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Some COVID-19 survivors are still sick months later.
Doctors want to learn why and what they can do
By Jennifer Couzin-Frankel

thena Akrami’s neuroscience lab ganizes memories to support learning, but Her early symptoms were textbook for
reopened in June without her. at home, she struggles to think clearly and COVID-19: a fever and cough, followed
Life for the 38-year-old is a pale battles joint and muscle pain. “I used to by shortness of breath, chest pain, and
shadow of what it was before go to the gym three times a week,” Akrami extreme fatigue. For weeks, she struggled
17 March, the day she first expe- says. Now, “My physical activity is bed to to heal at home. But rather than ebb with

rienced symptoms of the novel couch, maybe couch to kitchen.” time, Akrami’s symptoms waxed and
coronavirus. At University Col- waned without ever going away. She’s had
lege London (UCL), Akrami’s Science’s COVID-19 reporting is supported by the just 3 weeks since March when her body
students probe how the brain or- Pulitzer Center and the Heising-Simons Foundation. temperature was normal.

614 7 AUGUST 2020 • VOL 369 ISSUE 6504 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

Neuroscientist “Everybody talks about so, too, do those that linger. Richter thinks Barr, can damage heart tissue, for example.
Athena Akrami has a binary situation, you of two patients he has treated: a middle- In those infections, the organ sometimes
had debilitating either get it mild and re- aged man who experienced mild pneumo- heals completely. Sometimes, scarring is
symptoms since cover quickly, or you get nia from COVID-19, and an elderly woman mild. “Or,” Goldberger says, “it could be se-
her coronavirus really sick and wind up already suffering from chronic leukemia vere and lead to heart failure.”
infection more in the ICU,” says Akrami, and arterial disease, who almost died from Michael Marks, an infectious disease
than 4 months ago. who falls into neither cat- the virus and had to be resuscitated. Three specialist at the London School of Hygiene
egory. Thousands echo months later, the man with the mild case & Tropical Medicine who’s helping lead
her story in online COVID-19 support groups. “falls asleep all day long and cannot work,” the U.K. survivor study, says he’s not too
Outpatient clinics for survivors are spring- Richter says. The woman has minimal lung surprised at emerging aftereffects. “What
ing up, and some are already overburdened. damage and feels fine. we’re experiencing is an epidemic of severe
Akrami has been waiting more than 4 weeks illness,” he says. “So therefore, there is an
to be seen at one of them, despite a referral EARLY IN THE PANDEMIC, doctors learned that epidemic” of chronic illness that follows it.
from her general practitioner. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID- But outcomes following SARS-CoV-2 also
The list of lingering maladies from 19, can disrupt a breathtaking array of tissues appear distinct in ways both hopeful and
COVID-19 is longer and more varied than in the body (Science, 24 April, p. 356). Like dispiriting. Early this year, many doctors
most doctors could have imagined. On- a key fitting neatly into a lock, SARS-CoV-2 feared the virus would induce extensive,
going problems include fatigue, a racing uses a spike protein on its surface to latch permanent lung damage in many survi-
heartbeat, shortness of breath, achy joints, onto cells’ ACE2 receptors. The lungs, heart, vors because two other coronaviruses, the
foggy thinking, a persistent loss of sense gut, kidneys, blood vessels, and nervous sys- viruses that cause the first severe acute
of smell, and damage to the heart, lungs, tem, among other tissues, carry ACE2 on respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle
kidneys, and brain. their cells’ surfaces—and thus are vulner- East respiratory syndrome, can devastate
The likelihood of a patient developing able to COVID-19. The virus the lungs. One study of health
persistent symptoms is hard to pin down can also induce a dramatic in- care workers with SARS in
because different studies track different flammatory reaction, includ- “I used to go 2003 found that those with
outcomes and follow survivors for differ- ing in the brain. Often, “The lung lesions 1 year after in-
