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INPV311 e-class

File 5C

- Utilizar el presente simple y el presente continuo en los contextos apropiados.

Simple present or present continuous? (Presente simple o continuo)

• Mira el cuadro con ejemplos de presente simple y continuo.

Ambos tiempos nos permiten hablar del presente.

• Usamos el presente simple para hablar en general del presente: información personal de
nombre, actividad, etc., o para hablar de actividades que realizamos habitualmente.
Por ejemplo:
 “My brother works in a pharmacy”.

Usamos presente continuo para hablar del presente inmediato, ahora, en estos momentos.
 “Today my brother is working in the pharmacy.”

Recuerda las diferencias de forma de presente simple y continuo para afirmar, negar y preguntar.

Affirmative Negative
I work I’m working I don’t work I’m not working
You You’re You don’t You aren’t
work working work working
He/she/it He/she/it is He/she/it doesn’t He/she/it isn’t
works We working We’re work We don’t work working We aren’t
work working They’re They don’t work working They aren’t
They work working working

Do I work? – Yes, I do. Am I working? – yes, I am
Do you work? – Yes, I Are you working? – Yes, I
do. am
Does he/she/it work? – yes, he/she/it Is he/she/it working? Yes, he/she/it is
does Do we/they work? – Yes, we/they Are we/they working? - Yes, we/they
do. are
Exercises for File 5C

Nombre estudiante: Sección:

A) Complete the sentences using “present simple” or “present continuous”.

B) Put the verbs in parentheses in “present simple” or “present continuous”.

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