Operation Manual: Revision 1

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Revision 1

Medilite 6 Place
Ventilated Centrifuge
Cat. No. 448 – For 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Cat. No. 449 – For 220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz

Medilite 12 Place
Ventilated Centrifuge
Cat. No. 458 – For 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Cat. No. 459 – For 220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
The Thermo IEC Medilite is a portable benchtop centrifuge designed for use in the physician’s office, the small clinical
laboratory, and in the educational field, to perform separations by centrifugal force, and not for any other purpose.
Note: Typical sound level emissions do not exceed 70 dB(A)

The location of the centrifuge must be clean and dry to allow the suction cup feet to properly and safely secure the centri-
fuge. The location must be level and rigid to provide quiet and vibration free performance. International Electrotechnical
Commission standard 1010 part 2-20 limits permitted movement of a centrifuge to 300mm in the event of a disruption.
Therefore, mark this clearance envelope boundary around the centrifuge. Laboratory procedures should require that no
person or any hazardous materials are within this boundary during operation of the centrifuge.

Plug the unit into a 120 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz (Cat. No.s 448 & 458) or a 220/240 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz (Cat No.s 449 &
459) grounded receptacle.

To open the cover, press the black latch button upward, and lift the cover. The rotor is installed by orienting it on the shaft
and pressing down on its center hub. Close the cover securely, ensuring that the latch is fully engaged. To start a run,
turn the timer knob to the desired run duration. (For runs of less than five minutes, turn the timer past the five (5) minute
setting and then back to the desired run duration.) For runs of infinite duration, turn the timer knob to the ‘∞’ setting. The
motor will take several seconds to reach top speed.

A run is stopped by either turning the timer knob to the zero (0) setting or by allowing the time to expire. Wait until the rotor
has stopped before opening the cover.

Below are listed warnings against operating procedures which could result in an accident and/or personal injury. Also listed
are cautions against procedures which could result in damage to your centrifuge or accessory equipment.

•Plug the power cord into a grounded outlet.
•Never remove the grounding prong from the power plug, or use any adapter which does not complete the grounding
•Always unplug the power cord before attempting to clean or service the centrifuge.
•Do not spin fluids having a specific gravity greater than 1.5.
•Do not operate the centrifuge if the shields or rotor show signs of damage. If deterioration is visible, replace the affected
parts immediately.
•Load the rotor SYMMETRICALLY with 2,3,4 or 6 tubes in the six-place rotor (NOT 1 or 5); or 2,3,4,6,8,9,10 or 12 tubes in
the twelve-place rotor (NOT 1, 5, 7 or 11). The tubes must be of equal size and with contents of equal (to within 1 gram)

•The Thermo IEC Medilite is not intended or recommended for use with chemical solvents that may weaken critical parts.
Refrain from using prohibited chemicals (see Table 1) for cleaning and/or centrifugation.


For warranty information, or to obtain service, contact your local Thermo IEC authorized distibutor.

Die Medilite von Thermo IEC ist eine tragbare Zentrifuge für den Labortisch, zum Gebrauch im Labor eines Arztes, in einem
kleinen klinischen Laboratorium oder im erzieherischen Feld, um Trennungen durch eine zentrifugale Kraft durch- zuführen
und nicht für irgend einen anderen Zweck.
Anmerkung: Typische Geräuschpegel überschreiten nicht 70 dB(A)

Der Aufstellungsplatz der Zentrifuge muß sauber und trocken sein und den mit einer Haftschale versehenen Füßen erlauben,
die Zentrifuge richtig und sicher festzuhalten. Der Platz muß eben und fest sein um geräuscharme und vibrationsfreie Arbeit
zu erlauben. Standard 1010 Teil 2-20 der “International Electrotechnical Commission” erlaubte die Bewegung einer Zentrifuge
im Falle einer Unterbrechung bis zu 300 mm. Deshalb sollten Sie diese Abstandsumhüllungsbegrenzung um die Zentrifuge
herum markieren. Laborvorschriften sollten sicherstellen daß sich keine Person oder gefährliches Material während des
Betriebes der Zentrifuge innerhalb dieser Begrenzung befinden.

Stecken Sie das Gerät in eine 120 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz (Kat. Nr. 448 & 458) oder in eine 220/240 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz
(Kat. Nr. 449 & 459) geerdete Steckdose.

Um die Abdeckung zu öffnen drücken Sie den schwarzen Verriegelungsknopf nach oben und heben die Abdeckung ab. Der
Rotor wird installiert indem man ihn am Schaft einrichtet und seine Mittelnabe hinunterdrückt. Schließen Sie die Abdeckung
sorgfältig, wobei Sie sicher sind, daß die Verriegelung voll einschnappt. Um einen Arbeitsgang zu beginnen stellen Sie den
Stoppuhrknopf auf die gewünschte Zeitdauer. (Für Arbeitsgänge von weniger als fünf Minuten drehen Sie die Stoppuhr über
die fünf (5) Minuten Einstellung hinaus und dann zurück auf die gewünschte Dauer des Arbeitsganges.) Für Arbeitsgänge
von unendlicher Dauer stellen Sie den Stoppuhrknopf auf die ‘∞’-Einstellung. Der Motor braucht mehrere Sekunden um
Höchstgeschwindigkeit zu erreichen.

Ein Arbeitsgang wird gestoppt indem man entweder den Stoppuhrknopf auf Null (0) stellt oder indem man die Zeit ablaufen
läßt. Warten Sie, bis der Rotor gestoppt hat, bevor er die Abdeckung öffnete.

Untenstehend sind Warnungen gegen Bedienungsmethoden aufgelistet, die in einem Unfall und/oder einer Körperverletzung
resultieren könnten. Ebenso aufgelistet sind Vorsichtsmaßnahmen gegen Methoden die Schaden an Ihrer Zentrifuge oder
Zubehörgeräten hervorrufen könnten.

