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Gtummo Manual

Respa- Vajra Master

Gtummo History

Living in 11,000 to 18,000 feets of height at the Himalaya hill is not an easy thing to do. But from the
beginning till now, The people of Tibet can live there peacefully. They can survive living there not
because of burning fire or drinking a lot of alcohol to stay warm, but they still can survive because of the
gtummo that flows in their bodies.

Gtummo, in Tibet language doesn't mean hot or warm, but it refers to a mystic technic as well as the
energy produced which first is not to warm the body of the Gtummo practitioner, but is to support the
efforts in achieving the spiritual perfection.

People in Tibet divided the gtummo into three functions, they are: the exoteric gtummo, which can give
the ability to heal an illness by using a gentle warmth, the esoteric gtumo, which can give the survival
ability at the very cool temperature, and the mystic gtummo, which can give the warmth in achievement
of spiritual happiness in life. Esoteric gtummo is very famous and mastered by almost of people in Tibet;
either by their own effort, initiation, or by the Angkur that given by a Vajra Master.Exoteric and mystic
gtummo are not mastered by many people, even in the Tibet mystic environment, there are only some
people who mastered all of the three kinds of gtummo. 

Gtummo is inner fire a cosmic heat energy from astral body that increases spiritual achievement of a
human being. Gtumo also functions to cure various types of physical and psychical diseases. Application
of gtumo to heal is not followed by concentration, breathing technics and medicines. It can be said that
gtumo flows when we think of other things beyond healing effort. Application of gtumo for first grade
practitioner is done by palm-hand touch, while for second grade, master grade and vajra master grade
practitioners is done by palm-hand touch and using energy patterns enabling distance healing to one or
more patients collectively.

GTummo has been practised by Lhama ( tantra buddhist monks ) on Tibet for since buddhism enter Tibet.
Still practise now by selected monk, included Dailai Lhama himself.

Gtumo can be applied by everyone after get the attunement of gtumo. The gtumo can be attuned by vajra
master grade practitioner in 10 minutes for each grade and instantly the new practitioner can aplly gtumo
to him/her self and others by only
touching palm of hand. Application to your self is done by palm-hand touch on both
thighs generally, while for others are done by touching palm of hand on the patient's


By the flow of gtumo in one's body, the all level of physical, mental, emotion, and intuition will grow

The mastery of exoteric gtumo is very useful in many process of healing many diseases like physical
disease, mental, emotional, and spiritual diseases. A gtumo practitioner his self, doesn't need to know the
disease suffered by the patient so that it would help for the patient who feel embarrassed of the illness
they are suffering from.


Either in exoteric, esoteric, or mystic gtumo the gtumo is divided into four grades. First Grade (grade 1),
Second Grade (grade 2), Master Grade, and the Vajra Master Grade. Through the Angkur, one instantly
masters the Grade 1 gtumo. And so are with the Grade 2 gtumo, Master Grade, and the Vajra Master
Grade, step by step can be reached instantly, even in one angkur can be reached the Vajra master Grade!
Generally can be said that the higher grade that owned by someone, is the higher gtumo that he can
distribute or channel to other. At the grade 2 of exoteric gtumo, someone already use the symbols that
facilitate and accelerate the healing process.
Grade/level 1 (respa of gtumo)

At first grade Respa can apply gtumo for many purposes by touching the object with his palm of hand.
The gtumo distribution done by only think 'I distribute the gtumo energy' at a time before put his hand on
the object. When distributing the gtumo, Respa must not think about the gtumo distribution but he must
think about another things outside the gtumo distribution, and it would be much better if he doing such
meditation while distributing the gtumo. In the application of gtumo to heal someone, a Respa's palm of
hands touch the shoulder of the patient with his both thumbs touch the Medulla oblongata which is the
top of spinal column and as the entrance of gtumo to the patient's whole body. Gtumo distribution in
order to heal someone would take place for 20 to 30 minutes. For the best healing process, gtumo
distribution repeated at least three days after the last distribution. In daily, a Respa can use gtumo to
support his every effort by put his hands face to face one each other and distribute the gtumo between 20
to 30 minutes, then mention the goal he wants to achieve, and not the process of achieving the goal. (Goal
is the same as result!)

