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Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

TPM is a system of maintaining and improving the integrity of production, safety and quality
systems through the machines, equipment, processes, and employees that add business value to
an organization.


TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is a holistic approach to equipment maintenance that

strives to achieve perfect production:

 No Breakdowns
 No Small Stops or Slow Running
 No Defects

In addition it values a safe working environment:

 No Accidents

TPM emphasizes proactive and preventative maintenance to maximize the operational efficiency
of equipment. It blurs the distinction between the roles of production and maintenance by placing
a strong emphasis on empowering operators to help maintain their equipment.

The implementation of a TPM program creates a shared responsibility for equipment that
encourages greater involvement by plant floor workers. In the right environment this can be very
effective in improving productivity (increasing up time, reducing cycle times, and eliminating


The traditional approach to TPM was developed in the 1960s and consists of 5S as a foundation
and eight supporting activities (sometimes referred to as pillars).
The traditional TPM model consists of a 5S foundation (Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize,
and Sustain) and eight supporting activities.

The 5S Foundation

The goal of 5S is to create a work environment that is clean and well-organized. It consists of
five elements:

 Sort (eliminate anything that is not truly needed in the work area)
 Set in Order (organize the remaining items)
 Shine (clean and inspect the work area)
 Standardize (create standards for performing the above three activities)
 Sustain (ensure the standards are regularly applied)

It should be reasonably intuitive how 5S creates a foundation for well-running equipment. For
example, in a clean and well-organized work environment, tools and parts are much easier to
find, and it is much easier to spot emerging issues such as fluid leaks, material spills, metal
shavings from unexpected wear, hairline cracks in mechanisms, etc.

It will be explained further.


Who should participate?

Everyone is responsible

The starting point of TPM is that everyone is responsible for the day-to day maintenance of the
machines. Employee participation in improvement proposals and maintenance are key features
within TPM, so that they can jointly improve the machine efficiency, step-by-step. Maintenance
therefore also means ‘improvement’. Machines are purchased for their intended purpose only.
After that, it is possible to expose and eliminate hidden defects in the machines.

Multidisciplinary teams

Everyone, from operator to maintenance engineer, should make joint efforts to improve the OEE.
This can be achieved by forming small multidisciplinary teams. This can be achieved by giving
attention to autonomous maintenance, preventive maintenance, training of the employees
involved, security and standardization of work processes, the goal is Zero Defects:  zero errors,
zero losses and zero work-related accidents. By using such multidisciplinary teams, the
availability of machines will improve greatly. TPM focuses on the effective and efficient use of
production means and aims at involvement of all departments. The small multidisciplinary teams
work together from seven different TPM pillars, supported by 5S, to improve equipment
reliability and increase productivity.

The Eight Pillars of TPM ARE:

The eight pillars of TPM are mostly focused on proactive and preventative techniques for
improving equipment reliability.
Pillar What Is It? How Does It Help?

 Gives operators
Autonomous Places responsibility for routine maintenance, such as
Maintenance cleaning, lubricating, and inspection, in the hands of
“ownership” of
their equipment.
 Increases
knowledge of
their equipment.
 Ensures
equipment is
and lubricated.
 Identifies
emergent issues
before they
become failures.
 Frees
personnel for

Planned Schedules maintenance tasks based on predicted and/or  Significantly

Maintenance measured failure rates. reduces
instances of
unplanned stop
 Enables most
Pillar What Is It? How Does It Help?

maintenance to
be planned for
times when
equipment is not
scheduled for
 Reduces
through better
control of wear-
prone and

Quality Design error detection and prevention into production  Specifically

Maintenance processes. Apply Root Cause Analysis to eliminate targets quality
recurring sources of quality defects. issues with
projects focused
on removing
root sources of
 Reduces
number of
 Reduces cost by
catching defects
early (it is
Pillar What Is It? How Does It Help?

expensive and
unreliable to
find defects

Focused Have small groups of employees work together proactively  Recurring

Improvement to achieve regular, incremental improvements in equipment problems are
operation. identified and
resolved by
 Combines the
talents of a
company to
create an engine
for continuous

Early Equipment Directs practical knowledge and understanding of  New equipment

Management manufacturing equipment gained through TPM towards reaches planned
improving the design of new equipment. performance
levels much
faster due to
fewer startup
Pillar What Is It? How Does It Help?

