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How the Senate and the White House missed their best chance to deal with climate change.


O n April 20, 2010, Senators John they were joined by David Axelrod, the
Kerry, Lindsey Graham, and President's political adviser, and Carol
Joseph Lieberman, along with three Browner, the assistant to the President
member of Lieberman's staff, she
was in charge of his climate portfolio,
and Lieberman made a simple and oft-
aides, visited Rahm Emanuel, Presi- for Energy and Climate Change. Lie- repeated demand: "Get me in the room."
dent Obama's chiefof staff, at the White berman introduced his aide, Danielle Lieberman had worked on climate
House. The legislators had spent seven Rosengarten, to Emanuel. change since the nineteen-eighties, and
months writing acomprehensive bill "Rosengarten working for Lieber- in recent years he had introduced three
that promised to transform the nation's man," Emanuel said. "Shocker!" global-warming bills. He also had long
approach to energy and climate change, Kerry, Graham,. andLieberman knew been interested in a pollution-control
and they were planning a press confer- that Obama's advisers disagreed about mechanism called cap-and-trade. The
ence in six days to unveil their work. climate-change legislation. Browner was government would set an over-all limit
Kerry, of Massachusetts, Graham, passionate about the issue, but she didn't on emissions and auction off permission
of South Carolina, and Lieberman, of have much influence. Axelrod, though slips that individual polluters could then
Connecticut, had become known on influential, was not particularly. com- buy and sell.
Capitol Hill as the Three Amigos, for mitted. Emanuel prized victory above By late January, 2009, the details of
the Steve Martin comedy in which three all, and he made it clear that, if there the Lieberman-McCain bill had been
unemployed actors stumble their way weren't sixty votes to pass the bill in the almost entirely worked out, and Lieber-
mto defending a Mexican village from Senate, the White House would not ex- man began showing it to other Senate
an .armed gang. All had powerful per- pend much effort on the matter. The offices in anticipation of a February press
sonal motivations to make the initiative Democrats had fifty-nine members in conference. The goal was to be the cen-
work. Kerry, who has been a senator for their caucus, but several would oppose trist alternative to a separate effort, initi-
twenty-five years and has a long rec- the bill. ated by Barbara Boxer, a liberal from
ord of launching major investigations, "You've had all these conversations, California and the chair of the Envi-
had never written a landmark law. Lie- you've been talking with industry," ronment and Public Works Committee.
berman, an Independent who had en- Emanuel said. "How many Republicans But the negotiations stalled as the
dorsedJohn McCain for President, had did you bring on?" bill moved forward. In Arizona, a right-
deeply irritated his liberal colleagues Kerry, the de-facto leader of the tri- wing radio host and former Cdngress~
by helping the Republicans weaken umvirate, assured him that there were man, J. D. Hayworth, announced that
Obama's health-care bill. Graham, a five Republicans prepared to vote for he was considering challenging McCain
Republican, had a reputation as a Sen- the bill. One of them, Lindsey Graham, in the primary. McCain had never faced
ate maverick-but not one who actually was sitting at the table. Kerry listed four a serious primary opponent for his Sen-
got things done. This bill offered the more: Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, ate seat, and now he was going to have
chance for all three men to transform Scott Brown, and George LeMieux. to defend his position on global warm-
their reputations. With five Republicans, getting sixty ing to hard-core conservative voters.
The senators had cobbled together votes would be relatively easy. The The Republican Party had grown in-
an unusual coalition of environmental- Obama White House and the Three creasingly hostile to the science ofglobal
ists and industries to support a bill that Amigos would be known for having warming and to cap-and-trade, associ-
would shift the economy away from passed a bill that would fundamentally ating the latter with a tax on energy and
carbon consumption and toward envi- change the American economy and more government regulation. Sponsor-
ronmentally sound sources of energy. slow the emission ofgases that are caus- ing the bill wasn't going to help McCain
They had the support both of the major ing the inexorable, and potentially cata- defeat an opponent to his right.
green groups and of the biggest pol- strophic, warming of the planet. By the end of February, McCain was
luters. No previous climate-change leg- starting to back away from his commit-
islation had come so far. Now they
needed the full support of the White
T he Senate coalition that intro-
duced the bill started to form in
early 2009, when Lieberman instructed
ment to Lieberman. At first, he insisted
that he and Lieberman announce a set
of climate-change "principles" instead
The senators sat around the confer- Rosengarten to work with the office of of a bill. Then, three days before a sched-
ence table in the corner of Emanuel's John McCain, Lieberman's longtime uled press conference to announce those
office. In addition to the chief of staff, partner on the issue. As the newest principles, the two senators had a heated
70 THE NEW YOR.KER., OerOBER. II, 2010
Lindsey Graham, Joseph Lieberman, andJohn Kerry each sought a kind ofredemption through climate-change legislation.
conversation on the Senate floor. Lie- recendy been granted power to regulate as the "top ask," and after every meeting
berman turned and walked away. 'That's carbon, just as it regulates many other Rosengarten compiled a list for Lie-
it," he told an aide. "He can't do it this air pollutants. . berman. The top ask of Senator Deb-
year." The strategy had risks, including the bie Stabenow, of Michigan, was to in-
possibility that expanded drilling off sure that incentives given to farmers for

