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Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 98 (1990) 329-339 329

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands


Post-Oligocene rotations in southern Ecuador and northern Peru

and the formation of the Huancabamba deflection in the Andean
Pierre Mitouard, Catherine Kissel and Carlo Laj
Centre des Faibles RadioactivitOs, Laboratoire Mixte CNRS-CEA, A venue de la Terrasse, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex (France)

Received September 15, 1989; revised version accepted February 15, 1990

A paleomagnetic study of more than 410 samples from 41 sites from Paleocene to early Oligocene volcanic and intrusive
formations in southern Ecuador and northern Peru reveals a pattern of rotations in opposite senses on both sides of the
Huancabamba deflection. The amplitude of the rotations is - 25 o clockwise north of the deflection and - 20 ° anticlockwise
south of it. North of the deflection, the results do not allow us to ascertain whether the rotation arises from oroclinal bending
or from block rotation in a distributed shear. South of it, the absence of geological evidence for widespread strike-slip faulting
suggests that the results reflect a rotation of the Peruvian margin which could be related to the shortening documented in
Southern Peru and to the uplift of the Central Andes.

1. Introduction r e s p o n s e to shear (sinistral to the n o r t h a n d dex-

tral to the south of the A r i c a elbow). I n this
I n the last d e c a d e p a l e o m a g n e t i c m e a s u r e m e n t s model, the coastal r o t a t i o n s are related to the
have been widely used for s t u d y i n g the tectonic g e o m e t r y o f the c o n v e r g e n c e b e t w e e n oceanic a n d
processes along active margins, such as the M e d i - c o n t i n e n t a l plates.
t e r r a n e a n o r the N o r t h A m e r i c a n Cordilleras. O n In contrast, n o c o n s t r a i n i n g p a l e o m a g n e t i c re-
the contrary, in S o u t h A m e r i c a , o n l y a l i m i t e d sults have yet b e e n o b t a i n e d a b o u t the origin a n d
a m o u n t of p a l e o m a g n e t i c studies has b e e n d o n e e v o l u t i o n of the o t h e r m a j o r b e n d of the A n d e a n
until recently, d e s p i t e the r a t h e r large b o d y of Cordillera, k n o w n as the H u a n c a b a m b a deflec-
geological a n d geophysical w o r k u n d e r t a k e n over tion, s i t u a t e d f a r t h e r n o r t h at 4 ° S (Fig. 1). In this
the p a s t twenty years o r m o r e to investigate the region the t r e n d of the H u a n c a b a m b a A n d e s ,
b u i l d i n g a n d shaping of the A n d e a n Cordillera. which e x t e n d b e t w e e n 3 ° S a n d 8 ° S f r o m s o u t h e r n
Extensive p a l e o m a g n e t i c studies have i n d e e d E c u a d o r to n o r t h e r n Peru, changes f r o m N020 in
o n l y been m a d e in the last few years. M a n y of the n o r t h to N 1 4 0 in the south.
these studies c o n c e r n the region of the C e n t r a l T h e o n l y a v a i l a b l e p a l e o m a g n e t i c results from
A n d e s in s o u t h e r n Peru a n d n o r t h e r n Chile where the H u a n c a b a m b a A n d e s , o b t a i n e d b y o u r g r o u p
the t r e n d of the C o r d i l l e r a u n d e r g o e s a significant [6], c o n c e r n Paleozoic a n d C r e t a c e o u s units f r o m
change k n o w n as the A r i c a elbow. Because the the A m o t a p e - T a h u i n m a s s i f a n d the L a n c o n e s
geological studies in this region have n o t recog- b a s i n n o r t h of the H u a n c a b a m b a deflection. W e
nized a n y o p h i o l i t i c suture, the C e n t r a l A n d e s i n t e r p r e t e d these results in terms of the accretion
have generally b e e n c o n s i d e r e d as a genuine o f a n a l l o c h t h o n o u s c o n t i n e n t a l t e r r a n e at
m a r g i n a l orogen, related exclusively to s u b d u c - N e o c o m i a n time, followed b y p o s t - a c c r e t i o n in-
tion. A c c o r d i n g l y , previous p a l e o m a g n e t i c results, situ r o t a t i o n d u r i n g the Cretaceous. T h e total
which i n d i c a t e counterclockwise r o t a t i o n s in Peru clockwise r o t a t i o n is - 90 ° since the A p t i a n a n d
a n d n o r t h e r n m o s t Chile a n d clockwise r o t a t i o n in - 6 5 ° since the Senonian. U n e x p e c t e d l y , a
Chile, have generally b e e n i n t e r p r e t e d in terms of p a l e o m a g n e t i c d i r e c t i o n i n d i c a t i n g a - 35 ° clock-
b e n d i n g of the Bolivian orocline [1-4]. Beck [5] wise r o t a t i o n was o b t a i n e d f r o m a site s a m p l e d in
has, however, recently p r o p o s e d an alternative ex- an i l l - d a t e d b u t m o s t p r o b a b l y Paleocene grano-
p l a n a t i o n in terms of in-situ b l o c k r o t a t i o n s in d i o r i t i c p l u t o n . N o s o u n d tectonic conclusion

