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An Historical Simulation Game the time is: 0500 hrs., ‘‘M+1" 1976 A) Operational Combat in Europe inthe 1970's re ry ww Ce ee ne eee oT} Publishers of Strategy & Tactics Magazine, Moves Magazine, Simulation Series Games, and S&T Series Games. NATO ‘is the game that damonsutes the ‘* Units from fourteen different nations Ghange. the. fooe cf Europe.” The. unis }¢ Tactical nuclear weapons are on the brigade/divisional level '* Airmobile operations apres 8 of the Warsaw Paci Poland, Hungary, East Germany, and Czechosiovakia) and the New? Operational Combat in Western Europe in the 1970's Canad, Germany, UK, Denmark, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and lal Four hundred die-cut playing “pieces are provides, printed in three colors The action course over the big 22" x 34 wo-color terrain map of northern Germany Each hex represents. 16 kilometers, and. the hexagonal grid is numbered using SPs unique ‘aging system that speeds seting up the game ‘and ads 0 by-mal play, The game can last up to 25 Game-Tuins teach tuin represents two unique ules covering units, Tactical nuclear weapons, Warsaw Paci abit,” possible NATO-member neutral . national’ supply organration, Chinese plus 1" and "M plus battlegioup forming m the extent of NATO territory penetrated by the Warsaw Pact forces, as well as the destruction ‘enemy units and “supply centers, th sities, andthe fulfilment. of Operational Combat in Europe inthe 1970's Copyint © 197, SimuaonePubicaton ne, New York, NY 1.0 wNTRODUCTION 20 GENERAL COURSE OF PLAY 30 GAME EQUIPMENT 531 The Gamo Map 52 The Playing Pos 23 Game Crane and Tables 534 Game Equpment Invenio 35 Gara Seale 440 SEQUENCE OF PLAY “41 The Game-Tum 442 Sequence Outing 43 Gore Length 50 MOVEMENT 151 How to Move Units 52 Movernent Inhibition and Prohitons 53 Crechostovake Resttons Ba Unte With Specol Movement Abies {60 ZONES OF CONTROL ‘61 Movement Effects 62 Amobile Unite 63 Combat Efforts 64 Retroat Etocte 185 Supoy Efects 70 STACKING 721 Moverant Effect 12 Combat eect 73 Unit Buldup and Breakdown 0 comBar ‘81 Which Units May Attack 82 Mute Unt and Multhex Combat £83 Combat Oa Caleulston 284 Effect on Combat Strength 25 NATO Battegraupe 90 COMBAT RESULTS TABLE 81 Explanation of Rosuts 82 How to Revest 83 Advanea star Combat 100 TERRAIN EFFECTS. CHART 110 SUPPLY 1141 Supply Source and Lines 11.2 Worsew Pact Supply Linasons 113 Suppty Une Movernent 11a Reinforcementa 115 Blocking Supay nes 116 Supply efocts Char 120 SPECIAL DENMARK RULES 121 Danish Of Map Retrost 122 Homeless Danes 123 Garnsonng Denmark 120 TERRITORIAL FORCES 121 Placement and Attain 122 General Movoment esttions {40 TACTICAL NUCLEAR WARFARE 141 effact on Combat Strength 142 Nuclear Contamnation Markers 143 Nuclear Contamination Table 160 SETTING UP THE GAME 11 Rentrcements 182 Start of Hortlios 160 INTIAL PLACEMENT. 161 'M 1 Seon 162°M 2 31" Scenario 170 TURN RECORD/REINFORCEMENT CHART {1 Warsaw Pact Supply Reiniorcements 180 VICTORY CONDITIONS. 181 Explanation of Vetry Conditions 180 SCENARIOS. 194 "M+ 1 Games 192°M 2 3" Gomes 1223 Notes on Sconaro Vorotons 19.4 Warsaw Pact Unrlbitty 195 NATO Neutrality 196 Chineer Intervention 200 SUMMARY OF WARSAW PACT GROUND Forces: 210 DESIGN CREDITS, [1.0] INTRODUCTION NATO is a simulation on 2 brigade/divsion level ata possible attempt by the Warsaw Pact forces 10 "iberate” Western Europe from the NATO \slianoe sometime in the 1970's. It postulates that this ‘war in West Gormany ould occur without 2 massive strategic Pucloar holocaust. Essontialy, the game progresses from "™M," the day" the Warsaw het decides to launch an offensive, 10 day M+ 50," when a decision of some type (even a stalemated wat! is assumed to have been’ reached. The game may be. played Starting with "M+ 1," wath the forces as they ‘actualy ate in peacetime, oat "M+ 31, ater both sides have! reached plannéd suength ‘Theincrement of forces, ag NATO transfers its scattered strength and Warsaw Pact sends forth additional member and Russian gartson dwvsions, 18 