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The “MineSight 2018 Release 2”, released on May 16, 2018 is a full installation of MineSight®.

This Bundle release includes the MineSight product versions listed below. Click on a link below to go to
the Release Notes for each product.

If you have any questions about this installation, please contact Hexagon Mining Technical Support.

Table of Contents:
MineSight 3D (MS3D) v13.0-2
MineSight Atlas (MSAtlas) v4.3.1
MineSight Basis (MSBasis) v17.50-1
HxM Blast (HxMBlast) v3.40.1
MineSight Data Analyst (MSDA) v3.30-6
MineSight Economic Planner (MSEP) v4.00-6
MineSight Planner (MSPlanner) v4.2
MineSight Schedule Optimizer (MSSO) v11.20
MineSight Strategic Planner (MSSP) v3.70-03
MineSight Tools (MSTools) v1.50-4
MineSight Torque (MSTorque) v5.60
MineSight Geologic 1.2.3
MineSight Stope Optimizer 1.2.2
MineSight Sigma 1.1.4

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
v.13.0-2 – MineSight 2018 Release 2 – May 16, 2018

➢ Model Importer

Adds Model Importer template validation functionality when running from Logic (MS3D-15920).
Improves MIP functionality with import 3rd-party models when importing to a new PCF -
Cancelling removes both newly created PCF, and model files. When Importing to an existing
PCF - Cancelling removes only the incomplete model file and PCF is not changed (MS3D-
16003, CRDB-7854, SCP-87323).
➢ Query

Improves query functionality by having the query cursor have the hot point at the tip of the arrow
instead of the center of the cursor image (MS3D-15848, CRDB-7731, SCP-85329, SCP-86796,
➢ Selection

Improves ability to be able to use Selection through faces with the following data types - points
and polylines (MS3D-15760, CRDB-7049, CRDB-7576, SCP-78435, SCP-83310).
➢ xViewer

Improves xViewer performance by changing file size checking to reduce project locking (MS3D-
15762, CRDB-7576, SCP-83310).
➢ Logic 1.10.0

Added new Generic MSBasis Routine procedure which allows to import MSBasis run files.
Added new Logic procedures which perform operations analogous to Compass procedures:
o Assign Model Code by Item Ranges (modcls).
o Calculate Interburden in Bench Composites (cmpintv1).
o Calculate Interburden in Seam Composites (cmpint).
o Fill in Missing Grades using Neighbors (pdhfil).
o Fill in Missing Grades in Mine Model (modfil).
o Normalize Drillhole Survey File (pdhnorm).
o Tag Drillhole Mineable Intervals (pdhmin).
o Tag Drillhole Intervals Start or End in Ore (pdhtag).
o Tag Missing Seam Intervals with Seam Below(pdhsmblw).
o Tag Seam Ply/Mineralized Intervals with Codes(pdhseam).
o Normal Scores Transformation (pscnst.dat).
o Rationalize 3DBM (pctrat.dat).
o Add Topo% or Code to 3DBM (p63301/2.dat).
Enabled multiple Torque connections per package.
Enhanced Torque connection:
o Enabled selection and update of Torque connection from the procedure.
o Enabled quick selection of recently used Torque connections from drop-down list.
o Added drop-down list for Coverage/Composite selection.
o Enabled selection of existing Parameter Set file.
Logic now supports UNC path for files which are used in Logic procedures.

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
Added error message to MS3D window on Logic start if MSTorque is not installed.

Mine Sight Haulage 7.3.5

Fixes issue with Equipment attribute description.
Fixes issue with duplicate plan name detection.
Fixes issue with saving over existing file based plans.
Adds support for MSSO integration.

Model Calculation Tool 2.0.2

Fixes issue with errors in the python code writing undefined back to the model.

Model Interpolation Tool 1.60.4

Improved the UI by disabling ellipsoidal vertical search range for GSM interpolation.
Improved usability by enabling relative path for PCF when running from Model Interpolation Tool
UI or Logic UI.

Model Importer Plugin 1.1.13

Improves import of 3rd-party models so that cancelling the process does not remove existing

MSDBM 3.50.0
Adds support for MSTorque 5.60.

Implicit Modeling Engine 1.10.2

Zero length intervals are now correctly stored in Torque.