Grade/level 2 (High respa of gtumo)

A High Respa can apply the gtumo for many purposes by touching his hands to the object or by using
such symbols in exoteric gtumo. In a direct application of gtumo in a patient's body, a High Respa put his
hands on patient's shoulder with his both thumbs touch the Medulla oblongata. A gtumo distribution,
which is done by a high Respa, would take 10 to 15 minutes of times. In the application of gtumo for long
distance healing, a high Respa can use symbols in exoteric gtumo.

Master Grade/ Personal Master

A Master can apply gtumo for many purposes by touching his hands to an object or by using such
symbols in exoteric gtumo. In a direct application of gtumo in a patient's body, a Master put his hands on
patient's shoulder and with his both thumbs on the medulla oblongata. A gtumo distribution, which is
done by a Master, takes 10 to 15 minutes. The differences between gtumo of Grade 2 and the Master
Grade gtumo are the quantity and quality of energy that is distributed into the patient's body. At the
Master Grade, the gtumo energy distributed is much higher and softer compared to the Grade 2 gtumo, it
means that the whole process of healing happen in much shorter time.

Vajra Master Grade/ Master Teacher

A Vajra Master can apply gtumo for many purposes by touching his hands to an object or by using such
symbols in exoteric gtumo. In a direct application of gtumo in a patient's body, a Vajra Master put his
hands on patient's shoulder and with his both thumbs on the medulla oblongata. A gtumo distribution by a
Vajra Master takes 10 to 15 minutes. The differences between Vajra Master Grade and the Master Grade
are the quantity and quality of energy that is distributed into the patient's body. At the Vajra Master
Grade, the gtumo energy distributed is much higher and softer compared to the Master Grade gtumo so
that the whole of healing process happen in much shorter time.

At the Vajra Master Grade, someone can give angkur to other people. In Vajra Master Gtumo, there is a
unique special character, that is, the gtumo will automatically flow to someone who needs to be healed -
even though this person doesn't meet the Vajra Master directly - only by saying the spiritual name of the
Vajra Master for a few times in mind!

To receive Angkur Gtummo :

1. Find quiet place

2. Sit down and relax
3. Use comfortable shirt, don't use metal tools and accessories
4. Do Afirmation
5. Then follow all instructions below.

LEVEL I (Respa of gTumo)

"Affirmation for ANGKUR level 1" (once in a life-time) :

"I am receiving angkur gtumo level 1 from Vajra Master gtumo ....(mention name of the vajramaster)
perfectly, sacred fire gtumo level 1 become active and flow constantly to my whole body as bless from
God to me.

Then do meditation, put your left hand on your dan tian point (3 fingers below your navel) and right hand
on heart chakra (located in the middle of your nipple) .

After that pray and ask for guidance from God and do meditation affirmation level 1: " I am activating
sacred fire gtumo to be awakened and flow to my whole body, chakras and nadis perfectly, charge, clean
and trash all the negative energy in my body.

Close your eyes, enjoy gtumo energy flowing. Stay for 15 minutes in that position. Remember: only use
gtumo affirmation once, next days you just only need to do meditation affirmation and do meditation for
seven consecutive days, each day twice.

LEVEL 2 (High Respa of gTumo)

"Affirmation for ANGKUR level 2" (once in a life-time) :

"I am receiving angkur gtumo level 2 from Vajra Master gtumo ....(mention name of the vajramaster)
perfectly, sacred fire gtumo level 2 become active and flow constantly to my whole body 108 times
stronger in quantity and quality than level 1 as bless from God to me.
Then do level 2 meditation: sit in meditation position calmly and relax.

Meditation affirmation level 2: " I am doing gtumo level 2 meditation perfectly, active and flow sacred
fire gtumo 108 times stronger to my whole body, chakras and nadis perfectly, charge, clean and trash all
the negative energy and disease: physically, emotionally, mentally and metaphysically as bless from God
to me.
Then, do meditation for 15 minutes.

