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A project report submitted to the University of Madras in

partial fulfilment of the requirement for the M.A. Degree
examination in Social Work

Submitted by



Under the Guidance of





This is to certify that Ms. SELVI MARY SELVI, A., (18-PSW-008), has done his research
during the year 2019 – 2020 in the Department of Social Work, Loyola College (Autonomous),
Chennai – 600 034, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree in M.A. Social Work.
This Research Project represents entirely on the independent work on the part of the candidate
under my Supervision and Guidance.

Prof. M. Jeevanthi
Research Guide
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work
Loyola College, Chennai

Dr. A. Louis Arockiaraj

Head of the Department
Department of Social Work
Loyola College, Chennai

I sincerely declare that this research project entitled, “A STUDY ON SCHOOL DROPOUT
KRISHNAGIRI DISTRICT”, is record of an original work done by me, under the guidance
of Prof. M. Jeevanthi, Department of Social Work, Loyola College (Autonomous), Chennai
– 600 034, during the academic year, 2019 – 2020. I further state that this research project has
not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma or other similar title.


Place: (18-PSW-008)
The completion of this research project gives me a pleasant journey of learning and gaining
knowledge through various experiences. It is an opportunity for me to express my gratitude to
all those people who generously rendered their valuable support for the successful completion
of this research project.

First and foremost, I would like to praise and thank Almighty God, the Almighty, the author
of knowledge and wisdom, for his countless love and showers of blessings to undertake this
research and complete it satisfactorily.

I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to Prof.M. Jeevanthi my Research Guide,
for her enthusiastic encouragement, valuable suggestions, expert guidance and constructive
critiques during the planning and development of this research work.

I wish to acknowledge and thank Rev. Dr. A. Louis Arockiaraj S.J., Head of the Department,
Social Work, for his constant motivation and support to complete this research.

My sincere thanks to Rev.Dr. Thomas Amirtham S.J.,the Principal of Loyola College, for
providing me the opportunity to pursue Master Degree in Social Work.

I wish to thank the Director of Servants of Mary Immaculate Trust Rev.Sr.Rose granted

permission of data collection among Irular communities of dropout students, and the support

and guidance of Sr. Tersa SSHJ

I would like to thank and appreciate Mr. Sujeet Masih S., for his assistance with data analysis,
was greatly appreciated.

Finally, I wish to thank my research companions, Ms. Ruth Monica,Ms. Sheeja,

andMs.Varshafor their support and encouragement throughout my study.


Place: (18-PSW-008)


Certificate i

Declaration ii

Acknowledgement iii

Contents iv

List of Tables vi

List of Figures viii

Abstract xi



child definition

Children statistics in India

Socio-economic status

Educational status


Tamil Nadu


Educational status of Irular


Reasons for dropout

Challenges of dropout

Statement of the problem

Need and importance of the study

Scope of study


Theoretical reviews

Empirical reviews

Social change and development

Educational status of Irular tribes

Profile of krishnagiri district

Shoolagiri glance

Berigai history




General objectives and Objectives

Research Design
Tools of Data Collection

Pilot Study and Pre-test

Universe of the Study


Actual Collection of the Data

Data Processing


Operational definitions









Table No. Title Page. No

1. Age

2. Educational Qualification

3. Birth Order

4. Parent’s Qualification

5. Income of Father and Mother

6. Type of House

7. Unfair Treatment in the School

8. Discrimination in the School, Own Class Mates and

Low Economic Status

9. Verbal, Physical and Emotional Abuses

10. Equality Support, Opportunity Culture and

Customs are Respected

11. Force to Work by Family Members

12. Relationship with Teachers and Challenges in the


13. Encourages of Parents Financial Support and leave

School due to Nomadic Life

14. Equal Opportunity to Express Feelings and

Opinion Freely

15. Worried about Exam

16. Years of Dropout

17. Lack of Motivation, Failed in Academic Perform,

18. Family Problems and Forced to Involve Family

19. Health Issue is a Reason od Dropout

20. Feel of School Takes Good Care of Irular

21. Feel Education Assist in Developing Life and

Teachers Work for the Better School Environment
of Irular

22. Satisfaction of Government Schemes

23. Availabilities of Government Schemes and NGOs

Working for Irular children


Figure No. Title Page. No

1. Total Members in the Family

2. Earning Members in the Family

3. Duration of Staying

This research was based on school dropout has “A study on school dropout among
Irular community in shoolagiri Block”. The name Irular are derived from the Tamil
word “Irula meaning dark which refers to their skin nature. The name Irula means
“people of darkness “. This could refer to their dark colour skin or to the fact that all
important events traditionally took place in the dark of night. The main objective of the
study on the socio economic and educational status of Irular families living I
Krishnagiri District. Education is the movement from darkness to light, education
has the powerful weapon to change the life of any individual. On the contrary
researcher have interest to identify the causes that lead to dropout among children of
Irular community, to suggest measures for sustaining children in education/schools.
The researcher used descriptive design methodology, applied Non- probability and
snowball sampling strategy. Based on the objectives the researcher has developed a
questionnaire which consists of 50 questions. The major findings of the study was none
of the respondents have not applied for higher secondary school education, mainly the
respondents are 3rd order of birth in the family to take care the family responsibilities
and care the youngest of the family, 100% of the respondents parents monthly income
only 1000 to 5000, the parents of the respondents 90% are Illiterate, simplify that 86%
of the respondents experienced unfair in the school, 76% of the respondents
discriminated by their own class mates,74% of the respondents have experienced
challenges in the school, 54% of the respondents were forced to leave school due to
nomadic life style of their parents, 76% of the respondents were worried about their
exams, 68% of the respondents have good feel about education assist in developing life
in better way,50% of the respondents are not all satisfied of the government schemes,
66% of the respondents are not aware of the availabilities of government schemes, 88%
of the respondents declare that none of NGOs working for the welfare of the Irular
community children in Nagunarimali, Seegaralapalligate and Karachathram areas. The
main causes of dropout among Irular community children are Unemployment,
Alcoholism of father and mother, lack of basic needs like drinking water facilities, and
transportation. In addition to it there exist Child marriage practice, and lack of
motivation on the importance of education. Most of the support has not reached the
unreached places.
The government need to take steps to improve the education of the Irular children by
Organising various activities like to build rapport among them, creating awareness on
importance of education to both parents and children, to enrol the children into school,
so these activities improve the life style of the Irular community children in the
particular areas.
Key words – Dropout children, Irular people, parents




“Children are the Pillar of the World to Change in Different Perspective and Creative
Thinkers “

In the life of humanitarian childhood age comes only ones, childhood is a memorable stage
throughout the life of human beings. Children plays an importance role in the family, society,
and the community where they are brought down. Children have the potential to change the
world in different perceptive. Even children have the capacity to build good relationship in the
family, community and the society. Because the perspective of the children have non harmful
attitudes. Likewise children plays a powerful to change the world in different perspective. As
far current digital make the children sharpen than anything in the world. There are various
children plays in the community, but the researcher focus on the Irula children.


Biologically“a child is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the
developmental period of infancy and puberty”. The legal definition of child generally refers to
a minor, “otherwise known as a person young than the age of majority”.

Child may also describe a relationship with a parent (such as sons and daughters of any age)
“metaphorically, an authority figure, or signify group membership in a clan, tribe, or religion;
it can also signify being strongly affected by a specific time, place, or circumstance, as in “a
child of nature” or “ a child of the sixties”.


According to children in India 2018 as per census 2011 India, with the population of 121.1
core, has 16.45 core children in the age of 0-6 years and 37.24 core in the age group 0-14 years
which constitute 13.59% and 30.76%of the total population respectively.

Most of the Irular community not having proper job, so socio- Economic status were very poor
conditions. Mostly the people not come out to society activities to participate because of not
considered as a people are living behind the society.

Irulars occupation mainly in handling snakes and work as guide in the forest. The socio
economic issues are the problems that people and the factors that have negative influence on
the individual’s economic activity, they have no proper basic facilities such as roads, water,
electricity, sanitation, proper housing, shopping etc. The Irular community people do not have
patta, and chetta because the land is belongs to the government. For any medical emergency
they should go to the government or private hospital either Berigi, Hosur or Shoolagiri,


“Education is the most powerful weapon on which can use to change the world”

Education status in India is the major contributor to its economic development. The three levels
of education – primary, secondary, and Higher Secondary is at the rate of transition for the past
10 years in enrolment.

There is a gradual improvement in some segments of education and in some status, with really
20% of the Indian population in school their quality of learning or lack of it assumes
significance for the competitive events of the country. It has been impact on the quality of life,
efficiency at the work place and labor productivity issues.


Tamil Nadu is one of the better of status in India in terms of high overall literacy rate of more
than 73%.” Tamil Nadu has India’s highest student enrolment rate in primary and upper
primary level”. Directorates have been efficiently working to enhance the educational status of
Tamil Nadu. Implementation of Government schemes for education in schools are very planned
and executed.

Population of Irular in India 222,000 – main language is Irula. The Irular inhabit the northern
districts of Tamil Nadu, a state in northeastern in India. Located not far from the city of Madras,
they live in a tropical area subject to monsoon rains.

Their language, Irular, is related to Tamil and Kannada, which are southern Dravidian
languages. In the Tamil language, the name Irular means “people of darkness.” This could refer
to that they are belong to the society of that still they survey far away from the
society. Dark-colored skin or to the fact that all important events traditionally took place in the
darkness of night.


“Education plays a central role and has a cross cutting impact on all aspects of human

“Education in its real sense is the pursuit of truth. It is an endless journey through knowledge
and enlightens. Such a journey opens up new knowledge of development of humanism”.

Education is the most powerful “tool which can lead to positive changes in different sectors
like the quality of life will be better than others in the society, economic development in the
family factors, improvement in health condition will be example for others in the society, better
environment to live with freshness of mind and peaceful, school education lays the
“foundation stone for the child’s future”.

Krithiga –(2011) describes in the studies that Education is resolvable to development as it

provide the individual with adequate skill for participating in various economic activities.
Education enables human beings to understand the interrelationship among the tangible
phenomena surrounding them and provide skill to translate the knowledge into action.
Education is the one way to support workers to take advantage of digital changes, which
increases their productivity and earnings.

Suresh – (2016) explains in the journal that the tribes have bound to below status and are
frequently physically and socially disconnected. Probably the tribes frequently encounter
detached lack of concern that may appear as rejection from instructive open doors, social
cooperation, and help in their own particular land.

The major reasons of dropping out from the school of tribe’s children were like low socio-
Economic status “problems in learning to read, learning English, problem in communicating
with others in the society academic and administrative problems, indifferent attitudes of tribal
parents indifferent attitude of tribal students.

Getting proper education is very important to get success and a happy life. Education is the
most important tool in life and it offers inner and outer strength to a is a fundamental
right for everyone. To achieve some things in the life Education is very important.

The name Irular are derived from the Tamil word “Irula meaning dark which refers to their
nature of skin is very dark. The name Irula means “people of darkness “.refer to their dark
colour skin to the fact that all important events festivals practiced traditionally in the dark of

Irular they all called erlar and poosari, because they followed the traditional ways like
supervision believing while their neighbours refers to them as Eralollu, Irulas, shikari and
Pujari. K. Gnanamoorthy found in his study that Irulas are one among the six primitive tribal
groups trendy Tamil Nadu.

Dr.Sinu says that according to Tamil Nadu government there were 36 identified tribal
communities in the statue of Tamil Nadu among 36 the most tribes are in Irular community
people. TamilNadu Irulars from the largest tribal group which is more than one lakh census in
the year of 1991. Rann Singh Mann in the year 1996 Total population of Scheduled Tribes in
Tamil Nadu is about 6.5 lacs have increased in the year 2001.The number of Irular tribes
decreased trend in population of the Irula tribes. Now there are only 23,116 Irular households
in Tamil Nadu census, 2011. Irulars mainly concentrated in north-eastern part of Tamil Nadu
Chengalpattu, Kanchipuram, Thiruvannamalai, Krishnagiri and Thiruvallur and villupuram
district. Irulars were adept in handling snakes and main work of tribes of Tamil Nadu to formal
education recently. Indian journal of applied research finally found out in the year of 2015
Education status of tribal children is becoming good, but measures to improve the quality of
education shall initiated.

The tribes are the most backward community in the state with regard to education. The tribes
of Tamil Nadu have been developed formal education nearly recently. By and large their
response to formal education was very pathetic condition of Irular.

It is argued that the incentives provided by the government voluntary organisations and other
agencies with the aim of educating the tribal have not contributed much towards the educational
advancement of the majority of the tribal communities in Tamil Nadu.

Indian journal of applied research found out in the years of 2015, Self-employment and skill
training shall be promoted among tribal parents so that they have sufficient income to support
their children’s education. Alternative sustainable source of livelihood shall be created to the
Irular tribe. Education status of tribal children is good, but measures to improve the quality of
education shall initiated.


According to national survey on estimation of out of school children, 2014- in India 2.97%
divided by male children 2.77%, female children 3.23%, in rural areas 3.13%, urban areas
2.54%. In Tamil Nadu out of school 0.66% children male 0.62% ,female 0.57%, rural areas
0.57%, urban areas 0.79%.