0012-821X/90/$03.50 © 1990 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


80" 79"

N Tu


Su 5"
.2 °
Coastal desert.

.4 o


.6 ° 00" ] 79"30 79" 7B'30

',\\ /._ 6'

t 5 ~ l ,,Ch ":"

o 7"

. o -., o~-.- ~ ]

Fig. 1. S c h e m a t i c m a p o f the H u a n c a b a m b a A n d e s s h o w i n g the l o c a t i o n o f t h e p a l e o m a g n e t i c sites. 1 = P r e c a m b r i a n / P a l e o z o i c

b a s e m e n t ; 2 = P o s t C r e t a c e o u s intrusives; 3 = M e s o - C e n o z o i c u n d i f f e r e n t i a t e d v o l c a n i c f o r m a t i o n s ; 4 = M e s o - C e n o z o i c u n d i f f e r e n -
t i a t e d series; 5 = H u a m b o s v o l c a n i c f o r m a t i o n ; 6 = P r e s e n t t r e n c h ; 7 = m a i n t h r u s t s ; 8 = A x e s o f m a j o r folds; 9 = S a m p l i n g sites;
Ch = C h i c l a y o ; Cj = C a j a m a r c a ; L = L a s L o m a s ; P = P a c a s m a y o ; Su = S u l l a n a ; Ta = T a l a r a ; Tu = T u m b e s .

