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Table of Contents

MSBasis v.17.50
17.50-1 – MineSight 2018 Release 2 – May 16, 2018
17.50 – MineSight 2018 Release 1 – March 13, 2018

MSBasis v.17.30
17.30-3 – MineSight 2017 Release 8 – November 16, 2017
17.30-2 – MineSight 2017 Release 6 – August 8, 2017
17.30-1 – MineSight 2017 Release 5 – July 5, 2017
17.30 – MineSight 2017 Release 3 – May 2, 2017

MSBasis v.17.20
17.20-1 – April 20, 2017
17.20 – MineSight 2017 Release 2 – April 4, 2017

MSBasis v.17.10
17.10 – MineSight 2017 Release 1 – February 28, 2017

MSBasis v.17.0
17.0 – MineSight 2016 Release 9 – December 8, 2016

MSBasis v.16.70
16.70 – MineSight 2016 Release 8 – October 5, 2016

MSBasis v.16.60
16.60 – MineSight 2016 Release 7 – August 31, 2016

MSBasis v.16.50
16.50 – MineSight 2016 Release 2 – April 4, 2016

MSBasis v.16.10
16.10 – MineSight 3D 10.60 Bundle – December 7, 2015

MSBasis v.16.00
16.00 – MineSight 2015 DVD Release – September 11, 2015

Copyright© 2014 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
v.17.50-1 – MineSight 2018 Release 2 – March 16, 2018

➢ General
Fixes attribute name mapping so that they are properly loaded from Torque.

v.17.50 – MineSight 2018 Release 1 – March 13, 2018

➢ General
Updated documentation for variogram file format.

➢ Procedures

Fixed issue where running p50501.dat was giving incorrect results.

v.17.30-3 – MineSight 2017 Release 8 – November 16, 2017

➢ Programs

Fixes an issue where when using multiple variograms, the program defaults to use only the first.


Fixes an issue where data is transferred incorrectly if you have more than 63 items.

➢ Procedures

Fixes an issue where CODES 41-50 were not created.


Fixes an issue with the result from this procedure not matching the target item’s precision.

v.17.30-2 – MineSight 2017 Release 6 – August 8, 2017

➢ Programs
Interpolation programs

Copyright© 2014 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
Fixes an issue when using unfolding “re-run” option with MineSight Torque input. (MSBASIS-


Relaxed licensing restrictions to create a block model file to be in line with non-MineSight Basis
creation methods. (MSBASIS-1710)

v.17.30-1 – MineSight 2017 Release 5 – July 5, 2017

➢ Procedures

Fixed an issue back coding to MSTorque Blastholes (MSBASIS-1709)

v.17.30 – MineSight 2017 Release 3 – May 2, 2017

➢ Programs

Enabled to use minimum grade limit for global distribution for e-type estimation

➢ Procedures

Enabled to specify minimum grade limit for global distribution for e-type estimation

v.17.20-1 – April 20, 2017

➢ Programs
fixed to work with input from MSTorque database

m208v1 user routines (gnacnv.exe, gndhfil.exe, gndhmin.exe, gndhseam.exe, gndhsid.exe,

gndhsmbw.exe, gndhtag.exe, pln208.exe, gn208crd.exe)
fixed to work with input from MSTorque database

v.17.20 – MineSight 2017 Release 2 – April 4, 2017

➢ Programs

Copyright© 2014 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
m620v1.exe, m620v2.exe, m624v1.exe

Fixed to work with FMR file for Unfolding option


Adds option to select MSTorque attribute name to store normal scores.

v.17.10 – MineSight 2017 Release 1 – February 28, 2017

➢ Programs
All programs

Improves performance of license check when using a commuted license. (MSBASIS-1674)


Fixes program to create composites of correct length in case of combination of bench and fixed
length compositing when using slope length for interval weight. (MSBASIS-1681)


Fixes program to correctly write MSTorque Composites to database. (MSBASIS-1684)


Modifies program to reset secondary item unusual calculated value to undefined if there are
missing composites for the selected interpolation area. (MSBASIS-1670)

➢ Procedures
P62001.dat, p620as.dat, p62101.dat, p62401.dat, p62402.dat, p62403.dat, p62404.dat, p62405.dat,
p624db.dat, p624as.dat, p624mk.dat, pintrp.dat, pintrpq.dat

Added PAR1/2/3 and Search distance popup helps to these procedures. (MSBASIS-1683)

v.17.0 – MineSight 2016 Release 9 – December 8, 2016

➢ Programs
M620v1, M620v2, M621v1, M624v1, M624ik, M624mik, M625v1

Added an option to reuse local temporary MSTorque data instead of reconnecting to MSTorque
database (MSBASIS-1082)


Added an option to reuse local temporary MSTorque data instead of reconnecting to MSTorque
database (MSBASIS-1650)


Added an option to reuse local temporary MSTorque data instead of reconnecting to MSTorque
database (MSBASIS-1651)

Copyright© 2014 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018

Fixed to truncate correctly input item values if it is outside of min/max window for corresponding
output item (MSBASIS-1657)


Fixed to work correctly for relative elevation option (MSBASIS-1661)

➢ Procedures

Added MSTorque data reuse option. (MSBASIS-1082)

Added MSTorque data reuse option (MSBASIS-1650)

Added MSTorque data reuse option (MSBASIS-1651)

v.16.70 – MineSight 2016 Release 8 –October 5, 2016

➢ Programs

Fixes ability to store data to MSTorque database if there are more than 64000 composites
Modifies output format to work with large numbers (MSBASIS-1649).


