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Grazing management of

ruminant animals in
sustainable agriculture
H. Alan DeRamus

Abstract: Ruminant grazing, properly managed, can provide an extremely

resource-efficient and sustainable supply of protein to the global economy.
Ruminants are unique in agro-ecosystems because of their ability to digest and use
cellulose. As much as 90% of their diet is composed of roughage that cannot be
digested by humans and most other non-ruminants. Ruminant grazing (1) enhances
efficient use of solar energy, (2) improves soil nutrient cycling, (3) uses non-
competitive renewable resources, (4) conserves soil and water, and (5) adds
flexibility to most farming enterprises. Ruminants are an integral part of
sustainable agriculture, providing high-quality, economical products with less
environmental impact than non-ruminant alternatives. The economic and ecological
efficiency of food production using ruminant species can be optimized by intensively
managing the relationship between the grazer and the landscape.

Keywords: digestibility; forage; forage quality; grazing; management-intensive

grazing; sustainable agriculture; ruminants

The author is an Associate Professor of Agronomy with the Renewable Resources Department,
University of Louisiana-Lafayette, PO Box 44650, Lafayette LA 70504, USA. E-mail:

The term ‘sustainable agriculture’ is highly variable in its oxidation of the soil helps to control its physical
use and meaning, often tailored to the type of agriculture deterioration and sustain soil quality. Continuous forage
being practised. According to the United States Agency cover throughout the year protects the soil while
for International Development (USAID, 1988), sustainable maintaining its organic state.
agriculture is simply a collection of agricultural A sustainable system must provide long-range
production practices that can be continued over a profitability, long-range maintenance and improvement of
relatively long period, meeting the evolving human needs soil, while reducing the undesirable effects of erosion on
without destroyin g and, if possible, improving the natural water and air quality. Sustainable agriculture addresse s a
resource base on which it depends. Mankind throughout concern for the environment while meeting the
civilization has depende d on the soil and plants for his requirem ents for sufficient food to accommodate an
daily bread, and on animals for food, clothing and trans- increasing world population. Food is produced within an
portation. environm ent that will always be altered, whether it comes
Research by Hauptli et al (1990) shows that in from agricultural lands or the ocean (Debertin, 1992).
sustainable agriculture, soil is the focal point and is Ruminants provide over half of the daily protein intake
deemed a living system, managed for the diversit y and of humans, and this protein resulting from ruminant
the well-being of the organisms living within the soil livestock production is of higher quality, with a higher
ecosystem. Organic matter supplies nutrients in a stable, biological value than protein from plants and substrate
slow-release form. When additional nutrients are feeds (Oltjen and Beckett, 1996). Red meat also provides
required, soluble fertilizers are strategically applied. 25% of the energy, 80% of the calcium and 67% of the
Careful attention to the timing and the amount of phosphorus consumed daily by humans (Van Soest, 1977).
fertilizer avoids the release of potentially damaging While important changes in the management of cropping
nutrients into water bodies through the ecosystem. The systems have increased plant productivity, what has
use of tillage systems that reduce erosion, compaction and happened to animal production in the transition to