 Maintenance is
simpler and
more robust due
to practical
review and
prior to

Training and Fill in knowledge gaps necessary to achieve TPM goals.  Operators
Education Applies to operators, maintenance personnel and managers. develop skills to
equipment and
 Maintenance
personnel learn
techniques for
proactive and
 Managers are
trained on TPM
principles as
well as on
Pillar What Is It? How Does It Help?

coaching and

Safety, Health, Maintain a safe and healthy working environment.  Eliminates

Environment potential health
and safety risks,
resulting in a
safer workplace.
 Specifically
targets the goal
of an accident-
free workplace.

TPM in Apply TPM techniques to administrative functions.  Extends TPM

Administration benefits beyond
the plant floor
by addressing
waste in
 Supports
operations (e.g.
Pillar What Is It? How Does It Help?

and scheduling).

Continuous improvement

TPM will improve productivity by 70% and reduce complaints by approximately 60%. In
addition to measuring OEE, TPM also focuses on maintenance backlog which is also referred to
as Total Clean Out (TCO). After this, a start can be made with the continuous improvement
cycles. Each multidisciplinary team tackles one specific problem that limits the OEE, therefore
the continuous improvement cycle can be carried out very effectively. The project that this small
team carries out is called Small Group Activity (SGA). In such a SGA project team there are
both machine operators and mechanics as well as quality inspectors and logistics managers. The
whole group is responsible for the functioning of a specific machine.

Top management & reliability engineers

Management should be involved in TPM by promoting it as a corporate policy. Reliability

engineers also need to be involved, as they can interpret the maintenance data stored in an
organization’s CMMS in order to find relevant metrics and generate business insights.


Operators are the owners of a facility’s assets, meaning they need to take responsibility for the
day-to-day maintenance of their machines. This includes the cleaning and regular lubrication
necessary for equipment health. Operators are also expected to find early signs of equipment
deterioration and report them, as well as determine ways to improve equipment operation.
Maintenance managers and technicians

Maintenance managers and technicians are expected to train and support operators to meet their
goals and perform more advanced preventive maintenance activities. They are also expected to
take responsibility for improvement activities that will impact the key performance indicators
(KPIs) set out by reliability engineers.


Advantages of TPM
When everyone in a facility is thinking about and contributing to maintenance, many aspects of
the facility will change for the better. Teams employing a TPM strategy often experience the

Fewer breakdowns

When machine operators keep an eye out for changes with their equipment, big issues are more
likely to be spotted early, before a breakdown occurs. This lets the maintenance team get on top
of their PM maintenance schedule, rather than always reacting to emergency breakdowns.

Safer workplace

Technicians are much more likely to take risks when rushing to fix a breakdown, so fewer
breakdowns generally mean a safer workplace. On top of that, when everyone keeps
maintenance in mind, problems can be spotted and dealt with well before they become
potentially dangerous situations.

Better overall performance

If everyone in a facility is keeping an eye on maintenance, small fixes will stop going
undetected, which helps you move away from reactive maintenance and get backlog under
control. It takes the pressure of small jobs off the maintenance team so they can concentrate on
the bigger jobs, which increases the overall performance of your facility.

How to Implement Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Now that you have an understanding of the foundation (5-S system) and pillars on which the
TPM process is built, let's take a look at how to implement a TPM program. This is generally
done in five steps: identifying a pilot area, restoring equipment to prime operating condition,
measuring OEE, addressing and reducing major losses, and implementing planned maintenance.

Step 1: Identify a Pilot Area

Using a pilot area to begin implementation helps gain more acceptance from staff when they see
the benefits that come out of the process. When choosing equipment for a pilot area, consider
these three questions:

 What's the easiest to improve? Selecting equipment that is easiest to improve gives you
the chance for immediate and positive results; however, it doesn't test the TPM process as
strongly as the other two options.

