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Role Play Scenario # 1

Target : FO Intermediate

Topic: Arrange the airport transfer for the guest

A guest’s flight is from Shanghai Pudong to Singapore, with flight number SQXXX.
Departure time is 12 PM. How the trainee would handle the transfer arrangements for the guest,
so the guest will not be late or frustrated due to inconveniences.

Role Play Scenario # 2

Target : FO Basic

Topic: After check in - Rooming

There will be a set of vocabulary provided by the trainer. The trainees should be able to
speak up sentences related with the context by using the vocabulary provided. For instance, the
clue is “wardrobe”, and the trainee should be able to introduce the content of the wardrobe,
explain about the laundry service (i.e collection hours, pick up times etc.).

* As FO Basic vocabulary and knowledge are not as broad as intermediate and advanced
levels, this role play would have almost identical situations like the handout provided by the HR.

Role Play Scenario #3

Target: FO Advanced

Topic: Real-life Situations

As the skills of the advanced trainees are completely proficient, other than the hotel related
situations, we may add some broader topics, like development of the city, changes in
transportation and shopping trends etc. The vocabulary will be taken from the handout provided
by the HR, from lessons 25 to 28. For example; based on the vocabulary and grammatical
phrases, the trainee is expected to express his/her ideas and knowledge about the topic.

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