Statistical Module 3

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Statistical mechanics

Module 3
1. Bosons have
a) half integral spin
b) integral spin
c) no spin
d) even spin

2. Bose – Einstein distribution is given by

a) 𝑛𝑖 = 𝛼+𝛽𝜀ᵢ𝑖
𝑒 +1
b) 𝑛𝑖 =
𝑒 𝛼+𝛽𝜀ᵢ −1
c) 𝑛𝑖 =
𝑒 𝛼+𝛽𝜀ᵢ
d) 𝑛𝑖 =
𝑒 𝛼−𝛽𝜀ᵢ

3. Expression for fugacity ƶ =

a) eμβ
b) 𝑒 𝑘𝑇
c) eμα
d) eμ/α

4. In Bose – Einstein distribution , at temp T=0K which of the following is true

a) no < n1
b) no ≅ N
c) no = 0
d) none of the above

5. In Bose – Einstein distribution, the entropy for condensed phase is

a) ∞
2 𝑇 2
b) 1.926 𝑁𝐾 ( )
3 𝑇𝑜
c) 0
d) 𝐶
3 𝑣
6. Which condition for the probability of occupancy in Bose Einstein statistics
give rise to Bose Einstein condensation:

a. Ei = 1
b. Ei = 0
c. Ei = µ
d. Ei = KBT

7. ᴧ3 gives:

a. Energy of the particle

b. Size of the particle
c. State of the particle
d. None of the above

8. In Maxwell Boltzmann statistics, Entropy is given by:

a. 𝑆 = K B ∑𝑖 𝑛𝑖 ln
b. 𝑆 = K B ∑𝑖 ln 𝑛𝑖
c. 𝑆 = K B ∑𝑖 ln 𝑛𝑖
d. 𝑆 = K B ∑𝑖 𝑛𝑖 ln

9. For particle obeying Maxwell Boltzmann statistics:

a. 𝑁 = 𝑧ᴧ3 ⁄𝑉
b. 𝑁 = 𝑉 ⁄𝑧 ᴧ3
c. 𝑁 = 𝑧𝑉 ⁄ᴧ3
d. 𝑁 = ᴧ3 ⁄𝑧𝑉

10. Bose Einstein temperature using uncertainty principle is given by:

ℏ2 𝑁 3
a. 𝑇0 = ( )
2𝑚𝐾𝐵 𝑉
ℏ2 𝑉 3
b. 𝑇0 = ( )
2𝑚𝐾𝐵 𝑁
ℏ2 𝑁 2
c. 𝑇0 = ( )
2𝑚𝐾𝐵 𝑉
ℏ2 𝑉 2
d. 𝑇0 = ( )
2𝑚𝐾𝐵 𝑁
11. At condensed phase Gibbs Energy can be expressed as:
a. = ln 𝑧
b. =0
c. =1
d. = ln 𝑄

12.At any temperature, chemical potential of phonon is:

a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 100

13. Which of the following is not a property of photons:

a. It move at the speed of light in vacuum

b. It obeys Maxwell Boltzmann statistics
c. It is a quasiparticle
d. Chemical potential of photon is zero

14.According to Stefan Boltzmann law:

a. E=𝜎𝑇 3
b. E= 𝜎𝑇 2
c. E= 𝜎𝑇 4
d. E= 𝜎𝑇 8

15. For a non-perfect black body, range of emissivity(𝜀) is:

a. 0<= 𝜀<=1
b. 0>= 𝜀>=1
c. 𝜀=1
d. 𝜀=0
16. In case of Bose – Einstein condensation

a) Number of particles increase in lower energy levels at low temperature

and high pressure
b) Number of particles decrease in lower energy levels at low temperatures
and high pressures
c) Number of particles increase in lower energy levels at high temperatures
and low pressures
d) Number of particles decreases in lower energy at high temperature and
low pressures

