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SPE 49078

Problem Identification and Improved Treatment Method of a Thief Zone in a West Texas
CO2 WAG for Profile Modification
E.D. Dalrymple, SPE, P. Creel, SPE, Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., and J.B. Hirth, Fina Oil & Chemical Co.

Copyright 1998, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. CO2. It also discusses the placement techniques chosen and
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference held in New provides field results, which indicate a modified injection pro-
Orleans, Louisiana, 27-30 September 1998.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to Introduction
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at During a field-wide preliminary evaluation of a CO2WAG injec-
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
tion into a San Andres formation located in central West Texas,
words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledg- a vertical profile problem was identified. The profile data and
ment of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836,
Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A, fax 01-972-952-9435. lack of offset production-well responses indicated that severe
losses of the CO2 WAG were occurring because injections fluids
were entering into a high-permeability layer in the upper portion
Abstract of the targeted zone. No offset producers showed any repsonse
During a field’s pilot evaluation of a CO2 water-alternating-gas from the WAG pilot based on the CO2 content of produced fluids.
(WAG) injection into the San Andres formation in a central west The only indication of produced CO 2 came from a temporary
Texas unit, a problem was identified: Profile information and no abandoned injection well located 21/4 miles away from the
offset response showed the CO2 and water injections were being determined communicating injector.
lost into an upper high permeability layer. This problem was The unit is located in the North Central Platform of the
allowing one of the pilot injectors to communicate into a tempo- Permian Basin. Reservoirs in the Permian San Andres carbon-
rary abandoned injection well 21/4 miles away. ates on the Northern Shelf of the Central Basin Platform are
To remedy the situation, a chemical treatment was needed interbedded dolomite, anhydrite, siltstone, and salt. Within much
that would account for such factors as continual injection of CO2, of the San Andres Formation, several transgressions are indi-
degradation of the material caused by bacterial growth, deep cated by widespread porous dolomite that was deposited under
penetration into the thief interval, development of sufficient subtidal conditions. Hydrocarbon traps are both structural and
strength to withstand pressure extrusions, intermixing, and pos- combined structural/stratigraphic. Porosity and permeability are
sible removal. directly related to depositional and diagenetic changes.
A diagnostic analysis of selected injection wells was accom- Intercrystalline, leached, and fracture porosity occur primarily
plished through multirate injectivities combined with profiled in wackstones.
entry analysis; this technique established other criteria for the The San Andres is also characterized by multiple layers with
solution. The solution was governed by two conditions: (1) discontinuous areas caused by widespread impermeable layers.
injection had to occur at a precise rate without significant Most of the current recovery in the central platform is attribut-
pressure resistance so that entry would occur only in the problem able to pressure maintenance through waterfloods and miscible
interval, and (2) the treatment had to be placed deep enough to floods with carbon dioxide. The permeability contrasts fre-
prevent the CO2 WAG from re-entering the thief interval. quently found within the various layers are responsible for the
One of the pilot injectors selected for treatment indicated varying effectiveness of water and CO2 injections.
100% of the injection was being lost through a 10-ft interval in the
upper portion of the payzone at a determined rate. After the Problem Identification and Diagnostics
application, the thief zone had been shut off, and the injection was To address any issue in conformance control, researchers must
reaching the remaining reservoir. Because this action required begin with an accurate evaluation of the problem(s). Researchers
fluid entry into more restrictive permeabilities, an increase in performed a diagnostic analysis on the candidates that displayed
pressure was necessary to flood the payzone effectively. this loss. The analysis consisted of multirate injectivities per-
This paper discusses the optimal treatment selection and the formed during profiled entry analysis. The lack of offset re-
laboratory investigations regarding the chemical resistance to sponse during the multirate injection was also noted. Based on

References at the end of the paper.


