other studies were
tain the assigned spatial relation. This property was selected based on criteria of immunoprivilege, sur-
the main reason why PEGDA hydrogel was selected gical approach, presence of nutrient contribution and
as the scaffold for producing the constructs. ease of implant recovery. The most frequently cited
In order to obtain the 234 embryos used, scheduled sites include kidney subcapsular space, grater omen-
matings were performed using females that tested tum, intraoclular space and subdermal pockets19,20.
positive for estrus by means of vaginal wall imped- In this study mesentery was selected as the construct

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252 L. Jaramillo, et al.

receptor site because the surgical approach is sim- phase of this project26 and has been called anoikis,
pler, it has plentiful nutrient contribution and con- (apoptosis induced by lack of interaction with pro-
struct recovery is easier, and the use of subcapsular teins of the extracellular matrix). In all the negative
space avoided because it limits the size of the controls that were recovered, the BMSC site showed
implants that can be placed and also because in the no vascularization, suggesting that the hydrogel may
present study immunoprivilege did not play an act as a barrier that allows nutrient diffusion but at
important role, considering that an isogenic strain the same time prevents vascularization, for which
was used both as source of tissues and construct direct contact between the mesenteric membrane and
receptor. Previous studies have reported the use of implanted cells is needed.
extracellular matrix (ECM) from decellularized A different situation was observed in the positive
mesenteric membrane as scaffold for cell inclusion controls because the germ included in the hydrogel
in tissue engineering. The ECM is a complex net- was made up of mesenchymal tissue with mature
work of collagen, fibronectin and other proteins extracellular matrix supporting the cells. At (E19.5)
intermeshed with proteoglycans21 which serves not there was involution of the odontogenic complex
only as support material but also regulates cell func- leading to the formation of a epidermal inclusion
tions such cell proliferation, migration and differen- cyst-like structure with a defined lumen containing
tiation22 and modulates the transduction of signals sloughed keratin and an ectodermal lining of kera-
activated by various bioactive molecules such as tinized stratified squamous epithelium, indicating
growth factors and cytokines23. Reports published that further development of the cultured germ does
after the initiation of this study, mention the mesen- not ensure completion of morphogenesis and his-
terium as an appropriate receptor site for implanting todifferentiation processes. The timing of germ har-
islets of Langerhans in experiments pursuing recov- vesting and the presence of small quantities of
ery of pancreatic function in animals affected by dia- non-dental tissue may contribute to this situation,
betes mellitus24. Other study reported implantation as previously reported27. At PN4, cell interaction
of hepatocyte progenitor cells in the mesenteric was achieved and a structure containing dental tis-
leaves of animals, enabling them to proliferate and sues lacking clear organization was formed. Final-
fill the spaces of the macroporous structure, suggest- ly, histological assessment of the experimental
ing the feasibility of establishing three-dimensional constructs showed that EOE remained viable and
cultures of hepatocyte progenitor cells for hepatic proliferated, invaginating in the hydrogel. Howev-
therapies based on tissue engineering25. er, as in the negative controls, the mesenchymal
The histological evaluation of the implantation of cells underwent anoikis, which was the determin-
experimental, positive controls and negative control ing factor in the absence of dental tissue formation
implants shows that the selected site facilitates cell when the two cell types were included in a PEGDA
interactions by providing nutrients that ensure cell hydrogel matrix. A frequent histological finding in
proliferation, and sometimes, when the ectodermal the experimental constructs shows that mesenchy-
cells in the construct made contact with the mesen- mal mesenteric cells in contact with the embryonic
tery, complex multicellular structures were formed ectoderm acquired a columnar morphology similar
with a well-developed vascular network. The EOE to odontoblasts at the beginning of dentin forma-
included in the constructs remained viable through- tion. This may be related to the ability of the mesen-
out the implantation period but in spite of the fact tery ECM to foster mesenchymal cell proliferation
that the hydrogel allows the proliferation of differen- and differentiation when it comes into contact with
tiated cells, its physicochemical characteristics pro- EOE, by contributing growth factors, cytokines and
mote stem cell death26. In some specimens and as a vascularization to the tissue.
result of cell degradation, this produced cystic spaces Nodular structures of ectodermal origin described as
surrounded by chronic inflammatory infiltrate. The dental structure precursors28 were often found in the
histological analysis of the negative controls showed E12.5 positive controls. This demonstrates that under
that in all implanted constructs, the BMSCs under- certain circumstances there may be cell interactions
went a process of cell death characterized by kary- inside the scaffold, but they stop before dental tis-
opyknosis, karyorrhexis and karyolysis, which was sues differentiation at the selected implantation
reported after the completion of the experimental times. Explanations on why this happens can relate

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Odontogenic Cell Culture in PEGDA Hydrogel 253

to the fact that initiation signals at the selected har- to foster cell interactions. Their use in the case of
vesting stage are not strong enough or the EOE cell early interactions such as those that occur between
volume included in the scaffold is deficient and both the BMSC and EOE should be examined in order to
imply insufficient intensity of initiation signals nec- achieve an ideal dental primordium.
essary to induce differentiation in the BMSCs27.
Finally, during BMSC culture, it might be necessary CONCLUSION
to supplement the medium with growth factors and PEGDA hydrogel supports the viability and prolifer-
cytokines related to mesenchymal competence (sig- ation of EOE but not of BMSC. The latter undergo
naling molecules that control gene expression in the apoptosis, preventing the existence of a cell group
mesenchyme) and which would complete or rein- that could act as a receptor for the initiation signals
force the signals required for differentiation towards originated in the ectoderm necessary for tooth for-
the dental lineage. The use of other types of support- mation. The search must continue for an ideal sup-
ing matrices such as collagen gel or sponges to sup- port that will maintain the three-dimensional
port tooth germ cells dissociated in later development stratification of cells, enable their manipulation dur-
stages has been reported, and they have been shown ing implantation, and facilitate vascular infiltration.

This study was funded by Colciencias and the Academic Vice Dr. Camilo Durán
Rector’s Office of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. The Cra. 7 No. 40-62 Edificio 25 Piso 4
authors would like to thank Dr. María Beatriz Ferro, Academic Bogotá D.C, Colombia
Dean of the School of Dentistry of the Pontificia Universidad Email: camilo.duran@javeriana.edu.co
Javeriana for her invaluable support in conducting this study, Dr.
Irma Thesleff for her generous donation of the plamids and for
training the researchers in techniques necessary for the develop-
ment of this project and, DICHCOL SAS. for their contribution
to the special sterilization protocols used for this study and Mrs.
Olga Lucía Beltrán for her conscientious care of the colony.

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