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Feliz 1

Allen Feliz

Ms. Sondag

Language 10B

4 February 2020

Ocean pollution

Pollution is killing everything, such as animals and forest live, which will start to

affect us. Did you know that we produce over 250 million ton of trash in plastic in a

year? There is a solution to the problem, but first we need to talk about the problem to see

a way to resolve it.

First, we can’t solve the problem by cleaning it because there is

going to be more trash the next day. It’s helpful but not resolving. For example, if there is

a faucet open, you can’t look for a mop or a bucket to clean it, because the water will still

be flooding everywhere. What you need to do is close the faucet; then you start moping

and gathering water in the bucket. For us the pollution problem needs to be ripped off the

root not from the top.

Most of the earth’s pollution comes from places with

extreme poverty, because they can’t worry about pollution; if they struggle every day to

live. They can’t drink or bathe from their rivers because they are polluted. For example,

here in the Dominican Republic there is a river that is unbathable: the Ozama River;

because of its pollution, people can’t bathe in one of the Dominican Republic’s biggest

river. People are starting a solution for those in poverty.

People are starting companies that take plastic as currency for those people who

are in poverty. They are taking plastic and weighting it in exchange of money. People
Feliz 2

who couldn’t by food to eat; now can pay for food, their sons’ tuition, clothes for them

and their families, and for materials needed in their homes.

Finally, we need to start saving the planet by using this method, which is the most

efficient and helpful way to counter pollution. For me this has been a shocking

experience, knowing the quantities of trash that enters the ocean every day. I’m thankful

for Ted for providing the information needed for my research.

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