Come Out of Her Cont... 4-29-2020

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4 And I heard another voice

from heaven, saying, Come out of
her, my people, that ye be not
partakers of her sins, and that ye
receive not of her plagues.

MAG himay lang tayo ng ating

previous Message last Sunday;
Punta tayo dito sa Salot or Plague;
nakasalukuyan nararasan ng buong
Picture muna tayo;
Tanong; sa Diyos ba ito or sa
7 I form the light, and create
darkness: I make peace, and create
evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Look. Who was it that permitted the
evil to come down and Satan to go
out and destroy the most perfect
servant of God until Jesus Christ,
his children and everything he had--
Job? And God sent a wicked spirit
out there and destroyed all of Job's
children and everything just to test
His servant. Is that right? Sure.
Look at Job, a perfect man, a just
man. And God permitted the evil
devil to come upon him, and
chastise him, and everything else for
the perfecting of his spirit. See? So
evil spirits has... God uses evil
spirits many times to work out His
plan and His will,
Maliwanag yan na walang bagay
naganap na hindi niya alam, yon
nga lang Mayor lahat ng ngyayari
sa kanyang nsasakupan dapat alam
JOHN 1:3
3 All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing
made that was made.
So ito ba ay hatol ng Diyos? Yes!
Pero ang tawag dito ay
linawin natin ha itong Covid ay
lang at dahil Temporary, anong
klasing Judgment( Hatol ) ito;
Notice. Each time that the
messenger come, the messenger was
always rejected by the church. Now,
you go back through history and
find out. There never was a time
that God ever sent a message in any
age, but what the church rejected it.
It's true.
And then God takes His messenger
with the elect of that age, and lays
them away asleep, and then He
drops a plague upon them who
rejected it: a temporary judgment.
And then, after that is over, then he
goes on, and they denominate, and
bring in denominations, and start
off with that man's work like of--of
Wesley and all the rest of them, and
then it gets all in a scrapple again;
and then another mystery comes
forth. Then what happens? Another
messenger arrives on earth for a
church age. See?
Then when he arrives, he--the--the
trumpet sounds. He declares war.
See? And then what happens?
Finally then he's caught away. And
then when he's laid away, then
plague falls destroys them. Spiritual
death hits the church and she's
gone, that group. Then He goes on
to another one.
Oh, it's a great plan until it comes to
that last angel. Now, he has no
certain mystery, but he gathers up
all that's been lost in them other
ages, all the truths that wasn't truly
revealed yet (See?), as the revelation
come. Then he reveals those things
in his day. If you want to read it,
there it is: A Revelations 10:1 to--1
to about 4. You'll get it. All right.
That judgment is always Spiritual;
kaya Spiritual death;
Punta tayo sa kalagayan ng Church
or Bride; the 10 PLAGUES; Typing
the Old Testament; Gusto kong
makita nyo ng mabuti ito, kasi
napakahalaga nito because in other
ages there is a temporary judgment
but in our age we are almost
approaching the final judgement,
dahil pag na miss mo itong Mensahe
na ito ay walang susunod, kaya iba
ito kaya mga nagdaang panahon;
I want you to notice the bringing out
the children of Israel; it was a long
time, hundreds of years; nothing
taken place, no supernatural since
the death of Joseph, which was a
type of Christ. But just before the
judgment struck Egypt, when God
brought His church out, there was a
message, a prophet appeared,
Angels appeared, supernatural signs
taken place; and the children of
God was issued into Goshen where
they were free from the plagues
before their coming out.

Israel coming out of Egypt, as I said
a few minutes ago, is a type of the
Bride coming out of the church.
When Moses begin his ministry,
Israel gathered together in one
place, in Goshen, begin to pray;
because they knowed that the hour
was at hand, because they knew
something was there. The deliverer
had already come. God was
working, doing things, showing
what He was going to do.
Mula sa Exodus 7-11 Chapter;
makikita nyo ang 10 plagues;