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
v.4.3.1 – MineSight 2018 Release 2 - May 16, 2018
This version is compatible with MS3D v.12.60 or greater.

Fixes an issue with importing CSV file for Reserves (CRDB-7762).

Adds the option to export multiple pivot reports to single Excel file (ATLS-10475).

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
v.17.50-1 – MineSight 2018 Release 2 – May 16, 2018

➢ General
Fixes attribute name mapping so that they are properly loaded from Torque.

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
v.3.40.1 – MineSight 2018 Release 1 – March 13, 2018
This version is compatible with MS3D v.12.0-5 and MSTorque v.5.40 or greater.

Fixed an issue when creating a blast pattern from a drill pattern. (CRDB-7686,

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
v.3.30-06 – MineSight 2017 Release 6 – August 8, 2016

Updated to work with the latest version of MineSight Dynamic Unfolding (MSDA-3209)

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
v.4.00-06 – MineSight 2017 Release 1 – February 28, 2017

Improves performance of license check when using a commuted license. (MSEP-508)

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
v.4.2.0 – MineSight 2017 Release 5 – July 5, 2017

This version is compatible with MS3D v.12.0-5 or greater.

Simplified grades added for cycle time reporting (ATLS-10326)
Exposes destination states in Process Points (ATLS-10256)

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
V11.20 – MineSight 2018 Release 1 - March 13, 2018
Minimum Software Requirements

▪ MS3D 13.0 or higher

▪ MSAtlas/MSPlanner 2.4 or higher (optional)
▪ MSHaulage 7.3.1 or higher
▪ MSReserve 3.30.7
▪ ARC 4.11

EFH option added (MSSO-6448)

Adds stockpile balance report (MSSO-6118)
Multiple bug fixes

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
v.3.70-03 – MineSight 2016 Release 9 – December 8, 2016

Updated licensing software to support future enhancements.

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
v.1.50-4 - MineSight 2016 Release 4 – May 31, 2016

➢ Variogram.exe
Fixes variogram.exe to make the correct conversion when the Minor is longer than the Major and
the Major is longer than the Vertical (MS3D-12012, CRDB-3798).

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
v.5.60 – MineSight 2018 Release 2 – May 16, 2018
includes QAQC v1.2.1

➢ Requirements

MS3D 13.0 or later

Rock.Net 3.1.0 or later
MSDBM v 3.40 or later

➢ General

Major performance improvements in the following areas:

o Loading projects with many Blastholes.
o Saving changes in projects with many samples.
o Saving Composites to projects with many Blastholes and samples.
o Importing via Standalone or CLI General Importer to project with many Blastholes and
o Modifying measurements via Set Attribute Value tool in projects with many samples.
o Overlaying Coverages in projects with many Blastholes.
o Coding projects with many Blastholes from MineSight 3D.
Other Improvements:
o Save Dialog quickly displays summary of changes and can be accepted or dismissed
o Increased performance of data grids in Torque Manager by showing 1000 rows per page.
o The Display Filter in Torque Manager operates on the entire data set loaded from the
database instead of currently visible rows.
o The Sample Site name search feature in Torque Manager operates on currently visible
o The "Please Wait" dialog can be hidden so that the user can interact with other MineSight

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
1.2.3 – MineSight 2018 Release 2 – March 16, 2018
➢ Requirements

MS3D v13.0 or later

MSTorque 5.50 or later (Strongly Recommended)
MSDBM 3.40 or later (Strongly Recommended)

➢ Bug Fixes

Fixes an issue where events with CAD input were not being refreshed after geometry was
Fixes a crash on opening a .geol file.

Copyright© 2012 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
December 19, 2017
1.2.2 – MineSight 2018 Release 2 - May 16, 2018
➢ Requirements

MS3D v12.60 or later

➢ General

Fixes validation issue with dilution and the anneal process.

Copyright© 2013 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
May 16, 2018
1.1.4 – April 17, 2018

➢ Requirements

MS3D v12.50 or later

➢ Highlights

Fixed an issue where a client with a Sigma-only license was not able to run Sigma (CRDB-7808,

Copyright© 2012 Mintec, inc. All Rights Reserved | MineSight® is a registered trademark of Mintec, Inc.
December 19, 2017

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