Agree To Disagree - Argumentative Writing

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Agree to disagree

 Choose your stand: agree or disagree to the statement in the question.

 Write your main idea in the introduction paragraph and break it down further in the
body paragraphs.
 Use REAL to write clear arguments. (R – reason, E – example, A – Analysis, L –

Young people should be trusted to make their own decisions. How far do you agree with
this opinion? Explain why.
Planning I
Young people should be trusted to make their own decision because they ….
 ………………………….
 ………………………….
 …………………………

Planning II

1. Introductio It is a popular belief that only adults have the

n rights to make decision for what is best for
young people. This is because adults know much
better. Is that the whole truth?
Write your I personally believe that young people should be Do you agree with
main answer trusted/ should not be trusted to make their own the statement or do
to the decisions because …. you choose to
question. present different
2. First point (Body paragraphs - 3 content points)
R To begin with, young adult should …… Should be trusted
because they or not be trusted?
E For example, Write evidence to
support your claim
A If young people.….. then, this can cause Write more details
to support your

L Therefore, Create a link to the

main idea
3. Second point
R Next, the reason young adult should …. is Should be trusted
because they …. or not be trusted?
E For instance, Write evidence to
support your claim
A We can see that …. Write more details
to support your
L For this reason, Create a link to the
main idea
4. Third point
R Finally, Should be trusted
or not be trusted?
E An example for this is …. Write evidence to
support your claim
A Trusting/Not trusting young people can cause Write more details
…. to support your
L Thus, it is evident that Create a link to the
main idea
5. Conclusion To conclude, the evidence that I have presented Reinforce your
in this essay have shown that young teenager arguments.
should …..

Now write the essay

Young people should be trusted to make their own decisions. How far do you agree
with this opinion? Explain why.

It is a popular belief that only adults have the rights to make decision for what is best
for young people. This is because adults know much better. However, is that the whole
truth? I personally believe that young people should be trusted/ should not be trusted to make
their own decisions because ….

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