I n Barack Obama's primary-campaign

victory speech, in St. Paul, Minne-
sota, he said that his election would be a
America's coast could lead to a danger-
ous spill. But Browner, the head of the
E.P.A. for eight years under Clinton,
emissions-reducing projects-known as
"offsets"-would be decided in part by
the U.S.D.A., and not just the E.P.A.
historical turning point on two pressing seemed to think the odds of that were "Ultimately, farmers aren't crazy about
issues: health care and climate change. limited. "Carol Browner says the fact of letting hippies tell them how to make
"We will be able to look back and tell the matter is that the technology is so money," Rosengarten said. Blanche
our children that this was the moment good that after Katrina there was less Lincoln, of Arkansas, told Lieberman
when we began to provide care for the spillage from those platforms than the that she had a major oil refiner in her
sick," he said. "When the rise of the amount you spill in a year filling up your state-Murphy Oil-and she wanted to
oceans began to slow and our planet be- car with gasoline," the White House make sure that any cap-and-trade bill
gan to heal." During the campaign, he official said. "So, given that, she says re- protected it.
often argued that climate change was an alistically you could expand offshore Lieberman knew that he would
essential part of a national energy strat- drilling. " '. .. need a Republican for every Democrat
egy. "Energy we have to deal with today," The day ltlte!.tb:e cohfi'ontation with he lost. Like the White House, he con-
Obama said in a debate with McCain. McCain, Lieberman met with Browner cluded that significant subsidies for
"Health care is priority No.2." in his office to discuss strategy. Per- the nuclear-power industry could win
After the election, Obama decided haps sensing that Boxer would have a Republican support. Lieberman coaxed
to work on both issues simultaneously. hard time. gaining Republican support, nine Republicans into forming a group
Representative Henry Waxman moved Browner assured Lieberman that he to write nuclear legislation that could
climate change through the House, would be "absolutely central" to passing be merged with whatever climate bill
while Max Baucus, of Montana, moved a climate bill. Lieberman was flattered. emerged from Boxer's committee. By
health care in the Senate. 'The plan was As Waxman moved cap-and-trade not automatically resisting everything
to throw two things against the wall, and through the House that spring and sum- connected to Obama, these senators
see which one looks more promising," mer and Boxer prepared to write her risked angering Mitch McConnell,
a senior Administration official said. version of the bill, Lieberman and his the Republican leader and architect of
Obama, in a February, 2009, address to aides met with forty senators or their the strategy to oppose every part of
Congress, said, "To truly transform our staffs, to assess their concerns and to de- Obama's agenda, and the Tea Party
economy, protect our security, and save velop ideas about his role in Browner's movement, which seemed to be gain-
our planet from the ravages of climate strategy. ing power every day. The senators also
change, we need to ultimately make Lieberman knew that the issue was knew, however, that they could exer-
clean, renewable energy the profitable almost as much regional as ideologi- cise enormous influence on the legisla-
kind of energy. So I ask this Congress to cal. When he went to lobby Evan Bayh, tion-and that their top asks would be
send me legislation that places a market- of Indiana, Bayh held up a map of granted.
based cap on carbon pollution." the United States showing, in varying George Voinovich, of Ohio, told
In March of2009, a senior White shades of red, the percentage of electric- both Harry Reid, the Senate Majority
House official outlined a strategy for a ity that each state derived from burning Leader, and Lieberman that the right
"grand bargain," in which Democrats coal, the main source of greenhouse- nuclear language could win his vote, so
would capitulate to Republicans on gas emissions in the United States. The Lieberman used a nuclear bill that Voi-
some long-cherished environmental more coal used, the redder the state and novich's staff was drafting as the frame-
beliefs in exchange for a cap on carbon the more it would be affected by a cap work for the group. Lindsey Graham,
emissions. ''You need to have some- on carbon. The Northeast, the West who grew up in Central, South Caro-
thing like T. Boone Pickens and A1 Coast, and the upper Northwest of the lina, near a nuclear plant, wanted tax in-
Gore holding hands," the White House country were pale. But the broad mid- centives and loan guarantees to help the
official told me. In exchange for setting dle of the country-Pennsylvania, West nuclear industry.
a cap on emissions, Democrats would Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Il- Meanwhile, the House bill, known
agree to an increase in the production linois-was crimson. (Indiana, for ex- as Waxman-Markey (for Edward J.
of natlnral gas (the only thing that Pick- ample, derives ninety-four per cent of Markey, of Massachusetts), passed on
ens,_ the Texas oil-and-gas billionaire, its electricity from coal). "Every time June 26, 2009, by a vote of 219-212.
cared about), nuclear power, and off- Senator Lieberman would open his Eight Republicans slipported it. But
shore oiL If Republicans didn't re- mouth, Bayh would show him the map," there were omens for the Senate. The
spond to the proposed deals, the White a Lieberman aide said. White House and Waxman spent the
House could push them to the table by It often took some work to figure out final days before the vote negotiating
making a threat through the Environ- what, above all else, each senator cared with members of the House represent-
mental Protection Agency, which had about. In Senate parlance, this is known ing two crucial interest groups: coal
72 THE NEW YOI\KEI\, ocrOBEI\ 11, 2010
and agriculture. Despite cutting gen- said he was. "Ninety-nine per cent of (P.O.W.s in Vietnam, B.C.C.I., Iran-
erous deals, they ended up with only · politicians would have walked away at Contra). Now that could change. ''This
limited support. Worse, several mem- that moment, because our odds of win- was Kerry's opportunity to prove that he
bers who had promised House Speaker ning the primaries were quite low," Dan could be in a major, really historic piece
Nancy Pelosi their votes reneged. One Pfeiffer, now Obama's communications of legislation," Lieberman said.
of them, Ciro Rodriguez, of Texas, director, told me in a 2008 interview. At first, Kerry joined forces with Bar-
ducked into the chamber, quickly cast "It was a huge moment." Kerry and his bara Boxer, and spent months trying to
a no vote, and then sprinted out. An- aides believed that, if Obama was the find a Republican co-sponsor for her
thony Weiner, a Brooklyn Democrat President, Kerry's endorsement would bill, which was almost a carbon copy of

Both Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel, distracted by the rest ofthe White House agenda, Jailed tofocus on clin:ate change.

and one of Pelosi's whips, chased after give him the inside track in the compe- Waxman-Markey. In August, Rosen-
him, yelling, "Ciro! Ciro!" tition for the job as Secretary of State. garten was eating lunch with Kerry's
As the scene unfolded on the floor, But Obama passed him over. climate-policy aide, Kathleen Fran-
Rosengarten and other Senate aides Kerry, as the chairman of the Foreign gione, at Sonoma, a Capitol Hill wine
watched from the gallery. Rosengarten Relations Committee, could help steer bar. Rosengarten said she had spent
turned to a colleague and said, "Now it's the Administration's foreign policy, but hours working on the nuclear legislation
our turn. We've got to go pass this thing he wanted to playa big role in shaping with Graham's policy aide, Matthew
in the Senate." Obama's domestic agenda. In 2007, he Rimkunas, and she was shocked by
had written a book about environmental something he had recently told her:

. W hen the Obama era began, John

Kerry was looking for a new po-
litical identity. Like Lieberman, he had
activism, 'This Moment on Earth," and
the issue was a rare one in which the ju-
nior senator from Massachusetts had a
Graham would have backed a climate-
change bill that Lieberman had co-
sponsored in 2007 ifit had included the
a strained relationship with the new deeper interest than the senior senator, language supportive of nuclear power
President. Kerry had been scheduled to Ted Kennedy. For most of their quarter that they had just worked out. Kerry
endorse Obama the day after Obama's century together in the Senate, Kennedy and Graham had to talk. Perhaps Kerry
presumed victory in the New Hamp- was the legislator (the Americans with could split off from Boxer and try to
shire primary. But Obama lost, and that Disabilities Act, State Children's Health work with Graham on a bipartisan bill.
night he nervously called Kerry and Insurance Program, No Child Left Be- Within days, Kerry and Graham
asked, "Are you still on board?" Kerry hind), and Kerry was the investigator were meeting in Kerry's office to nego-
had, according to a Senate aide, "a tense
personal relationship." (Lieberman and
Kerry ran against each other for Presi-
dent in 2004. In 2006, Kerry endorsed
and campaigned for Lieberman's Dem-
ocratic opponent in his Senate race.)
"I'm happy to try and negotiate a bill
with Kerry," Graham told Lieberman.
"But I really want you in the room."

