3.24 4.24 .Cause Effect Conjuncton: N O Conjuncti ON Form/Pattern Examples in Sentences

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3.24 4.24 .


I. Complete the following table !

Followed by 1. She got scholarship from Harvard university
1. Because complete sentence because She studied hard all the time.
2. They were angry because their plans had been
1. The cross country race was discontinued owing to
2. Owing to a storm coming on suddenly when the race was in
progress, and had to be renun the next day
2. Gading must have been struggling to win the case
owing to his rich ex wife that hired so many lawyer
on her side
1. We hid in the basement as the tornado hit our
3. As house
2. My father’s car was broken as it has not been
repaired since the accident
1. She could not come on account of her mother’s
4. On Account of health condition that getting worse
2. He gave up taking part in the marathon on account
of the injuries on his knee
1. She was obese for she always eats junk food every
5. For night.
2. He had been taking care of his little brother for
they only have each other since their parents
passed away
II. Write a short conversations that is using cause effect conjunction
followed by a noun phrase.

KAKA : Hi Kiki, how are you ?

KIKI : Hi Kaka, I’m good, how about you ?

KAKA : Same here, where have you been lately ?

KIKI : well I just stay home since this pandemic because my lovely big
family live in my house. You know I don’t want to harm them especially my
grand parents.
III. Design a Quote which is used cause effect conjunction.

“Don’t judge anyone’s decision, because you were never been in their

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