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33 bb used to and would Sir Ranulph Fiennes is an explorer. He used to be a soldier but started exploring in the 1960s. When he was younger, he used to go on very difficult expeditions and he would take risks that many other explorers wouldn't. In 2000, for example, he attempted to walk to the North Pole, alone and unsupported. Form of used to {n't use to be an explorec * Its so possible to form the negative and question with used to: didn’ used to did you used to? ‘There is no present form of used to: x Fuse-to-go-to-work by-bues: 7 I go to work by bus. Do not confuse used to do with be/get used to doing: T’m used to spending time on my own. (= I'm often alone; it isn’t unusual for me.) Tused to spend time on my own. (= I spent time on my own in the past; I don’t any more.) used to ‘We use used to + infinitive to talk about regular past actions that do not happen now: Tused to take the bus to work every day. (But now I take the train.) People used to write a lot of letters. (But now they send emails.) ‘We often use adverbs of frequency (e.g. always, once a week, every year) with used to: Talways used to swim before breakfast. We often used to hold parties for our friends. We never used to stay up late when we were young! (= We didn’t use to stay up late.) ‘We also use used to + infinitive when we talk about past situations that are no longer true: He used to be a soldier. (But now he’s an explorer.) France used to have a king. Pronunciation > 1.13 would ‘We can also use would + infinitive to talk about regular past actions that do not happen now: When we first moved here, people would stop and talk in the street. They dan’t now. ‘When we start descriptions of past actions with used to, we usually continue with would: When he was younger, he used to go on very difficult expeditions and he would take risk .. Would is used for past actions, not situations: x France-would-have-a-king. J France used to have a king. Pronunciation > 1.14 used to or past simple? ‘We often use used to, not the past simple, when we want to emphasise a difference between the past and the present: My sister works in an office now but she used to work on a farm. We use the past simple for ¢ single actions in the past: x Hused-to-favean-examtlast-week. / I had an exam last week ‘© periods of time: x Hesedto-bein-Greece fortne-pedrs. He was in Greece for two years. ‘© a number of times: x Hyesee-to-switn-in-the pool twice wher we-staped there, ¥ We swam in the pool twice when we stayed there. Practice 11 Choose the correct words in italics. In two sentences, both answers are possible. 0 When we lived in the country, people in shops would much friendlier. 1 When I was a child we didn’t use / weren't used to fly in’ afford it. Do / Did you use to wear a uniform at your last school? ‘When Matt was in his twenties, he used to / would play rugby every Sunday. Last week we interviewed / used to interview over twenty candidates. Did you use to / Would you have dark hair when you were a girl? In the nineteenth century people worked / used to work longer hours than they do now. 2 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple, used to or would. (Remember not to repeat used to too much.) SOEKHD Listen and check. The greatest mountain climber of all time? Reinhold Messner soften called the greatest moun limber of line" he was he frst person to climb all fourteen peaks of ove 8,000 metres, Messner was bom neat Bolzano, aly in 1948, Tis area)... belong. (ciong) to the Ausian Emit andi sill German-speaking. When Reino was child be Ww ... (go) climbing in the Dolomite Mountains with his father and brothers He 2) sss B8COM) ery B004 climber a a younE 296: He fist). sss mb) he Himalayas in 197, though hs expedition was a tragedy because his brother O} (ie) on the way down, Messner was wel-known fr hi attude ote mountsn: be (5) i (climb) with only light equipment, be © (oot request any outside support and he 0 (ot ake) any extra oxygen at atime when it vas thought impossible ro climb the highest peaks without oxygen. Apart from mountaineering, Messner (8) make) numberof Arctic and Antarctic crossings. 3 Find six more mistakes and correct them. Tick (/) the correct sentences. check. Listen and Messner didn't use to faking extra oxygen when he climbed, When we went to Nepal, I used to climb to Everest Base Camp once. When we were children, we'd often visit our grandparents at the weekends. People today use to spend a lot of time on their computers. they use to have electric lighting in the 1800s? Centuries ago people would be a lot shorter than today. We never use to stay at school for lunch in those days. Before the 1960s men wouldn't have long hair. Were you used to | rn French when you were at school? 4 Use the words in brackets to write about things that have changed in your life. 0 (holidays) WhenT was young we would go ta the mountains on, holiday, but now I go abraad. 