O n October 28,2009, Graham was

eating dinner at the Capital
Grille, an expense-account steakhouse
on Pennsylvania Avenue, with Fred
Krupp, the president of the Environ-
mental Defense Fund, and Rick Davis,
a Republican consultant who had man-
aged McCain's two Presidential cam-
paigns. The E.D.F., virtually alone
among green groups in trying to form
bonds with Republicans, prides itself
/========-7.1 on being the most politically sophisti-
cated environmental organization in
1111 Jl Ill)!:]
Washington. Krupp, who has short
gray hair and a Brooks Brothers look
that announces his disdain for hemp-
wearing environmental activists, had
helped to educate McCain on climate
change, and the two men became close.
"Since last night? Hell, I can vouchfor his exact whereabouts since 1986. " Now he wanted to do the same for
Graham. He called Davis, who was an
• • E.D.F. board member, and arranged
the dinner.
Graham came to the issue stricdy as
tiate the language of a Times Op-Ed town-hall meeting in the gym of a high a deaImaker. He saw the Democrats' in-
piece announcing their partnership. As school in Greenville, South Carolina. terest in capping carbon emissions as an
they talked, Kerry suddenly found him- His constituents were not happy. One opportunity to boost the nuclear indus-
self having to reassess his convictions man accused him of "making a pact try and to expand oil drilling. But now
on oil drilling, nuclear energy, and en- with the Devil." Another shouted, "No Krupp explained the basics of global-
vironmental regulations with someone principled compromise!" One audience warming science and poliCY: how car-
he barely knew and whom he had rea- member asked, 'Why do you think it's bon trading worked, how farmers could
son not to like. In 2004, Graham had necessary to get in bed with people like use offsets to earn an income from
gratuitously told the Times that Kerry John Kerry?" Graham, dressed in a blue growing trees, and how different lobby-
"has no charisma" and "doesn't relate blazer and khakis, paced the floor, ex- ists would affect the debate. Krupp told
well to average people." But the two plaining that there were only forty Re- Graham that the crucial feature of the
m~jagreed that their eventual bill publicans in the Senate, which meant policy was the hard cap on emissions.
would have to help the nuclear indus- that he had to work with the sixty Dem- The House bill required American car-
try and expand oil drilling. As they ocrats. A man in the bleachers shouted, bon emissions to be seventeen per cent
wrote the article, Graham introduced a ''You're a traitor, Mr. Graham! You've below 2005 levels by 2020. As long as
third issue: revoking the E.P.A.'s au- betrayed this nation and you've betrayed that number held, environmentalists
thority to regulate greenhouse gases. this state!" would show flexibility on most other is-
Kerry was furious, but he eventually re- Soon afterward, Graham called Lie- sues. The dinner lasted three hours. The
lented. The Op-Ed would include lan- berman. He was concerned that Kerry next day, Kerry, Graham, and Lieber-
guage signalling to insiders that E.P.A. might drag him too far to the left, and he man held their first meeting as the tri-
authority would be curtailed: "Industry knew that Lieberman, a close friend with umvirate that became known to every-
needs the certainty that comes with whom he had travelled during McCain's one following the debate as K.G.L.
congressional action." Presidential campaign, could serve as a Heckled at home, Graham began to
The article ran on October 11 tho moderating force. Graham may not have enjoy a new life as a Beltway macher.
The next day, Graham was holding a remembered that Kerry and Lieberman "Every lobbyist working on the issue
wanted time with him, because sud- South Carolina became more intense. be all cap-and-tax all the time, and it's
denly it became clear that he could be But Graham gave every indication to gonna become just a disaster for me on
the central person in the process," Krupp Lieberman and Kerry that he could deal the airwaves. We have to move this
recalled. All sectors of the economy with the pressure. He wasn't up for along as quickly as possible.'"
would be affected by putting a price on reelection until 2014, and his conversa-
carbon, and Graham's campaign ac-
count started to grow. In 2009, he raised
nothing from the electric-utility PACs
tions with them, and with Krupp, the
White House, and the Manhattan en-
vironmentalists, seemed to be having
I n early December of 2009, Lieber-
man's office approached Jay Heim-
bach, the White House official in charge
and just fourteen thousand four hun- an impact. At a climate-change confer- of monitoring the Senate climate debate.
dred and fifty dollars from all PACs. In ence in South Carolina on January 5, For Obama, health care had become the
the first quarter of2010 alone, the util- 2010, Graham started to sound a lime legislation that stuck to the wall. As a
ities sent him forty-nine thousand dol- like Al Gore. "I have come to conclude consequence of the long debate over that
lars. Krupp introduced Graham to do- that greenhouse gases and carbon pol- issue, climate change became, accord-
nors in New York connected to the lution" are "not a good thing," Graham ing to a senior White House official,
E.D.F. On December 7th, Julian Rob- said. He insisted that nobody could Obama's "stepchild." Carol Browner had
ertson, an E.D.F. board member and a convince him that "all the cars and just three aides working direcdy for her.
hedge-fund billionaire, hosted Graham trucks and plants that have been in ex- "Hey, change the entire economy, and
at a small gathering in his Manhattan istence since the ladusi:ri~ Revolution, here are three staffers to do it!" a former
apartment. Some New York guests gave spewing out carbon 'day i~ and day out," Lieberman adviser noted bitterly. "It's a
money direcdy to Graham's campaign could be "a good thing for your chil- bit of a joke." Heimbach attended meet-
account. Others, at Krupp's suggestion, dren and the future of the planet." En- ings with the K.G.L. staffers but almost
donated to a new group called South vironmentalists swooned. "Graham was never expressed a policy preference or
Carolina Conservatives for Energy Inde- the most inspirational part of that tri- revealed White House thinking. "It's a
pendence, which ran ads praising Gra- umvirate throughout the fall and win- drum circle," one Senate aide lamented.
ham in his home state. ter," Michael Brune, the executive di- "They come by, 'How are you feeling?
For years, Graham had lived in Mc- rector of the Sierra Club, said. "He was Where do you think the votes are? What
Cain's shadow. But, as the rebellious advocating for strong action on climate do you think we should do?' It's never
politics of 2010 transformed McCain change from an ethical and a moral 'Here's the plan, here's what we're
into a harsh partisan, Graham adopted perspective." doing.'"
McCain's old identity as the Senate's But, back in Washington, Graham Lieberman's office proposed to
happy moderate. To Graham's delight, warned Lieberman and Kerry that they Heimbach that the first element of the
on December 23rd Time posted an on- needed to get as far as they could in ne- bill to negotiate was the language about
line article headlined "LINDSEY GRA- gotiating the bill "before Fox News got oil drilling. Lieberman and Graham
HAM: NEW GOP MAVERlCKIN THE SEN- wind of the fact that this was a serious believed it would send a clear message
ATE." The photograph showed Graham process," one of the people involved in to Republicans and moderate Demo-
standing at a lectern with Lieberman the negotiations said. "He would say, crats that there were parts of the bill
and Kerry. 'The second they focus on us, it's gonna they would support. Heimbach favored
McCain, worried about his reelec-