 Where's the bottleneck? Choosing equipment based on where production is clearly being

held up gives you an immediate increase in total output and provides quick payback. The
downside is that employing this equipment as a pilot means you're using a critical asset as
an example and risk the chance of it being offline longer than you would like.

 What's the most problematic? Fixing equipment that gives operators the most trouble will
be well-received, strengthening support for the TPM program. However, this doesn't give
you as much immediate payback as the previous approach, and it may be challenging to
obtain a quick result from figuring out an unsolved problem, leading to disinterest.
If this is your first time implementing a TPM program, your best choice is typically the first
approach – the easiest equipment to improve. If you have some or extensive experience with
total productive maintenance, you may choose to correct the bottleneck. This is because you can
build temporary stock or inventory, making sure downtime can be tolerated, which minimizes

Include employees across all aspects of your business (operators, maintenance personnel,
managers and administration) in the pilot selection process. It's a good idea to use a visual like a
project board where you can post progress for all to see.

Step 2: Restore Equipment to Prime Operating Condition

The concept of restoring equipment to prime operating condition revolves around the 5-S system
and autonomous maintenance. First, TPM participants should learn to continuously keep
equipment to its original condition using the 5-S system: organize, cleanliness, orderliness,
standardize and sustain. This might include:

 Photographing the area and current state of the equipment and then posting them to your
project board.

 Clearing the area by removing unused tools, debris and anything that can be considered

 Organizing the tools and components you use regularly (a shadow board with tool
outlines is a popular option).

 Cleaning the equipment and the surrounding area thoroughly.

 Photographing the improvements of the equipment and surrounding area and then posting
to the project board.

 Creating a standardized 5-S work process to maintain the continuity of this process.
 Auditing the process with lessening frequency (first daily, then weekly, etc.) to ensure the
5-S process is being followed (update the process to keep it current and relevant).

Once you've established a baseline state of the equipment, you can implement the autonomous
maintenance program by training operators on how to clean equipment while inspecting it for
wear and abnormalities. Creating an autonomous maintenance program also means developing a
standardized way to clean, inspect and lubricate equipment correctly. Items to address during the
planning period for the autonomous maintenance program include:

 Identifying and documenting inspection points, including parts that endure wear.

 Increasing visibility where possible to help with inspection while the machine is running
(replacing opaque guarding with transparent guarding).

 Identifying and clearly labeling set points with their corresponding settings (most people
put labels with settings directly on the equipment).

 Identifying all lubrication points and scheduling maintenance during changeovers or

planned downtime (consider placing difficult-to-access lubrication points that require
stopping the machine on the outside of the equipment).

 Training operators to make them aware of any emerging or potential issues so they can
report them to the line supervisor.

 Creating an autonomous maintenance checklist for all operator-controlled tasks.

 Auditing the process with lessening frequency to ensure the checklist is being followed.

Step 3: Measure OEE

Introduction to OEE

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) is a metric that identifies the percentage of planned
production time that is truly productive. It was developed to support TPM initiatives by
accurately tracking progress towards achieving “perfect production”.
 An OEE score of 100% is perfect production.
 An OEE score of 85% is world class for discrete manufacturers.
 An OEE score of 60% is fairly typical for discrete manufacturers.
 An OEE score of 40% is not uncommon for manufacturers without TPM and/or lean

Calculation of OEE ( Overall Equipment Efficiency ) :

OEE = A x PE x Q

A - Availability of the machine. Availability is proportion of time machine is actually available out of time it
should be available.

A = ( MTBF - MTTR ) / MTBF.

MTBF - Mean Time Between Failures = ( Total Running Time ) / Number of Failures.
MTTR - Mean Time To Repair.

PE - Performance Efficiency. It is given by RE X SE.

Rate efficiency (RE)  : Actual average cycle time is slower than design cycle time because of jams, etc.
Output is reduced because of jams
Speed efficiency (SE)  : Actual cycle time is slower than design cycle time machine output is reduced
because it is running at reduced speed.