1 (holidays) 2 (music) 3 (friends) 97 34 1 98 Past perfect simple Form We form the past perfect with had + past participle. The regular past participle ends in -ed (e.g. finished) Posmive | had already seen the fm. ‘She had met him before. We had finished early. NEGATIVE {had not (hadnt) seen it before, ‘He had not thadn't) met her before. They had not (hadn't) finished the job. QUESTIONS Had you seen the film? (Yes, | had.) Gr fae eae Had they finished the job? (No. they hadnt.) - een ee ‘While had he metiher before? [U the first woman commander ‘of a US space flight, but four Irregular past participles, e.g. seen, met, > page 348 years earlier, she had also Pronunciation > 1.15 become the frst female American pilot in space. The order of past actions ‘We can use the past perfect to show which action happened first: (2) Before I finally found a job, (1) I had been to about thirty interviews. If one action happens immediately after the other, we use the past simple for both: X When-Colin-had-arrived-at-the-door, Sheila opened it straight away. ¥ When Colin arrived at the door, Sheila opened it straight away. We often use adverbs of time and linking words with the past perfect: Four years earlier, she had become the first American female pilot in space. (adverb) I'd never liked Japanese food before but the meal Yuki cooked was lovely. (adverb) By the time Grace decided to apply for the job, the position had been filled. (linking phrase) We often use the past perfect in stories to show a series of events in the pa: There was no answer from the house. No face at the window. Time had stopped here ... Where was she? Where had she gone? The grass had grown thick .. (irom Ghostwalk, by Rebecca Stott) Past perfect or past simple? We usually use the past simple, not the past perfect, + if the order of actions is clear: I got my fist job after I left university. « if the order of actions is the same as the order of the verbs in the sentence. Compare: When I got to the café, everyone ordered their drinks. (= First, I got to the café, then everyone ordered their drinks.) When I got to the café, everyone had ordered their drinks. (< First, everyone ordered their drinks, then I got to the café.) Giving reasons We can use the past perfect to give a reason for an action or situation, often with because: Eileen Collins became the commander because she had already flown as a space pilot. Emily was unhappy - her husband hadn’t bought her a birthday present. Superlatives We often use the past perfect (and ever) with superlative adjectives: It was the worst meal I had ever eaten! I never went there again. ‘We also use the past perfect after it was the first, second, etc: We went to Egypt in 1996, It was the first time we'd travelled outside Europe. Present perfect + superlatives > Unit 37.4 Practice 1 Which action comes first in each sentence? Write 1 or 2 after the verbs. 0 Russell realised [2] his mistake only hours after he had sent [ 1] the money. When Kris arrived [ ] at the station, the group had already left [ When Kris arrived [ ] at the station, the group left [ Mandy had asked | | her father to lend her the car before, but this time he agreed [ | Sam had been | ] in the room for some time before he realised [ it was the wrong class. By the time the builders completed [_ the work, we had already moved in [ When the builders had completed [ ] the work, we moved in [ Jelena started [_] the course because she hadn't found [ | a job. Kevin got [ | the job because he had been [ |] the best interviewee, 2 Read these sentences from novels and choose the correct words in italics. Listen and check, 0 Her mother had (iad had) beautiful voice, both when she(@rgy had sung and when she talked had talked. 1 The girls were still there, standing where he saw / had seen them earlier, 2 Liesel’s treat was a ride in a car. She was never /Iuad never been in one before 3 The man was very pleasant, reminding him that they met / had met at Adam’s wedding, 4 As Joe walked away, he felt/ had felt that he said / had said goodbye to the last phase of his youth 5. She stepped out of the bath, reached / had reached for the towel the maid left / had left for her and wrapped / had wrapped it around her. 3 Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or past perfect. Listen and check. Leyton stared at the expanse of the Atlantic Ocean in front of him. He (0) had finally come (finally / come) to the end of his journey, Several months ago he (1) (not/ know) whether the journey would really be possible. After all, he (2) (recover) from his illness only weeks before he (3) (make) the decision well, it was because of the illness that he (4) (Gecide) to do this, to prove itwes possible, Then, after @ few weeks of planning and worrying, he (5) {Set out), starting from the northernmost point of the country and walking, on his own, to the southernmost point. And here he was, at the end of his journey ~ he (6) (achieve) his aim, And he (7) (realise) now that it was the most exciting thing he (@) (ever / do) ~ and probably ever would do — in is life 35 Past perfect continuous Francisco Pizarto had been exploring Central and South America for twenty years when he led the famous expedition to Peru which destroyed the inca Empire. 1 Form had been watching them. She had been learning the language. We had been working hard. Thad not (hadn’t) been watching them. He had not (hadn't) been learning the language. They had not thadn’t) been working hard. Had you been watching them? (Yes, |had.) Had they been working hard? (No, they hadn‘t) Which language had she been learning? 