Tully charted between the two ‘gameversions. NATO depicts the essential Clements of modem warfare leven fuluee Worferel with "unusual elements such a8 J-ransportabe units, Amable unite and the few Tecap (rile capability) divisions [2.0] GENERAL COURSE OF PLAY NATO is basically a tworplayer game. Each Player moves hi units and executes atacks on Enemy unis in tun, attempting to Tf the Cnittons of victory To move fom one hex 10 ‘another, each unit expends a portion of its Movement Allowance. Combat is resolved by ‘comparing the Total Combat Strength Points ff adjacent opposing units and expressing the comparison as @ simplified probability ratio. Todds Adie ts rolled and the outcome Indated on the Combat Resuts Table Is ‘sophie to the units involved [3.0] GAME EQUIPMENT 3.11 THE GAME MAP: the 22” x 38” ‘mapsheet portays the area of Western Europe {tom East Germany to France and the North Sea. A’hexagonal grid is superposed upon the mapsheet to regularize movement and combat of the playing pieces, ‘acing the Supply. tines “and. delineating the Yerain Imposed on the map. [92] THE PLAYING PIECES: Two diferent colored sets of playing pieces thenceforth known 35 units) are supplied. They represent the various units ofthe opposing forces that willbe avaiabein the campaign. The opposing forces in each of the varying “Orders of Battle” are composed by selecting units from ‘ose provided on the unit sheet. tis strongly tecommended thatthe Players sort theit units by type and color, and keep them segregated Ths greaty faciitates setting Up the game The playing pieces are distinguished by Type, strength, and_mobilty, as represented” by various. numbers. and ‘symbols. printed on the faces, rau SAMPLE UNIT Craton Se Symbol UE Type Symbol ras aa8l nt sot ee Detone Stenath (3221 SUMMARY OF UNIT TYPES vel = 124 “Mechanized Mountain | 338) el" [ei 33:8) Alrmose-semotie 1-2-8 = oa 338 ensign] 22-8 S—] Arwen monty sha ses 142 ese site] 22-8 3." soa: S58) os umenl 438 mov Recnasne [— . z 128 pans 01-3 ORGANZATIONAL SiZE SYMBOLS X= Bignse (3.23) DEFINITION OF TERMS ‘Attack Strengths the basic atacking strength ff 2 unit quantified In Stiength Ponts, Defense Strength is the basic defending strength of unit quantified in Stength Pots ‘Movement Allowance is the basic movement abiity ofa unit quantified in Movement Points, inmost cases, a unit expends one Movement Point of 1s total Movernent Allowance for ‘each hex entered 193] GAME CHARTS AND TABLES Various visual aids are provided for the Players to simply and. iisiate certain game functions. These are. the Combat” Results Tobie, the Turn Recora/Reinforcament Chart, and the Tersin Eiscts Chart. Each of these is fully explained where presented [a4] GAME EQUIPMENT INVENTORY ‘A-complete set of NATO should include the folowing parts: (One Game Map One set of Game Rules One set of die-cut counters One de One shoet of Charts and Tables [38] GAME SCALE ach Game-Turn represents two days. and feach hex is equivalent 10 16 kiometers in stance, [4.0] SEQUENCE OF PLAY (4.1) THE GAME-TURN NATO is played in turns called Game. Tums Each Game-Turn is composed of two Proyer-Tums. Each Ployer-Turn is composed of thee Phases. The Player whose Payer-Turn is In progress 16 called the Phasing Player Each Game-Turn proceeds as follows. [42] SEQUENCE OUTLINE {A FIRST PLAYER-TURN [Soviet Player-Turnl 1. Initia’ Movement Phase. The Phasing Player may move lof isunislexception, se 113) 9 any direction upto the imit of their Movement ‘Allowanes within the restrictions outlined 1a fhe Movement and Supply rues. 2. Combat Phase. The Phasing Player may attack Enemy units adjacent to Friendly units {this option combat i resolved as outlined in the Combat rues. 3. Second Movement Phase. The Phasing Player may move all of his units in any direction up 10 the limit of their Movement Bilowance within the restrictions outlined in the Movement Fules. B. SECOND PLAYER-TURN (NATO Payer: Turnh Repeat chases 1 through 3 for the NATO Player, who beoomes the Phasing Player and moves his own Units, C. GAME-TURN INDICATION