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Everything I put in this book is simply my opinion. If you do anything I recommend without the supervision of a
licensed medical doctor, you do so at your own risk. The publisher and the author, the distributors and bookstores,
present this information for educational purposes only. I am not making an attempt to prescribe any medical treat-
ment, since under the laws of the United States only a state licensed medical doctor (an MD) can do that. It is only in
my opinion that clean air, clean water, sunshine, walking, whole foods, healthy relationships and a passion for life are
healthy for you. I agree that some people find fresh oranges, crisp apples and summer watermelon hideously scary.
While at the same time doughnut shops, soda pops, synthetic sweeteners and fast food restaurants are the ultimate
“Disneyland of great nutrition.” Even doctors who believe this are simply expressing their opinions. They differ-
ence is they are supported by laws put into place by paid for lobbyists to create and support State Licensing.
(See: Farmacist History)

I would hope that you choose the healthful path that is right for you given the tools I provide within these two vol-
umes detailing my life’s work and purpose.

Copyright © 2006 by Don Tolman

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.

Published in the United States of America and in Hong Kong by Benacquista Publishing, Inc. and X2X, PTY-LTD.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information
storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a critic who may quote brief
passages in a review.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Library of Congress #97-61816
Tolman, Don
Farmacist Desk Reference / by Don Tolman / Layout and Design by Amber Tolman & Tracy Jones

ISBN 0-9703931-1-3
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~26 Letters~
Can you say the alphabet from beginning to end
and end to beginning, by heart?
Leonardo da Vinci could.




These three alphabetic presentations represent Leonardo da Vinci’s

principles of the ability to increase one’s imaginative intelligence.
If you love the idea of increasing and improving brain power, then you’ll love
the Art of Learning piece called AmbiBraindrius.
Get it today from and discover the joy of memorizing at
the Speed of Sight.
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~History & Mystery~

History: The 26 Letters

Twenty-six. Not a very big number until one considers the diversity of thoughts, which
can be created through the simple arrangement of the letters of the alphabet. From
this unassuming collection of characters we are able to create an infinite number or
words, of sentences, some well-written headlines, John Stewart’s monologue and sev-
eral shoe and brassiere sizes. A frightening thought when you consider that nobody
bothers to regulate or license such activity. The FDR is pleased to present this,
“Historical” and “Mystical” tribute to our twenty-six alphabetical characters in antici-
pation that it will stimulate characters with character to look to the FDR for great
characters of all kinds presented by mother nature in the form of living messages (words
of wisdom) we call whole foods.

Mystery: The Celtic Name Letter Key

Names, Letters and their meanings in order to gain a revelation of “character and per-
sonality” from ones name.


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~Letters & Meanings~

The method of understanding the “hidden messages” in one’s name, should be used only as lightheart-
ed entertainment, but do not be surprised at the secrets the letters reveal. There may be things that
you do not want to accept, for there are always aspects of our character that we wish to conceal, even
from ourselves. The ancient, “Name Wizards,” though, would whisper softly to you “listen well to what
it tells you.”

In this system of the ancient, Celtic Seers, each letter of the alphabet has a meaning, and the total
reading of a name is, logically, the sum total of its individual letters.

To begin with, arrange the letters of the name in alphabetical order; at this stage count each of the let-
ters to make sure none have been left out. Thus “Jared Artemus Tolman” would be set out as:


The letters that occur most often are the more important ones. “A” is clearly the most important one
in the example I’m using, while “E,” “M,” “R” and “T” carry more weight in the overall interpretation of
the name than the single letters. For a person bearing this name, “A” should be treated like a lucky
number. Other names and words that begin with, or are dominated by that letter, should be given spe-
cial consideration.

Of all the various name interpretation methods that use systems, this is certainly my favorite for a short,
quick look into names. I find no contradiction in the fact that reading a name by this method produces
letter explanations that appear to oppose one another. People have complex personalities, and while
they might act one way today, they are likely to behave quite differently tomorrow. I think you will find
it worthwhile to use this system on your own name and the names of loved ones and friends. Name
means, “nature of.” We no doubt develop our dispositions and personalities around our names.
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~Volume II~
A - Foods & Symptoms 7-148
B - Foods & Symptoms 149-286
C - Foods & Symptoms 287-366
D - Foods & Symptoms 367-398
E - Foods & Symptoms 399-416
F - Foods & Symptoms 417-440
G - Foods & Symptoms 441-466
H - Foods & Symptoms 467-508
I - Foods & Symptoms 509-522
J - Foods & Symptoms 523-528
K - Foods & Symptoms 529-538
L - Foods & Symptoms 539-568
M - Foods & Symptoms 569-610
N - Foods & Symptoms 611-638
O - Foods & Symptoms 639-672
P - Foods & Symptoms 673-750
Q - Foods & Symptoms 751-756
R - Foods & Symptoms 757-782
S - Foods & Symptoms 783-840
T - Foods & Symptoms 841-892
U - Foods & Symptoms 893-898
V - Foods & Symptoms 899-922
W - Foods & Symptoms 923-932
X - Foods & Symptoms 933-934
Y - Foods & Symptoms 935-940
Z - Foods & Symptoms 941-943
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~A a~
History: The Letter A

Originally drawn to depict the head of an ox, the letter “A” became the victim of a series
of sloppy transitions by the Phoenicians and especially the Greeks. It seems the original
shape, more of a “V” with a horizontal bar, was made into a single hand stoke by the
Phoenicians and carelessly inverted 500 years later by the Greeks. The Greeks weren’t
much interested about the symbolism expressed in letter-forms but were very excited about
their sound value. Apparently “Aleph” meant “ox” to the Phoenicians but the Greeks mis-
understood and called it “Alpha” which should mean, “upside down ox,” but it doesn’t. If
you’re selling shoes, we’ll set it to mean slightly narrower than “B.” If you’re selling
brassieres we’ll set it to mean slightly smaller than “B.” Other combinations are also avail-
able, as whole foods in the FDR.

Mystery: The Celtic Name Letter Key

The letter “A” is universally acknowledged to be a symbol of excellence and achievement.

It is therefore a sign that a high standard can be reached in the name-bearer’s chosen field.
It also indicates an insistence on excellence in others, which often means a strongly devel-
oped critical faculty. How openly this criticism is expressed depends on other aspects of
the name-print. This is also a letter of initiation, showing a person who is keen to do new
things. When it is the first letter of a name it is a sign of ambition. Occurring elsewhere in
the name it can indicate, (an unfortunate tendency to be negative about other peoples’
success), it shows a very great potential for a successful life.
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ABDOMINALS here’s the thing, this plaque

forms in the intestine which
continues to produce mucous
“Be who you are and say how you feel, because those who mind don’t matter; and those who matter don’t mind.”

Medi-Sign Target as a normal response to the

Lentils undigested food. In other
(any food in a shell or pod) words, food is not supposed
to just sit there and rot.
Instead, our body is designed
to store three meals at any
Imagine a pipe accumulating years
given time, although most
of interior build up causing a nar-
Americans are storing six to
rowing of its original diameter.
twelve meals! Mucous is not
Well, this is pretty much what hap-
powerful enough to move the
pens to your colon over time result-
toxic, enzyme-free sludge left
ing in more force required to elimi-
behind from fake, chemical-
nate fecal matter. Little effort
ly-laced and high-processed
should be exerted while eliminating.
foods such as, hotdogs, burg-
However, you strain because your
ers and doughnuts. abdomen that is disproportionate to
colon’s walls are lined with debris.
“Straining” is indicative of a other total body fat, there is an inde-
More and more mucous is produced, pendent predictor of risk factors and
blocked colon.
however, as your body’s natural morbidity. For instance, a high
defense mechanism. This causes the waist circumference is associated
colon to grow in diameter and create with an increased risk for type 2
the appearance of belly fat. So, if diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension
you are doing dozens of crunches and CVD (cardio-vascular disease).
and other “ab work” and can’t seem Because it more accurately
to lose the belly fat, it’s probable describes the anatomical site of
that you have undigested food rot- measurement, the term “waist” cir-
ting in your colon. cumference is used instead of
“abdominal” circumference.
Walk, walk and walk. The best way
to permanently lose abdominal fat is When there is fat located in the
to walk. Walking increases the abdominal region, this perhaps is
metabolism, which is the rate by associated with greater health risks
Because a blocked colon leaves
which your body uses calories than fat located in other places like
food behind to rot in the digestive
stored as fat. This burns off body the gluteus. There are three com-
tract, the final process of digestion
fat including abdominal fat. partments of abdominal fat. They
is not completed. Bacteria and tox-
ins, called candida albicans, will are visceral, retroperitoneal and sub-
Maintenance: cutaneous. When it comes to dia-
take place because of the rotting
• Increase the fiber in your diet by betes, several studies suggest that
debris. Undigested food in the
making broccoli, beans, fruits and the visceral fat component of
colon contributes to a multitude of
nuts the norm. abdominal fat is the most strong
diseases like colon cancer. Autop-
sies of people with colon cancer correlated with risk factors not
• Also exercise and drink plenty of involving diabetes. As far as insulin
often times died with more than 40
clean, fresh water throughout the resistance is concerned, other stud-
pounds of undigested rotted food in
day. ies indicate that the subcutaneous
their colon.
component is the most highly with
• Say to yourself: “I can’t weight insulin resistance. Abdominal fat
Compacted rotting food along the
to be thin!” content should be assessed and fol-
entire length of the digestive tract
helps to form mucoid plaque. But lowed by measuring waist circum-
When there is excess fat in the ference.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 9

than any other muscle group, a often due to the build-up of plaque
strong midsection affects the or an inherited condition or a com-
functioning of the entire body. plication of high blood pressure,
called hypertension.
6. Abs instill confidence! A
lean and muscular body makes If aneurysms are left untreated, they
you feel good about the way may tear or burst. When the rup-
you look while making others tures happen, they are very painful
feel good about you too. and cause massive internal bleeding
with a 95 percent chance of sudden
7. Abs beat back pain! Mil- death. The affected person must be
lions of Americans suffer back treated within minutes in order to
pain each year, but studies have a chance of survival.
show that even small improve-
ments in abdominal strength A few famous people who have had
can eradiate back pain for the unfortunate event of an

“People tend to confuse activity with accomplishment.”

good! aneurysm are Lucille Ball, Conway
Twitty and George C. Scott.
8. Abs prevent other aches
ABS and pains! A strong stomach Studies have confirmed that water,
Top 10 Reasons to Strive for a Great absorbs stress and strain from physi- walking, sunshine and lots of high
Set of Abs – Starting Today! cal activity which saves your joints fiber foods absolutely prevent the
and keeps you injury-free. possibilities of this condition.
1. Abs attract the opposite sex! In
one survey, 32 percent of women
said that abs are the muscles most
9. Abs keep you young! acidosis
likely to make them melt. (The next 10. Abs help you win! If you play
closest were biceps at 17 percent!) golf, basketball or any sport that Medi-Sign Target
requires movement, the core mus-
2. Abs ward off illness! Study after
Raw Food Diet
cles in your torso and hips will give
study show that the people with the
(no animals)
you the speed, power and stamina to
largest waist sizes have the highest conquer any foe!
risk of life-threatening disease. Acidosis is a condition characterized
by excessive acid in the body fluids.
3. Abs help you sleep! Upper-body
ABDOMINAL Eating meat and synthetic products
obesity is the most significant risk AORTIC sold as food is the cause.
factor for obstructive sleep apnea, a
condition that makes you snore,
ANEURYSM The kidneys and the lungs regulate
inhibits good sleep and puts you at (bleeding) the acid/base status of the body
risk for heart disease. (pH). Acidosis is caused by an
accumulation of acid or a significant
4. Abs improve your sex life! Medi-Sign Target
Studies show that a strong stomach
with less belly fat gives you
Salt, Walking & Sunshine
increased stamina. Particularly for
guys they are known for better erec- The main artery that supplies oxy-
tions and increased appearance of genated blood from the heart to the
length! body is the aorta. A bulging of the
wall of a blood vessel is called an
5. Abs keep you strong! A United aneurysm. Aneurysms form where
States Army study showed that more the wall has weakened. This is

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 10

loss of bicarbonate. There are two If untreated, acidosis can be danger- regular exercise, adequate sleep and
major categories of acidosis being ous. Many causes respond ade- avoidance of such detrimental habits
respiratory acidosis and metabolic quately to water fasting and whole like smoking. High-dose vitamin
acidosis. food targeting. I’ve never seen this and mineral supplements may actu-
not work. ally worsen the condition.
To maintain normal pH, the human
body is programmed to correct acne/abscess By altering hormone levels, stress
either respiratory or metabolic aci- often triggers a flare-up of acne. In-
dosis. For example, if the acidosis turn, hormonal changes can stimu-
was caused by excessive carbon Medi-Sign Target late food cravings, especially for
dioxide, which is an acid, the body commercial chocolates and other
will correct the pH by retaining Water & Sunshine sweets. This means that the acne
bicarbonate, which is a base. sufferers may erroneously attribute
the acne to gorging on chocolates or
When there are excessive amounts sweets, rather than stress, the real
-Mark Twain

of carbon dioxide in the body, respi- culprit for both.

ratory acidosis develops. This is
primarily caused by decreased
breathing. Other names for this
include hypercapnic acidosis and Clean Sweep
“Nature heals and the doctor sends the bill.”

carbon dioxide acidosis.

Metabolic acidosis has several types 2-3 Berries (ripe)

including diabetic acidosis, which is 1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
also called diabetic ketoacidosis and
Mash the berries and apple cider
DKA. This develops when ketone vinegar and set aside overnight.
bodies accumulate during uncon- Strain and pour into a spray bot-
trolled diabetes. tle. Mist the face and neck. The
acid will help cleanse and tighten
Other types of acidosis include, pores.
hyperchloremic acidosis, which
results from excessive loss of sodi-
um bicarbonate from the body, as in
When the sebaceous glands secrete
severe diarrhea. Lactic acidosis
too much oil, acne is the result. The
occurs when there is an accumula-
oil normally flows from the glands
tion of lactic acid. Lactic acidosis
to the skin’s surface. If, though, the
can be caused by many conditions,
dead skin cells accumulate, they can
including prolonged lack of oxygen. Researchers believe that nutritional
clog the pores. Since the skin
This can be resulting from shock, yeast and foods containing zinc, like
reflects our internal health, acne is
heart failure, severe anemia, pro- wheat germ and lima beans are
sometimes an indicator of toxic con-
longed exercise, seizures, hypo- helpful at clearing acne.
ditions. Too much waste product in
glycemia (low blood sugar), alco-
the kidneys, liver, lungs, intestine or
hol, liver failure, malignancy or cer- Skin Hydration
digestive problems can all give
tain medications like salicylates. Because almost all biological reac-
cause for breakouts. Other causes
tions require water, it is vital to
include, allergies, high fat diet, emo-
Other factors can cause metabolic health. Health professionals advise
tional problems and pollution.
acidosis. These factors include drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of
severe dehydration, which results in water daily to improve circulation
Good overall health is reflected by
decreased tissue perfusion by making blood less viscous, thus
clear, glowing skin. To achieve this
(decreased blood flow); kidney dis- opening blood vessels. The body
skin, you need a balanced diet with
ease and other metabolic diseases. cannot effectively flush waste and

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 11

garlic leaves a strong smell, so DO EAT:

don't apply it just before going All sprouted seeds, grains and
out! Note: Raw garlic is very legumes including, mung, alfalfa,
powerful and can produce a mixed salad etc. All raw and
burning sensation and skin steamed vegetables (including pota-

“Medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness undiscouraged by
reddening, so don’t over-do it toes), which are best to eat later in
topically. the day. All fresh fruits, raw nuts
and seeds including almonds, sun-
• Basic hygiene. Make sure flower seeds, pumpkin seeds and
you wash your face with mild sesame seeds are best. All whole
soap every day, and don’t let grains, rolled oats, brown rice, rye,
your hair get greasy because barley, buckwheat, linseed meal,
the hair oil seems to make millet. Whole meal bread, whole
your face oil worse. It’s also meal pasta, brown rice. Sun dried
a good idea to regularly wash fruits like apricots, figs, dates and
icky, sweaty hats or sweat- peaches. All fresh vegetable and
bands you use in sports. fruit juices. Herbal teas with pure
water (do not add milk or sugar).
• Avoid mineral oil. This

invariable failure.” -Lancet 1991, vol. 337

means avoid mineral oil based The number one solution: use bak-
cosmetics and sunscreens and ing soda as a facial cleanser and
go for water based products scrub.
when possible because they
disease-causing toxins from the
body without adequate hydration.
don’t clog the skin as much. ACORN SQUASH
Water helps at maintaining proper
• Diet. Try to eat plenty of fresh
functioning of proteins, enzymes
greens and vegetables while staying
and connective tissues. Medi-Sign Target
away from oily fast food. Although
acne has more to do with hormones
Skin Liver & Muscles
A powerful probiotic and blood
than diet, some people find that
cleanser is garlic. It can help your
fried foods or cheap commercial
system internally to clean itself out, Acorn squash is one of the hard-
chocolate disagrees with their skin.
which means it would help to skinned winter squashes that is gen-
Be aware of what you eat, so if you
reduce acne. Garlic’s most power- erally oval with deep furrows. The
have a bad breakout you can recog-
ful medicinal effects are felt when it skin is usually dark green blushed
nize possible triggers.
is eaten raw and crushed. The taste with orange or gold, but they also
and smell of garlic may be very come in solid colors like white and
strong, but it is not normally offen- orange. The flesh is orange and
Animal products: pork, lamb, beef
sive. Raw garlic can be sprinkled sweet. They are available year-
chicken, cooked dairy products and
on top of a meal at the end of cook- round but most plentiful in the
margarine. Refined (white) flour
ing, added to a salad, included in a autumn.
products, white rice, white pasta,
sandwich, among other innovative
white bread, processed foods
ways of eating it.
including canned foods, packaged
foods, frozen foods, chips,
When applied externally, the nutri-
donuts, cakes, biscuits, hard alco-
tional and cleansing properties of
holic beverages, soft drinks, fla-
garlic also give it a reputation as
vored drinks, cordial drinks or
being an effective acne treatment. A
any other beverages that contain
cut clove rubbed gently on the
sugars and other chemicals and
affected area is reported to help
reduce acne. Even after washing,

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 12

acupuncture United States, practiced by M.D.s, that the therapy stimulates the
D.O.s (osteopathic physicians), body’s internal regulatory system
D.C.s (chiropractic physicians) and and nurtures a natural healing
What Is It?
N.D.s (naturopathic physicians) response.
Acupuncture is an ancient technique
who have received special training
used to prevent or treat illness. It is
in its methods, as well as by profes- A large body of evidence is accumu-
practiced by a skilled practitioner
sionally trained acupuncture practi- lating indicating that acupuncture
inserting hair-thin needles into spe-
tioners (L.Ac.s, M.Ac.s, O.M.D.s), leads to real physiologic changes in
cific points on the body. Acupunc-
who specialize only in acupuncture the body although Western science
ture originated in China over 2,500
and related Traditional Chinese has neither proven nor accepted the
years ago. It is part of the holistic
Medicine (TCM) therapies. notion of qi. For example, numer-
system of Traditional Chinese
ous studies have shown that insert-
Medicine (TCM), which
ing needles into the
views health as a con-
skin stimulates nerves
stantly changing flow
in the underlying
of energy, or qi (pro-
muscles. Researches
nounced “chee”).
believe that this stim-
Imbalances in this nat-
ulation sends impuls-
“Canto Ergo Sum...I play therefore I am.”

ural flow of energy are

es up the spinal cord
thought to result in dis-
to a relatively primi-
ease in TCM. What
tive part of the brain
acupuncture aims to do
known as the limbic
is restore health by
system and to the
improving the flow of
midbrain and the pitu-
qi (nerve energy).
itary gland. This
effect leads to the
It wasn’t until 1971
release of endorphins
that United States citizens
How Does It Work? and monoamines, which are chemi-
were made aware of acupuncture
Qi flows through the body via 14 cals that block pain signals in the
even though it was mentioned in the
primary meridians or channels spinal chord and brain. Research
Western text (Sir William Osler’s
according to the principles of TCM. has also discovered that acupuncture
Principles and Practice of
To strengthen the flow of qi, or can alter blood circulation within
Medicine, published in 1892, recom-
remove blockages in the meridians, the brain increasing blood flow to
mended it for sciatica and lumbago)
an acupuncturist inserts a number of the thalamus, which is the area of
more than a hundred years ago. In
tiny, sterile, flexible needles just the brain that relays pain and other
1971 a story ran in the New York
under the skin at certain specific sensory messages.
Times when reporter, James Reston,
points (called acupoints) along the
was treated successfully with
channels. There are four to five Now in the United States many
acupuncture after having appendici-
hundred named acupoints along the other studies are being conducted
tis in Beijing. On the front page of
meridians. Some of the acupoints seeking to prove the usefulness of
the Times, Reston reported, “I’ve
are associated with specific internal acupuncture for various ailments.
seen the past, and it works!”
organs or organ systems. For exam-
ple, if you are suffering from nausea Health Benefits
This report came at a time when
needles might be inserted into acu- In Asia, many illnesses have tradi-
many Americans were looking for a
points on your wrist. Vision prob- tionally been treated by acupunc-
more holistic, naturalistic approach
lems, though, might be treated with ture. In the United States, though,
to health care. It caused quite a stir
needles in the foot. Additional ear, its primary use has been to relieve
among the Western medical commu-
scalp, and hand points are also com- chronic pain caused by such ail-
nity. Since the report in 1971,
monly used by some practitioners. ments as arthritis, headache, PMS,
acupuncture has become a widely
and back pain and to assist with-
accepted form of treatment in the
Acupuncture practitioners believe drawal from addictions such as drug

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 13

and alcohol dependency. Both con-

ventional and alternative practition-
Substances that are Toxic to the
C Prunes
ers are exploring innovative applica- • Aluminum (from cooking uten- C Raspberry Leaf
tions for acupuncture. sils)
• Antiperspirants & fluoride
C Rhubarb
An advisory panel for the National • CO2 carbon dioxide (from cars) C Sage
Institutes of Health (NIH) evaluat-
ed hundreds of acupuncture studies
• Cigarettes
• Copper, nickel, lead
C Spinach
in 1997. They concluded that the • Free radicals (from stress & diet) C Strawberries
therapy is an effective treatment for
postoperative pain after dental sur-
• Lack of exercise
• Mercury (from dental fillings)
C Tomato
gery and for nausea induced by • Overindulgence of hard alcohol C Wheat Germ
chemotherapy, pregnancy (“morn- • Recreational drugs/Prescription
ing sickness”), and anesthesia. The Drugs
NIH panel also called acupuncture a • Soda pop & junk food Aluminum
useful adjunct and acceptable treat- Detox

“Never confuse having a career with having a life.”

ment for a variety of conditions, HELPFUL FOODS,
including fibromyalgia, stroke reha- NUTRIENTS & HERBS
2 cups Grapes
bilitation, asthma, headache and 1 Apple, (cut and cored)
carpal tunnel syndrome. Metal Detox Foods 1 cup Strawberries
C Apples
add/adhd C Apricots
These malic acid rich fruits bind
aluminum, which is implicated

C Cayenne (hot pepper)

in memory loss and dementia.
Juice these fruits in your juicing

C Celery
machine in the amounts listed
Medi-Sign Target above or, blend them in a
Apples & Water C Cherries blender. In a blender, add about
fi cup of water or enough to
C Fennel achieve your preferred, thick
(no prescrition drugs)

C Flaxseed
shake consistency.

C Flaxseed Oil
C Garlic
C Ginkgo Biloba
C Grapeseed Extract
C Grapes (See: Pharmaceutical Drug Lords
C Hemp Seed Oil Are Now Targeting and Trolling
For Your Children)
C Lecithin
C Limes attention
C Lychees disorder
C Nectarines Adulterated
C Nutritional Yeast Deficiency
C Peaches Drinks

C Pears Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD),

C Plums with or without hyperactivity, is also

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 14

metal-metabolism disorder almost and DNA, as well as DHA, which is

every time. This research suggests the brain’s most important fatty
that an inborn (genetic) error acid. Sesame is also one of the best
of metal metabolism sources of omega-6 fatty acids and
directly linked to coenzyme Q10.
vaccinated par-
ents may be a fun- The Implications
damental cause of autism and autis- So what does this mean for the neu-
tic spectrum disorders; vaccines rodevelopmentally challenged per-
adversely affect sperm and ovum, in son? Certainly it has been well doc-
a neurodevelopmental disorder. ADD as well. umented that autism, autistic spec-
ADD is the fastest growing child- trum disorders and ADD run in fam-
“All negative emotions, though normal, are never natural to mankind.”

hood disorder in the United States. Research also suggests that neurode- ilies, and are related to other disor-
It reportedly affects an astounding velopmentally challenged children ders such as PKU, Tourette’s Syn-
nine to ten percent of all school- are missing an enzyme, called met- drome and the Fragile X Syndrome
aged children. ADD can be found allothionein, which breaks down (a disorder of the X chromosome).
in adults as well although it is pri- heavy metals. Without metalloth- The link of a genetic predisposition
marily thought of as a childhood ionein, heavy metals accumulate in to neurodevelopmental disorders has
disorder. the body, resulting in an increased been clearly established. Maybe
vulnerability to these toxins and in vaccines should be outlawed, and
Many scientists declare the number an impaired immune system. drug companies imprisoned.
one cause is vaccines. Research is currently being conduct-
What causes such a huge and sud- ed of metal-metabolism genetics to The Thimerosal Link
den increase in autistic spectrum find the “autism gene.” A positive correlation between high
disorders and ADD? Controversies lead and cadmium levels in children
rage about whether environmental and the presence of learning disabil-
factors like the mercury found in Focus & ities and hyperactivity has been
fish and fish sandwiches especially Concentration establish by medical literature.
at fast food chains can contribute to There exists a growing body of evi-
these disorders. Even more so, con- 3 Tbsp Tahini, (raw) dence that children are vulnerable to
troversies fly about vaccinations 1 Apple, (cut and cored)
the mercury-based preservative
(called thimerosal) and/or dental 1 Tbsp Lecithin Granules
thimerosal, used in vaccinations.
amalgams, lead, copper and other 1 cup Pure Water
Dr. Bernard Rimland, PhD. and
heavy metals and chemicals, indus- Blend the tahini (sesame seed Director of the Autism Research
trial pollutants in air and water, paste) first with half the water. Institute, lists a whole page of stud-
additives and preservatives can acts Use raw tahini whenever possible.
ies linking thimerosal to autism, and
as catalysts that trigger these disor- Then add the apple pieces and
he states:
ders. blend some more adding only
enough water to achieve a whirlpool
in the blender. Then add the other “Following are some of the scientif-
Many scientists believe that autism, dry ingredients and enough water ic studies that demonstrate
autistic spectrum disorders and to achieve a thick shake consisten-
thimerosal, a mercury-containing
ADD have similar characteristics to cy. Add more water as required to
substance that is used as a preser-
those of chronic metal toxicity. achieve a whirlpool in the blender
vative, to be harmful and a highly
and a smoothie consistency.
probable causal factor in autism.
The Genetic Link; From Parents Note that these studies are consis-
who were Vaccinated tently ignored in the medical estab-
Also, many doctors believe there lishment’s publications claiming
may be a genetic link in these disor- there is no evidence for vaccine-
ders. Research has concluded that caused autism.”
autism, including Asperger’s Sesame seeds are some of our best
Syndrome and PDD, are related to sources of the nucleic acids RNA

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 15

Toxic Metals – A Cause of Autistic Oct 1, 2003 Vol. 290 No. 13 where
Spectrum Disorders and the researchers found “no associa-
Brain Booster
ADD/PDD? tion” between ASD and thimerosal
Today there is plenty of information has been disproven by SAFE
supporting in no uncertain terms MINDS; this conclusion is support-
that toxic metals and chemicals such ed by the data from the CDC, as 1 bag/tsp Ginkgo Biloba
as mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, opposed to the Danish study, which 1 bag/tsp Ginseng
insecticides and pesticides are a is not. Why do the pharmaceuti- Ginkgo is the most famous
causative factor in many cases of cal drug lords always go unpun- memory herb and ginseng

“I wish to inject a few raisins into the dough of the nutritional supplement delusion.”
autism and ADD. ished? dramatically improves blood
circulation to the brain. Steep
For instance Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, This example states a mother who these herbs for 5 minutes.
MD, did a study on children with found this out the hard way. Her
autistic spectrum disorders which twin boys were diagnosed as hyper-
showed a strong association active with ADD and severe autistic
between increased mercury levels in tendencies. After taking her chil-
children with autistic spectrum dis- dren to the doctor, he found unac-
orders (Journal of American ceptable levels of lead, arsenic, alu-
Physicians and Surgeons, Vol. 8, minum and cadmium in their bod- Many parents, doctors and scientists
No. 3, Fall 2003). Another study ies. The children went through a believe that there is no question as
conducted by James B. Adams, detoxification change of diet. This to whether there is a link to heavy
PhD. of Arizona State University, led to immediate and spectacular metals and symptoms of autism and
found an over six fold increase in improvement in both children. ADD. In other words they believe
mercury in children with autistic that there is a direct correlation
spectrum disorders in his study as Eighteen months after completing between childhood vaccinations,
compared to controls. the de-leading of their bodily tissue, such as MMR and DPT, and autism
they no longer have attention deficit spectrum disorders and ADD.
As well, the latest thimerosal study or hyperactivity. They have
from Denmark as reported in JAMA dropped twelve out of the fourteen The fetus is also at risk for accumu-
classical symptoms of autism they lation of mercury and other heavy
Attention once possessed. They still do have metals. This is due to the metals
Dynamic two symptoms which have gotten crossing over from the vaccinated
Drink significantly better after treatment. metal toxic mother into the unborn
baby via the placenta. The metals
2 Tbsp Gingko Biloba At age three, these children were with the most likelihood of doing so
1 cup Strawberries prescribed Ritalin, then Anafril, and are iron, lead, mercury and copper.
2 cups Grapes then Clonidine. After their first This is an explanation as to why
1 Apple
2 Tbsp Ginseng Powder
efforts to remove the heavy metals, some children who were never
Pure Water they have not needed any medica- immunized have autism or show
tions at all for their previously diag- autistic tendencies. The fact is that
Blend these malic acids fruits nosed disorders. The mother claims heavy metals can and do build up in
together for an energizing, mind- that their eye contact is great, their the body of unborn children.
expanding experience. They will
protect your concentration from
unusual agitation and anxieties have
robbers like free radicals and toxic disappeared and though she was told The following are some recom-
metals. Juice the fruits in any that the twins might never talk, not mendations given by progressive
order and stir in the ginseng & only are they both talking now, but and informed health care practi-
gingko at the end. they attend regular classes in school. tioners, like Dr. Jeff Bradstreet:
This all resulted from removing
toxic metals from their bodily tis- 1. Reduce the Load of Toxins on
sues. the Body. In other words, eliminate
preservatives, additives, food color-

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 16

ings, processed sugars artificial abundant fat in the brain. Lecithin when he is considered overactive,
sweeteners, MSG and artificial fla- is our best source of phospholipids, inattentive and unfocused. Note
vorings. Also, reduce exposure to which stimulate intelligence. that these are all very subjective
airborne chemicals, like chemical symptoms.
perfumes and tobacco smoke, 2. Free Yourself of Gelatin &
household chemicals, and pesticides White Flour Free Diets. Many In boys, ADD is diagnosed four
and insecticides. Drink only filtered times people with autism suffer times more frequently. This is due
water. Do not store food in plastic from malabsorption problems relat- largely in part to the maturity
containers but instead prepare and ed to leaky gut syndrome. This process of boys. In other words,
store food in inert containers only. improves when gelatin and white boys mature more slowly than girls
flour are eliminated from the diet. yet they are put in the same classes
which makes the boys appear to be
Alert, Creative
3. Test Your Child For Toxic more active when compared to the
& Heavy
Metals. This can be done by simply girls.
Metals be Gone
observing them for symptoms.
1 cup Prune Juice There are various ways to test for Irritability, anger and mental confu-
1 cup Pure Water heavy metals, the most accurate sion may also be present so these
3 Tbsp Sunflower Seeds being a chelation challenge test. A children are then labeled as having a
1 Apple
chelation challenge test has draw- “Learning Disability.”
1 tsp Flax, Hemp, &
Evening Primrose Oil backs though like the need for it to Consequently, these symptoms are
“Let fear give way to wonder.”

Pinch Stevia (optional) be performed by a doctor who spe- virtually identical to the symptoms
cializes in chelation therapy. The of hypoglycemia, which is low
Start by blending 1 cup of prune test consists of giving a chelating blood sugar. Hypoglycemia is
juice, and the sunflower seeds
drug, commonly DMPS or DMSA, caused by the up and down swings
until smooth. Add the apple piece
by piece and blend. Add the and collecting and analyzing urine of insulin resulting from eating too
remaining ingredients and only over a 24-hour period. This test is a much refined sugar.
enough water to achieve a thick highly accurate way of knowing just
shake consistency. what heavy metals are present in the
The drawbacks to this method are
that it requires a visit to a health
2 cups Pure Water
care professional’s office, it is 1 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
Eat prunes since they are our richest expensive and there is a possibility 2 Tbsp Wheat Germ
source of malic acid, which is a of side effects to the chelating 1/2 cup Fresh Apple Juice
proven remover of aluminum and drugs. I wouldn’t recommend it. 1 Tbsp Lecithin Granules
other toxic metals from the brain. 1 tsp Flax, Hemp, or
Evening Primrose Oil
Alzheimer’s disease is affected by attention Pinch Stevia
aluminum toxicity. Prunes are noth- deficit
ing more than dried plums. Where- hyperactivity First 1 cup of water, apple juice, the
as plums are difficult to juice, they disorder dry powders and wheat germ and
can instead be dried and soaked. blend. Stevia is a non-sugar, on-
glucose sweetener. It is 300 times
Their juice fills the soak water suf- Artificial sweeter than sugar, so use it spar-
fusing it with its nutritional proper- Diet ingly and to your taste. Add
ties. Hyperactivity only enough water to create your
Disorder desired smoothie consistency.
Flax, hemp and evening primrose
oils are superb sources of omega-3 A child is given the diagnosis of
essential fatty acids and particularly Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD),
Alpha-linolenic acid (LNA), which also called Attention Deficit
is the precursor for DHA, the most Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 17

This rich brew of IQ vitamins, been treated with medications. Hot red peppers have numerous
essential oils and nucleic acids will Sixty-three percent of the group had health benefits. They are also one
keep you thinking quickly and clear- received the benefit of psychologi- of our finest sources of the IQ ele-
ly all day. cal services and 35 percent had spe- vating vitamin C. Spinach is one of
cial educational accommodations. our best sources of coenzyme Q10

“Doing a good job here is like wetting your pants in a dark suit, you get a good feeling but no one notices.”
The results showed that at which protects neurons from dam-
the end of the eight years, age and malfunction. You won’t be
80 percent continued to disappointed by this brain nourish-
have the ADD symptoms, ing liquid salad.
while 60 percent had
advanced to Opposition
Defiant Disorder (ODD)
and Conduct Disorder (CD) diag- Jimmy Neuron!
noses. (Barkley R., Fischer M, et
al: The adolescent outcome of
“The liquid salad factory”
hyperactive children diagnosed by
ADD and Ritalin research criteria: J Am Acad Child 5 oz Tomato Juice
Attention Deficit Disorder and Adoles Psychiatry 29 (4):546-556 3 oz Spinach Juice
Ritalin have become almost synony- July 1990.) 3 oz Celery Juice
mous. Up to 90 percent of children 1 oz Fennel
who are first diagnosed with ADD Both ODD and CD are considered 1 clove Garlic, juiced/pressed
pinch Cayenne (hot pepper)
receive a prescription for Ritalin. to be much worse than the ADD 1 Tbsp Tamari (soy sauce)
At least a dozen other drugs are pre- diagnosis. The end result is that
scribed for these symptoms as well. there is little evidence of long-term Juice these by alternating the
In Ritalin alone, there has been a success with the use of medications spinach, tomatoes, fennel, and cel-
500 percent increase in usage since for hyperactivity. ery until done, and then add the
garlic, tamari and cayenne (cap-
1991. Short-term use of these med- sicum) red pepper.
ications is associated with a 70 to 80 Side Effects
percent improvement in symptoms. The adverse reactions (side effects)
So naturally, it appears that the for Ritalin include nervousness,
drugs have solved the problem. insomnia, joint pains, fever, anorex-
However, these studies don’t show ia, nausea, dizziness, palpitations,
the entire picture. Few studies have headache, dyskinesia, drowsiness,
been conducted in long-term usage increased blood pressure and pulse,
of Ritalin and other amphetamine- rapid heart rate, angina, cardiac The drug Ritalin has effects similar
type medication. The few studies arrhythmias, abdominal pain, actual to other stimulants including
that do exist, though, do not present psychosis. There is also a major amphetamine, methamphetamine
a very encouraging picture. warning in the Physician’s Desk and cocaine. Annually, there are six
Reference regarding drug dependen- million prescriptions for Ritalin
It was thought that children outgrew cy and heavy drug addiction. filled. The United States pharma-
symptoms of ADD so they were cists distribute five times more
treated with drugs, until they “out- The Physicians Desk Reference of Ritalin than the rest of the world
grew” the condition. This has been Drug Side Effects notes that, regard- combined; no other nation pre-
proven to NOT to be the case; chil- ing the pharmacology of Ritalin: scribes stimulants for its children in
dren do NOT outgrow ADD symp- “The mode of action in man is not such volume. In fact, the United
toms. completely understood.” And this is Nations International Narcotics
what you’re giving your child! The Control Board has on two recent
An eight-year prospective study of pharmaceutical manufacturers admit occasions written to United States
hyperactive children was instituted that they don’t even know how it officials expressing concern about
in 1990. Of the children studied, works. They’re just experiment- the six fold increase in Ritalin usage
more than 80 percent of them had ing…on your child! since 1990. Today your school dis-

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 18

trict gets paid for every child it can They do in America. The drug’s means fruit, grains and vegetables
get on Ritalin. side effects, according to vocal full of natural vitamins, minerals
opponents of Ritalin, include: zom- and enzymes.
Does Ritalin Cause Cancer? bie-like behavior, growth suppres-
Studies have been conducted sug- sion, behavior or thought disorders 2. Eliminate cooked dairy products
gesting that Ritalin induced liver (exactly what it is supposed to treat) and other animal products because
tumors including very rare types of seizures; headaches, blurred vision, these contain hormones, pesticides,
cancers and highly malignant types scalp hair loss, barking like a dog antibiotics and the diseases of the
of cancers. These results were and babbling profanities. It can also animal itself.
found at dosage levels close to those result in mood swings, depression,
routinely prescribed for children. drug dependence and inclination for 3. Eliminate processed caffeine,
criminal activity. sugar and other sweets, processed
“You cannot get a boby in one months by impregnating nine women.”

The response by the FDA and the food, MSG, aspartame (Nutrasweet)
pharmaceutical company that makes Why would anyone give such a drug and other sugar substitutes, especial-
Ritalin was predictable. The drug to any child? ly Splenda, and any foods that con-
company wrote to 100,000 physi- tain preservatives, food dyes or
cians informing them of the study The American Psychiatric Associa- other chemicals.
showing that the drug caused cancer tion describes a hyperactive child,
but said that they do not think it is the target child for this drug, as fol- 4. Eliminate eating at fast food
enough of a signal that kids should lows: restaurants as most of these use
be taken off the drug. They reas- MSG and preservatives, plus the
sured the doctors that Ritalin is “One who exhibits behavior such as food in many restaurants often not
believed to be “safe and effective” fidgeting, squirming, answering only contain less nutrition but many
by the FDA. Gosh, isn’t that com- questions before being called on, harmful chemicals.
forting? We’re talking about your difficulty playing quietly, engaging
kid here. Not their kids. in physically dangerous activities
such as running into the street with-
Does the public school system have out looking, or one who has difficul-
the right to force parents to accept ty following instructions.” That
the drugging of their child? sounds like a normal kid to me!

I hope it’s clear that drugs do

NOT cure anxiety, depression
nor supposed hyperactivity. In
fact, the English word phar-
macy comes from the Greek
word for dangerous poison. 5. Encourage the child to eat a lot of
That’s what drugs are, poison- raw fruit and vegetables because
ous. This is because they only they are full of health-producing
treat symptoms while the enzymes, vitamins and minerals.
underlying disease or condi-
tion continues to get worse. 6. Drink water, and fresh homemade
vegetable and homemade fruit juice.
Prevention and Treatment Eliminate soda pop, caffeinated bev-
The following steps are ways erages or cooked milk from cows or
to help prevent ADD and any other animal. Rice Dream (rice
ADHD and to reverse the milk) from your health food store is
factors that cause them: a reasonable substitute or make nut
milks, or raw cow and goat milks
1. Change the child’s diet to and cheese, yogurts, kefirs,
all natural whole foods. This soymilks, etc.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 19

7. No white bread. Only whole Lecithin, wheat germ and nutritional properly if the substance is with-
grain bread, either home baked or yeast are our finest plant sources of drawn. Many people who use
from a health food store. phosphatidylcholine and acetyl- drugs, be it legal or illegal become
choline. Acetylcholine is the most addicted. The three most commonly
8. No white rice. Only whole grain abundant neurotransmitter in the used drugs are alcohol, tobacco and
brown rice and other whole grains. brain. Ginkgo biloba is an ancient caffeine and these are all legal and
Chinese herb that is grown in Amer- freely available. As stated above,
9. Make homemade nut butters; ica! It increases alpha-wave activity they do not necessarily pose an
almond, cashew, real peanut, etc. in the brain and the number of neu- addiction problem for everyone who
roreceptor sites. Sesame seeds uses them.
10. Get proper rest. Children need a (tahini is sesame seed paste) is one
lot of rest and should go to bed of our best food
early. sources of coen-
zyme Q10, nico-

“Never argue with a woman who is tired...or who is rested.”

11. Get proper exercise daily, out- tinic acid, phos-
doors in the fresh air and sunshine. phorus and thi-
amine. All of
12. Use the brain drink “G’Day these play a role in
Mate.” G’Day mate! You’ll be protecting our neu-
saying that all day if you make this rons from the
your regular wake up brew. This damage caused by
drink has all the vital ingredients free radicals and
you need for alertness and concen- heavy metals.
Remember, herbs
and whole food
nutrients are not
G’Day Mate! drugs. They nour-
ish your neurons
in a way that enables higher, long- Research is focusing on the question
1/2 cup Apple Juice term functioning. Chemicals may of why some people become addict-
2 Tbsp Tahini, (raw)
1 Tbsp Lecithin Granules
fire your neurotransmitters for a ed while other people do not
2 Tbsp Wheat Germ quick jump-start, but leave you because not everyone that drinks
1 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast burned out. Real enhancement becomes an alcoholic; some people
1/2 cup Pure Water takes time. Regular consumption of smoke only on weekends; and many
1 ml Ginkgo Extract the good nutrients in this drink and people who drink coffee don’t crave
(1 drop or 1 Tbsp powder)
others will accomplish your goals. it all the time. Scientists and nutri-
Use organic ingredients whenever When you want to think fast…think tionists are providing some answers
possible and add them preferably smart. to the complex question of chemical
in the order listed. Blend the first dependency. According to most
3 ingredients for 15-30 seconds,
then add the powders and water ADDICTION research, the reasons for addiction
and blend again. Finally add
lie in the brain; a group of chemi-
ginkgo. This drink will still be cals called neurotransmitters carry
powerful even if you do not have Medi-Sign Target the signals between neurons in the
all the ingredients. 7 Days on Water brain.

Dopamine, which is one of the neu-

14 Days Cabala Juice
rotransmitters, plays a pivotal role
Addiction exists when the body
in transmitting feelings of satisfac-
becomes accustom to foreign sub-
tion, arousal and reward. This
stance and it can no longer function
means that every time we experi-

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 20

ence these feelings, we have the • Bioflavonoids detox the system all age groups. The disease is char-
desire to replicate them by doing and lessens the craving for acterized by weight loss, muscle
whatever it was that caused them drugs. The natural sources weakness, fatigue, low blood
before. In other words, dopamine of bioflavnoids are: pep- pressure and sometimes
may account for the repetition in pers, buckwheat, black cur- darkening of the skin in
addictive behavior because humans rants, and white mate- both exposed and nonex-
appear to be hardwired to want rial just beneath the posed parts of the body.
pleasure. Drugs like alcohol, nico- peel of citrus fruits,
tine, marijuana, cocaine and apricots, blackberries, When the hormone cortisol and in
amphetamines are a few of the sub- cherries, grapefruit, grapes, lemons, some cases aldosterone are not pro-
“Everyone brings joy to our home, some when they come, others when they leave.”

stances that increase dopamine lev- oranges, plums and elderberries. duced enough, Addison’s disease
els in the brain. Therefore, the more occurs. The disease is also called
they are used, the more deeply these Detoxification adrenal insufficiency, or hypocorti-
substances are associated with Diets designed for detoxification solism.
pleasure and reward so the depend- relieve the body of chemical toxins
ency becomes more profound. such as drugs, pesticides and heavy The symptoms of adrenal insuffi-
metals. Liver detoxification diets ciency usually begin gradually.
The following nutrients may help are as varied and customized to the
people who are recovering from individual as there are naturopaths Characteristics of the disease are:
drug addiction. Keep in mind that prescribing them as a course • Chronic, worsening fatigue
vitamins found in natural raw food towards wellness. • Loss of appetite
sources are best. • Muscle weakness
• Weight loss
• Vitamin B complex-whole
grains, brown rice, nuts, legumes, Liver Detox About 50 percent of the time, one
cheese, wheat germ, asparagus, will notice:
nutritional yeast, broccoli, Brussels • Diarrhea
sprouts, dulse, kelp, oatmeal, plums, 1 cup Lemon Juice (fresh)
• Nausea
13 drops Lemon Oil
dried prunes, raisins and watercress. • Vomiting
Mix together; drink it, put it on
• Drink herbal teas with salads, sweet potatoes or what ever Other symptoms include:
chamomile, whole foods you enjoy. Do this • Low blood pressure that falls
fennel seed, everyday for 90 days.
further when standing, causing
peppermint, dizziness or fainting.
red clover,
rose hips, • Skin changes in Addison’s dis-
sage and ease, with areas of hyperpigmenta-
yarrow to tion, or dark tanning, covering
help reduce exposed and nonexposed parts of
stress and protect the liver. addison’s the body. The darkening of the skin
is most visible on scars, skin folds,
• Natural forms of calcium from disease and pressure points like the elbows,
foods will help nourish the central knees, knuckles and toes. Skin dark-
nervous system and help control ening is also visible on the lips and
tremors by calming the body. Medi-Sign Target mucous membranes.
Any and all Green Foods
• Magnesium sources like dark Side effects from Addison’s disease
green vegetables, legumes, nuts and include: depression and irritability; a
pineapple. Natural forms of zinc Addison’s disease afflicts men and craving for salty foods; hypo-
are pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, women equally and is an endocrine glycemia; and irregular menstrual
mushrooms and soybeans. or hormonal disorder that occurs in cycles.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 21

Symptoms are usually ignored until arms, feet or chest. They can be take a month or two to see the
a stressful event like an illness or an considered unattractive, and they are results, though.
accident causes them to become a constant reminder of our age.
worse because the symptoms How about an onion rub?
progress slowly. This is called an Since onions have the same peeling
Addisonian Crisis, or acute adrenal acid as fresh lemon juice, rub a
insufficiency. In most cases, symp- piece of sliced red onion on age
toms are severe enough that people spots.
seek medical treatment before a cri- aids/hiv
sis occurs. Symptoms first appear
during an Addisonian Crisis in about
25 percent of the people. Medi-Sign Target
Honey, Wheat & Barley
Symptoms of an Addisonian Crisis
include: Aloe vera gel is a beauty treatment
Grass Juice
• Dehydration that seems to have stood the test of
AIDS stands for:
• Loss of consciousness time. When the clear liquid is
• Low blood pressure pressed from the thick, fleshy leaves
• Severe vomiting and diarrhea of the aloe vera plant, it promotes
• Sudden penetrating pain in the the growth of normal skin cells.

“Life is not a dress rehearsal.”

lower back, abdomen or legs The aloe vera gel that has been
commercialized does not appear to
Acquired means you can get infect-
Left untreated, an Addisonian Crisis work as effectively. To fade age
ed with it. Immune Deficiency
can be fatal. spots on your hands and face, use
means a weakness in the body’s sys-
aloe vera gel straight from the plant.
tem that protects you. Syndrome
So if you’re going to try aloe, the
means a group of health problems
fresh material is your best bet.
that make up a disease.
Lemon juice has a secret of mild
It’s History
acidity. For this reason, reach for
A.I.D.S (acquired immune deficien-
lemon aid when treating age spots.
cy syndrome), like so many other
Dab a cotton-tip applicator into
diseases before it, went from an
lemon juice and put onto the spots
unheard of disease to a global tril-
The Number One Solution? at least twice a day. The citric acid
lion-dollar industry in just a few
A 21-day “green fast.” (See green it contains is just strong enough to
short years. Some would have you
foods in Feeding Your Emotions.) safely peel off the skin’s upper
believe AIDS began in the United
layer. That peeling action can
States amongst gay men in 1981.
(See: Disease: The Mystery Solved) remove or lighten some age spots.
Those people would also have you
Citric acid is also the active ingredi-
believe that it began in Bantu or the
age spots ent in some cosmetic bleach sold to
Belgian Congo in 1959 as a virus
lighten freckles and nails. It does
that jumped species from chim-
Medi-Sign Target panzees and sooty mangabegs some-
time during World War II. It then
Aloe Vera Gel, Lemon & went forward as a global epidemic
Onions hitting its stride in 1985. What if
AIDS as a disease will follow the
Age spots are just a normal part of same life path as polio?
the transformation of skin changing
as it ages. They usually begin as tan Before we called it AIDS it was
spots that surface on the hands, IDS. When the name IDS didn’t go

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 22

anywhere financially it was they changed the name. Now it’s AIDS remised again and again?
switched to SIDS. When SIDS did- called MS, or ALS or one of the What if I told you that you can to?
n’t catch on either, it was renamed dozen other neuro-generative dis- Could an AIDS person have the
AIDS because the time was right; eases, but not polio because vac- courage to lay down the, “weapons
sinful gays were gaining in number cines got rid of that a long time ago. of war” long enough to give the life
and religion was steaming mad In other words, money ran it’s gifts of whole foods that target the
about it. AIDS could be promoted course and the time came for a problem a chance?
as “Gods perfect retribution to the name change. There are plenty of
gay perverted sicko’s!” Just give polio vaccines left, and if the market For their sake, I hope so. Once
some of the correct mixes (in other seems right, polio may have another again, as in so many diseases, peo-
words deadly waste away mixes of market run. ple die of AIDS treatment and not of
-George Bernard Shaw

pharmaceuticals) to the right bought AIDS.

off doctor’s who give them as “vita- Back to AIDS
mins” to famous Hollywood types The stage was set for the disease. Let’s Look at AIDS a Bit
(who are also Gay and loose with The first affected was Rock Hudson, The term AIDS applies to the most
their morals) and like magic, the then Liberace, Michael Bennet, advanced stages of HIV infection.
Global marketing is a shoe in; hun- Arthur Ashe, Rudolph Nureyeu, The Centers for Disease Control
dreds of billions of dollars, dedicat- John Curry, Dack Rambo, and (CDC) developed official criteria for
ed just for research!! Magic Johnson. The AIDS concerts the definition of AIDS and is
followed with the young, the responsible for tracking the spread
“I often quote myself, it adds spice to my conversation.”

old, the middle aged, the reli- of AIDS in the United States.
gious, the non-religious and
the media. History was in the CDC’s definition of AIDS includes
making. First, it was just all HIV-infected people who have
gays that got AIDS, then fewer than 200 CD4+ T cells per
straights, then women, then cubic millimeter of blood. In com-
children and even Christians! parison, healthy adults usually have
These people were affected CD4+ T-cell counts of 1,000 or
just through sex, then infect- more. In addition, the definition
ed blood, then sharing drug includes 26 clinical conditions that
needles, then birthing, then affect people with advanced HIV
nursing and, who knows, disease. Most of these conditions
someday maybe kissing. are opportunistic infections that gen-
I know, I know, you think I’m unin- erally do not affect healthy people.
formed and possibly stupid, but just Don’t get me wrong, something In people with AIDS, these infec-
hold on and watch what’s coming as hideous is going on. My opinion is tions are often severe and some-
the market runs it’s course. What that I just don’t think we’re seeing it times fatal
will happen is public interest wanes all of it yet. What if HIV or AIDS because the
and then…wham bam! A break is caused by exactly what 9,000 plus immune system
through drug/vaccine is found!! In other diseases are caused by? What
other words, AIDS dies through a if AIDS is not a mystery bug, but
name change. When this happens, really a lack of oral, dermal, anal,
no one gets AIDS anymore; it disap- genital and dietary hygiene?
pears (brilliant or what?). It is
then considered another medical What if it is totally remissi-
victory for pharmaceutical drug ble through house clean-
lords. (I’ll bet the cure will come ing of the body and
from _________________; decided whole foods of physio-
to leave the company name out) or logical nutritional
one of its subsidiaries. support? What if I
No one gets polio anymore because told you I’ve seen

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 23

is so ravaged by HIV that the body Most people experience a gradual

cannot remove certain kinds of bac- The Hulk! decline in the number of CD4+ T
teria, viruses, fungi, parasites and (Immune cells during the course of the HIV
other microbes. Strengthener) infection. This is true most of the

“In seventeenth-century France, the punishment for believing in the existence of atoms was the death penalty.”
time, although some may have
Symptoms of opportunistic infec- 6-10 Almonds abrupt and dramatic drops in their
tions common in people with 5 Pecans or Walnuts CD4+ T-cell counts. A person with
AIDS include: 2 Tbsp Wheat Grass or CD4+ T cells above 200 may expe-
• Coma Barley Grass juice rience some of the early symptoms
2 Tbsp Sesame Seeds
• Coughing and shortness of 1 tsp Flaxseed Oil
of the HIV disease. Others people
breath pinch Stevia/Honey to taste infected with HIV have no symp-
• Difficult or painful swallowing 1-2 Cups Pure Water toms even though their CD4+ T-cell
• Fever count is below 200.
• Mental symptoms such as confu- Blend the sesame seeds in a dry
blender until pureed into a meal.
sion and forgetfulness Then add half the water and
There are plenty of people who are
• Nausea, abdominal cramps and blend to a smooth paste. Add the so debilitated by the symptoms of
vomiting wheat grass or barley grass pow- AIDS that they cannot hold a steady
• Seizures and lack of coordina- der along with the stevia. Stevia job nor can they do household
tion is a sweet herb that is not a sugar chores. Others with AIDS may
(see stevia).
• Severe and persistent diarrhea experience phases of intense life-
• Severe headaches threatening illness followed by
• Vision loss phases where they function normal-
• Weight loss and extreme fatigue ly.

Both children and adults with AIDS Some people, a very small number,
may get the same opportunistic first infected with HIV ten or more
infections. In addition, children years ago have not developed symp-
may also have severe forms of the toms of AIDS.
typically common childhood bacter- (continued)
ial infections, like conjunctivitis Now, scientists are trying to deter-
(pink eye), ear infections and tonsil- mine what factors may account
litis. Mix in the flax oil and nuts last. for their lack of progression to
You may choose to use only one AIDS, like:
When people contract the AIDS kind of nut. Add more water to
virus, they are more at risk at devel- achieve a thick shake consisten-
• Whether their immune systems
cy. For best digestion, almonds
oping various cancers, especially should be pre-soaked for several have particular characteristics.
those caused by viruses such as hours to soften them. If you like
Kaposi’s sarcoma and cervical can- a crunchy, chewy drink, add the • Whether they were infected with
cer. These people are also more at almonds and pecans at the end, a less aggressive strain of the virus.
risk for developing cancers of the blending only to a chop.
Otherwise, blend them thorough-
immune system known as lym- ly. And don’t forget to juice the • If their genes may protect them
phomas. These cancers are usually pulp from inside the citrus rinds. from the effects of HIV.
more aggressive and difficult to Therein rests the miracle
treat in people with AIDS. There flavonoids and their magical cur- Since 1981, more than 600,000
are several signs of Kaposi’s sarco- ative powers. Buy organic fruits
cases of AIDS have been reported in
so you can include that rind
ma. In light-skinned people, spots without the pesticides. the United States and as many as
develop that are round brown, red- 900,000 Americans may be infected
dish or purple on the skin or in the with HIV. More than one-quarter of
mouth. In dark-skinned people, the those people who have the virus do
spots are more pigmented. not know that they are infected.
AIDS is the leading killer of

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 24

African-American males growing cent. At least this is what we are bugs. Furthermore, scientists also
most rapidly among minority popu- told. have found no evidence that HIV is
lations. According to the United spread through sweat, tears, urine or
States CDC, the prevalence of AIDS No evidence exists that the virus is feces.
is six times higher in African- spread by contact with saliva,
Americans and three times higher although researchers have detected To summarize, HIV can infect
-Isaac Disraeli

among Hispanics than among HIV in the saliva of infected indi- anyone who practices risky behav-
whites. viduals. Studies of people infected iors including:
with HIV have found no evidence • Sharing drug needles or
Transmission that the virus is spread to others syringes.
The transmission of HIV is spread through saliva such as by kissing.
most commonly by sexual contact However, no one knows the risk of • Having sexual contact with an
“The wisom of the wise, and the experience of ages, may be preserved by quotations.”

with an infected partner. The virus infection from so-called “deep” infected person without using a
can enter the body through the lin- kissing. “Deep” kissing involves latex male condom.
ing of the vagina, vulva, penis, rec- the exchange of large amounts of
tum or mouth during sex. saliva, or oral intercourse. • Having another sexually trans-
mitted disease such as syphilis, her-
HIV is also spread through infected When families with the HIV virus pes, Chlamydia infection, gonorrhea
blood. In 1985 a method of heat- have been studied, it has been found or bacterial vaginosis appears to
treating techniques were designed to that HIV is not spread through casu- make someone more susceptible to
destroy HIV in blood products and a al contact like the sharing of food acquiring HIV infection during sex
screening was mandated for transfu- utensils, towels, bedding, swimming with an infected partner.
sions. Therefore, because of blood pools, telephones or toilet seats.
screening and heat treatment, today, Also, HIV is not spread by biting Early Symptoms
the risk of acquiring HIV from such insects such as mosquitoes or bed- When people first become infected
transfusions is extremely small. with HIV, many people do not
develop any symptoms. However,
Sharing needles is another way to Detox it…& some people have flu-like illnesses
contract HIV. It is frequently spread Revil! within a month or two after expo-
among injection drug users when sure to the virus including fever,
one person is infected and someone 2 Tbsp Fresh Lemon/Lime Juice headache, malaise and enlarged
else uses the same needle. It is rare 1 Tbsp Pure Maple Syrup lymphnodes, which are organs of
for people working in the health pinch Cayenne Pepper the immune system easily felt in the
8 oz Pure Water
care profession to be accidentally neck and groin.
stuck with a needle and contaminat- This “lemonade diet” or fast elimi-
ed. nates toxins and fats. The lemon The flu-like symptoms usually dis-
acts as a cleanser and astringent; appear within a week to a month.
During pregnancy or birth, women it squeezes toxins from the tis- They are often mistaken for another
sues and stimulates the liver to
can transmit HIV to their babies. detoxify. The pure maple syrup
viral infection. Note that people are
Approximately 25-30 percent of all provides a steady energy source very infectious during this period
untreated pregnant women infected with its simple sugar. The and HIV is present in large quanti-
with HIV will pass the infection. cayenne pepper gives heat to the ties in genital secretions.
Mothers can also spread the disease body, aids the circulation, and
acts as a diuretic, helping excess
through infected breast milk. The fluids to be cleared through the
The more persistent or severe symp-
risk of transmitting HIV to the baby kidneys. Drink 8-12 glasses a toms may not surface for a decade
is reduced significantly if the drug day. Eat or drink nothing else or more after HIV first enters the
AZT is taken during pregnancy. If except water and herb teas. (3-7 body in adults. This is true for chil-
AZT treatment of mothers is com- day cleanse) dren within two years when they are
bined with cesarean sectioning to born with HIV infection. Doesn’t
deliver infants, infection rates can this allow for the possibilities of
be reduced to as little as one per- toxic plaques building from the junk

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 25

foods, sodas and animals eaten to Other symptoms of herpes include turmeric. It has been shown that it
actually create the environment for frequent and severe herpes infec- can help prevent HIV from multi-
the HIV virus to live, breed and tions that cause mouth, genital, anal plying. Also, when people with
multiply? sores, or a painful nerve disease AIDS were given curcumin, the ill-
known as shingles. Children may ness progressed at a slower rate.
Some people may begin to have have delayed development or failure
symptoms in as soon as a few to thrive.
months after infection, whereas oth-
ers may be symptom-free for more The hope for scientists is that they
than ten years. During the asympto- understand the body’s natural
matic period, however, HIV is method of controlling infection.
actively multiplying, infecting and They hope that this may lead to
killing cells of the immune system. ideas for protective HIV vaccines
HIV’s effect is seen most obviously and use of vaccines to prevent the
in a decline in the blood levels of disease from progressing. I’ll bet

“Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted.”

CD4+ T cells (also called T4 cells), they would. I’m sorry for being so
which are the immune system’s key cynical, but I’ve just seen too much.
infection removers. The virus ini-
tially disables or destroys Foods That Heal
these cells without caus- Some scientists have test-
ing symptoms. ed their mettle, with
success, against HIV
A variety of because the Diet and Nutrition
complica- shiitake and What you eat can have a powerful
tions begin maitake impact on whether you live long and
to surface as mushrooms well. You can help your body keep
the immune have been HIV at bay by improving your nutri-
system dete- proven so tion. You will also improve your
riorates. effective in quality of life, your energy level,
One of the bolstering the and your overall feelings of well-
first such immune system. being. Nutrients provide the build-
symptoms experi- ing blocks for both the body’s phys-
enced by many people An extract of the maitake ical structure, meaning its cells, tis-

-Groucho Marx
infected with HIV is large lymph mushroom’s beta-glucan was able to sues, and organs, and its function,
nodes or “swollen glands,” which prevent HIV from killing T cells, including its immune system and
are the very glands that clean the the immune system’s crucial white other acts of daily functioning. This
body of filth and invasive bacterial, blood cells in laboratory studies. is generally important, but for some-
viral, parasitic and fungal over- So, the conclusion is that eating one living with HIV, it’s particularly
whelm. They may be enlarged for these mushrooms on a regular basis crucial. Cells and chemicals are
more than three months. seems to be a very good way to created from nutrients, so a steady
keep your immune system up and supply is a must for the body’s con-
There are other symptoms often running. tribution to viral control.
experienced months to years before
the onset of AIDS include a lack of Researchers have just begun to map Protecting the body. Any damage
energy, weight loss, frequent fevers, spices’ healing powers since they to the body caused by HIV or
sweats, persistent or frequent yeast contain a large number of com- AIDS-related infections must be
infections (oral or vaginal), persist- pounds. The assumption is that the repaired. Nutrients are the actual
ent skin rashes or flaky skin, pelvic list of benefits from the spices will building materials with which the
inflammatory disease that does not only keep growing. One example body creates and repairs itself, so
respond to treatment and short-term comes from the National Cancer there is an ongoing need for those
memory loss. Institute in a study on curcumin in materials.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 26

Improving quality Poor diets. Many HIV-positive

of life. In order to people don’t eat enough of the right
feel well, good kinds of foods. This may be due to
nutrition is a fatigue, appetite loss, changes in the
must. Optimal senses of smell or taste, nausea,
levels of nutrients vomiting, infections or other prob-
are required for lems of the mouth or throat, or sim-
good energy and ply not knowing how to eat health-
-Sir Winston Churchill

overall well-being. fully. They may not even want to

It is also important eat properly because of habitual
for the prevention or junk food use. Like attracts like. In
the management of other words, if you are used to eat-
the many symptoms ing crispy cream doughnuts with
that nutrient deficiencies soda pop, then fresh tomatoes and
can cause (e.g., fatigue, bell peppers are not appealing. To
appetite loss, skin prob- love fresh whole foods, you have to
“It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations.”

lems, weight loss, mental start eating them so that the junk
changes [like memory prob- food loses its addictive appeal.
lems or difficulty concentrat-
ing], nerve damage, muscle The two sources for obtaining the
cramps, depression, anxiety and nutrients that we need to meet our
among others). nutritional requirements are: eating
and drinking the right kinds of foods
The presence of adequate levels of There are several reasons for this: and liquids and taking sunbaths.
certain nutrients may actually help The first reason is that nutrients Gulping down handfuls of supple-
prevent and help reverse certain burn faster. As discussed above, the ment pills won’t make up for eating
drug side effects. So, in order to immune system is continuously a bad diet, nor will they support the
help people feel better and maintain cleaning up plaque that is infested best diet. Instead, supplements tend
a higher quality of life, nutrients are with HIV. This is especially true to stress the liver by adding to one’s
an important tool. when anti-HIV drugs are being used toxicity. The most important thing
that add to the toxicity of the plaque to do is to focus on the right diet.
Managing co-infections. Many and repairing damage caused by the By combining the right, good diet
HIV-positive people also have other virus and other infections. The along with sunlight and walking,
chronic infections to deal with, result is that the body to burns nutri- you will have an excellent chance of
including hepatitis C and/or hepati- ents faster, which can cause many surviving AIDS.
tis B. For people with HIV and a nutrient levels to become low.
hepatitis co-infection everything that Put the Lime in the Coconut…
has been listed above is doubly The second reason for this is that Can coconut oil reduce the viral
important. This is because the body nutrients aren’t absorbed properly. load of HIV-AIDS people?
must handle more than one chronic Poor absorption of Research has shown that
infection and has a particular need nutrients may occur coconut oil could
to support the liver to prevent it as the result of potentially reduce the
from being damaged. When people intestinal infections viral load of HIV
contract the HIV infection it is including HIV infected people.
unfortunate that nutritional needs itself or diarrhea.
suffer the most. Problems that Some HIV-positive A minimum of 50
result from poor nutrition include an people have a diffi- ml of coconut oil
inadequate intake of calories and cult time absorbing would contain 20
deficiencies in certain nutrients fat, which can prevent to 25 grams of lau-
resulting in immune dysfunction and the absorption of important vita- ric acid, which
further progression of the disease. mins like A, E, D and K. indicates that the

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 27

oil is metabolized in the body to Vitamin E

release monolaurin. Monolaurin is Vitamin E is a nutrient that is
a probiotic and viral agent. important in the prevention of can-
Among the saturated fatty cer and cardiovascu-
acids, lauric acid has the lar disease. It
maximum viral activity. improves circula-
Other research on tion, is necessary

“Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted.”
coconut oil has been for tissue repair and
conducted and the is useful in treating
results conclude that premenstrual syn-
the viral load of HIV drome and fibrocystic
people has been lowered. diseases of the breast.
It promotes normal
Other research reported blood clotting and heal-
in India states that the ing, reduces scarring from
coconut oil is converted some wounds, reduces blood
by the body into monolaurin, pressure, aids in preventing
which is a fatty acid with active cataracts, improves athletic per-
viral properties that is useful in the formance and relaxes leg cramps.
treatment of AIDS. Monolaurin is Also, vitamin E maintains healthy
also reportedly beneficial in the with the absorption of vitamin A. nerves and muscles while strength-
treatment of measles, herpes, vesic- Eat lots of garlic, raw and cooked, ening capillary walls. In addition, it
ular stomatitis and CMV. and tons of onions as well. promotes healthy skin, healthy hair
and helps to prevent anemia and
Organizations have now begun to Cautions: Get lots of sunshine! Do retrolental fibroplasias, which is an
send Virgin Coconut Oil to Africa not take vitamin D supplements. eye disorder that can affect prema-
for the distribution among HIV and Toxicity may result from taking sup- ture infants.
AIDS sufferers to try and prevent plemental vitamin D.
the modern day Black Plague. Studies have shown that vitamin E
can help reduce prostate cancer risk
AIDS & HIV Support Foods for smokers. Also vitamin E is
Vitamin A can be found in green known to slow the progression
and yellow fruits and vegetables. of Alzheimer’s disease along
with around eighty other dis-
Foods that contain significant eases.
amounts of vitamin A include:
alfalfa, apricots, asparagus, Vitamin E as a whole food
beet greens, broccoli, burdock nutrient prevents cell dam-
root, cantaloupe, carrots, age by inhibiting the
cayene, chickweed, oxidation of lipids (fats)
collards, dandelion and the formation of
greens, dulse, garlic, kale, free radicals. It helps with
mustard greens, papayas, peach- utilization of vitamin A and
-Fred Allen

es, pumpkin, red peppers, may help to slow the pro-

spinach, sweet potatoes, Swiss duction of age spots. It also is
chard, turnip greens, watercress known to prevent heart attacks.
and yellow squash. In contrast the misuse of
aspirin causes or contributes
Comments to an estimated 3,000 deaths in the
Antibiotics, laxatives, and most cho- United States each year.
lesterol-lowering drugs interfere

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 28

When there is vitamin E deficiency repair. Vitamin K is necessary for

it may result in damage to red blood the synthesis of osteocalcin, which
cells and destruction of nerves. The is the protein in bone tissue where
signs of vitamin E deficiency calcium crystallizes. Vitamin K is
-Abraham Lincoln

include infertility in both men and also thought to help prevent

women, menstrual problems, neuro- osteoporosis.
muscular impairment, shortened red
blood cell life span, spontaneous Vitamin K promotes
abortion (miscarriage) and uterine healthy liver function by
degeneration. Low levels of vita- playing an important role in
min E in the body have been linked the intestines and aiding in
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

to both bowel cancer and breast can- converting glucose into

cer. glycogen for storage in
the liver. It may increase
Vitamin E is broken into two groups resistance to infection in chil-
known as the tocopherols and the dren and help prevent cancers that egg yolks, oatmeal, oats, rye, saf-
tocotrienols because it is a family of target the inner linings of the flower oil, soybeans and wheat.
eight different but related molecules. organs. Vitamin K may aid in pro- Herbs that can supply vitamin K
Within each group, there are alpha moting longevity. When there is a include alfalfa, green tea, kelp, net-
beta, gamma and delta forms. Of all deficiency of this vitamin it can tle, oat straw and shepherd’s purse.
eight of these molecules, it is the cause abnormal and/or internal However, the majority of the body’s
alpha-tocopherol form that is the bleeding. supply of this vitamin is synthesized
most potent. Natural sources of by the “friendly” bacteria normally
vitamin E are more available for use Vitamin K exists in three forms. present in the intestines.
by the body than the synthetic or Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone or phy-
supplement forms. tonactone) and vitamin K2 (a family Comments
of substances called menoquinones) The need for vitamin K is increased
Sources occur naturally; vitamin K3 (mena- with antibiotics. Because vitamin K
Vitamin E is found in the following dione) is a synthetic substance. This is synthesized by bacteria in the
food sources: cold-pressed veg- means that we need to leave it intestines, taking antibiotics, which
etable oils, especially wheat germ alone. kill the bacteria, interferes with this
oil, dark green leafy vegetables, process. Antibiotics also interfere
legumes, nuts, seeds and whole Sources with the absorption of vitamin K.
grains. Significant quantities of Vitamin K is found in asparagus,
vitamin E are also found in brown blackstrap molasses, broccoli, Bioflavonoids
rice, cornmeal, eggs, kelp, raw milk, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauli- Eat lots of peppers, buckwheat,
oatmeal, soybeans, sweet potatoes, flower, dark green leafy vegetables, black currants and the white materi-
watercress, wheat and al just beneath the peel of
wheat germ. Herbs that citrus fruits. Apricots, black-
contain vitamin E include berries, cherries, grapefruit,
alfalfa, dandelion, flaxseed, grapes, lemons, oranges,
nettle, oat straw, raspberry plums, prunes and rose hips.
leaf and rose hips. Eat lots Chervil, elderberries,
of spinach and other greens. hawthorn berry, horsetail,
rose hips, and shepherd’s
Vitamin K purse, as teas can help
Vitamin K helps in the pro- immensely.
duction of prothrombin,
which is needed for blood Diet Suggestions
clotting. It is also essential It is important to periodically
for bone formation and cleanse the liver with a

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 29

detoxification diet since toxic sub- sluggish liver. Add a teaspoon of albinism is that people who have it
stances can harm the liver. Fresh olive oil to stimulate the release of have red eyes. The truth is that
organic vegetables, fruits and grass- excess bile that congests the liver. there are different types of albinism
es are the best way to cleanse the A diet rich in plant foods is easier that varies the amount of pigment in
liver, and the rest of you, of toxins. on the liver than fatty animal foods. the eyes. So, some of the people
Particularly if you have a liver prob- Sunflower seeds, soybeans, wheat with albinism have red or violet
lem, avoid hard alcohol, processed germ and their oils are great sources eyes, although most have blue eyes.
foods and processed sugar because of vitamin E. Some people even have hazel or
these substances can further damage brown eyes.
the liver. Steer clear of excess ani- ALANINE
mal fats and fats that are adulterat- Vision Problems
ed, saturated or hydrogenated; they When a person has albinism, then a
are hard to digest and pose special person has problems with their eye-

“Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.”

Medi-Sign Target
problems for a compromised liver. sight. Many people with albinism
Nuts, Seeds & Garlic have low vision, while many are
Foods That Help “legally blind.” Most people,
Start juicing regularly with beets though, use their vision for reading
Alanine is an important source of
and greens rich in magnesium, and do not use Braille. Some have
energy for muscle tissue, the brain
chlorophyll and vitamins A, C, and vision good enough to drive a car.
and central nervous system. It
E, like wheat and barley grass, kale, When there is abnormal develop-
strengthens the immune system
collards, Swiss chard, parsley, alfal- ment of the retina and abnormal pat-
while helping in the metabolism of
fa, spinach and cabbage. Fruits rich terns of nerve connections between
sugars and organic acids.
in minerals, B vitamins and vita- the eye and the brain like in
mins A and C, like melons and cit- albinism vision problems result.
rus are especially cleansing. The albinism Albinism is defined by the presence
heat of hot lemon tea helps arouse a of these eye problems; the main test
Medi-Sign Target for albinism is simply an eye exam.
Welcome to,
Types of Albinism
Cabala Juice for 28 Days
“liver pool” Sunshine as able The majority of people with
albinism have very light skin and
The word “albinism” refers to a hair but not all do. Oculocutaneous
(Citrus Liver Purge) group of inherited conditions where (pronounced Ock-you-low-kew-Tain-
1 Grapefruit, juiced
the people with albinism have little ee-us) albinism involves the eyes,
1 Lemon, juiced or no pigment in their eyes, skin or hair and skin, while ocular albinism
1 tsp Olive Oil hair. These people have inherited involves primarily the eyes, with the

-Mark Twain
genes that do not make the usual skin and hair appearing similar or
Vitamin C both treats and pre- amounts of a pigment called slightly lighter than that of other
vents liver disease. This juice is
supercharged with vitamin C.
melanin. family members. Researchers have
The small amount of olive oil used various systems for classifying
serves to stimulate the flow of One out of every 17,000 people liv- oculocutaneous albinism over the
bile. Limit it to a teaspoon, since ing in the United States has some years. These systems contrasted
larger amounts can burden the type of albinism. People from all types of albinism having almost no
liver. This is a great way to start
your day.
races are affected by it. Most of the pigmentation with types having
time, children born with albinism slight pigmentation.
are born to parents who have normal
hair and eye color. Many times Hair and skin are cream-colored and
people do not recognize that they vision is often in the range of
have albinism. 20/200 in the less pigmented types
of albinism. In types with slight
One of the common myths about pigmentation, hair appears more

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 30

ents carry the gene and neither par-

ent has albinism. This type of
inheritance is called autosomal
recessive inheritance.

Each parent must carry the gene for

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot

a child to have oculocutaneous

albinism. There is not, however, a
simple test to determine whether a
person carries a gene for albinism.
After analyzing DNA researchers
have found the changes that cause
albinism, but these changes are not
always in exactly the same place,
even for a given type of albinism.
This means then that the tests for
the albinism gene may be inconclu-
learn, unlearn and relearn.” -Alvin Toffler

There is a way, though, to test in

yellow or red-tinged and vision other genes have been identified by subsequent pregnancies to see if the
often corrects to 20/60. The two researchers as causes of albinism. fetus has albinism if parents already
main early diagnosis of albinism In the Hermansky-Pudlak sym- have a child with albinism. This
were “complete” and “incomplete.” drome of albinism, there can be test requires placing a needle into
Another test that researchers used problems with bleeding, lung and the uterus to draw off fluid to get
was to test a strand of plucked hair bowel disease. This is a less com- amniocentesis. These cells are then
to see if it would make pigment. mon form of albinism, but it should examined to see if they have an
The results from this test separated be suspected if a child with albinism albinism gene from each parent.
the “ty-neg” meaning no pigment shows unusual bruising or bleeding.
from the “ty-pos” meaning some Vision Rehabilitation
pigment. Those tests had been Genetics of Albinism Eye conditions common in
proven inconsistent so today the test Both parents must carry an albinism albinism include:
for albinism is more extensive. The gene to have a child with albinism. • Nystagmus. Irregular rapid
current research test uses an analysis A person may have normal pigmen- movement of the eyes back and
of DNA to conclude a more firm tation but carry the albinism gene forth.
classification system for albinism. because the body has two sets of
genes. For example if a person has • Strabismus. Muscle imbalance
Type 1 albinism, also called tyrosi- one gene for normal pigmentation of the eyes (“crossed eyes” or “lazy
nase-related albinism, is the type and one gene for albinism, he or she eye”).
involving almost no pigmentation. will have enough genetic informa-
It results from a genetic defect in an tion to make normal pigment. The • Sensitivity to bright light and
enzyme called tyrosinase. This albinism gene is “recessive” mean- glare.
enzyme helps the body to change ing that it does not result in albinism
the amino acid, which is a “building unless a person has two copies of • People with albinism may be
block” of protein that results from the gene for albinism and no copy either far-sighted or near-sighted,
diet, tyrosine into pigment. of the gene that makes normal pig- and often have astigmatism, which
ment. is distortion of a viewed image.
The other type of albinism called
Type 2, has slight pigmentation that There is a one in four chance at There is lack of pigment that causes
results from a defect in a different each pregnancy that the baby will be these eye problems. The surface
gene called the “P” gene. Several born with albinism when both par- inside the eye that receives light,

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 31

called the retina, does not develop lar lenses. This is beneficial so that Vision has been helped in this con-
normally before birth and in infancy. a person can look through either the dition by drinking one 8-ounce glass
Then the nerve signals from the reti- regular lens or the telescope. of the Kabala each day.
na to the brain do not follow the Smaller lightweight lenses are the (See: Disease: The Mystery Solved
usual nerve routes. The iris, the col- new design of bioptics which some & Astigmatism/Exercises).
ored area in the center of the eye, states allow for use while driving.
does not have enough pigment to alcohol
screen out stray light coming into People with albinism live normal
the eye. This means that light nor- life spans and have the same types
Beneficial Effects of Alcohol
mally enters the eye only through of general medical problems as the
It has been reported in several stud-
the pupil, the dark opening in the rest of the population. Lung disease
ies that regular consumption of
center of the iris, but in albinism or other related problems may affect

“It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.”

moderate amounts of alcohol lowers
light can pass through the iris as those people living with Hernansky-
the incidence of coronary heart dis-
well. Pudlak syndrome. People with
ease and raises the level of high
albinism can enjoy outdoor activi-
density lipoprotein cholesterol
Most of the eye treatment consists ties even in summer with clothing
(“good cholesterol”)
of visual rehabilitation. In order to that protects them from over expo-
improve the appearance of the eyes sure to the sun.
Beer is health food in a mug. Non-
from strabismus, surgery may be
drinkers often abstain in order to
conducted. This surgery, however, Because the condition is often mis-
improve their health, but they are 70
will not correct the misrouting of understood, people with albinism
percent more likely to die prema-
nerves from the eyes to the brain, so are at risk of isolation. Especially
turely than those people who drink
it will not provide fine binocular within communities of color, social
four beers a day. Beer inhibits free-
vision. In esotropia or “crossed stigmatization can occur because the
radical scavengers and removes poi-
eyes,” surgery may help vision by race or paternity of a person with
sonous heavy metal like lead, cop-
expanding the visual field, which is albinism may be questioned. Fami-
per and mercury.
the area that the eyes can see while lies and schools must make an effort
looking at one point. not to exclude children with
albinism from group activities.
People having albinism may be sen-
sitive to a glare but need light just
like other people. To help outdoors,
use sunglasses or tinted contact
lenses. For indoors use it is impor-
tant to place lights for reading or
close work over a shoulder rather

-Albert Einstein
than in front.

For people with albinism, various

optical aids are helpful. The choice
of an optical aid depends on how a
person uses his or her eyes in jobs,
hobbies or other usual activities.
The choice of optical aid may con-
sist of bifocals, prescription reading
glasses or contact lenses. Other aids
include hand-held magnifiers or spe-
cial small telescopes. Some people
choose to use bioptics, which are
glasses that have small telescopes
mounted on, in or behind their regu-

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 32

Types of Alcoholic Beverages not abused. In this case, “abused”

There are two types of alcoholic means that you don’t drink enough
beverages. The first type is a low- water.
alcohol-content beverage produced
by fermentation of sugar or starch-
containing products. The second
type is high-alcohol-content bever-
ages produced by distillation of the
low-alcohol-content beverages.
Particularly in the case of win, the
alcohol content of low-alcohol-con-
tent beverages is increased by
adding a distilled product. Port
wine and Sherry are two such forti-
fied wines.

The finished product results from

the process involved as well as the
resulting alcohol content. For
example a “beer” involves a rela- • Wine
“I’m not drunk you shilly sit.”

tively short or incomplete fermenta- • Spritzer

tion process and an equally short • Palm wine
aging process lasting only a week or Non-distilled Beverages • Fruit wine
two. The end result is an alcohol • Beer
content generally between three and • Ales These stress the body and brain.
eight percent, as well as natural car- • Barleywine Distilled Beverages
bonation. In many places in the • Bitter ale • Cocktails
world, the non-forced ferments of • Mild ale • Liquors
beer, or mead, is not only consid- • Pale ale • Spirits
ered a health drink but a beverage of • Porter
longevity. A “wine” involves a • Stout Cider often means unfermented
longer, more complete, fermentation • Real ale apple juice or sweet cider, while fer-
process. It also consists of a rela- • Stock ale mented cider is called hard cider in
tively long aging process lasting • Fruit Beer the United States. In the United
months, years, sometimes even • Lager beer Kingdom, the term cider is always
decades. The end result is an alco- • Bock meant to be alcoholic and in Aus-
hol content between 7-18 percent. • Dry beer tralia it can be either.
(Note that sparkling wine is gener- • Oktoberfest
ally made by adding a small amount • Pilsener Although beer is generally made
of sugar before bottling). Distilled • Schwarzbier from barley, it can sometimes con-
products are generally not made • Small beer tain a mix of other grains. Whisky
from a “beer” that would normally • Wheat beer is sometimes made from a blend of
be palatable as fermentation is nor- • Cauim different grains. This is especially
mally completed. No aging is • Chicha true in the case of Irish whiskey,
involved in the distilled products • Cider which may contain several different
until after distillation. Most dis- • Kumis grains. The style of whisky (Scotch,
tilled liquors are 40 percent alcohol • Lappish hags lovepotion Rye, Bourbon) generally determines
by volume. • Mead the primary grain used. Additional
• Perry grains of barley and sometimes oats
The following are considered • Pulque are usually added to the blend.
health drinks as long as the use is • Sake

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 33

Vodka and gin are two common dis-

tilled beverages. Vodka can be dis-
tilled from any source with grain
and potatoes being the most com-
mon. An interesting fact is that
industrial cellulose is also used for
the cheapest! The main characteris-
tic of vodka is that it is so thorough-
ly distilled that it exhibits none of
the flavors derived from its source
material. Gin is a similar distillate
which has been flavored by contact
with herbs and other plant products,

“Beer is the evidence that God wants us to be happy.”

especially juniper berries. This is
where gin gets its name.

In my experience, “distilled alco-

hol,” “hard liquors,” “spirits,”
have a place in mouth washes,
cleaning wounds and bathing skin.
They can be used for a shot for
someone with the “chills,” and for
use in deodorants, and other person- • Physical dependence: risk for alcoholism. Risk factors
al care items. These beverages Withdrawal symptoms, such as nau- include friends, the amount of stress
should not be used for internal con- sea, sweating, shakiness and anxiety in your life, and how readily avail-
sumption. I would also avoid over- after stopping drinking. ableness of alcohol.
ly sweet drinks, or “preppy drinks,”
like Zima, wine coolers, “hard • Tolerance: The need to drink Remember: risk does not equal
lemonade,” etc. These are not fer- greater amounts of alcohol to get destiny. In other words, just
ments. Instead only hard or distilled “high.” because alcoholism tends to run in
alcohol is typically added. families does not mean that a child
Alcoholism is now considered a of an alcoholic parent will automati-
ALCOHOL psychological disease; the craving cally become an alcoholic too.
that an alcoholic feels for alcohol Some people develop alcoholism
ADDICTION can be as strong as the need for food even though no one in their family
or water. An alcoholic will continue has a drinking problem. By the

-Ben Franklin
Medi-Sign Target to drink despite serious family, same token, not all children of alco-
health or legal problems. Alco- holic families get into trouble with
Water, Macadamia Nuts & holism like many other diseases is alcohol. Knowing you are at risk is
Grapes chronic. This means that it will important, though, because then you
continue throughout the duration of can take steps to protect yourself
Alcoholism, also known as alcohol a person’s lifetime; it usually fol- from developing problems with
dependency, is a psychological dis- lows a predictable course; and it has alcohol.
ease that includes the following symptoms. A person’s lifestyle and
four symptoms: a person’s genes increase the risk Alcoholism is only one type of an
• Craving: A strong need, or urge, for developing alcoholism. alcohol problem; alcohol abuse can
to drink. be just as harmful. A person can
According to research, alcoholism abuse alcohol without actually being
• Loss of control: Not being able does run in families. Researchers an alcoholic. This means that a per-
to stop drinking once drinking has are currently working to discover son may drink too much and too
begun. the actual genes that put people at often but still not be dependent on

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 34

alcohol. Some of the unconscious. Alcohol is

problems linked to alcohol implicated in a large pro-
abuse include not being portion of fatal road acci-
able to meet work, school dents, assaults and inci-
or family responsibilities; dents of domestic violence.
drunk-driving arrests and
car crashes; and drinking- Long-term Effects
related medical conditions. Alcohol can be a danger-
During some circum- ous drug. Drinking too
stances, even social or much too often will cause
“Whole foods and laughter are the psychoemophysical diet of your immune system.”

moderate drinking is dan- physical damage, increase

gerous. These instances the risk of getting some
include driving, during diseases and make other
pregnancy or when taking diseases worse.
certain medications.
Excessive drinking over
Alcohol abuse and alco- time is associated with:
holism are not partial to • Certain types of cancer
gender, race or nationality. • Epilepsy
Nearly 14 million people • Heart failure
in the United States, • High blood pressure
meaning one in every 13 (which can lead to stroke)
adults, abuse alcohol or • Irritated stomach lining
are an alcoholic. Most and bleeding from stomach
often, more men than ulcers
women are alcohol • Liver failure
dependent or have alcohol • Loss of brain cells
problems. Also alcohol • Nerve damage
problems are highest among and nausea when they try to reduce
young adults ages 18-29 and lowest drinking Excessive drinking has also been
among adults ages 65 and older. • Persistent drinking even though linked to:
People who start drinking at an it is obviously causing harm • Infertility
early age for example, at age 14 or • Inflammation of the pancreas
younger, greatly increase the chance Problem drinking occurs when a • Muscle disease
that they will develop alcohol prob- person is not dependent on alcohol, • Obesity
lems at some point in their lives. but drinks enough to cause actual • Sexual problems
physical or psychological harm. • Skin problems
A person is generally considered • Vitamin deficiency
to be dependent on alcohol when Short-term Effects
they have experienced three or Many times alcohol results in a loss Alcohol and Pregnancy
more of the following symptoms of inhibitions since alcohol sup- Fetal alcohol syndrome is a serious
during a year: presses the part of the brain that risk facing women who drink heavi-
• A growing tolerance to alcohol controls judgment. Alcohol also ly during pregnancy. This can result
(needing larger quantities to get the affects physical coordination, caus- in growth deficiencies, nervous sys-
same effect) ing blurred vision, slurred speech tem problems, lowered intelligence
• A strong urge to drink and loss of balance. Binge drinking, and facial abnormalities in the child.
• Difficulty controlling drinking or drinking a very large amount of
• Gradual neglect of other activi- hard alcohol at one time, can lead to Another risk of drinking while preg-
ties unconsciousness, coma and even nant is having an underweight baby.
• Physical withdrawal symptoms, death. Another side effect is the risk It is not known if there is an
such as sweating, shaking, agitation of asphyxiation from vomiting while absolutely safe limit for drinking

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 35

during pregnancy, but it’s best to When discussing alcoholism and

avoid alcohol altogether. alcohol abuse, hard alcohol tends
to be the culprit. Light beers
Psychological Effects and low percent wines are
Initially, alcohol makes people feel actually ferments of health
relaxed, although long term exces- both physically and men-
sive use can ultimately increase anx- tally and can add to
iety and cause depression. Alcohol social health as well. It
is also related to problems with has jokingly been said
sleeping, mood swings, violence and that beer has food value,

“Children require guidance and sympathy far more than education.”

suicide. About two-thirds of suicide but food has no beer
attempts are thought to involve alco- value. I personally feel I
hol. know alcoholics that have
never tasted alcohol in their lives.
Cutting Down In other words, alcoholism seems to
If you think you are drinking too be a trait of ones personality and macadamias; 3 medium, very ripe
much, keep a “drinking diary.” character. Hard alcohol just sets it tomatoes; 1/2 tsp. lemon juice; the
This “diary” should record how off because of a drop in inhibition. pepper and ginger into a blender and
much alcohol you drink each week. mix well for 1-1/2 minutes. Add a
It will reveal whether you are drink- Macadamias for the Liver and little canned tomato juice, if neces-
ing within safe guidelines and help Alcoholism sary to thin it down a bit of it
you identify the situations that you A snappy cocktail that seems to sat- becomes too thick. Drink slowly by
need to avoid to cut down your isfy the urge to drink and to help itself and E-N-J-O-Y! Beats the
drinking. rejuvenate the liver is made from heck out of alcohol and tonifies a
macadamias (preferably raw), ripe weak liver.
These tips may help you cut tomatoes (or the canned juice), a
down: squeeze of lemon juice, a pinch of Any benefits of moderate consump-
• Buy beers and wines with lower cayenne and a thumbnail full of raw, tion are quickly erased by
alcohol content, and keep a supply grated ginger root. Combine 5 overindulgence. Even a weekend of
of non-alcoholic drinks at home. heavy drinking causes a build up of
• Do something other than going fatty cells in the liver. While this
to the pub. organ has remarkable recuperative
• Drink more slowly or have non- powers, continued use can lead to
alcoholic drinks between alcoholic permanent liver damage and prob-
ones. lems in metabolizing glucose and
• Find other ways to relax. various vitamins and minerals.
• Go out later, so you start drink-
ing later. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to
• Have at least two alcohol-free other more serious conditions,
days a week. including anemia, nerve damage and -Annie Sullivan
• Replace your “usual” drink with mental problems.
one containing less alcohol.
• Set yourself a limit of, for Chronic overuse of alcohol
example three to four takes a heavy psychological
glasses (men) or two and physical toll.
to three (women) for Although alcoholics often
any one occasion. do not appear to be intoxi-
• Skip the “quick cated, their ability to work
drink” at lunchtime or and go about daily activi-
after work. ties becomes increasingly
impaired. They are very

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 36

susceptible to depression, mood Digestive system: Alcohol raises

changes and even violent behavior. the stomach’s output of hydrochloric
On average, alcoholism shortens life acid, which can worsen an ulcer. It
expectancy, not only from suicide also relaxes the sphincter between
but also because it raises the risk of the esophagus and the stomach,
other life-threatening diseases, resulting in heartburn from a back-
including cancer of the pancreas, flow of acid.
“It was not the apple on the tree, but the pair on the ground that caused the trouble in Eden.”

liver and esophagus.

Chronic drinkers tend to have poor

Welcome to,
nutrition and alcohol alters digestion
“liver pool”
and metabolism of more nutrients so
alcoholism can lead to malnutrition. Alfalfa is a rich source of vitamins
Severe thiamine deficiency, which is (Citrus Liver Purge) A, C, E and K and can be used to
marked by muscle cramps and wast- treat avitaminosis. Alfalfa is used to
ing, nausea, appetite loss, nerve dis- 1 Grapefruit, juiced
improve clotting and treat hypopro-
orders, and depression, is extremely 1 Lemon, juiced
thrombinaemic purpura because
1 tsp Olive Oil
common. vitamin K is critical in blood clot-
Vitamin C both treats and pre- ting. Alfalfa is also rich in the min-
Hangovers invariably result from vents liver disease. This juice is erals calcium, potassium, phospho-
over-consumption of alcohol. supercharged with vitamin C.
rus and iron. Alfalfa is a popular
Exactly how much alcohol is neces- The small amount of olive oil
tonic for treating debility of conva-
serves to stimulate the flow of
sary to produce that misery varies bile. Limit it to a teaspoon, since lescence when brewed into tea
from one individual to another. larger amounts can burden the thanks to its abundance of nutrients.
Symptoms may include thirst, liver. This is a great way to start These nutrients include tricin. It is
headache, diarrhea, gastrointestinal your day.
used as a commercial source of
upset, nausea and irritability. chlorophyll and carotene.
Other, more serious effects of In Europe, alfalfa has a long history
alcohol include the following of folk use as a diuretic or “water
Brain and nerves: Alcohol reduces pill.” For some people with blood
blood flow to the brain and is also sugar control problems, the man-
toxic to brain cells. Long-term ganese content of alfalfa gives the
overindulgence results in memory
loss, nerve damage, anxiety attacks ALFALFA herb documented hypoglycaemic
action. Alfalfa sprouts are good for
and even dementia. SPROUTS treating endometriosis. The leaf tea
is a hormone-balancing herb for
Liver: Because this organ metabo- stimulating milk flow in breastfeed-
lizes alcohol, it is vulnerable to Medi-Sign Target ing mothers. It also alleviates
damage, including a fatty liver, alco- Neurons, Neuro-Immunity menopausal problems in older
holic hepatitis and eventually scar- women. Alfalfa has also been used
ring, or cirrhosis.
& Blood
traditionally as an appetite stimu-
Shouts for Sprouts lant, to promote weight gain and to
Heart: Even small amounts of alco- stop bleeding.
Alfalfa is widely used in human
hol may provoke cardiac arrhyth-
foods, animal feeds and livestock
mias. Long-term use of alcohol Alfalfa and other sprouts have long
forages around the world. Alfalfa is
increases the risk of high blood been famous as “health food.”
also used in both Western and tradi-
pressure and heart disease, especial- Recent research shows that in addi-
tional Chinese medicine. The use of
ly cardiomyopathy, which is an tion to being a superb source of
the herb dates back thousands of
enlargement and weakening of the nutrients, they also have an impor-
heart muscle. tant curative ability. Sprouts like

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 37

alfalfa, radish, broccoli, clover and

soybean contain concentrated
amounts of phytochemicals (plant
compounds) that can protect us
against disease.

Canavanine, an amino acid analog

in alfalfa, has been found to benefit
pancreatic, colon and leukemia can-
cers. Plant estrogens are also abun-
dant in sprouts. They increase bone
formation and density and prevent

“Natural forces within us are the time healers of disease.”

bone breakdown or osteoporosis.
These estrogens are also helpful in
controlling hot flashes, menopause,
PMS and fibrocystic breast tumors.

Alfalfa sprouts also contain a fine

food source known as saponins.
Saponins lower the bad cholesterol
and fat but not the good HDL fats.
Research has shown that this bene- water, relieves urinary and bowel tine and alcohol addiction. It is also
fits arteriosclerosis and cardiovascu- problems and helps in treating peo- useful for building the body after
lar disease. Saponins also stimulate ple recovering from narcotic nico- serious or prolonged illness or
the immune system by weakness, stimulates milk pro-
increasing the activity of duction, eases morning sick-
natural killer cells such as ness by helping to balance the
T- lymphocytes and interfer- hormones, cleanses the blood
on. The saponin content of and to lowers cholesterol lev-
alfalfa sprouts multiplies els.
450 percent over that of the
unsprouted seed. Alfalfa is used in treating ane-
mia, gout, arthritis, fatigue,
Sprouts also contain an insomnia, kidneys, peptic
abundance of highly active ulcers, pituitary problems,
nutrients that prevent DNA stimulating the appetite, regu-
destruction and protect us lating diabetes and for building

from the ongoing effects of general health. Kidney stones
aging. It wouldn’t be have been treated with alfalfa
inconceivable to find a by the Chinese for centuries.
fountain of youth here; after Alfalfa sprouts contain more
all, sprouts represent the protein than corn and wheat.
miracle of birth. Alfalfa is They are one of the richest
good for arthritis. Since sources of vitamins and trace
lupus is a form of arthritis, minerals, like the necessary
alfalfa is used with good selenium, being high in vita-
results for people with mins A, D, E and K.
Research has shown that alfalfa
Medicinal Uses of Alfalfa contains constituents that may
Alfalfa eliminates retained trigger a destruction of carcino-

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 38

gens built up in the liver during the with store-bought fruits and vegeta- staltic movement, a muscular con-
digestive process. Alfalfa aids in bles, which start losing their vita- traction. The hormone gastrin
removing toxins from the body as mins as soon as they’re picked and arouses the secretion of acidic juices
well as neutralizing acids, which often have to be shipped a thousand once the bolus enters the stomach.
makes it an aid to digestion. miles or more in the winter. This further aids in the digestion of
the food mass.
The founder of the Hippocrates Unlike other industries, such as
Health institute, Ann Wigmore, meat, poultry and tobacco, the tiny The food is no longer in a solid state
(since her passing, the new director, 250 million dollar sprout industry form after the stomach carries out
sadly enough, sells supplements) has no public relations firm or its role in the digestion process. It’s
dedicated her life to rediscover the Washington lobbyists to defend now a lumpy liquid called chyme.
healing and culinary properties of itself. Thus, the public only knows The chyme travels into a section of
sprouts. At this institute, people a small part of the story. the small intestine known as the
were treated with alfalfa for differ- duodenum.
ent disorders. alimentary
-John Lily

Most of the digestion occurs here at

As excellent detoxificants, sprouts canal this stage due to the different
were found to contribute extensively enzymes released by the pancreas
to the immune system. Sprouts are and by glands in the intestinal wall
“Eat just enough and it will make you wise.”

attributed rejuvenation qualities Medi-Sign Target that affect each food molecule in the
(creative life force) because they are All Nuts, Seeds & Grains
biogenic. This contributes to the
vitality and stamina experienced by
thousands. Sprouts are rich in vita- The origin of the word “alimenta-
mins, minerals, proteins and rele- ry,” dates back to 1615, from
vant enzymes to assist its digestion. Middle Latin “ailimentarius” mean-
ing “pertaining to food,” and from
Commercially available supple- “alimentum” meaning “nourish-
ments synthetically prepared have ment.” It also has roots stemming
no “life force.” This means they from the word “alere” which means
are not really natural, not to mention “to nourish, maintain, rear or sup-
the price of the commercial vitamins port.” “Canal” can be traced back
compared to homegrown sprouts. to about 1449. Stemming from
Part of the “magic” of sprouts is Latin, “canalis” means “pipe, grove
that they are 100 percent organic! or channel.”
Only clean water is needed to get a
fully-grown, crispy, tasty sprout. The alimentary canal, more com-
Germination of sprouts does not monly known as the digestive tract,
require soil, pesticides, or fungi- is nine meters in length, running
cides. It doesn’t even require light. from the esophagus to the anus.
What a contribution to our sensitive Digestion begins at the mouth,
environment! where food is chewed and mixed
with saliva. This adds moisture and
Have you ever heard of a vegetable the enzyme amylase to the food that
that continues to gain vitamins after is needed to begin to break down
you harvest it? Sprouts do! Sprouts starches.
are living foods. Even after you
harvest your sprouts and refrigerate The tongue molds the food into a
them, they will continue to grow ball-mass known as the bolus. The
slowly, and their vitamin content bolus travels down the esophagus,
will actually increase. Contrast that through the pharynx by the peri-

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 39

chyme. At the end of The inner surface of

this laborious process, the ileum is thrown
each complex mole- into folds. These
cule has been broken increase the surface
down into its simple area and the larger
states called chyle. the surface area, the
faster the food is

“Whenever anyone says they are bored, I simply reply life is not are.”
Carbohydrates are absorbed. On the
broken down into sim- folds are thousands
ple sugars, protein of finger-like projec-
into amino acids and tions called villi,
fats into glycerol and which also increase
fatty acids. These the surface area and
substances are even have their own
absorbed by cells and little projections
various systems for the enzymes from harming living cells. called microvilli.
proper functioning of the organism.
Substances that cannot be broken Sphincter muscles are rings of mus- There is a good blood supply to the
down by the body pass through the cle which control the outlet and inlet ileum allowing for easy transporta-
large intestine, or the colon, where of food from the stomach to prevent tion of absorbed food to the rest of
the last of the water, ions and salts blockages. They contract to squeeze the body. Inside each villus is a
are reabsorbed. The remaining solid the tube closed so that food stays blood capillary which absorbs
material, called feces, then exits inside the stomach while it is amino acids and glucose.
through the anus. Thus, the alimen- churned up with enzymes and
tary canal is a passageway for food hydrochloric acid. Each villus also contains a lacteal.
to be transported, absorbed and This absorbs fatty acids and glycerol
released. Sphincter muscles are found at both and is a branch of the lymphatic
ends of the stomach where the system. The walls of the ileum are
As food goes through the body, it oesophagus enters the organ and thin and moist to aid absorption.
travels through the following where the duodenum leaves it.
path. There is also the anal sphincter at alkalosis
It starts in the mouth and continues the end of the alimentary canal,
on to the oesophagus. Next, it which opens to let feces pass out of
enters the stomach and then the duo- the rectum.
Medi-Sign Target
denum and the ileum. The colon in Stop all Antacids &
the next stop followed by the rectum Features which make the ileum Eats lots of Citrus
and finally the anus. good at absorbing digested food
are: Alkalosis is excessive blood alkalin-
The rippling movements of the mus- It is the longest part of the alimenta- ity caused by a few different condi-
cles are known as peristalsis. This ry canal ranging from 12 to 15 feet tions. One is an overabundance of
process is to help the food travel in length. This allows food to take a bicarbonate in the blood or a loss of
along different parts of the alimenta-
-Don Tolman

long time to pass through it so there acid from the blood, known as
ry canal. is plenty of time for it to be metabolic alkalosis. A low level of
absorbed. carbon dioxide in the blood that
Goblet cells protect the living cells
results from rapid or deep breathing,
of the alimentary canal from hard, It is also one of the narrowest parts respiratory alkalosis, is another
rough food and enzymes by making of the alimentary canal so food is Metabolic alkalosis develops when
mucus. The mucus covers the always quite near the walls making the body loses too much acid or
inside of the alimentary canal with a it easier for molecules to pass gains too much base. For example,
slimy layer over which undigested through the walls to the blood. stomach acid is lost during periods
food can easily glide and prevents

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 40

of prolonged vomiting or when

stomach acids are suctioned with a

stomach tube as is sometimes done

in hospitals. In rare cases, metabol-
ic alkalosis develops in a person
who has ingested too much base
from substances such as baking
“A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm.”