ent lengths of time. One group in Italy danger comes when the body to the gym three fection still had them after
found that 87% of a patient cohort hospi-
talized for acute COVID-19 was still strug-
responds out of proportion
to the infection,” says Adrija
times a week. 15 years.
“We expected to see a lot of
gling 2 months later. Data from the COVID Hajra, a physician at Albert [Now,] my physical long-term damage from CO-
Symptom Study, which uses an app into Einstein College of Medicine VID-19: scarring, decreased
which millions of people in the United in New York City. She contin- activity is bed lung function, decreased
States, United Kingdom, and Sweden have
tapped their symptoms, suggest 10% to
ues to care for those who were
infected in the spring and are to couch, maybe exercise capacity,” says Ali
Gholamrezanezhad, a radio-
15% of people—including some “mild”
cases—don’t quickly recover. But with the
still recovering.
Despite the novelty of
couch to kitchen.” logist at the Keck School of
Medicine at the University of
crisis just months old, no one knows how SARS-CoV-2, its long-term ef- Athena Akrami, Southern California who in
far into the future symptoms will endure, fects have precedents: Infec- University College London mid-January began to review
and whether COVID-19 will prompt the on- tions with other pathogens are lung scans from COVID-19
set of chronic diseases. associated with lasting impacts ranging from patients in Asia. Hundreds of scans later,
Researchers are now facing a familiar heart problems to chronic fatigue. “Medicine he has concluded that COVID-19 ravages
COVID-19 narrative: trying to make sense has been used to dealing with this problem” the lungs less consistently and aggressively
of a mystifying illness. Distinct features of of acute viral illness followed by ongoing than SARS did, when about 20% of patients
the virus, including its propensity to cause symptoms, says Michael Zandi, a neuro- sustained lasting lung damage. “COVID-19
widespread inflammation and blood clot- logist at UCL. Even common illnesses such is in general a milder disease,” he says.
ting, could play a role in the assortment of as pneumonia can mean a monthslong re- At the same time, the sheer breadth of
concerns now surfacing. “We’re seeing a re- covery. “I see a lot of people who had [the complications linked to COVID-19 is mind-
ally complex group of ongoing symptoms,” brain inflammation] encephalitis 3, 4 years boggling. In late April, Akrami collaborated
says Rachael Evans, a pulmonologist at the ago, and still can’t think, or are tired,” Zandi with Body Politic, a group of COVID-19 sur-
University of Leicester. says. Infections with certain bacteria and vivors, to survey more than 600 who still
Survivor studies are starting to probe Zika virus, among others, are linked to had symptoms after 2 weeks. She logged
them. Last month, researchers across the Guillain-Barre syndrome, in which the im- 62 different symptoms and is now readying
United Kingdom including Evans launched mune system attacks nerve tissue, causing the findings for publication and developing
a study that will follow 10,000 survivors for tingling, weakness, and paralysis. (Some a second survey to capture longer term ail-
1 year to start, and up to 25 years. Ultimately, cases of Guillain-Barre after COVID-19 have ments. “Even though it’s one virus, it can
researchers hope not just to understand the been reported, but “it’s not definite [there’s] cause all different kinds of diseases in peo-
disease’s long shadow, but also to predict a spike,” says Rachel Brown, a UCL neuro- ple,” says Akiko Iwasaki, an immunologist
who’s at highest risk of lingering symptoms logist who works with Zandi.) at Yale University who is studying lingering
and learn whether treatments in the acute Based on experience with other viruses, effects on the immune system.
phase of illness can head them off. doctors can “extrapolate and anticipate”
For Götz Martin Richter, a radiologist at potential long-term effects of COVID-19, BY NOW IT’S CLEAR that many people with
the Klinikum Stuttgart in Germany, what’s says Jeffrey Goldberger, chief of cardio- COVID-19 severe enough to put them in
especially striking is that just as the ill- logy at the University of Miami. Like SARS- a hospital face a long recovery (Science,
ness’ acute symptoms vary unpredictably, CoV-2, some other viruses, such as Epstein- 24 April, p. 359). The virus ravages the