tion, had been throwing rocks from the
sidelines as the cap-and-trade debate
progressed. When Waxman-Markey
passed, he Tweeted that it was a "1400
page monstrosity." A month after
K.G.L. was formed, McCain told Po-
litico, 'Their start has been horrendous.
Obviously, they're going nowhere."
After the Time piece appeared, he was
enraged. Graham told colleagues that
McCain had called him and yelled at
him, incensed that he was stealing the
maverick mande. "After that Graham
story came out, McCain completely
stopped talking to me," Jay Newton-
Small, the author of the Time piece,
Other Republican colleagues taunted
Graham. "Hey, Lindsey," they would
ask, "how many times have you talked
to Rahm today?," and the criticisms in
doing anything to attract Republicans, ate Republican from Maine, who was used to pass health care. He sent his
and, though he wouldn't take any known for stringing Democrats along toughest political operatives-like
specific actions, he generally supported for months with vague promises ofjoin- Rahm Emanuel and Jim Messina-to
the strategy. ing their legislative efforts, she seemed cut deals with the pharmaceutical in-
Graham asked Senator Lisa Mur- to have a new demand every time Kerry, dustry and hospitals, which at key points
kowski, of Alaska, to write the drilling Graham, and Lieberman sat down with refrained from attacking the bill. (The
language. Murkowski was up for her. She also made it clear that granting pharmaceutical industry actually ran ads
reelection and would soon be facing a her wishes-everything from exempt- thanking Harry Reid for passing the
primary against a Sarah Palin-backed ing home heating oil from greenhouse- bill.) In early 2010, KG.L. shifted its
Tea Party candidate. Her price for gas regulations and permanently pro- focus from the Senate to industry.
considering a climate-change bill with tecting Georgia's Bank, a Maine fishery,
John Kerry's name attached to it was
high: she handed over a set ofideas for
drastically expanding drilling, which
from drilling-would not guarantee her
support. She had used similar tactics to
win concessions in Obama's health-care
O n January 20,2010, the three sen-
ators sat down in Kerry's office
with Tom Donohue, the president of
included a provision to open the Arc- bill, which she eventually voted against. the Chamber of Commerce, perhaps
tic National Wildlife Refuge to oil "She would always say that she was in- the most influential interest group
companies. Democrats had spent de- terested in working on it," a person in- in Washington. Donohue, who has
cades protecting ANWR, and even Gra- volved in the negotiations said, "but she headed the Chamber since 1997, had in
ham didn't support drilling there. But would never say she was'with us." that period helped kill several attempts
he passed the Murkowski language on Another prospect was Susan Collins, to pass climate-change legislation.
to his colleagues to see how they would the other Republican from Maine. She In most KG.L. meetings, Kerry led
react. was the co-sponsor of a separate climate off with some lengthy remarks. "He
The KG.L. coalition had two theo- bill, with Maria Cantwell, a Democrat opened every meeting we had with a
ries about how to win over Republicans from Washington. Their bill, known as ten- to thirty-minute monologue on cli-
and moderate Democrats. One was to "cap-and-dividend"-the government mate change," one of the aides involved
negotiate directly with them and offer would cap carbon emissions and use said. "Just whatever was on his mind.
them something specific for their sup- revenue from polluters to compensate There were slight variations. But never
port. After a year of that method, the taxpayers for energy-rate hikes-gained did the variations depend on the person
coalition had one Republican, and its some environmental support. Kerry, we were meeting with."
next most likely target wanted to drill in Graham, and Lieberman believed that That day, Kerry had something
ANWR. Other Republicans were slip- the bill was unworkable and was steal- specific to offer: preemption from car-
ping away. Shortly before Thanksgiv- ing valuable attention from their effort. bon being regulated by the E.P.A.
ing, George LeMieux, of Florida, ap- They spent months trying to figure out under the Clean Air Act, with few
proached Graham in the Senate gym how to kill it and win over Collins. strings attached. Kerry asked Donohue
and expressed interest in joining KG.L. Eventually, Graham and Lieberman's if that was enough to get the Chamber
"Let me teach you something about this offices devised a ruse: they would adopt to the table. 'We'll start working with
town," Graham told him. ''You can't a crucial part of the Cantwell-Collins you guys right now," Donohue said. It
come that easy." Graham was trying to bill on market regulation in the official was a promising beginning. Soon after-
give the new senator some advice, ac- bill. Then they would quietly swap it out ward, Rosengarten and two of Dono-
cording to aides involved with the nego- as the legislation made its way to the hue's lobbyists worked out the legislative
tiations: LeMieux would be foolish to Senate floor. Collins, however, never text on preemption. The Chamber was
join the effort without extracting some- budged. allowed to write the language of its top
thing for himself. The second theory about how to ask into the bill. It turned out that work-
But LeMieux didn't have the chance win the Republicans' support was to go ing with Washington interest groups
to try that, as he soon became another straight to their industry backers. If the was far simpler than dealing with Re-
casualty of Republican primary politics. oil companies and the nuclear industry publican senators navigating a populist
He had been appointed by the Florida and the utilities could be persuaded to conselYative uprising.
governor, Charlie Crist, who was then support the legislation, then they would Three weeks later, Kerry and some
running in a tight Republican primary lobby Republicans. Rosengarten called aides were in his office discussing the
for the seat against another Tea Party fa- the strategy "If you build it, they will progress of their bill. Someone men-
vorite, Marco Rubio. LeMieux couldn't come." This was the strategy Obama tioned T. Boone Pickens, the author of
do anything that would complicate the so-called Pickens Plan, an energy-
Crist's life. In a private meeting with independence proposal centered on
the three senators in December, he told enormous government subsidies for
them that he couldn't publicly associate natural gas, which is abundant, cleaner-
himself with the bill. But, according to burning than other fossil fuels, and sold
someone who was present, he added, by a Pickens-controlled corporation at
"My heart's with you." some two hundred natural-gas fuelling
As for Olympia Snowe, the moder- stations across North America. Back in
76 THE NEW 'fOR.KER., OClOBER. II, 2010
2004, Pickens had helped to fund the
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, a group
that ran a sleazy-and inaccurate-ad
campaign proclaiming, among other
things, that Kerry had lied about the cir-
cumstances that led to his Bronze Star
and Purple Hearts.
Kerry had an inspiration. "I'm going
to call T. Boone," he said. Frangione
was surprised. ''You really want to call
that guy?" she asked. Kerry told an aide
to get Pickens on the phone. Minutes
later, Kerry was inviting Pickens to
Washington to talk Rosengarten, who
watched Kerry make the call, thought
it was "a show of exJ:raordinary leader-
ship." The following week, Pickens
and Kerry sat in two upholstered chairs
~ the Senator's office. Between them
loomed a giant model of Kerry's Viet-
nam swift boat. Kerry walked Pickens i I'
through the components of the bill that il'l II
he and his colleagues were writing, but I'
Pickens seemed uninterested. He had I,