•Das Netzkabel in eine geerdete Steckdose stecken.
•Niemals die Erdung vom Netzstecker entfernen, und nie irgend einen Adapter verwenden der den Stromkreis zur Erde
nicht vervollständigt.
•Immer das Netzkabel herausziehen bevor Sie versuchen die Zentrifuge zu reinigen oder zu reparieren.
•Keine Flüssigkeiten zentrifugieren die ein spezifisches Gewicht größer als 1,5 haben.
•Die Zentrifuge nicht benutzen wenn die Schutzschilder oder der Rotor Zeichen von Beschädigung zeigen. Falls Schaden
sichtbar ist, die betreffenden Teile sofort ersetzen.
•Den Rotor SYMMETRISCH mit 2, 3, 4 oder 6 Röhrchen im Rotor mit Platz für 6 Röhrchen (NICHT mit 1 oder 5) belasten;
oder mit 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 oder 12 Röhrchen im Rotor mit Platz für 12 Röhrchen (NICHT mit 1, 5, 7 oder 11). Die
Röhrchen müssen von gleicher Größe mit Inhalt von (innerhalb eines Gramms) gleichem Gewicht sein.

•Die Thermo IEC Medilite ist nicht geeignet oder wird empfohlen für den Gebrauch mit chemischen Lösungsmitteln, die
Teile schwächen könnten. Unterlassen Sie es verbotene Chemikalien (siehe Tabelle 1) zum Reinigen und/oder
Zentrifugieren zu verwenden.


Für Information über die Garantie oder um Wartung zu erhalten setzen Sie sich bitte mit Ihrem bevollmächtigten örtlichen
Thermo IEC-Großhändler in Verbindung.

La Medilite d’Thermo IEC est une centrifugeuse portative de bureau conçue pour l’utilisation dans les bureaux de médecin,
les petits laboratoires cliniques, et dans les applications d’éducation, pour effectuer la séparation par force centrifuge. Elle
n’est pas utilisable pour tout autre emploi.
Note : Les niveaux sonores typiques ne dépassent pas 70 dB(A)

La centrifugeuse doit être placée dans un endroit propre et sec pour permettre aux pieds à ventouse d’immobiliser
correctement et en toute sécurité la centrifugeuse. L’emplacement doit être renforcé et de niveau pour permettre d’obtenir un
fonctionnement sans bruit et sans vibration. La norme 1010, partie 2-20, de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
limite les déplacements permis de centrifugeuse à 300 mm en cas de mauvais fonctionnement. Par conséquent, il faut
marquer les limites de cette enveloppe autour de la centrifugeuse. Les procédures de laboratoire doivent exiger qu’aucune
personne et aucun matériau dangereux ne soit présent à l’intérieur de ces limites pendant le fonctionnement de la

Branchez l’appareil sur une prise mise à la terre de 120 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz (No. de cat. 448 et 458) ou de 220/240 VAC ±
10%, 50/60 Hz (No. de cat. 449 et 459).

Pour ouvrir le couvercle, poussez le bouton noir de fermeture vers le haut, et soulevez le couvercle. Le rotor est mis en
place en l’orientant convenablement sur l’arbre et en poussant le moyeu central vers le bas. Refermez avec soin le
couvercle, en vous assurant que le verrou soit complètement engagé. Pour commencer une opération, faites tourner le
bouton de minuterie pour indiquer la durée désirée de l’opération. (Pour les opérations de moins de cinq minutes, faites
tourner le bouton de minuterie au-delà du réglage de cinq (5) minutes, puis tournez-le en sens inverse pour indiquer le temps
désiré.) Pour les opérations de durée infiniment grande, faites tourner le bouton de minuterie pour indiquer le réglage (∞). Le
moteur met plusieurs secondes à atteindre sa vitesse maximale.

Une opération est arrêtée soit en ramenant le bouton de minuterie sur zéro (0), soit en en attendant que la durée de réglage
soit atteinte. Attendez jusqu’à ce que le rotor se soit arrêté avant d’ouvrir la couverture.

Des avertissements concernant les procédures de fonctionnement qui pourraient causer des accidents et/ou des victimes
sont fournis ci-dessous. Des précautions concernant les procédures qui pourraient endommager la centrifugeuse ou
l’équipement associé sont aussi fournies.

Précautions :
•Branchez le câble d’alimentation sur une prise de secteur mise à la terre.
•Ne jamais retirer la fiche de terre de la prise de secteur, et ne jamais utiliser d’adaptateur qui ne complèterait pas, la mise
à la terre de l’alimentation.
•Débranchez toujours le câble d’alimentation avant d’essayer de nettoyer ou de réparer la centrifugeuse.
•Ne faites pas tourner de fluide ayant une densité de plus de 1,5.
•Ne faites par marcher la centrifugeuse si les gardes ou le rotor sont endommagés. Si leur détérioration est visible,
remplacez immédiatement les pièces affectées.
•Chargez le rotor SYMMETRIQUEMENT, avec 2, 3, 4 ou 6 tubes pour le rotor à six places (PAS 1 ou 5 tubes) ; ou 2, 3, 4,
6, 8, 9, 10 ou 12 tubes pour le rotor à douze places (PAS 1, 5, 7 ou 11 tubes). Les tubes doivent avoir la même taille et
leur contenu doivent avoir le même poids (au gramme près).

Avertissements :
•La Medilite d’Thermo IEC n’a pas été conçue et n’est pas recommandée pour son utilisation avec les solvants chimiques
peuvent détériorer les pièces critiques. Ne pas utiliser les produits chimiques interdits (voir le Tableau 1) pour le
nettoyage et/ou la centrifugation.

Pour des informations concernant la garantie, ou pour effectuer des réparations, veuillez contacter votre distributeur local
autorisé Thermo IEC.