2 Use We use the past perfect continuous to talk about an action or situation that was happening in the past before another action or time: Thad been learning French for five years when I went to live in Paris. ‘How long had you been living in the house when you sold it?” ‘Oh, about a year.’ We usually introduce the second action with wher: He'd been taking driving lessons for years when he finally passed the test The first action can stop when the second action happens, or it can continue: we ci = to ed ETT rs ; ; when the bus finaly arrived. when Phil became the new sales manager. {The continuous action stops) (The continuous action doesn't stop.) OD Pronunciation > 1.16 3 Emphasising time and giving reasons The past perfect continuous often emphasises a period of time: Pizarro had been exploring for twenty years when he went to Peru. We can use the past perfect continuous to give a reason for an action or feeling in the past: Derek was very tired when he arrived — he'd been driving in heavy traffic all afternoon. 4 Comparison with other forms Notice the difference between the past continuous and the past perfect continuous: When 1 arrived home, Brad was washing the car. (He was still washing it.) When 1 arrived home, Brad had been washing the car and he was wet. (He was no longer washing the car.) The differences between the past perfect simple and continuous are similar to the differences between the present perfect simple and continuous (> Unit 40.1). called Jane after ’d written my essay. (The essay was finished.) called Jane after I'd been writing my essay for two hours. (The essay wasn't finished.) © We use the past perfect simple with a number or amount: Tealled Jane after I'd read half the reports. I gave up after I'd phoned six times without getting through. © We do not usually use the past perfect continuous with state verbs. (> Unit 29.3) 100 : Practice ‘1 Write sentences in the past perfect continuous and the past simple using the words below. (ENG Listen and check. 0 The explorers / sail / for days / when they / finally see / land The. explorers. had been. sailing far. days.when. they finally. saw land. 1 How long / you / work there / when you / become / a director ? 2 1/ mot sleep / well / for weeks / when I / have / the accident at work 3 Paul / work / really long hours / for six months / when he / become ill. 4 How long / Sarah / take / the medicine / before she / get better ? 5 We / not save / hard enough / so we / not can / go on holiday with the others 2. Complete the sentences with the past perfect continuous of the verbs from the box. not listen not wear play rain swe work 0 Jack was feeling exhausted because he had. beers. nuaning for three hours. 1 Barry and Gill were soaked when they arrived because it heavily, 2 Emma found the essay difficult because she in the lecture. 3 Yolanda fell asleep at her desk because she : too hard, 4 The children were dirty because they in the garden, 5 Will had got really sunburnt because he any sunscreen. 3 Complete the email with phrases from A-H below. Listen and check. subject [Exposition t Bolivia Just a quick email to say that | this evening to check. Grace has finally got her train ticket ~ she (0) .. for it for ages because they (1) ‘a mistake with the time of the train. trina (2)........ for her ticket when | spoke to, her, so | told her to go online and print it out from there. Lily seems on top of things ~ she (3) when | called. Oh, Grace had to go out atthe ast minute and buy @ new bag as she (4)... 1WO ‘bags before she realised that we can only check in one piece of luggage! By the way, | haven't got details of the hostel yet. When | spoke to the travel agent yesterday, they (5)... enquires about a better one earlier inthe day, and they were waiting to hear back. They'te going to call me fist thing tomorrow moming, They/ve been realy good, actually —they (6)... 10 change the hostel before caling me because they weren't happy with the first one Umust 90. 1(7)..... 19 pack befor | called the students sol inish now. il see you at the airport tomorrow evening, Julia A. was starting D_ was packing G had decided B had made E_ had packed Hhad been waiting C had been making — F_ was still waiting 101 102 Review MobuLeE 6 UNITS 30, 31 AND 32 Complete the two conversations. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets - past simple or past continuous. ‘currk Castle Bank. How can I help you? cater Hello. I’m afraid I’ve lost my debit card. currk OK, What (0) Were. you. doing... (you / do) when you last (1) (have) it? canter 1(2) z (get) cash out of a machine It wasn’t stolen, though. currk Right. When (3) (this / happen)? camten Two days ago, I think. cuxrx OK, We'll check your account and get a new card to you within five days. cau But (4) (hope) to go away tomorrow. Can't you send it now? rua How was your day at the beach? sex Well, when we (5) (arrive), the sun (6) (shine) brightly and it was really warm, Hua Great! wn But then it 7)... (start) to rain and it (8) (not / stop) raining all day! UNITS 30 AND 33. Find seven more mistakes in the story and correct them. ‘1 dant know what's happened to my bestfriend, Sarah. 