Metabolic alkalosis can also develop

when an excessive loss of sodium or
potassium affects the kidneys’ abili-
ty to control the blood’s acid-base
balance. For instance, loss of potas-
sium sufficient to cause metabolic
alkalosis may result from the use of
diuretics, laxatives or corticos-
teroids. spasms of muscles, or tetany, can Chlorine Benefits – Functions in
develop. the Body
Chlorine is essential for the proper
The number one solution is to eat distribution of carbon dioxide and
salted bananas. Your body is lack- the maintenance of osmotic pressure
ing chlorine and potassium and salt in the tissues. It is necessary for the
and bananas do manufacture of glandular hormone
the job. secretions and prevents the building
of excessive fat and autointoxica-
Symptoms tion. Chloride regulates the alkali-
• Confusion (can acid balance in the blood and works
progress to stupor or with potassium in a compound
coma) form. Potassium-chloride is also
• Hand tremor essential for the production of
• Hand twitching hydrochloric acid in the stomach,
• Light-headedness which is needed for proper protein
• Muscle twitching digestion. It is involved in the main-
Respiratory alkalosis develops when • Nausea, vomiting tenance of proper fluid and elec-
rapid, deep breathing, also known as • Numbness or tingling in the face trolyte balance in the system.
hyperventilation, causes too much or extremities
carbon dioxide to be expelled from • Prolonged muscle spasms Chlorine-Rich Food Sources
the bloodstream. Anxiety is the (tetany) Chloride is found in barley, green,
most common cause of hyperventi- leafy vegetables, pulses and fruits
lation and respiratory alkalosis. Prevention like melon and pineapple and wheat
Other causes include aspirin over- The prevention depends on the and other grains.
dose, which can also cause metabol- cause of the alkalosis. Normally,
ic acidosis, cirrhosis, fever, low lev- individuals with healthy kidneys and The chloride that we take in is most-
els of oxygen in the blood and pain. lungs do not significantly experi- ly in the combined form of sodium
ence alkalosis. chloride. Hence, the foods that con-
Symptoms and Diagnosis tain large quantities of sodium also
Alkalosis may cause irritability, Chlorine exists in the form of a salt, contain chloride in the same propor-
muscle cramps, muscle twitching or known as chloride, in the human tion and vice versa.
no symptoms at all. If the alkalosis body. It is present mostly in the
is severe, prolonged contraction and extracellular fluid.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 41

disorders by stimulating the hor- tant minerals and is essential for the
mone production and is involved in life of every cell. It is also among
the proper functioning of the nerv- the most generously and widely dis-
ous system, while it also helps to tributed of all the tissue minerals.
overcome fatigue and assists in
reducing blood pressure. It is found principally in the intra-
cellular fluid. A small amount of
Potassium Rich Food Sources potassium in the extracellular fluid
Potassium is widely distributed in is necessary for normal muscular
foods. Pulses such as activity as well.
cowpeas, black
gram, green Potassium is a bluish-white metallic
gram and red element and is highly reactive so it
gram and is never found free in nature. It

“Eat, drink and love; the rest’s not worth a fillip.”

vegetables like plays an important role as a catalyst
lotus stems and in energy production and in the syn-
sword beans are thesis of glycogen and protein. Lib-
rich in potassium. eral use of hard alcohol, diuretics
Other good sources and sugar can lead to depletion of
are fruits such as bael, potassium.
sweet limes and peaches,
Chloride Deficiency legumes, leafy vegetables Potassium absorption occurs mainly
Symptoms and one of the best being in the small intestine. About 90 per-
Deficiency of chloride can occur bananas. cent of potassium is excreted in the
when sodium chloride is restricted urine in healthy people on a normal
during the active phase of general Potassium Deficiency Symptoms diet. Increased amounts of potassi-
oedema or hypertension. The symp- Potassium deficiency is very unlike- um are found in the urine whenever
toms are the same that occur with ly in healthy individu- the tissues are losing potassium.
sodium chloride deficiency. als because normal Perhaps the most important cause of
Excessive loss of salt from the body food supplies contain this loss is a breakdown of cellular
due to perspiration can result in heat sufficient quantities of proteins such as occurs in diabetes,
cramps. Deficiency may lead to this mineral. Howev- under-feeding and after an injury.
loss of hair and teeth and may also er, potassium deficien-
result in impaired digestion of foods cy may occur during Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the
and derangement of fluid levels in gastrointestinal dis- oldest, most powerful, healing
turbances accompa- home remedies imaginable. It

-Lord Byron
the body.
nied by severe breaks down fat and is widely
Potassium Benefits – Functions in vomiting and diar- used to lose weight. It has also
the Body rhea, diabetic aci- been reported that a daily dose
Potassium is important as an alka- dosis, potassium- of apple cider vinegar in water
linizing agent as it maintains a prop- losing nephritis has soaring blood pressure under
er acid-alkaline balance in the blood and potassium loss control in two weeks! A won-
and tissues and prevents hyperacidi- during steroid derful side effect of drinking
ty. It is also essential for muscle therapy. Mental apple cider vinegar every day is
contraction making it important for and physical stress that it brings a healthy, rosy
the proper functioning of the heart, can also lead to glow to one’s complex-
in particular for maintaining a nor- potassium defi- ion, which is
mal heartbeat. Potassium also pro- ciency. great news if
motes the secretion of hormones and you suffer
helps the kidneys in detoxifying the Potassium is one from a pale
blood. It prevents female hormonal of the most impor- countenance.

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pH Balance an itchy rash and a stuffy nose

It has been suggested that apple although some food allergies can be
“Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but

cider vinegar has such curative abil- serious. Most agree that the foods
ities because it causes one’s pH lev- that people are most commonly
els to become more alkaline or more allergic to are milk and other dairy
acidic. products, eggs, peanuts and tree
nuts, seafood and wheat, soy.
Scientists have measured ninety dif-
ferent substances in apple cider
vinegar including thirteen types of
carbolic acids, four aldehydes, twen-
ty ketones, eighteen types of alco-
hols and eight ethyl acetates as well
as much more. It also contains
important minerals, trace elements
and vitamins as well acetic acid, The venom, or poison, in insect
amino acids, enzymes, lactic acid, bites and stings causes allergic reac-
propionic acid, as well as roughage reaction is called anaphylaxis (ah- tions in many people. These aller-
food and water.” -Mark Twain (1835-1910)

in the form of potash and apple nuh-fuh-lak-sis). Some of the signs gies can be severe and may cause an
pectin. Some other minerals and of anaphylaxis are difficulty breath- anaphylactic reaction in some peo-
trace elements found in apple cider ing, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, ple.
vinegar are calcium, chlorine, cop- loss of consciousness as well as
per, fluorine, iron, magnesium, swelling of the lips, tongue and Airborne particles are often called
phosphorous, potassium, silicon, throat or other parts of the body. environmental allergens and are the
sodium and sulfur. Anaphylaxis usually occurs minutes most common allergens. Some
after exposure to a triggering sub- examples of airborne particles that
allergies stance, but some reactions may be can cause allergies in people are
delayed by as long as four hours. animal dander, which are flakes of
Luckily, anaphylactic reactions scaly, dried skin and dried saliva
don’t occur often and can be treated from your pets, dust mites, which
Medi-Sign Target
water, Apples, Legumes & successfully if proper procedures are are tiny bugs that live in house dust,
Green Foods followed. mold spores, and pollen from grass,
ragweed and trees.
Why Do People Get Allergies?
What Are Allergies?
The tendency to develop allergies is Antibiotics, or medications used to
Allergies are abnormal, immune-
often hereditary, which means it can treat infections, are the most com-
system reactions to things that are
be passed down through your genes mon types of medicines that cause
typically harmless to most people.
(thanks a lot, Mom and Dad!). allergic reactions. Many other med-
However, just because a parent or icines, including over-the-counter
Allergic reactions can be mild, like
sibling might have allergies, that medications, those you can buy
a runny nose, or severe, like diffi-
doesn't mean you will definitely get without a prescription, can also
culty breathing. An asthma attack,
them, too. A person usually doesn’t cause allergic reactions.
for example, is often an allergic
inherit a particular allergy, just the
reaction to something that is
likelihood of having allergies. Chemicals found in some cosmetics
breathed into the lungs of a person
or laundry detergents can cause peo-
who is susceptible.
Some of the most common aller- ple to break out in an itchy rash
gens known as hives. This is usually
Some types of allergies produce
Food allergies are most common in because the person has a reaction to
multiple symptoms, and in rare
infants and often go away as a child the chemicals in these products.
cases, an allergic reaction can
gets older. Many simply cause Dyes, household cleaners and pesti-
become very severe. This severe
annoying symptoms like diarrhea, cides used on lawns or plants can

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also cause allergic reactions in some • If you’re allergic to pollen, keep cially if it's an energy-efficient
people. windows closed when pollen season home built after the late 1970’s.
is at its peak, change your clothing

“Cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers.
Avoidance after being outdoors and don’t mow One of the most widespread and
In some cases, like food allergies, lawns. troublesome is formaldehyde, found
avoiding the allergen can be a life- in carpeting, dyes, foam insulation,
saving necessity. The only way to • Avoid damp areas, such as base- paper, particle board or wallboard,
treat food allergies where the reac- ments, if you’re allergic to mold and permanent-press clothing, plaster,
tion is extreme is to avoid the aller- keep bathrooms and other mold- polishes and waxes. Formaldehyde
gen entirely. For example, people prone areas clean and dry. can irritate the eyes and mucous
who are allergic to peanuts should membranes lining the respiratory
avoid not only peanuts, but also any The main reason for a person to tract although you may not see it or
food that might contain even tiny experience an allergic reaction is smell it. High levels of nitrogen
traces of them. that their body makes a special type dioxide, a gas released from gas
of protector cell called ranges, pilot lights and kerosene and
Avoidance can help protect people Immunoglobulin E (IgE), which can gas space heaters, also can lead to
against non-food or chemical aller- react with environmental sub- breathing problems, cough, eye irra-
gens, too. In fact, for some people, stances, allergens, in a harmful way. diation and nasal congestion.
eliminating exposure to an allergen
is enough to prevent allergy symp- When allergens and IgE cross they
toms. release histamine, which produce
symptoms in the chest, eyes, nose,
Here are some things that can skin, etc. The most common aller-

-Allen Levin, MD, UCSF

help you avoid airborne allergens: gens are animal dander, house dust,
• Keep family pets out of certain house-dust mites, molds, pollens,
rooms, like your bedroom, and some drugs and many foodstuffs,
bathe them if necessary. especially eggs, fish, milk and nuts.
Bee and wasp stings may cause
• Remove carpets or rugs allergic reactions which lead to
from your fatality in rare cases. Cosmetics,
room. Hard dyes, feathers, perfumes and
floor surfaces wool may also act as aller- The best way to avoid any symp-
don’t collect dust gens. toms associated with these indoor
as much as carpets chemicals is to eliminate their
do. CHEMICAL ALLERGIES sources. Since that may be impossi-
From fabrics to ble due to the structure of your
• Don’t hang flooring, from home, here’s what you can do.
heavy drapes and get makeup to
rid of other items that medicines, Don’t add to the problem.
allow dust to accumu- your world is Increasing ventilation will help to
late. full of chemicals and remove some of these irritants, even
many can cause adverse allergic in tight homes. Open windows,
• Clean frequently. If reactions. Chemical allergies typi- vent space heaters and cooking
your allergy is severe, you may be cally affect the skin but can also be appliances to the outside and circu-
able to get someone else to do your cause of irritation to mouth and res- late outdoor air indoors.
dirty work! piratory tract.
Use ceiling fans. Air that moves
• Use special covers to seal pil- These chemicals are everywhere, purifies itself.
lows and mattresses if you’re aller- including in your home. The typical
gic to dust mites. residence can contain upwards of Protect yourself. Wear protective
200 different contaminants, espe- gloves and clothing when you’re

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working with chemicals known to part is a type of cell called a mast release chemicals in the nose and
be harmful like dyes, paint thinners cell. Mast cells occur in all body throat.
and other solvents. Wash clothing tissues but especially in areas that
immediately afterward. are typical sites of allergic reactions, If mast cells in the gastrointestinal
including the gastrointestinal tract, tract are involved, the person may
Consider cosmetics. If you suspect lungs, nose, skin and throat. have diarrhea or abdominal pain.
you’re allergic to the cosmetics Skin mast cells can produce hives or
you’re using, switch to those labeled People usually inherit the ability to intense itching.
hypoallergenic. That designation form IgE for foods. Those more
means they are specifically formu- likely to develop food allergies Protein fragments found in foods are
lated to be less likely to cause an come from families in which aller- responsible for an allergic reaction
allergic reaction. gies such as asthma, eczema or hay when they are not broken down by
fever. cooking or by stomach acids or
Diagnosis and Treatment. enzymes that digest food. These
Identification of the offending A predisposed person must first be proteins can cross the gastrointesti-
“There is nothing for a case of nerves like a case of beer.”

chemicals can be extremely difficult exposed to a specific food before nal lining, travel through the blood-
and requires a detailed history, IgE is formed. Tiny protein frag- stream and cause allergic reactions
including a diary of when symptoms ments prompt certain cells to pro- throughout the body.
occur and any obvious chemical duce specific IgE for that food as
exposures. Treatment consists the food is digested for the first The timing and location of an aller-
mainly of avoidance of the offend- time. The IgE then attaches to the gic reaction to food is affected by
ing chemicals. surface of mast cells. The next time digestion. For example, an allergic
the particular food is eaten, the pro- person may first experience a severe
FOOD ALLERGIES tein interacts with the specific IgE itching of the tongue or “tingling
The stomach and the digestive sys- on the mast cells and triggers the lips.” Cramps, diarrhea or vomiting
tem are also frequent targets for release of chemicals such as hista- may follow. The allergens can
allergies. Having an allergy to mine that produce the symptoms of cause asthma, drop in blood pres-
foods can result in constipation, an allergic reaction. The individual sure, eczema or hives as they enter
diarrhea, stomach pains or vomiting. may experience an itchy tongue or the bloodstream and travel through-
Eczema and hives may be produced mouth and may have trouble breath- out the body. The onset of these
after ingesting food to which one is ing or swallowing if the mast cells symptoms may vary from a few
allergic. Food allergyies may also minutes to an hour or two after the
trigger asthmatic attacks and, rarely, food is eaten.
generalized anaphylaxis. Food ana-
phylaxis is most commonly seen Most Likely Suspects
with ingestion of nuts and iodinated Food allergy patterns in adults differ
shellfish such as lobster and shrimp. somewhat from those in children.
The most common foods to cause
Allergic Reactions allergies in adults are crab, lobster,
Food normally doesn’t provoke a shrimp and other shellfish, eggs,
response from the human immune peanuts, which are one of the chief
system, which is the body’s defense foods responsible for severe anaphy-
from microbes and other threats to laxis, walnuts and other tree nuts.
health. According to researchers at
the National Institute of Allergy and In children, eggs, milk, peanuts, soy
Infectious Diseases, two parts of the and wheat are the main causes of an
immune system response are allergic reaction. Children typically
involved in food allergies. One is outgrow their allergies to milk,
the production of a protector cell eggs, soy and wheat, while allergies
called immunoglobulin E (IgE) that to fish, peanuts, shrimp and tree
circulates in the blood. The other nuts usually are not outgrown.

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A Growing Problem for one child, be sure you don’t stir him learn how to handle whatever
The prevalence of food allergy is it with the same spoon you’re using comes up.
growing and probably will continue for other dishes that might contain
to grow along with all allergic dis- an allergen. For example, pretend you’re a
eases. friend of your child’s at a birthday

“Despite widespread use of chemotherapies, breast cancer mortality has not changed in the last 70 years.”
Be especially careful to wash all party, cajoling your child to taste ice
Research over the last three decades cookware, dishes and tableware cream although they’re allergic to
indicates that the number of people thoroughly with soap and water and milk. Have your child practice say-
with allergies is skyrocketing in rinse them well to be sure no aller- ing no and explaining that the food
developed and developing countries gen remains. It’s a good idea to put will make him sick. Reinforce the
but not in underdeveloped areas. all your cooking materials in the positive. Compliment your child
dishwasher and run them through a every time she turns down an aller-
The fewer germs in that are in the regular cycle. gy-causing food. This builds inde-
environment, the more time the pendence and self-esteem, which is
immune system can important because it will
devote to worrying ultimately be their
about things like responsibility to monitor
allergens. Recent their own diet as they get
studies indicate that older.

-New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 292

growing up in a large
family or daycare For common allergies,
center actually here is a partial list of
decreases the likeli- some ingredient words
hood of developing and foods to avoid.
an allergy.
Eggs: albumin, mayon-
People with a food naise, ovalbumin, ovo-
allergy typically walk mucin, ovomucoid, Simp-
around with a little bit of fear all the Involve your child. Allergic chil- lesse. A shiny glaze on baked goods
time. Follow these steps in order to dren should know what foods also may indicate the presence of
decrease worry. they’re allergic to and be taught to eggs.
be aware of their own bodily symp-
Become a wise shopper. Learn the toms. Milk: artificial butter flavor, butter,
technical and scientific names for butterfat, buttermilk, casein, case-
foods that you or your child is aller- Explain to your child that certain inates, cheese, cream, curds, dry
gic to. Milk, for example, can be foods make their body react, and milk solids, lactalbumin, lactose,
present in foods under many names that they should avoid them. For a milk derivative, milk protein or milk
such as caseinate or whey, and eggs young child, it may help if the two solids, rennet casein, sour cream,
could be listed as albumin or ovo- of you cut pictures of offending sour milk solids, whey, yogurt.
mucin. If you encounter names foods out of magazines and mount There may be milk present if the
you’re not familiar with on a label, them on a poster. Explain symp- label indicates caramel color or fla-
look them up before you eat the toms to your child and tell them that voring, high protein flour, margarine
food or call the manufacturer and they should let you or another adult or natural flavoring.
ask about the ingredients. Read know immediately if they feel those
label ingredient information every symptoms. Wheat: bran, enriched flour, farina,
time you buy a food product. Manu- gluten, graham flour, high gluten
facturers sometimes change ingredi- Role-play situations. Your child flour, high protein flour, wheat bran,
ents without warning. may worry about avoiding tempta- wheat germ, wheat gluten or wheat
tion or may experience peer pres- starch, whole wheat flour. Wheat
Beware of cross-contamination. If sure to eat forbidden foods. Role- may be present if the label indicates:
you’re cooking an allergy-free dish playing possible scenarios can help gelatinized starch, modified food

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Alert caregivers. Avoid bakery items. Baked goods

Schedule a meeting are notorious for including possible
with your child’s teach- problem foods such as eggs, milk
ers, school administra- nuts and other ingredients. It’s
tor, counselor, nurse, much safer to bake items yourself,
cafeteria personnel and either from scratch or using mixes
office staff before the with labels you’ve carefully scruti-
school year begins. nized.
Explain to this team
what foods cause a Buy a medical emergency neck-
reaction, what precau- lace. If your child suffers from
tions should be taken severe food allergies, the kind that
and emergency proce- can cause anaphylaxis, have them
dures and furnish the wear a medical emergency necklace
same information for and carry a personalized emergency-
any family members or care card. You can buy one at a
babysitters who take jewelry or drugstore.
care of your child.
“Never mistake endurance for hospitality.”

The two things that can over-

Create a special alarm come allergies are:
signal. Have your child 1. Extended mono diets with periods
create a signal to let the of water fasting (see fasting).
teacher know that they
are having a reaction. 2. Repeated exposure to the food
Tell family, friends and causing the reaction. Start by hold-
school personnel what ing it and smelling it, then in time,
the signal is. This sig- licking it, then tasting it and eventu-
starch, modified starch, starch, veg- nal could be a code word or a ges- ally swallowing some. It appears
etable gum or vegetable starch. ture such as pointing to the throat. food allergies are the body’s
response to extreme shortage of a
Tree nuts: almonds, brazil nuts, Take special care when eating out. specific nutritional component. I
cashews, filbert, hazelnuts, gianduja, Allergens can be present in foods have seen this work for people
hickory nuts, macadamia nuts, where you don’t expect them. Make dozens of times.
marzipan, nut butters, nut oil, nut sure you know what ingredients are
paste such as almond paste, pecans, in prepared food. Pack your child’s HAY FEVER
pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts. Also lunch, and explain clearly to your (Allergic Rhinitis)
avoid natural extracts such as child why he can’t swap lunches Symptoms include headaches, itch-
almond extract or wintergreen with friends unless you can review ing in the eyes, nose and throat, pain
extracts. the school menu with school person- in the head and sinuses, red, post-
nel ahead of time. nasal drip and runny or stuffy nose.
Peanuts: cold pressed peanut oil, A clear, watery, discharge from the
mixed nuts, peanut butter or peanut Plan before parties. Talk to the nose and eyes can also occur along
flour. Peanuts may be present in host so you know what will be with sneezing and nervous irritabili-
chili, candy, Chinese and Thai dish- served and the host will be aware of ty.
es, egg rolls, marzipan or soups. your child’s allergies before your
child attends a party or school func- Causes
Soy: miso, soy flour, soy nuts, soy tion where food will be served. Hay fever is most frequently caused
protein or soy sauce, textured veg- Send along special treats that your by breathing in plant pollens such as
etable protein (TVP) or tofu. Soy child can eat if your child is allergic ragweed and grass pollen, which are
may be present if the label indicates to anything on the menu. the worst offenders. The problem
vegetable broth, gum or starch. tends to be seasonal in the spring or

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Acupressure is given through cloth-
ing on pressure points. It helps to
stimulate the flow of energy and
improve circulation throughout the
body. It is based on the idea that
energy flowing throughout the body
may be manipulated by pressure to
treat disease or improve health.
Acupressure requires no needles but
instead, relies on the thumbs, palms,

“Life extension: time adds experience to knowledge and wisdom to curiosity.”

heels of the hands and elbows to
apply pressure.

Chiropractic Care
fall, according to plant cycles. Hay space of time should you be highly Although chiropractic is not a treat-
fever is a reaction of the mucous sensitive to bee or wasp stings. ment for allergies, it does permit the
membranes of the air passages, eyes Immediate action should be taken to immune system to function more
and nose to such seasonal pollens. get you expert medical treatment, effectively, therefore placing less
Dry, windy, days, riding in an open preferably at the nearest hospital. stress on the nervous system. Aller-
car and working in the garden some- This is one of the rare times that I gies are simply a hypersensitive
times increase symptoms. Morning would ever suggest this. Hospitals immune system responding to the
and evening hours are the most are very dangerous places. environment. The nervous system
uncomfortable due to the body try- seems to be the controlling factor
ing to clean out toxins and dust. If OCCUPATIONAL ALLERGIES for the immune system and chiro-
the person is eating too much or eat- The term occupational allergy is practic frees up the nerves so that
ing foods, such as cooked milk, ice generally used to describe episodes they are not irritated and hypersensi-
cream, refined sugar and white-flour of allergic reactions that occur after tive to stimuli.
products, too much meat the over- working with industrial dusts,
loaded system cannot deal properly fumes, gases or vapors. Further- Reflexology
with additional task of resisting the more, substances like nickel found Reflexology is a therapy that works
effects of airborne pollens. in coins, chromium found in on the principle that there are reflex-
cement, rubber, different dyes, es on the feet and hands that corre-
Water and salt nasal sprays can help formaldehyde and glues may result spond to all glands, organs and other
relieve symptoms as well as drink- in eczema that occurs at the site of parts of the body. The touch and
ing one teaspoon of salt to one gal- contact with the skin. Inhalants pressure receptors of the nervous
lon of chilled water. Stop using all such as grain dust may affect farm- system transfer the sensation to the
supplements, as they tax the body’s ers who are frequently exposed to it. receptive areas of the body by stim-
systems. ulating these reflexes with the
thumb and forefingers. This can
INSECT ALLERGIES activate the body’s own natural
Severe, allergic reactions to bee and healing system by improving the
wasp stings are most common, espe- nerve and blood supply and helping
cially in the United States. Such nature to normalize the various
reactions to insect bites include functions of the body.
hives, running nose and eyes,
swelling of the throat, attacks of The stimulus of pressure is usually
asthma and, in severe cases, faint- applied to the adrenal reflex area to
ing. Also an entire extremity can create a healthful response by the
swell when bitten locally. You may body to allergies, asthma and sinus
become unconscious within a short problems. The adrenal reflex area is

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found on the palms of both hands, Ironically, pharmaceutical antihista-

halfway down the long first mines, which are often prescribed as
metacarpal bone of the hand below a traditional remedy for allergy Freedom
the thumb. To find the area, put relief, use up your body’s reserve of Foods
your right thumb on top of your left vitamin C and deplete you in many
thumb. Reposition the right hand other ways as well. If allergy suf- 2 Tbsp Flaxseed
moving the right thumb ferers turn first to food 1/2 cup Lemon Juice
1 Cantaloupe
down, toward the sources such as veg- Oranges
wrist. Your hand etable and fruit Grapefruit
is now posi- juices, not only
tioned so that can they receive Juice these fabulously healthy
your right relief but also fruits for their vitamin C,
quercetin and bioflavonoids.
index finger preserve pre- What a delicious way to keep the
can curl cious supplies allergies under control. Make
around the of immunity- sure to scrape out the white pulpy
“Be true to your teeth or your teeth will be false to you.”

hand and exert building vitamin part of these fruits, where most of
pressure at the C. the bioflavonoids reside. This is a
great place to add flaxseed oil to
midpoint of the your diet, which helps some aller-
long bone. Rest your Flaxseed oil is rich in gies. Do this everyday for 90
fingertip on the palm of the vitamins C, B1, and E and days.
hand and press. If the area feels helps relieve some allergies while
sensitive you have found the spot. offering increased stamina and ener-
A detoxification diet will generally
help remove some or all of the aller- It is essential to drink enough water
gy-causing toxins if a substance has and juices to alleviate and prevent
registered in the body as a toxin. allergies. Dehydration is considered
Whether the toxins are chemicals, to be an underlying cause of aller- Flaxseed oil is rich in vitamins C,
food, pets or other environmental gies. Many wheat grass users report B1, and E and helps relieve some
irritants, a juice and water detoxifi- that their allergies have been allevi- allergies while offering increased
cation diet purifies and nourishes ated. stamina and energy.
your system while providing allergy
relief. Vegetables juices are pre- Foods for Irritants: It is essential to drink enough water
ferred in this instance over fruit
juices because vegetables have a
C Apples and juices to alleviate and prevent
allergies. Dehydration is considered
lower sugar content. C Barley grass to be an underlying cause of aller-

Foods That Help

C Beans gies. Many wheat grass users report
that their allergies have been allevi-
The key to managing allergies is in C Cantaloupe ated.
controlling the amounts of histamine C Citrus fruits
that is released into the body.
C Flaxseed oil ALLSPICE
Quercetin, a class of water-soluble
plant pigments called bioflavonoids,
is very helpful. Foods rich in
C Leafy green vegetables
quercetin include onions, apples, C Onions Medi-Sign Target
black tea and onions while leafy C Strawberries
Blood Purifier
green vegetables and beans are sec-
ondary sources of this helpful C Water Named quite literally for its pleasing
bioflavonoid. C Wheat grass aroma, allspice smells like a combi-
(See: Apple cider vinegar) nation of ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon
Vitamin C is also a natural remedy.
and ginger. In many parts of the

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with digestion and the expulsion of throughout history. The Bible’s

gas from the intestines. For this book of Numbers tells of Aaron’s
reason, it is widely used in natural rod that blossomed and bore
preparations for treatment of gas- almonds, using them as a symbol to
trointestinal discomforts. The oil of represent the divine approval of
allspice is actually irritating to the Aaron by God.
skin, but in the sense that it causes
vasodilatation (expansion of blood 2. Explorers consumed almonds
vessels), thereby increasing the while traveling the “Silk Road”
skin’s blood flow to make the skin between Asia and the Mediter-
feel warmer. Tannins present in all- ranean. Almond trees flourished in
spice produce a subtle yet effective the Mediterranean region before
world, allspice is referred to as anesthetic; when coupled with the long to include such areas as
pimento, though this is a bit of a warming properties, allspice is an Greece, Italy, Israel, Morocco and
misnomer; upon original discovery, excellent homeopathic remedy for Spain.
Spanish explorers thought the all- treatment of sore muscles, arthritis,
spice berry was black pepper and other similar muscle and joint 3. The Romans showered newly-

“Maybe your life, wasn’t meant to be ordinary...”

(pimienta in Spanish). The best all- pains. weds with almonds as a fertility
spice in the world comes from the charm. There have been document-
lush soil and moderate climate of
Jamaica. It is the only spice that is
ALMOND ed findings that nutmeats and dried
fruits were treated as delicacies of
exclusively cultivated in the Western this time, due to the cultivation of
Hemisphere. Wild trees indigenous these foods not being as prevalent as
to South and Central American rain-
Medi-Sign Target
it is today. Imagine the value of
forests have been over-forested and Brain, Testicles & Ovaries something as small as a nut being a
replaced with plantations in Central cherished gift for so many centuries!
America and Mexico.
Interior Brainfood
4. The almond tree was brought to
Allspice has a variety of culinary California from Spain in the mid-
uses; however, it's the practical and 1. Almonds have maintained reli-
1700’s by the Franciscan Padres.
medicinal applications that are the gious, ethnic and social significance
The moist, cool weather of the
most interesting. South American coastal missions, however, did not
Indians added allspice to flavor provide optimum growing condi-
chocolate; Mayans used allspice in tions. It wasn’t until the following
their embalming rituals; and Russian century that trees were successfully
soldiers in the Napoleonic war of planted inland.
1812 put it in their boots to keep
their feet warm. Little did they real- 5. By the 1870’s, research and
ize the long-lasting impact of their cross-breeding had developed
actions. The allspice did the job to several of today’s prominent
keep their toes warm but concur- almond varieties. The almond
rently curtailed unpleasant foot industry was firmly estab-
odors, a discovery still in wide use lished in the Sacramento and
by the cosmetic industry. The next San Joaquin areas of Califor-
time you see “spice” on a men’s nia’s great Central Valley by the
cologne product, thank those Russ- turn of the twentieth centu-
ian soldiers. The cologne (and ry.
other toiletry products) probably has
allspice oil in it! 6. California’s almond
yield has doubled in the
Allspice has properties that assist past 20 years. More than

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a half million acres in the lush San terol, almonds significantly lowered whole food and are a good source of
Joaquin and Sacramento valleys are bad cholesterol levels. In June of dietary fiber, heart-healthy monoun-
under almond cultivation, stretching 2003, a second study published in saturated fat, high-quality protein
400 miles between Bakersfield and the American Journal of Clinical and are cholesterol free.
Red Bluff, California. The modern Nutrition on men and women with
industry of today reveals a different normal cholesterol levels showed Almonds and Weight/Diabetes
look at almonds. Focused on highly that a high-almond diet decreased In November of 2003, the
advanced methods of production total cholesterol, reduced LDL and International Journal of Obesity
sorting, hulling and processing, the improved HDL levels. published research findings by City
“After a year in therapy, my psychiatrist said to me, “Maybe life isn’t for everyone.”

industry still maintains its down to of Hope Medical Center and Loma
earth goodness invoked by this sim- Linda University in California
ple nut. Over the past three showing that an almond-based
decades, extensive low-calorie diet (LCD)
research exploring the improves abnormalities
health benefits of associated with the
almonds has given valid- metabolic syndrome.
ity to the fact that The epidemic of over-
almonds are a weight and obesity and
healthy snack increased prevalence of
alternative, the metabolic syndrome
(Duh!). and type II Diabetes is
of serious public health
The project leaders who were concern. The prospect that
commissioned for the research almond-intervention as part of a
rank at the top of their respec- healthy dietary plan and ideal
tive fields and come from more lifestyle habits may play a role
than 20 global, scientific organiza- towards maintaining weight or
tions such as University of weight reduction is an exciting
California (UC), Loma Linda prospect. It is also a foundation for
University (LLU), University of research in many domains related to
Toronto (U of T), Tufts University, almond energetics, long term weight
Michigan State University, Purdue The Food and Drug Administration loss studies and almond composition
University, city of Hope Medical On July 15, 2003, the FDA and digestion.
center, King’s College London, approved the first qualified health
Peking Medical University and oth- claim for conventional food, saying Description
ers. that “eating one and a half ounces The almond that we think of as a
[about one-third of a cup] of most nut is technically the seed of the
There is emerging research demon- nuts, including almonds, may fruit of the almond tree, a glorious
strating that almonds as nutrient- reduce the risk of heart disease medium-size tree that bears fragrant
rich, satiating food may play a role when they’re part of a diet low in pink and white flowers. Like its
in weight control and maintenance, saturated [animal] fat and bad cousins, the peach, cherry and apri-
followed by the latest information [acidic] cholesterol [which only cot trees, the almond tree bears
on almond phytochemicals and their comes from animals.]” fruits with stone-like seeds, or pits,
potential role in cancer prevention. within. The seed of the almond fruit
Almond Composition is what we refer to as the almond
Heart Health Benefits Along with clinical studies, there is nut.
In September of 2002, the American a concentrated and ongoing effort to
Heart Association’s journal pub- update almond composition data Almonds are off-white in color, cov-
lished the first almond study in a including the USDA revision of the ered by a thin brownish skin and
medical journal. The study showed nutrient database for almonds. encased in a hard shell. Almonds
that in people with elevated choles- Almonds are a nutrient-dense, are classified into two categories,

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 51

sweet ones which are scientifically • A Protein Powerhouse la extract among people with dia-
known as Prunus amygdalu var. dul- betes.
cis, and bitter ones which are scien- Almonds help reduce inflammation
tifically known as Prunus amygdalu of blood vessels. Sweet almonds are used in marzi-
var. amara. pan, nougat and macaroons, as well
Almonds lower’s your cholesterol as as other desserts. Almonds contain
Sweet almonds are the types that are much as a statin drug according to 35 percent by weight USRDA Vita-
eaten. They are oval in shape, usu- the American Journal of Clinical min E and are high in monounsatu-
ally malleable in texture and won- Nutrition in February. rated fat, the “good” fat responsible
derfully buttery in taste. They are for lowering LDL cholesterol.

“Humans choose to look everywhere for their enlightenment except their own core.”
available in the market either still in ALMOND OIL
their shell or with their shell alzheimer’s
removed. Shelled almonds are
available whole, sliced or slivered in Medi-Sign Target
either their natural form with their Medi-Sign Target
skin, or blanched with their skin
Brain, Heart & Blood Vessels Nuts, Seeds, Whole Grains,
removed. Water & Salt
“Oleum Amygdalae,” the fixed oil,
Bitter almonds are used to make
is prepared from either variety of Alzheimer’s disease requires the fol-
almond oil that is used as a flavor-
almonds and is a glyceryl oleate, lowing approaches in treatment.
ing agent for foods and liqueurs
with slight odor and a nutty taste. It
such as Amaretto. They are other-
is almost insoluble in alcohol but Eliminate any sources of aluminum
wise inedible as they naturally con-
readily soluble in chloroform or exposure including cookware, uten-
tain toxic substances such as hydro-
ether. It may be used as a pleasant sils, foil, underarm deodorants, (all
canic acid. These compounds are
substitute for olive oil. anti-persperants), drinking water
removed in the manufacturing of
and any juices and drinks packaged
almond oil. It would be hard to
in aluminum-lined cartons. Stop
name very many vitamins, minerals
consuming vitamins and bottled
or other nutritional components that
water that have aluminum across the
almonds don’t have. They are a
nutrient power house.
Blueberries stem and may even
Health Benefits
reverse age-related memory loss.
• Almonds Lower LDL-Choles-
One study called the Tufts
terol and Reduce Your Risk of Heart
University study found that old rats
navigated the maze faster and had
better balance and more coordina-
• Almond’s Healthy Fats Help You
Lose Weight

• Daily Consumption of Almonds

Help You Eat a Healthier Diet, they
change what you desire to eat.
The sweet almond itself contains
• Manganese, Copper &
practically no starch and may there-
Riboflavin – More Help with Ener-
fore be made into flour for cakes
gy Production
and biscuits for people suffering
from diabetes mellitus or any other
• They Promote Colon Health
form of glycosuria. Almond extract
is also a popular substitute for vanil-
• Help Prevent Gallstones

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 52

Power Source: Anthocyanins interested in treating symptoms than by far the biggest culprit of mercury
These nutrients increase communi- in finding the cause of disease. This poisoning. Thus it is the biggest
cation between aging brain cells and is especially true if the cause is the reason for Alzheimer’s and demen-
find off free radicals. According to pharmaceutical industry, the chemi- tia in the world today.
the USDA, blueberries have the cal industry or the food industry.
highest occurrence of anthocyaninx Aside from this, few people under- Mercury has been proven to be a
power of the 20 most common fruits stand that it has been known for highly toxic substance. So how can
and berries. Also, food estrogens several decades that heavy metals dentists in the United States be so
seem to play a roll. Some trapped in plaque are the main cause thoughtless as to place one of the
researchers think that tofu and other of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and deadliest toxins in existence “two”
soy products, which are rich in plant perhaps Parkinson’s and other brain inches from our brain? Mercury
estrogens, think they may provide at diseases. fillings are against the law in many
least some of the same benefits as (See: Disease: The Mystery Solved) countries of Europe.
“My doctor gave me two weeks to live. I hope they’r e in August.”

estrogen replacement. Other

sources of plant estrogens, which Instead of lead being the major cul- Due to deterioration of brain tissue,
are available at many grocery stores, prit of Alzheimer’s and dementia Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or pri-
include flax seed and wild yams. today, mercury and aluminum hold mary dementia of Alzheimer’s type
that title. The maximum amount of is a neurodegenerative disease
Plenty of reasons can account for mercury that the Environment Pro- which results in a loss of mental
why a person would be diagnosed tection Agency (EPA) allows people functions.
with “Alzheimer’s” or dementia to be exposed to is 5,000 times
including: smaller than the permissible amount The disease was thought to be
• Heavy metals and plaque of lead exposure. In other words, uncommon, until the 1960’s when it
• Illegal drugs the EPA apparently considers mer- was realized that much of what had
• Lack of oxygen (as the body cury to be 5,000 times more toxic been regarded as the normal process
gets older, less oxygen is absorbed) than lead. So where does this mer- of aging was actually the result of
• Prescription drugs cury come from? Researchers have this disease.
• Strokes (whether known about shown that trace amounts of mercu-
or not) ry can cause the type of damage to Clinical Features
nerves that is characteristic of the The classical first symptom of this
There are other factors, though, that damage found in Alzheimer’s dis- disease is memory loss.
can cause dementia that are not well ease. When conducting this study, Alzheimer’s disease can include
known. For example, aspartame, the level of mercury exposure was behavioral changes, such as mental,
otherwise known as NutraSweet, well below those levels found in disorientation, sudden periods of
Equal, Splenda and many other many humans with mercury/silver
names, can kill enough brain cells to amalgam dental fillings.
cause dementia. Also, it is not
known how important trans-fatty A study conducted at the University
acids (hydrogenated oils), found in of Calgary Faculty of Medicine con-
margarine, Skippy peanut butter and cluded that exposure to mercury
almost all processed foods, may be caused the formation of “neurofib-
in causing brain damage. rillar tangles.” These are one of the defi-
two definitive markers of
Brain damage can appear in many Alzheimer’s disease. The
forms. For example, the same other definitive marker is
things that cause dementia may also “amyloid plagque” which
be responsible for Parkinson’s dis- has been proven to be
ease, Lewy Body disease and so on. caused by mercury also.

In orthodox medicine it is important The silver filling that den-

to recognize that that it is far more tists’ use, called dental amalgam, is

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 53

ance, abusive and violence, in peo- brain termed neuropil threads Neurochemistry
ple who have no previous history of (plaque). The neurotransmitters serotonin,
such behavior. acetylcholine, norepinephrine and
• Inside nerve cell processes that somatostatin are at decreased levels.
Pathology surround amyloid plaques, which Glutamate levels are usually elevat-

“Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance.”
Microscopy: There are several are termed dystrophic neurites or ed.
changes found in the brain during plaque neurites. (See: Excitotoxins under Disease:
AD. They are listed below in the The Mystery Solved).
order that they appear. • Amyloid plaque accumulation in
the walls of small blood ves- Disease Mechanism
sels in the brain. Termed There are three major competing
amyloid angiopathy, which is hypotheses existing to explain the
also called congophilic cause of the disease and all explain
angiopathy plaque’s. the chemistry of plaque!

General non-specific find- The “cholinergic hypothesis” is the

ings include: oldest hypothesis. It states that
• Diffuse neuropathology, Alzheimer’s begins as a deficiency
nerve cells, their processes in the production of acetylcholine, a
and synapses are lost from vital neurotransmitter. Much early
key brain regions. This therapeutic research was based on
results in atrophy of the this hypothesis, including restora-
affected areas and enlarge- tion of the “cholinergic nuclei.” On
ment of the ventricles, from the basis of this hypothesis, the pos-
plaque. sibility of cell-replacement therapy
• The deposition of an abnormal was investigated.
protein (amyloid beta) outside nerve • Loss of synaptic contacts
cells in the form of amyloid. These between neurons is related to the Medications of Alzheimer’s during
are called diffuse plaques and amy- regulation of cell adhesion proteins the first-generation are based on this
loid also forms the core of more by presenilins. The presenilins have hypothesis. They work to preserve
organized plaques called senile or been identified as part of the pro- acetylcholine by interfering with
neuritic plaques. The degree of cessing pathways that produce the acetylcholinesterases, which are
amyloid correllates with the severity amyloid beta protein (plaque). enzymes that break down acetyl-
of the disease. choline. Results from these medi-
cines have not been promising.
• The accumulation of abnormal They have served to only treat
filaments of protein (plaque) inside symptoms of the disease and have
nerve cells in the brain. The protein neither halted nor reversed
is called tau and is normally present Alzheimer’s in all of the cases. So
to stabilize microtubules. In AD, an the results from the first-generation
abnormally phosphorylated form of of medications have led to the con-
tau protein accumulates as paired clusion that acetylcholine deficien-
-Benjamin Franklin

helical filaments. cies may not be directly causal.

They many, instead, be a result of
Tau accumulates in various widespread brain tissue damage.
forms: This damage then is so widespread
• As masses of filaments inside that cell-replacement therapies are
nerve cell body termed neurofibril- likely to be impractical because
lary tangles (plaque). plaque is the cause.

• Inside nerve cell processes in the Still there are two additional

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 54

hypotheses for Alzheimer’s each might be doing an adequate job of ciation studies raise the possibility
having their believers. They are “containing” the disease until they that even this does not indicate sus-
called the “tauist” and the “baptist” simply are overwhelmed. Could the ceptibility so much as how early one
by the scientific publications of real problem be what we eat? is likely to develop Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s disease. “Tauists” Things like foodless foods, lifeless
believe that the tau protein abnor- drinks and soda pop, medicines,
malities (plaque) come first and lead supplements and dead animal car-
to a full disease cascade. “Bap- casses?
tists” believe that beta amyloid
“The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later you’re hungry again.”

deposits are (plaque) the causative There is compelling evidence that

factor in the disease. For example, genetic predisposition underlies the
the presence of the APP gene on development of Alzheimer’s disease.
chromosome 21 is believed to The most obviously genetic cases
explain the high incidence of early- are also the rarest, though, because
onset AD pathology in people with most cases identified are “sporadic”
Down syndrome (trisomy 21). with no clear family history. It is
probable that environmental factors,
The “baptist” theory is finding new like what people eat, have to inter-
supporters due to recent discoveries act with a genetic susceptibility to
of impaired vascular and cere- cause development of disease.
brospinal fluid transport of beta
amyloid plaques out of the brain tis- Head injury has been consistently Studies have linked aluminum to the
sues. This results in a greater risk shown to be linked to later develop- progression of Alzheimer’s, but the
for plaque formation. A third pro- ment of AD. Recognizable symp- results from these studies have not
tein, alpha synuclein, which has toms have been shown to correlate been confirmed and are not widely
already been shown to be important well with early onset of accepted by Alzheimer’s experts.
in Parkinson’s disease, has also been Alzheimer’s. The most commonly Remember the Aluminum Industry
demonstrated to be associated with accepted explanation for this is that has powerful lobbyists in Washing-
amyloid plaques in AD. larger brains simply may have more ton. Don’t use aluminum foil, alu-
cells that can afford to be lost. minum baking powder, self-rising
This does not always correlate per- Inheritance of a specific variation of flour, pickling salts, aluminum pots
fectly with clinical Alzheimer’s, the ApoE epsilon 4 gene is regarded or cans. Also note that some drugs
though. In other words, not all peo- as a risk factor for development of such as acetaminophen, naproxen,
ple who have plaques and/or tangles disease, but large-scale genetic asso- and the “COX-2 inhibitors” were
manifest symptoms of the found to have no demonstrated ben-
disease. Recent research efit and some evidence of cardiac
is focusing on the possi- harm.
bility that plaques and tan-
gles arise as a defense Whole food vitamin E and vitamin
against another, as yet C have been shown to slow the pro-
undiscovered, substance gression of Alzheimer’s disease.
that causes the symptom
of the problem. Exercise has appeared to be inverse-
ly related to the development of
Researchers are question- Alzheimer’s meaning that the more
ing the idea that the someone exercises the less likely
plaques and tangles might they are of developing the disease.
not be the problem, but This is also related to the research
rather a symptom of the that exercise helps reduce stroke
problem. The plaques and risk.
neurofibrillary tangles

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 55

Diabetic Insulin Increases deposition of toxic amyloid plaques

Dementia which make the brain cells die.

“The idea that seeing life means going from place to place and doing a great variety of obvious things is an illusion natural
Improved nutritional status of the B This kind of cholesterol comes from
vitamin folic acid was found to eating animals.
reduce Alzheimer’s incidence. This
study was conducted of nuns and Nutrition and Alzheimer’s
was called the “Nun’s study.” This B vitamins have been shown in
study also revealed nuns who, in some studies to help in control of
life, showed little or no dementia, homcysteine and consequently
but upon autopsy were found to Alzheimer’s.
have extensive Alzheimer’s plaques.
The unimpaired nuns’ brains were Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors
free of evidence of stroke, including As a result of Alzheimer’s
micro-strokes. However, nuns Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibi-
whose brains revealed both plaques tion was thought to be important
and stroke damage were severely because there is selective loss of
impaired in func- forebrain cholinergic
tioning while alive. neurons.

to dull minds.” -Charles Hortin Cooley

Partaking in activi- Inhibitor examples
ties that prevent include: were used in humans, brain inflam-
stroke may also • Tacrine – no mation occurred, and the trials were
help at preventing longer clinically-used stopped.
Alzheimer’s. The • Donepezil
discovery of the • Galantamine Nutrition and Alzheimer’s
co-founding role of • Rivastigmine Deficiencies
stroke supports Vitamin B12 could be a possible
other research Recently, a contro- nutritional prevention or treatment.
showing that quit- versy has erupted
ting smoking, about cholinesterase Natural food sources of vitamin
weight reduction and avoidance of inhibitors and how they can con- B12 are:
diabetes all reduce Alzheimer’s risk. tribute. The pharmaceutical compa- • Nutritional
nies dispute the findings of the • Sea vegetables, (such as dulse,
Diabetes greatly increases study. This has been shown in the kelp, kombu and nori)
Alzheimer’s risk. One factor at involvement of glutamatergic neu- • Soybeans and soy products
work may be that the enzyme ronal excitotoxicity in the aetiology
charged with removing excess of Alzheimer’s disease. Natural food sources of Vitamin E
insulin from the blood, the Insulin (See: Disease: The Mystery Solved). are:
Degrading Enzyme (IDE), also has C Brown rice
the responsibility for removing Vaccine: Why not stop eating
Beta-amyloid plaques from the foods that cause plaque? C Cold pressed oils
brain. There are ongoing tests of an C Cornmeal
Alzheimer’s disease vaccine. This
Research has suggested that turmer- was based on the idea that if you C Dark green leafy vegetables
ic or curry spice might have a pre- could train the immune system to C Dulse
ventative value as it clears inflam- recognize and attack beta-amyloid
mation and plaques. plaque, the immune system might C Eggs
reverse deposition of amyloid and C Kelp
Studies show there seems to be a thus stop the disease. Initial results
connection between the cholesterol in animals were promising. C Legumes
level inside the brain cells and the However, when the first vaccines C Nuts
A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 56

minum and mercury. Do this once a

week during a detox and once a
month for maintenance.


2 cups Grapes
“I have learned to spell hors d’oeuvres, Which grates on many people’s nerves.”

1 Apple (cut & cored)

1 cup Strawberries

These malic acid rich fruits bind

aluminum, which is implicated
in memory loss and dementia.
Juice these fruits in your juicing
machine in the amounts listed
above or, blend them in a blender.
In a blender, add about fi cup of
water or enough to achieve your
preferred, thick shake consisten-

C Oatmeal papaya, green peas, sweet peppers,

persimmons, pineapple, radishes,
C Seeds strawberries and spinach.
C Sweet potatoes Folic acid: Foods assist plaque
C Watercress removal, as do the above listed Medi-Sign Target
C Wheat germ foods. Natural sources are brewers
yeast, asparagus, barley, brown rice,
Strengthens All Cells Outer
C Whole grains dates, green leafy vegetables, lentils,
legumes, mushrooms, oranges, split
Choline: For blood and brain levels. peas, root vegetables, wheat germ, Amaranth was used by the ancient
Natural food sources are egg yolks, whole grains and whole wheat. Aztecs as a valuable food and in
legumes, soybeans and whole-grain their worship rituals. It has recently
cereals. Sunshine and walking for come to the attention of world
Alzheimer’s daily can never be health workers because they have
Vitamin C: Increases body level stressed enough. discovered that in areas of Africa
neurotransmitters. Natural food and Latin America, where it is con-
sources are found in berries, citrus Plaque Detoxification Baths sumed, there is no malnutrition.
fruits, and green vegetables. Good Use a half a cup of sea salt in hot Amaranth has the ability to thrive in
sources are asparagus, avocados, water for 15 to 20 minutes and then poor soil even during drought condi-
beet greens, black currants, broccoli, scrub the skin gently with a natural tions. It is also highly nutritious. It
Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, col- fiber. Within a few minutes the along with plants like quinoa are
lards, dandelion greens, dulse, water will turn murky and “dirty.” considered part of a “beneficial lost
grapefruit, kale, lemons, mangos, The darkness to the water is heavy storehouse” of the world’s agricul-
mustard greens, onions, oranges, metals coming out of the skin alu- ture and diet. Protein and calcium

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:38 AM Page 57

found in meats although most peo- Because the harvesting amaranth is

ple do not even need a profile like a labor-intensive process, it’s a rela-
that. tively expensive product. Some
large supermarkets do stock ama-
High levels of both protein and cal- ranth alongside rice, barley and
cium are available for that men- other grains. If, however, you don’t
tioned above, as well as for people find it there, look for amaranth at a
in transition to vegetarian food. health-food store.

“The only reason I would take up exercising is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.”
Amaranth is a costly seed, (in recent
years six to ten times the price of • There are approximately 60
wheat), but it is a concentrated food species of amaranth and each plant
and may actually be more palatable is capable of producing 40,000 to
in a combination that dilutes its 60,000 seeds.
intense flavor.
• It resists heat and drought, has
Amaranth benefits the lungs. It is no major disease problems and is
high in protein, fiber, amino acids among the easiest of plants to grow.
(lysine and methionine), vitamin C
and calcium. It contains more calci- • It appears that this is a plant that
um and the supporting calcium con- is well worth growing and knowing
factors like magnesium and silicon all of its benefits and uses.
than milk. In this form, its calcium
is utilized efficiently. It’s used in Uses of Amaranth around the
breads, cakes, soups and grain dish- world:
es. Pop it like popcorn or toast for a 1. It is popped and mixed with a
nutty flavor, or sprout it and use it sugar solution to make “alegria” in
in salads. The body can use this Mexico. When milled and roasted,
seed calcium, where as ground up the amaranth seed is used to create a
rocks from the ocean floor is highly Mexican drink called “atole.” Both
suspect, coral and all. Amaranths fried and boiled leaves are used as a
calcium, protein and magnesium vegetable.
content are off the charts.
2. Peruvians use fermented ama-
requirements can help to be filled
ranth seed to make “chicha” or
with amaranth.
beer. Both fried and boiled leaves
are used as a vegetable. In the
Amaranth is also helpful for people
Cusco area, the flowers may be used
with consistently elevated needs,
to treat toothache and fevers. It is a
like nursing or pregnant women,
food colorant for maize and quinoa.
infants, children or people who do
heavy physical work. Even when it
3. In India, amaranth is known as
is used alone, amaranth has protein
Most amaranth sold commercially is “rajeera” meaning the King’s grain.
complexes that are more than ade-
pale yellow, although the color of It is popped then used in confections
quate for most individuals; however,
amaranth seeds may range from buff called “laddoos,” which are similar
amaranth is also unusually high in
to dark purple. Sometimes there are to Mexican “alegria.”
lysine, an amino acid that is low in
black seeds because often the seeds
wheat and most other grains. So a
of a related plant that grows among 4. Amaranth seeds made into gruel
very high amino-acid/protein profile
cultivated amaranth are mixed in. called “sattoo” or milled into flour
exists when there is a combination
These can be very bitter, but since to make chappatis which are eaten
of amaranth and low-lysine grain.
they are so tiny, their flavor will not in Nepal.
This profile is even higher than that
dominate that of the paler grains.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 58

5. In Ecuador, the flowers are boiled • Heart disease • Serine

and the boiled water is added to rum • Hot flashes • Threonine
to create a drink that “purifies the • Memory and thinking disability • Tryptophan
blood.” It is also said to help regu- • Tyrosine
late the menstrual cycle. Known amino acids result after the • Valine
protein is broken down by digestion.
Beauty Tip Eight are essential, which means amnesia
When the juice of amaranth is that they cannot be manufactured by
applied over the face with a pinch of the body, the rest are non-essential,
turmeric powder it bleaches the which means that they can be manu- Medi-Sign Target
skin, prevents it from drying and factured by the body with proper Raw Tahini, Walnuts,
wrinkling, cures pimples and makes nutrition.
the face look fresh. When milk and
Almonds & Pecans
lime juice are added to the mixture, Amino acids are the molecular units
Amnesia is a term used to cover the
it is an effective skin tonic that of nitrogen that make up proteins.
partial or complete loss of memory.
increases suppleness and beauty. All proteins affect your mood and
Memory loss is the inability to
Massage the mixture delicately over are various compositions of twenty
recall people, objects, places or
the face and neck, and leave on for specific naturally occurring amino
events that took place in the recent
half an hour. Wash it off with luke- acids.
“The waist is a terrible thing to mind.”

or distant past. Mostly of the time it

warm water every night before
is a temporary condition and covers
going to bed.
only a part of a person’s experience,
such as immediate memory. The
AMINO ACIDS causes of amnesia range from psy-
chological trauma, brain damage, a
blow to the head or conditions like a
Medi-Sign Target brain tumor, a stroke or swelling.
Nuts, Seeds & Grains
Alternative Names:
Forgetfulness; amnesia; impaired
Amino acids are the “Building memory; loss of memory
Blocks” of the body. Amino acids
not only are building cells and Amnesia can come on suddenly or
repairing tissue, they help your body slowly and be permanent or tempo-
to avoid overwhelm of undesirable rary depending on the cause.
bacteria and viruses; they are part of
The Twenty Amino Acids:
the enzyme and hormonal system; Normal aging may result in trouble
• Alanine
they build nucleoproteins (RNA & learning new material or requiring
• Arginine
DNA); they carry oxygen throughout longer time to recall learned materi-
• Asparagine
the body and participate in muscle al although aging does not lead to
• Aspartic acid
activity; and they form over 50,000 memory loss unless diseases are
• Cysteine
proteins and 15,000 enzymes in the involved.
• Glutamine
body. Nuts are not another junk
• Glutamic acid
food snack, but are actually an Common Causes:
• Glycine
excellent source of protein and other • Alcoholism
• Histidine
healthful nutrients. • Alzheimer’s disease
• Isoleucine
• Drugs such as barbiturates or
• Leucine
People who regularly eat nuts are benzodiazepines
• Lysine
less likely to have: • Electroconvulsive therapy (espe-
• Methionine
• Breast cancer cially if prolonged)
• Phenylalanine
• Diabetes • General anesthetics such as
• Proline

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 59

halothane, isoflurane, and fentanyl the degree of injury and may give events from your own childhood.
• Head trauma or injury an indication of the prognosis for Sigmund Freud attributed fugue to
• Hysteria often accompanied by recovery of other functions. Mild sexual repression, but others have
confusion trauma, such as a car accident could theorized that this may be due to
• Neurodegenerative illness result in no more than mild language development or immature
• Seizures whiplash, but it might cause the vic- parts of the brain.
• Stroke or transient ischemic tim to have no memory of the
attack (TIA) moments just before the accident Global amnesia is total memory
• Temporal lobe brain surgery due to a brief interruption in the loss often resulting from a traumatic
• Transient global amnesia short/long-term memory transfer event. Post-traumatic stress disor-
mechanism. Traumatic amnesia is der can also involve the sponta-
also sometimes used to refer to neous, vivid retrieval of unwanted
long-term repressed memory that is traumatic memories.
the result of psychological trauma.

“I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.”

Posthypnotic amnesia is where
Korsakoff’s syndrome can cause events during hypnosis are forgot-
memory loss due to alcoholism. ten, or where past memories are
This is caused by brain damage due unable to be recalled.
to a vitamin B1 deficiency. It will
be progressive if hard alcohol intake Source amnesia is a memory disor-
and nutrition patterns are not modi- der in which someone can recall
fied and then will only improve a certain information, but they do not
little over time. Other neurological know where or how they obtained
problems are likely to be present. it.

Memory distrust syndrome is a term

In anterograde amnesia, new invented by the psychologist Gisli
events are not transferred to long- Gudjonsson to describe a situation
term memory, so the sufferer will where someone is unable to trust
not be able to remember anything their own memory.
that occurs after the onset of this
type of amnesia for more than a few
moments. In opposition of antero-
grade amnesia is retrograde amne-
sia. This is where someone will be
unable to recall events that occurred
before the onset of amnesia. These
terms categorize symptoms rather
than indicate a particular cause or
etiology. Both of these categories
can happen in the same person.
They commonly result from damage Lacunar amnesia is the loss of Other possible sources of Amnesia:
to the brain from injury to the medi- memory about one specific event. • Aluminum (from cooking and
al or temporal lobes especially the eating utensils)
hippocampus. Fugue state is also known as disso- • Anti-persperants & fluoride in
ciative fugue and is also called emo- toothpaste and drinking water
Traumatic amnesia is generally tional/hysteric amnesia. It is caused • Cigarettes
due to a head injury like a fall, or a by psychological trauma and is usu- • Co2 carbon Dioxide (from care)
knock on the head. Traumatic ally temporary. Infantile amnesia is • Copper, Nickel, Lead
amnesia is often transient. The also called childhood amnesia. It is • Free Radicals (from stress &
duration of the amnesia is related to the common inability to remember diet)

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 60

• Lack of exercise The three main causes of anemia cy anemia. This is compared with
• Mercury (from dental fillings) include excessive blood loss (hem- only two percent of adult men. The
• Overindulgence Drugs orrhage), excessive red blood cell major cause of iron deficiency ane-
• Recreation drugs destruction (hemolysis) or deficient mia in these women is blood loss
red blood cell production. during menses. Iron deficiency ane-
mia is often due to bleeding lesions
The most common disorder of the of the gastrointestinal tract in older
Shake 2 Recall blood is anemia, and it is caused by people.
a variety of underlying causes.
Anemia is classified according to Normocytic Anemia
1-2 cups Grapes
1 Apple the size of the red blood cell: Normocytic anemia can be caused
1 cup Strawberries decreased (microcytic), normal by acute blood loss, chronic disease
4 tbsp Raw Tahini (normocytic) or enlarged (macro- or failure to produce enough red
“If you want to look young and thin, hang around old fat people.”

cytic or megaloblastic). blood cells. This is opposed to

These malic acid rich fruits bind hemoglobin, which causes microcyt-
aluminum, which is implicated in
memory loss and dementia. Juice Because the symptoms can be ic anemia. Chronic renal failure or
these fruits in your juicing vague, anemia goes undetected in liver failure cause normocytic ane-
machine in the amounts listed many people. Most commonly, a mia; in renal failure this is due to
above or, blend them in a blender. feeling of weakness or fatigue is decreased production of the hor-
Add about fi cup of water or reported and sometimes a shortness mone erythropoietin.
enough to achieve your preferred,
thick shake consistency. of breath is reported. Very severe
anemia prompts a compensatory Certain hormonal deficiencies, like
response where cardiac output is testosterone deficiency (hypogo-
markedly increased. This leads to nadism), can cause normocytic ane-
palpitations and sweatiness and can mia. Lastly, sideroblastic anemia is
lead to heart failure in elderly peo- caused by abnormal production of
ple. red blood cells as part of myelodys-
plastic syndrome, which can evolve
Pallor, which is the pale skin and into hematological malignancies
Sesame is one of our best sources of mucosal linings, is only notable in (especially acute myelogenous
omega-6 fatty acids and coenzyme cases of severe anemia; therefore, it leukemia).
Q10. Open Sesame!! is not a reliable sign.
Aplastic anemia, which is bone mar-
anemia Microcytic Anemia row failure, is anemia caused by the
Iron deficiency ameia is the most inability of the bone marrow to pro-
common type of anemia overall. duce blood cells. Aplastic anemias
Medi-Sign Target Much rarer causes, apart from com- are much rarer than dietary deficien-
Nutritional Yeast, Honey, munities where these conditions are cy or genetic defect anemias and
prevalent, are hemoglobinopathies progess rapidly.
such as sickle cell anaemia and tha-
Bee Pollen & Legumes
lassemia. Macrocytic Anemia
Anemia literally means “without
• The most common cause of
blood.” It is a lack of red blood
When the dietary intake or absorp- macrocytic anemia is megaloblastic
cells and/or hemoglobin. This
tion of iron is insufficient, iron defi- anemia due to a deficiency of either
results in a reduced ability of blood
ciency anemia is caused. Iron is an vitamin B12 or folic acid (or both)
to transfer oxygen to the tissues.
essential part of hemoglobin, and due either to inadequate intake or
Hemoglobin, meaning the oxygen-
low iron levels result in decreased insufficient absorption. Folate defi-
carrying protein in the red blood
incorporation of hemoglobin into ciency normally does not produce
cells, has to be present to ensure
red blood cells. In the United neurological symptoms, while B12
adequate oxygenation of all body
States, 20 percent of all women of deficiency does. Pernicious anemia
tissues and organs.
childbearing age have iron deficien- is an autoimmune condition where

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 61

the body lacks intrinsic factor, goat’s brown cheese, artichokes,

required to absorb vitamin B12 asparagus, nettle tea, leeks,
from food. lamb’s lettuce, white onions,
rice bran, whole rye meal,
• Alcoholism seaweed and yams.
can cause macro-
cytic anemia. Certain foods have been found to
interfere with iron absorption in
• Drugs that inhibit DNA the gastrointestnal tract, and these
replication, such as foods should be avoided. They
methotrexate, can also cause include; processed coffee, commer-
macrocytic anemia. This is the cial chocolate, soft drinks, hard

“If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country.”
most common etiology in nonalco- alcohol, synthetic ice cream and
holic people. candies.
Anemia During Pregnancy
Because of the subtleness of the
Possible Complications
symptoms women sometimes attrib-
When anemia occurs, it diminished Pumping Iron
ute the symptoms to the stresses of
diminishes the capability of individ-
their daily lives not knowing they
uals to perform physical labor. This
have this disorder. This means pos-
is a result of one’s muscles being 1-2 cups Pure Water
sible complications for the fetus
forced to depend on anaerobic 2 Tbsp Rice, Oat & Wheat Bran
including growth retardation, pre- 2 Tbsp Tahini
metabolism. The lack of iron asso-
maturity, intrauterine death, rupture 1 small Apple
ciated with anemia can cause many
of the amnion and infection. During 1 Tbsp Wheat or Barley Grass
complications, including hypox- (juice)
pregnancy, women should be espe-
emia, brittle or rigid fingernails, 1 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
cially aware of the symptoms of
cold intolerance, impaired immune 1 Tbsp Bee Pollen
anemia, as an adult female loses an 1 Tbsp Pumpkin Seed
functioning and possible behavioral
average of two milligrams of iron Honey to taste
disturbances in children.
daily. This means that pregnant
women should intake a similar
Brittle or rigid fingernails may be a
quantity to make up for the loss.
result of abnormal thinness of nails
Also women lose iron with each
due to insufficient iron supply.
pregnancy and with each period. So
the possible consequences for the
Cold intolerance occurs in one in Foods rich in vitamin B12 and
mother include: cardiovascular
five with iron deficiency anemia and iron: kelp, wheat and barley grass,
symptoms, reduced physical and
becomes visible through numbness rice bran, nutritional yeast, wheat
mental performance, reduced
and tingling. bran, bee pollen, soy foods, yogurt
immune function, tiredness and
and alfalfa sprouts.
reduced peripartal blood reserves.
Another possible complication is
impaired immune functioning lead- Diet and Anemia Chlorophyll-rich drinks made from
ing to increased likelihood of sick- grasses, alfalfa, parsley, watercress
Consumption of food rich in iron is
ness. and spinach are valuable for people
essential to prevention of iron defi-
suffering from anemia.
ciency anemia.
Finally, chronic anemia may result
in behavioral disturbances in chil- Chlorophyll is the “blood” of
Sources all green, leafy vegetables,
dren as a direct result of impaired plants. Its structure is similar to
almonds, beans, wild blackberries
neurological development in infants, hemin, a component of the hemo-
and black cherries, dried apricots,
and reduced scholastic performance globin in blood that carries oxygen.
prunes, raisins and other dried
in children of school age even sur- The chlorophyll molecule is bound
fruits; egg yolk, potato peeling
facing as attention deficit disorder. by magnesium, while hemin is
broth, whole wheat, parsley,
bound by iron. This means that ane-
parsnips, spinach, Swiss chard,

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 62

mic people are able to build iron- Aneurysm of the blood vessel, and are a known
rich blood simply by increasing complication of percutaneous arteri-
their intake of chlorophyll. Getting al procedures (surgeries).
kids to drink green drinks is also Medi-Sign Target
important, because children are vul- Green Foods, Walking, Salt Locations
nerable to anemia during periods of & Water Anywhere that there is an artery,
rapid growth and when they give in aneurysms can occur. About 95 per-
to poor eating habits. cent of non-intracranial aneurysms
(Plaque damage or invasive injury)
arise distal to the origin of the renal
An aneurysm (or aneurism) in
Sources of folic acid are especially arteries at the infrarenal abdominal
Greek means a dilatation. They are
important for healthy prenatal devel- aorta, which is a condition mostly
a localized dilation or ballooning of
opment. These include nutritional caused by atherosclerotic plaque.
a blood vessel. Aneurysms most
yeast (the highest), wheat germ, soy The thoracic aorta can also be
commonly occur in the arteries at
foods, bee pollen, grasses, wheat involved. One common form of
the base of the brain called the cir-
bran, walnuts, spinach, kale, thoracic aortic aneurysm involves
cle of Willis. They also occur in the
legumes and beets. widening of the proximal aorta and
aorta, which is the main artery com-
the aortic root, which leads to aortic
ing out of the heart. This is also
“In Mexico we have a word for sushi: bait.”

called an aortic aneurysm.

• While most aneurysms occur in
~Anemia~ The layer of the artery that is in
an isolated form, the occurrence of
“I’ll Be Back” direct contact with the flow of blood
berry aneurysms of the anterior
is the tunica intima, commonly
communicating artery of the circle
Chlorophyll Cocktail called the intima made up of mainly
of Willis is associated with autoso-
endothelial cells. Below this is the
mal dominant polycystic kidney dis-
2 tbsp Rice tunica media, known as just the
2 oz Kale or Collard Greens ease (ADPKD).
media. This “middle layer” is made
up of smooth muscle cells and elas-
2 oz Alfala sprouts (juice) • The third stage of syphilis also
2 oz Spinach (juice) tic tissue. The outermost layer,
manifests as aneurysm of the aorta,
1 oz Wheat grass (juice) which is furthest from the flow of
which is due to loss of the vasa
blood, is known as the tunica adven-
It doesn’t get any greener than vasorum in the tunica adventitia.
this! This drink contains the
titia, or just the adventitia, and is
composed of connective tissue.
highest dietary sources of chlor- The occurrence and expansion of an
phyll, arguably the most effective
aneurysm in a given segment of the
nutrient for treating anemia. Types
arterial tree involves local hemody-
Aneurysms are also described
namic factors and factors intrinsic to
according to their shape for example
the arterial segment itself.
saccular or fusiform. Aneurysms
can be broken down into two
For circulating blood, the human
groups: true aneurysms and false
aorta is a relatively low-resistance
aneurysms. A true aneurysm
Alfalfa and all the grasses top the circuit. The lower extremities have
involves an out-pouching of all
list with incredible amounts of this higher arterial resistance, and the
three layers of a blood vessel: the
“blood” of plants, which is liquid repeated trauma of a reflected arteri-
intima, the media and the adventitia.
sunshine distilled into food through al wave on the distal aorta may
True aneurysms can be due to con-
photosynthesis. These are also our injure a weakened aortic wall and
genital malformations, infections or
finest sources of vitamin B12. contribute to aneurysmal degenera-
hypertension. A false aneurysm,
Spinach and kale are great sources tion. Systemic hypertension may
also known as a pseudoaneurysm,
of folic acid. If you lack one or two contribute to the formation of injury
involves an outpouching of only the
of the ingredients, this drink will and accelerates the expansion of
intima. Pseudoaneurysms can be
still be effective. known aneurysms.
due to trauma involving the intima

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 63

The Laplace Law is the coupling of Detachable Coil. This is inserted blocked with embolized blood,
aneurysmal dilation and increased through the vein of the person’s thereby preventing potential or fur-

“Guess what? The chemicals that forms when meat is cooked to ‘well-done’ are listed as carcinogens, along with cigarettes,
wall stress. Specifically, the groin. The catheter is then used ther bleedings. There is still a risk
Laplace law states that the (arterial) with an angiogram for guidance of re-bleeding after this period,
wall tension is proportional to the through the vein up into the affected however.
pressure times the radius of the arte- area of the brain so that the
rial conduit (T = P X R). This aneurysm sac can be fitted with the
means that when diameter increases, GDC.
wall tension increases, which con-
tributes to increasing diameter. As When this happens, it usually takes

arsenic and DDT, by the National Institute of Environment Health Sciences.”

tension increases, the risk of rupture less than three days for the
increases. Increased pressure, sys- aneurysm to become occluded, or
temic hypertension, and
increased aneurysm size
aggravates wall tension.
This therefore increases the
risk of rupture.

Aneurysm formation is
probably the result of multi-
ple factors affecting that
arterial segment and its
local environment and the
collection of plaque.

Treatment of Brain Foods to prevent aneurysms:

Aneurysms Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes!
In the past, a relatively and the following…
complex surgical interven-
tion was required for a
brain aneurysm. The opera-
C Alfalfa sprouts
tion was called clipping and C Banana
a trepanation was per-
formed. Afterwards a tita-
C Bilberry
nium clip was affixed C Carrots
around the aneurysm’s
neck. This operation was
C Celery
associated with a low sur- C Eggplant
vival rate because of the
high risk of death of infec-
C Flaxseed oil
tion or death of brain tissue. C Garlic
Today, a new method asso-
ciated with a higher sur-
C Grapefruit
vival rate is used. It is cur- C Kumquat
rently more common in
Europe than in the United
C Leafy greens
States, though. This is a C Lentils
non-invasive intervention
with a catheter carrying a
C Mushrooms
very thin platinum coil C Nutritional yeast
named GDC for Guglielmi C Oat & rice bran
A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 64

C Olive oil Tubular Health

Drink plenty of juice from chloro-
There are several conditions and
habits, many of which are control-
C Onions phyll-rich, high-energy greens as lable, that increase a person’s
C Peanuts this is one of the best things you can
do for your cardiovascular system.
chance for vascular disease.

C Pineapple This recipe will give you the long- The risk factors for vascular dis-
C Sesame seeds range solution to a healthier heart
when eaten regularly. Wheat grass
ease are the same as heart disease,
and include:
C Soy products juice is a great energy drink and • Being overweight
C Spinach great source of magnesium. Drink
this on an empty stomach and sip
• Diabetes
• Family history of atherosclerosis
C Yellow-orange vegetables
“The opposite of talking isn’t listening. The opposite of talking is waiting.”

slowly. Try the type of soy sauce – (plaque’s)

C Watermelon called tamari and cayenne pepper as
additives to this drink. The roadway
• High animal ingested cholesterol
• High blood pressure from vis-
C Wheat grass cous or thick blood
• Over age 50 or post-menopausal
Other herbs for lowering blood pres- • Sedentary lifestyle
sure include allspice, Oregon grape • Smoking
(barberry), bilberry, black cohosh,
cat’s claw, chili, devil’s claw, dong Vascular Disease:
quai, goldenseal, gotu kola, olive The Straight Facts
leaf, rosemary, stevia, valerian and • An estimated 8-15 million
greens tea. Herbs that help the Americans have vascular disease.
artery walls from accumulating
plaque include hawthorn, cat’s claw, • At least half experience no
ginkgo biloba, saffron, and reishi symptoms.
mushroom. Chilies and coltsfoot
prevent the absorption of dietary • Vascular disease can reduce life
cholesterol and chili (cayenne) pre- expectancy by causing heart attacks,
vents abnormal blood clotting by strokes, ruptured blood vessels or
stimulating the breakdown of fibrin through which blood is transported kidney failure.
infused plaque. to all parts of the body is an artery
and vein. Arteries carry oxygen- • Vascular disease leads to about
rich blood away from the heart to 100,000 amputations each year.
No Balloon’s the rest of the body, while veins
Today, Bobby! return blood to the heart after the • Vascular disease increases the
oxygen has been used. risk of developing heart disease by
Cardio-Cocktail six times.
These blood vessels can also devel-
2 oz
3 oz
Wheat grass Juice
Celery Juice
op disorders that restrict the steady anger/rage
2 oz Kale or Collard Greens
flow of blood. Vessels can become
Juice blocked by fatty deposits or plaque,
2 oz Spinach Juice which consists of cholesterol and Medi-Sign Target
1 oz Lemon Juice calcium. This is a process called
1 Tbsp Tamari atherosclerosis, and it often devel- Blue/Green Foods
pinch Cayenne (chili) Pepper
ops over a period of years. Because
of the plaque, blood vessels can
The overall effects of anger are
become swollen and painful, or the
enormous. Frustration tells us “I’m
walls can become thin and possibly
not getting what I want” and even-
tually anger is related to violence,

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 65

crime, spouse and child abuse, between aggression and

“Instead of viewing the second half of life as a time of progressive deterioration, it is actually a time for growth – including
divorce, stormy relationships, poor assertiveness. Assertive-

greater wisdom, heightened creativity, increased emotional and mental capacities, and even renewed physical well-being.”
working conditions, poor physical ness is tactfully and
health, headaches, hypertension, GI rationally standing up
disturbances, heart attacks, emotion- for your own rights not
al disorders, and so on. intending on harming
others. There must also
Anger results from things like hurt be a distinction made
pride, unreasonable expectations, or between anger and hos-
repeated hostile fantasies. Besides tility. Hostility is a
getting our way, we may uncon- chronic stage of anger.
sciously use anger to blame others Anger is a temporary
for our own shortcomings, to justify response, which we all
oppressing others, to boost our own have, to a particular frus-
sagging egos, to conceal other feel- take action, not necessarily aggres- trating situation; hostility is a per-
ings and to handle other emotions as sive, to correct the situation. manent personality characteristic,
when we become aggressive when which certain people have.
we are afraid. Any potential trigger Aggression is action like attacking
for anger and aggression stems from someone or a group; it is intended to 12-step program that can help peo-
frustrating situation especially when harm someone. It can be a verbal ple learn to deal with their angry
we think someone else is to blame attack like insults, threats, sarcasm; emotions:
for our loss. attributing nasty motives to them; or
a physical punishment or restriction. 1. Monitor your cynical thoughts by
So, what is frustration? What about thoughts and fantasies maintaining a “hostility log.” This
It is the feeling we get when we in which we humiliate or brutally will teach you about the frequency
don’t get what we want; when assault our enemies? Is that aggres- and kinds of situations that provoke
something interferes with our gain- sion? What about violent dreams? you.
ing a desired and expected goal. It Such thoughts and dreams suggest
can be physical like a flat tire; our anger, of course, but are not aggres- 2. Acknowledge any problems in
own limitations like paralysis after sion as I have defined it here. coping with anger.
an accident; our choices like an
unprepared for and flunked exam; Aggression is usually a result of 3. Seek the support of important
others’ actions like parental restric- anger, and it may be “cold” and cal- people in your life in coping with
tions or torturing a political prison- culated. Take, for example, the
er; others’ motives like deception bomber pilot, the judge who sen-
for a self-serving purpose; or soci- tences a criminal, the unfaithful
ety’s injustice like being born into spouse, the merchant who over-
poverty and finding no way out. prices a product or the unemotional
gang attack. To clarify aggression,
Anger then is a feeling in response some writers have classified it
to frustration or injury. In other according to its purpose: instrumen-
words, you don’t like what has hap- tal aggression meaning to get some
pened and usually you’d like to get reward, not to get revenge; hostile
revenge. Anger is an emotional- aggression meaning to hurt someone
physiological-cognitive internal or get revenge; and annoyance
state; it is separate from the behav- aggression meaning to stop an irri-
ior it might prompt. In some tant. When our aggression becomes
instances, angry emotions are bene- so extreme that we lose self-control,
ficial. This is in an instance like if it is said that we are in a rage.
we are being taken advantage of
because anger will motivate us to There must be a distinction made

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 66

your feelings and in changing your anger show, but the rewards are What are some ways of dealing
behavior patterns. worth it. with anger?
A good way to deal with anger is
4. By keeping your hostility log you 11. If you live each day as if it were directing the feeling to the person
are able to realize when and where your last, you will realize that life is involved. If your angry feeling are
you are having aggressive thoughts, too short to get angry over every- directed at yourself and you are
so that when you find yourself in thing. angry with yourself about some-
these situations, you can utilize such thing, try to express those feelings
techniques as deep breathing, posi- 12. Start forgiving those who have to a friend, a colleague or a coun-
tive self-talk or thought stopping, angered you. By letting go of the selor to kind of get it off your chest.
“It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.”

which can help you interrupt the resentment and relinquishing the It’s important to talk about any type
anger cycle. goal of retribution, you’ll find the of anger you’re feeling.
weight of anger lifted from your
5. Put yourself in the other person’s shoulders. What are some of the non-produc-
shoes. This will help you gain a dif- tive ways of dealing with anger?
ferent perspective. Keep in mind A non-productive way of dealing
that we are all humans, and subject with anger is to keep your feelings
to making mistakes. inside or “sandbagging.” This
means avoiding the person for
6. Learn how to laugh at yourself whom the anger is directed, side-
and see humor in situations. stepping the issue, keeping the
anger inside, instead of being direct
7. Learn how to relax. Although with a person. Being indirect and
you may have heard that expressing sarcastic you are sandbagging.
anger is better than keeping it in, Many people fear hurting someone
remember that frequent outbursts of else’s feelings if they share angry
anger are often counter-productive feelings, yet by holding on to anger,
and may alienate others. the other person ends up feeling hurt
and relationships are damaged.
8. It is also important that you prac- Directly or indirectly, having a lot of
tice trusting other people. It’s usu- angry feelings that are pent up could
ally easier to be angry than to trust, lead to punitive kinds of behavior or
so by learning how to trust others What causes a person to experience resentment. People that you are
you are less likely to direct your anger? involved with like a boyfriend, girl-
anger at them. There are basically two ways of
experiencing anger. You can feel
9. Good listening skills improve angry with yourself over not having
communication and can facilitate done as well as you had hoped on
trusting feelings between people. an examination, or you can have the
This trust can help you deal with other kind of anger which is direct-
potentially hostile emotions; reduc- ed at someone else or some object.
ing and possibly eliminating them. In other words, you can stub your
toe walking over a carpet and be
10. Learn how to assert yourself. angry about that, or you can be
This is a constructive alternative to angry at a sales person in the store,
aggression. When you find yourself or with a spouse of
angry at another person, try to girlfriend/boyfriend as a result of an
explain to them what is bothering argument or dispute. Internal anger
you about their behavior and why. means directing it at yourself, while
It takes more words and work to be external anger means anger toward
assertive than it does to let your another person.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 67

friend or a spouse know when you you express angry feelings to them, wrong. Give yourself time, take a
are angry because there are ways or does trust have anything to do few moments, and locate the source.
that you show it indirectly. When with it? Locating the source is the second
you don’t express that anger directly If we trust someone, expressing step. Is it something you have or
to them, it can become resentment anger is a lot easier although not haven’t done? Is it something
and the frustration can cause people imperative. For instance, we may inside that is going on? Or is it the
to withdraw from each other. feel angry toward a clerk in a store result of an interaction with a friend,
or a salesperson, and we don’t know boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse?
Many people are not even aware what the level of trust is. I think the The third step would be to choose
they are angry, or that they’re not most important thing is to trust the right time and the right place to
expressing it. How does a person yourself. Trust your feelings and let express that anger. If it is anger that
become aware of whether they’re your feelings out. is inside you directed at yourself,

“Signatures: 3D animal evolution of garden fruits and veggies into man.”

expressing their anger or not? then find a friend, and check it out.
See if they have the time to listen to
If you are short tempered mean- you. Get it off your chest. If it is
ing that if you are honking your the result of an interaction with a
horn at traffic, if you are not able certain other person, then find the
to concentrate on your work like right time and the right place and let
you want to, these are all ways of them know that this is something
knowing that something is wrong. important to you to express. And
Agitated feelings are good clues finally, number four would be to tell
to unexpressed anger. Also, there them your anger in the most simple,
are occasionally some physical direct way you can think of. And
symptoms that go along with always remember that you have the
unexpressed anger, like migraine responsibility to express your anger.
headaches, peptic ulcers, upset The other person may not respond
stomach and tension headaches. the way you want them to – they
Usually your body tells you that may not be willing to hear it – but
something is wrong. You are bot- the important thing is that is their
tling something up, and you are responsibility. You only have the
not expressing those angers. responsibility to tell them and that’s
about it.
Is there a decision-making (See: Feeding Your Emotions)
process related to expressing
anger? angina
When you have angry feelings,
you have to decide if this is the
right time and the right place to For the person who hasn’t learned Medi-Sign Target
express these feelings. You may in too much about expressing anger, Water, Salt, Banana’s &
fact be in the company of others are there preliminary steps that one Olive Oil
when you have these angry feelings, can start taking to learn more about
and you may want to find a nice their angry feelings?
Other Names for Angina:
quiet place where you can explain
• Acute coronary syndrome
and express those feelings, or tell Yes, there is and considering it a
• Angina pectoris
those feelings to the person you feel series of steps is the easiest way to
• Coronary artery spasms
has caused them or at least is direct- look at it. The first step is to be
• Prinzmetal’s angina
ly involved with you. So, it very aware if something is going on
• Stable or common angina
much is a decision. where you are finding yourself agi-
• Unstable angina
tated, if you are snapping at friends,
• Variant angina
How about the trust factor? Would if you’re not doing well in your
you have to trust somebody before work. You know something is

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 68

Angina is chest pain or discomfort to recognize the pattern and

that occurs when your heart muscle can predict when it will occur.
does not get enough blood. Angina
may feel like pressure or a squeez- • The pain usually goes
ing pain in your chest or indiges- away in a few minutes when
tion. The pain may also occur in you rest.
your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw or
back. • Stable angina is not a heart
attack but makes it more likely
that you will have a
heart attack in the
future, if you don’t
change your food
“Some people stay longer in an hour than others do in a month.”

and exercise pat-

Variant angina is rare because it
accounts for only about two out of
100 cases. People with variant
Variant Angina
angina are often younger than those
Variant angina is caused
with other forms of angina.
by a spasm in a coronary
artery causing the walls
How Can I Prevent Angina?
of the artery to tighten.
Make Lifestyle Changes
This narrows the artery,
You can lower your risk of heart
causing the blood flow to
disease and angina by making
the heart to slow or stop.
healthy lifestyle choices:
Variant angina may occur
in persons with and with-
• Eat a healthy diet to prevent or
out CAD.
reduce high blood pressure; lots of
water, one gallon a day, and no ani-
Other causes of spasms
mals in your diet. Maintain a
in the arteries that sup-
healthy weight.
ply the heart with blood
Angina is a symptom of coronary are:
• If you smoke, quit.
artery disease (CAD), the most com-
mon type of heart disease. CAD • Cigarette smoking
• Exercise, go for walks (nothing
occurs when plaque builds up in the • Cocaine use
coronary arteries called atheroscle- • Emotional stress
rosis. As plaque builds, the coro- • Exposure to cold
• Lose weight if you are over-
nary arteries become narrow and • Medications (vasoconstricting)
weight or obese.
stiff and blood flow to the heart is that constrict or narrow blood ves-
reduced. This decreases the oxygen sels
Awesome Angina Foods
supply to the heart muscle.
Wheatgrass, mushrooms, leafy
Over six million people in the Unit-
greens, yellow-orange vegetables,
Stable Angina ed States have angina.
celery, carrots, spinach, bilberry,
Stable angina is the most common
grapefruit, pineapple, banana,
type. It occurs when the heart is People with coronary artery disease
kumquat, watermelon, lentils,
working harder than usual. (CAD) or who have had a heart
peanuts, nutritional yeast, oat and
attack are more likely to have angi-
rice bran, garlic, onions, alfalfa
• There is a regular pattern to sta- na.
sprouts, soy products, eggplant,
ble angina.
sesame seeds, flaxseed oil and olive
Unstable angina occurs more often
• After several episodes, you learn in older adults.

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ANIMAL BITES Minor dog bites can be treated at tively poor blood supply. This is
home by washing the wound with one reason why cat bites are much
soap and water and then applying more likely than dog bites to
Medi-Sign Target pressure to the injured area with a become infected. Infection may
clean towel to stop the bleeding. also result because people are less
Salt in Wound The next step is to apply hydrogen inclined to view cat bites as danger-
peroxide and a sterile bandage to the ous injuries that need immediate
wound. To reduce swelling and attention. Until it is healed, clean
fend off infection, ice should be and bandage it two to three times a
applied and the injured area kept day.

“Great truths were once great blasphemies, bright light blinds unprepared minds.”
elevated above the level of the
heart. Finally, until it heals, the ANISE
wound should be cleaned and cov-
ered with ointment twice a day.
Medi-Sign Target
CATS Veins & Mucosal Lining of
To prevent cat bites, warn children the Alimentary Tract
to maintain distance from strange
cats and limit rough play with all
The anise family is closely related
cats because this may anger them.
to the carrot family, including dill,
fennel, coriander, cumin and car-
The mouths of cats and dogs contain
away. Many of these relatives have
many of the same microorganisms.
been described as having a licorice
Cat-scratch disease, which is an
flavor, to some extent, but anise is
unpleasant but unusually not life-
DOGS the true taste of licorice. In fact, the
threatening illness, can be transmit-
Dogs surpass all other mammals in oils are distilled into the flavoring
ted through scratches and bites with
the number of bites inflicted on for licorice candy not from the herb
the Bartonella henselae bacterium.
humans in the United States. Here licorice, which has a different taste.
the dog population exceeds 50
million. Most dog-bite Anise is native to the eastern
injuries are minor. In 1994 Mediterranean region, the Levant
there was a telephone survey and Egypt. The early Arabic name
of United States households was anysum from which was
concluding that less than four derived the Greek anison and the
million dog bites occur that Latin anisun.
are non medical. This is com-
pared to around eight million Since ancient times, it is one of the
are medically treated. Studies oldest known spice plants used both
also show that most dog bites for culinary and medicinal purposes.
are from pets or other dogs There is even evidence that anise
known to the victim. Males was used in Egypt as early as 1500
are more likely than females B.C. The Romans used anise to aid
to be bitten, and children face digestion by eating anise-spiced
a greater risk than adults. cakes after heavy meals. It was
The arms and hands are the most
About 10-20 Americans a year are then spread throughout Europe by
commonly found places for cat
killed by dogs and most of them are Roman legions. In the book of
bites. Sharp cat teeth typically
children under 10 years old. Unfor- Matthew in the Bible there is men-
leave behind a deep puncture wound
tunately, these numbers grow about tion of paying tithe with anise.
that can reach muscles, tendons and
three percent per year. Anise was listed by King Edward I
bones, which are vulnerable to
in the 1300s as a taxable drug and
infection because of their compara-

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 70

merchants bringing it into London drinks and cordials are flavored with toothed and triangular with upper
paid a toll to help raise moneys to aniseed, particularly French pastis, leaves that are smaller, divided and
maintain and repair London Bridge. Pernod and Ricard, Greek ouzo, narrow. The anise flowers are small
Spanish ojen, Turkish and white.
Of all the qualities attributed to raki, Italian anesone,
anise I like what one writer Arab arrak and Seeds grow well in early spring in a
warned: “it stirreth up bodily Egyptian kibib. sunny, sheltered climate. It does not
“They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad to realize that

lust.” This is accredited to like pot growing or to be transplant-

the same spice that could ed and will not produce ripe
ward off the Evil Eye or seeds in northern cli-
keep away night- mates without a long, hot
mares if placed summer. When the anise
under one’s seed color is grey-green,
pillow. the seeds are harvested.
The stems are cut and hung
Anise is used upside down for the seeds to fall
in the manufacture of many com- below.
mercial cough syrups and sore
I’m going to miss mine by just a few days.”

throat medications, used to flavor Other Names of Anise

other medicines and to scent soaps Aniseed, Sweet Cumin
and perfumes. Anise may also be • French: anis
an effective bait for rats, mice and • German: Anis
fish. Dogs are also attracted by • Italian: anice
anise. It is often an ingredient in • Spanish: anis
dog food and the seeds may be • Greek: anis
used, by people that detest blood Attributed Medicinal Properties • Indian: saunf, sompf, souf
sport, to put hounds off the scent. Anise has carminative properties
that have been known for genera- ANOSMIA
The roots and leaves of anise are tions called “Tut-te See-Hau” by
edible. The seeds are grey-green to American Indians, meaning “it
brownish, ribbed and ovate that expels the wind.” Anise helps with Medi-Sign Target
smell and taste like fennel. Some digestion and sweetens the breath,
seeds retain the fine stalk that passes so it is chewed after meals in parts Peppers & Nasal Salt Rinse
through the center of the fruit. of Europe, the Middle East and
ANOSMIA comes from the Greek;
The seeds quickly lose flavor, so
an (no)-osmia (smell).
buy seeds whole and grind as Anise is a mild expectorant so it is
required. Also keep them out of used in cough mixtures, lozenges,
light in an airtight container. If they toothpastes and mouthwashes.
are to be used as a breath sweetener, Other benefits are that it is a
roast them lightly before chewing cleanser, it overcomes cramps and
the seeds. spasms, as well as a soporific and a
few seeds taken with water will
Do not confuse anise with star often cure hiccups. Anise tea
anise, which is used in Chinese increases milk production in nursing
dishes. Anise is primarily associat- moms and it also overcome colic.
ed with cakes, biscuits and confec-
tionery, as well as rye breads. It is Plant Description and Cultivation
used in much the same way as fen- Anise is an erect, tender annual on
nel to flavor, soups and root veg- thin roots, growing up to two feet
etable dishes. Numerous alcoholic tall. The lower leaves are broad,

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 71

lead to disturbances in our lives like The sense of smell is often lost with
anxiety, a loss of appetite and disorders that prevent air from
depression. The inability to detect reaching the part of the nose where
smoke can be dangerous and lead to smell receptors are located (the crib-
subsequent harm. Another danger is riform plate, located high in the
from food poisoning since it is more nose) like nasal polyps, nasal septal
prevalent in people who cannot deformities and nasal tumors.
detect rotten food.
Other disorders that may cause a

“It is either true or not true, and if it IS true – it is true whether you believe it or not!”
Some cases of loss of smell maybe loss of the sense of smell include
permanent while others only tempo- tumors of the head or brain, head
rary depending on the cause. Some trauma and a wide variety of
abnormalities in smell can signal the endocrine, nutritional, Alzheimer’s
The ability to sense thousands of existence of several diseases of the dementia, and nervous disorders.
different odors is a normal occur- nervous system such as Parkinson’s
rence and something that many peo- and Alzheimer’s Disease. Loss of Many medications may change or
ple take for granted. To a few peo- the sense of smell may be idiopath- decrease the ability to detect odors.
ple, though, this natural skill is lost ic, meaning without any identifiable
due to a disorder of the olfactory cause. Most people who lose the sense of
system so any smelling is prohibit- smell can differentiate salty, sweet,
ed. Having the ability to smell Some loss of smell occurs normally sour, and bitter tastes because they
through human evolution has been with aging. In most cases, there is are sensed on the tongue. They may
fundamental for survival. It enables no obvious or immediate cause. not be able to distinguish other fla-
us to identify healthy food sources The past two decades have seen vors though. Some spices like pep-
and detect danger. Today this skill encouraging results although knowl- per may stimulate facial nerves and
is not as necessary in developed edge and understanding about the may be sensed rather than smelled.
countries because of the abundant sense of smell is limited.
food supplies. Nevertheless, the Common Causes:
loss of the sense of smell can have Temporary loss of the sense of smell • Drugs (such as amphetamines,
profound psychological and somatic is common with colds and nasal estrogen, naphazoline, phenoth-
consequences and this is a fact that allergies, such as hay fever (allergic iazines, prolonged use of nasal
is little recognized by the general rhinitis). It may occur following a decongestants, reserpine)
public or medical profession. viral illness.

Scents can bring about an improve-

ment of life for individuals. This
can be the smell of food, fragrances
or associating a particular odor with
an event or person. For instance,
we all know the smell of our loved
ones. Smell has other functions also
including taste. Try eating some-
thing while holding your nose, so a
loss of smell often leads to a loss of
taste. Smell is also involved in
relaying emotions. For example, it
can signal emotions such as fear and
anxiety, and may be involved in
other less understood aspects of
human communication and sex.
The lack of the sense of smell can

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 72

• Lead poisoning mals or by inhaling anthrax spores

• Nasal decongestants from contaminated animal products.
• Nasal or brain tumors Anthrax can also be spread by eat-
• Nasal or sinus surgery ing undercooked meat from infected
• Natural aging process animals although it is rare in the
• Nicotine overdose United States.
• Radiation therapy
• Recent viral upper respiratory Symptoms of disease vary depend-
infection ing on how the disease was con-
• Tracheostomy tracted, but symptoms usually occur
within seven days.
1. Train the brain to smell again.
Essential oils can train the nose to Cutaneous: About 95 percent of
regain its function. Oils like pep- anthrax infections occur when the
permint, clove, cinnamon, orange, bacterium enters a cut or abrasion
rose, and many others sniffed for Anthrax (Latin anthrax, carbuncle, on the skin. This includes handling
from Greek, malignant boil) is an
“At age fifty, every man has the face he deserves.”

one minute at a time six to ten times contaminated wool, hides, leather or
a day can get the job done. The acute infectious disease caused by hair products of infected animals.
effluvial molecules of odor float the spore-forming bacterium Skin infection begins as a raised
through the air and attach on olfac- Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax usually itchy bump that resembles an insect
tory sites creating a constant fre- occurs in animals like cattle, sheep, bite but within one to two days
quenting of fragrance that can re- goats, camels, antelopes and other develops into a vesicle and then a
awaken odor recognition. I have herbivores, but it can also occur in painless ulcer, usually one to three
seen this work many times. humans when they are exposed to centimeters in diameter, with a char-
infected animals or tissue from acteristic black necrotic (dying) area
infected animals. in the center. Lymph glands in the
adjacent area may swell. About 20
Where anthrax occurs in animals, it percent of untreated cases of cuta-
is most likely to occur in humans. neous anthrax will result in death.
These include South and Central Deaths are rare with appropriate
America, Southern and Eastern microbial hygiene and whole foods
Europe, Asia, Africa, the Caribbean that target it.
and the Middle East and it has
occurred in the United States. It is Inhalational: Initial symptoms may
usually due to an occupational expo- resemble a common cold although it
sure to infected animals or their is usually fatal. After several days,
products when it affects humans. the symptoms may progress to
Workers who are exposed to dead severe breathing problems and
animals and animal products from shock.
other countries where anthrax is
more common may become infected Intestinal: The intestinal disease
2. Eat hot red peppers, the nose will with B. anthracis (industrial form of anthrax may follow the con-
rise and shine. anthrax). sumption of contaminated meat and
is characterized by an acute inflam-
Anthrax infection can occur in
anthrax three forms: cutaneous (skin),
mation of the intestinal tract. Initial
signs of nausea, loss of appetite,
inhalational and gastrointestinal. B. vomiting, fever are followed by
Medi-Sign Target anthracis spores can live in the soil abdominal pain, vomiting of blood
for many years, and humans can and severe diarrhea. Intestinal
become infected with anthrax by
Garlic, Onions,
anthrax results in death in up to 60
Horseradish & Oregano handling products from infected ani- percent of cases.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 73

Anthrax can be found globally. tion, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore iron-chelating properties as desfer-
Certain regions of the world South 1996). rioxamine, a drug commonly used
and Central America, Southern and to kill germs, tumor cells or to
Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, the “The anthrax bacterium’s toxicity remove undesirable minerals from
Caribbean and the Middle East emanates form its ability to kill the body.” (Biochemistry Journal,

“Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.”
report more anthrax in animals than macrophage cells that are part of September 15, 1993)
others. the immune system. Studies have
shown that sulfur-bearing nutrients The number three solution is oil
Anthrax is not known to spread and vitamin from garlic, broccoli, of oregano and ground oregano.
from one person to another person. cauliflower, onions and horserad-
Communicability is not a concern in ish contain (alpha lipoic acid, N-
managing or visiting people with acetylcysteine, and MSM) which
inhalational anthrax. elevate levels of glutathione, a nat-
ural antioxidant within the body,
counters the toxicity produced by
anthrax.” (Molecular Medicine,
November 1994;
Immunocpharmacology, January
2000; Applied Environmental
Microbiology, May 1979).

The number two solution is rice

Iron removal retards the growth of
the plague. The biological activity
of the botulinum toxin depends
upon iron and metal chelators.
“Phytic acid (IP6), naturally occurs
in rice bran, is the most potent nat-
ural iron chelator and has strong
antibiotic and antioxidant action. The antibacterial, antiseptic actions
(Free Radical biology Medicine, of plant oils have been described in
The number one solution is fresh Volume 8, 1990; Journal Biological recent medical literature and may
garlic. Chemistry, August 25, 1987) IP6 be helpful in fighting biological
Garlic was used successfully as a has been found to have similar toxins. Oil of oregano is a potent
prophylactic before vaccines were natural antibiotic even more pow-
developed. In tests, garlic has been erful than many prescription
found to be a more potent than peni- antibiotics. One study showed that
cillin, ampicillin, doxycycline, oregano completely inhibited the
streptomycin and cephalexin, some growth of 25 germs such as staphy-
of the very same “antibiotic” drugs lococcus aureas, escherichia coli,
used in the treatment of anthrax. Yersinia enterocolitica and
Garlic, besides anthrax, was found Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
to be effective against nine strains Oregano has been shown to be
of E.coli, Staph and other bugs. effective in eradicating intestinal
“The antibiotic activity of one mil- parasites in humans. Wild
ligram (a clove) of allicin, the active oregano, which is quite different
ingredient in fresh cut garlic, equals from the variety on most kitchen
15 units of penicillin.” Koch and spice racks, has over 50 antibacter-
Lawson, Garlic: (The Science and ial compounds.
Therapeutic Application, 2nd edi-

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 74

Oregano oil can also kill toenail antidepressants, and thyroid supple-
fungus and allows nails to grow ments.
back in normally and release that • Emotional stress such as grief
awful foot smell and yellow thick and depression often lead to anxiety.
skin. • Hyperventilation syndrome.
• Low blood sugar.
The number four solution is... • Medication side effects.
Blend clove oil, cinnamon oil, and • Poor diet (deficiency of Vitamin
eucalyptus together-put 3 drops in B12).
the palm of the hands. Rub hands • Physical stress such as a medical
together until it is heated, then cup illness.
your hands over nose and mouth • Substance abuse or withdrawal
and breathe deeply in and out four (including hard alcohol).
to five times. Repeat this three • Thyroid problems (hyperthyroid
“Mathematics has given economics rigor, but alas, also mortis.”

times a day. Floating anthrax can be Anxiety is an emotion often accom- disease mostly).
blocked by placing a cotton cloth panied by various physical symp- • Tumor of the adrenal gland
over the nose and mouth. toms. These physical symptoms (pheochromocytoma)—only in very
include: twitching or trembling, rare circumstances.
anxiety muscle tension, headaches, sweat-
ing, dry mouth, difficulty swallow-
• Withdrawal from drugs (includ-
ing nicotine).
ing, dizziness, a rapid or irregular
Medi-Sign Target heart rate, increased rate of respira- Anxiety Disorders
tion, diarrhea or frequent need to At times, everyone experiences the
urinate. Other commons symptoms
Warm and Comfort Foods
normal human emotion of anxiety.
(Organic Chocolate) are fatigue, irritable mood, sleeping Many people feel anxious or nerv-
difficulties, decreased concentration, ous when faced with a problem at
Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension sexual problems and nightmares. work, before taking a test or making
or a lingering fear. The cause of
an important decision. When anxi-
this uneasiness is not always known Sometimes an illness may masquer- eties interfere with the ability of the
or recognized which adds to the dis- ade as anxiety. person to lead a normal life, though,
tress: Everything stresses me out. I
this is called an anxiety disorder.
am always worried. Some people are more sensitive to
stress and are more likely to develop An anxiety disorder is a serious
Alternative Names: anxiety disorders. These disorders mental illness. For people with anx-
Feeling uptight; Stress; Tension; can sometimes be caused either by iety disorders, worry and fear are
Jitteriness; Apprehension genetic predispositions or by previ- constant, overwhelming and can be
ous exposure to certain stresses, par- crippling.
Stress is a normal part of everyone’s ticularly early childhood exposures.
life and is not a disease. Stress in The question of how stressful the
small quantities is good because it current environment is can also
can make us more productive. For determine the anxiety.
example, the fear of an audience can
help you speak and present at a Common Causes:
higher level. • Actual danger: very often stress
is an appropriate reaction.
Too much stress, though, is • Cardiac problems.
unhealthy and counterproductive. • Drugs including cold remedies
(Cough/Cold Combinations – oral),
Persistent and unrelenting stress is sympathomimetics, decongestants
called anxiety. (Antihistamines and Decongestants
– oral), bronchodilators, tricyclic

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 75

APPENDICITIS is caused by blockages in the circu- they may mask symptoms and com-
lation of blood and flow of vitality. plicate the condition.
Acupuncture, they believe, will help
relieve pain, improve blood flow Appendicitis usually occurs because

“We don’t need tealeaves, tarot cards, or goat entrails to see the future, we need passionate ideas, dreams and
Medi-Sign Target
and control peristalsis, which is the a firm piece of stool blocks the pea-
Colonics & Raw Food Diet wave-like movement of muscles in size opening of the appendix allow-
the intestines. ing bacteria and other parasites to
flourish inside. Fiber is beneficial
The appendix is a small, worm-like
Nutrition in fighting appendicitis because it
attachment at the beginning of the
Preventing constipation by eating a absorbs water. A high-fiber diet
colon. The appendix was believed
healthy diet that emphasizes raw, causes the stool to become larger,
to have no purpose so it was
fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains softer and less likely to break apart,
removed as a preventative measure.
and at least eight glasses of liquid a thus preventing stray particles from
It is now believed to help in the
day will provide the fiber needed to blocking the appendix. Getting
immune system of the intestinal
minimize the risk of the appendix more fiber in your diet also forces
tract, as a vermifuge for parasites.
becoming infected. These foods the stool to move faster through the
Because of this quality, it is likely to
also provide enzymes, which help digestive tract.
become infected just as the tonsils
boost the immune system. Another
are in the throat. The appendix can
way to prevent constipation is by Starting your day with organic fruit
become irritated from a blockage

the courage to act in the face of risk.”

taking two tablespoons of flax seeds is a great way to obtain more fiber
that will cause a build-up of bacteria
a day. This will keep the stools soft in your diet. Whole-grain foods are
which can lead to infection. Consti-
and prevent constipation. Take gar- loaded with natural fiber and con-
pation and hardened stool can cause
lic regularly to boost the immune suming them is another way to
this type of blockage.
system. You should also eat lactic boost your fiber. Watch out for
acid fermented foods like natural, foods like white bread, white rice
Prevention is worth a pound of cure.
unsweetened yogurt, kefir and and white flour because they are
Eating green leafy vegetables,
sauerkraut regularly to keep the bac- processed and bleached, so they
which are discussed below, is the
terial culture in the colon healthy. have no nutritional value at all.
best way to prevent appendicitis. If
you find you have symptoms of
To lessen the chance of developing For example, a slice of organic
appendicitis already, there are some
appendicitis, eat a diet high in fiber whole-wheat bread has two grams
plants that have been known to help
while avoiding refined foods. If of fiber. This is four times the
reduce the effects. These herbs
appendicitis is suspected, do not use amount that a whole loaf of white
include: detoxifying and fever-
commercial laxatives, avoid using a bread has. A half-cup of cooked
reducing herbs (Flos lonicerae,
heating pad, do not eat or drink, and barley has three grams of fiber, and
Fructus forsythiae, Herba taraxaci,
do not take pain relievers because a half-cupped of cooked oatmeal has
Patrinia scabioseafolia, Gypsum
fibrosum), circulation-enhancing
herbs (Semen persicae, Radix paeo-
niae rubra, Squama manitis, Spina
gleditsiae), and laxatives (Rhizoma
rhei, Mirabilitum depuratum). Peo-
ple who use the appropriate foods,
enemas and senna, have found relief
from their symptoms and cleared up
their appendicitis quickly, typically
in 24-48 hours.