Outlook on AGRICULTURE Vol 33, No 2, 2004, pp 93–100 93

Grazing management of ruminants

sustainable agricultural practices? Does the ruminant

animal fit into the natural cycle of sustainable food
Nature has endowed ruminant animals with a
fermentation vat (rumen), containing billions of micro-
organisms that secrete the enzyme cellulase (Van Soest,
1977). This is the only enzyme that can degrade cellulose,
the most abundant chemical component of plants and the
most abundant organic chemical material on earth
(Council on Agricultural Science and Technology – CAST,
1975). Since ruminants use cellulose for energy to make
food and fibre, they occupy a strategic position compared
with humans and other non-ruminants, because they do
not compete with them for their food (Van Soest, 1982).
The symbiotic relationship between ruminants and their
anaerobic microbes is an important example of mutualistic
symbiosis and is used by resource managers to optimize Figure 1. Role of ruminants in human nutrition.
food production relative to resource demand. Ruminants’
efficiency of conversion of cellulose into meat or milk for
edible energy and protein in human diets depends on the
ruminant animal’s diet, and hence, on regional because it permits optimal use of resources. From an
production practices. The ultimate goal for sustainable environm ental standpoint, production can be maintained
farming systems integrates plant and animal resources to on marginal lands unsuited for crops or forests because of
achieve optimal biomass output within a given ecological shallow rock, steep slopes, inaccessibility, environm ental
and socioeconomic setting. regulations, etc. Furtherm ore, when livestock are properly
Grazing-animal agriculture increases the efficiency of managed, there are no deleterious off-farm impacts (ie no
plant agriculture by using lignin and cellulose that is damage to other resources such as water quality, air
unusable by other species. More than 80% of the annual quality, etc) and many off-farm benefits (ie food
diet of ruminants is composed of roughage (Hodgson, production, farm purchases, rural aesthetics, etc). The
1974). complementarities between crops and livestock are
Grassland accounts for more than 30% of the global critical to the ecological and economic stability of farming
land surface. Much of this land, particularly in semi-arid systems in many regions where the human population
and upland areas, is incapable of supporting crop and demand for food are increasing, but where
production. Thus, livestock may provide the only source technology and resources are not readily available. Until
of local food production in regions where people have recently most research has focused on monocrop and
limited income for purchase of food, even for subsistence monospecies systems in which crop and livestock
(CAST, 1999). activities are increasingly separated. Managed grazing of
Most roughage is produced on land that is not suitable ruminant animals is a way to reap production and,
for cultivation and production of high-value crops for subsequently, to profit from farmland that would other-
humans and other monogastric animals. The management wise be redundant or subject to environmental criticism.
strategy of maintaining ruminants to utilize these inedible Pasture is a tremendo us forage resource, capable of
(for humans) foodstuffs and converting them into high- intercepting and storing large amounts of solar energy
quality foods for human consumption has been a and supporting high levels of livestock production.
characteristic of advanced societies for several thousand Pasture requires management to produce high-quality,
years (Oltjen and Beckett, 1996). Ruminant animals can dependable forage at as low a cost as possible (Murphy,
harvest the forage produced on the untillable land area 1990). One critical decision facing livestock producers is
while protecting the soil from erosion. The manure from how best to use the forage resources (Gerrish, 1994). The
these grazing animals provides soil nutrients and profitability of livestock operations is controlled by the
enhances organic content and tilth. extent to which the forages are used. In recent years
The fibrous cellulose material from plants has been an producer awareness of pasture management has been
important agricultural product since it was first increasing. However, the application of these
consumed by animals and assimilated into food and fibre management techniques has not been incorporated on
products for human use. By increasing the role of many farms where pasture and haylands have received
ruminant animals in human nutrition, sustainability may the least amount of management attention. Some factors
be advanced (Figure 1). Grazing animals can produce that have brought attention to forage management
highly nutritious and palatable food, recycle nutrients, include pervasive increases in grain pricing, a new
and enhance the environm ent for improved forage emphasis on soil erosion and water quality, and
production (Parker, 1990). advancements in the technology of pasture management.
Grazing livestock are an essential component to All of these factors have made the intensive use of the
promote sustainability. Production schemes that are forage resource more economically viable. It is generally
economically profitable and environm entally benign accepted that on significant portions of the world’s
simultaneously are required to meet the definition of grazing lands, improved management practices need to
sustainable agriculture. Grazing on a farm achieves both be implemen ted to ensu re the long-term sustainability of

