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SPEAADC 39278 Sov of Pataiaun Engncert Use of 1.6/1.7 Kg/l Slurry for Cementing Production Casings Paolo Macculi/ AGIP Cenyrigt 1887, SPEMADC te Eat ting TetncogyContancs ‘re paper mas propared fr preantaton att 1957 SPEMADE Mike Eat Cig ‘Toonsoogy Stren held Bay, 2-35 Novae 097 {i poar n aecind for roar by an SPELADC Progra Contin lowing ‘ioe ot tomato conaad i n aberac scemted Oye Babar Cota ‘he pacar eo rman, hae a eon rowed the Sve) Parone Ergoe’2 Abstract ‘A major concer in drilling operations is the problem of carrying out cementing jobs for production casings where no fracture margin during the slurry displacement exists. In general in order to resolve this problem, a double stage cement job, the use of a liner with a subsequent tie-back or one more casing string is required. In the Adriatic Offshore we have experimented withthe use of light weight high mechanical resistance slury ( SG = 1.6 / 1.7 gl) in 7” production casing cement jobs in order to complete the operation in a single stage ‘These cement jobs have been carried out, with positive results, in six of the fourteen Angela platform wells, in three of the four Antonella platform wells. in one Anemone cluster well (double stage cementing to avoid one more casing string), in the Antares | st and the Agostino 11 st. well. The wells, where the 1.6/1.7 Kell light weight slury has been used, have an average total depth of 3600 m VD, their intermediate casing shoes are set at an average depth of 1800m VD. The use of light weight slurry, composed of 10 / 30 % Microsilica by cement, has led toa reduction inthe hydrostatic load, an optimisation of theology and filtration control (maximum differential pressure of 400 atm exist atthe end of displacement) while guaranteeing the necessary high ‘mechanical resistance. According to field data, we can conclude that the use of light ‘weight siury has the following advantages + a single stage cement job can be used instead of the more complex double stage one with the consequent improvement in well and rig safety; in particular cases, a Tight weight slurry can avoid setting one more casing 253 strings + improved quality ofthe cement job in comparison with the not always reliable results of a double stage cementing: ‘operational time and cost reduction Introduction ‘The Adriatic Offshore is a mature gasfield; the development of the area by drilling new wells must face problems related to the depleted levels crossing ( that’s to say fracture gradients reduction versus the original values ). ‘The fracture gradients are calculated by the Poisson's formula: FG PG + wi In) (OvG- PG) = Poisson factor RG racture gradient PG pore gradient OvG — = overburden gradient We use, based on our experiences in the area, wW/(I-p) ‘Therefore, besides the nevessity to get a quick and economic rilling, it is fundamental the realization of a good cement job for the production casing as the static fracture margin is too low to realize a single stage cementing. To avoid either the extra costs involved in a double stage cement job or the problems we experienced in the past during this operation, we decided to achieve the result by a lighter high mechanical resistance slurry After the analysis of the Agip’s laboratory data, we tested the light weight slurry ( 1:7 Kg/l - 40% Microsilica by volume ) for one 9 5/8” intermediate casing cementing in the “Cervia” field; the operation was successful Nowadays we use light weight Microsilica slurry ( range 1.6 - 17 Kg/l), whem it needs, as a regular operation Microsilica slurry Light weight slurry is composed by a variable Microsiica percentage that, aided to the cement, increases proportionally by volume the slurry compressional resistance. The typical example of alight weight slurry composition (1.7 Kg/- 10%), wwe used during the cementing operation of the 7” production sg in the Angela field, is: ‘cement Class G-HSR Micrositica 10% FLAC 1% 2 PAOLO MACCULI wavcssPe 39278 