Prevention Methods
Some Chinese believe appendicitis

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/7/06 9:39 AM Page 76

three grams as
well. Legumes are
C Nuts
even better sources C Oats
of fiber. A half-
cup of cooked split
C Plums/Prunes
“Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers.”

peas has eight C Psyllium

grams of fiber.
Kidney beans have
C Sesame Seeds
about six grams of C Sunflower Seeds
fiber, while a half-
cup of boiled black
C Watermelon
beans has almost C Wheat Grass
eight grams.
house pipes; scrape it and eat it. Drinks:
Legumes have the most sheer fiber,
but fruits and vegetables are still a
Whole foods and teas can clean the C Cascara Sagrada Tea
problem up completely with a little
significant source. A half-cup of help from colonics and home ene- C Senna
broccoli has two grams of natural
fiber and apples and oranges have
mas which can abate the symptoms C Water
almost immediately.
three grams. Don’t forget dried
fruit. A half-cup of raisins has four Old school medical approaches
grams of fiber, while ten dried apri- taught doctors to just cut it out. C Castor Oil
C Olive Oil
-Socrates (470-399 B.C.)

cot halves have three grams. We’ve advanced since then; drugs
can make more money more easily.
The majority of the fiber in fruits C Sesame Oil
does not come from the juicy flesh, Prevent Appendicitis
but instead from the peel. So, the Whole Foods: Eat ‘em up! Appendicitis Detoxification Diet
next time you are eating fruits and The purpose of the detoxification
vegetables, eat them with the skin C Apples diet is to create better elimination
intact. Since you don’t eat the skin C Apricots through the release of waste. It also
on citrus fruits, they are the excep- allows people to see what they feel
tion to this rule. To get the most C Alfalfa like when they eat better. Finally it
fiber from these fruits, peel the skin C Barley begins the process of healing the
and eat them whole. Thankfully, organs.
most of the fiber in oranges, grape- C Figs
fruit and other citrus fruits is found C Flaxseed Breakfast
in the fruit itself. Glass of juice
C Grapefruit Raw or cooked fruit
The white pulp of the skin of citrus C Kelp Soy milk
clears arterial sludge like Drano to Soy, rye or multigrain toast
C Leafy Green Vegetables
C Legumes Lunch
C Lemons Soup
C Nutritional Potato
Yeast Sauteed or Steamed vegetables
Brown rice or millet, tofu, beans,
sauteed or steamed veggies

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APPLES ular anymore. Apples can help body. With your arms out, you
whether your problem is visiting the stand in the shape of a 5-pointed
bathroom too often or not often star. An apple has, at its center, a 5-
Medi-Sign Target enough. pointed star; apples are one of the
foods that target the entire body.
The Whole Body Preventing constipation, many
believe, is one of the easiest ways to Protects Your Joints
prevent all sorts of illnesses. The Very few people get arthritis in
Apples were Egypts meal in the
diseases caused by chronic constipa- areas of the world where fruits and
Opening of the M ceremony, the
tion are called, “Pressure diseases.” vegetables make up a large part of
Appendicitis, diverticular diseases, the diet. Pair an apple with other
hemorrhoids, hiatal hernias and boron-rich foods like a few table-
The, “Queen of all Foods,”
even varicose veins can all be spoons of peanut butter and a large
pe’ le’ el – to eat of Gaea herself

“Keep one eye on the future, and plant both feet firmly in the air.”
caused by straining to pass small, handful of raisins. This will not
hard stools. “These are what I call only make for a delicious snack, but
deer turds or rabbit pellets.” you will make your joints happy
• Blocks diarrhea
• Cushions joints
The most important nutrient in
• Keeps doctors away
keeping your bowels working like a Helps You Breathe Deeply
• Improves lung capacity
well-oiled machine is fiber and just Your lungs are assaulted every day
• No need for “health” insurance
one apple with its skin contains lots by cigarette smoke, pollution, pollen
• No need for pharmaceutical drug
of it. and other air-borne nasties. You
may also from asthma, emphysema
• Prevents constipation
No More Stroke or or a similar lung condition. If all
• Protect your heart
Heart Disease you want to do is take a deep
• Slows aging process
Sometimes it breath, then grab an apple;
is hard to apples are lung food!
The easiest way to add a dose of
nutrition to your day is by crunching
which food Apples have long been
on a tasty apple. The first experi-
is good for famous, or infamous. This
enced you had with an apple was
which part can be debated given the piv-
probably as a baby when its delight-
of your otal role played by an apple in
ful flavor was introduced to you as
body. the biblical story of Adam and
applesauce. Now, whether it is a
Eve. In Norse mythology,
Granny Smith, a MacIntosh, a Tol-
apples were given
man or a Red Delicious, you think
a more positive
of apples as old friends.
persona; a
magic apple
Apples are grown throughout the
was said to
world and are high in fiber, vita-
keep people
mins, minerals and 12,000 other
young forever.
phytolitic health guardians. They
A more recent
are fat free, cholesterol free and
appearance in
supplement free. Apples were
history for apples
called, “Gods healing angles,” by
occurred in the
the ancient, diet- conscious
1800’s in the United States when
Essenes. So, do your smart part of a
Examine an apple carefully the next Johnny Appleseed, who despite the
healthy lifestyle by eating apples.
time you pick it up. It is shaped a mythological quality of his tale was
bit like a heart. This should help a man named John Chapman,
Regulates Your Day
you remember that apples are good walked barefoot across an area of
You won’t worry about staying reg-
for your heart, and the rest of your 100,000 square miles planting apple

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• Apple juice was one of the earli- good food. The Persians passed
est prescribed drinks to overcome their affirmation of apples along to
depression. the Greeks when they assumed
power in the third century B.C.
• John Gerarde documented Then, the Romans took the Persian
apple’s healing powers in 1597. and Greek love for the apple west-
Apples were used as treatments for ward into Europe where it rose to
ailments from “a hot stomache” and the level of both art and science.
inflammations of all types, and as a
beauty therapy. • Apple growing declined in popu-
larity for a while. The monastic
• Apples are believed to have orig- orcharding traditions of the
inated in a mountainous area Christian church through the twelfth
between what is now the Black and century may have actually saved the
“Never lend your car to anyone to whom you have given birth.”

Caspian Sea in an area called the varieties and techniques up to that

Caucasus. They have existed for the point. In the East, fruit growing
length of recorded history. The peo- was saved and actually expanded by
ple of that region are commonly the rise of Islam, the tenets of which
considered the ancestors of most of encouraged botany.
the peoples of modern Europe, Per-
sia, Afghan and India apparently • Renaissance Italy in the fif-
trees that provided food and a liveli-
taking apples along with them. teenth-century showed a rise in
hood for generations of settlers.
apple growing for both food and
• Apples’ fortunes waxed and spectacle. Cooking was becoming
• Dating as far back as the New
waned throughout history. advantageous and there was a
Stone Age, the healthful image of
Cultivation and enjoyment of apples decline of earlier religious concerns
apples probably was founded by
was an essential part of civilized life about Eve. France and England fol-
Greek myths. In these myths,
during the Persian Empire. They lowed suit, and apples remained
apples are a symbol of knowledge
were grown as much for their aes- highly popular in Europe well into
and immortality. In one myth, Her-
thetic pleasures as they were for the 1800’s.
cules achieves immortality by eating
a sacred apple. In other myths,
apples are associated with the heal-
ing gods Apollo, Hercules and

• A second century Roman physi-

cian, Galen and Hippocrates discov-
ered apple’s digestive qualities and a
custom of serving fresh fruit, partic-
ularly apples, at the end of a meal

• The medieval physician’s bible,

called The Salerno Medical School’s
Prescription for Health, taught heal-
ing applications of cooking apples
for disturbances of the bowels,
lungs and nervous system, to men-
tion just a few.

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Eat the Apple Skin as Well When the apple is cut vertically into sulphide, also a symbol of eternal
Unpeeled apples provide their most two exact halves, you can see some life.
plentiful nutrients just under the resemblance to the female genital
skin, so be sure to eat the apple with system. Alternatively, if you cut it The apples of the Hesperides contin-
its skin on. in half horizontally you could, like ued their career in Celtic tradition.
the Pythagoreans, see it as In Irish legend, a woman of the
a perfect five-pointed star. Other World gave apples to the hero
This is the pentagram, a to nourish him for a month, never
key to the occult sciences, losing strength, and to confer
in that it reveals the secret immortality on him in that time.
of the knowledge of good Scandinavian gods were also made
and evil, and here the Eve immortal by the apple. The search
legend surfaces again. No for the fruits of eternal life was one
doubt it is merely coinci- of the tasks imposed by the Gaulish,
dence…or is it? The blacksmith god, Lug, on the three

“Don’t let things happen, go out and happen to things.”

Latin word for apple, sons of Tuleran as penance for the
malum, is a homonym of murder of their father. In the
the Latin word for evil. Elysian Fields of the Isle of Avalon,
Snow White received an the word means “apple orchard” in
apple, and magicians used Celtic, King Arthur waited among
the pentagram for casting the dead heroes for his time to
spells. The apple of the come. There a woman of the Other
Song of Songs was sup- World plucked a branch of an apple
posed to represent the tree for a gift before taking him to
Divine Word, perhaps the eternal kingdom beyond the
because of the pentagram it con- seas. It is interesting to recall, in
Apples, Symbols and a little more tained. The enchanter Merlin taught this connection, that mistletoe grows
History while sitting beneath an apple tree, on apple trees; it was cut by druids
The Apple of Discord was thrown and apples were eaten in Brittany on the night of Samhain, October
into the wedding of Thetis and before prophecies were made. In 31st, midnight. The 1st of
Peleus by Eris, the goddess of strife the time of Rameses II, the Egyp- November, the day of the dead, pre-
and discord, who had not been invit- tians gave apples “laid on wattles” ceding the Celtic New Year, thus
ed to the wedding. The apple was to the highest priests who were the causing the New Year to begin on
inscribed with kallisti “To the guardians of knowledge. 1st January is a Christian pseudo-
Prettiest One.” Paris, elected to
choose which goddess should have Frequently associated with
it and gave it to Aphrodite. This the color yellow or gold,
offended Hera and Athena, with the apple, already bear-
consequences of the Trojan War, etc. ing an ambiguous
The “Apple of one’s eye” means the weight of symbolism,
symbol of what is most cherished. took on the powers of
“Apple-polisher” means one who that color. This may
curries favor like brown-nosing the have either been benefi-
teacher. cial or maleficent, as
with sulphur, either
In esoteric cults and white magic the celestial or satanic. It was
apple is the feminine symbol par the alchemists’ Golden Apple. The
excellence. It is associated with golden apples of the Garden of the
Venus and in Greek myth, French Hesperides conferred immortality.
pomme, of Pomona, goddess of Sulphur, transmuting mercury,
abundance. makes it into cinnabar, red mercuric

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tradition of times and seasons. Middle East by that time. on a rootstock. Like many fruit
Eventually they reached Europe, trees, pollen of another variety by
Alexander the Great was interested moving from the east with the birds or insects is required for the
in the power of longevity which human waves coming down from apple to bear fruit. Unfertilized
apples were credited with procuring. Central Asia. It made its conquest flowers will be sterile or abort their
On the expedition, which he also as the hordes made theirs; a stow- fruit. Apples, though, are a love
sought the Water’s of Life, he found away hidden in their provisions. child, and the tree likes nothing bet-
apples allegedly capable of prolong- Apple pips, spat out all along the ter than company. Several different
ing the lives of the priests who fed way, gave rise to wild South apple trees growing together will all
on them and nothing else to as much Caucasian and European apple trees give more fruit than if they were
as 400 years. Alexander must not with small, sour fruits, Malus sil- grown separately. With aid of the
have eaten enough of them because vestris and M. pumila, clumps of wind and bees, the more apple
he died of malaria at the age of 33. which still mark out the great emi- orchards a region has, the more they
“The happiest time in any man’s life is just after the first divorce.”

gration routes. These probably gave will produce.

Finally, there is that darker side of rise to Malus paradisiacal, the
the symbol which I mentioned FRENCH paradise apple, used later It has sometimes been claimed that
above. The golden apple awarded as a rootstock. the Romans brought apple trees to
by Paris in the beauty contest, Gaul. Apples were already being
which began the Trojan War, eaten by the Neolithic lake-
became the apple of discord. dwellers of Switzerland and
The golden apples thrown down northern Italy from trees that
by Hippomenes were harmful to had been dispersed in the
the nymph Atalanta in that she course of the great invasions.
broke her vow of chastity, but Traces have been found in their
beneficial in revealing love to villages of fruits, which cannot
her. The myth is a familiar one: have been particularly nice, but
the virgin huntress wagered that were apples rather than crabs.
she could win a race against any When the Romans brought their
of her suitors, who would pay own apples to Gaul, they
for her victory with his life. As learned to further improve their
Hippomenes ran, he threw the fruit.
wonderful fruits over his shoul-
der. He outstripped her in her Moving out of the realm of
desire to pick up the three gold- those legends that the apple
en apples, and finally he won seems to attract, it has long
over the gifts; Atalanta lost the been recognized that the Etr-
race, her athletic reputation and uscans knew about grafting
then her virginity. before the Romans did. No one
is absolutely sure where the
It has been claimed that the apple of Apple trees almost always revert to industrious Etruscans came from
Eden was actually an apricot. The the wild form instead of breeding when they arrived to colonize cen-
theory is based on the fact that apri- true to the mother tree whether they tral Italy; their civilization appeared
cots grew in the Near East before are sown by chance or intentionally. around 750 BC, and they loved
apples did. The apricot did not Similarly, a cherry stone does not apples.
reach Armenia from China and cross grow a cherry tree identical with the
the fertile crescent towards the tree from which the fruit was Hippocrates (circa 400 BCE), the
south-east of the Mediterranean picked, but a wild cherry. Greek physician considered the
until caravans made contact with the Mutations to improve the fruit are father of medicine, was a proponent
Semites living in northern Assyria obtained first by hybridization, then of nutritional healing. His favorite
around the third millennium. The by grafting a budding branch of a remedies were apples, dates and
apple had already invaded the tree that has already developed well barley mush.

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AKANE almost black. It can be a

This apple is juicy and good fresh-eating apple. It
crisp, tart and invigorating. originated in the late 1700’s in
The flavor is somewhat Connecticut.
reminiscent of the
Jonathan apple. BLUE PEARMAIN
Blue Pearmain is a large,

“Man is the only animal who causes pain to others with no other object than wanting to do so.”
ALEXANDER heavy apple that has a star-
It is recognized more for tling, unusual blue appear-
culinary use than as a ance. It is a classic early
fresh-eating apple and is American dessert apple, full-
especially good for sauce. flavored and rich, and was a
It is lightly scented and favorite of Thoreau.
somewhat sweet.
ARKANSAS BLACK Braeburn is considered by
Arkansas Black is one of many apple lovers to be the
the prettiest apples to look at the United States since at least the best tasting apple of all the newer
because of its deep red color and 1890’s. It is firm and crisp, tart and varieties. It has a rich, full blend of
symmetrical shape. It seems like it somewhat dry, full flavored, very sweet and tart, lots of juice and is
could keep forever and the taste aromatic and gets sweeter in stor- very crisp. The Braeburn was dis-
improves in storage. Not a bland age. covered in New Zealand as a chance
apple, it is crisp, strongly flavored seedling. It is usually orangish-red
and aromatic. BEACON blush over a yellow-green back-
A Beacon is a beautiful apple that ground in color and high in culinary
ASHMEAD KERNEL has lively, juicy flavor and is good quality. It has won the Northwest
This apple has won numerous taste for baking. Fruit tasting four times. It shows
tests over the years in England and high current and future demand in
in America, but it is much more BEN DAVIS the domestic market as well as
strongly flavored than the apples Ben Davis is one of the oldest being a good export potential. The
most Americans are used to eating. American varieties. It was at one shelf life of a Braeburn is long,
time widely planted in all parts of about eight months in regular stor-
BALDWIN the country, especially in the South. age.
At the turn of the century, Baldwin
may have been the most popular BLACK GILLIFLOWER BURGUNDY
apple in America. It is a medium to Black Gilliflower, or Sheepnose, is a Burgundy is newer variety that has
large, red and attractive, with distinctive looking apple. It has a an intense deep red color, and can
coarse, crisp flesh apple. It is juicy, conical, uniform shape and reddish be very attractive. It is a good
sometimes very juicy, and can color that sometimes darkens to fresh-eating apple.
be a very good fresh-eating
apple. It stores extremely CALVILLE BLANC
well and is a desirable variety The Calville Blanc is an old
for pies. French variety, where it is
still held in high esteem as
BOSKOOP the premier gourmet apple. It
Boskoop is an apple that may is light red with an irregular
be too strongly flavored for shape. It is reportedly higher
Americans on a bland diet in vitamin C content than
because it bites back. It was oranges. It can be tart and
discovered in Holland in the has a very strong, distinctive
1850’s and has been grown in flavor.

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England in the early ELSTAR

1800s, and it has been Elstar originated in Holland and is a
England’s favorite fresh- cross between two dessert varieties,
eating apple ever since. Golden Delicious and Ingrid Marie.
It isn’t red, shiny or very It is very popular in Europe and is
large, but don’t be put best as a fresh-eating apple. It may
off by its appearance, it not have a lot of red coloration and
has amazing flavor. the skin may be a little rough, but
neither of these effect the quality of
CRITERION the apple.
Criterion is a fairly new
CAMEO variety that is descended EMPIRE
The Cameo was discovered as a from Golden Delicious, Red Deli- Empire is a cross between Red
chance seedling in a Washington cious and Winter. Delicious and McIntosh and com-
State orchard in the 1980’s. It is bines the best qualities of each.
sweet with a zingy crunch, and can DAYTON
Dayton’s taste isn’t overwhelming. FIRESIDE
“Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity.”

hold its texture for long periods.

Look for the variety’s characteristic Instead it has a nice balance of Fireside is a great fresh-eating apple
white spots on the skin. sweet and tart fla- with a great name. It is mainly seen
vors and a in northern orchards because it orig-
CHENANGO STRAWBERRY crisp, juicy inated from Minnesota. It doesn’t
Chenango Strawberry, also called texture. get as red as McIntosh, Cortland,
Strawberry Chenango, can be a very Empire, Jonathan or other northern
good fresh-eating apple at its peak. varieties when ripe, but rather is
It is a delicate and attractive fruit splashed with quite a bit of
that is slightly tart and juicy. green. The coloring doesn’t
affect the flavor, which by the
CORNISH GILLIFLOWER way is excellent. You may notice
Cornish Gilliflower is unusual in some peening on the skin that look
appearance and flavor, but it is defi- like tiny little dents. This is not a
nitely worth a try should you defect; instead it’s just part of this
encounter it. It has a spicy aroma, apple’s interesting character.
plenty of juice and a sweet, rich fla-
vor. Don’t FRANKLIN
worry if it is The Franklin is an attractive looking
CORTLAND splashed with a significant amount fruit that is the result of a cross
Cortland is a large, red apple with of bright green coloration because between McIntosh and Red
fine, smooth, white flesh that is this is not an indication of ripeness. Delicious. It has mild, pleasant fla-
slow to brown, which makes it a McIntosh lovers should give this vor that is much better than Red
superb choice for salads. It can be a one a try.
very good fresh-eating apple if it
hasn’t been off of the tree too long. DUCHESS
The flavor is mild and slightly tart. Duchess may be a little
too tart for some tastes,
COX ORANGE PIPPIN and it is not usually
Cox orange pippen is considered by thought of as a dessert
many apple fanciers as the finest apple. Still, it has an
dessert apple variety of all time. It interesting flavor right
has won numerous taste testing off of the tree and is an
awards over the years. It was dis- excellent performer in
covered as a chance seedling in the kitchen.

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Delicious but not quite as spicy as HOLSTEIN

McIntosh. Holstein is an offspring of
Cox Orange Pippin, but it
FUJI has a flavor and aroma that
Fuji is one of the most successful may be even more intense.
recent introductions. It has an Hard, coarse, dense, juicy
unusual combination of low-acid flesh in an orange russeted
sweetness with crunchy, juicy flesh package, Holstein is not for
and a pleasant aroma described as the timid since it is a variety
“warm” by some observers. Fuji is that bites back.
becoming immensely popular
around the world. HONEYCRISP
The one drawback to the
GALA Honeycrisp apple is that it is
Gala is certainly one of the gaudiest hard to find. The demand is
looking apples. It features intense far exceeding supply right

“The mill cannot grind with the water that’s past.”

red or orange color and a beautiful, now for this relative new-
conical shape. Gala is sometimes comer from Minnesota.
called a “gourmet apple” and is one Honey crisp is the one vari-
of the fairly recent introductions that ety of apple that can be rec-
are specifically aimed at the seg- ommended with absolute
ment of the public that has been confidence because it is so good as
The Granny Smith is not a bad
demanding better flavor in store- a fresh-eating apple and has such
fresh-eating variety. It is a little tart,
bought apples. wide appeal. This apple has a crisp,
but not sour, Granny is marketed for
dense, juicy flesh and a balance of
the most part as a cooking apple.
GINGER GOLD tart and sweet flavors. The flavor
Ginger Gold has good acceptance apples to many antique apple lovers
by kids with its juicy “snap” and as well as those with a less adven-
The Gravenstein apple is highly
sweetness. Some say it is reminis- turous palate.
prized for sauce and backing. It is a
cent of pears in texture and flavor.
beautiful red and yellow striped
It is a good balance of sweet and HONEYGOLD
tart with a fresh, clean, refreshing Honeygold is a Minnesota Golden
taste. Delicious crossed with a Haralson
cross. It is similar to the Golden
The Grimes Golden has a rich spicy
flavor and a perfumed skin. It can
The Golden Delicious is one of the
be a gourmet delight when it is at its
most popular apple varieties in the
best. The flavor
world. It is also one that it is not
is difficult to
easy to dislike because of its agree-
describe, but
able taste, texture, aroma and
some likening it
appearance. It isn’t a bold apple,
to the Coriander.
rather an old and easy-going friend.
GOLDEN RUSSET Haralson is a
Golden Russet is considered by
mild, pleasant
many to be the best cider apple of
apple that does
all time. It is a good choice if you
well when it is
are interested in trying a more chal-
baked. It has a
lenging apple than what you typical-
faint citrus scent
ly find in the store.
with a tender
juicy flesh.

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HUBBARDSTON varieties grown in

NONESUCH the country.
Hubbardston is an apple with a lot
of character from New England. As KANDIL SINAP/
early as the 1830s, this apple has CANDLE SNAP
been well known and highly sought Kandil Sinap is
after. Like many varieties from the interesting in appear-
past, it is dense, complex and rich in ance and excellent in
flavor. taste and probably
“Sometimes the most urgent and vital thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest.”

originiated in
HUDSONS Turkey. It is receiv-
GOLDEN GEM ing a certain amount
The Hudsons Golden Gem is lop- of attention from
sided, small, with rough skin and a The Jonagold is a cross between the specialty growers, and you may
yellow color, but wait until you taste Jonathon and the Golden Delicious, occasionally find it at an orchard
this gem. and it retains some of the best fea- that specializes in heirloom and
tures of both. It has a sprightly, novelty varieties.
IDA RED juicy flavor like Jonathon and a
Ida Red is a real workhorse variety sweetness and aroma similar to that KIDD’S ORANGE RED
because it is tangy, firm, hard and of Golden Delicious. In Europe, Kidd’s Orange Red was developed
tart. “Old Reliable” lasts forever, Jonagold consistently places high in J. H. Kidd of New Zealand. He is
or seems to anyhow, and keeps its taste tests. It’s subtle and complex the same man who developed the
quality in storage. taste can be a real treat for a couple Gala apple. Kidd’s Orange Red is a
of weeks after picking. cross between Cox Orange Pippin
JERSEY MAC and Red Delicious. It has a little
For a short time after picking, more character than Gala and is an
Jersey Mac can be an outstanding The Jonamac is a beautiful red and excellent dessert apple with a sweet
variety even one of the best. After green, medium sized McIntosh with aroma and good balance between
picking, it quickly subsides to being Jonathon cross that is a great fresh- tart and sweet flavor. It can have
just a good apple rather than a great eating apple. quite a bit of russeting on the skin,
one, so grab them quickly. It is a but, as the saying goes, don't judge a
beautiful looking apple, bright red book by its cover.
and green, glossy and perfectly Jonathon is a 200 year old variety
round. from New York State. It has KING DAVID
achieved enduring and broad popu- King David is an older obscure vari-
larity just like ety from Arkansas that is having a
McIntosh and revival. Excellent for pies and
Northern Spy. sauce, although if you don’t mind
Jonathon the tough skin, it can be an excellent
lovers swear fresh-eating apple with its spicy,
by it. It has a wine-like flavor.
spicy, tangy,
somewhat tart KNOBBED RUSSET/
flavor and UGLY DUCK
crisp, juicy Knobbed Russet has bumps and
flesh. It is no irregularities and is one ugly look-
wonder that ing apple. Some apple lover’s say
Jonathon con- that the worse it looks, the better it
sistently ranks tastes. Not a tame variety, this one
in the top ten may put you off at first with its odd
among leading appearance and aggressive flavor.

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Beneath the rough skin is an apple MELROSE to the English royal court. It was at
of the highest dessert quality. Melrose is a cross between a one time considered the best variety
Jonathon and a Red Delicious. With in the world, and was one of the
LADY rich flavor and coarse, juicy flesh, most storied and influential. It has a
Lady is one of the oldest cultivated the Melrose is a good fresh-eating sweet, rich flavor that improves
varieties known, going back at least apple, especially when left to age a with age while it is great in the
to the 17th century and possibly little while after picking. kitchen. Unfortunately, it doesn’t
even as far back as Roman times. It have the high-gloss appearance that
is a good fresh-eating apple and a MOLLIE DELICIOUS American consumers have come to
lot of fun. With bright red, smooth Mollie was developed in the 1960s expect, hence the Granny Smith has
skin splashed with intense medium at Rutgers. It is a cross between a driven it from the shelves. But, if
green, it is used for Christmas deco- Gravenstein and a Golden you are going to buy an all-purpose
ration on wreaths and centerpieces. Delicious. This suggests a mild apple to ear rather than stare at, the
apple, and mild it is. Newton is your variety.

“Almost everything that is great has been done by youth.”

Lodi is a waxy looking, bright NORTHERN SPY
green, smooth-skinned apple that is “Spies are for Pies!” The Northern
an excellent early variety for Spy is one of the oldest American
kitchen use, especially for varieties; it is the quintessential bak-
sauce. ing apple. Overlook the irregular
shape and variable coloration,
MCINTOSH because this apple is not for display.
Nothing quite compares A little too robust as a fresh-eating
with the Mac for fresh eat- apple for many, but it still has many
ing. The crispy, juicy, fans that enjoy it in hand.
tangy, firm, yet tender,
white flesh is perfumed and PAULA RED
spicy in a way that no other Paula Red may be the best early,
variety can match. Mac is a fresh-eating, red apple widely avail-
good kitchen apple, although it able, especially in the northern
doesn’t hold shape when cooked. states.
True McIntosh fans won’t consider
any other variety, and they eat them
all winter long. MUTSU (CRISPIN)
Mutsu is a variety developed in
MACOUN Japan that is growing in popularity
Macoun is firm, aromatic and juicy in the United States. It is an excel-
like its parent, the McIntosh. It has lent desert apple. Large and green-
a loyal following of fans that scour ish-yellow, Mutsu is packed with
farm markets in early October to juice with a perfect balance between
find this unique variety. sweet and tart. It makes great
sauce, especially if the peel is left
MAIDEN-BLUSH on for more flavor.
Grower Versil White asks, “Do you
know why you never see Maiden NEWTOWN PIPPIN
Blush anymore? Because you never Newton Pippin is one of the best
see a maiden blush, anymore.” This tasting early American varieties. It
variety has fallen out of popularity, was discovered as a seedling on
which is a shame. It is a beautiful Long Island in 1759. Thomas
apple with a wonderful aroma. Jefferson grew the Newton Pippin
and Benjamin Franklin took samples

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Red Astrakhan is an early cooking Snow is a beautiful old variety that
variety presumed to have originated probably originated in Quebec. It is
in Russia. It was then imported very similar to the McIntosh, and
from Sweden by way of England in many believe that it is an ances-
1835. It was at one time a very tor of the Mac. Snow is not an
popular apple for home use. Its apple that can be grown prof-
superior culinary qualities are its itably anymore, and there are
claim to fame. many similar high-quality
apples available including, of
RED DELICIOUS course, the McIntosh.
The Red Delicious is the most
controversial and widely distrib- S PARTAN
uted American apple. Red The Spartan is a distinctive eating
Delicious retains its shiny, apple with a loyal following.
deep-red, good looks, so it is Spartan has a lot of good qualities
“Rest is a good thing, but boredom is its brother.”

sold in every possible state of inherited from its parents,

internal disintegration. Too McIntosh and Newtown
often, store bought Reds are Pippin.
little more than cardboard
flavored, mealy mush SPITZENBURG
beneath their glamorous skin. Discovered in Eso-
Still, Americans continue to pus, New York in
buy it more than all other vari- the late 1700’s,
eties combined. It can be a pretty Spitzenburg has long
good apple under the right condi- been considered by
tions. When buying them, look for many observers the finest
locally grown apples in season and American dessert apple.
don’t insist on a uniformly dark red Thomas Jefferson and
color. By doing these, the chances It is a great baking Washington Irving grew this variety
of getting a better apple will apple and for decades was the best- for enjoyment. It is hard, dense and
improve in your favor because many selling variety for use in the kitchen. crisp with a rich, full flavor like
growers are now growing strains for many older varieties and has a dis-
flavor more than looks. Don’t ROME BEAUTY tinctive flavor described as “nut-
defeat their efforts by rejecting Rome Beauty is a good keeper, fair like.”
apples that don’t look as though for fresh eating and reliable in the
they came from a plastic injection- kitchen. Rome is one of those vari- STAYMAN
molding machine. Remember this eties that owes its popularity more The Stayman’s tender, juicy flesh
simple rule, art is a matter of visual for its looks than its taste. makes this a good choice for fresh
esthetics and food is a matter of eating and cooking.
taste, not the other way around. ROXBURY RUSSET
Dull green, russeted, and rough- SUMMER TREAT
REIN DES REINETTE skinned, Roxbury Russet is the Summer Treat is possibly the best
Rein des Reinette is another famous antithesis of what modern con- sweet summer apple for fresh eat-
French gourmet dessert apple. sumers expect in fruit. It was a ing. If you like a variety with a
popular dessert apple in the United sweet, uncomplicated taste, Summer
RHODE ISLAND GREENING States for 300 years until appear- Treat is a good apple to start the
Rhode Island Greening is an old ance became more important in an season. Don’t wait, as peak flavor
American variety that was discov- apple than taste. Like most russets, for this variety doesn’t last long.
ered in the 1600s. It is a large, this variety has rich, dense flesh that
green tart apple of very high quality. stays crisp all winter.

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and rectangular to conic in shape. ed two season’s summer and winter

It has pale-yellow skin sometimes (hot and cold). Their New Year
with red blush and lines of russet started with the warm day’s of
and a suture line. The flesh is October’s end and cold nights of
firm, dry to moderately juicy and November’s beginning. Tolman
of a pronounced sweet flavor, and Apple’s were grown and tended on
it bruises easily. the Isle of Avalon, which means
“apple orchard” – the Legendary
The Tolman Sweet tree has long Land of Immortals. They used to

“Individualism is rather like innocence: There must be something unconscious about it.”
drooping branches and yields full plant a Tolman apple tree over the
crops annually. It is a late ashes or body of a dead loved one.
bloomer but early bearer. The
dull, oval-shape leaf is a bluish- Then at the, “Fire Festival” at
green with regular, moderately dis- Stonehenge when the sun was at 15°
tinct serrations and a heavy pubes- Scorpio – the Tolman apple cider
cence. The leaf is folded and dis- was broken out, passed around, and
tinctly waved. Tolman Sweet is the party got started! Believing
susceptible to fireblight. It is an those who had passed away were
exceptionally good apple for bak- somehow present in the blood of the
ing and is particularly suitable for apples they drank.
cider making because it contains
14.6% sugar that ferments to 7% A Family Diary Records:
The Arlet is hard and tart with just
alcohol. The tree is a good grower, “Sir Thomas Tolman’s daughter
the right touch of sweetness. It is a
long-lived and very hardy. It ripens ‘Tre’ wen’, brought the seeds and
cross of Golden Delicious and Ida
in late September and early October. rootstock from Salisburg to Massa-
Red, which was developed in
chusettes in 1804.”
Switzerland. It is being called
The Druids used the Tolman Apple
“Swiss Gourmet” in the United
in the Stonehenge festival celebra- A Foot Note
States and certainly qualifies as an
tion of Sam Hain on October 31st in It has been said that “Creativity is
example of the new high-quality
honor of the “High Gift” of their the ability to see that which is wait-
gourmet varieties now gaining
ancestors who kept heirloom seeds ing to exist.” Sometimes I wonder
from whence they had come. Sam if creative’s of the past somehow
Hain is gaelic for “summers-end”. prod me at some level of my being
The Druids and Celts only celebrat- to uncover that which did once
The “King of Tompkins County,” as
it is sometimes called, is best known
as a cooking apple. It can be very
interesting eaten fresh with a rich
and aromatic flavor.

~My Families Heirloom~
Tolman Sweet was originally named
Tolman Sweeting and has the syn-
onyms Brown’s Golden Sweet, Tal-
man’s Sweet and Tolman. It is
thought to be a cross of Sweet
Greening and Old Russet from

The Tolman Sweet is medium sized

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exist, but does no longer, sion, at Sam Hain. The Tolman

yet yearns to be in exis- filled the carillon with apple cider
tence once again. I tend made of Tolman apples (the witches
to feel such passion over brew or Gaea’s milk) and intoned
the littlest things, things the bowl as everyone sang songs of
that most others feel joy for abundant harvest.
prompted to ignore. I
“What upsets me is not that you lied to me, but that from now on I can no longer believe you.”

guess a simple mind finds TWENTY OUNCE

joy in simple things. The Twenty Ounce is uncomplicated
with a mild, clean, fresh taste and is
I embrace ideas that stim- one of the best mid-season cooking
ulate thought no matter apples. Look for large or very large,
how threatening or chal- oblong fruit with red stripes on a
lenging to my own levels greenish background. It is normal
of personal comfort. For this cause of the Iris Flower above the right for it to have has extensive peening
I have been referred to as a multi eye of the sphinx. The word iris on the skin, which looks like hun-
denominational humanist. No means rainbow. dreds of tiny little dents. This is a
doubt, people, individuals, and the very mild apple and is accepted well
human collective, are my greatest Without ruining your own search of by children.
joy and love. Wm Shakespeare in the iris riddle I will tell you it lead
the 1600s wrote, “what a piece of me to a study of onomatology, the WAGENER
work is man, how express and meaning and history of names. This Wagener is a good all around fall
admirable, in action how like an study caused me to find the history apple for sauce, baking and fresh
angel, in apprehension how like a of my family name: Tolman. In the eating. It is somewhat similar to
god.” So poetic, so beautifully stat- oxford English Dictionary it says, Northern Spy. It is oddly shaped
ed, so true! “A Tolman is a doorway created by and colored.
two pillars of stone connected at the
In my 17 year search for a lost for- top by a pillar laid flat, acting as a WEALTHY
mula of a once sacred meal called lintel or crossbeam.” What today is Wealthy is a good all-purpose
Pulse in the English, and Phi Pi in called Stonehenge (door of stone) kitchen apple and a good fresh-eat-
the Greek Mystery Schools. I came was, prior to 1610, called the ing variety in season. Many ‘old-
across an ancient riddle of the “Iris Tolman a memorial of Salisbury
flower” carved above the right eye plain in England (also spelled
of the sphinx in El Giza at Thebes. Dolman). Deeper research uncov-
The more widely known riddle of ered the lost use of the Tolman’s of
the sphinx itself as recorded in the past. They held bells or caril-
Greek literature has it that when lons in place so they could be
anyone passed by the sphinx would played for purposes of gathering
ask, “What has one voice, and yet together in a spirit of music and
becomes four footed, then two foot- dance for physical healing, emo-
ed, then three footed?” If you did- tional ventilation, and mental ele-
n’t know the correct answer the vation; creating a healthy harmony
sphinx ate you. Legend has it that by using rhythm and tone. Phrases
Oedipus gave the correct answer: like “for whom the bell’s toll” –
“Man. Man walks on all fours “church bells” were carillons hung
when young, tow feet when able, upside down in a “bell tower.”
and uses a cane or staff as a third Doesn’t every home of today have
leg in old age.” The sphinx is the a “door bell?” And what’s the
earth; unlock her mysteries and you history of wedding bells? The
will not die is the metaphor. Very Toll-man, later spelled Tolman was
few tho’ are familiar with the riddle the instrumentalist of carillon ses-

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treat for eating out of your hand. If you live in a highly polluted area
like Los Angeles where allergies
WOLF RIVER and sinus infections are rampant,
Once in a while you’ll see a gigantic your system may better balance

“I now perceive one immense omission in my psychology – the deepest principle of Human Nature is the craving
apple the size of a small pumpkin in itself with a small dose of apple
the fruit market. More than likely, cider vinegar each day.
you are looking at Wolf River, from
Wisconsin. It is more than a novel- Apple cider vinegar in itself is alka-
ty, as it excels in the kitchen, espe- line because of its “ash” content,
cially for making apple butter and which means if the apple cider vine-
for drying. It can also be a good gar was burned, what is left over
fresh-eater, under the right condi- becomes ash. When you check for
tions. For eating fresh, look for the the pH of that ash and dissolve it
ones with more color and get them with water, the content is alkaline.
early in the season. Whenever our body digests any-
thing, it undergoes oxidation, which
YORK is similar to burning. The end result
(YORK IMPERIAL) is that you can determine whether
York was discovered near York, the end product was alkaline or
timers’ say this is the best apple for Pennsylvania around 1830, and is acid. Apple cider vinegar has fun-
pies. still widely grown in south central gal, bacterial and viral properties,
Pennsylvania and southward along primarily coming from the malic
WESTFIELD SEEK-NO-FURTHER the Shenandoah Valley and Blue acid and acetic acid portion of the

to be appreciated.”
Seek-No-Further is an old New Ridge mountains. It keeps extreme- vinegar. Apple cider vinegar acts as
England variety that has been held ly well and is popular as a culinary a buffer in the body because the
in high esteem as a dessert apple for variety. It is probably a little too acetic acid reacts with base or acid
200 years. It is probably the tame for most people when eaten compounds to form an acetate.
crispest of mid-season varieties and fresh, but it does have its adherents. This, therefore, renders them chemi-
has a thick skin and complex, rich It earned the appelation “Imperial” cally bioavailable for the body’s uti-
flavor with an interesting aroma. for its keeping quality, not its flavor. lization. Additionally, apple cider
vinegar can reduce the toxicity of
WINESAP Apple Cider
Winesap is a “must try” variety. It
has been described as the perfect Vinegar
distillation of a crisp fall day. It is a
relatively small, round, deep red
apple with a somewhat tough skin
Medi-Sign Target
and firm, crisp, yellow flesh. It is a All 7 Physiological Systems
very juicy variety and the flavor is a
strong, yet perfectly balanced blend
of sweet and tart. The aroma and Apple cider vinegar is one of the
flavor have a distinctive wine-like oldest, most powerful, healing home
richness. remedies imaginable for allergies.

WINTER BANANA Apple cider vinegar is one of the

The Winter Banana is a beautiful most important remedies in healing
and exotic variety that was discov- the body if you can get over the
ered over 100 years ago in Indiana. taste. It has a number of reported
It does, indeed, have a flavor that uses including a complete relief of
reminds some of bananas. It has a pollen, food, pet allergies and sinus
delicate and subtle flavor that is a infections.

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certain compounds by converting movements with an arm or leg; should be treated. Detoxification of
the toxin into an acetate compound ideomotor apraxia, which is the heavy metals and plaques can be of
which is less toxic. This is why inability to make the proper move- high benefit. (see Detox heavy met-
they are ideal for insect bites and ment in response to a verbal com- als).
certain skin allergies. While apple mand; ideational apraxia, which is
cider vinegar is considered alkaline, the inability to coordinate activities People with apraxia often see a
a chemically pure vinegar, it is nei- with multiple, sequential move- speech-language pathologist who
ther acid nor basic forming as it ments, like dressing, eating, and works with them to improve speech
leaves no ash as the entire portion bathing; verbal apraxia, which is abilities and overall communication
when burned evaporates completely. the difficulty coordinating mouth skills. To produce sounds correctly
and speech movements; construc- and sequence sounds into words, the
Any part of the body can be tional apraxia, which is the inabili- muscles of speech often need to be
“A truth that’s told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent.”

involved in allergic reactions. The ty to copy, draw, or construct simple “retrained.” This occurs through
most common areas include the figures; and oculomotor apraxia, exercises designed to allow the per-
nose and chest with symptoms such which is the difficulty moving the son to repeat sounds over and over
as hay fever, rhinitis or asthma eyes on command. and practice correct mouth move-
although the skin and eyes also can ments for sounds. The apraxia suf-
show symptoms. The language disorder, aphasia, may ferer may need to slow their speech
accompany apraxia. Corticobasal rate down or work on “pacing”
apraxia ganglionic degeneration is a disease their speech so that they can pro-
that causes a variety of types of duce all of the sounds necessary for
apraxia especially in elderly adults. their message. Alternative means of
Medi-Sign Target communication may be necessary in
Is there any treatment? severe cases. These alternative
Physical, speech or occupational methods can be the use of simple
1 Quart of Raw Juice Daily
therapy are generally the treatment gestures, more sophisticated elec-
for individuals with apraxia. If tronic equipment or even using full
What is Apraxia?
apraxia is a symptom of another dis- on sign language.
Apraxia, in mild cases called “dys-
order, the underlying disorder
praxia,” is a neurological disorder.
It is characterized by having the
desire and physical ability to per-
form skilled movements and ges-
tures but loosing the ability to exe-
cute or carry them out. Apraxia can
arise from many diseases or damage
to the brain and results from dys-
function of the cerebral hemispheres
of the brain, especially the parietal

The several type of apraxia may

occur alone or together. The most
common type is buccofacial or oro-
facial apraxia. This causes the
inability to carry out facial move-
ments on commands like licking
lips, whistling, coughing or wink-
ing. Other types of apraxia are:
limb-kinetic apraxia, which is the
inability to make fine, precise

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What is the prognosis? C Grapes APRICOT

The apraxia prognosis for individu-
als varies and depends partly on the C Leafy green vegetables
underlying cause. Some individuals C Legumes
Medi-Sign Target
improve significantly, while others
C Nutritional Yeast
Liver, Skin & Deplaques
may show very little improvement.
C Nuts
Cancer Sites

C Onions
C Pineapple
C Pink Grapefruit
C Potatoes
C Pumpkin

“I like men who have a future and women who have a past.”
C Red Cabbage
C Red Grapes
C Red Pepper (hot)
C Red Wine Benefits:
C Seeds • Cancer
C Spinach • Controls Blood Pressure
• Saves Your Eyesight
C Sprouts (beans) • Slows Aging Process
C Sweet Potatoes • Shields against Alzheimer’s
Foods to concentrate on: C Turmeric Alexander the Great found apricots
C Alfalfa sprouts C Tomatoes growing wild in Asia which is
C Avocado C Watermelon
where he fell in love with them. He
brought some to Europe with him
C Bee Pollen C Whole Grains when he returned from his military
C Berries expeditions.

C Black Currants Because the apricot is the first fruit

C Blueberries Talk to Me!
A Mental Tune-Up
of the season to ripen, the ancient
Romans gave the apricot its name
C Broccoli from the Latin word for “preco-
C Cabbage 1/2 cup Apple Juice cious.” The apricot spread from
Europe to America to Australia all
C Carrots
2 Tbsp Tahini, raw
1Tbsp Lecithin granules the while the name stuck.
C Clover Sprouts
1 Tbsp Wheat Germ
1 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
The apricot is loaded with beta-
C Dried apricots 1/2 cup
Pure Water
Ginkgo Extract carotene, iron, fiber, vitamin C and
C Eggplant (1 dropperful) several B vitamins and over 8,000
other nutritional components mak-
C Fresh vegetables ing it a fantastic fruit. Dry apricots
C Garlic are a great snack because upon dry-
ing an apricot, its nutrients get more
C Ginger concentrated.

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Eating apricots will help you with Adds to a Long Life might eat burgers, fries and drink
the effects of aging, protect your Some people claim the secret to liv- sodas. Research does suggest,
eyesight, ward off cancer and pre- ing to be 120 years of age are apri- though, that the little fruit may
vent heart disease whether they are cots, believe it or not! This idea assist you in living a better life.
fresh or dried. comes from the Hunzas, a tribe liv- Dried apricots, with their B vita-
“What probably distorts everything in life is that one is convinced that one is speaking the truth because

ing in the Himalayan Mountains of mins, may protect you from

Apricots, especially dried ones, are Asia. In Hunza, some common Alzheimer’s and mental problems
another source of lycopene, which is health problems, like cancer, heart associated with aging, such as mem-
the amazing carotenoid that can help disease, high blood pressure and ory loss.
prevent prostate, breast and several high cholesterol, do not exist.
other cancers. Munching on apri- Researchers are now wondering if Storing Solutions
cots throughout the day can boost apricots are partly responsible, Apricots are the finest from June to
your lycopene quicker than you
think even though they are not near-
ly as good a source of lycopene as
the tomato; about 30 dried apricots
have the same amount of lycopene
as one tomato. Apricots are also a
beta-carotene which is good source
of the most famous carotenoid. The
consumption of this powerful nutri-
one says what one thinks.”

ent reduces your risk of some types

of stomach and intestinal cancers.
To get these benefits, eat about six
fresh apricots a day.

Halts Heart Disease

Your levels of iron, potassium, beta-
carotene, magnesium and copper
can rise by eating dried apricots as a
snack. These important nutrients
help control your blood pressure and
prevent heart disease. Three grams being the main part of their diet. August, coming from the states of
of fiber is also contained in as little The Hunzas eat fresh apricots dur- Washington and California and can
as five dried apricots which helps ing season, while they dry them to be found in your local grocery store.
your body rid itself of the bad cho- eat during their long, cold winter. The tastiest are the ones that look
lesterol. and feel plump with the bright
A Word of Caution orange skin. The yellowish or green
Chases Away Cataracts Some commercially dried apricots ones along with the hard, shrunken
Your vision can be affected by what are preserved with sulfites. Most or bruised ones should be avoided.
you eat. The importance of vitamin people are not effected though these Smell them! Apricots will ripen at
A has been confirmed. It has been preservatives, but for some asthma room temperature in your home the
confirmed be studies the importance suffers life-threatening reaction may same as a peach. Wrap apricots in a
of vitamin A for cataract prevention. occur. Asthma suffers need to be paper bag when they are ripe, this
The conclusion, overall, is a well- aware of the sulfite warnings on will keep them fresh for several
balanced diet is needed for healthy packages of the dried apricots. Play days.
eyes. Apricots are considered a it safe by buying the non-treated
good source of beta-carotene, which type or stick with fresh apricots. To satisfy your cravings for apricots
your body converts to vitamin A, during the winter months purchase
and other nutrients, being just what Eating apricots does not guarantee imported fruits from South America
you are looking for. you a long life, though, since you or maybe enjoy canned water

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larly true of the Roussillon rise to the “p” in English “apricot,”

area. which combining with the French
meaning cot ending. In German and
Drought is an enemy of the in Russia it is abrikos. All the roads
apricot tree, which likes lead to Rome, though, where apri-
limy or even stony soil. cots spread through Europe. In

“Once conform, once do what others do because they do it, and a kind of lethargy steals over all the
Drought will undo the Latin, apricot means “precious.”
grafting of the tree in a sin-
gle night, giving it a fatal The fruit, kernels, oil and flowers
seizure that shrivels it up have been used in medicine for
within a few days. The many years. “Apricot Gold,” made
apricot tree does not accept from the kernels of the trees, which
ordinary fertilizer or grow in certain areas of China, is a
manure either. The careful famous medicine in China. The
adjustment of the volume medicine has been reputed for its
of fertilizer must be right powers to prolong life. Chinese
for the nature of the soil. believe apricots react sympathetical-
ly to women’s ailments. The apricot
packed apricots, jams, spreads and The apricot’s name, which flowers are a common ingredient in
nectars. until the fifteenth century was Chinese cosmetics.
aubercot, in French, does not have
Apricots are delicious fruits, with just one simple etymology but a • Constipation – Highly valued as

finer senses of the soul.”

surprises in store. The fruit still combination of several, involving a gentle laxative, the fruit may be
answers to a false name and is as considerable juxtaposition of ideas. beneficial in the treatment of consti-
temperamental is its tree. It was Portuguese have albricoque, Spanish pation. This is due to its contents of
thought for a long time that the apri- have albaricoque and Italians have cellulose and pectin. The cellulose
cot was a kind of plum coming from albicocca, all coming from the is not digested and acts as roughage.
Armenia that botanists continue to Arabic al barqouq or al birquq, for The indigestible part of the food,
follow Linnaeus in calling it Prunus the Iberian Peninsula owed much to which helps the bowel movement
armeniaca. It is a member of the the Arab gardeners of Andalusia. and the pectin, absorbs and retains
Rosaceae family. An Arabic word meaning “early- water, thereby increasing bulk to
ripe,” deriving from the Latin prae- feces and stimulating smooth bowel
Apricots come from China, similar cox or praecoquIm malum (in movement. People who suffer from
to the peach, and it too has a history Greek, praecoxon), an early-ripen- chronic constipation can find apri-
going back 5000 years. Even after ing fruit, the Romans gave the apri- cots greatly beneficial. The desired
five thousand years of domestica- cot its name when it was brought result from the fruit can generally be
tion, it has not been entirely tamed. back by legionaries who returned achieved by six to eight apricots per
Spreading from China to northern from the Near East in the first cen- day.
India, the Punjab and Tibet, is where tury. Since it was easy to eat, they
it ripens perfectly on sunny slopes also called it aperi-
up to altitudes of 3000 meters. tum, which means
Why, then, is it such an unreliable fruit that opens easi-
crop in our temperate regions, to the ly. It is associated
despair of nurserymen? A fruit tree with Greek abros,
should, in principle, bear well at delicate, the apricot
least one out of two years, but this does not travel well
ancient mountain-dweller is coy and and it ripens very
late frosting or strong winds can fast. Ideas that there
destroy all hope of the early blos- was a connection
som. The Mediterranean climate is with Latin apricus,
liked by the apricot. This is particu- ripe, may have given

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• Indigestion – An apricot has an argyria Drink 1-1/2 gallons of water each

alkaline reaction in the system. day. Make certain to wash the
“Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed,

Apricots aid in digestion, if con- debris from the body. Eat one cup
sumed before a meal. Organically Medi-Sign Target of baby carrots daily.
grown fruit, marmalade, is also a Brazil Nuts, Water, Salt &
valuable treatment of nervous indi- If it is cloudy, use a tanning bed, but
gestion. make sure to get at least 30 minutes
Lots of Sunshine
of full body sunshine a day.
A dermatological condition, Argyria,
• Anemia – Apricots are an excel-
changes skin in pigment from its
lent food remedy for anemia with an
natural color to a greyish-blue. aromatherapy
amount of copper in the fruit mak-
Although these are not colloidal sil-
ing iron available to the body, pro-
ver, the condition occurs as a result
ducing hemoglobin could be Medi-Sign Target
of cumulative exposure to silver
increased in the body by liberally
nitrates and or silver chloride.
Health Comes of a
using apricots.
Argyria’s number one cause is silver Happy Heart!
mining. The condition is so rare it
• Fevers – The apricots’ fresh
hardly deserves mentioning. Aromatherapy:
juice, mixed with glucose or honey,
Consumption of homemade col- more correctly Aromacology
in the third it is regarded as self-evident.”

is a very cooling drink in times of

loidal silver, by gallons possibly
fevers, quenching thirst and elimi-
could cause it to happen, if 16 The Nose Knows Gno’s
nating waste products from the
ounces were taken at five o’clock Healing Scents Make Sense of Cents
body. Supplying vitamins and min-
each day for more than a year. Have you ever wondered what your
erals it tones up the eyes, stomach,
life would be like if you lacked the
liver, heart and nerves.
At one point in time, it was thought ability to smell? It may not be as
that Argyria had no cure. Now difficult as trying to navigate in a
• Skin Diseases – The fresh juice
though it is known that the number room being blindfolded, or perform-
of the apricot leaves are useful in
one solution is to stop exposing ing daily tasks without the use of
skin diseases. Benefits may result in
yourself or ingesting any type of sil- your thumbs, but you would still be
scabies, eczema, sunburn and itch-
ver. missing plenty. Your sense of taste
ing of the skin due to cold exposure,
would be gone and your brain is
when applied.
wired to interpret signals from your
olfactory center to tell you what
ARGININE pleasures or hazards may be lurking
in your surroundings. In fact, you
Medi-Sign Target could say that much of what you
know about the world, and how you
Liver & Muscles relate to it, depends on your sense
Eat Your Peanuts! of smell.

(Non-Essential Amino Acid)

Studies show that improved immune Eat 1/2 pound of Brazil nuts each
responses to bacteria, viruses and day.
tumor cells promote wound healing
and regeneration of the liver. This Eat one food with high-levels of
causes the release of growth hor- vitamin E each day such as wheat
mones considered crucial for opti- germ and wheat germ oil, barley,
mal muscle growth and tissue repair. corn, soybean, and their unrefined
oils, whole grains and all nuts, real
peanut butter and lots of green foods

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:24 PM Page 95

The Physiology of Smell facilities, and in the United States, “experts” having you believe that
The only sense, fully developed, in on a smaller scale, are investing in essential oils are a mystery that can
humans, at birth is olfaction playing “indirect perfuming” enhancing only be understood with years of
an important role in infant's abilities productivity in the workplace and to experience and specialized training.

“When we feel that we lack whatever is needed to secure someone else’s esteem, we are very close to hating him.”
to recognize and bond with their promoting recovery in hospitals. This is how many aromatherapists
mothers. Smell may prompt the are justified. Neither, essential oils,
“chemistry” felt between two In the 1920’s a French chemist, nor their uses were invented by
adults. Scientists have identified Rene Maurice Gattefosse, coined Gatlefosse.
substances called pheromones in the term “aromatherapy.”
human body scent. These act as Gattefosse suffered a serious burn to
chemical messengers to the brain to his arm, while working to refine a
stimulate, among other responses or new perfume. He turned to the
behaviors, sexual attraction to a nearest cool liquid available to
potential mate. The nasal passages relieve his pain, which was a vat of
lining contains at least five million lavender oil. Reportedly the
odor-sensing cells the nose seems to chemist was rewarded with immedi-
be equipped well to detect smells on ate relief and a speedy recovery
its own. Some scientists have spec- without scarring. Occurring to
ulated that, like other animals, we as Gattefosse, essential oils are not
people may also have nasal sensory only useful in perfumery, but also as
devices known as vomeronasal a healing agent. In 1937, Gattfosse
organs helping them detect these referred to this emerging therapeutic
subtle fragrance molecules. Certain field as “aromatherapie” in recog-
nition of the antiviral, antiseptic, Plant derived aromatic massage oils
bactericidal and anti-inflammatory and salves were used by the ancient
properties of essential oils. Greeks, Egyptians, Arabic and
Chinese enhancing mental, emotion-
Essential oils are the nerve/intelli- al and physical health. The father of
gence fluids of plants, being com- Western medicine, Hippocrates,
plex, volatile substances containing believed that “The way to health is
plant hormones, nutrients and thou- to have an aromatic bath and mas-
sands of other bio-chemicals that sage every day.” The 3,000 year
scientists haven’t documented yet. old traditional Indian medicine
When smelling or applying essen- (Ayurveda) regarded aromatic mas-
tials oil to the skin, they are sage and baths as an important com-
absorbed and carried through the ponent of its healing. Spas today
bloodstream to their intended target. incorporate the benefits of essential
oils in a form of massage known as
Essential oils have a balancing “aromassage.”
effect on the body, mind and emo-
tions. Having a wide range of heal- Even though a massage is relaxing
ing properties, pure essential oils are and helps increase circulation and
used with ease and convenience by eliminates impurities, combining
odors undoubtedly have an impact all. The natural plant fluid oil offers with deep massage the relaxing aro-
on the way we think and feel. gentle alternatives to the dangers of matic properties of essential oils,
Smelling freshly baked bread, for “synthetic drugs.” This aspect can may influence your physical health
example, may conjure up fond be particularly beneficial for the and emotional outlook. Never hav-
memories of home and hearth. chemically sensitive. You don’t ing this type of massage you’re in
Floral or spicy aromas, may induce have to be in therapy to use essen- for a feely, smelly treat, grab a
a romantic mood. Recognizing this tial oils. That’s why “aromathera- towel and a partner and enjoy!
effect many European and Asian py” is a misleading term creating

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Aromassage can be any massage To improve circulation and

method using essential oils, on the increase lymphatic flow to
skin called aromatouch. They can release stored toxins, this tech-
also be dispersed in the air called nique is very effective.
aromacology. Massage techniques
are available in many excellent Not All Oils are Created
books. For those who have not Equally
been educated in this, the goal is Making sure that the essential
gentle, yet firm, strokes. Remember oils you are using are pure,
“Almost all our faults are more pardonable than the methods we resort to hide them.”

that too much oil can be a bad thing botanically-based and not syn-
because it can cause your hands to thetic fragrance oils is the first
slip and diminish the effectiveness rule. Essential oils vary in
of the massage. price, depending on the type of
plant they are extracted from
Effleurage and petrissage are two and the manufacturing. In
beneficial basic techniques. other words, if the price of the
essential oil is low, your best
Effleurage uses the palm of the bet is to assume that the prod-
whole hand, not just the fingers, in a uct is also.
series of short or long soothing
strokes. Relax your hands but keep Also needed is a “carrier” or
them firm, trying not to lift the first “messenger,” oil to add to, or
hand at the end of each stroke to blend your essential oils. These can most satisfactory ways of dispersing
begin another. To keep the move- be irritating when applied directly to the fragrance molecules of an essen-
ment uninterrupted the other hand the skin. Quality messenger oils tial oil. Diffusers are equipped with
should be ready to replace the first. such as jojoba, sweet almond, grape a metal, glass or ceramic container
seed, apricot kernel, or peach kernel that holds several drops of an essen-
Effleurage is the commonly used should be used. While oils such as tial oil. The diffusers then release
technique to relieve muscle tension vegetable or olive are sometimes the three to six drops into the air via
and improve blood flow. recommended, I personally find that the heat of a candle. Electric air dif-
these tend to “cling” to skin rather fusers are not heated and miss the
Petrissage is like kneading dough. than be neatly absorbed. The best wonder of emotional ambience that
Gently use the fingers to roll muscle ratio for mixing a massage oil blend is otherwise created.
and fatty areas, but do not pinch. In is three to five drops of essential oil
this type of stroke most of the pres- per each teaspoon of carrier oil. You personal preferences and needs
sure should come from the thumbs. should be complemented by your
There are several selection of essential oils. For
ways to incorporate instance, if you feel a need to de-
aromacology into stress, lavender or mints like pep-
your massage session permint or spearmint are good
like adding a few choices. If you’ve been lacking
drops of essential oil energy and need to refocus, lemon
to a pan of warm or rosemary should be your choice.
water left in the Remember, though, it is personal
room, or spraying choice.
the room with a mis-
ter where four to six Your Nose Knows!
drops of essential oil Although an aromatherapist can rec-
and a cup of water ommend a fragrance for a massage,
have been mixed. A having a scent used on you that you
diffuser is one of the find personally pleasing can always

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give a better effect. The most com- Soil 2 oilS Photoelectric Medicinal– Foods
mon oils used in massage are berg- Retro Novum Organon
amot, rose, chamomile, frankin- This is a new look at
cense, geranium, lavender, neroli an old school of
and sandalwood. They are used thought.
mostly because they are non-irritat- Endopediologists
ing to the skin and pleasing to most (earth walkers) are the
people. new agronomists (soil
scientists) of today.
If you’re just starting out buying They have found,

“He who is outside his door already has the hard part of his journey behind him.”
essential oils, just follow your nose. studied and labeled
over 21,000 types of
Materia Medica soil in the United
Essential oils provide the complete States alone since
materia medica for high-level if 2003. All soils seem
behavior is a distilled result of the to fall into wide
mind, body and emotional connec- groups that ancients
tion. You do not have to be ill or in called hot, cool, sandy,
need of therapy to use the nerve flu- dry, moist, soft, hard,
ids of highly concentrated aromatic etc. Plants use water,
plant essences for positive effect. sunlight and their own
predetermined natures
in order to uptake the
nature of the soil in
which they grow. In
this dynamic process,
they produce their own nerve fluids “I see men as trees walking.”
of intelligence. -Blind man to Jesus

What are Plant Oils Made of? Plants locked to one spot on the
The word chemistry is in Greek ground are not helpless. Research
“chemia” meaning plant juice. has proven that they do indeed com-
Then the word chemia is a deriva- municate through the use of chem-
tive of the Persian word “kimiya” istry, frequency, colors, odors and
meaning plant tonic. In Medieval movement of leaves. They defend
Latin, the oils of the juice and tonics themselves to protect their surround-
were called Paracelsus quinta essen- ing resources in the same way by
tia or quintessence, the fifth ele- attacking hostile plant species,
ment: that which comes of air, fire insects and even animals. Plants are
Aromacology is the love and study (light), earth and water. This is the resourceful and adaptive.
of qualities in plant oils. It purest, most perfect, condensed con-
embraces the potential and existing centration of embodiment giving An old oak can have ten different
entelechinetic levels of optimal form to the immaterial, the nature or branches carrying ten different
mental, physical and emotional per- spirit of something; hence, essential genetic messages. Having this
formance, harmony and balance. oils. Essential oils take a higher advantage allows some trees to live
Currently, you have a level of life, pathway of abundance, bounty and for 2000 years. Trees are chemical
health and well being. Sustain this fullness. Essential oils lift, achieve wizards producing airborne
well being and promote it instead of and fulfill. To have it all and more, pheromones, hormones and protec-
fighting illness, negativity and an which allows one to give back. tive allelochemicals that insects eat.
impoverished attitude. Through the droppings of the
insects, they scare off other plants

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:24 PM Page 98

that would use the resources of the adding life force. I like to say that permint to purple blossom pepper-
tree. Apparently, essential oils give whole foods and whole food prod- mint.
the mind, body and emotional fabric ucts and essential oils are all
the same chemical abilities to ward orgonic because they add to your Anecdotal evidence: Cooling,
off bacteria, parasites, invaders and life force. It may sound shocking, refreshing, stimulating, mild topical
scavengers of nearly every kind. but they electrify you! pain relief, memory enhancement,
Water, sunshine, frequency and as well as nasal, lung, ad head-
movement form the natures of Essential oils and people are a lot clearing qualities.
plants and people. Essential oils alike in frequency and infrared radi-
confirm that life is more than just ation as well as chemically and elec-
chemistry and they contain the mys- trically. Plants and humans are both
tery and wonder of these things. alive; plants sustain humans. We
eat them, use them in many ways
and breathe in their out-breath; they
“What is said when drunk has been thought out beforehand.”

breathe in ours. The chemical DNA

of plants is virtually the same as
ours, as are the cells, organelles,
membrane and nucleus. Our blood
uses a chelating chemical called
heme to carry oxygen released from
plants in the blood while plants use
chlorophyl. Chemically, the only
difference between the two process-
es is that a magnesium ion replaces Pi Orange 2
an iron ion. In part, our plant-like Orange oil comes from the peel of
similarities explain how plants and the fruit. The scent of orange oil is
their oils act like keys that sustain sweet and it promotes a bright and
and promote potential physical, positive social mood. It is light,
emotional and mental performance. tangy and crisp, and is a great skin
Distillations of certain parts of cer- food.
Orgon Means Life tain plants and their nerve fluids
All life has electric properties. In (essential oils) appear to act at the Anecdotal evidence: Promotes rest-
cell membranes, the ion channels same site on cells, much as our own ful sleep, positive feelings, mucus
cause a voltage difference across the neurotransmitters and hormones do, clearing, nervine, overall body
membrane of nearly 1/10th of a like similar keys fitting the same strengthener, digestive, bright out-
volt. So, if you were to line up 20 lock. look, aphrodisiac.
neuron cells properly, you get about
a 1.5 volt charge, which is enough Phi Mint 1 Ova Lemon 3
to run a small flashlight. Just like What I call the Ancient Sacred Oils Lemon was used to calm pregnant
receivers of energy measurements Phi Mint 1 is a menthaceous herb women and to relieve morning sick-
do, we react to electrical sun spots whose stock and stems
93 million miles away. Electric are perfectly square.
impulses can mend difficult-to-heal The leaves from the pep-
bones. Now we can measure the permint plant are culti-
electrical properties of not only the vated, harvested and
essential oil itself, but the individual extracted to obtain the
components that make up the oil. aromatic neuro-cerebral
We are electrical beings, all 76 tril- pungent oil. In order to
lion cells of your physical bodies. honor an ancient wis-
Orgon means life force; life is elec- dom, use a phi measure
tric. Orgonic is the quality of of white blossom pep-

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:24 PM Page 99

ness. Even today, lemon oil is used tree. It has a strong, balsamic
to treat nausea and stimulate odor that increases the health-
appetite and circulation. The purify- fulness of the air and environ-
ing qualities of lemon have been ment. This is particularly true
documented for thousands of years. around dank, swampy,

“We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.”
They include treating colds and sore marshy illness-riddled dis-
throats and cleansing. Lemon oil tricts because its roots helped
can be used as a skin cosmetic, a to dry out waterlogged soils.
conditioner, a mild deodorant and Eucalyptus was used as a
exfoliate. malaria preventative in Sicily.
The eucalyptus leaves are is a great sanitizer and is used in eye
Anecdotal evidence: Tooth whiten- used in distillation. lotions, mouthwash and skin tonics.
er, hair lightener, bacterial cleanser, From restful sleep to emotional sta-
skin tonic, astringent, diuretic, cook- Anecdeotal evidence: Head clear- bility, arthritis, rheumatism and
ing, refreshing, uplifting. ing, refreshing, invigorating, respi- headache relief, you’ll love your
ratory, decongestive, cleansing, septa lavender essential oil.
Tetra Basil 4 cooking, reduces inflammation and
Basil has been cultivated for at least spasms, and acts as an analgesic. Anecdotal evidence: Head clear-
4,000 years in India. It was there ing, respiratory, nervine, relaxant,
considered a sacred herb and a pro- DV Tea Tree 6 digestive, skin health, sedative,
tection against illness. Sweet basil This tree’s leaves were used by the analgesic, decongestive.
oil is said to aid concentration and aborigines of Australia to help heal
clarify the mind. It was obtained wounds and to make a tea. The Worlds Without End
from the flowers and leaves of basil. common name comes from the Star Stuff and Phytography
Out of 150 varieties of basil, I use European colonists who loved the Interplanetary Messages and
four leaf groups; hence, tetra basil. tea. Captain Cook used the tea to Cosmic Messengers of Light
Avoid use during pregnancy. overcome scurvy in his men. Tea When as a child you gazed into the
tree has a lemony scent. It is bene- night sky in awe of all those thou-
Anecdotal evidence: Digestive, cir- ficial for head-clearing effects, sands of twinkling points of light,
culatory, respiratory, soothing mus- assisting in skin and fungal condi- you were seeing suns just like ours.
cle relaxant, uplifting, aphrodisiac, tions, respiratory infections and Some of them are a thousand times
mental stimulation. female bacterial yeast infections. It or more larger than ours. Beyond
is an effective insect, particularly the faintest star in the sky, are bil-
Star Eucalyptus 5 mosquito, repellent for humans as lions and trillions more out of view.
The eucalypt is dubbed the fever well as cats and dogs.
Here is a secret of creation that sci-
Anecdotal evidence: Respiratory, ence has discovered: Your body and
decongestive, skin, digestive, cleans- this paper you are now holding are
ing qualities. the remnants of a star that once was,
but now is as you and the paper are.
Septa Lavender 7 All of matter is simply condensed or
Lavender oil for thousands of years fossilized sunlight. Light contains
has been the most widely used and intelligence; it contains the written
versatile healing oil. It is effective, text of all creation and life. Plants
easy to use and is the only essential read the text and interpret the mes-
oil that can be 100 percent safely sage into a chemical language of
applied undiluted to the skin. frequency that our cells can see,
Lavender oil is really a treat for the hear, taste, smell, touch and under-
skin because it prevents scaring, stand. There is cellular recognition
especially stretch marks, and pro- of the message.
motes health and healing. Lavender

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Essential oils are messages of light constricting blood ves-

carried in the form of liquid crystals sels, which inhibits blood
as lubricating brain oil for neurons circulation and the oxy-
to read in great pleasure. All mes- genation of tissues. In
sages have a messenger to carry and sensitive individuals,
deliver them properly. Nuts and excessive caffeine puts
vegetable oils are the perfect intelli- the sympathetic system
gence couriers; for this cause, I call and the adrenals into
them messenger oils, instead of car- overdrive and should be
rier oils. The ancient Hermes, avoided. If caffeine is a
Mercury or Apollo was symbolized must, it should be limited
as the winged foot, a messenger fly- to two cups daily.
ing at the speed of light and The supply of blood carried by the Obesity can affect the heart by
thought. He was honored in the use artery and that portion of the heart straining the heart muscles and mak-
“Nothing is more damaging to a new truth than an old error.”

of oils. subsequently dies because the clot ing high blood pressure stress the
blocks it. arteries.
arrhythmia/ Ventricular fibrillation is what hap- Diets should be monitored to
heart attack pens mechanically at the time of include the correct types of fat and
death from a heart attack. It is an other foods to keep the arteries from
Medi-Sign Target erratic heartbeat that interrupts developing atherosclerosis and to
delivery of oxygenated blood to the dissolve any plaque that has already
brain. The heart expiring results formed. Omega-3 fats, the highest
Exaggerated Coughing,
Water & Salt from the condition of the autonomic concentrations being in walnuts,
nervous system that governs invol- flaxseed, rapeseed (source of canola
untary actions like breathing, diges- oil) and purslane, a green leafy veg-
tion and heartbeat. When the auto- etable, inhibit blood clotting,
nomic nervous system is in sympa- encourage activity of the parasym-
thetic mode, which has a contractili- pathetic nervous system, increase
ty effect, as opposed to the parasym- blood flow, protect against heart
pathetic, which is relaxing, fibrilla- arrhythmias, dissolve clots, lower
tion is more likely to happen. Death blood triglycerides, raise HDL cho-
from heart attack is due to an artery
spasm in some cases. Artery
spasms occur when the sympathetic
nervous system is dominant and the
adrenals are overactive. Also, heart
arrhythmias, or irregular heartbeats,
can be the result of an activated
sympathetic system.
Angina is a common predictor of
heart attacks. It is a pain in the Heart disease can be halted and
chest usually experienced upon reversed through changes in the diet
exertion or after eating. Because and lifestyle even though genetic
there is not sufficient blood reaching predisposition can play a role in
the heart, pain occurs due to the ath- heart disease. Stress not only raises
erosclerosis or a narrowing of the serum cholesterol but also increases
arteries. Most heart attacks are the activity of the sympathetic nerv-
caused by the formation of a blood ous system and the adrenal glands.
clot in a coronary artery that has Smoking also affects the nervous
been narrowed by atherosclerosis. system; it damages the arteries by

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:26 PM Page 101

lesterol and have inflammation Juices ground stems that can generate both
soothing properties. Fruits and veg- Beet, carrot, celery, cucumber, dark new roots and stems.
etables contain nutrients that prevent berries, grapes, pineapple and toma-
plaque from building up on the arte- to. Roots and tubers have widely vary-
rial walls, reduce blood pressure and ing characteristics and flavors rang-
strengthen heart muscles. Foods Ylang Ylang massage, for heart pal- ing from earthy to sweet. They are
that are blood thinners include the pitations; a relaxant. also nutritious, economical and ver-
omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, gar- satile.
lic, onions, and cayenne. Exercise Lavender, peppermint and rosemary
is vitally important in maintaining are good for strengthening heart The arrowroot is also called the
the integrity of the arteries and heart muscles. Chinese potato. It looks like a small
muscles as well as facilitating the onion and can be about that size or
circulation of oxygenated blood. ARROWROOT as large as a coconut. When it is
cooked it resembles a mealy potato.
Foods When using arrowroot, be sure to
Fresh fruits, apple, pineapple, fresh Medi-Sign Target peel it. Arrow root is used for flour,
vegetables, green leafy vegetables, Bone, Bone Marrow & which is pure bone food.
spinach, asparagus, carrots, shiitake
mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, arthritis

“In a calm sea every man is a captain.”

Stimulates Stem Cell
onions, nuts, brazil nuts, walnuts,
seeds, whole grains, brown rice,
Roots and tubers are not only hearty
corn, legumes, soybeans, soymilk, Medi-Sign Target
and nourishing but have also been
peanuts, garlic, cayenne, ginger,
an important food category for thou- Fasting for 21 Days on
turmeric, extra virgin olive oil, cold
sands of years. Known as natures
pressed organic canola oil, ground
Water & Walking
buried treasures, roots and tubers
are geophytes, a botanical term for When suffering from arthritis, a
plants with their growing point well-designed exercise program can
beneath the soil. decrease the pain and stiffness you
feel but also increase your range of
Roots are generally known to be motion.
the part of plants that grow down-
ward so that they can absorb mois- Some exercises like running and
ture and nutrients while anchoring floor aerobics can increase joint
the plant to the ground. Examples pain, while others like swimming,
of root vegetables include beets, water aerobics and biking can
carrots, celeriac, parsnips, sweet reduce joint pain. Exercising also
potatoes and turnips. has positive effects on the cartilage
too because it increases the blood
When there is formation in the flow. This will bring nutrients into
base of the root like a swollen tip, the joint and remove waste prod-
it is usually a tuber. Tubers store ucts. When you build strong muscle
energy in the form of starch to around the joints, it helps reduce the
support new stem growth. Exam- chance of injury.
ples of tubers include potatoes,
Jerusalem artichokes, jicama and Strengthening and Range of
yams. Motion Exercises
Each of your joints should expand
Rhizomes like arrowroot on the to its full range of motion on a daily
other hand look like roots, but basis. Daily activities like house-
they are actually swollen under- work, climbing stairs, lifting and

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:26 PM Page 102

bending do not put your joints Exercises for your back: • Push forward with the back leg
through their full range of motion and backward with the front leg,
normally. To stretch: pressing evenly so that your legs do
• Lie on the floor with your knees not move.
Strengthen the muscles surrounding bent and your feet flat on the floor
your joints in order to better protect • Hold for ten seconds and
your joints through exercise. There • Bring one knee toward your release.
are two basic types of exercise that chest, lifting your foot up off the
can help with pain relief. They are floor. If you need to, tuck your Exercises for your hips:
stretching and strengthening. hands under your thigh to help lift
Stretching helps you to stay flexible the leg. To stretch:
while preventing stiffness and joint • Stand straight and hold onto a
deformities and strengthening helps • Hold this for ten seconds and sturdy table or counter.
to make the joints stronger so that then lower the leg slowly.
movement is less painful. • Move the outside leg as far out
To strengthen: to the side as it will go. Keep your
• Lie on the floor with your knees foot in place and roll your knee in
bent and your feet flat on the floor. then out, leading with your heel. To
“Man is ice to truth and fire to falsehood.”

• Tighten your stomach muscles
and your buttocks to push the small • Stand straight, face and hold
of your back against the floor. This onto a sturdy table or counter.
is known as the pelvic tilt.
• Move one leg backward and up
• Hold this for ten seconds and behind you, keeping the knee
relax. straight. Do not arch your back or
lean forward.
Exercises for your knees:

To stretch some muscle

groups and to strength-
en others:
• Lie on your back
with your legs straight.
Here are some tips to help those
just starting out: • Straighten your knee
Do these exercises slowly. Do not completely to tighten the
bounce or jerk. muscle just above your
knee. If you are doing
• Start with no more than five rep- this correctly, your heel
etitions of each exercise. Also take should come up off the
at least two weeks to increase to ten floor.
• Hold for a count of
• Do the exercises in an order that five and relax.
does not require you to get up and
down a lot. • Sit in a chair and
cross your legs above the
• Always do the same number of ankles. Your legs can be
exercises for both sides of your either straight or bent.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:26 PM Page 103

• Hold for a count of ten, then that can help you cope with the
slowly release. tasks of daily life. For instance, use
a chair with a straight back, high
Exercises for your ankles: seat and arms, so you can push on
the arms when getting up. If your
• Bend and point your toes while doctor recommends them, use a
watching TV or talking on the cane, crutches or a walker to reduce
phone. stress on weight-bearing joints. So
that you can push or pull instead of
Exercises for your shoulders: carry heavy items, use carts like
baths or showers, hot packs, hot
luggage carts.
towels, hot tubs, heated pools and
• Grasping a stick or mop handle

“An unfulfilled vocation drains the color from a man’s entire existence.”
paraffin wax.
at each end, raise it as high over Heat and Cold
your head as possible. You can do To temporarily relieve the pain and
Cold methods include: bags of
this exercise sitting, standing or stiffness of osteoarthritis, apply heat
frozen vegetables, cold compresses,
lying down. or cold to sore joints. Heat helps to
an ice cube or cubes wrapped in a
relax aching muscles. Cold can
towel, ice bags and cold packs.
Joint Protection numb the area to reduce pain.
Arthritis is the collective name of
Your body knows when it is in pain
several disease (Osteoarthritis,
so listen to it and stop any activity Follow these tips:
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout) that
that causes ongoing pain. Alternate • Time your use of heat or cold to
affect the joints of the body. The
heavy or repeated tasks with easy give the best relief from pain or
number one cause is toxic conges-
tasks or breaks in your daily sched- stiffness.
tive plaques made from wrong
ule and change tasks often.
foods, wrong drinks and too little
• Don’t use heat or cold for more
exercise. All forms of arthritis
To carry load, use larger, stronger than 15 to 20 minutes each time.
cause joint stiffness, pain and
joints. For example, carry a purse
on your shoulder instead of with • Don’t use heat combined with
your fingers. Also do not stay in the rubs or creams.
The most common form of arthritis
called osteoarthritis occurs when
the cartilage cushioning of the joints
has worn down from too little exer-
cises and acidic plaque. When there
is pain, it is usually from a loss of
cartilage and bone touching bone.
This normally happens in the
ankles, knees and hips but also in
the spine, neck, fingers, wrists and

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a chronic

inflammatory condition of the
joints. This happens when the
spaces between the bones are not
lubricated, and the area becomes
same position for an extended peri- • Always put a towel or cloth
inflamed. Sometimes extra fluid
od of time; periodically, get up and between your skin and heat or cold
leaks into the joints causing
walk. packs.
swelling. Although the joints are
the main target of Rheumatoid
It is important to be resourceful and Heat methods include: electric
Arthritis, it can affect the whole
to take advantage of the many items blankets and mitts, heating pads, hot

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Gout is a form of arthritis that the causes of arthritis as well as Acupressure

occurs when excess uric acid is not soothe some of the symptoms. Depending on your symptoms,
eliminated from the body through Additionally, a diet free of chemi- manipulating various pressure points
urination. Then the same uric acid cals, sugar and processed food can may help you. Here are a few to
“We are much harder on people who betray us in small ways than on people who betray others in great ones.”

crystallizes and settles in the joints. eliminate possible allergic reactions try:
This causes swelling and pain. that aggravate some forms of arthri-
tis. Fat, especially animal fat, can • Press the point on your spine
Causes also lead to autoimmune reactions between the third and fourth tho-
Arthritis can be caused by many and gout. A low fat diet is recom- racic vertebrae, near shoulder level.
factors including, aging, injury or mended for anyone who suffers
overuse of the joints or more com- from rheumatoid arthritis and gout. • Press the point on the outside
monly under use of the joints. Also, A high intake of whole food nutri- border of your calf, in the depres-
research points to food reactions and ents is also known to slow down the sion on the outside of your knee,
imbalances caused by environmental deterioration rate of joints. This is approximately an inch form the
toxins as sources of all types of especially true of cherries and other crest of the shinbone, in a groove or
arthritis. Some forms of arthritis berries. natural depression in a muscle.
can be reversed by determining
which reactions are triggering Foods That Help
painful joint reactions and eliminat- Foods with copper in them are
ing those actions. Highly acidic sources of relief. This is because
causing foods like meats and espe- copper helps maintain healthy con-
cially pork seem to provoke arthri- nective tissues and collagen fibers.
tis. Some people with rheumatoid
arthritis often wear a copper bracelet
Gout appears to be related to animal for relief. Legumes including bar-
food sources. Avoiding meat and ley, lentils, soya beans and split
cooked dairy may reduce the exces- peas; mushrooms; and nuts includ-
sive uric acid that triggers this type ing almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts,
of arthritis. pecans, pistachio, walnuts and pine
nuts all contain copper in highly
Diet Suggestions usable and delicious forms.
A vegetarian diet of complex carbo-
hydrates, fresh fruits and vegetables Plums, tempeh, wheat grass, dark Aromacology
and whole grains can help eliminate green and orange-yellow vegetables, • Apply the following oils to the
wheat germ oil, nuts, seeds, veg- affected areas: chamomile, camphor,
etable oils, whole grains and green eucalyptus, lavender or rosemary.
tea possess valuable properties for
counteracting degeneration and • To relieve muscle tension, rub
inflammation of body tissues. the affected areas with tinctures of
Omega-3 fatty acids from most nuts lobelia and cramp bark.
and seeds work also.
• Nut oils and cayenne increase
Because alfalfa works as a blood blood circulation and ease the pain
purifier, eating or juicing with alfal- of the affected areas.
fa, alfalfa sprouts, and other foods
high in chlorophyll helps eliminate Hydro-healing
the excessive uric acid that causes • Try swimming or other water
gout. exercises in a heated pool because
water supports the body and can
Enjoy sunbaths or helio-healing and reduce stress so that you can work
salt water soaks in the tub or ocean. on moving affected joints.

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• To lessen arthritic symptoms, • Stretch your hips and back with good sources include wheat germ,
avoid foods such as meat, and the dog and cat positions. While on whole-wheat products and raw milk.
cooked dairy products. Eat cherries your hands and knees, inhale as
or dark red berries to stimulate col- your lower your back and lift your Studies indicate that beef, other
lagen production. head and buttocks (Dog). Then, types of red meat, and fatty foods
exhale as you arch your back and and refined vegetable oils high in
• To ease the pain of rheumatoid drop your head and buttocks (Cat). omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids
arthritis, stick to a no bad fat, no Do this nine times. can worsen arthritis inflammation in
meat-protein, vegetarian diet. some people. However, omega-3
Researchers found that rheumatoid • And Remember…Get plenty of fatty acids, found in flax seeds, dark
arthritics who eliminated meat, rest. leafy green vegetables, beans and
eggs, cooked dairy products, pastas, legumes can help symptoms of
processed sugar and foods such as • Use heating pads, warm com- arthritis.
white bread, improved dramatically presses, and hot tub soaks.
within a month. Also eliminate par- No condition responds faster to
tially hydrogenated fats and synthet- • Lose weight, especially if you fasting than arthritis.

“The friendship that can cease has never been real.”

ic oils. Complement your diet have arthritis in your lower back
instead with walnuts and other oily and legs. Read about arthritic plaques.
nuts containing omega-3 fatty acids, (See: Disease: The Mystery Solved)
which they all do. • Eat plenty of fruits high in citrus
flavonoids to reduce inflammation arthro-
Isometrics and high-fiber, low-calorie foods to
• To loosen joints in your hand, do help control weight. sclerosis
the spider Push-Up. Press your fin-
gertips together firmly, palms two to • Cut down on vegetables oils and Medi-Sign Target
three inches apart. Push palms eliminate fatty beef and pork, which
toward each other while touching can add to inflammation.
No Meat &
your fingertips. Do this 20 times. A Raw Food Diet
Helpful Foods for Arthritis
• To ease stiff finger joints, do the Eat at least two servings of fresh
Thumb Squeeze. Curl your fingers green and yellow vegetables to pro-
into a fist around your thumb. vide beta carotene, vitamin C and
Gently squeeze and slowly release. other nutrients to reduce cell dam-
Do this 10 times with each hand. age. Eat grapefruit and other fresh
fruits for citrus flavonoids daily.

Flavonoids are substances that are

thought to increase the effects of
vitamin C. They may have
a soothing inflammation
effect. Arthrosclerosis is caused mainly by
high, bad, dietary fat and choles-
The Weight Factor: terol, which are animal and refined
Obesity greatly oils, lack of exercise and high stress.
Have at least one
high zinc food per Traditional Treatment
day. Peas and other Vegetarian diet, exercise and reduce
legumes for zinc, a stress.
mineral essential for
proper immune sys- Cardiovascular disease, as believed
tem function. Other by some researchers, is primarily

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:26 PM Page 106

profit for food such as diabetes, cardiovascular dis-

manufacturers. ease, high cholesterol, hypertension
The chemical and cancer. They do this by normal-
structure of nutri- izing sugar, reducing oxidative
ents is changed stress and improving the immune
while the natural function; they keep you younger and
vitamins, miner- living longer.
als, enzymes and
co-factors are Eat berries, citrus fruits and green
striped in the vegetables. Good sources include
process. In other asparagus, avocados, beets, greens,
words, what goes black currants, broccoli, Brussels
in is different sprouts, cantaloupe, collards, dande-
from what comes lion greens, dulse, grapefruit, kale,
out of the pro- lemons, mangos, mustard greens,
cessing plant. onions, oranges, papayas, green
“The height of cleverness is to be able to conceal it.”

Make no mistake; peas, sweet peppers, persimmons,

caused by chronic deficiencies of
processed food is not the same as pineapple, radishes, rose hips,
vitamins and other essential nutri-
naturally occurring “raw” food spinach, strawberries, Swiss chard,
ents with defined biochemical prop-
because raw food is high in fiber tomatoes, turnip greens and water-
erties, like coenzymes, cellular ener-
and nutrients. Instead, the modern cress. Alfalfa, burdock root,
gy carriers and phyto nutrients.
day diet is high in refined sugar and cayenne, chickweed, eyebright, fen-
When there is chronic depletion of
trans-fat, things that the body defi- nel seed, fenugreek, hops, horsetail,
these essential nutrients in endothe-
nitely does not need. kelp, peppermint, mullein, nettle,
lial and vascular smooth muscle
oat straw, paprika, parsley, pine nee-
cells, it impairs their ability to func-
Everyday, over two pounds of food dle, plantain, raspberry leaf, red
tion properly.
is in taken. Over a lifetime, this clover, rose hips, skullcap, violet
(See Arthritis & Disease: The Mys-
equates to over 20 tons. Is it possi- leaves, yarrow and yellow dock.
tery Solved)
ble that what you feed yourself has
Our Diet – Then and Now
no bearing on your health? From ARTICHOKE
initial insult to disease state, the
Many now common diseases like
normal degenerative process of the
cancer, arthrosclerosis, hypertension
body takes about 20 years to Medi-Sign Target
and diabetes were virtually
progress. A continuous intake of
unknown about a century ago. Then
Liver, Kidneys, Brain &
processed food and sugar leads to a
people relied on foods that were Basal Ganglia
variety of age related degenerated
fresh from the farm, meaning more
diseases starting at about age 40.
whole raw foods, unrefined and
This is 20 years after the body hits
generally in their original form.
peak performance at age 20.
This picture changed drastically
when refined sugar (e.g. soda pop)
Arthrosclerosis and diabetes,
was introduced in the late 1800’s,
some modern-day diseases,
followed by canning in the early
are actually diet-related dis-
1900’s and processed foods in the
orders. You are what you
breathe, eat and digest. For
optimum cellular function,
When foods are canned and
proper nutrition is critical.
processed, it is not the same as food
Whole foods are designed to do
in the original form. In fact, com-
this through your daily meals; they
mercialization produces a longer
are specifically designed to target
shelf life that translates into higher
age related degenerative diseases

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Artichokes contain a compound that used as blood cleansers known to treat gas-
can prevent certain cancers and heal and cholerics to trointestinal complaints
a damaged liver. This is especially improve bile produc- stemming from bile
true of the globe artichoke which tion and secretion and deficiency as well as to
has a long history as a diuretic, an to detox the liver and increase appetite in
aid to digestion and a good way to the skin. Germany. They recog-
lower blood sugar. nized that “bitter”
Traditional Usage: stimulate bile flow,
Scientists have reported that the edi- • Abdominal Dis- increased bile solubili-
ble parts of the artichoke rid the comfort ty and cleansed the
body of infections and inflammation • Appetite Stimulant liver of fatty deposits.

“The gratitude of most men is merely a secret desire to receive greater benefits.”
like liver and kidney ailments and • Bile Stimulant
lower total cholesterol. A con- • Biliary deficiency Research has also shown that arti-
stituent of the artichoke, cynarin, • Bitter tonic Herb chokes help in the treatment of
was formulated into a synthetic drug • Bloating hepato-biliary dysfunction and
for lowering blood cholesterol. • Cellular Regeneration digestive complaints, like the sensa-
• Cleansing tion of fullness, loss of appetite,
The artichoke is prized as one of the • Detoxifying nausea and abdominal pain.
world’s oldest medicinal plants. In • Digestive Disorders
ancient Egypt, it is clearly seen in • Diuretic Although artichokes are not native
drawings involving fertility and reli- • Dyspepsia to California, nor was California the
gious sacrifice meaning that they • Flatulence first sate to grow the crop, but
placed great value on the plant. The • Gastrointestinal Disorders California currently produces nearly
artichoke was also valued by the • High Cholesterol 100 percent of what this country
Greeks and Romans because they • Lowering LDL Cholesterol consumes in artichokes.
used it as a digestive aid. It was • Nausea
also valued by the royalty in the • Vascular Disorders Historical Thistle
16th century Europe by becoming In Arabic, the plant is called “al
one of their favorite foods. Overview Qarshuf,” which may or may not
Artichoke has been used traditional- explain the etymology of the Eng-
Throughout time, the artichoke has ly as a food and medicine since lish word, artichoke.
held many positions. They have early Greco-Roman times. The arti-
been an aphrodisiac, a diuretic, a choke leaf was employed as a As early as the third century B.C.,
breath freshener and even a deodor- diuretic and digestive herb in artichokes were cultivated in Italy
ant. Artichoke leaves have been ancient Rome. Artichokes were and Sicily. The artichoke was men-
tioned in the Greek book of reme-
dies, called the “Herbal of
Diuscorides.” This book, later
translated into Latin and titled “De
Materia Medica,” said that the arti-
choke was not only an aphrodisiac,
but it could insure the birth of male
children if consumed by a pregnant

Artichokes were preserved in honey

and vinegar by the Romans so that
they could enjoy them in the off

Around 800 A.D., the Moors in

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Spain began cultivating artichokes. Other Uses

From 800 A.D. to the 15th century, Artichokes are also an attractive
artichokes were improved in plant for brightly floral displays.
monastery gardens and evolved into Sometimes they are grown in
the species we consume today. herbaceous borders for its bold
foliage and large purple
France was introduced to the flower heads.
artichoke in the 16th century by
Catherine de Medici of Florence. Scientists think artichokes
When she married King Henry II might someday be useful to
and brought artichokes with her. people with noninsulin-depend-
ent diabetes. In the future, peo-
Crossing the Atlantic ple might use plants, like arti-
-William Shakespeare

Artichokes were not overly com- chokes, to keep their blood sugar
mon in the early American colonies. production in check. Of course
However, Martha Washington there are millions doing this right
included a recipe for “Hartichoak part that is sold cut up, picked and now and have for thousands of
Pie” in her 17-century “Booke of bottled as “artichoke hearts.” It years!
Cookery.” will be seen that the art of eating
this food is in itself a satisfying and Artichokes greatly vary in size. It
The French immigrants of the time consuming matter, which has doesn’t depend on the quality or
Louisiana Territory in the 1800’s wider implications than mere nour- maturity of the fruit. Instead it is
“Striving to better, oft we mar what’s well.”

created the first commercial arti- ishment. determined by the part of the stalk
choke fields. In the later part of the that the buds grow on. In other
17th century, French and Spanish Other Methods words, large artichokes grow on
colonists established commercial Globe artichokes can be harvested center stalks, smaller artichokes
fields in California. while still small. They can be grow on side branches and “baby”
cooked and eaten whole. They can artichokes that weigh about two
“The Artichoke Center of the be boiled and deep fried in batter. ounces grow at the base. A great
World” is now claimed to be in Smaller artichokes can be quartered, way to eat the large artichokes is to
Castroville, Monterey County, CA. tossed with oil, and roasted. stuff them. The medium size arti-
Immature artichokes can also be chokes are great when mixed with
To prepare whole globe artichokes pickled or canned. Globe artichokes sauces for appetizers. The baby
for cooking, remove all but five to may also be used to flavor liquor. appetizers are great for salads or
ten millimeters or so of the stem and antipastos.
cut away about a quarter of each
“leaf” with scissors. When this is
done, it removes the thorns that
interfere with handling the leaves
when eating. The artichoke should
then be boiled or steamed until it is
tender, or about 15-45 minutes. If
the artichoke is to be boiled, salt can
be added to the water.

Pull off the leaves of the artichoke
one by one after cooking. The
fleshy, edible part is delicious, but it
is quite sparse in the proportion to
that which is discarded. It is this

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Storaging Solutions
Artichokes are quite perishable even
though they appear to be hardy.
Store the artichokes in the refrigera-
tor, in a plastic bag, for no more
than four or five days. To keep
them moist, sprinkle a few drops of
water into the bag and then close the
top. Do not rinse or wash the veg-
etables, or cut or trim them, before


“Love your neighbor, yet pull not down your hedge.”

Medi-Sign Target
The Vascular System

Arugula is a cruciferous vegetable

known for having large amounts of
folate and calcium. It is unusual for
leafy vegetables to have so much
calcium. For example, arugula has
eight times more calcium than ice-
berg lettuce. It also contains more
Artichoke shapes also vary from does not affect the taste or tender-
beta-carotene and vitamin C than
spherical to oval-shaped and cylin- ness of the artichoke. Make certain
any other salad green. Like all such
drical to conical-shaped. to not confuse blackened or wilted
vegetables, it contains cancer-
leaves, or dark bruised spots, with
removing phytochemicals called
Regardless what size or shape, the the normal bronzing of frost-
artichoke should be compact and touched artichokes.
heavy for its size, with leaves, or
Arugula is in the same family as
scales, that are fleshy, thick, firm Artichokes come packaged in cans
cabbage and broccoli. Arugula’s
and tightly closed. If the artichokes and jars or frozen in most supermar-
pungent flavor adds interest to sal-
look dry and woody, or have begun kets. When they are bought this
ads when mixed with other greens;
to spread apart, the artichoke is past way they have the advantage of
it can also be sautÎed and tossed
its prime. One sign of worm dam- being ready to eat, because all the
with pasta. Arugula is also known
age is if the stem has tiny holes. inedible parts have already been
as: rocket, rucola, rocket-salad or
The holes are probably more exten- removed. The canned artichoke
sive inside the artichoke. hearts usually come packed in brine.
Before eating them, rinse and drain
When the artichokes are harvested them before serving to reduce their
It was at one time only found in
in the spring, they should be a soft high sodium content. Marinated
Italian markets, but now arugula is
green. When they are harvested in artichoke hearts, sold in jars, are
sold at many supermarkets and
the fall and winter, they may have preserved in a seasoned oil or oil-
greengrocers. Although it is more
bronze-tipped leaves or a slightly and-vinegar mixture, which will add
plentiful in late summer, it is avail-
blistered, whitish outer surface. It is to their calorie count. You can
able year round.
called the “winter-kissed” effect, by remove some of the fat by pouring
the growers. It is the result of expo- off the oil and letting the artichokes
The leaves of arugula look like dan-
sure to a light frost in the fields; it drain in a colander.

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Because asparagus is grown wildly

in Evesham England, it is still
known by some as Sparrow Grass.
Asparagus also grows wild through-
out the southern coast of England.
“The first undertakers in all great attempts commonly miscarry, and leave the advantages of their losses

Asparagus is also grown all

throughout Germany. In fact, some
people consider it to be the best in
the world. The official date to end
the asparagus season in Germany is
June 24.

Asparagus is the leading supplier

among vegetables of folic acid
among other things including:
• A good source of potassium
• A great source of fiber
• A significant source of thiamin
• A significant source of vitamin
to those that come after them.”