94 Outlook on AGRICULTURE Vol 33, No 2

Grazing management of ruminants

this feed resource and to preserve other environmental Management-intensive grazing (MIG)
services provided by these lands (CAST, 1999).
Native grasses, including warm-season and cool- Intensive management practices require the producer to
season and many introduced species, thrive and produce control what, where, when and how much the livestock
well. Perennial forages are uniquely suited to contribute are consuming. The fundamentals of sound grazing
to sustainable agriculture. The positive attributes of management are based on four key factors:
perennial forages, coupled with the absence of harmful
(1) meeting the nutrient needs of the class of livestock
effects on human, livestock and environm ental health,
suggest that perennial forages will play an increasingly
(2) optimizing forage yield, quality and persistence;
prominen t role in more sustainably managed agricultural
(3) protecting and enhancing the natural resource base;
systems (Clark and Weise, 1993). One of the central
benefits associated with perennial forages is simply
(4) utilizing appropriate knowledg e and technology to
withholding the land from cultivation – and thereb y
develop a practical and economically viable manage-
reducing aerobic decomposition of existing soil organic
ment system (Gerrish, 1994).
matter – for the duration of the stand (Clark and
Poincelot, 1996). Perennial forages add organic matter to The primary environm ental benefit of planned, rotational
the soil with concomitant effects on structure, water- (short-duration, intensiv e) grazing is the opportunity for
holding capacity and biological activity. Also, perennia l rest and recovery afforded to pasture plants when the
forages can play an integral role in sustaining grain grazing animals are removed from the pasture. Biological
production on arable land, as well as providing the high- responses associated with intensiv e grazing include:
fibre nutrition to which ruminants are uniquely adapted.
(1) rest for the landscape;
The inefficient use of forage diets has often been used
(2) recovery period for the grazed plants;
as an excuse for feeding more concentrates to ruminants,
(3) nutrient cycling;
but one of the most important biological relationships in
(4) feed budgeting; and
the world is between herbivores and forages (Byington
(5) animal response.
and Hart, 1984). Forage resources in the USA have been
misma naged, wasted and ignored (Murphy, 1990) because The primary economic benefit is a greater profit for the
the nation had too much land available, too few animals producer.
to graze it adequately, and no pressing economic need to Plant species persistence is an important factor of the
use the land more efficiently. The shrinking agricultural planned rest periods for the carbohydrate balance of
land base and farm financial problems have depended on pasture plants. The persistence of many species is limited
high-value agronomic crops. However, with the pressure under continuous grazing due to frequent defoliation and
from those wishing to use the land for recreational the subsequent effect on plant vigour (Voisin, 1959; 1960).
activities and from environmentalists, agriculturalists Murphy (1990) concluded that optimum rest periods
are being forced to take a closer look at all aspects of between grazing periods should be short in the spring
land management, including forage use by food-produc- during rapid growth and much longer in the summer and
ing animals. Forages are currently produced on more autumn when the growth rate declines. If the rest periods
than half the land area of the USA. The value-added are longer than optimum, forage biomass accumulates
animal impact on forages genera tes approximately and the fibre content increases, rendering the forage less
30% of the total economic value created by US agriculture digestib le and lowering its nutritive value (Van Soest,
(CAST, 1984). The increased emphasis on forage also 1982). Forage digestibility decreases with advancing
mandates an increased emphasis on the important role of maturity as cell wall content increases.
cattle and other ruminants in maintaining an economic- Greater vegetative cover resulting from planned
ally and environm entally sound agricultural production rotational grazing redu ces soil erosion and loss of organic
system. matter, emulating natural systems (biomimicry). Before
Sustainable agriculture promotes the profitable the widesprea d use of fencing on the American plains,
production of a high quality and quantity of food with large herds of American bison (Bison bison L.) followed a
minimu m environm ental impact. Achieving this goal migration pattern, grazing areas where forage was
requires an emphasis on the intensive management of abundant. They later returned to regraze only when the
pasturelands and grazing ruminant animals. forage was again plentiful. Bell (1971) described the
Woodmansee (1984) documented features that enable grazing patterns among different African herbivore
natural ecosystems to capture and retain nutrients, and species of the wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus LR), zebra
thus, to persist. Because they tend to mimic natural (Equus burchelli), and Thomson’s gazelle (Gazella
ecosystems, managed grasslands appear to be relatively thomsonii) on the savannas of the Serengeti. The seasonal
well suited to cycle both nutrients and water efficiently migration pattern reduces the competition and enha nces
(Clark and Poincelot, 1996). The development of the foraging environm ent and nutrient composition for
sustainable grazing systems usually begins with a change each subsequent species. The zebra (a hind gut fermentor)
from continuous, season-long use to a system in which consumes the stemmy, mature low-quality plant material
livestock are moved through a given number of pastures, opening the canopy, while the wildebeest consumes the
creating recurring periods of grazing and deferment. Most mid-level plant foliage of moderate quality with more
systems are designed to provide rest or deferment leaves, and the small ruminant gazelle consumes the
through the grow ing season in an effort to sustain plant denser, highest- quality plant material of high-p rotein fruit
vigour. and regrowth forage.

