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«Uralplast» LLC, INN/KPP 6679041167/667901001, OGRN 1136679016473 ,

620024, Yekaterinburg, Bisertskaya street, 1, lit З, office 66
Т.: +7 (343) 270 56 60, E-mail:

Crosslinker ForeBC-D2

ForeBC-D2 is a delayed diesel oil-based borate crosslinker. This high-strength product easily forms cross
links in aqueous gel systems. As crosslinked, guar or hydroxypropylguar systems are high density
structures that work efficiently to carry the proppant. ForeBC-D2 is an affordable and practical solution
for various applications that eliminates the need for pH adjusting agents. Fore BC-D2 are available in a
number of modifications, which makes it easy to achieve the required crosslinking time and pH value of
the crosslinked gel.

ForeBC- D2 is a suspension of high-dispersed powder borates and alkaline in diesel oil.

Contact with the skin or eye mucosa may cause irritation.

Appearance and colour Opaque liquid, from grey to brown.
Density at 20 °С, g/cm3 1.20 — 1.25
Freezing point, °С, max. - 10 0С

 Double crosslinking system.
 Grade А offers the delayed complete crosslinking with fast vortex funnel closing (vortex funnel
closing time - up to 15 s, complete crosslinking time - up to 70 s).
 Grade B – the delay of the complete crosslinking ensures lower working pressure in the perforation
zone (vortex funnel closing time - up to 25 s, complete crosslinking time - up to 120 s).
 Due to their high strength, the feed rate of crosslinkers ForeBC-D2 can be as low as 2.0-4.5 l/m3.
 Automatically adjusts the pH-value of the crosslinked gel to keep it at 9.0 or higher.

Product usage:
ForeBC- D2 are efficient as crosslinkers at temperatures from 75 to 130 0С (w/o additives).
If used along with crosslinker ForeНТ-2, the recommended working temperature range is from 20 to 80 0С.

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