After finish, do energy distribution:

1. Put your both hand (left hand above) on tantien/ source of gtumo (3 fingers below navel) for 2 minutes.
2. Right hand on your gtumo point, left hand on navel for 2 minutes.
3. Left hand on navel and right hand on solar plexus for 2 minutes.
4. Right hand on solar plexus and left hand on heart chakra for 2 minutes.
5. Left hand on heart chakra and right hand on throat chakra for 2 minutes
6. Right hand on throat chakra and left hand on ajna chakra/third eye for 2 minutes.
7. Left hand on ajna and rigt hand on crown chakra for 2 minutes.
8. Both hand on crown chakra for 2 minutes.

Note: hand = palm

Do meditation affirmation, meditation and level 2 energy flowing for 7 consecutive days, each day twice.

“Gtumo application for self”

Do last level affirmation you received (eg 1 / 2), do meditation for 2 minutes, not 15 minutes, then put
your left hand in your heart chakra, intend to do self healing from all diseases, after that let energy flow,
never force and direct gtumo energy with your will, just relax and energy will work automatically, never
think of energy flow or not, if you get no sensation just let it go because energy will however flow, only
you don’t sensitive enough. While hand still touching, try to put your concentration on other things
(having conversations or watching TV) because energy will flow better if you don’t think about it, just
use timer or estimated times needed for one self healing session is 15 to 20 minutes.

“Gtumo application for others”

Do affirmation:
I am activating sacred fire gtumo to heal disease ... (mention name of disease suffered, if you don’t know
then represent with: “ all diseases”) that suffered by ... (mention name of patient) perfectly, cleansed and
cure as bless from God, Thank you.

Then: ...

Put your both hand in patient’s back (from behind), with your both thumbs touch medula oblongata.
Relax, surrender, never think of healing and where energy flow, put your concentration on other things
for eg ask your patient to talk and tell anything. Both of your hands still touch for 20-25 minutes. Have a
comfort and relax hand position before treatment.

“Gtumo application for distant healing”

1. Sit in a chair and in front of you a desk (wood desk), if you can find it, can be changed to room’s wall.
2. Do affirmation: I am activating sacred fire gTumo and distribute it from distant to heal disease ….
(mention name of the disease, if you don’t know then represent with “all diseases”) that suffered by ….
(mention name of the patient) perfectly, cleansed and cure as bless from God, Thank you.
3. Do affirmation: “From now on until healing session finish, this desk/wall is back of ....(mention name
of patient), as bless from God.
4. Then put your both hand on desk or wall (any parts of desk or wall depend on you) calm, relax and do
all healing position or principles as explaine above. Stay in position for 20-25 minutes, if you feel tired,
you may have a rest for a while and then do affirmation again and put your hand for the rest time you
don’t finish (for e.g after 10 minutes, have a rest, then continue for 10-15 minutes more). I suggest to put
in comfort and calm position so you will not feel tired. If possible, during 20-25 minutes healing session
get no rest, because it will give better result.
5. After finish fo affirmation: “ I cut energy and affirmation connection, as bless from God, “Thank you”

Symbol or Energy Patterns application

In gtumo exoteric, symbol means energi pattern so no picture or movement should be done as in reiki.
You only need to do affirmation and certain energy patterns will be formed and can be used. gTumo level
2 consists of 5 main energy patterns such as Anu, Chakra, Manas, Kala and Tana. Also 9 supporting
energy patterns: Nihsanga, Niyati, Shabda, Prana, Kulakundalini, Divya, Buddhi, Dharma dan Padma.

"Energy pattern application for self “

1. Do affirmation to activate gtumo : " I am doing gtumo level 2 meditation perfectly, active and flow
sacred fire gtumo 108 times stronger to my whole body. “
2. For self: put left hand on source of gtumo point (tantien). Right hand in front of chest (about 30 cm),
then do affirmation: “form energy patterns Anu, Chakra, Manas, Kala, Tana perfectly as bless from God,
thank you”
3. Blow to your right hand palm, wait until the energy patterns formed (roughly one minute), after
formed, touch your heart chakra. Treament time needed 20-25 minutes.

“Energy pattern application for others directly”

1. Do affirmation to activate gtumo : " I am doing gtumo level 2 meditation perfectly, active and flow
sacred fire gtumo 108 times stronger to ... (mention patient name) whole body.“
2. Place your hands 30cm in front of your chest, palms facing upwards, then do affirmation: “I’m
activating energy pattern …. (mention one or more of the 13 energy patterns) perfectly as bless from God,
thank you. “
3. Blow to your both hand palm, wait until the energy patterns formed (roughly one minute), after formed,
put on patients back from beging with both thumb touching medulla oblongata.. Treament time needed
20-25 minutes.