could be obtained from this single site, but this ages estimated from these flows range between
result prompted additional sampling to further 54.8 and 44.2 Ma [11]. The Llama formation was
investigate the hypothesis of a post-Paleocene ro- deformed during the Incaic tectonic phase (around
tation of the Lancones Basin. Some preliminary 42 Ma) and then was covered by the Huambos
results from these additional sites have already formation dated by the K / A r method to be be-
been reported [7]. Here we give a more complete tween 35.4 and 38.4 Ma [11]. The basal unit of the
report of the results obtained from all sites in the latter is characterized by a pyroclastic flow of
Lancones Basin, including a description of rock rhyolitic welded tuff and its upper unit by dacitic
magnetic properties. We also discuss the results tufts and volcanic sandstones. In the coastal zone
obtained from volcanic and intrusive formations of the Cajamarca area, the Mesozoic formations
of similar age situated farther south in the Caja- and the Cenozoic volcanic formations are intruded
marca region, in order to compare the sense and by a few granodioritic stocks which have been
the amount of post-Paleocene rotations, north and dated at 43 My [12].
south of the Huancabamba deflection. We have sampled the intrusive formations of
the Lancones basin and the intrusive units and the
2. Geological setting and paleomagnetic sampling Huambos and Llama volcanics of the western
Cajamarca area. Two sites were also sampled in
The Lancones synclinorium is situated in an intermediate area near the village of Olmos
northern Peru and southern Ecuador between the (6 ° S) in the coastal intrusive formation. Over 410
Amotape-Tahuin range and the Olmos massif, cores were obtained from 41 sites whose location
north of the Huancabamba deflection. In its west- are shown in Fig. 1.
ern part, the Cretaceous formations consist of In the Lancones basin, five sites were sampled
Albian carbonates overlain by a flysch series of in Ecuador: one site near the village of Loja in a
late Cretaceous age. They grade eastward into stock which intrudes andesitic lava from the
mixed volcanic and partly volcaniclastic sedimen- Saraguro Group, and four sites in the Macara
tary rocks. These volcanics are characterized by formation, which intrudes the Celica volcanic for-
pillow-lava flows intercalated with hyaloclastic mation. In spite of careful search we have not
breccias and scarce volcaniclastic strata, intruded succeeded in locating any fresh outcrops in the
by dykes and sills of basaltic to andesitic composi- Celica formation in Ecuador. The other sites of
tion. Although not yet dated radiometrically, these this basin were sampled in northern Peru near Las
pillow lavas are constrained in age to be pre-A1- Lomas: four sites in the Las Lomas Granodiorite,
bian. They are unconformably overlain by forma- one site in the Montecillo Granite and one in the
tions of the Albian to Senonian volcanic arc and Penablanca Monzogranite. In the Cajamarca area,
by volcaniclastic series, both of which are intruded fifteen sites were sampled in the Llama formation
by granodioritic plutons of post-Senonian and and eight sites in the Huambos volcanics near
pre-Oligocene age [8,9]. Although this plutonism is Llama, Huambos and Sexi. Difficulty in gaining
not precisely dated, two different units can be access to outcrops precluded more exhaustive
distinguished, the younger unit having a higher Si sampling. Near Tembladera, five sites were ob-
content [10]. tained from the Gallito Ciego post-tectonic
The Cajamarca area, at about 7 ° S, is the south- granodioritic intrusions dated at 43 My [12].
ern limit of the Huancabamba deflection. There We have assumed that these post-tectonic in-
volcanic formations overlie the Mesozoic de- trusions have not been significantly tilted on the
formed formations of the western cordillera. These basis of both published and unpublished geologi-
volcanic formations consist mainly of two units: cal observations [10] (F. Mrgard, pers. commun.,
the deformed Llama formation and the overlying 1987). Tectonic bedding attitudes could be mea-
almost undeformed Huambos formation. The main sured in the Llama formation because, in most of
part of the Llama formation is constituted by the cases, volcano-sedimentary layers showing the
thick andesitic lava flows which overlie volcanic paleohorizontal were found interbedded within the
sandstones and conglomerates. The thickness of flows. For the Huambos formation the bedding
this formation varies from 1500 to 2000 m. K / A r was estimated from a structural study around the

site. As both volcanic formations are only slightly J/lrs

deformed, all the sampled sites are only gently 1,0

inclined successions (< 20 ° ). Significant declina-
tion errors due to tilt correction were thus avoided
At each site a minimum of ten cores were o,5 ¸
drilled using standard drilling equipment and each
core was independently oriented using both a
magnetic and a sun compass.
H (T)

3. Paleomagnetic
0,0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5

1 , 0 . B
3.1 General magnetic properties
The natural remanent magnetizations were
measured on standard 22 × 25 mm cylindrical
samples with either a spinner magnetometer or a
LETI 3-axis cryogenic magnetometer. The highest 0,5'

magnetizations are those of the Huambos volcanic

formations which range from 0.5 to 7 A / m (with [
the exception of site PE8723 which averages - 360
A / m , probably due to lightening). Lower magne- 0,¢
o lb
t 20
H (roT)
tizations ranging from 0.01 to 0.6 A / m are ob-
served for the intrusive formations.
Js/Jo (%)
Despite the wide differences in the lithologies
of the formations studied, the magnetic mineral- 100- "-... C~
ogy was found to be remarkably constant. Satura- 80"
tion of the Isothermal Remanent Magnetization 60-
(IRM) is attained below 0.25 T and the median
AF destructive field of the SIRM is always lower
than 3 mT, with the occasional presence of very 20"

small amounts of a higher coercivity material. 0"

