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Degradation of Cefdinir by Candida Sp.

and MgO Nanoparticles—An Integrated (Nano-Bio)
Adikesavan Selvi and Nilanjana Das
School of Bio Sciences and Technology, VIT University, Vellore 632014, Tamilnadu, India; (for
Published online 27 November 2015 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ep.12279

The present study evaluates the effect of integrated nano- release harmful compounds which are resistant to degrada-
bio approach involving nanoscale magnesium oxide (n- tion, photo-transformation, and natural degradation [3]. The
MgO) and yeast Candida sp. SMN04 on cefdinir degradation presence of high concentration of cephalosporin in the envi-
in aqueous medium. The nanoparticle was chemically syn- ronment leads to very high chemical oxygen demand, thus
thesized and characterized by atomic force microscopy by increasing the toxic strength of the effluent [4].
(AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), EDAX analysis, Contamination of surface and ground waters by synthetic
and particle size analyser. Nano-bio integrated system was antibiotic compounds is considered as a potential threat to
prepared using chemically synthesized n-MgO (10 mg human and ecological health [5]. Over the past 2 decades,
mL21), coated onto the surface of yeast cells without causing there have been an increasing number of infections world-
any lethal effects to the cell. Cefdinir (250 mg L21) degrada- wide due to third-generation cephalosporin-resistant (3GCs-
tion was studied using individual and nano-bio integrated R) Escherichia coli isolates [6–8].
system both. Nano-bio integrated system was found to be In the last few decades, considerable attention has been
more effective for cefdinir degradation compared to native given to the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater. A wide
yeast cell. The adherence of nanoparticles on the surface of range of physico-chemical methods are being used for the
the yeast cells increased the permeability of the cell mem- treatment of pharmaceutical wastewaters which are of lim-
brane, thereby enhancing the entry of cefdinir into the cell. ited applicability because of the limitations such as ineffi-
The kinetic data showed the half-life of cefdinir, which was ciency of remediating high strength wastewater, high
1.46 days for integrated system and 2.97 days for native operating cost, huge labor requirement, high equipment
yeast, which confirmed that the integrated approach reduced cost, intervention of toxic by-products, etc. [2]. Bioremedia-
the half-life to less than half of the time taken by the yeast tion using yeasts has attracted special interest in the present
alone. This study signifies the potential efficacy of the nano- study since yeast species are found to be adaptable to chang-
bio integrated approach to serve as an effective remedial tool ing environmental conditions, persist in natural habitats and
for the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater. V C 2015 Ameri- polluted sites, degrade various toxic and stable organic sub-
can Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 35: 706–714, 2016 stances like, pharmaceutical compounds etc. [9,10].
Keywords: cefdinir, degradation, magnesiumoxide nano- Biological treatments always have more advantages com-
particles (n-MgO), nano-bio integrated system, yeast pared to other physico-chemical treatments. Biodegradation
of cephalosporin antibiotics using bacteria have been
reported by few researchers [11,12]. The efficiency of yeasts
In recent years, it has become clear that pharmaceuticals viz., Peudozyma sp. SMN01, Ustilago sp. SMN02, Ustilago sp.
are an important group of environmental pollutants [1]. Phar- SMN03, and Candida sp. SMN04 toward cefdinir biodegrada-
maceutical industries involved in the production of antibiot- tion have been reported in our previous studies [9,13,14].
ics discharge their wastes openly, which contains some In the past few years, MgO nanoparticles have attracted
quantity of these active compounds that are toxic in nature. the interests of researchers for its remarkable properties and
The accumulation and persistence of antibiotics in the envi- important industrial uses such as industrial waste water
ronment produce harmful effects, even at low concentration remediation in the removal of pharmaceuticals, toxic waste,
in which they are detected [2]. toxic gas, paints, semiconductors, and heavy metals [15–17].
Cefdinir is an advanced third generation semi-synthetic Magnesium oxide (MgO) is a heterogeneous catalyst that has
cephalosporin antibiotic, characterized by a vinyl group at C- good catalytic potential for degradation reactions of organic
3 and a (Z)-2-(2-amino-4 thiazolyl)-2-(hydroxyimino) acetyl pollutants [18–20]. MgO nanoparticles can act by adsorption
moiety at C-7 and used for the treatment of acute respiratory process or direct cell membrane penetration to facilitate the
related disorders and mild skin infections. The effluents removal of drug resistant microbes from the polluted envi-
released from cephalosporin production units are reported to ronment [20,21].
In recent years, few researchers proposed a new approach
toward degradation of environmental contaminants, which
C 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
V involves the combined treatment of biological system with