defoamer 01% dispersant 0.1% cemenvslurry ime 95 Microsilica is white-gray rejected dust obtained from silica and iron alloy producing process; its uniformity depends on the raw materials purity and the producing process. The chemical and physical characteristics of Microsilica are: ‘© specific gravity 2.2 Keil © bulk density 03 Kel. ‘© specific surface (Blaine) 20-25 mig © grinding 001-05 um ‘capability to react with lime presents in the cement during the hydration phase ) and the high fineness of grinding; these characteristics allow the Microsilica slury to get: {gas channelling proof high temperature (>120 °C ) resistance mechanical strenght increasing filtration velocity reduction polycomponent slurry stabilization better bond between casing and formation water / Microsilica / cement concentration flexibilty Microsilica is availabe in the market as dustin sacks, but in this way it is not easily handable to prepare cement slury; therefore, normally we use Microslica in Tiquid status, mixed with water 45 -50 % by weight, additived with a particular stabilizer to avoid sedimentation ‘According to laboratory tests ( API Spec. 10 ), we got the following compressional strenght (Tab. 1 - 2 ) for different slurries prepared with cement C-HSR. The graphs show the different influences of Microsilica in 1.9 and 1.65 Ke slurry All the data must be weighted versus. the minimun ‘compressional value ( 140 Kefem? ) we need before perforating casing. During compressional distructive tests of 19 Kg/l slumry samples, it has come out of data a fragility increasing related to Microsiliea concentration; this behavior has not been confirmed in 1.65 Kell slumy where we haven't found particular differences between slury with or without Microsilica Tn the Tab. 2 we can examine the results of water permeability tests of light weight slurry “The results show the water permeability is zero; therefore the use of light weight slury has not any contraindication in production casing cementing, referring to mineralized level ‘communication risks. One of the Mirosilica properties isto prevent gas channelling phenomena during the slurry hardening; this data is. well Konwn in 1.9 Kg stury. We obtain the same result in 1.7 Kg/ Microsilica slurry adding a FLAC. ( for example D-112, additive ) - 0.8% by cement to get an API filtrate 25 ml / 30 254 Field experiences We experienced, positively, the use of light weight slurry for the 7” production casing cementing job in six of the fourteen wells realized during the “ Angela “ platform drilling. The platform is located in the Adiatric sea, 2 Kms far of “ Marina i Ravenna “. The drilling operations started at December 1995 and finished at July 1996. ‘The characteristichs of drilled wells can be resumed: 13 deviated and 1 vertical wells final depth 2570 + 4140m VD ( 2991 +4290m MD ) casing sequence: 30” (conductor pipes (surface casing ), intermediate casing), 7° (production casing ) 100 m PTR, 300 m PTR ( vertical section ) ~ 1500-+ 2000 m VD PTR (13 deviated + 1 vertical sections ) - 2571 = 4143 VD (13 vertical +1 deviated sections } the 8 1/2" phase mud has been DS-IE-80 - 1.3 Kg/l = casing set: Wells have been completed: ‘© 13 by a dual 2 3/8" multiselective string © [by asingle 3 1/2” multiselective string The fourteen wells are producing 3 Mscmiday ges by Early Production facilities. ‘The 8 1/2” phases have been drilled crossing depleted levels; the gradients ( pore, fracture, overburden and geothermal ) and differential pressure trends are collected in Tab,3. We didn’t experience any particular problem during drilling all the wells ( maximum differential pressure 380 atm at 3870 m PTR between mud and pore one ). The elaborations of the 7” ese cement programs showed, in six of fourteen wells, the necessity, caused by low fracture margin, of using either the DV collar or the light weight slurry. We decided to carry on the light weight slurry (1.7 Kg/l - 10% of Microsiliea) All the cementing operations by 1.7 Kg/l slurry