just one request: include in the climate I

legislation parts of a bill that Pickens

had written, called the Natural Gas
Act, a series of tax incentives to encour-
age the use of natural-gas vehicles and
the installation of natural-gas fuelling
stations. In exchange, Pickens would
publicly endorse the bill. At the end of
the meeting, the Senator shook hands
with the man who had probably cost
him the Presidency. Afterward, staffers . a .." : .. ~~~\
in one of the K. G.L. offices started tell- -. -.
ing a joke: 'What do you call a climate
bill that gives Pickens everything he
ever dreamed of?" "A Boonedoggle!" '''You're going to hate how it ends. "
The hardest choices involved the
oil industry, which, by powering our • •
transportation, is responsible for al-
most a third of all carbon emissions in
the U.S. Under Waxman-Markey, oil companies called the idea "a linked fee." majority over the issue. But Lieberman,
companies would have to buy govern- On March 23rd, the three sena- who had first proposed the linked fee,
ment permission slips, known as al- tors met to discuss the linked fee, which and Graham supported it.
lowances, to cover all the greenhouse they had been arguing about for weeks. Kerry, despite his hesitations, wanted
gases emitted by cars, trucks, and other The environmental community and the the oil companies, which had already
vehicles. The oil companies argued White House, which rarely weighed in spent millions attacking Waxman-
that having to buy permits on the car- on its policy preferences, thought the Markey, to support his bill. So the sen-
bon market, where the price fluctuated linked fee was disastrous because it ators proposed a deal: the oil compa-
daily, would wreck America's fragile would inevitably be labelled a "gas tax." nies would get the policy they desired
domestic refining industry. Instead, At one meeting, Joe Aldy, a staffer on if they agreed to a ceasefire. According
three major oil refiners-Shell, B.P., Obama's National Economic Council, to someone present, Kerry told his col-
and ConocoPhillips-proposed that advised Kerry, Graham, and Lieber- leagues at the March meeting, f'Shell,
they pay a fee based on the total num- man's staffers to kill it. According to a B.P., and Conoco are going to need to
ber of gallons of gasoline they sold person involved in the negotiations, silence the rest of the industry." The
linked to the average price of carbon Kerry told his colleagues that the Dem- deal was specific. The ceasefire would
over the previous three months. The oil ocrats might lose their congressional last from the day of the bill's introduc-
tion until the E.P.A. released its eco- guarantees to lure Republicans to the ate more electricity from clean sources.
nomic analysis of the legislation, ap- bill, but now the White House had sim- In early April, according to two
proximately six weeks later. Afterward, ply handed the money over. Later that K.G.L. aides, someone at the Congres-
the industry could say whatever it month, a group of eight moderate sional Budget Office told Kerry that its
wanted. "This was the grand bargain Democrats sent the E.P.A. a letter ask- economists, when analyzing the bill,
that we struck with the refiners," one of ing the agency to slow down its plans to would describe the linked fee as a tax.
the people involved said. 'We would regulate carbon, and the agency prom- After learning that, the three senators
work with them to engineer this sepa- ised to delay any implementation until met with lobbyists for the big oil firms,
rate mechanism in exchange for the 2011. Again, that was a promise Kerry, and Kerry offered a new proposal: the
American Petroleum Institute being Graham, and Lieberman wanted to ne- refiners would have to buy permits, but
quiet. They would not run ads, they gotiate with their colleagues. Obama the government would sell them at a
would not lobby members of Congress, had served the dessert before the chil- stable price outside the regular trading
and they would not refer to our bill as a dren even promised to eat their spinach. system. This arrangement would make
carbon tax." At another meeting, the Graham was the only Republican nego- no economic difference to consumers:
three senators and the heads of the three tiating on the climate bill, and now he the oil companies would pass the costs
oil companies discussed a phrase they had virtually nothing left to take to his on to drivers whether they paid a linked
could all use to market the policy: a "fee Republican colleagues. fee or bought special permits. But
on polluters." But the Ad.1?inistr~tion had grown Kerry thought that the phraseology
wary of cutting -the kiiid of deals that could determine whether the bill sur-
n March 31st, Obama announced
O that large portions of U.S. waters
in the Gulf of Mexico, the Arctic
the senators needed to pass cap-and- vived or died. The refiners surprised
trade. The long and brutal health-care everyone by readily agreeing to the new
fight had caused a rift in the White terms. The linked fee was dead, and so,
Ocean, and off the East Coast-from House over legislative strategy. One it seemed, was the threat of Kerry,
the mid-Adantic to central Florida- camp, led by Phil Schiliro, Obama's Graham, and Lieberman's bill being
would be newly available for oil and gas top congressional liaison, was com- brought down by opponents attacking
drilling. Two days later, he said, "It posed of former congressional aides it as a gas tax.
turns out, by the way, that oil rigs today who argued that Obama needed to in- Two days later, on April 15th,
generally don't cause spills. They are sert himself in the legislative process if Emanuel and Browner hosted a group
technologically very advanced. Even he was going to pass the ambitious of prominent environmentalists at the