Definition – According to Dowrick, 2003

“A pupil who has not completed basic education and no longer attends school. “ Pupils who
have not attend school for six month and thus are unable to meet the demands set for basic
education. Dropout may refer either to leaving school before passing any exams, to leaving
unqualified to purse employment opportunities of personal fulfilment”.

Reasons for Dropouts

According to Mr.Jomon dropout of school while others are forced to do so under terrible
circumstances. School dropout is a universal fact. Whatever be the reason, the mere fact that a
child is not completing her\ his school education is not virtuous. Such children, many a times
fail to be an asset for the nation given their inability to contribute in any way. No reason can
be big enough and act as a replacement for school education. It forms the base of a person’s
life making them efficient in all disciplines.
a) Poverty Accessibility and Availability

Poverty, accessibility and availability are the major causes of school dropouts in India and all
over the world. There is no sufficient class rooms in the government schools, and no sufficient
facilities available in the country and it causes lack of availability and accessibility. This be a
main reasons of dropping out from the school.

b) The School and Teachers

Many of the schools lack adequate guidance counselling. The curriculum is not relevant to the
needs of the students being used without regard to individual student learning styles. The
teachers are not well trained to teach the students beyond the capacity of students because the
students expects more knowledge and experiences from the teachers in the same they are not
trained in the latest teaching / learning/ technology techniques. The least experienced, least
classroom-trained teachers are often assigned to the most difficult schools.

c) Lack of Interest

It is usually found that every class of students has some of those pupils who refuse to show any
attention to the subjects being taught. Their lack of interest is reasons of their lack of attention
in whatever is being taught. It is not that such students do not try. They do try as and when they
are forced and pulled it to study. It is then that students prefer going the other way. They prefer
dropping out of their school because once and for all they decide that whatever is being taught
there barely fascinate the students. Currently the students prefers to select their choices. Now
a days students fascinate from the teacher the friendly environment once they do not receive
the dropout from the school. The school environment and the teachers should me motivating
and caring to create interest among these children.

d) Excessive Academic Pressure from School and Parents

Many students leave the schools because of the inability to deal with the academic pressure
and debilitating anxiety and worrying about their exams. Many parents have high expectations
about their children not allow the children to do their wishes but refugees the vision to reach
this also one of the cause to drop out from the school so their parents never consider the abilities
and interests of the children.
Children are forced to join the courses where they have no interest and they never complete the
course and most of the time becomes a failure. Some of them end up in alcoholism and
substance abuse.

e) Frequent Change of Schools

Some students accept themselves attractive and irrespective of the number of schools they
change. Some students who are not able to cope up even with a single change of school in the
same way the students not able of any chancing methodology.

Because not everyone is able to fit in, in different atmospheres. Frequent changes causes
adjustment problems to children leads to disinterest and they dropping out of the schools.

f) Bullying

The fear of being making fun and tracking from the other students and judge of teachers and
laughed at holds them back from coming in the light. They start making excuses from going to
school. It is here that parents need to step and verify the real reasons of dropping out from the
school in and take full action.

g) Constant Failure

Some students fail repeatedly, and even in the class test also fail have the guilty of shame leads
to dropping out from the school. The constant failure causes the lack of self-confidence and
interest in them. As and when the failure causes the lack of self-confidence vanishes.. Once the
person starts to feel disinterested in the consequences any more, then she or he goes for what
they feel is the best to do in the future.

h) Supporting Family

It is unfortunate the students have to give up their education in the face of economic reasons.
The inability to pay the school fee due to various reasons like poverty sudden changes in the
family settings. Several demanding situation can surface where adolescent children in the
family are asked or looked upon as a helping hand to the family. Most of the girls abandon
their studies to attend domestic work pressure whereas the boy leave their schools to
Supplement Household Income.

i) Delinquency –(default)
This also one of the truth fact. The vast bad world out there has several things to offer
undoubtedly. Children in their teens, as school students are not well aware of the various facts
of the world. They get fascinated by the fancy things that life seems to offer.

But every short –cut taken to acquire all those fanciful things is a step ahead default. Sometimes
willingly and sometimes unknowingly they get caught in its web. This default also one of the
major cause of dropping out from the school.

j) Education Not Considered Necessary

Many people feel the thought of education will not provide a good dignity job so what to do
after studies follow the same work of the parents there is nothing differences. Therefore these
children leave the schools during the primary schooling itself. Neither parents nor children
consider education as a need and important practicing the traditional ways.

k) Wrong Decisions made by the Students themselves

They make wrong decision of following bad ways that leads to different from other. They begin
to involve with gangs, drugs\alcohol, get pregnant and commit crimes. Many have a poor
school attitude and are frequently bore by school. They are disconnected to their families,
school and life. Finally the students have different interest this also make the individuals to
dropout from the school and the characters of their friends. They are not involved in school
activities and lack low self-esteem.

l) The community they belong

Many children live on the wrong side of the tracks in places where education is not valued,
where drugs, gangs and violence around. Even the brought up of the community also one of
the main causes to dropping out from the school. And where schools are not low- performing,
they often lack community and health support.

Other Reasons

 Not having proper admission in aureate period.

 No safe friendly environment to send girls
 No proper school facilities like washrooms and safty for girls
 No female teacher available
 Child marriage and pregnancy
 Physical and other medical problems leads to dropout
Thus the reality of school dropouts is caused by various categories. Even though the
governmental taking actions to slow down the rate of dropout but failing to stop the school

Vijayaraghavan- ( 2017 ) the major cause of dropping out tribal school children in Coimbatore
district were negative attitude towards education, language problems, fear about the teachers
and their teaching methods, problem of learning English, indifferent attitude of tribal parents,
punishment given in school, not interest of the students, migration of parents, Ill health of
children and parents poor economic condition, due to puberty of girl students, lack of transport,
government not interest to take any steps to improve the tribes children education , and wildlife
threat and others.


Mr. VidyaSagar Yadav and Dr. Deepa Mehta found out in their studies that the major essences
influencing school dropouts were found to be students’ socioeconomic status, lack of parental
support, low family education, family mobility, students absenteeism, lack of interest in
education, child bearing and domestic works, students default behaviour, drug and alcohol
abuse, poor performance in studies, uncaring teachers and school policies, academic
demotivation. Paper also tries show that government schools have more dropout of students
than private schools because of Educational management of private schools and students’
higher socioeconomic background. Paper gives some important suggestions to retain students
in schools. This dropout incidence makes obstacles in government educational programme and
this can be cause of not developing our country of India.

Choudhary and Hammayu(2015) in their studies that the major causes of dropping out from
the schools are can be “financial problems, parents’ unwillingness, distance and lack of basic
facilities, poor quality of education, inadequate school environment and building, overloaded
class rooms, improper languages of teaching, carelessness of teachers and security problem in
girls school” are found out major causes of dropout in variouscountries so in every country the
school dropout rate is high.

Abdul Gafoor k. and Madh (2008) found out in their studies that the feelings of tribes as a
problems that hinder the educational development of the community. The study was conducted
in the district of Kerala.
The study identified the problems of dropout among the tribes were family related problems
like illiteracy of parents, poor economic conditions, drugs use of parents, poor infrastructure
of home and lack of mass-media, assisting parents in their occupation, life in forest area,
superstitions, and family clash.

School related problems identified like language problems, inefficiency of Government aid,
and curriculum problem with the life style, deficiency of school, lack of proper attention from
teachers, pathetic condition of hostels for girls, and lack of higher education in tribal society in
the village itself. Finally the personal problems were like hereditary and communicable
diseases, child labour, and inferiority complex, lack of future orientation in studies, laziness
and early marriage. So typically explains that there are lot of reasons of poor education
conditions of the tribes.

Manjunatha and Gangadhar (2018) the article that examines the problems of school drop-out
among Jenukurba tribal children in the chamarajanagara district of Karnataka. Finally the
reasons identified of dropout from the school were like poor socio- economic conditions of the
family and community, lack of awareness on the importance and value of education. Care for
the younger in the family these were the reasons of dropouts in the tribe’s community.


The Irular are the most backward section in the state with regard to education. “Education is
not preparation for life, education is life itself. Education is one of the basic important to
every human being”. But on the contrary education is more powerful weapon to all tribal
communities including the Irular community. There are many sources, schemes made available
by the Government in order to improve and develop the educational status of Irular tribe. But
the quality of education is not still improved in certain places. Government and non-
government sectors are working hard to increase the status of education among Irulars. Still
there are places need to improve the children higher education of Irular tribes. This study
focuses on the causes and the consequences of the dropout children of the Irular communities
of Schoolgirl block of Seegarlapalli, Nagarimali and Pariyakuthi.

Dropout from primary and high school is a multifaceted problem. The nature and extent of the
drop-out various from place to place, region to region and within a region from one social
group to another. The problem of drop-out from primary and high schools is discussed in the
context of Irula children. The study analysis about the socio economic status of the tribal
community is the main reasons to study about the educational states of tribal children. The
schemes are available such as pre-matric scholarships schemes for Tribal. Under the scheme,
they provide scholarships, free bus pass, free note books, uniforms, bicycle, etc. but the
students are discontinuing after their 8th standard. This study focuses on the causes and the
consequences of the dropout children of the Irular tribe community and to provide support and
make them to utilise the benefits of the government to the fullest.

The aim of study about the tribes people in particular the researcher study about the school
dropout among Irulars community. To identify the causing of dropout and knew about the
education status of the children, and socio-economic status of Irulars people in particular tribe
Creating awareness on the schemes of government it can be reduce the dropout among Irular
children. NGOS needs to reach out the unreached places and work for the welfare of the
community. The researcher need to publish the places where still people are not aware of the
outer world.




The English word tribe has come from the Latin word “tribus” which signifies a particular
type of common and political organisation which is alive in all these societies. The name ‘tribe’
refers to a category of people and designates a step of development in human society.

According to Indian constitution tribes recognized and known as Scheduled Tribes. Totally
645 distinct tribes in India, as per the census in year of 1951 5.6% total population of tribes.
Total Scheduled Tribes in the year of 2001 8.2 %. In India 36 status tribes are living in
Tamil Nadu. Particularly in Tamil Nadu 7 distinct tribes are Adiyan, Aranadan, Irular, Kadar,
Kanikar, kotas, and Todas. Literacy rate of the population is 27.9. The main occupation of
tribe’s cultivation, snake catching, labours or dependent on forest for their livelihood.

Irular are engaged in collection of minor forest products, some of them also engaged in looking
after the herds of cattle belonging to others like slavery to other owners. They speak Irula which
belongs to the Dravidian family. Irular are specialist in traditional herbal medicine and healing
practices. The main occupation of the Irulas has been snake and rat catching.

G.R Kumar (2017) study deals with one of the tribal communities Badag’s mother tongue is
inference among tribal school children at language differentiation and mother tongue inference,
the difference between linguistics and language. According to Oliver and Boyed, “the term
‘Tribe’ is that which differs from the people of the plains in their social and cultural entitles
and in their physical features”. Tribes are the most backward people and their literacy rate is
low. For centuries, they remained is isolation because the tribes do not like to mingle with
others in the society and like to live alone in the forest. Tribal population differs from state to
state. The eastern section of India, tribes is closely populated.

Shelly (2017) explains in the article that “Education is considered as a crucial factor in
development. It is the most powerful instrument for ensuring equality of opportunity”
keeping in view of this assumption the government has been making several efforts to
education by extending special educational institutional facilities.
But the development in education sector is still lacking in tribal community because of the
schemes are not reaching in proper time. Poor academic performance and increasing dropout
rates are still in their community.

There is a connection with one’s overall development and adjustment to the school. Poor school
adjustment can cause adverse effect in the performance of a student. While considering a tribal
student these chances are high.

They may feel more difficulty in school adjustment because they are forced to sit in schools
where there exists an environment which is ethnically and culturally different. This study aimed
to describe the adjustment of tribal students in their school.

Kumarin (2107) explains in the study, the tribes in our country represent 8.08% of the total

population according to census of2011. Present day scenario, the education is a key input for

achieving effective overall development in a Community education is the basic requirement

for development of an individual, family, a society, state, region or country and most important

things of Education. The basic educationswill development their quality of

life,socioeconomicstatus, cultural, health and nutritional status. Various programmes are

implemented for the educating the tribes.

R.Baskar, and A.Karthikayan (2015) Irulas are one among the six primitive tribal groups in
Tamil Nadu. In comparison with other tribal population. Irulas are stillbackward in education
status it leads to unemployment. Only education can transform and improvement a community
at large.

Author- Kumar- 2015

Philosophy of Tribal Culture

A tribe is viewed, historically or developmentally, as a social group existing before the

development of or outside of states. Many people used the term tribal society to refer to
societies organized largely on the basis of social, especially familial, descent groups.

A customary tribe in these terms is a face- to –face community, relatively bound by kinship
relations, reciprocal exchange, and strong ties to place.
Extending the system of primary education into tribal areas and reserving places for tribal
children in middle and high school and higher education institutions are central to government
policy, but efforts to improve a tribes educational status have had mixed results.

The Madhya Pradesh are widely oriented towards religion and spiritualism. Their prevalent
religion is Animism. There are 12 various tribals are living in MP. Agricultural is their main
occupation. The tribal life of Arunachal Pradesh has been largely representative which include
a number of traditions.

