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Name: <Adriana Pacheco Diaz >

my example your example

“hard” problems with things:

problem working with definable,
Medicine. The doctor needs to Civil engineer. They needs to build a
domain rational, predictable objects
diagnose an illness. house.
and processes of the natural

working with things, doing

Collect facts about the patient
science and math, making Engineer must gather the data, carry
methodolo and their status, find the best
objective observations, out the survey, find a suitable land in
gical match with known illnesses.
measurement, experiment, terms of location and viability of the
“do” Council the patient. Prescribe
testing, re-/de-duction, soil. Then, build the house.

the world is “out there” and

knowable, exact, rational[- Science-based knowledge, Previous knowledge in geology and
ism], constants, universal especially education and building materials acquired at engineer
epistemolo laws, skepticism-(un)proven- experience from medical school. Awareness that the most
gical trust, other ways are not school and practice. important thing is the levelling and
“know” valid, … values: efficiency, Awareness of environment good division of spaces (valued
reliability, control of provides expectations. Health characteristics).
structure, processes and is the most valued.
events, known or unknown

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