during Katrina, the spills didn't come agenda that he had campaigned on. White House for an 11 A.M. meeting.
from the oil rigs, they came from the The other group, led by David Axel- For weeks, the linked fee had been a hot
refineries onshore." From the outside, it rod, believed that being closely asso- topic among Washington climate-
looked as if the Obama Administra- ciated with the messiness of congres- change geeks. Now the two groups that
tion were coordinating closely with sional horse-trading was destroying hated the policy the most were in the
Democrats in the Senate. Republicans Obama's reputation. same room. According to people at the
and the oil industry wanted more do- "We ran as an outsider and then meeting, the White House aides and
mestic drilling, and Obama had just decided to be an insider to get things some of the environmentalists, includ-
given it to them. He seemed to be deliv- done," a senior White House official ing Carl Pope, the chairman of the Si-
ering on the grand bargain that his said. According to the official, Schiliro erra Club, expressed their contempt for
aides had talked about at the start of the and the insiders argued, "You've got the linked fee: even if it Was !t fine idea
Administration. to own Congress," while Axelrod and on the merits, it was political poison.
But there had been no communica- the outsiders argued, "Fuck whatever The White House aides and the envi-
tion with the senators actually writing Congress wants, we're not for them." ronmentalists either didn't know that
the bill, and they felt betrayed. When The official added, 'We probably did the fee had been dropped from the bill
Graham's energy staffer learned of the lose part of our brand. Obama turned or didn't think the change was signifi-
announcement, the night before, he was into exacdy what we promised our- cant. The meeting lasted about thirty
"apoplectic," according to a colleague. selves he wasn't going to be, which is minutes.
The group had dispensed with the idea the leader of parliament. We became Just after noon, Rimkunas, Graham's
of drilling in ANWR, but it was prepared the majority leader of both houses, and climate-policy adviser, sent Rosengar-
to open up vast portions of the Gulf and we ceded the Presidency." Schiliro's ten an e-mail. The subject was "Go to
the East Coast. Obama had now given side won the debate over how the Fox website and look at gas tax article
away"what the senators were planning White House should approach health asap." She clicked on
to trade. care, but in 2010, when the Senate "WH Opposes Higher Gas Taxes
This was the third time that the took up cap-and-trade, Axelrod's side Floated by S.C. GOP Sen. Graham in
White House had blundered. In Feb- was ascendant. Emanuel, for example, Emerging Senate Energy Bill." The
ruary, the President's budget proposal called Reid's office in March and sug- White House double-crossed us, she
included $54.5 billion in new nuclear gested that the Senate abandon cap- thought. The report, by Major Garrett,
loan guarantees. Graham was also try- and -trade in favor of a modest bill that then the Fox News White House cor-
ing to use the promise of more loan would simply require utilities to gener- respondent, cited "senior administration
nors include coal and electric-utility in-
terests, began targeting Graham with a
flurry of online articles about the
"Kerry-Graham-Lieberman gas tax
bill." That week, the group launched a
campaign in South Carolina urging
conservatives to call Graham's office
"and ask him not to introduce new gas
Kerry and Lieberman spent hours
alone with Graham, trying to placate
him. They forced the White House to
issue a statement, which said that "the
Senators don't support a gas tax." Gra-
ham had talked to Emanuel and was
satisfied that the chief of staff wasn't the
source of the leak. Eventually, the peo-
ple involved believed that they had
mollified him. By the time Graham
showed up at the conference table in
"You could at least turn on the set!" Emanuefs White House office on April
20th, he had calmed down. But, if he
• • was going to suffer a ferocious backlash
back home, he needed the White House
to be as committed as he was. He was
sources" and said that the "Obama White posturing here? Because why would not encouraged when Axelrod, speaking
House opposes a move in the Senate, they do something like this if they about Democrats in Congress, noted,
led by South Carolina Republican wanted to get it done?' It was more than ''The horse has been ridden hard this
Lindsey Graham, to raise federal gaso- an attempt to kill the idea. It was also an
year and just wants to go back to the
line taxes within still-developing legis- attempt to tag him with the idea, and, if barn."
lation to reduce green house gas emis- you want him to be an ally on the issue, That evening, hours after the meet-
sions." Including two updates to his why would you do that?" Graham's leg- ing ended, a bubble of methane gas
original story, Garrett used the word islative director, Jennifer Olson, argued blasted out of a well of the Deepwater
"tax" thirty-four times. that he should withdraw from KG.L. Horiwn oil rig, in the Gulf of Mexico,
"This is horrific," Rosengarten that day. setting the rig on fire and killing eleven
e-mailed Rimkunas. Kerry called Browner and yelled, "It men. At the time, it seemed like a
"It needs to be fixed," he responded. wasn't his idea!" He added, "It's not a tragic accident, far away and of little
"Never seen 19 this pissed." gas tax. You've got to defend our guy. consequence.
'We're calling Schiliro and getting We've been negotiating in good faith,
the WH to publicly correct."
Graham was "screaming profanities,"
one of the KG.L. staffers said. In addi-
and how can you go and turn on him
like this?" After talking to Graham, K erry and Lieberman were desperate
to accommodate Graham's every