Q - Refers to quality rate. Which is percentage of good parts out of total produced sometimes called

Benefits of Automated OEE Tracking

Manually calculating OEE is a great way to start. It can be done with pencil and paper or with
a simple spreadsheet, and only five pieces of data are needed (Planned Production Time, Stop
Time, Ideal Cycle Time, Total Count, and Good Count). Performing manual OEE calculations
helps reinforce the underlying concepts and provides a deeper understanding of OEE. However,
there are also very strong benefits to quickly moving to automated OEE data collection:
Item Benefit

Stop Time The accuracy of manual unplanned stop time tracking is typically in the range of 60 to
80% (based on real-world experience across many companies). With automatic Run/Down
detection, this accuracy can approach 100%.

Small Stops and For most equipment it is impossible to manually track slow cycles and small stops. This
Slow Cycles means that a great deal of potentially useful information, such as time-based and event-
based loss patterns, is not available.

Operator Focus With automated data collection the operator spends more time focused directly on the
equipment (versus spending time on paperwork).

Real-Time Automated data collection provides results in real-time, enabling improvement techniques
Results such as SIC (Short Interval Control).

Creating a “Best of the Best” OEE Goal

An interesting question is how to set an effective “stretch” goal for OEE. As it happens, there is
an excellent technique for doing so called “Best of the Best”. Here is how it works:

1. Track OEE (including Availability, Performance, and Quality) for the target equipment
for one month. Make sure to compile the results by shift.
2. Review every shift result, keeping track of the best individual result for Availability,
Performance, and Quality across all shifts (i.e. the highest Availability score across all
shifts, the highest Performance score across all shifts, etc.).
3. Multiply the best individual results together to calculate a “Best of the Best” OEE score.

This newly calculated “Best of the Best” OEE score represents the stretch goal – derived from
the best results actually achieved across the month for Availability, Performance, and Quality.
Same topic is revising just take the useful data

Step three requires you to track OEE for the target equipment, either manually or using
automated software (as long as it includes code tracking for unplanned stoppage time). For
details on how to calculate OEE manually, reference Reliable Plant's article on OEE. Regularly
measuring OEE gives you a data-driven confirmation on whether your TPM program is working
and lets you track progress over time.

Since the biggest losses in regard to equipment are the result of unplanned downtime, it's
important to categorize every unplanned stoppage event. This gives you a more accurate look at
where a stoppage is occurring. Include an "unknown" or "unallocated" stoppage time category
for unknown causes.

It's recommended that you gather data for a minimum of two weeks to get an accurate
representation of the unplanned stoppage time and a clear picture of how small stops and slow
cycles impact production. Below is a simplified example of a top 5 loss chart. Each loss is
categorized and is in descending order from the loss that causes the most downtime to the loss
that causes the least.

Top 5 Loss Chart

Loss Rank Loss Category Lost Time (minutes)

1 Equipment Failure: Filler Jam 400

2 Equipment Failure: Bottle Labeler Down 250

3 Setup/Adjustments: Bottle Change 170

4 Setup/Adjustments: Label Change 165

5 Equipment Failure: Bottle Jam 10

Total Lost Time = 995 minutes (16.5 hours)

Step 4: Address/Reduce Major Losses

Once you've got a data-driven snapshot of where your top losses are, it's time to address them.
This step uses the previously discussed pillar of focused improvement or kaizen. To do this, put
together a cross-functional team of operators, maintenance personnel and supervisors that can
dissect the OEE data using root cause analysis and identify the main cause(s) of the losses. Your
team's process might look something like this:

 Select a loss based on OEE and stoppage time data. This should be the biggest source of
unplanned stoppage time.

 Look into the symptoms of the problem(s). Collect detailed information on symptoms
like observations, physical evidence and photographic evidence. Using a fishbone
diagram to track symptoms and record information while you're at the equipment is
strongly recommended.

 With your team, discuss and identify potential causes of the problem(s), check the
possible causes against the evidence you've gathered, and brainstorm the most effective
ways to solve the issue.
 Schedule planned downtime to implement the agreed-upon fixes.

 Once the fix has been implemented, restart production and observe how effective the fix
is over time. If it resolves the issue, make a note to implement the change and move onto
the next cause of stoppage time. If not, gather more information and hold another
brainstorming session.

