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P.U. (A) 432. 3884 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT 1974 ENVIRONMENTAL QuaLtTY (SEWAGE) REGULATIONS 2009 ARRANGEMENT OF REGULATIONS, Regulation 1. Citation Interpretation Application Notification for new source of sewage discharge or release 3 4 S. Provision and proper Operation o! sewage treatment system 6. Competent peti 1 Acceptable conditions of sewage discharge 8. Licence ta. contraver Rispiable conditions for cawage diasharge 9. Mettiod of analysis and sampling of sewage 10. Monitoring of sewage discharge LL. Point of discharge of sewage 12. Prohibition against sewage discharge through by-pass: 13. Spill or accidental discharge of sewage 14, Prohibition against discharge of sludge into inland waters or Malaysian waters 15, Restriction on the disposal of sludge onto land 16, Application for disposal of sludge onto Tati 17. Reporting changes in information furnished for purpose of application of licence 18. Display of licence 19, Continuance of existing condition: and restrictions in ease of change in oceupaney 20. Maintenance of records 21. Personnel waining 22. Provision for inspection 3885 P.U. (A) 432. Regulation 23, Owner or occupier to render assistance during inspection 24. Fee for licence 28. Waiver of fee 26. Penalty 27. Revocation, transitional and savings provision’ First Scxepute Stconp Scnepuie Tomo Screpute Fovrns Scuepure Fret Scuepue Sremt Scuepvte, Severn SCHEDULE P.U. (A) 432. 3886 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT 1974 ExvmonMentar QuaLry (SEWAGE) REGULATIONS 2009 Is exercise of the powers conferred by sections 21,24, 25 and 51 of the Environmental Quality Act 1974 [Act 127], the Minister, after consultation with the Environmental Quality Council, makes the following regulations: Citation 1, These regulations may be cited as the Environmental Quality (Sewage) Regulations 2009. Interpretation 2. (1) In these Regulations — “siudge"” means any deposit of particalate matter settled from a liquid, including deposit resulting from physical, chemical, biological or other treatment of sewage: “professional engineer” has the same mezning assigned to it in the Registration of Engineers Act/1967 [Acr 136}: “sewage” means any liquid waste or wastewater discharge containing human, animal, domestic of putrescible matter in suspension or solution, and includes liquids containing chemicals in solution either in the saw, treated or partially treated form; “licence” means a licence referred to in regulation 8 pursuant fo subsection 25(1) of the Act; “parameter” means any of the factors shown in the first column of the Second Schedule; “authorized officer” means any officer appointed under section 3 of the Act or any other officer to whom the Director General has delegated his power under section 49 of the Act; “dilution” means any process making sewage less concentrated by adding water of other liquids from external sources other than liquids or materials used for treating the sewage; “performance monitoring” means the routiae monitoring of certain characteristics, to provide an indication that a treatment process is functional and capable of treating the sewage; “population equivalent” means the equivalent in term of a fixed population of a varying or transient population or other activity, for example industrial ‘or commercial contributing to flow to the sewerage treatment system: 3887 P.U. (A) 432. “sewage treatment system” means any facility designed and constructed for the purpose of reducing the potental of the sewage to cause pollation. (2) Words and expressions which are not defined in these Regulations shall have the same meaning as assigned to, them in the Act. Application 3. These Regulations shall apply to any premises which discharge sewage onto or into any soil, or into any inland waters or Malaysian waters, other than aay housing or commercial development or both having a population ‘equivalent of less than one hundred and fifty. Notification for new source of sewage discharge or release 4. (1) No person shall, without prior written notification to the Director General, discharge or release or permit the discharge or release of sewage onto or into any soil, or into any inland waters or Malaysian waters (2) The written notification to the Director General referred to in subregulation (1) shall be in the form as specified in the First Schedule, Provision and proper operation of sewage treatment system 5. (1) Aa owner or occupier of aay premises shall operate and maintain a sewage treatment system in accordance with sound engineering practice for the tweatment of sewage and ensure that all components of the sewage treatment system are in good working condition. (2) In this regulation, “sound engineering practice” means the manner by which sewage treatment system is operated where the operational characteristics are maintained within the normal range of values commonly used for the treatment of sewage. Competent person 6. (1) The operati ‘competent person. of a sewage ‘reatment system shall be supervised by a (2) A competent person shall be a person who has been certified by the Director General that he is duly qualified to supervise the operation of a sewage treatment system, (3) An owner or occupier of any premises shall ensure that a competent person is on duty at any time the sewage treatment system is in operation. P.U. (A) 432. 3888 Acceptable conditions of sewage discharge 7. (1) No person shall discharge sewage which contains substances in concentration greater than the limits of — (a) Standard A, as shown in paragraph (i) of the Second Schedule, for new sewage treatment systems discharging into any inland waters within the catchment areas as specified in the Third Schedule; (®) Standard B, as shown in paragraph (i) of the Second Schedule, for new sewage treatment systems discharging into any other inland waters or Malaysian waters: (c) Standard A, as shown in paragraph (i) of the Second Schedule, for existing sewage treatment systems discharging into any inland waters within the catchment areas as specified in the Third Schedule; (d) Standard B, as shown in paragraph (ii) of the Second Schedule, for existing sewage treatment systens discharging into any other inland waters or Malaysian waters; (e) Standard A, as shown in paragraph (iii) of the Second Schedule, for existing sewage treatment systems discharging into any inland waters within the catchment areas as specified in the Third Schedule; or (f) Standard B, as shown in paragraph (iii) of the Second Schedule, for existing sewage treatment systens discharging into any other inland waters or Malaysian waters (2) An owner or occupier of a premises shall submit (a program to the Director General and implement such program to ensue that all existing sewage treatment systems, except the communal septic tanks and imhoff tanks— (a) which discharge sewage into any inland waters within the eatchment areas as specified in the Third Schedule, comply with the Standard ‘A-as shown in paragraph (i) of the Second Schedule on or before 31 December 2016; and (b) which discharge sewage into any other inland waters or Malaysian waters, comply with the Standard B as shown in paragraph (i) of the Second Schedule on or before 31 December 2019, (@) In this regulation— (a) “new sewage treatment system” means a sewage treatment built after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations; and (b) “existing sewage treatment system” means a sewage treatment system. approved between the period after January 1999, until immediately before the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, 3889 P.U. (A) 432. Licence to contravene acceptable conditions