Lieberman walked into the office of his request. The dynamics within the group
tion to climate change, he was working legislative director, Todd Stein. "If we changed. Aides marvelled at how Kerry
with Democrats on immigration and on don't fix this," the Senator said, "this and Lieberman would walk down the
resolving the status of the prison at could be the death of the hill." hallway with their arms around each
Guantanamo Bay. He was one of only On April 17th, two days after the other, while Lieberman and Graham's
nine Republicans to vote for Obama's Fox story, an activist named William relationship was tested by Graham's es-
first Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Gheen, speaking at aTea Party event in calating demands. The day after the
Sotomayor. Now Obama aides were ac- Greenville, South Carolina, told the White House meeting, the three sena-
cusing him of backing a gas tax, which crowd, "I'm a tolerant person. I don't tors and their aides gathered to discuss
wasn't his idea and wasn't even in the care about your private life, Lindsey, the status of the bill.
draft bill. Worst of all, the leakers went but as our U.S. senator I need to figure Mter the Fox News leak, a rumor
to Fox News, a move which they knew out why you're trying to sell out your had circulated that Congress wouldn't
would cause Graham the most damage. own countrymen, and I need to make pass a highway bill because of the Lind-
He called one of his policy advisers that sure you being gay isn't it." The ques- sey Graham gas-tax hike; Graham had
day and asked, "Did you see what they tion, with its false assertion that Gra- to appease truckers in South Carolina.
just did to me?" The adviser said, "It ham is gay, turned into a viral video on Now he insisted on eight billion dollars
made him question, 'Do they really the Web. Then Newt Gingrich's group, for the Highway Trust Fund, saying it
want to get this done or are they just American Solutions, whose largest do- was his price for staying. Frangione,
Kerry's aide, was "heartbroken," a col- that! You've got to be kidding, this can't would show signs of becoming one of
league said. It was an enormous amount be the deal!'" one of them said. "And the worst environmental disasters in his-
of money within the confines of the bill, they were, like, Well, we did it!'You tory. Then, suddenly, there was a new
and spending anything on highways can't put that amount of allowances on problem: Harry Reid, the Senate Major-
increased greenhouse-gas emissions. the table and take it back. You've dan- ity Leader, said that he wanted to pass
"Senator, please, just give me five min- gled it. The baby's already eating the immigration reform before the climate-
utes," Rosengarten told Graham. "I'll candy." In return for the candy, Kuhn change bill. It was a cynical ploy. Every-
find your eight billion!" She and another promised that the E.E.I. would provide one in the Senate knew that there was no
Lieberman aide retrieved a spreadsheet "a very supportive statement" when the immigration bill. Reid was in a tough
they used to track all the spending and bill was released. reelection, and immigration activists,
revenues in the bill. They fiddled with In Lieberman's office, staffers lik- influential in his home state of Nevada,
some numbers and-presto!-Graham ened the E.E.I. meeting to' the song were pressuring him.
had his money. (Later that day, Lieber- "Dayenu," which means "It would have Senior aides at the White House
man figured that, if they were going to been enough for us," and is sung at were shocked by Reid's statement. "We
spend eight billion dollars on highways, Passover to celebrate the miraculous were doing well until Reid gave a speech
he might as well get some credit, too. things God did for the Jews. "If He and said it was immigration first. News
He called the American Trucking As- had brought us out from Egypt, and to us!" a senior Administration official
sociation to tell its officials the good had not carried olitjy,dgments against said. "It was kind of like, Whoa, what
news. They responded that they wanted them-Dayertu! If He had carried do we do now? Where did that come
twice that amount.) out judgments against them, and not from?'" Reid's office seemed to be em-
Kerry, Lieberman, and their aides against their idols-Dayenu!" Rosen- barking on a rogue operation. In a
needed to keep Graham satisfied for five garten imagined an E.E.l.-specific three-day period, Reid's office and un-
more days. If they persuaded him to version of the song: "If they had given named Senate Democrats leaked to Roll
attend the press conference unveiling us the nuclear title, but not the cost Call, The Hill, the Associated Press, Po-
the bill, he wouldn't be able to turn collar, Dayenu! If they had given us the litico, and the Wall Street Journal that
back. All the other pieces were falling cost collar, but not pushed back the the phantom immigration bill would be
into place. The legislators met with the start date, Dayenu!" But at least the bill considered before the climate bill. Gra-
Chamber of Commerce to be sure that was essentially finished. ham once again said that he felt be-
it would support the bill. Donohue, the What became known as the Dayenu trayed. ''This comes out ofleft field," he
Chamber president, said that he wouldn't meeting took place on Thursday, April told reporters. "I'm working as earnesdy
stand up with them at the press confer- 22nd, Earth Day. A few hours before the as I can to craft climate and energy in-
ence but that the Chamber wouldn't op- meeting, the Deepwater Horiwn drill- dependence, clean air and jobs, and now
pose them, either. ing rig had sunk to the bottom of the we're being told that we're going to im-
Gulf The spill began to spread; soon it migration. This destroys the ability to

