Quality Analysis of Death Medical Certificate Reporting: Chinese Medical Record English Edition

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Chinese Medical Record English Edition

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Quality Analysis of Death Medical Certificate


Fang Liu, Na Sun & Jing Ni

To cite this article: Fang Liu, Na Sun & Jing Ni (2013) Quality Analysis of Death
Medical Certificate Reporting, Chinese Medical Record English Edition, 1:1, 14-16, DOI:

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/23256176.2013.780743

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Chinese Medical Record English Edition, 2013; 1(1): 14–16
© 2013 Chinese Medical Record Association
ISSN 2325-6176 online
DOI: 10.3109/23256176.2013.780743

Quality Analysis of Death Medical Certificate Reporting

Liu Fang, Sun Na and Ni Jing

Quality Management Department of General Abstract

Hospital of Chengdu Military Region, Chengdu,
Sichuan Province, P. R. China Objective. Analyzing reporting quality of the death medical certificate is
to improve the accuracy of the reported data. Methods. Retrospectively
Citation: Liu F, Sun N, Ni J. Quality Analysis of Death
Medical Certificate Reporting. Chin Med Rec analyzing the reported mortality data of a 3-grade hospital in 2011.
Engl Ed, 2013; 1(1): 14–6. Results. There are 521 cases of death. The highest percentage of disease
diagnosis is symptoms or signs, followed by various failures. The main
reasons for the fill-in error in the death medical certificates are that the
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fundamental concept of the cause of death is not clear and the cause of
death chain fill is not standard. Conclusion. The judgment of the root cause
of death is the key factor that influences the quality of the medical death
certificate. Effective death monitoring management mode and enhancing
the cause of death monitoring talent ability construction can effectively
improve the quality of filling in.
Key words: Death medical certificate; Root cause of death; Death chain

The death management of population is a fundamental task for managing

the cause of death, the death level and the change in rules thereof; the death
management plays a very important role in establishing social and economic
development plan, and health service development plan and in estimating the
health level of people and social health status. Meanwhile, the death manage-
ment also provides the basic data for scientific researches on medical science,
demography and so on, and has important social and economic significance
in addition to scientific value. Death Medical Certificate is issued by National
Ministry of Health and is applicable nationwide. The certificate on resident
death and its cause certified by the health and medical department is a source
of basic information on the vital statistics and demographic statistics related
work and is a fundamental legal basis for judging the characteristics of death.
In our country, the death case direct network report is initiated by Chinese
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and its purpose is to improve
the early warning capability of the disease monitoring system, so the accu-
racy of the death case disease information may influence the early warning
capability of the monitoring system [1].

1. Data source and methods

1.1 Data Source Surveying 521 death medical certificates filled in in 2011.
1.2 Methods Analyzing problems in every certificate, recording and
counting via excel, discovering problems and correcting in time.

2. Results
Among 521 death medical certificates obtained throughout the year, 189 death
Address correspondence to: Liu Fang, Quality medical certificates were not filled in according to the required standard and
Management Department of General Hospital of the percentage of unqualified certificates is 36%, wherein the certificates of
Chengdu Military Region, Chengdu 610083, Sichuan
Province, P. R. China.
nonstandard writing of death cause are 154, amounting to 332 errors in total
(Tables 1 and 2). Various error types are analyzed as below.

Analysis of death certificate reporting 15

Table 1. Problem analysis of death medical certificates. uremia, but chronic nephritis has clearly a causal relation
Proportion in yearly with the direct cause of death, so cirrhosis and chronic
Defect type Copies death cases (%) hepatitis can only be listed as item II rather than item I.
Delay(more than 7 days) 7 1.34 Under this condition, some physicians list multiple diag-
Survey record of unfilled items 12 2.30 noses of the patient on the whole without analysis and
Unfilled time interval from onset to death 25 4.80
Leaked and wrong basic items (registered 25 4.80 regardless of primary and secondary items, thus causing
address, profession and job type, the confusing logical relations among diseases.
ID card number) 3.2 Insufficient timeliness of network reporting.
Nonstandard fills of death cause 154 29.56
A few physicians fail to fill in and report the certificate
within the prescribed seven days [4]. The death of a
3. Cause analysis patient may happen at any time during the duty period
of any one physician. Because the managing physician
3.1 The training of personnel is incomplete. Insuf- is not on duty during the holiday time and the relative
ficient understanding of the importance of the filling of the patient fails to pay fees in time, the physician
in of death certificate, easy ignorance of the quality of on duty cannot fill in the certificate in time and hence
filling in, especially incomplete training work organized there is a delay in preparing the report [5]. On the other
by hospitals and departments, indifference on pre-job hand, there is only one network-reporting professional
training of new entrants. with no backup for direct-reporting workers, this being
3.1.1 Confusion on conception of cause of death. another reason for reduction in the submission of timely
Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 13:20 16 April 2016

The difference between the clinical understanding of the reports.