During thermal demagnetization, the NRM de-
-20 - • - • - , - , • • . . . .
creases progressively and disappears at 580°C. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
T (°C)
Thermomagnetic curves were obtained from ex-
F i g . 2. T y p i c a l c u r v e s f o r ( A ) a c q u i s i t i o n o f t h e I s o t h e r m a l
tracts using a horizontal Curie balance in a nitro- R e m a n e n t M a g n e t i z a t i o n ( I . R . M ) a n d (B) t h e r m a l d e m a g n e t i -
gen atmosphere to avoid oxidation during the zation of the Saturated I.R.M. The thermomagnetic curves
heating. Curves generated for all sampled litholo- obtained with a Curie balance (C) indicate a single Curie
gies show a monotonic decrease of Js up to 575 o temperature at 575°C. Arrows indicate heating and cooling
curves. All these results are consistent with a magnetic mineral-
that is reversible upon cooling (Fig. 2). Thus, the
ogy dominated by magnetite.
results are all consistent with a magnetic mineral-
ogy dominated by magnetite.
At each step of the thermal demagnetization,
the low field magnetic susceptibility of every sam- pled formations are convenient for a paleomag-
ple was systematically measured. No changes ex- netic study.
ceeding a factor of two were observed suggesting
that no important mineralogical changes occurred 3.2 Stable paleomagnetic directions
during the thermal treatment in agreement with All samples were thermally demagnetized in ten
the reversible character of the thermomagnetic to sixteen steps between room temperature and
curves. The rock magnetic properties of the sam- 530 ° to 580°C, only occasionally slightly higher.

PE02.03D P E 6 4 08A AN55 09B


N ~ - I ~ S ¸
N ~ ~ : ' ', ~ , : "~ M=33


EC15 08C PE18 llC PE08 1 0 C

300C E E

M = 199 D M = 216 D M=l12 D

Fig. 3. Typical thermal demagnetization diagrams from the sampled formations. The 300°C step and the N.R.M intensity (10 -3
A/m) are indicated on each diagram. Open circles and full circles correspond to vertical and horizontal component respectively.

T h e results were interpreted using o r t h o g o n a l de- I n general stable a n d c o n s i s t e n t p r i m a r y

m a g n e t i z a t i o n diagrams some of which are shown p a l e o m a g n e t i c directions were isolated after heat-
o n Fig. 3. A t least the five to six last p o i n t s of ing b e y o n d 2 0 0 ° - 3 0 0 ° C . O n l y occasionally, we
each d i a g r a m were used to d e t e r m i n e the stable rejected a very few samples from different sites
p a l e o m a g n e t i c directions either b y h a n d or with a with a m b i g u o u s d e m a g n e t i z a t i o n behaviour. How-
least square c o m p u t e r fit, the two m e t h o d s yield- ever, three sites (EC87 13, PE87 03 a n d PE87 24)
ing virtually identical results. show erratic b e h a v i o u r a n d n o stable direction

Reliable paleomagnetic results from the intrusive formations of the Lancones region
Sites n D ( o) I ( o) K a95 ) Lithology
Lower intrusioe unit
AN86 73 12/12 38.0 - 19.0 525 1.8 Las Lomas granodiorite
PE87 09 9/9 29.5 - 25.7 76 5.3 Las Lomas granodiorite
PE87 11 10/10 30.5 - 22.8 73 5.2 Las Lomas granodiorite
PE87 18 12/12 16.4 - 9.8 208 2.8 Las Lomas granodiorite
EC87 15 7/9 22.0 - 18.0 97 5.3 Macara intrusive unit
EC87 16 8/8 19.0 - 17.0 26 9.7 Macara intrusive unit
Upper intrusive unit
PE87 08 9/10 4.3 -9.0 378 2.4 Penablanca Monzogranite
PE87 15 8/10 2.0 -12.0 185 3.6 Montecillo granite
EC87 14 8/8 3.2 -7.7 34 8.4 Macara intrusive unit
EC87 01 8/8 185.0 38.7 68 6.0 Loja intrusive unit
Mean paleomagnetic direction
N = 10/10 D = 17 I=-18.3 K = 27 a95 = 8.4