• An excellent source of folacin

• Contains no fat or cholesterol
• Contains glutathione (GSH)
• Copper
• Folacin
• Magnesium
delion greens or slender oak leaves. (Non-Essential Amino Acid) • Nutrient dense
When you buy the leaves, they are The highest concentration of • One of the richest sources of
usually banded together. Look for asparagine is in asparagus. It has rutin, a nutrient that strengthens
bright green leaves that are delicate- the mix qualities of both aspartic capillary walls
ly crisp, and stems that are neither acid and glutamic acid as it has two • Pantothenic Acid
withered nor slimy. When the molecules of nitrogen as opposed to • Vitamin B6
leaves are young and tender they are one. • Vitamin E
less likely to have a pungent flavor.
However, when they are grown in ASPARAGUS
very hot weather, arugula will have
a strong taste.
Medi-Sign Target
Storing Solutions Kidney Function, Male
Refrigerate unwashed arugula in a Sexual Desire & Increased
plastic bag and loosely close it to
admit some air.
Semen Volume

Asparagus was believed to have

ASPARAGINE aphrodisiac effects because of its

Medi-Sign Target The asparagus plant is rich in the

compound amino acid asparagines.
This is where asparagus gets its
Power & Fertility

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Asparagus is used in India, to three years for crowns to

East Africa and Malaysia as develop enough to begin pro-
an aphrodisiac. There is ducing shoots, they can pro-
may be known as safed duce for up to 20 years.
Health Benefits
Differences between white, No Birth Defects
green and purple asparagus Make asparagus a frequent

“There is no kind of idleness by which we are so easily seduced as that which dignifies itself
White asparagus is grown addition to your meal especial-
covered in mounds of ly if you are thinking about
sandy soil so that it never becoming pregnant. A cup of
sees the light of day. Green asparagus supplies folate, a B-
asparagus grows freely in vitamin essential for proper
flat beds. Because it is cellular division because it is
exposed to the sunlight, it necessary in DNA synthesis.
develops the chlorophyll
that turns it green. Other The fetus’ nervous system
varieties are naturally pur- cells do not divide properly
ple or pink but may also be without folate. Inadequate
kept white if they are folate during pregnancy has

by the appearance of business.”

deprived of sunlight. been linked to several birth
Sometimes, if just the tips defects, including spina bifida.
of the asparagus are Despite folate’s wide avail-
exposed to sunlight, you ability in food, foltae deficien-
will see white asparagus delicacy. With the oncoming of cy is the most common vita-
with the tip being green, purple or spring, the vegetable arrives. The min deficiency in the world. Its
pink. first crops are picked as early as name comes from the Latin word
February, however, their season gen- folium, meaning “foliage” because
Because white asparagus lacks erally is considered to run from it’s found in green leafy vegetables.
chlorophyll it has a milder aspara- April through May in California.
gus taste than the heartier green ver- The growing season in the Midwest Heart Health
sion. The purple variety, colored by and East extends through July. For a healthy cardiovascular system
a pigment called anthocyanin, has a folate is essential. Folate is
more bitter taste than either white or Asparagus is a perennial, an almost involved in the methylation cycle, a
green. leafless member of the lily family. biochemical event in which a
The spears we buy in the store are methyl group, which is one atom of
As with almost any food except actually the shoots from an under- carbon and three atoms of hydrogen,
Twinkies, there are variations in ground crown. Although it takes up is transferred from one molecule to
taste depending on where the food another. Methylation
was grown or produced, the climate, reactions are the body’s
soil conditions, etc. This means that biochemical “spark
you may be able to find as much plugs” in a wide variety
taste variation between two spears of very important reac-
of green asparagus grown in differ- tions. For example,
ent soils as between a white and methylation is crucial
green spear grown in similar condi- for the proper transcrip-
tions. tion of DNA, and trans-
forms norepinephrine
Since ancient times the fleshy green into adrenaline and
spears of asparagus are both succu- serotonin into mela-
lent and tender and are considered a tonin.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:27 PM Page 112

When the methylation cycle flows Food for Healthy Gut Flora milder flavor than green asparagus.
smoothly, the amino acid methion- Asparagus contains a special kind of
ine is transformed into homocys- carbohydrate called inulin that we For the best flavor, use asparagus
teine, which is quickly converted don’t digest, but the health-promot- within a day or two after purchas-
into cysteine, and then back into ing friendly bacteria in our large ing. Store them in the refrigerator
methionine. Folate, along with vita- intestine, such as Bifidobacteria and with the ends wrapped in a damp
mins B6 and B12, is necessary for Lactobacilli, do. When our diet paper towel, and be sure to place the
the conversion of homocysteine into contains good amounts of inulin, the asparagus in the back of the refrig-
cysteine. When folate levels are growth and activity of these friendly erator away from any light, since
low, blood levels of homocysteine bacteria increase. When populations folate is destroyed by exposure to
rise which is a situation that signifi- of health-promoting bacteria are air, heat or light.
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

cantly increases the risk for heart large, it is much more difficult for
disease. unfriendly bacteria to gain a Asparagus can be considered the
foothold in our intestinal tract. “luxury” vegetable because of its
Homocysteine promotes atheroscle- uniquely delicate flavor and texture.
rosis by reducing the
integrity of blood Varieties
vessel walls and by In the United
interfering with the States, two vari-
formation of colla- eties, called
gen, which is the Martha Washing-
main protein in con- ton and Mary
nective tissue. Ele- Washington, make
vations in homocys- up the bulk of the
teine are found in commercial
approximately 20-40 asparagus crop.
percent of people Although occa-
with heart disease. sionally you’ll see
It is estimated that fresh white aspara-
consumption of gus in gourmet
folate daily would shops, in the
reduce the number United States,
of heart attacks suf- white asparagus is
fered by Americans. most often seen
Just one serving of canned. “I person-
asparagus supplies all that is need- How to Select and Store ally wouldn’t eat it. I mean, why?”
ed. Asparagus stalks should be rounded
with neither fat nor twisted but firm, When asparagus is not kept cold, it
A Natural Diuretic thin stems with deep green or pur- deteriorates rapidly, so buy aspara-
Asparagus is a very good source of plish closed tips. The cut ends gus where it is kept refrigerated or
potassium and it is a diuretic. should not be too woody, although a displayed on trays with the stalks
Asparagine is also responsible for little woodiness at the base prevents standing in cold water. When buy-
the strong odor often produced in the stalk from drying out. ing in outdoor markets, the trays
the urine after asparagus is eaten, should be shaded from the sun.
which is a harmless and temporary Once asparagus is trimmed and
effect. cooked, it will lose about half its Some people prefer the thick stalks,
total weight, so buy about one-half and some people prefer more slen-
Asparagus may be used to treat pound per person when purchasing der asparagus. Ultimately though
problems involving swelling, arthri- the fresh vegetable for use as a main size is not directly related to quality.
tis, rheumatism, and PMS-related dish. Occasionally, you can buy Stalks that measure at least 1/2” in
water retention. ghostly white asparagus that has a diameter at the base are usually

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Benefits She put her house, bank accounts,

Artichoke juice stabilizes the body’s life insurance, etc., in her oldest
metabolism. daughter’s name, and made sure her
younger children were to be with
Asparagus is good for the kidneys. her oldest daughter. She wanted her
Grapefruit juice is good for those last hooray, so she planned a trip to
suffering from high blood pressure, FL (basically in a wheelchair) for
sluggish liver, gallstones, arthritis, March 22nd.
obesity, ailments of the respiratory
tract and the digestive system. On March 19th, I called her to ask
her how one of her tests went, and

“Whoever has his foe at his mercy, and does not kill him, is his own enemy.”
Cherry juice controls the uric acid in she said they didn’t find anything on
the body. the test, but they believe she had
MS. I thought, “Oh, my.” Then I
Orange juice, while having essential recalled an article a friend of mine
vitamins, acts as a laxative too. emailed to me, and I asked her, “Do
you drink Diet pop?” She told me
ASPARTAME yes, as a matter of fact she was get-
ting ready to crack one open that
preferable. Asparagus is usually moment. I told her not to open it,
Aspartame is also known as
sold in bundles, but if you can buy and stop drinking the diet pop, and I
NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful and a
it loose, select spears of uniform emailed her the following article.
dozen other names. Organizations
size. These will then cook evenly.
such as the American Dietetic
If you prefer, you can just eat them She called me within 32 hours after
Association (ADA) have flooded the
raw with dips, lemon, etc. our phone conversation and told me
scientific community with flawed
she stopped drinking the diet pop,
and fraudulent industry-sponsored
and she could walk; she could go up
studies funded by the makers of
the stairs, and the muscle spasms
aspartame. This is like what the
had gone away. She said she didn’t
beef industry did with soy.
Arise feel 100 percent but sure felt a lot
better. She told me she was going to
her doctors with this article and
“It can Bring Back the Dead!” would call me back when she got
home. She called me and her doc-
Soda Pop! Gatorade! Gum!
1/2 cup Orange juice
tor was amazed, he is going to call
1/2 cup Grapefruit juice Sugar Free? Think Again!
all of his MS people to find out if
1/4 cup Cherry juice “In October of 2001, my sister
they consumed artificial sweetener.
2 Artichoke
started getting very sick, she had
4 Asparagus
stomach spasms, she was having a
In a nutshell, she was being poi-
hard time getting around, and to
Process the leaves and the pulp of
soned by the aspartame in the diet
the artichoke along with the raw walk was a major chore. It took
soda, dying a slow death. When she
asparagus. Blend the fruit everything she had just to get out of
got to FL March 22nd, she was well
juices along with the artichoke
bed; she was in so much pain.
and the asparagus in the on her way to recovery, and she is
blender. Serve chilled. walking!!!!! No wheelchair!!!!
By March 2002, she had undergone
This article saved her life!!!!”
biopsies, and was on 24 various
prescription medications. The doc-
The life saving article: If it says
tors could not figure out what was
“SUGAR FREE,” on the label, DO
wrong with her. She was in so much
pain, and so sick, she knew she was
IT!!! I have spent several days lec-
turing at the World Environmental

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:27 PM Page 114

the lupus to such a down with MS?” During a visit to a

degree that it may hospice, a nurse said that six of her
become life-threaten- friends, who were heavy Diet Coke
“You don’t hold your own in the world by standing on guard, but by attacking and getting well hammered yourself.”

ing. We have seen addicts, had all been diagnosed with

people with systemic MS. This is beyond coincidence!
lupus become asymp-
tomatic once taken off Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi etc.,
diet sodas. In the case ARE NOT DIET PRODUCTS!
of those diagnosed The Congressional Record states
with multiple sclerosis, that it makes you crave carbohy-
(when in reality, the drates and will make you FAT. The
disease is methanol formaldehyde stores in the fat cells,
toxicity), most of the particularly in the hips and thighs.
symptoms disappear! Once off these products; with no
Conference on “Aspartame” mar- We’ve seen many cases where significant increase in exercise, etc.,
keted as “NutraSweet,” “Equal” vision returned and hearing Dr. Roberts in his lecture stated that
and “Spoonful.” In the keynote improved markedly. This also he had people who lost an average
address by the EPA, it was applies to cases of tinnitus. of 19 pounds over a trial period.
announced that in the United States
in 2001 there was an epidemic of During a lecture I said, “If you are Aspartame is especially dangerous
multiple sclerosis and systemic using aspartame (NutraSweet, for diabetics. We found that physi-
lupus, that it was hard to understand Equal, Spoonful, etc.) and you suffer cians would believe that they have a
what toxin was causing this to be from fibromyalgia symptoms, person with retinopathy, when in
rampant. spasms, shooting pains, numbness in fact the symptoms are caused by
your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizzi- aspartame. The aspartame drives
I stood up and said that I was there ness, headaches, tinni-
to lecture on exactly that subject. I tus, joint pain, depres-
will explain why aspartame is so sion, anxiety attacks,
dangerous: When the temperature of slurred speech, blurred
this sweetener exceeds 86 degrees F, vision, or memory loss,
the wood alcohol in aspartame con- you probably have
verts to formaldehyde and then to ASPARTAME
formic acid, which in turn causes DISEASE!”
metabolic acidosis. Formic acid is
the poison found in the sting of fire People were jumping
ants. up during the lecture
saying, “I’ve got some
The methanol toxicity mimics of these symptoms: Is it
among other conditions multiple reversible?” Yes! Not
sclerosis. People were being diag- drinking diet sodas and
nosed with having multiple sclerosis keeping an eye out for
in error. The multiple sclerosis is aspartame on food
not a death sentence, where labels, yes! We have a
methanol toxicity is! Systemic very serious problem.
lupus has become almost as rampant
as multiple sclerosis, especially with A stranger came up to
diet soda drinkers. Dr. Espisto (one of my
speakers) and me and
The victim usually does not know said: “Could you tell
that the aspartame is the culprit. He me why so many peo-
or she continues its use, aggravating ple seem to be coming

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:27 PM Page 115

the blood sugar out of control. Thus For years, the FDA has outlawed American Dietetic Association, and
diabetics may suffer acute memory this sweet food because of their loy- the Conference of the American
loss due to the fact that aspartic acid alty to MONSANTO. Books on this College of Physicians. This has
and phenylalanine are neurotoxic subject are available: EXCITOTOX- been exposed in the New York
without the other amino acids found INS: THE TASTE THAT KILLS – Times, but again to no avail. These
in protein. Thus it passes the blood written by Dr. Russell Blayblock associations cannot criticize any
brain barrier and deteriorates the (Health Press 1-800-643-2665) and additives or convey their link to
neurons of the brain, causing in dia- DEFENSE AGAINST MONSANTO because they take
betics as well as in people not suf- ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE – writ- money from the food industry and
fering from diabetes, various kinds ten by Dr. H. J. Roberts, also a dia- have to endorse their products.
of brain damage, seizures, depres- betic specialist. These two doctors
sion, manic depression, panic will be posting a position paper with Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote

“In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends.”
attacks, rage and violence. The some case histories on the deadly a bill that would have warned all
Aspartame in thousands of pallets of effects of Aspartame on the Internet. parents of infants, pregnant mothers
Diet Coke and Diet and children of
Pepsi consumed by the dangers of
men and women aspartame. The
fighting in the Gulf bill would have
War may be partial- also instituted
ly to blame for the independent stud-
well-known Gulf ies on the prob-
War Syndrome. lems existing in
the population
Dr. Roberts warns like seizures,
that it can cause changes in brain
birth defects i.e. chemistry and
mental retardation changes in neuro-
if taken at the time logical and
of conception and behavioral symp-
early pregnancy. Children are espe- toms. It was killed by the powerful
cially at risk for neurological disor- According to the Conference of the drug and chemical lobbies, letting
ders and should NOT be given American College of Physicians loose the hounds of disease and
NutraSweet. I can relate different “we are talking about a plague of death on an unsuspecting public.
case histories of children having mal neurological diseases caused by this
seizures and other disturbances deadly poison.” Here is the prob-
being on NutraSweet. lem: There were Congressional Erik Millstone, a researcher at the
hearings when aspartame was Science Policy Research Unit of
Unfortunately, it is not always easy included in 100 different products. Sussex University has compiled
to convince a mother that aspartame Since this initial hearing, there have thousands of pages of evidence,
is to blame for her child’s illness. been two subsequent hearings, but some of which have been obtained
Only by trial and success will she be to no avail. Nothing has been done. using the Freedom of Information
able to warn other mothers to take The drug and chemical lobbies have Act 23, showing:
their children’s health in their own very deep pockets. Now there are
hands. over 5,000 products containing this 1. Laboratory tests were faked and
chemical, and the PATENT HAS dangers were concealed.
Stevia, a sweet herb, NOT A MAN- EXPIRED!!!!! I assure you, MON-
UFACTURED ADDITIVE, which SANTO, the creator of Aspartame 2. Tumors were removed from ani-
helps in the metabolism of sugar knows how deadly it is. mals and animals that had died were
and would be ideal for diabetics, has “restored to life” in laboratory
now been approved as a dietary sup- They fund among others, the records.
plement by the FDA. American Diabetes Association, the

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:27 PM Page 116

3. False and misleading statements person was added to the

were made to the FDA. Commission, creating a
“The shortest and best way to make your fortune is to let people see clearly that it is in their interests to promote yours.”

deadlocked vote.
4. The two United States Attorneys
given the task of bringing fraud This allowed the FDA
charges against the aspartame manu- Commissioner to break the
facturer took positions with the deadlock and approve
manufacturer’s law firm, letting the aspartame for dry goods in
statute of limitations run out. 1981. Dr Jacqueline Ver-
rett, the Senior Scientist in
5. The Commissioner of the FDA an FDA Bureau of Foods
overruled the objections of the review team created in
FDA’s own scientific board of August 1977 to review the breakfast cereals and refrigerated
inquiry. Shortly after that decision, Bressler Report, which is a report puddings and fillings. In 1993 the
he took a position with Burson- that detailed G.D. Searle’s abuses FDA approved aspartame for use in
Marsteller, the firm in charge of during the pre-approval testing said hard and soft candies, non-alcoholic
public relations for G.D. Searle that it was obvious that somewhere favored beverages, tea beverages,
Pharmaceuticals. along the line, the officials were try- fruit juices and concentrates, baked
ing for a whitewash. goods and baking mixes, and frost-
A Public Board of Inquiry (PBOI) ings, toppings and fillings for baked
was conducted in 1980. There were In 1987, Verrett testified before the goods.
three scientists who reviewed the United States Senate stating that the
objections of Olney and Turner to experiments conducted by Searle In 1991, the FDA banned the
the approval of aspartame. They were a “disaster.” She stated that importation of stevia leaf. The pow-
voted unanimously against aspar- her team was instructed not to com- der of this leaf has been used for
tame’s approval. ment on or be concerned with the hundreds of years as an alternative
overall validity of the study. She sweetener. It is used widely in
The FDA Commissioner, Dr Arthur stated that questions about birth Japan with no adverse effects.
Hull Hayes, Jr. then created a five defects have not been answered. Scientists involved in reviewing ste-
person Scientific Commission to She continued her testimony by dis- via have declared it to be safe for
review the PBOI findings. After it cussing the fact that DKP has been human consumption which is some-
became clear that the Commission shown to increase uterine polyps thing that has been well-known in
would uphold the PBOI’s decision and change blood cholesterol and many parts of the world where it is
by a vote of three to two, another that increasing the temperature of not banned. Some people believe
the product leads that stevia was banned to keep the
to an increase in product from taking hold in the
production of United States and cutting into sales
DKP. of aspartame. (Duh)

What is the FDA What is the United States

doing to protect Congress doing to protect the con-
the consumer sumer from the dangers of aspar-
from the dangers tame? Nothing!
of aspartame?
Less than noth- What is the United States Admin-
ing! istration, also known as the Presi-
dent, doing to protect the con-
In 1992, the FDA sumer from the dangers of aspar-
approved aspar- tame? Nothing!
tame for use in
malt beverages, Aspartame consumption is not only

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:27 PM Page 117


Medi-Sign Target
The Athletic Powerhouse

(Non-Essential Amino Acid)

Aspartic acid aids in the expulsion
of harmful ammonia from the body.
When ammonia enters the circulato-
ry system it acts as a highly toxic

“Evil deeds do not prosper; the slow man catches up with the swift.”
substance. It is then harmful to the
central nervous system. Aspartic
acid has been shown by recent stud-
ies to increase resistance to fatigue
and increase endurance.

Medi-Sign Target
a problem in the United States, but kill quietly. In the process of killing Hot Water Soaks &
it is being sold in over 70 countries people, it causes all kinds of neuro- Lots of Raw Food
throughout the world. logical problems (More drug sales).
Asthenia means a loss or lack of
Here it is, in a Nutshell There are 92 documented symptoms
bodily strength; weakness; debili-
The weight gain is only a very small of aspartame poisoning leading to
part of what aspartame does to you. coma and death. Because aspartame
Aspartame is a toxic chemical that attacks and destroys the nervous
It can be used to describe anything
changes the brain’s chemistry even system, the majority of these symp-
from being worn-down to anorexia
causing seizures. This chemical toms are neurological.
to neurodegenerative conditions like
changes the dopamine level in the
multiple sclerosis.
brain, and it is particularly deadly Lupus is a symptom of aspartame.
for anyone suffering from Parkin- It has become almost as rampant as
In those conditions, it can be less-
son’s disease. MS especially with Diet Coke and
ened through detoxification, relax-
Diet Pepsi drinkers.
ation and rejuvenation of baleneolo-
This is why aspartame is extremely
gy, which is the art, science and
poisonous. Wood alcohol is one of People do not usually know that
methods of using waters to heal.
the toxic ingredients of aspartame. aspartame is the culprit when devel-
These waters include: water fitness;
When the temperature of aspartame oping Lupus or MS. Because they
hydro-healing for pool exercise like
exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood don’t know, they continue to use
swimming, games, water, walking,
alcohol in the aspartame is convert- aspartame, which then aggravates
etc.; spring water to drink; and
ed to formaldehyde, and then to the Lupus, causing it to become life
water-spas. You can add florals,
formic acid. This formic acid caus- threatening.
essential oils and salts to hot water
es metabolic acidosis.
for cytophyllactic uptake, or skin
The severity of Lupus and MS,
induction of nutrients. In other
Cyanide, arsenic and formaldehyde decreases, if aspartame is stopped
words, the nutrients can soak
are all grouped in the same class of early enough.
through the skin. You can spray
poisons. The only difference is that
mist the face and skin with “fra-
formaldehyde takes a little longer to

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:27 PM Page 118

grant” water for It is most commonly prescribed for

mental elevation people with psoriatic arthritis or for
of attitude for rheumatoid arthritis.
physical strength.
Also, get lots of Anyone suffering from debilitating
rest and even do pain, diabetes, depression, chronic
water fasting. fatigue syndrome or other illnesses
have significantly improved their
All of this has the quality of life using baleneology.
following bene- (See: Chronic Fatigue)
“Calamities are of two kinds. Misfortune to ourselves and good fortune to others.”

• Alternative asthma
medicine for
sports injuries. • Re-education of walking pat-
Medi-Sign Target
• Alternative nutritional induction. Red Potato Juice, Walking,
• Relief of pain and muscle Water & Salt
• Balance enhancement. spasm.
Number 1 Cause:
• Functional retraining for work. • Support of otherwise completely
immobile people.
Number 1 Food:
• Improvement of peripheral cir-
4 oz. of red potato juice.
culation. Buy a hot tub and use it!
Water healing is a natural cure
Asthma is a chronic disease that
• Increased joint range. for arthritis and fatigue: Possibly
affects the tubes that carry air in and
the only way to save you from the
out of your lungs. The inside walls
• Increased muscle strength. surgeon’s knife is through water.
of your airways are inflamed with
So, put your achin’ joints in front of
asthma. These airways become sen-
• Movement pattern improvement. the jets…
sitive when this occurs and every-
thing irritates the lungs. They then
• Recovery from surgery (e.g. Water is thought to bring about pain
get narrower and less air flows
joint replacement), or complex trau- relief through the hydrostatic force.
through to your lung tissues causing
ma. This may result from taking stress
wheezing, coughing, chest tightness
off the affected joint or relaxation.
and troubled breathing.

You can control asthma to have

minimal and infrequent symptoms.
To do this, you need to stay clear of
things that bother your airways.
When you do this, you can prevent
serious symptoms and take part in
all activities. If you do not control
your asthma, however, you are
bound to suffer symptoms that can
keep you out of work or other activ-
ities you’d like to be involved in.

When you have an asthma attack,

your symptoms get worse. The
muscles around the airways tighten,

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:27 PM Page 119

making the airway openings narrow- • Strong emotional expression people may have trouble with one or
er so less air can flow through. The (including crying or laughing hard), more of these symptoms. Your doc-
airways become more swollen and and stress. tor can help you identify which
narrow; inflammation increases; and items affect you and can help you
cells produce more mucus than • Strong odors from painting or get proper treatment to counteract
usual. When the extra mucus cooking. the symptoms.
increases, it narrows the airways.
These changes cause the symptoms Others Nearly 15 million people in the

“Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events, not of words. Trust movement.”
of asthma and make it harder to • A condition called gastroe- United States have asthma. Nearly
breathe. In a severe asthma attack, sophageal reflux disease (GERD) five million of these people are chil-
the airways can close so much that that causes heartburn and can wors- dren. Allergies and asthma are
not enough oxygen gets to vital en asthma symptoms, especially at closely linked and most people with
organs causing a medical emer- night. asthma have allergies. Asthma is
gency. This needs to be taken seri- hereditary meaning that children
ously since people can die from • Infections. born into a family with a history of
severe asthma attacks. asthma will likely have asthma.

What Causes Asthma Attacks? Asthma is more common in chil-

Certain elements make asthma dren than adults although it
worse and can lead to an attack affects people of all ages. In
like exercise, pollutants, irritants children, more males have asth-
and viral infections. In some ma than females but in adults
cases, people only have asthma in more females than males have
conjunction with exercise or a asthma. Asthma affects people
viral infection. Below lists sever- of all races.
al other elements that can worsen
asthma. Common asthma symptoms
Irritants • Coughing. Coughing from
• Animal dander (from the skin, asthma is often worse at night or
hair, or feathers of animals). early in the morning, making it
hard to sleep.
• Air pollution.
• Wheezing. Wheezing is a
• Cigarette smoke. whistling or squeaky sound when
you breathe.
• Cockroaches.
• Chest tightness. This can
• Cold air or changes in weath- feel like something is squeezing
er. or sitting on your chest.
• Irritants or allergens that you
• Dust mites (contained in house may be exposed to at your work • Shortness of breath. Some
dust). such as special chemicals or dusts. people say they can’t catch their
breath, or they feel breathless or out
• Mold (indoor and outdoor). • Medications such as aspirin and of breathe. You may feel like you
beta-blockers. can’t get enough air in or out of
• Pollen from trees and grass. your lungs.
• Sulfites in food (dried fruit) or
• Scented products/synthetic fra- beverages (wine). • Faster breathing or noisy
grances. breathing.
This list is not exhaustive and some

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:27 PM Page 120

To do a nasal wash, important minerals, trace elements

the first step is wash- and vitamins as well acetic acid,
ing your hands. Next, propionic acid, lactic acid, enzymes,
make a fresh nasal amino acids as well as roughage in
wash solution out of the form of potash and apple pectin.
saltwater or saline. The minerals and trace elements it
Mix one-half teaspoon contains are potassium, calcium,
uniodized salt in an magnesium, phosphorous, chlorine,
eight ounce glass of sodium, sulfur, copper, iron, silicon
warm water with a and fluorine. The vitamin content
pinch of baking soda. includes vitamin C, which is impor-
The four levels of asthma severity Use the entire eight ounces of salt- tant for asthma suffers, vitamin E,
classification are: water during the nasal wash if you vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2,
• Mild Intermittent (comes and are congested; otherwise four vitamin B6, pro-vitamin beta-
goes) – in this case you have asthma ounces should be enough. Do not carotene and vitamin P
symptoms twice a week or less, and reuse the solution; make a new one (bioflavonoids).
“Never contend with a man who has nothing to lose.”

you have symptoms at night twice a every time. Make sure to use a bulb
month or less. syringe. Here are even more ways to ease
• Mild persistent asthma – in Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is so • Acupuncture – Researchers
this case you have asthma symp- good that Pill & Capsule people have found that acupuncture often
toms more than twice a week, but attack it! leads to significant improvement of
no more than once in a single day. All natural apple cider is another asthma and other chronic lung con-
You have symptoms at night more product to use as a powerful healing ditions.
than twice a month. You also may home remedy. The taste of the vine-
have asthma attacks that affect your gar may be a bit bitter, but if you • Yoga – A number of studies
activities. can add honey aid in the taste, you have found that yoga training
will find it perhaps the most impor- improves overall well-being, pro-
• Moderate persistent asthma – tant remedies in healing the body. It motes greater relaxation and
in this case you have asthma symp- helps cure many diseases like acne, increasing exercise tolerance.
toms every day, and you have symp- high cholesterol, chronic fatigue,
toms at night for more than once a Candida, sore throats, contact der-
week. Asthma attacks may affect matitis, arthritis and gout and is a
your daily activities. general energy tonic and a dietary
drink. Apple cider has also been
• Severe persistent asthma – in known to keep blood pressure out
this case you have symptoms of control by taking a daily dose
throughout the day on most days, of it for two weeks. Glowing
and you have nighttime symptoms complexion is another benefit to
often. In severe asthma, your physi- apple cider vinegar.
cal activity is likely to be limited.
Organic apple cider vinegar has
Other lung problems often accompa- curative abilities because it causes
ny asthma like nasal and sinus prob- pH levels to become more alka-
lems. When the nose drains, it line or, in the case of too much
makes asthma worse, especially at alkalinity, more acidic. Apple
night. Perform routine nasal washes cider vinegar contains thirteen
and saltwater nasal washes. A nasal types of carbolic acids, four alde-
wash will clean mucus and irritants hydes, twenty ketones, eighteen
from the nose and decreases types of alcohols, eight ethyl
swelling. acetates etc. It also contains

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:30 PM Page 121

• Diet changes – Studies have Foods like squash are rich in oxida- highest amount of selenium. Eat at
shown that a vegetarian diet signifi- tive removers like vitamin C. It has least three ounces a day as a preven-
cantly improves asthma. been shown that the more vitamin C tative.
Researchers believe this diet may you get, the lower the risk of getting
work because it increases common asthma or other respiratory diseases; When pollen, pollution, or other air-
nutrient loads and other helpful diets with high vitamin C have borne irritants enter the lungs, the
botanical chemicals as it reduces fewer lung ailments. This is because immune system releases chemicals
pro-inflammatory chemicals that are the vitamin gets transported to the to protect you. The chemicals that
abundant in animal foods. If you lining of the lung and serves as a are meant to defend you, though,
would choose to be a vegetarian, protector. can actually do a lot of harm by

“An object in possession seldom retains the same charm that it had in pursuit.”
you would have to give up meat, making airways become inflamed
and cooked dairy foods while and swollen. While this is happen-
increasing fruits, vegetables and ing, the body releases clouds of free
grains. radicals, which are the harmful oxy-
gen molecules that make the inflam-
Squash and other foods mation even worse. This is the rea-
rich in vitamin C can be son why people with asthma tend to
powerful breath savers have their airway inflamed for long
for people with asthma. after the attack is over. With this,
This is easy to understand saltwater can help tremendously.
why. Modern life is filled with
car exhaust, cigarette smoke and Another Path
other pollutants that scientists call To help relieve breathing problems,
oxidants. These oxidants can dam- Onions a couple of minutes of firm pressure
age tissues in the lungs, making it are also on the upper chest can help relieve
hard for them to work as efficiently beneficial asthma. To do this, press the Lu 1
as they should. because they points to breathe easier. To find the
are known to Lu, or Letting Go points, make fists
give people with asthma or other in front of your chest with your
respiratory ailments clearer airways. thumbs pointing up. Then place
This is due to the sulfur compounds your thumbs on the outer portion of
in onions that inhibit the irritated your chest, pressing on the muscles
inflammation response like that seen that run horizontally below your
in asthma. More research stands to collarbone. When doing this, you
be done on the onion’s asthma abili- will find a sensitive, knotted spot on
ty, but you can see the effect for each side of your chest. Underneath
yourself. Rub a cut onion on your each spot is Lu 1. Let your head
skin the next time you have an hang forward, then breathe slowly
insect bite for immediate relief. and deeply as you press the points
with your thumbs for two minutes.
Spicy foods help open air passages,
enabling asthmatics to breathe bet- Juice Therapy
ter. These include hot sauces like Onions have long been used in the
Tabasco, cayenne and jalapeño pep- treatment of asthma because they
pers, garlic and horseradish. contain compounds that relax
bronchial muscles and prevent
Selenium is a trace mineral, which spasms. Blend two ounces of onion
means that you don’t need a lot of juice with two ounces of carrot juice
it. For people with asthma, research and two ounces of parsley juice.
suggests that a little selenium goes a
long way. Brazil nuts have the Then drink this blend twice daily.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:30 PM Page 122

reduces stress and constriction in the means that the eye has different
lungs. Magnesium and garlic both focal points in different planes. For
alleviate bronchial spasms. example, the image may be clearly
focused on the retina in the horizon-
astigmatism tal plane, but in front of the retina in
the vertical plane. In some cases
vertical lines like walls, may appear
Medi-Sign Target to the person to be leaning over like
the tower of Pisa.
Carrots & Carrot Juice
Types of Astigmatism:
Try eating garlic and potatoes with • Simple astigmatism; Simple
“Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.”

lemon juice. Slice them fresh into hyperopic astigmatism; Simple

1/4” thick rounds, squeeze lemon myopic astigmatism.
juice on them and add a little salt
and eat up to breathe easy. • Compound astigmatism;
Compound hyperopic astigmatism;
Compound myopic astigmatism.
Breathe Baby,
Breathe! • Mixed astigmatism.

Adolf Fick developed the first glass

Astigmatism is a refraction error of
5 oz Celery Juice
contact lens in 1887 to correct astig-
2 oz Kale or Collard the eye characterized by an aspheri-
Greens Juice cal cornea in which one axis of
2 oz Alfalfa Sprouts or
corneal steepness is greater than the
Parsley Juice Eye Exercises
perpendicular axis. Astigmatism
1 clove Garlic, juiced To help astigmatism, try doing eye
can cause difficulty in seeing fine
1 oz Lemon Juice
exercises with a 15 foot string with
1/3 Onion Juiced detail. It can, however, be corrected
knots tied every 12 inches looped
by glasses with a cylindrical lens,
onto a door knob. Then, sit in a
This all-green chlorophyll cock-
which is a lens that has different
tail will have a powerful quiet- chair, and focus on each knot until
radii of curvature in different
ing effect on your respiratory you can see it as clearly as you are
planes; contact lenses; or refractive
system. Make sure you sit
able. Do this all the way to the door
down and sip it slowly. surgery. The best method of correc-
knob. Then, reverse it and work
tion is knotted string exercises.
your way back. Do this three times,
in the morning and again at night, a
When either the cornea or the lens
day for 90 days. Eat and drink lots
of the eye is not perfectly spherical
of orange foods, especially carrots,
it results in astigmatism. This
and their juices.

High chlorophyll diets promote

detoxification of the liver and colon.
For any asthma treatment program,
optimum functioning of these two
vital organs is crucial. These foods
are some of the highest dietary
sources of calcium and magnesium,
which are minerals necessary for the
health and balance of the nervous
system. A healthy nervous system

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:30 PM Page 123

athero- various heart diseases including are some heart condition’s that
congestive heart failure and most affect every segment of the popula-
sclerosis cardiovascular diseases in general. tion. So, be good to your heart,
Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease from here on out!
Medi-Sign Target ofter occurs with atheroma is in the
arm or leg arteries. Congestive heart failure means that
the heart cannot pump blood effec-
3 Grapefruits Daily &
No Dead Animals In 2004 in the United States, about tively in and out of the heart. The
65 percent of men and 47 percent of result is swelling and congestion in
Atherosclerosis – Plaque Disease women first discovered that they the bodily tissue. A heart attack
Atherosclerosis is a disease of arte- had atherosclerotic cardiovascular happens when a blood clot forms in
rial blood vessels or veins that have disease with a heart attack or sudden the coronary artery. This means that
been surgically moved to function cardiac death. flow of blood from the heart is
as an artery. In stopped causing some
Greek, thera means a or all of the heart tis-
porridge or thick sue to die. A stroke,

“Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.”

paste. The plaque on the other hand is
changes from a the successive inter-
foamy appearance ruption of blood and
under high power oxygen to the brain.
light microscopy to
sclerosis when it The inner walls of
hardens. the arteries become
less elastic and more
It is an oversimplifi- rigid, and they
cation how become clogged
Atherosclerosis is more easily with
commonly referred accumulated plaque
to, “hardening” or as we age. The waxy
“furring” of blood substance of choles-
vessels. Atheromas, terol not only clogs
also called vascular arteries but also
lesions develop in increases the risk of
the vessel wall, and in late stages blood clots and gallstones. The
may reduce or restrict blood flow in You have been told you have athero- increased narrowing of the arteries
the lumen (stenosis), as well as rup- sclerosis, congestive heart failure, is atherosclerosis, which eventually
turing and leading to downstream blood problems, stroke, high choles- interferes with or stops blood flow.
tissue damage. terol, hypertension, heart attack? Abnormally high arterial blood pres-
Well then, I may give a heartfelt sure is hypertension. This is a
Symptoms greeting to you! Did you know that major factor in heart health.
Atherosclerosis normally begins in there are as many heart-related con-
later childhood and is usually found ditions as there are heartbeats in an Causes
in most major arteries. It is not hour? Heart disease has the igno- It is understandable that heart dis-
detected by most diagnostic meth- minious distinction of being the ease has a large number of causes
ods during life, though. It becomes number-one killer in America. It because the heart has so many
serious when it interferes with the includes a wide range of ailments important functions and working
coronary circulation supplying the involving both the heart and circula- parts. In addition to heart defects,
heart or cerebral circulation. This is tory system. Congestive heart fail- some of the more common causes
what supplies the brain, and is con- ure, heart attack, stroke, atheroscle- of heart disease include: aging;
sidered the most important underly- rosis (hardening of the arteries), and lifestyles that include smoking,
ing cause of strokes, heart attacks, hypertension (high blood pressure) excessive hard alcohol consumption,

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:30 PM Page 124

stress, lack of exercise; and by far Foods That Help

the number one cause is a poor diet When you have high blood pressure,
rich in animal parts and carcasses. juicing with chlorophyll-rich green
Poor diet results in a number of sus- foods like wheatgrass can help alle-
“It is not impossibilities which fill us with the deepest despair, but possibilities which we have failed to realize.”

pected causes of heart disease, viate heart ailment. Yellow-orange

including nutrient deficiencies, obe- vegetables deliver valuable caro-
sity, too much fat and cholesterol teoids and tons of nutrients for a
accumulation (animal). more healthy heart. Carrots and
spinach help prevent stroke while
Anything that can “clog” arteries, mushrooms and celery help with
interfere with regular, strong blood blood pressure.
circulation, or damage heart tissue is
considered heart disease. High cho- Bilberry, or huckleberry, helps keep
lesterol, high blood pressure, and arteries clear by reducing swelling,
atherosclerosis can also lead to pro- increasing capillary strength and
gressively more serious and debili- blood circulation. It also prevents Garlic, onions and aged garlic bene-
tating heart ailments as well as ail- abnormal clotting. Grapefruit and fit the heart. Garlic helps by lower-
ments in other parts of the body. pineapple are also effective artery ing fibrinogen levels, reducing the
Heart disease can also be increased “scrubbers” that prevent atheroscle- risk of heart attack and the danger
by diabetes and hypothyroidism. rosis by breaking down plaque. of thrombosis caused by abnormal
Excess cadmium, zinc, cobalt, ele- Bananas, kumquats and watermelon blood clotting.
mental potassium and calcium sup- are full of phytolitic potassium and
plements can compromise the heart, help lower blood pressure. Soy lecithin has great amounts of
and prolonged, strenuous endurance vitamin B, choline and inositol. It is
exercise can hinder the heart. a major remedy for preventing and
treating atherosclerosis. When peo-
T–O=V ple with elevated cholesterol counts
Tubes – Obstructions = Vitality were given soy (lecithin) for 30
The challenge with the heart is to days, their total cholesterol and
keep blood flowing smoothly in and triglycerides were reduced by 33
out of the heart and throughout the percent as were their LDL (bad)
body. Try this diet for optimum cholesterol by 38 percent. Their
heart health. Whole grains and good HDL cholesterol,
high-fiber, low-fat, nutrient-rich though, improved by 46 per-
fruits and vegetables that are high in cent.
plant proteins should make up the
major part of our menus. Eliminate Rice bran contains the plant fat
from your body, strong coffee, hard gamma oryzanol, which increases
alcohol, cooked dairy products, Peanuts contain resveratrol, a plant good HDL cholesterol and discour-
processed sugars and animal body fat that prevents and corrects athero- ages bad LDL cholesterol. Also,
fats because they can only compli- sclerosis. Bran, especially oat bran, alfalfa, sesame seeds, eggplant, soy-
cate the work of the heart and pro- increases the good cholesterol beans, and soy products help the
tect your from damaging choles- (HDL) and lowers the bad (LDL) body reject rather than absorb
terol. cholesterol.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:30 PM Page 125

dietary cholesterol. Moderate con- Recommendations:

sumption of red wine and beer also • You’ve had your fun, no more
prevents bad LDL cholesterol from Cocktail junk foods or animals to eat. Have
forming and keeps the arteries clear. Ala Cardio them as pets instead.

Turn to the sea for more heart 2 oz Wheatgrass Juice • Eat high-fiber foods. Fruits,
helpers. Sea plants such as kelp and 3 oz Celery Juice vegetables and grains should be
kombu can lower blood pressure. 2 oz Kale or Collard your primary foods.

“The common excuse of those who bring misfortune on others is that they desire their good.”
Black seed currant, flaxseed and Greens Juice
2 oz Spinach Juice
olive oil also are rich in super-and 1 oz Lemon Juice
• Eat plenty of foods rich in vita-
poly-unsaturated fatty acids. 1 Tbsp Tamari min E to improve circulation. Good
pinch Cayenne Pepper choices include dark green leafy
Goodbye Plaque Foods vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds,
C Alfalfa Sprouts soybeans, wheat germ and whole
Drink on an empty stomach and
sip slowly. Tamari is a kind of
C Banana soy sauce. Use a pinch of
cayenne to taste. This drink
C Bilberry will still be powerful even if you
do not have all the ingredients.
• Use only pure cold-pressed olive
oil or unrefined canola oil as good
C Carrots fats in the diet. These will aid in
C Celery lowering cholesterol. Do not heat
these oils.
C Eggplant
C Flaxseed Oil • Do not eat any candies, chips,
lard, fried foods, gravies, high-cho-
C Garlic lesterol foods, junk foods, pies,
Drink plenty of juice from chloro-
C Grapefruit phyll-rich, high-energy greens
processed foods, red meat or satu-
rated fats.
C Kumquat because this is one of the best things
you can do for your cardiovascular
C Leafy Greens system. Taken regularly, this recipe
• Avoid commercial ice cream,
and all foods containing white flour
C Lentils will give you the long range solu- and/or sugar.
tion to a healthier heart. Wheatgrass
C Mushrooms juice is one of the highest energy • Do not use stimulants such as
C Nutritional Yeast foods on the plant and, together, colas and tobacco. Also, eliminate
these greens are our finest sources
C Oat & Rice Bran of the important heart mineral mag-
hard alcohol and highly spiced
C Olive Oil nesium.

C Onions • Maintain a healthy weight for

your height. Obesity causes unfa-
C Peanuts vorable changes in serum lipopro-
C Pineapple tein levels.

C Sesame Seeds • Reduce stress and learn tech-

C Soy Products niques to help you handle stress that
cannot be avoided.
C Spinach
C Watermelon • Get regular moderate exercise; a
daily walk is perfect.
C Wheatgrass
C Yellow-Orange Vegetables • Do not smoke.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:30 PM Page 126

Considerations: • Omega-3 and omega-6 essential putament, these movements are usu-
• Whole food chelation therapy fatty acids (EFAs) can be beneficial ally congenital but may result from
can break up arterial plaque and for the cardiovascular system. They focal lesions to the corpus striatum.
improve circulation. Oats and rice aid in reducing hypertension,
bran are two of the best chelators. migraine headaches, arthritis and Athetosis is a neurological state that
other conditions. Omega-3 EFAs is less defined than the spastic state.
• Hyperbaric oxygen is used in are found in canola oil, flaxseed oil The basic sign of athetosis is the
some countries to treat arteriosclero- and walnut oil. Omega-6 can be appearance of spontaneous involun-
sis. obtained from raw nuts, legumes, tary movements.
seeds, grape seed oil, primrose oil,
• A change of diet is more effec- sesame oil and soybean oil. Three types of involuntary move-
tive, but many doctors recommend ments exist:
angioplasty or bypass surgery for ATHETOSIS 1. Choreic movements, which are
“He was a self-made man who owed his lack of success to nobody.”

people with hardening of the arter- quick and abrupt, irregular without
ies, particularly for those with dis- rhythm and big amplitude.
abling angina. Angioplasty is a pro- Medi-Sign Target
cedure in which blocked vessels are
reopened by flattening cholesterol Mushrooms, Salt & Water
and debris against artery walls.
Bypass surgery involves taking
Athetosis describes repetitive invol-
healthy blood vessels from else-
untary, slow, sinuous, writhing
where in the body, usually the leg,
movements, which are especially
and inserting them to detour around
severe in the hands and may have
a diseased coronary artery. Unless
postural disturbance.
people undergoing these procedures
have significant nutritional and
Athetotic movements are around the
lifestyle changes, however, the dis-
axis of the limb, as distinct from
ease process (atherosclerosis) will
choreiform movements, which are at
continue. Then it is only a matter of
right angles to the axis. The lips,
time before the fatty deposits begin
jaw and tongue may also be
to build up again.
involved leading to facial grimaces
and dysarthria.
• Impotence can result from this
Particularly the outer part of the

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 127

2. The tremors, which are quick, cut or abrasion on the

weak rhythms. bottom of the foot.
Infections cause
3. Myoclonia, which is an extremely raised, circular pim-
variable rhythm. Most often it con- ples or blisters that
sists of simple muscular contrac- resemble the lesions
tions. caused by ringworm.
Infections are often
Try eating a diet without meat, fish named for the part of
or seafood. Eat lots of raw nuts, the body they infect.
about one pound per day. One large For instance tinea
meal of mushrooms, preferably but- pedis refers to an

“As always, victory finds a hundred fathers, but defeat is an orphan.”

ton, morels, shiitake or Portobello infection of the feet. by scratching or contamination of
each day. Drink lots of salt infused clothing or bedding.
water by putting one tablespoon per Athlete’s foot is most commonly
gallon a day. found in teenage to mid-life men. The third type of athlete’s foot is
Many times it is caused by habits often called “moccasin foot.” In
they have regarding personal this type, a red rash spreads across
hygiene and their daily activity like the lower portion of the foot in the
exposure in public places. Some form of a moccasin. The skin in
people have this fungus, but it does this region gradually becomes
not affect them. The fungus thrives dense, white and scaly.
on moist, warm environment which
is why this condition usually occurs The fourth form of athlete’s foot is
in between toes due to an accumula- inflammatory. It is a series of raised
tion of moisture. bumps or ridges develops under the
skin on the bottom of the foot, typi-
• It may also spread between indi- cally in the region of the metatarsal
viduals. Not changing your socks heads. Itching is intense and less
on a regular basis can also encour- skin peeling occurs.
age the build up of fungi in between
the toes. People with acute athlete’s foot can
develop similar symptoms on their
• People with excessively sweaty hands, typically on the palms.
athlete’s foot feet are more prone to this condi- Diagnosis is made by visual obser-
tion. vation of the symptoms.
Medi-Sign Target Signs and Symptoms When you practice good hygiene
Salt & Tea Tree Oil There are four common forms of you reduce the risk of getting ath-
Foot Soaks athlete’s foot. Gradually, the edges lete’s foot. Daily washing of the
of the infected area become milky feet with soap and water; drying
Athlete’s foot is an infection of the white and the skin begins to peel. A carefully, especially between the
foot caused by a dermatophyte, a slight watery discharge also may be toes; and changing shoes and socks
microscopic fungus that lives on present. regularly to decrease moisture, help
dead tissue of the hair, toenails and prevent the fungus from infecting
outer skin layers that thrive in In ulcerative athlete’s foot, the peel- the feet. Also, try using foot pow-
warm, moist environments like ing skin worsens and large cracks der or salt soaks for the feet.
shoes, stockings and the floors of develop in the skin, making the per-
public showers, locker rooms and son susceptible to secondary bacteri- The fungus is also carried on frag-
swimming pools. Athlete’s foot is al infections. This type of infection ments of skin or other particles that
transmitted through contact with a can spread to other parts of the skin contaminate floors, mats, rugs, bed

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 128

regular use of natural until the problem is under control,

remedies should alle- although this might sting a little on
viate symptoms. cracked skin.

If you already have It is also helpful to pour organic

a case of athlete’s apple cider vinegar on infected feet.
foot: Tea tree essen- After allowing the vinegar to dry,
tial oil is very effec- rinse the feet with water and dry
tive medicine for skin them thoroughly.
problems, like bacter-
ial infections and fun- Baking soda is useful to use on your
gus like nail fungus feet and between your toes after you
linens, clothes, shoes and other sur- and athlete’s foot. Put a few drops shower and dry your feet and toes
faces. Also, plastic and rubber of tea tree oil on the areas affected thoroughly is helpful. These things
shoes in particular provide a wel- by athlete’s foot four times a day. should be done every day until the
coming environment for fungal Once the problems seems to be all athlete’s foot is gone and continued
growth and infection along with per- cleared up, continue treatment for for at least a month afterward.
“Fear not those who argue but those who dodge.”

son-to-person contact. The trans- another two to four weeks to be sure

mission can occur in a house, but you’ve caught it all. Acidophilus contains good bacteria.
more often they occur in public You can eat three servings of aci-
areas like locker room, saunas, dophilus yogurt (make sure it is aci-
swimming pools, communual baths dophilus yogurt) each day or take
and communal showers. Remember Lactero-Flora. Acidophilus yogurt
that not everyone who carries the is available in most health food
fungus developes the symptoms. stores, or get plain, live culture;
Here some tips you can use to
help avoid athlete’s foot: Grapefruit seed extract – Grapefruit
• Avoid walking barefoot in public seed extract, which is available at
places. health food stores, is reported to
have significant fungal effects. Add
• Reduce perspiration by using drops of grapefruit seed extract to a
organic baking soda. wet palm and apply it to the feet
two to three times per day.
• Wear light and airy shoes. Oil of oregano has the same proper-
ties. Garlic – Put crushed garlic into dry
• Wear rubber sandals when using socks before bed. Raw garlic can
public showers or pools, or when Try soaking your feet in tea. To do help to kill the athlete’s foot fungus
you go to the gym. this, fill a large bowl with a quart of over night.
boiling water and add
• Wear socks that keep your feet six tea bags. After the
dry and change them frequently. tea has cooled enough to
be comfortably warm,
• Bath frequently, but keep your soak your feet for a half
feet dry and use foot powder in hour or an hour. The
shoes and hose. tannic acid in tea kills
some of the fungus and
The best way again, to prevent is soothing for painful,
against athlete’s foot is to keep your itchy feet. Also, soak
feet dry. If you do get athlete’s foot, your feet in warm salt
however, careful hygiene and the water for ten minutes

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 129

Yogurt: A little Dab’ll Do You intercourse and a thin, watery dis- An important fact that both men and
Dabbing regular, plain yogurt on the charge that may occasionally be women need to be aware of is that
infected areas can help reduce the tinged with blood are all common men can actually cause vaginal
symptoms of athlete’s foot. symptoms. infections and cervical cancers in
their sexual partners due to a lack of
Atrophic vaginitis is an inflamma- genital and sexual hygiene. Smeg-
tion of the vagina. It is estimated ma forms on the glands of the penal
that this condition is responsible for shaft to help keep the organ fresh
ten percent of all women’s health- and clean. But if smegma is not
care visits to their practitioners. washed off each day it can break-
There are three general causes of down, decay and actually attract
vaginitis: hormonal imbalance, irri- bacterial infections that can then be
tation and infection. Hormone- passed on orally and vaginally.
related vaginitis includes the atroph- Males that have been circumcised

“An obstinate man does not hold opinions – they hold him.”
ic vaginitis generally found in post- tend to have the least amount of
menopausal or postpartum women problems with smegma, and in fact
and, occasionally, in young girls may have little to none. Thus, good
Refined Sugar: A Must to Avoid before puberty. Moreover, irritating hygiene for both men and women is
Refined sugar is a toxin for the substances will cause irritant vagini- an absolute must when it comes to
immune system, and eating too tis. Infectious vaginitis is usually eliminating the developing and
many sweets and other sugar-rich caused by bacterial vaginosis (BV), spreading of infection.
foods allows athlete’s foot fungus to candidacies (yeast infection) or tri-
flourish. chomoniasis and is most prevalent atrophy
in women of the reproductive-age.
Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection
related to ringworm and jock itch, Within normal vaginal flora, there is Medi-Sign Target
and grows in warm dark moist a strain of friendly bacteria known Nuts, Seeds, Whole Grains,
places. Keep affected areas clean as lactobacillus acidophilus. By Walking & Weights
and dry and exposed to air and sun- preventing overgrowth of unfriendly
light as much as possible. Tea tree bacteria and candida, lactobacilli
Muscle atrophy refers to the wasting
oil is as effective as pharmaceutical help maintain the vaginal microflo-
away or loss of muscle tissue due to
“antifungal” products as well as ra. Lactobacilli produce lactic acid,
disease or lack of use. Life is move-
herbal drying powder. which acts like a natural probiotic.
ment; you’ve got to move!
These friendly bacteria also compete
atrophic with other organisms for the utiliza-
The majority of muscle atrophy in
tion of glucose. The production of
vaginitis lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide
the general population is a direct
result from disuse. However, this
by lactobaobacillus acidiohilus or
particular type of atrophy can be
the topical application of such
Medi-Sign Target reversed with vigorous exercise.
yogurt or lactobacillus acidophilus
This type of atrophy is typically
into the vagina may help treat
Plain Live Cultured Yogurt
found in people with sedentary jobs
vaginitis. Yogurt, about 2 table-
and senior citizens who have
as a Vaginal Infusion
spoons inserted into the vagina has
decreased activity and thus, are apt
Atrophic vaginitis is a condition pri- an almost 100% cure rate.
marily found in postmenopausal Douche’s also work well, especially
women, as well as those whose a hydrogen peroxide douche or gar-
ovaries have been surgically lic douche, which is made by crush-
removed. This disorder can result in ing one clove and setting it in hot
the formation of adhesions and water for at least ten minutes and
increase a woman’s susceptibility to then letting it cool before using.
infection. Itching, burning, painful

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 130

to lose muscle tone and develop sig- muscles primarily. Even

nificant atrophy. People who are minor muscle atrophy usu-
bed-ridden can undergo a consider- ally results in some loss of
able amount of muscle wasting. mobility or power.
Intriguingly, astronauts who are free
“No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently.”

of the gravitational pull of Earth, Common Causes

can develop decreased muscle tone • Some atrophy occurs
and loss of calcium from their bones naturally with aging
following just a few days of weight- • Cerebrovascular acci-
lessness. dent (stroke)
• Spinal cord injury
Generally there are two types of • Peripheral nerve injury
muscle atrophy that results from dis- (peripheral neuropathy)
ease rather than disuse. The first • Other injury AUSTRALIAN
type is that which results from dam-
age to the nerves that supply the
• Prolonged immobilization
• Osteoarthritis
muscles. The second type results • Rheumatoid arthritis
directly from a disease of the mus- • Prolonged corticosteroid therapy Medi-Sign Target
cle itself. • Diabetes (diabetic neuropathy)
• Burns Skin, Muscles & Liver
Examples of diseases affecting the • Poliomyelitis
nerves that control muscles would • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
be poliomyelitis, amyotrophic later- (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) Australian Blue is a large squash
al sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s • Guillain-Barre Syndrome that consists of a gray-blue exterior
disease) and Guillain-Barre syn- • Muscular dystrophy and orange, pumpkin-flavored flesh
drome. Muscular dystrophy, myoto- • Myotonia congenita that can be used as a substitute for
nia congenita, myotonic dystrophy, • Myotonic dystrophy pumpkin.
as well as other congenital, inflam- • Myopathy
matory or metabolic myopathies are autism
examples of diseases that affect the Home Care
When at home it is recommended Medi-Sign Target
that an individual apply moist heat
to the muscles along with taking No Soda Pop,
whirlpool baths and doing resistive Eat Don’s M5 Meal Daily
exercises. (see asthenia).
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
A diet consisting of fresh fruit and is a neurodevelopmental syn-
veggie juices, nut butters, beans, drome that includes:
lentils, legumes, walnuts, hazelnuts, • Classical autism
pecans, almonds and raisins will be • Asperger’s Syndrome
very beneficial. • Pervasive developmental disor-
(See: Disease: The Mystery Solved) der (PDD) with autistic tendencies.

Where a full range of motion is The rate of autism and autistic spec-
achieved, active exercises are rec- trum disorders in children today has
ommended. Conversely, exercises escalated from as low as one in
using braces or splints are recom- 10,000 people not that many years
mended for those who cannot ago to as high as one in 150 today.
actively move one or more joints. These statistics provide support for
the latest talk about an autism epi-

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 131

Autism is classified as a type of per- flapping, hand-biting, head-banging, and how well they can lead a nor-
vasive developmental disorder sleeping and eating problems, poor mal life. Some autistic people will
(PDD). Autism is a lifelong condi- eye contact, insensitivity to pain, live at home with their parents, oth-
tion that interferes with a person’s hyper/hypo-activity and attention ers will live in residential facilities
ability to communicate with and deficits may start to appear in autis- or in a group home and still others

“If you’re eating meat, you are paying others to commit acts so cruel that if committed against dogs or cats
relate to others. This typically tic children. will live entirely independently.
results in some degree of social iso- Some autistic adults even go on to
lation. A defining characteristic in children graduate from college and receive
with autism is that they become graduate degrees. It is also not
Differences in autistic infants can be overly insistent on routines. uncommon for an autistic adult to
noticed as early as birth. Typical Normally, if any one of their rou- develop adult relationships and even
examples include the infant arching tines is changed even the slightest marry. In the work environment,
their back away from their care- many autistic adults can be reli-
giver in order to avoid any physi- able and conscientious workers.

they would warrant felony cruelty charges in most U.S. states.”

cal contact or instantly going
limp when someone tries to pick Causes
them up. As infants, they are There is currently no known exact
often described as either passive cause of autism, but there is
or overly agitated babies. A baby growing evidence that it can be
who is passive is described as caused by a variety of problems.
being quiet most of the time If the parents of an autistic child
while making very little, if any, were vaccinated, then it is possi-
demands on his/her parents. On ble that genetics may play a role
the other hand, an overly agitated in their development of autism.
baby cries a great deal, some-
times non-stop, during his/her Evidence also supports the theory
waking hours. It is also common that autism may be linked to a
of infants with this condition to weakened or compromised
begin to rocking or banging their immune system. Other research
head against the crib. has shown that depression and/or
dyslexia are quite common in one
In the first few years of life, some or both sides of the family when
autistic children start talking, autism is present. Evidence has
crawling and walking, much ear- also indicated that viruses can be
lier than the average child, while responsible for causing autism.
others may be delayed. After exposure to rubella during
Approximately one-half of autistic bit, the child may become upset and the first trimester of pregnancy, the
children develop normally until have a tantrum. Some common risk of having an autistic child
somewhere between the ages of examples include: drinking and/or increases. Cytolomegalo virus has
eighteen months and three years. It eating the same food items at every also been associated with autism.
is not till then that some autistic meal, wearing certain clothing or Additionally, there is a growing
symptoms begin to emerge. Usually insisting that others wear the same concern that viruses associated with
these symptoms arise soon after clothes and going to school using vaccinations, such as the measles
being vaccinated. the same route. component of the MMR vaccine and
the pertussis component of the DPT
During childhood, many autistic Many autistic children live at home shot, may be a direct cause of
children may fall behind their peers and usually, only the most severe autism. Toxins and pollution in the
of the same age in the areas of com- individuals will live in institutions. air have also caused growing con-
munication, social skills and cogni- When autistic individuals reach cern and been thought to be able to
tion. In addition, dysfunctional adulthood, their housing usually will lead to autism.
behaviors such as rocking, hand depend upon their current condition

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 132

Evidence is also mounting that reduce autism in children. No drugs

proves the gut or intestinal tract is available at this time have been
impaired in autistic children. shown to be consistently effective in
“Millions of pigs and chickens are still being fed the remains of diseased animals – in violation of World Health

Researchers have documented yeast treating the various symptoms of

overgrowths (candida albicans), low autism. Ritalin proves to be the
levels of phenyl sulfur transferase most widely prescribed medication
and the presence of the measles for autistic children. Ritalin is a
virus in their intestinal tract. It is stimulant used to treat Attention
recommended that plain yogurt and Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
kefirs be used to help minimize this. There are no double-blind controlled
studies to demonstrate its effective-
Sensory Impairments ness for those with autism and thus,
Sensory impairment is common in this drug has not been proven effec-
Organization recommendations and the laws of Japan and Europe.”

many autistic individuals. They tive. Gosh, I wonder why?

Physical Abnormalities usually have one or more of their
Several common brain abnormalities auditory, visual, tactile, taste, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA),
have been located in individuals vestibular, olfactory (smell) or pro- which changes the child’s behavior,
with autism by researchers. These prioceptive senses damaged. These and the use of foods high in vitamin
specific abnormalities are found in senses may interfere in the person’s B6 and magnesium are the two
the neural structure of the brain and daily life cycle, be hypersensitive or treatments that have currently
tend to be accompanied with abnor- hyposensitive. As a result, it may received the most success. The
mal biochemistry. be difficult for individuals with individual must undergo a variety of
autism to process incoming sensory processes in order to modify his or
The amygdala and the hippocampus information properly. Due to their her behavior. The person will grad-
are the two areas of the brain that impaired senses, it may be difficult ually change or improve his or her
are found underdeveloped in autistic for an autistic individual to with- behavior regarding social interaction
people. Unfortunate for them, these stand normal stimulation. For including communication and social
two specific areas are responsible example, some autistic individuals behavior, while slowly eliminating
for controlling emotions, aggression, become defensive and do everything the bad behaviors. Unfortunately,
sensory input and learning. When a possible to avoid all forms of body this type of technique only helps
test was conducted on autistic peo- contact. Hypersensitive hearing is certain children.
ple, researchers found a deficiency also another example of a type of
of the Purkinje cells located in the sensory abnormalities common in Increased general well being, aware-
cerebellum. Two areas in the cere- autistic individuals. Approximately
bellum, vermal lobules VI and VII, forty percent of autistic individuals
were found to be smaller than nor- experience discomfort when
mal. One or both of these areas of exposed to certain sounds or fre-
the cerebellum are believed to be quencies. It is often noted that these
responsible for attention. individuals will cover their ears
after hearing sounds such as a
With respect to biochemistry, many baby’s cry or the sound of a motor.
autistic individuals have unusual In contrast, because some of these
levels of serotonin in their blood children appear unresponsive to
and cerebral spinal fluid. Some sounds, some parents will actually
individuals have elevated levels, suspect that their children is deaf.
while others have relatively low lev-
els. Evidence also proves that some Different Treatments to Control
autistic individuals level of beta- Autism
endorphins, an endogenous opiate- Various types of traditional and non-
like substance in the body, are ele- traditional treatments have been
vated. tried by individuals to attempt to

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 133

ness and attention has been found in and cow’s milk). Thus, many par- necessary to always cut the require-
approximately forty-five percent of ents have removed these substances ment for sugars in half when bak-
autistic children who consume mag- from their children’s diets. In many ing. Stomach of special needs indi-
nesium along with foods rich in cases, the parents then observed dra- viduals do better when using natural
vitamin B6. Numerous reports have matic and positive changes in the sugars like maple syrup or honey,
also recently shown that there are health and behavior of their chil- which have a stronger flavor and
also many benefits of the nutrient dren. However, the upside typically thus, require less.
Di-methylglycine (DMG). does not last long and here is part of
According to many anecdotal the reason why. Eventually re-introduce whole

“I’m going to stop punishing my children by saying, ‘Never-mind! I’ll do it myself’.”

reports, DMG appears to help the grains and raw milk, yogurts, sour
person’s general well being, as well Yes, there are many foods that meet cream and sauerkraut into the stom-
as enhance communication skills. the requirements and contain no ach and you will be surprised at the
(See: Don’s M5 Meal at the end of gluten or casein. Products like: no negative response and high level
this section.) Coca-Cola and other sodas, tradi- health that results.
tional Gummy Bears, hamburger
Candida albicans, a type of yeast, patty from McDonald’s, old fash- As mentioned earlier, many autistic
has been found in varying amounts ioned hot dogs, Starburst candy, individuals have sensory impair-
in the intestinal tracts of some peo- Lays potato chips, Jell-O, sugar- ments. Sensory integration is often
ple with autism. It is thought that laden GFCF cookies, just carbohy- used to overcome dysfunctional tac-
high levels of candida albicans may drates – no protein in sight, and the tile, vestibular and proprioceptive
be a contributing factor to many of like. Nevertheless, the problem with senses. Swinging a child on a
their behavioral problems. One sce- these foods is that they offer little or swing in various ways to help nor-
nario claims that when a child no nutritional value at all. More- malize the vestibular sense and rub-
develops a middle ear infection, the over, foods like these can play bing different textures on the skin to
antibiotics that help fight the infec- havoc on an already damaged diges- normalize the tactile sense are
tion may destroy microbes that reg- tive system of special needs chil- among some of the different tech-
ulate the amount of yeast in the dren, especially those with autistic niques used. In addition, an autistic
intestinal tract. As a result, the enterocolitis and immune disorders. woman, Dr. Temple Grandin, devel-
yeast grows rapidly and releases oped a hug machine that provides
toxins in the blood, which may TRY ALTERNATIVE the individuals with deep pressure.
influence the functioning of the SWEETENERS! This pressure appears to have a
brain. (See: Yeast infections/Candi- For those kids that need to reduce calming effect on the person.
da albican’s) their amount of sugar intake, it is Many autistic individuals are also

Recently, much attention has been

given to food intolerances and food
sensitivities as possible contributors
to autistic behaviors. Many fami-
lies, after removing certain food
items from their children’s diet,
have observed various behavioral
changes. Moreover, researchers
have recently detected the presence
of abnormal peptides in the urine of
autistic individuals. Theory has it
that the presence of these peptides
may be due to the body’s inability to
breakdown certain proteins into
amino acids. These particular pro-
teins are gluten (e.g., wheat, barley,
oats) and casein (found in human

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 134

sensitive to sounds in their environ- ed. Natural treatment for autism one who has been diagnosed as hav-
ment. Some individuals may actual- may include all or some of the fol- ing autism, to see any effects with
ly hear sounds beyond the normal lowing: these or any type of changes, they
range and certain sounds may even need to be willing to change the
be perceived as painful. Auditory Dietary changes: way they live so that the various
integration training is an interven- • Eat a variety of foods that are approaches will work.
tion that is often used to reduce unrefined, free of addi-
these sensitivities. During this tives, fresh and contain Just what types of
intervention, the child listens to little or no sugar. changes will need to be
music for ten hours. Among other made in the individuals
sensory intervention, visual training • Eat a yeast and life, will depend on the
is used and is designed to normalize mold-free diet for a min- degree of change neces-
one’s vision. Several different imum of six weeks. sary. Some autistic
methods of visual training have people will need to
been devised. Dr. Melvin Kaplan • Avoid the following make more changes
“He who sleeps in continual noise is wakened by silence.”

developed one popular program that allergenic foods for a than others.
involves wearing ambient (prism) minimum of four weeks:
lenses and performing movement cooked dairy products, Other Natural
exercises. This program appears to baker’s yeast, processed Suggestions:
reorganize and sugar • Drink steam-dis-
normalize the and shellfish. tilled water with added organic
visual system of apple cider vinegar.
the autistic indi- Foods to eat:
vidual. • Papaya • Get regular moderate exercise.
• Pineapple A good example is walking for fif-
The needs of • Yogurt teen to twenty minutes in the sun
autistic individu- every day.
als vary greatly
due to the fact that it is such a com- A change in the • Do deep breath-
plex disorder. After fifty years of child’s behavior ing exercises daily
research, traditional and contempo- will be seen in to improve your
rary approaches are enabling us to just a few weeks blood oxygen sup-
understand and treat these individu- if all the above ply to the brain.
als to the best of our ability. It is steps are fol-
also important to mention that par- lowed. In some • Do not skip
ents are beginning to realize that the cases, depending meals, and try to
symptoms of autism are treatable on severity, the eat frequent small
and that there are many things that child’s body meals instead of
can make a significant difference. may actually just three large
heal itself and cause the condition to meals a day.
As mentioned above, nutrition is a be terminated for good.
topic that must be considered when Other areas of your life that may
dealing with autism, especially the Maintaining a good diet along with have to be changed include:
intake of vitamin B6. Overall, the constant behavior assistance, the • Follow a predictable schedule.
effectiveness of natural treatment autistic person can live without the Autistic individuals do not adapt or
for autism is dependent on the per- symptoms of autism and become a tolerate change or surprises well.
son. In order to determine the spe- productive member of society. Try to minimize these types of dis-
cific approach necessary to meet the tractions.
individual’s needs, several attempts Earlier, the text spoke of behavior
would need to be done and the assistance along with a whole food • Maintain a structured environ-
child’s appropriate responses record- diet. In order for the child, or any- ment. Moving things out of place,

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 135

even by millimeters, can be very • Holding – long periods of hold- mental to the child’s behavioral,
upsetting to an autistic person. ing a child, whether or not the child academic, psychological and emo-
responds, may enhance bonding. tional development. Read the revo-
• Be aware of unusual sensitivi- lution at
ties. Due to their sensory impair- • Auditory integration – planned
ment, there is no real way of know- exposure to a variety of sounds is It is important that one knows how
ing what a person with autism actu- believed to enhance brain develop- to handle a autistic child when it
ally receives from his or her senses. ment. The kinds of music the child comes to taking disciplinary meas-
Clothes may feel like sandpaper, enjoys, classical, for example, ures. So how do we handle the
broken bones may not hurt, whis- appear to be beneficial. aggressive behaviors that many chil-
pers may be roars, hugs may be dren with autism exhibit when they
assaults, etc. Normal expectations It is important to keep in mind that are disappointed or frustrated?
must be set aside and entirely new some autistic children have a mind
rules adopted. like a computer that allows them to
process thoughts and ideas in ways
• Avoid all distractions. Even we may not be able to. Therefore,

“No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.”

slight disturbances may completely when it comes to schooling, they
disengage an autistic person from will tend to be more advanced then
the task at hand. the average child. Unfortunately in
today’s school system, autistic chil-
dren have it tough because of the
test’s they are given and the class-
room they attend. However, that is
all about to change. Education
Department officials have decided
children with the most severe learn-
ing problems can be held to a differ-
ent academic standard than their
peers. This will help ease pressure
• Organize all tasks. Even the on schools that are struggling to Here are some tips that may help:
simplest of tasks may need to be make yearly progress. • The best type of discipline is
broken down into fragments and positive reinforcement. Thus, par-
directed one-at-a-time to keep the The new department rule to be ents should rely on providing incen-
individual on track. announced within days would affect tives for desirable behavior before
a limited number of students using punishment to control undesir-
• Try using behaviorist methods. deemed to have “significant cogni- able behavior. For example, the
These methods involve rewarding tive disabilities” by their states. “token economy” schemes used in
desirable behaviors in order to This new rule would allow students many classrooms can be adapted
increase those behaviors. to be tested against standards appro- and used in the home successfully.
priate for their intellectual develop- It is also recommended that parents
Non-standard Approaches ment. And, more significantly, their learn about alternative strategies for
Other techniques that may help scores would be counted as part of addressing the roots of problem
your autistic child include the fol- their school’s performance. Golly, it behavior. These include things such
lowing: only took 200 years to figure this as relaxation techniques, running,
• Non-verbal communication out. drinking water, swimming, etc.
skills – use methods such as sign-
ing, typing, body language and other Not only will this help the autistic • Punishment must fit the crime.
forms of communication. These child, but the child’s parents will Whenever possible, the only punish-
methods may be helpful to a child benefit from this too. The child will ment should be experiencing the
who will not or cannot speak. no longer be placed in a classroom natural and logical consequences of
environment that tends to be detri- an undesirable action.

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 136

• Parents must agree on basic present a united front, even when autoimmune
guidelines for stopping undesirable they do not actually agree.
behavior. They must decide Arguments over discipline should disease
whether physical punishment is ever not occur in front of the child.
acceptable, what form discipline Medi-Sign Target
will take and under what circum- These suggestions are not only
stances it will be taken out. effective for parents, but they may
Apples, Fresh Juices &
be adapted easily for teachers, child- Walking
• Physical punishment should only care workers and others who are in
“Marriage has no guarantees. If that’s what you’re looking for, go buy a car battery.”

be used in a controlled fashion, only close contact with the autistic child. Autoimmune disorders result in the
as a last resort. Simply things such They offer an excellent approach to destruction of one or more types of
as using water spray bottles and just discipline, which is often a major body tissues, abnormal growth of an
spraying two or three times will point of conflict within the family organ or changes in organ function.
work. unit. One or even multiple organs or tis-
sue types may be affected by the
• Parents must develop a common Autism can be handled as long as disorder. The organs and tissues
set of effective disciplinary meas- you know about it, what causes it, commonly affected by autoimmune
ures for undesirable behavior. and how to deal with it. Do not be disorders include blood components
afraid of your autistic child. Give
• Parents must agree to avoid them the stimulation they need, the
using any type of verbal abuse educational requirements they need
towards the child or each other, such to fulfill and they will grow in love
as using hurtful names. and become an outstanding human
• Parents need to support each
other as much as possible in order to “The combination creates the won-
try and remain as calm as possible der of the Big 5”
during behavior problems. If a par-
ent is losing control, he or she
should feel free to turn the situation
over to the other partner long Don’s
enough to take a “parental time- M5
More Marvelous Magical Miracle
• Parents must not give one part- Meals
ner the permanent role of discipli- • Kidney beans
narian. The old “wait ‘til Daddy • Jasmine rice
gets home” scenario lets one parent • Soybeans
off the hook, and encourages chil- • Pearl barley
dren to be fearful and manipulative. • Black sesame seeds
For children with neurological prob- I call this the Big Bad
lems, delayed discipline can be par- Breakfast, learners lucky lunch
ticularly confusing. and super souper supper; have
some at every meal or make it
• Parents should agree to look the meal and watch the symp-
toms disappear.
closer for hidden causes if an unde-
sirable behavior happens repeatedly,
and neither incentives nor disincen-
tives seem to curb it.

• Most importantly, parents must

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 137

such as red blood cells, blood ves- 6. Lupus: The body’s

sels, connective tissues, endocrine immune system appears
glands such as the thyroid or pan- to turn on the joints, skin,
creas, muscles, joints and skin. kidneys, heart, lungs,
blood vessels and brain.
A person may experience more than It is often very difficult
one autoimmune disorder at the to tell whether or not
same time. Examples of autoim- someone has lupus.
mune (or autoimmune-related) dis- Some common signs

“There is nothing so strong as gentleness, and there is nothing so gentle as real strength.”
orders include: include a bright rash of
the face, pain in the
1 Multiple Sclerosis: The body’s joints, unexplained fever,
immune system appears to turn on chest pain when you
the central nervous system and breathe and unusual loss of hair. T and B Cells
keeps the nerves from telling the Most of the cells that comprise the
body to do things like walk, talk or 7. Asthma immune system are white blood
write. Multiple Sclerosis is often cells. Lymphocytes are one type of
called simply “MS.” Some people 8. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome white blood cell that includes T cells
with MS will need to use a wheel and B cells. T cells coordinate
chair to get around (if they don’t the overall immune response
make some drastic changes...See: and aid in the destruction of
Disease: The Mystery Solved). infected cells. B cells are best
known for making markers.
2. Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Markers bind to an antigen and
Mellitus (Type 1 or “Juvenile mark the antigen for destruc-
Diabetes”): The body’s immune tion by other immune system
system appears to turn on the cells, such as macrophages
insulin-making cells in the pancreas meaning “large eaters.”
and destroys them. Due to a lack of
enough insulin, the body cannot Symptoms
control how much sugar is in the The symptoms of each autoim-
blood. Someone with Insulin 9. Allergies to Drugs and Food mune disease vary widely depend-
dependent diabetes needs daily shots ing on the type. Often, a group of
of insulin to live. 10. Addison’s Disease very nonspecific symptoms accom-
pany autoimmune diseases, espe-
3. Rheumatoid Arthritis: The 11. Inflammatory Bowel Disease cially those of the collagen vascular
body’s immune system seems to type, and include:
turn on the tissues around the joints 12. Reiter’s Syndrome • Fatigue.
in the body. This disease causes the • Dizziness.
tissues to swell up, creating pain 13. Grave’s Disease and • Malaise (nonspecific feeling of
and stiffness. It also can be detri- Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: The not being well).
mental to the heart, lungs and eyes. body’s immune system appears to • Fever, low-grade temperature
turn on the thyroid gland. The thy- elevations.
4. Dermatomyositis: Appears on roid gland is the major control that • Destruction of an organ or tissue
the skin. determines how the body uses ener- resulting in decreased functioning of
gy. These diseases can result in an organ or tissue (for example, the
5. Fibromyalgia: The body’s weight loss or gain, increased per- islet cells of the pancreas are
immune system appears to turn on spiration, increased sensitivity to destroyed in diabetes).
the muscles, tendons and ligaments, heat changes and changing of a • Increase in the size of an organ
which causes pain and fatigue. woman’s menstrual flow. or tissue (for example, thyroid
enlargement in Grave’s disease).

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 138

Continued exposure to heavy metals Autoimmune diseases were not • Get a sufficient amount of exer-
and environmental pollution that prevalent 100 years ago but filth cise. Exercise is actually an
overload the immune system is one diseases were. Today, autoimmune immune enhancer. It creates
consideration for the cause of such diseases are more common, even immune enhancing chemicals and
“If you burn them, they feel it. If you give them electric shocks, they feel it. Animals feel pain in the same way

diseases. On a daily basis, we take among young people, and are basi- increases oxygen.
in pesticides, herbicides, chemical cally internal filth diseases. Why
fertilizers, industrial wastes, ciga- would your body attack itself? The
rette smoke and automobile exhaust. body is hermetically sealed by skin.
Our air, water and food in particular Our bodies also serve as an environ-
Rooster Booster
are full of toxic substances. ment that house bacteria. Things
Therefore, these toxins without a such as friendly skin flora, the lin-
doubt play a role in immune dys- ing of the lungs and the lining of “Flu the Coop”
function. our intestines help protect us from
unfriendly bacteria. 7 Carrots
All autoimmune diseases are related 1 Apple
in some way. Many diseases of • Eat as little processed foods as 2 Stalks of Celery
Handful of Parsley
today are autoimmune because of possible. 2 cloves Garlic
the increase in cleanliness, which
and to the same degree that we humans do.”

1/3 Beet with greens

ultimately lead to a decrease in the • Do not eat hydrogenated oils and
number of filth diseases that avoid using margarine. Juice the garlic first. Next juice
plagued the last century. The only the celery and parsley together.
To juice the parsley, tuck the
current filth disease that plagues our • Eat less high-glycemic carbohy- stems into the groove of the cel-
society is constipation or any block- drates like white bread, white rice ery sticks. Finish juicing with
age of bodily systems. T-O=V and sugary foods. the carrots and apples.
(tubes minus obstruction=vitality).
The various healing modalities are • Avoid cooked dairy. Moreover,
just techniques to get blockages out. if you do eat dairy foods, switch to
Malnutrition can also be a direct organic, raw versions, and be sure to
result of blockage. Whole foods, include yogurt.
lots of water, sunshine and walking
help to remove the blocks. It is per- • Focus on fresh whole foods as
tinent that your cells receive nour- much as possible, such as fresh veg-
ishment and eliminate wastes etables, whole grains, fruits, nuts
because if you block these process- and seeds. This drink will prevent the flu and
es, disease will be the end result. boost your immune system
Thus, healing typically consists of • Try to eat an immune-enhancing
cleansing and nourishment. food every day. These include gar- autonomic
lic, maitake mushrooms, broccoli
and sea greens (like dulse, and neuropathy

• Try to avoid pesticides and hor- Medi-Sign Target

mones by choosing organic produce Salt, Water & Exercising
and raw dairy products whenever
Autonomic neuropathy is a group of
• Re-establish the gut eating fer- symptoms caused by damage to
ments by adding sauerkraut, butter- nerves that supply the internal body
milk, yogurt, sour cream, home- structures that regulate functions
made beer, etc to your diet. such as blood pressure, heart rate,
bowel and bladder emptying and

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 139

digestion. Autonomic neuropathy The Aztecs taught that the womb able throughout the year, but they
affects mostly the internal organs and cervix was the sign of nature of are most plentiful and enjoyed dur-
because it is a disease of the non- the avocado and that a swollen seed ing different seasons in different
voluntary, non-sensory nervous sys- was like a woman who is pregnant. locations. In California, the spring
tem. Autonomic neuropathy can be Ironically, it takes the avocado 9 and summer are the most favorable
associated with diabetes, alcohol months, 40 weeks, to go from blos- periods, and in Florida, October is
abuse, nerve injury and the use of som to ripened fruit. Studies show the month to watch for. You can find
certain medications. Get that avocadoes actually protect Fuerto, Zutano and Bacon varieties,
Chiropractic adjustments. women from cervical and breast however, during the fall and winter
cancers and complications of deliv- months.
AVOCADO ery in pregnancy. Pronounced like,
ohwa-ka-to, hence avocado is what Avocados are the fruit that come
the Spaniards heard, their word for, from the Persea Americana, which
Medi-Sign Target “advisor.” is a tall evergreen tree that can grow
Womb, Cervix, Fetus up to 65 feet in height. There are

“Common sense is instinct, and enough of it is genius.”

Unlike many fruits, the avocado dozens of varieties of avocadoes,
fruit does not ripen on the tree, but
Development & Nerve Food
instead, will fall off in a hard,
According to legend, a Mayan
“green” state. It will then ripen
princess ate the first avocado in 291
quickly on the ground. Depending
B.C. Fortunately, in today’s society
on the amount of oil that the fruit
one does not have to be royalty any
has, the taste may be vary greatly
more to reap the rewards of this
from one to the other. Generally,
tasty tropical fruit.
the fruit is picked once it reaches a
mature size, and will then ripen in
a few days. It ahs also been noted
that they will ripen faster if they
are stored with other fruit such as
bananas, because of the influence
of ethylene gas, a plant hormone.
Rather than being picked and
stored, the fruit can be left on the
tree until required, but it must then
be picked as soon as possible for
commercial reasons.

While dozens of cultivars exist, the

Because of its shape and the leather-
two that are commonly available are
like appearance of its skin, the avo-
“Hass” (commonly misspelled
cado is colloquially known as the
‘Haas’) and “Florida.” The former
Alligator Pear. Avocado is derived
is the most common cultivar, with a
from the Aztec language called
dark rippled skin, and rich, creamy
Nahuath. The word “ahuacalt” is
flesh. It accounts for more than
their word for womb or cervix.
eighty percent of the crop grown in
However, these traces to the word
California. There are several other
are scant and have since been trans-
cultivars related to “Hass,” includ-
lated as “testicle”, which does not
ing “Bacon,” “Fuerte,” “Gwen,”
really work because the Aztec’s
“Pinkerton,” “Reed” and
looked upon trees as feminine
Goddesses bearing fruits, gifts of
life and sustenance.
Hass avocados are commonly avail-

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 140

which fall into three main cate- which makes it a necessary mineral Note that the U.S. Food and Drug
gories: Mexican, Guatemalean and in daily nutrition. Potassium is also Association has authorized a health
West Indian. Each category of avo- an important player in sending nerve claim stating that: “Diets containing
cados differs in their size, appear- impulses as well as releasing energy foods that are good sources of
ance, quality and susceptibility to from protein, fat and carbohydrates potassium and low in sodium may
cold. during metabolism. Hypokalemia, a reduce the risk of high blood pres-
potentially fatal condition, can be sure and stroke.” Not only that, but
Depending upon the variety, avoca- caused by a shortage of potassium. one cup of avocado has an incredi-
dos can vary in weight from as light The best way to get an adequate ble amount of the water-soluble B-
as eight ounces to as heavy as three amount of potassium in your diet is vitamin folate, a nutrient that helps
pounds. The avocados yellow-green to eat a variety of foods that contain product and maintain new cells, and
flesh is the edible portion, which potassium. Many fruits and vegeta- is important for the health of your
has luscious, buttery consistency bles contain potassium and surpris- heart.
and a subtle nutty flavor. The pit ingly, avocados contain twice the
part is inedible, but the skin when amount of potassium as bananas. Researchers tracked over 80,000
“Bore: a person who talks when you wish him to listen.”

ground, dried and taken as a powder Oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat women for 14 years using dietary
has the ability to be eaten. questionnaires to figure out
the relationship between
• Contrary to popular folate intake and heart dis-
belief, avocados are not fat- ease. Women who consumed
tening. more of the whole food folate
had a 55 percent lower risk of
• Raising good (HDL) having heart attacks or fatal
blood cholesterol, stabilizing heart disease. Other research
blood sugar and providing has shown that people who
glutathione to cleanse the consume folate-rich diets
liver are only some of the have a significantly lower
many health benefits that risk of cardiovascular disease
avocados have. present in avocados, has been found or stroke than those who do not con-
to be helpful in the lowering of cho- sume as much of this nutrient.
• Avocado’s always make the list lesterol. A study of individuals with
of the top ten super foods estab- cholesterol levels that were fairly Avocados are not only a rich source
lished by so called experts. elevated, people who ate a diet high of monounsaturated fatty acids
in avocados demonstrated clear including oleic acid, which has
Your skin can also benefit from a health improvements. Following a recently been shown to offer
regular serving of guacamole. seven-day diet that included avoca- remarkable protection against breast
Natural oils in avocados perk up a dos, individuals had significant low- cancer, but these fruits also contain
poor complexion, make brittle nails ering in LDL and total cholesterol, the highest amount of the carotenoid
strong again and improve dry skin. as well as an eleven percent increase lutein of all commonly eaten fruits.
Avocados contain special oils that in health-enhancing HDL choles- They also contain measurable
aid in the regeneration of hair folli- terol. amounts of related carotenoids
cles and therefore, people with (zeazxanthin, alpha-carotene and
severe hair loss should eat three Avocados also offer a good source beta-carotene) and significant quan-
avocados daily, because they will in for potassium, a mineral that helps tities of tocopherols (vitamin E).
turn stimulate the growth of new to regulate blood pressure. You can
hair. take positive steps in combating cir- Inhibits Prostate Cancer Growth
culatory diseases like high blood According to a laboratory study
Potassium in Diet pressure, heart disease or stroke, published In the January 2005 issue
Potassium assists in muscle contrac- simply by making sure you have of the Journal of Nutritional Bio-
tion and in maintaining fluid and sufficient potassium in your diet. chemistry, an extract of avocado that
electrolyte balance in body cells, contained these carotenoids and

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 141

tocopherols, stalled the growth of carotenoids are lipophilic —

both androgen-dependent and andro- that is, soluble in fat and not
gen-independent prostate cancer water — then consuming
cells. carotenoid-rich foods along
with monounsaturated-fat-
However, when researchers worked rich avocado might improve
to expose the prostate cancer cells to their bioavailability.
lutein alone, the single carotenoid
did not keep the cancer cell from Adding avocado to a salad of
growing and replicating. Not only carrot, lettuce and baby
was the entire matrix of carotenoids spinach or to salsa not only
and tocopherols in avocado neces- significantly increase the

“Life consistes not in holding good cards but playing those you hold well.”
sary for its ability to kill prostate study participants’ absorption
cancer cells, but the researchers also of carotenoids from these
noted that the high amount of foods, but the increased
monounsaturated fat in avocado is a carotenoid availability
critical factor. Fat must be around occurred even when a very
in order to make sure that these small amount – as little as
bioactive carotenoids will be two ounces – of avocado was
absorbed into the bloodstream, due added. Adding avocado to
to the fact that carotenoids are lipid salad increased absorption of alpha- that is beneficial and is associated
soluble. Just as Nature intends, avo- carotene, beta-carotene and lutein with a healthy heart. Avocados also
cado delivers the whole heath-pro- by factors of 7.2, 15.3, and 5.1 help the heart in the fact that they
moting package. times, respectively, than the average are rich in vitamin E. Moreover, the
amount of these carotenoids avocado actually supplies sixty per-
Enhances Absorption of absorbed when a salad without avo- cent more potassium than the
Carotenoids from Vegetables cado was consumed. Adding avo- banana, which is thought of as an
By only tossing in a few slices of cado to salsa increased lycopene and exemplary potassium source. These
avocado in your salad or mixing beta-caroetne absorption 4.4 and 2.6 velvety “vegetable fruits” are also
some chopped avocado into a salsa times higher, respectively, than the high in fiber and provide substantial
recipe, you will not only add a rich, average amount of these nutrients amounts of folate (folic acid), vita-
creamy flavor, but will also signifi- absorbed from salsa free of avoca- min B6 and pantothenic acid. It
cantly increase your body’s ability do. A splendid way to improve your should also be noted that they do
to take in health-enhancing body’s ability to absorb carotenoids, provide some iron, copper and mag-
carotenoids that vegetables offer. while also receiving other nutrition- nesium.
al benefits, is to consume a little
In the March 2005 issue of the Jour- avocado along with carotenoid-rich On the phytochemical front, avoca-
nal of Nutrition, researchers tested fruits and vegetables. Since the dos contain glutathione.
the hypothesis that, because avocados have quite a variety of Glutathione is known for its ability
nutrients including vita- to strengthen the immune system
mins, minerals and heart- and remove cancers. In addition,
healthy monounsaturated avocados also contain a significant
fat, they make the perfect amount of a cholesterol-lowering
snack. phytosterol called beta-sitosterol.

Even though avocados seem Varieties

too be too luscious to actu- In California and Florida, there are
ally be healthy, they actual- two-dozen avocado varieties grown.
ly contain the fat that is They range in size from a few
highly monounsaturated. ounces to several pounds, in color
This type of fat is the kind with skins bright green to black and

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in texture from smooth to pebbly. will ripen in three to six days. In juice. Then apply the mixture to
The most widely available nation- order to speed up the process, place your face. Leave it on for ten min-
wide are the California varieties, them in a paper bag, preferably with utes before rinsing it off with lots of
which are considerably higher in fat a tomato. Hard avocados should water.
and thus “creamier” and more fla- never be put in the refrigerator
vorful. because then they will never ripen. If you have dry skin, or just want to
However, once avocados are ripe, pamper yourself, reach for an avo-
Florida avocados on the other hand, they should be put in the refrigerator cado –the bumpy fruit that smoothes
are larger than most California vari- and used within two to three days. your skin.
eties. They have shiny, medium- Generally, Florida fruits are some-
green skins and are more watery what more perishable than those Storing Solutions
“He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has.”

than California types. Therefore, from California. Ripe avocados should be soft
ounce for ounce, enough to “give way” to gen-
they contain less fat tle pressure. If you cannot
but also contain less find a ripe avocado in the
flavor. store, choose a heavy,
unblemished one and let it
Availability ripen in a paper bag for a few
Most of the year, days at room temperature.
avocados are avail-
able in markets due To get at the good stuff, cut
to the staggered an avocado lengthwise
growing seasons of around the seed and rotate
the different varieties the halves to separate. Using
in Florida and a spoon or sticking it with a
California. toothpick, remove the seed
Generally, California and then scoop out the flesh.
fruit peaks in spring and summer Benefits:
while Florida’s season extends from • Flushes Cholesterol An avocado will discolor quickly
June through March, with its peak • No More High Blood Pressure when exposed to air. Therefore, it is
in October. • Prevents Stroke recommended that one use it as
• Protects the Heart soon as possible. In addition,
Shopping • Defends the Blood Sugar Levels squeezing lemon or lime juice on
When buying avocados try to select • Curbs Cancer the cut avocados will help prevent
heavy, unblemished ones. Many • Smoothes skin discoloration.
markets will sell avocados that are
hard and unripe because then they Treat Yourself to an Avocado Facial If you would like to take advantage
are less likely to bruise and spoil. If It is often said that beauty is only of this nutritional powerhouse, try
the avocado is rock hard, it will skin deep. Luckily, avocado has the following healthy suggestions:
need a few days to ripen. An avoca- moisturizing power to help make • Mash the soft fruit and mix with
do is ripe enough to slice if it yields your skin more attractive. For salsa.
slightly to gentle pressure. If press- years, people have used avocado as • Float avocado cubes in a bowl of
ing the fruit leaves a small dent, it is a natural facial treatment, especially hot tomato soup.
too ripe to slice, but is suitable for to help heal dry skin. It is simple • Spread avocado with jam on a
mashing. One can tell if the fruit is enough that it can even be done in bagel.
overripe if pressing leaves a large your own home. Just remove your • Toast a tortilla-wrapped avocado
dent, and the flesh will be darkened makeup and wash your face with wedge.
and spoiled. warm water and soap or your • Mash potatoes with a peeled and
favorite cleanser. Mash some avo- seeded avocado.
Storing Solutions cado and mix it with a little raw • Crown crackers with chunks of
At room temperature, hard avocados milk, oatmeal and lemon or lime avocado.

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• Fill egg white halves with gua- vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables
camole for a new twist on deviled helps to support the structure of cap-
eggs. illaries.

You may also add avocado slices to Cataracts

salads or sandwiches or even just Some, but not all, studies have
eat the fruit plain. For a healthy reported that eating more foods rich
alternative to mayonnaise, butter or in beta-carotene or vitamin A was
cream cheese, try mashed avocado. associated with a lower risk of
cataracts. Synthetic beta-carotene
Avocado Overcomes supplementation has not been found
to reduce the risk of cataract forma-

“Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.”

Asthma tion. It remains unclear whether
Vitamin C, present in fruits and veg- natural beta-carotene from food or
etables, is a powerful nutrient and supplements would protect the eye
inflammation soother. This activity or whether beta-carotene in food is
may influence the development of merely a marker for other protective
asthma symptoms. A large prelimi- factors in fruits and vegetables high
nary study has shown that young in beta-carotene.
children with asthma experience sig- tion from nearly 400 people (half
nificantly less wheezing if they eat a High Homocysteine with MS) over three years. They
diet high in fruits rich in vitamin C. A controlled trial showed that eating found that consumption of vegetable
a diet high in fruits and vegetables protein, fruit juice, and foods rich in
Bruising containing folic acid, beta-carotene, vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, cal-
Many Americans eat insufficient and vitamin C effectively lowered cium, and potassium correlated with
amounts of foods containing vitamin homocysteine levels. Healthy peo- a decreased MS risk.
C; the disease caused by vitamin C ple were assigned to either a diet
deficiency, scurvy, causes easy containing a pound of fruits and Stroke
bruising. While very few people vegetables per day, or to a diet con- Researchers have found an associa-
actually have scurvy, even minor taining 3 1/2 ounces (99g) of fruits tion between diets low in potassium
deficiencies of vitamin C can and vegetables per day. After four and increased risk of stroke.
increase the incidence of bruising. weeks, those eating the higher However, the association of increas-
People who experience easy bruis- amount of fruits and vegetables had ing dietary potassium intake and
ing may want to try eating more an 11 percent lower homocysteine decreasing stroke mortality only
fruits and vegetables – common level compared with those eating the occurred in black men and hyperten-
dietary sources of vitamin C. lower amount of fruits and vegeta- sive men in one study. Others have
bles. found an association between
Capillary Fragility increased risk of stroke and the
Eating plenty of flavonoid – and Kidney Stones combination of low dietary potassi-
Potassium reduces urinary calcium um plus high salt intake. Increasing
excretion, and people who eat high dietary potassium has lowered blood
amounts of dietary potassium appear pressure in humans, which by itself
to be at low risk of forming kidney should reduce the risk of stroke;
stones. The best way to increase however, some of the protective
potassium is to eat fruits and vegeta- effect of potassium appears to
bles. The level of potassium in food extend beyond its ability to lower
is much higher than the small blood pressure. Maintaining a high
amounts found in supplements, that potassium intake is best achieved by
the body can’t use anyway. eating fruits and vegetables.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) In one sur-
vey, researchers gathered informa- Benefits circulation, lowers choles-

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terol, dilates blood vessels. It’s MESOMORPH

main fat, monounsaturated oleic • Gains or loses weight easily
acid (also concentrated in olive oil), • Grows muscle quickly
acts as an nutrients to block artery- • Hard, muscular body
destroying toxicity of bad-type-LDL • Overly mature appearance
“Speciesism is the ‘most extreme’ form of racism because animals are the least able to defend themselves

cholesterol. One of the richest • Rectangular shape

sources of glutathione, a powerful • Thick skin
nutrient shown to block thirty differ- • Upright posture
ent carcinogens and to block prolif-
eration of the AIDS virus in test ENDOMORPH
tube experiments. • Generally gains muscle easily
• Over-developed digestive system
History • Round shape
Avocados are native to Central and oil can also be used as a scalp con- • Soft body
South America and have been culti- ditioner. To use, apply the oil • Trouble losing weight
vated in these regions since 8,000 directly to the lotion or soap. Also, • Underdeveloped muscles
B.C. In the mid-17th century, they avocado oil has the highest smoke
were introduced to Jamaica and point of any plant oil. Therefore, it People generally fit within one of
spread through the Asian tropical is useful for high heat cooking. the three bodily categories of ecto-
regions in the mid-1800s. morph, mesomorph or endomorph
Cultivation in United States, specifi- regardless of age, race or gender.
and the easiest to victimize.”

cally in Florida and California, These are the three body types that
began in the early 20th century. medicine make up the physique in which your
While avocados are now grown in body’s genetics are inclined to fol-
most tropical and subtropical coun- Because of cultural language differ- low. Your body type actually has
tries, the major commercial produc- entiation, there are three body types more to do with bone structure and
ers include the United States with different names. They are, your body’s frame than the muscle
(Florida and California), Mexico, according to today’s science, ecto- tissue itself. There is one thing that
the Dominican Republic, Brazil and morph, mesomorph and endomorph. people have in common. We all
Colombia. William Sheldon in the 1940’s, seem equally unsatisfied with our
wrote two books on somatypes. The body types.
avocado oil ayurvedic teachings call these the
three doshas and name them vata, This means that the skinny people
pitta and kapha. want to beefier; the beefy people
Medi-Sign Target want to be leaner; the bulky people
The three body types are want to be more ripped; and the
Nerve Sheaths & Skin
described below: thin, ripped ones want to be more
Avocado oil in its pure form is rich ECTOMORPH
• Delicate build ECTOMORPH
in vitamins A, B, B2, B5
• Delicate build The ectomorph body types consist
(Panthothenic acid), vitamin D, E,
• Flat chest of every man who ever played in the
minerals, protein, lecithin and fatty
• Has trouble gaining weight NBA, with the exception of Charles
acids. Avocado oil has healing and
• Large brain Barkley and Shaquille O’Neal. This
regenerating qualities. It is used for
• Lightly muscled is an exaggeration, but ectomophs
dry skin and for people having
• Muscle growth takes longer are generally lean and mean but
eczema or psoriasis. It also helps
• Stoop-shouldered have a hard time packing on the
treat damaged skin from the sun or
• Tall muscle.
skin that is dehydrated. Overall it
helps with skin regeneration and • Thin
• Young appearance By eating, eating and eating some
softening of skin tissue. Avocado
more, you have the best chance of

A_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 12:31 PM Page 145

dealing with the stingy tial for endomorphs looking to This is another perspective: THE
genetics of the ecto- trim down. This means doing THREE DOSHAS TAKE IT A
morph. It’s encouraged everything from swimming to LITTLE FURTHER...
to eat an extra thousand biking thirty minutes per day, The Three Doshas again are Vata,

“Around the world, as more water is diverted to raising (cattle), pigs and chikens; instead of producing crops for
or two calories. Favor four days a week, will keep the Pitta, Kapha You may want to
carbohydrates and con- jelly out of the belly. When research this further as it can help to
sume lots of protein in weight training, do sets of sev- unlock the “signature” of you, self
the form of beans, eral repetitions at a moderate knowledge, by understanding the
legumes, nuts and seeds weight with limited time spent signs of your nature.
for five meals a day. between sets.
This is the best way to The teachings of the doshas are the
sprout growth into the MESOMORPH science of Ayurveda. It is one of the
muscle mass you’re Perhaps the luckiest of the oldest extant traditions of healing,
looking for. three body types are the meso- healthy living and longevity. The
morphs. They have the tenden- thought that each of us is unique
Do not be stingy when it cy to be muscular and ripped, comes from Ayurveda; that we have

direct consumption, millions of wells are going dry.”

comes to lifting weights. while maintaining the best different genetics, different metabol-
This is because intensity plus attributes of both the ic constitutions, different
strength equals size, and you should ectomorphs and the rhythms, different likes and
be churning out intensely productive endomorphs. dislikes and different
sets designed to tear up the muscle responses to nourishment
tissue and spurt new growth. Mesomorphs must basi- and the environment around
cally follow the general us. Ayurveda provides
ENDOMORPH guidelines of healthy eat- guidelines to help identify
In comparison to the ectomorphs, ing and exercising to our constitutional nature,
imagine every offensive and defen- maintain the desirable thus enabling us to choose
sive lineman in the NFL, and you’ll physiques that their and live wisely on the earth.
be thinking of many endomorphs. genetics have so kindly
blessed them with. Per day, a meso- A method of understanding how to
Stocky is generally a term used to morph should be taking in around stay healthy stems from the doshas.
describe endomorphs. Many endo- six frequent meals. Overconfidence In other words, it helps understand
morphs have short but thick, thick may be the most imposing obstacle how to live a life of balance. The
limbs and heavy bones. They often for the mesomorph. Because a cosmos and the human body are
desire a leaner, more mesomorph can variants of the same energy princi-
defined look. They generally build mus- ple according to Ayurveda. The
should try cutting the cle and shed away human constitution, prakriti, is com-
fats down to a mini- fat with consider- prised of the five elements manifest-
mum. Protein able ease, he often ed within the body as three forces-
sources like avoca- becomes lazy and doshas.
dos, bananas, soy to apathetic to eating
egg whites and seeds. binges and lulls in When you know which dosha is
Meanwhile, an endo- exercise. He does dominant in your body it helps you
morph’s intake should this because he to understand your metabolic consti-
consist of about seven maintains faith that tution and its physical rhythms. All
smaller-portioned his favorable genet- Ayurvedic knowledge begins with
meals throughout the ics will bail him out the doshas. The word dosha in
day, a sly method of boosting of bad health. However, a meso- Sanskrit literally means “fault” or
metabolism and burning fats and morph must blend a sturdy diet and “defect” because doshas become
calories. solid exercise program into the visible when they are in a state of
everyday routine. imbalance. When the doshas are out
Cardiovascular regimens are essen- of balance, they manifest as disor-

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ders in the body. We cannot detect • Your dreams are fearful and • You will have a strong appetite.
the doshas, however, in a state of erratic.
balance. But, when we are in a state • You sleep moderately.
“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like

of disequilibrium the doshas become • Sexually you are variable.

visible as mucus, bile, odorous flat- Emotional Characteristics
ulence and other bodily discharges. According to Ayurvedic nutrition • You can be angry or arrogant.
These imbalances can quickly there are six food tastes and each
become full blown disease if we dosha has specific tastes that bal- • You are intelligent and desire
ignore these early signs of disorder. ance and maintain their constitution. success.

Signs of Nature VATA tastes are: • You learn quickly and forget
There are many different attributes (i) Pungent slowly.
for each body type. (ii) Bitter
(iii) Astringent • Your speech is decisive and
VATA: Governs the ether’s space articulate.
and air elements.
a star in our hand – and melting like a snowflake.”

• You will be either tall, lanky or • Your dreams are violent and

unusually short. intense.

• You will be non-muscular • You are intense sexually.

with thin limbs.
PITTA tastes are:
• Your movements will be (i) Sour

quick and often erratic. (ii) Salty
(iii) Pungent
• Your skin will generally be
grayish, thin and cool. KAPHA: Governs earth and
• Your hair is dry, frizzy and or • Your physique is heavy, broad
dark. and evenly proportioned.

• You will have brown, grey or • You find it easy to gain weight
unusual color eyes. PITTA: Governs fire and water and hard to lose it.
• Your nails will be dry, grayish or • You will be medium and well • Your skin is cool, fair, oily and
ridged. proportion physically. tans easily.

• Your appetite is irregular. • Your skin is warm, reddish and • Your hair will be thick, blonde
easily sunburns. or very dark and wavy.
• Your sleep is poor and variable.
• Your movements are precise. • You will have very dark, blue or
Emotional Characteristics brown eyes which are large.
• You can be fearful, indecisive, • Your hair is straight, reddish and
nervous and perceptive. can be premature balding or grey. • Your nails will be square and
• You learn quickly and forget • You will have green, hazel, light
quickly. brown and attentive eyes. • You will have a consistent
• You are talkative with erratic • Your nails will be clear, well
speech. formed and pliable. • You will sleep long and sound.

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Emotional Characteristics examination and knowledge derived erned by nature’s laws, in essence
• You can be greedy, stubborn and from the ancient texts. Ayurveda has been in existence
also calm and stable. since the beginning of time.
3. It understands that there are ener-
• You learn slowly and forget getic forces that influence nature Meaning
slowly. and human beings. These forces are Ayurveda means to know about life.
called the Tridoshas. This is because Ayurveda is made
• Your speech is cautious and up of two Sanskrit words: Ayur
slow. 4. Because Ayurveda sees a strong which means life and Veda which
connection between the mind and means the knowledge of. To fully
• If you dream they are long and the body, a huge amount of informa- comprehend the vast scope of
sensual. tion is available regarding this rela- Ayurveda we need first to define
tionship. “Ayur,” or life. The ancient
• Sexually you are warm and Ayurvedic scholar, Charaka,
enduring. Origin explains that Ayur is comprised of
Originating in India thousands four essential parts being the mind,

“The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.”