706 May 2016 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.35, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep
nanoparticles [19,22]. Integrated system may serve as an effec- AFM, SEM, and EDAX Analysis
tive remediation tool for the treatment of pharmaceutical The morphological characterization of the synthesized n-
wastewater containing cephalosporin antibiotics. This is the MgO was carried out using atomic force microscope (AFM:
first report on using integrated nano-bio system composed of Nanosurf, Switzerland; Model: Easy Scan2) and scanning
n-MgO coupled with a cefdinir degrading yeast Candida sp. electron microscope (EVO series-MA15 SEM). EDAX analysis
SMN04 for a faster degradation of cefdinir from aqueous was done with SEM coupled with EDAX-EVO-MA15-SEM,
environment. Oxford instruments.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Particle Size and Size Distribution

The particle size and its distribution were determined
Chemicals using particle size analyzer (Horiba scientific SZ-100). A cali-
Cefdinir (99% purity) was kindly donated by Orchid Phar- bration program provided by the instrument manufacturer
maceuticals, Chennai, India. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) pro- was used to calculate the particle size distribution (PSD)
cured from SRL Chemicals, India Ltd., was used to prepare a from the attenuation spectra.
stock solution of cefdinir (10 g L21). Toluene, magnesium
chloride, and potassium were of analytical grade and are Effect of n-MgO on the Growth of Strain Candida Sp
obtained from Hi-Media India Ltd., SRL Chemicals India Ltd. SMN04
and Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals Co. (USA).
To study the effect of n-MgO on the growth of the yeast,
Candida sp. SMN04, the agar well diffusion method was fol-
Microorganism and Culture lowed using various concentrations of n-MgO ranging from 5
The cefdinir degrading yeast, Candida sp. SMN04 to 25 mg mL21. n-MgO was added onto the lawn culture of
(KF963314.1) isolated from pharmaceutical wastewater [9] the yeast streaked on YEPD agar plate. The test plates were
was used in this work. The yeast was maintained on yeast incubated for 2 days at 308C. A zone of inhibition around the
extract peptone dextrose (YEPD) slants supplemented with wells were indicative of growth inhibition. The least concen-
100 mg L21 cefdinir. The degradation studies of cefdinir tration, which showed inhibition was taken as a minimal
were carried out in mineral broth (MB) containing the fol- inhibitory concentration (MIC). The test was supported with
lowing per litre: ammonium sulfate 5 g, potassium dihydro- the MIC assay in broth cultures and the cell dry weight was
gen phosphate 1 g, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate 2 g, monitored regularly.
magnesium sulfate 0.5 g, sodium chloride 0.1 g, manganese
chloride 0.01 g, ferrous sulfate 0.01 g, sodium molybdate
Development of Integrated Nano-Bio System
0.01 g, pH 7.0 6 0.2.
Integrated nano-bio system was developed following the
method by Li et al. [23]. Yeast cells were grown in YEPD
Synthesis of MgO Nanoparticles broth until the mid-exponential growth phase and harvested
Synthesis of MgO nanoparticles (n-MgO) was carried out via by centrifugation at 8400g for 10 min. The cell pellets were
non aqueous sol–gel process following the method by Athar washed twice with phosphate buffer and re-suspended back
et al. [22] . Alkali solution of toluene was prepared by dissolving in YEPD at a concentration of 2 g L21 of cell dry weight.
2 g of KOH (35.71 mmol) pellets in 20 mL of toluene with vigor- About 10 mL of the suspension containing 10 mg of n-MgO
ous stirring for 12 h, followed by the addition of 3 g (14.75 per millilitre of water was mixed with 100 mL of the cell sus-
mmol) of MgCl2 6H2O into this solution and then refluxed for pension in YEPD broth. The ratio of mass of nanoparticles to
3 h. The compound was separated out by filtration, and then yeast biomass was 2.0 wt/wt. At this ratio, nanoparticles
washed thoroughly with distilled water, until the filtrate became were sufficient enough to coat the yeast cells. The n-MgO
neutral. The compound was oven dried for 6 h at 1008C fol- coated yeast cells termed as nano-bio integrated system was
lowed by calcination at 5508C (with an increase in temperature visualized by AFM and SEM analysis.
of 28C per min for 4 h) in atmospheric condition. The white fine
powder with 85% yield was obtained.
Cefdinir Degradation Assay
Batch degradation studies were carried out in 100 mL of
MgCl2 : 6H2 O 1 2KOH ! MgO 1 2 KCl 1 7 H2 O (1)
MB containing cefdinir at a final concentration of 250 mg L21
in 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks incubated on a rotary shaker at
120 rpm and 308C. Degradation experiments employed the
Characterization of n-MgO following treatments in MB containing cefdinir, which include
(1) nano-coated yeast cells (integrated nano-bio degradation),
X-Ray Diffraction (2) native yeast cells (biodegradation), (3) n-MgO (nanodegra-
The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were recorded to dation), and (4) abiotic control. These treatments were used
study the structural properties of the synthesized n-MgO par- to compare the efficiency of nano-bio integrated system and
ticles by h–2h method of XRD with a Cu Ka1 native yeast cells. The experiments were run for 6 days under
(k 5 0.15406 nm) source at 40 kV and 30 mA using multipur- aerobic conditions. The supernatant was collected at regular
pose X-ray diffractometer (Bruker D8 Advance, Germany). intervals and residual cefdinir was analyzed by UV-
The crystalline size of the particles was calculated from the spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-2450), following the
Debye–Scherrer equation as follows: method by Cabri et al. [24] with minor modifications. The
residual cefdinir concentration was calculated using the for-
0:89k mula given below,
d5 (2)
Ci 2Cf
where, d is the mean size of the ordered (crystalline) Residual cefdinir concentrationð%Þ 5 3 100 (3)
domains, k is the X-ray wavelength, 0.154; b is the line
broadening at half the maximum intensity (full-width at half- Ci is the initial cefdinir concentration and Cf is the final
maximum (FWHM)) and h is the Bragg angle. cefdinir concentration.