La unidad Thermo IEC Medilite es una centrífuga portátil tipo mostrador para usarse en el consultorio médico, laboratorio
clínico pequeño y en el campo educacional, para realizar separaciones de rutina vía fuerza centrífuga, y no con ningún otro
Nota: Las emisiones de niveles de sonido típicas no exceden los 70 dB(A)

El lugar de instalación de la centrífuga debe ser limpio y seco para permitir que las patas tipo ventosa sujeten en forma
correcta y segura a la centrífuga. El lugar de instalación debe estar nivelado y rígido para proporcionar una operación
silenciosa y sin vibración. La norma 1010 parte 2-20 de la Comisión Electrotécnica Internacional limita el movimiento
permitido de una centrífuga a 300 mm en el caso de una interrupción. Por lo tanto, marque este límite de área de
espaciamiento alrededor de la centrífuga. Los procedimientos de laboratorio deben requerir que no haya ninguna persona ni
materiales peligrosos dentro de este límite durante el funcionamiento de la centrífuga.

Enchufe la unidad a un receptáculo conectado a tierra de 120 VCA ± 10%, 50/60 Hz (No. de catálogo 448 y 458) ó de 220/
240 VCA ± 10%, 50/60 Hz (No. de catálogo 449 y 459).

Para abrir la tapa, empuje el botón de retén negro hacia arriba y levante la tapa. El rodete se instala orientándolo sobre el
eje y oprimiendo su cubo central hacia abajo. Cierre bien la tapa, asegurándose de que el retén esté totalmente
enganchado. Para iniciar la operación, gire la perilla del cronómetro a la duración de operación deseada. (Para operaciones
de menos de cinco minutos, gire el cronómetro pasando la posición de cinco (5) minutos y luego retrocediendo a la duración
de operación deseada.) Para operaciones de duración infinita, gire la perilla del cronómetro a la posición ‘∞‘. El motor se
demorará varios segundos en alcanzar la velocidad máxima.

La operación se detiene girando la perilla del cronónetro a la posición cero (0) o permitiendo que transcurra el tiempo.
Espere hasta que el rotor ha parado antes de abrir la cubierta.

Abajo se presentan advertencias contra procedimientos de operación que podrían producir un accidente y/o lesiones
personales. También se presentan precauciones contra procedimientos que podrían dañar la centrífuga o equipos auxiliares.

•Enchufe el cordón de alimentación a un receptáculo conectado a tierra.
•Nunca quite la clavija de conexión a tierra del enchufe, ni utilice un adaptador que no complete el circuito de conexión a
•Siempre desenchufe el cordón de alimentación antes de intentar limpiar o dar servicio a la centrífuga.
•No centrifuge fluidos que tengan un peso específico superior a 1,5.
•No opere la centrífuga si las protecciones o el rodete muestran señales de daños. Si el deterioro es visible, reemplace
las piezas afectadas de inmediato.
•Cargue el rotor en forma SIMÉTRICA con 2, 3, 4 ó 6 tubos en el rodete de seis posiciones (NO 1 ó 5); ó 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9,
10 ó 12 tubos en el rodete de 12 posiciones (NO 1, 5, 7 u 11). Los tubos deben ser del mismo tamaño y con contenido
de igual peso (dentro de 1 gramo).

•La unidad Thermo IEC Medilite no está diseñada ni se recomienda para usarse con solventes químicos que pudiesen
las piezas críticas. Evite usar productos químicos prohibidos (ver la Tabla 1) para limpiar y/o centrifugar.

Para información con respecto a la garantía, o para obtener servicio, comuníquese con el distribuidor local autorizado de
Thermo IEC.

La Thermo IEC Medilite è una centrifuga portatile da banco, progettata per essere usata negli ambulatori dei medici, nei
piccoli laboratori clinici ed a fini didattici, al fine di eseguire separazioni tramite forza centrifuga e per nessun altro scopo.
Nota: il livello tipico di emissione acustica non supera i 70 dB(A).

La centrifuga va posta su una superficie pulita ed asciutta per permettere ai piedini a ventosa di aderire in modo appropriato
e sicuro, bloccando l’unità. La superficie di appoggio deve essere piana e rigida per consentire alla centrifuga di funzionare in
modo silenzioso e privo di vibrazioni. Lo standard 1010, parte 2-20 della Commissione Elettrotecnica Internazionale limita a
300 mm i movimenti permessi ad una centrifuga in caso di rottura. Di conseguenza, contrassegnare questo perimetro di
sicurezza attorno all’unità. Le procedure di laboratorio dovrebbero vietare la presenza di persone e di qualsiasi materiale
pericoloso all’interno di tale perimetro mentre la centrifuga è in funzione.

Alimentare l’unità inserendo la presa del cavo di alimentazione in una presa di rete collegata a massa da 120 V CA ±10%,
50/60 Hz (No. di cat. 448 e 458) o a 220/240 V CA ±10%, 50/60 Hz (No. di cat. 449 e 459).

Per aprire il coperchio, premere verso l’alto il pulsante nero di bloccaggio e sollevare il coperchio stesso. Il rotore viene
installato orientandolo sull’albero e premendone verso il basso il mozzo centrale. Chiudere saldamente il coperchio,
accertandosi che la chiusura sia completamente innestata. Per mettere in funzione la centrifuga, ruotare la manopola del
timer, impostando la durata desiderata di centrifugazione. (Nel caso di centrifugazioni la cui durata sia inferiore a cinque
minuti, ruotare il timer al di là dell’impostazione da cinque (5) minuti e poi all’indietro, riportandolo sull’impostazione
desiderata). Ne caso di centrifugazioni di durata infinita, ruotare la manopola del timer sulla posizione “∞”. Il motore
raggiunge la massima velocità nel giro di alcuni secondi.

La centrifugazione viene arrestata sia riportando la manopola del timer sulla posizione zero (0) che attendendo lo scadere le
tempo impostato. Attendere fino a che il rotore non si sia arrestato prima dell’ apertura della copertura.