The mountainous regions of Kerala are inhibited by the tribal communities. Tribes of
Karnataka settled in several hilly and mountainous areas. Tribes of Tamil Nadu are
concentrated mainly in the district of Nilgiris.


The Irulas tribes of Tamil Nadu occupy the lower slopes and forests at the base of the Nilgiri
Hills. They constitute the second largest group of tribes after the Badagas and are similar to the
Kurumbas in many ways. This tribe produces honey, fruits, herbs, roots, gum, and dyes and
trades them with the people in the plains. The Irulas are scattered in various parts of India, but
are centralised in Thituvallur. In the recent times the Irulas help in catching snakes and collect
the snake venom. The tribal way of living is slowly changing from their original forest dweller
existence to one close to the mainstream and modern civilisation.

Today tribes of India are oldest inhabitants of the country. Tribal groups, which number more
than 40 million, require special attention from the government even though they live largely
isolated from the national culture. According to many Indians, their continued isolation poses
problems to national integration.

Tribal Education System- Education will also determine their prosperity, success and security
in life. The tribes which remain either deprived of or negligent toward education will suffer the

Joy and Srihari (2014) explains in article that Kerala, the southernmost state of India with near
total literacy, impressive health indicators, and a vibrant society known to set benchmarks in
several avenues of development.

The state out from the rest of me with 94 percent literacy rate and it has the lowest dropout rate
of school students 0.53% in the country.
But Wayanad, a district in the state with a sizeable population of scheduled tribes has the
highest overall dropout rate in the state. When compared to the total dropout in the district, the
tribal dropout was 61.11% in 2007-08 and 5 years later in 2011-12 it rise to 77.23%. This shows
the increase of 16.12% of dropout in district’s tribal sector the rate of dropout year by
year increasing because of settlement of tribes are mostly in the forest.


Dr. Sekher (2014) studied that, Education is the basic requirement for human development with
education, employment opportunities are broadened and income levels are increased. The
development of an individual and the progress of a nation depend on education. The present
article tried to understand the differentials and factors associated with school dropouts in India.
Based on the data from National Family Health Survey- 3, it was found that only 75 percent of
the children in the age group 6 to 16 years were attending school. About 14 percent of the
children never attended the school and II percent dropped out of school for various
was observed that the dropout was high among the children belonging to Muslim, Scheduled
caste and Scheduled Tribe families.

Parental characteristics also play a significant role in determining school education. The
dropout among the children. Belonging to illiterate parents were four times higher than that of
the literate parents. It was also observed that parents were not working, the possibility of
dropout among their children was relatively high. The study suggests that unless and until there
is considerable improvement in the economic status of households and change in the social
attitudes of parents, achieving the goal of universalisation of school education will remain a
major challenges for India.

Dr. Haseena (2014) found out in study that scheduled Tribes in India are generally considered
to be Adivasis meaning indigenous people or original inhabitants of the country however, the
mainstream Hindu population considers the general tribal population as primitive.
Technologically backward and illiterate since the 6th century the tribes have been perceived as
sub- humans who live under primitive condition. All the reasons are the root cause of the
alienation of tribal in education and dropout by giving more emphasis on other activities in the
tribal hamlet, they are ignoring the value of education.

According to Manjunatha and Annapurna ( 2014) found out in the study, The NPE, 1986 and
the Programme of Action (POA), 1992, recognized the heterogeneity and diversity of the tribal
areas while underlining the importance of instruction through the mother tongue and the need
for preparing teaching/learning materials in the tribal languages. A working group on
Elementary and Adult Education for the Xth Five Year Plan 2002-07 emphasized the need to
improve the quality of education of tribal children and to ensure equity as well as further
improving access. In general, the tribes that remain geographically isolated are able to retain
their traditional cultures and religions longer.

On the other hand communities that are either nomadic or live in the periphery of civilized life
are prone for drastic changes. Karnataka has a sizable population of tribal people. There are
34.64 lakhs tribal distributed in various regions of Karnataka as per 2001 census. Their
education level still min pathetic condition.

Dr.Sinu (2014) study on living conditions of Irula tribes found out in study Tamil Nadu
constitutes 1% of total India’s tribal population. One of the largest tribes in Tamil Nadu is
Irular, they are Dravidian tribe found in the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala Andhara (Chittoor)
and Karnataka. The word ‘Irular’ derived from Tamil word called “Irul” which means
‘darkness’. ‘Irular’ means those who are in darkness. Curly hair and dark complexion is their
prominent feature. According to Tamil Nadu government there were 36 identified tribal
communities; Irulars form the largest tribal group which is more than one lakh Census1991,
Rann Singh Mann, 1996. Total population of Scheduled Tribes in Tamil Nadu is about 6.5 lacs
in 2001. There is decrease trend in population of the Irula tribes. Now there are only 23,116
Irula households in Tamil Nadu Census, 2011.

Irular were mainly concentrated in north-eastern part of Tamil Nadu– Chengalpattu,

Kanchipuram, Thiruvannamalai, Thiruvallur and Villupuram district. Beside Salem and
Dharmapuri, few Irula found in Western Ghats of Nilgiri hills; art, music, dance and religion
are essential parts of their lives. These Irulars were adept in handling snakes and work as guides
in the forest. Early 20th century anthropological literature classified the Irulars under the
Negrito ethnic group.

Maniraj (2014) the six primitive tribes of Tamil Nadufound out inthe studies, Irular are engaged
in collection of minor forest products. Some of them are also engaged in looking after the herds
of cattle belonging to others. They speak Irula, which belongs to the Dravidian family. Irulas
are specialists in traditional herbal medicine and healing practices. Traditionally, the main
occupation of the Irulas has been snake and rat catching.
Gupta (2104) in 1980 found that irular energy intake was 1860cal, protein 50.3, minerals 35.5,
fat 25. Santhosh et al - 2012 in their study on social life of Irular women of Chengalpattu, Tamil
Nadu found that 13% of Irular women completed high school education, 62% of women were
illiterate. 61% got married at young age remarriages were common. Among 48% of the
respondents age difference between husband and wife is above 10 years.
Most of the Irular women engage in agricultural work as coolie. 81% reported that they have
habit of savings. 71% saved through self-help groups. Polyandry and polygamy prevailed in
irular of chengal pet. 78% of irular women reported they do not practice divorce.

Jahanara (2008) reported that 73% of Irular tribes in Pondicherry live in below poverty line,
less than one-third were belong lower socio-economic status, 3% were belong to middle socio-
economic status. 83% were illiterate, 5% middle and primary school respectively, 2% high
school and only 1% completed intermediate. Study revealed that nutrient intake of Irulars of
Pondicherry is not accordance with the daily recommended requirement. All the women Irulars
suffer from anaemia and underweight. 80% of them suffer from thiamine deficiency. Most of
the Irula children and adults do not consume milk in any form on regular basis including
pregnant women. Their height and weight was below the standard level of the general
The socio – economic conditions of the tribes usually covers the areas like as size of population,
education income of the people, expenditure part of the people etc.
Bindu (2005) research study found out, lrular were an endogamous tribe in nature. Average
family size of Irular is 3.15, the female sex ratio is 1000:966. 8.37% of the irulars were aged
above 60 years. 64% of the Irula men 56% of irula women in Kerala were literates. Irular tribe
has been reduced to the status of wage labourer under non-tribes. Chewing betel leaves were
common among irula men and women. Smoking beedi is very common and regular use of
alcohol is bourgeoning among irula men. Government development schemes were not reaching
the Irular Tribes.
Irular possess rich knowledge about medicinal plants and its uses. It was observed that Irulas’
use 74 wild valuable plant species to treat diseases such as psoriasis, asthma, indigestion,
diabetes, paralyze, genital disorders, snake & scorpion, dog bites, toothache, abortion,
dysentery, swollen neck, cough, cold, headache, fever, high BP, Stomach ache, rheumatism,
leucorrhea, jaundice, burns, cuts and wounds, dandruff, kidney stones, epilepsy, bone fracture,
syphilis, STD, swelling, sprain, mouth ulcer, de-worming, nose bleeding, body heat, stomach
ulcer, hair growth, throat infections, dehydration, vomiting, liver disease, ear pain, eye
infections Pradheep 2013; Rasingam 2012; Poongodi 2011. This knowledge usually transferred
from generation to generation through word of mouth. Presently, there is gradual decline in the
traditional healing practices among Irula younger generation. There is an urgent need to
document the Irulas knowledge on ethno medicinal practices.
AnkitaArya (2004) conducted a study on nutrition and health status of irula children of
Pondicherry from five villages namely Rajankulam, Amtakulam, Koonichampet,
Cittipet.T.N.Palyam. 48 children age energy intake was 1411.5, protein 35.5, fat 29.0, minerals
47.2. Study concluded that irula ranging from 4-9 years were studied. Study found that 71% of
the children having household income of 1000 to 2000, 20% Rs.500 to 1000 and 9% Rs.2000
to 2500. This study revealed that irula children in Pondicherry reported to have malnutrition in
calories and minerals due to low family income.
D.Vijayaraghavan (2002) Indian sub- continent is inhabited by multi-lingual and multicultural
and multi- ethic communities. About 1652 languages and Dialects are spoken in this country.
Absence of schooling facilities is one of the main causes and the school established in the tribal
village is a middle school which does not provide facilities to continue their education. Poverty
is the main cause that contributes to the phenomenon of drop-outs.

The Paharis – Ethnography of a genuine tribe of Jammu and Kashmir

Author – Shakeel – ur- Rehman

Majority of Indian tribes practice monogamy. Tribes remain distinct from castes because of
their geographical isolation, language,or dialect and religion.

Like the Meenas of Rajasthan, are listed as a scheduled tribe, but have always lived in multi
caste villages as a part of the villages system.

Ethnographically, tribal across South and North India employ a variety of terms for self-
description, including the English word ‘tribe’, the Hindi word Adivasi and regional language
terms that variously translate as hill people, ancient people, and so forth.

The growth of formal education among the tribal populations of India on the whole may be
gauged from the facts yielded by the census data. The census figures of 1931 disclosed that
only 0.7 per cent of the tribal people were literate.

This percentage rose to 36.60 per cent in 1991 against 52.2 per cent for the entire country. The
literacy rate among tribal women is obviously much lower.
Certain economic factors are also responsible for lack of interest shown by the Pahari
community in getting education. Since most of the paharis live in poverty, it is not easy for
them to send their children to school thus losing two healthy hands in their struggle for survival.

For tribal family to send its growth up girl or boy to school is essentially a matter of economics,
and entails dislocation in the traditional pattern of division of labour many parents cannot just
afford to send their children to school.


A TribalPerspective- Author – Dr. Sarangi

This book details all the aspects relating to the social, cultural Economic conditions of the
Tribal in the country. It mainly concerns with the tribal living in a poverty stricken life at the
subsistence level. These Tribal are still leading a secluded life untouched by the modernization
and change. This book spells out various policies, strategies and programme introduced for the
tribal Development.

It deals with the dynamics of change taking place among the Tribal due to the developmental
programmes and effect of modernization. To sum up, this book is up a gap and dearth of
literature about Tribal in the country, as it has given a special focus on these Tribal apart from
Agency Tribal. Hence this book benefit the students scholars academicians as well as policy
makers who are dealing with the Tribal Development as it has extensively covered Socio-
economic and cultural aspects that are being taken place through the intervention of
development programmes.


Irular tribes are 54% involved in agricultural and building construction work, 63% of them face
problems such as low income, long hours of work, job insecurity, and 81% of them live under
poverty line, and their mean wage is Rs1800 per month. The highest income of the of Irular
tribes reaches only 5000/-rupees per month this can be through doing slavery workers. Most of
the people not satisfied about their occupations. Comparing to man the women are receiving
less salary like 1000 to 3000 per month even though the women work hard and long hours of
working. Finally the main findings of the study points out that the technology uses of the Irular
tribes are very less comparing to others in the society.
During 2006-2011 period all Irulas in devathanam village, got freebies of television set under
fulfilment of election promise. 27.31% tribal in Vilupuram district have banking facilities, 11%
radio, 75%TV, 5.86% computer, 48.84% mobile, 24.24% bicycle, 13.20% 2wheelers and
0.66% 4 wheelers -Census 2011. These all causes of not having networking leads to dropping
out from the school due to not knowing about the importance of education.


Future now more than ever as a world society struggles painfully to be born “Education is
powerful instruments that brings to learn lot, at the heart of both personal and
community development; its mission is to enable each of us,without exception, to develop
all our talents to the full and to realize our creative potential, including responsibility for
our own lives and achievement of our personal aims”.


“Literacy is Universally Identified as a Powerful Instrument of Social Change”

The level of literacy is one of the most important indicators of social change. Among the
surveyed Irulas tribal families irrespective of the sex, elderly were illiterates, and adults had
their education up to primary school level.
But younger age groups (both boys and girls) were sent to tribal residential schools (plate)
located at a distance of three to five kilometres from the tribal hamlets. The tribal schools had
from 1st to 10th standards and mid-day meal programme. Apart from mid-day meals, the tribal
children were provided with breakfast and dinner.
The tribal children were provided with uniforms, books, notebooks, scales, pens and pencils.
They were also provided with toiletries like soap, paste, toothpaste, tooth brush, slippers and
sanitary napkins for adolescent girls. Even though the government provides all facilities to
improve the educational status of the Irular. But very necessary needs are not available for the
tribes like proper transportation, no proper roads, no safe environment for the children,
electricity, and water facilities. If the basic facilities is lacking than how can improve the
educational status of Irular children. All these were provided by the tribal welfare department
of Tamil Nadu government, to motivate tribal boys and girls to complete their school education
till 10th standard. The tribal children have to join government schools in the neighbouring city
normally 7 kilometres away from their hamlets, if they are interested to complete 11th and 12th
standard education.