Outlook on AGRICULTURE Vol 33, No 2 95

Grazing management of ruminants

with proper grazing management. However, severe

overgrazing that leaves an incomplete soil cover promotes
soil compaction, redu ces the soil macropore space, and
lowers the infiltration rate.

Nutrient management
Livestock excrement represents a valuable, recyclable
source of soil nutrients on pasture because 60–95% of the
nutrients consumed by grazing livestock pass through the
digestiv e tract (Wilkinson and Lowrey, 1973). Grazing
increases nutrient minera lization by reducing the particle
size of plant material and providing a favourable environ-
ment for microbial activity in the soil. King (1990)
concluded that the direct return of nutrients through the
Figure 2. Effect of forage biomass on the relative intake of faeces of grazing ruminants was an inefficient method of
grazing livestock.
pasture fertilization under continuous stocking.
Dalrymple et al (1994) attributed 1,096 kg ha –1 of added
pasture growth and 106 kg ha –1 of added beef production
Regulating livestock use through rotational grazing to cattle excrement deposited on pasture when properly
can best protect fragile ecosystems subjected to grazing. managed. It is clear that integration of animals into lower-
Pasture rotation regu lates forage availability, which input systems can improve long-term soil fertility (Stinner
allows livestock to be fed more according to their needs. and Blair, 1990). Based on the estimate of Peterson et al
Ruminants optimize forage consumption to meet their (1956), 10 years would be required before 95% of a
nutrient requireme nts if no physical or metabolic continuously stocked pasture would be covered by at
restrictions are imposed (Weston and Poppi, 1987). The least one excretion. But with an MIG system, complete
relationship between forage intake and forage allowance coverage with animal excreta could be achieved in only
is generally curvilinea r (Minson, 1990). Figure 2 shows three years.
that where the yield of young, desired forage exceeds Soil fertility can be affected by pasture utilization and
about 2,000 kg DM ha –1 and grazing is unrestricted, the manure distribution patterns of grazing cattle.
ruminants have no difficulty satisfying their appetite, Managemen t to keep manure evenly distrib uted in a
taking in large quantities than forage with each bite pasture so as to maintain soil fertility should be a
(Allden and Whittaker, 1970). Gerrish (2000) reported that producer goal. Distribution of soil nutrients in a pasture
forage availability was more likely to limit steers’ average varies across the landscape and is affected by many
daily gain (ADG) on pasture of forage quality. Once the factors. Differences in grazing distrib ution patterns,
allowance of desired forage is less than twice the preferred loafing sites and watering sites can all create
maximum intake, there is a progressive fall in the nutrient gradients in pasture (Borrow, 1967; West et al,
quantity of forage eaten. 1989). Peterson and Gerrish (1995) noted that those
Individual animal performance and carrying capacity grazing cells with frequent rotations and minimal land-
can be improved through rotational grazing programmes scape variation within individu al paddocks resulted in
(Gerrish, 1991). Thus, more animal products per unit of the most uniform manure distribution over the entire
land can be produced with a good grazing management pasture. The manure distrib ution measurements indicated
system. The best management plan (BMP) of MIG offers that significantly less dung was deposited in the lane with
the potential for more efficient utilization of grazed forage a 24-paddock system than with a three-paddock system or
crops via controlled rotational grazing and more efficient continuous grazing. A significant loss of manure from the
conversion of forage into meat and milk. Implementing pasture occurred when cattle were forced to travel along a
proper grazing management practices for improvement of lane to access water. In addition, as rotation frequency
forage quality increases total animal productivity. increased and landscape variation within a paddock
Enhancing the level of productivity decreases the animal decreased, the uniformity of manure distrib ution on
maintenance subsidy and decreases the obligatory individu al paddocks and entire grazing cells was
methane losses from rumen fermentation of digestion improved.
associated with animal maintenance.