have been carried on successfully (as the others by 1.9 Keyl one ) We experienced: ‘© no operational problems © good bond between casings and formation ( CBL - VDL analysis ) ‘= tll now, zero pressure in the annulus 7” and 9 5/8” ‘= real TOC equivalent to the theoretical one ( +/- 100m) ‘* no communication level problems afier perforatings We analize, specifically, the operation progress in the Angela 11 dir well; the results can be generalized for the others. The 1ADCISPE 39278 USE OF 1.6/1.7 Kgl SLURRY FOR CEMENTING PRODUCTION CASINGS ’ ‘well profile is: | = tn. ‘The first mineralized level is located at 2800 m VD; the programmed TOC was 2600 m VD. Therefore we had to ‘cement 1550 m VD ( 1560 m MD ) lenght; the static Fracture ‘margin calculated at the end of the 1.7 slurry displacement is 50 atm at 3870 m VD ( it would be 24 aim with a 1.9 ‘waditional slurry ) considering a 400 m - 1.5 Kg/l cement top spacer. ‘The casing string has been equipped with: © 2C for the first 4 casings ‘© Cl upto2770mMD Mud rehology ( 50°C ), before cementing, was: © mad.weight = 13 Ke/l . Pv 18 ps * YP = 6 gr/l00cm* © Gell"/10" =5/7 gr/100em* ‘Anmulus pressure loss, measured at the bottom hole, with tam packer have been: Q 500Ymin P=40 atm Qe 1000 /min P=70_ atm Q 1300 Yimin (00 atm, ‘The top cement spacers, we used, are: 200. m DE BLOCK - $ (DSIE ) followed by 200 m Mud Push X.7.0. (turbolent oil water based spacer ). At the back of the cement we pumped 100 m Mud Push XTO followed by 100 m DE BLOCK - S. Laboratory tests confirmed complete compatibility between 255 spacers and slurry. ‘The 1.7 Kgll slurry had the following composition per cubic meter: cement GEOCEM-G 954 Kg fresh water 592.81 Microsilica ( D155 ) 95.41 10% by cement ELAC.(D60) oSKe 1% dispersant (D80) 671 07% sac a? 32 Bae ea sty went in tes 188 ts | emercenceren Hvarautc press mechanical siranant (afem*) 133 185 a 200 a8 JUICra: mechanical strenght ikg/2m") 107 154 zis 230 254 eae 7 MECHANICAL STRENGHT fa {Hardening aftr? days «Surry Welgnt« 1.9 ko 8 ooo po — | 250+ ~ 200 + 4 | ° : 0 5 2 25 =o Ze0eC = Pet aim —_s 287 6 PAOLO MACCULI lapcrsPe 39278 Cr T | | MECHANICAL STRENGHT TEST (U.C.A.) | ‘% 0-155 (Microsilica) een i ee ch oe a a = | f | rr | | Time (days) PERMEABILITY T=60°C - P= tatm |composition: coment G-HSA fnievastiea (0-155) = 3 en) a = extender (0-78) % 2 | (0-80) 4 oes feoet os eemant ratio o7a6—| 0.64} 0.638 aE = [ro Permeability atter 26 hrs md 0.0396 <0,00 <0,00 Permeabilty ater 3 days md «0,00 <0,00 <0,00 258 lapcisPe 30278 USE OF 1.6 /1.7 Kgl SLURRY FOR CEMENTING PRODUCTION CASINGS TAB. 8 PORE - MUD - FRACTURE DIFFERENTIAL OVERBURDEN GRADIENTS PRESSURE TEMPERATURE 0 - ) AS i 500 — I I 1000 jt a | l il 1500 ! | | | | 4 | 2000 + + 3 | I! | 2 1 as00 tt} | | | | Vy 1 3000 | 1) hy 3500 He l I 4000 | | ' . Seer he [oll Pressure | [Temperature 4500 -—— J } 0 05 #1 18 2 260 100 200 300 40045 50 55 60 @5 70 atm/1om atm *c 259 PAOLO MACCULI lapcrsPE 39278 MECHANICAL STRENGHT TEST (U.C.A.) 560 atm - Slurry Weight = 1,70 kg/l 10% T 64°C -P Microsilica TAB. 4 1 12 ta Time (hrs) 16 20 «22 24 CEMENTING OPERATION TIME AND COST Angela 11 Dir - casing 7) SINGLE STAGE DOUBLE STAGE [Starry 7.70 ko”l- 10% Microstica| ‘Slurry 1.80 kai Final Estimate ig time for mixing & displacing TT stage 12" Stage | Total spacers + slurry (nr) 28 2 15 W.0.6. (hrs) 10 8 6 Totalime thes) 125. = is lOperating cost (rg + services) 12260 s/he s 28260 39560 ICementing Service s 24350 ‘32080 IChemicals (for coment) 5 15010 5250 DV Collar _ 5 _ 26000 [Mug Push xT “sf r 29050 De Biock-S 3 030 Batite (for spacers) 8 2320 Diesel oil (tor Oe Block-S) s 2900 jeocom ‘G*) 3 452 [cementing cost s vert lrorat cost $ 83940 146650 (rig + services + comenting ) 260 lApcisPE 39278 USE OF 1.6/1.7 Kgl SLURRY FOR CEMENTING PRODUCTION CASINGS MECHANICAL STRENGHT TEST (U.C.A.) Microsilica 10% TAB.S T= 67°C-P = 475 atm Slurry Weight = 1.6 kgil Microsilica 30% Time (hrs) ce 248

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