Sono elencate sotto le avvertenze relative alle procedure operative che possono causare un incidente o lesioni personali.
Sono anche elencate le precauzioni relative alle procedure che possono provocare il danneggiamento della centrifuga o delle
attrezzature accessorie.

•Inserire la spina del cavo di alimentazione in una presa collegata a massa.
•Non rimuovere mai il polo di massa dalla spina del cavo di alimentazione, né usare un adattatore che interrompa il
circuito di massa.
•Disinserire sempre la spina del cavo di alimentazione dalla presa di rete prima di pulire o effettuare la manutenzione
della centrifuga.
•Non far ruotare fluidi aventi un peso specifico superiore a 1,5.
•Non mettere in funzione la centrifuga se le protezioni o il rotore presentano segni di danni. Se ne risulta visibile il
deterioramento, sostituire immediatamente il pezzo usurato.
•Caricare il rotore in modo SIMMETRICO con 2, 3, 4 o 6 provette nel rotore a sei posti (NON con 1 o 5 provette), oppure
con 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 o 12 provette nel rotore a 12 posti (NON con 1, 5, 7 o 11 provette). Le provette devono avere
identiche dimensioni e contenuti dello stesso peso (non più di 1 grammo).

•La Thermo IEC Medilite non è stata studiata per essere usata con solventi chimici che possano indebolire componenti
cruciali e
se ne consiglia l’uso a questo fine. Evitare di usare materiali chimici proibiti (vedere la Tabella 1) per la pulizia e/o la

Per informazioni sulla garanzia e per ottenere interventi di servizio, mettersi in contatto con il distributore autorizzato Thermo
IEC locale.

De Thermo IEC Medilite is een draagbare tafelcentrifuge ontwikkeld voor gebruik in de artsenpraktijk, het kleine klinische
laboratorium en in het onderwijs voor het uitvoeren van separaties op basis van centrifugaalkracht en voor geen enkel ander
Opmerking: Karakteristieke geluidsemissieniveaus zijn lager dan 70 dB(A)

De plaats voor de centrifuge dient schoon en droog te zijn zodat de centrifuge goed en veilig met de zuignappen aan het
voetstuk vast kan worden gezet. De plaats moet waterpas en stevig zijn om een geluidsarme en trilvrije werking te
verzekeren. Norm 1010 deel 2-20 van de Internationale Commisie voor Elektrotechniek beperkt de toegestane verplaatsing
van een centrifuge in geval van een storing tot 300 mm. Om deze reden dient de begrenzing van de vrije ruimte rond de
centrifuge afgebakend te worden. Laboratoriumvoorschriften dienen te vereisen dat, wanneer de centrifuge in gebruik is, zich
binnen deze grenzen geen personen of gevaarlijke stoffen mogen bevinden.

Sluit het apparaat aan op een geaard stopkontakt met 120 VAC (volt wisselstroom) ± 10%, 50/60 Hz (Cat. nrs. 448 & 458) of
220/240 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz (Cat. nrs. 449 & 459).

Druk, om het deksel te openen, de zwarte knop van het veerslot naar boven en hef het deksel omhoog. De rotor wordt
geïnstalleerd door hem midden boven de drijfas te plaatsen en de naaf in het centrum omlaag te drukken. Doe het deksel
goed dicht en zorg ervoor dat de veerknop stevig vastklikt. Om een run te starten dient de tijdknop op de gewenste
centrifugeerduur te worden gezet. (Voor runs van minder dan vijf minuten dient de timer voorbij de vijfminutenstand (5) te
worden gedraaid en vervolgens teruggezet te worden op de gewenste duur). Voor runs van onbeperkte duur dient de
timerknop op de “∞”-stand te worden gezet. Het kost de rotor een aantal seconden om de topsnelheid te bereiken.

Een run wordt beëindigd door óf de timerknop op nul (0) te zetten, óf door de tijd te laten verlopen. Wachten voor naar de
rotor heeft zwijgen vooraleer opening naar de omslag.

Hieronder volgt een lijst waarschuwingen tegen werkwijzen die ongelukken en/of lichamelijk letsel kunnen veroorzaken. Er
is tevens een lijst met punten waarop gelet moet worden om handelingen te voorkomen die kunnen leiden tot schade aan
de centrifuge of bijbehorende apparatuur.

•Steek de stekker in een geaard stopkontakt.
•Verwijder nooit de aarde-pen van de stekker, of gebruik een adapter die het aardingscircuit niet voltooit.
•Voorafgaand aan schoonmaken of onderhoud aan de centrifuge dient altijd de stekker uit het stopkontakt te worden
•Centrifugeer geen vloeistoffen met een soortelijk gewicht hoger dan 1,5.
•De centrifuge dient niet te worden gebruikt wanneer de hulzen voor de reageerbuizen of de rotor tekenen van schade
vertonen. Bij zichtbare slijtage dienen de betroffen onderdelen direkt te worden vervangen.
•De centrifuge dient SYMMETRISCH te worden geladen met 2, 3, 4 of 6 buizen in de rotor met zes plaatsen (NIET 1 of 5);
of met 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, of 12 buizen in de rotor met twaalf plaatsen (NIET 1, 5, 7 of 11). De buizen dienen hetzelfde
formaat en een gelijke inhoud (minder dan 1 gram gewichtsverschil) te hebben.

Let op:
•De Medilite is niet bedoeld of aanbevolen voor gebruik met chemische oplosmiddelen die belangrijke onderdelen
zouden kunnen aantasten. Verboden chemikaliën (zie tabel 1) dienen niet voor schoonmaken en/of bij centrifugering te
worden gebruikt.

Neem voor garantie-informatie of voor het verkrijgen van service contact op met de lokale erkende Thermo IEC-leverancier.

A Medilite Thermo IEC é uma centrífuga de topo de mesa, portátil, projetada para uso no consultório do médico, no
laboratório de análises clínicas pequeno, e no campo educacional, para fazer separações por força centrífuga, e não para
qualquer outra finalidade.
Observação: As emissões de nível sonoro típicas não excedem 70 dB(A).