'm quite worried about her. She ‘would be a really fun-loving person but she’s changed. It all started when she would go to Africa after college and worked in a village, helping poor children. She used to be there for ‘two years, She obviously loved it there, but she’s become really serious. She never use to be like that. When we were at college together, we would go out in the evenings ~ to the cinema, to cafés and so on, we weren’t use to worry about anything. We would often go away at the ‘weekend with a group of friends and Sarah used be ready to try anything - horse-riding, sailing, surfing —all that. But now she prefers to stay at home because she thinks we shouldn't spend money on these things. She is never used to criticise me so much — now she says that I need to take life more seriously. She used to tell me the other day that I was wasting my life! I know that she’s learnt a lot from her work in Africa and that she's right in some ways, but you still need to have some fun, don’t you?” UNITS 30, 31, 34 AND 35. Match the sentences 1-5 with the correct meaning, A or B. 0 The plane had landed when we heard the noise. ‘A We heard it before the plane landed. (8) We heard it after the plane landed. 1 The children were preparing breakfast when I woke up. A Breakfast was ready. B Breakfast wasn't ready. 2 When Jeanette opened the door, I saw that she had been crying. A Her eyes were red. B There were teats running down her face. 3. When Boris and Angela arrived, we'd already eaten dinner. A Dinner was still in progress. B Dinner was over, 4 A.Lunits Read the article and choose the correct words in italics. 4 I'd already decided to leave the area when the new neighbours moved in. A [decided to leave before they came. B I decided to leave after they came. 5 I decided to leave the area when the new neighbours moved in. A I decided to leave before they came. B I decided to leave because of the neighbours. Theva ary fal pred cdermresiare coe kn (5 hd been Mary King. a in London 1882 Kinsey (GjeeeSa ed ed pa ek A ho orn eae (2) wee or deveing fad ve vveed Defoe May/sather was adoro eyed as eying tain. sth the eigen geomet eck nibd fovernopes ecseaty akan rch of Mar ete wes had spt rung her un he edn 1252 Bees ao en nex oor ne a pen ese cn weal ibd beeen ert fren far, Mary syed with er younger beter nie decided to wae to China in 1853 Nowe, Mary toed to Wet Aca wi the reton of ope the book hc ita) re od roa to is a Fromten to 1895, May toed down the cos of West ica, Whe she (as avin / sed aves) had elected cletedpecens of teyial Eh ei Bich Aun ved ec noing i po gatheing materia oer bok Wren se reared Erendin 195 she {To} wrote ad bee wing her beck "oes West Ac which mediately beau abanie Nar (1) fad retuned rue cain 1898, tne wo South ica, whe he oe Wa {2 fd ut dan tit ke oS rtrd feasts elfeil nce fa eau cabs eee became esa and ein 1300, athe ge fn ay seven 5 ALLUNITS Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word in brackets. Use two to five words in your answer. 0 The car broke down when we were in the middle of our drive to Manchester. (as) ‘The car broke down .4¢. we. were, driving, .. to Manchester. 1 It’s Friday and I heard from Julian on Tuesday about the job application. (ago) Theard from Julian about the job application. 2. Before we were aware of global warming, we drove bigger cars. (drive) Before we were aware of global warming, we bigger cars, 3 They enquired at five hotels before they found one with a vacancy. (had) After they at five hotels, they found one with a vacancy. 4 The play was cancelled when the group was in the middle of rehearsals. (rehearsing) ‘The group the play was cancelled. 5 Fuad finally mastered English after two years in New York. (living) | Fuad : in New York for two years before he finally mastered English. 6 We spent the summers at the seaside when we were little, but we wouldn’t swim in the sea very often. (use) We spent the summers at the seaside when we were little, but we in the sea very often. 103 104 Test MODULE 6 Past tenses Choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. 1 2 s 10 u 12 13 14 16 v7 18 19 20 After years as a classroom assistant, Alicia finally a teacher. A become B became C did became ‘I know about the timetable changes.’ ‘Oh, when. you? A they told B did they told C did they tell Our friends were in France at the time of the floods. A living B live C liveing Pablo and Pilar at the same hotel as us. A wasn’t staying B not staying C weren't staying Lucy called us with the news when we dinner. A prepared B were preparing C prepare Although Sam spent four years studying maths, he it very well ‘A wasn’t understanding B didn’t understood C didn’t understand My boss to shout while we were discussing the sales figures. A was starting B was started C started > unit 30 > Unit 31 > Unit 31 > Unit 31 > Unit 31 > Unit 32 We were at the academy together - Harry to play the piano while I was learning to sing. A learns B was learnt C was learning Jeff was working for a medical company he finished his PhD. A when B while C as Meredith fluent Russian but she doesn’t any more. A used to speak B used to speaking C use to speak recognise you - to go to Kingston Girls’ School? A use you B didn’t you use