Note : If you want to use secondary energy patterns, it’s better to put between Manas and Kala, for e.g:
Anu, Chakra, Manas, Niyati, Nihsanga, etc. (supporting symbols) , Kala, Tana
“Energy pattern application for others from distant”

For distant patient. The methods: after affirmation and blow, wait, then visualized energy ball formed and
visualize that you are pushing it to the patient’s heart chakra or medulla oblongata (both can be applied)
with visualization patient in front of you.
Distant healing method with object as representation of patient can be combined with this methods: do “3
steps how to apply energy patterns above, then do “supposition affirmation”, and touch your both hands
on desk or wall. Treatment time 20-25 minutes.

Gtumo energy patterns

> 5 main energy patterns

1. Anu: being used in the early Gtumo application. The function of this symbol is to synchronize healing
place, patient and high respa, master or vajra master with divine energy so that the healing process can
walk further. Give shield so that negative energy or disease out from patient can not go back.
2. Chakra: being used to put gtummo energy in certain part of body according to where it put on. This
symbol always used in energy program forming. Chakra energy patterns also used to strengthen gtumo
practitioner energy or patient’s as programmed by gtumo practitioner. Chakra energy patterns give
strengthen and enegizer as cho-ku rei symbol in reiki.
3. Manas: being used to clean patient’s bodyphysically, mentally, emotionally and intuitionally. Manas
energy patterns always used in energy program forming. It also cleanse chronic negative and disease
4. Kala: being used to control energy program, for time determination from beginning of program, how
long program will be active, also to send energy to someone in certain place for distant healing. Kala
energy patterns also used in energy form programming.
5. Tana : being used by high respa, master, and vajra master each time to end gtumo application on
patient, directly or distantly. Tana energy pattern function is to flow gtumo to entire body flattened till the
smallest part. Therefore healing process can go faster compared to healing process by a respa. Tana
energy patterns can also be used to remove negative entities/beings possibly associated with chronic
diseases and to heal negative emotion (anger, hate, sadness, etc)

> 9 Supporting energy patterns

1. Nihsanga : used for non-healing purpose but to harmonize patient’s energy or certain objects to
empower and motivate to be healed (can be used on a patient who is in despair about her/his illnesses)
2. Prana : used to open certain chakra as where it put on our body. Prana energy pattern application on
one chakra can result in the chakra become active. Prana application always followed with manas to avoid
negative effect of chakra and turn up the positive effects. Prana energy patterns can also be used to
improve circulation of pranic energy from food and nature (breath, sun, water, earth , etc) to/from our
body and to accelerate healing process.
3. Kulakundalini : used for non-healing purpose but to awake kundalini to higher stage. It always used in
beginning oe meditation. Activate and flow kundalini energi together with gtumo, to reach enlightenment.
4. Niyati : used for non-healing purpose but to ground gtumo practitioner. Niyati energy pattern also used
to help maintain and boost one’s determination to reach a goal. It can be used on a patient to maintain
her/his steadfastness to complete multiple healing sessions. For mild disease, it usually takes 2-3 times of
treatment, middle disease : 4-6 treatment, chronic disease > 7 times of treatment.
5. Shabda : used to ground gtumo on patient that’s physically too weak. It also can be used to help
manifestation or empower an affirmation to reach maximum result. For materialization, do affirmation to
get things we want (e.g : “in 3 next months I will get salary increasing....”)
6. Divya : used to improve charisma, love purity, harmonize relationship or to reach soul consciousness in
7. Dharma : to motivate one to always do positive things to other beings
8. Budhi : used to develop pure love and to help reach buddhic / cosmic consciousness
9. Padma : used specifically for heart-disease problem. By applying Padma energy patterns, heart-disease
problem can be cured in short time. Padma energy patterns can be used to help spread universal love
energy to all beings.