O lugar da centrífuga deve estar limpo e seco para permitir que os pés com copo de sucção fixem a centrífuga de maneira
adequada e segura. O lugar deve estar nivelado e deve ser rígido para proporcionar um desempenho silencioso e livre de
vibrações. O item 2-20 da Norma 1010 da International Electrotechnical Commission limita o movimento permitido de uma
centrífuga a 300 mm no caso de um transtorno. Portanto, marque a borda destes limites de espaço ao redor da centrífuga.
Procedimentos de laboratório devem requerer que nenhuma pessoa ou quaisquer materiais perigosos se encontrem dentro
desses limites durante a operação da centrifuga.

Ligue a unidade a uma tomada aterrada de 120 VCA ±10%, 60 Hz (Números de Catálogo 462 e 464) ou 240 VCA ±10%, 50
Hz (Números de Catálogo 463 e 465).

Para abrir a tampa, aperte o botão preto do fecho para cima, e levante a tampa. O rotor é instalado orientando-o sobre o
eixo e apertando-o para baixo pelo centro. Feche a tampa de maneira segura, assegurando-se que o fecho esteja
totalmente travado. Para iniciar a operação, gire o botão do timer para a duração de operação desejada. (Para operações de
menos de cinco minutos, gire o timer para além do ajuste de cinco (5) minutos e depois volte para a duração de operação
desejada.) Para operações de duração infinita, gire o botão do timer para a posição '∞'. O motor levará alguns segundos
para atingir a velocidade máxima.

Uma operação é parada ao girar o botão do timer para zero (0) ou ao deixar que o tempo termine. Espere até que o rotor
pare antes de abrir a tampa.

Abaixo estão relacionados avisos contra procedimentos de operações que poderiam resultar em acidentes e/ou lesões
pessoais. Também estão relacionados cuidados contra procedimentos que poderiam resultar em danos à sua centrífuga ou
ao equipamento acessório.

•Ligue o cordão de força a uma tomada aterrada.
•Nunca remova o pino de aterramento do plugue do cordão, e nunca use um adaptador que não complete o circuito de
•Desligue sempre o cordão de força antes de tentar limpar ou fazer manutenção da centrífuga.
•Não centrifugue líquidos com peso específico maior que 1.5.
•Não opere a centrífuga se as blindagens ou o rotor aparentam terem sido danificados. Se for visível deterioração,
substitua imediatamente as peças afetadas.
•Carregue o rotor SIMETRICAMENTE com 2, 3, 4 ou 6 tubos no rotor de 6 lugares (NÃO 1 ou 5); ou 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 ou
12 tubos no rotor de 12 lugares (NÃO 1, 5, 7 ou 11). Os tubos devem ser do mesmo tamanho com conteúdos de pesos
iguais (dentro de 1 grama).

•O Medilite Thermo IEC não tem a finalidade nem é recomendado para ser usado com solventes químicos que poderiam
enfraquecer partes críticas. Não use produtos químicos proibidos (veja a Tabela 1) para limpeza e/ou centrifugação.

Para informações sobre a garantia, ou para obter os serviços de manutenção, contate o seu distribuidor autorizado Thermo

Thermo IEC Medilite er en bærbar centrifuge, som er designet til brug i en lægepraksis, et mindre, klinisk laboratorie, og på
undervisningsfeltet til at udføre adskillelser ved centrifugalkraft. Den er ikke beregnet til noget som helst andet formål.

Bemærk: Det typiske niveau for lydafgivelser overstiger ikke 70 dB(A).

Centrifugen skal anbringes på et sted, som er rent og tørt, så at sugekopperne på fødderne kan fungere rigtigt, og de kan
komme til at holde centrifugen godt og sikkert fast. Dette sted skal have en jævn, hård overflade for at yde en stilfærdig og
vibrationsfri præstation. Den internationale, elektrotekniske kommissions standard (International Electrotechnical Commis-
sion standard) 1010, afsnit 2-20 begrænser den tilladte bevægelse af en centrifuge til 300 mm i tilfælde af en afbrydelse.
Markér derfor denne afstand i alle retninger som en grænselinie rundt om centrifugen. Laboratorieprocedurer bør stipulere
krav om, at der ikke er hverken personale eller sundhedsfarligt materiale til stede indenfor denne grænse, når centrifugen
bliver betjent.

Sæt enhedens stik i en 120 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz (kat. nr. 448 & 458) eller en 220/240 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz (kat. nr. 448 &
458) kontakt med jordforbindelse.

Åbn dækslet ved at trykke den sorte låseknap opad og løfte dækslet. Du installerer rotoren ved at dreje den ned på akslen
og trykke ned på navet i midten. Luk dækslet godt til, idet du sørger for, at låsen er rigtigt smækket. Du starter en kørsel
ved at dreje timeren til den ønskede tidslængde for kørslen. (Til kørsler, der varer mindre end fem minutter, drej timeren forbi
(5)-minuttersmærket og derefter tilbage til den kørselslængde, du ønsker.) Hvis kørslen skal vare uendelig lang tid, drej
timeren hen på “∞”. Det tager flere minutter, før motoren når op på tophastigheden.

Du stopper en kørsel ved enten at dreje timeren til nulmærket (0) eller ved at lade tiden løbe ud. Vent indtil den rotor har
standsede i nærværelse af opslag den lukke.

Nedenfor er anført advarsler mod de procedurer, som kan forårsage uheld og/eller personlige kvæstelser. Der er også en
oversigt over agtpågivenhed overfor procedurer, som kan forårsage beskadigelse af centrifugen eller dens tilbehør.