KAPHA tastes are: of years ago, ayurveda is an body, senses and soul.
(i) Sweet intricate system of healing.
(ii) Sour The ancient book of wis- Mind, Body and
(iii) Salty dom known as the Vedas is Senses
where we can find Although we
Since there is no real “white day” historical evi- tend to identify
or “white month” and “white” peo- dence of mostly with our
ple have no clue as to their myths, Ayurveda. physical bodies,
gods and origins. White people Over 60 prepa- there is more to us
embrace gods from Palestine to rations were men- then what meets
Mexico, to the American Indians tioned that could be the eye.
and to India. Since India is hot and used to assist an individ- Underlying our
has been since The Beatles, I ual in overcoming vari- physical structure is
include this: ous ailments in the Rig the mind. The
Veda. Although the Rig mind not only con-
Ayurveda is a holistic system of Veda was written over trols our thought processes but helps
medicine from India that uses a 6,000 years ago, Ayurveda has been assist us in carrying out day-to-day
holistic constitutional model. Its around even longer than that. activities such as respiration, circu-
aim is to provide guidance regarding lation, digestion and elimination.
food and lifestyle so that healthy Ayurveda is more than just a med- Without the body, there is no mind
people can stay healthy and folks ical system; it is a science of life. In or senses.
with health challenges can improve other words, we are all part and par-
their health. cel of nature. This is just as the ani- To regulate our physiology, the
mals and plants live in harmony mind and the body work in conjunc-
There are several aspects to with nature and utilize the Laws of tion with one another. We must use
Ayurveda: Nature to create health and balance our senses as information gatherers
1. Due to its use of a constitutional within their beings, we, too, adhere in order for the mind to act appro-
model, its recommendations will to these very same principles. priately to assist the physical body.
often be different for each person Because of this, it is fair to say that The mind can be thought of as a
regarding which foods and which Ayurveda is a system that helps computer and the senses as the data
lifestyle they should follow in order maintain health in a person by using that gets entered into the computer.
to be completely healthy. the inherent principles of nature to
bring the individual back into equi- Two important senses that aid in the
2. Everything in Ayurveda is vali- librium within their true self. So, digestive process are smell and
dated by observation, inquiry, direct because we have always been gov- taste. This means that when the

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mind registers that a particular food example of Pitta function is the

is entering the gastrointestinal tract, transformation of foods into nutri-
it directs the body to act accordingly ents that our bodies can assimilate.
by releasing various digestive Pitta is also responsible for metabo-
enzymes. lism in the organ and tissue systems
as well as cellular metabolism.
If we should overindulge the taste
buds with too much of a certain When the water and earth elements
taste, such as sweet, our mind’s abil- combine, they form the Kapha
ity to perceive the sweet taste may dosha.
be impaired. This then makes the
body challenged at its ability of pro- The responsibility for growth is
cessing sweet foods. In order to within Kapha. It adds structure unit
allow the mind and body to inte- by unit. The Kapha dosha also
grate their functions and help keep offers protection. The cerebral-
us healthy and happy individuals, spinal fluid that protects the brain
we need to maintain the clarity of and spinal column is a type of
our senses. Kapha. Another type of Kapha
“Cube Farm: An office filled with cubicles.”

dosha is the mucousal lining of the

Soul stomach when it protects the tissues.
According to Ayurveda, before we up of five primary elements. These
exist in physical form with the help elements are ether (space), air, fire, Every person is made up of unique
of the mind and senses, we exist in water and earth. Like the way that proportions of Vata, Pitta and
a more subtle form known as the these five elements are in nature, Kapha. The dosha ratios vary with
soul. In India, the ancient seers these five elements are contained each individual. Because of this,
believed that humans were com- within people. Ayurveda sees each person as a spe-
prised of a certain energetic essence cial mixture that accounts for our
that precluded the inhabitance of our These elements have the ability to diversity. Treatment protocol
physical entity. They even thought become an influence when any of designed specifically to the individ-
that we may occupy many physical them are present in the environment. ual addressing a person’s health
bodies throughout the course of time Food and weather are two such challenges is what the Ayurveda
but our underlying self, or soul, examples of the presence of the ele- does. It gives us a model to look at
remains unchanged. At the time of ments. While all of the five primary each individual as a unique makeup
death, we see what helps illustrate elements are contained within peo- of the three doshas. When any of
this concept transpiring. Many ple, the combination of the elements the doshas (Vata, Pitta or Kapha)
desires a person has will cease to be has the ability to create various become accumulated, Ayurveda will
present as the individual nears the physiological functions. For exam- suggest specific lifestyle and nutri-
time to leave the physical body. In ple, ether and air combine to form tional guidelines to assist the indi-
other words, when the soul no what is known in Ayurveda as the vidual in reducing the dosha that has
longer identifies with the body, the Vata dosha. become excessive. A cleansing
desire to eat food or indulge in a process known as Pancha Karma is
particular activity that used to be a Vata governs the principle of move- recommended to eliminate the
great source of satisfaction vanishes. ment and therefore can be seen as unwanted toxins if toxins in the
the force. This force directs nerve body are abundant.
These are just a few examples of impulses, circulation, respiration
how we are made up of these four and elimination. The combination Ayurveda helps to address specific
components that we call life. of fire and water are the elements health concerns as well as explana-
that form the Pitta dosha. tions into why one person responds
Principles differently than another person.
Ayurveda presents the theory that a The process of transformation or This is the understanding of
person is a unique individual made metabolism is the Pitta dosha. An Ayurveda.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:36 PM Page 149

~B b~
History: The Letter B

The earliest drawn “B” was actually a symbol representing the word “house,”
basically a triangle placed above a square. Eventually the square took on the
look of a second triangle and finally the right side of the form was softened
by two curves. As you can see, it no longer resembles a house and this prob-
ably suits architects just fine. “Experts” say that vitamin B is abundant in a
dead animal liver; I say, throw the liver in the garbage and fix some whole
grains, which have useable vitamin B, with onions and garlic and a touch of
tarragon. The FDR has more “B’s” than you can shake a stick at!

Mystery: The Celtic Name Key

The letter “B” indicates the ability to compromise. It reveals a faculty for
accepting a majority view and abiding by a general decision. In a positive
sense the letter indicates maturity and tact. It has a negative side, which could
be interpreted as a lack of will power or determination. As a dominant letter
it hints very clearly at a good team member but not a leader. The letter is also
connected with domesticity.
B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:36 PM Page 150

BACK backbone itself serves several ence low back pain at some point in
important functions like providing their lives.
structure from which
The Backbone
all other upper body
The backbone is made of many
structures branch. It
small bones called vertebrae, indi-
also protects the spinal
vidual ones are called vertebra. The
nerve, which is the
semi-movable joints are between the
“highway” that all the
vertebrae. Because there are so
infection your brain
many vertebrae there are many
sends to your body
semi-movable joints. Each one
travels. If the spinal
moves very slightly but when they
“Opportunity may only knock once, but temptation leans on the doorbell.”

column were to be
move together it makes the move-
damaged, also damag-
ment more obvious.
ing the spinal nerve, it
would be like the
What would happen if humans did-
highway collapsed,
n’t have bones?
and all landmarks past that point Ironically, the severity of the pain is
You’d be floppy like a beanbag.
could no longer be visited. This is often unrelated to the extent of
Could you stand up? Forget it.
what is known as paralyzation from physical damage. A simple back
Could you walk? No way. Without
that point in your back and down. strain with muscle spasms can cause
bones you’d be just a puddle of skin
excruciating back pain that can
and guts on the floor. Bones have
The backbone is approximately 28 make it difficult to walk or even
two purposes. Some, like your
inches, or 70 cm, long and is sepa- stand. This is in contrast to a large
backbone, provide the structure that
rated into five regions. The last herniated disc or completely degen-
enables you to stand erect instead of
two, the coccyx and sacrum-sound, erated disc which can be completely
lying like a puddle on the floor.
are separated by the fused vertebrae. painless. There are many structures
Other bones protect the delicate, and
The remaining three are distin- in the low back that can cause pain
sometimes soft, insides of your
guished mostly by concavity with and the causes of low back pain can
respect to your front. The remain- be very complex. The following
ing regions are: the cervical-sound parts of spinal anatomy can cause
curvature made of seven vertebrae pain:
and concave; the thoracic-sound
region made of 12 vertebrae and • The large nerve roots in the low
convex and the lumbar sound curva- back that go to the legs and arms
ture made of five vertebrae and con- may be irritated.
• The smaller nerves that inner-
back pain vate the spine in the low back may
be irritated.

Medi-Sign Target • The large paired lower back

Chiropractic Adjustments & muscles, known as the erector
spinae, may be strained.
The backbone, or vertebral or spinal Bent Leg Push-ups
column, though called a “bone,” is
• The bones, ligaments or joints
really a flexible structure made of Types of Low Back Pain
may be injured.
26 bones. As a baby, you have 33 Low back pain is one of the most
vertebrae, or back bones, but the common conditions and one of the
• The intervertebral disc may be
lower four fuse to form the coccyx- leading causes of physician visits in
sound. The next lower five then the United States. In fact, at least
fuse to become the sacrum. The four out of five adults will experi-
It is important to note that many

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types of low back pain have no Done in a con-

known anatomical cause. The pain trolled, gradual
is still real, though, and needs help and progressive
and attention. However, usually low manner, the natu-
back pain can be linked to a general ral stimuli for the
cause, like muscle strain, or a spe- back to heal are
cific and diagnosable condition like active back pain

“My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn’t need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle.”
a degenerative disc disease or a exercises. Move-
lumbar herniated disc. ment distributes
nutrients into the
Chiropractic manipulation or physi- disc space and
cal therapy can help the vast majori- soft tissues in the
ty of lower back pain conditions get spine to keep the
better with time. discs, muscles,
ligaments and months of stretching to mobilize the
The number one solution for back joints healthy. The converse is true spine and soft tissues. They will
pain is bent leg push-ups. Do 20 in too, which means the lack of exer- find, though, that meaningful and
the morning and 20 in the evening. cise can worsen back pain by lead- sustained relief of low back pain
Another ancient method of self ing to stiffness, weakness and de- typically follows the increase in
adjustment is sneezing. The sneeze conditioning. motion.
response is one of the body’s natural
chiropractic responses. Sniffing Generally, a back pain exercise pro- Hamstring stretching exercise
ground black pepper and sneezing gram should encompass a combina- The hamstring muscles seem to play
has helped thousand to walk again. tion of stretching exercises includ- a key role in low back pain. It
With each sneeze it may hurt, but ing: hamstring stretching; strength- seems as though people who have
eventually will come relief, until ening exercises, like dynamic lum- low back pain tend to have tight
finally there is remission of pain. bar stabilization exercise, Mckenzie hamstrings, and people with tight
exercise or other back exercise pro- hamstrings tend to have low back
grams; and low pain. It is clear that hamstring tight-
impact aerobics, like ness limits motion in the pelvis and
walking, bicycling, can place it in a position that
water therapy or increases stress across the low back
swimming. The back although it is not known which
pain exercise and comes first. Therefore, stretching
rehabilitation program the hamstring muscles typically
will be very different helps decrease the intensity of a per-
depending on the son’s back pain and the frequency of
EXERCISE FOR BACK PAIN level of pain. recurrences.

Healing Through Back Pain Exer- Stretching as part of a back pain A hamstring stretching exercise rou-
cise exercise routine tine should include, one to two
Active forms of back pain exercise Almost everyone can benefit from times each day, applying pressure to
and physical therapy are typically stretching the soft tissues, which are lengthen the hamstring muscle for
necessary to rehabilitate the spine the muscles, ligaments and tendons 30-45 seconds at a time. Since a
and help alleviate back pain. A reg- in the back and around the spine. bouncing motion will trigger a
ular back pain exercise routine pro- Limitations in motion can accentu- spasm response in the muscle being
vides the means to help avoid recur- ate back pain because the spinal col- stretched, the pressure on the mus-
rences of low back pain. It helps umn, contiguous muscles, ligaments cle should be applied evenly and
reduce severity and duration of and tendons are all designed to bouncing should be avoided. The
potential future episodes of low move. People with chronic back hamstring muscle may be stretched
back pain. pain may find it takes weeks or in a number of different ways.

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Options for hamstring stretching not be linked to another back pain herniation, also called a radiculopa-
exercises, listed from most difficult exercise routine, since those exercis- thy, extending the spine with
to least difficult, include: es may not be done on a daily basis. McKenzie back exercises may help
reduce the leg pain by
• The most common “centralizing” the pain or
technique is with legs moving the pain from the
relatively straight, sim- leg to the back. Back pain
ply bend forward at the is usually more tolerable
waist and try to touch than leg pain for most peo-
the toes and hold this ple. If a person is able to
position. centralize the pain, they
may be able to continue
-William Shakespeare

• If the first approach with conservative treatment

is not liked well by the like exercise and avoid a
back, less strain is surgical discectomy.
applied by sitting on a chair and It is best to stretch every morning
placing the legs straight out in front when getting up and before going to The exercises should be done fre-
on another chair. Reach forward to bed in order to make stretching quently, meaning every one to two
try to touch the toes. One leg at a exercise a part of your daily regi- hours when the pain is acute. Also,
time may be stretched. men. Think of stretching exercises try to avoid flexing the spine by
as good back hygiene. bending forward during exercising.
“Pleasure and action make the hours seem short.”

• One of the least stressful stretch-

ing techniques is to wrap a towel For specific conditions, there are McKenzie exercises may also be
behind the foot and lie on the floor. two primary forms of back exercise helpful for those that have back pain
Pull the leg up and straighten by for strengthening and/or back pain due to degenerative disc disease.
holding onto the towel wrapped relief that tend to be used. These Extending the spine can serve to
behind the foot. One leg at a time include the McKenzie exercises and relieve the pressure on the disc
may be stretched. dynamic lumbar stabilization exer- while, in contrast, sitting or flexing
cises. When appropriate, these two forward can accentuate low back
• Another less stressful option is forms of physical therapy exercise pain for people with degenerative
to place the buttocks against the may also be used together. disc diseases. Note that the oppo-
wall and lie on the floor. Then site is true in elderly folks who have
place the foot against the wall and 1. McKenzie exercises for back facet osteoarthritis and/or lumbar
try to push the knee straight. One pain relief. stenosis. This means that extending
leg at a time may be stretched. the spine can jam the facet joints on
These back exercises are named the back and increases pressure
The hamstring muscle will gradually after a physical therapist in New across the joints, so these people
lengthen, reducing stress to the low Zealand. He made note that extend- will typically feel better sitting yet
back with time. Stretching should ing the spine through exercise could have more pain with extension.
reduce pain generated
from the disc space. 2. Dynamic lumbar stabilization
Theoretically, exten- exercises for back pain relief.
sion exercises may
also help reduce a With this back exercise technique,
herniated disc and you try to find the position that
reduce pressure on a allows you to feel most comfortable
nerve root. or to find your “neutral” spine.
The back muscles are then exercised
For folks who are to teach the spine how to stay in this
suffering from leg position. This back exercise tech-
pain due to a disc nique relies on proprioception, or

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the awareness of where your joints pain when an episode occurs. Well- because of the unweighting the
are positioned. These back exercis- conditioned people are also more spine. You may transition to land
es for pain relief can help keep the likely to stay functional, in other exercises, sometimes as the water
back strong and well positioned words, people who continue work- therapy exercise progresses.
when performed on an ongoing ing and carry on with recreational
basis. activities. In contrast those people
with chronic low back pain who
In conjunction with these stabiliza- choose not to work on low-impact
tion exercises, the McKenzie exer- aerobic exercise should expect to
cises may also be done. The stabi- experience the gradual loss of func-
lization exercises help strengthen tional capabilities.
the back and the McKenzie exercis-
es serve to reduce back pain. Stabi- In order to increase the heart rate

“A gentleman is a man who can play the accordion but doesn’t.”

lization exercises can be rather rig- and keep it elevated the aerobic
orous and therefore may not be well exercise should be continuous.
tolerated by everyone. For the eld- Moreover, it is thought that 30-40
erly in significant pain, it may be minutes of aerobic exercise has the
advisable to use other less strenuous added benefit of increasing the pro-
means of physical therapy and back duction of endorphins, which are
exercise. pain ridding molecules produced by
the body. Also, the release of
Both rehabilitation and maintenance endorphins probably creates the
of the lower back through recondi- well-known “runner’s high” that
tioning and low-impact aerobic occurs during exercise.
exercise is very useful. People who Water therapy exercise is especially
regularly undergo aerobic exercise There are several types of aerobic useful for people in too much pain
will have fewer episodes of low exercise that are gentle on the back to tolerate land exercises, for the
back pain, and will experience less and are highly effective in providing elderly or for people who have
conditioning when done on a regular osteoarthritis.
• Walking for exercise. In gener- Another option for people with low
al, walking for exercise is very gen- back pain is chiropractic and osteo-
tle on the back and walking two to pathic conservative treatment. The
three miles three times per week is overall philosophy for chiropractic
very helpful. and osteopathic manipulations is
that joint dysfunction in the lower,
• Stationary bicycling for exer- or lumbar, spine can produce low
cise. If walking is painful, station- back pain. Mobilizing the lumbar
ary bicycling is also effective and spine joints though manipulations,
may be less stressful on the back. commonly referred to as “adjust-
ments,” can decrease low back pain.
• Water therapy for exercise. Some conditions respond well to
Doing exercise in the water provides mobilization because they represent
for effective conditioning while joint dysfunctions that respond well
minimizing stress on the back. to chiropractic or osteopathic
Water therapy for back exercise
Beginning aerobic exercises in the Chiropractic and osteopathic manip-
water allows for more mobilization ulations can be especially helpful in
with less pain for the person relieving pain for facet joint

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injuries, osteoarthritis with the back remaining exercise contributes to many com-
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain

and sacroiliac joint straight and the large leg mon forms of back pain.
dysfunction. muscles doing the lifting.
Problems Caused by Obesity
Back Braces 2. Rigid braces Nearly one-third of Americans are
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” -Thomas Jefferson

Motion of the lum- Rigid braces, are form-fit- classified as obese. For those peo-
bar, which is the ting plastic braces like ple, episodes of musculoskeletal
lower spine, can Boston Overlap braces or pain, specifically back pain, are
delay healing in frac- Thoracolumbar Sacral prevalent. More obese people say
tures or in post-oper- Orthosis (TLSO). The they are disabled and less able to
ative fusions. Limit- rigid brace is able to limit complete everyday activities than
ing the motion of the about half of the motion people with other chronic condi-
spine enhances the in the spine provided that tions.
healing process for it is well fitted. Fractures
bone in both condi- and broken bones can For people who are overweight,
tions, and will also often be treated with a attention to overall weight loss is
usually decrease low rigid brace. Rigid braces important. This is because every
back pain and dis- are not very comfortable pound adds strain to the muscles
comfort. because they are heavy and ligaments in the back. The
and hot. Although they spine can become tilted and stressed
Two types of back should be worn when unevenly in order to compensate for
braces are commonly awake, they may be extra weight. As a result, over time,
used to limit the removed when lying the back may lose its proper support
motion in the spine: down. and an unnatural curvature of the
spine may develop.
• Corset braces, Weight Loss for Back
which are elastic Relief
braces. People who are over-
weight or obese and suf-
• Rigid braces fer from back pain may
not be aware that their excess
1. Corset braces (elastic braces) weight is actually contributing to
After a lumbar fusion, a corset brace their back pain. It is known that
is sometimes recommended to limit people who are overweight often are
motion of the spine. The brace at greater risk for back pain, joint
helps limit motion in the back while pain and muscle strain than those
the fusion sets up by not allowing who are not obese, even though it
you to bend forward. A back brace has not been thoroughly studied
can be helpful in obtaining a solid exactly how excess weight can
fusion because bone grows better cause or contribute to back pain.
where there is little motion. This is The low back, in particular, may be
especially true in cases where no Other symptoms shown by persons aggravated by obesity by pain and
instrumentation, or a device to aid who are obese or severely over- problems. This occurs for people
in stability, is used. Sometimes peo- weight may include fatigue, as well with extra weight in their stomachs.
ple wear corset braces when they as difficulty breathing and shortness This is due to the excess weight
have jobs that involve heavy lifting. of breath during short periods of pulling the pelvis forward and
These braces essentially work by exercise, in addition to back pain. straining the lower back, thus creat-
limiting motion and acting as a When the fatigue and shortness of ing lower back pain. Women espe-
reminder to use proper body posture breath causes a person to avoid cially who are obese or who have a
when lifting. When the corset brace activity and exercise, this can indi- large waist size are particularly at
is worn, the lifting needs to be done rectly lead to back pain as lack of risk for lower back pain.

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A herniated disc occurs when discs relieving qualities in adults. tion. Not all these points are locat-
and other spinal structures are dam- Acupuncture may be a useful treat- ed on the abdominal area or lum-
aged from having to compensate for ment for low back pain, headache, bosacral region.
the pressure of extra weight on the myofascial pain, osteoarthritis,
back. Obese or overweight people carpal tunnel syndrome, dental pain • Infections skin disorder or dis-
may experience sciatica and low and chemotherapy. ease.
back pain from a herniated disc. In
addition, when extra weight is As with any treatment option, • Use of a pacemaker.
pushed into spaces between bones in though, acupuncture is not without

“I believe that professional wrestling is clean and everything else in the world is fixed.”
the low back area, pinched nerves its risks and costs. Before making There have been numerous accounts
and piriformis syn- any sort of decision as and studies of the benefits that
drome may result. to whether or not it is a acupuncture has for back pain.
possible treatment Acupuncture is quite safe as com-
When extra body option, one should be pared to other treatments. Whether
weight strains joints, well aware of the fac- acupuncture is a viable option is
arthritis of the spine tors involved in ultimately up to the individual.
that causes back pain acupuncture.
may be aggravated. EXERCISE BALL THERAPY
An acupuncture treat- FOR LOW BACK PAIN
It’s always best to ment program will
avoid surgery. likely consist of one Exercise ball introduction
Weight may affect hour treatments for The exercise ball is also called a
the effectiveness of anywhere from three to Swiss ball or physio ball. It is a
back surgery. The ten sessions. The cost conservative treatment option for
obese are at higher for this treatment is back pain sufferers and is designed
risk for complications usually between 45 to help prevent further episodes of
and infections after and 100 dollars per low back pain as part of a rehabilita-
surgery compared to session. This, of tion program. The exercise ball
those who are not course, depends on the helps strengthen and develop the
obese. Paying attention to weight practitioner and the local market core body muscles that stabilize the
loss before undergoing back surgery conditions too. spine, thus it is effective in rehabili-
may improve the healing process tation of the back.
after surgery especially for seriously As with any medical treatment,
overweight people. there are certain contraindications An element of instability is intro-
for acupuncture treatments, includ- duced to the exercise with the exer-
It is also important to evaluate ing: cise ball that one would not normal-
where excess fat is carried on the • A seizure disorder. ly get in a floor exercise. To keep
body. For example, those people balanced on the exercise ball, the
who carry more weight around their • Bleeding disorder such as hemo- body responds naturally and auto-
midsection are at greater risk for philia or use of blood thinners. matically to this instability. Over
obesity-related health problems, like
low back pain. For women with a • Drug or alcohol intoxi-
waist measurement of more than 35 cation.
inches or men with a waist measure-
ment of more than 40 inches, weight • If pregnant, needling in
loss for health considerations is the abdominal area or lum-
often advisable. bosacral region should be
avoided. Also, avoid any
Acupuncture Considerations acupuncture that might
There is evidence to demonstrate stimulate the early delivery
that acupuncture has beneficial pain- of the fetus or lead to abor-

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time, the muscles used to keep in • Simple and versatile way to start other spine specialist for a proper fit
balance on the ball become stronger; moving again after back pain before using or purchasing an exer-
thus allowing individuals to build episode. cise ball.
strength in important back muscles
and abdominal muscles without The exercise ball is also highly ben- They come in different varieties
them knowing. eficial for general fitness, strength also. They may be inflatable, made
training, weight training and exer- out of vinyl or plastic or solid foam
The exercise ball also uses what is cise for pregnant women. rubber. If you choose to use an
called proprioception, inflatable exercise ball,
which is an awareness remember that it can be
of where one’s hand or punctured, so it is impor-
“If God had intended us to drink beer, he would have given us stomachs.”

foot is in relationship tant to avoid wearing any-

to space. The instabil- thing sharp like jewelry or
ity of the exercise ball a belt buckle when using
provides the body with the ball. The exercise balls
constant opportunities that are made of plastic can
to evaluate its orienta- be harmed by exposure to
tion in space. This heat or excess sunlight.
helps to develop and Some manufacturers are
train the body’s natu- now making exercise balls
ral awareness. that stop it from exploding
Enhanced propriocep- if a puncture occurs.
tion provides the body Instead it allows the air to
with increased balance and stability. leak out slowly. One factor in
About Exercise Balls choosing an exercise ball is its dura-
It is also theorized that the type of The exercise ball came to be known bility and ability to maintain its
spinal movement induced by using as the “Swiss ball” in 1965. shape under pressure. When look-
the exercise ball, which is small Switzerland is one of the earliest ing to purchase an exercise ball, the
range and adjustment of balance noted places that used an exercise manufactures should provide test
may help reduce pain by stimulating ball as a group of physical therapists load figures to the retailer detailing
the body to produce increased used it in their work with children how much weight the exercise ball
amounts of natural pain inhibitors. with cerebral palsy. The exercise will hold.
ball has other names including, a
The benefits of physio ball exercise gymnic ball, gym ball, stability ball, If you should purchase an inflatable
for people with low back pain therapy ball, physio ball
include: or blue ball because
many are blue. Exer-
• Enhanced balance and coordina- cise balls vary in size.
tion of core muscle groups used to Trainers suggest using
stabilize the spine and control prop- an exercise ball that fits
er posture while using the exercise each person’s height
ball. and leg length, where
the hips and knees are
• Greater flexibility and range of at or slightly greater
motion of the spine. than a 90 degree angle
with thighs parallel to
• Improved muscle strength. the ground or point
down slightly and feet
• Increased tendency to maintain a flat on the floor. It is
neutral spine position during exer- best to work with an
cise. exercise physiologist or

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:36 PM Page 157

exercise ball, it may be sold in a When the disk between the bones
deflated condition. This means that bulges and presses on nerves it is a
an air pump is required to fill it. A slipped disk. This is often caused
pump can often be purchased with by twisting while lifting. However,
the exercise ball. Remember to fol- many people won’t know what
low the instructions about air pres- caused their slipped disk.
sure and fill levels. A benefit that
many people consider when buying What can I do for relief when I've
an exercise ball is that they are hurt my lower back?
portable which can be compared to When your back hurts, the best
isms, like the Streptococcus bacteria
the heavy exercise equipment that is position for relief is lying on your

“It is better to be a mouse in a cat’s mouth than a man in a lawyer’s hands.”

growing in culture in this picture,
not. An exercise ball can even back on the floor. Put pillows under
which were isolated from a man
make a trip when traveling because your knees, with your hips and
with strep throat. While pathogenic
many of them can be deflated. knees bent and your feet on a chair,
bacteria are notorious for such dis-
or just lie on the floor with your
eases as cholera, tuberculosis and
Tips for preventing back strain hips and knees bent. This takes the
gonorrhea, such disease-causing
• Don’t lift by bending over. pressure and weight off your back.
species are a comparatively tiny
Instead, lift an object by bending
fraction of the bacteria as a whole.
your hips and knees and then squat- You may need one to two days of
ting to pick up the object. Keep this sort of rest if you’re resting a
Because bacteria are so widespread,
your back straight and hold the hurt back. Resting longer than this
it is only possible to make the most
object close to your body. Also can cause your muscles to weaken,
general statements about their life
make sure to avoid twisting while which can slow your recovery; walk
history and ecology. Bacteria may
lifting. around for a few minutes every hour
be found on the tops of mountains,
even if it hurts.
the bottom of the deepest oceans, in
• When you must move heavy
the guts of animals and even in the
objects, push rather than pull. BACTERIA frozen rocks and ice of Antarctica.
They have the ability to go dormant
• Break up the time with stops to
for an extended period of time
stretch if you must sit at your desk Medi-Sign Target which is a factor that has enabled
or at the wheel of a car or truck for
them to spread so far and last so
long hours. Raw Honey
• Wear flat shoes or shoes with
Bacteria grow in a wide variety of Bacteria have a wide range of envi-
low heels that are one inch or lower.
habitats and conditions. ronmental and nutritive require-
When most people think of bacteria, ments.
• Exercise regularly. An inactive
they think of disease-causing organ- Based on their responses to gaseous
lifestyle contributes to lower back
oxygen, most bacte-
ria may be placed
into one of three
What can cause low back injuries?
groups. Aerobic bac-
Low back injuries like muscle strain
teria thrive in the
or spasm, sprains of ligaments
presence of oxygen
which attach bone to bone, joint
and require it for
problems or a slipped disk may be
their continued
caused by many factors. The most
growth and exis-
common cause is using your back
tence, while other
muscles in activities you’re not used
bacteria are anaero-
to, like lifting heavy furniture or
bic and cannot toler-
doing yard work.
ate gaseous oxygen,

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:36 PM Page 158

like those bacteria that live in deep Both the land and water ecosystem, mary way in which nitrogen
underwater sediments or those that depend heavily upon the activity of becomes available to them is
cause bacterial food poisoning. The bacteria; the cycling of nutrients through nitrogen fixation by bacteria
third group of bacteria are the facul- such as carbon, nitrogen and sulfur such as rhizobium, and by
tative anaerobes. These bacteria is completed by their ceaseless cyanobacteria like anabaena, nostoc,
prefer growing in the presence of labor. and spirulina.
oxygen but can continue
to grow without it. As part of their metabo-
lism, these bacteria con-
Bacteria may also be clas- vert gaseous nitrogen into
sified by the mode in nitrates or nitrites and the
which they obtain their resulting products are
energy. The two cate- released into the environ-
gories of bacteria are clas- ment. Plants like liver-
sified by the source of worts, cycads and
their energy. They are legumes have modified
“What happens if you get scared half to death twice?”

heterotrophs and their structure to house

autotrophs. Heterotrophs the bacteria in their own
derive energy from break- tissues. Other denitrify-
ing down complex organic ing bacteria metabolize in
compounds that they must the reverse direction,
take in from the environ- turning nitrates into nitro-
ment including saprobic gen gas or nitrous oxide.
bacteria found in decaying Colonies of these bacteria
material, especially dead may deplete the soil nutri-
animals as well as those ents and make it difficult
that rely on fermentation for crops to grow when
or respiration. In the form of dead and rotting they occur on crop lands.
organisms, the organic carbon
The other group, called the would quickly deplete the carbon Bacterial
autotrophs, fix carbon dioxide to dioxide in the atmosphere if not for
make their own food source. This the activity of decomposers. Even Infections
may be fueled by light energy called though this may not sound too bad,
photoautotrophic, or by oxidation of remember that without carbon diox- Medi-Sign Target
nitrogen, sulfur, or other elements ide, there would be no photosynthe-
called chemoautotrophic. Photoau- sis in plants and no food. The car-
Raw Honey, Salt, Water &
totrophs are quite common and bon contained in tissues becomes Fermented Foods
diverse, while chemoautotrophs are unavailable for most other living
uncommon. Photoautotrophs things when organisms die. Decom- When the bacteria are eating or
include the cyanobacteria, green sul- position is the breakdown of these breaking down filth in the body
fur bacteria, purple sulfur bacteria organisms, the release of nutrients mostly from plaque, they create bac-
and purple nonsulfur bacteria. The back into the environment and one terial infections. They are doing
sulfur bacteria are particularly inter- of the most important roles of the their job, they are not attacking you.
esting. This type of bacteria uses bacteria. You’re eating habits and lifestyle or
hydrogen sulfide as a hydrogen an accident has given them a home.
donor instead of water like most Another important activity of bacte-
other photosynthetic organisms ria is the cycling of nitrogen. Plants When the presence and growth of
including cyanobacteria. rely on nitrogen from the soil for microorganisms damage host tissue,
their health and growth. They can- bacterial infections are the result.
Bacteria play important roles in the not acquire it from the gaseous The extent of infection is generally
global ecosystem. nitrogen in the atmosphere. The pri- determined by how many organisms

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:36 PM Page 159

are present and the tox- simply occur once, but

ins they release, which three times in widely
is determined by an separated geographic
inviting environment. areas.

“Two farmers each claimed to own a certain cow. While one pulled on its head and the other pulled on its tail,
Worldwide, internal
filth and the accompa- There are several
nying bacterial infec- ways in which bacte-
tions are responsible ria become resistant to
for more deaths than antibiotic therapy.
any other cause. One way is that some
Symptoms can include bacteria have now
inflammation and developed “efflux”
swelling, pain, heat, pumps. When the
redness and loss of bacterium recognizes
function. The most invasion by an antibi-
important risk factors otic, the efflux pump
are burns, severe trau- simply pumps the
ma, low white blood cell counts, specific immune response that relies antibiotic out of its cells. However,
people on immunotherapy treatment on the activation of lymphocytes, resistance genes code for more than
and anyone with malnutrition or which send T- and B-cells to try to pumps. Some lead to the manufac-

the cow was milked by a lawyer.”

vitamin deficiency meaning a bad recognize the specific type of organ- ture of enzymes that degrade or
diet. ism involved. T-cells marshal cyto- chemically alter and therefore inac-
toxic cells, which are sent to destroy tivate the antibiotic. Where do these
Generally, bacteria are spread from the organism, and B-cells produce resistance genes come from?
an already infected person to the the immunoglobulins that can Usually, bacteria get them from
newly infected person. The most destroy specific types of bacteria. other bacteria. In some cases they
common invasion routes are inhala- Prevent infection by following prin- pick up a gene containing plasmid
tion of airborne bacteria, ingestion ciples of good health. from a “donor” cell. Also, viruses
into the stomach from dirty hands or have been shown to extract a resist-
utensils or through contaminated LIMITATIONS OF MODERN ance gene from one bacterium and
food or water. You can also contract ANTIBIOTICS inject it into a different one. Some
the bacteria through direct contact bacteria “scavenge” DNA from
with an infected area of another per- They make the so called enemy dead cells around them.
son's body, contaminated blood or stronger. Occasionally, scavenged genes are
by insect bite. Antibiotics were incredible effective incorporated in a stable manner into
in the treatment of many bacterial the recipient cell’s chromosome or
The body has its own protection infections when they were discov- into a plasmid and become part of
against such bacteria. They include, ered in the 1940s. Over time many the recipient bacterium. A few
naturally occurring chemicals like antibiotics have lost their effective- resistance genes develop through
the lysozymes found in tears, gastric ness against certain types of bacteria random mutations in the bacterium’s
acid of the stomach, pancreatic because stronger strains have devel- DNA.
enzymes of the bowel and fatty oped, mostly through the expression
acids in the skin. The body’s of “resistance genes.” In 1998 a Research shows great promise for a
immune response becomes involved potentially deadly bacterium known novel concept: fermented foods!
only if the infective organism man- as Staphylococcus aureus (“staph”), Introduce salt and good bacteria into
ages to invade the body. which causes widespread nosocomi- body. Bad bacteria can’t live in salt;
Nonspecific immune response, al, which are infections contracted and good bacteria from ferments
which is the body’s second line of in a hospital or clinic from doctors can, and they clean up the food
protection, consists primarily of and nurses, infections, failed to source that is the filth that bad bac-
inflammation. The body also has a respond to the most potent antibiot- teria love.
third line of protection known as the ic, vancomycin. This failure did not

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:36 PM Page 160

The Last Line of Antibiotic thirst, loss of appetite and nausea or found in hospitals and medical
Defense (according to pharmaceu- vomiting. The following medica- offices is S. aureus. Staphylococcus
tical research): Scientists see an tions compose the aminoglycoside was at one time responsive to treat-
family: streptomycin, ment with methicillin. Now, almost
amikacin, gentamicin, all strains of Staphylococcus are
kanamycin, netilmicin, and resistant to methicillin and are
tobramycin. These antibi- becoming increasingly resistant to
otics are administered by a vancomycin as well. With only lim-
physician to take by ited success, hospitals are struggling
inhalation solution, irriga- to improve hygiene and take more
tion solution or injection. aggressive action to contain contam-
inated areas. Both staphylococcal
In the feces of most and enterococcal strains of bacteria
humans and some animals resistant to the most potent antibi-
are the enterococci bacte- otics have been found in otherwise
ria. In healthy people, two healthy people outside the hospital
strains of enterococci, the setting. Fortunately, they don’t
increasing role for aminoglycosides Enterococcus faecalis and the appear to be dangerous.
“I drink to make other people interesting.”

in clinical practice as the problems Enterococcus faecium may cause

of antibiotic resistance become ever urinary tract infections or wound Pharmaceutical companies continue
more global. Aminoglycosides are infections. These can typically be to develop new and stronger antibi-
chemical compounds that are pres- cured by a diet of citrus, onions, otics as the last line of defense to
ent in a variety of antibiotics. Some garlic, horseradish and lots of water. combat the problem. Currently only
of these are derived naturally from In severely ill people in a hospital one that has been approved for use
microorganisms, while others are setting, these same two strains may by the FDA in 1999 named Syner-
synthesized. Their broad antimicro- cause life-threatening conditions cid, has proven safe with limited
bial spectrum and ability to act syn- such as bacteremia which is infec- effectiveness, for treatment of
ergistically with other drugs makes tion of the blood stream, endocardi- staphylococcal and enterococcal
them very useful in treating serious tis which is infection of the heart infections. This is like so many
nosocomial, which are hospital- valves, and meningitis which is drugs that are, “scientifically proven
induced, infections, from which infection of brain fluid. safe,” that have to be pulled when
150,000 die each year. shown dangerous if the drug kills or
All enterococcal bacteria found in
For serious Gram-negative bacilli hospitals and doctors offices were
infections like Mycobacterium effectively killed by vancomycin
avium, aminoglycosides are given. (Vancocin), an antibiotic adminis-
Also included on the list of infec- tered by bolus injection that was
tions are Mycobacterium tuberculo- considered the last line of defense
sis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and against the most life-threatening
enterococcal endocarditis. bacterial infections until the mid-
Aminoglycosides exhibit a signifi- 1980s. Since then, though, several
cant postantibiotic effect for up to strains of enterococci that are van-
eight hours after antimicrobial comycin-resistant have appeared in
action falls to zero. This makes hospitals and clinics all over the
them superior to other classes of world. In the United States alone,
antibiotics. the problem is so serious that over
14,000 people die each year from
Common side effects of aminogly- antibiotic-resistant bacteria picked
cosides may include a loss of hear- up in the hospital.
ing, clumsiness, dizziness, increased
or decreased urination, increased Another potentially lethal bacterium

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:40 PM Page 161

maims enough people. Synercid is human body. It occurs in

administered intravenously as a drug all secretions that bathe
of last resort. mucous membranes, like
saliva, tears, bronchial and
NATURAL ALTERNATIVES nasal secretions, hepatic
• Alkylglycerols bile and pancreatic fluids.
• All Ferments (especially sauer- It is an essential factor in
kraut and plain yogurt) the immune response.
• Amino Acids Lactoferrin is concentrated
• Enzymes in oral cavities where it will
• Fruit Juice come in direct contact with
• Grapefruit Seed Extract pathogens, like viruses, bac-
• Honey and Bee Propolis teria, etc., and kill or greatly

“The Irish are a fair people – they never speak well of one another.”
• Lactoferrin suppress these pathogens
• Oregano Oil through a variety of differ-
• Plant Microbials ent mechanisms. There are
• Salt Water (to drink) specific receptors for lacto-
• Sarsaparilla Root ferrin found on many key
• Trace Elements (nuts and seeds) immune cells, in fact, like
lymphocytes, monocytes
EAT YOUR YOGURT and macrophages.
Lactoferrin is known to be
directly involved in the
upregulation of natural killer (NK) of lactoferrin, they are strongly
cell activity. One study with baby inhibited or killed. One study added
pigs found that only 17 percent of lactoferrin to the drinking water of
the pigs died when fed lactoferrin mice and subjected them to the toxic
and injected with a toxin called microbe called S. aureus. The study
Escherichia coli. This is opposed to found that in the mice getting the
74 percent of the pigs that died lactoferrin as two percent of their
without the lactoferrin. caloric intake, kidney infections
were reduced by 40-60% and bacte-
The best-known role for lactoferrin rial counts were reduced five- to
Lactoferrin is as an iron-binding protein. It’s twelve-fold.
Lactoferrin is a subfraction of cow, referred to as hololactoferrin in its
goat milk and whey with well-docu- iron-bound form and apolactoferrin Loctoferrin, both in vitro and vivo
mented viral, microbial, cancer and in its iron-depleted form. Studies strongly inhibited the toxic bacteria
immune modulating/enhancing have found that as a microbial agent Helicobacter pylori as reported by
effects. A complex protein made up it is the apolactoferrin form that has another study.
of many smaller protein subfrac- the most powerful effects.
tions, also called peptides, is whey. Lactoferrin showed a dramatic
Many of these subfractions are Able to inhibit a wide range of path- increase in good microflora like
found. For example, lactoferrin ogenic bacteria and other microbes, Bifidobacterium bifidum (Bifidus)
makes up only 0.5-1 percent or less lactoferrin is a powerful microbial. and a decrease in bad bacteria, like
of whey protein derived from cows’ The mechanism appears to lie with E. coli, Streptococcus sp.,
milk; three percent in goats milk; lactoferrin’s ability to bind iron Clostridium sp. and others when fed
mothers’ milk, on the other hand, because it is known to have an to adult animals and human infants.
will contain up to 15 percent lacto- extremely high affinity for this The result was desirable intestinal
ferrin. metal. Many pathogenic bacteria flora, which is known to be essential
need a supply of free iron to multi- for optimal health, immunity and
Lactoferrin is found throughout the ply. When they are in the presence resistance to disease. In addition to

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:40 PM Page 162

its ability to enhance the growth of grows wild in mountainous areas of waste materials and acts as protector
good microflora in the intestine, Greece and Turkey and is rich in from various poisons. Heavy metal-
some research also suggests that minerals such as calcium, magne- lic contaminants in the blood can be
lactoferrin is able to stimulate intes- sium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, extracted from the system with the
tinal cell growth and may lead to boron and manganese. Containing judicious use of sarsaparilla. An
better digestive functions. In addi- these minerals only adds to its heal- added benefit of its use is that sarsa-
“Always acknowledge a fault frankly. This will throw those in authority off guard and allow you

tion to its immunomodulating ing value. Oregano oil has become parilla exerts strong power over
effects, this natural peptide in milk popular in recent years as an alter- fibers and tissues of the nervous
has powerful probiotic properties. native to prescription antibiotics. system.

Studies have found lactoferrin to Grapefruit Seed Extract

inhibit a wide range of Gram-posi- Grapefruit seed extract is derived
tive and Gram-negative bacteria, from the
yeasts and even certain intestinal bioflavonoids
parasites. The following have all found in the
been found to be strongly or partial- seed and pulp.
ly inhibited in the presence of lacto- In several vitro
ferrin: Cholera, E. coli, Shigella studies, its ger-
opportunity to commit more.” -Mark Twain

flexneri, Staphylococcus epider- mic action has

midis, P. aeruginosa, Candida albi- shown a
cans among others. growth-inhibit-
ing effect on bac-
teria, fungi, parasites
and viruses. Accidentally, Alkylglycerols
the effectiveness of grapefruit seeds A family of compounds named
was rediscovered by a doctor who Alkylglycerols (AKGs) have been
noticed that the seeds did not found to play a crucial role in the
decompose in his compost pile. production and stimulation of white
Closer examination revealed that the blood cells. They occur in cow,
grapefruit seeds killed any microor- goat and mother’s milk. AKGs help
ganism that tried to decompose it. give nursing mammals, including
Laboratory studies have shown it to breast-fed babies, protection against
be effective in inhibiting bacteria infection until their own immune
such as S. aureus, E. coli, P. aerugi- systems can develop fully. They are
nosa and M. tuberculosis. Grape- thought to act as immune boosters
Oregano Oil fruit seed extract has various uses, against infectious diseases.
Oil of oregano is a powerful filth including an internal bactericide,
cleaner and considered one of the water disinfectant, skin cleanser and Caution: Because it may cause
most potent, harmful bacteria first-aid spray. Also, grapefruit seed overproduction of blood platelets,
removers of all the essential oils. extract is a treatment for house pets do not take shark liver.
Carvacrol and thymol, the two and livestock that may be suscepti-
active ingredients in oregano, are ble to bacterial infections from a Enzymes
phenols, meaning they are agents variety of sources. Bromelain (pineapple), a proteolytic
that kill microscopic bacteria. For digestive enzyme. It can potentiate,
centuries in Far Eastern and Middle Sarsaparilla Root augment and strengthen the entire
Eastern cultures, oregano oil has Through its biotic activity, sarsapa- immune system.
been used to treat respiratory infec- rilla root, Smilax officinali, neutral-
tions, chronic inflammation, urinary izes microbial substances. By act- Amino Acids
tract infections, dysentery, jaundice ing as a diuretic and diaphoretic by Arginine can strengthen components
and even to increase sexual promoting perspiration, sarsaparilla of the immune system. It is a crys-
excitability. Medicinal oregano encourages excretion of toxins and talline basic amino acid derived

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:40 PM Page 163

from nets, seeds and grains. by preventing cell division and Restoring Intestinal Flora
Arginine promotes the synthesis of inhibiting protein synthesis. Antibiotics destroy friendly bacteria
nitric oxide that is believed to help in the intestinal tract that are needed
protect against bacterial infections. Caution: Bee products, other to digest food and prohibit the
The role of nitric oxide was studied than honey, should not be given to growth of fungal infections and
in host defense against Klebsiella children under the age of three. pathogenic bacteria in the first
pneumoniae infection of the lung. place. Fortunately, these beneficial
The results suggested that nitric Trace Elements bacteria can be restored by eating
oxide plays a critical role in bacteri- A South African study concluded whole foods, especially ferments.
al host defense against K. pneumo- that trace minerals have been found
niae. This is due in part by regulat- to potentiate microbial healing Oxygenation Healing
ing macrophage phagocytic and agents and are critical in the mainte- For conditions that have low oxygen
microbicidal activity. nance of a healthy immune system. in the tissues causing or complicat-
ing the outcome, hyperbaric oxy-
Plant Microbials genation helps the body heal.
• Intestinal Flora Repetitive hyperbaric sessions can
• Oxygenation help many different conditions such

“A stitch in time would have confused Einstein.”

Healing as anemia, burns and crush injuries.
Hyperbaric oxygenation has also
Researchers improved compromised skin grafts.
around the world The use of hyperbaric oxygen thera-
are taking another py (HBO) has become more wide-
look at folk medi- spread in recent years for difficult-
cine, herbal reme- to-heal infections. This is because
dies and other antibiotics very often fail to clear
alternatives to resistant strains of pathogens.
pharmacological Treatable infections include actino-
drugs and have mycosis, osteomyelitis, diabetic
found the bacterio- wounds, gangrene and other deadly
Fruit Juice logical value of herbal extracts from soft tissue infections.
Cranberry juice has proven to be an many parts of the world. Examples
effective non-drug therapy against of useful herbal remedies include: HBO consists of a single person
urinary tract infections. It keeps Goldenseal, an effective natural chamber, in which only one person
bacteria from attaching to the walls biotic; raw garlic, containing potent is entirely enclosed in a pressure
of the bladder and urinary tract bacterial effects; Kyolic, an aged chamber. Inside the person is
because of the active ingredients of garlic product that does not kill bac- breathing oxygen at a pressure
the juice. Research concludes that teria directly, but boosts immune greater than atmospheric pressure.
cranberry juice also helps to prevent function enabling the body to rid These treatments each last about 60
the formation of dental plaque that chronic bacterial infections. minutes. HBO is regarded as a ther-
can eventually lead to tooth decay. apeutic modality because
The recommended daily intake of significant physiological
this juice is one quart a day. mechanisms are activated
as a result. Compared to
Honey and Bee Propolis normal breathing, HBO
As confirmed by research, honey delivers 10-15 times the
was well known to have bacterial oxygen. HBO is used in
healing properties before the discov- the formation of new cap-
ery and eventual destruction by illaries around a wound
antibiotics. In addition, electron area and to treat anemia,
microscope studies show that bee ischemia and some poi-
propolis has a potent bacterial effect sonings.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 164

With hyperbaric therapy, which is bacterial • Bacterial meningitis is most

the flooding of the body with oxy- commonly caused by one of three
gen, it tends to remove other gases, meningitis types of bacteria: Haemophilus
like carbon monoxide and acute influenzae type b, Neisseria menin-
cyanide poisoning. HBO inhibits Medi-Sign Target gitidis, and Streptococcus pneumo-
the growth of a number of anaero- niae bacteria.
bic, as well as aerobic, organisms by
Salt, Salt & More Salt
enhancing phagocytic activity. This Water & Fermented Foods • The bacteria are spread by direct
effect is useful in disorders involv- close contact with the discharges
ing immunosuppression, and it com- from the nose or throat of an infect-
plements the improved action of ed person.
host disease-removing factors.
• Prevention depends on rapid
CONCLUSION diagnosis and prompt treatment of
Ironically, the advent of the new close personal contacts.
-Oscar Wilde

“miracle drugs,” the antibiotics

developed in the 1940s and since, What is Bacterial Meningitis?
also set the stage for drug-resistant Meningitis is an infection of the
bacteria that do not respond to fluid that surrounds the brain and
antibiotics. Avoiding or neutralizing the fluid in the spinal cord. Menin-
bacterial infections requires a gitis is usually caused by an infec-
“Work is the curse of the drinking class.”

strong, effective immune response. tion with a virus or a bacterium.

Research demonstrates preventive Because of the differences in the
benefits from whole foods. Whole seriousness of the illness and the
foods can provide effective treat- treatment needed, knowing whether
ment when FDA-approved antibi- meningitis is caused by a virus or a
otics fail. bacterium is important.


called aseptic meningitis and is usu-
ally relatively mild. It clears up
within a week or two without spe-
cific treatment.

much more serious. It can cause
severe disease that can result in
brain damage and even death.

What Bacteria cause Bacterial

Bacterial meningitis is most com-
monly caused by one of three types
of bacteria: Haemophilus influen-
zae type b (Hib), Neisseria meningi-
tidis, and Streptococcus pneumoni-
ae. Hib was the leading cause of
• Bacterial meningitis is a serious bacterial meningitis before the
infection of the fluid in the spinal 1900s. New vaccines being given
cord and the fluid that surrounds the to children as part of their routine
brain. immunizations have reduced the

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 165

occurrence of serious Hib disease. What are the signs and symptoms How is Bacterial Meningitis Diag-
Today, Neisseria meningitidis and of Bacterial Meningitis? nosed?
Streptococcus pneumoniae are the In people two years old and older, Bacterial meningitis is usually diag-
leading causes of bacterial meningi- common symptoms include high nosed through growing bacteria
tis. Meningitis caused by Neisseria fever, headache and stiff neck. from a sample of spinal fluid
meningitidis is also called These symptoms can develop over obtained through a spinal tap. A
Meningococcal Meningitis. several hours, or they may take one spinal tap is when a doctor inserts a
Meningitis caused by Streptococcus to two days. Other symptoms can needle into the lower back and
pneumoniae is called Pneumoccal include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity removes some fluid from the spinal
Meningitis. to light, confusion and sleepiness. canal. Again, identification of the
Sometimes, in the advanced disease, type of bacteria responsible for the

“Great moments in science: Einstein discovers that time is actually money.”

Garlic can prevent some types of bruises develop under the skin and meningitis is important for the
meningitis from spreading and spread quickly. selection of correct treatment.
infecting other people, so it
is important to know What complications can result
which type of bacteria is from Bacterial Meningitis?
causing the bacterial Advanced bacterial meningitis
meningitis. can lead to brain damage, coma
and death. Survivors can suffer
Where is Bacterial long-term complications,
Meningitis found? including hearing loss, mental
Bacterial meningitis is retardation, paralysis and
found worldwide. The seizures.
bacteria often live harm-
lessly in a person’s mouth How common is Bacterial
and throat. However, in Meningitis?
rare instances, they can In some parts of the world like
break through the body's the United States, bacterial
immune defenses and travel to the The typical symptoms of fever, meningitis is relatively rare and usu-
fluid surrounding the brain and headache, and neck stiffness may be ally occurs in isolated cases; clusters
spinal cord. It is there that they hard to detect in newborns and of more than a few cases are
begin to quickly multiply. Once this infants. Some signs of meningitis in uncommon.
happens, the thin membrane that them are inactivity, irritability, vom- In parts of Africa, widespread epi-
covers the brain and spinal cord, iting and poor feeding. People of demics of meningococcal meningitis
known as the meninges, becomes any age can have seizures as the dis- occur regularly. In 1996, the
swollen and inflamed. This leads to ease progresses. biggest wave of meningococcal
the classic symptoms of meningitis. meningitis outbreaks ever recorded
Who is at risk for Bacterial Menin- hit West Africa with an estimated
How do people get Bacterial gitis? 250,000 cases and 25,000 deaths in
Meningitis? It is most common in infants and Niger, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Chad,
People get meningitis through the children although anyone can get Mali and other countries.
bacteria that are spread by direct bacterial meningitis. People who
close contact with the discharges have had close or prolonged contact Is Bacterial Meningitis an emerg-
from the nose or throat of an infect- with a person with meningitis ing infectious disease?
ed person. Fortunately, none of the caused by Neisseria meningitidis or Cases of bacterial meningitis have
bacteria that cause meningitis are Hib can also be at increased risk. decreased since 1986 with the
very contagious; they are not spread This includes people in the same decline in Hib disease.
by casual contact or by simply household or day-care center, or Meningococcal meningitis is a con-
breathing the air where a person anyone with direct contact with dis- tinuing threat in day-care centers
with meningitis has been. charges from a meningitis person’s and schools because healthy chil-
mouth or nose. dren and young adults are suscepti-

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 166

ble and death can occur within a garlic and onions, don’t bother me
few hours of onset. in the least, but can contribute to
what some folks find as objection-
Whole Food Care Includes: able breath odor. Personally I find
At least a half gallon of water daily. “meat in the belly” breath, a lot
Enemas, lots of citrus, salt and fresh more offensive. The food is trans-
juice. ferred to the lungs where it is
-Groucho Marx

expelled once the food is absorbed

into the bloodstream. Brushing,
flossing and mouthwash will only
mask the odor temporarily. Odors
continue until the body eliminates
the food. Dieters may develop
“This would be a better world for children if the parents had to eat the spinach.”

unpleasant breath from infre-

quent eating.

Another cause of bad

breath is when you don’t
brush and floss daily
because particles of food
remain in the mouth, col-
lecting bacteria. Food that
collects between the teeth, on
the tongue and around the gums Maintaining good oral health is
can rot, leaving an unpleasant odor. essential to reducing bad breath.
If you think you have constant bad
Bad breath can also be caused by breath, keep a log of the foods you
Onions, garlic, broccoli, sauerkraut, xerostomia, which is dry mouth. eat and make a list of medications
greens of every kind and flavor. This occurs when the flow of saliva you take because some medications
Absolutely no meats of any kind. decreases. Saliva is necessary to may play a role in creating bad
No soda pop or processed sugars, no cleanse the mouth and remove parti- breath.
synthetic sweeteners. No foods cles that may cause odor. The caus-
containing gelatin. es of dry mouth include various Brush twice a day.
medications, salivary gland prob- Brush your teeth twice a day to
Bad Breath lems or continuously breathing remove food debris and plaque and
make sure to brush your tongue, too.
through the mouth. If you suffer
(Halitosis) from dry mouth, the most obvious Once a day, use floss or an interden-
solution is to increase your fluid tal cleaner to clean between teeth.
intake especially of
Medi-Sign Target
Chew Dill Seeds & Cloves
then spit them out. Tobacco products cause
bad breath.
Whether you call it bad breath or Bad breath may be the
halitosis, it’s an unpleasant condi- sign of a local infection
tion that’s cause for embarrassment. in the respiratory tract,
Some people with bad breath aren’t chronic sinusitis, post-
even aware there’s a problem. nasal drip, chronic bron-
chitis, diabetes, gastroin-
What you eat affects the air you testinal disturbance, liver
exhale. Certain food odors such as or kidney ailment.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 167

Mouth washes are generally cosmet- Also regularly consume fermented

ic and do not have a long-lasting foods, such as live-culture yogurt
effect on bad breath. If you must Sweet Breath products because they contain intes-
constantly use a breath freshener to Tea tinal-friendly bacteria, including aci-
hide unpleasant mouth odor, try the dophilus (Lactobacillus
following: 2 cups Water acidophilus).
1/2 Lemon, squeezed
1 tsp Fennel Drink plenty of fluids
1 tsp Dill Seeds Aim for at least eight glasses of

“The Pharmaceutical Drugs are like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.”
Drinking hot tea stimulates a
water a day to keep the mouth
sluggish liver and flushes tox- moist. Consume plenty of vitamin
ins. Of all the citric fruits, C foods to enhance gum health.
lemon is the most potent detoxi-
fier for the liver and gall blad- What You Should Eat & Why
der. Fennel and dill seeds are
both highly aromatic herbs used
A diet rich in fiber from whole
for treating halitosis. grains, fresh fruits and raw, leafy
vegetables helps digestion and
Chew Cloves reduces your chances of having bad
Throughout their history, Iraqis have breath. Eating apples, oranges and
chewed cloves to freshen breath. celery helps keep your teeth clean
Not everyone likes the taste of and disperse the bacteria in your
cloves, but they do contain sub- mouth.
stances that are anathema to bacte-
ria. The bacterial agents are oily Acidophilus
and can be derived from the clove in Acidophilus (Lactobacillus aci-
the form of essential oil. This can dophilus) is found in fermented
be incorporated into mouth washes, foods like live-culture yogurt prod-
toothpastes, etc. Clove oil also has ucts. It helps restore the natural bal-
analgesic properties, and is used by ance of friendly bacteria in the
dentists for all sorts of things. This digestive tract because an imbalance
is why the smell may remind you of of intestinal bacteria may contribute
your dentists’ office. Other essential Constipation is the number one con- to bad breath.
oils that have some bacterial activity tributor to bad breathe. Try replac-
in the mouth include eucalyptus, ing animal protein with an increased Leading Food Sources of Aci-
cinnamon and mint. Since most amount of high fiber foods. Fruits dophilus: Yogurt
Westerners associated minty taste and vegetables are particularly bene-
with freshness, most breath freshen- ficial because they are rich in fiber Fiber, Insoluble
ing products have this flavor. and contain a wealth of healthful To stop constipation, eat foods rich
Chewing parsley has also been rec- enzymes that are thought to cleanse in fiber. Regular bowel movements
ommended. the breath. remove toxins that can potentially
cause bad breath. By lingering in
Dill Seeds Chew on crunchy, raw fruit and veg- the body, large amounts of putrefy-
Try chewing some dill seeds the gies throughout the day; good choic- ing, bacteria-laden digested food
next time you experience halitosis. es include apples, pears, carrots and typically from meats are given a
You’ll be pleasantly surprised to see sprigs of fresh parsley. Parsley is a chance to get absorbed into the
how quickly they sweeten and fresh- natural breath freshener. It is also a bloodstream, pass into the lungs and
en your breath. You might also rich source of chlorophyll, the then be exhaled.
want to try fennel seeds for a while. chemical that makes plants green
Do this and you’ll have breath fresh and is one of nature’s most potent Leading food sources of insoluble
enough for someone who loves you breath fresheners. fiber include: figs, brown rice,
a lot to kiss you. fresh peas, beans, wheat, raisins,

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 168

currants and prunes. • Drink plenty of water; avoid car- Food Items to Avoid
bonated drinks. • Splenda
“It’s not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but somehow I managed to fit in eight hours of TV a day.”

Vitamin C
Vitamin C, when consumed regular- • Avoid stimulants such as caf- • Aspartame (synthetic sweetener
ly, protects gum tissue against cell feine and alcohol, if sleep does not and neurotoxin)
damage and speeds healing. Poor refresh you.
gum health may contribute to bad • MSG - Mono Sodium Glutamate
breath. • Add coconuts, raisins, papaya
and sweet juicy fruits to your diet. • Food grown using pesticides
Leading food sources of vitamin C:
Red cabbage, oranges, kiwi fruit, • Sweets? Use agave nectar, • Genetically modified food
red bell peppers, tangerines and honey or maple syrup.
other mandarins, strawberries and • Sugar, cane sugar, corn syrup,
potatoes! • Avoid red meat and lard fried commercial chocolate and other
foods. foods containing similar concentrat-
bags under ed sweeteners
• Avoid drinking fluids just before
eyes bed. • Refined oils

• Favor only natural beauty prod- • Baking powder

Medi-Sign Target ucts.
Drink Water, Potato & • Foods like hamburgers, pizza,
Cucumber Eye Patches • Do not smoke, and avoid second hotdog, nachos, etc.
hand smoke.
-Homer Simpson

Food Items to Favor

• Get plenty of sleep. • Unrefined sea salt

• Place a washcloth dipped in • Vegetable Juices – juicing

warm water over your eyes for
five minutes once or twice • Fats mono saturated
• Turbanado, stevia, maple syrup,
Bags under the eyes suggest a • Make sure you are laughing raw honey, agave nectar.
buildup of impurities and/or dehy- every day because it gives exercise
dration. The monthly cycle is an to facial muscles. • Essential fatty acid foods
opportunity for the body to cleanse
and rejuvenate itself. After age 40, • For puffy and swollen eyes, • Calcium, iron, minerals rich
though, the body’s natural ability to make facial steam or facial wash foods
detoxify becomes weaker. with warm, salty water. • Trace Mineral foods

Bags under the eyes are often • For tired eyes use silk eye
caused by digestive impurities. pillows
These are caused by a sluggish
digestion, making the main organ • For inflamed baggy eyes,
involved the liver. soak cotton pads in cold milk
with rose water and place over
Diet & Lifestyle Tips closed eyes for five to ten min-
• It is important to get extra rest utes.
and avoid stress, especially for
women experiencing menstrual dis- • Hold a frozen spoon on the
comfort. bags of the eyes.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 169

• Organic foods much more than raise end products are salt
bread. Enterprising (NaCl, or sodium chlo-
• Flaxseed oil homemakers have long ride), carbon dioxide
relied on the versatile (CO2) and water.
• Whole grains, nuts and seeds. white powder for every-
thing from cleaning and The water is harmless,
• Fresh fruits deodorizing to soothing and the carbon dioxide
minor aches and pains. gets released as a gas,
Nobody looks good with puffy bags The medicinal and self- producing a familiar
under their eyes. care uses for baking burp once the acid is
Raw cucumber or potato slices will soda were even recog- neutralized. The salt
help tighten baggy, puffy eyes. All nized by the United strengthens the
you need is a cucumber or potato States Pharmacopoeia (USP) more immune system as a cleanser. When
and a knife or slicer! than 150 years ago. dissolved in water, baking soda, a
mild alkali, acts like soap and can
Many home chefs today don’t real- help remove grease and dirt. Its
ize that baking soda is actually a mildly abrasive qualities make bak-
component of the valuable leaven- ing soda an effective scouring agent

“Men have become the tools of their tools.”

ing agent known as baking powder. as well meaning that it can help
This is how it works: When mixed clean out body plaque as well.
into a dough or batter, the compo-
nents of baking powder which are When it comes to self-care uses,
baking soda, starch and cream of these cleansing properties make
tartar work together to create a reac- baking soda effective for polishing
tion that causes the mixture to rise teeth without scratching the tooth
when it’s heated. surface and diminishing bad breath
Cut two slices or, if you prefer, five by sprinkling a little on the tooth-
to ten very thin slices, making sev- As a neutralizer. Many uses of brush bristles. It can even be tried
eral for each eye. Either method baking soda stem from the fact that for exfoliating skin when acne is a
works. it’s a chemical buffer or a pH-bal- problem, just add a little to a facial
ancer. As a mild base or alkali cleanser in place of using a com-
1. Spritz eye area with water. itself, baking soda can neutralize mercial facial scrub.
most acid solutions; it can also con-
2. Lying down, place the cucumber vert extremely basic solutions to Numerous commercial toothpastes
or potato slices on your eyelids and ones that are less so. and bad breath gums and lozenges
leave in place for at least ten min- feature baking soda, although you
utes for best results. The “Purple Pill” makers hate bak- should feel free to try your own
ing soda! homemade formulas as well. It’s
BAKING SODA For years, baking soda
was recommended
because of its antacid
Medi-Sign Target effects, mainly to neu-
Skin, Body Cleanser & tralize stomach acids
Deplaquer that can cause heart-
burn, acid indigestion
and related discom-
I call it, “Making Yoda” – it’s like
forts. As it mixes with
Jedi Magic.
the hydrochloric acid
Baking soda, a naturally occurring
in the stomach, baking
mineral formally known as sodium
soda triggers a chemi-
bicarbonate or soda ash, can do
cal reaction, and its

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 170

fun, and it’s more meaning- 10. Fix-acid. Mix a half

ful to you and your family. teaspoon in about four
ounces of water and drink
As a deodorizer. Baking all at one time. It will
soda can deodorize just cause you to “burp,” as it
about anything, from under- neutralizes stomach acid
arm and foot odors to the same way it does
kitchen sinks. In these situ- other acids.
ations, it works as a pH-bal-
ancer, bringing acidic (think 11. Use in diaper pails to
-Mark Twain

sour milk) and basic odors keep them fresh.

to a neutral, more odorless,
state. For foot and under- 12. Use in garbage cans
arm odors, mix eight ounces and wherever odor is a
ing and bedding in baking soda is
of baking soda with two tablespoons problem.
less irritating.
“All humor is derived from pain, ergo nothing in Heaven is funny.”

of cornstarch to prevent clumping,

and apply when needed. 13. Test garden soil for acidity by
Tobacco Dependence
mixing one cup soil with two cups
One teaspoon baking soda in a glass
The same deodorizing actions are at water, then stirring in 1/4 cup of
of water twice a day.
work when you place an open box baking soda. If you have a volcano
of baking soda in your refrigerator erupting in your container, your soil
1. Toothpaste – as a mildly abrasive
to absorb odors and keep it smelling is very acid. If you just have a little
tooth cleaner and mouthwash in
fresh. fizz around the edges, you have a
one. It is “Dentist approved”
minimally acidic soil.
As an itch soothing agent. When
2. Potscrubber – make it into a paste
baking soda is added to bath water, 14. Carpet deodorizer – sprinkle on
and scrub stainless steel, iron or
sunburn sufferers often have a carpet, and leave overnight, then
copper pots with it.
notable reduction in pain. To do vacuum in the morning. Offending
this, place one cup (eight ounces) of odors will be gone.
3. Clean porcelain sinks and tubs.
baking soda under the running bath
faucet so it dissolves completely. 15. Put a generous amount of bak-
4. The old one – put an opened box
Soak in a lukewarm tub for about 30 ing soda in a dish and after using
in the refrigerator to absorb odors.
minutes. Such a bath will soothe steel wool, wring it out and store it
the pain, and you won’t have to in the dish of baking soda. Cuts
5. Use instead of powder in your
undergo the stinging sensation of a down on rust, and is ready to scour
shoes to absorb moisture and odors.
shower. In addition, baking soda away!
can be used in cool, but not cold,
6. Neutralize battery acid quickly in
bath water to soothe skin irritations 16. If you have allergies to laundry
case of spills.
and lessen itching associated with products, try using baking soda to
prickly heat, bee stings and other wash your clothing and especially
7. Use gently as an exfoliating facial
minor skin irritations. A paste made bedding.
with just enough water to get the
desired sticky consistency placed on
8. Soothe bee stings, and other
an insect bite or sting and allowed
insect bites by spreading a
to dry is a time-tested approach for
paste of baking soda and vine-
drawing out and neutralizing poi-
gar on it.
9. Use in bath water to relieve
People with skin allergies who tend
irritated skin. This one works
to react to commercial laundry
well for babies, too.
detergents might find washing cloth-

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17. Use baking soda to scrub crayon the area I decided to apply a splash until the soda and salt is no longer
off of a white no wax floor. It of vinegar. The foaming action and visible. Let this set overnight.
works wonderfully, and best of all it a little scrubbing cleaned it up quite Vacuum carpets carefully, going
is nontoxic so the two year old well! over it more than once. All adult
scribbler can help clean up his artis- fleas should be dead or too thirsty to
tic endeavors. 23. Sprinkle directly on coffee or tea breed. Fleas go through at least one
stains in cups and mugs, rub gently life cycle in which they are impervi-
18. Dump onto acid spills/stains with sponge or washcloth and rinse. ous to nuclear devices, so you will
such as vomit after you’ve picked Stains are gone! need to salt and soda your carpets

“I saw the sequel to the movie Clones, and you know what? It was the same movie!”
up any solid matter. The baking two more times to kill all the fleas
soda will wick the liquid up out of 24. Add a small handful to dish and potential fleas. Dusting your
the carpet as well as neutralize the water, it softens hands and makes dog with baking soda several hours
acid. Pick up the wet clumps before dishes squeaky clean. before a bath will kill a lot of fleas
vacuuming, though, or it gets gross and a lot of odor. But be sure to
in the beater bar of wash or rinse the baking
your machine. soda off of the dog or the
dog could be at some risk of
19. Put sunburned skin trouble.
kids or yourself in a
cool, but not cold, Caution! Do not try this on
baking soda bath for a rainy day! You will wake
half an hour. This up to wet carpets as the salt
also works well for pulls the moisture out of the
chicken pox and mos- air. If you live in a damp
quito bites. climate, sprinkle soda and
salt in the morning and vac-
20. Use it with warm uum three to five hours
water to wash the later.
inside of the refrigera-
tor. 29. It’s used widely in B
and C rated fire extinguish-
21. Clean stainless steel sinks with 25. Put about 1/4 cup in the laundry. ers and is an excellent grease fire
paste made of dishwashing liquid It helps soften and boosts cleaning stopper. It will mix with the grease
and a generous amount of baking power. to cause it not to combust further
soda to take brown stains out! and put the fire out quickly.
26. Use baking soda to clean the
22. I found that pouring a little bak- stove and tile behind it. It does a 30. For plastic repair, using small
ing soda into my cat’s litter box great job on grease!! amounts of baking soda with
keeps the odors out longer. Also my SUPER GLUE works as a filler for
cat had a little accident on the car- 27. Use it to relieve the itch from cracks, and makes for an excellent
pet. Getting rid of the urine smell poison ivy by making a paste with bond with balsa as well as many
was awful. Nothing worked until I water and spreading it on the affect- porcelains BUT...glue the pieces
mixed in Lemon Essential Oil with ed area and letting it dry. This also together, then apply the dusting of
the Baking Soda. Now you can’t promotes healing by drawing out the baking soda, and then apply the glue
even tell. I have an OLD cat who poison. to smooth things out.
has taken to urinating on the cement
floor in my basement, in one spot 28. Kills Fleas! Mix equal parts of 31. In your hand, mix hair shampoo
only. This can get quite annoying table salt and baking soda together with a small amount of baking soda.
and smelly. I had been sprinkling and sprinkle over the carpets. Shampooing with this mixture easily
the area with baking soda hoping to Instruct several children or volun- removes old and heavy hair
abate the smell. To further clean up teers to run all around on the carpets spray/spritz, residues, etc.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 172

32. Put some in the dishwasher to cotton cloth. This is done in the 46. If you mix it and hair condition-
“They show you how detergents take out bloodstains, a pretty violent image there. I think if you’ve got a T-shirt with blood-
stain all over it, maybe laundry isn’t your biggest problem. Maybe you should get rid of the body before you do the wash.”

help eliminate streaks and spots open silver markets in Mexico. er in your hand and only condition
from the extremely hard water. the ends of your hair it will give
41. Pouring about one cup of it your hair more volume, body, and
33. Use some on a damp cloth to down any drain or toilet will help health.
remove dust from the plastic parts maintain a healthy septic tank. It
of the electronic equipment. keeps the PH from going out of 47. Use for a deodorizing agent for
wack and helps maintain a good animal smells like ferrets. Just pour
34. It’s excellent for cleaning show- environment for the bacteria. It is baking soda under the bedding after
er curtains – in or out of the wash- also good for freshening a drain and every cleaning.
ing machine. toilet.
48. For those people living in the
35. Sprinkle some on the mattress 42. It gets scuff marks off of the northwest or other damp areas
before making the bed because it kitchen floor as well as off of shoes! where moss builds up on your shin-
removes all odors! gles, take baking soda and sprin-
kle it all over your roof top. It’s
36. Sprinkle on the pages of not necessary to put it on thick
books that have become and you don’t need to brush it
damp. It will remove in. You should see results the
mildew if rubbed gently and following day.
left in the sun for a while.
Brush off or ‘fan’ the pages 49. Use for descuffing car
of the book in a light marks. Use a damp cloth with a
breeze. little baking soda and watch the
mark come right off.
37. Cleans tea stains from
plastic glassware. 50. Use as homemade gas
remover. Put a tablespoon of
38. Whenever you see ants baking soda in the cooking
in the kitchen, or any room, beans while they are soaking.
after cleaning the floor, just This will cause the flatulence to
sprinkle a thin line of bak- be kept to a minimum
ing soda along the ant trail,
and along the molding on 51. Mix a teaspoon of it and a
the floor, very close to the teaspoon of Epsom salts in a
wall, and ants disappear for glass of water to alkalize your
good. Also works when entire body and clean the blood
sprinkled on the front door stream.
threshold or saddle. It pre-
vents ants from entering the house 43. Use for artificial grass carpet 52. To relieve an upset stomach put
that way. because the lawn will dry quickly a pinch of baking soda and a pinch
after the rain. of salt into a cup of mint tea. It’s
39. Optometrist’s ask folk’s to gen- not the best tasting thing in the
tly rub soft contact lenses with bak- 44. Use for fire ant burns by mixing world but it will ease and relieve an
ing soda and water. Do this every baking soda and water then soaking upset stomach.
other month because it “sweetens” the affected area.
them by removing all the impurities. 53. Takes permanent marker off of
45. Use as an effective silver cleaner sneaky two year olds skin...and
40. Cover your sterling silver jewel- by adding 1/2 cup baking soda, hot fridge...and washer...and dryer...and
ry with baking soda. Rub the jewel- water and tarnished silver to a bowl dishwasher...and floor...and...
ry with your bare fingers or a soft and soaking.

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54. When you are washing your car, The cortex forms the
add some to a wet sponge and apply bulk of a hair shaft.
it to the dead bugs on your wind- Coarse hair such as
shield and front end. Also do the scalp hair contains an
same to tar spots. additional inner core
called the medulla.
balding Hair is lubricated by
sebaceous glands locat-
ed in hair follicles. Ill-

“Men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all the other alternatives.”
Medi-Sign Target ness or stress can lessen
Nuts, Seeds, Grains & pigment secretion and
Leafy Greens cause hair shafts to
whiten. Age-related
whitening is genetically
A normal part of the hair growth
determined and hair
cycle is shedding. At any given
color is determined by
time, 90 percent of scalp hair is in a
pigment and air spaces
two to six year growth phase; ten
in the cortex and
percent is in a two to six month dor-
medulla. Hair color and texture are
mant phase. When the dormant Types of Hair Loss:
inherited characteristics. Humans
phase ends, hair is shed. New hair Alopecia Areata
scalp hairs generally shed every two
subsequently emerges from these Chemotherapeutic Hair Loss
to four years while the human body
follicles. Throughout a normal Female-Pattern Baldness
hairs shed more frequently.
growth cycle, many hairs are shed. Male-Pattern Baldness
Loss of 50 to even 100 hairs daily is Scarring Alopecia
A wholesome diet, rich in silica, cal-
not cause for alarm but noticeable Telogen Effluvium
cium and iron, will help reduce or
thinning indicates significant hair Trichotillomania
prevent hair loss. Green, leafy veg-
loss or balding. Although hair loss
etables, especially sea vegetables,
and balding are not life threatening, ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY
are good mineral sources, and raw
they can cause emotional distress. (STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION)
oats provide silica. Also dried fruits
In the epidermis, which is a hair fol-
and cherry juice are rich sources of
Hair loss results from aging, genetic licle, each hair originates in a deep
predisposition, thyroid imbalance, pouch-like structure that penetrates
eating disorders, illness, hormonal the dermis. A hair root extends
Thinning hair or hair loss can be a
effects of birth control pills, preg- down into the hair follicle and
sign of a problem in the gastroin-
nancy, menopause and certain med- widens into an indented bulb at its
testinal tract for women. It can be a
ications. Balding runs in families so base. The papilla, which is the cen-
sign of insufficient stomach acids.
the most common cause of hair loss ter of hair growth, extends into the
Also it can mean a deficiency of
is a hereditary condition known as indentation that contains capillaries
protein, zinc and other nutrients. To
androgenetic alopecia (AGA). and nerves that supply a hair.
help this problem, eat yogurts and
Newly dividing cells at the base of
kefirs because they contain aci-
In both men and women, hair loss the hair multiply, forcing cells
caused by AGA is characterized by above them upward. Cells gradual-
a gradual shrinking of hair follicles, ly die and harden into a hair shaft as
A low-fat diet can slow down the
which shortens the life cycle of hair. they move upward. A hair shaft has
balding process in men. Some
As the growth cycle phase progres- two layers: cuticle and cortex. The
researches indicate that the male
sively shortens, newly grown hair is cuticle or the outer layer consists of
pattern baldness is tied to increased
shorter and thinner until new hair flat, colorless, overlapping cells.
testosterone levels during puberty.
growth eventually ceases entirely.
A high-fat, meat-based diet raises
These hair-thinning conditions can The cortex is the inner layer. Pig-
testosterone levels, which may
be treated. ment and keratin, which is a tough
adversely affect hair follicles. An
protein, are contained in the cortex.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 174

by 15 percent in one study. Tofu min A as a supplement can cause

and soy milk are good sources of hair loss.
-Ernest Hemingway

soy protein. Other good sources of

protein are: cheese, eggs, beans, Foods to Eat
nutritional yeast and yogurt. Foods to build the spleen/pancreas:
Brown rice, oats, sweet rice and
Silica is another important nutrient mochi, which is pounded sweet rice;
for hair health because silica therapy root vegetables, like carrots, rutaba-
has been found to slow hair loss. To gas, parsnips, ginger, turnips and
help prevent baldness, add organic onions; winter squash, black beans,
“Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach to you to keep your mouth shut.”

silica to shampoo to stimulate pumpkin, black pepper and brown

healthier hair growth and assure rice syrup.
beautiful shine, luster and strength.
example is the male pattern baldness
was very rare prior to World War II Silica is found in the outer cover-
when the diet was lean and healthy ings of potatoes, green and red pep-
in Japan. Now, the Japanese con- pers and cucumbers. Bean sprouts
sume a more fatty, Westernized diet are also high in silica. Eat whole
and baldness is increasing substan- foods including sprouts.
tially among Japanese men. Eating
less meat may not stop hair loss; but Vitamin C improves the absorption
it might help slow down the hair of iron. Include a good serving of
loss. fruits and vegetables in your diet.

One of the most common causes of Vitamin E is important for healthy

hair loss is anemia. Eat plenty of hair growth. Eat avocados, nuts, To build or strengthen the blood:
iron-rich foods, like whole grain seeds and olive oil on a regular Seaweed (wakame, arame, hiziki),
cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, basis. when consumed daily, can prevent
eggs, dates and raisins. hair loss for many; ocean microal-
If hair loss is due to thyroid dys- gae/phytoplankton’s plant; vegeta-
Since the hair is comprised mostly function, eat more foods rich in bles; beans; whole grains; nuts and
of protein, encourage hair growth by vitamin A and iodine. Eat vegeta- seeds; and leafy green vegetables;
adhering to a diet rich in protein. A bles such as carrots or spinach in also try green tea extract. Foods to
diet for this pur- unrefined, cold- Avoid Sugary foods and drinks,
pose includes pressed seed trans fatty foods, animal protein,
nutritional yeast oils such as cyano bacteriums (spirulina,
and wheat germ. flax, walnut or cholera, etc.). For inhibiting hair
Along with pro- pumpkin seed loss associated with aging and
tein, these foods and sea salt. genetics, a healthy diet, low in fat
are also high in B Take turnips, and high in fiber, fresh fruit and
vitamins, which is cabbage, mus- vegetables can have a major role. In
an important tard, soy beans, Asian countries, where vegetables
nutrient for hair. peanuts, pine are prevalent in standard dietary
nuts and millet practices, pattern-type hair loss is
Soy proteins have if there is a rare. To prevent hair follicles from
been found by deficiency of entering a permanent dormant state
European studies iodine. botanically based nutrients may be
to reinforce hair used.
and stimulate its Caution:
growth; hair Excessive
growth increased intake of Vita-

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 175

family. Bamboo for 20 minutes. Make sure to leave

shoots are the pan uncovered because this
young, new allows for the compounds that cause
canes that are bitterness to evaporate into the air.
harvested for If there is any bitter taste to the
food before they shoots after cooking, boil them in
are two weeks fresh water for five more minutes.
old or one-foot
tall. Bamboo
shoots have a
taste similar to
corn but are
crisp and tender
like the aspara-
gus. Asian cui-

“It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.”

sine uses them
Although com-
mercially canned
Saw Palmetto bamboo shoots are common, fresh,
Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) is a locally grown bamboo has a far bet-
palm-like plant that is native to ter flavor and texture.
North America that has an extract
derived from saw palmetto berries Storage
containing fatty acids and sterols. In the refrigerator, fresh bamboo Where to Find Bamboo Shoots
Saw palmetto is commonly used to shoots can be stored for up to two In the Pacific Northwest, some
treat benign prostatic hyperplasia weeks. If the shoots are stored farmers are now growing bamboo
because it inhibits testosterone’s longer than this, a bitter taste devel- for shoots. Typically from May to
action on the prostate. Extracts of ops. This same bitter taste develops June, you can find fresh, locally
saw palmetto block 5-alpha-reduc- if they are exposed to sunlight so grown bamboo shoots at early farm-
tase, reduce DHT uptake by follicles store whole, unpeeled bamboo ers markets and select stores and
and block binding of DHT to andro- shoots in the crisper drawer of the restaurants. Available at most gro-
gen receptors. The liposterolic refrigerator. Fresh shoots can also cery stores are canned bamboo
extract of saw palmetto combined be cooked then frozen. shoots and frozen shoots are avail-
with beta-sitosterol, which is a phy- able some stores.
tosterol common to many plants and Using Bamboo Shoots
grains, creates improvement. Before using, bamboo shoots need How Nutritious are They?
to be peeled and cooked. Do not eat They are a good source of fiber.
BAMBOO bamboo shoots totally raw because Fiber helps keep cholesterol levels
they taste bitter. Before heating, in check and plays a huge role in
SHOOTS trim the roots, peel the outer leaves preventing colon cancer.
called sheath leaves and remove any
Medi-Sign Target tough flesh of the shoots. Tender They are also a good source of
leaves can be left attached and potassium. Potassium is a heart-
eaten. The shoots should be cut healthy mineral; it helps to maintain
Artery Cleaning, Colon
across the grain into one-eighth inch normal blood pressure and a steady
Cleansing & Tube Cleaner
slices. The shoot can be cut into heart beat.
Health to the Top any pattern if it is very tender.
When it comes to phytochemicals,
What are Bamboo Shoots? To cook, heat bamboo shoots in which are natural substances found
Bamboo is a member of the grass boiling water in an uncovered pan in plants, bamboo shoots are great.

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Bamboo shoots contain lignans and until tender, then husked and cut up;
phenolic acids. Lignans, a compo- they can be stir-fried or served as
nent of fiber, exhibit a number of you would asparagus.
important properties that are under-
going research. Lignans appear to BANANA
have cancer, bacterial, fungal and
viral activity. Phenolic acids have
mild inflammation soothing proper-
ties and are potent oxidative neutral-
Medi-Sign Target
izers which help prevent cancer and Penile Function, Builds Blood
blood vessel injury that can start
“The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.”

Volume, Bones & Muscle

atherosclerosis. Along with these
nutrients, vitamin B6 and tons of
So A-Peeling!
other minerals are found in bamboo
and cut into strips. However, Chi- Benefits:
nese grocery stores often carry the • Blocks Diarrhea
Why Eat It
fresh, whole shoots, which are cone- • Controls Blood Pressure
In Chinese dishes, you’ve probably
shaped, and about four inches long. • Protects your Heart
eaten crisp strips of bamboo shoots.
• Quiets a Cough
They are literally the shoots, mean-
The fresh shoots are a good source • Strengthens Bones
ing the young, sprouting stems of a
of thiamin, vitamin B6, and potassi- • Tons more…
bamboo plant. Bamboo is a type of
grass, not a tree. Sometimes the um. However, canning the shoots
strips them of most of their vitamins Before you peel that banana; take a
shoots are cut when they first
and minerals. moment to appreciate all its wonder-
appear, but they may also be
fully healthy qualities. Each banana
“hilled,” meaning they are piled
Preparation is full of potassium, folate and vita-
with soil as they grow. This pre-
After rinsing, canned bamboo min B6 for your heart and bones. It
vents the development of the green
shoots can be added directly to stir- also contains vitamins A and C for
pigment chlorophyll and the shoots
fries because they are precooked protection. The banana is also
remain pale. In supermarkets, you
and need only to be heated. Fresh packed with fiber for regularity and
can usually find only canned bam-
bamboo shoots should be boiled melatonin for adjusting your internal
boo shoots, which have been peeled
clock. In fact, bananas are one of
the foods selected to display the
American Heart Association’s stamp
of approval which is peachy-neato!
This means that they meet the
AHA’s standard for saturated animal
fat and cholesterol because they
have none.

Bananas come in 500 varieties and

are probably the cheapest fruit in
your grocery story. You might run
across the Cuban red, ice cream,
lady finger, horse or actually an
apple banana. The banana is
believed to have originated in Asia
and contain large seeds at one time.
Somewhere along the line, though, a
seedless variety sprang up, much to

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 177

the delight of monkeys and human Here is how it works: Calcium burning sensation in your throat
monkeys everywhere! needs potassium. If you don’t have after meals, you may suffer from

“Too bad the only people who know how to run the country are busy driving cabs, cutting hair, or listening to talk radio.”
enough potassium, calcium gets heartburn and acid reflux. For a
Bananas are an inexpensive, whole- lonely and leaves the body. Even if soothing natural solution, eat a
some fruit that comes in its own you are drinking plenty of raw milk banana.
germ-proof package. Even though and eating a lot of dairy products
it doesn’t matter even a tinkers and citrus, without enough potassi- Storing Solutions
damn, bananas contain only around um, you might not be getting all the Since they will ripen on their own,
100 calories each. Bananas are calcium you need. you can buy your bananas ready to
essentially one of those real foods, eat or green. Just keep them on the
like all of those that you can eat Researchers have found that elderly counter for a few days until they are
without guilt. men and women who get lots of a happy shade of yellow.
potassium have higher bone mineral
density, which is a measure of bone A banana is the most unique of all
strength. This means they fruit because unlike any fruit it does
are less likely to develop not come from trees at all but from
osteoporosis, which is a dis- large plants that are giant herbs and
ease that makes healthy are related to lilies and orchids.
bones look like Swiss
cheese. If you can eat They are good mood food because
potassium-rich foods research also shows that serotonin
every day, you will be and norepinephrine in bananas may
well on your way to naturally help sufferers overcome
stronger bones. So, eat depression.
potatoes, raw milk, orange
juice and bananas. Convenience and nutritional value
of bananas make them a good post-
Heart Diseases Don’t Like Dry’s up Diarrhea exercise snack. During long exer-
Bananas Your body loses vital fluids and cises your body uses vitamins and
By simply making them part of a minerals when you suffer
well-rounded diet, you can give from diarrhea. If you
heart disease the heave-ho. become weak and dizzy, it
is a sign you have lost
Bottoms Out Blood Pressure enough to become dehy-
If you have heart disease, you can drated. Severe diarrhea
send those blood pressure numbers can even affect your heart.
into a nose-dive by eating plenty of Simply drinking a couple
fruits and vegetables. Along with glasses of water, however,
no meats, it is the calcium in green will not get your system
leafy vegetables and the potassium back to normal; you need
in fruits like bananas that seem to something more. This
make the difference. something more is the per-
fect reason for eating a
Builds Better Bones banana because the potas-
You might not think a soft, curved sium gets right to work
fruit could keep your bones strong helping control the balance
and straight, but bananas can do just of water in your cells.
that! This is in thanks to their high
potassium content, which is a min- Quiets a Cough
eral your body needs in order to If you have a cough that
absorb calcium. just will not quit and a

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 178

minerals and a banana replaces can stimulate

these nutrients as well as giving you the production
the energy you need. of hemoglobin
in the blood
Bananas are good for babies, too. and so helps in
They are often the first solid food cases of anemia.
given to infants. Bananas are easy
to digest because they have no fat • Blood Pressure:
and very few babies are allergic to This unique tropical fruit
bananas. They are also one of chil- is extremely high in potassi-
dren’s favorite snacks because of um, making it the perfect food
their taste and they meet the energy for helping to beat blood pres-
needs of the growing children. sure. This is true so much that the
banana industry has been allowed to
Bananas have long been recognized make official claims for the fruit’s • Hangovers: One of the quickest
for their antacid effects that protect ability to reduce the risk of blood ways of curing a hangover is to
“Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.”

against stomach ulcers and ulcer pressure and stroke by the Food and make a banana milk shake sweet-
damage. Drug Administration. ened with honey. The banana calms
the stomach and, with the help of
Bananas are one of the best fruits to • Brain Power: Research has the honey, builds up depleted blood
eat when attempting to lose weight. shown that the potassium-packed sugar levels, while the raw or soy
They are full of nutrients for fruit can assist learning by making milk soothes and re-hydrates your
increased energy and vitality. pupils more alert. system.
Bananas are also low in calories and
fat, plus they have a high water con- • Constipation: High in fiber, • Heart-burn: Bananas have a
tent and potassium levels. A diet including bananas in the diet can natural antacid effect in the body so
high in potassium foods and lower help restore normal bowel action, if you suffer from heart-burn, try
in processed foods can help reduce helping to over- eating a banana for soothing relief.
water weight. come the prob-
lem without • Morning Sickness: Snacking on
The potassium content resorting to lax- bananas between meals helps to
helps build muscle atives. keep blood sugar levels up and
tissue so the high avoid morning sickness.
amount of pro- • Depression:
tein in bananas According to a • Mosquito bites: Before reaching
mixed with recent survey for the insect bite cream, try rubbing
the plant sug- undertaken by the affected area with the inside of a
ars gives the MIND amongst banana skin. Many people find it
banana a people suffering amazingly successful at reducing
high energy from depression, swelling and irritation.
reputation. many felt much
better after eat- • Nerves: Bananas are high in B
Some research ing a banana. vitamins that help calm the nervous
attributes the This is because system. Avoid panic-induced food
banana for over- bananas contain cravings, by controlling our blood
coming conditions tryptophan, a type sugar levels. You can do this by
such as anemia, of protein that the snacking on high carbohydrate
ulcers, depression and even body converts into serotonin foods such as bananas every two
hangovers. known to make you relax, hours to keep levels steady.
improve your mood and generally
• Anemia: High in iron, bananas make you feel happier. • PMS: Forget the pills, eat a

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:41 PM Page 179

because they contain the natural So you see, a banana really is a nat-
mood enhancer, called trypto- ural remedy for many ills. In fact,
phan. bananas have an exciting nutritional
story. One banana has the fiber,
• Smoking: Bananas can also vitamin C and potassium we need
help people trying to give up every day for good health! When
smoking, as the high levels of you compare it to an apple, it has
Vitamin C, A1, B6, B12 they con- four times the protein, twice the car-
tain, as well as the potassium and bohydrate, three times the phospho-
magnesium found in them, help rus, five times the vitamin A and
the body recover from the effects iron, and twice the other vitamins
of nicotine withdrawal. and minerals. Don’t count out
apples, though, because they have
• Stress: Potassium is a vital tons of nutritional components that

“Copy from one, it’s plagiarism; copy from two, it’s research.”
mineral, which helps normalize bananas don’t have. So, eat them
the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the both, and more!
brain and regulates your body’s
water-balance. When we are The number one thing bananas do is
stressed, our metabolic rate rises, increase length and girth of the male
thereby reducing our potassium penis. You’d think more men would
levels. These can be rebalanced lay down the pop and burgers and
banana. The vitamin B6 it contains with the help of a high-potassium eat more bananas!
regulates blood glucose levels, banana snack.
which can affect your mood.
• Strokes: According to research
• Ulcers: The banana is used as Banana
in The New England Journal of
the dietary food against intestinal Ice Cream
Medicine eating bananas as part of a
disorders because of its soft texture regular diet can cut the risk of death
and smoothness. It is the only raw by strokes by as much as 40 per-
2 Bananas
(frozen or raw, just add ice)
fruit that can be eaten without dis- cent! 1/2 cup Raw or Soy Milk
tress in over-chronic ulcer cases. It 1 Tbsp Honey (optional)
also neutralizes over-acidity and • Warts: Those keen on natural
reduces irritation by coating the lin- alternatives swear that, if you want Place banana into a blender, add
ing of the stomach. to kill off a wart, take a piece of
raw or soy milk and honey if
desired. Blend until creamy or
banana skin and place it on the wart, retain some small bits of fruit.
• Temperature Control: Many with the yellow side out. Carefully
other cultures see bananas as a hold the skin in place with a plaster
‘cooling’ fruit that can lower both or surgical tape!
the physical and emotional tempera-
ture of expectant mothers. For
example, in Thailand, pregnant
women eat bananas to
ensure their baby is
born with a cool tem-

• Seasonal
Affective Disor-
der (SAD):
Bananas can help
SAD sufferers

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BARLEY made it an important part of their

diet as well. People also used bar-
ley for medical purposes such as
Medi-Sign Target treating boils, stomach disorders and
Cell Strengthener & Muscle urinary tract infections.
Fiber Strengthener
Today, barley can be found in many
soups, cereals, beer and animal feed.
The health benefits that this ingredi-
• Battles Diabetes
ent give to those who ingest is range
• Combats Cancer
from fighting heart disease and can- Italian cooking that we associate
-Dennis Miller

• Controls Blood Pressure

cer to diabetes and should earn it a basil with, the herb actually origi-
• Lowers Cholesterol
more prominent place in your diet. nated in the far eastern countries of
• Prevents Constipation
After all, barley practically over- India, Pakistan and Thailand.
flows with fiber and contains key
Barley is a star at reducing blood
minerals like potassium, phospho- With its many benefits and easy
serum cholesterol levels by hinder-
“If a mime is arrested, do they tell him he has a right to talk?”

rus, magnesium and iron. maintenance, every herb gardener

ing the liver’s ability to produce it.
Cooked in cereal or found in bakery should have a plant or two. It is an
goods such as breads and muffins, attractive plant that works well in
barely can be consumed several vegetable, herb and flower gardens.
times a week. Basil also makes a great kitchen
windowsill plant or even looks great
Because of its cholesterol reducing in hanging baskets. Plant it alone or
powers, barley has long been known in a striking combination with
as a “heart medicine” in the Middle flower, such as nasturtiums, zinnias
East. Containing potent nutrients, or marigolds. Placing pots of basil
such as tocotrienols, barley has viral around the deck or porch will allow
and cancer-fighting abilities. everyone to enjoy the aroma.

What do Spartacus and Budweiser Many rituals and beliefs from

have in common? Barley. The around the world surround this pop-
hearty grain that gladiators ate to ular herb. The French call basil
give them strength is also used by “herb royale.” In Italy, it is a sign
breweries to create a popular prod- of love, romance and fine dining.
uct and build a strong market. Jewish folklore suggests it adds
strength while fasting. It has even
Barley’s popularity and status as a been reported that basil was found
health food goes back thousands of in Christ’s tomb after his resurrec-
years. Greeks cultivated it as long BASIL tion. Greek Orthodox use basil to
ago as 7000 B.C. The ancient Chi- prepare holy water and place pots of
nese, Egyptian and Roman cultures the herb below church alters. In
Europe and India basil is placed in
Medi-Sign Target
Neo Cortex & it’s Blood the hands of the dead to ensure a
Supply safe journey, while the Egyptians
and Grecians believe it will actually
(Ocimum basilicum) open the gates of heaven for a per-
Sweet basil, with its wonderful son passing on.
aroma and flavor, is one of the most
popular and widely grown herbs in Maybe all of us should get out our
the world. Surprisingly, unlike the garden tools, plant some basil and

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:44 PM Page 181

There are many vari- To repel flies, place a

eties of basil: Sweet pot of basil outside your
Basil, Bush Basil, Dark door. Crushed basil
Opal Basil, Lemon leaves can be rubbed on
Basil, Holy Basil, Vero cuts, insect bites and
Basil, Purple Ruffle stings or use basil essen-
Basil and the list goes tial oil on a bee sting.
on. For culinary pur- Make sure to only apply
poses, Sweet Basil and one drop, though. More
Bush Basil are the best than that may irritate the
Lower in starch than other long-
choices. skin.
grain types, basmati turns out flaky
and separate. Although it is most
Basil has been known Some of the many com-
commonly used in Indian cooking,
for many years as an mon ailments basil can
basmati can also be substituted for
herbal remedy for dis- treat are anxiety, con-
regular rice in any favorite recipe,
eases of the brain, centration, indigestion,
although it is fairly expensive com-
heart, lungs, kidneys respiratory problems,

“Originality is the art of concealing your sources.”

pared to domestic rice.
and the bladder. It aids colic, tight coughs, asth-
primarily in the digestive and nerv- ma, nervous headaches, migraines,
ous systems. Basil has uplifting, muscle tension, nerve pain, memory BAY LEAF
energizing mood lifting properties. loss, insomnia, infection, a stuffy
head, colds, sinusitis, sore throats, Medi-Sign Target
To benefit from this powerful herb, bronchial congestion, appetite loss,
infuse basil and use it as a tea for gas, diarrhea and nausea. Imagination, Intuition &
indigestion. You may also want to Dreams
inhale basil tea to relieve cold Health Benefits
symptoms. A tonic can also be Research studies on basil have
made by steeping basil leaves in shown unique health-protecting
wine for several hours. The dried effects in two basic areas; basil’s
leaves can be used as snuff to flavonoids and volatile oils.
relieve headaches and colds. • DNA Protection Plus Bacterial
Basil is also a good insect repellent. • Soothes Inflammation
• Nutrients Essential for Cardio-
vascular Health The bay tree is indigenous to Asia
Minor, but was spread to the
Basmati RICE Mediterranean and then to other
countries with similar climates.
According to legend, the Delphi
Medi-Sign Target oracle chewed bay leaves or sniffed
the smoke of burning leaves to pro-
mote her visionary trances.
Neuro-Immune Cells

Bay, or laurel, was famed in

Basmati, the most famous aromatic
ancient Greece and Rome as Emper-
rice, is grown in India and Pakistan.
ors, heroes and poets wore wreaths
When cooked, this rice has a nut-
of these leaves. The Greek word for
like fragrance and a delicate, almost
laurel is dhafni, named for the myth
buttery flavor. Unlike other types of
of the nymph Daphne. As the story
rice which plump when they are
goes, Daphne feared Apollo’s plans
cooked, basmati grains elongate.
to rape her and attempted to flee

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:44 PM Page 182

from him. In order to elude her times while you are boiling
lover, Daphne was transformed into them. Adding a little baking
a laurel tree by Gaea. Hearing this soda to legumes after cooking
news, Apollo made the tree sacred them is another alternative to
-Sir Winston Churchill

and thus it became a symbol of make them “wind free.”

Beans are a good source of
It was also believed that the laurel iron. Eating foods high in vita-
provided safety from the deities min C, like citrus fruits, dark
responsible for thunder and light- leafy vegetables and tomatoes,
ning, as the emperor, Tiberius, A well-known member of the can help you absorb more of the
always wore a laurel wreath during legume family, beans are one of the iron. Choosing beans is a great way
thunderstorms. This association best sources of protein, and for that to squeeze more fruits and vegeta-
“A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”

with honor and glory continue reason, are sometimes called “the bles into your diet.
today. There are poet laureates, as poor man’s meat.”
Apollo was the God of poets, and Clears Constipation and Heals
bacca-laureate, meaning “laurel Besides having powerful protein Hemorrhoids
berries,” which signifies the com- punch, beans are also packed with Constipation is not only uncomfort-
pletion of a bachelor degree. Doc- fiber to keep you regular and keep able, it can cause hemorrhoids and
tors are also crowned with laurel your cholesterol and blood sugar diverticulosis, which is a weakening
because of its cure-all powers. Tri- down. They even contain a lot can- of the walls of the intestines. This
umphant athletes of ancient Greece cer-fighting nutrients such as phyto- condition is caused by compact
were awarded laurel garlands and chemicals. stools and straining. Eventually, the
these honorable leaves have been weakened walls form little pouches
given to winners at the Olympic Despite their star quality, many peo- that can trap digested food and
games since 776 BC. Grand Prix ple shun beans. In fact, the more become infected. This can cause
winners are also bedecked with modern a country is, the less likely terrible pain and leave scar tissue
wreaths of laurel. its people are to eat beans. Bean which can lead to even more consti-
consumption is often directly related pation.
Culinary Uses to income, with richer people eating
Bay leaves are widely used through- less. An unattractive, but healthy, Hemorrhoids form when pressure
out the world. They may be best side affect to legumes is their ability causes your veins to stretch out of
known from use in bouquets, as a to cause gas, which may keep many shape. Varicose veins are also
garnish or in soups, sauces and far away from this remarkable food. linked to constipation, since strain-
stews. Bay leaf is also often includ- Between their image as a food for ing to pass
ed as a pickling spice. poor people and the gas issue, beans dry stools
have a serious can put
BEANS & PEAS public rela-
tions prob-
enough pressure
on your leg veins
lem! to make them leak.
Medi-Sign Target All of these prob-
All 7 Neuro-Endocrine We are, though, lems are common in
trying to get the word out modern societies. Many
that you can eat beans
Centers, Chakras & Kidneys
people live with chronic
and still keep your constipation, never
friends! You can easily realizing that a
• Helps Hemorrhoids reduce the amount of change in diet could
• Lowers Cholesterol gas the legumes rid them of the
• Prevents Cancer produce by problem for
• Prevents Constipation changing the good.
• Stabilizes Blood Sugar water a few

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:44 PM Page 183

However, in parts of the world What Are Sprouts?

where people eat a lot of plant food, Sprouts are the germinating form of
like legumes, constipation and the seeds and beans and are easy to pro-
diseases that it causse are very rare. duce. They require no soil, only
That is due to the fact that cell walls water and cool temperatures.
of plants cannot be digested. In Sprouts will start to emerge in two
other words, a lot of fiber is avail- to seven days, depending on the
able in the body to keep stools ready type of seed or bean.
for a quick, painless exit. Adding a

“Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.”
delicious meal of rice and beans or In addition to raw alfalfa sprouts,
black bean soup to your weekly other varieties include clover, sun-
menu could help keep you far from flower, broccoli, mustard, radish,
constipation and it’s harmful effects. garlic, dill and pumpkin, as well as
various beans varieties, such as
Flushes Out Cholesterol mung, kidney, pinto, navy and soy
Beans are also good for your heart. and wheat berries.
By replacing meat with beans you
have put a good dent in your daily Many are sold individually, while
intake of cholesterol. And, on top and phytochemicals, which they some are sold in mixtures. While
of that, they fill you up! The heart- believe may be natural cancer versatile, sprouts also are favored
smart work of beans does not stop inhibitors. for their nutritional value. Like
there. The fiber in legumes acts like other fresh produce, sprouts are low
a bouncer at a club by keeping big, Storing Solutions in calories and fat and provide sub-
bad thug-like cholesterol particles Uncooked beans are easy to find at stantial amounts of key nutrients,
from entering your arteries or heart. the grocery store and the simple such as vitamin C, folate and fiber.
cooking directions are on the bag.
Just remember to keep gas at bay, A study done in 1997 at Johns Hop-
change the water you boil the beans kins University suggested that raw
in a few times during the cooking broccoli sprouts may be particularly
process. Try combing different types rich in sulforaphane. This compound
of beans like black beans, may mobilize the body’s natural
Great Northern Beans and cancer remising abilities and aid in
kidney beans. Add vinai- reducing the risk of developing can-
grette dressing for a cool cer.
summer salad.