Modifies output format to work with large numbers (MSBASIS-1649).

➢ Procedures

Fixes ability to work with file 9 properly if MSTorque connection is not specified. (MSBASIS-

v.16.60 – MineSight 2016 Release 7 – August 31, 2016

➢ Programs
MSBasis programs with MSTorque access: cldiff.exe ellipse2ms.exe gn208crd.exe gn508crd.exe
gn508grd.exe gn508tru.exe gnacnv.exe gnccnv.exe gncmpint.exe gndhfil.exe gndhmin.exe
gndhseam.exe gndhsid.exe gndhsmbw.exe gndhtag.exe m208rp.exe m208v1.exe m402v1.exe
m508rp.exe m508v1.exe m522v1.exe m523v1.exe m524v1.exe m617v1.exe m620v1.exe m620v2.exe

Copyright© 2014 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
m621v1.exe m624ik.exe m624mik.exe m624v1.exe m625v1.exe mksind.exe mscs.exe msuc.exe
psh508.exe vvc508.exe pln208.exe gn208crd.exe
Enabled to work with Torque Sample Attributes that start with numbers (MSBASIS-1580).

Disabled duplicate items from being created in the model file (MSBASIS-1631).

Fixed to store blank CSV input for real values as undefined (was storing 0) (MSBASIS-1144).

Fixed to correctly set second code to undefined if the percent for the first code is 100 (MSBASIS-

Fixed to output long coordinates to ASCII file (MSBASIS-1562).

Enabled option to dump block centroids without dumping the base item (MSBASIS-1570).

Fixed to correctly assign sub-block values (MSBASIS-1639).

m620v1/v2, m621v1, m624v1/ik/mik

Fixed to correctly select composites for spherical and ellipsoidal search with PAR1/2/3=0

m524v1, m624v1/ik/mik, msblkv

Fixed to report error for unsupported variogram type from variogram file (MSBASIS-1449).

➢ Procedures
Fixed DXF output syntax (MSBASIS-1594).

p40201.dat and p40201.dat

Enabled MSTorque data input.

Fixed and improves the “dump all items” option (MSBASIS-904).
Enabled option to dump block centroids without dumping the base item (MSBASIS-1570).

Fixed to add secondary item for collocated co-simulation to the run file for composites input from
ASCII file (MSBASIS-1559).

v.16.50 – MineSight 2016 Release 2 – April 4, 2016

➢ Programs

Copyright© 2014 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
Fixed to correctly output DH Names containing space (MSBASIS-1376).

Fixed to work for geological code matching combined with the octant/quadrant search option

m620v1/v2, m621v1, m624v1/ik/mik

Modified programs to automatically calculate the bounding box (PAR1, PAR2, and PAR3) search
parameters using ellipsoidal search parameters, if there is no user input for the bounding box
parameters (MSBASIS-1431).

m620v1/v2, m621v1, m624v1/ik/mik, m625v1

Fixed to correctly read composites elevation from the MSTorque database if the number of
benches in the model exceeds 462 (MSBASIS-1560).

m620v2, m624v1/ik/mik
Enabled to specify the minimum number of octants allowed without storing the number of octants
to the model (CMD = STORE NOCTS INTO command) (MSBASIS-1542).

Fixed to correctly count and store the number of drillholes and octants used to perform kriging
when the composites with negative weights are removed (MSBASIS-1496).

v.16.10 – MineSight 3D 10.60 Bundle – December 7, 2015

➢ Programs
m208rp & m508rp
Fixed processing of user-defined temporary variables in RPN expressions for input from
MSTorque (MSBASIS-1497).

Enabled to store codes to MSTorque Assay/Geology/Other intervals and Downhole Points samples

➢ Procedures

Enabled output to MSTorque for Assay, Geology, Other and Downhole Points coverages

v.16.00 – MineSight 2015 DVD Release – September 11, 2015

➢ Programs
Increases accuracy to group composites correctly at the edge of the cells (MSBASIS-1405).

Copyright© 2014 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
Blocks Conditional Simulation for GSM projects (MSBASIS-1503).

➢ Procedures
Check Data Only option now uses Overwrite mode to check the source data by default to avoid
the data record limits (MSBASIS-1224).

Works with rotated models when using MSTorque composites (MSBASIS-1461).

Disallowed runs of the Uniform Conditioning program for GSM projects (MSBASIS-1150).

pscsgs.dat / pscsis.dat
Blocks Conditional Simulation for GSM projects (MSBASIS-1503).

Copyright© 2014 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018

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