SCIENCE 7 AUGUST 2020 • VOL 369 ISSUE 6504 615

Published by AAAS

heart, for example, in multiple ways. Di- virus-induced heart problems, treatments as harm to the heart, previously healthy peo-
rect invasion of heart cells can damage or simple as cholesterol-lowering drugs, aspirin, ple are not exempt from the virus’ long-
destroy them. Massive inflammation can or beta blockers could help, Goldberger says. term effects on the lungs, though their risk
affect cardiac function. The virus can blunt Many people the pair has seen with is likely lower.
the function of ACE2 receptors, which nor- heart complications post–COVID-19 had Then there’s the nervous system, a worrying
mally help protect heart cells and degrade preexisting conditions, most commonly target. Severe complications seem relatively
angiotensin II, a hormone that increases diabetes and hypertension. COVID-19, rare but aren’t limited to those whom the vi-
blood pressure. Stress on the body from Goldberger suspects, tips them into more rus renders critically ill. Brown, Zandi, and
fighting the virus can prompt release of hazardous terrain or accelerates the onset colleagues described 43 people with neuro-
adrenaline and epinephrine, which can of heart problems that, absent the corona- logic complications last month in Brain;
also “have a deleterious effect on the virus, might have developed later. many had been hospitalized during their
heart,” says Raul Mitrani, a cardiac elec- But other patients are affected without acute infection, but not always for long—and
trophysiologist at the University of Miami apparent risk factors: A paper in July in for some, neurologic problems were their
who collaborates with Goldberger. JAMA Cardiology found that 78 of 100 peo- most debilitating symptom and the reason
Mitrani and Goldberger, who co-authored ple diagnosed with COVID-19 had cardiac for hospital admission. Several were strug-
a June paper in Heart Rhythm urging follow- abnormalities when their heart was im- gling to recover from encephalitis. Others
had inflammation in their brain’s white mat-
ter, which helps transmit electrical signals.
Pain that lingers Separately, doctors are starting to see a
A subset of COVID-19 patients experiences ongoing symptoms class of patients who, like Akrami, struggle to
Persistent 4
and complications such as organ damage, and researchers are fever think clearly—another outcome physicians
proposing reasons for some of them (bottom). Scientists are have come upon in the past. After some se-
trying to identify such symptoms, how common they are, how long vere viral infections, there are “those people
they last, who’s at risk, and how to treat and prevent them. who still don’t feel quite right afterward, but
have normal brain scans,” Brown says. Some
neurologists and patients describe the phe-
nomenon as “brain fog.” It’s largely a mys-
Joint pain
Fatigue Insomnia Chest pain tery, though one theory suggests it’s similar
Headache Cough to a “postviral fatigue related to inflamma-
tion in the body,” Brown says.
Could that be happening here? “Who
knows, really?” Brown says. “These patients
1 need to be followed.”

PEOPLE LIKE THESE pose a growing concern

(though they are also often dismissed by
Vertigo Skin rash
physicians). Collectively, these “long-
2 3 haulers” describe dozens of symptoms,
including many that could have multiple
1 Brain fog 2 Shortness of breath 3 Heart arrhythmia 4 Hypertension causes, such as fatigue, joint pain, and
Difficulty thinking can Doctors are eyeing lung The virus can harm Some patients have fever. “It’s time to give some voice to this
occur after acute COVID-19 and heart complications the heart, and doctors high blood pressure huge population of patients,” Akrami says.
infection. The virus may including scarring. are concerned about after an acute infection, The most bedeviling and common linger-
damage brain cells, and Patients who become long-term damage. even when cases were ing symptom seems to be fatigue, but re-
inflammation in the brain critically ill with COVID-19 How the heart heals relatively mild and
searchers caution against calling it chronic
or body may also cause seem more likely to have after COVID-19 could people were previously
neurologic complications. lingering shortness of help determine whether healthy, possibly because fatigue syndrome. That’s “a specific diag-
Other viral infections breath, but those with mild a patient develops the virus targets blood nosis,” Marks says. “You might have fibro-
can also lead to brain fog. cases are also at risk. an irregular heartbeat. vessels and heart cells. sis in the lungs, and that will make you feel
fatigued; you might have impaired heart
function, and that will make you feel fa-
up of patients who might have heart dam- aged on average 10 weeks later, most often tigued.” Trying to trace symptoms to their
age, worry in particular about the enzyme inflammation in heart muscle. Many of the source is critical to understanding and ul-
troponin, which is elevated in 20% to 30% of participants in the study were previously timately managing them, he says.
hospitalized COVID-19 patients and signifies healthy, and some even caught the virus Iwasaki agrees. Doctors would treat symp-
cardiac damage. (Troponin is sky-high during while on ski trips, according to the authors. toms differently depending on whether
a heart attack, for example.) How the heart Severe lung scarring appears less com- they result from a lingering infection or are
heals following COVID-19 might determine mon than feared—Gholamrezanezhad rooted in autoimmune abnormalities. She

whether an irregular heartbeat develops or knows of only one recovered patient who has begun to recruit people who weren’t hos-
persists, Goldberger believes. “We have one still needs oxygen at rest. Scarring seems pitalized when they had COVID-19 and will
guy in the hospital right now who had COVID most likely to accompany underlying lung sift through her volunteers’ immune cells,
2 months ago and had all sorts of arrhyth- disease, hypertension, obesity, and other examining whether they’re primed to attack,
mia problems” then, Goldberger says. “He’s conditions. Lung damage is also seen in and measuring whether the balance among
recovered from his COVID, but still has the people who spend weeks on a ventilator. different cell types is as it should be. She’ll
arrhythmia.” For some patients with corona- Gholamrezanezhad suspects that, as with also hunt for virus in saliva. “We’re pretty