•Strømforsyningskablet skal være sat til en el-kontakt med jordforbindelse.
•Lad være nogensinde at fjerne jordforbindelsesbenet fra stikket eller at bruge en eller anden snydeprop, som annullerer
eller omgår jordforbindelsesstrømkredsen.
•Du skal altid tage det elektriske kabel ud af kontakten, før du prøver på at gøre centrifugen ren eller vedligeholde den.
•Lad være at centrifugere væsker med specifik tyngdekraft større end 1,5.
•Lad være at betjene centrifugen, hvis der er tegn på, at beskyttelsesskærmene eller rotoren er blevet beskadiget. Hvis
skaden er synlig, skal du øjeblikkeligt udskifte de vedrørende dele.
•Fyld rotoren SYMMETRISK med 2, 3, 4 eller 6 reagensglas i en rotor, som er beregnet til 6 pladser (IKKE 1 eller 5); eller
2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 eller 12 reagensglas i rotoren, som er beregnet til 12 pladser (IKKE 1, 5, 7 eller 11). Reagensglassene
skal være af samme størrelse, og deres indhold skal være af samme vægt (indenfor 1 gram).

Giv agt:
•Thermo IEC’s Medilite er ikke beregnet eller anbefalet til brug med kemiske opløsningsmidler, som evt. kan svække vigtige
Lad være at benytte forbudte kemikalier (se tabel 1) til rengøring og/eller centrifugering.

Sæt dig i forbindelse med den lokale, autoriserede Thermo IEC-forhandler, når du har brug for service, eller gerne vil have
oplysninger om garantien.

Το Thermo IEC Medilite ειναι µια ϕορητη ϕυγοκεντρος που τοποϑετειται πανω σε τραπεζι και εχει σχεδιαστει για να
χρησιµοποιειται σε Ιατρικα γραϕεια, κλινικα εργαστηρια και στον εκπαιδευτικο τοµεα, για να χωριζει µε ϕυγοκεντρικη δυναµη,
και οχι για κανενα αλλο σκοπο.

Σηµειωση: Τυπικες εκποµπες ηχου δεν υπερβαινουν τα 70 dB(A).

Το µερος που ϑα τοποϑετηϑει η ϕυγοκεντρος πρεπει να ειναι καϑαρο και στεγνο για να γινει σωστη εγκατασταση στο ποτηρι
απορροϕησης και για να ειναι ασϕαλης η ϕυγοκεντρος. Το µερος που ϑα τοποϑετηϑει πρεπει να ειναι επιπεδο και στερεο για να
δηµιουργησει ησυχη και ελευϑερη απο κραδασµους λειτουργια. Η διαταξη 1010 τµηµα 2-20 ∆ιεϑνους Ηλεκτροτεχνικης
Επιτροπης περιοριζει την επιτρεποµενη µετακινηση της ϕυγοκεντρου µεχρι 300 mm σε περιπτωση διακοπης. Για τον λογο αυτο
τραβηχτε ενα περιϑωριο για πλαισιο κενου χωρου γυρω απο την κεντροϕυγο. Εργαστηριακες διαδικασιες απαιτουν ωοτε κανενα
ατοµο η επικινδυνα υλικα να βρισκονται µεσα σε αυτο το πλαισιο οταν λειτουργει η ϕυγοκεντρος.

Συνδεστε τη συσκευη σε µπριζα µε ρευµα 120 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz (κατηγοριες No. 448 & 458) η ρευµα 220/240 VAC ± 10%,
50/60 Hz (κατηγοριες No. 449 & 458) που ϑα εχει γειωση.

Για να ανοιξετε το καλυµα, σπρωχτε το κουµπι (µανδαλο) προς τα επανω και σηκωστε το καλυµα. Ο περιστροϕεας τοποϑετειται
κατευϑυνοντας τον προς τον στροϕαλο πιεζοντας τον προς τα κατω στη µεση (οµϕαλο). Κλειστε καλα το καλυµα και βεβαιωϑειτε
οτι το µανδαλο εχει πιασει πληρως. Για να το κανετε να γυρισει γυριστε το χροναδιακοπτη στον επιϑυµητο χρονο λειτουργιας.
(Για λειτουργιες κατω απο πεντε λεπτα, γυριστε τον χρονοδιακοπτη να περασει τα πεντε (5) λεπτα και µετα επιστρεψτε στον
επιϑυµητο χρονο). Για λειτουργια µε απεριοριστο χρονο γυριστε τον χρονοδιακοπτη στη ϑεση '∞'. Ο κινητηρας ϑα κανει µερικα
δευτερολεπτα να πιασει την ανωτατη ταχυτητα.

Το γυρισµα σταµατα ειτα γυριζοντας τον χρονοδιακοπτη στην ϑεση µηδεν (0) η αϕηνοντας να εκπνευσει ο χρονος. περιµενω µεχρι
τον περιστροϕεα εχει σταµατω πριν ανοιγµα καλυµα.

Ακολουϑουν κατωτερω ΠΡΟΕΙ∆ΟΠΟΙΗΣΕΙΣ σχετικα µε χειρισµους που µπορουν να προκαλεσουν ατυχηµα η και τραυµατισµο.
Παρατιϑενται επισης ΠΡΟΦΥΛΑΚΤΙΚΑ ΜΕΤΡΑ για χειρισµους που µπορουν να προκαλεσουν ζηµια στην κεντροϕυγο η τα
βοηϑητικα µηχανηµατα.

•Βαλτε το καλωδιο σε γειωµενη µπριζα.
•ΜΗΝ µετακινησετε ποτε τον πολο γειωσεως απο την µπριζα, και µην χρησιµοποιητε προσαρµοστη (µετασχηµατιστη)
που δεν εχει γειωση.
•Να βγαζετε το καλωδιο παντα απο την µπριζα πριν το καϑαρισετε η κανετε συντηρηση στην ϕυγοκεντρο.
•Μην λειτουργησετε την κεντροϕυγο αν ο προϕυλακτηρας η ο περιστροϕεας ειναι χαλασµενος. Αν η ϕϑορα ειναι ορατη
αντικαταστηστε τα χαλασµενα κοµατια αµεσως.
•Φορτωστε τον περιστροϕεα ΣΥΜΕΤΡΙΚΑ µε 2, 3, 4, η 6 σωληνακια στον εκτο περιστροϕεα (ΟΧΙ 1 η 5); η 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9,
10, η 12 σωληνακια στον δωδεκατο περιστροϕεα (ΟΧΙ 1, 5, 7, η 11). Τα σωληνακια πρεπει να εχουν ιδιο µεγεϑος και
χωριτηκοτητα ιδιου βαρος (1 γραµ).