C don’t you used My mother’s hair is grey now but she have beautiful red hair. A used to B would C had ‘When I lived in Bilbao, I the Guggenheim Museum several times. A would visit B visited C used to visit Hilary as a doctor in Bangladesh for eighteen months. A used to work B would work C worked Sony offered Neela a job before she her degree. A finish B had finished C was finishing Thad breakfast quite early, then | to the bus stop and caught the bus. A had gone B had went C went We missed part of the concert because it when we got to the hall A started B had started C hadn't started Tony in China for long before the earthquake happened. A hadn't been working B hadn’t working C hadn't been worked We all the museums in the town by the end of the tour, A visited B had visited C had been visiting Sorry I shouted at you. I was annoyed because I problems with the computer all morning. A had been having B was having C had > Unit 32 > unit 32 > unit 33 > unit 33 > Unit 33, > Unit 33 > Unit 34 > Unit 34 > Unit 34 > Unit 35 > unit 35 > Unit 35 Present perfect Before you start MODULE 1 Read the extracts from a newspaper article and a letter. Look at the highlighted grammar examples, | | MARKET N DINGLE oT | io gon bout with sales of over fifty cars per week the company urgently needed a new and larger testers EY supermarket Dear Customer, ; tees 290 BBB a car tom g about eplaing fly | fee espe fers @ huge Tange and incredible value? E Well, look no. further. We F {eur rhe bests andne tan ty diferent modes maag these really are . 10 all our customers, 2. Now read the sentences and choose the correct words in italics. The ‘highlighted grammar examples will help you. 1 Has he buying / bought a car from a supermarket before? > Unit 36 2 Have you looked yet on the internet / on the Internet yet ? > Unit 36 3. Yes, we've yet /just looked at their website. > Unit 36 4 This is the best car J owned /'ve ever owned. > Unit 37 $_ My parents have had the same car since 2003 / eight years > Unit 37 © I've gone/ I went to look at some used cars two weeks ago. > Unit 38 7 We've been looked / looking for a new car since January. > Unit 39 8 Have you searching / you been searching for a sports cat? > Unit 39 9 Jack can’t decide which new car to buy. He's been looking / looked at more than twenty different ones this month. > Unit 40 10 I'm very tired. I've been driving / driven all morning. > Unit 40 3. Check your answers below, Then go to the unit for mor Buraup w92q OT paxoo] 6 Buryoxeas us9q NOK g £002 § PaUMOIAa IAI f YSnI ¢ formation and practice. Buryoo] quam} 9 yA UIDIUT 31 YO Z_y4yRn0q | 36 Present perfect for past experiences and present results Have you driven an automatic car before? 1 Form We form the present perfect with have + past participle, The regular past participle ends in -ed (e.g. finished Ihave ('ve) finished. ‘She has (3) gone. They have (‘ve) broken it. Ihave not (haven't finished. He has not (hasn't) gone. We have not (haven‘t) broken it Hove you EEGs Cre Has he gone? (No, ‘t 7 neo Rinajoutecn? (, I'l explain how it works. In speech and informal writing, we usually use short forms of has/have in positive and negative statements I've finished. She hasn't gone. (D Pronunciation > 1.17 Many common past participles are irregular. Irregular verbs > page 348 regular play use visit want played used visited wanted imegular be break come drive been broken come driven eat go have eaten gone had A There is a difference in meaning between been and gone: My parents have gone to New York on holiday. (= They are there now.) My parents have been to New York. (= They have visited it in the past, and have returned home.) 2 Past experiences We use the present perfect to talk about actions and experiences that have happened in our lives up to now: Have you driven an automatic car before? I’ve travelled a lot. My father has worked for several different companies. We can use expressions like offen, once, twice or several times to say ‘how often’: ve eaten in that restaurant several times. My parents have visited Canada twice. 3 ever, never, before We often use ever to ask questions about past experiences. It means ‘in your life’: Have you ever driven a truck? Has Kemal ever been to an opera? ‘We use never in negative sentences. It means ‘not in your life’ ve never swum with dolphins. Caroline's never eaten Chinese food. A We put ever and never before the past participle: X Hiave-you boon ever te California? ¥ ‘Have you ever been to California?’ ‘No. I've never been there.’ 