Buyers Decision Process

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Olegario, Jerome Wilfred P.

BS-LM2A Principles of Marketing

Narrative of Personal Purchase in relation to Buyer Decision Process


It was March 10, 2019, I can still remember the moment I received my scholarship
refund from University of Batangas. It was one fine morning in front of the school’s cashier
a check worth 20,000 pesos was handed to me. Lucky enough, my parents allowed me
to use the money in buying anything that I want since they consider it as a hard work
paying off. I was all smile that day since this is the first time, I got the chance to hold such
amount of money and the immediate response was to encashed the check while
contemplating unto where would I spend that amount of money. Would I used it to buy
books? go on a trip? clothes? an expensive date? or I don’t know I have tons of options
considering the amount of money.

Need Recognition

During those time, I have realized that I have been using an old model iPhone for
years and on some point, I find it too hassle and inconvenient to use. Therefore, I weight
in the value of having a new phone in contrast to my needs that time. I realized that I
consider it as one of my important tools, A gadget I used definitely in many aspects of my
life, which translate it as my necessity. This illustrates the internal stimuli that direct me
to buy a phone since I consider its benefits and value, on top of that are the tv commercials
and internet ads that showcase new models of phone which is an external stimuli that in
turn intensify my urge to buy a phone above all the options I have.

Information Search

Now that I have decided to buy a new phone, the next question in line is what
brand or model should I purchase considering the vast numbers of option in the market.
To help me this, I message some of my friends who are good with gadget specs and he
told me to match the unit with my preferred lifestyle, would it be for gaming or file storage
or taking pictures etc. My sister then told me that I should buy either from Samsung,
Huawei or Vivo since they are the leading brands before iPhone. Then I visited various
tech site to check newly released phones, I also did watch some phone reviews in
YouTube to further help me in analyzing the best phone in the below 20k category.
Through the help of gathering information I become aware of the different available
options in the market. The use of personal, commercial and mass sourcing of information
gives me the opportunity to pick the best since I’m not limited with only one option.
Evaluation of Alternatives

Upon gathering all the available information, the hardest part took place.
Evaluating which one is the best phone to suit my lifestyle. I have three options that time,
Huawei Nova 3i, Vivo V7 and Xiaomi Redmi K30. These are popular options that time
and the first thing I check is their price in comparison with their specs or quality. Almost
all of them are competitively good however I evaluate the most important thing to me in a
phone which is phone storage, good camera and fast processor. These attributes are all
present in these three options making my decision making a little bit harder. Then I
proceed on evaluating through feedbacks from users, it allows me to see myself using
this product in the long run, would this phone satisfy my needs upon purchased? So, to
conclude, I choose the brand with good reputation in the market with advance
technological feature such as AI tech. Through evaluating alternatives I’m able to see the
advantages and disadvantages of various options which in turn helps me in correlating
my needs to the value these brands are offering. This is essential in determining the best
decision or option available.

Purchased Decision

I’m this type of person who hates roaming around and asking questions whenever
I buy something. Hence, I see to it that before I go to the mall, I have my final decision in
my mind no buts or ifs. We then go to the mall together with my sister and I immediately
proceed to a local Huawei store since I decided that I will buy the Huawei Nova 3i model.
In our way to the store are bunch of salesmen from other brands offering us discounts,
freebies and stuff. My sister then gets distracted and try to influence me on buying a
certain Vivo unit which she finds really appealing. However, despite of the interruption I
still choose to buy the Huawei Nova 3i since I contemplated on it for days and unexpected
situations or attitude to other factors would not affect my decision making.

Post-Purchased Behavior

After quite some months after purchase, I see that my decision is really paying off.
The phone’s performance is living up with my expectations and those important attributes
I needed in a phone effectively manifested on my user experience. Overall, I consider
myself as a satisfied customer.


Through the use of gathering information, proper evaluation of alternatives and

wise decision making, I’m able to achieve a successful purchase. If it wasn’t for it, I might
be facing post purchased regrets or what ifs. Since this is one of my major purchased,
thinking and analyzing before decision making definitely comes a long way.

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