“The holy land of wise scholars, men of valour and courage, blessed with the green valleys,

hills and hillocks and inhabited by people known for innovative farming was divided, for the

formation of Krishnagiri district, graved out of Dharmapuri district as 30th district of Tamil

‘Krishna’ refers to ‘black’ and ‘giri’ refers to ‘hill’. This district is gifted with black granite

hillocks and named as “Krishnagiri”. The region came under the rule of Krishna Deva Raya
and hence it might have been named after this king.

Krishnagiri district was formed as the 30th district of Tamil Nadu on February 9, 2004.

Krishangiri District formed by carving out of five taluks and ten blocks of the erstwhile
Dharmaouri district. The first collector of Krishnagiri was Mangat Ram Sharma.

Krishnagiri district is bounded by Vellor and Thiruannamalai district in the East, Karnataka

state in the west, of Andhra Pradesh in the North Dharmapuri district in the south. Its area is
5143 sq. kms. This district is elevated from 300m to 400m above the mean sea level.

Eastern part of the district experiences hot climate and western part has a contrasting cold

climate. The average rainfall is 830 mm per annum. March - June is summer season. July-

November is rainy season and between December- February winter prevails. Three languages

namely Tamil, Telugu and Kannada are predominantly spoken in this district. Major religions

are Hindu, Islam and Christianity. This district stands as an ideal exhibit of National integration
and religious harmony.

The society exhibit the confluence of different languages and religious they do not lose their

identity and individuality. There people are skilled in tree climbing, honey collection and
protecting themselves from wild animals.
People of Krishnagiri district belong to various racial groups. People from Kashmir,
Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andra have settled in this district. Hence it can be rightly called a
cosmopolitan society. Ancient Art and culture is preserved and maintained by inhabitants. The
major entertainment for rural folk from the ‘Street Play’ (theru koothu) ‘Sevai Attam’
In the Krishnagiri is located near by the forest areas, so the people main occupation is
agriculture. The important crops of Krishnagiri district are Paddy, Maize, Ragi, Banana,
Sugarcane, Cotton, Tamarind, Coconut, Groundnut, Vegetables and Flowers. The district has
an excellent scope for agri business to develop the gross roots areas.
Krishnagiri district is more “suitable for cultivation of horticulture crops other plantation crops,
medicinal plants, fruits, vegetables, spices, and flowers are grown well by way of its moderate
climate, high altitude and fertility of the soil”.
Natural Resources
Krishnagiri is one among the district of Tamil Nadu, which with natural resources having 2,024
sq.kms of forest cover is its unique feature. The hill ranges of this district are called by the
name ‘Melagiri’. Mainly the nature resources are available because the district is located in
the forest areas.
Economic Importance of Natural Vegetation
The vast forest resources condition sandal, Teak, Rose Wood and Bamboo. The timber from
these has great demand for structural works, house construction, ship building, paper and pulp
manufacture, pencil and ply wood industry.
The economic status of people increase the economic status. This can be a better way of
improvement in all areas. All the medical medicine those they contribute towards national
income. Growing nursery for herbs and medicinal plants, extraction sandal wood oil for
perfumery is the major contribution for the industrial growth in Krishnagiri district. Tribal are
benefited by the forest products like bamboo rice and honey which supplement their food.

Materials from the Government Department
 Laptops for the XIIth class students
 Special Cash Incentive – To avoid Dropout of students 1500/- for the Xth and XIth
standard, 2000/- for the XIIth provided per month.
 4 Pairs for free Uniforms for every students
 Woollen Shirts – who study in hilly terrain ( I th VIIIth) class students
 Free books
 Note books
Educational Instruments
 Free Atlas to know the geographical areas.
 Free Bags
 Crayons
 Free Geometry Boxes
 Free Chapels
 Free Bi- Cycles
 Midday meal
 Free Bus Pass
The educational status of krishngiri district is good because there are Primary
Schools -988, Middle Schools- 107, High Schools-113, and Higher Secondary
Schools-72. To improve the Educational status of the children in the district it may
promote the children to uplift the society in better way. These are the schemes are
provided to improve the educational status in Krishnagiri. The total population of
Krishnagiri according to the census of 2011- 18.80 lakhs- Male- 960,232, Female-

Balaji- 2017 journal explains that “Sula” means “shoolam or Trisul”, “Giri” means “Hill”. As
the peaks of the hill looks like he Trisul, it is named “Shoolagiri”. Some claims that “sula”
means the Sun. because of the sun rays directly penetrate in to the Sanctum Sancturium of
Varadarajasamy Temple situated on th hill, the hill is called Sulagiri or Shoolagiri

Shoolagiri is a large village, one of Taluk in Krishnigiri district. It is located 37Km towards
west from District headquarters Krishnagiri. It lies on National Highway. The town is
overlooked by a hill with three peaks. Shoolagiri name derived from Hill, which is like Trident
(Threesulam) and Shoolagiri is an immigration town that people are living from different
countries and mix of linguistic groups. But Tamil is the official and spoken language. There
are significant of Telugu speakers and Kannada speakers in the town. As of the 2011 census,
Shoolagiri had population of 9,530, comprising 4,788 males and 4,742 females, giving a gender
ratio of 990. There are 1218 children aged 6 or under, which is 12.78 % of the village
population. The literacy rate was 77.o3% lower than the state average of 80.09%.
Shoolagiri Map


Berigai is a village in Shoolgiri Block in Krishnagiri District of Tamil Nadu. It is located 47KM
towards North from District head quarters Krishnagiri. 15 KM from Shoolagiri. Berigai is
surrounded by Bangalore Rural Block towards west, veppanapalli Block tpwards East. Bergai
Local Language is Tamil. The total population is 7884 and number of houses are 1807. Femal
population is 49.6%. village literacy rate is 70.1% and the female Literacy rate is 32.0%. Total
houses 1807. Scheduled Tribes population 0.1%(6) scheduled Caste population 7.6%(597).
working popultion 42.3%. child (0-6) population by 2011 -867.


Government Pre Primary, Government primary, Private Primary, Government Middle and
Government Secondary Schools are available in this village. The educational status is very
pathetic conditions. So that nearby small communities like tribes are not able to study better
for the development of the community. Around Berigai there are so many small communities
are located nearby 5 or 6 Km. the transportation available from Berigai town most of the time
the buses will not reach such communities are like Seegarapalligate, Naganarimali,
Pariyakuthi, and Kariyasandiram.
In the beginning only 2 houses before 30 years ago, later on nearby those who were in the
forest, and lived in the pond found out this community and vacated from the outer and
began to stay one place at present there are almost 84 families living all are belong to
same community of Irula tribe. The main occupation of people are labour, cutting trees,
Mestri work and cooli. For any emergency the people has to travel one place to another
place almost 10 kilometers. Most of the time there is no any sources available to move for
any emergency.

Government support only during the time of election. Apart from that none of the NGOs –
Non-profit organization working for the improvement of the community.

Available Sources

 Aganwadi 1
 Middle school 1
 Water Tank-1
Major problems
 Alcoholism
 Lack of Transportation
 Lack of Electricity
 Lack of sanitation
 No hospital facilities
 Unemployment
 There is no proper teacher available
 Water Tank -1 for 84families
 No proper houses to survey
 Facing struggles during the rainy seasons
 Practicing Child marriage
Needed Sources
 Safe Environment for children
 Edu-care - Dropout children
 Job opportunity
 Water Facilities
 Dispensary
 Transportation

Place: Nagunarimali
Total number of Families: 40
Researcher visited, and observed the area of Irula Tribe and interacting with community people,
youth and children analyzing the major problem. It is located forest there is no any
transportation available to reach the particular community. The transport available up to the
main road from 2Km far way. The community is unreached by many peoples. So during the
night wild animals will be around the community. Almost 16 years community is living without
any there improvement.

 Migrating one place to another place lack of basic facilities of Sanitation, Electricity,
Transportation, Unemployment, practicing child marriage Hospital and Education.
 Lack of Government and NGOs support for the development of the community
 Lack of motivation for the Education
 Safe Environment for the children particularly for girls

Needed sources

 Sanitation
 Electricity
 Transportation
 School Facilities
 Employment
 Dispensary
 Support of Government and NGOs
 Stop- Child Marriage
Place: Kariyasandhiram Total number of Families- 6oo
Number of Houses – 400
Researcher visited, and observed the area of IrulaTribe interacting with community people,
youth and children analyzing the major problem.

 Migrating one place to another place for the work during the festivals, Transportation,
Unemployment, practicing child marriage, Hospital motivation and support to
improve the Education status of children
 Lack of Government and NGOs support for the development of the community
 Safe Environment for the children particularly for girls
 Practicing child Marriage
 Adhar card, Rasan card
 Proper houses to survey
 Proper teachers in the school

Needed sources
 Transportation
 Electricity
 Adhar card, Rasan card
 Motivation on Educational status
 Employment
 Dispensary
 Support of Government and NGOs
 Stop - Child Marriage
 Nutrition in Aganwadi
 Government HSS
Pariyakuthi – Tribe community Total houses -15
Researcher visited and observed the community and study about the problems and available
sources. And analyzed about the community problems. The community is located in road side
for more than 12 years. Until now there is no any proper basic facilities like water, transport,
schools and proper shelter to live. Especially during the rainy season the people faces lot of
problems. Due to migrating from one place to another the community members do not have
Aadhar card, and Rasin card. The community seeking for the support of anyone it can be Private
or Government.

Educational Status of the Irular Community

Researcher has analyzed the status of education is very pathetic condition comparing to other
areas of Irula tribes. Because the cause is that the communities are located very far from the
main town. So the Governments and Privates are not reaching the communities with sources.
The Irula tribes also have the fear to approach any one out of the community.



Research Methodology is an explicit framework which explains how the research was
conducted during the entire research study period. It states how specific techniques and
approaches, applied the researcher to come across the research findings. It describes the
research design, the methods of data collection and the tools, used by the researcher to collect,
process and analyse the information related to the research study topic. It supports the
researcher to critically evaluate the overall validity of the research findings.


Aim to study about the school dropout children among the Irular community in the villages are
Seegarapalligate, Nagunarimali, Kariyasandhiram, and Pariyakuthi. These are belong to
Shoolagiri block of Krishnagiri District. The researcher identify the major cause of school
dropout in the community among these areas.


“A study on school dropout among children of Irular community”.


 To study the socio economic status of Irular community

 To know the discrimination in educational institutions

 To study the challenges faced in educational status

 To understand the factors that are influencing school dropout of Irular community

 To know the suggestions of Irular children on educational inclusion.

Research design is the set of methods and procedure used in collecting and analysing measure
of the variables specified in the research problem. The design of the study is Descriptive.
Descriptive type helps to provide answers to the questions of statement and associated with a
particular research problem. Descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the
current status of the phenomena and to describe what exists with respect to variables. To
evaluate the root cause of the school dropout among Irulars.


Tool means of collecting information for the study. It can be called a research tool or research
instrument. The researcher used questionnaire for this study. This tool is prepared based on the
specific objective of the study. The researcher had a series discussion with the guide besides
experts in the field in the process of preparing the tool.

The researcher have developed a Questioners which consist of 50 set of Questions based on
the objectives. It has be divided into 5 category. I. Demographic Details- to know the profile
of the respondents. II. Discrimination in Educational Institutions- to identify the discrimination
in the school among the respondents. III. Challenges Faced In Educational Institutions- to
analysis the challenges in the school sectors among the respondents. IV. Factors Influencing
School Dropout – to study about the causes to dropout among the respondents. V. Opinion of
Educational Inclusion – to ask from the opinions from the respondents about the value of


Pilot study is attempt by the researcher to know the possibility and probability of conducting
a research in a particular area.
In this process the practical constraints involved in doing the study and the ways and means
to overcome them are found out. The researcher also understood to what extend the study is
practically possible. The researcher observed and visited the Irulars community in Shoolagiri
Block – Krishnagiri District.

During pretesting the questionnaire is tested with two respondents and minor changes were
made in the tool. One of the questions was hard for the respondents. Therefore it was refined
in such a manner for the respondent to respond.
More over small changes were made in few questions by adding and deleting one or two
words. In fact the experiment of pretesting enhanced the quality of the research tool-


Krishnagiri district was formed as the 30th district of Tamil Nadu on February 9, 2004.
Krishangiri District formed by carving out of five taluks and ten blocks of the erstwhile
Dharmaouri district. The first collector of Krishnagiri was Mangat Ram Sharma. ‘Krishna’
refers to ‘black’ and ‘giri’ refers to ‘hill’. This district is gifted with black granite hillocks and
named as “Krishnagiri”.Krishnagiri district is bounded by Vellor and Thiruannamalai district
in the East, Karnataka state in the west, of Andhra Pradesh in the North Dharmapuri district in
the south. Its area is 5143 sq. kms. This district is elevated from 300m to 400m above the mean
sea level.The total population of Krishnagiri according to the census of 2011- 18.80 lakhs-
Male- 960,232, Female- 919,577.

