Project Objective: User Module Project - Oneshot

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User Module Project - OneShot

Project Name: Example_OneShot_CY8C29466

Programming Language: C
Associated Part Families:CY8C29/27/24/21/20xxx,CY8CLED02/04/08/16
Software Version: PSoC Designer™ 5.2
Related Hardware: CY3210 PSoCEval1 Board

Project Objective
This project demonstrates the operation of OneShot8 User Module that produces a single pulse in response to an input

Sometimes a device must produce a single pulse in response to an input signal. Such devices are called one-shots (or
‘univibrators’ or ‘monostable multivibrators’) and are used to delay and reshape input pulses.
One-shots are also used as debouncers. The source of the bounce does not always originate from mechanical switches.
The input signal has curved rising and falling edges. A comparator responds to an incoming pulse by triggering a signal as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Ideal Operation of a Comparator

Input pulses (and thresholds) have a noise component. The comparator also has its own noise. As a result, it responds with
multiple triggers when the signal crosses the threshold (see Figure 2).This phenomenon is called bouncing.
Figure 2. Reality Operation

False trigger is counted as the noise in the signal introduces extra threshold crossings. One way to eliminate false triggers is to
add a hysteresis to the comparator.
An alternative is to use ‘One Shots’. When the first pulse is sent out for a specified period of time, the device ignores any other
input pulses even if one is reactivated by a bounce. As a result, very clean output pulses are received.
The OneShot8 User Module produces a single pulse in response to an input signal. It can be used to reshape short input
pulses and generate single pulses with a required duration.
The OneShot8 User Module compares the output of a CRCPRS hardware block to a row interconnect. The relax time is
selectable and can be 8,16,24 or 32 clock pulses, using one, two, three or four PSoC digital blocks, respectively.
The OneShot8 User Module consumes one digital PSoC block per 8 clock pulses of output signal length.

User Module List and Placement

The following table lists user modules used in this project and the hardware resources occupied by each user modul e.
User Module Placement

OneShot DBB00

User Module Parameter Settings

The following tables show the user module parameter settings for the user modules used in the project.

Parameter Value Comments
It defines the Relax time after which the Output appears. VC3 is configured
Clock VC3 to generate a clock of 2.823 Khz
Input Row_0_Input_0 OneShot8 User Module Input
Output Row_0_Output_0 OneShot8 User Module Output
Clock Sync Sync to SysClk Synchronize the clock to Sys.Clk (Source clock)
Invert Input Normal Input is active high

Global Resources

Important Global Resources

Parameter Value Comments
Power Setting 5V/24 MHz Selects 5V operation and 24 MHz SysClk.

CPU Clock SysClk/1 Sets CPU Clock to 24 MHz

VC1 = SysClk/N 10 Divide 24 Mhz Clock by 10.

VC2 = VC1/N 10 Divide VC1 Clock by 10.

VC3 Source VC2 VC2 is the source for VC3 divider.

VC3 Divider 85 Divide VC2 Clock Output by 85.

Pin Configuration
Port Pin Direction Select Drive Mode
P0[0] Input GlobalInEven_0 High Z

P0[4] Output GlobalOutEven_4 Strong

P0[6] Output GlobalOutEven_6 Strong
P1[0] Output StdCPU Strong

Hardware Connections

The following is the schematic diagram for the project. The OneShot8 User Module input is routed from P0.0
through Row_0_Input_0 and the OneShot8 User Module output is routed through Row_0_Output_0 to P0.4.
Figure 3. Project Schematic Diagram

The project can be tested using the CY3210 – PSoC Eval1 board. The following connections are made on the CY3210 board:

 Input connected to P0.0 (Give square wave input of frequency 100 Hz from a signal generator).

 Output connected to P0.4.

 VC3 Clock is routed to P0.6 through GlobalOutEven_6 net.

 P1[0] is connected to LED1 in J5 header.

On reset, all hardware settings from the device configuration are loaded into the device and main.c is executed.
The following operations are performed in main.c.

 The OneShot user module is started.

 Global interrupts are enabled using M8C_EnableGInt macro.

 The interrupt Operation mode of the Oneshot User Module is enabled. The output generates an interrupt on every rising
edge. The ISR for Oneshot User Module is written in C and is declared as ISR using the ‘#pragama interrupt_handler’
directive. A ljmp instruction to the C OneShotISR is placed inside the OneShot8INT.asm file within the user code

 Continue looping infinitely. If an interrupt comes from the Oneshot module, execute the following ISR:
 OneShotISR: Toggle an LED that is connected to P1[0].
The waveforms observed in the OneShot UM are shown in the following diagram.
Figure 4. OneShot UM Waveform

The timing diagram of the Oneshot User Module follows.
Figure 5. OneShot UM Timing Diagram

Testing the Project

 After downloading the project Example_Oneshot into PSoC, power on the CY3210 PSoCEval1 board.

 Apply the input signal in P0 [0] and observe the output of Oneshot User Module in P0 [4].

 The waveforms of clock, input, and output signals can be observed in the oscilloscope.

Upgrade Information
As the ljmp instruction to the C ISR for the OneShot8 Module is placed inside the user code markers inside the
OneShot8INT.asm file, this change is preserved when the project is generated and built. If the source file for the
OneShot8INT.asm file changes in a future release of PSoC Designer™, this instruction may get overwritten. So, if you have
upgraded the PSoC Designer and find that the project is not working, check the following.
Open OneShot8INT.asm file and check if there is an ‘ljmp _OneShotISR’ instruction present in the user code area in the
_OneShot8_ISR function. If not, add this line of code within the user code markers.

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