the range of injection rates with each corresponding bottomhole limitation, any blockage of the higher-permeability interval by
injection pressure, the high permeability thief interval was taking cement squeezes would be face-plugging only; the CO 2 would
most of the injectant up to the point of fracturing pressure. quickly divert around the seal and into the wellbore.
The first well assessed had a daily injection rate ranging An in-situ generated polymer (IGP) system was selected to
from 150 to 300 BWPD at a bottomhole pressure of 4,575 psi, seal off the high-permeability streak. The nonionic IGP was
with 100% of the injection entering and traveling through the chosen because it goes into the formation as a water-thin
high-permeability streak located at 5,165 to 5,175 ft. For com- monomer solution but polymerizes in situ into a stiff, resilient
plete well data, refer to Table 1. The estimated permeability of gel. Because the permeability level of this particular thief zone
the thief interval was 10 md, compared with an estimated average was only 10 md, a fluid with an extremely low viscosity was
permeability of 0.5 for the other intervals. needed.
The second well in the study had a daily injection rate of 245 Another factor that influenced the selection of the IGP was
BWPD at a bottomhole pressure of 4,550 psi, with 100% of the its expected nonreactive response to the low-pH environment
injection entering and traveling through a high-permeability created by the CO2 injection, the reservoir brine or crude oil, and
streak located at 5,173 to 5,177 ft. For complete well data, refer the lithology of the formation. Moreover, the IGP system incor-
to Table 2. Estimated permeability of the thief interval is 10 md porates a thermally controlled activator. These properties con-
while the average permeability of the rest of the pay is 0.5 md. tribute to a fluid system that injects as easily as water and does
The analysis determined the required injection rates to place not divert or react prematurely during placement.
a sealant only into the thief zones without entry into other
portions of the flood interval. Analysis of any occurring crossflows Expanded Profile of the IGP
between layers was also determined at the conclusion of the The principal components of the IGP conformance-control
injectivity analyses. system are a low-toxicity acrylate monomer and a thermally
controlled “azo” activator. Potassium chloride (KCl), fresh,
Solution Criteria potable water, and a pH adjuster are incorporated into the
After the reservoir conditions that caused the efficiency loss and formula to furnish a standardized ionic concentration and the
communication problems were identified, the evaluation criteria ideal pH ambience for the in-situ polymerization process,
were determined for selecting an optimal, cost-effective solu- which transforms the monomer into a polymer. The additional
tion. The diagnostics and injectivity analyses established the components also help make the IGP compatible with most
criteria for the ideal treatment: material injection at a precise rate formation conditions.4
and with nominal pressure resistance. These conditions were The IGP system is user-friendly because it can be custom-
imperative for gaining entry only into the problem interval and ized for a particular conformance problem through adjustments
for placing the chemical deep enough to form an effective seal in the mixing concentration. These selected, formulated combi-
from the thief interval. nations establish the ultimate viscosity, solubility, and strength
The chemical treatment best suited for this particular that the material will exhibit downhole, and will determine the
operation would need to satisfy a number of requirements: (1) final nature of the IGP, which can range from a strongly
it must withstand continued injection of CO 2 and the acidic crosslinked, “ringing” gel to a viscous polymer slug.4-6
environment it created; (2) it must be inert to the degradation The activator for IGP, an “azo” compound that undergoes
of bacterial growth; (3) it must be placed deep into the thief thermal degradation (a process that forms a free radical),
interval without resistance caused by increased viscosity which initiates the polymerization of the monomer in situ. Premature
results from the addition of predeveloped polymer gel chains or gelation can occur with monomer solutions in the simultaneous
viscosity; (4) it must have sufficient in-situ gel-strength devel- presence of free radicals and transition metals (iron, cobalt,
opment to provide pressure-extrusion resistance; (5) it must etc.). Therefore, elevated temperature is required with the
withstand any crossflow intermixing; and (6) it must facilitate “azo” to form the free radicals with the IGP system. The
possible removal. specific activator chosen for the fluid system is dictated by
design temperature, which, in turn, is dependent on well con-
Method of Treatment Selection ditions. Through the azo-initiator selection process, gel times
Researchers considered and rejected a number of treatment can range from 1 to 20 hours at temperatures ranging from 70
options. Metal-crosslinked polymers were discounted because to 150°F (21.1 to 65.5°C). 4
of their inherent viscosity and a suspect compatibility of the
crosslink mechanism to CO2 exposure.1,2 Silicate systems were Laboratory Testing
excluded because of their uncontrolled, rapid gelation in a low- As part of the diagnostic and design process, a laboratory bench-
pH environment and because of their interaction with divalent top model was built to simulate formation conditions. Flow tests
salts in the formation brine.3 Cement squeezes were rejected of the proposed IGP treatment fluid were conducted and moni-
because, at best, neither conventional cement nor the small- tored for the fluid’s effectiveness. Following is a detailed de-
particle cements could penetrate the rock. Because of this scription of this procedure.