for sewage discharge 8. (1) An owner or occupier of premises may apply for a licence under subsection 25(1) of the Act to contravene the acceptable conditions of sewage discharge as specified in regulation 5 (2). An application for a licence under subregulation (1) shall be made in accordance with the procedures as specified in the Environmental Quality (Licensing) Regulations 1977 [P.U. (A) 19812977) and shall be accompanied by— (a) a report on sewage charaetedzation study; and (b) a licence fee as specified in regulation, 24. ‘Method of analysis and sampling of sewage 9. (1) An authorized officer may carry out an_in-sit or ex-situ analysis of sewage using any instrament appreved by the Director General. (2) An analysis of sewage discharged or released onto or into any soil, oF into any inland waters or Malaysian waters shall be carried out in accordance any of the methods contained in the publications as specified in the Fourth Schedule (3) The analysis of sewage refered to in this regulation shall be based on grab samples (4) In this regutation— (a) “in-situ analysis” means the analysis conducted on a sewage sample that has not been removed from its location or conducted at the site where the sample was taken; (b) “ex-situ analysis” means the analysis conducted ona sewage sample that has been removed from its location and conducted at the different site from the site where the sample was taken; and (c) “grab sample” means a diserete individual sample taken within a period of time of less then 15 minutes Monitoring of sewage discharge 10. (1) An owner or occupier Of 2 premises that discharges sewage onto or into any soil, or into any inland weters or Malaysian waters shall, at his own expense— (a) monitor the concentration of the parameters specified in the first column of the Second Schedule; and (b) instal flow-meters, sampling equipment and recording equipment P.U. (A) 432. 3890 (2) The owner or occupier of the premises shall maintain a record of sewage discharge monitoring data in the format as specified in the Second Schedule (3) The owner or oceupier of the premises shall submit the first record of sewage discharge monitoring data to the Director General within thirty days after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations and the subsequent reports shall be submitted within thirty days after the end of the calendar month for the report of the previous month, (A) The record of sewage discharge monitoring data shall also be made available for inspection by any authorized officer. Point of discharge of sewage 11. (1) The point of discharge of sewage shall comply with the specifications as specified in the Sixth Schedule and shall be clearly indicated by the owner or occupier of a premises on the layout plars and engineering drawings certified by a professional engineer. (2) An owner or occupier of the premises shall submit to the Director General the layout plans and engineering érawings referred to in subregulation (2) within thirty days prior to the commencement of the operations at the premises. (3) Where an owner or occupier of the premises proposes to make any alteration or change to the location or position of the point of discharge or design of the outlet at the point of discharge of sewage, he or it shall notify the Director General within thirty days prior to the making of any alteration or change, Prohibition against sewage discharge through by-pass 12, (1) No person shall discharge or cause or permit the discharge of sewage conto and into any soil, or into any inland waters or Malaysian waters through a by-pass. (2) In this regulation, “by-pass” means any intentional diversion of sewage from any portion of a sewage treatment system, Spill or accidental discharge of sewage 13. (1) In the event of the occurrence of any spill or accidental discharge of sewage from any premises, which either directly or indirectly gains or may gain access onto or into any soil, or into any inland waters or Malaysian waters, the owner or occupier of the premises shall immediately and not more than six hours from the time of the occurrence inform the Director General of the 3891 P.U. (A) 432. (2) An owner or occupier of the premises shall, to every reasonable extent, contain, cleanse or abate the spill or accidental discharge of sewage in a ‘manner that satisfies the Director General. (3) The Director General may in any particular case, if he considers it necessary to do so, specify the manner in which the spill or accidental discharge is to be contained, clearsed of abated and the owner or occupier of the premises shall comply with such specification (4) The Director General shall determine any damage caused by any spill or accidental discharge and may reeaver all costs and expenses from the owner or occupier of the premises. (5) Where the Director General undertakes to cleanse or abate any spill or accidental discharge, he shall detemmine the full costs and expenses incurred and may recover such costs and expenses from the owner or occupier of the premises in accordance with the provisions of section 47 of the Act Prohibition against discharge of sludge into inland waters or Malaysian waters 14. No person shall discharge or canse or permit the discharge of any sludge that is generated from any sewage ‘yeatment system into any inland waters or ‘Malaysian waters. Restriction on the disposal of sludge onto land 15. No person shall discharge, or cause or permit the disposal of, sludge generated from any sewage treatment system onto of into any soil or suxface of any land without the prior writtzn permission of the Director General. Application for disposal of sludge onto land 16, An application for a written, permission of the Director General under regulation 17 shall be accompanied by the preseribed fee of five hundred ringgit. Reporting changes in information furnished for purpose of application of licence 17. An applicant for a licence ox for the renewal or transfer of such licence shall, within seven days of the oseurrence of any material change in any information furnished in his application or furnished in writing pursuant to a request by the Director General under subsection 11(2) of the Act, give the Director General a report in writing of the change. P.U. (A) 432. 3892 Display of licence 18, The holder of a licence shall display his licence, together with every document forming part of the licence, in conspicuous place in the principal building of his or its premises. Continuance of existing conditions and res ‘occupancy, ictions in case of change 19, Where a person becomes the occupies of a licensed premise in succession to another person who holds an unexpited licence in respect of such premises, then — (a) for a period of fourteen days after the change in occupaney; or (b) where the new occupier appligs, within the period specified in paragraph (a) for the transfer o° the licence to him, for the period from the change in occupancy until the final determination of his application, the conditions and restrictions of the Hicence shall be binding on the new occupier and shall be observed by him, notwithstanding that he is not yetithe holder of the licence or that the licence may, during the period as specified in paragraph (a) or (b), as the case may >e, have expired. Maintenanee of records 20. (1) An owner or occupier of a premises equipped with a sewage treatment system shall maintain records of the operation, maintenance and performance ‘monitoring of the sewage treatment system. (2) The records maintained under subregulation (1) shall be made available for inspection by any authorized officer. Personnel training 21. (1) An owner or occupier of any premises equipped with a sewage