106 We often use before to say whether it’s the first time we've done something: We've been here before. We came for my birthday. (= We are here now and we've been here in the past as well.) Thaven’t stayed in a five-star hotel before. (= 1am going to stay in one soon - for the first time.) We usually put before at the end of the statement or question: Have you been here before? Past actions with present results We can use the present perfect to talk about a past NA cars broken conn action that has a result in the present: Can you send a mechanic? My car's broken down. (= It broke down earlier, and it isn’t working now.) They've gone out. (= They went out earlier, and they aren't here now.) ‘Compare this with the past simple, where the action and the result are both in the pa: My car broke down last year and I couldn't drive it for three weeks. just, already, recently We use just to talk about actions that happened a very short time ago: The plane has just landed. The passengers are getting off now. The shop has just closed — you can’t go in now. Already means ‘before the expected time’. We use it in positive sentences: You've missed the match. It’s already finished. We usually put just and already before the past participle: K My-car has brokertdowe just. J My car has just broken down. Graham’s train has already arrived. You don't need to lock the cat. I've already done i We use recently to talk about actions that happened in the last few days or months: Have you seen them recently? What's the place like now? I haven't been there recently. ‘We don’t use already in negative sentences: X The parcel hasn't arrived-already. / The parcel hasn't arrived yet. still, yet We use yet in questions to ask about something we expect to happen around now, but which hasn’t happened at the time of speaking: Has the six o'clock train arrived yet? It’ five past six and I haven't seen it. We use still or yet in negative sentences when we expected something to happen before now: Our pizzas haven't come yet. We ordered them nearly half an hour ago! I save my teacher that essay last week but she still hasn't marked it We usually put yet at the end of a question or negative statement; we put still before hasm't/ haven't: Has your car been repaired yet? We still haven't had our exam results. We can also use still in positive sentences to say that an earlier situation has not changed. We use the present simple or continuous, not the present perfect: Carlos is thirty, but he still lives with his parents. The bridge is closed; they're still repairing it. We don’t use yet in positive sentences: x Prepaid forthe meatyet. / I've already paid for the meal. American English justialready/yet > page 353 107 BG presenr pec: past EXPERIENCES AND PRESENT RESULTS 2 108 Practice Write sentences and questions in the present perfect, using the words below. Listen and check. 0 1/not finish / the report L haven't finished the report. 00 you / see / my keys? Have you, seen, my keys? 1. we / play / five games this season 2. you / eat / anything today ? 3. our friends / not had / a pet before 4 Sally / break / her mobile phone 5. Clive / use / this computer ? 6 1/ never drive / an American car 7 the children / see / all the Harry Potter films ? 8 Mr Lopez / not come / to work today Match the sentences 1-7 with the explanations A-H. 0 My computer broke down. ‘A So I have to water the garden. 1 My computer has broken down. B This is our first visit. 2. We've been here before. C He isn’t here at the moment. 3. We haven’t been here before. D I couldn't send any emails 4. He's gone to the post office. E SoI don’t have to water the garden. 5. He's been to the post office. F This isn’t our first visit. 6 Ithasn’t rained y G I can’t send any emails. 7 It's just stopped raining, H He brought back some stamps. (MMM complete the conversation with the words from the box. (DERE Listen and check. already been before ever just never recently still yet saxpy How are the wedding plans going? sara OK, But there are lots of things I haven’t done (0) et Many But you've (1) chosen your dress, haven't you? sara No, 1(2) haven't seen anything I like. Manpy Have you (3) to Baxter's? They've got a good selection sara Really? Their clothes used to be very old-fashioned. But I haven’t been there @ Manpy It's better now. Actually, there are lots of nice designs in the Nuptia catalogue. Perhaps you should get a dress from them. sara I'm not sure. I've (5) bought a dress from a catalogue. Manpy Well, at least have a look at it. They've (6) sent me the new edition. [can bring it around later. sara All right. Maxpy What about the cake? Have you (7) tried that place on Randall Street? They do fantastic cakes. sara I know. But they seemed a bit expensive to me. Of course, I don’t really know how much a big wedding cake should cost. I've never bought one (8) ! 4 Match the sentences with the pictures. Then write a si ® ble word in each gap. DB Bess 0 We're really nervous about the flight. We've never... been ona plane before. ¢. 1 can’t come out. I haven't finished my homework 2. Lordered this spare part three weeks ago and it hasn't arrived! 3. How is your brother? I haven't seen him. 4 don’t want to rent that film. I've seen it. 5 Find eight more mistakes in the conversation and correct them. you brought pave Have Brought you the new car? auice Yes. I’ve park it outside. Come and have a look pave It’s lovely. How fast does it go? auc I don’t know, I yet haven't driven it on the motorway. pave I bet it’s really fast. Pete's got one of these and he says he's did over 125 mph in it! auce Oh, that’s too fast for me. I've driven never over 80 or 90. ave I haven't driven a car like this already. Could I have a go? auce I’m afraid not. Just 've arranged the insurance and I'm the only person that’s allowed to drive it. pave That's a pity. How do you turn on the CD player? sauce Mmm, I'm not sure. I've looked at the manual yet. pave Has it got air-conditioning? auce Yes. I'm really looking forward to the hot weather so I can try it out. I've never had before a car with air-conditioning! 