Supercritical CO2 Gas-Generation System. Supercritical CO2 treatment volumes.7 Results from the diagnostics program and
gas (~1,500 psi at 120°F) was generated with the system shown injectivity investigation indicated that a bullhead placement
in Fig. 1. A laboratory feed pump transferred the liquid CO2 from technique should be used. Data on well-spacing, injection rates,
the storage cylinder to the test equipment while maintaining the and breakthrough parameters were also considered before the
1,500-psi pressure level. A cooling coil on the intake side of the IGP was actually pumped into the candidate wellbores.
pump precooled the liquid CO2 to maintain prime with the pump. This knowledge-based arrangement organizes and quanti-
This cooling was accomplished with a submersible laboratory fies the experiences of water-conformance personnel both in the
pump that circulated antifreeze at 32°F through the coil. A laboratory and in the field. The program contains many built-in,
carbon dioxide reservoir, stored in a temperature bath at 120°F, common engineering programs for calculating values, but its
vaporized the CO2 liquid into supercritical CO2 gas. The gas was principal function during the problem-identification phase is to
then adjusted to the necessary test pressure with a high-pressure serve as a pattern-recognition generator. The program helps the
regulator. user to find relevant, existing data.

Test-Core Holder and Flow System. A Berea sandstone core Quality Control
in a Hassler-sleeve device served as the test medium. Stainless- Through laboratory analysis, the gelation time for the monomer
steel high-pressure fittings, valves, and tubing were used in the based on the downhole injection temperature was determined.
flow system to prevent corrosion from the CO2 and to accommo- The intermixing of the monomer with injected water was also
date a working pressure of more than 2,000 psi. The flow system monitored to reveal possible adverse effects on gelation time.
was designed so that flow rates for both the water and CO2 could None were observed.
be determined. Heating jackets and controllers maintained the
temperature at 120°F, and a backpressure regulator maintained Treatments
the pressure level at 1,500 psi. A 200-psi differential pressure- The injection rate of the treatments was based on rates estab-
transducer monitored the pressure between the test cell’s inlet lished during the injection survey previously administered to
and outlet points. guide profile modification. IGP placement with a high injection
The backpressure and gas-flow regulators were submerged in pressure was possible only because of the monomer’s water-like
a temperature bath at 120°F, which compensated for heat loss viscosity. Downhole injection temperature and initiator concen-
caused by the expansion of the CO2 under the Joule-Thompson tration dictated the reaction time (pump time) for the polymer-
effect. A precision gas-flow regulator subjected effluent gas to a ization. Because the initiator for this system requires an elevated
constant, predetermined pressure while the gas was passed through temperature to activate the polymerization process, the probabil-
a liquid/gas separator, a drying chamber, and a mass flowmeter. ity of a premature reaction was extremely low.
A minimal volume of 2,000 gal of a treated 2% potassium
Laboratory Test Procedure. The test core was placed in a chloride (KCl) preflush solution was injected to remove oxygen,
Hassler sleeve apparatus. The physical dimensions of the core and the same 2% KCl solution was used to displace the IGP out
are indicated in Table 3. System pressure was maintained at of the tubing and into the perforations. Each treatment consisted
1,500 psi, and the temperature was maintained at 120°F. Under of 4,000 gal of IGP that had been batch-mixed in a clean
stable flow conditions, API brine (9% NaCl + 1% CaCl2) and transport; initiator was added just before pumping.
kerosene were sent in alternating sequences through the core
until the permeability variations caused by the relative saturation Results
levels of water and oil reached acceptable limits. In Well 1, 100% of the injection was flowing into the upper 10-ft
After the core was stabilized to residual oil, the effective portion of the targeted injection zone because it had a much greater
permeability to API brine was determined. At this point, the core permeability than the rest of the interval. After treatment, the thief
was stabilized to the flow of supercritical CO2; then the flow of zone was sealed, and the injection profile indicated that the CO2
the API brine was stabilized through the core to benchmark the WAG was now being applied uniformly into the remaining pay at
starting permeability to brine that would be used in the test. Next, an increase in pressure (necessary to maintain previous injection
the core was treated with 100 mL of the IGP solution and shut in rates). For detailed well data, compiled before and after the IGP
for 48 hours to allow in-situ polymerization of the system. treatment, refer to Table 4. Fig. 3 shows the well-injection profile
The evaluation continued with API brine and supercritical in the San Andres formation, both before and after treatment on
CO2 sequences cycled to stable flow. Table 3 and Fig. 2 contain Well No. 1.
results from this test series. Well 2 in the treatment plan was losing the entire injection
to a 4-ft section in the upper portion of the zone. Since treatment,
Treatment Design the thief interval has been sealed off, but because of the scale
Researchers used a “fuzzy-logic” water-control design com- damage of the remaining payzone, a follow-up acid treatment
puter program to formulate the treatment designs, which incor- will be required before testing modifications in the injection
porated the appropriate solutions, the proper techniques, and the profile. Itemized well data collected before and after the IGP