The Game-Tuin marker is advenced on the Gamo: Turn Wack, signaling he start of @ new Game-Turn (43) GAME LENGTH Repeat steps A through C for the number of Game-Turs indicated by the scenario. At the fend of the last Game-Turn, the game is over, {and the Players’ performances ae evaluated terms of the Victory Condtions. [5.0] MOVEMENT GENERAL RULES: During the Movement Phase, the Phasing Player may move as many or as few of his units ase wishes. During each Friendly Movement Phase, each unit may be moved as many oF a5, fea hows 98 the Phasing Plover desires, 95 Tong as. ts Movement. Allowance is "not ‘exceeded ina single Movement Phaso. Unusod Movement Points, however, may not be ‘accumulated from Phase to Phase nor tans Terted rom unit to unt PROCEDURE: Move each unitindvidualy, tracing the path of its movement through the hexagonal rid Once a unit has Been moved and the Player's hand withdrawn, the unit may not be moved ‘gain, nor the path retraced andlor changed during that Movement Phase cases: (6.1) HOW TO MOVE UNITS (5.111 During 8 Movement Phese only the Phasing Players units are moved, al some, of one of his units may be moved. No Enemy Favement, and ne combat, may occur dung 8 Movement Phase (6.12) Movement is calculated in terms of Movement Points. Basically each unit expends fone Movement Point of its total Movement ‘Allowances for each hex it enters [5.2] MOVEMENT INHIBITIONS AND PROHIBITIONS, [5.211 A units Movement Allowance may be decreased by supply considerations, lowering the number of Movement Points that may expend ina given Movement Phase (see Supply). The number of Movement Points 0 tentera given hex accumultes by addition, 12. to enter 2 woods hex whle crossing 2 rivet hesside would cost three Movement Points two forthe woods hex, and one for crossing the rver (See the Terran Effects Chart. All bets of reducing avaiable Movement Points fang increasing the number of Movement Points 10 enter @ given hex are cumulative (5.221 unit may always move a single hexin a given Movernent Phase 25 long a8 A is not Feaving one Enemy controled hex and directly entering another, and is pot entering 9 sea Rex br crossing a sea hexside (Exceptions: see 5.4 16.23] Units may never enter hexes containing Enemy units. Units may. never enter allea exes ot pase tough al-sea hoxsides (See the Terrain Elects Chat [5.3] CZECHOSLOVAK RESTRICTIONS I5.31) All Crochosiovak. units. are intially placed in Czechslovakia. They may never leave that country unless otherwise stated in the seonario, ether by crossing the Start Line, oF into East Germany, They may, however, attack hhoxes adjacent to Czechoslovakia. [5.4] UNITS WITH SPECIAL MOVEMENT AAILITIES, 8] aire MOBILE Division TRICAP DIVISION [5.41] Aimobile Units. There aro two types of farmobils units Aimobile sisions (composed of one base. element and. two amoble Slements) and Tricap dvisions (composed of ‘one base element and one armobie slement ‘The atmobie element of these units may ignare al eects of the frst Enemy controled fox they enter in any Friendly Movement Phase, as Tong as they didnot begin that Movement Phave n an Enemy Controlled hex. IW thoy aid begin in an Enemy conti hex, ‘thay may only enter another Enemy controled hx (even an sojacent one}. Thus aitmobile ements have limited ability 10 "move ‘througiy” Enemy controlled hexes. sggt 11:2 (5.42) Air Transportable Units. These Units have the Unique abilty to move without regard fo Movement lowance and the hex gid. At the eginning of any. Friendly Movement Phase, any supplied Air-Transportable unit not in an Enemy controlled hex may be removed ftom the map and placed on any other hex with four restrictions 1) They may not be placed in Enemy cccupied or controlled hexes 2) They may not be placed on Al-Sea or AlLake hexes; 3) They may only be placed of hexes from wiich'a line of unblocked contiguous Fexesne longer than twelve hexes may be traced to any Friendly supply unit Hexes are” blocked "by impassable terran, Enemy occupied exes. and Enemy. controlled hexes not occupied by Friendly unis 44) They