I R=24.7±11.6 F = 4.3 5:16.6


Reliable paleomagnetic results from the volcanic and the intrusive formations of the Cajamarca region

Sites n Before bedding corr. After bedding corr. K a95 ( ° )

D( ° ) I( ° ) D( ° ) I( ° )
lntrusives (no bedding correction)
AN86 48 10/10 162.0 30.0 - 43 7.4
AN86 49 7/9 349.5 - 22.5 - 41 9.6
AN86 54 9/10 329.0 - 16.7 - 29 8.6
AN86 55 9/9 341.3 - 11.2 - 50 6.5
AN86 56 6/7 342.4 - 11.0 - 317 3.2
Mean direction: N = 5/5 D = 340.7 I = - 18.4 K = 57.5 a95 = 8.2

Llama oolcanics
PE87 25 8/8 323.0 - 11.0 316.0. - 11.0 37 8.2
PE87 26 * 6/10 74.0 55.8 74.0 55.8 13 15.2
PE87 27 10/16 326.0 - 43.0 330.0 - 29.0 16 11.0
PE87 36 10/10 152.0 37.5 158.7 32.3 455 2.2
PE87 37 11/12 319.5 - 45.0 318.3 - 13.0 23 8.7
PE88 60 * 9/11 279.3 19.7 279.3 19.7 252 3.0
PE88 64 7/10 168.0 29.0 164.3 30.0 223 3.5
PE88 66 12/13 128.5 45.6 119.7 34.7 67 5.0
PE88 67 6/8 141.0 4.0 160.0 3.5 267 3.5
PE88 72 9/10 148.5 39.5 148.5 39.5 106 4.5
PE88 77 * 8/9 156.5 66.2 156.6 66.2 153 4.0
PE88 81 12/12 332.8 - 29.0 344.7 - 32.8 350 2.1
Mean direction (after BC): N = 9/12 D = 329 I = -25.8 K = 19.6 ot95=10.5

Huambos oolcanics
PE87 01 11/11 337.7 - 14.3 333.6 - 9.3 418 2.3
PE87 02 10/10 333.0 - 19.7 329.0 - 13.4 196 3.0
PE87 20 10/10 328.5 - 23.0 326.0 - 16.1 55 6.0
PE87 21 9/11 339.8 - 17.5 336.0 - 13.1 76 5.3
PE87 22 11/12 337.4 - 16.0 337.4 - 16.0 49 6.0
PE88 58 10/12 159.4 20.5 159.4 20.5 201 3.1
PE88 79 * 5/9 217.8 57.8 217.8 57.8 200 4.4
Mean direction (after BC): N = 6/7 D = 333.5 1 = - 14.8 K =172.4 a95 = 4.3
Mean regional direction taking into account the three formations after bedding correction:
N = 2 0 / 2 4 D=333.4 I = - 2 0 . 6 K = 3 0 a9s=5.7

[R = - 1 9 + 9 . 7 F=1.6+15 ]