treatment are contained in Table 4. This well is a candidate to be References

deepened, which would expose more of the reservoir to flooding. 1. Turner, D., Dalrymple, D., Vinson, E., Woods, P., and Schramko,
K.: “In-Situ Polymerization Controls CO2/Water Channeling at
Conclusions Lick Creek,” paper SPE/DOE 14958 presented at the 1986 SPE/
A diagnostic schedule based on multirate injectivities and pro- DOE Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery, Tulsa, Apr. 20-23.
2. Moffitt, P.D. and Zornes, D.R.: “Postmortem Analysis: Lick
filed entry analysis significantly enhanced the planning process
Creek Meakin Sand Unit Immiscible CO2 Waterflood Project,”
for the treatment program of a water-control problem encoun- paper SPE 24933 presented at the 1992 SPE Annual Technical
tered in a CO2 (WAG) operation in the San Andres formation of Conference and Exhibition, Washington, D.C., Oct. 4-7.
Texas’ Permian Basin. The improved oil-recovery efforts were 3. Samari, E., Scott, D.L.T., and Dalrymple, D.: “Water Shutoff
proving unsuccessful because the injected CO2 and water were Treatments in Eastern Alberta: Doubling Oil Production, De-
being lost to a higher-permeability interval located in the upper creasing Water Cut by 20%,” paper SPE 39617 presented at the
part of the reservoir. The pretreatment diagnostic procedures 1998 SPE/DOE Annual Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery,
helped pinpoint the cause of the problem and to determine the Tulsa, Apr. 19-22.
optimal sealant—in this case, an in-situ generated polymer (IGP) 4. Dalrymple, D., Tarkington, J.T., and Hallock, J.: “A Gelation
System for Conformance Technology,” paper SPE 28503 pre-
pumped downhole as a monomer—and the proper placement
sented at the 1994 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhi-
technique. bition, New Orleans, Sept. 25-28.
As a result, the thief zone was isolated, and the CO2 WAG 5. McLaughlin, H.C., Diller, J., and Ayers, H.J.: “Treatment of
injections entered the targeted zone, which had more restrictive Injection and Producing Wells with Monomer Solution,” paper
permeabilities. Based on the modified injection path, the offset SPE 5364 presented at the 1975 SPE Regional Meeting, Okla-
response should be significantly increased in hydrocarbon pro- homa City, Mar. 24-25.
duction. 6. Sinclair, B.C. and Ott, W.K.: “Polymer Reduces Channeling, Ups
Waterflood Oil Recovery,” World Oil (Dec. 1978) 187, No. 7,
Acknowledgments 101-104.
7. Dalrymple, E.D.: “Expert System for Water-Control Treatment
The authors thank Halliburton Energy Services, Inc., and Fina
Design,” paper presented at the 1997 International Conference on
Oil & Chemical Company for allowing us to prepare and present Reservoir Conformance, Profile Control, and Water and Gas
this paper. Shutoff, Houston, Aug. 6-8.