cause of death and the root cause of death in necrology 3.3 Insufficient supervision of network direct-
results in that clinicians often do not fill in as per the reporting personnel. The network direct-reporting
requirement of International Disease Classification [2]. personnel has incomprehensive knowledge on many
In the filling in process, the diseases that directly cause professional clinical diagnoses. Even if the certificate is
death and those that promote death are not clearly reported in time, the quality of filling in is not guaran-
distinguished and the concepts are confusing, so the teed. Therefore, it is necessary to enhance the effective
physicians must clearly distinguish the concepts of dis- supervision on filling in death certificates.
eases that cause death and those that promote death.
The definition of the root cause of death is ‘(a) earliest
disease or loss in a series of disease events for directly caus- 4. Improvement measures
ing the death, or (b) the accident or violence causing fatal 4.1 Enhancing targeted trainings. All levels of doctors
damage’ [3]. in the entire hospital trains at least twice in the whole
3.1.2 Nonstandard filling in of other important year; especially, for the new graduates and postgradu-
diseases. The causal relationship of diseases that cause ates, undergoing training is very important before start-
death is not clear and the disease chain is not reason- ing with their jobs. The training content includes the
able. Especially, the people belonging to an older age basic writing standard, the method of reporting the
group (especially old age) often have various diseases. root cause of death and ICD-10 coding of Death Medi-
For example, the root cause of death a patient has filled cal Certificate. Meanwhile, doctors must make full use
in is as follows: I (a) cirrhosis and uremia, (b) chronic of their medical knowledge and accurately and scien-
hepatitis and chronic nephritis. An analysis of this case tifically mention the correct medical terms for diseases .
revealed that the direct cause of death of the patient is Doctors should know very well about the specific provi-
sion available for reporting the root cause of death; all
Table 2. Nonstandard writings of death cause.
failures, shock and sudden death cannot be filled in as
Constituent ratio the root cause of death. Through training, the filling in
Item Number of death cause (%) accuracy of the death cause chain is raised to 70.23% in
Main disease diagnosis (please fill in the July 2012 from 60.24% in January 2012, and the selection
specific disease name and do not accuracy of the root cause of death is raised to 75.98% in
fill in symptoms and signs) first item
demanded to be filled in. July 2012 from 70.01% in January 2012. In the compari-
Unspecified position of tumor 1 0.30 son made before and after the training, it has been found
Reverse causal relationship of death 5 1.51 that the filling in accuracy of the death cause chain and
Nonstandard disease diagnosis name 15 4.52
Unclear causes of injury or no injury 23 6.92
the selection accuracy of the root cause of death are on
Non-corresponding complication 26 7.82 the rising trend, and the magnitude of the error rate of
diagnosis and etiological diagnosis various failures has steeply declined.
Various failures 65 19.58
Symptoms or signs 76 22.90
4.2 Defining the filling in and reporting system of
Other important diseases irrelevant to 121 36.45 ‘death certificate’. The special cases should be clearly
death and cause of death, the second stipulated; for example, the duty physician is required
item to be filled in
Sum 332 100
to fill in the Death Medical Certificate as soon as the
patient dies and if the patient fails to clear the fees, the

16 Liu Fang et al.

network direct-reporting personnel needs to be finished prises three aspects: data quality, underreporting and
first; after the fees are cleared, the managing physician reporting timeliness, and the statistical data, which are
stores and gives the related parts of Death Medical publicly displayed on the medical quality bulletin. The
Certificate to the relative of the patient. Then the related comprehensive quality evaluation promotes the qualita-
parts are uniformly submitted along with the medical tive management to the level of quantitative manage-
record via an auditing and clearing office on the normal ment and accurately finds out problems, and evaluates
working day. Death Medical Certificate is a legal instru- and corrects them. The present focus is on improving
ment, so the person responsible must be strictly speci- the selection accuracy of the root cause of death, and the
fied; and only doctors with national practicing doctors’ right selection of the root cause of death will be taken as
qualification are qualified to fill in the certificates. an important index of the quality evaluation.
4.3 Defining the responsibility of death network 4.6 Rewards and punishments. The data audit of
direct-reporting professional. The death network the cause of death is key point to ensure the data qual-
direct-reporting professional should seriously audit ity. Delayed reporting, underreporting and filling errors
the reported death medical certificate and urge for are counted; the quality analysis report is done monthly
improvement; and the death network direct-reporting and is reported to the quality management division; the
professional should regularly attend the trainings of quality control deduction is carried out in the economic
epidemiology and health statistics, international statis- management accounts of divisions and individuals; at
tical classification standard of diseases and other related the same time, the divisions having qualified filled-in
knowledge. Meanwhile, one additional death network- reports should be rewarded.
Downloaded by [McMaster University] at 13:20 16 April 2016

reporting professional should be added so as to ensure

the work continuity and reporting timeliness.
4.4 Giving great impetus to death survey work.
For the death cases before emergency treatment, many [1] Xu Haiying . Death Reporting Card Management Status Survey
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patients died at home; their relatives were from rural 34–35.
areas and lacked medical knowledge, so the death survey [2] Pan Xiliu, Chen Aijuan. Talking on Problems in Filling Resident
work could not be carried out which resulted in some Death Medical Certificate. Journal of Navy Medicine, 2006,
missed-out items. To eliminate the missed-out survey [3] Peking Union Medical College Hospital World Health Organization
content, the local communities conjointly strengthened Cooperation Center of Disease Classification, compilation.
the popularization of medical knowledge. It is very International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related
Health Problems . The Second Volume of the Tenth Revision.
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dictions. [4] Wei Lina. Problems in Death Network Reports and Counter-
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[5] Liu Xiaoyan, Ji Ping . Methods of Improving Medical Death
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Copyright © 2013 Editorial Board of Chinese Medical Records

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