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Use the Backplot dialog box to control the tool display, select sections of the backplot results,
and set other backplot options.

Click and drag the divider between the operation list and the bottom tabs to resize each portion
of the dialog box. The top section of the dialog box contains buttons for various backplot
functions. When you expand the dialog box, two additional tabs display.

For 2D/3D Mill toolpaths, you can make it easier to differentiate between toolpath entities such
as entry motion, transition motion, vectors, and endpoints, by changing their color and display
style in the Colors, Advanced Toolpath Display page in System Configuration.

This tab displays when you expand the Backplot dialog box. It shows more
information about the section of the toolpath selected in the operation list above.
Different fields display depending on the type of tool motion in the selected move.

This tab displays when you expand the Backplot dialog box. It shows information
about the section of the toolpath selected in the operation list above.

Display with color codes
Shows the toolpath moves using the color codes from the Colors section of the
Backplot Options dialog box.

Display tool
Shows the tool using the settings from the Colors, Tools and holders page of the
System configuration dialog box.

Display holder
Shows the tool holder using the settings from the Colors, Tools and holders page of
the System configuration dialog box.

Display rapid moves

Includes the rapid moves in the backplot. If deselected, the rapid toolpath moves and
tool motion between rapid moves are not displayed.

Display endpoints
Shows the entity endpoints in the toolpath. Allows you to see how many tool moves
occur between endpoints.

Quick verify
For Mill, Router, and Wire, this option displays a shaded path the width of the tool (Mill
toolpath shown below) as the backplot progresses.

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For Lathe, this option displays the lathe tool removing the material being cut (shown
below) as the backplot progresses.

Opens the Backplot Options dialog box.

Restrict drawing
Removes all currently plotted toolpaths from the screen. The remaining toolpaths then
become the only ones Mastercam will display. You can click Restrict drawing as often
as needed to isolate the required toolpaths.

Turn off restricted drawing

Resets all toolpaths to their unrestricted states. This button turns off the restrictions
set with the Restrict drawing button. The backplot function will then plot all toolpaths
in the selected operations.

Save tool geometry

Opens the Save Tool Geometry dialog box where you can save the tool and holder at
the current tool position as wireframe geometry to a specific level and using specified
entity attributes.

Save as geometry
Opens the Save As Geometry dialog box where you can save the visible toolpath
motion as geometry to a specific level and with specified entity attributes.

Details parameters
Operation pane (tree control)
Lists the toolpaths selected for backplot and the cut motion that makes up
each toolpath. Selecting a specific cut highlights that motion in the graphics

Rapid - Cutter compensation

Displays the cutter compensation setting for the rapid move.

Rapid - X, Y, Z

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Displays the X, Y, and Z positions at the end of the rapid move.

Rapid - Feed rate

Displays the feed rate for the rapid move.

Linear feed - Cutter compensation

Displays the cutter compensation setting for the linear feed move.

Linear feed - X, Y, Z
Displays the X, Y, and Z positions at the end of the linear feed move.

Linear feed - Feed rate

Displays the feed rate for the linear feed move.

Full Circle
Select to tell Mastercam that an arc move is a full circle.

Arc - Plane
Displays the plane where the arc move is positioned.

Arc - Cutter compensation

Displays the cutter compensation setting for the arc move.

Arc - End X, Y, Z
Displays the X, Y, and Z positions for the end of the arc move.

Arc - Feed rate

Displays the feed rate for the arc move.

Information parameters
Cycle time - Feed
Displays the time spent at the feed rate for the selected toolpaths.

Cycle time - Rapid

Displays the time spent at the rapid rate for the selected toolpaths.

Cycle time - Total

Displays the total time to process the selected toolpaths.

Path length - Feed

Displays the length of tool motion at the feed rate.

Path length - Rapid

Displays the length of tool motion at the rapid rate.

Minimum/maximum X, Y, Z
Displays the minimum and maximum coordinates (extents) of the selected
toolpaths. These values are measured relative to the Work Coordinate System

Minimum/maximum feed rate

Displays the minimum and maximum feed rate for the selected toolpaths.

Related topics
l Backplotting Toolpaths: Mastercam Simulator
l Selecting Motion to Backplot
l Backplot Playback Bar

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l Advanced Toolpath Display: System Configuration

Do you have a specific question?

Click here to ask the community. © 2019 by CNC Software, Inc.

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