Environmental benefits Forage nutritive value

DeRamus et al (2003) calculated the projected methane ‘Nutritive value’ is an inclusive expression used to
annual emissions in cows to measure the efficiency of beef encompass all nutritional attributes of a forage in relation
production on forage, and determined that a 22% to its overall value to the consuming animal. However,
reduction in methane emission s would result from MIG the term is often used in the more restrictive sense of
when compared with continuous grazing. With MIG, less forage quality, including protein content, digestib ility or
methane was produced per kilogra m of beef gain. palatability (Huston and Pinchak, 1991).
Grazing management can also influence sediment and
water runoff. Gard et al (1934) as well as Alderfer and Nutrient intake and utilization
Robinson (1947) documented a reduction from 17.3% to Anima ls use forages primarily as a source of energy.
3.4% in total runoff and a tenfold reduction in soil losses Blaser et al (1986) suggested that energy intake would

96 Outlook on AGRICULTURE Vol 33, No 2

Grazing management of ruminants

Figure 3. Relationship of forage dry matter intake and digestibil-

ity to the stage of growth in grasses and legumes. Forage Figure 4. Relationship of forage digestibility to the efficiency of
consumption and digestibility decline rapidly as canopies energy utilization (compared with corn grain).
develop with stemmy plants of advanced growth stages.
Source: Blaser et al, 1986.

limit the performance of ruminants on forages before animals that has a lower nutrient requirement such as dry
protein or other nutrients. Daily forage intake increases as cows or ewes.
digestibility (a measure of forage quality) increases. The
energy value of forages is related to the maturity of the Forage quality and nutrient intake
plant and changes throughout the grow th period (Figure Level of forage intake and associated forage quality
3, from Blaser et al, 1986). Managemen t of pastures with interactions are complex functions that vary through time
high-ene rgy potential must focus on maintaining plants in and across animal and forage types. Forage quality is best
a high quality, vegetative state. Of the total energy defined in terms of animal performance. Factors affecting
consumed, only the digestib le energy (DE) portion is forage quality include plant species, climate and stage of
usable by the animal. Still, some DE is lost as methane gas maturity. Forage quality declines with plant maturity.
from the rumen, urine and the heat of digestion. The Changes in maturity are accompanied by increases in
energy remaining is net energy (NE) and is used to meet yield and proportion of the fibrous stem and a decrease in
the animal’s maintenance and production needs. The the proportion of leaf tissue. The sigmoid biological
efficiency of NE use depends on whether it is channelled growth curve of forages can be divided into three distinct
into maintena nce, milk production, fibre production or phases of growth after grazing (Figure 5). High quality
weight gain. The performance of a ruminant animal is and low quantity characterize grow th phase I. Both high
associated with its total energy intake. From one-half to quality and high quantity characterize growth phase II.
all of the animal’s energy consumption may be needed for Low quality and high quantity characterize growth phase
maintenance; the amount required for a specific stage of III. The goal of MIG is to manage forage plants properly
animal production is dependen t on forage quality (Ely, so that animals always graze plants in growth phase II.
1994). The higher fibre content and associated cell wall
The level of production achieved by ruminants material of mature forage slows the digestion process,
depends not only on the total amount of energy and especially the rate at which digesta particles can leave the
protein reaching the tissues, but also on the efficiency rumen. Long-term, voluntary intake patterns are
with which these nutrients are used for maintenance, determin ed by the amount of food needed to meet the
growth and milk production. Bula et al (1981) pointed out physiological requirements, but modified by the amount
that ruminants used energy more efficiently for that can be consumed before physical constraints are
maintenance or milk production than for weight gain. The encountered. Therefore, less food is needed if the food has
efficiency of utilization for grow th and fattening is more higher concentrations of available nutrients, and more
sensitiv e to diet. The effect of forage DE on efficiency of food can be physically consumed if the bulky, indigest ible
use for maintena nce, milk and weight gain is shown in fraction is lower. Figure 6 from Huston and Pinchak
Figure 4. At 70% DE, forages are 65 to 70% as efficient as (1991) illustrates the relationship between forage
corn grain for meeting maintenance and production digestib ility and intake, assuming no other restrictions.
needs. With an MIG system, the forage can be kept at a The descending curve represents the forage intake needed
higher quality stage (60–80%) to increase animal weight for the digestible dry matter (DDM) maintenance
gain or milk production. In Figure 4 it can be seen that at requirem ents for a 500-kg beef cow (NRC, 1984). At 20%
50% DE, forages are less than 20% as efficient as grain for digestib ility, 21.5 kg DDM day –1 of forage must be
the production of weight gain, but nearly 50% as effective consumed to permit the cow to extract the required 4.3 kg
as grain in providing energy for maintenance or milk of DDM . However, only 5.4 kg day –1 of an 80% digestible
production. So when forage is near maturity and the forage must be consumed to supply the same 4.3 kg DDM
quality is low (< 60%), it is more useful for a class of when the quality is higher. The ascending curve depicts