could be determined from the demagnetization and thus are not reported in Tables 1 and 2 nor in
diagrams. Fisher's statistics was used to obtain the F i g . 4. F i n a l l y , d i r e c t i o n s f r o m f o u r s i t e s ( t h r e e
mean paleomagnetic directions and the statistical f r o m L l a m a , a n d o n e f r o m H u a m b o s ) t h a t di-
p a r a m e t e r s a t t h e d i f f e r e n t sites. I n g e n e r a l , t i g h t l y verged by more than two standard deviations from
grouped directions were observed. As an excep- the mean regional direction were considered
t i o n , f o u r sites, t w o s a m p l e d n e a r t h e O l m o s m a s - a n o m a l o u s a n d c o n s e q u e n t l y t h e y w e r e n o t in-
sif, o n e f r o m t h e L l a m a f o r m a t i o n a n d o n e f r o m c l u d e d in the final statistics.
the Huambos volcanics are characterized by an I n t h e L a n c o n e s s y n c l i n o r i u m t h e six s i t e s b e -
extremely high scatter, despite the almost rectilin- longing to the lower intrusive units are char-
ear diagrams obtained from single samples. As acterized by significantly easterly declinations. The
m e n t i o n e d before, the latter site has p r o b a b l y f o u r sites b e l o n g i n g to the y o u n g e r , Si-rich unit,
been struck by lightning. In total, only seven of yield declinations that, although slightly easterly,
t h e 41 s a m p l i n g s i t e s w e r e n o t c o n s i d e r e d r e l i a b l e do not significantly deviate from the geographical

North of the Huancabamba deflection South of the Huancabamba deflection

(Lancones basin and Southern Ecuador) (Cajamarca area)
0 0

270 90 270 90

180 180

Fig. 4. Equal area stereographic projection of the mean direction of paleomagnetic vectors for the sampled formations on both sides
of the Huancabamba deflection. Open circles correspond to upper-hemisphere and full circles to lower-hemisphere projections. Big
circles correspond to the 95% confidence area about the mean (stars).

north-south axes. In both cases the inclinations 4. Discussion

are slightly steeper than expected on the basis of a
centered dipole field. Undetected and different One of the difficulties encountered when trying
tilts at the different sites would cause larger scatter to interpret the paleomagnetic data is the lack of a
of the data, rather than coherent steepening of the reliable Apparent Polar Wander Path (APWP) for
inclinations and thus do not appear to be a rea- stable South America (SOAM).
sonable explanation for a steeper inclination. Recently the APWP has been greatly improved
Northward displacement or a general tilt affecting with the addition of four reliable poles for the late
the entire region appear more probable. If this last Cretaceous-early Tertiary (around 65 Ma) derived
hypothesis is correct, the steep inclinations can be from volcanic and intrusive formations in
accounted for by a small tilt ( < 10 °), thus, the Argentina and Patagonia [14,15]. When averaged,
obtained declinations would hardly be affected these poles yield a precise mean value defined by:
[13]. In any case, t h e s t e e p inclinations give evi- A = 80.7S; ff = 355.8E; A95 = 4.7. However, for
dence that neither of the two units has been the entire Cenozoic the only available poles are
remagnetized. We have averaged the two groups in still those given by Irving and Irving [16] for 15, 8
the final statistic (D = 17; I = - 1 8 . 3 ; K = 27; and 4 Ma, substantially younger than the ages of
a95 = 8.4). the formations considered in this paper. We note
In the Cajamarca region the results from the however that the 15 Ma pole of Irving and Irving
twenty reliable sites sampled in three different (A = 83S; ~ = 345E; A95 = 10.5) is rather close to
lithological units are remarkably consistent. Most the mean 65 Ma pole given above, the main dif-
of the sites are characterized by normal polarity. ference being the better precision of the latter. The
However, when reverse magnetizations are ob- movement of SOAM thus appears to have been
served, and this is the case for at least one site rather limited between the two epochs. For the
from each lithology, their directions are perfectly interpretation of the Eocene-Early Ohgocene data,
antiparallel to the normal ones. When the results one could then reasonably use either one of the
from the Huambos, the Llama volcanics and the two poles. We have however preferred to calculate
intrusive units are averaged together (inverting the an intermediate 40 Ma pole averaging out the new
reverse directions through the origin) they indicate mean 65 Ma pole and the 15 Ma pole used by
a significant and clearly defined 27 ° westerly Irving and Irving. We have then referred all our
declination (D = 333.4 + 6.1). results to this calculated pole (~ = 81.9S; q~=
336 P. M I T O U A R D ET AL.

