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1. STP of Coca-cola, Thums Up and Pepsi

Segmentation: Coca Cola created various divisions in major regions of the

It also segmented its products according to place of consumption like
theatres,restaurants,etc ,type of products bought by customer & demographics like
age and income.
Coca Cola
Targeting: Coca Cola targeted primarily younger people in age
bracket of 10-25 yrs and 26-40 in secondary bracket.
It givesvarious options like strong flavour, diet cola and variants to
health conscious consumers.

Positioning: Coca Cola's latest tagline- Little drops of joy, associates

with good time with family and friends.Company positions it's product
as thirst quenching and refreshing

Segmentation: Thumbs up segmented according to age(youth) group and

gender(male).It is concerned with Indian market has segmented into various
regional spaces.

Targeting: It gives users a feel of "DESI" as it targets the Indian household Thumbs up
and has been a major player in the industry after Coca Cola.
They have incorporated to Indian needs and provided with different sizes and

Positioning:Its famous tagline is "Taste the thunder". Hence instills a

feel of adventure as depicted in their advertisements
Segmentation: Pepsi segments according to age(15-45) group and
Urban/Rural,life cycle stages.It also segments psychographically like aspirer and

Targeting:Pepsi customers are mostly teen agers and young adults.It Pepsi
also targets schools, restaurants and stores.

Positioning:It tries to position the product as if a person feels younger

just by drinking it.It is associated with various sports event to create the
same feel.

2. STP of OYO and Airbnb

Segmentation:Oyo segments on the basis on economic status, ranging from

students to professionals.It emphasises on quality at affordable cost.It also
segments according to marital status,age,gender and religion.

Targeting:Oyo targets high quality affordable rooms. It targets all

types of stays like short stay,vacation, PGs

Positioning:It tries to position in every part of society and creates a

feeling of affordable stay. It emphasises on point that quality can be high
even if cost is affordable.
Segmentation:AirBnB has wider reach around the globe.It segments according
to region,social status,age.

Targeting:It targets students, adventurers families too.It provide

overall experience from homestay to luxury hotels.

Positioning:As the name AirBnB suggests, it creates a sense amongst

it's customers that only air, bed and breakfast are essential for adventure.

2. 4 P’s of Dettol Hand Sanitizer

Product Place
1.Focuses on family health & has established
as family brand with assurance of -"Be 100% 1.Can be called product for people in the
sure." whole society,be it rural or urban.
2.It comes in varied size and with alcohol conc. 2. It has ties to online as well as
of 72.34%. departmental stores.
3.It has a particular green& white package with 3.It is available at it's own online store
claim of killing 99.9% of germs. too.

Price Promotion
1.Products are priced by keeping in mind about 1.Ties itself to hygiene which has
the socio-economic standards of the society. instilled a feeling of safety amongst
2.Competitors have started pricing lower than people,especially during COVID-19.
Dettol. 2.Govt as well as Pvt hospitals use
3. Price doesn't compromise with the quality of Dettol which in turn promotes to the
the product. patients.
3. 7P’s of McDonalds

McDonald's provide wide range of products from burgers to wraps to desserts.

It provides option to mix and match different food items.
Product It also provides attractive toys for Kids on McD meals.

Price is quite competetive and combination of items often leads to discounts.

Its cost is reasonable as compared to its competitors.

It uses online platforms for promotion and provides lucrative discounts on using their own apps.They
38k +use clown
outlets as ambassador
around the globe which attracts
with eating andchildren too.options.
take away
Home delivery options have also started.
Place Smaller towns and rural areas can't access McDonalds.


McD employees are very skilled and efficient in their task and greet in Hindi as well as English in India.This
creates a sense oneness.

The process of preparation of food is quite transparent and hence instills trust amongst the customers.

The colorful outlet creates a vibrant feeling and creates joy amongst the customer. All the outlets are
Physical similar.

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