-Mark Twain (1835-1910)

Cuts Your Cancer Risk Medi-Sign Target
What you eat could be a life or
death decision. That is because diet Cell Life, Longevity &
is linked to more than 80 percent of Deplaquer
cancers in North America and what
a person consumes is something Bean sprouts have outstanding nutri-
they can control. Research shows tional value. Not only are they rich
that people who eat red meat can in protein they contain vitamins A,
lower their risk of colon cancer by B, C and E, as well as various min-
eating legumes three times or more erals and enzymes. They are a very
a week. More research needs to be good choice to protect against can-
done, but scientists are focusing on cer, fatigue and help to strengthen
substances in legumes called lignans the immune system.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:44 PM Page 184

Nutritional info: keep sprouts longer but do not have

• All Essential Amino Acids either the texture or flavor of fresh.
• Calcium
• Iron People may still joke about sprouts
• Magnesium as the typifying “health” food, but
• Niacin over the past decade these crisp ten-
• Phosphorus drils have become a common sight
• Potassium at salad bars and in the produce sec-
• Protein: 20-30% tions of supermarkets. Their culi-
• Vitamins A, B, C and E nary appeal has been long appreciat-
• As well as thousands of other ed in Asian countries and lies in the
nutrients refined crunchiness they add to
dishes. Backed up by a fresh, deli-
The definition of this remarkable cate flavor, sprouts can be enjoyed
food is the crisp, tender sprouts of whether cooked or eaten raw and
various germinated beans and seeds. continue to be touted as a wonder
Mung bean sprouts are the most food that contains concentrated
popular kind and weree mention sources of essential nutrients.
earlier for their use in Chinese cook-
-Al Capone

ing. However, other seeds and Varieties

Sprouts have been around for thou- beans such as alfalfa and radish Each kind of sprout has its own
sands of years, but have only recent- seeds, lentils, soybeans and wheat shape, taste and texture. The fol-
ly become popular in this country. berries, may also be sprouted. lowing are some of the more com-
Mung beans have been used in
“Vote early and vote often.”

mon types that you would likely

cooked Chinese dishes for years. For optimum crispness, sprouts find at supermarkets or greengro-
Today, sprouts in the United States should be eaten raw. They may also cers.
are a $250 million market. Accord- be stir-fried or sautéed, but
ing to the International Sprout should only be cooked for 30
Growers Association, some 475 seconds or less. If cooked
U.S. sprout growers produce longer, the sprouts will wilt.
300,000 tons of sprouts every year,
while as many as 10 percent of Though you may grow your
Americans eat sprouts regularly. own fresh sprouts, they’re
available in most large super-
Bean Sprouts come in many shapes, markets. As a shopping tip,
sizes and colors and offer a diverse choose crisp-looking sprouts
range of flavors and textures. You with the buds attached and
may never have thought of some of make sure to avoid musty-
these beans as sprouts but they are, smelling, dark or slimy-look-
and they may change your life! ing sprouts.
Bean Basics Mung-bean sprouts should be refrig- hese very sweet, lentil-shaped beans
• Seed to Sprout in two to five erated in a plastic bag, but kept for form fine, grass-like sprouts, with a
days no more than three days. More deli- nutty taste and texture. Add them to
• Yield = two:one minimum, cate sprouts, like alfalfa sprouts, stir-fries or eat them raw.
four:one maximum should be refrigerated in the venti-
• Seed Shelf Life at 70° = two to lated plastic container which they’re ALFALFA
10 years usually sold in and kept for no more These thread-like white sprouts with
• Sprout Shelf Life = two to six than two days. Canned mung-bean tiny green tops and a mild, nutty fla-
weeks sprouts are available in most super- vor, are a favorite in salads and on
markets, and offer a good way to sandwiches. Alfalfa is often

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:44 PM Page 185

shipped in the containers in which is sure from lying in bed, sitting in a icated gauze or other special dress-
has been grown and then packaged wheelchair and/or wearing a cast for ings.

“Cleaning anything involves making something else dirty, but anything can get dirty without something else getting clean.”
in plastic bags or boxes by distribu- a prolonged period of time. They
tors. can occur when a person is bedrid- • Providing soft padding in wheel-
den, unconscious, unable to sense chairs and beds to reduce pressure.
CLOVER pain or immobile.
An alfalfa sprout look-alike, most • Providing good skin care by
clover sprouts are produced from Afflicting the bedridden and handi- keeping the skin clean and dry.
tiny, red clover seeds which resem- capped, these purplish skin ulcers
ble poppy seeds. result when skin is squeezed against • Removing pressure on the
bony parts of the body such as heels affected area.
DAIKON RADISH or hips. In some cases,
Often marketed as kaiware, these the damage extends
upright sprouts have silky stems, deep into muscle and
leafy tops and a peppery-hot taste. bone, causing extreme-
They add tang to salads, sandwiches ly serious infection.
and cooked dishes.
Why does a bed sore
MUNG BEAN develop?
This is the classic bean sprout most A bed sore develops
people are familiar with. These when blood supply to
thick white sprouts are a staple in the skin is cut off for
Asian dishes and are excellent in more than two to three
stir-fries, soups and salads. hours. As the skin
dies, the bed sore begins to form as Treatment:
SOYBEAN a red, painful area, eventually turn- • Change to high plant protein diet
Larger and more strongly flavored ing purple. If left untreated, this rich in vitamins and minerals such
than mung bean sprouts, soy bean skin can break open and become as Zinc, vitamin C and iron.
sprouts are used in salads and infected and extend deep into the
casseroles and offer a rich source of muscle. Once a bed sore develops, • Whirlpool may be used to help
protien. it is often very slow to heal. The remove dead tissue and stimulate
most common places for bed sores circulation.
SUNFLOWER to develop are the buttocks area on
These are mildly flavored, like alfal- the sacrum or iliac crest, or on the • Prolonged pressure on the ulcer
fas, but much crunchier. heels of the feet. will make it worse, so change posi-
tion by shifting your weight at least
bed sores Preventing bed sores every two hours.
Bed sores can be prevented by
inspecting the skin for areas of red- • Irrigation of the wound with
Medi-Sign Target ness, which is the first sign of skin saline solution.
breakdown. Other methods of pre-
venting bed sores and preventing • Topical ointments, garlic and
Pack with Raw Honey
progression of existing bed sores olive oil, etc.
AKA: Decubitus Ulcers, Pressure
• Good nutrition.
Ulcers, Pressure Sores, Bed Sores,
• Frequent turning and reposition-
Dermal Ulcers, Pressure Wounds.
ing. • Good hygiene.
What are bed sores?
• Keeping the wound clean. • Linens should be kept clean and
Bed sores are ulcers that occur on
areas of the skin that are under pres-
• Protecting the wound with med-

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:44 PM Page 186

• Frequent turning of immobilized Bedwetting, or nocturnal enuresis,

or bed bound individuals/ refers to the passage of urine during
sleep. Enuresis and incontinence
• Special mattress may help/ are the medical terms for wetting,
whether in the clothing during the
People who have bedsores, also day or in bed at night.
called pressure ulcers, need to be
under close care. Those with dia- For infants and some young chil-
betes must be especially alert for dren, urination is involuntary.
this condition. Here are some other Wetting is normal for them as they
-Associated Press

treatments you might want to know have not yet developed a control • Most children simply outgrow
about if you’re caring for someone over it. Most children achieve some bedwetting.
who is suffering from bed sores or degree of bladder control by the
may be developing them. time they are four years old. • The child who wets the bed
Daytime control is usually first, needs parental support and reassur-
with nighttime control mastered ance.
“Dog bites man, no big deal. Man bites dog, now that’s news.”

• Most of these children will even-

The age at which bladder control is tually be able to stay dry.
expected varies considerably. Bedwetting will stop at a rate of
• Some parents expect dryness at a about 15 percent a year.
very early age, while others not
until much later. • Dryness can be expected in most
seven-year-old children.
• Factors that affect the age at Bedwetting is a very common prob-
A Sweet Cure? which wetting is considered a prob- lem.
For extreme cases of bedsores, don’t lem include the following:
be surprised if the doctor reaches for • About five to seven million chil-
the sugar jar instead of the medicine • The child’s sex. dren in the United States wet the
cabinet. Sugar has been found to bed.
help hard-to-heal areas such as bed- • The child’s development and
sores by acting as a scavenger of maturity. • It occurs in both sexes about
sorts. The sandy, white substance equally, although some studies have
heals by picking up dead bacteria • The child’s overall physical and shown it to be more common in
and white blood cells. This debris is emotional health. boys than girls.
later flushed away when the wound
is cleansed with water. • The culture and attitudes of the • About 40 percent of three-year-
child, parents and caregivers. old children wet the bed frequently.
Sugar also absorbs moisture from
the wounds and creates an unfavor- It is assumed that very young chil- • Although the problem can con-
able environment for bacterial dren will wet the bed. Therefore, tinue to adulthood, it is by far most
growth. Honey works just as well, the term “bedwetting” is usually common in school-aged children.
if not better. reserved for children, and even Only about one percent of adults
adults, who are beyond the age at have persistent bedwetting issues.
Bedwetting which nighttime bladder control is
expected. • While we refer to “children”
here, it is with the understanding
Medi-Sign Target • This is often defined as children that much of this information also
1 tsp. Raw Honey at older than five years, even though applies to adults with a bedwetting
Bedtime 15-20 percent of five-year-old chil- problem.
dren still wet the bed.

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probably indicates immatu- stronger urgency or frequency to

rity of the nervous system. urinate is also a sign. A urinary
A bedwetting child does not tract infection in a child often indi-
recognize the sensation of cates another problem, such as an
the full bladder during sleep anatomical abnormality.
and thus does not awaken
during sleep to urinate into • Diabetes. Having to urinate fre-
the toilet. quently is a common symptom of
diabetes. People with this disease
The cause is likely due to have a high level of sugar in their
one or a combination of the blood. The body increases urine

“As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand.”
following: output to try to get rid of this excess
Bedwetting is a treatable condition. • The child cannot yet hold urine sugar.
• While children with this embar- for the entire night.
rassing problem and their parents • Structural or anatomical abnor-
once had few choices except waiting • The child does not waken when mality. An abnormality in the
to “grow out of it,” there are now his or her bladder is full. organs, muscles, or nerves involved
treatments that work for many chil- in urination can cause incontinence
dren. • The child produces a large or other urinary problems that could
amount of urine during the evening show up as bedwetting.
• Several devices, treatments and and night hours.
techniques have been developed to • Neurological problems.
help these children stay dry at night. • The child has poor daytime toilet Abnormalities in the nervous sys-
habits. Many children habitually tem, or injury or disease of the nerv-
While bedwetting can be a symptom ignore the urge to urinate and put it ous system, can upset the delicate
of an underlying disease, a large off as long as they possibly can. neurological balance that controls
majority of children who wet the Parents are familiar urination.
bed have no medical cause for their with this as they’ve
problem. In fact, a true organic seen the leg crossing, • Emotional prob-
cause is identified in only about one face straining, lems. A stressful
percent of children who wet the bed. squirming, squatting home life where the
and groin holding that parents are in con-
That does not mean that the child children use to hold flict can sometimes
who wets the bed can control it or is back urine. cause children to wet
doing it on purpose. Nor does it the bed. Major
mean that children who wet are not Secondary bedwetting changes, such as
lazy, willful or disobedient. can also be a sign of starting school, a
an underlying physi- new baby, moving to
There are two types of bedwetting, cal or emotional prob- a new home or even
primary and secondary. Primary lem. A child who physical or sexual
refers to bedwetting that has been exhibits secondary abuse can also be the
ongoing since early childhood with- bedwetting is much cause of bedwetting.
out a break. A child with primary more likely to have other issues or
bedwetting hasn’t had a dry night symptoms, such as daytime wetting. Bedwetting tends to run in families.
for any significant length of time. Common causes of secondary bed- Many children who wet the bed
Secondary bedwetting is bedwetting wetting include the following. have a parent who did, too and stop
that starts up after the child has been bedwetting on their own at about the
dry at night for six months or • Urinary tract infection. The same age the parent did.
longer. resulting bladder irritation can cause
pain or further irritation with urina- 80 percent of people who wet their
In general, primary bedwetting tion. This is known as dysuria. A beds, wet only at night. They tend

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:45 PM Page 188

should be judged in terms of what is bee stings

normal for that particular child.

• Fecal impaction may show up as Medi-Sign Target

constipation. Both fecal impaction
and constipation cause straining, Fresh Onion on Sting Site
which can injure the nearby urinary
sphincters, which are the muscles
that control flow of urine out of the
-Steven Wright

• Fecal compaction is when feces

becomes so tightly packed in the
lower intestine and rectum that pass-
to have no other symptoms other ing a bowel movement becomes
than night wetting. If any of these Nearly everyone
very difficult or even impossible.
has been stung by
“Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?”

other symptoms are present, this

could suggest psychological causes an insect at one
• The hard, tightly packed feces
or problems with the nervous sys- time or another. It
in the rectum can press on the blad-
tem or kidneys and may be more is an unpleasant
der and surrounding nerves and
than routine bedwetting. experience that peo-
muscles, interfering with bladder
ple hope not to repeat, but for most
• Wetting during the day. people, the damage inflicted is tem-
porary pain. Only one or two peo-
• Neither fecal impaction nor
• Frequency, urgency or burning ple in every 1,000 are allergic or
constipation is that unusual in chil-
on urination. hypersensitive to bee or wasp stings.
The information that follows per-
• Straining, dribbling or other tains to stings from fire ants as well.
Number One Solution
unusual symptoms with urination. Stinging insects are limited to the
The best thing you can do is to eat
order Hymenoptera, which includes
raw, unfiltered, unprocessed honey.
• Cloudy or pinkish urine, or wasps, bees and ants.
The best suggestion is a teaspoon
blood stains on underpants or paja- right before bedtime. Some of the
mas. The stinger is a modified egg-laying
other top foods to eat if you are suf-
apparatus, thereby granting the
fering from fecal impaction are
• Soiling, or being unable to con- stinging power to only females.
kelp, blackstrap molasses, sunflower
trol bowel movements, which is also seeds and wheat germ.
known as fecal incontinence or Most hymenopterans live solitary
encopresis. lives, with their behavior more like-
ly to be flight than fight. Social
• Constipation. hymenopterans, including yellow-
jackets, bumble bees, honeybees and
Frequency of urination is different fire ants, have individuals in the
for children than for adults. colony whose task it is to vigorously
defend the nest. In addition, forag-
• While many adults urinate only ing members of the colony will also
three or four times a day, children sting if they are disturbed or injured
urinate much more frequently, in as they go about their activities.
some cases as often as 10-12 times Some types, such as the yellowjack-
each day. ets, are much more liable to attack
than are others.
• “Frequency” as a symptom

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Single Stings stinger as quickly as

Stingers are effective weapons possible. Venom
because they deliver a venom that continues to pump
causes pain when injected into the from the stinger for
skin. The major chemical responsi- 45 to 60 seconds
ble for the pain of a honey bee sting following a sting.
is called melittin. It induces pain by Much has been writ-
stimulating the nerve endings of ten about the proper
pain receptors in the skin. The way to remove a
result is a very painful sensation, bee stinger, but
starting as sharp pain that lasts a newer information
few minutes and dwindling to a dull indicates that it
ache. Tissue around the affected doesn’t matter how
area can still be sensitive a few days you get it out as
later. long as it is removed as soon as pos- After being stung, your wound may

“I dote on his very absence.”

sible. The severity of the sting is still be throbbing. You’ll want to
The body responds to stings by lib- reduced if removed within 15 sec- relieve this pain as quickly as possi-
erating fluid from the blood to flush onds of the attack. ble. The following substances have
venom components from the area. proven themselves effective, but you
This causes redness and swelling at Anaphylaxis, if treated in time, can must act quickly after being stung
the sting site. Unless this is the first usually be reversed by injecting epi- for them to work.
time that the person has been stung nephrine, or adrenaline, into the
by that particular species of insect, body. Individuals who are aware Cold. An ice pack, or even just an
it is likely that the immune system that they are allergic to stings and ice cube, placed over the sting can
will recognize the venom and feel they may come in contact with cut down on swelling and keep the
enhance the “flooding” procedure. these insects should carry epineph- venom from spreading.
This can lead to very large swelling rine in either a normal syringe sting

-William shakespeare (1564-1616)

around the sting site or in a whole kit or an auto-injector, also known Heat. Ironically, heat can also
portion of the body and leave it as an Epi-Pen. Epinephrine is make you feel better by neutralizing
quite itchy. Try not to rub or scratch obtainable only by prescription from one of the chemicals that causes
the sting site because microbes from a physician. inflammation. Just take a hair dryer
the surface of the skin could be and aim it at your sting or run it
introduced into the wound and could Avoiding Stings under hot water.
result in an infection. Bees and wasps can react or be
attracted to certain odors in the Ammonia. Sometimes dabbing
environment. It is a good idea to household ammonia on the sting
not use perfume, cologne or does the trick. If it’s going to work,
scented soaps if you are going it will relieve the pain very prompt-
into an area of bee and/or wasp ly.
activity. Unless someone acci-
dentally collides quite hard with Baking soda. Apply a paste of bak-
or swats at a bee or wasp, it is ing soda and water.
not likely to sting.
Mud. If you don’t have anything
Stinging incidents often occur else handy, you can use an trick that
when nesting areas of social has been around for thousands of
insects are disturbed. Be observant years. Mix a little clay soil and
When the sting is caused by a hon- of the area around you. If you see water into a mud paste. Apply and
eybee, the stinger usually becomes insects flying to and from a particu- cover with a bandage or handker-
barbed in the skin and remains there lar place, avoid it. chief. Leave this muddy cast on
once the insect leaves. Remove the until the mud dries.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:45 PM Page 190

Run for shelter. If pursued by a Betaine is the carotenoid responsible

buzzing horde, run indoors or jump for the beet’s ruby red heart. But
into water or head for the woods. the outside is just the begging of the
Stinging insects have trouble fol- story as underneath this pigment lies
lowing their prey through a thicket a vast network of phytochemical
of the forest. activity.

Take up painting. As a last resort, Your grandma probably used beets

you might become a painter. House to prevent gallstones and to treat
painters rarely get stung, because gout and jaundice. Fresh beet juice
the turpentine they use repels sting- has a long history as a valuable
ing insects. elixir for anemia and disorders of
Believe it or not, people from
the bladder and kidney.
ancient Greece to Renaissance Italy
The number one solution is a slice
tossed the beautiful beet root away,
of fresh cut onion held on the bite
eating only the beet’s green leaves.
“Time is never wasted when you’re wasted all the time.”

site. “Beet of a
Different According to historic records, it
wasn’t until the end of the 1700s
that people started munching on the
7 oz Carrot Juice root and reaping the benefits.
3 oz Beet Juice
Medi-Sign Target 1 oz Parsley Beets are loaded with potassium,
1 clove Garlic, juiced
Heart & Blood 1/2 inch Ginger
magnesium, beta-carotene and
1/2 Lemon, juiced folate, one of the B-vitamins. These
nutrients can help keep your heart
The Vegetable Jewel This vegetable juice is good for healthy and your bones strong and
(Beet root or Beta vulgaris cicla) supporting vitality and is used even prevent cancer.
Behold the beautiful beet, the jewel for detoxification and strength-
ening liver function.
of the vegetable kingdom. One Beet leaves, especially when small,
glimpse at her amethyst physique, crisp and fresh, are delicious and
and we know that this bauble was nutritious. Instead of tossing them
surely fashioned to tempt! Who in the garbage, trim off the tough
could ever resist such a pregnant part of the stem that hangs below
package, and who would want to the leaf. Heat up some olive oil and
once her curative secrets are your favorite seasonings in a frying
revealed? pan, sautéing the leaves until they
are soft. Dig in and enjoy!
• Conquers Kidney Stones
• Controls Blood Pressure
Halts Cancer
• Protects your Heart
Traditionally thought, a woman who
• Strengthens Bones
drinks hard alcohol every day, even
• Works for Cancer
small amounts, was more likely to
get breast cancer. But, according to
The next time you crave a sweet
a recent study of almost 90,000
treat, try beets. Instead of reaching
women, a high daily intake of folate
for a sugary snack full of empty
lowers your risk. The greatest bene-
calories, grab a beet instead, which
fit came to those who drank only a
is full of valuable nutrients. They
little more than one hard alcoholic
also have the highest sugar content
drink a day. Researchers say hard,
of any vegetable. In fact, 40 percent
distilled alcohol interferes with the
of the world’s refined sugar comes
transport and metabolism of folate,
from beets!

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:47 PM Page 191

rich in three nutrients, beeturia

potassium, magnesium and
beta-carotene. All three
help keep your bones
Medi-Sign Target
strong. Celebrate!
Life is Colorful!
Storing Solutions

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”
Canned beets are easier to
The production of pink or red urine
prepare, and they taste
following beet root ingestion is
almost as good as fresh
known as beeturia. This phenome-
ones. But if it’s the nutri-
which impairs it from reaching your non is often misinterpreted as hema-
ents you’re looking to store, canned
body’s tissues And let us not forget turia, which is blood in the urine.
beets may not be your best bet.
the beta-carotene! Several studies However, it is the red beet root pig-
Fresh beets have at least twice as
suggest that a diet rich in ment that colors the urine due to the
much potassium, folate and other
carotenoids, like beta-carotene, pre- pigment passing intact along the
nutrients the canned ones.
vent lung cancer and prostate can- gastrointestinal tract as it does in
cer. some individuals. A proportion is
absorbed and excreted in the urine,
Heads Off Heart Disease while the remainder passes out in
Folate is another heart-healthy nutri- the stool.
ent due to its powers to lower the
level of homocysteine in your How many experience beeturia?
blood. Homocysteine, a by-product Beeturia occurs in about 10-14 per-
of animal protein metabolism, can cent of the human population.
damage and narrow your arteries, Some individuals experience bee-
which may lead to heart attacks and turia variably after ingesting beets,
strokes. while others consistently experience
it after eating beet root.
Beets High Blood Pressure
Eating a few beets, and other foods It has also incorrectly been suggest-
Do not let fresh beets intimidate
high in potassium, like dried apri- ed and studies have contested that
you. They are easy to prepare. Try
cots and avocados, helps control beeturia is linked with food allergies
baking them like a potato or shred
your blood pressure. By keeping and malabsorption syndromes or
them fresh into a salad.
your potassium levels up, you blood that beeturia is dose-related.
pressure will stay down.

Ends Kidney Stones

-Mark Twain (1835-1910)

If you want to cut your risk of get-
ting kidney stones, fill your plate
with potassium-rich foods, like beet
roots and beet leaves. For a new
twist on a green salad, toss in some
beet leaves, just make sure to wash
them thoroughly and trim off their
tough stems.

Strengthens Your Bones

If you are concerned about osteo-
porosis, eating beets can put your
worries at ease. The red roots are

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:47 PM Page 192

The type of beet root eaten probably big one, is absolutely normal. It subconsciously learned process. In
determines the extent of the bee- occurs as a result of air being swal- most cases, air is swallowed into the
turia. Individuals who may produce lowed while eating. In addition, esophagus as described above, but is
an intense coloration with one vari- swallowed air accumulates in stom- promptly expelled out as a belch
ety of beet, may also produce urine ach in between meals. Once the before it has had a chance to reach
“There are some places that the road doesn’t go in a circle. There some places where the road keeps going.”

with a virtually normal coloration food reaches the stomach, it dis- the stomach. This develops into a
with a different variety. For exam- places the air already present, caus- habit that occurs in anxious persons.
ple, the pigment concentration of ing one to belch.
the “Detroit Rubidus” variety is Many times, people believe that the
twice than that of the “Firechief.” The upward expulsion of air is facil- belching indicates that there is
Vinegar in pickled beets appears to itated by relaxation of the LES. This something wrong with the digestion.
enhance the experience of colored relaxation can occur especially from Frequently, they ascribe relief of
urine as well. foods like onions, mints, tomatoes their digestive symptoms caused by
and alcohol. Cultural acceptance of other conditions to belching.
Beeturia is not dangerous nor a dis- the belching varies. While consid-
ease indictor. ered to be uncouth in the western Certain measures to decrease
society, a belch after a hearty meal aerophagia, such as eating slowly,
belching is considered a compliment for the not chewing gum and avoiding
chef in some eastern cultures. “Not things such as carbonated bever-
bad manners. Just great food!” ages, mints, onions, chocolates and
Medi-Sign Target alcohol are frequently prescribed in
Aerophagia means “swallowing of chronic belching, but are usually of
-Bud Parker, Pleasantville

1 tsp. Baking Soda in a glass

of Water air.” It primarily occurs while eat- little benefit. Stress reduction and
ing, drinking, chewing gum and relaxation are the keys.
smoking, but can increase exponen-
tially during anxiety. When a per- Magenblase Syndrome
“Better out than in I always say.”
son becomes anxious, “normal” • This poorly defined disorder
aerophagia and belching is extend- involves increased fullness and
ed. While breathing in, they suck air bloating after a meal as described
into the food pipe in addition to the above. The symptoms resolve after
Just-Be Aware of Air
wind pipe, call the trachea. one belches.
Dictionaries describe eructation as
“the voiding of gas or of a small
Chronic belching is generally not Gas-Bloat Syndrome
quantity of acid fluid from the stom-
due to any disease. Rather, it is a • This occurs in people who have
ach through the mouth.”

Belching occurs when the stomach

air travels up into the esophagus and
is expelled through the mouth
instead of going down into the intes-
tines. As in gastroesophageal reflux
disease (GERD) or heartburn, this
process requires that the one-way
valve between esophagus and stom-
ach, the lower esophageal sphincter
or LES, relax and allow the regurgi-
tation of air upward into the esopha-
gus and then out through the mouth
making a sound.

Belching after a meal, especially a

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:47 PM Page 193

been operated on for gastroe- • Do not drink out of cans or bot- Say good-bye to gassy goodies. We
sophageal reflux disease (GERD) or tles and do not drink through a will all eat a little too much a little
heartburn. The most common oper- straw. too quickly and burp. Chronic
ation is Nissen’s fundoplication. belching happens when people belch
This procedure involves wrapping hour after hour, day after day.
stomach flesh around the valve at
the junction of esophagus and stom- For those people, it may be useful to
ach (LES) to make it tighter and pre- decrease their intake of foods that
vent the upward flow of acid. produce upper digestive system gas.
Generally speaking, those include

“Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.”
A natural consequence of the sur- fats and oils such as salad oil, mar-
gery is that the tightened valve does garine and sour cream.
not allow for upward expulsion of
air either, thus preventing belching A little baking soda and water can
and leaving people full of gas and calm the air.
bloated especially after a meal. This
can lead to discomfort for these peo- Beriberi
ple due to their inability to belch
and get rid of that gas. Not only do
they develop abdominal cramps, but Medi-Sign Target
many also pass large amounts of fla-
tus resulting in socially embarrass-
Nuts, Seeds, Grains &
ing situations. Most would rather
burp than fart.
Beriberi is a disease caused by a
deficiency of thiamine, which is
This syndrome occurs in 25-50 per-
vitamin B1. It affects many systems
cent of people after the fundoplica-
of the body, including the muscles,
tion surgery, but symptoms resolve
heart, nerves and digestive system.
over time in most cases. Gas-Bloat
Beriberi literally means, “I can’t, I
syndrome may also occur in people
can’t” in Singhalese, which reflects
who are learning to use their upper
the crippling effect it has on its vic-
food pipe, or esophagus, for their
tims. It is common in parts of
speech after their voice box, called
Southeast Asia, where white rice is
the larynx, has been surgically
the main food and is primarily seen
removed due to cancer. This new
in people with chronic alcoholism in
form of speech involves sucking air
the United States.
into esophagus and then expelling it
immediately in the form of words,
causing increased aerophagia in
these people.

• Avoid carbonated beverages. • Avoid foods with high air con-

tent such as beer, ice cream, souf-
• Eat slowly and chew your food flés and whipped cream.
completely before swallowing.
It’s been noted that chronic air swal-
• Always eat with your mouth lowers can belch forever, since
closed. belching tends to beget more belch-
ing, so it’s best to try and nix this
• Avoid chewing gum. nervous habbit. Even chronic nerv-
ous swallowers can be helped.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:47 PM Page 194

Description son, with one set of symptoms pre- Prevention

Beriberi puzzled medical experts for dominating. A balanced diet containing all essen-
years as it ravaged people of all tial nutrients will prevent a thiamine
ages in Asia. Doctors first thought A rare form of cardiovascular, or deficiency and keep the develop-
it was caused by something in food. wet beriberi, is known as “shoshin.” ment of beriberi at bay. Those who
It wasn’t until the early 1900s that This condition involves a rapid consume large quantities of junk
scientists discovered that rice bran, appearance of symptoms and acute food like soda, pretzels, chips,
the outer covering that was removed heart failure. It is highly fatal and is candy and high carbohydrate foods
to create the polished white rice pre- known to cause sudden death in made with unenriched flours may be
ferred by Asians, actually contained young, migrant laborers in Asia deficient in thi-
something that prevented the dis- whose diet consists mainly of white amine and other
“It’s not what we don’t know that hurts, it’s what we know that ain’t so.”

ease. rice. vital nutrients

and more at risk
Thiamine was the first vitamin iden- Cerebral beriberi, also known as for developing
tified and in the 1920’s, extracts of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, usu- beriberi.
rice polishing were used to treat the ally occurs in chronic alcoholics
disease. and affects the central nervous
system, including the brain and
In adults, there are different forms spinal cord. It can be caused by
of beriberi, classified according to an alcoholic binge or severe
the body systems most affected. vomiting, which will aggravate
Dry beriberi involves the nervous a chronic thiamine deficiency.
system, while wet beriberi affects
the heart and circulation. Both Infantile beriberi is seen in breast-
types usually occur in the same per- fed infants of thiamine-deficient
mothers who live in developing Food Sources
nations. The best food sources of thiamine
are nutritional yeast, peas and beans,
Although severe beriberi is uncom- whole or enriched grains and
mon in the United States, less breads.
severe thiamine deficiencies do
occur. About 25 percent of all alco- BERRIES
holics admitted to a hospital in the
United States show some evidence
of thiamine deficiency.
Medi-Sign Target
Blood, Neuro-Immunity,
Diagnosis Breasts & Nipples
Early symptoms of beriberi, such as
fatigue, irritation, nausea, constipa-
“Be Berry, Berry Healthy!”
tion and poor memory may exist,
“They’re Berrylicious too.”
but the deficiency may still be diffi-
cult to identify.
Berries contain:
• A synergy of multiple nutrients
and phytonutrients
The longer the deficiency exists, the
• Carotenoids
sicker the person becomes. If gone
• Fiber
untreated, beriberi is fatal. Most of
• Folate
the symptoms can be reversed and
• Iron
full recovery is possible once thi-
• Magnesium
amine levels are returned to normal.
• Manganese

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:47 PM Page 195

of the basi meaning “funda- of food. This disorder is different

mental.” from binge-purge syndrome, which

“Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them’s making a poop, the other’s carrying it for him,
is known as bulimia nervosa.
Vaccines were literally taken People with binge eating disorder
from the worlds first usually do not purge afterward by
Cornicopiate Farmacy, liter- vomiting or using laxatives. They
ally meaning “Garden don’t want to appear as “sick-o’s!”
Farmaceuticals,” a whole
food pharmacy, which stud- How Does Someone Know if He or
ied food for use as medicinal She Has Binge Eating Disorder?
produce. The 76 treatises Most of us overeat from time to
contained in corpus time, and many people feel they fre-
Hippocraticum are brilliant quently eat more than they should.
observational reductions of Eating large amounts of food, how-
nature spread over millennia ever, does not mean that a person
and captured by Hippocrates, has binge eating disorder. Doctors

who would you assume is in charge?” -Jerry Seinfeld

the modern day father of are still debating the best ways to
medicinal health procedures, determine if someone has binge eat-
before the take over of the ing disorder, but have found that
• Niacin medical community by a deadly most people with serious binge eat-
• Phytoestrogens virus called the pharmaceutical ing problems have:
• Polyphenols (anthocyanins, ella- industry.
ic acid, quercetin, catechins) • Frequent episodes of eating what
• Potassium Today, vaccines are typically made others would consider an abnormal-
• Riboflavin from pustulant animal fluidiums of ly large amount of food.
• Salicylic acid infection and toxic metals. At best,
• Vitamin C vaccines are simply controversial. • Frequent feelings of being
• Vitamin E At worst they are harmful. Instances unable to control what or how much
of autism, seizures and death have is being eaten.
The Perfect Vaccine been directly linked to today’s phar-
The word vaccine literally means maceutical vaccinations. Several of these behaviors or feel-
berries. Vaccine, vaccinate, vaccina- ings:
tor and vaccination come of the I’ve never heard of one human that 1. Eating much more rapidly than
Latin word vaccini(um) which vaccinated themselves by eating usual.
means, “to inoculate for the preven- berries suffer from negative side
tion of disease with the use of blue- effects or die. 2. Eating until uncomfortably full.
berries, whortleberries, cranberries,
strawberries and the like.” On
another note, the word berry comes binge eating 3. Eating large amounts of food,
even when not physically hungry.

Medi-Sign Target 4. Eating alone out of embarrass-

ment at the quantity of food being
High Water Content Foods eaten.

5. Feelings of disgust, depression or

Binge eating disorder is a newly
guilt after overeating.
recognized condition that probably
affects millions of Americans.
How Common is Binge Eating
People with binge eating disorder
Disorder, and Who is at Risk?
feel a loss of control over their eat-
Of all the known eating disorders,
ing and frequently eat large amounts
binge eating is probably the most

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:47 PM Page 196

common, although it has only The effect dieting has on binge eat- long, missing work, school or social
recently been recognized as a dis- ing disorder is also unclear. While activities to binge eat. Obese peo-
tinct condition. Most people with findings vary, early research sug- ple with binge eating disorder may
binge eating disorder are obese. gests that about half of all people intentionally avoid social gatherings
“Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis.”

Being obese means one is more than with binge eating disorder had binge because they often feel bad about
20 percent above a healthy body episodes before they started to diet. themselves and are preoccupied
weight. But even normal-weight Still, strict dieting may worsen with their appearance. Most feel
people also can be affected by this binge eating in some people. ashamed and try to hide their prob-
disease. Binge eating disor- lem. Binge eaters often try hide
der probably affects two per- their disorder is by gorging at night
cent of all adults, or about and are so successful that close fam-
one to two million Ameri- ily members and friends don’t know
cans. Among mildly obese they binge eat.
people in self-help or com-
mercial weight loss pro- Should People With Binge Eating
grams, 10 to 15 percent have Disorder Try to Diet?
binge eating disorder, with People who are not overweight or
rising percent in those with only mildly obese should probably
severe obesity. avoid dieting, since strict dieting
may worsen binge eating. However,
Binge eating disorder is many people with binge eating dis-
slightly more common in order are severely obese and have
women, with three women medical problems related to their
affected for every two men. weight. For these people, losing
While its frequency in most weight and keeping it off are impor-
ethnic groups is not yet tant treatment goals. Whether or not
known, the disorder affects they want to lose weight, most peo-
blacks as often as whites. ple with binge eating disorder bene-
Obese people with binge fit from honestly owning up and
eating disorder often became over- Though in the early stages of study, addresses their eating behavior.
weight at a younger age than those researchers also are looking into
without the disorder. They also may how brain chemicals and metabo- Things to Do Instead of Binging
have more of a problem with yo-yo lism, the way the body burns calo- • Go for a walk. It’s the number
dieting, frequent episodes of losing ries, affect binge eating disorder. one solution.
and regaining weight.
What are the Complications of
The causes of binge eating disorder Binge Eating Disorder?
are still unknown, but studies do The major complications of
show that up to half of all people binge eating disorder are the dis-
with binge eating disorder have a eases that accompany obesity.
history of depression. While it may These include diabetes, high
be unrelated altogether, researchers blood pressure, high cholesterol
don’t know whether depression is a levels, gallbladder disease, heart
cause or effect of binge eating disor- disease and certain types of can-
der. Many people report that anger, cer.
sadness, boredom, anxiety or other
negative emotions can trigger a People with binge eating disor-
binge episode. Impulsive behavior der are extremely distressed by
and certain other psychological their binge eating. Most have
problems may be more common in tried to control it on their own
people with binge eating disorder. but have not succeeded for very

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:47 PM Page 197

• Learn to relax and slow down. bi-polar develop them late in life, but bipolar
disorder typically develops in late
• Practice new behaviors and adolescence or early adulthood. It
activities, such as self-improvement Medi-Sign Target is often not recognized as an illness,
classes and hobbies for the early 21 Days on any and all but like diabetes or heart disease,
evening hour. Apples bipolar disorder can be a long-term
• Don’t eat after 6 p.m.
Bipolar disorder, also known as
Manic-depression distorts moods
manic-depressive illness, is a brain
• Just eat, without combining and thoughts, incites dreadful
disorder that causes unusual shifts in
reading, working, watching T V, etc. behaviors, destroys the basis of

“Do Not Disturb signs should be written in the language of the hotel maids.”
a person’s mood, energy and ability
rational thought, and too often
• Talk to yourself. “What erodes the desire and will to live. It
is the pay off for binging this is a biological illness, yet one that
time?” “What isn’t work- feels psychological in the experi-
ing?” “What do I need that ence of it. Bipolar is an illness that
I’m not getting?” is unique in conferring advantage
and pleasure, yet one that brings in
• Leave the binge environ- its wake almost unendurable suffer-
ment, especially when frus- ing and frequently, even suicide.
trated, under pressure,
stressed or bored. What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar
• Get enough rest and Bipolar disorder causes dramatic
expand positive relation- mood swings. A person can go
ships. from overly “high” and/or irritable
to sad and hopeless and then back
• Do another enjoyable again, often with periods of “nor-
activity mal” mood in between. Along with
these mood swings, comes a sever
• Begin an enjoyable task change in energy. The periods of
or project immediately after highs and lows are called episodes
eating a meal. of mania and depression.
to function. Different from the nor-
• Carry food to work rather than Signs and symptoms of mania, or a
mal ups and downs that everyone
buying it there. Pack healthy, raw, manic episode, include:
goes through, the symptoms of
satisfying food. • Increased energy, activity and
bipolar disorder are severe. They
can result in damaged relationships,
• Call a friend who knows about
poor job or school performance and
your problem and have him/her just • Excessively “high” or overly
even suicide. The good news is,
listen good, euphoric mood.
bipolar disorder can be relieved, and
people with this illness can lead full
• Learn your triggers, learn your • Extreme irritability.
and productive lives.
danger zones.
• Racing thoughts and talking very
More than two million American
Eat lots of celery, melons, apples fast, jumping from one idea to
adults, or about one percent of the
and other high water content foods another.
population age 18 and older in any
or try spicy hot food and snack on
given year, have bipolar disorder.
them every hour. Drink lots of • Distractibility, can’t concentrate
Some people have their first symp-
water. Sleep, if you can. well.
toms during childhood, and some

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:47 PM Page 198

• Little sleep needed. • Restlessness or irritability.

• Unrealistic beliefs in one’s abili- • Sleeping too much, or can’t

ties and powers. sleep.

• Poor judgment. • Change in appetite and/or unin-

tended weight loss or gain.
• Spending sprees.
• Chronic pain or other persistent
-Mark Twain

• A lasting period of behavior that bodily symptoms that are not caused
is different from usual. by physical illness or injury.

• Increased sexual drive. • Thoughts of death or suicide, or

“It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”

suicide attempts.
• Abuse of drugs, particularly
cocaine, alcohol and sleeping med- If five or more of these symptoms
ications. last most of the day, nearly every
day, for a period of two weeks or
ers or wealth, may occur during
• Provocative, intrusive, or aggres- longer, a depressive episode is diag-
mania. Delusions of guilt or worth-
sive behavior. nosed.
lessness, such as believing that one
is ruined and penniless or has com-
• Denial that anything is wrong If Hypomania is a mild to moderate
mitted some terrible crime, may
elevated mood occurs with three or level of mania. Hypomania may
appear during depression. People
more of the other symptoms most of feel good to the person who experi-
with bipolar disorder who have
the day, nearly every day, for one ences it and may even be associated
these symptoms are sometimes
week or longer, a manic episode is with good functioning and enhanced
incorrectly diagnosed as having
diagnosed. If the mood is irritable, productivity. Thus even when fami-
schizophrenia, another severe men-
four additional symptoms must be ly and friends learn to recognize the
tal illness.
present. mood swings as possible bipolar
disorder, the person may deny that
It may be helpful to think of the var-
Signs and symptoms of depres- anything is wrong. Hypomania can
ious mood states in bipolar disorder
sion, or a depressive episode, become severe mania in some peo-
as a spectrum or continuous range.
include: ple or can switch into depression
At one end is severe depression, fol-
• Lasting sad, anxious or empty without the proper treatment.
lowed by moderate depression and
then mild-low mood. When this
Psychotic symptoms, or symptoms
mild-low mood is short-lived, many
• Feelings of hopelessness or pes- of psychosis, are sometimes present
people call it “the blues” but, this
simism. in severe episodes of mania or
state is termed “dysthymia” when it
depression. Common psychotic
becomes chronic. Then there is nor-
• Feelings of guilt, worthlessness symptoms are hallucinations, hear-
mal or balanced mood, followed by
or helplessness. ing, seeing or otherwise sensing the
hypomania, which is a mild to mod-
presence of things not actually
erate mania, and finally severe
• Loss of interest or pleasure in there, and delusions, false, strongly
activities once enjoyed, including held beliefs not influenced by logi-
sex. cal reasoning or explained by a per-
Descriptions offered by people
son’s usual cultural concepts. The
with bipolar disorder give valu-
• Decreased energy, a feeling of extreme mood at that state in time
able insights into the various
fatigue or of being “slowed down”. tends to be reflected in the psychotic
mood states associated with the
symptoms. For example, delusions
• Difficulty concentrating, remem- of grandiosity, such as believing one
bering or making decisions. is the President or has special pow-

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:47 PM Page 199

Depression: “I doubt tions where there is a dan-

completely my ability to ger of being killed.
do anything well. It
seems as though my mind If you are feeling suicidal
has slowed down and or know someone who is:
burned out to the point of • Make sure you, or the
being virtually useless…[I suicidal person, are not
am] haunt[ed]…with the left alone.
total, the desperate hope-
lessness of it all…” • Make sure that access
“Others say, it’s only tem- is prevented to large
porary, it will pass, you amounts of medication,
will get over it, but of weapons or other items
course they haven’t any mitting sucide should be taken seri- that could be used for self-
idea of how I feel, although they are ously and needs immediate atten- harm.
certain they do. If I can’t feel, tion. Risk for suicide appears to be
move, think or care, then what on higher earlier in the course of the While some suicide attempts are
earth is the point?” illness. Therefore, recognizing carefully planned over time, others
bipolar disorder early and learning are impulsive acts that have not

“The average person thinks he isn’t.”

Hypomania: “At first, when I’m how best to manage it may decrease been well thought out. Either way,
high, it’s tremendous…ideas are the risk of death by suicide. it is important to understand that
fast…like shooting stars you follow suicidal feelings and actions are
until brighter ones appear…” “All Signs and symptoms that may symptoms of an illness. With prop-
shyness disappears, the right words accompany suicidal feelings er work, the person can be helped
and gestures are suddenly include: and suicidal feelings can be over-
there…uninteresting people, things • Talking about feeling suicidal or come.
become intensely interesting. wanting to die.
Sensuality is pervasive. The desire What Is the Course of Bipolar
to seduce and be seduced is irre- • Feeling hopeless, that nothing Disorder?
sistible. Your marrow is infused will ever change or get better. Episodes of mania and depression
with unbelievable feelings of ease, typically recur across the life span.
power, well-being, omnipotence, • Feeling helpless, that nothing Between episodes, most people with
euphoria…you can do one does makes any difference. bipolar disorder are free of symp-
anything…but, somewhere this toms, but as many as one-third of
changes.” • Feeling like a burden to family people have some residual symp-
and friends. toms. A small percentage of people
Mania: “The fast ideas become too experience chronic
fast and there are far too • Abusing alcohol or unremitting symp-
many…overwhelming confusion drugs. toms despite treat-
replaces clarity…you stop keeping ment.
up with it. Memory goes. Infectious • Putting affairs in
humor ceases to amuse. Your order such as organiz- Bipolar I is the clas-
friends become frightened…every- ing finances or giving sic form of the ill-
thing is now against the grain…you away possessions to ness, and is identi-
are irritable, angry, frightened, prepare for one’s death. fied when recurrent
uncontrollable and trapped.” episodes of mania
• Writing a suicide and depression
Suicide note. exist. Some people,
Some people with bipolar disorder however, never
become suicidal. Anyone who talks • Putting oneself in develop severe
about suicide or even thinks of com- harm’s way, or in situa- mania but instead

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:47 PM Page 200

experience milder episodes of hypo- overly happy and elat- both genes and other
mania that alternate with depression. ed. Mixed symptoms factors play a role in
This form of the illness is called also are common in bipolar disorder. If
bipolar II disorder. Rapid-cycling youths with bipolar bipolar disorder were
bipolar disorder occurs when four or disorder. Older ado- caused entirely by
more episodes of illness occur with- lescents who develop genes, then the identi-
in a 12-month period. Some people the illness may have cal twin of someone
can experience multiple episodes more classic, adult- with the illness would
within a single week, or even within type episodes and always develop the ill-
a single day. Rapid cycling tends to symptoms. ness, and research has
develop later in the course of illness shown that this is not
and is more common among women Bipolar disorder in the case. Although, if
than among men. children and adoles- one twin has bipolar
“Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.”

cents can be hard to disorder, the other

People with bipolar disorder can tell apart from other problems that twin is more likely than another sib-
lead healthy and productive lives. may occur in these age groups. For ling to develop the illness.
example, while irritability and
Both children and adolescents can aggressiveness can indicate bipolar In addition, findings from gene
develop bipolar disorder. It is more disorder, they also can be symptoms research suggest that bipolar disor-
likely to affect the children of par- of attention deficit hyperactivity dis- der, like other mental illnesses, does
ents who have the illness. order, conduct disorder, oppositional not occur because of a single gene.
defiant disorder or other types of It appears likely that many different
mental disorders more common genes act together, and in combina-
among adults such as major depres- tion with other factors of the person
sion or schizophrenia. Drug abuse or the person’s environment, to
may also cause similar symptoms to cause bipolar disorder. Finding
bipolar disorder. Through several these genes, each of which con-
kinds of studies, scientists are learn- tributes only a small amount toward
ing about the possible causes of the vulnerability to bipolar disorder,
bipolar disorder. Most scientists has been extremely difficult.
now agree that there is no single
cause for bipolar disorder, rather, New brain-imaging techniques
many factors act together to produce allow researchers to take pictures of
the illness. the living brain at work, to examine
its structure and activity, without the
The key to finding out what cause need for surgery or other invasive
bipolar disorder may lie in specific procedures.
genes, which are the microscopic
“building blocks” of DNA inside all Brain-imaging studies are helping
cells that influence how the body scientists learn what goes wrong in
and mind work and grow. Because the brain to produce bipolar disorder
Children and young adolescents bipolar disorder tends to run in fam- and other mental illnesses. These
with the illness often experience ilies, researchers have been search- techniques include magnetic reso-
very fast mood swings between ing for specific genes passed down nance imaging (MRI), positron
depression and mania many times through generations that may emission tomography (PET) and
within a day, unlike many adults increase a person’s chance of devel- functional magnetic resonance
with bipolar disorder, whose oping the illness. imaging (fMRI). There is evidence
episodes tend to be more clearly from imaging studies that the brains
defined. Children with mania are But genes are not the whole story. of people with bipolar disorder may
more likely to be irritable and prone Studies of identical twins, who share differ from the brains of healthy
to destructive tantrums than to be all the same genes, indicate that individuals. As the differences are

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:49 PM Page 201

more clearly identified lenges due to the harmful

and defined through effects of existing mood
research, scientists stabilizing medications on
will gain a better the developing fetus and
understanding of the the nursing infant. There
underlying causes of is a possibility of birth

Today, 93% of kidney transplant patients and 82% of heart transplant patients live at least one year
the illness, and eventu- defects and retardation.
ally may be able to Therefore, the benefits
predict which types of and risks of all available
treatment will work treatment options should
most effectively. be discussed.

How is Bipolar Thyroid Function

beyond their operation (90% of these operations are not necessary).

Disorder Treated? People with bipolar disor-
There are also things der nearly always have
you can do through abnormal thyroid gland
self-care. Most people function. Too much or
with bipolar disorder, may be especially useful for diffi- too little thyroid hormone
even those with the most severe cult-to-treat bipolar episodes. alone can lead to mood and energy
forms, can achieve substantial stabi- Valproate was FDA-approved in changes.
lization of their mood swings and 1995 for treatment of mania. Pay
related symptoms. Long-term pre- attention to the harsh side effects. People with rapid-cycling bipolar
vention is strongly recommended tend to have co-occurring thyroid
and almost always indicated because • Newer anticonvulsant medica- problems. One drug leads to anoth-
bipolar disorder is a recurrent ill- tions, which are all also very toxic, er and another and another, as lithi-
ness. including lamotrigine (Lamictal), um treatment causes low thyroid
gabapentin (Neurontin) and topira- levels in some people, resulting in
Keep a chart of daily mood symp- mate (Topamax), are being studied the need for thyroid medication.
toms, foods, sleep patterns and life to determine how well they work in
events. This may help people with Medication Side Effects
stabilizing mood cycles.
bipolar disorder and their families to Before starting a medication for
better understand the illness. • Children and adolescents with bipolar disorder, always talk with
bipolar disorder generally are treat- your pharmacist about side effects.
First let’s look at what Depending on the medication, side
ed with lithium, but
Psychiatrists Prescribe: effects may include
valproate and carba-
• Lithium, the first mood-stabiliz- mazepine also are weight gain, nausea,
ing medication approved by the U.S. used. Researchers are tremor, reduced sexual
Food and Drug Administration evaluating the safety drive or performance,
(FDA) for treatment of mania, is and efficacy of these anxiety, seizures, hair
often very effective in controlling and other psychotrop- loss, movement prob-
mania and preventing the recurrence ic medications in chil- lems or dry mouth.
of both manic and depressive dren and adolescents. There is evi-
episodes. While it can stabilize dence that valproate leads to adverse
moods, it is also very toxic and has hormone changes in teenage girls
dangerous side effects which can and polycystic ovary syndrome in
lead to death. women who began taking the med-
ication before age 20.
• Anticonvulsant medications,
such as valproate (Depakote) or car- • Women with bipolar disorder
bamazepine (Tegretol), also can who wish to conceive or who
have mood-stabilizing effects and become pregnant, face special chal-

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:49 PM Page 202

Studies have shown that talking is a both bipolar disorder and substance of someone with bipolar disorder
powerful psychosocial intervention use disorders can all be triggered by often have to cope with the person’s
and can lead to increased mood sta- alcohol and drug use. serious behavioral problems and
bility, fewer, if any, hospitalizations their lasting consequences, such as
and improved functioning in several Anxiety disorders, such as post-trau- wild spending sprees during mania
areas. The number, frequency and matic stress disorder and obsessive- or extreme withdrawal from others
type of “talks” should be based on compulsive disorder, also may be during depression.
the needs of each person to help common in people with bipolar dis-
“I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent back a piece of my fingers to my father.

them explore ways to learn to order. • Many people with bipolar disor-
change inappropriate or nega- der, as well as their family and
tive thought patterns friends, benefit from joining sup-
and behaviors port groups such as those
associated sponsored by the National
with the ill- Depressive and Manic
ness. Depressive Association
(NDMDA), the National
He said he wanted more proof.” -Rodney Dangerfield

Recognize Alliance for the Mentally

signs of Ill (NAMI) and the
relapse so that National Mental Health
early interven- Association (NMHA).
tion can be
sought before a The number one self-care solution
full-blown illness is positive self talk, a sport, walking
episode occurs. each day and 14-21 days on a fresh
• Often people with bipolar disor- juice fast. Eat raw whole plant
Family talk can reduce the level of der do not realize how impaired foods for one year. A diet of just
distress that may either contribute to they are, or they blame their prob- watermelon and juice with nothing
or result from the ill person’s symp- lems on some cause other than men- else but water can flip this kind of
toms. This can lead to improved tal illness. condition into stability. Avoid soda
interpersonal relationships and to pop, processed sugar, meat, artifi-
regularize daily routines. Regular • A person with bipolar disorder cial sweeteners, colors and toxic
daily routines and sleep schedules needs strong encouragement from preservatives.
help protect against manic episodes. family and friends. (See: Feeding Your Emotions)

Other Treatments: • A person who is in the midst of a

• Omega-3 fatty acids found in severe episode may need to be hos-
nuts, seeds and grains show great pitalized for his or her
promise. Eat one half pound of own protection and for
mixed raw seeds and nuts daily. much-needed treat-
ment, even if the hos-
Do Other Illnesses Co-occur with pitalization is against
Bipolar Disorder? his or her wishes.
Alcohol and drug abuse are very
common among people with bipolar • Like other serious
disorder. Research findings suggest illnesses, bipolar dis-
that many factors may contribute to order is also hard on
these substance abuse problems. spouses, family mem-
Self-medication of symptoms, mood bers, friends and
symptoms brought on or perpetuated employers.
by substance abuse and risk factors
that may influence the occurrence of • Family members

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:49 PM Page 203

BITTER MELON BLACK BEANS Introduced into Europe in the 15th

century by Spanish explorers return-
SQUASH ing from their voyages to the New
Medi-Sign Target World, black beans were subse-
Medi-Sign Target quently spread to Africa and Asia by
Brain Organs & Blood Cells Spanish and Portuguese traders. As
Deplaques Blood & they are a very inexpensive form of
good protein, many cultures

All moist surface linings in the human body secrete natural protector/inhibitors (antibiotics).
Expels Parasites
throughout the world adopted them.
Today, black beans continue to be
an important staple in the cuisines
of Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, Guatemala
and the Dominican Republic, with
the largest commercial producers of
dried common beans based in India,
China, Indonesia, Brazil and the
United States.

Black beans, as well as most other

During the entire year, you can find
legumes, are an excellent source of
both dried and canned black beans.
cholesterol-lowering fiber. Mixed
Dried beans can be commonly
Common names are bitter melon, with whole grains such as rice,
found prepackaged or in bulk bin
papailla, melao de sao caetano, bit- black beans offer a almost fat-free,
tergourd, balsam apple, balsam high-quality protein. While you
pear, karela, k’u kua kurela, kor- might already be familiar with
Black beans are also called ‘turtle
kuey, ku gua, pava-aki, salsamino, beans’ fiber and protein, this is not
beans’, most likely because their
sorci, sorossi, sorossie, sorossies, all that black beans have to offer.
shell-like appearance could best be
pare, peria laut or peria. Black beans’ high fiber content
described that way. With an earthly
keeps blood sugar levels from rising
flavor that has been called similar to
Main Actions too quickly after a meal, making
that of mushrooms, black beans
• Kills Bacteria these beans a great choice for peo-
have a soft texture that hold their
• Kills Cancer Cells ple with diabetes, insulin resistance
shape while being cooked.
• Kills Leukemia Cells or hypoglycemia.
• Kills Viruses
• Lowers Body Temperature
Scientifically black beans
• Prevents Tumors
and other beans, like kidney
• Reduces Blood Pressure
beans, pinto beans and navy
• Reduces Blood Sugar
beans, are all known as
• Treats Diabetes
Phaselous vulgaris. This
name refers to the genus and
Other Actions
species of the plant. Known
• Balances Hormones
as “common beans,” navy,
• Cleanses Blood
kidney and pinto are differ-
• Detoxifies
ent varieties, all grouped
• Enhances Immunity
within the species vulgaris
• Enhances Libido
and sharing a common bean
• Expels Worms
ancestor in Peru. Migrating
• Mildly Laxative
Indian tribes spread the
• Promotes Milk Flow
beans throughout Central
• Reduces Inflammation
and South America.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:49 PM Page 204

React to Sulfites? Check out Black wine, this berry is a

Beans bramble fruit of the
Black beans are a fabulous source genus Rubus and fam-
“Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color but to accept God’s final word on where your lips end.”

for molybdenum, a trace mineral ily Rosaceae,. Several

and integral component of the Rubus species are
enzyme sulfite oxidase, which han- called blackberry and
dles the detoxifying of sulfites. since the species easi-
Sulfites are a type of preservative ly hybridize, there are
often added to prepared foods like many cultivars with
delicatessen salads and salad bars. more than one species
Persons who react to sulfites in in their ancestry.
these foods may experience rapid
heartbeat, headache or disorientation Marionberry, which is
if sulfites are unwittingly consumed. said to “capture the Why Eat Them?
Your reaction to sulfites may be best attributes of both berries and The blackberry is actually an old
because your molybdenum stores yields an aromatic bouquet and an fruit, prescribed by the Ancient
are insufficient to detoxify them. intense blackberry flavor,” is a cross Greeks for gout, mentioned in the
Get a cup of black beans and all will between Chehalem and Olallieberry Bible and commonly written about
be well. blackberries. Olallieberry, some- in British folklore. Plump, sweet
times spelled ollalieberry, is a cross blackberries grow wild across most
• A Fiber All Star between loganberry and youngberry. of North America and are a good
• Loaded with Protective Nutrients source of manganese and tannins.
• Protection From Cancer
• Lowers Your Heart Attack Risk The soft, juicy fruit grows on thorny
-Jerry Seinfeld

• Black Beans Give You Energy to bushes or trailing vines, revealing

Burn While Stabilizing Blood Sugar the wild blackberry’s relations to the
• Iron for Energy rose. Just like a raspberry, the
• Manganese for Energy Produc- blackberry is called an “aggregate
tion fruit” because each berry is really a
• Protein Power Plus cluster of tiny fruits, or drupelets.
Each droplet has a seed and, unlike
BLACKBERRY raspberries, blackberry drupelets
remain centered around the core
even after the berry is picked.
The blackberry has a scrambling
Medi-Sign Target habit of dense, arching stems carry- Blackberries are considered to be an
Breastes & Blood ing short, curved, very sharp spines, astringent because of their high tan-
with the branches rooting from the nin content. Studies show that tan-
node tip when they reach the nins tighten tissue, lesson minor
The blackberry is a widespread and
ground. It is very pervasive, colo- bleeding and may help to alleviate
well known shrub. Growing to 10
nizing large areas in a relatively diarrhea and intestinal inflamma-
feet tall and producing a soft-bodied
short time in woods, scrub, hillsides tion. Traditionally, blackberries
fruit popular to munch fresh and for
and hedge rows. It will tolerate have been used to alleviate hemor-
use in desserts, jams and sometimes
poor soil and is an early colonizer of rhoids and scientists have also
wasteland and building sites. It has reported tumor reducing properties
palmate leaves of three to five associated with tannins found in
leaflets with flowers of white or blackberries. German health author-
pink appearing from May to August, ities recommend blackberries for
ripening to a black or dark purple mild infections including sore
fruit, hence the name “blackberry.” throats and mouth irritations.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:49 PM Page 205

Storing Solutions Most black eyes are relatively minor

Blackberries, and berries in general, injuries. Many heal on their own in

A sulphur compound, called ‘allicin’, is formed when you crush a garlic clove. This is a protector/inhibitor said to attack
are among the most perishable of a few days, although sometimes,
fruits. They can turn soft, mushy they signify a more serious injury.
and moldy within 24 hours.
Blackberries are best used the same Despite the name, “black eye,” the
day that they are gathered or pur- eye itself is not usually injured.
chased. Think of it as a bruise around the
eye. The tissues near the eye may
BLACK be significantly discolored and
swollen without any injury to the
CURRANT, eye itself.
for many ailments. The fact that Like a bruise, as a black eye heals,
EVENING most of them are extracted by chem- the swelling around the eye decreas-
PRIMROSE OILS ical processing may render these es with the coloring gradually fad-
ing away.

two dozen kinds of bacteria, plus numerous fungi.

tonics less healthy than advertised.
Proponents of these oils claim that
Medi-Sign Target some people, especially aging per- • With mostly fat underneath it,
Hormone Production & sons, may be unable to convert the skin around the eye is very
Brain Function dietary essential fatty acids to GLA. loose, making it an ideal site for
GLA-containing oils, as well as the fluid to accumulate. The effects of
essential fatty acid DHA, are popu- gravity also help to swell this part of
lar ingredients of a flurry of brain- the face. This is the same reason
boosting nutrients collectively why many people wake up with
known as “targeted nutritional “puffy” eyes in the morning.
intervention” (TNI) and are being
studied for use in children with
Down Syndrome. Black currant oil
has two advantages over evening
primrose oil. First, it is less expen-
sive and second, it is one of the few
oils that contain omega-3 in addition
These popular “health oils” are rich to omega-6 fatty acids.
sources of the essential fatty acid
GLA (gammalinolenic acid), a vital black eye
ingredient for making important
hormones, such as prostaglandins.
• When there is an injury to the
They have been touted as cure-alls Medi-Sign Target face, the skin around the eye is one
Mango, Papaya & Pineapple of the first places to swell.
Depending on the location and type
of injury, one or both eyes may be
A black eye is caused when blood affected.
and other fluids collect in the space
around the eye and is a common You think your black eye bugs you
result of some injury to the face or now? In the early 1900’s, people
the head. Swelling and dark discol- used to put a leech on a black eye to
oration result around the affect area, suck out the blood. It’s a good
hence the name, “black eye.” thing you didn’t get your shiner
back in those days! Leeches got

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:49 PM Page 206

squashed as the treatment of choice putting pressure on the eye. BLACK-EYED

once people found livestock worked
more to their liking. Sirloin steak is Enjoy the show. Most black eyes PEA
what my father used. When I was a will last about a week, and it’s a
kid, I used to get a lot of black eyes colorful week at that. Once the eye
and my father, being a hunter and bruises, there’s not a whole lot you
Medi-Sign Target
cow keeper, used to put steaks on can do except control the swelling. Blood, Brain & Kidney
them, just as you’ve seen in the Even makeup can’t disguise it total-
movies. ly.

People no longer use leeches for The injury will more than likely
treatment, thank goodness, and it is start out black, but as it starts to
also unnecessary to use steak on heal, it will turn green, then yellow
your eye. The best, and most effec- and finally disappear.
tive, ways to block a black eye are
much simpler than that. Don’t blow your nose. If it was a
severe blow that
caused your black eye,
“Tough times never last; tough people do.”

something more than

just bumping into a Black-eyed peas, or cowpeas, are
door, blowing your high in fiber, calcium, vitamin A,
nose could cause your folic acid and magnesium as well as
face to blow up like a a good source of iron, thiamin,
balloon. Sometimes riboflavin, niacin, potassium and
the injury fractures the zinc. Select beans that appear dry
bone of the eye socket, and avoid those that look or feel
and blowing your nose slimy or are cracked.
can force air out of
your sinus adjacent to Introduced in the early 18th century
the socket. The air from the Old World to the Southern
Pack it in ice. People had the right gets injected under your skin and United States, it has become a staple
idea, but it was the coldness of the makes the eyelids swell even more, of Southern cooking and an impor-
steak, not the meat itself, that did which can also increase the chance tant catch crop, soil enhancer and
the trick. In fact, a vegetarian of infection. forage.
would have gotten the same results
by using iceberg lettuce! Give it a Hawaiian punch by eating Black-eyed pea, sometimes called
pineapple and papaya. An enzyme China bean, is grown commercially
Cold works in two ways. It helps found in those fruits changes the in India and China and has a high-
keep the swelling down and helps molecular structure of the blood, so protein subsistence crop in Africa.
decrease the internal bleeding, it’s more easily absorbed by the Black-eyed pea is classified in the
which is what causes the black-and- body. division Magnoliophyta, class
blue color, by constricting the blood Magnoliopsida, order Rosales and
vessels. Let vitamin C show its muscle. For family Leguminosae.
anyone who bruises easily, getting
Apply an ice pack for the first 24 to plenty of vitamin C in your diet is a
48 hours. If your eye is swollen must. It’s been well documented
shut, use it for 10 minutes every two that vitamin C promotes healing.
hours the first day. To make an ice Vitamin C-rich foods such as broc-
pack for the eye, put crushed ice in coli, mangoes, peppers and sweet
a plastic bag and tape it to the fore- potatoes, as well as pineapple and
head. This will prevent you from papaya, speed the healing process.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:49 PM Page 207

BLACK Better Digestion and Healthier bladder

PEPPER Black pepper, or Piper nigrum, cancer
improves digestions by stimulating
Medi-Sign Target the taste buds in such a way that an Medi-Sign Target
alert is sent to the stomach to
increase hydrochloric acid secretion.
Colon Function & 21 Days on Water &
Hydrochloric acid is necessary for
Tongue/Tastebud Enhancer Saltwater
the digestion of proteins and other
food components in the stomach.
When the body’s production of
hydrochloric acid is insufficient,

Four out of 5 people with gallstones do not know they have a problem.
food may sit in the stomach for a
long period of time.

This may lead to heartburn or indi-

gestion, or it may pass into the
intestines, where it can be used as a
food source for unfriendly gut bac-
Almost every type of recipe you can teria. The bacteria’s activities pro- Definition
think of has a tad of black pepper. duce gas, irritation and/or diarrhea Bladder cancer is a disease in which
Once presented to the gods as a or constipation. the cells lining the urinary bladder
sacred offering and used as curren- lose the ability to regulate their
cy, we’re lucky that this most popu- Black pepper has long been recog- growth and start dividing uncontrol-
lar of spices is available throughout nized as a carminative, which is a lably. This abnormal growth results
the year. substance that helps prevent the for- in a mass of cells that form a tumor.
mation of intestinal gas. This prop-
A smooth woody vine that can grow erty is likely due to its beneficial Description
up to 33 feet in hot and humid tropi- effect of stimulating hydrochloric Bladder cancer is the fifth most
cal climates, the pepper plant is the acid production. Additionally, black common cancer in the United
source for black pepper in kitchens pepper has diaphoretic properties States. The American Cancer Soci-
and table tops the world over. by promoting one’s body to sweat, ety (ACS) estimates that in 1998,
These plants start to bear small and diuretic properties, which pro- approximately 55,000 new cases of
white, clustered flowers after three mote urination. bladder cancer were diagnosed, and
or four years and develop into its orthodox treatment will cause at
berries known as “peppercorns”. Black pepper has demonstrated least 12,500 deaths. The disease is
Ground peppercorns produce the impressive oxidant and bacterial higher in Caucasians and three times
spice we call “pepper”. effects — one more way in which more common among men than
this wonderful season- women.
ing promotes the
health of the digestive The urinary bladder is a hollow,
tract. Not only does muscular organ that stores urine
black pepper help you from the kidneys until it is excreted
derive the most bene- out of the body. Two tubes called
fit from your food, the the ureters bring the urine from the
outer layer of the pep- kidneys to the bladder. The urethra
percorn stimulates the carries the urine from the bladder to
breakdown of fat cells, the outside of the body.
keeping you slim
while giving you ener- With a 75 percent chance that new
gy to burn. tumors will develop in other areas

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:49 PM Page 208

of the bladder, bladder cancer has a bladder cancer is blood in the urine. BLADDER
very high rate of recurrence even Sometimes, there is enough blood in
after superficial tumors are com- the urine to change the color of the infection
pletely removed. urine to a yellow-red or a dark red.
(See: Disease: The Mystery Solved). Painful urination, increased frequen- Medi-Sign Target
cy of urination and a feeling of the
Causes & Symptoms need to urinate but not being able to
Fermented Foods &
Although the exact cause of bladder do so, as well as a change in other Saltwater
cancer is not known to scientists, bladder habits are some of the signs
smoking is considered the greatest of possible bladder cancer. All of Don’t get scared or confused if you
risk factor for bladder cancer as these symptoms may also be caused hear a doctor refer to a bladder
smokers are twice as likely to get by conditions other than cancer. infection as a Urinary Tract Infec-
-Rodney Dangerfield

the disease as nonsmokers are. tion (UTI). They are the same con-
Workers who are exposed to certain Since smoking doubles one’s risk of dition, a bacterial infection that
chemicals that are used in the dye getting bladder cancer, avoiding affects any part of the urinary tract.
industry and in the rubber, leather, tobacco may prevent at least half the Although urine contains a variety of
textile and paint industries are deaths that result from bladder can- fluids, salts and waste products, it
believed to be at a higher risk for cer. Taking appropriate safety pre- normally does not have bacteria in
bladder cancer. The risk of bladder cautions when working with organic it. UTI occurs when bacteria get
cancer increases with age. Most cancer-causing chemicals is another into the bladder and multiply in the
“My mother had morning sickness after I was born.”

cases are found in people who are way of preventing the disease. urine.
50-70 years old.
If a person has had a history of The most common type of UTI is a
Frequent urinary infections, kidney, bladder cancer, or has been exposed bladder infection, which is also
bladder stones and other conditions to cancer-causing chemicals, then he often called cystitis. Cystitis means
that cause long-term irritation to the or she is considered to be at an an inflammation of the bladder. The
bladder may increase the risk of get- increased risk of getting bladder other, more serious kind of UTI, is a
ting bladder cancer. A past history cancer. Similarly, kidney stones, kidney infection, or pyelonephritis.
of tumors in the bladder could also frequent urinary infections and other
increase one’s risk of getting other conditions that cause long-term irri- Although they cause discomfort,
tumors. tation to the bladder also increase urinary tract infections are usually
the chance of getting the disease. quickly and easily treated, but it’s
One of the first warning signals of (See: Kidney Stones/Self care). important that they are treated
promptly. You can not
get a urinary tract infec-
tion from someone else,
although females who
are just becoming sexu-
ally active often get

UTIs are usually caused

by bacteria that are
found in the intestines
and sometimes on the
skin around the rectal
and vaginal areas. Yes,
that means from fecal
contamination. Nearly
85 percent of UTIs are
caused by the bacteria

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:49 PM Page 209

Escherichia coli, or E. coli, A UTI should completely

for short. When the bacteria clear up within seven days to
pass through the urethra, the two weeks. It’s probably a
narrow urine canal that con- good idea to avoid sexual
nects the bladder to the out- intercourse until the symptoms
side, they can get inside the have been gone for two
bladder and cause an infec- weeks, which will allow the
tion. Due to the differences inflammation to disappear
in the shape and length of the completely.
urethra in different people,
some females get urinary You Can Prevent UTIs
tract infections more fre- There are several ways you
quently. A female with a may be able to prevent UTIs.
shorter urethra may get more After urination, females
ple with kidney infections also

There are more than one million tubes in the human kidney.
UTIs. Males generally get fewer should wipe from front to back with
UTIs than females because they experience back pain just above the toilet paper. After bowel move-
have longer urethras. Instead, they waist. They may experience cloudy ments, be sure to wipe from front to
tend to get urethritis, which you can or bloody urine, abdominal pain and back to avoid spreading bacteria
figure out for yourself. Just think of burning and frequent urination. It’s from the rectal area to the urethra.
the male anatomy. important to drink lots of water Another thing you can do to prevent
because each time you urinate, the bladder infections, whether you’re a
There are several ways bacteria can bladder cleanses itself a little bit male or female, is to go to the bath-
get into the urethra. During sexual more. Cranberry juice also has been room to empty your bladder fre-
intercourse, or anytime the vaginal shown to have positive effects on quently. Avoid holding your urine
area is rubbed, the bacteria in the UTIs. DO NOT use “Juice Cock- for long periods of time.
vaginal area can be pushed into the tail.” That has too much sugar and
urethra, which causes irritation in is not concentrated enough with Males and females should also keep
the bladder. You can get a bladder cranberries. Many brands are now the genital area clean and dry. Fre-
infection from oral sex, too. Infec- 100 percent cranberry juice. Just quent bubble baths can cause irrita-
tions are also common in women make sure the one you buy is. tion of the vaginal area. Girls are
who wear tight synthetic jeans. Quality cranberry juice produces advised to take showers or baths
(Hey, I just report the facts, sorry hippuric acid in the urine which without bubble bath. Avoid pro-
girls). acidifies the urine and prevents bac- longed exposure to moisture in the
teria from sticking to the walls of genital area by not wearing nylon
Symptoms the bladder. Craisins or dried cran- underwear or wet swimsuits.
There are a number of symptoms berries do the trick, too. Remember that wearing underwear
associated with UTIs. Bladder with cotton crotches is also helpful.
infections are characterized by an
urgent desire to empty the bladder. If you are sexually active, urinate
Symptoms include frequent urina- within 15 minutes after intercourse,
tion, burning or pain during urina- if not right after, and gently wash
tion, bladder spasms and the feeling the genital area to remove any bac-
of having to urinate even though lit- teria. Avoid sexual positions that
tle or no urine actually comes out. irritate or hurt your urethra or blad-
In some cases, you may have der, and if you need lubrication dur-
bloody or foul-smelling urine or ing sex, use a veggie oil like virgin
even a mild fever. olive. Finally, drink lots of water.
Six to eight glasses a day keeps
A kidney infection may involve your bladder active and bacteria-
more serious symptoms, including free. Pure cranberry juice will help
fever, chills and nausea. Most peo- keep the urine acidic, creating an

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:50 PM Page 210

environment unsuitable for bacteria tions, are considered The single most
to multiple in. a female malady. important tip for com-
fort and health, drink
Remember, that although urinary It’s absolutely one lots of fluids.
tract infections are uncomfortable of the most com-
and often painful, they are very mon. Some women get a
common and easily treated with self Up to 50 percent of UTI and think, “Aha!
care. all women will have It only burns when I
at least one bladder go to the bathroom.”
You’ve been spending a lot of time infection at some They then reason that
groping your way to the bathroom. time during their they won’t have to go
You need to go a lot. When you get lives, and 20 percent if they don’t drink, so
there, not much happens, and if it or more will have they don’t, which is
does, it burrrnnnns. multiple infections. absolutely the worst
It’s not uncommon thing they can do.
What are we talking about? A for many women to have one or two
health problem that’s made a special a year. The reason: The longer any amount
“I am not young enough to know everything.”

sorority out of an awful lot of Amer- of urine stays in the bladder, the
ican women. Five out of every ten Bladder infections are really infec- more bacteria there are in it. E. coli
will come down with a bladder tions of the urine itself. In most doubles its population about every
infection at some point in their cases, it’s the bladder’s equivalent to 20 minutes.
lives. Men can get them, too, but a bad sunburn, with the bacteria irri-
it’s so rare that bladder infections, tating the wall of the bladder. Absolutely the best thing a woman
also known as urinary tract infec- can do for the infection is drink flu-
ids to flush out the bacteria that are
causing the inflammation.

Message: The more you drink, the

sooner the pain will stop. As a hint:
If your urine’s clear, you’re drinking
enough. If it’s colored, you’re not.

Take a hot bath. This helps relieve

pain for many women. I don’t think
anyone’s researched the exact mech-
anisms involved, but a hot bath
often seems to help where there’s

Back away. Wiping from front to

back helps prevent infection from
recurring. You want to move bacte-
ria away from, not toward, the vagi-
na and the opening of the urethra.
Wiping the wrong way is one of the
most common causes of infection
and a good way to get repeat infec-
tions. It is pure common sense.

Go to the bathroom before inter-

course. This helps flush out bacte-

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:50 PM Page 211

manipulation of some sort such as same thing as well as change the

sex, inserting the diaphragm, putting vaginal flora enough to make the
a tampon in, always seems to pre- individual more susceptible to infec-
cede it. tion.

I would advise those people experi- The point: Douche to be clean, but
encing chronic infection at the time don’t be obsessed.
of menstruation to quit using tam-
pons and replace them with pads. bleeding
Practice good hygiene. Good
hygiene means wearing cotton Medi-Sign Target
underwear that keeps you dry,

“Some physiologists contend that salt is an ‘emotional stimulant’.”

avoiding tight pants that decrease Cabbage & Oats
ventilation and most of all, keeping
sensibly clean.
Some bleeding disorders are heredi-
tary, such as hemophilia. Others
ria that may be present in the vagi- develop as a result of nutritional
na; bacteria that otherwise might be deficiencies, the use of aspirin and
pushed into the bladder by inter- other medications that suppress clot-
course. ting and as the consequence of cer-
tain diseased, including some can-
Go to the bathroom after inter-
cers. Most of these bleeding disor-
course. The natural saline of urine ders stem from some type of throm-
helps to protect you. bocytopenia, the medical term for a
reduced number of platelets, which
There’s no doubt that UTIs are more are the blood cells instrumental tool
common in sexually active women. in clotting.
But that’s more the result of not
knowing how to protect themselves, Symptoms can vary, but they typi-
not the sexual activity itself. If bac- cally include easy bruising, exces-
teria have been pushed into the If you don’t bathe to remove bacte-
sive bleeding from even minor cuts
bladder, urinating will flush most of ria in the perineal region, the region
and frequent nosebleeds. Bleeding
them out. between vagina and rectum, obvi-
gums unrelated to dental problems
ously you run the risk of repeated
are common. Women who are
Reconsider the diaphragm. There infection. But too much can be as
affected by a bleeding disorder may
are two reasons why diaphragms bad as too little. Douching con-
experience very heavy menstrual
have been documented as major stantly can both introduce bacteria
contributors to those who have stub- into the vagina and
born, repeated bladder infections. rinse out the normal,
Bacteria colonize the diaphragm “friendly,” noninfec-
itself, which is then inserted deep tious vaginal bacteria.
into the vagina, and the diaphragm These can then be
interferes with bladder emptying, replaced with bacte-
which means that bacteria already ria such as infectious
there aren’t flushed out. E. coli. Irritation of
the urethra may also
Use pads instead of tampons. No occur, which may
one’s absolutely certain why certain feel like another UTI.
women seem more susceptible to Strong antibacterial
multiple infections, but vaginal soaps can do the

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:50 PM Page 212

Treatment varies according to the devoid of fruits and vegetables. blister

underlying cause. Use of aspirin or
other drugs that suppress normal Chronic blood loss can lead to ane-
platelet function or production is the mia, which is a blood disorder that Medi-Sign Target
most common cause of platelet is characterized by inadequate levels
abnormalities. Ceasing to take the of red blood cells. An individual
Lavender Oil
offending medication usually solves suffering from anemia should eat a
the problem. diet full of whole food sources
A blister is a bubble of fluid under
which supply extra folate, iron, salt
the skin. The clear, watery liquid
and vitamins B12 and C.
inside a blister is known as serum,
which leaks from neighboring tis-
These ideas work for chapped
sues as a reaction to injured skin. If
hands, cracked lips, hives, sore or
“The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.”

the blister remains unopened, serum

bleeding nipples and weathered
can provide natural protection for
skin. They can also be affective in
the skin beneath it. Small blisters
treating bleeding ulcers, excessive
are called vesicles. Those larger
menstruation, intentional bleeding
than half an inch are bullae. Blood
and pregnancy bleeding.
blisters are filled with blood rather
Nutritional Influences
than clear fluid.
In the United States, bleeding disor- Eat plenty of cabbage, oats, pota-
ders due to nutritional deficiencies toes, spinach and other whole
There are numerous reasons that
are uncommon although, they do grains, for vitamin K, which stops
blisters occur.
occur in some situations. For exam- bleeding.
• Irritation – Blisters can be
ple, vitamin K is necessary in order
caused by physical factors that irri-
for the blood to clot normally. This
tate the skin, such as extreme cold
vitamin is made by bacteria that live
or heat, friction, which is rubbing
in the human intestinal tract and is
the skin, or irritating chemicals.
also found in cabbage, potatoes,
Blisters on the feet can result from
spinach and other green leafy veg-
shoes that are either too tight or rub
etables and whole grains. Antibiotic
on the skin in a particular area.
therapy destroys the intestinal bacte-
Blisters also can be caused by con-
ria that make vitamin K, resulting in
tact dermatitis, a skin reaction to
bleeding problems. Increasing
some type of chemical irritant.
intake of foods high in vitamin K
Intense cold can trigger frostbite,
may help, but more often fermented Citrus and other fresh fruits, such as
which often produces blisters once
foods are the ultimate answer. vegetables, provide good amounts
the skin is warmed again. And any
Omege-3 fatty acids found in of Vitamin C in one’s diet. The pres-
type of burn, including sunburn, can
salmon and other oily fish and not ence of which causes fermentation
produce blistering.
plant foods, actually suppress in the stomach, establishing a
platelet function. People who eat healthy gut.
fish or take doses of fish oil supple-
ments have an increased risk of Avoid alcohol, aspirin and other
developing bleeding problems. The drugs that suppress blood platelets
risk is compounded if they are also and clotting.
taking aspirin. Vitamin C strength-
ens blood vessel walls and a defi- Emergency First Aid
ciency of this nutrient can result in For excessive and profuse, open-
bleeding gums and easy bruising. wound bleeding, nothing on earth
Vitamin C deficiency is rare in the works as well as stinging nettle. It’s
United States but may occur in alco- almost unbelievable. The next best
holics or people whose diet is solution is flour and a compress.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:50 PM Page 213

• Allergies – A form of dermatitis to blisters, and porphyria cutanea They typically appear on the lips,
or eczema known as allergic contact tarda, where sun exposure provokes leaving the affected skin itchy, red,
dermatitis, is caused by an allergy to blistering. swollen and tingling before the blis-
a chemical. A common example is ters appear. When the blisters even-
contact with plants such as poison • Medications – Many medica- tually break, they leak fluid and
ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. tions, such as nalidixic acid, also painful sores develop. Herpes sim-
known as NegGram, and plex type 2 is the most common
furosemide, or Lasix, can cause of genital herpes, a sexually
cause mild, blistering skin transmitted infection, although, type
reactions. Others, such as 1 also can cause genital herpes.
the doxycycline, or Generally, small red bumps appear
Vibramycin, can increase before blisters develop in the affect-
the risk of blistering sun- ed area. Typically the vaginal area
burn by increasing the or penis, the buttocks and thighs, or

“A simple truth is stronger than a powerful complex falsity.”

skin’s sensitivity to sun- around the anus are the site of a her-
light. In more dramatic pes outbreak. Other symptoms can
cases, medications can include burning with urination,
trigger more severe, even fever, headache and muscle aches.
life-threatening, blistering
• Infections – One infection that disorders, such as erythema multi- • Varicella zoster virus: When
causes blisters is bullous impetigo, form or toxic epidermal necrolysis, this virus causes chickenpox, the
which is an infection of the skin also known as TEN. This is an ill- infection starts with a diffuse, itchy
caused by staphylococci, better ness that causes severe skin damage rash that develops quickly into itchy
known as staph, bacteria. Viral and typically involves 30 percent or blisters. Varicella zoster can also
infections of the lips and genital more of the body’s surface. cause shingles, also known as her-
area due to the herpes simplex pes zoster. People with shingles
virus, types 1 and 2, also have blis- • Infections – When blisters are may experience small, painful blis-
ter-causing potential. Chickenpox caused by an infection, the symp- ters that usually erupt in a linear
and shingles, which are caused by toms depend on the type of infec- pattern along the length of an infect-
the varicella-zoster virus, or VZV, tion. ed nerve.
and coxsackievirus infections,
which are more common in child- Examples include: • Coxsackie viruses: Coxsackie
hood, can produce painful blisters as • Bullous impetigo: The affected virus A16 can cause a condition
well. skin can redden and the blisters may commonly called hand-foot-and-
burst easily. mouth syndrome, in which painful
• Skin Diseases – Numerous skin blisters often occur on the hands,
diseases cause blisters, including • Herpes simplex infection: Tiny soles of the feet and in the mouth.
erythema multiform which is an blisters, commonly known as fever
inflammation of the skin commonly blisters or cold sores, appear when Expected Duration
caused by a reaction to a medication herpes simplex type 1 is present. How long blisters last depends on
or infection. There is a group of their cause. For example, blisters
skin conditions that includes der- caused by irritation generally go
matitis herpetiformis, pemphigoid away within a few days without
and pemphigus, that are thought to treatment. Those triggered by infec-
result from an immune response tions and skin diseases can remain
directed at one’s own skin. This for weeks or even months. With an
condition is also called autoimmune autoimmune blistering disorder,
disease. Inherited forms of blister- blistering may be long-lasting or
ing skin conditions also exist, such chronic. In skin infections, such as
as epidermolysis bullosa, in which herpes simplex virus infection, the
pressure or trauma commonly leads blisters can come back periodically.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:50 PM Page 214

Inherited causes of blistering skin mouth to avoid the spread of child- causing a medication-related erythe-
disease also are long-lasting. hood infections. There is no known ma multiform.
way to prevent many of the blister-
Prevention ing diseases such as the hereditary In many cases, blisters will disap-
There are many simple strategies to forms and the autoimmune, or bul- pear when the cause is removed or
prevent blisters caused by skin irri- lous, diseases. the infection has gone away, usually
tation. You can wear comfortable in a matter of days or weeks. In
“I would love to speak a foreign language but I can’t. So I grew hair under my arms instead.”

shoes that fit well with socks that Treatment most herpes infections, fever blisters
cushion the feet and absorb sweat. It is usually best to just leave the on the lips or genital herpes can
Be careful with sun exposure if you blisters alone. The blister protects return in the same spot weeks,
are taking medications that are the underlying skin, so breaking months or even years after the first
known to cause sun sensitivity, such blisters open can increase the blisters appear.
as doxycycline, which is sold under chance of infection. Protect them
many brand names. Stop taking with a bandage and cover them until
them as soon as you can. Use mit- they heal on their own. The liquid
tens, hats and heavy socks to protect in the blister will be re-absorbed and
your skin against freezing tempera- the skin will flatten naturally. If a
tures and chilling winds during win- blister breaks, wash the area with
ter months. Avoid irritants and soap and water and apply a band-
allergens that tend to trigger eczema age. You may want to drain a blis-
as much as possible. These include ter and apply honey or juice from a
certain hygiene products, such as cucumber or melon to prevent infec-
bubble baths, feminine hygiene tion if a blister is very large or
sprays and detergents, certain metals painful. The treatment for blisters
in jewelry, especially nickel and irri- caused by eczema, infections and
tating plants such as poison ivy. other diseases varies. Some cases
of eczema can be
treated topically The essential oil of lavender is
with curry. Herpes thought to regenerate skin cells,
simplex infections speeding healing from a blister.
and shingles, also Lavender is one of the few essential
known as herpes oils that you can apply directly to
zoster, are some- the skin without diluting it in a mes-
times treated with senger oil. Just put a few drops of
crushed garlic and pure oil, not fragrance or perfume,
olive oil. on the blister and cover it with an
adhesive bandage.
Apply the oil two
or three times a day
until the blister is
To prevent blisters caused by infec- Chickenpox and cox-
tions, wash your hands often and sackievirus generally Hydro-healing
never touch skin sores, cuts or any are left to go away on Putting a cool
open or broken areas of skin on their own. The itch- washcloth on the
other people. Never have sex, even ing caused by chick- area can help
with a condom with, someone with enpox can be relieved relieve the pain,
active herpes to reduce the risk of with water and baking itching or general
herpes simplex. Try to keep chil- soda. Medication discomfort of a
dren from sharing toys and utensils must be discontinued blister.
that have touched another child’s immediately if it is

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:50 PM Page 215

blood sugar sion, stroke and problems caused by people with this type of diabetes.
poor circulation, such as gangrene,
which is present in the worst cases. People with Type 2 diabetes will
Medi-Sign Target benefit from clearing factors that
With Type 1 diabetes, these compli- contribute to their cardiovascular
Cinnamon & Cinnamon Tea cations may start to appear 10 to 15 risk by:
years after diagnosis. • Controlling blood pressure more
rigorously with water and walking.
Type 2 diabetes is often
present for years before • Lowering cholesterol levels by
it is recognized and not eating meat.
diagnosed, meaning that
a person could experi- • Increasing or starting exercise.
ence complications
much sooner than 10 • Stopping smoking.
years after they find
that they have this dis- • Eating whole food fibers.

“Stupid is as stupid does.”

One of the easiest things you can do
The blood sugar level is the amount
You significantly reduce your risk of to improve blood sugar and increase
of sugar, or glucose, in the blood. It
these complications by stabilizing insulin is to add up to a half-tea-
is also known as the serum glucose
the blood sugar level. It can be spoon of cinnamon to your diet each
level and is expressed as millimoles
done easily with a whole food diet day.
per litre, abbreviated, mmol/l.
and exercise.
Some of the research highlights
Blood glucose levels normally stay
Most people with Type 2 diabetes about the cinnamon-blood sugar
within narrow limits throughout the
don’t need to carry out regular connection are the following:
day at about four to eight mmol/l,
blood glucose checks
but are higher after meals and usual-
• A human study published in Dia-
ly lowest in the morning. The blood
This is because while good control betes Care looked at 60 people with
sugar level moves outside these lim-

-Forest Gump
of diabetes is important, cardiovas- type 2 diabetes, 30 men and 30
its if a person has diabetes. Even
cular complications, such as angina, women with an average age of 52.
with good control of diabetes, the
heart attack and stroke, are the main They were divided into six groups.
blood sugar level will still at times
cause of serious illness and death in Groups one, two and three con-
drift outside this normal range.
sumed one, three or six grams of
cinnamon daily. Groups four, five
Why control blood sugar levels?
and six, on the other hand, were
For reasons that are not well under-
given placebo capsules correspon-
stood, when very high levels of
ding to the number of capsules con-
blood glucose are present for years,
sumed for the three levels of cinna-
damage of the small blood vessels
can occur.
After 40 days, all three levels of
This in turn increases your risk of
cinnamon intake reduced fasting
developing late-stage diabetes com-
blood glucose ranging from 18 to 29
plications such as:
percent, triglycerides 23 to 30 per-
• Retinopathy (eye disease)
cent, LDL cholesterol seven to
• Nephropathy (kidney disease)
twenty-seven percent and total cho-
• Neuropathy (nerve disease)
lesterol 12-26 percent.
• Cardiovascular disease, such as
heart attack, heart failure, hyperten-
• The researchers concluded that,

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:50 PM Page 216

“The results of this study…suggest

that the inclusion of cinnamon in the
C Dandelion
“The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of

diet of people with type 2 diabetes C Fennel

will reduce risk factors associated
with diabetes and cardiovascular
C Fenugreek seed
diseases.” C Flaxseed
• The active insulin-enhancing
C Ginseng
compounds in cinnamon are found C Goldenseal
in the water-soluble portion and not
the oil. Not only have they been
C Guar seed
found to increase glucose metabo- C Guava
lism by up to 20-fold, but they also
have oxidation protection activity.
C Licorice root
C Navy beans
C Nutritional yeast
your three best friends. If they’re okay, then it’s you.”

Cinnamon Tea More Health Benefits of Cinnamon

C Nuts
Cinnamon increases vitality and bal- C Parsley
1/4 tsp Ground Cinnamon
ances energy. It is particularly good
for people who tend to have a hot
C Parsnips
1 cup Boiling water
Black tea bag upper body and colder lower body. C Potatoes
I see this quite often, especially
among women entering menopause.
C Spinach
(optional) C Strawberries
Place the cinnamon in a cup.
Symptoms are flushed face, sweat-
ing, insomnia with cold and dry legs
C Sweet peppers
C Water
Add the boiling water and steep
for 10 minutes. Sweeten with and feet.
honey/stevia if desired.
Cinnamon improves the digestion of
C Wheat bran
The active compounds aren’t lost
with heating, so you can also
fruits, milk, and other dairy prod- C Wheat germ
try adding cinnamon to water
before heating and boiling them
C Whole grains
together. Cinnamon is also good for anemia,
arthritis, bloating, diarrhea, gas,
painful menstrual periods and poor Dia-Beet-Ease

If you’re pregnant or breast-feeding, 1 slice Beet

don’t take extra cinnamon then the 1 bag or tsp Ginseng
amount normally found in food. 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
• If you don’t like the look or tex-
ture of tea made with ground cinna- Helpful Foods & Herbs Boil water, add everything and
mon, try making a tea by bringing
C All fruits
steep for 10 minutes.
water to a boil with a piece of cin-
namon bark added to it. C Beets
• Try sprinkling cinnamon on sal- C Broccoli
ads, oatmeal or fruit, like peaches C Chili (cayenne)
and bananas.
C Citrus fruits
B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:50 PM Page 217

This powerful elixir is loaded with about a great natural source of nutri-
the healing potential to keep your ents for optimum health? That’s
“Sweet blood sugar balanced. Pick ripe right, true blues.
Stability” tomatoes since they will make for a
better tasting drink. Tamari is a nat- The long list of health benefits asso-
1-2 cups Pure Water ural soy sauce available in health ciated with blueberries is becoming
1 small Apple food stores, and its saltiness helps as well known among the general
1 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast counter cravings for sugar. public as it has been for many years
2 Tbsp Bran, Oat or Wheat in the health and research communi-
Beans and Blood Sugar
2 Tbsp Wheat Germ
2 Tbsp Sunflower or
ties and with professional growers.
The plentiful soluble fiber in beans From Newsweek to the Wall Street

“One way to relieve a migraine headache is to soak your hands in hot water.”
Pumpkin Seeds
1/2 cup Orange Juice is a boon to your blood sugar. Journal and beyond, it’s almost
pinch Stevia Powder Beans can help you balance blood impossible now not to hear some-
sugar levels while providing steady thing good, make that great, about
First, blend the small apple (or
half of a big one) in the water.
slow-burning energy if you have blueberries! Of course Grandma
Then add the remaining ingre- insulin resistance, hypoglycemia or knew this all along.
dients one or two at a time. diabetes. The fiber in beans keeps
blood sugar levels from rising too
rapidly after a meal.


Medi-Sign Target
This smoothie is loaded with fiber Brain & Visual System
from the apple and bran, chromium
support from yeast, vitamin C and
wheat germ. Sunflower seeds pro- The most intriguing news about
vide long-term energy enhancing the blueberries is that they can actu-
blood’s ability to maintain its sugar. ally reverse the loss of short-term
Stevia is a naturally sweet herb that memory that happens as we age.
is unrelated to sugar and does not They also act as an unusual type of
affect blood glucose levels. pro-biotic by blocking attachment of
bacteria that cause urinary tract
For easy reference, the list from
infections. They contain chemicals
Plumb Bob the many sources of reported blueberry
that curb diarrhea and also have
Sugar Leveler benefits includes:
viral activity and are high in natural
• Improved vision
• Clearing arteries
4 oz Tomato Juice • More nutrients for disease pro-
2 oz Celery Juice BLUEBERRY HEALTH
• Strengthening blood vessels
• Enhanced memory
1 oz Asparagus Juice
1 oz Alfalfa Sprouts Juice • Stopping urinary tract infections
1 oz Lemon Juice • Reversing age-related physical
2 Tbsp Tamari Natural Blues are the Right Color
and mental declines
1 tsp Flaxseed Oil to Bring out Your Best
• Promoting weight control.
Want to retain your memory? Try a
blueberry. Want to lower your risk
Oxidation Protection Researchers at
factors for some cancers? Make
the USDA Human Nutrition Center
blueberries part of your diet. How
(HNRCA) have found that blueber-

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:50 PM Page 218

ries rank number one in nutrient small pea to a marble. They are century, becoming commercially
activity when compared to 40 other deep in color, ranging from blue to available in 1916. Cultivation of
fresh fruits and vegetables. Antho- maroon, to purple-black and feature blueberries was spearheaded by a
cyanin is the pigment that makes the a white-gray waxy “bloom” that botanist at the United States
blueberries blue and is thought to be covers the surface serving as a pro- Department of Agriculture who pio-
responsible for the major health tective coat. The skin surrounds a neered research into blueberry pro-
benefit of preventing semi-transparent duction. His work was forwarded
cancer. flesh that encases by Elizabeth White, whose family
-Albert Einstein

tiny seeds. established the first commercial

Blueberries and Eye- blueberry fields.
sight History
A number of studies in Native to North body
Europe have docu- America, blueber-
mented the relationship ries grow through- language
“If we knew what we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”

between bilberries, the out the woods and

European cousin of mountainous A real social skill
blueberries, and regions in the Unit- Up to 93 percent of communication
improved eyesight. ed States and Cana- is non-verbal. This form of commu-
The improved eyesight da. It is rarely nication includes eye movement,
is thought to be con- found growing in facial expressions, hand gestures,
nected with the antho- Europe, and only posture, tone of voice and more.
cyanin in the blue pig- recently was intro- The presence of body language can
ment which is also duced in Australia. be especially felt in emotional situa-
available in the blue- tions, as the messages behind body
berry. One study in About 30 different language usually prevail over the
Japan documented that blueberries species of blueberries exist, with worded message.
helped ease eye fatigue. different ones growing throughout
various regions. For example, the The eyes communicate more that
With flavors that range from mildly Highbush variety can be found any other part of the human anato-
sweet, to tart and tangy, blueberries throughout the Eastern seaboard my. Staring or gazing at others can
are natural stars bursting with nutri- from Maine to Florida. The create pressure and tension in the
tion and flavor while being very low Lowbush variety is found growing room. Gangs have fought over the
in calories. This fruit is in season naturally throughout the Northeast way someone looked at them.
and at its best from May through and Eastern Canada, while the
October. Evergreen variety extends
throughout states in the Pacific
Blueberries are the fruits of a shrub Northwest.
that belong to the heath family.
Other related bushes include the Blueberries played an important
cranberry and bilberry as well as the role North American Indian food
azalea, mountain laurel and rhodo- culture, being an ingredient in
dendron. Blueberries grow in clus- pemmican, a traditional dish com-
ters and range in size from that of a posed of the fruit. They were not,
however, consumed in great
amounts by the colonists until the
mid-19th century. This seems to
be related to the fact that people
did not appreciate their tart flavor.

Blueberries were not cultivated

until the beginning of the 20th

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:50 PM Page 219

Research suggests that individuals rapidly from a small facial move- Examples of Body Talk
who can routinely out gaze another ment to a broad open expression, of Brisk, erect walk...
develop a sense of control and course we’re natural experts at this. Displays confidence
power over others not so inclined.
Maintained eye contact can show if Bodily cues are the most reliable of Standing with hands on hips...

Brainwaves come in four lengths: alpha, when we let go of anxiety; beta, when we puzzle over problems;
a person is caring, sincere and trust- all nonverbal signals of deception. Conveys readiness or aggression
worthy. Shifty eyes or too much This is because a person generally
blinking can suggest deception. has less conscious control over these Sitting with legs crossed, foot
People with eye movements that are than other signals. Hand-to-face kicking slightly..
relaxed and comfortable, yet atten- gestures and shrugs are strong mark- Signals boredom
tive to the person they are convers- ers of deception. Playing with or
ing with, are seen as more sincere touching things nearby during con- Sitting, legs apart...
and honest. versations has been found to be Shows one is open and relaxed

theta, when we come up with bright ideas; and delta, when we sleep.
associated with deception.
Eyebrows. Certain muscles draw Deceivers also are likely to have Arms crossed on chest...
the eyebrows down and toward the increased illustrator activity, which Portrays defensiveness
center of the face if someone is is quick, animated use of hands or
annoyed. If a person is empathetic arms during speech. Walking with hands in pockets
and caring during dialogue the eye- and shoulders hunched...
brows will not show the annoyed Vocal cues can predict deception. A sign of dejection
facial grimace. More and lengthier pauses during
conversation or a lot
Smiles. There are 50 or so different of sounds such as
types of human smiles. By analyz- “uh,” and “um,” as
ing the movements of over 80 facial well word repetitions
muscles involved in smiling, are all signs that the
researchers can tell when a smile is person is nervous for
true. Look for a wrinkle in the skin some reason. Less
at the middle, outside corner of the lengthy answers or
eyes and if it is not there, the smile explanations where
is probably fake. Authentic smiles they would be
are smiles that “crest” or change expected to be are
also signs a person is
not being truthful.
Hand to cheek....
Space is important. Personal space Can portray evaluation and thinking
is needed and if it is invaded inten-
tionally and at times by oversight Touching or slightly rubbing one’s
can cause an individual to feel nose...
uncomfortable or threatened. Stud- Can infer rejection, doubt or lying
ies have shown that individuals that
do not respect others space are less Rubbing the eye...
popular and often rejected. Can be from doubt or disbelief

Gestures communicate. Hand sig- Hands clasped behind back...

nals can communicate without the Signals anger, apprehension or frus-
use of any speech. Touching com- tration
municates. Touching can be friend-
ly or it can be aggressive. The way Locked ankles...
a person stands reflects their level of Can also be a sign of apprehension
confidence and comfort level.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:50 PM Page 220

Head resting in hand with down- Eye contact is one of the most want to be authoritative and what
cast eyes... important aspects of dealing with you’re saying to be taken seriously.
Signals boredom others, especially people we’ve just Conversely, when you want to be
met. Maintaining good eye contact friendly and in the listening, recep-
Rubbing hands... shows respect and interest in what tive mode, tilt your head just a little
Shows anticipation they have to say. In the United to one side or other. You can shift
States, we tend to keep eye contact the tilt from left to right at different
Sitting with hands clasped behind around 60-70 percent of the time. points in the conversation.
-Rodney Dangerfield

head and legs crossed... By doing this you won’t make the
Beams confidence and superiority other people feel self-conscious, like
they’ve got a bit of vegetable stuck
Open palm... between their teeth or a dew drop
Portrays innocence, openness and hanging from the nose. Instead, it
sincerity will give them a feeling of comfort
and genuine warmth in your compa-
Pinching bridge of nose with eyes ny, any more eye contact than this
“My father carries around the picture of the kid who came in his wallet.”

closed... and you can be too intense, any less

Can be a sing of a negative evalua- and you give off a signal that you
tion are lacking interest in them or their
conversation. Be aware however,
Tapping or drumming fingers... that there are wide cultural differ-
Conveys impatience ences in the politeness of eye con-
tact, so be careful in other countries.
Steepling fingers...
Shows that one is authoritative Posture is the next thing to master.
If you get your posture right, you’ll
Patting or fondling hair... automatically start feeling better.
Is usually a sign of the lack of self- Next time you notice that you’re
confidence or insecurity feeling a bit down, take a look at Arms give away the clues as to how
how your standing or sitting. open and receptive we are to every-
Tilted head... Chances are you’ll be slouched over one we meet and interact with, so
Shows interest with your shoulders drooping down keep your arms out to the side of
and inward. This collapses the chest your body or behind your back.
Stroking chin... and inhibits good breathing, which This shows you are not scared to
Says that a person is trying to make in turn can help make you feel nerv- take on whatever comes your way
a decision ous or uncomfortable. and you meet things “full frontal.”
In general terms, the more you use
Looking down Head position is a
or turning away great one to exper-
one’s face... iment with on
Suggests disbelief yourself and oth-
ers. When you
Biting nails... want to feel confi-
Hints to insecuri- dent and self
ty or nervousness assured keep your
head level both
Pulling or tug- horizontally and
ging at ear... vertically. You
Conveys indeci- can also use this
sion straight head posi-
tion when you

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:52 PM Page 221

Legs are the furthest point away ally seen as dominant, emphasizing
from the brain. Consequently and possibly aggressive, especially
they’re the hardest bits of our bod- when there is no movement or bend-
ies to consciously control. They ing between the wrist and the fore-
tend move around a lot more when arm. The placement of the palm is

“You know Lloyd, just when I thought you couldn’t get any dumber, you go and do something like this...
we are nervous, stressed or being very important when it comes to
deceptive. It’s best to keep them handshaking and where appropriate
as still as possible in most situa- we suggest you always offer a hand-
tions, especially at interviews or shake upright and vertical to convey
work meetings. Also be aware of equality.
the way you cross your legs. Do
you cross at the knees, ankles or Distance from others is crucial if


bring your leg up to rest on the you want to give off the right sig-
knee of the other? This is more a nals. Stand too close and you’ll be
question of comfort than anything marked as “pushy” or “in-your-
else. Just be aware that the last face.” Stand or sit too far away and
position mentioned is known as the you’ll be “keeping your distance”
“Figure Four” and is generally or “stand-off-ish.” Neither is what
perceived as the most defensive leg we want. It’s best to observe a
your arms with big movements, the cross, especially if it happens as group to gage how closely all the
more outgoing you are. The quieter someone tells you something that other people are standing to each
you are, the less you move your might be of a slightly dubious other. Also notice if you move clos-
arms away from your body. Try to nature or moments after. As always, er to someone and they back away,
strike a natural balance and keep look for a sequence or pattern in you’re probably in their personal
your arm movements midway. body language. space, or comfort zone a bit too
When you want to come across in much. “You’ve overstepped the
the best possible light, crossing the The angle of the body in relation to mark” and should pull back a little.
arms is a no, no in front of others. others gives an indication of our
Obviously, if someone says some- attitudes and feelings towards them.
thing that gets your goat, then by all We angle toward people we find
means show your disapproval by attractive, friendly and interesting
crossing them! and angle ourselves away from
those we don’t. It’s that simple!
We often just tilt from the pelvis
and lean sideways to someone to
share a bit of conversation. For
example, we are not in complete
control of our angle at a movie
theater because of the seating,
nor at a concert when we stand
shoulder to shoulder and are Even your ears play a vital role in
packed in like sardines. In these communicating with others. While
situations we tend to lean over most people can’t move them much,
towards another person. if at all, it is how you use them that
is important. “You’ve got two ears
Hand gestures are so numerous, and only one mouth, so try to use
making a brief guide hard to cre- them in that order.” If you listen
ate. When the palms are slightly twice as much as you talk you come
up and outward, the gesture is across as a good communicator who
seen as open and friendly. knows how to strike up a balanced
Palms-down gestures are gener- conversation without being me, me,

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:52 PM Page 222

me or the wallflower. Unless peo- prits. Anaerobic bacteria, which oils that lead to body odor. Nearly
ple really want only you to talk, try flourish when your body doesn’t all of this can be remedied by daily
listening to others as well. have enough oxygen, may well be showers, drinking lots of water, eat-
the cause of your body odor. As the ing high fiber foods and walking to
body’s metabolism goes to work, it keep the colon clean. Try having a
gives off odors. This is the body’s colonic or even home enema’s
“A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to

way of ridding itself of waste prod- work.

ucts. Any imbalances in metabo-
lism will result in
stronger odors.