6 Write true sentences about yourself, using the words below. have / shower / today T haven't had a shower today. have / cups of coffee / today visit / my grandparents / this month see / the latest James Bond movi pass / the driving test go / to the doctor / recently have / a holiday / this year drive / an electric car send / text messages / this week phone / my best friend / today go / to the dentist / this year E 109 | 37 110 fm on my way to Toronto, t've Present perfect driven 400 klometies ofa. for situations up to the present Unfinished time period + (so far), this morning, today, etc. We use the present perfect to talk about actions in a time period that is still continuing © with time expressions (e.g. today, this morning, this week, this year) I've driven S00 kilometres this week. (The week has not finished.) Have you spoken to Ahmed this morning? (It is still morning.) «© with so far to mean ‘up to now’: We've had four holidays so far this year, and its only September! Compare: rrastsr renrecr Ive made several phone calls this morning. (Iti still morning.) rast shurut I made several phone calls this morning. (I is now afternoon.) Repeated actions We use the present perfect to talk about repeated actions (that may happen again): ve been there many times. (I might go there again one day.) She's phoned five times already. (She may phone again.) How many times have you played Grand Theft Auto? How often has she been here? Situations up to the present + forisince, how long We use far (and not since) with a period of time (e.g. for an hour, for years) David has worked in Mexico for many years. I haven't seen Janice for a long time. We don't use for before expressions beginning with all (e.g. all day, all my life: X Fre-worked-there foralbinyife. f I've worked there all my life. We use since with a particular time, day or date, or with a past event David has worked in Mexico since January 2000. I haven't seen Janice since Tuesday. Thaven’t been to the beach since we got here. © We can use it’s (present simple) or its been (present perfect) + time expression + since: It’s two years since our wedding. It’s been two years sire our last meeting. ‘© The verb after since is usually in the past simple, not the present perfect: John has worked here since he left school. It’s ages since I saw you. We use How long? in questions, usually with state verbs: How long have you known Alan? We use the present perfect (NOT the present simple or continuous) to talk about present situations that started in the past: X Fam- married for-ten-years. J I’ve been married for ten years X Weareliving here-since-2005. / We've lived here since 2008. Superlatives, the first time We often use the present perfect (+ ever) with superlative adjectives (> Unit 21.3): That was the worst film I've ever seen! This is the best holiday we've ever had! We also use the present perfect with the fist, the second, etc: This isthe third time I've visited China, but its the first time I’ve travelled in business class, Practice 1 Match sentences 1 and 2 with A and B in each pair. 9-1 How far did you travel? ————,_—>A I'm asking about today. 2. How far have you travelled? B_{'masking about yesterday. 1 1 The doctor called this morning A Itisstill morning 2 We've been to the bank this morning B It is mow the afternoon. 2 1 How many criminals have you arrested, Sally? A. Sally used to be a detective. 2 How many criminals did you arrest, Sally? —_-B_ Sally is a detective. 3.1 Mike did the reports. A. He finished them and went home. 2 Mike has done the reports. B_ He is doing the accounts now. 4-1 Sylvia has worn glasses for many years. A. She wears contact lenses now. 2. Samantha wore glasses for many years. B_ She's just bought a new pair. 51 We went there twice in the summer. A Itis still the summer. 2 We've been there several times this summer. B_ Now it is winter. 2 Find six more mistakes in the conversation and correct them. SBEED Listen and check. wey So, how muehime have you known Caroline? sane I know her for about three months. ey I'see, for March then? sane Yes, March 12th, Caroline was my driving instructor for my first lesson! uscy How many lessons have you since then? Jane I've had ten lessons far so. I think I'll pass the test this time. wey What do you mean? Jane Well, I've failed it twice before. But this is the first time I have proper lessons. tucy Good luck, then! Look, I'd better go - I haven’t been shopping since several days and the fridge is empty! 3. Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word in brackets. Use two to five words in your answer. QHEREM Listen and check. © It’s Friday. We arrived here on Tuesday. (been) We have been here for four days. 1 haven't seen her for six months. (since) It’s I saw her, 2 I've lived in the same house since Iwas born. (life) I've lived in the same house 3. It’s three o'clock. The shop closed at one. (two) The shop has been closed 4 It’s years since I wore short trousers. (worn) short trousers for years, 5. The last time I smoked was in January. (since) 1 January. 