Procedure Integrate IB9387-LPR With VAST2

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Set up IB9387-LPR

1. Go to ANPR pacakge

2. Set up the region and country for the country of the license plate you will demo.
Then go to LPR configuration to make sure the region and country is all set
3. Define ROI. Choose the area where cars will pass by

4. Go to LPR configuration and select function mode as "freeflow"

5. Scroll down and change the setting for free flow as shown below.
6. Once finished, then please restart the LPR service

7. Go to Live and check calibration pattern

8. Check visually if the height of the plate numbers is at least fully covered one
The spacing between the line patterns is 25 pixels, which is the recommended
minimum pixels required to cover the plate number

9. Check if there's plate detected

Set up IB9387-LPR to send out detected license plates

data to VAST2's Data Magnet
In this tutorial, we're going to create a new list called "White List - Test", indicating
plates that are valid to enter. 

Once IB9387-LPR detected a valid plate, it'll send the number along with the plate
image to VAST2.

1. Go to List and create a new list called "White List - Test"

2. Select the list and then add plate numbers to the list
3. Add a new action, type vast for "Description", select Socket client for "Action
type", select "Enabled" for Active and click Save.

4. Click on the action column you just added, below area will pop up. Fill in your
VAST2's IP, type 17000 for port, choose XML_IMG for Format. Click on the
input area of Host IP again, then a green bar "Data saved" will pop up which
means the data has been saved.

5. Done! now go to set up VAST'2's Data Magnet

Set up VAST2 DataMagnet

1. Install "VAST_2_5_0_1546_x64_setup.exe"  and choose trial version in order to
get free Data Magnet trial.

2. Once installed, add IB9387-LPR to the VAST2 server

3.  Go to settings/Data Magnet and then add a new DataMagnet as shown below
1. Name: VivotekANPR            (*It's case-sensitive)
2. Port: Check Use default port
3. Related camera: Select IB9387-LPR


4. Go to live tab and right-click on the view cell of IB9387-LPR  and then check
data magnet => show data

5. Once plates are detected on IB9387-LPR, we'll see plate being overlaid on the
view cell
6. Also, we can search for all the detected plates in data magnet

7. Hit the search button and all the results are shown in the list     (*Note that if it's
the first time you receive license plate data, you need to restart VAST2
client to show the data correctly, it's a known issue which will be fixed in
official version.)
8. Double click on the item of the list if you want to playback the video

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