Shoolagiri is a large village, one of Taluk in Krishnigiri district. It is located 37Km towards
west from District headquarters Krishnagiri. Berigai is a village in Shoolgiri Block in
Krishnagiri District of Tamil Nadu. It is located 47KM towards North from District head
quarters Krishnagiri. 15 KM from Shoolagiri. Around Berigai there are so many small
communities are located nearby 5 or 6 Km. The transportation available from Berigai town
most of the time the buses will not reach such communities are like
Seegarapalligate,Naganarimali, Pariyakuthi, and Kariyasandiram these are the
communities of Irular the researcher covered for data collection.


The researcher has used Non-probability sampling is a sampling technique where the odds of
any member being selected for a sample cannot be calculated. Sampling means the process of
drawing and it is selecting a part of the requesting unit from the population. Since it is difficult
for the researcher to study the large population, the researcher select the part of the population
for his study. The researcher applied snowball sampling in the study to select the respondents

The data was collected from the respondent during the month of January 14th to 18th 2020
through the questionnaire. The researcher established rapport before collecting the data because
the researcher is stranger for the respondent as well hard to build confidentiality to the Irulars
tribe researcher brief about the reason of collecting the data to the respondent parents almost
took five days in four villages. A hot copy of the questionnaire was distributed to the Irulars
community children those who not continuing the school life- dropout students in
Nagunarimali, Seegarla palligate ,Kariayachathram and pariyakuthi. The researcher had spent
25 hours with the respondent in the process of data collection.


The researcher made use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for analysis of
the Data. It offers interactive and advanced statistical analysis.


 This research is limited to the Irulars tribes in Nagunarimali, Seegaralapalligate and

Karachathram in Shoolagri black Krishnagiri district.
 During the research study period, the Irula dropout children were engaged in their works
like doing agriculture and taking care the younger ones in the family.
 Some of the dropout children gone out with their parents for the festivals.


The study was conducted in Shoolagiri Block –Krishngiri District. The villages are
Seegalapalligate, Nagunarimali, Priyakuthi and Kariyasandhiram. This villages are occupied
by the Irulars, live away 10km from the town area, because all are migrated from various lakes,
and nearby forest in the border of Karnataka state. The local language of Irulars is mixing with
Tamil, Telugu and Karnataka. For any emergency people go away around 10km a small town
called Berigi. The main occupation of Irulars hunting, labours, daily wages and agriculture.
Education status is very poor among children due to lack of transportation, school is available
from 10km. per day three buses are available. Lack safe environment to children, fearfulness
of parents to send children out of the area, to take care the youngest in the family and due to
alcoholism of parents, lack of awareness on importance of education. The total population of
houses around 550 families.

Researcher using there are two kind of source in the research

1. Primary Source – Responders are the primary source the researcher used in the study.
Visiting and interacting with the respondents to the current perspective of the Irular
children in the particular communities. To identify the current scenario of the places.

2. Secondary Source – Researcher interested in collecting the sources from Book, Articles,
and Magazine to have a clear ideas, and opinions of the various people those who
conducted study on the schooldropout among the Irular community.

A student who withdraws from the school before completing a course of instruction. An act or
instance of dropping out , a student who withdraws from high school after having reached the
legal age to do so a person who withdraws from established society, especially to pursue an
alternate lifestyle. A school student who withdraws from the school before completing the
section which the person is studying it can be any class. The dropout can be happen due to
various reasons each one have different causes of dropping out from the school.


Irulars are one among the six primitive tribal groups. Irula meaning dark which refers to skin
nature- called people of darkness. Why people are called darkness because the people are found
in the night in the community. As well the people do hunting in the forest areas does not bother
about the sunny. All became black and all events taken place during the night. Irula community
is one of the six primitive tribal groups in Tamil Nadu.

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the minds to think.”

The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge , developing the power of
reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature
life. Education is the powerful weapon to develop the country and it is a centre of every person
because without education the life cannot be succeed. Education can mould a person in better
way and increase the quality of life.
Education sensitise the person in every level it can be social, cultural and economic. Because
when the person is standard he /she have the knowledge of capacity to move around.


This consisting of Introduction about the study statement of the school dropout among

(Irulars community) children in India. Objective of the study, need and importance of the study
and limitations of the study.


This chapter will be given a Review of the related studies. This study of the review is
Conceptual Review and Empirical or theoretical review. This conceptual review is to generally
accepted methods and definition, but theoretical or empirical reviews are to study to related
theories and articles,


This chapter deals about describe the research design, to find the inquiry type to give
questionnaires, to select field of study where shout be conduct survey or data collection, to find
a sampling technique, to choose tools for data collection to assess school dropout among
children of Irular community.


In this chapter, to analyses the data and interpret the table.


This chapter of v list out the major findings are in the study, also to derive the important factors
shout be finalized.


The final chapter of the research study, to give suggestion about study or concept, to
communicate the study should be doing, to give scope about the future research studies taken
this topic. The last one is conclusion, to conclude the research study with result of this study.



Table -1
Age Frequency Percentage

6-10 Years 5 10
11-15 Years 16 32
16-20 Years 29 58
Total 50 100

Table -1 states that nearly a majority 58 percent of respondents belongs to the age group of 16
to 20 years. One third 32 percent of respondents belongs to the age group of 11 to 15 years. A
least number 10 percent of respondents belongs to the group of 6 to 10 years. The respondents
states that most of the children are adult, the children have been dropout from the school in the
adult age. The data status says that during the young age the respondents dropout from the
schooling, because in the age of 16 to 20 the community force the girl children to marry, and
practice child marriage and not aware of the influence of early marriage system.
Table -2
Educational Qualification

Education Frequency Percentage

( %)
1-5 class 14 28

6-10 class 35 70

Above 11 class 1 2

Total 50 100

Table- 2 status that nearly reasonable 70 per cent of respondents belongs to the class of 6- 10
class students. One third 28 percent of respondents belongs to the class of 1 to 5 class students.
The least number 2 percent of respondents belong to the above 11 class students. The majority
of school dropouts’ children are after the primary, and middle school. Because in the
community lack of motivation on the importance of education, and school is available in the
community but there no trained and proper teachers are not available to educate the community
children. On the contrary in one community school is very far from the community. The
majority of education qualification is 6- 10 classes because of school is very far from the
community and lack of transportation. The community people have unsafety to send the
children out of community after completing middle school, because the community feels that
there is no friendly environment for the children out of the community.
Table – 3
Birth Order

Birth order Frequency Percentage


1 9 18
2 11 22

3 17 34
4 4 8
5 4 8
6 2 4
7 3 6
Total 50 100

Table- 3 status nearly says that a little over one third 34 percent of respondents belongs to the
birth order of 3rd child in the family. One fourth 22 percent of respondents belongs to the birth
order 2nd child in the family. A smaller percentage 18 percent of respondents belongs to the
birth order of 1st child in the family. The least number 8 percent of respondents belongs to the
birth order 4th child in the family. 8 percent of respondents belongs to the birth order 5th child
in the family. 6 percent of respondents belongs to 7th child in the family. 4 percent of
respondents belongs to 6th child in the family. The data show that in Irulars community mostly
the dropout children birth order is 3rd in the family because the middle children needs to take
more responsibilities to take care the youngest ones, as well the eldest one will be going for
works in order to ratify by the house hold works like cooking, cleaning, being responsibilities
in the family activities and washing the clothes.
Figure -1
Total Members in the Family

Series1 Series2


8 6
4 7 Series2
1 3

3 4 5 6 Above 6

Figure-1 status shows that a reasonable number 70 percent of respondents belongs to the above
6 members in the family. A smaller percentage 14 percent of respondents belongs to the 5
members in the family. The least number 8 percent of respondents belongs to the 4 members
in the family. 6 per cent of respondents belongs to the 6 members in the family. 2 per cent of
respondents belongs to the 3 members in the family. The data shows that Irulars community
have larger number of children in the family, it clearly points out the people lack awareness.
Figure – 2
Earning Members in the Family

Total Earning Members

38% 1
26% 2
22% Above 4

Figure-2 status that nearly a large number 38 percent of respondents family members state that
4 of them earn in the family. One fourth 26 percent of respondent’s family members state that
2 of them earn in the family.22 percent of respondent’s family members’ state that 3 of them
earn in the family. A smaller number 14 percent of respondent’s family members’ state that
only one of them earn in the family. The data shows that among the Irulars community earning
members are more than 4 members it shows that the people work hard but earn very little is
not stratified by the family members and needed to fulfil the basic needs so the children support
the family by earning little amount of money to run daily life. Even though the members of the
family is large number but all are below poverty line, because the people do not have every
day work conditionally one day there will be work available reaming the three are four days
the people will be without work.
Parent’s Qualification

Qualification Primary Middle Illiterate Frequency Percentage

Father 4 (8%) 1 (2%) 45 (90%) 50 100

Mother - - 50 (100%) 50 100

Table - 4 status nearly says that vast majority 90 percent of respondent’s fathers are Illiterate
in the community. The least number 8 percent of respondent’s father’s qualification state are
primary.2 per cent of respondents’ father qualification state is middle. Most of the 100 percent
of respondent’s mothers are Illiterate in the community. Mostly the Irulars children parents are
Illiterate in the community. Not aware of the importance of education, not knowing the outside
society life style. Lack of motivation on value of schooling and did not feel comfortable and
did not receive any facilities in the school period. Following the same ideology of not sending
the children to school.
Table -5
Income of Father and Mother
Monthly income Frequency Percentage
( %)
Father’s -1000 to 5000 50 100

Mother’s - 1000 to 5000 50 100

Table - 5 status that both the parents’ income of the respondents lies between Rs.1000-5000.
The total family monthly income of the individual family is below poverty line, even though
the members of the family is more but the total monthly income is very less the identification
of the main reason is that there is no not proper employment in the Irulars community
Table -6
Type of House
Type of Housing Frequency Percentage


Owned 45 90
5 10
Others specify (road side tent)
Total 50 100

Table -6 status nearly says that vast majority 90 percent of respondents is living in owned
house. The least number 10 percent of respondents is living in (road side) tent house. Majority
people have their own houses but does not have proper documents and records like patta and
chitta because the mad houses are built by their own, the land does not belongs to them. At any
point of time the government and private sectors can occupy the land and the Irular people can
be chased out for any reason. The community people did not have permanent place to survey.
Figure -3
Duration of Staying


12 years
20% 15years
30 years


Figure-3 status shows that a half 50 per cent of respondents are staying in the community for
25years. Whereas 20 percent of the respondents falls under 15 years of stay in the community.
18 percent of respondents are staying here for 30 years and a small member12 percent of the
respondents stay have in the same community for 12 years. Even though they stay for 3decads
there is no proper facilities provided for them and no evidence or land for their own.

Unfair Treatment in the School

Category Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Unfair 3 (6%) - 4 (8%) 43 (86%)

treatment in
the school
Table-7 status shows that vast majority 86 percent of respondents are always have observed
unfair treatment in the school. The least number 8 percent of respondents are sometimes noticed
unfair treatment in the school.6 percent of respondent’s never experienced unfair treatment in
the school. The finding of the study says that majority of Irular children experienced unfair
treatment in their school.
Table - 8
Discrimination in the School, Own Class Mates and low Economic Status

Category Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Discrimination in 5 (10%) 42 (84%)

3 (6%)
the School

Discriminated by 3 (6%) 38 (76%)

my own class 8 (16%) 1 (2 %)

Discriminated 2 (4%) 32 (64%)

because of low 7 (14%) 9 (18%)
economic status

Table -8 status nearly says that vast majority 84 percent of respondents is always have been
experienced discrimination in the school. The least number 10 percent of respondents is
sometimes have experienced discrimination in the school. 6 percent of respondents have never
experienced discrimination in the school.

Majority 76 percent of respondents stated that they are always discriminated by their own class
mates. A smaller number 16 percent of respondents is never discriminated by their own class
mates. The least number (6 per cent) of respondents is sometimes discriminated by their own
class mates. 2 per cent of respondents is rarely discriminated by their own class mates.

A majority 64 percent of respondents stated that they are always discriminated because of low
economic back ground in the school. A smaller number 18 percent of respondents is rarely
discriminated because of low economic back ground in the school. 14 percent of respondents
have never discriminated because of economic low back ground in the school. The least number
4 percent of respondents is sometimes discriminated because of low economic back ground in
the school. The majority of the Irulars children discriminated in the school always, even
discriminated by their own class mates and discriminated according to their economic status.
So this notification clearly point out that one of the major cause that Irulars children dropout
from the school after their middle school.

Verbal, Physical and Emotional Abuses

Category Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Abuse – 2 (4%) 3 (6%) 19 (38%) 26 (52%)

Physical 3 (6%) 1 (2%) 18 (36%) 28 (56%)

Emotional 1 (2%) 1 (2%) 22 (44%) 26 (52%)

Table-9 status says that a majority 52 percent of respondents have always undergone verbal
abuse in the school. One third 38 percent of respondents is sometimes undergone verbal abuse
in the school. The least number 6 percent of respondents is rarely undergone verbal abuse in
the school. 4 percent of respondents have never undergone verbal abuse in the school.