6 Jane’s been to the spa three times before. This is the fourth 7 V've never eaten such a bad meal. (time) to the spa. (ever) This is the worst meal 8 We got to the airport six hours ago. (it) since we got to the airport. m1 38 Present perfect or past simple? 1 Differences in use ‘PRESENT PERFECT Single or repeated actions in the past, when ‘we don’t know the date of the action or it isn't important: I"ve driven an automatic car before. We've been to the theatre many times. Time expressions: before, ever, already, just and yet Situations that stared in the past and are still continuing: Tom has worked at the garage for two years. (He working there now) with for + period of time, or since + date ‘One or more completed actions in a time period thats still continuing: He's sold fifteen cars this month, Time expressions: this moming/evening, today, 0 far etc. Single or repeated actions that happened at a RES BR definite time in the past: | drove a racing car in the summer. We went to the theatre twice last month. Time expressions: yesterday last month, jn 2007, etc. Situations that started and finished in the past: ‘Alex worked at the garage for two years. (He isn’t working there now) with for to say how long the situation lasted ‘Completed actions in atime period that is. finished: He sold twenty cars in August. 1 sold my Toyota two weeks ago. with ago to mean “a period) before now’ A. itis sometimes difficult to hear /v/ in I've, we've, you've, they’ve and /z/ in he’s and she’s. It is easy to confuse the present perfect and past simple: rast siwrte I finished work. He started early. We carried the bags. resent eenrecr I've finished work. He's started early. We've carried the bags. ‘The other words around the verb can usually help you to understand which form you hear: I finished work an hour ago. I’ve just finished work. 2. Giving news We often use the present perfect to introduce new information: I’ve decided to get a new car. I'm going to look at some tomorrow. Julian has passed his driving test.’ ‘Oh, that’s good news!” News reports often start a new item with the present perfect: The Terracotta Army exhibition has opened in London. There has been an earthquake in southern China. After we have introduced new information with the present perfect, we usually give more details with the past simple: Julian has passed his driving test. He took it on Wednesday. The Terracotta Army exhibition has opened in Paris. It was opened by the Minister of Culture, 12 Practice 1 choose the correct words in italic. ‘She's been to the doctor twice(@his month) last month. I've driven this car many times 7in 2007. Jane passed / has passed her driving test last weel Steve loves his job. He did /’s done it since he was twenty-two. Caroline's bought a lot of clothes this year / two years ago. Rick has finished / finished the course six months ago. ‘George has arrived.’ ‘Really? When has he got / did he get here?" 2 EAM complete the text with suitable forms of the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple. In one place, both are possible. Listen and check. Electric cars - Latest update ‘A small American car manufacturer (0)... ha jase armounced. _ (ust announce) that its experimental electric car, the Lexington X1, will go into production this year. Markton Automobiles, of Detroit, Michigan, (1) .......sssssessseeeee .... (make) the announcement at last month's Auto: Show in Geneva, Although there are now many electric cars on the market, so far manufacturers @ (not be able) to produce one that can really compete with existing petrol cars. There are two major problems — speed and distance. Up until now, electric cars Q)scssusssssssun (D8) either too slow oF unable to travel far enough without recharging their batteries. Markton Automobiles claim that they (4) _ (overcome) these difficulties with 2 new type of solar panel which continually recharges the batteries. The company (5) --ssnsunsss (Ot Give) the press exact details yet, but they claim they © : ...(alteady test) the car successfully under all kinds of weather conditions. ‘A Japanese company (7) csnesnan fist design) the engine in 2007. But over the last few years Markton (8) «uw (@dapt) the design and increased its power. The company (9) (invite) ten journalists to test-drive the new car last week Their reports (10).. aay (be) mainly positive, though we will have to wait for the full test results before we know if ths really isthe electric car that everyone is wating for 3 Complete the conversation with words and phrases from the box. There are three extra words or phrases. {ENES Listen and check. hasn't told told has told have you done 've used was ’s been happened had just has decided 'vefustfaHien has given atec Hi, Judi, I'm home! jupt_ Shh. Don’t disturb the children. They (0) ...'ve just fallen... asleep. suse OK. I'l be quiet. So, how are things? What (1) today? sop Not much. It (2) a quiet day really. What about you? Aurc Quite an exciting day. The boss (3) me a new job! sunt Wow. That's fantastic. What (4) 2 auc Sylvia (5) to move Eddie to the Toronto office. So I've got his job! She (6) ‘me about it at lunchtime. It (7) a real surprise! supt_ Well, I hope it’s more money because we (8) all our savings!

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