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Grazing management of ruminants

Figure 6. Relationship between forage digestibility and long-

term forage intake patterns. The descending curve shows the
required intake to yield 5 kg of digestible dry matter as forage
digestibility increased from 20% to 80%. The ascending curve
depicts the maximum possible (approximate) forage intake by an
adult cow as forage digestibility increases.
Source: Huston and Pinchak, 1991.

Figure 5. The sigmoid plant growth curve and three phases of

pasture growth showing the relationship of length of recovery Soil erosion is virtually eliminated when pastures are
period to plant growth after grazing and accumulation of
maintained in a healthy, vigorous condition. The rotation
pasture mass.
of crops and animals aids in the control of soil-borne
diseases of both crops and livestock, and can markedly
the theoretical maximum consumption of forages within increase total forage production. Vegetative cover breaks
the range of 20–80% digestibility, assuming a constant 1% the impact of rainfall and allows rapid water infiltration
body weight of faeces (Conrad et al, 1964). As forage to reduce the runoff potential. When the soil organic
quality increases, nutrient intake (Ventura et al, 1975) and matter is developed, nutrient recycling becomes very
productivity increase. efficient, and the need for nitrogen fertilization is reduced
Overall forage quality tends to be higher under a with the use of legumes as a primary pasture component.
controlled grazing system when compared with The use of pesticides is diminish ed in intensive grazing,
continuous grazing, as more of the available forage because weed control is generally achieved through
throughout the season is vegetative growth (Gerrish, timely grazing and appropriate rest/recovery periods.
1994). Quality is more uniform season-long, whereas, Most perennial grasses form dense root systems, which
with a continuous grazing system, quality is lowest when effectively serve as filters to remove contaminants before
grasses become mature because of proportionately more they can seep into the groundwater (Ball et al, 1996).
reproductive plant parts (seed heads) with a greater stem Dairy and livestock producers using managed grazing
to leaf ratio. Based on daily measurements of sward in Minnesota found that they could greatly improve the
parameters, Morrow et al (1991) found the decline in management and production of pastures (Hanks and
forage quantity and quality to be near linear when the Martinek, 2002). By using an MIG system they could
grazing period did not exceed three days. In a continuous make a profit from pastures without continual renovation,
grazing system, animals frequently return to heavily while improving the health of the animals, the quality of
grazed areas to select the newest vegetative regrowth the grass and reducing the potential for manure runoff.
(spot grazing) and bypass over-mature forage. This
results in the occurrence of overgrazing and undergrazing
in the same pasture. Under the controlled grazing of MIG,
Human health benefits from grazing
the sward is grazed much more evenly and the
subsequent regrowth is more uniform. Conjugated dienoic derivatives of linoleic acid are a series
CAST (1975) recommended that livestock grazing of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid (cis-9,
should be a component of a crop-rotation system, because cis-12 octadecadienoic acid). Conjugated linoleic acid
it disperses pasture forage production among intensive (CLA) occurs naturally in foods. However, the principal
plant production operations and contributes to erosion dietary sources are dairy products and other foods
control, soil fertility and the return of nutrients to the soil derived from ruminant animals. The isomers of CLA
through manure and plants. Mixed crop–livestock occur naturally in food products derived from ruminant
systems encompass approximately 2.5 billion ha of land, sources because of the process of bacterial
of which 1.1 billion ha is arable rain-fed, 0.2 billion ha is biohydrogenation of linoleic acid, which is present in the
irrigated land, and 1.2 billion ha is grassland (CAST, feedstuffs of these animals, in the rumen (Bartlet and
1999). Mixed systems have the capacity to change rapidly Chapman, 1961, and Chin et al, 1992). Milk fat is the
as markets, infrastructure and income grow. In many richest natural dietary source of CLA, which is almost
instances, mixed systems serve as a bridge between entirely composed of the cis-9, trans-11 isomer (Parodi,
grazing and industrial systems. Furthermore , they can 1997).
also serve as an element of the stratified system. The growing body of literature on CLA suggests that