treatment system— (a) shall ensure that his or its employees attend training on environmental requirements and on the best practices in the operation and maintenance of sewage treatment systems before they begin work: (®) shall ensue thatthe training forhis or its employees include retraining on updates for new, revised and existing requirements and procedures; and (c) shall mointain records of troiniag which aball include the training date, name and position of employee, training provider and a brief description of the training content 3893 P.U. (A) 432. (2) The record under paragraph (1)(c) shall be submitted to the Director General upon request and shall te made available for inspection by any authorized officer. Provision for inspection 22. An owner or occupier of a premises who discharges sewage onto or into any soil, or into any inland waters or Malaysian waters shall, in connection with such discharge, install inspection chambers, flow-meters, sampling equipment, monitoring equipment, and measuring and recording equipment. Owner or occupier to render assistance during inspection 23. An owner or occupier of any prémises shall provide the Director General or any authorized officer every reasonable assistance and facility available at the premises, including labour, equipment, appliances and instruments that the tor General.or authorized officer may require for the purpose of taking any action. Fee for licence 24. (1) The fee for a licence, including the renewal and transfer of alicence, shall be five hundred ringgit and an additional sewage-related licence fee computed in accordance with the method as specified in the Seventh Schedule. (2) The fee for a licence including the renewal and transfer of a licence of five hundred ringgit shall accompany the application and shall not be refundable (3) The sewage-related licence fee shall not become due until called for. Waiver of fee 25. (1) Ifthe Director General is satisfied that the research on sewage treatment or disposal that is being or is to he conducted om a licensed premises is likely to benefit the cause of environmental protection, he may, with the approval of the Minister, wholly, or partly, waive any sewage-related licence fee payable by virtue of regulation 24, (2) In deciding the extent of the waiver, the Director General shall be guided by the consideration of the pollution loading of sewage being discharged or to be discharged. P.U. (A) 432. 3894 Penalty 26. Any person who contravenes regulations 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22 and 23 shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand ringgit or to a term of imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or to both and to a further fine not exceeding one thousand ringgit a day for every day that the offence is continued after the notice by the Director General requiring him to cease the act specified in the notice has been served upon him. Revocation, transitional and savings provision 27, (1) The Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Bffluents) Regulations 1979 [P.U. (A) 12/1979] is revoked (hereinafter referred to as “the revoked Regulations”). (2) Any application male under the revoked Regulations for a licence to contravene the acceptable conditions, renewal or transfer of the licence or ‘written permission whieh are pending immediately before the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations shall, after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, be dealt with under the revoked Regulations and for such purposes it shall be treated as if these Regulations have not been made. (3) All-Ticences, issued or written permission granted under the revoked Regulations shall, after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, continue to remain in full force and effect until the licence expires, is amended, suspended or canceled, or the written permission expires or is revoked under the revoked Regulations and for such pusposes it shall be treated as if these Regulations have not been made, (A) The provisions of the revoked Regulations relating tothe acceptable conditions for sewage discharge shall costinue to apply until twelve months after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations where on the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations — (a) any work on any construction of any sewage treatment system has not commenced within twelve montis from the date of the issuance of the written permission for its construction immediately before the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations; (b) any work on any construction of any sewage treatment has commenced but has not been completed immediately before the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations; or (c) any work on any construction of any sewage treatment system has been completed but has not begin its operation immediately before the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations. 3895 P.U. (A) 432. (5) Where on the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, any. premises is discharging sewage into any inland waters which is not specified as a catchment area under the revoked Regulations immediately before the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, the provisions of the revoked Regulations relating to acceptable conditions for sewage discharge shall continue to apply to such sewage discharge until twelve months after the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations. (©) Notwithstanding anything contained in these Regulations, upon the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, in relation to sewage discharge from any sewerage treatment system, other than communal septic tanks and imhoff tanks— (a) the provisions of the revoked Regulations relating to acceptable conditions of sewage dischazge as specified in paragraphs (i) and (ii) of the Second Schedule for Standard A shall apply until 31 December 2016; and (b) the provisions of the revoked Regulations relating to acceptable conditions of seWage discharge as specified in paragraphs (ii) and (iv) of the: Second Schedule for Standard B shall apply until 31 December 2019. (D Any proceeding, whether civil or criminal, commenced under the revoked Regulations and are pendirg on the date of the coming into operation, of these Regulations shall. on the date of the coming into operation of these Regulations, be continued and concluded under the revoked Regulations and for such purposes it shall be treated as if these Regulations have not been made. Finsr Scuepute (Regulation 4) NOTIFICATION FOR NEW SOURCES OF SEWAGE DISCHARGE OR RELEASE secnon F IDENTIFICATION OF PREMISES 1. @ Name and address of premises ‘Mailing addvess of premises (if diferent from above): ‘Telephone number: Fax number (id) File seference umber of Department of Environment (if applicable) P.U. (A) 432. 3896 20 @ Co) ) we “ a @ ) @ Stenos Il DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES Deseciption of premises/devslopment project (Please ick ¥ i the relevant box below) Housing! (©) Coimmerciat Residential Instead Estate (4) Mixed (commercial pls seridential) Mixed (industry (Mixed Gndustry plus commercial) ‘plus residential) Hotel h) Resort Others Please describe: Size of premicesHdevslopmient project (Please describe the size of the premist/cevelopment project in terms of population equivalent and other desceiptors such as stmber of units, aumber of rooms, land a3, fre whetever celevant) Population! equivalent Nomber of wait Number of rooms! Land area (acres: Other information: Secnos Ill INFORMATION ON SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM Type of weatmeat system, (lease ck v inthe solevan box below) Conventional Activated () Oxidation Ponds STudge System Extended Aeration td) Oxidation Dien ‘Actsated Sludge’ System Rotating Biological (f) Tricking Fier Contactor 3897 P.U. (A) 432. (g) Sequencing Batch Reactor (1) Others Pease desenibe Seomon IV DISCHARGE INFORMATION 4G) Where is the treated sewage (14 the fia] sewape) discharged into? (Please tick V in the relevant box Helow) (a) Watercourse Name of watercouree: (0) Lake Name of lake: fo). Sea Name. of sea (a) Estuary [Naflé of estuary: (eo). Others Please describe: Location of disetarge point Latitude: Longitude Secriox V DECLARATION. 