Table 1—Data for Well 1

Well Type Injector
Formation Chambliss
Formation Type Dolomite
Casing 4 1/2 in., 10.5 lb
Casing Depth ±5,500 ft
Tubing 2 3/8 in., 4.7 lb, J-55 CL
Packer at ±5,070 ft
Perforations 5,165 ft to 5,310 ft
Stimulation History Acidized with 13,500 gal HCl
Injection Rates 1990 to June 1996 (±150 to 300 BWPD)
BH Injection Pressure ±4,575 psi
Surface Injection Pressure ±2,200 psi
BH Static Pressure ±4,300 psi
BH Injection Temperature 115°F
Apparent Problem High-permeability streak
Squeeze Rate ±8 gal/min
Squeeze Down Injection string under injection packer

Table 2—Data for Well 2

Well Type Injector
Formation Chambliss
Formation Type Dolomite
Casing 4 1/2 in., 10.5 lb
Casing Depth ±5,500 ft
Tubing 2 3/8 in., 4.7 lb, J-55 CL
Packer at ±5,120 ft
Perforations 5,173 ft to 5,305 ft
Stimulation History Acidized with 14,500 gal HCl
Injection Rates Sept. 1994 to April 1996 (±245 BWPD)
BH Injection Pressure ±4,550 psi
Surface Injection Pressure ±2,220 psi
BH Static Pressure ±4,300 psi
BH Injection Temperature 115°F
Apparent Problem High-permeability streak
Squeeze Rate ±1 to 2 gal/min
Squeeze Down Injection string under injection packer

Table 3—IGP Compatibility with CO2 (1 of 2)

Physical Data
System Pressure (psi) 1,500
Rock Berea Sandstone
Core Diameter (cm) 2.4
Core Length (cm) 9.99
Test Temperature (°F) 120
Viscosities (cp) at Temperature
API Standard Brine 0.69
Kerosene 1.15
CO2 0.0175 (est.)
Flow Test Results
Cumulative Flow Calculated Total Cumulative Average
Fluid Volume Rate Permeability Volume Permeability
(mL) (mL/min) (md) (mL) (md)
API Brine 200 9.20 48 72.3 200.0 71.3
600 8.30 44 70.4 600.0
650 8.10 42 72.0 650.0
700 7.90 42 71.1 700.0
750 8.00 42 72.0 750.0
800 7.90 42 70.2 800.0
Kerosene 300 3.60 31 73.4 1100.0 78.2
350 3.20 27 75.1 1150.0
400 3.60 28 80.0 1200.0
450 3.70 28 82.2 1250.0
500 3.60 28 80.0 1300.0
API Brine 500 0.88 45 7.4 1800.0 7.4
550 0.92 46 7.5 1850.0
575 0.93 46 7.6 1875.0
625 0.87 44 7.4 1925.0
650 0.89 45 7.4 1950.0
Kerosene 300 5.20 24 134.8 2250.0 133.4
400 5.00 23 133.5 2350.0
450 4.90 23 132.6 2400.0
500 4.90 23 132.6 2450.0
API Brine 175 1.40 39 13.4 2625.0 13.4
200 1.40 39 13.4 2650.0
250 1.40 39 13.4 2700.0
Kerosene 775 5.30 27 122.1 3475.0 123.7
800 5.40 27 124.4 3500.0
825 5.40 27 124.4 3525.0
API Brine 100 1.90 29 24.9 3625.0 24.9
150 1.90 29 24.9 3675.0
Kerosene 750 5.30 24 140.3 4425.0 141.2
775 5.40 24 143.0 4450.0
800 5.30 24 140.3 4475.0
API Brine 150 1.90 27 26.8 4625.0 26.8
200 1.90 27 26.8 4675.0
250 1.90 27 26.8 4725.0
CO2 1020 3.00 2 14.2 5745.0 14.2
API Brine 200 3.40 14 90.7 5945.0 91.3
250 3.40 14 90.7 5995.0
300 3.50 14 93.3 6045.0
325 3.40 14 90.7 6070.0
IGP Treatment 100 — — — 6170.0 —

Table 3—IGP Compatibility with CO2 (2 of 2)