98 Outlook on AGRICULTURE Vol 33, No 2

Grazing management of ruminants

the isomeric conjugated fatty acids possess potent bio- References

chemical and physiological activities that could benefit
human health and protect against chronic disease such as Alderfer, R. B., and Robinson, R. R. (1947), ‘Runoff from pastures
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cancer and atherosclerosis (Kelly, 2001). CLA is the only Journal, Vol 29, pp 948–958.
known antioxidant and anticarcinogen primarily Allden, W. G., and Whittaker, I. A. M. (1970), ‘The determinants
associated with foods originating from animal sources. of herbage intake by grazing sheep: the interrelationship of
Extensive resea rch work has revealed the potential factors influencin g herbage intake and availability’, Australian
anticarcinogeni c properties of CLA. Chemically indu ced Journal of Agriculture Research, Vol 21, pp 755–766.
tumorigenesis in rat mammary gland and colon tissue Ball, D. M., Hoveland, C. S., and Lacefield, G. D. (1996), ‘Forages
and the environment’, in Southern Forages, 2 ed, Potash and
were significantly redu ced when various isomers of CLA
Phosphate Institute, Norcross, GA, pp 229–234.
were fed to the rats (Ip et al, 1991; 1994; 1996; 1997; 1999; Bartlet, J. C., and Chapman, D. G. (1961), ‘Detection of hydro-
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Blaser, R. E., Hammes, R. C., Fontenot, J. P., Bryant, H. T., Polan,
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third and two-thirds of the ration respectively. Cows in J. S. (1986), ‘Evaluating forages for animal production’, in
the one-third and two-thirds pasture treatment groups Holliman, M. C., ed, Forage–Animal Management Systems,
received a supplement to balance their nutritional needs. Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, Vol 86–7,
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Recently, French resea rchers compared CLA levels in Bula, R. J., Lechtenberg, V. L., and Holt, D. A. (1981), ‘Potential
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most CLA in their tissues (and thus the most CLA in their Byington, E. K., eds, Potential of the World’s Forages for Ruminant
diets) had a 74% lower risk of breast cancer than the Animal Production, 2 ed, Winrock Rpt, Morrillton, AR, pp 7–28.
women with the least CLA. If an American woman were Byington, E. K., and Hart, R. H. (1984), ‘The nature and extent of
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