1 hereby declare that all information given in this form is tthe best of my knowledge and belief trae and eomect Signature of responsible person Name Designation Date: (Affix official seal or stamp of company) P.U. (A) 432. 3898 SscoND ScHepuLE (Regulation 7) ACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS OF SEWAGE DISCHARGE OF STANDARDS A AND B (New sewage trentment system Parameter Unt Standard a 8 o a o o (2) Tenpecate < 0 40 (0) gH Vso - 6090 5580 {6) BOD, a 20°¢ sl 20 so (@) cop net 20 20 (6) Suspended Sots mp. %0 100 ) Oitand Grease mgt. so 100 (3) Ammoniacal Nitrogen (enclosed water ail. 50 50 toa) sal 109 290 (h)Ammeoniacal Nizogen (ves) ol 00 wo (6) Naat Nasogen even) oo 100 to ) Nitto Nivogon eaclored waterboiy) at 50 oe (8) Phosphorous (enclosed water body) Standard/A if applicable to discharges inte any inland waters within catchment areas listed an the Thitd Schedule, whale Standard B is applicable 0 any other inland waters cr Malaysian waters (i) sisting sewage treatment system (approved before January 1999) “This category refers to al gamerage treatment systems which were approved befogs the Guidelines {or Developers: Sewerage Treatment Vol TV. 2nd edition and were enforced by the Department of Sewerage Services, Ministry of Housiag and Local Governatent bepinaing Fanvzry 1999. Below ae the acceptable conditions for sewage discharge accerding to type of sewage treatment syst: ‘Type of Sewage Treatment System Communal Inuhof® Aerated Oxidation Mechanical Septic Tank Lagoon)» Pond System "Tank Parameter Ut A BoA BACB ADB A B oO 2 8H HOD ® Oayayay fa) BOD, st 200 — mpi. 200 200 175 175 100 100 120 120 60 60 @) cop mgL 4 = =~ 300 300 360 360 180 240 (e) Suspended mpi. 180. 18018) 150 120 120 150 130 100 120 Solide (4) Oiland Grease ome = - (e) Ammoniacal mpi «1 100 89 80 70 70 6d 60 itopea. 3899 P.U. (A) 432. Note 1. Standard A is applicable to discharge into any inland waters within catchment areas listed in the Third Schedule, wiule Standard B is applicable to any other inland waters fof Malaysinn waters 2, These standards are applicable to the sewerage treatment systems that may have been constructed prior to 1999 based upon approval given by/other agency, other than the Department of Sewerage Services, Ministry of Housing and Local Government (Gi), Existing sewage treatment system (approved after January 1999), All sewerage nestient system which were approved aftr the Guidelines for Developers: Sewerage ‘Treatment Vol. IV, 2nd edition and were enfree by the Department of Sewerage Services, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, beginning Fanary 1999 and upto the date of coming into operation of these Regulations, Standard Parameter Un ry B (a) BOD, at 200 nig 2 50 () cop spi 10 200 (o)Suapanited Sotide gil 50 100 (a) Oil and Grease agi 2» 2» (2) Ammonieal Nitrogen agi 50 so Nove: Standard ie applicable to discharge iato any inland waters within catchment ares listed in ‘the Third Schedule, while Standard B is applicable to any other inland waters or Malaysian waters, Tero ScuepuLe (Regulation 7) LIST OF CATCHMENT AREAS WHERE STANDARD AAPPLIES 1. The catchment areas refered to these Regulations shall be the ares upstream of surface or above subsurface water supply intakes, for the punpose of human consumption including sinking water. For the purpose of those Regulations, the water supply intakes shall include the public water supply intakes epacified below: (1) The State of Johor Location of Water Name of River! Worer Supply ‘make Reservoir Well Scheme a Qo @ Longitude Latitude (Worth) 23929" Se Muar Segamat PSI Sp. Segamat Segamat P.U. (A) 432. 3900 Location of Water Nane of River! Water Supply Tnucke Reservour Well ‘Scheme © 2 @ Longitude Latitude (East) (North) 102° 03 10" Se. Janseh Sepamat 102° 03 10" Se. Janseh Sepamat 102° 39157" 2825-29" Sg. Tenuta Segamat tore 4955" 220 OLY Sg. Maar Muar 1024711218 TY Se Mane Muar 102° 48" 40" 14) 59" Se. Muar Muse 102° 44 58" SeoMuze Muse 102° 44 03" Se. Moar Muse 102° 05103" Sq. Seinbrong! Bawu Pahat Se. Bekole Tas 103° 32! 24" 17 08" Se. Kahang Kuang 103° 2655" 27" Se, Kihang Kinane 103° 40" 14" 15° Labons Damm Mersing 103° 47 31" 2 Congeok Dam Mersing 109" 39" 22 10") 5g. Lengeor Messing 103° 54007" LLY Sg. Seili Besar Mersing 103°" 16" 27 Bekas Lombong Mersing ros 02 528 38" Se. Gemnbut Kota Tinggi 103° 4950" 52 Se. Pepa Rota Tinggi 103° 4319" Ol Se. Lingaiw Kota Tinggi 103° 40" 05° 14 5p. Sayong ota Tingei 103° 40°05" 14" Sp. Sevong Kota Tinggi 103° 3528" 28 Sg. Penggeli Kota Tinggi 104° 08" 08" 30" Sp. Sait: Kee Kota Tinggi 104° 1213" 30" Lebar: Dam Kota Tinggi 103° 46:58" 4h Se. Toho Kota Tinggi 103° 27" 09" 12" Sp. Peotian Besse Toor Bars 103° 5443" 2 Layany Dam Johor Bakes 103° 5014" OT Sq. Jehor Johor Babu 103° 21" 54" 35° | Se. Seabrong Kinang, 1030 11 01" 28° Sembrong Dam Kinane. 10s 17 47" 1849133" Se. Benue Kuang. 10303 10" 20057" Se. Bekok Transt Batu Pahat 104 09 12" 29.0054 Sp. Bekok Transt Batu Pahat 1030957" «1SHBR—_ Sp. Sembeong Batu Pahat Too" 44°03" 2° 1049" Sp. Maat Muar Location of Water Intake a Longitude Lativude (East) (Worth) 102° 44° Po as 102° 44" 03 Po as 1023456" AT 102° 50° 0 eavor 102° 50" pari 102° 49 P30 35" lor 03 1s 28018 los 52)24" ee ane 103° 3940" 1° 33 30" 10s 341 1° 37 30" lose 4424" 123900" 2) The State of Pahang Location of Water Tniake ay Longitude Latitude (Eas) (Worth) 102° 27°00 ar 00 102° 3700" 3°26 00" 102° 3600" 3900" 102 39°00" aH 45 Ba 00" 3 38° 00" 102° 39°00" 40 00" 102° 4000" 47 00" 102° 3600" 5° 20,00 192° 5900" 56.00" Fon 03" so st 103° 23°00: 330 1s 10x 1000" 39 00" 103° 2600" 08 00" 103° 23) 3 330 4 3901 Name of River! ReservoirWell Q Se Muar Se Muar Ledang Dam Se. Segamat Sp. Segamat Se. Segamat Sp Javseh Se Jotior Se. Skudai Pulai Dam Se. Tebrau Name of Ruver! Reservoir/ell Q Se. Pahang Se, Pahang Se. Pahang Se. Jempot Se. deinpol Sp. Lint Se. Jempol Sp denik Se. Mentiga Se, Keraung Se. Aur Sp. Keratung Se. Pahang Sp, Pahans Ground Water Se. Pahang P.U. (A) 432. Worer Supply ‘Seheme o Muar Muar Muar Segamat Segamat Segamat Segamat PUB Singapura PUB Singapura PUB Singapura PUB Singapura ‘Weer Supply ‘Scheme a Batu Sanar Bukit Kertay Chenor [Uta Jempot Jengka 37 Kg, New Zealand Simpang Jongh Sp. Jerk Pump House cin Paluh Rombeb Aur Keratung, Ke. Mengkasar Lepar/Polau Manis Newasi Pram PLU, (A) 432. Location of Water Longitude (East) 103° 19° 00" 101 53° 00° 101" 4500" 1018 49" 00 101° 58" 00 101" 49 00° 102° 01" 00° 101® 51" 30" 101° 59! 00" 102° 00" 00 101® 48! 30° 101 47 456 103° 29° 36° 103° 26135" 102° 10" 30" 102° 18° 00" 102° 30! 00° 102° 33° 00" 102° 22°00 102° 26 00* 102° 23° 00 01° 2430" 101° 55° 00" 101° 53" 00" 102° 03" 00* 101° 53°00" 102° 0710" 102° 00" 30° Tnucke «@ Latitude (North) 3° 35° 00" 341 09" 344 00" 3°56 09" 3°55! 00" 4 19° 00" 342 00" 3 4siage 3044 30° 3946: 00" 3° 4100" 4 12:30" sag 24 oars 3 31 00" 3° 1800" 2° 1800" 30 24 00" 28 45:00" 2 30 00" 0 31 00" 314 30" 3° 2900" x 3° 26: 09" oo 3 41 00" 3 13! 20" 33300" 3902 Se Se Se Se, Se Se. Se Se. Se Se Se 5 Nane of Riveré Reservour Well e Pohang Bau Hijau hero, Kelos Tela Penang Baut hate Kelme Teas Boyan Ground Water Emgargan Se Anak Enda Se Se Se Se Se. Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se. Semantan ‘Teviang Bera Patang Kea Pahang Semantan ‘Tenane, Bens Bemus Tenelong Bue Gai Pesjoring Kelaw Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Sekar Blue Bukit Fraser Pomp House Cheroh Dong Kuala Medang Pump House Lj Air Seladang Bukit Damar Bukit Mend Bera Charu Puung Jenderak Utata Lobule Kawah Mensaia ‘Trang (Baru) Be 4, Jin. KL/ Bentong Janda Baik Konak Lorah Biter Se. Gapoi 5p, Penjuring Se, Sertik Location of Water Longitude (Eas) 101° 25°30" 101° 25°00" 101° 21°60" 101° 24°10" 101° 23° so" 01° 24 20" 01° 21° 40 roi 253" 102° 11° 00" 02° 24°42" 102° 8)00" 102° 19° 00" 1022 31°48" 107 3342" 102° 16° 00 102° 11° 00" 101° 58° or 59° 102° 02 102° oF 60" 102° 06 0" 103° 22° 00" 103° 21°00" 103° 12 00" 03° 15) 34" 103° 15° 00" 103° 6 00" 103° 12° 00" Intake a Lativude (Worth) #3120" 34 00" 27 00 24 35" 28 20" 334 40" 24 20" 30902" 00°00" 57 30° 3 53°00" 4° 08 00" 3°52 008 3° 50°00" 4°05 00+ vr 4° 07 00+ + 09" 14 25" 10 20 38 00" £19 00" 51" oon Por 00 53/00" aye B15 00" 8 3300" 55 00" 3903 Se Se Se Se Se Se, Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se, Se, Se Se Se Se Se, Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Name of River! ReservoirWell Q Berta Perlong, Jasin Bestam Lnehat Tk Ringler ‘Trangkap, Chota Palrng ‘Teleam Reang, Tekan Tekan Sela Sela Lipia Jetai Lipis Merapoh Temas P.U. (A) 432. Worer Supply ‘Seheme o Brinchine Kuala Terla Lubok Tamang “Takong Empangen Bertam Valley “Takong Empangan Hb Takong Empangan Ke Raye “Takong Empangan Ringlet ‘akong Empangan ‘Tringkeap Batu Balsi Baw Emu Jenga 6-15, Padang Pio Se, Tekam Se, Tekam Utara Mola Be 9 Hatt Beata Bukit Berong Kuala Lipis ‘Merapoh Pump House Se. Temas Pump House ‘Aloe Bate Pump House Baru Sp. Ular Bukit Gob Bukit UbviKe, Kobat Ke, Padang, Lepar Hie asi Kern P.U. (A) 432. 3904 Location of Water Nane of River! Water Supply Tnucke Reservour Well ‘Scheme © © @ Longitude Latitude (East) (North) 103" 1300" «35300 Se. Berkela Paya Bungor 10s 21" 00" «3° 50°00" Sg. Kista Semamb 10s 0 00" «3°56 0" Sg. Kesantan Se. Lembing @) The State of Kelanta Location of Water Nane of River’ Water Supply Intake Reservorr Well Scheme @ 2 @ Longitude Lasiude (East) (North) 102° L440" 60650" Kg /Patch Wellfeld Kampong Put 102" 1640" 6° 05 20% _Kubane Kerian Kubang Kenan Wellfield 102° 1740" 60940" ——Pongklan Chops _—Pengkalan Chopa Welltola 1028 LV 1S* 60550" Pinta Geng WellfieldPinr Geng 1028 161 15" 96° 0830" Ty. Mas Welifielé Tanjung Mas 12 le 44" OS 18" Kubang Kesian Chicka Walltla 12 157" «GO 53" Ke. Seibong hicha Wellfeld 102 1903" «GOH ALY Kp. Caicha Wellfield Chicka 12 1s a8" 60S 12 Chicka 102% 16 48" GO OLY Ky. Pasi Tumboh Chica Weilietd 102° 19144" 6" OF 29" KBSPudang Penyadat Ciena ‘Wellield 102° 1708" «6 O5-38" Kg. Kenai Wellfislé Chica 102905120" 6? 12°30" Wakaf Bhar Walaf Bharu Wells Wellfield 3905 P.U. (A) 432. Location of Water Name of River! Worer Supply Intake ReservoirWell ‘Seheme a Q @ Longitude Laniude (East) (Worth) 102° 11°50" OP 00" Keg, Sadar Wettield Kp. Sedae 10209 28" POF 50" Sp. Kelantan Kobe 101° 5800" OL 10 _Rantay Panjang ‘Rantau Panjang Wellield 10208 31" @ OF 1S" Sp Kelantan Lema 102° 20" 40 © 02/30" KgChap Wellfield Kp. Chap 102° 29 10" 5°00. 50 Kg Chap Wellfield Ke. Chap, 102 24°00" 6 0 50" ——Falawat Wellfield —_Jelawat 1022450" Say 4S" Sp. Rasa Wakaf Bunt 102° 19°08" S311 Sp. Kelantan ‘Tualang 102° 13° 40 5° 28°20" Sp. Lebir Pahi 102° 12 20" 583,30" Sg. Lebir Manik Ural 102° 08 40" == S41 50" Sg. Kelantan Kg. Bandar Kemubu 102° 05145" 585950" Se. Moning Kemahane 1020920" 5°47 20" Sp. Kelantan Bubit Rema 102° 0545" 595550" Sg. Jegor Bending Nyior 101° 3830" 5° 30.00" Sp. Fedo Batu. Gajah 10280530" S41 00" Sg. Kesila Kuala Tiga 101° 53 25 34g 40" Sg Lame ‘Ait Lanse IOIe 30°30" 5°49 00" Se, Penpals Je 529 20" SeeTerang ‘Kuala Baten 51820" Sp. Stong Seong, 10204 14" 5°04 50" Se. Galas Liman Kastust 102° 18° 29 PSP 40" Sp. Lebir sing 102° 02 39" SOB 50" Sp. Nenggiri Bertam bart 102 1036" 59567 Sp Cin cok lie sooT #5035" Se. Ket Se. Keil 114725" PSH OLY Sp. Betis Ponggung Lalat PLU, (A) 432. (4) The State of Perlis Location of Water Intake Longitude ‘est 10009 14" 100 16 15" 100° 19 00" 100" 12 00" 100° 12 00" 100 14 30" o Latitude (North) eww e291" ears" ear 0" 34.00" ease (6) The State of Kedah Location of Water Longiude (East) 100° 2548.3 109° 27" 34.8" 100° 3636.0" 100° 41" 180" 109" 43° 10.5" 100° 29" 2.47" 100 4353.8" 100° 26 6.2" 100° 3643.4 100° 29 47.3" 1008 20" 50.6" 100° 37" 13.8" 1008 2628.3 100° 24" 54.1" 100° 4137.8" 100° 30" 3 5 ‘nth a Lasiude (Nort) 205" ns" 480" 23 193" 20 038" 480" 262" Bs 138" 268" one 366" 400" be 3906 Name of River! Reservorn Well a Anak Sungai ‘TelagaGereks Mada Canal ‘Telaga Gere Sungai Rasa ‘Enapaigan Timah ‘Treo ‘TelazaGerek ane of Bier! Paaet ® Tet. MADA Utara Se. Padang Terap Kuala Nerang Se. Abning Se. Mada ‘Ter MADA Selatan Se. Mada Se. Temin Se. Mada Se. Mada Seo Mada Se. Mada Goansg Jersi Gontzg Jersi Se. Chepir de. Mada Se. Mada Water Supply ‘Scheme o Terusan Ara Felda Chuping, Wang Kelian “Timal Taso Semadong Water Su ee 3 ‘Alor Star Sutra Buala Nerang Padang Sanai Nami Bukit Jenun Lob Mesbas Ghangioon Jeneti Pinang Tungeal Pinang Tunggal Jeniang ‘Topsh Merboke Sik Bukit Selambau Location of Water Iniake Longitude (East) 100° 29 100° 29" 100° 37" 100° 26 100° 24 100° 29 100° 29" 100° 37" 100° 26 100° 29 100° 29" 100° 37 100° 26 00° 24" 100° 1" 473" soe" 138" 283" saan an3" 596" Be 283 an3" 596" Bar 283" saan 10" a Latitude (Worth) 339 3907" 5 40 230" Say 524° 336 306" Bay U8 viv 407 5° 28 570" 321 505° 508 180" G27 58" @ aman oar 094 @ 1s 165" @ 24 © 20 26" (6) The State of Pera Location of Water Inake Longitude (East) Jo 35 Joo 57 Jog" 51 tog 51 tor of tore o# tore 04 tor 10 ore or 101° 00 be ow 3 oo 33 10" 1 45° oo 20" ay Lativude (Worth) #56 25" ras or rayon 3617 eye wear ae #59 00 #54 40" 4 ae say ae 3907 Name of River! ReservoirWell Q Se. Ketil Goong Tnas Gonvag Tnas Kuala Ket Se. Se Se Se Se. se Se Moda Ketian Sedion Keli Kean Raga Melaka Empangan Malut Sp. Tolle Bujur Ter. MADA, Arzu ‘Mada Canal (Arau Canal) Name of River! Reservoir/Wall Se Se, Se Se Se Sa Se Se Se Se Q Biong Perak Kangsae Coase Kesbau Bemban Kuch Korba Kia Semangga P.U. (A) 432. Worer Supply ‘Seheme @ Baling Baling Baling uals Ket Teloi Kanan Mahang, Bilean Sp. Ur Lubuk Bunter Langkawi Langkawi Langkawi Pulau Tuba Langkawi Se. Baru Woter Supply ‘Scheme o Sauk ‘Kota Lama Kitt Pa, Rengas Masons, Se, Siout Se. Sipat Felda Lassh Pengkalan Hulu PLU, (A) 432. Location of Water Tncke Longitude (East) 104 04 1 101 01 02 101¢ 08 03° ote 20" 02 wore “a 101" 09 43° 101 oy 1 1018 00 41" 1008 51 38° 1008 281 38° 100° 38 06° 100° 461158 1008 461 15° 100" 46 29° 1008 461 16° 1008 451 53° 1008 491 23° 1008 51 2 1008 52 30° 1008 So 30° 100° 4" 58° 100° 45125° 100° 42 56° 1008 461 07° 100° 46110" 1008 46113" 1008 44 45° sve uy aus 101 10" 38" @ Latitude (North) 542 00" 5°38 08" sean sir se33 10" sea 48° 520 dor Se 18 55° sean age 5806.55" soos st" y 45045" 5738" 4 3x 4°50) 39° 48 50 06° 495205" soa arr se 15:40" 5°09" 10" 5° 00°55" 4 or sano asa 403738" 43030" 484g a7 sag ate oe or 3908 Nane of Riveré Reservowr Well o Sp. Kuak Sp Kajang. Sp. Berok Sp) Perak-Taoek ‘Tenenggor Sp. PatakeTasbk Basia Se Perak Se Pils Se bot Se. Lenggong ‘ecusan Besse ‘Teusan Selinsing Se Renting Se Anak Ranting Se Batu Tepub Se Tupst Se. Air Toso Se. Sopotsh Se Solana Se Kiiaa Grong Se. Ale Hits Se Rucaw Se Teron Se Wang Se. Nyice Se Puta Sp Lar Sp Bish Se Rampar Sp. Paks Water Supply ‘Scheme @ “Lepag Neneing Kian Ina Ke Joos Patan Banding Grit V ‘it Gund Lavi Kinayat Swmpitan Lengeone Jin Bars Guming Semangeot Taiping