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.35, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep May 2016 707
The obtained degradation data were fitted with pseudo- the degradation rate constant, T1/2 is the biodegradation half-
first order reaction kinetics [25], for the calculation of half-life life period of cefdinir.
and degradation rate constant using the following equations:
Enzyme Analysis
Ct 5 C0 : e2k t To study the enzymatic response of the native and inte-
(4) grated system, activities of various enzymes viz. b-lactamase
[26], cytochrome P450 [27], NADPH reductase [28], amylase
[29], manganese peroxidase [30] were assayed following the
T1=2 5 ln 0:5=2k 0
(5) standard protocols by collecting the samples at regular time
intervals. The crude extracts from yeast cells grown in MB
without cefdinir were used as controls. One unit is equivalent
where, C0 is the initial concentration of cefdinir in the to that amount of enzyme required to catalyze the 1.0 mg of
medium, Ct is the concentration of cefdinir at time “t”, k0 is substrate per minute under standard assay conditions.


XRD pattern of chemically synthesized magnesium oxide
nanoparticles is shown in Figure 1. The XRD of MgO shows
several diffraction peaks corresponding to 2h values of 36.88,
42.88, 62.28, 74.58, and 78.58 which are indexed as (111),
(200), (220), (311), and (222) diffraction plane of MgO and
crystallizes in cubic structures (JCPDS 45-0946). The peaks
observed in the XRD of MgO are in good agreement with
previous work reported by Mageshwari et al. [31]. The esti-
mated crystalline sizes using Scherrer’s formula for the n-
MgO was found to be 20.4 nm, respectively. The observed
full width half maximum (FWHM) of 0.00726 (in radians)
and h value of 0.373 (in radians) corresponding to the high
intensity peak of the nanomaterial was observed.
The surface morphology of the synthesized nanoparticles
Figure 1. X-ray diffraction pattern of n-MgO. was examined by atomic force microscope (AFM) and scan-
ning electron microscope (SEM). The AFM and SEM micro-
graphs of n-MgO powder is shown in Figures 2a and 2b.