While talking about

waste products, you
Mouth movements can give away must consider tox-
all sorts of clues. We purse our lips ins as a possible
and sometimes twist them to the cause of body odor.
side when we’re thinking. We may In today’s world we
also use this movement is to hold are bombarded with
back an angry comment that we toxins in the air, our
say to the author of that study: ‘Duh.’”

don’t wish to reveal. Nevertheless, food and homes

it will probably be spotted by other that accumulate in the body when Sweat glands, or apocrine glands,
people and they will get a feeling the organs of elimination cannot dis- under the arms and in the groin
that you were not too pleased. pose of them. The liver and intes- secrete a substance that is the major
There are also different types of tines may be clogged up, causing cause of body odor not related to
smiles and each gives off a corre- odors to emanate from the body. I food or drink. This substance, made
sponding feeling to its recipient. suggest a thorough detoxification of carbohydrates, lipids and protein,
program by cleansing the colon is often secreted by a surge in sex
BODY ODOR liver, and kidneys. hormones caused by tense moments
(See: Liver Detox) or emotional stress. This substance
is quickly joined by bacteria, caus-
Medi-Sign Target Other causes of odor may be dietary ing odor. Children today are start-
Use Olive Oil, Salt & imbalances resulting in constipation ing puberty much earlier, and this
or a deficiency of magnesium or change in hormones may lead to
zinc. Some people who eat large body odor in children younger than
Peppermint as a Body Scrub
quantities of meat or who are junk- in previous times. Estrogen domi-
food vegetarians have a very dis- nance may trigger the earlier puber-
tinctive body odor which can be ty and is often caused by petro-
quite offensive due to variations in chemical products. Drinking sodas
people’s body chemistry. Some out of plastic bottles is one of the
individuals cannot metabolize foods leading causes of estrogen domi-
containing large amounts of choline, nance.
such as fish, liver and other animals.
The result is a repulsive smell. If There may also be underlying caus-
you believe you are one of these es of excessive sweating, such as
people, eliminate these foods from diabetes, emotional stress, such as
Conventional wisdom suggests that
your diet and see if the odor ceases. anger, fear and excitement, liver dis-
perspiration is the cause of body
Certain foods and drinks, such as ease, low blood sugar, menopause,
odor. However, perspiration by
alcohol, certain spicy foods, coffee, metabolic dysfunction and parasites.
itself is basically odorless. It is the
curry, garlic, and onions are also Excessive sweat may be on the fore-
bacteria and odors coming from
prime causes. Fried and baked head, palms, soles of the feet or the
other sources that are the real cul-
goods may contain rancid fats and underarms.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:52 PM Page 223

after your meal. kill bacteria and help absorb perspi-

Eating sprigs of ration. Cornstarch can also be used
parsley also elimi- instead or mixed with the baking
nates garlic and soda.
onion odor.
Alfalfa or Parsley: Chewing alfal-
Tobacco fa, parsley and other leafy greens
Tobacco use is a will help neutralize body odor. This
major cause of is probably due to the deodorizing
body odor. Not effect of the chlorophyll.
only does it come
back through your
lungs, but it comes
through the skin. It
is likely that it
mixes with other
elements in your
body’s chemistry to
Some other possible cause of body
create a distinct odor. If you stop
smoking, it may take several weeks
• Kidney disease
for the body to rid itself of odor

“May the force be with you.”

• Liver disease
causing substances.
• Fungal infections
• Refined sugar and synthetic
sweeteners feeds bacteria and fun-
Alcohol or Witch Hazel: Wipe
gus on the skin
your armpits with grain alcohol or
witch hazel instead of deodorant. Radishes: Juice about two dozen
radishes, add one-fourth of a tea-
Dietary changes are also very
Alum: Stop using antiperspirants. spoon of witch hazel and put in a
important in eliminating various
They clog your sweat glands and squirt or spray-top bottle. Use as an
sources of odor. Certain drinks such
contain aluminum chlorohydrate, underarm deodorant or to reduce
as coffee and hard alcohol and foods
which may lead to future health foot odor.
like exotic spices, garlic, meat and
onions can lead to body odor. Try
Rosemary Oil: It’s an excellent
eliminating these from your diet for
Apple Cider Vinegar: Apple cider deodorizer. Put eight to ten drops of
a week or two and see if this makes
vinegar eliminates under arm body the essential oil in one ounce of
a difference. Although you can usu-
odor when used in place of deodor- water and apply it where needed.
ally smell your own body odor,
ant because it reduces the pH of the
many people don’t realize they have
skin. Bacteria can’t live in areas Sage: Drinking a cup of sage tea
a problem because they have
with low pH. daily to reduce sweat gland activity
become accustomed to it. Have
can work wonders. This is especial-
someone you can confide in do a
White Vinegar: Place some on a ly true for those who perspire exces-
“smell test” before and after you
cotton ball and apply to the under- sively due to tension. Use one and
start eliminating certain foods. That
arms instead of deodorant. The a half teaspoons of dried sage or
may be the only way you will find
vinegar smell is gone in minutes and two tea bags in one cup of water
out. Garlic, onions and spices are
you should be smell-free all day. and steep for ten minutes. Drink in
very healthful and wonderfully deli-
small doses throughout the day.
cious foods, however, if you find
Baking Soda: Baking soda, the
they are the cause of body odor, try
odor-eating standby, can be used • Fresh sage leaves blended with
drinking one teaspoon of bicarbon-
instead of deodorant. Just apply the tomato juice has also been found to
ate of soda in eight ounces of water
powder to your dry armpits. It will be very effective.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:52 PM Page 224

Be Lemony Fresh all Day Body

Take a lemon and cut it in half and
place it over the part of the body types/shapes
that the odor is coming from. You
-Rodney Dangerfield

can use this on the hands, under- It has always been assumed that
arms or the entire body. Leave it on men have a much easier time with
or shower it off, whichever works their bodies than women do. Even
best for you! in many male magazines the empha-
sis is still on the perfectly formed
female body rather than
the man’s. The critics
Tea Tree Oil: Deodorizes. Make a often point out that the
“I come from a stupid family. During the Civil War, my great Uncle fought for the West!”

deodorant by putting two drops of stereotype of, “men look

the essential oil into one ounce of and women are looked
water and apply where needed. at,” are continually rein-
forced as a result.
Turnip Juice: Turnip juice will
reduce underarm odor for up to 10 More recently research
hours. Grate a turnip and squeeze has indicated a change in
the juice through cheesecloth until the way men and women
you have two teaspoons. Wash are starting to view the
your armpits first and vigorously male physique. One psy-
rub one teaspoon of the mixture on chological investigation
each one. found that the average
man is feeling a bit
Wheat Grass: Drinking two intimidated by the images
ounces of fresh wheat grass does surrounding them. Researchers say
the trick. The chlorophyll will dra- that the expansion of male pin-ups,
matically reduce body odor.

The Inside Job Body Odor

Start off by drinking six ounces of Spray
tomato juice per day for one week.
Cut down to 12 ounces every two to 3 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
three days the following week. 1C Water
Once the odor has cleared, drink 1 tsp Grain Alcohol
this juice on an as needed basis. In a bottle (spray, preferably)
The salt in this juice evens out the put the specified amount of
PH balance as well. ingredients in the bottle and
shake. After bathing/showering,
Be a Ginger Binger spray this all over and smell like
vanilla all day! (Great to put on
Get one big piece of ginger and you clothes too!) It’s very pleas-
mash it up. Put it in a handkerchief ing.
or anything so you can squeeze to
get the water from it. After shower-
ing, apply it under your armpit with
cotton. Body odor should disappear
within two weeks. Save the ginger
water in the refrigerator after every
time you use it.

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advertising products of body shape

from underwear to with personality
aftershave has been type has long
making ordinary men been viewed with
feel inferior and skepticism at
uncomfortable about best.
their bodies, in the
Can body shape

“Now you wouldn’t believe it if I told you, but I can run like the wind blows.”
same way that female
models have made be changed?
women feel for Dissatisfaction
decades. with body shape
is one of the main
The study found that reasons men vary
the emphasis on the their lifestyle.
muscular body had Usually this
originated in the gay involves diet
community and change and exer-
transferred into the cise but increas-
mainstream over the ingly may involve
last 10 years. cosmetic surgery.
Women were now Pectoral implants,
being invited to look jaw enhance-
on men purely for ments and lipo-
their physical attrib- suction are
utes as part of an becoming more
equally “look-ist” or commonplace.
superficial consumer For those more
culture. More gay interested in
men said they felt the lifestyle change
pressure to conform the activities you
to the images. choose will have
Others said they some effect on
believed women did your morphology,
not place as much with “morph”
importance on physi- meaning
cal attraction as men. “shape.”

THREE BODY SHAPES was thought to be associated with The Slim Look
Your body shape will basically fall body shape. Ectomorphs were con- Aerobic exercises that involve all
into one of these three categories: sidered to be quiet and morose indi- the muscle groups such as running,
viduals, endomorphs rather jolly and swimming and yoga are useful.
-Forrest Gump

• Ectomorph: characterized as mesomorphs a bit on the crude and Employing a steady rate of exercise
tall and slim or thin. vulgar side. Charles Dickens used and avoiding rapid bursts of activity
these characteristic when creating are thought to be important.
• Endomorph: rounded and with the personalities in his works. Of
a generous waist size. course, these traits can be found to The Muscular Look
fit particular people with certain Isolating each muscle group in turn
• Mesomorph: muscular and ath- body types, although anyone can and operating on a principle of short
letic looking. display these characteristics, no explosive bursts of activity is a
matter what their body type. Not basic principle. Weight-bearing
There was a time when personality surprisingly, this simple association exercises and repeated cycles within

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and muscle tend to be The feet were tightly bound to pre-

equally important. For a vent growth. The toes sometimes
thin man, it is quite pos- dropped off and a deep cleft formed
“If a man stands in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear he still wrong?”

sible to be too thin and between the heel and the front of the
too fat at the same time foot. These unnaturally small feet
in the sense that he has were considered a sign of beauty.
both less muscle and Foot-binding was done to distin-
more fat than he would guish natural-footed working
like. As a result of the women from wealthy women of
motivation to reduce fat leisure, whose bound feet confined
and increase muscle them to the house because walking
men’s weight-change was so painful. This practice was
strategies are not always outlawed in the 20th century.
as healthy as they might
be. Steroid use and other Waists
muscle enhancers for In the late 1800s, some women had
example are not healthy their two lowest ribs surgically
choices. Doping is as removed. This way, with the help
common as breathing of a corset, they could achieve an
these days. even smaller waist than women who
had a normal number of ribs.
Body Shapes for Women
Being female has never Breasts
been easy, especially During the 1960’s, some American
a given muscle group are necessary, when you consider the traps and tor- women had liquid silicone injections
as is relaxation after no more than tures inflicted on girls and women to enlarge their breasts. This dan-
seven repetitions. for the sake of someone’s idea of gerous procedure often backfired as
beauty. Here’s a look at some of the the silicone would solidify and trav-
The Well-Rounded Look life-threatening ways girls and el through the body, causing infec-
Do not avoid exercise and do not eat women have tried to reshape them- tions and odd lumps in surprising
too much. selves. places. Today, some women have
saline-filled pouches surgically
As men get older their metabolism Feet implanted beneath their natural
slows down. Fat likes to gather Starting in the eleventh century, the breasts to push them forward. The
around the belly of men and while it Chinese practiced foot-binding on risks of this kind of surgery include
deposits easily, this fat can be female infants in wealthy families. pain, infection, leaking implants, a
incredibly hard to shift. build-up of scar tissue
and an implant tighten-
The middle-age spread can ing up so that the
be tackled with a sensible breast appears
mix of exercise and healthy deformed. Also,
eating. Most men will see implants do not last
fairly dramatic improve- forever. Many rupture
ments over time, particular- or deflate within a few
ly if they also concentrate years, or sometimes
on posture. just a few months, and
additional surgery will
Differences between men be required. Some
and women women have died due
For women, body fat is the to complications of this
critical issue. For men fat procedure.

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Some lips measure over 15 inches • The Victorians associated

long. plumpness with health, attractive-
ness and a happy outlook.
Body Weight
Today, many American girls and • Fat is a sign of fertility. The soft
women starve themselves in the roundness of a woman’s belly,
name of beauty. Many people breasts, hips and thighs are a sign
believe that an obsession with body that she is a fertile adult.
weight, especially in the media, is
why so many girls develop eating • This soft, female roundedness
disorders, which there are a number has been considered attractive and
of different kinds. desirable in most cultures through-

“How can I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?”

out most of human history.

Among the Padaung women of
Burma, long necks are signs of
beauty. Young girls wear brass or
iron rings around their necks in
order to stretch them. Beginning
with five rings when the girl is
young, the number increases to a
total of 22 in adulthood. The bones
of the neck are pulled apart and the Anorexia nervosa is an eating disor-
rings can never be removed without der characterized by self-starvation.
the risk of death. These “beautiful” Bulimia is when a person eats but
necks are stretched to lengths of 14 later throws up the food, which can
inches. actually be healthier depending on • Ultra-skinny models weigh 25
what was eaten. It’s a disorder if percent less than the average Ameri-
Lips you have no control over it. can woman.
In Africa, girls of the Sras Djunge
begin to stretch their lips by All kinds of eating disorders include • Models in magazines can look
implanting wooden disks at the age unhealthy attitudes toward food and very different in real life. In maga-
of four. As the girls grow, they use a poor self-image and all are dan- zines, lighting, clothing, make-up,
larger disks and their lips stretch so gerous. The dangers include dental photo re-touching and other special
far that they are barely able to talk problems, heart problems, malnutri- effects contribute to an unreal look.
and can consume only liquids. tion, an increased risk for such dis-
eases as diabetes and arthritis and • Surveys show that women tend
even death. Thousands of girls and to be much more critical of other
women die of eating disorders each women’s bodies than men are.
year. If your own feelings about
food and your body have begun to • If Barbie the doll were a human,
worry you, or if you are worried she would probably have to crawl
about a friend, tell someone you on all fours, because her tiny feet
trust. Reaching out is the first step could not support her long legs and
toward health. oversized chest, and I love it! Just
kidding, kinda.
Food For Thought
• Fat was once called “the silken • Real bodies come in every shape
layer.” and size.

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In one perspective there are six bust, narrow hips and thin legs. Resistance Training – Proper lower
basic, body-shape frames that ladies Balance needs to be met by bringing body training is needed for balance
fall into. the lower body up to speed with the to bring it up to par with the wide
upper body. shoulders. Concentrate on Squats,
Leg Press and Stiff Deadlifts as the
Cardio – The bulk of your training, and use the
stepper is a Extension and Lunges as finishers.
good form of Use moderate to heavy poundage in
cardio to burn the six to eight repetition range.
calories and
add thickness The “Ruler”
to the legs. The “Ruler” body shape’s measure-
The treadmill ments of the chest, waist and hips
on an incline are fairly equal. This lady is lean,
is also suit- has a high metabolism and doesn't
able, but this gain weight very easily.
body type is
best to avoid Cardio – Cardio should be kept to a
The “A Frame” the elliptical machine, as it will lean minimum, preferably the stepper,
The “A Frame” lady is also known the legs up too much. and more focus should go on the
“Do you mind if I don’t smoke?”

as the “Spoon Shape.” These indi- resistance training.

viduals carry extra weight in the Resistance Training – To increase
lower region of the body, mainly in leg size, concentrate on quality Resistance Training – Training
the hips, thighs and buttocks, while thigh training. Basic power move- should be intense and brief. Each
their waist and bust are small. ments should compose the bulk of muscle group should be trained once
Balance needs to be met by widen- your leg exercises, such as Squats, weekly. The focus should go into
ing the shoulder girth and the back. Leg Presses and Stiff Deadlifts. intensity and building symmetry
Shaping exercises such as through proper shoulder, back, and
Cardio – This body type should Extensions and Lunges are good fin- leg training. Use heavy compound
zone in on lower body cardio to rid ishers. Use moderate to heavy movements such as Bench Presses,
the excess weight in the lower poundage and keep the repetitions Shoulder Presses, Lat Pulldowns,
region, such as walking, cycling, or on the lower end in the six to eight Squats, etc. You want to put
use of the elliptical machine. range.
Resistance training should be kept
light to moderate. Avoid the step- The “H Frame”
per, as it can build more size to the The “H Frame” lady has an athletic
legs. build, but has a large waist and
shoulders and lacks symmetry. This
Resistance Training – To bring bal- body shape is squared off and
ance and harmony, add more blocky. Those who possess the “H
poundage to the Shoulder Presses, Frame” really need to direct atten-
Lateral Raises and Pulldowns. tion to their symmetry by minimiz-
Keep your repetitions on the lower ing the waist.
end for your upper body, anywhere
in the six to eight range. Cardio – Cardio choices should be
focused on trimming the upper body
The “V Frame” and bringing out the symmetry.
The “V Frame,” also known as the Such cardio tactics should include
“Cone Shape” lady, has shoulders the treadmill on an incline and the
that are two or more inches wider stepper.
than her hips. She usually has large

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The “Oval Frame” Android, Gynaeoid, Thyroid and

The “Oval Frame,” also known as Lymphatic. These four body types
the “apple,” is average height or have unique hormonal and metabol-
shorter, large busted, has thin legs ic characteristics. Some body types

“C’mon, all the long-distance lines are down? What about the satellite, is it snowing in space?”
and gains weight in the midsection. gain weight easily and are also more
susceptible to cellulite.
Cardio – Routine cardio, such as
the treadmill on an incline or the Android Type
stepper, are necessary to generate The Android body type has broad
overall weight loss. The elliptical shoulders and strong muscular
machine should be avoided as it limbs. The trunk is somewhat
leans out the legs too much. straight up and down and there is
not much of a waist. The pelvis is
Resistance Training – Weight train- narrow and the hips do not flare.
ing should be focused on the legs to Android types have an anabolic
create balance with the upper body. metabolism, which means that they
Include more Squats, Leg Presses tend to be “body – building” and
and Stiff Deadlifts to bring the will gain weight in the upper part of
lower body up to speed with the their body so that they may become
upper body. Maintain repetitions in apple-shaped. Most of their weight
the six to eight range for balance. gain occurs on the front of the
emphasis on building muscle, there- abdomen. They build muscle mass
fore keep the repetitions in the six to How do you find your ideal size and easily and make good athletes,
eight repetition range. weight? Ultimately it’s up to you. while they tend to produce more
At what weight or waist size are you male hormones than do the other
The “8 Frame” most self-accepting, happiest and body types. Android types also
The “8 Frame,” also know as the self-assured? The ancient, classical seem to crave foods that are high in
“Hourglass,” is genetically gifted. Greeks adored the beauty of meas- cholesterol and salt. The body turns
They are the proper height and ure, the aesthetics of proportion. cholesterol into steroid hormones,
weight for their body. Their bust They taught their citizens and meas- which will have a body building
and hips are the same size, with the ure the wrist and then multiply that effect. This may lead to some cel-
waist being 10 inches smaller and measure by 4 for small frame, 4.5 lulite in the abdominal area, trunk
said to be the perfect figure from for medium frame and 5 for large and upper buttocks, but not below
modeling experts. This lady’s gains frame. They embraced three presen- the hips.
are evenly distributed, as well as fat tations of physical culture, the
loss. This really is Barbie. Artemisian, the
Olympian and the
Cardio – Cardio should be balanced Herculean one for
with training. Any cardio technique beauty, one for
is fine, and keeping a variety is best. speed and one for
Resistance Training – This is the although, some
ultimate body frame for bodybuild- appeared to have
ing and/or fitness. A balanced train- it all.
-Groundhog Day

ing program with a variety of exer-

cises works well. Many find chang- Your Body Type
ing the workout program every six and Cellulite
to eight weeks productive, and an From a different
assortment of repetition ranges perspective, there
keeps the body off guard. are four different
body types,

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Gynaeoid Type
“Now law, business, engineering; these are noble pursuits, and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love;

The Gynaeoid body type is the

curvy shape with small to medium
shoulders tapering to a small waist
and then flaring below to wide cur-
vaceous hips. Weight gain occurs
only on the thighs and lower but-
tocks and gives a very feminine and
curvy shape. Many gynaeoid types
will have a big problem with cel-
lulite accumulating around the upper
thighs and buttocks. If they try to
lose weight with just any old low-
fat, low-calorie diet, it can be quite
frustrating because weight will tend
to come off easily from areas where
these are what we stay alive for.” -Dead Poets Society

there is not a problem, while the ing, thyroid types do not gain metabolic rate. They also have a
thighs and buttocks retain their fatty weight easily and have a very high dysfunctional lymphatic system
deposits and cellulite. They often metabolic rate. Of all the body resulting in generalized fluid reten-
have a hormonal imbalance called types they are least likely to develop tion, which makes them look fatter
“estrogen dominance” which means cellulite and if it does occur, it is on than they are. They are prone to
that there is too much estrogen com- the buttocks and back of the thighs. deposits of fat swollen with lym-
pared to progesterone. They often phatic fluid, which can cause severe
crave foods combining high Lymphatic Types cellulite. This type of cellulite gives
amounts of fat and sugar, which will Lymphatic body types gain weight them thick puffy limbs so that it is
increase their sensitivity to estrogen, all over the body, and have a “cud- hard to see their bone structure.
leading to more cellulite in the but- dly baby doll” appearance. Weight They often avoid exercise and crave
tocks and thighs. They do well with gain occurs very easily because dairy products, both of which will
plant hormones, like legumes and lymphatic types have a very low exacerbate their cellulite, if enough
phytoestrogens, which have a water and fiber foods aren’t con-
balancing effect and help them sumed.
to reduce their estrogen
dependent weight gain. In The Past
Years ago it was recognized
Thyroid Type that there were different body
The Thyroid body type is char- types and they were catego-
acterized by a fine narrow bone rized according to their shape
structure and long limbs. This only. This was before we
body type often has a “race- understood the hormonal and
horse” or “grey hound” metabolic differences
appearance. Many dancers and between the body types. For
models belong to this body your interest, I will describe
type. Thyroid types often them for you. Android was
crave stimulants such as caf- called the mesomorph, Thy-
feine, nicotine and artificial roid was called the ecto-
sweeteners and may miss morph and Lymphatic was
meals. They often have prob- called the endomorph.
lems with unstable blood sugar Gynaeoid was not described,
levels, which can cause fatigue as it was probably considered
and cravings for sugar and a combination of several
stimulants. Generally speak- types.

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Boils ducts become clogged and infected. Who is most likely to develop a
Cystic acne affects deeper skin tis- boil?
sue that the more superficial inflam- Anyone can develop a boil.
Medi-Sign Target mation from common acne. Cystic However, people with certain ill-
Hot Packs, acne is most common on the face nesses or medications that impair
Lance & Apply Salt and typically occurs in the teenage the body’s immune system are more
years. likely to develop boils. Among the
illnesses that can be associated with
The skin is a channel for
• Hidradenitis suppurativa: This impaired immune systems are dia-
elimination, just as the bowel is a
is a condition in which there are betes and kidney failure. Diseases,
channel for elimination.
multiple abscesses that form under such as hypogammaglobulinemia,
the arm pits and often in the groin that are associated with deficiencies
area. These areas are a result of in the normal immune system can
local inflammation of the sweat increase the tendency to develop
glands. Ten days of water fasting boils.
can clear this.
Many medications can suppress the
• Pilonidal cyst: This is a unique normal immune system and increase
kind of abscess that occurs in the the risk of developing boils. These
crease of the buttocks. Pilonidal medications include cortisone med-

“Live long and prosper.”

cysts often begin as tiny areas of ications such as prednisone and
infection in the base of the area of prednisolone and medications used
What is a boil?
skin from which hair grows, known for cancer chemotherapy.
A boil, also referred to as a skin
as the hair follicle. With irritation
abscess, is a localized infection deep
from direct pressure, the inflamed
in the skin. A boil generally starts
area enlarges to become a firm,
as a reddened, tender area. The area
painful, tender nodule making it dif-
becomes firm and hard over time.
ficult to sit without discomfort.
Eventually, the center of the abscess
These frequently form after long
softens and becomes filled with
trips that involve prolonged sitting.
infection-cleaning white blood cells
Some folks call this a pain in the
that the body sends from the blood

stream to eradicate the infection.
This collection of white blood cells,
Why do boils occur?
bacteria and proteins is known as
There are many causes of boils.
pus. The pus will eventually “form
Some boils can be caused by an
a head,” which can be lanced to
ingrown hair, while others can form
open or spontaneously drain out
as the result of a splinter or other
through the surface of the skin.
foreign material that has become
lodged in the skin. Acne and some
There are several different types of
other types of boils are caused by
plugged sweat glands that become What is the treatment for a boil?
• Furuncle or carbuncle: This is
infected. Most boils can be solved at home.
an abscess in the skin caused by the
Ideally, you should begin as soon as
bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.
The skin is an essential part of our a boil is noticed since early treat-
A furuncle can have one or more
immune defense from materials and ment may prevent later complica-
openings onto the skin and may be
microbes that are foreign to our tions. The primary solution for
associated with a fever or chills.
body. Any break in the skin, such most boils is heat application, usual-
as a cut or scrape, can develop into ly with hot soaks or hot packs. Heat
• Cystic acne: This is a type of
an abscess should it then become application increases the circulation
abscess that is formed when oil
infected with bacteria. to the area and allows the body to

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 232

better deal with the infection by For acne and hidradenitis suppurati- Bok choy has been cultivated in

bringing white blood cells to the site va, a total change of diet may be China for centuries and is now com-
“Probably the earliest flyswatters were nothing more than some sort of striking surface attached to the end of a long stick.”

of infection. required on a long-term basis to pre- monly grown in Alberta, Canada

vent recurrent abscess formation. and in California. Bok choy is also
As long as the boil is small and Water fasting and even mono diets grown in Europe where it was intro-
firm, opening the area and draining for seven to ten days can do won- duced in the 1700’s.
the boil is not helpful, even if the ders. The number one solution,
area is painful. Once the boil however, is sunshine. Botulism
becomes soft or “forms a head” that
is a small pustule noted in the boil, Boils can be drawn to a head by
it is ready to be drain. Pain relief putting the inside of banana peel Medi-Sign Target
can be dramatic once the boil is over it with a bandage to hold it in
drained. Most small boils, such as place.
Fermented Foods
those that form around hairs, drain
on their own with soaking. On BOK CHOY Human botulism is a serious but rel-
occasion, and especially with larger
atively rare disease. The disease is
boils, the larger boil will need to be
an intoxication caused by extremely
drained or “lanced.” The larger Medi-Sign Target potent toxins preformed in foods.
boils frequently contain several
The toxins are produced by the bac-
pockets of pus that must be opened
terium Clostridium botulinum.
and drained separately.
Person-to-person transmission of
botulism does not occur. There
What can be done to prevent
are seven recognized types of
boils and abscesses?
Deep Thoughts

botulism. Four of these, types

There are some measures that
A, B, E and rarely F, cause
you can take to prevent boils
human botulism. The other
from forming. The regular use
four, types C, D and E, cause
of non-chemical or synthetically
illness in birds, fish and mam-
perfumed soaps can help to pre-
mals. The sporulated form of
vent bacteria from building up
the bacterium is commonly
on the skin. This can reduce the
found in soils, aquatic sedi-
chance that the hair follicles
ments and fish, and the spores
will become infected and pre-
are heat-resistant. Under
vent the formation of boils. Use
anaerobic conditions, botu-
witch hazel as an astringent
linum spores can germinate,
cleanser. When the hair folli-
causing the bacterium grow
cles on the back of the arms or
and produce the toxin.
around the thighs are continual-
Ingestion of the toxin present
ly inflamed, regular use of an
Bok Choy is high in calcium, folic in improperly prepared food is dan-
abrasive brush, such as a loufa
acid, vitamin A, vitamin C and tons gerous and may be fatal. Botulism
brush, in the shower can be used to
of mineral. It’s nutritional contents is mainly a food-borne intoxication
break up oil plugs that build up
are very similar to that of cabbage. but it can also be transmitted
around hair follicles.
Bok choy, otherwise known as bak through wound infections or intes-
choi, paak choi, Chinese chard cab- tinal infection in infants.
Pilonidal cysts can be prevented by
bage and Chinese mustard cabbage
avoiding continued, direct pressure
is a vegetable that resembles celery Symptoms
or irritation of the buttock area
although it is actually a member of The symptoms are not caused by the
when a local hair follicle becomes
the cabbage family. It has thick, organism itself, but by the toxin that
inflamed. At that point, regular
white stalks and dark green leaves the bacterium releases. They usual-
soap and hot water cleaning and
that have a round shape. ly appear within 12 to 36 hours after
drying can be helpful.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 233

exposure, but onset of symptoms Waterborne Botulism could

can range anywhere from four hours theoretically also result from the
to eight days. Incidence of botulism ingestion of the pre-formed
is low, but the mortality rate is high toxin. The risk of contracting
if treatment is not immediate and the disease this way is consid-
proper. Five to ten percent of cases ered low since the water-treat-
are fatal. ment processes inactivate the
toxin. Adverse effects of the
The characteristic early symptoms pure toxin have been reported
and signs are marked fatigue, verti- as a result of its medical and/or
go and weakness usually followed cosmetic use.
by blurred vision, dry mouth and
difficulty in swallowing and speak- Infant Botulism is rare. It
ing. Vomiting, diarrhea, constipa- occurs when infants ingest
tion and abdominal swelling may spores, which germinate to pro-
also occur. The disease can duce bacteria that reproduce in

“At last we meet for the first time for the last time.”
progress to weakness in the neck the gut and release the toxin. In
and arms, after which the respirato- most adults and children older
ry muscles and muscles of the lower than about six months, this
body are affected. The paralysis would not happen because the
may make breathing difficult. There natural defenses that develop
is no fever and no loss of conscious- processed home canned or home over time prevent the germination
ness. bottled low-acid foods such as veg- and growth of Clostridium botu-
etables that have been stored. The linum.
Similar symptoms usually appear in food traditionally implicated differs
individuals who shared the same between countries and will reflect Symptoms in infants include consti-
food. If given proper and immedi- local eating habits and food preser- pation, an altered cry, loss of
ate attention, including intensive vation procedures. Occasionally, appetite, striking loss of head con-
respiratory care, most people do commercially prepared foods are trol and weakness. Infant botulism
recover. involved. has been associated with honey con-
taminated with botulism spores.
Food-borne botulism occurs when The different types of intoxication Mothers are warned not to feed raw
the organism Clostridium botulinum due to the botulinum honey to their infants, as Clostridi-
is allowed to grow and produce The Botulinal Toxin has been um botulinum spores in honey have
toxin in food. It is then eaten with- found in a variety of foods, includ- in a few cases resulted in infant bot-
out sufficient cooking to inactivate ing low-acid preserved vegetables, ulism.
the toxin. Clostridium botulinum is such as beets, green beans, mush-
an “anaerobic bacterium,” which rooms and spinach. Fish, including
means it can only grow in the canned tuna, as well as fermented,
absence of oxygen. Therefore, the smoked and salted fish are also
growth of the bacteria and the for- prone to carry the bacteria as are
mation of toxin tend to occur in meat products, such as chicken, ham
products with low oxygen content and sausage.
and the right combination of storage
temperature and preservative param- Inhalation Botulism, following
eters. inhalation of the toxin in an aerosol, Botulism of undetermined origin
has occurred in laboratory workers. usually involves adult cases where
This happens most often in lightly In these cases, neurological symp- no food or wound source can be
preserved foods such as fermented, toms may be the same as in food- identified. It has been suggested
salted or smoked fish and meat borne botulism, but the incubation that these cases are comparable to
products and in inadequately period might be longer. infant botulism and may occur when

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 234

must be removed and stored in The function of the digestive system

plastic bags until it can be is to take food into the body and to
washed with soap and water. The get rid of waste. The bowel is
person must shower thoroughly. where the waste products of eating
are stored until they are emptied
Botox injections from the body in the form of a
The bacterium Clostridium botu- bowel movement, also known as
linum is the same bacterium that stool or feces.
is used to produce Botox, a phar-
-Rodney Dangerfield

maceutical used as injections for A bowel movement happens when

clinical and cosmetic use. How- the rectum, last portion of the
ever, what is used in Botox treat- bowel, becomes full of stool and the
ments is the purified and diluted muscle around the anus, called the
A neurotoxin. Treatment is anal sphincter, opens. The infirm or
administered in the medical set- people who are bed ridden or
ting, tailored according to the injured need to develop a consistent
needs of the person and is usually bowel-emptying program.
“My wife made me join a bridge club. I jump off next Tuesday.”

well tolerated. Only occasionally

the normal gut flora has been altered
are there some side effects. FOR THE INFIRM
as a result of surgical procedures or
antibiotic therapy.
Bowel Methods for emptying the bowel.
Each person’s bowel program
Wound Botulism is a rare disease
should be individualized to fit
and occurs when the spores get into Taking Care of Your Bowels
his/her own needs. The type of dis-
an open wound and are able to The bowel is the last portion of your
ease or nerve damage, for example,
reproduce in an anaerobic environ- digestive tract and is sometimes
upper or lower motor neuron,
ment. The symptoms produced are called the large intestine or
should be taken into account as well
similar to the food-borne form, but colon. The digestive tract
as other factors. Components of a
may take up to two weeks to appear. as a whole is a hollow
bowel program can include any
tube that extends from
combination of the following.
Prevention the mouth to
Prevention of botulism is based on the anus.
Manual Removal:
good food preparation and preserva-
Physical removal of the
tion practices and hygiene.
stool from the rectum.
Botulism may be prevented by inac-
This can be combined
tivation of the bacterial spores in
with a bearing down tech-
heat-sterilized, canned products or
nique called a valsalva
by inhibiting growth in all other
maneuver. “I just call it
products. Commercial heat pasteur-
taking a good poop…just
ization, vacuum packed pasteurized
products as well as hot-smoked
products, may not be sufficient to
Digital Stimulation:
kill all spores and therefore safety of
Circular motion with the
these products must be based on
index finger in the rec-
preventing growth and toxin produc-
tum, which causes the
tion. Refrigeration temperatures
anal sphincter to relax.
combined with salt content and/or
acidic conditions will prevent the
Suppository: Using something like
growth or formation of toxin. If
an olive oil infusion, stimulates the
exposure to the toxin via an aerosol
nerve endings in the rectum, causing
is suspected, in order to prevent
a contraction of the bowel or glycer-
additional exposure, the clothing

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 235

digital stimulations should Factors that can affect success

be performed in any one Any one of, or combination of the
session. Those with a factors listed below, can affect the
flaccid bowel frequently success of a bowel program.
omit the suppository or Changing one factor may produce
mini-enema and start their results almost immediately, or it
bowel programs with digi- may take several days to see the
tal stimulation or manual results. Changing more than one
removal. Most bowel factor at a time makes it difficult to
programs require 30-60 determine the effects of individual
minutes to complete. factors and may increase the time it
takes to develop a stable bowel pro-
Bowel programs vary gram.
from person to person
according to their individ- • Previous Bowel History: What
ual preferences and needs. have your bowel habits been in the
Some people use only half past?

“The weather is here, I wish you were beautiful.”

ine, which draws water into the of a suppository, while some require
stool to stimulate evacuation. two suppositories and some use no • Timing: Do you do your bowel
suppository or mini-enema at all. A program in the morning or evening?
Mini-Enema: Softens, lubricates person may choose to do the entire At the same time every day? After
and draws water into the stool to program in bed, while others sit on a meal or warm beverage? What is
stimulate evacuation. the toilet from the beginning. Some the interval between programs – half
find that the program works better if a day, one day or two days? You
What is a bowel program? they can eat or drink a warm bever- should do a bowel program at least
Most people perform their bowel age while it is in progress. What is every two to three days to reduce
program at a time of day that fits in most important is that you discover your risk of constipation, impaction
with their prior bowel habits and what works best for you. and colon cancer.
current lifestyle. The program usu-
ally begins with • Privacy and
insertion of either a Comfort: Does some-
suppository or a one else share your
mini-enema, fol- bathroom? Do you
lowed by a waiting have enough time to
period of approxi- complete your pro-
mately 15-20 min- gram?
utes to allow the
stimulant to work. • Emotional Stress:
This part of the pro- Has your appetite
gram should prefer- been affected? Are
ably be done on the you able to relax?
commode or toilet
seat. After the wait- • Positioning:
ing period, digital Where do you do your
stimulation is done program, on a com-
every 10-15 minutes mode chair, raised toi-
until the rectum is let seat, on the toilet,
empty. In order to or in bed? It will
avoid damage to the probably work better
delicate rectal tissue, when you are sitting
no more than four up because of gravity.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 236

• Weather: Hot weather increases famous Knotts Berry Farm in Buena

the evaporation of body fluids, Park, California.
which can lead to dehydration and
constipation. brachial
• External Massage: Massaging plexus
the lower abdomen in a circular, injury
clockwise motion from right to left
increases bowel activity.
Medi-Sign Target
“I saw a bank that said ‘24 Hour Banking,’ but I don’t have that much time.”

• Valsalva or bearing down: This Peppermint Oil Topicals,

technique is not recommended for
people with cardiac problems.
Heat Packs & Rest

• Fluids: How much and what • Assistive or Adaptive Devices:

type of fluid do you drink? Prune Devices such as a suppository
juice or orange juice can stimulate inserter, finger extension or digital
the bowels. Another type of fruit stimulator may be required to assist
juice may work best for you. you in establishing a successful
bowel program.
• Food: How much fiber or bran,
bread, bulk, cereals, fruits, vegeta- BOYSENBERRY
bles and whole grain breads do you
eat? Some foods such as dairy
products, white bread, white pota- Medi-Sign Target
toes and white sugar products can
contribute to constipation.
Blood & Breasts
Brachial plexus injury affects the
• Medication: Some medicines
nerves that travel from the neck and
such as codeine, Ditropan, proban-
down the arm. These peripheral
thine, and aluminum-based antacids
nerves are called the brachial plexus
like Aludrox can cause constipation,
nerves. They leave the spinal chord
while others including some antibi-
and travel between the vertebrae and
otics, such as ampicillin, and mag-
the back and into the shoulder, giv-
nesium-based antacids such as
ing the arm its ability to function. A
Mylanta and Maalox can cause diar-
brachial plexus injury usually causes
intense pain from the neck down to
(Rubus Idaeus) the arm on the affected side. Rest
• Illness: The flu, a cold or an
Boysenberries were hybridized in and heat packs can do the trick of
intestinal infection may affect your
California by Rudolph Boysen healing this condition.
bowel program while you are ill.
around 1920. It’s thought that he a
Even if your digestive system is not
directly affected, your eating habits,
crossed loganberry, blackberry and BRAZIL NUT
Cuthbert raspberry. Originally
fluid intake or mobility may change,
farming in the Napa Valley, he
which can alter your bowel pro-
moved to Anahiem in Orange Coun-
Medi-Sign Target
ty, California. From here, Walter Prostate, Ovaries, Neurons,
Knott propagated them further in
• Activity Level and Mobility:
Brain & Deplaquer
1934. As their popularity grew,
How much exercise do you get?
Mrs. Knott began making preserves,
How much time do you spend out of Pure Cancer Food…
which ultimately became the world-
bed? It’s a knock-out!

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 237

Selenium is also a powerful nutrient The fruit is a large, round, woody BREAD
linked to lowering cancer and heart capsule or pod, about the size of a
disease rates. Brazil nuts are also a large grapefruit and is very heavy.
very good source of zinc, which is The fruit pods grow at the ends of Medi-Sign Target
essential to digestion thick branches. As they ripen
and metabolism. from January until
Emotions & Social Bond
June, they fall
from the tree
The History of Bread
with a loud
Humans have eaten some form of
bread since the Neolithic era, when
sound as

“Well, what if there is no tomorrow?, there wasn’t one today.”

cereal grains were crushed and
they tum-
mixed with water to form a thick
ble150 feet
paste that could be cooked over the
through the
fire and consumed. The Egyptians,
canopy like
in approximately 2600 BC, were
cannon balls.
lucky enough to have a sufficient
Inside each fruit
amount of wild yeasts in the air
pod, wedged in like
from the beer brewing to accidental-
orange segments, are 12
ly discover its uses in leavening
Brazil nuts can be of particular to 25 Brazil nuts, each with-
use in the vegetarian diet as an in its own individual shell. Mature
added source of protein. Brazil nut trees can produce approx-
Workers were often paid in loaves
imately 300 or more of these fruit
of bread. Paintings in the pyramids
Brazil nuts are nutrient-dense, pods annually.
show that the dead were buried with
which means that, they contain a
loaves of bread to provide suste-
wide variety of nutrients in relation With such a high oil content, fresh
nance in the afterlife. The British
to their size. Brazil nuts are chock Brazil nuts will even burn like
Museum has one of these loaves,
full of significant nutrients, includ- miniature candles when lit. The oil
which is over 4000 years old!
ing fiber, phosphorous, protein, is extracted from the nuts and used
magnesium, selenium and thiamin. by indigenous and
There is also a decent amount of rural people for
calcium, copper iron, niacin, potas- cooking oil, lamps,
sium, vitamin B6, vitamin E and soap and livestock
zinc. Brazil nuts are also a source feed.
of arginine, which is an amino acid
that plays a role in blood clot forma- The empty seed
tion, and flavonoids, important com- pods, often called

-Groundhog Day
pounds that are protective for both “monkey’s pots,”
coronary disease and cancer. are used to carry
around small
Brazil nuts are actually large seeds smoky fires to dis-
of giant trees that grow in the Ama- courage attacks of
zon jungle. The Brazil nut tree is black flies, as cups
enormous, frequently attaining the to collect rubber
Greek sailors and merchants brought
height of 150 feet or more, and it latex from tapped trees, and as
the Egyptian flour back to Greece,
can reach ages of 500-800 years drinking cups. The husks of these
where bread baking flourished.
old! The tree is called “castanheiro seed pods have also been used in
Rome took over the enterprise after
do para” in Brazil and is found Brazilian folk medicine to brew into
their conquest of Greece, and
throughout the Amazon rainforest in tea to treat stomachaches, and the
formed the first Baker’s Guilds in
Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and tree bark is brewed into tea to treat
150 BC.
Venezuela. liver ailments.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 238

Guilds were not only a way to gar- and humidity that killed off the nec- lacks vitamins and minerals that can
ner professional respect, but a way essary wild yeasts. Biscuits became be made up with other food groups.
to protect the public. The baker’s the favored flour-based bread, while Remember that “Man cannot live on
guilds in England were held to strict cornbread remained popular as well. bread alone.”
standards, with harsh punishments
for overcharging and/or adulterating The advent of roller flour mills in Bread is really not that fattening.
the bread. the 1800’s led to even White bread and enriched white
more highly processed bread should be avoided, but many
flour. This contributed to breads are good for you. Rye bread
lighter and whiter loaves, is a good source of iron and thi-
even if not as nutritious as amine. Pumpernickel may be an
the coarser whole wheat kind. unusual name but is a good source
-Mark Twain

By 1825, a German baker was of fiber and contains iron and thi-
able to create cakes of yeast, amine. Whole-wheat breads are a
package them for mass sale great source of B vitamins, fiber,
and make the baking of bread iron and thiamin.
easier for ever after.
“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”

Bagels, English muffins and pitas

Even today, there are those are all good sources of iron,
who swear that breads baked although they are higher in empty
without commercially calories.
processed yeasts are superior.
They go through a great deal There are various forms of bread
of trouble in order to coax the from all parts of the world. Some
wild yeasts out of the air by fer- Italian-originated bread is Chapatti
Much of the bread returned to menting their flour and water starter and the Indian Ciabatta. Cornbread
unleavened loaves during the early- mixture. This is a tricky process is originated from the Southern
Middle Ages, although the Normans and one that can easily lead to fail- United States. Matzo is Jewish
reintroduced leavened bread in ure. Too much cold or too much bread served at Passover meals.
1191. By the early 13th century, heat and the batch will ‘die’. How- Naan originated in India, and tortilla
millers became more important. ever, it will make you appreciate the is Mexican bread.
Their job of turning wheat to flour great efforts of housewives in days
not only allowed for more grada- long past to put the staff of life on There are numerous kinds of breads
tions of flour, but the practice of the table. to try. Breads are a part of a nutri-
keeping up to a quarter of the flour tional diet that helps you to have a
produced made millers quite Bread is a good source of protein, healthy body.
wealthy and thus of great impor- but it also contains calcium, iron
tance in their towns and villages. and vitamins.
Wheat breads are
The lack of millers in the early days good for their
of colonial America, along with the fiber content,
lack of wheat, posed problems for which helps keep
the housewife. How to make bread the bodies diges-
without the basic ingredients? The tion system regu-
presence of corn quickly led to the lated.
invention of cornbread, alternately
referred to johnny-cake or journey People with aller-
cake. Even after wheat became gic reaction to
common, those in the Southern molds may have a
colonies had trouble making loaves reaction to bread.
of bread rise due to the high heat This food also

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 239

breast do that by staying away from sugary which helps remove toxins and
desserts and not adding sugar to any waste products from the cells. The
cancer food. longer you wear a bra, the more
hours those toxins are trapped in
Medi-Sign Target Exercise. Start a walking program, your breasts. After many years of
gradually increasing the pace and bra use, the end result can be a
distance until you’re walking briskly breast tumor.
Water, Salt, Raw Foods,
Sunshine & Go Bra-less for two miles, four times a week.
Needless to say, the medical estab-
Is There a Link between Bras and lishment hasn’t embraced this theo-
Breast Cancer? ry. The current medical model for
A study has revealed a causative the cause of breast cancer is bio-
factor for breast cancer that can chemical and genetic, ignoring the
increase your risk of getting the dis- simple mechanical fact of what
ease by 100 times, which is wearing clothing constriction can do to the
a bra for more than 12 hours a day. body.

“Having family makes you appreciate your friends.”

This remarkable finding is accredit- There are some alternative physi-
ed to Sydney Ross Singer, an cians, however, who think Singer’s
applied medical anthropologist. Dr. idea is correct. “Bras and other
Ross and his wife, Soma Grismaijer, tight clothing can impede the flow of
wrote “Dressed to Kill: The Link the lymph fluid out of the breast,”
between Breast Cancer and Bras.” says Michael Schachter, M.D.,
Singer and Grismaijer interviewed director of the Schachter Center for
more than 2,000 women with breast Complementary Medicine in Suffer,
cancer and another 2,000 women New York. Thus, wearing a bra
without breast cancer, asking them a contributes to the development of
series of questions about their use of breast cancer as a result of cutting
bras. Here’s what they found. off lymphatic drainage so that toxic
chemicals are trapped in the breast.
• Stop eating animals and cooked A woman who wears a bra 24 hours The take-home message to women
dairy products. a day is 113 times more likely to get from Singer’s research is “wear
breast cancer than a woman who bras as little as possible.” Singer
• Avoid Smoke, yours and others. wears a bra less than 12 hours a day. advises women to try his “risk-free,
This statistical link is stronger than cost-free lifestyle experiment” for
• Drink water that is distilled, the link between cigarettes smoking preventing the disease by either
purified natural spring or R.O. and lung cancer. going bra-free or wearing a bra less
than 12 hours a day, which definite-
Don’t Feed Your Tumor’s Sweet A woman who never wears a bra is ly means not wearing it to bed.
Tooth 21 times less likely to get breast
Whether the sugar you eat is cancer than a woman
sucrose, refined white sugar, or fruc- in the general popula-
tose, maltose or dextrose, which are tion.
the sugars that are also used as com-
mercial sweeteners, it all turns into Singer hypothesizes
blood sugar, known as glucose. that the straps, side
Some alternative practitioners panels, underwire,
believe that cancer cells rely on a and other structures
metabolic process that is driven by of the garment cut off
glucose. One of the first things to drainage from the
do is to get off the sugar. You can lymphatic system,

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 240

Of all the citric fruits, lemon is spreading of breast cancer cells and
the most potent detoxifier. It prevents the metastasis of
kills some types of intestinal par- melanoma. Grapefruit juice helps
asites such as roundworms and reduce fever and soothes coughs and
dissolves gallstones. Limonene, sore throats. Consumed at night,
the volatile oil responsible for grapefruit juice promotes sleep and
the distinctive lemon aroma, alleviates insomnia.
even helps treat some forms of
cancer especially breast cancer. Stop eating death, such as dead
If taken in the morning, lemon calves, chickens, fish, pigs and
-Burgess Meredith as Mickey in Rocky

juice is known to improve liver water insects like lobster and

function and has been used to shrimp.
help eliminate kidney stones.
The organic acids in all citrus Eat plant fiber. Studies indicate
fruits stimulate digestive juices that the substances in plants, phy-
and relieve constipation. toestrogens, are able to prevent the
estrogens circulating in your body
Oranges are great protectors from causing breast cancer. Good
He also says to avoid bras with against bruising, colds, flu, heart sources of phytoestrogens include
underwires and other stiff, breast disease and strokes. The alfalfa sprouts, apples and soy prod-
shaping components, as well as alkaloid synephrine ucts, and are believed to block
push-up bras. When selecting a bra, found in the cancer-causing substances
be sure it’s the right size. One tip orange’s peel can produced by the body's
from Singer and Grismaijer is to reduce the normal metabolic
“You’re gonna eat lightning and crap thunder.”

select a bra that’s not too tight. liver’s pro- process.

When you try it on, you should be duction of
able to slide two fingers under the choles- Avoid mid-cycle
shoulder straps and the side panels. terol. drinking. A study
The bra also should not leave marks at the National
or dents on your skin. If it does, it’s Grapefruit Cancer Institute
too tight. Women need to realize juice eases found that just
that wearing bras is a cultural phe- constipa- two hard-alcohol
nomenon, not a natural one. tion and mixed drinks a day
improves between days 12 and
Foods for Breasts digestion by 15 of a woman’s menstru-
Natural sources of CoQ10 are broc- increasing the al cycle will elevate estrogen lev-
coli, peanuts and spinach. flow of gastric juices. It can also els anywhere from 21 to 31 percent.
save you pounds. Research shows Who in the hell knows when they are
Health Benefits of Great Foods: the pectin content of grapefruit in mid-cycle?
If you thought it was only the vita- reduces appetite by slowing the
min C in citrus fruits that make emptying of the stomach. Get Sunshine!
them such a healthy choice, listen Grapefruit pectin also reduces the The evidence is becoming quite
up. Deep inside the white rind and accumulation of atherosclerotic compelling that sun exposure that
membranes of these fruits lies a plaque in people afflicted with ath- causes us to make vitamin D will
miraculous group of plant com- erosclerosis, as well as strengthens help lower the risk of many cancers,
pounds, including bioflavonoids, cit- blood vessels and capillaries. In a including some of the most common
ric acids and pectins. To benefit study conducted in Copenhagen, ones around such as breast and
from these compounds, make sure pectin even halted the metastasis of prostate cancer.
you dig deep into the rind when prostate cancer. Owing to its signif-
juicing citrus. icant stores of the bioflavonoid Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin,
naringenin, grapefruit arrests the but a steroid hormone precursor that

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 241

This advice, however, men and women each year are killed
has turned out to be by a completely avoidable disease,
completely wrong. prostate cancer and breast cancer.
Natural sunlight is With sufficient Vitamin D from nat-
absolutely essential for ural sunlight, very few men ever
good health. Without experience prostate cancer. With
it, you are far more women, both breast cancer and
susceptible to cancer, osteoporosis are entirely preventa-
depression, obesity, ble, and sunlight is one of the keys
osteoporosis and many to this prevention, as well as remis-

“I’m leavin’, on a jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again.”
other diseases. sion.
Sunlight is a natural
is primarily formed when our skin is cure that helps the body maintain a It’s sad that many doctors are still
exposed to sunshine. high state of health. telling their patients to avoid the
sun. It is precisely the sun that
Women who limit their exposure to But what about sunburns, you ask? holds the cure to many diseases that
sunshine will have lower vitamin D I speak from experience on this is now considered epidemic in the
levels and an increased risk of issue. People are only susceptible Western world. We need more sun-
breast cancer, in addition to an to sunburns when they have nutri- shine, not less, and while there is
increased risk of osteoporosis. Go tional deficiencies caused by con- certainly such a thing as too much
topless girls!! suming processed foods, refined sunshine in one setting, the fact is
sugars, soft drinks, white flour and that almost nobody living in modern
Researchers at St. George’s Hospital other similar substances. A person cities gets even the minimum daily
in London have found that breast on the standard American diet requirement of sunshine.
tissues produce their own cancer- receives a sunburn very easily. But
knock-out compound, known as cal- if that same person follows a sound, This fact is even truer for people
citriol, that destroys breast cancer wholesome diet for several months, who have darker skin. Those of
tumors. In order to make calcitriol, avoids all processed foods and sup- African descent are especially prone
however, tissues in the breast need plements, they will not burn their to Vitamin D deficiencies since their
Vitamin D, and the best way to get skin in the sunlight. Even red heads skin naturally blocks a significant
Vitamin D is to expose your skin to using organic soy butter can get a portion of sunlight radiation. This is
natural sunlight. In other words, the beautiful healthy tan. why black men have a much higher
research is finding that the human rate of prostate cancer than white
body can cure cancer all by itself, On the Vitamin D issue, deficiencies men. Furthermore, black men who
but only if it has the raw materials in this vitamin are widespread. As a live in Northern climates, like
available. Especially sunshine! result, perhaps tens of millions of London or Canada, have it even
worse. It’s virtually
The population of indus- impossible for them
trialized pharmaceutical to get enough
countries has been brain- Vitamin D since -John Denver
washed into thinking the there’s not much sun
sun is evil for decades. to be found where
They’ve been told to they live. Keep in
cover up their skin and to mind, dark skin was
avoid being exposed to an adaptation for
natural sunlight. They’ve people living near
coated themselves with the equator, where
toxic, cancer-causing, sunshine is far more
sunscreens and taken powerful.
extreme measures to
avoid sunlight.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 242

Recent research suggests that

adding these foods to your diet
could significantly lower your risk
of breast cancer.

1. Yellow orange vegetables. Eating

foods high in beta-carotene has been
linked in many studies to lower
rates of breast cancer.

4. Eat tomatoes, including raw, Look for herbal teas made with
cooked, dried, soups, juice and orange or lemon peel. Use real
sauces, or even Ketchup to fill up orange and lemon essential oils in
on a compound called lycopene. cooking and health drinks.
Diets high in lycopene are linked to
“Carpe Diem. (Seize the day.)”

lower rates of breast and prostate 10. Avoid refined grains and choose
2. Cruciferous vegetables such as
cancer. whole grains instead. Studies have
broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower,
shown that women who ate more
radish, rutabaga, turnips and turnip
5. Concord grapes have cancer refined grains had more breast can-
greens, all contain indole -3-
remissive powers, as do sun dried cer. Another study showed women
carbinol, which lowers women’s
raisins. who ate one serving a day of a cere-
levels of a type of estrogen that pro-
al high in wheat bran lowered their
motes breast cancer.
6. Eat omega-3 rich nuts and seeds level of breast cancer-promoting
such as flax, pumpkin and walnut. estrogen.
3. Warm a mug of organic, hor-
Research suggests that women with
mone-free raw milk, known as Alta
higher tissue levels of omega-3s 11. Use butter over margarine. As
Dena, add one tablespoon of ground
have lower rates of breast cancer. mentioned before, butter contains
almonds, pumpkin seed or walnuts
You should also avoid dead fish. CLA’s. One study suggests that a
or one-fourth of a table spoon of
diet higher in trans-fats may
natural almond extract and enjoy it
7. Women whose diets are higher in increase the risk of breast cancer.
at bedtime. Why not fat-free milk?
vitamin D have less breast cancer. Margarine, most french fries, both
Because there’s an intriguing com-
Go for full body sun exposure at frozen and fast-food and many
pound in milk fat, including butter,
least 20 minutes a day. processed and fried foods made with
known as conjugated linoleic acid,
hydrogenated fats are a top trans fat
which rids breast cancer cells.
8. Eat a bowl of dark source. If you prefer margarine, use
cherries. Cherries are a a trans-fat free brand or cold pressed
top source of a compound olive or coconut oil.
that may inhibit mamma-
ry cancers. 12. Drink green tea, hot or cold.
Green tea is rich in EGCG, a com-
9. Compounds called pound that inhibits breast cancer
limonoids, found in the cells. Caffeinated brands have twice
peel and white membrane as much potency as decaffeinated,
of oranges, inhibit breast while most bottled brands have lit-
cancer. Eat whole fruit tle. Mix with herbal teas and lemon
oranges and tangerines. peel to taste or naturally sweeten

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 243

with a little Concord grape juice, 18. Add soy. Soy’s isoflavinoids gland in your brain. These mes-
super low glycemic Agave or sweet work as weak estrogens, blocking sages cause the glands to start
leaf. the more powerful estrogens from releasing oxytocin and prolactin,
stimulating estrogen sensitive cancer breast-feeding hormones that will
13. Instead of commercial “olive cells. begin to calm and relax you.
oil” dressings, usually made with a
mixture of oils, make your own easy 19. Phyto herbs, like don quai, fen- A study published in the Journal of
dressing with half virgin olive oil nel, black cohosh are also weak Nurse Midwives indicated that
and half balsamic vinegar. Studies estrogens that compete with stronger breast-feeding women have less
have shown that Mediterranean estrogens for estrogen receptor sites. anxiety than their formula-feeding
women who eat lots of virgin olive counterparts.
oil have low rates of breast cancer. 20. JUST DO IT! Like the

“There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.”

Goddess Athena Nike! You Will Lose Weight Faster
Breast-feeding burns fat. Women
breast-feeding who breast feed burn over 600 calo-
ries a day. 600 calories! That’s like
getting two hours of aerobic exer-
For most women, it is a pleasure.
cise each day. A study published in
Breast-feeding itself is a calming
the Journal of American Dietician
act. Sitting or lying down several
Association shows breast-feeding
times a day while you are snuggling
melts off inches around your hips
a secure, comfortable baby is sure to
and buttocks. The reference is
make even a hyperactive person
14. Garlic kills breast cancer cells. below.
slow down. But the most high-
Eat it raw in foods. But if you’re
strung of us may need nature’s other
going to cook garlic, always peel Breast-feeding is Ecological
little benefit, brain drugs.
and chop, then let it rest for 10 to 15 Breast milk comes in its own handy
minutes before you heat. Heating container, cute special packaging
During the Breast-feeding process,
right away doesn’t allow time for and no refrigeration required!
your brain will manufacture chemi-
the cancer-inhibiting compounds to Seriously, formula feeding does
cals that will calm you, give you a
develop. have an impact on the use of natural
feeling of well-being and promote
resources such as glass, metal, paper
maternal behavior. Your baby’s
15. In one study, women who ate a and plastic and also provides waste
sucking stimulates nerve endings in
serving of spinach at least twice a for landfills. Compared to breast
the areola, which send messages to
week had half the rate of breast can- milk, it’s just horrible.
your hypothalamus and pituitary
cer of women who avoided it.
Your child is less likely to

-Buzz Lightyear
16. Flavorful veggie burgers and die from S.I.D.S
veggie sausage won’t form the same Studies have indicated that
compounds that meat does when it's Breast-feeding is protective
being cooked and those compounds against Sudden Infant
may explain why women who eat Death Syndrome (SIDS).
lots of red meat and lots of very
well done meat always to get more Do children that are breast-
breast cancer. fed have a higher IQ than
children that are fed for-
17. Why flaxseed? Because it has mula? Is this some sort of
75 times more lignin precursors, an unsupported statement by
awesome plaque remover and com- radical Breast-feeding sup-
pounds that inhibit mammary porters? Has our support
tumors. of Breast-feeding out-
stripped the facts?

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 244

Nothing could be further from the because of some difference between

truth. Perhaps one of the most the way breast-fed and bottle-fed
important stories that hasn’t made infants nurse? It has been theorized
your local paper but has been on the that something about the way
news is that there is a demonstrated, breast-fed infants nurse helps keep
“If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you’ll look like a dummy and people

direct relation between a child’s the ears’ eustachian tubes function-

intelligence and cognitive ability ing more effectively, protecting the
and how long that child was breast- ears against infection. A new study
fed. Some studies show an increase of 315 infants who were fed breast
in intelligence for each additional milk from a bottle shows that these
month the child was breast-fed. infants had fewer ear infections than
infants who got formula from a bot-
Could you give your child a more tle.
important gift than a better brain?
The findings are hardly surprising Conclusion: It’s not just the
when we consider that the brain is mechanics of breast feeding but
only one-third of the way formed at something in the breast milk itself have a decreased risk of otitis media
will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.”

birth. Breast milk has been evolu- that helps protect against ear infec- in a study published in October
tionarily honed over millions of tions, says the medical journal 1997.
years to complete building the brain Infectious Diseases in Children.
during the first two years of life. More than 300 infants were includ-
Otitis Media ed the study. Physical examinations
“Breast-Fed Make Better Grades” Infection of the Middle Ear were done and information about
Rueters News Agency Otitis Media is the most frequent the exclusiveness of breast-feeding,
January 5, 1998 diagnosis recorded for children who parental smoking, day care atten-
see their doctors. Two out of three dance and family history of ear
“Breast-feeding and Later children under the age of three infections was collected.
Cognitive and Academic experience at least one episode of
Outcomes” acute otitis media. An inner ear The researchers found that the inci-
Pediatrics Vol. 101 No. 1 infection is the most common cause dence of first ear infections for
Electronic Article of hearing loss in children. infants between six and twelve
January 1998 months of age increased from 25 to
The infection is most often cause by 51 percent for those exclusively
Breast Milk and Ear Infections bacteria, although is some cases, it breast-fed. The incidence for for-
It’s well known that Breast-feeding, is viral. Breast-feeding has been mula-fed infants of the same age
especially for the first four months shown to prevent otitis media in increased from 54 to 76 percent.
of an infant’s life, is associated with children. Some researchers suggest
fewer ear infections. Is that due to this is because when a mother Peak incidence of acute otitis media
the breast milk itself, or is it breast-feeds her child, she passes on and otitis media effusion, when pus
immunities to her is discharged from the inner ear,
baby that help pre- was inversely related to rates of
vent otitis media. breast-feeding beyond three months
of age.
Researchers from
the State University Infants who where exclusively for-
of New York’s mula fed had a twofold, elevated
School of Medicine risk of first episodes of inner ear
and Biomedical infections compared to infants who
Sciences revealed were exclusively breast-fed for at
how exclusively least six months. The researchers
breast-fed children found that formula-feeding was the

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 245

most significant predictor of inner Gastroenteritis is five times more from hooves, brains and other left-
ear infections, although the amount common in bottle fed infants. over animal parts. “…whey protein
of time spent at day care was also a Breast milk Offers Babies concentrate, palm olein, soy,
risk factor. Protection coconut, high-oleic safflower oils,
April 2001 – Breast milk helps lactose, maltodextrin, potassium

“Alright brain, you don’t like me and I don’t like me and I don’t like you, but let’s just do this and I can
Inner ear infections often result babies, particularly premature citrate, calcium phosphate, calcium
from upper babies, pro- chloride, salt, potassium chloride,
respiratory tect them- magnesium chloride, ferrous sul-
infections. selves from fate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate,
Therefore, oxidative manganese sulfate, potassium
children who stress, iodide, soy lecithin, mono and
spend time in which is diglycerides, inositol, choline bitar-
day care often linked to trate, sodium ascorbate, alpha toco-
get more respiratory phyeryl acetate, naicinamide, cal-
upper respira- distress syn- cum pantothenate, riboflavin, pyri-
tory infections. drome, doxine hydrochloride, thiamine

get back to killing you with beer.” -Homer Simpson

hemorrhag- mononitrate, folic acid, phylloqui-
The ultimate conclusion made by es, eye disorders and other prob- none, biotin, vitamin D3, vitamin
the researchers was that breast-feed- lems. Researchers have discovered B12, taurine and L-carnitine” 90%
ing, even for short durations, about that breast milk has twice the levels of the list is not from food sources.
three months, reduced the onset of of protective nutrients than commer-
otitis media episodes in infancy. cial formula. They have also seen You will save $1,000 a year in feed-
that there is no difference between ing costs alone if you choose to
Diarrhea the amounts of nutrients in breast breast feed.
Children less than 12 months of age milk of mothers who delivered pre- The costs of formula, bottles, nip-
had a lower incidence of acute diar- maturely and those who delivered ples, liners and miscellaneous uten-
rheal disease during the months they full-term. sil add up quickly. In their recent
were being breast-fed than children policy statement, The American
that were fed with formula during Your child will be leaner for life for Academy of Pediatrics reported that
the same period. breast feeding. the 1993 cost of purchasing infant
According to a 1992 study conduct- formula was $885 for the first year
Enhances the neuro-immune ed at the University of California at alone. Considering the superior
response as well Davis, the growth patterns of nor- product is available for free, and
mal, healthy breast-fed different that there are millions of mothers
NEC Confirmed from those of formula-fed infants. with infants at any given time in our
Necrotizing Enternal Colitis was This research was dubbed the DAR- country, that money is a huge waste
rare among babies born at more than LING study (Davis Area Research of our GNP as well as our tax dol-
30 weeks gestation, whose diet on Lactation, Infant Nutrition, and lars.
included breast milk. It was 20 Growth).
times more common in those fed
formula only. FORMULA LABEL,
Herpes Simplex
Mothers’ milk plays a role in the Here’s one of the best
protection of newborns from Herpes reasons to breast-
Simplex virus II contamination. feed: The lable of a
formal reads, “enzy-
Respiratory Syncytical Virus (RSV) matically hydrolyzed
Breast feeding was associated with a reduced minerals…”
lower incidence of RSV infection These include such
during the first year of life. things as gelatin made

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 246

It was reported that the US govern- turns 18! Your Breast-feeding can critically low for a prolonged period
ment spends over $600 million a help pay for whatever. Maybe even of time. Generally, the baby will
year to provide formula for its WIC a vacation for you! get what he needs. Some women
(Women, Infants and Children) sup- worry that if they eat poorly for a
plemental food program. WIC actu- Breast-feeding vs. Multiple few days this also will affect their
ally provides free infant formula to Sclerosis milk. There is no need for concern.
37 percent of all infants born in the The association between bottle feed- Such variations will not affect milk
USA. The formula is of course free ing and multiple sclerosis was supply or quality.
-Groundhog Day

to the mothers, but the formula investigated in a case-control study

companies are still getting their by the Pediatrics Department at the It is commonly said that women
$600 million. I wonder what we are University of Naples in Italy. need to eat 500 extra calories a day
spending on breast-feeding support People with multiple sclerosis were in order to breast-feed. This is also
under this program? less likely than controls to have not true. Some women do eat more
been breast-fed for a prolonged peri- when they breast-feed, but others do
od of time. not. Some even eat less, without
“Ned, I would love to stand here and talk with you, but I’m not going to.”

any harm done to the mother or

Breast-feeding Protects Against baby or the milk supply. The moth-
Leukemia er should eat a balanced diet dictat-
Study finds the longer babies breast- ed by her appetite. Rules about eat-
feed, the lower their risk of ing just make breast-feeding unnec-
leukemia. essarily complicated.

AFRAID OF 3. A breast-feeding mother has to

BREAST FEEDING? drink lots of fluids. Not true! The
mother should drink according to
1. A breast-feeding mother has to her thirst. Some mothers feel they
be obsessive about what she eats. are thirsty all the time, but many
Not true! A breast-feeding mother others do not drink more than usual.
should try to eat a balanced diet, but The mother’s body knows if she
does not need to eat any special needs more fluids, and tells her by
foods nor avoid certain foods. A making her feel thirsty. Do not
breast-feeding mother also does not believe that you have to drink at
ZERO! need to drink milk in order to make least a certain number of glasses a
milk, nor does she need to avoid day.
This figure doesn’t even touch on beer or wine, cabbage, garlic and
the increased health costs of the for- spicy foods. 4. A mother who smokes is better
mula fed baby. A 1995 study by
Kaiser-Permanente Health There are situations when something
Maintenance in North Carolina the mother eats may affect the baby,
found that the formula-fed baby though this is unusual. Usually
averaged $1400 more annually in “colic,” “gassiness” and crying can
medical costs than their breast-fed be improved by changing breast-
counterparts. feeding techniques, rather than
changing the mother’s diet.
Here’s a thought, if you take the
approximately $2000 you would 2. A breast-feeding mother has to
spend on formula and supplies dur- eat more in order to make enough
ing your child’s infancy, put it into milk. Not true! Women on even
the child’s bank account or trust very low calorie diets usually make
fund, at 9 percent interest you’ll enough milk. At least until the
have over $10,000 when your child mother’s calorie intake becomes

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 247

Nipples that through the areola. These women

are painful do often have problems with milk
and bleeding supply, as does any woman who has
are not worse an incision around the areolar line.
than nipples
that are 8. A woman who has had breast
painful and reduction surgery cannot breast-
not bleeding. feed. Not true! Breast reduction

“I’ll tell you what’s on my mind; it’s butt cold out here, and I’m fresh out of beer.”
It is the pain surgery does decrease the mother’s
the mother is capacity to produce milk, but since
having that is many mothers produce more than
the problem. enough milk, some mothers who
This nipple have had breast reduction surgery
pain can often sometimes can breast-feed exclu-
be helped sively.
Sometimes However, if the mother seems not to
mothers have produce enough, she can still breast-
not to breast-feed. Not true! A
bleeding from the nipples that is feed, supplementing with a lactation
mother who cannot stop smoking
obviously coming from inside the aid so that artificial nipples do not
should still breast-feed. Breast-
breast and is not usually associated interfere with Breast-feeding.
feeding has been shown to decrease
with pain. This often occurs in the
the negative effects of cigarette
first few days after birth and settles 9. Premature babies need to learn
smoke on the baby’s lungs, for
within a few days. The mother to take bottles before they can
example. Breast-feeding confers
should not stop breast-feeding for start Breast-feeding. Not true!
great health benefits on both mother
this. If bleeding does not stop soon, Premature babies are less stressed
and baby. It would be better if the
the source of the problem needs to by breast-feeding than by bottle-
mother not smoke, but if she cannot
be investigated, but the mother feeding. Even a baby small than
stop or cut down, then it is better
should keep breast-feeding. 1200 grams can start at the breast as
she smoke and breast-feed than
soon as he is stable, though he may
smoke and formula feed.
7. A woman who has had breast not latch on for several weeks. Still,
augmentation surgery cannot he is learning and he is being held
5. A mother should not drink alco-
breast-feed. Not true! Most do which is important for his well-
hol while breast-feeding. Not
very well. There is no evidence that being and his mother’s. Actually,
true! Reasonable alcohol intake
breast-feeding with silicone weight or gestational age does not
should not be discouraged at all.
implants is harmful to the baby. matter as much as the baby’s readi-
Very little alcohol comes out in the
Occasionally this operation is done ness to suck, as determined by his
milk. The mother can take some
making sucking
alcohol and continue breast-feeding
as she normally does. Prohibiting
There is no more
alcohol is another way we make life
reason to give
unnecessarily restrictive for nursing
bottles to prema-
mothers. Wine and beer are the
ture babies than to

smart choice, not hard alcohol.

full term babies.
When supplemen-
6. A mother who bleeds from her
tation is truly
nipples should not breast-feed.
required there are
Not true! Though blood makes the
ways to supple-
baby spit up more, and the blood
ment without
may even show up in his bowel
using artificial
movements, this is not a reason to
stop breast-feeding the baby.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 248

10. Babies with cleft lip and/or exclusive and if the mother has not parts. In later years, they may score
palate cannot breast-feed. Not yet had a normal menstrual period higher on IQ tests, and they’re more
true! Some do very well. Babies after giving birth. After the first six immune to a host of problems rang-
with only a cleft lip usually manage months, the protection is less, but ing from diaper rash to cancer.
fine. But many babies with cleft still present. On average, women
palate do indeed find it impossible breast-feeding into the second year While a mother’s milk seems to
to latch on. If breast-feeding is not of life will have a baby every two to offer junior a smorgasbord of bene-
even tried, the baby won’t breast- three years even without any artifi- fits, it isn’t always a picnic for her.
feed for sure. The baby’s ability to cial method of contraception. If you’re nursing, your breasts may
breast-feed does not always seem to get hard,heavy, achy and swollen,
depend on the severity of the cleft. 13. Breast-feeding babies need causing your nipples to feel more
Breast-feeding should be started, other types of milk after six than just a little bit chewed up.
using the principles of proper estab- months. Not true! Breast milk Still, you probably want to continue
lishment of breast-feeding as much gives the baby everything there is in breast-feeding if you want your
as possible. If bottles are given, other milks and more. Babies older baby to have the benefits. Here are
they will undermine the baby’s abil- than six months should be started on some remedies that will help to
-Yogi Berra

ity to breast-feed. If the baby needs solids mainly so that they learn how make the whole process smoother.
to be fed, but is not latching on, a to eat and so that they begin to get
cup can and should be used in pref- another source of iron, which by
erence to a bottle. Finger feeding seven to nine months, is not sup-
“Half this game is ninety percent mental.”

occasionally is successful in babies plied in sufficient quantities from

with cleft lip/palate, but not usually. breast milk alone. Thus cow’s milk
or goat will not be necessary as long
as the baby is breast-feeding.
However, if the mother wishes to
give milk after six months, there is
no reason that the baby cannot get
cow’s milk or goat’s. As long as the
baby is still breast-feeding a few
times a day, and is also getting a
wide variety of solid foods in more
than minimal amounts other animal
milks are fine. Most babies older
than six months who have never had
formula will not accept it because of Eat garlic. Breast pain aside, the
the taste. hardest part of breast-feeding may
11. Women with small breasts be trying to convince the little tyke
produce less milk than those with Breast-feeding to eat well. Some babies may not
large breasts. Nonsense! ingest enough milk for a good meal
pain as they gnaw, bite and “play” with
12. Breast-feeding does not pro- nipples instead. Mothers who eat a
vide any protection against Medi-Sign Target clove of garlic two hours before
becoming pregnant. Not true! It nursing get an odor in their milk
is not a foolproof method, but no that prompts infants to suck longer
Lanolin or Shea Butter on
method is. In fact, breast-feeding is and possibly ingest more milk. The
not a bad method of child spacing, babies will experience no abdominal
and gives reliable protection espe- Your breasts are much more than a cramps or other problems associated
cially during the first six months meal ticket for your baby,. Study with spicy foods. Try eating gar-
after birth. It’s almost as good as after study has shown that breast-fed licky dishes before nursing if
the pill if the baby is under six babies consistently seem to fare bet- straight garlic isn’t your idea of a
months of age, if Breast-feeding is ter than their formula-fed counter- tasty snack.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 249

dry. The problem may on pain due to other causes. If

also be one or both of cracking appears, this may be due to
the following. a yeast infection as well. To cure,
rub yogurt on the nipples when not
Either the baby may nursing.
also not be positioned
and latched properly, or Latching

“You know it’s hard to hear what a bearded man is saying. He can’t speak above a whisker.”
the baby is not suckling • Get the baby to open up his
properly. mouth wide. To do this, run your
nipple, along the baby’s upper lip,
Incidentally, babies lightly, from one corner to the other
learn to suck properly still pointing the nipple to the roof
by getting milk from of the baby’s mouth. Some mothers
Go for depth. The nipple should be the breast when they are latched on find easier to run the baby along
deep in the baby’s throat. This way, well. your nipple. Wait for the baby to
there is no movement of the nipple open up as if yawning. The baby’s
when the baby sucks. Fungal infection, due to Candida chin should touch your breast first
albicans, may also cause sore nip- as you draw him closer. The nipple
Use both breasts. Nurse on one ples. The soreness that caused by shouldn’t point to the middle of his
side until it appears that the baby is poor latching and ineffective suckle mouth, but rather to the roof.
losing interest. Then, offer your hurts the most as you latch the baby
baby the other side. Start with the on and usually improves as the baby • Use the arm that is holding him
side you ended with the next time nurses. Women describe a knifelike to bring him onto the breast as the
you feed. Some babies, especially pain from these first two causes. baby opens his mouth. Don’t worry
newborns, won’t take both breasts at The pain from the fungal infection about the baby's breathing. If he is
one feeding. If this happens, wait goes on throughout the feed and properly positioned and latched on,
for about an hour until the baby may continue even after the feed is he will breathe without any prob-
rouses a little and offer the other over. This pain is often described as lem. He will pull away from the
side. burning, but doesn’t necessarily breast if he cannot breath, so don’t
have to possess this character. A be afraid to be vigorous.
Try soothing with your own milk. tipoff that the pain may be due to a
If your nipples are hurting, express- yeast infection is the sudden, unex- • If the nipple still hurts, use your
inh a little bit of milk and rubbing it plained onset of nipple pain when index finger to pull down on the
in is another effective treatment. feedings had previously been pain- baby’s chin in order to bring the
Milk left at the end of the feeding is less. Pain may also just come on lower lip out. It is usually not nec-
very high in lubricants and contains gradually or may be superimposed essary, but you may have to do this
a probiotic substance. for the duration of the feed.

Keep nipples from drying • The same principles apply

out. That means no soap on whether you are sitting, lying
your nipples when you’re down or using the football
showering. The little bumps hold. Get the baby to open
around the areola are glands wide. Don’t let the baby
that produce oil with natural latch onto to just the nipple.
cleansers and protection in Try to get as much of the are-
it, meaning, you don’t need ola, the brown part of breast,
to use soap. into the mouth as possible. It
isn’t necessary, however, for
To prevent further irritation, the entire areola to be cov-
don’t towel nipples dry after ered.
your shower. Let them air-

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 4:53 PM Page 250

• There is no “normal” length of Using a firm, circular

feeding time. motion, start under the
arm and move toward
• A baby properly latched on will the nipple.
be covering more of the areola with
his lower lip than with the upper lip. • Before feedings,
apply a warm, moist
Improving the baby’s suckle compress, or warm wet
-Jason Alexander, Seinfeld

The baby learns to suckle properly towel, on the area for

by nursing and by getting milk into five to ten minutes.
his mouth. The early use of artifi-
cial nipples or poor latching on from • Soak the affected
the beginning can cause the baby’s breast about three to
suckle to be ineffective or not four times a day by
appropriate for breast-feeding. leaning over a basin of
Some babies just seem to take their warm water and massaging the area breast you finished with at the last
time developing an effective suckle. at the same time. This can also be feeding. To remember which breast
Suck training and/or finger nursing done while you are in the bathtub. to start with the next time, put a
“Astroturf?! You know who’s responsible for that...the JEWS.”

and feeding may help. safety pin on the bra strap of the
• Soak it in a glass of warm beer. breast you finished with.
What is a plugged duct? A plugged
milk duct is one that is not draining • Avoid tight clothes, especially • Always offer both breasts each
properly, causing pressure to build underwire or tight bras. feeding. Be sure the first breast is
around the duct. The breast is usu- completely emptied before you offer
ally tender and it may even be red in How will I know when the plugged the second breast.
color. Usually only one breast has a duct is gone? The plugged duct
plugged duct, which may be pea- area will slowly decrease in size as • Breast-feed often, eight to
like in size or larger than a quarter. the tenderness and redness disap- twelve times in 24 hours, for the
You may even have more than one pears. first six to eight weeks after your
plugged duct at a time. This condi- baby is born. This may slow down
tion will not leave you feeling sick What should I do to avoid getting to about eight times in 24 hours
or feverish. a plugged duct? after your baby is eight to twelve
• Start breast-feeding with the weeks old.
The following ideas may help
clear the plugged duct:
• Breast-feed often. Try every
two or three hours or eight to twelve
times in 24 hours. Feed on the
affected breast first to help com-
pletely empty it.

• While breast-feeding on the

affected side, change the positioning
of the baby. Go from the football to
the cradle hold. Position your baby
so that it seems as if his nose is
pointing toward the plugged duct

• Gently massage the affected

breast before and during feedings.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:01 PM Page 251

breasts sag you do the following exercises three sides of your chest to get the same
or four times a week for two workout, so make sure to use both
months. arms equally.
Medi-Sign Target
Stand facing a wall with your toes Rake leaves and sag leaves! The

“You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.”
Push-ups Daily touching it. Take one or two steps annual fall-leaf burden can actually
back. Place your palms flat against be a bust-maintaining activity. The
the wall at chest height and motion of extending the rake and
shoulder width apart. pulling it toward you works the vital
chest muscles.
Bend your elbows toward the
outside to move your body Here, too, keep symmetry in mind
toward the wall as one unit. when extending your reach. It may
Be careful not to bend at be tough to rake leaves with your
waist. dominant hand placed lower on the
shaft of the rake, but give it a try,
Straighten your arms by even if you rake a little more slowly.
pushing back off the wall, Remember, you’re not just raking
feeling it work in your chest leaves, you’re building up your
muscles. Start with one set body, too.
of 10 to 15 pushups. Over
the course of two months, Good chest panes. Washing win-
gradually try to build up to three dows may be the single worst task
Gaining Support
sets. of home maintenance. However, the
For centuries, women have been try-
movement required to wash win-
ing to fight time and gravity with
Stand a little father back from the dows is a pectoral plus, which may
the brassiere. There is, however, a
wall as you get stronger. This will
much better weapon, and it lies
make the pushups a little more diffi-
close to their hearts. Strengthening
your pectoral muscle is the best
defense against a downward trend.
Give this tougher version a try
if you should find yourself
You can’t actually build up the
looking for a bigger challenge.
breasts themselves. They’re com-
posed of fat and other soft tissue,
Home and Garden Workouts
which doesn’t respond to exercise.
Here are three common home
But you can work your pecs, the
maintenance tasks that, with
muscular mats that cover the upper
some slight symmetry modi-
chest and the ribs and support your
fications, can actually
breasts. Firmer, more substantial
improve your pecs and help
pecs will bring your bust line both
to keep your breasts out in
up and out.
Pump Up Your Pecs
Vacuum voluptuously.
Swim for your chest. Swimming is
The back-and-forth arm
-Yogi Berra

great for boosting your bust. The

stretch of vacuuming
crawl, the butterfly and the breast
actually pumps your pec-
stroke all exercise the important
torals a bit. For maxi-
supportive pectoral muscles.
mum benefit, extend your
normal reach as you clean the car-
You should start to notice results if
pet. You want the pecs on both

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:01 PM Page 252

keep you going from pane to pane. Will bras keep the breasts from ligaments which support them, atro-
For figure enhancement, extend sagging? phy, or get thinner and weaker,
your arms farther than you normally Bras will keep your breasts from when breasts are immobilized with-
might. Remember, you’re not just sagging while you’re wearing them, in bras.
letting the sun shine in, you’re also but not for the remainder of time as
maintaining your figure. there is no showing that bras pre- There are many studies showing that
vent sagging. Even the bra industry ligaments and tendons in limbs do
What causes sagging of breasts? seems to know this, as the following atrophy when the limb is immobi-
Sagging or drooping of breasts is a quote illustrates: “We have no evi- lized. Bras obviously prevent the
natural, inevitable process that hap- dence that wearing a bra could pre- natural slight up-down movement of
pens to all women at some point, vent sagging, because the breast breasts when we walk, allowing the
“A psychiatrist asks a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing.”

except those with fairly small itself is not muscle, so keeping it shoulders to bear the weight of
breasts. Breasts can start drooping a toned up is an impossibility. What breasts. It may be a matter of “use
little at any age, but the most it can do, particularly for larger- it or lose it,” if breast ligaments
notable sagging happens with the breasted women, is obviously to behave like limb ligaments. The
process called breast involution. provide the comfort and the sup- only study ever published on the
Breasts may NOT have muscles in port. So, if a woman wants a par- subject of bras and sagging was
them, but they do have ligaments ticular breast profile, she will buy a done in Japan in 1991. The study
and connective tissue. suggests that a bra can actu-
When the gravity ally increase breast sagging
pulls the breasts rather than the opposite.
down, those ligaments
and the skin can “Eleven adult female sub-
stretch, causing the jects aged 22-39 years
breasts to droop. wore a certain brassiere
Severity depends on for three months while
the elasticity of your anthropometry and moire
skin and of your liga- fringe photographs on the
ments, as determined anterior trunk were taken
by your genes diet, regularly once a week.
and the normal aging After the three months, the
processes. Obviously brassiere was not worn for
large breasts will sag another three months.
easier since more gravity is pulling particular brand, and that is what Then the measurements and pho-
them down. they’re designed for. There’s no togrammetry were repeated for
permanent effect on the breast comparison using superimposed
Breast involution is a process where from wearing a particular bra. moire configurations. The results
the milk-making system inside the The bra will give you the shape the are summarized as follows.
breast shrinks because it’s not need- bra’s been designed to give while Regardless of slim or obese trunk,
ed anymore. This happens either you’re wearing it. Of course, when subjects with pendent breasts
after weaning, right after pregnancy you take it off, you go ‘au natu- showed the highest degree of breast
if you don’t breast-feed at all, or ral.’” Executive John Dixey at form ‘correction’ from wearing the
during menopause. The breast can Bras, Bare Facts documentary. brassiere. In all subjects, after
look “empty” and saggy when the three months of brassiere con-
tissues inside breast shrink, and the However, there is some support for straint, the underbust circumfer-
skin surrounding it doesn’t. Sag- the idea that breasts in bras actually ence was smaller but the chest cir-
ging usually remains, but over time, sag more once the bra is taken off. cumference became enlarged, the
some fat gets deposited back to the How could this be since the purpose distance between the right and left
breast, causing it to looks somewhat of bras is to lift the breasts upward? nipples became wider, and the
fuller. Basically, when the breast don’t breasts tended to hang down. This
have to bear their own weight, the change was more marked in obese

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:01 PM Page 253

subjects with pendent breasts. And nipples gracefully sink back toward
when this type of subject wore a your chest. A 50-year-old woman
‘well-fitted’ brassiere for a long once told me, “One way you look
time, her breast form became like a cow that needs milking. The
developed, that is, her breasts hung other way you look like a boy. It
down more.” Ashizawa K, Sugane may not be what God, nature and
A, Gunji T Institute of Human Liv- Victoria’s Secret intended, but sag
ing Sciences, Otsuma Women’s can be the reality of the post-30
University, Tokyo, Japan: Breast breast.”
Form Changes Resulting From A
Certain Brassiere Journal of Hum. The elastic tissue in the breast

“You’re not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.”
Ergol.(Tokyo) 1990 Jun; 19(1):53- begins to degenerate somewhere
62. between the ages of 30 and 40. The
elastic tissue in the
breast begins to degen-
Fortunately there are several ways
erate the breast fibers,
to prevent, and sometimes reverse,
which act like rubber
both sag and stretch marks. Think
bands and provide that
weights. There’s no way I know of
resilient bounce as you
to build up the breast’s fatty tissue.
walk. These fibers will
To get that same effect, you can
still stretch, but they
build up the pectoralis muscles
won’t snap back quite
underlying the fatty tissues
as well. The result is
saggy breasts with a
To prevent or reduce sag, get a cou-
few stretch marks
ple of two or three pound weights
There’s no need to wear one for the thrown in for good measure.
and work those muscles five times a
purpose of preventing sagging. It
week. With a weight in each hand,
just won’t work. The unspoken Hormonal changes, both during
extend your arms sideways and do
rules of the society, however, may pregnancy and as you reach
15 small, backward circles about a
force you to wear a bra to work or menopause, add to the problem by
foot in diameter. Widen the circles
to social occasions. Remember, making breasts sag more.
slightly and do another 15. Widen
also, that breasts will benefit from
them again and repeat. Slowly
bra-free time, so it is good to take During pregnancy, the hormones
work your way up to 50 circles for
the bra off whenever you can. I tell estrogen and progesterone, secreted
each repetition.
women all the time to please take by the ovary and the placenta, stim-
their bras off, but they just keep ulate development of the 15 to 20
Roll your shoulders. Put your
shopping and ignoring me. What’s lobes of milk-secreting glands
weights down and with your arms
that all about? embedded in the breast’s fatty tis-
hanging at your sides, roll your
sue. These changes are permanent.
shoulders backward, down and for- -Dean Martin
Beating Breast Sag The glands will still add bulk and
ward in a circular motion 15 to 20
Although good breast care primarily firmness to the breast once they are
times. Do this five days a week.
is a means of keeping your breasts empty and no longer needed to pro-
healthy, for some women it also duce milk.
Hit the deck. Start off trying to do
means keeping your breasts smooth
10 push-ups and work your way up
and firm. When menopause arrives, however,
to 20. This may take up to six
the drop in estrogen and proges-
months, but you’re more likely to
There are two ways to sag when terone signal the breast that its milk
do them regularly if you add one
women pass their thirties. When ducts and lobes can retire. As a
push-up at a time. Get on your
large breasts sag, the nipples do a result, the breast shrinks, adds fat
hands and knees. Raise your feet six
swan dive and head toward your and begins to sag over and above
inches off the floor, and lower your
waist. When small breasts sag, the the demands of gravity.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:01 PM Page 254

upper body down to within exercises may be great for

an inch of the floor. Do your chest, but you need to
these five days a week as round out your workout with
well. an exercise that strengthens
your back muscles. Other-
Shrink the stretch marks. wise, you’re likely to become
Rub in organic cold-pressed round-shouldered and weaken
coconut butter if you’ve just your back. Pick up a five- to
had a baby and the stretch ten-pound weight in your left
marks on the top and sides of hand, then lean on a bench or
your breasts are red and a low, sturdy table by placing
inflamed. your right knee and right hand
down on its surface. Your left
Breast Sag foot should be on the floor.
Try the fly. To build more

muscle, try what’s called the Bend your left elbow, bring
dumbbell fly, using a pair of the weight up to your armpit
one- to three-pound weights. and try to squeeze your left
shoulder blade toward your
“Words are the physicians of a mind diseased.”

To start, pick up one weight spine. Slowly lower the

in each hand and lie back on weight back down until your
the floor. Extend your arms arm is fully extended as you
out at shoulder level on the resist gravity. It won’t be easy,
floor with your palms up, but resist letting the weight
clutching your weights. The fall by squeezing with your
weights should be parallel to your fly that also builds chest muscle is left shoulder blade as the weight
body. the chest press. This time, pick up a returns to the starting position.
five-pound dumbbell in each hand
Draw both arms straight up together and lie back on the floor. Extend Repeat the exercise 12 to 15 times,
above your body, keeping your your arms and hold the dumbbells rest for 90 seconds. Repeat the
elbows slightly bent, so that the up in the air over your chest, paral- cycle twice more.
weights meet over your chest. Pre- lel to your body. Bend your elbows
tend you were drawing a semicircle and lower the dumbbells toward breathe
or half-moon over your body by your chest, as your elbows move out
returning the weights out to your to the sides at shoulder level.
The average person reaches peak
sides at shoulder height. Extend your arms straight back up
respiratory function and lung capac-
over your chest and repeat the exer-
ity in their mid 20’s. Respiratory
Repeat the exercise 12 to 15 times cise 12 to 15 times. Rest for 90 sec-
capacity then begins to dwindle, los-
and rest for 90 seconds. Repeat the onds and do a second set of 12 to 15
ing between nine and twenty-seven
entire cycle two more times. As repetitions. Repeat the cycle a third
percent for every decade of life!
you become stronger, you’ll be able time.
Unless you are doing something to
to handle more weight.
maintain or improve your breathing
As with the previous one, when this
capacity, it will decline, taking with
This means that you should be able exercise become easy increase your
it, your general health, life
to gradually increase your weight by weights by one or two pounds. The
expectancy and your spirit of joy as
one to two pounds while moving to goal is the same as above, eight to
three sets of decreased repetitions of ten repetitions in three sets with as
eight to ten in order to work your much weight as you can safely and
Lung volume, FEV1, is the primary
muscles gradually. comfortably handle.
marker for how long you will live.
Heart attacks, cancer, strokes, pneu-
Try a chest press. A variation on the Round out your workout. All these

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:01 PM Page 255

monia, asthma, speech problems and cles of dust and dirt that can be
almost every disease known to injurious to our lungs when we
mankind is worsened or improved breathe through our nose.
by how well you breathe or the When too many particles accu-
quality of your respiration. mulate on the membranes of the
nose, we trap them by automati-
Energy cally secreting mucus or sneeze
Most of us access only ten to twenty to expel them. The mucous
percent of our full breathing capaci- membranes of our septum,
ty, yet ninety-nine percent of our which divides the nose into two
energy should come from breathing. cavities, further prepare the air
This can leave us short of energy for our lungs by warming and

“There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.”

and compromise our optimum humidifying it.
health and well being.
There is another important rea-
The Importance of Breathing son for breathing through the
through Your Nose nose; maintaining the correct
Our breathing was designed to take balance of oxygen and carbon
place mainly through our nose, dioxide in our blood. We usual-
except for emergencies. The hairs ly inhale and exhale air quickly
that line our nostrils filter out parti- in large volumes when we
breathe through our mouth.
This often leads to a kind of
hyperventilation, breathing
excessively fast for the actual sages of anatomical needs, which is
conditions in which we find our- most noticeable during nasal con-
selves. It is important to recognize gestion.
that it is the amount of carbon diox-
ide in our blood that generally Breathing Tips for a More-Effec-
regulates our breathing. tive Aerobic Workout
Research has shown that if we Would you like to get more health
release carbon dioxide too benefits from your aerobic workout?
quickly, the arteries and ves- Would you like to burn more fat
sels carrying blood to our during your workout? Would you
cells constrict and the oxygen like to reduce exercise-related
in our blood is unable to fatigue and injury? Would you like
reach the cells in sufficient to increase your endurance and
quantity. This includes the stamina? Would you like your
carotid arteries which carry workout to help improve your
blood and oxygen to the breathing?
brain. The lack of sufficient
oxygen going to the cells of If your answer is “yes” to any or all
the brain can turn on our sym- of these questions, then there is one
pathetic nervous system, our simple thing you can do. Don’t let
“fight or flight” response, and yourself become “breathless” dur-
make us tense, anxious, irrita- ing your workout. We undermine
ble and depressed. Remem- our breathing coordination, burn
ber to breathe through your sugar instead of fat for fuel and
nose when possible. Each become tight and tense, which can
nostril opens or constricts promote injury, when we become
depending on the brains mes- breathless.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:01 PM Page 256

Extreme dryness of the nail is the

main cause of brittle nails. Some
individuals have a genetic predispo-
sition to brittle nails. Nails become
drier and more brittle as people age.
Dry air, common with winter’s low
humidity and use of indoor heat, can
cause also nails to dry out. Long,
hot baths and showers can dry nails
out as well. Your nails are a reflec-
tion of the health and wellness of
your body. Heart, digestive or even
a fungal disorder can be detected
just by looking at your fingernails.

Diseases and conditions that can

cause brittle nails include:
“When brains are needed, brawn won’t help.”

• Hypothyroidism, a condition
The simplest way to know whether BRITTLE NAILS caused by low levels of thyroid hor-
you are exercising too intensely and
becoming breathless is to try to
speak several sentences out loud Medi-Sign Target • Raynaud’s phenomenon, a disor-
while you’re working out. Your der that affects the arteries of the
arms and legs.
Cauliflower & Moisten
workout is no longer “aerobic” if Nails with Olive Oil
you can’t do it without gasping for
breath. It is, or is about to become, • Skin diseases, such as psoriasis.
Brittle nails are fingernails and toe-
“anaerobic,” which means that it is
nails that peel and break easily. It • Endocrine disorders, such as
proceeding without oxygen and you
can cause separation or breaking of Sjogren-Larsson syndrome, which
are no longer burning fat for fuel.
the protein layers that make up fin- also causes dry skin.
gernails and toenails.
Inhaling and exhaling only through
your nose is a simple way to ensure • Frequent handwashing, which
The signs and symptoms of brittle may be associated with the person’s
that you are working out at a level
nails include: job.
that will not make you breathless.
• Peeling at the nail tips
If you try this, you will quickly dis-
• Easy breaking • Prolonged exposure to cold, dry
cover, especially at the beginning,
• Inability to grow the nails out weather.
that you will have to work at a less
intense rate during your workout.
Gradually, your breathing coordina- • Sunburn or
tion will improve and you will be windburn.
able to do more and progress more
rapidly. • Excess expo-
sure to chemicals,
Eventually, you’ll have more power such as nail polish
and last longer than others who remover.
don’t know this almost forgotten
secret of the Ancient Olympiad. • Repeated injury
Breathing through your nose is a to the nail tip can
great regulator of CO2 to oxygen also lead to brittle
ratio, and you actually run internally nails.
better on more CO2 than oxygen.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:01 PM Page 257

Chow down on cauliflower. A lit- Nail strengtheners may be touted as Remember, the skin is our most
tle-known nutrient called biotin can the way to turn weak and brittle absorbent organ.
thicken nails to help prevent split- nails into unbreakables, but in reali-
ting and cracking. Biotin is ty, most claims for these products 1. Allow your nails to soak in a
absorbed into the core of the nail, are excessive. small bowl of oil or gently rub the
where it encourages a better, thicker oil into the nails.
nail to grow. Cauliflower, peanuts Nail strengtheners supposedly con-
and lentils are rich sources of biotin. tain an ingredient that binds to dam- 2. Cover with cotton gloves, cotton
One study showed that people con- aged nails, making them thicker. By socks.
suming biotin foods daily had simply applying something to the
marked increases in nail thickness surface of the nail, you can’t change 3. Sleep.
after six months. Snack up and nail its structure. At best, nail strength-
it! eners protect the nail plate so they Top Three Oils to Treat Your Nails
won’t peel, Right.
merely camou-
flaging the brit- 1. Coconut Oil. One of the few sig-
tleness. nificant plant sources of lauric acid.
This medium-chain fatty acid,
Trim nails which is also found in human milk,
short. Longer enhances brain function and the
nails are more immune system.

“The sun is nature’s Prozac.”

likely to crack
or tear so If 2. Palm Kernel. When unrefined,
you’re plagued this high saturation oil is the one of
by brittle nails, the most stable of oils providing
trim them strength and ultimate saturation to
shorter. Trim the skin.
your nails right
after washing 3. Virgin Olive Oil. The most stable
or bathing vegetable oil, high in vitamin E,
when they’re provides support to the liver and
Get cookin’ with cooking oil. Also softer and less likely to crack or gallbladder, no matter how you take
very effective is a regular soaking in break. it into the body.
vegetable oil. It replenishes the
moisture lost from having your Massage your fingertips. To Now, take a minute and think about
hands in and out of water frequently. improve blood circulation around how those chemically enhanced skin
Many commercially sold nail care your nails, regularly massage your and nail products are affecting your
products have alcohol-containing fingertips. Do it three or four times body!
fragrances that can dry out nails, a day or at least in the
making vegetable oils a better morning and evening.
choice. Use coconut or soy
oil to moisturize as
Soaking in oil isn’t necessary. Just you massage.
brush on the oil and massage it into
the nail. Put some safflower or veg- Once you have deter-
etable oil in a clean, empty nail pol- mined which is best
ish bottle and brush it on nails sev- for your particular
eral times a day. Don’t forget to put body’s need, use
a drop of oil on the underside of the some time in the
nail at your fingertip. evening to take a
“nail bath.”

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:01 PM Page 258

Pale, brittle, spoon-shaped or nails Brocollini has other vegetables

with ridges down the length can sig- related to it, such as broccolini (a
nify anemia. This lack of iron can mix between broccoli and kale), and
be due to inadequate nutrition. To broccoflower (a cross between broc-
help cure, eat more iron-rich foods coli and cauliflower). Sprouts have
such as eggs, green-leafy vegeta- also recently become popular as a
bles, blackstrap molasses, almonds, result of studies uncovering their
whole grain breads and cereals, avo- high concentration of the cancer
cados, beets, dates, lima beans, phytochemical, sulforaphane.
pumpkins, peaches, pears, prunes,
watercress, soybeans and raisins. • A Birth Defect Protector
Anemia can also be caused by • A Cardio-Protective Vegetable
bleeding from menstruation, hemor- • An Immune System Booster
“When you don’t have an education, you’ve got to use your brains.”

rhoids or because you take aspirin. • Balances Out Blood Pressure

It may also be that your bone mar- • Cancer Protection
row simply isn’t making the right • Cataract Prevention
kind of blood. • Closes Down Prostate Cancer
• Crushes Colon Cancer
through May when it has great fla-
BROCCOLI vor and is of the highest quality.
• Improves Heart Health
• Keeps Vision Keen
• Lowers Lung Cancer Risk
Medi-Sign Target Broccoli is part of the cabbage fami- • No Breast Cancer
ly and closely connected to cauli- • Protection from Rheumatoid
flower, with cultivation beginning in
Brain, Basal Ganglia &
Neuro-Immune Cells Italy. Its Italian name, “broccolo” • Protection from Ulcers
means “cabbage sprout.” In Latin, • Stronger Bones with Broccoli
King of the Cabbage Clan “brachium” means “branch.”
Broccoli is one of the favorite veg-
etables of health-alert Americans, Named after the Italian province of bronchitis
combining a hearty structure, fresh Calabria where it first grew, the
appearance and ease of preparation most popular type of broccoli sold
with its high nutritional content. in the United States is known as Medi-Sign Target
While it is available year-round, Calabrese, or Italian green. Fresh Air, Salt & Water
broccoli is best from October

Bronchitis: the lungs’ cleaning

response to overload.
Just when you thought you were
finally over a cold, your chest starts
to feel sore and you develop an irri-
tating cough. Later, you might get
the chills or a slight fever.

