1-Read The Sentences Below and Then Translate Them Into Spanish

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Worksheet 4 unit 1

Teacher Marcelo e-mail: villevalloster@gmail.com

1-Read the sentences below and then translate them into Spanish. (lee las oraciones
abajo y luego tradúcelas al español)

a. No me gusta ir al cine_____________________.
b. _______________________________________.
c. _______________________________________.
d. _______________________________________.
e. _______________________________________.
f. _______________________________________.
g. _______________________________________.
h. _______________________________________.

2-Classify the words below in the correct column.(clasifica las palabras en la columna
prefer - can´t stand - love - enjoy - hate - like - dislike - don´t like
3-Read and complete the text about Antonnela and Jaime´s favorite movies,using the
bold words from the exercise 1.(lee y completa el texto sobre las peliculas favoritas de
Antonnela y jaime, usando las palabras en negrita del ejercicio 1)

Antonnella Jaime

1- I ____________ everything in 1-I ______________ superheroes,so I don´t

that movie. watch superhero films.

2- I really ___________Thor! 2-My dad really__________ them,so when

I was little he showed them to me.
3-The one thing that I _________
about superheroes is that there 3-What ____________ about the movies is
are too many! that they are too long.

4-And my dad ____________the new

Movies too.

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