Figure 2. Characterization studies of n-MgO. (a) AFM image; (b) SEM image; (c) histogram showing particle size distribution
and (d) EDAX spectrum. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

708 May 2016 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.35, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep
The microscopic studies revealed that, the synthesized mag- that instant [34]. The SEM particle sizes (10 mm as shown
nesium oxide nanoparticles were of irregular shape with with scale bar) are larger compared to DLS that may be
micropores and have a great tendency for agglomeration. attributed to the larger cluster size of aggregated particle
Similar findings were also reported by Athar et al. [22]. The containing a large number of irregular smaller particles.
corresponding particle size distribution of n-MgO revealed The elemental analysis of chemically synthesized n-MgO
that the average particle diameter of the synthesized n-MgO was done using EDAX spectrum and the results are given in
was in nanometer range of 10–50 nm, which is in quite Figure 2d. It showed a single strong peak at 0.6 keV corre-
accordance with the reported value [32,33]. The particle size sponding to O element (weight percentage: 56.84%) and 1.3
and distribution of the synthesized n-MgO was evaluated in keV corresponding to the Mg element (weight percentage:
solution phase using dynamic light scattering (DLS) tech- 43.16%), thereby, confirming the presence of the main ele-
nique. The intensity particle size distribution histogram is ments in the synthesized nanoparticle which was free from
presented in Figure 2c. DLS analyzes the velocity distribution other impurities. The higher amounts of oxygen weight per-
of particle movement by measuring the dynamic fluctuations centage may be due to the interference of surface adsorbed
of the light scattering intensity caused by Brownian motion oxygen during analysis, which might have contributed to the
of the particle. This technique yields a hydrodynamic radius total oxygen percentage. However, the formation of single
or diameter, which has to be calculated via Stokes–Einstein cubic phase of pure MgO was confirmed by powder X-ray
equation from the measurements. It yields an overall mea- diffraction studies (JCPDS 45-0946) as discussed above.
surement of the particle perpendicular to the light source at These results confirmed that the n-MgO formed was in nano-
size and hence these nanoparticles were used as nanocatalyst
for cefdinir degradation in mineral medium.

Effect of n-MgO on growth of Candida sp. SMN04

In general, nanoparticles exert toxic effects on microbes by
disrupting the cell membranes, increasing the membrane per-
meability, interrupting the energy transduction, producing
reactive oxygen species, etc. [17,35]. In order to analyze the
toxicity of n-MgO toward yeast cells, MIC experiment was
conducted (Figure 3). According to MIC results, no zone of
inhibition was noted till 10 mg mL21. Above this concentra-
tion, the yeast cells showed poor or no growth, indicating the
cell damage and microcidal activity of n-MgO with complete
inhibition of cell growth, which was noticed at 15 mg mL21.
Therefore, this concentration was noted as MIC for Candida
sp. SMN04. Hence, the concentration of 10 mg mL21 was
used for the development of integrated nano-bio system for
cefdinir degradation. MIC and survival assay was performed
to determine the lowest concentration of n-MgO that inhibits
the visible growth of the microbe in an overnight culture.
After the preliminary experiments of MIC determination,
survival assay of the yeast cells were demonstrated in YEPD
Figure 3. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) assay of n- broth (Figure 4a) and YEPD plate (Figure 4b) containing n-
MgO (mg mL21) on Candida sp. SMN04. [Color figure can MgO concentration below its MIC value. The results were
be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyon- analyzed in terms of cell dry weight and cell growth (g L21)] respectively. Figure 4a explains the growth curve of the yeast
strain with various concentrations of n-MgO ranging from 0
to 15 mg mL21, where the maximum cell dry weight was

Figure 4. Survival assay of Candida sp. SMN04 grown with n-MgO. (a) Growth curves of Candida sp. SMN04 grown at vari-
ous concentrations of n-MgO. Error bars on the graph represent the standard deviation of triplicate samples (P < 0.001), (b)
survival assay of strain SMN04 grown in the presence of n-MgO at 5 and 10 mg mL21. [Color figure can be viewed in the
online issue, which is available at]

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.35, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep May 2016 709
Figure 5. AFM images of Candida sp. SMN04. (a) Native yeast cells; (b) yeast cells grown with 5 mg mL21 of n-MgO; (c) yeast
cells grown with 10 mg mL21 of n-MgO; (d) yeast cells grown with 20 mg mL21 of n-MgO showing topography of each image.
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

Figure 6. SEM Images showing (a) native yeast cell; (b) integrated nano-bio n-MgO coated yeast cells at optimal concentration
of 10 mg mL21 and (c) cefdinir-interacted nano-bio cells recovered from stationary phase.