17.The probability of occupancy of an energy state in Fermi-Dirac Statistics is,

𝑛𝑖 𝑛𝑖 1
a) = 𝑍𝑒 −𝛽𝐸𝑖 b) =
𝑔𝑖 𝑔𝑖 𝑒 (𝐸𝑖 +𝜇)⁄𝐾𝑏 𝑇 +1
𝑛𝑖 1 𝑛𝑖 1
c) = d) =
𝑔𝑖 𝑒 (𝐸𝑖 −𝜇)⁄𝐾𝑏 𝑇 −1 𝑔𝑖 𝑒 (𝐸𝑖 −𝜇)⁄𝐾𝑏 𝑇 +1

18. The general expression for probability of occupancy is given by

𝑛𝑖 1
= . For MB statistics, the value of 𝜇 and a is given as,
𝑔𝑖 𝑒 (𝛼+𝛽𝐸𝑖 ) +𝑎

a) a=1 , 𝜇= ½ b) a=0 , 𝜇= 0

c) a=1 , 𝜇= 0 d) a= -1 , 𝜇= 0

19. The expression for entropy in MB Statistics is,

a) 𝐾𝐵 ∑𝑖 𝑛̅𝑖 ln(1 + 𝑔𝑖 ⁄𝑛̅𝑖 ) b) 𝐾𝐵 ∑𝑖 𝑛̅𝑖 ln ( 𝑖 )

c) 𝐾𝐵 ∑𝑖 𝑛̅𝑖 ln ( ̅ 𝑖 ) d) 𝐾𝐵 ∑𝑖 𝑛̅𝑖 ln(1 + 𝑛̅𝑖 ⁄𝑔𝑖 )
𝑛̅𝑖 (𝐸𝑖 −𝜇)
20. The plot of v/s for the
𝑔𝑖 𝐾𝑏 𝑇

three statistics is given by,

The plot of FB and BE will merge with

the plot of MB only when,

(𝐸𝑖 −𝜇) (𝐸𝑖 −𝜇)

a) =0 b) ≪1
𝐾𝑏 𝑇 𝐾𝑏 𝑇

(𝐸𝑖 −𝜇)
c) ≫1 d) None of the above
𝐾𝑏 𝑇

21. For a particle in a box, let 𝑑𝑁 represents the number of particles having
energy between E and E + dE. Then pick the correct one,

a) 𝑑𝑁 ∝ 𝐸1/2 b) 𝑑𝑁 ∝ 𝐸 3/2

c) 𝑑𝑁 ∝ 𝐸 −1/2 d) 𝑑𝑁 ∝ 𝐸 5/2

22. Pick out the correct relation between 𝑓5⁄ (𝑧) and 𝑓3⁄ (𝑧)
2 2

𝑧 2 𝜕𝑓3⁄ (𝑧) 𝑧 𝜕𝑓5⁄ (𝑧)

a) 𝑓5⁄ (𝑧 ) = 2
b) 𝑓3⁄ (𝑧 ) = 2
2 𝜕𝑧 2 𝜕𝑧

𝑧𝜕𝑓3⁄ (𝑧) 1 𝜕𝑓5⁄2 (𝑧)

c) 𝑓5⁄ (𝑧) = 2
d) 𝑓3⁄ (𝑧) =
2 𝜕𝑧 2 2 𝜕𝑧

23. Bose Temperature depends on,

a)Pressure and Particle mass b) Particle density and


c)Particle mass and particle density d) Pressure and volume

24.The heat capacity of the Ideal Boson gas is,

𝑇 3/2 𝑇 5/2
a)𝐶𝑣 = 1.93 𝑁𝐾 b) 𝐶𝑣 = 1.93 𝑁𝐾
𝑇𝑏 3/2 𝑇𝑏 5/2

𝑇𝑏 3/2 𝑇 1/2
c) 𝐶𝑣 = 1.93 𝑁𝐾 d) 𝐶𝑣 = 1.93 𝑁𝐾
𝑇 3/2 𝑇𝑏 1/2

25. A superfluid is a state of matter in which matter behaves like a fluid with

a. high viscosity
b. low viscosity
c. zero viscosity
d. different viscosity

26. Solid He is obtained only by applying a pressure above ___________atm.

a. 30atm

27. In liquid 4He, the ∧ point corresponds to a pressure of 1 atm and

temperature ________
a. 2.22K
c. 1.18K

28. 3He is a ___________

a. boson
b. fermion
c. meson
d. lepton
29. Helium becomes liquid when it is cooled to _____________ temperature.
a. low
b. high
c. very low
d. very high