A majority 56 percent of respondents have always face physical abuse in the school. One third
36 percent of respondents is sometimes face physical abuse in the school. The least number 6
percent of respondents have never faced physical abuse in the school. 2 percent of respondents
is rarely face physical abuse in the school.

A majority 52 percent of respondents have always experienced emotional abuse in the school.
A large number 44 percent of respondents is sometimes experienced emotional abuse in the
school. The least number 2 percent of respondents is rarely have been experienced emotional
abuse in the school. 2 percent of respondents have never experienced emotional abuse in the
school. A majority of Irulars children have always affected by verbal, physical and emotional
abuses in the school by their own teachers. The main cause of dropping out from the school
after the middle class. Because the Irulars children is afraid of teachers and the punishment that
are given by the class teachers. If the home work was not completed by the Irulars children the
teachers used to scold the children and beat the children with sticks and expressed anger for
not doing the home work. So the majority of Irulars children dropout from the school because
of various abuses by the own teachers in the class.

Equality support, opportunity Culture and Customs are respected

Category Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Teachers 8 (16%) 1 (2%) 3 (6%) 38 (76%)

treat the
Equal 15 (30%) 3 (6%) 7 (14%) 25 (50%)
support from
the school

Equal 17 (34%) 1 (2%) 21 (42%)

to participate
in all 11
Culture 24 (48%) 10 (20%) 3 (6%) 13 (26%)
customs are
and respected

Table -10 status shows that a good number 76 percent of respondents have always treat the
students equally in the school by teachers. A smaller number 16 percent of respondents have
never treat the students equally in the school by teachers. The least number 6 percent of
respondents is sometimes treat the students equally in the school by teachers.2 percent of
respondents is rarely treat the students equally in the school by teachers.
A majority 50 percent of respondents have always get equal support from their school. One
third 30 percent of respondents have never get equal support from their school. A smaller 14
percent of respondents is sometimes receive equal support from their school. A least number 6
percent of respondents is rarely experienced equal support from their school. 42 percent of
respondents have always get opportunity to participate in all activities in the school.

A little over one third 34 percent of respondents have never received opportunity to participate
in all activities in the school. One fourth 22 percent of respondents is rarely get opportunity to
participate in all activities in the school. The least number 2 percent of respondents have always
provided opportunity to participate in all activities in the school.

A large number 48 percent of respondents have never understood and respected their own
culture and customs in the school. One fourth 26 percent of respondents have always
understood and respected their own culture and customs in the school.20 percent of respondents
is rarely understood and respected their own culture and customs in the school. The least
number 6 percent of respondents are sometimes understood and respected their own culture
and customs in the school.

The findings of the study status school teachers treat the Irular children unequally in the class
room, and Irular children experienced lack lot of support from the school. In the same time
there is unequal opportunities provided to participate in all activities for the Irular children in
the school. So the Irular children not interested to continue their education in the school because
their desire in not fulfilled in the school. Never Irular community Culture and customs are
understood and respected in the school. So it can be the major cause to dropping out from the
school of Irular children.
Table- 11
Force to Work by Family Members
Category Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Forced to work by 21(42%) 3 (6%) 6 (12%) 20 (40%)

family members

Table -11status nearly says that a large number 42 percent of respondents have forced to go for
work by their family members. 40 percent of respondents have always forced to go for work
by their family members. A smaller number 12 percent of respondents are sometimes forced to
go for work by their family members. The least number 6 percent of respondents are rarely
forced to go for work by their family members. The findings of the study says that respondents
are not forced to work by family members, by their own interest do the works.
Relationship with Teachers and Challenges in the School

Category Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Relationship with 23 (46.0) 11 ( 22.0) 3 (6.0) 13 (26.0)

Challenges in the 1 (2.0) 11 (22.0) 1 (2.0) 37 (74.0)

Table -12 status nearly says that a large number 46 percent of respondents have never build
relationship with teachers without any fear and anxious. One fourth 26 percent of respondents
have always capacity to build relationship with teachers without any fear and anxious. One
fourth 22 percent of respondents have always capacity to build relationship with teachers
without any fear and anxious. The least number 6 percent of respondents are sometimes have
capacity to build relationship with teachers without any fear and anxious.

A majority 74 percent of respondent have always experienced challenges in the school. One
fourth 22 percent of respondent are rarely experienced challenges in the school. The least
number 2 percent of respondent are sometimes experienced challenges in the school. 2 percent
of respondent have never experienced challenges in the school. Irular children capacity to build
good relationship to their own teachers in the school but the children faces lot of challenges in
the school so it can be a major cause of dropping out from the school after their middle school.
Table- 13
Encourages of Parents Financial Support and Leave School due to Nomadic Life

Category Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Parents encourages 11 (22%) 8 (16%) 5 (10%) 26 (52%)

to go school

Financial support 5 (10%) 10 (20%) 7 (14%) 28 (56%)

from parents

Forced to leave 14 (28%) 4 (8%) 5 (10%) 27 (54%)

school by parents
due to nomadic life

Table-13 status says that majority 52 percent of respondents have always experienced that
parents encourages the children go to school. One fourth 22 percent of respondents have never
experienced that parents encourages the children go to school. A smaller number 16 percent of
respondents are rarely experienced that parents encourages the children go to school. The least
number 10 percent of respondents are sometimes experienced that parents encourages the
children go to school.

A majority 56 percent of respondents have always received financial support from by parents.
Smaller number 20 percent of respondents are sometimes received financial support by their
parents. 14 percent of respondents are rarely received financial support by their parents. The
least number 10 percent of respondents have never received financial support by their parents.
A majority 54 percent of respondents have always forced to leave school by their parents due
to nomadic life style. A little over one fourth 28 percent of respondents have never forced to
leave school by their parents due to nomadic life style. The least number 10 percent of
respondents are sometimes forced to leave school by their parents due to nomadic life style. 8
percent of respondents have always forced to leave school by their parents due to nomadic life
style.The parents of Irular children have never forced to work during their studies and parents
encourages the children to go school. And parents supports financially their children but lack
of awareness on the importance of the education the Irular children have always forced to leave
school by parents due to nomadic life. Due of the low economic status.

Table- 14
Equal opportunity to express feelings and opinion freely

Category Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly

disagree agree nor agree
Equal 29 (58%) 2 (4%) - 11 (22%) 8 (16%)
to express
feelings and

Table – 14 status says that majority 58 percent of respondents strongly disagree that an equal
opportunity to express their feelings and opinions freely in the school. One fourth 22 percent
of respondents disagree that an equal opportunity to express their feelings and opinions freely
in the school. A smaller number 16 percent of respondents strongly agree that an equal
opportunity to express their feelings and opinions freely in the school. The least number 4 per
cent of respondents disagree an equal opportunity to express their feelings and opinions freely
in the school. Strongly disagree by the Irular children are unequal to express feelings and
opinions freely in the school. Because the Irular children did not conceder well in the school.
Table -15
Worried about Exam

Category Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Worried about 3 (6%) 3 (6%) 6 (12%) 38 (76%)


Table-15 status nearly says that majority number 76 percent of respondents have always
worried about their school exams. The least number 12 percent of respondents are sometimes
worried about their school exams. 6 percent of respondents are rarely worried about their school
exams. 6 percent of respondents have never worried about their school exams. The Irular
children always worried about exam because the children of Irular do not give any important
of home work of everyday. So during the exam worried about how, and what to write in the
exam papers.

Table -16
Years of dropout
Category Within Within a Within a 2 to 4 years More than 4
6months year year to 2 years
Dropout 5 (10%) 6 (12%) 6 (12%) 17 (34%) 16 (32%)
from school

Table- 16 status shows that one third 34 percent of respondents are dropout from the school 2
to 4 years ago. 32 percent of respondents are dropout from the school more than 4 years ago.
A smaller number 12 percent of respondents are dropout from the school within a year.12 per
cent of respondents have dropout from the school within a year to 2 years ago. The least number
10 percent of respondents are dropout from the school within 6 months period. The findings of
the study points out that Irular community children are dropping out from the school is 2 to 4
Table- 17
Lack of Motivation, Failed in Academic Perform, Health Issue and Fell about School
Takes Good Care of Irular

Category Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Lack of 16 (32%) 5 (10%) 9 (18%) 20 (40%)

motivation to
go school

Failed in 8 (16%) 4 (8%) 22 (44%) 16 (32%)


Table-17 status nearly says that one third 40 percent of respondents have always received lack
of motivation to go to school. 32 percent of respondents have never received lack of motivation
to go to school. A smaller number 18 percent of respondents are sometimes received lack of
motivation to go to school. The least number 10 percent of respondents is rarely received lack
of motivation to go to school.

A large number 44 percent of respondents are sometimes failed in their academic perform. One
third 32 percent of respondents have always failed in their academic perform. A smaller number
16 percent of respondents have never failed in their academic perform. The least number 8
percent of respondents are rarely failed in their academic perform. In the Irular community the
children experienced lack of motivation to go school. Sometimes only the children failed in
academic perform.
Family problems and Forced to Involve Family Business

Category Never Almost Occasionally Almost Every time

never every time

Face family 23 (46%) 3 (6%) 4 (8%) 7 (14%) 13 (26%)

problem to

Forced to 22 (44%) 4(8%) 8 (16%) 7 (14%) 9 (18%)


Table- 18 status describes that a large number 46 percent of respondents have never faced
family problems that leads to prevent the children from schooling. One fourth 26 percent of
respondents every time faced family problem that leads to prevent the children from schooling.
A smaller number 14 percent of respondents almost every time faced family problem that leads
to prevent the children from schooling. The least number 8 per cent) of respondents
occasionally faced family problem that leads to prevent the children from schooling. 6 per cent
of respondents almost have never faced family problem that leads to prevent the children from

A large number 44 percent of respondents have never forced to involve family business (work).
A smaller number 18 percent of respondents every time forced to involve family business. 16
percent of respondents occasionally forced to involve family business.14 per cent of
respondents almost every time forced to involve family business. The least number 8 per cent
of respondent’s almost have never forced to involve family business. Irular children faces lot
of family problems like alcoholism of both father and mother and low economic status and
unemployment also cause of dropping out from the school. The Irular children forced to involve
family business like doing work in the agriculture field, taking care the house works, like care
the younger ones, cooking and cleaning up the houses. These can be a cause to dropping out
from the school.
Table –19

Health Issue is a Reason of Dropout

Category Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Health issue is 10 (20%) 3 (6%) 10 (20%) 27 (54%)

reason to

Table- 19 status says that a majority 54 percent of respondents have always affected by health
issue is one of the reason of dropout from school. One fourth 20 percent of respondents
sometimes affected by health issue is one of the reason of dropout from school. 20 percent of
respondents have never affected by health issue is one of the reason of dropout from school.
The least number 6 per cent of respondents rarely affected by health issue is one of the reason
of dropout from school. The data shows that health is a big issue to and cause of dropping out
from the school.

Table -20
Feel of school takes good care of Irular

Category Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Feel of school 18 (36%) 11 (22%) 6 (12%) 15 (30%)

takes good care
of Irular

Table-20 status nearly says that one third 36 percent of respondents have never have felt that
idea of school taking good care of Irular children. 30 percent of respondents have always feels
that opinion of school taking good care of Irular children. One fourth 22 percent) of respondents
is rarely have feelings that school takes good care of Irular children. The least number 12 per
cent of respondents sometimes have thought of school taking good care of Irular children. The
findings of the study respondent’s opinions of Irular children that school in not taking care, this
also leads to dropping out from the school.
Table- 21
Feel Education Assist in Developing Life and Teachers Work for the Better School
Environment of Irular
Category Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly
disagree agree nor agree
Feel 6 (12%) 6 (12%) - 4(8%) 34 (68%)
assist in
Teachers 25 (50%) 7 (14% 1 (2.0) 10 (20%) 7 (14%)
work for the
better school
of Irular

Table-21 status nearly describes a reasonable 68 percent of respondents strongly agree have
good feelings on education assist in developing life. A smaller number 12 percent of
respondents strongly disagree have not good idea about feelings on education assist in
developing life. 12 percent of respondents disagree have feelings on education assist in
developing life. The least numb 8 percent of respondents agree have feelings on education
assist in developing life.

Half 50 percent of respondents strongly disagree the teachers do not work for the better school
environment of Irular children. One fourth 20 percent of respondents agree the teachers work
for the better school environment of Irular children. A smaller number14 percent of
respondents strongly agree the teachers work for the better school environment of Irular
children. 14 percent of respondents strongly agree the teachers work for the better school
environment of Irular children. The least number 2 percent of respondents neither agree nor
disagree the teachers work forthe better school environment of Irular children. Disagree by The
suggestion of Irular children have no good feel of education assist in developing life style. But
finding of Irular children strongly disagree the teachers do not work for the better school
environment of Irular community.
Table- 22
Satisfaction of Government Schemes
Category Not at all Slightly Moderately Very
satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied
Satisfaction 25 (50%) 14 (28%) 10 (20%) 1 (2%)

Table-22 status shows the half 50 percent of respondents not at all satisfied by the schemes of
the government that are provided to the Irular community and children. One fourth 28 percent
of respondents slightly satisfied by the schemes of the government that are provided to the
Irular community and children. 20 percent) of respondents moderately satisfied by the schemes
of the government that are provided to the Irular community and children. The least number 2
percent) of respondents very satisfied the schemes of the government provides for the Irular
community and children.

