28 APR96 HRev 2

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1214, 4/28/96

can you see the sage

brushing mirrors in the sun
wondering about the Universe tonight
no fuss no fright

right in the middle

of nice dreams
it seems translucent
like mountain streams in metal frames
simple tools and complex games
abound around humanity

from paradox we learn

to discern
from multiplicity
a unity
a loving wisdom

superior knowledge
outside college walls
of ivy and oak
there goes the bloke
who shed the cloak
to don the horse hair robe
then expanded into infinity

leaving time behind

for empty space
full of consciousness
sacred and divine
like new wine
in ancient stoneware jars
of star dust
we must be what is

the wizard spoke

up in smoke
made the joke
then vanished in the twilight
down around the thatched huts
like water falls
1233. 4/28/96
bird calls
warriors to the dawn
of civilization
where mind is flawlessly displayed

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