30. The occupation number for each quantum state in Fermi Dirac statistics
a) always 1
b) always 0
c) 0 or 1
d) n

31. Fermions have

a) half integer spin and anti symmetric wave function

b) half integer spin and symmetric wave function
c) integer spin and anti symmetric wave function
d) integer spin and symmetric wave function

32. At temperature T=0 , which of the following is correct

a) The lowest energy of a gas obeying FD statistics is much higher than that
it would have been if the particles had obeyed BE statistics.
b) The lowest energy of a gas obeying BE statistics is much higher than that
it would have been if the particles had obeyed FD statistics.
c) The lowest energy is same for both FD and BE statistics
d) none of the above

33. Fermi temperature Tf is given by

a) εi /k
b) εf k
c) εf/k
d) εi k
34. For the electrons in metals , as the temperature is raised from 0K to T

a) each free electron gain energy by an amount kT

b) electrons with energy close to εf will be excited to higher energy levels
c) each free electron gain energy by an amount (3/2)kT
d) each electron get excited to energy levels higher than Fermi level
35. For Bose Einstein statistics ( ) is singular at

a) Ei = V
b) Ei = μ
c) Ei= α
d) E=

36. In the phenomenon of BE condensation , < 𝑟˳ > is finite for

a) p=0
b) p=1
c) p= -1
d) p=∞

37. Number density in statistical mechanics is

a) Number of moles / unit volume

b) Number of molecules / unit volume
c) Number of particle / unit volume
d) Number of particles/ unit cell

38. In the phenomena of BE condensation , condensed phase is

𝑛˳ 𝑇 2
a) ⟨ ⟩ ={1 − ( ) }
𝑁 𝑇𝑐
𝑛˳ 𝑇 3
b) ⟨ ⟩ = {( ) }
𝑁 𝑇𝑐
𝑛˳ 𝑇 2
c) ⟨ ⟩ = {1 + ( ) }
𝑁 𝑇𝑐
𝑛˳ 𝑇𝑐 2
d) ⟨ ⟩ = {1 − ( ) }
39. In the concept of BE condensation normal phase is
𝑛 〈𝑛𝑜 〉
a) ⟨ 𝑒 ⟩ = 1 +
𝑛 〈𝑛𝑜 〉
b) ⟨ 𝑒 ⟩ = 1 -
𝑛 𝑛
c) ⟨ 𝑒 ⟩ = 1 - ⟨ 𝑜 ⟩
𝑛 𝑛
d) ⟨ 𝑒 ⟩ = 1 + ⟨ 𝑜 ⟩

40. Solid Helium is obtained only by applying a pressure above

____ atmosphere

a) 15
b) 25
c) 10
d) 20

41. Boiling point of He is

a) 4.5K
b) 4.2K
c) 4K
d) 4.1K

42. He has _______ intermolecular force

a) weakest
b) partially weak
c) strong
d) medium

43. A rough estimate of the BE condensation temperature can be obtained from

a) Sackur- Tetrode equation

b) Uncertainty principle
c) Zero point energy
d) none of the above
44. According to Tisza’s two fluid model, He II is made up of

a) normal fluid and hyper fluid

b) abnormal fluid only
c) normal fluid and super fluid
d) super fluid only

45. Normal fluid exhibits

a) classical behavior
b) semi classical behavior
c) quantum behavior
d) normal behavior