•Το Thermo IEC Medilite δεν ειναι προωρισµενο η κατασκευασµενο ωστε να χρησιµοποιουνται χηµικα διαλυτικα τα οποια
µπορουν να αποδυναµωσουν βασικα κοµατια. Αποϕευγετε να χρισηµοποιειτε απαγορευµενα χηµικα (δειτε πινακα 1)
για καϑαρισµο και/η ϕογοκεντρισµο.


Πληροϕοριες για εγγυηση η συµβαση συντηρησης επικοινωνηστε µε τον εξουσιοδοτηµενο Thermo IEC αντιπροσωπο.


1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 3
2 INSTALLATION.................................................................................. 4
3 OPERATION........................................................................................ 5
3.1 Warnings and Cautions ....................................................................................5
3.2 Loading ...........................................................................................................6
3.3 Starting a Run ..................................................................................................6
3.4 Stopping a Run ................................................................................................6
4 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................. 7
4.1 Cleaning ..........................................................................................................7
4.2 Fuse Change ....................................................................................................7
5 SERVICE.............................................................................................. 8
5.1 Troubleshooting...............................................................................................8
5.2 Latch Assembly ...............................................................................................8
5.3 Timer/ Relay....................................................................................................9
5.4 Motor...............................................................................................................9
6 SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................10
7 DRAWINGS ........................................................................................11


This manual may not contain information on all changes that have occurred to the subject
instrument since the manual issue date. It was prepared for use by Thermo IEC
authorized factory-trained personnel who are kept current through a program of service
letters, bulletins and training seminars.

This manual contains warnings against operating procedures that could result in an
accident and/or personal injury. It also contains cautions against procedures that could
result in damage to your centrifuge or accessories. Read this manual thoroughly before
operating or servicing this centrifuge.

Medilite Operation Manual


The Thermo IEC Medilite is a portable centrifuge designed for use

in the physician’s office, the small clinical laboratory and the

The unit consists of:

• A baseplate with three rubber suction cup pads for stability.

• A brushless AC motor is attached to the cabinet. The motor is

thermally protected at 100°C in accordance with UL specifications

• A six or twelve place plastic 45° angle rotor

• A 30 minute timer (with hold function)

• A viewport in the cover for easy speed verification

Medilite Operation Manual


The unit requires minimal assembly before use.

1. After unpacking, place the unit on a clean, level surface. The

surface must be level to ensure quiet, vibration-free operation.
A rigid, stable location is important because an improperly loaded
unit can vibrate or move.

2. Lift the lever to release the latch. Remove the soft material
covering the plastic shields (6 or 12) that are shipped in position
inside the rotor.

3. Press down on the center hub to ensure that the rotor is secured to
the shaft. Turn rotor by hand to verify it turns freely.

4. Inspect the shields for damage. Make sure the flange of the shield
is flush with the surface of the rotor.

5. Plug the unit into a 120 VAC +/-10%, 50/60 Hz (Cat. Nos. 448 and
458) or a 220/240 VAC +/- 10%, 50/60 Hz (Cat. Nos. 449 and

Medilite Operation Manual


3.1 Warnings and Cautions

• Plug the power cord into a grounded outlet.
• Never remove the grounding prong from the power plug or use any
adapter that does not complete the grounding circuit.
• Always unplug the power cord before attempting to clean or
service the unit.
• Do not spin any fluids which have a specific gravity greater than
• Do not operate the unit if the shields or rotor show signs of
damage. If deterioration is visible, replace the affected parts
• Do not open the lid while the unit is spinning.

Note: Chemical damage can appear as crazing, frosting, peeling or

similar deterioration of the inner cavity or exterior surface of the
shields or rotor. Mechanical damage can appear as cracks, scratches
or gouges on the shield or rotor surfaces.

• The Thermo IEC Medilite is not intended or recommended for use
with chemical solvents that may weaken critical parts. Refrain
from using prohibited chemicals (see table 1) for cleaning or

Table 1: Prohibited chemicals

Concentrated Mineral acids (e.g. Hydrochloric, Sulfuric,

Nitric acid, etc.) should not be allowed to come into contact
with the base assembly, rotor or shields of this centrifuge.
These and other parts of the Medilite are not adversely
affected by short-term exposure to other acids or solvents,
hydrocarbons, alkalies or gases. Good Laboratory Practices
for cleaning should be followed and any part of the centrifuge
exposed to strong chemicals should be thoroughly cleaned as
soon as is practical.

Medilite Operation Manual

3.2 Loading

Unlatch and open the cover. Check that the rotor turns freely and that
there are no loose objects in the chamber.

Load the rotor symmetrically with 2,3,4 or 6 tubes in the 6-place rotor (but
not 1 or 5) or 2,3,4,6,8,9 or 12 in the 12-place rotor (but not 1, 5, 7 or 11).

The tubes must be of equal size and with contents of equal (within 1 gram)
weight. Close the cover securely, ensuring that the latch is engaged.

3.3 Starting a Run

Turn the timer knob to the desired run duration (for runs of under 5
minutes, turn the timer past the five minute setting and then back to the
desired time). For runs in the HOLD mode (infinite duration), turn the
knob speed to the ∞ setting. The motor will take several minutes to reach
top speed.

Note: periods of slight vibration during acceleration are normal.