Now, look back in the Old
Testament. When you see the
plagues falling, they were in Egypt,
wasn't they? And God was bringing
His people out to the promised land.
Is that right? And Israel never
received one plague. Just as the
plagues... Before it went, they went
into Goshen. Is that right? And the
sun never did dim out; no
mosquitoes come; no frogs was
there; no lice was there; no storms
was there; no lightning was there;
no killing of the cattle was there;
and everything they had was
preserved in Goshen. Is that right?
It's a type of the church going just
before the tribulation period. Jesus
said, "When these things begin to
come to pass, lift up your head, your
redemption is nigh." See?
E-23 Now, therefore we have a
spiritual death in the churches.
That's the last sign before the hour
of deliverance, is the sp--a spiritual
death. Did not Jesus say the same
thing? "They'd be heady, high-
minded, lovers of pleasure more
than lovers of God, truce breakers,
false accusers, incontinent, despisers
of those that are good, having a
form of godliness, but would deny
the power thereof: from such turn
away," the hour that we are now
living, when the church world has
become plagued and dying of
spiritual death.
2 TIM 3;
Like He give Egypt, He give Egypt
place to repent. What was that last
plague? Was death. That's the last
plague that's hit the Pentecostal
church. It's spiritual death; she's
dead. That's in the Name of the
Lord. She's spiritually dead. He
gave her place to repent, and she
rejected it; now she's dead. She'll
never rise again. Now, we've had
earthquakes; we've had wars and
rumors of wars; we've had tidal
waves, as Jesus said would be, the
sea a-roaring, man's heart failing,
more heart trouble (number one
disease), fear, perplex of time,
distress between thnations, horseless
carriages (sasakyan)in the broad
ways, all these things fulfilled. But
the last plague is death, not
physically speaking, but spiritually
speaking, death, spiritually in the
church. You notice it was amongst
the sons: spiritual death. The
church has got more members than
it ever had, thriving better than it
ever did, and yet the weakest in
spirit that it ever was. That's true.
That's just like it was in Egypt.
Now, the Scripture, Ephesians 4:30
says this: "Grieve not the Holy
Spirit of God, whereby you are
sealed until the day of your
redemption." How long? Until the
day of your redemption. When you
receive the Holy Ghost, you come
inside, like Israel coming under the
blood, they were inside, safely
secured, protected from the outside
plagues of Egypt that was going to
destroy them. Come into Christ now
through the Blood, receive the
wedding garment. Christ has give
you an invitation to come. Maybe
you've held it in some church
reverently for years. Come now.
Give your invitation to Him and be
robed in His righteousness by
receiving His Holy Spirit. Won't you
Nakalimutan ang ginawa ng Lord;
Just like Israel, when He had done
all the plagues in Egypt, and done
the great things He did. Then when
they got to the Red Sea, Moses had
to scream out, "You've seen ten
miracles, and still you doubt God?"
When they found no water at the
old watering hole, they were
murmuring, complaining. That's
just human beings. They forgot all
the miracles that He did. See? We
do it, too.
Ako experience sa UPC
Born Again; is experience;
They can't witness until they have
an experience. And when they have
an experience, then they become a
witness automatically, because
they're born again. And all of the
things of the world, old things, have
passed away, and all things have
become new. Then you become a
witness unto Jesus.
Here's what it is. See, it's an
intellectual conception of Christ.
The intellectuals is all right, but
brother, you'll never know Christ
until the Spirit of God has come
down beyond the intellectuals, and
it's an experience of being born
again. That's the reason the people
can't believe in the supernatural
and--and call it devils. It's because
it's only an intellectual conception.
"My sheep know My voice; a
stranger they will not follow." That
is true.
But the reason, it's only the people
are brought to an intellectual faith.
If they would go on just a little
deeper till that faith come from the
intellectuals and soaked down into
the soul, it would last. That's the
reason about eighty percent or
ninety percent of the converts that
comes in a revival is gone before six
months is gone, is because they only
have an intellectual conception. But
when it becomes an experience of
being born again of the Spirit of
God, that anchors to eternity.
And I believe today, there's a many
a good preacher across the nation...
I say this reverently, brethren.
There's a many a good preacher
across the nation that's really a
polished-up scholar and a real man,
that's never went no farther than to
accept Christ. What you need today
is to come face to face with the fact
and be born again with an old-time
Holy Ghost experience like they had
back in the Bible days, and accept
Jesus Christ as they did then. A
vision of that will change your
whole being, my brother, my sister,
make you a different person. Be
born again, see the vision of the
Born Again; is experience;
They can't witness until they have
an experience. And when they have
an experience, then they become a
witness automatically, because
they're born again. And all of the
things of the world, old things, have
passed away, and all things have
become new. Then you become a
witness unto Jesus.
Here's what it is. See, it's an
intellectual conception of Christ.
The intellectuals is all right, but
brother, you'll never know Christ
until the Spirit of God has come
down beyond the intellectuals, and
it's an experience of being born
again. That's the reason the people
can't believe in the supernatural
and--and call it devils. It's because
it's only an intellectual conception.
"My sheep know My voice; a
stranger they will not follow." That
is true.
But the reason, it's only the people
are brought to an intellectual faith.
If they would go on just a little
deeper till that faith come from the
intellectuals and soaked down into
the soul, it would last. That's the
reason about eighty percent or
ninety percent of the converts that
comes in a revival is gone before six
months is gone, is because they only
have an intellectual conception. But
when it becomes an experience of
being born again of the Spirit of
God, that anchors to eternity.
And I believe today, there's a many
a good preacher across the nation...
I say this reverently, brethren.
There's a many a good preacher
across the nation that's really a
polished-up scholar and a real man,
that's never went no farther than to
accept Christ. What you need today
is to come face to face with the fact
and be born again with an old-time
Holy Ghost experience like they had
back in the Bible days, and accept
Jesus Christ as they did then. A
vision of that will change your
whole being, my brother, my sister,
make you a different person. Be
born again, see the vision of the
And that's the reason they can't
believe in the supernatural. That's
the reason they can't be--believe in
Divine healing and the working of
the Spirit. They believe the
Scriptures, and the way of mental
thinking. They believe it
intellectually, but they can't believe
it from their heart until the Holy
Spirit comes in and takes over in the
human heart. My, that's really the

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