616 7 AUGUST 2020 • VOL 369 ISSUE 6504 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
Doctors and nurses inspect a patient’s scans in Istanbul. Concern is growing that the lungs and other organs can struggle to heal after a COVID-19 infection.

much searching for anything,” she says. or make them susceptible to, a range of recoveries. “We’re trying to develop data
Iwasaki is especially struck by the num- COVID-19 induced health problems. Know- analysis tools” to account for that tilt, he
ber of young, healthy, active people—people ing who’s at risk of, say, kidney failure or car- says, “similar to methods used in polling.
like Akrami—who fall into the long-hauler diac arrhythmia could mean more targeted You have to weigh the biases.”
category. As she and others struggle to follow-up. The U.K. researchers are also keen One of the few systematic, long-term
find ways to help them, she wonders what to see whether patients who received certain studies of COVID-19 patients with mild
might head off their symptoms. One pos- treatments in the acute phase of illness, such acute symptoms is underway in San Fran-
sibility, she says, is monoclonal antibodies, as steroids or blood thinners, are less prone cisco, where researchers are recruiting
which are now being tested as a treatment to later complications. 300 adults from local doctors and hospitals,
for acute infection and might also forestall For her part, Akrami is one of 2 million for 2 years of follow-up. “We don’t have a
lasting immune problems. people infected weeks or months ago par- broad idea of what’s happening” after the
Hers is one of several survivor studies ticipating in the COVID Symptom Study. initial illness, says Steven Deeks, an HIV re-
now underway. While Goldberger’s home- The study welcomes anyone infected, and searcher at the University of California, San
town of Miami faces a surge of acutely ill Francisco, who is leading the study, mod-
patients, he is looking ahead, applying for eled on HIV cohorts he has followed for de-
funding to image the heart and map its “Even though it’s one virus, cades. What does “ongoing symptoms” even
electrical activity in COVID-19 patients after
they leave the hospital. Gholamrezanezhad
it can cause all different mean, Deeks asks. “Is that weeks, months?
We don’t know that it’s years.”
is recruiting 100 patients after hospital dis-
charge to follow for up to 2 years for lung
kinds of diseases in people.” More than 100 people ranging in age
from 18 to 80 have signed up so far. Cardio-
assessments. Like many physicians, he fears Akiko Iwasaki, Yale University logists, neurologists, pulmonologists, and
the societal impact of even uncommon com- others are assessing the volunteers, and
plications, including in the millions of peo- with 10% to 15% of people who use the app blood, saliva, and other biological speci-
ple never hospitalized. “When you consider reporting ongoing symptoms, it has al- mens are being banked and analyzed.
how many people are getting the disease, ready yielded a welter of data, says Andrew Although scientists hope they’ll learn
it’s a big problem,” he says. Chan, an epidemiologist and physician at how to avert chronic symptoms and help
Across the Atlantic Ocean, Richter has re- Harvard Medical School. patients currently suffering, this latest

cruited 300 volunteers in Germany for long- As he and his colleagues parse the data, chapter in the COVID-19 chronicle has
term follow-up, including lung scans. In the they are identifying distinct “types” of been sobering. The message many re-
United Kingdom, patients will soon be able acute illness, based on clusters of symp- searchers want to impart: Don’t under-
to sign up for that country’s survivor study, toms. Chan wonders whether certain early estimate the force of this virus. “Even if
with many giving blood samples and being symptoms correlate with specific ones that the story comes out a little scary, we need
examined by specialists. The researchers linger. He acknowledges the risk that the a bit of that right now,” Iwasaki says, be-
will probe patients’ DNA and examine other app’s data could be skewed, because people cause the world needs to know how high
characteristics such as age and health his- who aren’t feeling well may be more likely the stakes are. “Once the disease is estab-
tory to learn what might protect them from, to participate than those who have smooth lished, it’s really hard to go backward.” j

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