If excessive vibration occurs, turn the timer knob to zero (0). When the
rotor has come to a stop, open the cover and check that the load is
balanced. If the rotor is properly balanced and vibration persists, ensure
that the suction cup feet are clean and adhering to the surface on which the
unit was placed.

3.4 Stopping a Run

To stop a run, turn the timer knob to zero or allow the time to expire. Wait
until the rotor has come to a complete stop, then unlatch and open the

Medilite Operation Manual


4.1 Cleaning

This section describes the proper method for cleaning your centrifuge.
Always unplug the unit before cleaning.

1. Release the latch, open the cover and unplug the unit.

2. Check the chamber for spills or broken glass. If present, wipe out
the chamber with a water-dampened sponge.

Note: If glass breakage is an on-going condition, we recommend that all

the plastic shields be replaced. Microscopic particles of glass become
embedded in the plastic shields. These particles can come in contact with
new glass tubes, creating a pressure point that may result in recurring tube

3. Clean the outside of the unit, the rotor and the chamber with warm
water, mild detergent and a sponge.

Note: To remove the rotor, lift it straight up off its drive shaft. The rotor is
held in place by spring clips that line up flat to the surface on the drive
shaft. To reinstall the rotor, line up the clips with the flat surface and
press it as far down the shaft as it will go.

Warning: Never use any of the chemicals listed in Table 1 for cleaning.
Never use a cleaner that contains abrasives. Check your cleaner to be sure
none of its ingredients will damage the unit.

4.2 Fuse Change

To change the internal fuse(s), open the cover and remove the rotor and
shields. Close the cover. Unplug the centrifuge, carefully place the
machine on its cover and remove the baseplate (four bolts - 1/4 inch
socket). The fuses have the following values:

For 120 VAC (Cat. No. 448 & 458) - one 2.5A Slo-Blo part number 65767
For 240 VAC (Cat. No. 449 & 459) - two 1.25A Slo-Blo part number 42517

Medilite Operation Manual


5.1 Troubleshooting

If the unit will not start, check the following in order to isolate the

• Check the fuse by removing the base of the unit.

• Check the resistance across the coils of the relay, which is approximately
3.5 kΩ.
• Check the latch microswitch and the proximity switch.

There are two switches in the unit. One is the latch switch and the other is
the proximity switch. Both are in series with the relay and must be
‘closed’ in order for the unit to operate.

To access the components, unplug the centrifuge, open the cover, and
remove the rotor. Carefully place the unit upside down on its cover and
remove the four bolts (1/4 inch socket) which secure the baseplate. Lift
the baseplate off.

5.2 Latch Assembly

The latch assembly consists of a catch, a striker, a microswitch, and a

proximity switch. When the cover is closed, the cover striker engages the
microswitch, which senses the status of the cover (open, closed/locked).
The proximity switch also senses the position of the cover for the purpose
of disabling a run unless the cover is fully closed. The proximity switch
magnet is located in the cover and causes the switch located in the cabinet
to actuate.

To remove the latch switch, remove the two Phillips head screws at the
front plate of the unit. Note the wiring to the switch and disconnect.

Medilite Operation Manual

5.3 Timer/ Relay

The Thermo IEC Medilite has a built-in 30-minute mechanical timer. It

also has a hold mode for indefinite time runs. The timer acts as a switch
delivering power to the motor. To replace it, the knob must be removed.
The knob is pressed onto the timer shaft and may require pliers to remove.
The timer is secured to the base with a nut.

When the timer is set, the timer, through the relay, delivers 120VAC to the
motor. This can verified using a voltmeter measuring across the two black
leads coming out of the timer.

5.4 Motor

The Thermo IEC Medilite uses a brushless induction drive motor. It

requires no maintenance. The speed of the motor is approximately 3100
rpm (60 Hz) or 2700 rpm (50 Hz). This can be verified using an optical
tachometer through the viewport in the cover. (Note: Less than nominal
line voltage will affect the centrifuge’s top speed.)

When isolated, the motor resistance should be approximately 12 Ω. To

replace the motor, remove the four nuts, which secure it to the base.
Disconnect the wiring harnesses of the motor to the relay.

Medilite Operation Manual


Specification Cat Nos. 448&458 Cat Nos. 449&459

(120 V) (240 V)

Maximum Speed 3100 RPM 2700 RPM

Maximum RCF 1228xg 920xg

Tubes Size (mm)

O.D. x Length Min 7x100 same

O.D. x Length Maximum 6 tubes (in 6 or 12 place) 16x133 or 17x120 same

O.D. x Length Maximum 12 tubes 16x100 same

Maximum Volume
6 place 90 mL (6x15mL) same
12 place 120 mL (12x10 mL) same

Centrifuge Motor .022 hp same

Power Requirement 120 VAC ±10% 220/240 VAC ±10%

50/60 Hz, 2A 50/60 Hz, 1A

Cover Closed: 9.5” (24.1 cm) same
Cover Opened: 18” (45.7 cm) same

Width 11.5” (29.2 cm) same

Depth 14.75” (37.5 cm) same

Net Weight 9.5 Lbs (4.3 Kg) same

Shipping Weight 12.5 Lbs. (5.7 Kg) same

Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Medilite Operation Manual


Drawings included in this section:

11006 System Schematic

448 Medilite Assembly
PL448 Medilite Parts List

Note: At time of publication, these drawings were accurate.

Changes do occur. If you have any questions regarding
these drawings, contact Thermo IEC at +(781) 449-8060,
or your local dealer.

Medilite Operation Manual

ThermoIEC Technical Service Dept.

Printed: 11-28-2001 Tel.: +(781)449-8060 Fax: +(781)455-9749

ThermoIEC Technical Service Dept.

Printed: 11-28-2001 Tel.: +(781)449-8060 Fax: +(781)455-9749

ThermoIEC Technical Service Dept.

Printed: 11-28-2001 Tel.: +(781)449-8060 Fax: +(781)455-9749

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