The cause of dropping out from the school is that half of the respondents not at all satisfied the
schemes of the governments. In the particular areas the government is not taking any risk to
improve the education status of Irular children.
Table - 23
Availabilities of Government Schemes
Category Yes No

Availabilities of government schemes 17 (34%) 33 (66%)

NGOS working for Irulars 6 (12%) 44(88%)

Table – 23 status shows that a reasonable 66 percent of respondents not knowing and aware of
availabilities of government schemes for the Irular community. One third 34 percent of
respondents not knowing and aware of availabilities of government schemes for the welfare of
the community. A vast majority 88 percent of respondents not accepting none of NGOs
working for the Irula children. The least number 12percent of respondents is accepting NGOs
working for the Irula Children. Even though there are lot of schemes available to improve the
education status of Irula children but did not reach the places of like Seegarlapalligate,
Pariyakuthi and Nagainarimali these are the areas of Irula communities. This can be one of
the reason of the Irula children dropping out from the school. Seegarlapalligate, Pariyakuthi ,
Nagainarimali and Kariyasandhiram these are the areas are not reached by many people of
volunteers and NGOs because the cause of not reaching this areas located in the forest and lack
of transportation. Even the places are not concerted as a village in Shoolagiri block.

The major findings of the researcher during the period of collecting’s data in the particular
community of Irular. This finding can be to understand better the community problems and the
causes of dropping out from the school after the primary, middle, and high school. This findings
made clear about the current level of the Irular community in socio-economic status and the
educational status of the particular communities.



 Table – 1 explains that 58 percent of the respondents are belong to the age group of 16-
20 years. The respondents states that most of the children are adult, the children have
been dropout from the school in the adult age.

 Table- 2 describe that 70 percent of the respondents of the qualification is 6th to 10th
class. So the findings point out that none of the children reach the higher secondary
 Table -3 make clear that 34 of the respondents are 3rd order of birth in the family. The
findings clearly out that the respondents are 3rd order of birth in the family so these
respondents have responsibilities to take of the younger one in the family.
 Figure -1 express in words that 70 percent of the respondents are having more than six
members in the family.
 The findings of the study that large number in the family is cause of dropping out from
the school.
 Figure -2 make plain that 38 percent of the respondents are above 4earning members
in the family. The findings of the study. Even though there are 4 members earn but the
economic status is below poverty.
 Table -4 unfold that 90 percent of respondent’s head of the family is illiterate, and 100
percent of respondents’ mother is illiterate. The cause of dropping out among the Irular
children is because of the parents’ illiteracy.
 Table -5 explains that 100 percent of the respondents’ parents’ monthly income is only
1000 to 5000. This can be also one of the causes of dropping out from the school.
 Table-6 describe that 90 percent of the respondents live in their house but not having
any proper documents like patta, chitta even though the Irular live in their own house
does not have any granite.
 At any time the government have authority over on the land of Irular community.
 Figure-3 express in words that 50 percent of the respondents are staying in the
community almost 25 years.
 The findings of study clearly point out that after 25 years also have no any


 Table-7 simplify that 86 percent of the respondents are experienced unfair treatment in
the school. Unfair treatment can be a cause of dropping out from the school among
Irular community children.
 Table -8 interpret that 84 percent of the respondents are experienced discrimination in
the school.
 76 percent of the respondents are experienced discriminated by their own class mates.
And finally 64 percent of the respondents experienced discriminated because of low
economic status.
 The findings of the study the discrimination is one of the reason of dropping out from
the school.
 Table-9 describe that 52 percent of respondents are undergone verbal abuse. 56 percent
of the respondents are face physical abuse in the school.
 At last 52 percent of the respondents experienced emotional abuse in the school. So the
findings of the study is that the reason of dropping out from the school can be the
various abuses.

 Table- 10 explains that 76 percent of the respondents experienced that teachers treat
the students equally, 50 percent of the respondents received equal support from the
school, 42 percent of the respondents got opportunity to participate in all activities in
the school.
 This can be also a reason of dropping out from the school among Irular children.
 Table- 11 give an explanation that 42 percent of the respondents are not forced to work
by family members. The findings of the study points out that the children are interested
to work.
 Table -12 explains that 46 percent of the respondents are able to build relationships
with teachers without any fear and anxious. And 74 percent of the respondents have
experienced challenges in the school.
 The findings of the study explains that the children able to build relationships with their
class teachers. But the children have fear to move with teachers.
 Mostly the children faces lot of challenges in the school period.
 Table -13 simplify that 52 percent of the respondents are encouraged by their parents
to go school. 56 percent of the respondents are received financial support from parents.
And 54 percent of the respondents were forced to leave school by parents due to
nomadic style.
 The findings of the Irular children encouraged by their parents to go school. Even the
parents supports the children by providing financial. On the contrary the children were
forced to leave school due to nomadic style of the parents.
 Table -14 clear up that 58 percent of the respondents were strongly disagree that there
is no equal opportunity to express feelings and opinion freely.
 The findings of the study points out clearly that one of the reasons of dropout from the
school is that there is no equal opportunity to express feelings and opinions openly.
 Table -15 make clear 76 percent of the respondents were worried about their exams.
 The findings of the study describes that majority of the children worried about the exam
so this also one of reasons of dropping out from the school.
 Irregularity to the school makes the children to fear for the exam.

 Table -16 teach that 34 percent of the respondents were dropping out from the school
is 2 to 4 years.
 The study found out among Irular community children are dropping out from the
school is 2 to 4 years.

 Table -17 explains that 40 percent of the respondents received lack of motivation to
go school. 44 percent of the respondents were failed in academic perform. The
findings of the study that dropping out from the school is not receiving any motivation
and failing in the academic. The study finding out that among the Irular community
the children experienced lack of motivation to go school. Sometimes only the children
failed in academic perform.

 Health is wealth according to that the Irular children dropout from the school can be
a reason of health issue. Even the thought that school is not taking good care of Irular
children this also one of finding of that Irular children dropout from the school.

 Table -18 describe 46 percent of the respondents face family problem to prevent
schooling. 44 percent of the respondents forced to involve family business.

 The findings of the study spell out that Irular children faces lot of family problems
like alcoholism of both father and mother and low economic status and unemployment
also cause of dropping out from the school.

 The Irular children forced to involve family business like doing work in the agriculture
field, taking care the house works, like care the younger ones, cooking and cleaning
up the houses. These can be a cause to dropping out from the school.

 Table-19 explains that 54 percent of the respondents’ reasons of dropout is health

issues. The findings can be health is a major issues to dropping out from the school.

 Table – 20 explains that 36 percent of the respondents have opposite opinion that
feeling about school takes not care for the Irular children.
 The findings of the study respondents say that Irular children are not taking good care
in the school.
 Table -21 describe that 68 percent of the respondents have the good feel education
assist in developing life in better way. 50 percent of the respondents have the thought
of that teachers not work for the better school environment of Irular children. But
finding of Irula children strongly disagree that teachers does not work for the better
school environment of Irula community.
 Table -22 describe that 50 percent of the respondents are not all satisfied of the
Government schemes. The finding of the study says the Government does not take any
incitation to improve the better education of the Irular children.
 Table -23 explains that 66 percent of the respondents are not aware of availabilities of
Government schemes. Describe that 88 percent of the respondents are pointing out that
none of NGOS working for the welfare of the Irular community children.
 The findings of the study describe that Seegarlapalligate, Pariyakuthi , Nagainarimali
and Kariyasandhiram these are the areas are not reached by many people of volunteers
and NGOS because the cause of not reaching this areas located in the forest and lack of
transportation. Even the places are not concerted as a village in Shoolagiri block.

Researcher during the study field find out lot of sources and the causes of dropping out of the
Irular children in the particular community. The communities are Seegarlapalligate,
Nagenarimali, Kariyasandiram and Pariyakuthi. The socio- economic status of the Irular
community people and educational status of the Irular children. The researcher has a good
experiences by visiting the Irular communities interacting with them. The Researcher has
Remedy for the Irular community children to improve the educational status of the particular


 Provide School Facilities for the Irular Community Children to improve the
Education status for their development
 The Government schemes which is applicable for the Irular community should
reach them on time. Government should take initiative to reach out the unreached
people for their betterment.
 The Government have to play a very important role to improve the status of the
Irular community by providing them the basic facilities such as regular
Transportation, electricity, drinking water facilities etc.
 The Irular community people need to stay a better house to survey in a particular
areas so that the people will not move one place to another for any reasons. If the
Government Provides Land and Contraction House for the settlement can also one
of the best way to improve the Educational status of the Irular children.

 Non-Governmental Organisation have to run Shelter Home for Irular Children

especially for the Orphan, Single Parent, and those who study for away from the
communities. Because among the Irular community the children are not taking care
well by the parents. The Shelter home can be one of the best way to improve the
Educational of the community. The other aspects is that the quality of children
Education can be back bone of the development of the Irular community.
 Evening Tuition for the Children can motivate others in the community, those who
are in the community can know the importance of the Education for their children.
This can be good example to continue the school period time. Develop the slow
learner children.
 Awareness programme can sensitize the people of the community. Educational
Motivation for the children can be reach to the parents and the whole community.
To chance the Irular community in particular areas.
 Skill Development Trainings for the Youth and the Women this may develop the
life status among the Irular community.
 Counselling for the parents of Irular Children is one of the best way to eradicate
Alcoholism in the community. Between parents and children relationship can be
very strong.
 Job opportunities to the Irular people may increase the economic status other aspects
parents may support in financial for the betterment of their children.


 Trained teachers will be teach education in better way to improve the education
status of the children.
 More attention for the weaker students can also reduce the dropout rate in the Irular
 Teachers Motivation and Support to the Irular children in the Schoolmay build a
good relationship to the class teachers.
 Specially the school children may be regular to the classes, increase the interest of
education among the Irular children.
 Able to change the mind-set of the children during the examination there will be
100% of results. So the school going children ratio can increase.
 Equality in the class rooms build confidence to continue the education. Able to build
good relationships with their own classmates.
 Make the Irular children to have a conversation with other students this may chance
to mingle with others in the society.
 Middy day meal Schemes will be good to the school going children and reduce the
 Regularity of the Teachers


 To improve the educational status oftheir children best way to follow eradicate
alcoholism in the Communities.
 To develop the status of education in the communities betterway to eradicate child
 The practice of child marriage should be eradicate in the family this may reduce the
dropout of Irular children.
 Parents need to motivate and support children to go School.
 Create awareness on family planning can be best way to reduce the number in the

“Education Begins the Moment We see children as Innately Wise and Capable
beings. Only then can us Play Along in Their World”

The life comes once to every humanitarians, the childhood is a very precious and
memorable stage for all the humanity. Specify the childhood age Education is
important to everyone. Because the basic education, mould and build a strong
estimate to all the children. So the Education is very powerful weapon to become a
great person in the world. Able to live a quality of life the life may change the
individual and take an example to all the community people and society.

The Researcher suggests improving the Educational status of the Irular children. The
Irular children have the capacity and interest to study and become better in the
community and society. But the environmental scenario makes the Irular children to
Dropping out from the school. The causes of dropping out from the school can be
every side like from the family and the community, no proper guidance of the
teachers. In way to improve the educational status of the Irular children the family
community and the society must support the children and motivate in all the ways.

Without Education Life is Hard to Proceed in the World, because in the Current
Scenario without Knowledge of Education the people are not Welcomed in the
Public Places and even no Respect and Dignity to the Illiteracy person in the
Community and the Society.
The researcher concludes this study of school dropout among children of Irular
community in Shoolagiri Block- Krishnagiri District, that there are still unreached
places of the researcher. Join hands together and identify the unreached places and
the situations of the particular community people and work for the welfare of the
childhood education, because basic education build a better life to every individuals.
“Join hands Together and Work Hard
for the Better Education and Welfare
of the Irular Community Children
to Change their Life Style for the Quality of Life.”


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A study on school dropout among Irular community
I am Suasi Mary Selvi .A doing Second year M.A Social Work in Loyola College. As a
part of my academic curriculum. Doing research on school Dropout among children of
Irular community in Shoolagiri Block- Krishnagiri District. This survey for my research
purpose so I assure that the information which will be collected from the children will be
confidential and utilized only for the academic purpose.