That’s all explanation for gtumo Level 1 (Respa) and level 2 (High respa) application.
LEVEL 3 (Master of gTumo)
"Affirmation for ANGKUR level 3" (once in a life-time) :

"I am receiving angkur gtumo level 3 from Vajra Master gtumo ....(mention name of the vajramaster)
perfectly, sacred fire gtumo level 3 become active and flow constantly to my whole body 1000 times
stronger in quantity and quality than level 1 as bless from God to me.
Then do level 3 meditation: sit in meditation position calmly and relax.
Meditation affirmation level 3: " I am doing gtumo level 3 meditation perfectly, active and flow sacred
fire gtumo 1000 times stronger to sushuma, ida, pingala, 365 chakras and 72,000 nadis perfectly, charge,
clean and trash all the negative energy and disease: physically, emotionally, mentally and metaphysically
as bless from God to me.
Then, do meditation for 15 minutes.

After finish, do energy distribution:

1. Put your both hand (left hand above) on tantien/ source of gtumo (3 fingers below navel) for 2 minutes.
2. Right hand on your gtumo point, left hand on navel for 2 minutes.
3. Left hand on navel and right hand on solar plexus for 2 minutes.
4. Right hand on solar plexus and left hand on heart chakra for 2 minutes.
5. Left hand on heart chakra and right hand on throat chakra for 2 minutes
6. Right hand on throat chakra and left hand on ajna chakra/third eye for 2 minutes.
7. Left hand on ajna and rigt hand on crown chakra for 2 minutes.
8. Both hand on crown chakra for 2 minutes.

Note : hand = palm

Do meditation affirmation, meditation and level 3 energy flowing for 7 consecutive days, each day twice.
gTumo level 3 application similar to level 2 with the same energy patterns.

LEVEL 4 (Vajra Master of gTumo)

A Vajra Master can apply gtumo for many purposes by touching his hands to an object or by using such
symbols or energy patterns in exoteric gtumo. Direct application of gtumo in patient's body, a Vajra
Master put his hands on patient's shoulder with his both thumbs on the medulla oblongata. A gtumo
distribution by a Vajra Master takes 10 to 15 minutes. The differences between Vajra Master Grade and
the Master Grade are in the quantity and quality of energy that is distributed into the patient's body. In
Vajra Master Grade, the gtumo energy distributed is much higher and softer compared to the Master
Grade gtumo so that the whole of healing process occur in shorter time.

In Vajra Master Grade, someone can give angkur to other people. There is a unique special character in
Vajra Master Gtumo and that is, gtumo will automatically flow to someone who needs to be healed - even
though the person doesn't meet the Vajra Master directly - only by saying the spiritual name of a Vajra
Master for a three times in mind or by visualizing Vajra Master image!
Until now, I just give angkur distant and direct Vajra Master to several chosen persons. Because in this
level, someone can use gTumo energy to block others’ body energy. The highest level I give only until
Personal Master level. For Vajra Master grade should be selected very tight.

"Affirmation for ANGKUR level Vajra Master" (once in a life-time) :

"I am receiving angkur gtumo Vajra Master level from Vajra Master gtumo ....(mention name of the
vajramaster) perfectly, sacred fire gtumo Vajra Master level become active, flow, open and clean
sushumna, ida, pingala, 72,000 nadis, 365 chakras, perfectly, charge, clean and trash all the negative
energy and disease: physically, emotionally, mentally and metaphysically as bless from God to me.

Then do level 4 meditation: sit in meditation position calmly and relax with left hand on tan tien point and
right hand on chest.
Meditation affirmation Vajra Master level: " In this meditation, I am activating vajra body and sacred fire
Vajra Master level of gtumo constantly to sushumna, ida, pingala, whole body, 365 chakras and 72,000
nadis perfectly, charge, clean and trash all the negative energy and disease: physically, emotionally,
mentally and metaphysically as bless from God to me.

Then, do meditation for 15 minutes.

After finish, do energy distribution:

1. Put your both hand (left hand above) on tantien/ source of gtumo (3 fingers below navel) for 2 minutes.
2. Right hand on your gtumo point, left hand on navel for 2 minutes.
3. Left hand on navel and right hand on solar plexus for 2 minutes.
4. Right hand on solar plexus and left hand on heart chakra for 2 minutes.
5. Left hand on heart chakra and right hand on throat chakra for 2 minutes
6. Right hand on throat chakra and left hand on ajna chakra/third eye for 2 minutes.
7. Left hand on ajna and rigt hand on crown chakra for 2 minutes.
8. Both hand on crown chakra for 2 minutes.