350.4E; A95 = 7.5). We must stress that the inter- zone of distributed shear, or to oroclinal bending
pretation of the results would be unchanged if the of the Cordillera. For the regions studied here,
mean late Cretaceous-early Tertiary pole or the distributed dextral and sinistral shear respectively
15 Ma pole of Irving and Irving had been used north and south of the H u a n c a b a m b a deflection
instead. The rotation ( R ) and flattening ( F ) could arise as a result of the different angular
parameters calculated with this pole using the relation between the trend of the margin and the
equations given by Beck [17] and Demarest [18] direction of the convergence, which has been
are given in Tables 1 and 2 for the sites north and closely E - W in the last 28 Ma [20,21]. In such a
south of H u a n c a b a m b a respectively. The large tectonic regime, which would lead in each region
error values associated to the two parameters and to rotations of the observed sense, one would
particularly to F are mainly due to the large value expect the shear to be associated with strike-slip
of A95. faulting, which should be visible in the field in
South of the H u a n c a b a m b a deflection, the very both studied regions. In the Cajamarca region,
consistent paleomagnetic results obtained in the strike-slip faults have been documented at the
Cajamarca area from the Llama and the H u a m b o s borders of the Mesozoic "intra-chain" barriers
volcanic formations and from the coastal intrusive and along the fold axis of the Mesozoic forma-
stock clearly demonstrate the occurrence of a 19 o tions [22-24]. However, these faults do not have
+ 9.7 o post-early Oligocene counterclockwise ro- large amplitude offsets nor are they widespread
tation affecting the coastal area of northern Peru. and thus cannot account for the large measured
The sense of this rotation agrees with previously rotations.
published paleomagnetic results obtained in the In the Lancones basin post-Cretaceous active
same area from Cretaceous formations [7] and faulting has been documented, but has been con-
also with those obtained from Mesozoic forma- sidered so far as purely extensional [8], although
tions farther east in the Bagua Grande area [3] at the edges of the A m o t a p e range, the steeply
which indicate - 30 o anticlockwise rotations. Our dipping folds axes m a y be related to strike-slip
results thus show that a substantial fraction of the faulting. Clear evidence for a dextral strike-slip
rotation recorded by Mesozoic formations is much regime is, however, present immediately north of
more recent than previously believed. the sampled region in southern Ecuador. The main
North of the H u a n c a b a m b a deflection, the re- Dolores-Guayaquil megashear has been docu-
sults from the Lancones Basin in northern Peru mented by m a n y geological and geophysical stud-
and southern Ecuador consistently show a clock- ies [25,26] and smaller faults with Oligocene and
wise rotation, the amplitude of which is 25 o + Miocene dextral strike-slip movements have been
11.6 ° when the mean paleomagnetic direction is recognized just north of the Lancones Basin [27]
referred to the 40 M a reference pole. suggesting that a large zone of distributed shear
The results reported here thus document an might exist to the east of the megashear.
unpredicted pattern of post-Paleocene clockwise The tectonic regimes north and south of the
and post-early Oligocene counterclockwise rota- H u a n c a b a m b a deflection are thus quite different
tions north and south of the H u a n c a b a m b a deflec- and there is non a-priori reason to think that the
tion, respectively. So far, only one study suggest- rotational patterns prevailing in these two regions
ing a - 1 5 ° counterclockwise rotation has been arise from the same mechanisms. In our opinion
reported from Neogene post-tectonic rocks in the the clockwise rotation north of the bend may
Central Andes of Peru, the Ocros dyke swarm reasonably be related to the distributed shear re-
near Ayacucho [19]. However, Beck [5] has shown gime documented by geological studies. South of
that these results do not meet simple reliability the bend, on the contrary, the absence of any clear
criteria so that they must be considered with some evidence of large scale left lateral strike-slip fault-
caution. Thus, to our best knowledge, our results ing over the region affected by the rotation, sug-
are the first to unambiguously document post-early gests that the results reflect a rotation of the
Oligocene rotations in the Central Andes. Peruvian margin, rather than a distributed shear.
This pattern of clockwise and counterclockwise Recently, Isacks has proposed a model relating
rotations could be due either to block rotation in a the uplift of the Central Andean Plateau to the