observed in the medium containing 0 mg mL21 of n-MgO. A the nanoparticles were attached to the cell surface, and the
significant amount of biomass was produced in the medium yeast showed growing phase with intact cell wall structure
containing 5 and 10 mg mL21 of n-MgO. When the concen- (Figure 5b). On further increasing the concentration of n-
tration of n-MgO was increased upto 15 mg mL21, yeast MgO to 10 mg mL21, the yeast cells were still found to be in
growth was found to be inhibited (Figure 4a). This result growing condition, which indicated that the adsorption of n-
was supported with the MIC results of our study (Figure 3), MgO did not show any negative impact on the growth of
which confirmed that Candida sp. SMN04 could grow in 0, yeast cells (Figure 5c). In both cases, the yeast cells were via-
5, and 10 mg mL21 of n-MgO. Similarly, the growth of the ble in nature as evident from the presence of intact cell
yeast colonies on YEPD plates also showed that the yeast structures. This implied that the concentration of 5 and
cells could tolerate up to 10 mg mL21 of n-MgO. The results 10 mg mL21 were not lethal to the yeast strain Candida sp.
of this experiment were supportive with yeast survival assay SMN04. The yeast cells grown in 20 mg mL21 of n-MgO
on YEPD plates (Figure 4b). Based on the results, it can be showed the absence of proper cell wall structure, which
inferred that the yeast cells could tolerate till 10 mg mL21 n- might be due to the rupture of the cell because of the
MgO without showing any lethal effects or cell damage. increased concentration of n-MgO as shown in Figure 5d.
Therefore, 10 mg mL21 concentration of n-MgO was fixed as These observations suggested that the toxic effect of n-MgO
an optimum concentration for yeast coating. on yeast is directly proportional to the concentration of the
nanoparticles. Thus, it can be concluded that at a concentra-
Development of Integrated Nano-Bio System tion of 10 mg mL21 of n-MgO, the yeast strain SMN04 could
The topography images of AFM of the native cells and stimulate the coating of n-MgO nanoparticles without caus-
yeast cells with n-MgO (integrated nano-bio system) are pre- ing any lethal effect to the cubicle. Hence, this concentration
sented in Figures 5a–5d. The native cells showed normal was considered optimum for the development of integrated
morphology with oval shaped cells with smooth and intact nano-bio system, which will induce membrane permeabiliza-
cell wall structure (Figure 5a). The AFM images of the nano- tion to facilitate the entry of pollutant into the cell [39].
bio integrated system (Figures 5b–5d) showed an increased Figure 6 shows the scanning electron micrographs of the
surface area due to the coating of n-MgO nanoparticles onto surfaces of the native yeast cells and n-MgO-yeast integrated sys-
the surface of the yeast cells. Due to its high surface area, n- tem. In Figure 6a, the native cells had normal ovoid cell mor-
MgO efficiently catalyzed the variety of organic reactions phology, whereas, the yeast cells with n-MgO (Figure 6b) clearly
[36–38]. At lowest concentrations of n-MgO, i.e., 5 mg mL21, showed that the nanoparticles were efficiently assembled or

710 May 2016 Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.35, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep
Figure 7. Cefdinir degradation in mineral medium. (a) Residual cefdinir percentage in the culture medium treated with various
degradation agents; and (b) pseudo first-order kinetic plot of cefdinir degradation by various treatments. Error bars on the
curves represent the standard deviation of triplicate samples. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available