46. Super fluid has ______ entropy and flows with_______ resistance

a) negative , small
b) positive , large
c) zero , infinity
d) zero , no

47. According to BE model , photons are

a) quasi particle
b) quantum particles
c) classical particles
d) positrons

48. Thermodynamic functions for particles obeying BE statistics is usually

a) -1
b) +1
c) 2
d) 0

49. In the concept of BE condensate, condition for normal phase; 0< T< Tc

a) Both normal and condensed phase coexist

b) Tc only exists
c) neither normal or condensed phase exist
d) none of the above
50. The difference between fermions and bosons is that bosons do not obey

a. Aufbau principle
b. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
c. Hund’s rule of maximum municipality
d. Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle

51. Fermi –Dirac statistics is for the _______________________

a. Distinguishable particles
b. Symmetrical particles
c. Particles with half integral spin
d. Particles with integral spin

52.The Maxwell-Boltzmann is given by the expression ni = ________

a) 𝛼+𝛽𝐸
𝑒 𝛼+𝛽𝐸 −1
𝑒 𝛼+𝛽𝐸 +1
𝑒 𝛼+𝛽𝐸 +𝑘

53. Fermi-Dirac statistics cannot be applied to_______________

a. Electrons
b. Photons
c. Fermions
d. protons

54. The average energy of electrons at absolute zero is given

a) 3/5NFf
b) 2/5NEf
c) 3/5Ef
d) 2/5Ef
55. The expression for mean energy is given by ________
a) 3/5N Ef
b) 2/5N Ef
c) 3/5Ef
d) 2/5Ef

56. For all the quantum states with energy greater than Fermi energy to be
empty in a Fermi-Dirac system, the temperature should be ______
a) 273 K
b) 373 K
c) 0 K
d) 100 K

57. During Bose-Einstein condensation all the atoms fall back to the

a. Ground state
b. First excited state
c .Highest excited state
d. Insufficient information

58. The difference between fermions and bosons is that bosons wave function
a. Continuous
b. Single valued
c. Symmetric
d. Differentiable

59. The process of emission of electrons from the hot metal surfaces is

a. Plastic emission
b. Thermionic emission
c. Static emission
d. Current emission
60. In diamagnetism the magnetic susceptibility is ______________
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Zero
d. Spontaneous magnetisation

61. In Paramagnetism the magnetic susceptibility is _______________

a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Zero
d. Spontaneous magnetisation

62. In ferromagnetism the magnetic susceptibility is _________________

a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Zero
d. n magnetisation

63. The magnetic susceptibility of a diamagnetic substance is

a. Negative
b. Zero
c. Positive and low value
d. Positive and high value

64. When does a ferromagnetic material become paramagnetic material?

a. At curie temperature
b. Below curie temperature
c. Above curies temperature
d. Never

65. Dependence of specific heat capacity of 4𝐻𝑒 on temperature is:

a. 𝐶𝑣 ∝ 𝑇
b. 𝐶𝑣 ∝
c. 𝐶𝑣 ∝
d. 𝐶𝑣 ∝
66. The Helmholtz Energy (A) can be written as:
𝑓5 (𝑍)
3 2
a. 𝑁𝐾𝐵 𝑇
2 𝑓3 (𝑍)
𝑓5 (𝑍)
b. 𝑁𝐾𝐵 𝑇
𝑓3 (𝑍)
𝑓5 (𝑍)
c. 𝑁𝐾𝐵 𝑇(ln 𝑧 − )
𝑓3 (𝑍)
𝑓5 (𝑍)
3 2
d. 𝑁𝐾𝐵 𝑇(ln 𝑧 − )
2 𝑓3 (𝑍)