Note : hand = palm

Do meditation affirmation, meditation and level 4 energy flowing for 21 consecutive days, each day
minimum once.

“Angkur technique and affirmation”

After doing Vajra Master for 21 consecutive days, you are ready to give angkur to others for all levels
until Vajra Master. Angkur can be given directly or distant. Principally, both of them are the same, only
the presence of student different. For a vajra master, to give angkur is an easy thing and fast, not limited
by distant and place. Vajra master just need to intend or do affirmation to give angkur. I suggest to select
very tight for giving angkur for vajra master level because in this level, with intention to hurt others, a
vajra master can form harmful energy pattern. However I will give you guidance to make you more sure
and confident.

Direct Angkur (face to face).

Step by step :

1. Student sit on a chair or floor.

2. Vajra Master (you) who giving angkur stand/ sit in front of student and face to student.
3. Vajra Master ask student to pray together to God asking for help, guidance and bless.
4. Vajra Master do meditation to activate Vajra body and Sacred fire gtumo.
5. Vajra Master form energy patterns: Anu, Chakra, Manas, Prana, Shaktimata, Kala, Tana.
6. Vajra Master do angkur affirmation:
7. For level 1and 2 affirmation: “I am, …. (your spiritual sanscrit name), give angkur gtumo level
(mention angkur level to be given) to … perfectly as bless from God.
8. For level Master: “I am, …. (your spiritual sanscrit name), give angkur gtumo Master level to … and
authorize him to use energy patterns shaktimata as bless from God.
9. For level Vajra Master: “I am, …. (your spiritual sanscrit name), give angkur gtumo Vajra Master level
to … and authorize him to use energy pattern Shaktimata for giving angkur as bless from God.
10. Vajra Master distribute gtumo energy to students with energy patterns as above.
11. Vajra Master read receiving angkur affirmation followed by student.
12. Student close eyes and do meditation for 15 minutes.
13. After that continue with self healing/ gTumo meditation.

Symbol or energy patterns application

Energy patterns in Vajra Master level similar to level 2, but the quantity and quality of energy is much
In gtumo, what mean with symbol is certain energy pattern. So no drawing symbol or movement shall be
done as using symbols in reiki. Only with affirmation, energy patterns will be formed and ready to be
used. In gTumo Vajra Master level consists of 5 main energy patterns: Anu, Chakra, Manas, Kala dan
Tana, 9 supporting energy patterns: Nihsanga,
Niyati, Shabda, Prana, Kulakundalini, Divya, Buddhi, Dharma dan Padma. and 2 Vajra Master energy
patterns: Shaktimata dan Marana,
Shaktimata = to give angkur,
Marana = to block others energy.
For self-healing and others, a vajra master can use 14 energy patterns besides Shaktimata and Marana).

gTumo application for self and others similar to previous level manual.

Below are additional applications for gTumo using in daily life:

Financial Healing (to get what you want) :

- Put both of your hands in Namaskara Mudra and pray for help, protection and guidance from God.
- Form the energy patterns: Anu,Chakra, Manas, Kala, and Tana
- Intend to distribute gTumo energy
- Affirmations:
“As the bless from God and Universal intelligent,..(say what you want for example:
I get the sum of money $ 10,000 this month)”.
- Then put your both hands on your both thighs for 20-30 minutes (don’t think of anything). Do it daily
until you get the result.
- Remember, don’t think of the way, just mention the goal you want to achieve, not the process of
achieving the goal. (Goal is the same as result!)
For Psychic Protection :
- Form the energy patterns : Anu,Chakra, Manas, Kala, and Tana
- Affirmations:
“As the bless from God and Universal intelligent, …(object) will always save, wealth, and free from
negative energy”.
If the object is close to you, touch your hands to the object. If from distant, add affirmation :
“These energy patterns will be sent to …. in….”
Then throw your hand to the front as if you throw a ball.

