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Jeong Won is on a mission today: To give Gyeoul the best anniversary.

What Gyeoul knows, is that they will only have dinner that night. But surprise, surprise, he prepared
something for his girlfriend for their first anniversary.

With the help from their friends, he planned to give Gyeoul 12 roses of different colors, with each color
of a different meaning.

Along with the roses will be 2 packs of her favorite choco pies and a letter of explanation of the rose

As much as he wants to be the person to give the roses, he can’t. He was invited for a charity work in an
orphanage down in Myeongdong. But surely he will be at Yulje to give the final rose.

‘Now I just have to make sure that everything is prepared.’ He thought. He dialed Lee Ik-jun’s number
while preparing to leave.

“YAH Ahn Jeong Won! Everything is prepared. I’m just waiting for Gyeoul to arrive. I already gave the
others their tasks for the day.” Ik Jun hollered on the phone.

“Yah! Just making sure. Please don’t fail me.” Jeong Won said hopefully.

“We promise. Now get going! So you can come back early.” Ik Jun assured him.

‘This will be a long day indeed. I really hope I can pull it off.’ Jeong Won thought again on his way out of
the apartment.

On his way out, he texted Gyeoul again,

My Gyeoul-ie,

I’m on my way out. I can’t wait to see you tonight.

Jeong Won

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