67. According to thermodynamic functions of Bose Einstein Statistics at T=0, if

the chemical potential is greater than the energy of the 𝑖 𝑡ℎ particle, then

a. 𝑓𝐵𝐸 = 0
b. 𝑓𝐵𝐸 > 0
c. 𝑓𝐵𝐸 < 0
d. Indeterminate

68. The value of fugacity at high temperature and low density is:

a. Very much greater than 1

b. Very much less than 1
c. Zero
d. Equal to one

69. The internal energy U in Bose Einstein statistics at normal temperature is

related to size of the particle as:

a. U ∝ ᴧ3
b. U ∝ 1/ᴧ
c. U ∝ 1/ᴧ3
d. U ∝ ᴧ3
70. According to Rayleigh Jeans formula:

a. 𝐸𝜆 ∝ 𝜆4
b. 𝐸𝜆 ∝
c. 𝐸𝜆 ∝
d. 𝐸𝜆 ∝ λ

71. Rayleigh Jeans law holds good only at:

a. Low value of λ
b. High value of λ
c. Very low value of λ
d. None of the above

72. An ideal black body can be visualized through:

a. A metal with internal reflecting walls containing a small hole

b. A wooden cubical box with infinite number of holes
c. A glass bowl with a small hole kept inside a dark room
d. None of the above

73. In a 3D cavity (similar to the stretched string), the allowed wavelengths for
standing waves are given by the condition:
𝜆 𝜆 𝜆
a. nx = L ; ny = L ; nz = L
2 2 2
𝜆 𝜆 𝜆
b. nx = L ; ny = L ; nz = L
3 3 3
𝜆 𝜆 𝜆
c. nx = 0 ; ny = L ; nz = L
2 2 2
𝜆 𝜆 𝜆
d. nx = L2 ; ny = L3 ; nz = L4
2 2 2

74. Rayleigh and Jean assumed that the atoms in the walls of the cavity behaves

a. Coupled harmonic oscillator

b. Damped harmonic oscillator
c. Classical simple harmonic oscillator
d. Quantum simple harmonic oscillator
75. He3 and He4 respectively obeys
a) FD and BE statistics
b) BE and FD statistics
c) MB and FD statistics
d) FD and MB statistics

76.For an ideal BE gas, the number of particles in a level must be

d)none of the above

77.Normal boiling point of liquid 4He is


78.Weak intermolecular force between atoms and small mass of 4He atom
results in
a)small mass
b)fluidity of 4He at high temperatures
c) fluidity of 4He at low temperatures
d)none of the above

79. When width of channel is reduced, viscosity of liquid He II

a)remains same
d)almost vanishes
80. Allen and Jones observed the ___________ effect

b)thermo mechanical
c)mechano caloric
d)none of the above

81. Daunt and Mendelsshon observed the _____________ effect

b)thermo mechanical
c)mechano caloric
d)none of the above

82. In second sound, motion in which normal fluid and superfluid oscillate is
a)in phase
b)out of phase by 900
c)out of phase by 1800
d)none of the above

83.In FD distribution, gas is completely degenerate at

a)low temperature
b)high temperature
c)very high temperature

84.In FD distribution, gas is degenerate at

a)low temperature
b)high temperature
c)very high temperature
85.Electron gas within a metal is
b)highly degenerate
c)slightly degenerate

86.Electrons with sufficiently large kinetic energy within a conductor can

escape from the surface. This is called
a)exhaust emission
b) evaporative emission
c)thermionic emission
d)none of the above

87.In FD distribution, gas is slightly degenerate at

a)low temperature
b)high temperature
d)intermediate temperature

1 b 24 a 47 a 70 c
2 b 25 c 48 a 71 b
3 a 26 c 49 a 72 a
4 b 27 b 50 b 73 a
5 c 28 b 51 c 74 c
6 c 29 c 52 a 75 a
7 b 30 c 53 b 76 a
8 d 31 a 54 c 77 b
9 d 32 a 55 a 78 c
10 a 33 c 56 c 79 d
11 b 34 b 57 a 80 a
12 a 35 b 58 c 81 b
13 b 36 a 59 b 82 c
14 c 37 b 60 b 83 d
15 a 38 a 61 a 84 a
16 a 39 b 62 a 85 b
17 d 40 b 63 a 86 c
18 b 41 b 64 c 87 d
19 c 42 a 65 d
20 c 43 b 66 c
21 a 44 c 67 c
22 b 45 a 68 b
23 c 46 d 69 c

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