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GSL speech

I start by speech by quoting “Let us never forget that government is

ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our
democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and
government officials, but the voters of this country” but I fail to state that
Syria has been in conflict for 8 years. The government led by Bashar al
assad has not been able to control the situation and fulfill their people’s
need. Russia and Israel along with the Syrian government has killed and
massacred the Syrian protestors and the innocent civillians who are fighting
for their rights and freedom.Sorry to see that Russia has not been able to
understand the plight of the people and has not backed down in this regard.
So U.K and our allies has been working in favor of the people of Syria to
fight for their rights by raising funds.The situations have worsened so much
so that the Syrians have been forced to flee from their houses and have
been internally displaced causing them to find refuge and ultimately they
have to be dependent on human traffickers to help them flee to some other
country. I urge all the nations to help for this cause and help this problem
solve as soon as possible and stop killings of the country.

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