1. Name: Place:

2. Age:

3. Gender: a. Male b. Female:

4. Educational Qualification:

5. Order of Birth in the family:

6. Family members:

a. Up to 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 e. Above 6

7. Earning members in the family:

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. Above 4

8. Father’s Qualification:

a. Primary b. Middle c. High d. Secondary e. Illiterate

9. Mother’s Qualification:

a. Primary b. Middle c. High d. Secondary e. Illiterate

10. Father’s occupation:

a. Labourer b. Shops c. Daily wages d. Unemployment

11. Mother’s occupation:

a. Labourer b. Shops c. Daily wages d. Unemployment

12. Monthly Income:

a.1000 to 5000 b. 5000 to 10000 c. 10000 to15000

13. Type of Housing: a. Own b. Rent c. Others specify___________

14. Duration of stay in the area ___________, Reason for migration ___________


15. I have seen unfair treatment in school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

16. I have experienced discrimination in school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

17. Teachers treat the students equally in the class

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

18. I am discriminated by my own class mates

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

19. I have undergone verbal abuse in the school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

20. I face physical abuse in the school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

21. I have experienced emotional abuse in the school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

22. I am discriminated because of economic back ground in the school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always


23. I have experienced challenges in the school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

24. Opinion in building friendly relationships with school mates

a. Very difficult b. difficult c. Neutral d. Easy e. Very easy

25. I am able to build relationships with teachers without any fear and anxious

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

26. I get equal support from school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

27. I have an equal opportunity to express my feeling and opinion freely in the school

a. Strongly disagree b. Disagree c. Neither agree nor disagree d. Agree strongly


28. My cultural /customs are understood and respected in the school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

29. I get an opportunity to participate in all the activities in the school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

30. I am forced to go for work by my family members

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

31. I am worried about exams

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

32. I am satisfied with my school life

a. Not at all satisfied b. slightly satisfied c. moderately satisfied d. very satisfied

e. extremely satisfied

33. I have dropout from school

a. Within 6months b. Within a year c. within a year to 2 years d. 2 to 4 years before

e. more than 4 years before

34. My parents encourages me to go to school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

35. I get financial support from my parents

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

36. I face family problem that prevent me from schooling

a. Never b. Almost never c. occasionally d. Almost every time

e. Every time

37. I am forced to involve in family business (work)

a. Never b. Almost never c. occasionally d. Almost every time

e. Every time

38. I have spent time involving in family business

a. Every day b. Often c. Sometimes d. Seldom e. Not at all

39. I receive lack of motivation to go to school

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

40. I have failed in my academic perform

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

41. I face problem to build relationship with school mates resulting in dropout

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

42. I am forced to leave school by my parents due to nomadic life style

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

43. My health issue is one of the reason for my school dropout

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always


44. I feel that school takes good care of Irulars children

a. Never b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Always

45. I agree that the teachers work for better school environment of Irulars children

a. Strongly disagree b. Disagree c. Neutral d. Agree e. Strongly Agree

46. IS any NGOs are working for the Irulars children

a. Yes b. No

47. If yes, specify

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

48. Do you aware of availabilities of Government scheme

a. Yes b. No

If yes, specify

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
49. I am satisfied with the schemes of the Government for Irulars community and children

a. Not at all satisfied b. slightly satisfied c. moderately satisfied d. Very satisfied

e. extremely satisfied

50. Which one is the most important support that you need for improving the educational
standards of Irulars Children?

Suggestion if any

இருலர் சமூகத்தின்குழந் ததகளுக்கிதையேோனபற் றிேஆே் வு

சூலகிரிவை்ைம் - கிருஷ்ணகிரிமாவை்ைம் .

யகள் வித்தாள்

நான்சூதசயமரிசசல் வி, இரண்ைாம் ஆண்டுஎம் .ஏ.

சமூகப் பணிலயோலாகல் லூரியில் படிக்கியறன்.

எனதுகல் விபாைத்திை்ைத்தின்ஒருபகுதிோக.

கிருஷ்ணகிரிமாவை்ைத்தில் சூலகிரிவை்ைத்தில் உள் ளஇருலர்சமூகத்

தின்குழந் ததகள் மத்தியில் பள் ளிஇதை

நிறுத்தம் குறித்துஆராே் ச்சிசசே் தல் .

எனதுஆராே் ச்சியநாக்கத்திற் காகஇந் தகணக்சகடுப் பு,

எனயவகுழந் ததகளிைமிருந் துயசகரிக்கப் படும் தகவல் கள் இரகசிே
மாகஇருக்கும் மற் றும் கல் வியநாக்கத்திற் காகமை்டுயம

பேன்படுத்தப் படும் என்றுநான்உறுதிேளிக்கியறன்.


1.பெயர்: இடம்:



4.கல்வி தகுதி:

5. குடும்பத்தில் பிறந்த ஒழுங்கு:

6.குடும்ப உறுப்பினர்கள்
a. Up to 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 e. Above 6

7. குடும்பத்தில் சம்பாதிக்கும் உறுப்பினர்கள்:

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. Above 4

8. தந்ததயின் தகுதி:

a.முதன்தை b.நடுத்தர c.உயர் d.இரண்டாம் படிப்பறிவில்லாத

9. தாயின் தகுதி:

a.முதன்தை b.நடுத்தர c.உயர் d.இரண்டாம் படிப்பறிவில்லாத

10. தந்ததயின் பதொழில்:

a. பதொழிலொளர் b. கதடகள் c. தினசொி ஊதியம் d. வேதலயின்தை

11. தொயின் பதொழில்:

a. பதொழிலொளர் b. கதடகள் c. தினசொி ஊதியம் d. வேதலயின்தை

12. ைாத வருைானம்:

a. 1000 to 5000 b. 5000 to 10000 c. 10000 to15000

13. வீட்டுவசதி வதக:

a. சசாந்தைானது b.வாடதக _______________

14. இப்பகுதியில் தங்கியிருக்கும் காலம் ____________

இடம்சபயர்வுக்கான காரணம் ____________


15. ெள்ளியில் நியொயைற்ற சிகிச்தசதயப் ெொர்த்திருக்கிவறன்

a.ஒருபபாதும் b. அாிதாக c.சில பநரங்களில் d. சபரும்பாலும்

16. நொன் ெள்ளியில் ெொகுெொட்தட அனுெேித்திருக்கிவறன்

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

17. ஆசிொியர்கள் ேகுப்ெில் ைொணேர்கதள சைைொக நடத்துகிறொர்கள்

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

18. எனது பசொந்த ேகுப்பு வதொழர்களொல் நொன் ெொகுெொடு கொட்டப்ெடுகிவறன்

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

19. ெள்ளியில் ேொய்பைொழி துஷ்ெிரவயொகத்தொல் நொன் துன்ெப்ெடுகிவறன்

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

20. நொன் ெள்ளியில் உடல் ொீதியொன துஷ்ெிரவயொகத்தத எதிர்பகொள்கிவறன்

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

21. ெள்ளியில் உணர்ச்சி ொீதியொன துஷ்ெிரவயொகத்தத நொன் அனுெேித்திருக்கிவறன்

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

22. ெள்ளியில் பெொருளொதொர ெின்னணி இருப்ெதொல் நொன் ெொகுெொடு

கொட்டப்ெடுகிவறன்a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்


23. நொன் ெள்ளியில் சேொல்கதள அனுெேித்திருக்கிவறன

a.ஒருபபாதும் b. அாிதாக c.சில பநரங்களில் d. சபரும்பாலும்

24.ெள்ளித் வதொழர்களுடன் நட்பு உறவுகதள ேளர்ப்ெதில் கருத்து

a.ைிகவும் கடினம் b.கடினம் c.நடுநிதல d. சுலெம் e. ைிக எளிதொ

25. நொன் எந்த ெயமும் கேதலயும் இல்லொைல் ஆசிொியர்களுடன் உறவுகதள உருேொக்க


a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

26. எனக்கு ெள்ளியிலிருந்து சை ஆதரவு கிதடக்கிறது

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

27. ெள்ளியில் எனது உணர்தேயும் கருத்ததயும் சுதந்திரைொக பேளிப்ெடுத்த எனக்கு

சைைொன ேொய்ப்பு உள்ளது

a.கடுதையொக உடன்ெடேில்தல b.ஒப்புக்பகொள்ளவேொன்

c.உடன்ெடவேொ இல்தல d.ஏற்கிவறன் e. கடுதையொக ஒப்புக்பகொள்கிவறன்

28. எனது கலொச்சொர / ெழக்கேழக்கங்கள் ெள்ளியில் புொிந்து பகொள்ளப்ெட்டு


a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

29. ெள்ளியில் அதனத்து நடேடிக்தககளிலும் ெங்வகற்க எனக்கு ஒரு ேொய்ப்பு

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

30.எனது குடும்ெ உறுப்ெினர்களொல் நொன் வேதலக்குச் பசல்ல நிர்ெந்திக்கப்ெடுகிவறன்

a.ஒருபபாதும் b. அாிதாக c.சில பநரங்களில் d. சபரும்பாலும்

31. நொன் வதர்வுகள் ெற்றி கேதலப்ெடுகிவறன்

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

32. எனது ெள்ளி ேொழ்க்தகயில் நொன் திருப்தி அதடகிவறன்

a.சற்வற திருப்தி இல்தல b.ைிதைொன c. திருப்தி d. ைிகவும் திருப்தி


33. நொன் ெள்ளியிலிருந்து பேளிவயறிவனன்

a. 6 ைொதத்திற்குள் b.ஒரு ேருடத்திற்குள் c.ஒரு ேருடம் முதல் 2 ேருடம் ேதர d.2

ஆண்டு முதல் 4 ேயது ேதர e. 4 ேருடங்களுக்கு வைல்

34. என் பெற்வறொர் என்தன ெள்ளிக்கு பசல்ல ஊக்குேிக்கிறொர்கள்

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

35. எனது பெற்வறொொிடைிருந்து எனக்கு நிதி உதேி கிதடக்கிறது

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

36. நொன் ெள்ளிப் ெடிப்தெத் தடுக்கும் குடும்ெப் ெிரச்சிதனதய எதிர்பகொள்கிவறன்

a. ஒருவெொதும் b.பெரும்ெொலும் முடியொது c.எப்வெொதொேது

d. கிட்டத்தட்ட ஒவ்பேொரு முதறயும் e.ஒவ்பேொரு முதறயும்

37. நொன் குடும்ெ ேியொெொரத்தில் (வேதல) ஈடுெட நிர்ெந்திக்கப்ெடுகிவறன்

a. ஒருவெொதும் b.பெரும்ெொலும் முடியொது c.எப்வெொதொேது

d. கிட்டத்தட்ட ஒவ்பேொரு முதறயும் e.ஒவ்பேொரு முதறயும்

38. நொன் குடும்ெ ேியொெொரத்தில் ஈடுெட்டு வநரத்தத பசலேிட்வடன்

a.தினமும் b. அடிக்கடி c.சில வநரங்களில் d.எப்வெொதொேது e.இல்தல

39. ெள்ளிக்குச் பசல்ல உந்துதல் இல்லொததத நொன் பெறுகிவறன்

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

40. எனது கல்ேித் திறனில் நொன் வதொல்ேியதடந்வதன்

a.ஒருவெொதும் b. அொிதொக c.சில வநரங்களில் d. பெரும்ெொலும்

41. என் ேொழ்க்தகதய ேளர்க்க கல்ேி எனக்கு உதவும் என்று நொன் நிதனக்கிவறன்

a.கடுதையொக உடன்ெடேில்தல b.ஒப்புக்பகொள்ளவேொன்

c.உடன்ெடவேொ இல்தல d.ஏற்கிவறன் e. கடுதையொக ஒப்புக்பகொள்கிவறன்

42. நொவடொடி ேொழ்க்தக முதற கொரணைொக எனது பெற்வறொரொல் நொன் ெள்ளிதய

ேிட்டு பேளிவயற வேண்டிய கட்டொயத்தில் இருக்கிவறன்

a.ஒருபபாதும் b. அாிதாக c.சில பநரங்களில் d. சபரும்பாலும்

43. எனது ெள்ளி ேிடப்ெடுேதற்கு எனது உடல்நலப் ெிரச்சிதன ஒரு கொரணம்

a.ஒருபபாதும் b. அாிதாக c.சில பநரங்களில் d. சபரும்பாலும்


44. இருலர் குழந்ததகதள ெள்ளி நன்றொக கேனித்துக்பகொள்கிறது என்று நொன்


a.ஒருபபாதும் b. அாிதாக c.சில பநரங்களில் d. சபரும்பாலும்

45. இருலர் குழந்ததகளின் சிறந்த ெள்ளி சூழலுக்கொக ஆசிொியர்கள் ெணியொற்றுேதத

நொன் ஒப்புக்பகொள்கிவறன்

a.கடுதையொக உடன்ெடேில்தல b.ஒப்புக்பகொள்ளவேொன்

c.உடன்ெடவேொ இல்தல d.ஏற்கிவறன் e. கடுதையொக ஒப்புக்பகொள்கிவறன்

46.ஏவதனும் தன்னொர்ே பதொண்டு நிறுேனங்கள் இருலர் குழந்ததகளுக்கொக வேதல

a. ஆம் b. இல்தல

47. ஆம் என்ற குறிப்ெிடவும் ____________________________________

48.அரசு திட்டத்தின் கிதடக்கும் தன்தைகள் குறித்து எனக்குத் பதொியும்

a. ஆம் b. இல்தல ஆம் என்ற குறிப்ெிடவும்


49. இருலர் சமூகம் ைற்றும் குழந்ததகளுக்கொன அரசொங்கத்தின் திட்டங்களில் நொன்

திருப்தி அதடகிவறன்

a.சற்வற திருப்தி இல்தல b.ைிதைொன c. திருப்தி d. ைிகவும் திருப்தி

50. இருலர் குழந்ததகளின் கல்ேித் தரத்தத வைம்ெடுத்துேதற்கு உங்களுக்கு

வததேயொன ைிக முக்கியைொன ஆதரவு எது

ெொிந்துதர ஏவதனும்

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