bending of the Bolivian orocline [28]. In this model, that no significant rotation has affected this area
along-strike variations in the amount of late during the last 25 Ma [31]. Those results would
Cenozoic shortening result from corresponding appear inconsistent with Isacks' model. However,
variations of the width of a weakened zone in the the investigated region is close to the Arica elbow
overriding plate. Maximum shortening exists at where the pattern of counterclockwise rotation in
20 °S latitude and decreases both northward and the north changes into clockwise rotations in the
southward leading to an enhancement of the con- south. The amount of rotation in this region de-
cave shape of the Arica elbow and to counter- pends upon the detailed trajectories of material in
clockwise and clockwise rotations north and south the deforming forearc. A thorough investigation of
of it. When combined with the available the structural setting of the sampled sites is thus
paleomagnetic results from the Central Andes, the needed to assess the bearing of these preliminary
model predicts a maximum shortening signifi- results upon the movement of Central Andes in
cantly larger (425 km) than the one documented Peru.
by the geological studies (210-250 km [29]). Isacks Thus our results need to be extended south-
argues that the paleomagnetic data are from ward, with particular attention to Neogene forma-
Mesozoic formations and thus integrate the defor- tions in the Central Andes, before the relation
mation over the entire Cenozoic, while the model between the rotations, the maximum shortening,
only considers late Cenozoic evolution. The results and the upfift can be considered as definitively
reported here, which show that about 60% of the established.
total rotation has occurred during the Cenozoic
allow a more realistic evaluation. When the value 5. Conclusions
of the post-early Oligocene rotation is used, the
model predicts a maximum shortening of about The results obtained here from post-Paleocene
350 km more in agreement with the geological and early Oligocene formations in southern
estimate, especially considering that this latter Ecuador and northern Peru, although certainly
gives a lower bound for the shortening (note that incomplete, yield convincing evidence for a pat-
were the Peruvian margin rigid, the observed 19 o tern of clockwise and counterclockwise rotations
+ 9.7 ° counterclockwise rotation would imply a respectively north and south of the Huancabamba
difference in shortening of 530 + 270 km between deflection. While in the north, these rotations seem
northern and southern Peru). to be related to block rotation in a distributed
Although Isacks' model appears to yield rather dextral shear, in the south, the rotational pattern
satisfactory results, we must stress that the hy- results more realistically from a rotation of the
pothesis of a relationship between the rotations entire Peruvian margin. This rotation is most
reported here and the uplift of the Andes depends probably related to the uplift of the Central
on the extent to which our results, obtained in the Andean Plateau, in agreement with recent pub-
region of the Cajamarca deflection, are significant lished model relating this uplift to the bending of
for the entire Peruvian margin. It depends also on the Bolivian orocline. When combined with this
the precise timing of the rotation which is at model, the data obtained here suggest that the
present not better constrained than post-early amount of shortening in the Central Andes is
Oligocene. Indeed the Andean uplift is entirely greater than documented by geological studies,
Neogene, and according to Isacks, only extension but a more detailed evaluation will only be ob-
without any shortening has occurred from early tained through additional paleomagnetic investi-
Oligocene to early or middle Miocene. So far, only gations of Cenozoic formations in Central Peru.
two paleomagnetic studies have been conducted in
recent formations in the Central Andes. In one Acknowledgements
case [30], no rotation was detected from Miocene
and Pliocene formations in southern Peru, in This work is part of a cooperation between the
agreement with the predictions of Isacks' model. C F R and the Institut Fran~ais d'l~tudes Andines
In the second case, preliminary results obtained (IFEA). We wish to thank Yves Saint-Geours,
from lacustrine basins in Bolivia have reported Director of the IFEA, for his help in the organisa-
338 P. M I T O U A R D E T AL.

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