Flow Test Results
Cumulative Flow Calculated Total Cumulative Average
Fluid Volume Rate Permeability Volume Permeability
(mL) (mL/min) (md) (mL) (md)
API Brine — 0.00 15 — 6170.0 1.9
20 0.13 26 1.9 6190.0
CO2 60 0.15 16 0.1 6249.8 0.1
API Brine 35 0.53 23 8.6 6284.8 8.6
100 0.53 23 8.6 6349.8
CO2 43 0.03 2 0.2 6393.2 0.2
API Brine 125 0.75 28 10.0 6518.2 10.1
150 0.77 29 9.9 6543.2
225 0.88 31 10.6 6618.2
250 0.81 30 10.1 6643.2
300 0.77 29 9.9 6693.2
CO2 64 1.07 14 0.7 6757.2 0.6
96 1.07 12 0.8 6789.2
146 1.67 19 0.8 6839.2
176 1.00 10 0.9 6869.2
212 1.20 12 0.9 6905.2
252 1.33 14 0.9 6945.2
285 1.10 11 0.9 6978.2
297 0.41 21 0.2 6990.6
300 0.08 17 0.0 6993.0
301 0.03 79 0.0 6993.8
301 0.02 84 0.0 6994.4
317 1.60 20 0.8 7010.4
327 0.93 13 0.7 7019.7
343 1.60 20 0.8 7035.7
347 1.33 15 0.8 7039.7
API Brine 50 0.84 28 11.2 7089.7 11.0
100 0.78 29 10.0 7139.7
150 0.89 29 11.5 7189.7
200 0.89 29 11.5 7239.7
CO2 32 1.07 18 0.6 7271.7 0.7
82 1.67 24 0.7 7321.7
126 1.47 21 0.7 7365.7
172 1.53 24 0.6 7411.7
220 1.60 22 0.7 7459.7
262 1.40 20 0.7 7501.7
290 0.93 16 0.6 7529.7
314 0.80 14 0.5 7553.7
356 1.40 18 0.7 7595.7
412 1.87 24 0.7 7651.7
452 1.33 18 0.7 7691.7
500 1.60 20 0.8 7739.7
548 1.60 20 0.8 7787.7
558 1.00 16 0.6 7797.7

Table 4—Well Data Before and After IGP Treatment

Well 1: Well 1: Well 2: Well 2:
Pretreat Post-Treat Pretreat Post-Treat
Injection Perforations (ft) 5,165 to 5,310 5,166 to 5,310 5,173 to 5,305 5,173 to 5,305
Thief Interval (ft) 5,165 to 5,175 — 5,173 to 5,177 Sealed
BHIP (psi) 4,575 4,640 4,550 4,619
BHSP (psi) 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300
BHST (°F) 115 — 115 —
Injection Shut-in awaiting
150 to 300 300 245
Entry Profile (ft) 5,165 to 5,175 5,165 to 5,310 5,173 to 5,177 Not run
Percent of Entry (%) 100 See Fig. 4 100 —
0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Average (md)
Average Porosity (%) 13 13 13 13
10 — 10 —
Thief Interval (md)
0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Other Intervals (md)
Fracture Gradient (psi/ft) 0.86 — 0.86 —

32°F Bath
Isco Pump Pressure Chart Pump
Transducer Recorder

Kerosene/Brine Hassler Sleeve Whitey Feed Pump CO2 Bottle

Source Model LP10
Water Bath
Back-pressure regulators
used to maintain system Reservoir
pressure of 1,500 psi

Drying Regulator
Chart Gas Reservoir
Recorder Flow Meter Regulator
Water Bath

Liquid Rate Collection

Fig. 1—Supercritical CO2 gas-generation system.



API Brine

Treatment with IGP

Permeability (md)

4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000
Cumulative Volume (ml)

Fig. 2—CO2 WAG flow study for IGP.


5,100 ft

Thief Zone

Chambliss Profile After Treatment Profile Before Treatment

5,200 ft 5,165 ft
5,175 ft


Entry into top of

5,300 ft Brahaney Interval

5,310 ft

Lower Brahaney 30% 20% 10% Profile at maximum injection rate

under fracturing pressure based on
velocity estimates

Profile at design treatment rate

100% out thief interval

Fig. 3—Pre-treatment and post-treatment profile in the San Fig. 4—Well No. 1 injection profile.
Andres formation.

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