For Mental and Emotional Healing :

- Form the energy patterns: Anu, Chakra, Manas, Divya, Buddhi, Dharma, Kala, and
- Affirmations: increase my energy ………X (up to you, 100, 1000 or 10000 times), if you want more
than 100x then the energy patterns you need to make are: Anu,Chakra, Manas, Divya, Buddhi,
Dharma, Nihsanga, Niyati, Kala, and Tana
- Then put both of your hands on patient shoulder with both thumbs touch the medulla oblongata, or on
both thighs for self. And affirm: “ I am distributing gTumo energy to the patient to heal all of the diseases
perfectly“, ± 15-20 minutes.

The Way to Use Shabda:

- Form patient with dying condition, coma or very weak condition.
- For energy patterns: Anu, Chakra, Manas, Shabda, Kala, and Tana
- Affirmations: increase my energy ………X (up to you, 100, 1000 or 10000 times), if you want more
than 100x then the energy patterns you need to make are: Anu,Chakra, Manas, Shabda, Nihsanga,
Niyati, Kala, and Tana
- Then put both of your hands on patient shoulder with both thumbs touch the medulla oblongata, or on
both thighs for self. And affirm: “ I am distributing gTumo energy to the patient to heal all of the diseases
perfectly“, ± 15-20 minutes.

The Way to Use Prana and Kulakundalini:

- Form the energy patterns: Anu, Chakra, Manas, Prana, Kulakundalini, Manas, Kala
and Tana
- Affirmations: “ Activate all of my chakras and lift Kundalini up to the higher level”.
- Then put both of your hands on patient shoulder with both thumbs touch the medulla oblongata, or on
both thighs for self. And affirm: “ I am distributing gTumo energy to the patient to heal all of the diseases
perfectly“, ± 15-20 minutes.

For Heart Problems, such as heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, etc.
- Form the energy patterns: Anu,Chakra, Manas, Padma, Kala, and Tana
- Affirmations: increase my energy ………X (up to you, 100, 1000 or 10000 times), if you want more
than 100x then the energy patterns you need to make are: Anu, Chakra, Manas, Padma, Nihsanga,
Kala, and Tana
- Then put both of your hands on patient shoulder with both thumbs touch the medulla oblongata, or on
both thighs for self. And affirm: “ I am distributing gTumo energy to the patient to heal all of the diseases
perfectly“, ± 15-20 minutes.

To Change Someone’s Bad Characters:

- Form the energy patterns: Anu,Chakra, Manas, Kala, and Tana
- Affirmations:
“As the bless from God and Universal intelligent, …(object name) in…. (object location) will be changed
his heart to be always kind and aware of his bad traits to…..”
Then throw your hand to the front as if you throw a ball.

To Cleanse Negative Entities:

- Form the energy patterns: Anu,Chakra, Manas, Nihsanga, Kala, and Tana
- Affirmation :
“As the bless from God and Universal intelligent, …(object name) in…. (object location) will be freed
from negative effects and negative entities.
Then throw your hand to the front as if you throw a ball.

To Make the House We Live Become Comfortable and Give Healing to All People Inside:
- Form the energy patterns: Anu, Chakra, Manas, Divya, Buddhi, Dharma, Kala, and Tana
- Affirmation :
“As the bless from God and Universal intelligent, this space/ home/ place will become comfortable and
pleasant to be lived with and every person inside will feel comfortable and directly receive the healing
powers to all disease they suffered perfectly.
- Form the energy patterns: Anu, Chakra, Manas, Kala, and Tana
- Affirmations: “increase the first energy pattern 100x.”
Then throw your hand to the front as if you throw a ball to the space/home/place.

A brief explanations for 2 additional energy patterns in Vajra Master level:

Marana (Lonsaii )
Marana energy patterns is 15th energy patterns in gtumo Esoteric. Marana energy patterns used to put
negativity on an object. Marana energy patterns combined with chakra energy pattern can cause fatal
attack to an object so that Marana symbol seldom be given to someone in vajra master grade angkur.
Marana energy patterns only be given to several vajra master only.

Shaktimata is 16th energy symbol in gtumo esoteric. Shaktimata energy patterns being used in all grade
angkur. Shaktimata energy patterns be give to all who have received Vajra Master grade angkur.

Use your skill and knowledge wisely. Hope you get benefit from them.

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