or adsorbing on the surfaces of the microbial cells increases

Table 1. Comparision of kinetic parameters of cefdinir the reaction activity of original cells and helps in reducing
degradation in various systems. environmental pollution. Our study reports the complete
removal of cefdinir using integrated nano-bio system with an
Rate constants Half-life; T1/2 initial concentration of 250 mg L21. The increased permeabil-
Treatments (k day21) (days) ity of the yeast cells due to n-MgO coating on their surface
Control 0.0013 533.19 might be another factor, which could have positively influ-
n-MgO 0.1606 4.31 enced faster cefdinir degradation. According to Grigoriev
Candida sp. SMN04 0.2335 2.97 [39], the association of nanoparticles with microbial cells
Nano-bio integrated 0.4719 1.46 facilitates easy transport of pollutant into the intracellular
matrix through a trans-membrane system, leading to the
enhanced degradation of the pollutant.
coated onto the surface of the yeast cells by adsorption. In this To understand the reaction kinetics of cefdinir removal,
condition, the yeast cells were alive and in actively dividing the obtained degradation data were fitted to pseudo-first
phase with budding cells. The SEM images revealed that there order kinetic model (Figure 7b). The degradation rate con-
were no morphological distortions in case of control and nano- stant and half-life were calculated from the kinetic plot and
coated yeast cells. An attractive interaction between the MgO presented in Table 1. The half-lives of cefdinir degradation
nanoparticles and microorganisms were reported by other were calculated as 2.97 days and 4.31 days for individual
researchers too [40,41]. Figure 6c showed that the active yeast Candida sp. SMN04 and n-MgO, respectively. Whereas, a
cells survived after cefdinir degradation. reduced half-life of 1.46 days was obtained in case of inte-
grated nano-bio system. These results suggested that the
Degradation of Cefdinir Using n-MgO and Nano-Bio degradation of cefdinir by integrated nano-bio system was
Integrated System found to be more efficient than the individual systems,
Figure 7a compares the degradation percentage of cefdi- which was evidently seen in terms of reduced half-life to
nir in MB with the native yeast cells, n-MgO as well as nano- more than half of the value as shown by the individual
coated yeast as nano-bio integrated system. The results yeast and n-MgO.
showed that the amount of residual cefdinir was significantly
reduced in the case of nano-bio integrated system. This may Enzyme Analysis
be due to the enhanced entry and synergistic effect of both The role of degradative enzymes in cefdinir degradation
nanoparticles and yeast cells toward cefdinir degradation. using individual yeast and integrated nano-bio system were
Reports on integrated system showing enhanced degradation evaluated through standard enzyme analysis procedures and
than the individual system has been reported by various the results are presented in Figures 8a and 8b. The antibiotic
workers [19,20,22,42]. The percentage removal of cefdinir activity of cefdinir was tested by growing E. coli in the test
was found to be 84% in case of native yeast cells and 66% in plates where no growth around the well was noted. Cefdinir
case of n-MgO particles within 6 days of treatment, whereas, degraded products collected at the end of day 1 showed no
in case of integrated nano-bio system, 88% removal was inhibitory zone of growth, which confirmed the loss of antibi-
observed within a period of 2.97 days. The faster cefdinir otic property, which demonstrated the involvement of
removal might be due to the synergistic effect of the inte- b-lactamase enzyme during cefdinir degradation (Figure 8a).
grated nano-bio system. However, after the measurement of This is considered as one of the vital steps in the antibiotic
residual concentration of cefdinir in various treatments after degradation process [24,43,44]. Similarly, enhanced activities
10 days, it was found that complete removal of cefdinir was of other enzymes, viz., cytochrome P450, NADPH reductase,
achieved by integrated nano-bio system (data not shown). amylase, and manganese peroxidase were also noted in inte-
The enhanced entry of cefdinir into the yeast cells occurred grated nano-bio system compared to individual yeast cells
due to the increased permeability as a result of n-MgO coat- (Figure 8b). This may be due to the synergistic effect of the
ing on yeast cells, which could positively influence the rate integrated system, in which, the nanoparticles might have
of cefdinir utilization by the yeast. Shan et al. [42] reported stimulated the biotic process. Because of the smaller size and
that the cell–nanoparticles complex generated by assembling larger surface area, the nanoparticles was found to improve

Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Vol.35, No.3) DOI 10.1002/ep May 2016 711
Figure 8. Enzyme assays involved in cefdinir degradation. (a) Demonstration of loss of antibiotic activity (b-lactamase) on day
0 (cefdinir) and day 1 degraded products after degradation; and (b) other degradative enzymes of native Candida sp. SMN04
and integrated nano-bio system. Error bars represent the standard deviation of triplicate samples. [Color figure can be viewed
in the online issue, which is available at]

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 9. Selvi, A. & Das, N. (2014). Isolation, screening and identi-
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VIT-SAF Lab, SAS, VIT University. They also like to thank pharmaceutical wastewater, International Journal of Phar-
SEM Lab, SBST, VIT University for the instrumental services. macy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6, 382–386.
The financial support and laboratory facility provided by VIT 10. Yang, M. & Zheng, S. (2014). Pollutant removal-oriented
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