Step 5: Implement Planned Maintenance

The last step of the TPM implementation process is the integration of proactive maintenance
techniques into your program. This involves working off the third pillar of planned maintenance.
Choose which components should receive proactive maintenance by looking at three factors:
wear components, components that fail and stress points. Identifying stress points is often done
by using infrared thermography and vibration analysis.

Next, use proactive maintenance intervals. These intervals are not set in stone and can be
updated as needed. For wear and predicted failure-based components, establish the current wear
level and then a baseline replacement interval. Once these have been determined, you can create
a proactive replacement schedule of all wear- and failure-prone components. When doing this,
use "run time" as opposed to "calendar time." Finally, develop a standardized process for
creating work orders based on the planned maintenance schedule.

You can optimize maintenance intervals by designing a feedback system. Things like log sheets
for each wear- and failure-prone component where operators can record replacement information
and component condition at the time of replacement will be key. Additionally, conduct monthly
planned maintenance audits to verify the maintenance schedule is being followed and the
component logs are being kept up to date. Review the logs' information to see if adjustments to
the maintenance schedule need to be made.

What About The Remaining Four TPM Pillars?

You may have noticed the implementation process negated four of the eight pillars: quality
management, early equipment management, safety and TPM in administration. So, when should
you introduce these activities? They should be instituted as needed. Let's take a look at some

 Quality maintenance should be introduced to the TPM process when significant issues

about quality are being raised by customers or employees.

 The best time to use early equipment management is when new equipment is in the
design phase or is being installed.

 Safety, health and environment should always be at the forefront of any process or

program design. Use it in tandem with the five-step implementation process.

 TPM in administration should be addressed before you implement the final version of

your planned maintenance schedule. Issues in administration like work order delays,
processing problems and part procurement greatly delay the rest of the production

Ayesha Yousaf

Sustaining the Improvement Achieved with Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

Implementing a total productive maintenance program offers relatively short-term success. The
trick is sustaining that success over the long term. This starts with the employees. If employees
buy into the TPM program, envision the improved future of the company and can see how this
improved future benefits them, it can create a powerful sense of cohesiveness. Rewarding
achievements is an excellent way to strengthen the established cohesiveness among employees.

Another way to achieve sustainable improvement with your TPM program is by having
engaging, active leadership. This shows the importance of the program through not just words
but actions. Engaging leadership prevents employees from slipping back into old habits and
breathes new energy into the process on a regular basis.
Finally, don't overlook kaizen. Continuous improvement helps your TPM program adapt to
changing environments and keeps the program from becoming stale and employees from
becoming disinterested.

Productivity improvement

TPM is not just about maintaining productivity but also about the maintenance of machines and
the prevention of possible breakdowns. TPM is about productivity improvement and
optimization of machine availability through which machines operate at their optimal level.

Everyone within the organization has to be aware of the hidden losses with respect to machine
failure or the time needed for machine repair. Also, when a machine cannot run at full speed or
produces inferior products, this is considered to be a loss-making activity for the organization.

The aim is to have an Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) score of 100% and this
represents perfect production. In that case, machines always work at full speed and deliver
products of perfect quality.

Preventive maintenance concept

Running machines until they break down is not an option. Curative maintenance is characterized
by waiting for a breakdown to happen which will consequently be repaired. Especially when
productions need to continue round the clock, this type of maintenance is far too costly. TPM
puts machinery at the heart of the organization and does not just safeguard production
continuously but improves it where possible. TPM focuses on productivity improvement and its
primary purpose is to maximize availability of machines.

Today, with competition in industry at an all-time high, TPM may be the only thing that stands between
success and total failure for some companies. It has been proven to be a program that works. It can be
adapted to work not only in industrial plants, but in construction, building maintenance, transportation, and
in a variety of other situations. Employees must be educated and convinced that TPM is not just another
"program of the month" and that management is totally committed to the program and the extended time
frame necessary for full implementation. If everyone involved in a TPM program does his or her part, an
unusually high rate of return compared to resources invested may be expected.

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