T here was just one more deal to

make. The Edison Electric Insti-
tute represents the biggest electric utili-
ties, and its president, Thomas Kuhn,
was another grandee in Republican cir-
cles. The E.E.1. already had almost ev-
erything it wanted: preemption, nuclear
loan guarantees, an assurance that the
cost of carbon would never rise above a
certain level, and billions of dollars'
worth of free allowances through 2030
to help smooth the transition into the
program. Now the E.E.I. had two new
requests: it wanted a billion dollars more
in free allowances, and it wanted the
.start date of the cap-and-trade regime
p~shed back from 2012 to 2015.
'Within minutes, the senators had
agreed to almost everything that Kuhn
and his lobbyists were asking for. Their
three staffers were dumbfounded. The
K.G.L. side huddled near a water cooler
and the aides staged a mini-rebellion
against their bosses. 'We were, like, 'I
can't believe you just gave them all of
do something on energy and climate." ect. They had travelled to Copenhagen cover he needed from Reid on how they
Graham didn't tell the press that together for the international climate dealt with the oil refiners.
immigration was mosdy just an excuse conference and often teamed up to op- Rosengarten got the message on her
for his anger. That day, he had urged pose Kerry's office during internal de- BlackBerry while she was on the phone
Reid to release a statement supporting bates. "Sorry buddy" is all the e-mail with Pickens's policy people, who had
the modified linked fee that Kerry, said. It was devastating. "Matt's e-mail no idea about the unfolding drama and
Graham, and Lieberman had used in was a life low point," she said. "It was wanted to make sure that their natural-
negotiating with the refiners. Reid's actually soul-crushing." gas goodies had survived the final draft
office greeted the request with suspi- The next morning, a Saturday, Gra- of the bill. K. G .L., perhaps the last best
cion. Reid and Graham didn't trust ham abandoned the talks. Lieberman chance to deal with global warming in
each other. Reid's aides thought the was observing Shabbat and thus couldn't the Obama era, was officially dead. As
Republican leadership was trying to work, use electrical devices, or talk on she read Graham's definitive goodbye
trick Reid into supporting something the phone. When his aides explained letter, tears streamed down her face.
that sounded like a gas tax. The fact what was happening, he invoked a Tal-
that Kerry and Lieberman were also
supporters of the r.roposal did litde to
allay Reid's fears. His aides drafted a
mudic exception allowing an Ortho-
dox Jew to violate the Shabbat com-
mandments "for the good of the com-
B y the end of April, about sixty
thousand barrels of oil a day were
flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. To
pro-forma statement for Graham that munity." Kerry, .\yas-inl\1assachusetts many environmentalists, the Deepwa-
promised simply that Reid would re- and immediately flew"t6'Washington. ter Horiwn catastrophe was a poten-
view the legislation. Graham dismissed The two men spent the morning trying tial turning point, a disaster that might
the statement as meaningless. During to persuade Graham to stay. At about resurrect the climate legislation. But in
one phone call, Graham shouted some noon, Graham had a final conversation Washington the oil spill had the oppo-
vulgarities at Reid and the line went w~th Reid, who had nothing more to site effect. Kerry and Lieberman were
dead. The Majority Leader had hung offer. Graham was out. He wrote a left sponsoring a bill with a sweeping
up the phone. statement, and Olson, his legislative di- expansion of offshore drilling at a mo-
At 10 P.M. the next day, Rimkunas rector, e-mailed a copy to Lieberman's ment when the newspapers were filled
sent Rosengarten an e-mail. They had office. The public statement cited im- with photographs of birds soaking in
worked together for seven months on migration as the issue, but attached was oil. Even worse, the lone Republican,
the bill. Rosengarten had postponed her a note from Olson explaining that Gra- who had written the oil-drilling sec-
honeymoon-twice-to finish the proj- ham was never going to receive the tion to appeal to his Republican col-
leagues, was gone. The White House's
"grand bargain" of oil drilling in ex-
change for a cap on carbon had back-
fired spectacularly.
For three months, a period of record-
high temperatures in Washington, what
was now called the Kerry-Lieberman
bill was debated and discussed as if it
were a viable piece oflegislation, but no
Republican stepped forward to'"Support
it. During one speech in early June,
Obama said that he knew "the votes
may not be there right now, but I intend
to find them in the coming months."
He never found them, and he didn't ap-
pear to be looking very hard.
Kerry and Lieberman abandoned
their attempt to cap the emissions of
the oil industry and heavy manufactur-
ers and pared the bill back so that it
would cover only the utility industry.
The E.E.I. wanted even more if utili-
ties were to be the only guinea pigs for
cap-and-trade. This time, the electric
companies demanded regulatory relief
from non-greenhouse-gas emissions,
like mercury and other poisons, as well
as more free allowances. Kerry refused
to discuss those pollutants, but, in what
was probably the nadir of the twenty-
month effort, he responded, "Well,
what ifwe gave you more time to com-
ply and decreased the rigor of the re-
duction targets?" The cap was sup-
posed to be sacrosanct, but Kerry had
put it on the table. As a participant said
afterward, ''The poster child of this bill
is its seventeen-per-cent-reduction tar-
get. It's the President's position in Co-
penhagen. It's equal to the House bill."
Now Kerry was saying they could go
As hopes for any kind of bill faded,
Kerry and Lieberman kept fighting.
They met with Olympia Snowe, who,
like T antalus" fruit tree, always seemed
to be almost within their grasp. She
had started talking to them about the
utility-only bill, and the two senators
begged her to allow them to mention
her name publicly to reporters. "Can
we please just say that you're willing to
have a conversation about options?"
Kerry asked. "No, do not say that," • •
Snowe responded. Still, Kerry could
not resist telling reporters that day, be complete without taking into ac- mission from the largest commercial in-
"Even this morning, Senator Lieber- count public opinion. In January, the terests who are most affected by the
man and I had a meeting with one Pew Research Center asked Americans proposed change."
Republican who has indicated a will- to rank the importance of twenty-one Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman
ingness to begin working towards issues. Climate change came in last. were not alone in their belief that trans-
something." After winning the fight over health forming the economy required cooper-
Meanwhile, there was someone who, care, another issue for which polling ation, rather than confrontation, with
like Snowe, was in favor of the bill but showed lukewarm support, Obama industry. American Presidents who have
was not prepared to do more: Barack moved on to the safer issue of financial attempted large-scale economic trans-
Obama. After the K.G.L. failure, envi- regulatory reform. formation have always had their efforts
ronmentalists and congressional aides In September, I asked A1 Gore why tempered-and sometimes neutered-
who work on climate change were crit- he thought climate legislation had by powerful economic interests. Obama
ical of the White House. Many of them failed. He cited several reasons, includ- knew that, too, and his Administration
believe that Obama made an epic blun- ing Republican partisanship, which had had led the effort to fina wdrkable com-
der by not pursuing climate change first prevented moderates from becoming promises in the case of the bank bail- .
when he was sworn into office. The part of the coalition in favor of the bill. outs, health-care legislation, and Wall
stimulus failed to reduce unemployment The Great Recession made the effort Street reform. But on climate change
to an acceptable level. The health-care even more difficult, he added. "The Obama grew timid and gave up, leaving
law, while significant, only raised the forces wedded to the old patterns still the dysfunctional Senate to figure out
percentage of people with insurance have enough influence that they were the issue on its own.
from eighty-five per cent to ninety-five able to use the fear of the economic As the Senate debate expired this
per cent. Meanwhile, the amount of downturn as a way of slowing the prog- summer, a longtime environmental lob-
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is al- ress toward this big transition that we byist told me that he believed the "real
ready above the level that scientists say have to make." tragedy' surrounding the issue was that
risks causing runaway global warming. A third explanation pinpointed how Obama understood it profoundly. "I be-
According to the argument, Obama was Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman ap- lieve Barack Obama understands that
correct when he said during the cam- proached the issue. "The influence of fifty years from now no one's going to
paign that placing a price on carbon in special interests is now at an extremely know about health care," the lobbyist
order to transform the economy and unhealthy level," Gore said. "And it's to said. "Economic historians will know
begin the process of halting climate the point where it's virtually impossible that we had a recession at this time. Ev-
change was his more pressing priority. for participants in the current political erybody is going to be thinking about
No diagnosis of the failure of system to enact any significant change whether Barack Obama was the James
Obama to tackle climate change would without first seeking and gaining per- Buchanan of climate change." +
THE NEW YOI\Km, ocrOBEI\ 11, 2010 83

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