may only at transport from one Gar terrain hex to another cleat terrain ex [6.0] ZONES OF CONTROL GENERAL RULE: ‘The six hexagons immediately surrounding @ hex constitute the Zone of Contr of any units in that hox. Hexes upon which a unit exerts a Zone of Contral ate called convaled nexes, ‘and inhiit the movement of Enemy units. All Units exer @: Zone of Control (6.1) MOVEMENT EFFECTS {6.111 Upon entering an Enemy controied hex 2 unit must stop and may not move again in that Movement Phase (Exception see 6.21, However, units expend no additional Move- ‘ent Points to enter an Enemy contoled hex {only the normal terrain costs). [6.121 Aunit may never move from one Enemy controled hex directly to. another Enemy Eontroled hex (Exception see 6.2). [6.13] Aunit hat stats its Movement Phase in fan Enemy contolieg hex may move oUt and ‘Senter another Enemy controlled hex, pro viding it does not move Grectly fram one another. It must fist enter ‘at least one man-contrliad hex [6.2] AIRMOBILE UNITS [6.21] The Airmobile cloments of Airmobile {and Tricap units may move from one Enemy Controlled hex directly to another Enemy Controlled hex once per Movement Phase (se Sah, They are the only units wath this ability (6.3) COMBAT EFFECTS [6.31] Zones of Contol do not affect combet; attacking is completely voluntary and. the presence of @ unis Zone of Contol in 8 Frendly occupied hex does not force combs (6a) RETREAT EFFECTS. [681} Units may not retest (due to combat; see the Combat Results Table) into or through fan Enemy controled hex, unless. another Friendly unit seady occupies the controlled hex Thus, for reteat purposes, Enemy ‘conirolled hexes are negated by Friendly units (65] SUPPLY EFFECTS [6.51] Supply tines may not be traced through Enemy Controlled hexes unless that hex. is ‘occupied by Friendly unt, Thus, for supply purposes, Friendly units negate Enemy eon. froled hee. (7.0] STACKING GENERAL RULE: The Soviets may stack 8 maximum of wo units of any type per hex, while the NATO player may stack only one division (XX) oF is quvalont (ree Brigades). A supply unit Counts as a dvision-szed unit for both sides where stacking is concerned, CASES: (7.1) MOVEMENT EFFECT 17.111 Units may not move theough hexes in Violation of the stacking limtations.. The Stacking mit apples at all times during the Frendly Movement Phase. Units. may. not overstock valuntariy. Thus a unit could not be ‘maved into or through 8 hex tho somaination Of the moving ‘and. stationary unit violated Stacking imitations (see 9.2) 72] COMBAT EFFECT (7.211 ll units which are in hex under attack must be stlocked; their separate Detense Strengths ae totaled and the entre combined Strength must be attacked. Unis stacked together may not be attacked separately. If ‘one unit ina Stack of unis attacking a given hex, the remaining units are under no Compulsion to jon in the attack. They may attack different hoxes, or not attack at all {73} UNIT BUILDUP AND BREAKOOWN {7:3] The NATO Player may, at his option, break down (ie, create moro, smaller units fom 9 single uni) or buld up Ihe. combine several smaller units into one sttonger unit Certain unis into ather configurations. Units t0 be combined must be of the same nationality ‘and must start the Movement Phase stacked Together. “Units when broken down are Teplaced in the same hex withthe equivalent Uns of the same nationsity. Combing oF breaking down requires the expenditure of all fight 16) Movement Points from the inniating Unis Units may never chenge nationality ‘when breaking down ar building up. Oni the NATO payer may ‘break down or combine units. Bulling up or breaking. down takes piace at the. beginning of the Friendly Movement Phase, and al movement is denied ‘any units that engage in ether operation, Unt types. have na ellect on Bulding. ‘up of Broaking Down, only the units’ Stiengths and Allowance 17.32] The following substitutions can be made BREAKING DOWN S,).[sche]| sae 1:2:8}| 3:38) s@-|:| ses 558) [128 st: |: /soz 558) [128 sti |: |

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