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Learning activity 2

Evidence: Timelines by Andersson Rincon Molina

1987- I was born on August 8, 1987, when Virgilio Barco was President of
Colombia; I was not born when I was president, the 2000th satellite launched:
Cosmos of the USSR had been launched in the year of birth.

1990-1994- I started studying in the garden from 3 to 7 years old, and I had the
eighth cholera pandemic in the world

1995-1998- I was the best student in my room from 8 to 11 years old, and the
United States had attacked Iraq with weapons.

2003- It had been my last school year, I finished and graduated from high school
and 28,000 people had died in Iran due to an earthquake, I also started the war in
Iraq 16 years ago and today I am 32 years old.

2005- I turned 18 and celebrated with a party and hit Hurricane Katrina with great
force in New Orleans.

2008- I studied industrial electricity at SENA and started a technical career in

crime and Tesla had begun to deliver electric vehicles to the public.
2009-2013- I started my career as a Construction Technologist at SENA and
Barack Obama is the first African American President in the United States.

2015-2016- I traveled to Chile and there I worked and lived from 28 to 29 years
old and North Korea had carried out nuclear activities.

2016- I started working at OLANO INGENIERIA S.A.S at the age of 29 and

Donald Trump had proclaimed himself President of the United States.

2017-2020- Start my professional studies at the Santo Tomas University and

continue working at Olano Ingenieria S.A., I bought my apartment, I had a
beautiful daughter who was born during the beginning of the quarantine due to
the Covid pandemic - February 19, 2020.

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