Headsorks Taiping Headworks “Taiping Headworks “Tosping Headnorks Taiping Headworks Songst Bayor Sela Ketian Gonsig Jets Bite Kuaw ‘Terone Ai Texjn ‘is Tex Ai Teun ‘Ais Koning ‘Ae Koning Se, Rampur Se. Pati Location of Water Longitude (East) 100° 53°00" to 54 100" 47 00" Joo" 47 07" tog? 56:1" tole 19: 40" wor 20 43" tore 31 48° wi te20" Ior 25:39" 101° 25°39" ore 2474 01° 30" 2 Iniake a Latitude (North) 37 45 oir 400% rie £24 Px fin eorue #3229 eur or #125 Pivor ur sx 59 38° eorin esrain Port 359 30" () The State of Penang Location of Water Longitude (East) 100° 16 1 100° 15° 56 100° 16 58" 00° 14° 41" 100° 14 28" Iniake a Latitude (North) 5 2406 pans 326 25" 326 53" P29 31" 3909 Name of River! ReservoirWell Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Q Tapa Perse Kinta Perse Perak Perse Lichin Bervas Perak Big. Padang Wha Bebrang Sangha: role rola Tesong, Gebiting Name of River! Reservourell o Sp. Air Hitam Sp. Air tam Gx. Tepi) Se. Ais Tera Se. Batu Feringhi Se. Batu Feringhi P.U. (A) 432. Worer Supply ‘Seheme ® Se. Topab Soltan Idris Sha I Ue Kints ‘Tele Kepayang Kg. Palob BBB Ser Iekandar Bernas Beruas Kampong Gajah Bukit Temob Bult Temob Se, Dara Felda Gunung Besowt “Trolak Selatan “rola Timer Felda Se. Klan Tp. Malim (Proton Cis, Worer Supply ‘Seheme ® Palas Pinang, Pulau Pinang untuk ‘olam Air Air Ita Palaw Pinang, Pulau Pinang, Pulau Pinang untuk ddan Kolam Air Bat Feringhi PLU, (A) 432. Location of Water, Longitude ‘est 100° L4 20° 100° 14 42" 100° 14 45" 100° La 45" 100° 14 45" 100° 17 328 100° 1728 100° 16 23° 100° 16! 18" 100° 1697" 100° 1549 100° 13133" 100° 13 40" 100° 1417" 100° 16133" 100° 16 45" 100° 14 55" 100" 13 sa 100° 3013" Tncke @ Latitude (North) S27 ir se 58 261 55° Le ear a 3°26 08" 0 951 02" 327 39" 27 aa cc 2 5824 15" se 24 6 528) 15° sean ay 5824 55 5° 251 09" 523 40 5° 26° 05" 3910 Nane of Riveré Reservowr Well ® Se. Bato Feringhit Se. Bato Feringhi Se, Bera Feringhi Se. Batu Feringhi Seo Batu Ferringhit Highlands Highiends Se. Keil Se. Keeil Se. Klean Talian Kuasa Se. Klean Se. Piatug Barat Se. Pinang Barat Anak Sg, Sebelah BV Se Sin ‘Agak Sp. Tats Kolin) Air ‘Tier Hill ‘Empangun Air Isa Se. Kuli Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Polay Pinang untuk Kola Air Guilemard dan Kolam Air Bata Feeringht Palau Pinang untuk Kolam Air Guilemard dan Kolam Air Bats Feringhi Pulau Pinang vara Kolam At Gailemant an Kolam Air Bata Fersinghi Polaw Pinang vutuk Kolam Air Guilemard ddan Kolam Air Bata Fersinght Pulaw Pinang untuk Kolam Air Guilemard ddan Kolam Air Bat Fersinghi Pulau Pinang, Belkan watok Kea Aus Aur Tern Pulau Pinang Pola Pinang untuk Kolam Ait Guilemard ddan Kolam, Ase Bats Ferringht Pala Pinang, Pulau Pinang vatwk Kolam Air Guilemard dan Kolam Air Bats Ferninght Polav Pinang Bekalan untok Kolam ‘Ait Balk Pulau Pola Pinang. Palas Pinang, olay Pinang Pulau Pinang untuk Kawasan Bulat Bendera Patay Panag mw Kola Ait Air tama Seberang Perai Utara Iniake a Longitude Latitude (East) (Worth) loo 2915" S37 A 100 2952" sea 33 100° 30° 39 soror 10321 08 35 100° 17°00: 52500" 00° 1441 36 53 100° 14°35" 5° 28 00" 100° 34° 0) 9 10/00" 100° 32°00" 5° 0 00" 10029: 00 #2@r0 (8) The State of Selangor Location of Water Take o Longitude Lotitude (Eat) (Worth) 101° 04 48 ay 48" 101° 40" 06° sort 1o1e23 54" 49 30" Wre26 48" PH 2 101° 2530" P37 30 woiess4 38 Sa 01° 4 20 a6 40" 101s 34°00" «#24 30" 01° 26 48 3 2400" 101° 25° 20 323 20" tore 2520" 2¥ 20" Location of Water 3911 Name of River! ReservoirWell Q Se. Mada ‘Kola Ate Bukit Berapit! Se Menekvane Kolam Air Cherole ‘Tok Kun Kolim Air Bukit anchor Se. Air Poth Sg, Batu Feringhi Sp. Batu Feringhi Sg. Kecil Hil Simpang, Han Enapanga Tek Bahane ‘Name of River! Reservoir/Well o Se. Bema Se. Batang Kali Sg. Dusua, Se. Beroars Se. Teng Se. Taki Se. Geraci Se, Darah Se. Selangoa! Se. Tinge! Sp. Selangor! Enpangan $3. Tinga Se. Seangon! Empangan $2. Tinged P.U. (A) 432. Worer Supply ‘Seheme ® Seberang Perai Utara Seberang, Perai Tengah Seberang, Perai ‘Tengah Seberang, Perai Selatan Pulau Pinang Air Him Palas Pinang, Palau Pinang Batu Feringhi Seberang Pesai Selaran Seberang, Pera Selatan Pata Pina, Water Supply ‘Scheme o ‘Sabak Bernama Holu Selangor Holu Selangor Holu Selangor Hiau Selangor Hulu Selangor Hila Selangor Hulu Selangor Koala Selangor Koala Selangor Kala Selangor PLU, (A) 432. Location of Water Inrake a Longitude Latitude ‘est (Nort) rors 25-20" 3°23 20 Tore 130" 383230" 1oie ar 10" 3°16 05 Tore 4000" 3° 17 00 roi 4400" 3° 18 30" IOI 3650" 3d AS rie aa iss eT SH loan 36" 3° gH iors sy 00" OF 05" 101s 4806" P0942» Tole 2900" 3° 1000" rowan ase 804 a2 Tole 4636" 3°02 36 rors 4 28) 0s a8 ole 53835" ge 1315" wore sy is" 31250" wie 4536" 4 AG 101 40148" 29 50.48 role 43°05" 4 oI 44° 20° 20" tole 25.2 15.9" 199" 1ol® 2620.5" 12" ior se 17" 3° 30304" ole 44 10" "531 30° rie 42150" 2859 28 IoIe 4s 10" 580915" tole 2005" 3° 40:50" ror 26 48" 304430 3912 Name of River ReservoriWell o Sg. Selangoo! Empangsa Se. Tuget Se. Siren Sg. Batw/Empangan Bata Se. Kanching Sg. Gembale Sg. Buioh Se. Remnput Se. Keoh Sp. Paw Se. Ampang Se. Subang/Empangan Subang Sg. Langat/Empangan angst Se. LangavEmpangan Langat Sp. Seri Sg. Lolo Sg. Pangsoon Se. Kiang/Empangan Klang Gates Sg. Langat/Empsngan Langst Sg. Law Se. Semenyib Empangan Seaieaiyi Batang Berjuntai/Se. Selangor Batang BerjuntailSe, Selang>x Rasa/S2. Selangor Se. Semenyit Sg. Senenyat Se. Ampang, Se, Batons ele Sg. Bernama Se. Beam Water Supply ‘Scheme e Kuala Selangor ‘Kuala Selangor Gombak Gombak Gombak Gombak Gombak Gombak Gombak Gombak Kelang Halo Langat Hulu Langat Hula Langat Hulu Langat Hulu Langat| Kuala Lumpur Kuala Langat Sepang Sepang ‘Kuala Selangor Kuala Selangor Kuala Selangor Sepang Sepang. Gombak Hulu Sclongor Sabak Beraam Huo Selangor Location of Water, Take Longitude (East) oie 31 42 101 01 41 30" 01° 44°00" 102° 44 00" lo 36 1 oie 401 101s 37 3 01° 30" 4 01° 42° 05) 01° 40 48" 101° 46 361 101° 50" 18" 01° 50° 2. wore 434 018 40°00 1018 45:03 oI 26 4 101 26 4s wore 47 ¥ 101° 25 40" ore 45° 4 102° 45° 36" 101° 47 30" wore ar 1 101° 28 48" o Lotitude (Worth) eon 40 30" Bag 4" 1s 30° IT 06" 339 05" 3 16 24 3 is aw ose 2 ar os" 350 48" 3 0m 36 pas a2 Ban 36" 3 ihas 3 IT 00 8 18 00" 05 48" 83815" 6 Pte 3 04 42" FIT os 10 00 (8) The State of Sarawak Location of Water Intake Longitude (east) inne 547" mn 52.37" a Latitude (wort) 13452" Passi 3913 Se. Se Se Se Sp se Se Se Se Se Se. Se Se Se Se Se Se. Se Se, Se Se ‘Name of River! Reservotr/Well ® Dusan Gerachi Goma coma ik, Kepoug Kero Kobo Lab Langat Lagat Loo Pangsoon Pasa Ranghap Romput Selangor Selangor Seri Tongs Empangan Klang, Gates Enpangan Klang Gates Empangaa) Langat (dsearge into'Sp. Langa) Empangan $3- Bana Empanga Tasik Sabon Name of River! Reservowrell Q Se. Batang Rayang Se. Batang Rayang P.U. (A) 432. Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Halu Selangor Hina Selangor Kuala Selangor Gombate Gombate Hulu Selangor Gombak Se. Keroh Kala Selangor Sepang Kuala Langat Hala Lagat Hulu Lagat Halu Langa Gombak Gombak Gombak Kala Selangor Koala Selangor Hala Langoe Hou Selangor Kala Lampar Gombak Holy Lagat Gombate Ketone Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Sibu Sibu PLU, (A) 432. Location of Water Intake Longinide (East) L10* 16 42 110° 16 44" 110° 1633" 110° 16 31" 110° 12 30 110° un 1a" 110 1253" 112° 02 05" Lg 02 05" 114° 08 05" 11 OF 58" 11s 07 40" 11a? 58° 10" Ls® 02 27 Lg? 25:45" 110° os 4 109° sav 110°28" so 110° 24 084 109 47 44" 110° oF 56" 111 31° 10" 111° 25° 00" Le 37° 10" LLP 49" 1 1 3813" LLLP 23° 05" 111° 10" 16" 112° 5 0s" LLLP 32° 16" 113° 08 33" 113° 06 32" 111° 02' 09" 111° 07 00" UEP 12 19" @ Laside (North) por pari 1 26:58 1 26 52" pasar 3633" 1834 56° 4 18 18" #18" 49 18 18" 4° 18106" surat 44001" 3707" 240 30" vow ar 1 40: 52° 13848" 1 17 28" Para 1 26 52° 08 14" 1°06" 15° 117 08" 00" 107 53" BP ip2: anos won 26 pear go 12 320 svar 2 39°38" 1 10: 00" pas or" 3914 Se Se Se Se ane of Reet Resowdrel a Sarawak Kisi Sorawale Ki Sorawale Kish Serawak Kini Empaigan Matang Se Coa Sebubar Basin Take Se Se Se Se Se Se, Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se, Sa, Se Sa Se Se Se ice Liv Lise Like Bukong Berawan Pendaruan Kat Sorawake Kanan Lindy Selabot ah Sebat Besar Siniawan Butang Undup Dor Dor Butang Ai Marwp Seterap Sngok Lemanale Swabia Shin sia Meludam Butang Layar Dinat Water Supply heme o Batu Kitang, Kuching Bats Kitnae, Keching Baw Kitnae, Kaching Batu Kitang, Kuching ‘Matang, Kuching Marang, Kuching Marang, Kochi Misi Misi Misi Mini Busi Limbang, Limbang Bako Kuching Kuching Kuching Siboraa, Tapah and Beratole Sematan Kuching Sn Aman Metugi Skrang Lob Anta Engtali Pat Lingg Lbuk Anta LDS Stumbin/Bijat Bintan Brorula Metudan Betong Beladia Location of Water Longitude (East) me 17s" ln 19 34° near 111° 30°05" Lu 4045" uy 5415" in 19 2" use 23 114° 55° 48" U1s® 19° 17" U1s* 16 15" 110° 33" 459 110° 37" 08" 10° 47 61" 110° 40" 00° tno 37/01 110° 5 06" 110° 21" 18> 110° 45° 58" 110° 48" 26" 113° 16 08" uy 5132" 113° 29" 49" 113° 42" 49" 112° 4705" 129 47 15" 113° 56 42" 114° 19° 06" 1149 24 43" 113° 55°44" 114° 06 15" 113° 47 2" 112° 35° 09" 112° 23" 28" Intake a Late (Worth) 1°38 39" aris ow at Por 3st 15335" rors > ov 54 ea9 fay ue #50 32" Pur os 1° 09 a5" 1° 08 03" 18 27 03" Vz 23 wars 8 a1 08 or 45" 13336" ox oF 30g 43" Psy Py 39 8 09 4" + 4's" 04 os 0 52" © 10/46" pay se P08 26° 358 02 44 00" Boy a Po 28 3915 Se Se Se Se ss ome of er ‘ene Q Unda Sebelak Bintangor Bintangor Jule Se Juan se Se. Se Kerubong Gaya Menuang ‘SH)Batang Trvsan Se Se Se Se se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Batang Trossn Sadong, Sinyara Melanjok Kayan Batang Krang Nonok Sebayan Sob Sebangen Krang Sebangat Sap Kisi Batane Kemens Jeane Ground Water Se Se Se Se Se Se Ss se Se Se Amp Koya Batang Baram Batang Baran Kejapil Bakoug Nish ‘Mokab Um Mulkah P.U. (A) 432. Water Sup chem o Pusa Betone Bintangor Sarikei Paka, Jol Selalang Lawas Lbs Tengah Trosan Sundar Serian “Taibo Simunjan “Taehakay Gedong Samarahan Seba Tebeds Sebaagaa, Balai Ringin Sebaub Tau Labang Tubaw Binmaly intake Bakaw Min Long Lama Bekeaw Belure Ninh, Subis ‘Ulu Mokah No, Seka PLU, (A) 432. Location of Water Intake Longinide (East) 112* 04 19 112° 04 46 1119 58 30" ue 1821" 112° 09" 08" 112° 5615" 113° 46:02" 113 4957 12 3224 112° 09" 05" 111P 43" 10" 111° 50" 28" 112° 21° 36 LLP 30 42" Le 23°32" nw iy we Lue 35/08" 1197 sar Ue 27° 50m (10) Federal Territory of Labuan @ Laside (North) 257 26" anise oan ase 3! 08" ° 55 18 28 00" 1" oe 4033" 149° 08" 25617 29 031 57" 2° 50! 05 441 2°05" 16" 238 225057 ov aw ase 2044" oan st 30! 09° Location of Water Intake Longitude ‘est 115 11 0" 115° 10 00" 115® 13 00" 115° 12" 59" 115° 14 59 15* 15-01" @ Latitude (North) Se 20 or 3° 19°00" 3° 19° 00" sss sean 3er supa 3916 Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se Se ane of Reet Resowdrel a Ranowit Bawang Assan Neemah Kaban Nyemah Batang Rejang Belage Butane Batet Seyung, tang, Muah Lasai Dagan Nangar Seuan Besar Mabua Muara Serdang Ground Water Se Se Buang Jemoreng Dao Ground Water Nane of Riveré ReservornWell 2 Se Kina Benawa Se Kina Beniwa Sp Kina Benawa Se Kina Benuwa ‘Teaga Tin Borehole No. Alo Teaga Tob Borehole INo. M. Water Supply heme o Macha Sibu Ne. Inga Ng. Tada Ne. Nawngua Kapit Belaga Ne. Eatawau Balingan Moka Tan Kut Kuala Balingian Keg. Tian Semwp alot Maw Dato Sai Water Supply Scheme o Empangan Air Bukit Kuda Empangan Air Sungai Pagar Empangan Air Kerupang, 3917 P.U. (A) 432. Location of Water Name of River! Worer Supply Iniake ReservoirWell ‘Seheme a Q ® Longitude Latitude (East) (North) uses AP 1 ‘Telaga Tiu Borehole No. B uses arate ‘Telnga Tin Borehole No. A 21 Us 15 26 Pe Telaga Tub Borehole No. M 11 Meas 3 1 38 ‘Telaga Tub Borehole No. B23, 115° 15°20" 1 a2 Telaga Tivb Borehole No. A 12 115° 15" 168) p52 10" 05" ‘Telaga Tub Borehole No. W 5 useis uy AP SB Telaga Tivb Rorchols No. A 20 M10 P10 16" ‘Telaga Tub Borehole No. B 24 seis 19 Ol Telaga Tivb Borehole No. 10 115° 1459" 5°19 30" ‘Telaga Tub Borchole No. W 4 us id4s | 1s 45 Telaga Tiub Borehole No. W 3 113° 1426 Say St ‘Telaga Tit Borehole No B 27 Us 26 | Ags ‘Telaga Tiub ‘Borehole No. A 14 use 8 19 36" ‘Telaga Thu Borehole No. A 17 Us 14 29° 19 IB Telaga Tiub Borehole No. A 13 use 14a" 19 28 ‘Telaga Thu Boriole No. B 26 PLU, (A) 432. Location of Water Longitude (East) 1s 14 33 LIS® L439 115° 14 40 1s 14 4a LS L428 115° 15:09" 115° 14 46" Tncke @ Latitude (North) 3°19! 05" 581912 Se 18 56° 3° 1s! 28" 5 18 28" shan 5° 1800" (11) The State of Sabah ‘Location of Water Longitude (East) 11st 0924.2" 116° 11 16.2" 116° 0633.6" 116° 00° 00.1" 115° 5651.9" 115° 5652.2" 116° on" 12.5" 116? 14343" 116" 16° 09.9" 116? 14143" 16 19°56 6" 116° 17° 55.7" Intake o Lasitude (North) 5°55 214" 0 5447.6" or 54) 524" 5°41 06.6" sv ay 52." 5 an 50.2" an 3uay 6 08: 499" oor 54g" 6 09" 122" 6 08 24.9" e204" 3918 Nane of Riveré Reservowr Well o Teiga Tub) Borehole No. W 1 Tega Tisb Borehole No. B 25 etga Tub Borehole No W 2 Tega Tub Borehole No A# Teaga Tub Borehole No. A 15 ‘Teaga Tub Borehole No. B 22 Tega Tub Borehole No. A 18 Nane of River! ReservoiriWell @ Se Moyor Enpangan Babagen, Se Moyoe Se Papar Sp Papae Sp Papar Sp Papar Sp Tuarsa Sp Tuaran Sp Tuaran Se Tuaran Sg Danat Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Penanpang Penamspang Penampane Papar Papae Papar Papar Tamparali Tamparvt Tamparvt Tampa Tuasaa Location of Water Iniake Longitude (East) lg? 1343.2" 118° 06 49.7" 118° 06! 47.9" 118° 06 29.0" 118° 06 12.9" Lus* 05" 515° ise 0 413° ise 0343.1" ise oy 49.1" Ls° 04 07.6" nis ov 141° us? 04 198" 18° 0 318° 18° 03 086" ise 0301.2 11g 02 415 use 02 46.4" 118° 02508" 118° 02 265" 18° 02 243° 1s" 02 116" use ov 448° Us" 01 56.1" 118° 01 35, use o 22.4" ise 01 19.2" use on 42.0" 117 50113" 117832 0" 117 5248.3" 117° 5352.2" 117° 46 31.7" 118" 10 09.6" a Latitude (Worth) @ 10 261" er ua 951 20" pov ae S51 26 35) 26 3 511708 ay 388° 5 50 O41" 550 367" 350M 5° 350 515° sori 5° 50365 550 M9 S50 136 5 50 000" ay 579" ay MO" 3 ay 208" ay 591" 3°50 187" Bay 393° 49 301" 349 255° Bag 539° 51 160" 3 29 0712 5953 00" 1g 40" 21 004" 27 100° oy 1a" 3919 Name of River! ReservoirWell Q Seo Toor Borcholes Borehoes Boreholes Borsholes Boteholes Boreholes Boreholes Borsholes Boreholes Pond Boreholes Boreholes Boreholes Pond. Boreholes Borsholet Pond Boreholes Borcholes Boreholes Boreholes Boreholes Borehole Borcholes Boreholes Boreoes Se, Kinabatangan Sq. Muanad Se. Tawa Se. Tawa Se. Merota ‘mpangan Sepapaya P.U. (A) 432. Worer Supply ‘Seheme @ Tears Sandakan Sandal Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan, Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan, Sandakan Sandakan, Sandakan) Sandal Sandakaa Sandal Sandakan Sandan Sadako Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan Sandakan, Sandakan Sandal Kinabatangan Beluran Tawa Tawau Tawa Labad Dara PLU, (A) 432. Location of Water Tncke Longitude ‘est Ls 13 28.0" 118 49" 50.8" 1g 1434.7" 118° 11 044 116° 08 48.8" 116 Lo 01.6" 116" 20 04.4" 115° 56" 06.0" 11s 5501.8" List 2559.4" 116 18 12.6" LS 46: 10.9" 1s 3497.5" 115° 48" 04.0" Li 48; 04.4" 116" 44 56.0" Lio 44° 54a U7 oF 50.1" 116 2605.4" Ls 3743.4" 117° 08 00" 116* 59°00" 116° 50°00" @ Latitude (North) 5°06 O12" 5°08 245" 4928 523° 4°35: 109" 50 2039.9" 5°26 18.0" Sr an 49.6" 3° 06" 38.7" 4959 38.8" 5 02 OLS" 5° 08° 38.2 520 36.2° 310° om 205° our orn aoe ais 164 5037 00" 5°16 00" 5°12 00" (12) The State of Terengganm Location of Water Intake Longitude (East) 103° 21" 20 103° 20:18" 103° 1020 o Latitude (North) 49 40) 40" 447 40" 49 49 10" 3920 Nane of Riveré Reservowr Well ® Se Segana Se Tung Se Kalompang Se Kalunpang Se Liawen Se Bayavo Se. Tonle Se. Padas Se Pats Se Pasaven Se Sook Se Padss Se Lkutan Se. Menta Puugsce Se Banda Se Pengapuaya Se Bengkoka Se Tempasuk Se Livage Sp Matine Se Milian ‘Se Melikop Nane of River? Reservour Well @ Lj Air Bukit Boule Loji Air Serdang Lj Air Tepus Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Lahad Data Lahad Dans Semponna Konak Keninga Keningay Tambunan ‘Tenom ‘Tenom Pensiangan Sook Beaufort, Sipitang Mensbakst Kudat ‘Kota Maruca ota Marva Pas Kota Belud Rana Telnpid Tongod Tongod Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Dangun Dungua Dangun Location of Water Iniake Longitude (East) 103° 19° 10" 103° 11" 50" 103° 09 50" 103° 05 40" 103° 00" 35" tore 07 45" 102° 38° 03" 103° 1213" 102° 30° 00" 102° 45° 00" 102° 45 00" 1078 49 49" 102° st 42" (13) ‘The State of Negeri Sem a Latitude (North) 13 00" Pog 35" S15 53" virsr 504 30" esr 09 10" 5038" S38 05" 5°03" 00" S31 50" mR 2012 Location of Water Intake Longitude (East) 102° 20" 32 102° 34 18" 102° 32°21" 102° 24 10" o” m9 (18° or 179 102° 04 3° a Latitude (Worth) 34 06" Pag 3st 2 38 23" Pay P36 6 way 40 238 50" Payor Pa 02 aH 2s" para 3921 Name of River! ReservoirWell Q Loji Ais Bokit Sab Lojf Ait Cheri Loji Air Kepong, Loji Air Bukit Loong Loji Air Kuala Berang Taji Gainng Toft Ait Telemong ji Air Jerangan Lojt Air Bukit Bunga (Old and New) Loji Ai Pulau ehentian Se. Setin Se Chatote Sp. Neus Name of River! ‘Reservoir/Well a Enipanean Gemenehch Se, Muae Se Muar Se. Dangi Telaga Tub Bukit Rokan Se. Besingin| Empsngan Bate Hampar Se Sela Sa, Muar Se. Muar Se. Batang Terachs P.U. (A) 432. Worer Supply ‘Seheme @ Kemaman Kemaman [Kuala Terenggnnn ‘Kuala Terenggana Hula Terenggame Huta Terenggamn, Hulu Terenggamy ‘Hula Terenggams Besut Beout Setin Setin Seti Weer Supply ‘Scheme o Gemencheh Gemas Bar Pasie Besar Dangi Bare Bukit Rokan Pedas Bane Pedas Lama Felda Kepis Bt Pls Kala Pala Uta Bendal PLU, (A) 432. Location of Water Tncke @ Longitude Latitude ‘est (North) tore 08 S17" 2847 10" 102° 24.090 on aa 2a 102 22" 0.05" 2° 4859" Wor 29248" 2° 47 59 rove 0. 264" 2848 14 nis 551 04 5" 56 06" Tore 59434" 28 49/31" IOI 09 143" 2° 49.33" 102 1478 2°44 35" 101 50.000' 84s) aae 102° 56927 36D 10x 03°59" or 5° 13." 102° 19 OFT 3° 04 31 102° 0640.0" 3° 0402 wr 1836. / or 57 sar (14) The State of Metaka Location of Water Intake o Longitude Latitude ‘est (North) tore 1s so" 2817 55 102" 18 40" 2° 20:00" 1x 1s so" 28 1T55 roe 1s. 20 24 35° 102 29112" 2° 16 00" 1029 28 15" 29 N50 3922 Nane of Riveré Reservowr Well ® Enpangan TuangSg. Moar Sp Muar Sp Muar Sp Muar Hhatan Simpan Heemban —, Sp. Batang Benat Enpaiigan Se, Teg Sg. Mabang Sp Neoi-Neoi Sp Lingei Se Kemi Sp Tang Sp. Kenaboi Sp Penang Nane of Riveré Reservowr/Well ey Se. Melaka Empargan Dutian Tungeal Se. Melaka Se. Betang Metake Se. Kesnng, Se. Kesnag, Water Supply ‘Scheme @ Terip Loji Rawatan, Se. Teaip Mahang Neoi Neos Lingai Kuala Khawat Laka Felda Tit Dorian Tawar Water Supply Scheme o Jasin, Melaka Tengah aid Alor Gajah Melaka Tengah. Alor Gajah and Jasin ‘Melaka Tengah, Alor (Gajah and Jasin Alor Gajah, Masjid ‘Tanah and Labo Cina Jasin Jasin snd Merlinae 3923 Location of Water Name of River! Iniake ReservoirWell a Q Longitude Latitude (East) (North) 102829 15" 2635" Empangan Jue 102° 39 16" 2423" Empangan Asahan 102° 45° 0 iy 10" Spi Maar Fovsnt Scuepute (Regulation 9) P.U. (A) 432. Worer Supply ‘Seheme ® ‘Alor Gajat, Masjid ‘Tanah and Lobuk Gina Asahan, Simpang ‘Bekob, Nyalas and Bukit Senggeh Melaka Tengah, Alor Gayah and Tssin METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF SEWAGE 1, The 21¢ edition of "Standard Methols for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" published jointly by the American Puolic Health Associaton, the American Water Works Kosectation and she Watce Epvironment Federation of the United Stsins af Ameren ae ‘Code of Federal Repulations, Chapter 40, Subchapter D. part 136” poblishéd by the Orfice fof the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administation, United States of ‘Ametca, Firrit SCHEDULE (Regulation 10) MONTHLY SEWAGE DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT Secman I IDENTIFICATION 1. @ Name and address of premises: Telephone aumber: » Fax aumuber: (ii) File reference umber of Department of Environment (if applicable): P.U. (A) 432. 3924 2. (Name and address of accredited analytical boratory ‘Telephone number: i) Name of analyst 3. (i) Reporting year 3) Reporting month: Fax suber: Secnos I SEWAGE INFORMATION* 4. Flowrate Maximum 8, Minion wd (ii). Popalation equivalent (PE) (i) Quality of Wage discharged (Quality of sewage discharged (unit in mg/L) for new sewape treatment systems Parameter FFinst Week | Second Wook | Third Week | Fourth Week Date Date Date Date BOD, a 2 cop ‘Suspended Solids ‘Oil and Grease “Amuoaincal Niogea (eaclored water body) “Amnoaiacal Nitrogen ave, Nitrate — Nitrogen (ives) Nitrate — Niogen {enclosed water body) Phosphorous (enclosed ‘water body) 3925 P.U. (A) 432. Quality of sewage discharged (unit in mg/L) for existing sewape treatment systems Parameter First Wisk | Second Week | Third Week | Fourth Week Date Date Date Dae BOD, at 200 cop Suspended Solids ‘Oil and Grease NoTE* (@) The flowrate and concentration of sewage at the point of discharge as determined in accordance with the sampling proceduze and mithod of analysis a= specified ia regulation 9. () Sewage treatment aystems with Iss than 3000 population equivalent (PE.) shall jconduct sampling ones @ month only Seomos IL DECLARATION L hereby declare tha! all information given in this form isto the beat of sy Enowiadge and belist tre and cormect Si ature of responsible person: Name. Designation Date: (Affix official seal or stamp of company) Sven ScHEBULE Regulation 11) SPECIFICATIONS OF POINT OF DISHARGE OF SEWAGE 4. The discharge points located within the boundary of the sewage teatment system, immediately ator its the final unit operation or uat proces ‘The location of the discharge point is easily accessible and doos not pose any safety hazards to personnel performing ste inspection or sewage sampling 3. The leachate is discharged through a pipe, conduit or channel to facilitate sewage sampling P.U. (A) 432. 3926 4. The diseharge point is physically identified by installing a metal identification sign which resis “inal Disclarge Poin 5. The discharge point and its surrounding is properly maintained tbe free from any obstruction that may pore difficulty or hazards caring site inspection or sewage sampling SEVENTH SCHEDULE (Regulation 24) METHOD OF COMPUTING SEWACE-RELATED LICENCE FEE 1. For anistig sewage testment systems, the cecage slate licence fae is computed 36 follows: Parameter Fee per kg of conteminant | Fee per ke of contaminant discharged into inland waters | discharged onto any sil or nto fs specified in subpassgraphs Sqya), (€) 6 (2) @ Bop, — | RMOSO RM0.05 20 GD Oil end M2500.00) M250.00, Grease FFor now sewage tatment system, the sewage related licence fee is computed as follows Parameter Fes par kg of contaminant | Fes per kp of contaminaat cischarged into inlznd waters | discharged onto any soil. or ‘specified in subparagraphs (1) | info other inland waters (2). (0) oF (&) @ BOD, a M050 RM0.05 20 GH) Oil and RM2500.00 RM250.00 Grease i) Ammoniacat_ | Ro1500.00 RM50.00 Nitrogen Made 12 October 2009 [AS(S) 91/110/919/026; PN(PU4)28071T] Datuk Doucias Uccas Empas Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment

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