If these signs and symptoms sound

familiar, you might have acute bron-
chitis, a condition that occurs when
the inner walls that line the main air
passageways of your lungs become
infected and inflamed. Virtually
everyone will have bronchitis at
least once as bronchitis often fol-

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:01 PM Page 259

lows a respiratory infection such as • Breathlessness Causes

a cold. • Congestion The same viruses that cause colds
• Overall malaise often cause acute bronchitis. Nonin-
Most cases of acute bronchitis dis- • Slight fever and chills fectious bronchitis can also develop
appear within a few days without • Sore throat from exposure to your own or some-
lasting effects, although coughs may • Soreness and a feeling of con- one else’s cigarette smoke or even
linger three weeks or more. A more striction or burning in your chest from pollutants such as household
serious health problem needing • Wheezing cleaners and smog.
medical attention such as asthma,
chronic bronchitis or Bronchitis can also occur
emphysema may be what’s from a condition known
plaguing you if you have as gastroesophageal
repeated bouts of bronchitis. reflux disease, or GERD
where acids from your

“You’ll never plough a field by turning it over in your mind.”

Signs and Symptoms stomach consistently back
A cough that brings up yel- up into your food pipe.
lowish-gray or green Workers exposed to cer-
mucus, also known as spu- tain dusts or fumes may
tum, is one of the main develop an acute disease
signs of bronchitis. Mucus that generally clears up
itself isn’t abnormal. Your when exposure to the irri-
airways produce at least an tant stops known as occu-
ounce of normal secretions pational bronchitis.
every day. Continuously
cleared into your throat and Chronic bronchitis occurs
swallowed with your saliva, when inflammation and
these secretions usually thickening of the lining of
don’t accumulate. When your bronchial tubes
the main air passageways in become permanent.
your lungs, the bronchial Signs and symptoms
tubes, are inflamed, howev- include shortness of
er, they often produce large breath and a continual
amounts of discolored cough that produces large
mucus that comes up when amounts of mucus.
you cough. Mucus that You’re generally consid-
isn’t white or clear usually ered to have chronic
means there’s a secondary bronchitis if you cough
infection. most days for at least
three months a year in
These signs can be deceptive. You Sometimes chronic sinusitis, an two consecutive years. Smokers
don’t always produce sputum when ongoing infection in the lining of with chronic bronchitis cough
you have bronchitis. Parents with a one or more of the cavities in the almost every day, even if it’s just to
sick child may not know there’s a bone around your nose, can mimic “clear their throats” in the morn-
secondary infection because chil- bronchitis. Signs and symptoms of ing.
dren often swallow coughed-up chronic sinusitis are similar to those
material of bronchitis and include a thick, Chronic bronchitis is an ongoing,
yellow or green postnasal discharge serious disease unlike acute bronchi-
Bronchitis may be accompanied and a chronic cough that’s triggered tis. Smoking is the major cause, but
by common signs and symptoms when you try to clear your throat of air pollution and dust or toxic gases
of an upper respiratory infection, mucus draining from your sinuses. in the environment or workplace can
including: also contribute to the condition.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:01 PM Page 260

This chronic inflammation of the rine, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur diox- Instead, the following are the cor-
airways leads to asthma in some ide or bromine can also be to blame. nerstones of treatment for acute
people. The cough associated with occupa- bronchitis:
tional bronchitis may nonpro-
ductive, or dry. Occupational • Get plenty of rest.
bronchitis usually clears up
when you’re no longer exposed • Drink extra liquids.
to these irritating substances.
• Suck garlic infused honey for
Complications cough. Avoid cough supplement
For most, a single episode of medicine.
bronchitis usually isn’t cause
for concern, although it can It’s best not to suppress a cough that
lead to pneumonia in some peo- brings up mucus. Coughing helps
ple. Older adults, infants, remove irritants from your lungs
smokers and people with chron- and air passages. Don’t stop the
“A handful of patience is worth a bushel of brains.”

ic respiratory disorders or heart body’s cure.

problems are at greatest risk of
Risk factors this complication.
People who smoke or who live with
a smoker are at greatest risk of both Repeated bouts of bronchitis should
acute and chronic bronchitis. Chil- be taken seriously. They may signal
dren whose parents or siblings chronic bronchitis, asthma or other
smoke are especially susceptible to lung disorders. If you’re a smoker
bronchitis, as well as to asthma, or if you’re exposed to someone
pneumonia, colds and ear infections, else’s tobacco smoke over a long
or otitis media. Other factors that period of time, having chronic bron-
increase your risk of bronchitis chitis also increases your risk of
include: lung cancer.

• Low resistance. This may Treatment

result from another acute illness, Bronchitis usually results from a
such as a cold, or from a chronic viral infection, leaving antibiotics
condition that compromises your ineffective and possibly harmful. Prevention
immune system. Greater vulnerabili- If you have frequent, repeated bron-
ty to infection affects older adults, chitis, the culprit may be something
infants and young children. in your environment. Cold, damp
locations, especially in combination
• Gastroesophageal reflux dis- with air pollution or tobacco smoke,
ease. Stomach acids that persistent- can make you more susceptible to
ly back up into your esophagus are acute bronchitis. You may need to
likely to cause a chronic cough, usu- consider changing where and how
ally through a reflex mechanism. you live and work if the problem is
• Exposure to certain irritants
on the job. You run the risk of These measures also may help pre-
developing occupational bronchitis vent bronchitis and protect your
if you work around certain lung irri- lungs in general:
tants, such as flax, hemp or cotton
dust. Exposure to chemical fumes • Avoid smoking and exposure to
from ammonia, strong acids, chlo- secondhand smoke. Tobacco smoke

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 261

Brucellosis is an infectious dis- Spain, Southern France, Italy,

ease caused by the bacteria of the Greece, Turkey and North Africa,
genus Brucella. These bacteria South and Central America, Eastern
are primarily passed among ani- Europe, Asia, Africa, the Caribbean
mals, causing disease in many dif- and the Middle East.
ferent vertebrates. Various Bru-
cella species affect sheep, goats, How is brucellosis transmitted to
cattle, deer, elk, pigs, dogs and humans, and who is likely to

“Ideas must work through the brains and arms of men, or the are no better than dreams.”
several other animals. By coming become infected?
in contact with animals or animal Humans are generally infected in
products that are contaminated one of three ways, by eating or
with these bacteria, humans can drinking something that is contami-
become infected. Brucellosis can nated with Brucella, breathing in or
cause a range of symptoms that inhaling the organism or by having
are similar to the flu and may the bacteria enter the body through
include fever, sweats, headaches, skin wounds. Eating or drinking
back pains and physical weak- contaminated milk products is the
ness. Severe infections of the most common way to be infected by
central nervous systems or lining it. When sheep, goats, cows or
of the heart may occur. Long- camels are infected, their milk is
lasting or chronic symptoms that contaminated with the bacteria,
increases your risk of chronic bron-
include recurrent fevers, joint pain which can be transmitted to persons
chitis and emphysema.
and fatigue can also be cause by who drink the milk or eat cheeses
brucellosis. made of it. For people in certain
Self Care
occupations, such as those working
Besides the basic treatments of rest,
How common is brucellosis? in laboratories where the organism
try liquids, garlic and honey. This
Only 100 to 200 cases of brucellosis is cultured, inhalation of Brucella
next suggestion can also help make
occur each year in the United States. organisms can be a significant haz-
you more comfortable, speed recov-
However, brucellosis can be very ard. Contamination of skin wounds
ery and prevent complications of
common in countries
acute bronchitis:
where animal disease
control programs have
• Use a humidifier in your room.
not reduced the
Warm, moist air helps relieve
amount of disease
coughs and loosens mucus in your
among animals.
airways. To avoid the growth of
bacteria and fungi in the water con-
Where is brucellosis
tainer, be sure to clean the humidifi-
usually found?
er according to the manufacturer’s
Brucellosis is more
common in countries
that do not have good
brucellosis standardized and
effective public health
Medi-Sign Target and domestic animal
health programs,
although it can be
Honey, Garlic, Onions &
Hot Peppers found worldwide.
Areas currently listed
Alternative names: Rock fever, as high risk are the
Cyprus fever, Undulant fever, Mediterranean Basin,
Gibraltar fever and Malta fever. including Portugal,

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 262

may be a problem for persons work- quently due to thin-

ing in slaughterhouses or meat pack- ner skin and weak-
“Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his

ing plants or for veterinarians. Hun- ening of the tissues

ters may be infected through skin that support the
wounds or by accidentally ingesting underlying blood
the bacteria after getting deer, elk, vessels.
moose or wild pigs that they have
killed. Bruises Symptoms
• Initially, a fresh
Can brucellosis be spread from bruise may actually
person to person? be reddish. Within a
Direct person-to-person spread of few hours, it will
brucellosis is extremely rare. then turn blue or
Mothers who are breast-feeding may or run into a wall, you can wake up dark purple. As it heals, the bruise
transmit the infection to their with a wallop of a bruise. A bruise will take on a yellow or green hue
infants. Sexual transmission has is a common skin injury that results
own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.”

also been reported. If the infant or in a discoloration of the skin. Black • A bruise is commonly tender and
person at risk is treated for brucel- and blue marks occur when blood even painful for the first few days.
losis, their risk of becoming infected from damaged blood vessels, deep The pain will usually cease as the
will probably be eliminated within beneath the skin, collects near the color fades away.
three days. Although uncommon, surface of the skin. A purplish, flat
transmission may also occur via bruise that occurs when blood leaks • There is no risk of infection with
contaminated tissue and organ trans- out into the top layers of skin is a bruise because the skin is not bro-
plantation. referred to as an ecchymosis ken as with a scrape or cut.

Is there a way to prevent infection? Bruises Causes Bruises Treatment

Yes. Do not consume milk, cheese People typically get bruises when The treatment for a bruise is most
or ice cream while traveling to other they bump into something or when effective right after the injury while
countries. If you are not sure that something bumps into them. the bruise is still reddish.
the dairy product is clean, don’t eat
it. Hunters and animal herdsman • Rigorous exercisers, such as ath- • A cold compress, such as an
should use rubber gloves when han- letes and weight lifters, can develop icepack or a bag of frozen veggete-
dling viscera of animals. bruises that result from microscopic bles, should be applied to the affect-
tears in blood vessels under the ed area for 20 to 30 minutes in order
Meals of garlic, onions, horseradish, skin. to speed healing and reduce
cayenne, jalapeno’s, bell peppers swelling. Do not apply the icepack
and their seeds are all bacterial • Unexplained bruises that occur directly to the skin, but rather, wrap
knockouts. easily or for no apparent reason may in it a towel.
indicate a bleeding disorder, espe-
bruises cially if the bruising is accompanied
by frequent nosebleeds or bleeding
• If the bruise takes up a large
area of the leg or foot, the leg
gums. should be kept elevated as much as
possible during the first 24 hours
• Unexplained bruises can often
Medi-Sign Target
after the injury.
Spinach & All Green Foods appear on the shin or the thigh, for
example, but are actually the result • After about 48 hours, apply a
of bumping into a bedpost or other warm washcloth to the bruise for
(Ecchymoses) object and failing to recall the about 10 minutes, two or three times
You fall off your bike, bang your injury. a day. The heat may increase blood
shin on the coffee table that you
flow to the bruised area, allowing
swore you would move months ago • Elderly people bruise more fre- the skin to reabsorb the blood more

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 263

quickly. Ultimately, the bruise will larly severe bruising, especially if

fade in color all on its own. the level of the medication becomes
too high. By increasing the fragility
Why do bruises occur more fre- of the tiny blood vessels in the skin,
quently in some people than in oth- cortisone medications, such as pred-
ers? nisone, promote bruising as well. In
The injury required to produce a addition, people with inherited clot-
bruise varies with age. While it ting problems, such as in hemophil-
may take quite a bit of force to ia, or acquired clotting problems,
cause a bruise in a young child, such as in people with liver diseases
even minor bumps and scrapes may like cirrhosis, can develop extensive
cause extensive bruising or ecchy- bruising or even life-threatening
mosis in an elderly person. Blood bleeding.
vessels become more fragile as we
age and bruising may even occur What if the bruise doesn’t get bet-
without prior injury in the elderly. ter or the area stays swollen?
1. Not eating enough fresh fruits
On occasion, the area of a bruise
and vegetables; a common omission
The amount of bruising may also be will continue to be painful, become

“A brain is worth little without a tongue.”

by the elderly.
affected by medications which inter- firm and may actually start increas-
fere with blood clotting and thus ing in size instead of healing. There
2. Being exposed to pollutants,
cause more bleeding into the skin or are two major causes for this. First,
allergens or heavy metals.
tissues. These drugs include many if a large collection of blood is
prescription arthritis medications formed under the skin or in the mus-
3. Taking one or more drugs which
called non-steroidal anti-inflamma- cle, the body may wall the blood off
destroy or use up huge amounts of
tories such as ibuprofen/Advil, causing what is called a hematoma.
this vitamin.
Nuprin and naproxen or Aleve, as A hematoma is nothing more than a
well as over-the-counter medica- small pool of blood that the body
4. Long-time stress such as a severe
tions, such as aspirin. Another has walled off. Lemon juice and
illness, frustration or depression.
bruise-causing drug is Warfarin, also raw grated red potato packs can
known as Coumadin or “rat poi- clear them up. If they are at the sur-
5. Frequent emotional outbursts
son,” is often prescribed by doctors face of the skin they can be peeled
such as anger.
to prevent clotting in people who or picked off. Peppermint oils help
have had blood clots in their legs or bruises immensely.
6. Smoking.
heart. Warfarin can cause particu-
A second and much less com-
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables
mon problem occurs when the
will banish bruises by supplying
body deposits calcium in the
both the needed vitamin C and a
area of injury. Calcium is the
related nutrient, bioflavonoids,
material that makes up the
which is especially concentrated in
majority of our bones. This area
the white pulp of citrus fruit.
becomes tender and firm. This
process is called heterotopic
Best sources of vitamin C in foods
ossification or myositis ossifi-
are rose hips, acerola cherries,
cans. Iron rich foods help peo-
guavas, black currants, parsley,
ple who bruise easily. Lots of
green peppers, watercress, chives,
green and red vegetables work
strawberries, persimmons, spinach,
oranges, cabbage, grapefruit,
papaya, lemons, cantaloupe, green
The body may signal its need
onions and limes.
for vitamin C for many reasons
by bruising easily:

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 264

BRUSSEL • Fiber-rich Brussels Sprouts Sup- Death from the plague was horrible,
port A Healthier Colon. but swift. The Italian writer
SPROUTS Boccaccio said victims often “ate
• Protection from Rheumatoid lunch with their friends and ate din-
Arthritis. ner with their ancestors in para-
Medi-Sign Target dise.” The first signs of the plague
Blood Flow to Brain bubonic were generally aching limbs and
vomiting of blood. The lymph
plague nodes, which are glands found in
the neck, armpits and groin, would
Medi-Sign Target also begin to swell. The swelling
continued for three or four days
until the lymph nodes burst. The
Cinnamon Oil under the
“Get an enema for your brain. It will do better than your colon.”

swiftness of the disease, the enor-

Nose and in the Diet
mous pain and the grotesque appear-
Almost half of the people of ance of the victims, all served to
Western Europe died in a great sick- make the plague especially horrify-
ness known as the Bubonic Plague. ing.
This disease caused people’s skin to
turn a dark gray color, leading to the Some Europeans believed the
name “the Black Death.” It appar- plague was a sign from God.
ently began in China’s Gobi Desert, Groups known as flagellants tried to
killing about 35 million Asian peo- atone for the sins of the world by
ple. Rats returned home with Euro- inflicting punishments upon them-
pean sailors after their voyages to selves. They also had a tendency to
Brussels sprouts are available year Asia. Fleas living on the blood of persecute Jews and even clergymen
round and are the perfect miniature infected rats then transferred the dis- who spoke out against them. Pope
versions of the cabbage, to which ease to the European people. Clement VI condemned the flagel-
they are closely related. They are, lants, but they continued to reappear
however, at the peak of their grow- In 1347, Italian merchant ships
ing season from autumn through returned from the Black Sea, one
early spring. of the links along the trade route
between Europe and China. Many
Brussels sprouts are members of the of the sailors were already dying of
Brassica family and therefore kin to the plague. Within days the dis-
broccoli as well as cabbage. They ease had spread from the port cities
grow in bunches of 20 to 40 on the to the surrounding countryside and
stem of a plant that grows from two reached as far away as England
to three feet tall. within a year.

Health Benefits Very poor sanitary conditions and

• Cancer Phytochemicals, espe- crowded surroundings left the
cially sulforaphane. Europeans very susceptible to dis-
ease. The Europeans also often ate
• For Healthy Skin and Immune stale or diseased meat because
Function, Think Brussels Sprouts. refrigeration had not yet been
invented. Bad medical advice
• A Birth Defect Protector. aided in the advance of the plague.
People were often advised to not
Like a white knight in bathe because open skin pores
shining armor! might let the disease in.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 265

in times of plague. Today, being more nutritious.

flagellants may be focused When used in baking,
on the AIDS virus. buckwheat is often
mixed with some type of
The Bubonic Plague con- gluten-containing flour,
tinued to occasionally such as wheat, since it
affect cities for hundreds doesn’t contain gluten
of years. It still common itself. In the United
among rodents and people States, buckwheat flour
in isolated places continue is often used to make
to die from this “Back buckwheat pancakes, a
Death.” special treat for people
with wheat allergies.
The unfortunate plaque led Buckwheat can also help

“It is good to rub and polish our brain against that of others.”
to the boom of the bring diabetes under
Information Age. Books remission.
were just catching on before the wheat is a cereal grain, it is actually
onset of the Bubonic Plague, but a fruit seed that is relative to the
rhubarb and sorrel plants. The name
there was not enough linen or fabric
for papermaking. Without knowing “buckwheat” is supposedly derived
it, the millions who died of the from the Dutch word bockweit, for Medi-Sign Target
plague provided the clothing that “beech wheat,” reflecting buck-
was needed to the produce books wheat’s beechnut-like shape and its High Water Content Foods
that opened the door to an Age of wheat-like characteristics. There are
Information. Those who were two popular buckwheat varieties
found in the United States, common Bulimia: Hideous emotional brain
assigned to collect the clothes of the
and tartary. Bee are drawn to their disease or an act of wisdom and
dead protected themselves using
fragrant and attractive flowers and self-responsibility?
essential oils, especially oil of cin-
namon. The religiously pious called produce a special, strongly flavored,
dark honey. Bulimia, also called bulimia ner-
these folks thieves, while everyone
vosa, is a medically defined, psy-
else called them heroes. This histor-
Similar size to wheat kernels, buck- chological eating disorder. Bulimia
ical occurrence was the source of
wheat features a unique triangular is characterized by episodes of
the phrase “rags to riches” and
shape. Due to this shape, special binge-eating followed by, “inappro-
“making the best of a bad situa-
milling equipment is required to the priate” methods of weight control,
remove the outer hull in order for such as vomiting or excessive use of
laxatives and diuretics. A binge is
BUCKWHEAT buckwheat to be edible. Available
either unroasted or roasted, roasted an episode where an individual eats
buckwheat is oftentimes called a much larger amount of food than
“kasha,” from which a traditional most people would in a similar situ-
Medi-Sign Target European dish is made. While ation. It is often mistaken that
Pancreatic Cells unroasted buckwheat has a soft, binge eating is not a response to
subtle flavor, roasted buckwheat has intense hunger. Contrarily, it is usu-
more of an earthy, nutty taste. By ally a response to depression, stress
A Diabetics Dream Come True! turns served as a rice alternative or or self esteem issues. During the
Whether served as an alternative to porridge, cooked buckwheat ranges binge episode, the individual experi-
rice or made into porridge, you can in color from tan-pink to brown. ences a loss of control. However,
make buckwheat throughout the the sense of a loss of control is also
year. Buckwheat can be ground into flour followed by a short-lived calmness.
and is available in either light or The calmness is often followed by
While many people think that buck- dark forms — the darker variety self-loathing due to the judgment of

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 266

daily, depending on mood or emo-

“My own brain to me is the most unaccountable of machinery-always buzzing, humming, soaring, roaring, diving, and then

tional needs. Life doesn’t just go

on, it goes on better.

Medical wisdom says, and I don’t

buy it, that if you have a family
member with an “Eating Disorder
of Bulimia,” your family member
needs a lot of support. Suggest that
your family member see an “eating
disorder expert.” Be prepared for
denial, resistance and even anger. A
buried in mud. And why? What’s this passion for?” -Virginia Woolf

doctor and/or counselor can help

them battle and fight and rage
against their eating disorder and can
ever prescribe drugs to aid in the

people who vomit. The cycle of huge feasts as part of the festivities, Causes?
overeating and purging usually these societies had “vomitories” set There is currently no definite,
becomes an obsession and is repeat- up for the convenience of their citi- known cause of bulimia.
ed often. Bulimics also usually zens. “Eat and purge, eat some Researchers believe it begins with
obsess over excessive shape and more.” It was the way they partied. dissatisfaction of the person’s body
weight. People with bulimia look perfectly and extreme concern with body size
normal and that’s because they are. and shape. I agree with that, or they
It wasn’t until the 1980’s that bulim- Most of them are of normal weight, just love to eat and don’t want to
ia was diagnosed as an “eating dis- and some may even be overweight. have to deal with the load. Usually
order.” On the other hand, Ancient Women with bulimia tend to be high individuals, “suffering” from bulim-
societies like the Egyptians, Greeks, achievers, extremely creative and ia have low self-esteem, feelings of
Roman’s, Mayan’s, Inca and others very intelligent. helplessness and a fear of becoming
did it as a matter of coarse. During fat. Maybe for some its more
seasonal celebrations that included It is often difficult to determine “acceptable” to staple your stomach
whether a person is “suffering” shut or have a glass ball inserted.
from Bulimia” because binging and
purging is often done in secret. In Medical complications from bulim-
fact, quite the opposite is true for ia, we are told that:
most suffering from bulimia, who • Erosion of tooth enamel because
usually feel a natural high from it. of repeated exposure to acidic gas-
Kind of like the cat who ate the tric contents.
• Dental cavities, sensitivity to hot
These people consume huge quanti- or cold food can happen as well.
ties of food, sometimes up to 20,000
calories at a time. The foods on • Swelling and soreness in the
which they binge tend to be foods salivary glands from repeated vom-
labeled as “comfort foods” and iting.
include things such as sweet foods
high in calories or smooth, soft • Stomach Ulcers.
foods like ice cream, cake and pas-
try. An individual may binge any- • Ruptures of the stomach and
where from twice to several times esophagus.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 267

Bulimia in the News

Dr. Walter Kaye, a University of
Pittsburgh psychiatry professor, has
recently found evidence that bulimic
women are possibly born with
altered brain chemistry, which puts
them at higher risk for eating disor-
ders even long after they’ve recov-
ered from bulimia.

“If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn’t.”
Researches say that a new study
adds to evidence that bulimia occurs
at least partially from a chemical
malfunction in the brain and not
merely from excessive desire to
remain thin. This gave license to
researching and funding new brain
altering drugs. Real eating disor-
ders do in fact exist, and I for one
just believe that bulimia is not one
of them.

I believe, soda pop, prescription’s,

• Abnormal buildup of fluid in the • Decrease in libido. nutritional “miracle supplements”
intestines. and “eating animals” are “real eat-
I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANY OF ing disorders.” They are not natural.
• Disruption in the normal bowel THIS IN THESE FOLKS Babies are trained to eat animals,
release function. pills and drink sodas. If people
Published Risk Factors for con- want to stay thin they should drink
• Electrolyte imbalance. tracting Bulimia: lots of water, walk, get sunshine and
There are certain professions where eat some whole foods every hour.
• Dehydration. eating orders are more prevalent and An apple, an orange, bell pepper,
thinness is usually emphasized. banana, etc. In just three days you
• Irregular heartbeat and in severe They include modeling, dancing, fall in love with the new feelings of
cases heart attack. gymnastics, wrestling, long-distance you and it’s healthy.
running and cycling.
• A greater risk for suicidal behav-
Medi-Sign Target
Intestinal Health &

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 268

A processed form of cracked wheat • Abnormal foot

with a more pronounced flavor, bul- function, excessive
gur is produced by a method similar pronation, which refers
to that used for converted rice. The to excessive rolling in
whole-wheat kernels are steam of the foot at the ankle
cooked and dried. The grain is then joint while you are
cracked into three different granula- walking.
tions. Traditionally, the coarsest
grain is used for pilaf, the medium • Rheumatoid or
for cereal and the finest, for tab- osteoarthritis.
bouleh. Bulgur requires less cook-
ing time than cracked wheat and can Bunions are more likely to occur in • Genetic and neuro-
even be “cooked” by soaking with- women than men due to the tighter- muscular diseases, which can result
out heat. fitting shoes women often wear. in a muscular imbalance such as
This condition can cause a variety Down’s syndrome.
bunion of different soft tissue and bony
“Why isn’t the number 11 pronounced onety one?”

complaints which may result in • If one leg is longer then the

severe pain. other, the longer leg is more
Medi-Sign Target inclined to develop a bunion.
Saltwater Soaks and Symptoms may be present along the
Coconut Rub inside margin of the foot and • If the ligaments in the feet are
include redness, swelling and pain. very weak.
Bunions are one of the most com- The person’s feet may become too
wide to fit into their normal size • In some cases, bunions can
mon forefoot deformities, occurring
shoe and may experience moderate occur due to trauma or injury to the
with a displacement of the bone
to severe discomfort wearing tight feet.
under the first toe. This causes the
big toe to move towards the smaller shoes. A bunion may lead to “ham-
mer toe” occurring in the second BUNION TREATMENT
toes, revealing a bony prominence
toe. This is when the toe contracts • Wear wide fitting shoes, prefer-
on the side of the person’s foot
and presses on the shoe causing a ably with a leather upper which will
known as the bunion joint. Over a
corn on top of the second toe. allow a stretch.
period of time the big toe may come
to rest under or occasionally over
Corns and calluses may occur on the • Avoid high heeled shoes.
the second toe.
soles of the feet, in between toes
and on the bunion joint. Stiffness • If your bunion becomes painful,
knowns as Hallux Rigidus can occur red and swollen, try using ice on the
at the big toe due to secondary joint and elevate the foot on a stool.
arthritis. Other foot conditions such
as in-grown toe nails can also be a • Apply a commercial bunion pad,
problem. In severe cases, the making sure it is not too rigid or
bunion joint may have a fluid filled medicated.
sack called a Bursitis, which can be
very painful and become infected. • Bunion Night Splints can reduce
the size of the bunion.
• The most important causative • A Bunion Shield can reduce the
factor is poor fitting footwear. This pain over the bunion.
accounts for a higher incidence
among women then men. • Apply a moisturizer such as
organic soy butter or hard coconut
• Family history of bunions. oil heel balm twice daily to hard

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 269

skin or corns and use a pumice Used to inducing sweating as an aid source of the carbohydrate inulin.
stone to reduce the thickness of the in neutralizing and eliminating tox- Burdock is also a good source of
hard skin ins from the body, the volatile oils essential oils.
of Burdock seed are said to be an
• Soak the foot in saltwater that is effective diaphoretic. This activity Burdock is typically available in
as hot as is comfortable. is widely utilized by herbal practi- combination with other herbs as a
tioners in the support treatment of tea or in tinctures. Burdock is con-

“If you study to remember, you will forget, but, If you study to understand, you will remember.”
BURDOCK/ liver problems, gallstones, flu and to sidered a very safe herb and food
support the kidneys in filtering acids product, as well as an effective
GOBO ROOT from the blood stream. diuretic. Reported cases involving
toxic effects were first thought to be
Medi-Sign Target Studies of Burdock show that it is caused by the consumption of bur-
high in minerals, making it a good dock tea, but were later determined
source of iron. Data also indicates to be caused by contamination of
Skin and Organ Deplaquer
that 45 percent of the plant’s mass, the burdock root with belladonna
& Vermafuge
particularly the root, is a good root which contains atropine. In
Burdock, scientifically known as light of such issues, when using bur-
Arctium lappa, is also commonly dock root determine the source and
called Bardane, Clotburr, Beggars quality of the root before you pur-
Buttons, Nature’s Velcro, Gypsy chase.
Rhubarb, Wu Shih and Niu Bang
(seeds) and Burr. This carrot-like Burdock is also considered a mild
root comes from the plant Arctium laxative by aiding in the elimination
lappa, a biennial herb grown in of uric acid. The herb contains
China, Europe and the United polyacetylenes that have bacterial
States. Consumed as a vegetable and fungal properties. By improv-
and known as “Gobo” in Japan, ing the function of many organs of
Burdock has been employed as a elimination such as the liver, kid-
popular folk medicine around the neys and bowels, many health con-
world. ditions can be improved through the
use of Burdock.
Historically, Burdock seeds have
been crushed to make a popular Known historical applications also
tincture used to purify the blood, to included topical uses for bruises,
treat gout, ulcers, arthritis and dandruff, glandular swelling,
rheumatism as well as to help with gout, joint pain, knee swelling,
skin conditions such as acne and oily skin and ringworm. Add to a
psoriasis. The root has been used as bath for sore joints and gout, com-
a popular cancer remedy in India press for glandular swellings, knee
and Russia, while in China it is swellings, sprains and bruises, rinse
believed to be an effective aphro- into hair for dandruff, use as a
disiac, useful in treating impotence facial toner for oily skin, and apply
and sterility. bruised leaves to ringworm.

Known, primary constituents of Historical culinary applications

Burdock include polyacetylenes, include young leaves being cooked
chlorogenic acid, taraxosterol, arcti- in several changes of water and
gen, inulin, lactone, essential oil, eaten as a pot herb, pre-flowering
flavonoids, tannin, mucilage, resin, stalks may be peeled and eaten raw
potassium, iron and calcium. Its or cooked as a vegetable, root can
seeds contain essential fatty acids. be added to soup, stew, stir fry and

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 270

sukiyaki and roots can be roasted riasis, dry flaky skin, acne and dan- Happy Major, Lappa, Fox’s Clote,
and used as a coffee substitute. druff. Thorny Burr, Beggar’s Buttons,
Cockle Buttons, Philanthropium and
The genus name Arctium is from the • Arthritis and rheumatism. Cockle Burr.
Greek arktos, meaning “bear” in
reference to the shaggy burrs. • Blood cleanser and tonic. The roots, young stems and seeds of
Beurre is French for “butter” as the Burdock plant are all edible.
French women would wrap their • Detoxification and cleansing, Young stalks are boiled to be eaten
“Why do croutons come in airtight packages? Aren’t they just stale bread to begin with?”

cakes of butter in leaves of Burdock improves liver function. like asparagus, while raw stems and
to transport it to the marketplace. young leaves are eaten in salads.
Burdock was used as a medicine to In Summary, The burdock is a mem- Parts of the Burdock plant are eaten
help people cope with pollution dur- ber of the thistle family and is a in China, Hawaii and among the
ing the Industrial Revolution. common pasture weed throughout Native American cultures of this
North America that prefers damp continent.
The Swiss inventor, George de soils. It grows to more than three
Mestral who invented Velcro™ was feet tall and is also called Personata, It is the root of the Burdock plant
inspired by the Burdock burrs that that is harvested for folk medicinal
covered his dog. He saw tiny use. The roots are about an inch
curved hooks when he observed the wide and can grow up to three feet
burrs under a magnifying glass. In long. They should be harvested in
Hawaii, the roots are sometimes the fall of the first year or the spring
given as a “gag” wedding gift of the second. During the second
because of the herb’s aphrodisiac year, the plant produces burrs.
Burdock root contains vitamins B
Through its blood purifying actions, complex and E. Trace minerals are
burdock has a history as a favorite potassium, phosphorous, chromium,
for healthy skin from the inside out cobalt, iron, magnesium, silicon,
and for uses around the world rang- zinc and sodium. It does not elicit
ing from treatment of baldness to rapid insulin production and there-
cancer. It is commonly found in fore provides a helpful sugar for
waste areas of North America and diabetics and hypoglycemics.
roots should be dug in the fall.
Both European and Chinese herbal-
Constituents: ists have long considered burdock
Root: Lignana, Polyacetylenes, root’s “lightly warming, moistening
amino acids, essential oil, inulin, effect” as an excellent tonic for the
fatty acids, phenolic acids. lungs and liver. It reportedly
improves digestion by stimulating
Seed (not commonly used): arctiin, toxic waste through the skin and
arctigenin, gogosterin, essential oil, urine. The Chinese use the Burdock
fatty oil. root as an aphrodisiac, tonic and
rejuvenator. It is also good against
Traditional Uses: arthritis and rheumatism.
Cancer – One of the ingredients in
both the Hoxey and Essaic formulas The anecdotal beneficial effects of
for cancer. this herb include increasing circula-
tion to the skin which helps to
Current Uses: detoxify the epidermal tissues. Bur-
• Systemic action, from within the dock root has been reported to
body for skin ailments such as pso- destroy bacteria and fungus cultures

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 271

and well as treatment for psoriasis remember not over stay your wel- normal skin in fair-skinned people.
and acne, among other skin condi- come with the full, summer sun. The burn, however, does not blanch
tions. on pressure. There may be no pain
Signs & Symptoms in the initial stages and the burnt
Tumor shrinking properties have Burns are classified as first, second area may have no feeling when
also been reported. Burdock is one and third degree, depending on touched. Third degree burns are
of the finest blood purifiers in the severity of the burn, the amount of usually not painful because the
herbal system, being classified as an tissue affected and the depth of the nerve endings in the skin have been
alterative, diuretic and diaphoretic. injury. destroyed, and areas typically can-
It helps the kidneys to filter out not heal spontaneously.
impurities from the blood very • First degree burns are limited
quickly and clears congestion in res- to the upper skin layer and are the Risk Factors

“True education in the world is that gotten by struggling to get a living.”

piratory, lymphatic, urinary and cir- least severe. They produce redness, • Stress, carelessness, medica-
culatory systems. tenderness, pain, swelling and slight tions, smoking in bed or excess
fever, as well as minimal tissue alcohol consumption, all of which
burns damage. The burned area whitens make accidents more likely.
when light pressure is applied to it
but does not blister. Pain resolves • Occupations involving exposure
Medi-Sign Target in 48 to 72 hours. to heat or radiation, such as fire
Fresh Air to Burn Site, mild fighting, police work or defense-fac-
Salt, Water & Honey • Second degree burns affect tory work.
deeper skin layers. Symptoms are
more severe and usually include • Working with faulty wiring.
Description: Injury to the skin, and
blisters. The base of the blisters
sometimes other organs, from con-
may be red or white and are filled • Hot water heaters set too high.
tact with heat, radiation, electricity
with clear, thick fluid. Second
or chemicals.
degree burns heal within 10 to14 Diagnosis & Treatment General
days. Measures:
Causes: Rise in skin temperature
• Remove all clothing, especially
form a heat source, such as fire,
• Thrid degree burns involve all if it is smoldering, covered with hot
steam or electricity. Open flame
skin layers. Skin can be white and tar or soaked with chemicals. In the
and hot liquid are most common
soft, or appear as though it is case of chemicals, such as alkalis,
causes and lead to tissue injury
cooked, being black, charred and acids and organic compounds, wash
caused by chemicals or radiation,
leathery. If the burned area is pale, the skin off immediately with large
including sunlight. Lighting strikes
it can sometimes be mistaken for amounts of water.
can cause internal burns with mini-
mal external signs.

Prevention: Fireproof your home.

Install smoke alarms, plan emer-
gency exits and have regular fire
drills. Observe safety precautions
around heat or radiation and wear
protective gear.

Don’t touch uncovered electrical

wires. Teach children safety rules
for matches, fires, electrical outlets,
cords and stoves. Put safety caps on
unused outlets if you have small
children. Discard frayed cords and

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 272

• Grated potatoes help to cool it. the burn, to cover the layers below. body’s surface. For less-severe
The dermis, or the deeper layer of burns, skin usually repairs itself
• Immerse first degree and small the skin, is not destroyed in the within oen to three weeks.
second or third degree burn areas in superficial burns, which allows
ice cold water for ten minutes to healing to occur with little or no Chemical Burns to the Skin
reduce pain and swelling. scarring. Skin usually repairs itself Many chemicals are strong enough
in one to three weeks. to quickly burn the skin and are
Repeat as often as needed. often referred to as being “caustic.”
Healing takes place slowly and scar- All chemicals should always be
• Keep the burn area clean. Soak ring is considerable in the deeper stored away from children.
in a tub or use lukewarm
compresses once a day. You Some common chemi-
may add two tablespoons of cals that may cause
baking soda to the tub to help skin burns include:
soak off crusting areas, but • Acids. Some com-
only use plain water for com- mon acids include tile
presses. cleaner, swimming pool
acids and acid inside car
“If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled?”

• Prop the burn area higher batteries. Muriatic acid is

than the rest of the body if especially strong.
• Cement, dry or wet
• Hospitalization is recom-
mended for all large third • Drain cleaners such
degree burns and some second as “Drain-O.” Many are
degree burns. Hospitalization strong alkali products.
is also necessary with burns
involving the face, hands, • Gasoline
genitals and feet of people
under two or over seventy • Lime
years of age. Be vigilant in
watching over anyone going into a burns in which the dermis is injured. • Strong oxidizers, such as chlo-
hospital, as hospitals can be very The burnt area tends to contract and rine
dangerous. as a result distorts the skin and may
interfere with function especially if First aid for skin exposure to a caus-
• Surgery to graft skin over 3rd occurs across a joint. Third degree tic chemical is simple. Rinse with
degree burns. burns usually require skin grafting. running water and continue rinsing
for a minimum of 15 minutes. This
Activity: Mild burns of the esophagus, stom- is best done with a garden hose or
• Depends on location and extent ach and lungs usually heal without by stepping into a shower. Remove
of the burn. Getting a burn person any problems. However, in the case contaminated clothing if possible
up and moving as soon as possible of severe burns healing occurs with from the affect area while flushing.
is an important part of the recovery. scarring and narrowing of the
organs. Scarring can cause difficul- After rinsing for 15 minutes, call the
Prognosis ty with swallowing and may prevent Poison Control Center for further
Healing depends on the depth and the transfer of oxygen from the air advice. It helps to have the chemi-
the location of the burn. In first to blood in the lungs. cal container with you when this
degree and superficial second- call is made.
degree burns, the dead skin sloughs Most people recover if the extent of
off and a new layer of epidermis burns, including third degree burns, Do not try to “neutralize” a chemi-
grows over quickly from the base of is limited to 50 percent of the cal, by putting something such as an

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 273

alkali chemical onto skin that has who fall on floors, courts or tracks. for burn hazards and use appropriate
been exposed to an acid. This will Motorcycle or bicycle riders may safety measures. Most burns hap-
often produce a large amount of also get friction burns if involved in pen in the home and simple safety
heat and may increase the burning. road accidents while not wearing measures might prevent accidents,
protective clothing. decreasing the chance of anyone
Do not put any “burn medication” being burned.
onto the burned skin. Salves, grease Inhalation injuries occur from direct

“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.”
or butter may hold the chemical to inhalation of heat, or more com- Most burns are accidental, although
the area, increasing the exposure. monly from carbon monoxide or when a child or vulnerable adult is
Do not apply a bandage. poisoning from other toxic gases. burned, it is important to find out
how the burn happened. If the
Most burns are minor injuries that Burns injure the skin layers but can reported cause of the burn does not
occur at home or work. It is com- also injure other parts of the body, match how the burn looks, abuse
mon to get a minor burn from hot such as muscles, nerves, lungs and must be considered. Self-inflicted
water, a curling iron or by touching eyes. burns will require treatment as well
a hot stove. Home treatment is usu- as an evaluation of the person’s
ally all that is needed for healing Burns in children emotional health.
and to prevent other problems, such Babies and young children may
as infection. have a more severe reaction from a Infection is a concern with all burns
burn than an adult. A burn in a and signs of infection should be
There are many types of burns: baby or young child may cause a watched for during the healing
Heat burns, or thermal burns, are severe fluid loss, while the same process. Home treatment for a
caused by fire, steam, hot objects or size and depth of a burn in an adult minor burn will reduce the risk of
hot liquids. Scald burns from hot may cause only a minor loss of flu- infection. Deep burns with open
liquid are the most common burns ids from the body. blisters are more likely to become
to children and older adults. infected.
A child’s age determines what the
Electrical burns are caused by con- levels of supervision and safety of Self Care
tact with electrical sources or by his or her environment should be. Immerse the burned area in cool
lightning. At each stage of a child’s life, look water for about 15 minutes as soon

Chemical burns are caused by con-

tact with household or industrial
chemicals in a liquid, solid or gas
form. Natural foods such as chili
peppers can cause a burning sensa-
tion because they contain a sub-
stance irritating to the skin.

Radiation burns are caused by the

sun, tanning booths, sunlamps, X-
rays or radiation therapy for cancer

Friction burns are caused by con-

tact with any hard surface such as
roads, which leads to “road rash,”
or carpets and gym floor surfaces.
They are usually both an abrasion or
scrape and a heat burn. Friction
burns to the skin are seen in athletes

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 274

and electrolytes that are lost and

needed in the healing process. A
good source for this electrolyte solu-
tion is salt, found in sport drinks
use. By choosing water and salt,
however, you avoid all kinds of arti-
ficial colors and chemicals.

Avoid hot showers and direct sun-

“If people from poland are called poles, why aren’t people from holland called holes?”

light until the area has fully healed.

Some More Great Stuff

Chill out, but not too much. You
probably will instinctively reach for
cold water to soothe a new burn.
Just don’t make it too cold. Using
ice water can risk making the burn
even worse, as extreme cold can kill
as possible after the burn occurs,. If press for about 15 minutes. Repeat just as many skin cells as extreme
this isn’t practical because of the this procedure once every two to six heat. That’s why frostbite damage
location of the burn, apply cool hours, rinsing the skin in between is very similar to the skin damage
compresses but take care not to rup- applications. caused by a bad burn. Cool, not
ture any blisters. A blister is cold, water will act as a temporary
nature’s Band-Aid and will help to One dairy product not to use is but- painkiller and stop the burning from
keep infection out. Apply aloe vera ter. Butter traps heat, slows healing, spreading through your tissues.
gel once the burn is cool. Keeping and increases the risk of later infec- Instead of running to the freezer,
an aloe vera plant on your kitchen tion due to it’s oil-based. The same head to the kitchen faucet.
window sill allows you to have can be true for burn ointments.
fresh aloe vera gel readily available. Elevate it. One way to help take the
Just slice apart a leaf and apply Raw, unpasturized honey, on the sting out of that singe is to position
directly. Alternatives to aloe vera other hand, is awesome and has yourself so that the burned area is
gel are lavender oil or a clean dress- been used for centuries to treat above the level of your heart.
ing soaked in cool chamomile tea. burns and infections. Apply the inside of a ripe banana
Add ice to the tea to cool more rap- peel to the burn and bandage it.
idly. This will reduce pain and While they’re heal-
inflammation and soothe the skin. ing, clean the burns
daily using mild
Self-Care Remedies soap and rinsing
If neither aloe vera nor chamomile well. Be gentle,
tea are available, place several slices taking care not to
of raw potato on the burned area. break any blisters.
The starch in the potato can help Cover the affected
soothe the damaged skin. Replace area with sterile,
with fresh slices every two or three gauze dressing to
minutes before applying the dress- protect against bac-
ing. teria and keep it
Another handy remedy for mild
burns is milk or cream. Soak a Drink plenty of flu-
clean piece of terry cloth or cotton ids to replace
flannel in milk and apply the com- important fluids

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 275

and a half gallons of hot pureed until a nice, thick, even mix-
water.n Allow it to boil ture is produced. Apply the mixture
down to half this amount, directly to a burn or scald and cover
uncover for a couple of loosely with clean muslin and tap to
hours, strain the mixture and hold in place. This brings almost
store in sealed quart jars in a immediate relief from pain and con-
cool place until needed. Can siderably slows infection.
this solution actually work in heal-

“I pay the schoolmaster, but ‘tis the schoolboys that educate my son.”
ing severe burns of any kind? Some
Watermelon works like a miracle on medical doctors reading this might
first, second and third degree burns. have their doubts, but clinical evi-
Eat it, drink it or soak the burn in it! dence suggests otherwise. The July
1926 issue of Annals of Surgery
Acorns and Oak for Burns contained a lengthy and detailed
If one was unfortunate enough to report of 17 pages by two Cleveland
have made contact with poison ivy physicians who successfully treated
and sumac, the Iroquois had a pretty extremely serious burns in children
nifty way for treating the serious and adults with nothing but tannic
burns and rashes. They would gath- acid, letting the before and after pic-
er up a sufficient quantity of acorns, tures speak for themselves. In the
split them with a heavy stone or the confines of your own home, you can
blunt end of a tomahawk and throw also do the very same thing for
them into a large iron kettle full of yourself and loved ones by using the
boiling water. above acorn solution or the follow- BURRO
ing the oak bark solu-
tion below. BANANA
Simmer two-thirds of a Medi-Sign Target
cup of coarsely cut,
dried oak bark in one
Increases Penis Size &
quart of boiling water, Function
for 20 minutes on low
heat. Remove from the Also called a Chunky banana, this
heat and allow it to seep fruit resembles a shorter and squarer
for an additional hour. banana with the flavor of a tangy,
Strain and drink one lemon-banana mixture.
cup every other day for
Several hours later, after the mixture

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

liver injury and to prevent hardening When ripe, the skin of the burro
had boiled down to half of its origi- of the arteries. You can also use to banana is yellow with black spots.
nal amount, it was strained and the wash and dress wounds and major The flesh is creamy white or yellow
strong tannic acid solution was burns when cold. Strips of clean and the fruit will be soft with some
saved for medicinal uses. Some of gauze may be soaked in either solu- firmness toward the center.
this healing water would then be tion to dress burns with and should
applied to any severe burn or rash be changed every few hours. The true origin of bananas, the
on the skin in the form of a poultice, world’s most popular fruit, is found
as well as bathing the afflicted area Quick Remedy for Burns and in a region of Malaysia. Bananas
often. Scalds traveled from there to India by way
A really fast remedy calls for a of curious visitors, where they are
Today the same remedy can still be handful of clean, chopped radishes mentioned in the Buddhist Pali writ-
used with great success. Put two to be put into a food blender with ings dating back to the sixth century
dozen or so cracked acorns in one some crushed ice and thoroughly BCE.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 276

In 327 BCE, during his campaign in By 1402 Portuguese

India, Alexander the Great relished sailors discovered the
his first taste of the banana, an usual luscious tropical fruit
fruit he saw growing on tall trees in their travels to the
and is credited with bringing the African continent and
banana from India to the Western populated the Canary
world. Islands with their
first banana planta-
According to Chinese historian tions.
“If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one enjoys it?”

Yang Fu, China was tending planta-

tions of bananas in 200 CE. These Tomas de Berlanga, a
bananas grew only in the southern Portuguese
region of China and were consid- Franciscan monk,
ered exotic, rare fruits that never continued the
became popular with the Chinese banana’s travels
masses until the 20th century. westward, by packing
the rootstocks onto
Eventually, this tropical fruit his ship. In the year
reached Madagascar, an island off 1516, the monk
the southeastern coast of Africa. brought them to the
Beginning in 650 CE, Islamic war- Caribbean island of
riors traveled into Africa and were Santo Domingo from
actively engaged in the slave trade. the Canary Islands.
The Arabs were successful in trad- It wasn’t long before
ing ivory and abundant crops of the banana became
bananas, along with the thriving popular throughout
business in slave trading. Through the Caribbean as well
their numerous travels westward, as Central America. its Spanish name, platano.
via the slave trade, bananas eventu-
ally reached a small area along the The banana’s popular name is attrib- It was almost three hundred and
West Coast of Africa known as uted to Arabian slave traders. fifty years later before the bananas
Guinea. Unlike the eight-to-twelve-inch arrived in the United States, giving
giants that have Americans their first taste of this
become familiar in popular treat. At a celebration held
American super- in Pennsylvania in 1876, commemo-
markets today, the rating the hundredth anniversary of
bananas that were the Declaration of Independence,
growing in Africa bananas were wrapped in tin foil
as well as South- and sold for 10 cents each.
east Asia were
small, about as Instructions on how to eat a
long as a man’s banana appeared in the Domestic
finger; hence the Cyclopaedia of Practical Informa-
name “banan,” tion and read as follows, “Bananas
which is Arabic are eaten raw, either alone or cut in
for “finger.” The slices with sugar and cream, or
Spaniards, who wine and orange juice. They are
saw a similarity to also roasted, fried or boiled and are
the plane tree that made into fritters, preserves and
grows in Spain, marmalades.”
gave the plantain

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bursitis What is a bursa? Systemic inflammatory conditions,

The function of a bursa is to such as rheumatoid arthritis, can
decrease friction between two sur- make people susceptible to develop-
Medi-Sign Target faces that move in different direc- ing bursitis.
Fresh Cherries, Cherry tions. Every person has hundreds of
bursa scattered throughout the body. What complications can occur
because of bursitis?
Syrup & Dried Cherries
The bursa can be thought of as a There is a small risk that an
Zip-lock bag with a small amount of inflamed bursa can become infected.
oil and no air inside. Imagine rub- Infection is most often a concern

“Let us reform our schools, and we shall find little need of reform in our prisons.”
bing this bag between your hands. when the inflamed bursa is close to
The movement of your hands would the skin, which is the case with ole-
be smooth and effortless. A bursa cranon bursitis. Infection is
functions in the same way as a extremely rare in situations such as
smooth, slippery surface between trochanteric bursitis or shoulder bur-
two moving objects. sitis, where the inflammation is
deeper within the body.
You tend to find a bursa at points
where muscles and tendons glide • Open wounds around the area of
over bones. Without the bursa bursitis.
between these surfaces, movements
would be painful. • Redness of increasing warmth
the skin.
What causes bursitis?
Bursitis usually results from a repet- • Other signs of infection such as
itive movement or prolonged and fevers, chills and sweats.
excessive pressure. People who rest
on their elbows for long periods or • Trochanteric (Hip) Bursitis
those who bend their elbows fre- Trochanteric bursitis, also called hip
Bursitis is the inflammation of a
quently and repetitively can develop bursitis, is a common problem of
bursa, which normally provides a
bursitis. A custodian using a vacu- pain and inflammation over the out-
slippery surface that is almost fric-
um for hours at a time has the possi- side of the hip and thigh area.
bility of suffering from elbow
bursitis, also called olecranon
A problem arises when a bursa
bursitis. Similarly in other parts
becomes inflamed. The bursa loses
of the body, repetitive use or fre-
its gliding capabilities and becomes
quent pressure can irritate a bursa
more and more irritated when it is
and cause inflammation.
Another cause of bursitis is a
When the condition called bursitis
traumatic injury. A person may
occurs, the normally slippery bursa
develop bursitis following trauma,
becomes swollen and inflamed.
such as a car accident or fall.
Because the bursa is already in a
Usually a contusion causes
confined space, the added bulk due
swelling within the bursa. The
to the swelling causes even more
bursa then begins to develop
friction. The smooth gliding bursa
inflammation, resulting in brusi-
also becomes gritty and rough.
tis. Once the bursa is inflamed,
These factors all make movement of
normal movements and activities
an inflamed bursa painful and irri-
can become painful.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 278

• Prepatellar (Kneecap) Bursitis minimizing the inflammation and most people have resolution of their
Also known as Housemaid’s Knee swelling. symptoms. Learning to avoid activ-
Syndrome, Prepatellar bursitis, is a ities that may cause a bursitis flare-
condition of swelling and inflamma- To prevent the return of bursitis up can also be important. Bursitis
tion over the front of the knee. This symptoms: due to underlying conditions such as
is commonly seen in people like • Strengthening and Physical arthritis and gout recur more fre-
carpet layers and gardeners who Therapy quently. The best management in
kneel for extended periods. Proper strengthening techniques can these situations is to do your best to
teach you to use your muscles in a avoid flare-ups of gouty or arthritic
Below is some advice for bursitis safe and more efficient manner, episodes. Also, try to avoid activi-
treatment and for avoiding recur- helping you avoid bursitis. For ties which you have learned cause
rences of this problem. example, people with shoulder bur- bursitis. An at-home remedy of
sitis can learn ways to apple cider vinegar and cherry juice
move the shoulder can knock it out.
that will not cause
inflammation. Do not BUTTER
“Teamwork divides the task and doubles the success.”

begin exercises until

the inflammation of
bursitis has resolved! Medi-Sign Target
Joints, Nerves, Emotions of
• Take Breaks Happiness & Contentment
Make sure that you
alternate repetitive
tasks with breaks to
relieve pressure.
Don’t perform one
activity continuously
In order to aid healing you for hours at a time.
• Rest and Protect the Area • Cushion Your Joints
The first steps of bursitis treatment Use protective cushions if your
are to keep pressure off of the work involves an activity such as
affected area, while trying to limit prolonged kneeling. Try roofers’
Butter...Eat up!
the activity of that joint. Some indi- pads, which can be purchased at
This is the everlasting delight of the
viduals benefit from placing an hardware stores.
gourmand, which is the faithful ally
immobilizing brace or elastic band-
of the culinary arts and the constant
age, such as an Ace wrap, around The steps listed above are usually
symbol of good living and good
the joint until the inflammation sub- adequate bursitis treatment, and
health, contains all the nutrition of
sides. Movement and pressure
raw whole milk. The Greeks and
of the inflamed area will only
Romans used butter for medicine,
cause exacerbation and prolon-
while the Egyptians used it as a
gation on symptoms.
dressing for their hair and in love-
• Apply an Ice Pack
An important aspect of bursitis
Butter has had a sacred quality
treatment is cing the area of
throughout time and across the
inflammation.The ice will help
globe. From the ancient Fertile
to control the inflammation and
Crescent to the present day, butter
decrease swelling. The bursa
has symbolized the powerful, life
can return to its usual state and
giving and sacred, the good, the
perform its usual function after

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 279

happy, the healthy and pure. It has an Act of the U.S.

sustained lives, cultures and civi- Congress prior to the
lizations for millennia. Butter enactment of the
brought beauty, as it was used by all Food, Drug and
cultures as a skin moisturizing Cosmetic Act of
lotion, sometimes mixed with herbs 1938.
and essential oils.
The word butter
Butter is a culinary treasure as old comes from bou-
as King Tut’s tomb. Judges 5:25 tyron, which seems
reads, “She brought forth butter in a to mean “cow-
lordly dish.” Pure butter is pro- cheese” in Greek.
duced today essentially the same as Some scholars think, Syrians give us the earliest details of
it was in King Tut’s time, though however, that the word was bor-

“Learning is finding out what you already know.”

method of manufacturing butter.
butter is now made of milk from rowed from the language of the These people appear to be as well
cows instead of camels or water northern and butterophagous satisfied with their original process
buffaloes. Scythians, who herded cattle. of making butter as they are with
Greeks mainly used the milk of other habits, which have remained
It takes 21 pounds of fresh, whole- sheep and goats, which was relative- unchanged for centuries. As far as
some cow’s milk to make each ly low in butter, or butyric, fat, to we know, the original practice of the
pound of butter. We have record of make cheese. Arabs and Syrians was to use vessel
its use as early as 2,000 years before made from baked clay for a churn.
Christ. The Bible is interspersed Naturally, it is presumed that in four The “churn” was then suspended
with references to butter, the prod- thousand years there has been con- from tent poles and swung until the
uct of milk from the cow. Not only siderable improvement in the manu- “butter comes.” This is the earliest
has it been regarded immemorial, as facture of butter. Although, we known process of making butter.
a food fit for the gods, but its use know little more about the method
appears to have been divinely rec- by which Sarah produced butter for Buried in the bogs of Ireland are
ommended, promising its users cer- the angels than we know of the some of the most common archaeo-
tain immunities against evil. Butter method employed in the construc- logical finds in the area; barrels of
was the only food ever defined by tion of the pyramids. The Arabs and ancient butter. The Norsemen, the
Finns, the Icelanders and the Scots
had done the same, they all flavored
butter heavily with garlic, knuckled
it into a wooden firkin and buried it

-Richard Bach
for years in the bogs, so long, in
fact, that people were known to
plant trees to mark the butter’s bur-
ial site. They thought the longer it
was left, the more delicious it
became. A further advantage was
the safety of supplies from robbers
or enemies in wartime. Most of the
Irish archaeological specimens date
from the seventeenth and early eigh-
teenth centuries. Although some
sources imply that bog butter turned
red, the firkins in the Irish National
Museum contain “a grayish cheese
like substance, partially hardened,
not much like butter and quite free

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:02 PM Page 280

from putrefaction.” This is due to meaning a female servant. The such establishments like the of
the cool, non-septic, anaerobic and dairy was associated with the house Boards of Trade and later the
acidic properties of peat bogs, as opposed to the lands. In the Mercantile Exchanges in New York
which are bacteria and virus free. Western imagination “inside” has and Chicago. The farm production
Butter and crushed garlic help to always been female and “outside” of butter began to assume definite
over come village plagues. male, making the man’s place in the shape as early as 1791.
public eye while the woman's was at
Writing on dairying in 1695, home. Milk was also perhaps con- The Philadelphia market long
Englishman, John Houghton, speaks sidered self evidently a woman’s enjoyed high reputation for fine
of the Irish as rotting their butter by affair, hence Dairymaids and Dairy dairy butter. It was not uncommon
burying it in bogs. Burying butter Queens. for such “Philadelphia butter” to
in the peat bogs of sell at a dollar per pound
Ireland may have or even higher, while the
been for the purpose prevailing market prices
of storing against a were around 20 cents or
time of need, to hide less per pound. This
“Teamwork is working together-even when apart.”

it from invaders or fine Philadelphia butter

to ripen it for the was defined as:
purpose of develop- “Our idea is that but-
ing flavor in a man- ter, such butter as
ner similar to cheese would give a man an
ripening. appetite to look at, to
smell of and taste of, is
Archeologists found as far removed from an
a deposit of butter oily, fatty or tallow sub-
buried and wrapped stance as possible...a
in a skin in County firm, fine- grained arti-
Leitrim and another packed in a tub History records that a primary cle of rich golden color, sweet,
with perforated wooden handles in object of keeping cows was to sup- nutty aromatic smell and unctuous
County Tyrone, Ireland. It is ply the needs of the family for milk taste, put up in pound or half-
believed that the practice of burying and butter. Butter was essential in pound lumps, whether square or
butter in Ireland ceased about the the diet of most people and was pro- round and which, when opened out
end of the 18th century but many of duced almost universally in olden from its moist, then white linen
the specimens found are far older, times. It wasn’t until several cen- wrapper, invites both the senses of
dating back from anywhere between turies later that the consumption of smell and taste.”
the 11th and 14th centuries. The fresh butter became established cus-
large number of specimens found tom. The art of making butter, In the late 19th century, judging by
suggests that the burying of butter therefore, originated in the home. the manner in which it was done,
must have been a widespread prac- marketing the butter was thought to
tice in Ireland. Some of these As communities expanded and fron- be the easiest or least important part
ancient findings weighed more than tiers were pushed back with the of the whole process. If the maker
100 pounds! Similar deposits of growth of nations, many families was near a market, it was often put
buried butter were also discovered were gradually forced to procure into half-pound or pound lumps and
in Finland. their supplies of milk and butter printed or stamped with some
from farmers located in their vicini- emblematic device, such as a sheaf
Dairy work was always done by ty. Butter making on farms became of wheat, a cow, a beehive or the
European woman and included more and more important as cities maker’s initials. After the final
milking, making cream and butter sprang up and populations became working, a lump was cut off with
and also the sophisticated art of more congested. Important tracing the clapper, which is roughly a
making cheese. The word “dairy” areas developed as our larger cities spoon, and placed upon the scales
is from Middle English “dey,” developed, resulting eventually in and either added to or taken from,

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Refrigeration was not common. and was heated before the fire or
Beginning in 1806, Boston traders with a hot iron just before it was
conducted extensive commerce in applied to the rolls of butter.
enormous blocks of Arctic ice,
towed to destinations all over the In California in 1870, butter was
Atlantic world. The first refrig- sent to market in barrels, half-bar-
erated rail car cooled by natural rels and in two-pound rolls placed in
ice brought butter from packages. The rolls were made
Ogdensburg, New York, to three inches in diameter and nearly
Boston in 1851. Ice most parts seven inches long. A mold used for

“If you have both feet planted on level ground, then the university has failed you.”
of the world, however, remained the purpose of forming these rolls
an expensive commodity, never had two iron handles crossing each
allowing it to be the basis of indus- other on a pivot and was used simi-
always being sure to give over, trial freezing. The solution was the larly to a pair of nippers. Butter
rather than under, a pound. It was compressed-gas cooler, perfected for was compressed in the mold into a
then taken from the scale by one brewing in Australia in the 1870’s solid roll by applying pressure on
clapper in the right hand and was and later used worldwide. the two handles. Each roll of butter
worked over into a ball by a few was wrapped in cloth and smoothed
expert touches with the other clap- The linen wrappers or napkins used by rolling with a wooden paddle.
per in the left hand. While held on in the Philadelphia market for cov- The wrapped was made of fine cam-
the left-hand clapper, the stamp- ering the print butter were often bric cloth cut in strips long enough
mould is dipped in cold water to washed, ironed and returned by cus- to surround the roll and wide
prevent its sticking to the lump and tomers to the dealers in their market enough to leave about one-half inch
then pressed firmly upon it. stalls. In other areas, the rolls, pats of cloth at each end. The wrapped
Withdrawn, a beautiful raised or prints produced on dairy farms rolls were then set on end in an
impression of the stamp is left upon were wrapped in freshly laundered oblong box of either cedar or red-
it, adding to its attractions. pieces of cloth rags of either white wood and securely held in place
or colored and printed fabrics. This with the cover fastened down. Such
The fashion was to make the lumps led to the adoption of the rather rolls were supplied the San Francis-
square, which was more convenient descriptive term, “shirt-tail wrap- co market.
for use and for packing in the mar- pers.” Cheesecloth was adopted
ket tray. After in was stamped, the early as an economical wrapper, tak- In 1877 Vermont, if the butter was
butter was set-aside in a cold place ing the place of the linen wrappers to be packed into tubs, it was best
to thoroughly harden. A tray in the or napkins used in Philadelphia. not to put in small pieces at a time
springhouse water was best. Each These were later replaced with a and pound it in. Here, they devel-
pound or roll was wrapped in a “butter” or “dairy cloth” made oped a lever to fill half of the tub at
linen cloth taken out of ice water or expressly for the purpose of wrap- a time and press it firmly down.
cold spring water and laid upon the ping rolls, pats
shelf of the tray or tub once it was and prints.
time to market. In the winter, the
butter was often kept in a square The butter was
box with several shelves and a slid- then wrapped in
ing lid. In the summer, it was com- clean, white paper
mon to have a large tub made of which had been
cedar, with an inner tin vessel, a coated on both
well in each end for broken ice, an sides with a
oilcloth covering and shelves on preparation of egg
each side of them on which the but- whites and fifteen
ter was placed and removed as it grains of salt to
was sold. each egg. The
paper then dried

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This helped retain the grain of the ciently popular to displace the dash While some store proprietors
butter. The butter maker would put churn until the barrel churn was encouraged farm wives to pack their
the butter up in pound prints. The later developed for factory use. product in tubs, Bradley boxes and
butter got a dull look from not being the like, most of the farm butter
made with a mold. Using a stout These farm wives of earlier days brought into the general store was in
paddle, they would press the butter often used their butter as barter at the form of “pats” or “rolls.”
into the form of a brick, pressing the general stores in small country Butter “rolls” became known as
cross lines on one side with the edge towns or trading centers exchanging cash-weight rolls because of this
of the paddle. Each pound would it for merchandise needed at home. packing. As more and more farm
be wrapped in a piece of white The more enterprising storekeepers butter was produced, local markets
cloth. Print butter would be shipped would encourage the ladies whose could not consume it all locally and
-Thomas Edison

in a neat, clean package, nicely products they recognized as being of therefore started shipping it to
painted on the outside. In 1894, the superior quality to use different ladlers and renovating plants located
“World’s Largest Creamery” was types, and ever-increasing sizes of in central points. The best butter
located at St. Albens, Vermont containers, as packages for their was sorted out and reworked,
which reported to having made product. Wooden pails holding five packed and sent to the market under
25,000 pounds of butter daily. In or ten pounds were used as well as various trade names, while the poor-
“To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.”

those earlier days, butter making earthenware crocks. Popular in er grades were sent to renovating
was largely the province of the farm New England and New York State plants where the butter was melted,
wife. in the 1880’s, Bradley butter boxes and the butterfat was mixed with
of circular construction with wood- skim milk and reworked. The reno-
A “cool hand” was the term used en slipcovers were made of spruce vating plant was placed under
for giftedness in butter making. or maple-veneer. Tapered spruce Federal supervision and required a
Kneading butter required swift, firm tubs were also used to some extent special license. Colored oleomar-
movements and a low temperature, on farms. As other materials, such garine was offered for sale as butter
hence the name, “cool hand.” as paperboard, were not generally as Adulteration of butter became a
When a farmer from an English available, wooden containers came menace. The demand for fresh but-
county like the famous dairy-pro- into general use. Woodworking was ter increased as the Nation contin-
ducing land of Cheshire, sought a extensive in those earlier days. ued to grow and expand its fron-
wife, he chose brawn over delicacy Even the first utensils used on but- tiers. The start of the factory system
every time. In one village it was ter-making farms were mostly made for making butter is not well estab-
traditional for a young girl to lift the of wood. lished. However, the experience to
immensely heavy lid of the parish by D. Hall in a letter to the Editor of
chest with one hand to show how Chicago Dairy Produce in 1899 is
desirable she was. illustrative of how the trend to
creamery operations developed.
She would first skim the cream from
the surface milk, allowing it to Around the years 1859 and 1860,
“set” in shallow bowls or pails. farmers began looking for some way
The cream was then usually churned to widen out in the dairy business,
in the old familiar wooden cooper- as our neighbors in the adjoining
made dash churn invariably referred county were building cheese facto-
to as an instrument of torture by ries and reaping the benefit of a for-
those who, as boys, had to operate eign market for their output. The
them. Other forms of churns were war breaking out in 1861, however,
introduced from time to time, such gave a backseat to the prospect
as rocker churns, swing churns, cir- locally. In 1869 and 1870, dairy-
cular churns which had revolving men began to combine butter mak-
paddles and square box churns ing and cheese factories. We built a
swung by diagonal corners. None pool about 20 feet square, placing a
of them, however, became suffi- partition each way through the mid-

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:03 PM Page 283

dle, so each end could be drained salt and salt-Peter, going over the milk system of creamery operation
and cleaned without disturbing the whole lot once a week, so as to keep was satisfactory. However, as more
others. Of course all factories must the firkins full of brine. farmers took up dairying, enterpris-
ing manufacturers developed and
“Perhaps some of you offered small hand separators for
readers will ask how use on the farms. These machines
did we ship... at this separated the cream with either hand
time? I will say that or other power, which was cooled
in 1867 we got, by and ready for its transport to the
furnishing heavy creamery. This left the skim milk
bonds, a railroad with the farmer, which was valuable
through our valley as feed for calves and hogs. The
and from then on it introduction of the hand separator
seemed that all revolutionized the creamery busi-
roads wished to ness. Big plants were established
come our way.” over wide territories and frequently
-1867 Producer cream was shipped hundreds of
miles to the factory, which was
The early creameries in made possible by the growth and
this country followed what expansion of the railroads. This
was termed “the whole milk system of creamery operation

“To teach is to learn twice.”

system.” This was the practice became known as “the gathered
whereby farmers delivered their cream system” chiefly because of
whole milk supplies to the factory the long hauls or as “centralized
have run- or creamery daily or at frequent creamery system” as the big facto-
ning water. It was intervals. In the very early cream- ries could be located in strategic
thought that unless a good spring eries, the whole milk would be col- railroad or trade centers.
could be had there was no use of a lected in so-called Cooley cans. Incidentally, the centralized system
factory. We took milk both morning When sufficiently full of
and night. The night’s milk was whole milk, these cans
strained in the long, shotgun cans were placed in pools of
and placed in the pool. In the morn- spring water to cool and
ing these were removed and the cream, or The cream
cream taken off with the funnel was then skimmed off
skimmer. The milk was turned into with hand dippers until
vats, while the morning’s milk was sufficient quantity was
weighed and strained in with it. collected and then it was
This gave us what we claimed was a churned. Following the
slight skimmed cheese. The cream introduction of the
was churned in the old-fashioned DeLaval Cream
dash churn, which was the old lever Separator from Sweden
worker. All creamery men are into this country in
familiar with this particular job. 1879, centrifugal separa-
When this work was partly done, tors were used for
the butter was set aside for three to removing the cream
six hours, then reworked and packed from the whole milk.
in firkins and placed in a cellar.
Instead of putting the cloth and salt As long as the milk was
on top, we bored a hole in the top brought from territories
head of the firkin and filled the fairly contiguous to the
space with strong brine made from creamery, the whole

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:03 PM Page 284

became common practice in the Iowa and later “wrote history” by creamery is the Bonnyville
Mid-West where the greatest expan- winning the Grand Sweepstakes at Creamery in Bonnyville, or Alberta,
sion in the creamery business took the Philadelphia Centennial Canada. At this time, butter bought
place. Exposition in 1876. This victory at the grocery store came in two cat-
advised the world that egories, “dairy,” made by the
good quality creamery farmer’s wife or “creamery,” made
butter could be made by the factory or plant.
west of the Allegheny
Mountains and even The Bonnyville Creamery was con-
west of the Mississippi structed and began operation in
River. Elgin, Illinois 1924. Prior to this time, pioneer
later became the Butter settlers in the area, used the cream
Capital of the World produced by their cows mainly for
“Imagination continually frustrates tradition, that is it’s function.”

due to its renown, fine home consumption. Any surplus of

creamery butter. Iowa, raw cream could be sold to cus-
and later Wisconsin and tomers in Bonnyville. The home
Minnesota, also came in churned butter was sold or bartered
for their just share of at the general store for the farmer’s
recognition as quality necessary supplies. In the first year
butter producing states. of operation, the newly established
From Illinois and Iowa, creamery produced over 56,000
the creamery operations pounds of butter with Mr. A.
The question as to when and where spread rapidly throughout the west- Blanchard as the first butter maker.
the first creamery was started has ern United States, across the prairie Fifty-two thousand pounds of this
never been satisfactorily resolved. states and out to the Pacific Coast. total were sold through the
Records indicate that a factory was When prices were attractive, Provincial Department Marketing
established by Alanson Slaughter at California later sent some of her Service for 31.27 cents per pound.
Walkill, New York in 1861. product to eastern markets. The Department had outlets in
Another is recorded in Middletown, Alberta and British Columbia with
New York in 1863, with others in The factory system of butter-making shipments also being made to
New York State the following year. made rapid strides and received England, China and Japan.
Factories were also started in tremendous impetus through
Illinois in 1867. All of these plants the introduction of the centrifu-
made both butter and cheese. gal cream separator and the
invention of simple method.
The Elgin Butter Company was This was a method by which
established in Elgin, Illinois in 1871 the exact butter fat content of
following the visitation of Dr. milk and cream could be deter-
Joseph Tefft and others to Orange mined by the creamery opera-
County, New York. They had come tor. Before the days of this
to learn the essentials of butter mak- Babcock test, milk was pur-
ing as practiced in that celebrated chased in bulk regardless of its
district which, at the time, had its fat value. With its discovery in
high reputation for the best quality 1890 and its subsequently rapid
dairy butter. This creamery was adoption by the dairy industry,
engaged in the manufacture of but- a factor of control was intro-
ter only and got its start by utilizing duced which in its absence
the surplus milk from the condensed would have doubtlessly retard-
milk factory of Gail Borden located ed progress in dairy operations.
in that city. In 1872, John Stewart
erected a creamery in Manchester, Another example of a local

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Annual production increased signifi- BUTTERMILK Skim Past Heart Disease

cantly to 388,000 pounds by 1940. You’re probably already eating
In those intervening Depression foods like apples, oats and beans if
years, many needy cream shippers you’re concerned about cholesterol.
Medi-Sign Target
will remember Cliff’s helping hand A Ferment for Bones & Milk, as it turns out, is another food
with cash advances. The cream was Blood Vessels that can send cholesterol south.
delivered to the creamery in a vari-
ety of containers from eight and five Researchers at Kansas State
Richness Without the Fat
gallon cans down to five pound lard University in Manhattan, Kansas,
With a name like “buttermilk,” you
pails and creamers. No matter how and Pennsylvania State University
would expect this thick, creamy and
small, the cream cheques provided in University Park had 64 people
delectably tart drink to be very high
many farmers’ wives with a bit of drink a quart of skim milk a day.
in fat. Despite the name, buttermilk
“pin money” for desired purchases. After a month, the people with the
is lower in fat then regular milk,
highest cholesterol levels saw their
making it a healthful alternative to
BUTTERCUP milk, cream and mayonnaise in
cholesterol drop almost 10 points,
almost a seven percent reduction.

“College isn’t the place to go for ideas.”

everything from salad dressing to
Becuase every one percent drop in
baked goods.
cholesterol translates into a two per-
cent reduction in death from heart
A cup of buttermilk made from skim
disease, milk helped these subjects
milk has about two grams of fat.
Medi-Sign Target
reduce their risks of heart attacks or
Buttermilk made with reduced-fat,
strokes by nearly 14 percent.
Liver, Skin & Muscles
or 2 percent milk, contains five
grams of fat. By contrast,
“Studies have shown that raw milk
one cup of regular milk has
contains substances that reduce the
approximately eight grams
liver’s production of cholesterol,”
of fat. This one simple
say Arun Kilara, PhD., professor of
change of replacing some of
food science at Penn State and one
the milk in your diet with
of the researchers on the study.
buttermilk can cut out sub-
Another great thing about raw milk
stantial amounts of fat. Just
is its abundance of calcium, which
be sure to check the label
may help reduce blood pressure as
before putting buttermilk in

-Helen Keller
your shopping cart,
since some brands
are quite a bit lower
in fat than others.
You can buy butter-
milk in skim, low-
fat (one percent),
and reduced fat versions.
Buttercup is a winter squash with a
They simply add water to
distinctive look. Shaped like a
make skim and one and two
small, dark green pumpkin with nar-
percent, then charge more
row stripes of bluish-gray, the but-
for it! Save money by buy-
tercup sports a “cap” on its blossom
ing whole milk and just add
end. The orange flesh is finely tex-
water to make your own.
tured, creamy and mild. The taste is
similar to a sweet potato when
Buttermilk is among the best
cooked. Look for buttercup squash
calcium sources you can
from late summer through winter.

B__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/20/06 5:03 PM Page 286

well as cholesterol. In the Like the other winter

University Park study, drinking raw squashes, butternut has a
milk was able to lower systolic lot more nutritional value
blood pressure, the top number, on to offer than summer
average, from 131 to 126 after eight squashes and zucchini.
weeks, while diastolic pressure, the Butternut’s deep-orange
bottom number, dropped from 82 to flesh is richer in complex
78. carbohydrates and, as you
might guess by its color, in
Researchers aren’t sure how much beta-carotene. Butternut
milk you should drink when trying squash is also a very good
to lower cholesterol or blood pres- source of dietary fiber and
sure. However, a good place to start supplies vitamin C, mag-
would be with four glasses a day, nesium, manganese, and a
which was the amount used in the good amount of potassium.
study. Try drinking an eight-ounce
“If you can read this, thank the one that taught you.”

glass of raw milk with each meal Its dense, rich-tasting flesh
and also have one as a snack. is another good reason to
eat butternut squash.
BUTTERNUT Baked and mashed with a
little maple syrup or
SQUASH brown raw sugar and
sweet spices, the squash tastes very be added to hearty stews. Butternut
similar to pumpkin pie. Chunks or has a softer skin than other winter
squashes, making it easier to cut up.
Medi-Sign Target
cubes of squash can be baked or can
Liver, Skin & Facial

Thor Triton Tolman

Sterling Walker Tolman

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 287

~C c~
History: The Letter C

Camels are partially responsible for the letter “C.” The Phoenician alphabet depicted
a camel with a simple letterform consisting of an upward stroke angled to the left sug-
gesting the camel’s long neck. The Greeks changed this form slightly and adapted the
name “Gamma” from the Phoenician name “Gimel,” which means camel. The Romans
gave the letter its curved shape and, sometime around the year 300, began adding a hor-
izontal bar when the letter was to convey a “G” sound. Thus the letter “G” was born,
but that’s a whole different note sheet. It is interesting to note that camels are cud-
chewing animals. Once this is noted, you should also know that cud is a mouthful of pre-
viously swallowed food, which is regurgitated from the stomach to be chewed a second
time. Fortunately, most humans don’t do this but be careful because there are some
undiscriminating people who regularly follow this ritual with, “pill and capsule hype.”

Mystery: The Celtic Name Letter Key

“C” is a sign of steadiness and consistency, both in terms of physical effort that can be
applied and emotional commitment that can be made. This letter indicates a good
employee, who eventually settles in one job for many years. More importantly, perhaps,
it reveals a steadiness and lack of change in emotional relationships. This positive reli-
ability is counter-balanced to some extent by a certain dullness and lack of imagination.
C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 288

CABBAGE like thick, white celery with leaves, Because cabbage’s inner leaves are
yet it is still cabbage. Even stranger protected from the sunlight by the
is kohlrabi, which looks like a surrounding leaves, they are often-
turnip but is still part of the family. times lighter in color. Red and
Medi-Sign Target
Arteries, Veins, Capillaries green cabbage have a more defined
& Brain Brassica vegetables are super hero taste and crunchy texture as com-
foods for cancers. They are also pared to savoy cabbage’s more deli-
good sources of fiber and vitamin C. cate nature.
• Prevents Birth Defects
• Karate-chops Cancer (especially Some historians believe that Celtic
• Prevents Cancer
colon) wanderers brought wild cabbage to
• Prevents Constipation
Europe around 600 B.C. It in high
• Helps Hemorrhoids
• Chases Away Constipation regard by the ancient Greeks and
“Anatomical fact: A smile takes 13 muscles. a frown takes 64.”

• Promotes Weight Loss

Romans as a general panacea capa-
• Protects Your Heart
Beauty Tip ble of treating a host of health con-
Follow this recipe to make a mask ditions.
Cabbage is a descendant of wild sea
that will counteract any inclination
plants grown along the coast of
of dryness and wrinkles and give Peptic Ulcer Treatment
England and other parts of Europe.
your skin a flower-like It is well documented that raw cab-
This head-shaped vegetable
bloom: grind a cou- bage juice is quite effective in treat-
is an important food in
ple of cabbage ing peptic ulcers. One study
both Europe and Asia.
leaves and extract showed that one quart of the fresh
The Irish are well-
juice. Dissolve juice per day, sipped throughout the
known for cabbage, and
one-fourth tea- day, resulted in total ulcer healing in
the Germans con-
spoon of yeast an average of ten days. The high
tributed sauerkraut.
in it and stir in content of glutamine in cabbage —
Koreans have been
one teaspoon an amino acid that is the preferred
making a cabbage
of honey. Mix fuel for the cells that line the stom-
meal called kimchi
well and ach and small intestine — is likely
(pronounced kim
apply thickly the reason for cabbage juice’s effi-
CHEE) for 3000 years.
over face and cacy in healing ulcers.
This dish, made of fer-
neck. Keep it
mented cabbage, radishes,
for 15 minutes. CABBAGE (RED)
hot peppers, lettuce and garlic,
Remove with cot- The reddish purple leaves of red
is even eaten as breakfast by some
ton-wool soaked in cabbage grow in tightly packed
water. heads. A 3-1/2 ounce serving of red
cabbage provides all your daily vita-
The cabbage family is part of the
Description min C needs. It is available year
brassica group that contains several
Green, red and savoy describe the
vegetables including broccoli and
three major types of cabbage. The
cauliflower. The cabbage plants are
color of green cabbage ranges from
classified by the arrangement of
pale green to dark green, while red
their parts; if the leaves are tightly
cabbage has leaves that are either
folded to form a ball, it is head cab-
crimson or purple with white veins
bage. Brussels sprouts are plants
running through them. The savoy
that resemble miniature heads. Kale
cabbage has a yellowish-green
and collards have leaves that are
color. Both green and red cabbage
loose and open. Napa, or Chinese
have smooth textured leaves, but the
cabbage, is light green or white and
leaves of savoy cabbage are more
looks like romaine lettuce. Bok
choy is a vegetable that looks more

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 289

round and is also one of the crucif- for numerous uses by different cul- taffy. Cactus pear cheese is a deli-

“Truth is such a rare quality, a stranger so seldom met in this civilization of fraud, that it is never received freely, but must
erous vegetables that may help pre- tures, many of which have been cacy made by cooking and cooling
vent certain forms of cancer. passed down through time. the fruits.

CACTUS The most intensively used parts of This native species has also become
the plant are the pads and the fruits. a popular landscaping plant because
(PRICKLY PEAR) The pads, or the flattened stem it’s colorful and attracts birds. The
which grow quickly, protrude from fresh pads are commonly eaten by
Medi-Sign Target the plant at odd angles. Small clus- animals for nourishment, and in
ters of tiny stickers cling to each times of drought, range animals rely
Pancreas, Liver, Heart & pad. After the stickers and spines on the cactus pads for food and
Skin have been trimmed away, the pad water. In parts of Africa, the sap
can then be peeled and prepared for from the pads has long been used to
Opuntia is a genus in the cactus cooking as any vegetable would. repel mosquitoes.
family Cactaceae. Both pears and Popular cooking techniques include
chollas are included in this genus of broiling or sautéing the pad, or Health Benefits
about 250 species distributed chopping it raw and adding it to Traditional healers have used the
throughout most of the New World. soups and salads. Once the pectin- prickly pear in many ways. The

fight its way into the world.” -Hilton Hotema

rich pads are heated, they tend to gooey gel (sap) extracted from its
The young stem segments, called become gooey, acquiring a texture pads can be applied much like aloe
nopales, are edible. Also, the fruit similar to okra. vera gel; spread on minor cuts, sun-
of opuntias, called tuna, is edible, The spiny red burns or skin irritations to promote
although it has to be peeled careful- healing and soothe any inflamma-
ly to remove the small spines on the tion. They also claim that pureeing
outer skin before consumption. It is the young pads produce an effective
often used to make candies and laxative. Folk healers have been
jelly. known to warm the pads for use as
heating “pads,” applying them to
As a symbol of the Rio aching backs as well as chests rat-
Grande valley, the prickly tled by the congestion of a com-
pear cactus (genus Opuntia) mon cold.
is proudly displayed on the Mexi-
can flag. It boasts thorny pads, In addition, specially prepared
colorful large flowers and succu- extracts of the prickly pear cactus
lent fruits. For centuries, native have been developed in recent
peoples living in the deserts of years, and are being touted for
Mexico, the southern United treating hangovers and boosting
States and parts of South America recovery from vigorous exercise,
relied on this robust desert plant among other uses. The extract is
for food and healing. usually made from opuntia ficus
Many of these traditions were car-
ried on by European settlers, who Specifically, prickly pear cactus
then also transported the plant’s fruits, or “tunas,” are cylindrical in can help to:
seeds to Europe and around the shape and about the size of a child’s • Treat adult-onset (type 2) dia-
world. Prickly pear cactus now hand. The crimson fruits were once betes. One of the plant’s most com-
grows in harsh desert locales from popular for making red dye, and are pelling traditional uses is for manag-
South Africa and Australia to Africa now often used to make jelly, juice ing diabetes, a chronic condition
and the Mediterranean region. Also and pickles. In Mexico the fruits commonly caused by obesity. With
commonly referred to as “nopal” or are the basis of a sweet syrup that is diabetes, the body loses its ability to
“penca,” the plant has been adapted used like honey or hardened into effectively use glucose, the blood

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 290

sugar that the body’s cells need for pounds in the body called Heat Edible cactus is also known as
energy. The high blood sugar that Shock Proteins (HSPs); hence, pro- nopales (no-PAH-les), nopalitos or
results can cause many health com- tecting the body against excessive cactus pads. This vegetable is
plications. exercise-induced muscle and tissue increasing its popularity in the
injury. Under normal conditions, it United States where it’s found at
Mexico and other Latin American takes the body two to three hours Mexican grocery stores, specialty
countries use prickly pear cactus as following physical stress to elevate produce markers and farmer’s mar-
a traditional treatment of diabetes. its natural supply of HSPs. But, by kets. It is already popular in
According to lore of the Valley of eating the skins before exercise, Mexico and other Central American
Mexico, the Aztecs and other locals HSP levels should be ready to rise countries, parts of Europe, the
consumed prickly pear cactus in as soon as 15 minutes after a work- Middle East, India, North Africa and
various forms to control or actually out begins. Australia.
cure this type of diabetes as long
ago as the 15th and 16th centuries. Good For cadmium
• Arteriosclerosis
Formal research studies done con- • Colon Cleansing toxicity
firm that this ancient approach is • Digestion/Liver Function
“The worst experience of my life was great!”

sound. Results indicate that high • Gastric Ulcers/Gastrointestinal Medi-Sign Target

doses of cooked pads can indeed Disorders
reduce blood sugar levels. • Hyperglycemia (High blood
Broccoli, Cauliflower,
However, it is still not exactly clear sugar)
Cabbage & Egg Yolks
how prickly pear works, nor is it • Hyperlipidemia (High choles-
clear how much is needed to have terol/Fat levels) Cadmium is a widespread heavy
an effect. One theory is that the • Obesity metal in the environment and in our
high soluble fiber from the pad’s bodies. It is very poisonous.
gooey pectin absorbs sugar in the • To relieve rheumatic and asth- Humans only excrete cadmium in
body and then enables the body to matic symptoms, take a broken off very small amounts.
very slowly release sugar through- pad, pass over an open fire to burn
out the course of the day. off the spines, then split in half, Cadmium can cause damage to all
warm (20 seconds in a types of body cells. It does so by
• Boost muscle and tissue microwave oven) and bind to damaging the cell membrane.
recovery from torn tissues the chest with a cloth. Cadmium increases the permeability
caused by vigorous of the cells. One of the conse-
exercise. A very • Similarly, earaches are treat- quences of cadmium intoxication is
recent use for prickly ed by cleaning a pad, cutting it in that the transfer of other heavy met-
pear cactus half, warming it and placing it over als into the cells is facilitated. In
involves the skin the ear...a very effective remedy! the acute stage, cadmium intoxica-
of the fruit. tion causes enteritis where a slow
Manufacturers of • Likewise, hemorrhoids are accumulation of cadmium is stored
this extract claim relieved with a pad of prickly mainly in the kidneys, but the liver
that it can acceler- pear, cleaned, split and warmed. and bones are other sites for cadmi-
ate the ability of the um storage.
human body to • Also, the gooey juice of
withstand physical prickly pear cactus is used as a
stress because of the plant’s ability very soothing skin lotion for minor
to survive in some of the harshest rashes, sunburn and windburn.
desert environments on earth.
• A poultice made from cleaned
The claim supports that the cactus prickly pear cactus can treat
skin can do this by speeding up the snakebites, insect bites, burns, rash-
synthesis of natural restorative com- es, sunburn and minor abrasions.

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Dead animals and junk food prod- Symptoms pounds clear out toxins, but there
ucts account for more than 90 per- Alopecia, anemia, arthritis, cancer, also seem to be a lot of cellular pro-
cent of human exposure to cadmi- cardiovascular disease, cerebral tection affects.
um. Although a major reason for hemorrhage, cirrhosis of the liver,
cadmium accumulation in the body diabetes, emphy- Cilantro, an herb that is
is environmental; from tobacco sema, enlarged popular in Mexican and
smoke. A study in 1990 showed heart, high cho- Far-Eastern cuisine, is
that acute cadmium toxicity from lesterol, hypo- believed to help remove
food is rare, but chronic exposure at glycemia, hyper- heavy metals especially
lower levels increases cadmium in tension, impaired mercury and cadmium.
certain body organs. growth, impo- An infusion of tea
tence, infertility, made from a small
The human body absorbs approxi- inflammation, kidney disease, learn- amount of the herb is one way of
mately half of the 16-24 mcg. of ing disorders, lung disease, taking it.
cadmium produced from one ciga- migraines, osteoporosis, renal dis-
rette. In addition to this, five to 10 ease, schizophrenia, strokes and vas- If you can afford to go to a Terme or
percent of the cadmium from our cular disease. Hot Springs, the sulfur-rich waters

“Having a sharp tongue can cut your throat.”

food and other sources is absorbed. will do you wonders. Soak each
Therefore, a substantial amount of Sources day until the symptoms disappear.
cadmium is stored in our body sys- Air pollution, batteries, ceramic
tem over a number of years. glazes / enamels, cigarette smoke Another useful natural detoxifier is
(first and second hand), food (if Asafoetida an Indian spicy tuber. It
grown in cadmium contaminated is extremely sulfur-rich and is very
soil), fungicides, mines, paints, beneficial as a detoxing agent. It is
power and smelting plants, seafood reputed to be as good as garlic at
and tap and well water. removing cadmium and mercury.

Cadmium Cleansers Prevention is always better than

Watermelon is an excellent detoxifi- cure, so avoid junk food and drink
Prolonged accumulation of cadmi- er. It also contains lycopene and pure water.
um in the body stains the teeth. It beta carotene which are useful nutri-
can cause damage to the nervous ents. The seeds are also extremely Healthy Kidneys and an intact
system, decrease the detoxicative nutritious. They contain plentiful Blood-Brain Barrier are essential to
power of the body and cause high supplies of minerals such as zinc protect the delicate brain cells from
blood pressure. Atherosclerosis and and selenium. damage from neurotoxic substances
damage to the immune system are accumulating and poisoning brain
also caused from cadmium. Most Dietary measures can include sul- cells. Many substances find it much
importantly, though, the bodily pro- fur-rich foods like, cabbage, garlic, easier to get into the brain than to
ductions are affected like, decreased beans and egg yolk. Fasting is also escape through the kidneys. Mer-
fertility, anemia, emphysema and an extremely effective measure. cury and aluminum are two such
cancer. Garlic appears to be a particularly substances.
effective source of the detoxifying
Children who are exposed to large sulfhydryl group compounds, and it CAFFEINE
concentrations of cadmium in their may contain some beneficial trace
environment often have learning elements such as germanium. DEPENDENCY
disabilities. Increased concentra-
tions of cadmium have been found I would recommend a cabbage diet Medi-Sign Target
in the placenta of women who have where almost every meal for an
given birth to children with low entire week is cabbage like cooked Avoid Soda Pop, Energy
birth weight, neural damage and cabbage, raw cabbage and sauer- Drinks & Supplements
Down’s syndrome. kraut. Not only do the sulfur com-

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Caffeine from a bean is completely to your bones. What’s worse is that • No-more until tomorrow – you’ll
fine. But when you take it, chemi- your body soon grows accustomed be fine.
cally process it and put it in soda to its dose of caffeine, so you need
pop or sports drinks, it becomes an more of the drug to produce the • Make it yourself-make it weak.
addictive drug, not coffee’s natural same energized effect.
caffeine. Enjoy More Energy When You
If your body doesn’t get its caffeine Kick Processed Caffeine
Coffee is not addictive; people do quota, it can go through a week or Dependency
“What happened when a gust of wind blew off the General’s wig? There was hell toupee!”

not go through withdrawal because two of withdrawal symptoms, Double mocha tall iced. That’s the
of it. Instead it is an emotional rou- including headaches, fatigue and language of buckin’ star’s caffeine
tine. People love waking up to cof- intense cravings for caffeine. country! Whoo-eee!
fee in the morning because of the Constipation, anxiety and a dim
feeling they get from it. They also bulb where you used to have bright The adult inhabitants of this country
love the good stool it creates. ideas are also withdrawal symp- drink close to 800 million (that’s
toms. right, over half a billion) cups of
Even popular coffee houses use concentrated caffeine-containing
“infused” coffee beans. So, you coffee every day. Younger citizens
may want to go easy on the coffee, and the dietary religious prefer their
black tea, soda, chocolate and other caffeine in chocolate bars and in
caffeine-containing foods when colas served in cups the size of
you’re trying to recover from ane- small buckets.
mia or fatigue because processed
caffeine inhibits iron absorption. For the ailing, there is caffeine in
One drink of processed caffeinated nonprescription medications for
soda a day can decrease your headaches, weight loss, and men-
chances of becoming pregnant. It strual cramps. For the overheated,
decreases fertility in men and there are almost as many varieties of
women – but not in a healthy way, if sports drinks and iced teas that are
that’s what yer lookin’ for. sweetened with synthetic sweeteners
or processed sugars and spiked with
Eliminating processed or infused processed caffeine on supermarket
caffeine from your diet is a must. It Alternative healers say that there are shelves as there are sweat glands in
is a direct stimulant of the GI tract, some healthy, natural stimulants that the human body.
and it can trigger or aggravate irrita- you can use instead of caffeine both
ble bowel syndrome. So your best during and after the withdrawal Since caffeine is a central nervous
bet is to stay away from processed period. system stimulant, the people in this
caffeine whether it is in infused cof- country are electrified: always on,
fee beans, tea, cola or chocolate. Inhaling stimulating Ascential oils brains jazzy as neon, bodies hum-
can give you that heady feeling. ming like generators.
Processed caffeine is a powerful Take a quick sniff of oils such as
drug, and it works its fatigue-ban- rosemary, peppermint, basil or Unfortunately, quite a few of them
ishing, brain-clearing wonders by juniper. Sniffing an essential oil is also end up electrocuted all because
stimulating your adrenal glands to the fastest route to the bloodstream of the caffeine being concentrated or
pump out adrenaline, the hormone and can provide an instant brain processed.
that launches your nervous system boost.
into action. But that hormone is Some studies show most coffee
pure stress, a biochemical emer- If you use real, non-messed with beans are now laced with lots of
gency button installed by nature for coffee beans. chemicals, even nicotine; some cof-
threatening situations, and the con- • Drink 2-4 cups in the morning fees smell like ashtrays. Check it
stant, unnatural over-drive can wear and let it go. out!
out your body from your brain cells

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 293

CALABAZA Functions Calcium is needed for: A major symptom of a deficiency of

• Building strong bones and teeth calcium is skeletal abnormalities
SQUASH • Clotting the blood like osteopenia, osteomalacia, osteo-
• Nerve impulse transmission porosis and rickets. Osteomalacia is
• Proper thyroid function a failure to mineralize the bone
Medi-Sign Target • Regulating the heart beat matrix resulting in a reduction of the
mineral content of the bone. In

“The highest reward for a persons toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.”
Breasts, Skin & Liver
Calcium is important for good children, osteomalacia is known as
health including strong bones. rickets. When children have rickets,
Calcium deficiency, though, is one their bones become soft and flexible
major cause of osteoporosis. bending in ways normal bones
However, it is not the only cause, would not. Features of rickets
and not everyone who has osteo- include bowed legs, beaded ribs,
porosis is calcium deficient. large foreheads, sunken chests (pec-
Excessive amounts of calcium in tus excavatum), protruding chests
relation to other minerals may do (pectus carnitum) and hyperextend-
more harm than good. Do not sup- able joints.
plement calcium. Avoid toxic calci-
um overload by eating whole foods. The bones act as a reservoir for cal-
Calabaza Squash (kah-lah-BAH-sah) cium; when the amount of calcium
is a large squash familiar to those in in the blood supply dips too low,
Latin America and the Caribbean. It calcium is borrowed from the bones.
also is known as the West Indian It is returned to the bones from cal-
pumpkin. The skin color can vary cium supplied through the diet.
from green to tan to sunset-orange. When diets are low in the mineral,
They are sweet, succulent and fine there may not be sufficient amounts
grained. Calabaza is an acceptable available to be returned to the
substitute for recipes calling for but- bones. Over time, this net loss can
ternut or hubbard squash. lead to osteopenia or osteoporosis.

calcium Other symptoms of calcium defi-

ciency include:
• Hypertension (high blood pres-
Medi-Sign Target sure)
Brain Function more than • Insomnia
• Premenstrual cramps
• Tetany

Calcium is the most abundant min-

Low calcium intakes have also been
eral in the human body. The teeth
linked to premature births and some
and bones contain 99% of the
forms of cancer including colon and
body’s calcium. The remaining 1%
breast cancer. People are also likely
is in the extracellular fluids and
to develop osteoporosis if they don’t
blood. Chloride, magnesium, potas-
get sunshine or if they drink soda
sium, sodium and sulfur join calci-
um as one of the six macrominerals
in the body. The macrominerals
Sources of Calcium: Almonds,
account for 4-5% of total body
apricots, asparagus, beans, brazil
weight, but approximately half of
nuts, broccoli, cabbage, chick peas,
this weight comes from calcium.
collards, cottage cheese, dandelion
greens, dark green leafy vegetables,

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 294

dulse, figs, filberts, kale, kelp, mus- nausea and vomiting. Some persons handling practices for preventing
tard greens, nutritional yeast, oats, who are infected with campylobac- campylobacter infections especially
prunes, raw cows milk, sesame ter do not have any symptoms at all. thorough cooking of all poultry and
seeds, soybeans, spinach, tofu, In persons with compromised other foods of animal origin and
turnip greens, watercress, whole immune systems, campylobacter common sense kitchen hygiene
wheat bread and yogurt. occasionally spreads to the blood- practices.
“I was eating a lot of dehydrated food – then I got caught in a rainstorm and gained 125 pounds!”

stream and causes a serious life-

CALORIES threatening infection. When outbreaks occur, community
education efforts can be directed at
How does food or water get con- proper food handling techniques. If
Medi-Sign Target taminated with Campylobacter? many cases occur at the same time,
This infection is common in the it may mean that many people were
developing world and travelers to exposed to a common contaminated
Energy, Power & Strength
foreign countries are also at risk for food item or water source which
becoming infected with campy- might still be available to infect
What Calories Do
lobacter. more people. Some data suggest
Enzymes break carbohydrates into
that campylobacter can spread
glucose and other sugars, the fats
through a chicken flock in their
into glycerol and fatty acids and the
drinking water. Providing clean
proteins into amino acids as our
water sources for the chickens might
bodies “burn in cold fusion” the
prevent campylobacter infections in
calories in food. These molecules
poultry flocks and thereby decrease
are then transported through the
the amount of contaminated meat
bloodstream to the cells where it is
reaching the market place. Some
decided whether they are for imme-
folks, though, actually find the inner
diate use or sent on to the final stage
strength to just stop eating dead
of metabolism in which they are
Surface water and mountain streams chickens and their guts.
reacted with oxygen to release their
can become contaminated with (See: Bacterial Infections)
stored energy.
infected feces from cows or wild

birds. Many chicken flocks are CANCER
silently infected with campylobac-
BACTER ter; that is, the chickens are infected
with the organism but show no signs
Medi-Sign Target
of illness. Campylobacter can be No Animals, Raw Food &
easily spread from bird to bird Sunshine
through a common water source or
Medi-Sign Target through contact with infect-
Foods high in fiber
ed feces. When an infected
are vital for protec-
Salt, Honey & Water
bird is slaughtered, campy-
tion from cancer of
lobacter can be transferred
the breast, colon,
What is campylobacteriosis? from the intestines to the
prostate, rectum,
Campylobacteriosis is an infectious meat. More than half of the
and uterus.
disease caused by bacteria of the chicken in the United States
genus Campylobacter. The illness market has campylobacter
Soya beans and fer-
typically lasts one week. Most peo- on it. Campylobacter is also
ments can protect
ple who become ill with campy- present in the giblets
you from cancer.
lobacteriosis get diarrhea, cramping, (organs), especially the liver.
This is particularly
abdominal pain and fever within 2
true in cases of
to 5 days after exposure to the What can be done to pre-
breast cancer due to
organism. The diarrhea may be vent the infection?
plant hormones
bloody and can be accompanied by There are some simple food-

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 295

called phytoestrogens. However, that a cancer cell is an aberration of CANE JUICE

wearing bras can help to cause accu- a naturally occurring cell.
mulated lymph toxins that cause Deficiencies of specific vitamins,
breast cancer. minerals and free-floating enzymes,
as well as stressors because of Medi-Sign Target

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge,
Pulses (beans, peas, etc) contain plaque, cause these cells to malfunc- Brain & Pancreas
insoluble and soluble fiber that pro- tion; thus, disabling their ability to
motes regular bowel movements, be protected by normal
which help remiss and lessen the bodily defenses.
risk of cancers of the colon and rec-
tum. Inherent in the opposing
belief systems, is the alter-
Cancer was thought to be a disease native sage’s deep seated-
that would be eradicated easily, confidence in the wisdom
hence the foundation of the of nature. This conviction
American Cancer Society. It was is that in the cosmic
founded in 1913, as a “temporary” scheme of things, nature
organization that would soon cease knows how to heal itself
to exist. Almost seven decades with clean air, sunshine,

but rather a lack of will.” -Lombardi

later, though, the Society is the rich- walking, non-toxic relation-
Available throughout the year, vapo-
est private charity in the world. ships and passion. Combining those
rated cane juice is a healthy alterna-
factors with nature’s fruits, vegeta-
tive to refined sugar. While both
Within the last few decades, an bles, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds
sweeteners are made from sugar
unorthodox school of thought has and ferments will cause, maintain
cane, evaporated cane juice doesn’t
emerged which considers cancer a and return a state of disease free
go through the same degree of pro-
preventable metabolic accumulation health and robust vitality.
cessing that refined sugar does.
of toxic plaque; remove
Unlike refined sugar, it keeps more
the plaque, remove the
of the nutrients found in sugar cane.
Daily, though, the medical
Evaporated cane juice is a good
establishment tries to sup-
alternative for cooking and can be
press the methodologies of
used just like sugar for sweetening
the unorthodox school of
foods and beverages. Some consid-
thought with warfare rag-
ered it to be more wholesome, thus
ing in the newspapers,
it is included as a sweetener in a
medical journals, doctors’
host of processed, natural foods. It
offices and in courts.
may also be known by a variety of
other names including crystallized
Beneath it all are different
cane juice, direct consumption
interpretations of the nature of can-
sugar, dried cane juice, milled cane
cer. Orthodox medicine assumes Orthodox medicine holds a stubborn
sugar and, in Europe, unrefined
there are many varying causes and belief in man-made chemicals which
treatments for cancer because each interrupt natural body functions and
type of cancer is biologically dis- try to kill the cancer cell. It does
You can find evaporated cane juice
tinctive and there are many types of this while destroying the body’s
in a variety of forms that vary in
cancer cells. ability to rid itself of the disease.
texture and flavor — yet all share
Medical treatments kill people, not
the characteristic of being darker in
In contrast, proponents of the meta- cancer.
color than white refined sugar.
bolic approach, who embrace vari- (See: Disease: The Mystery Solved)
ous internal change concepts, feel

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 296

DEMERAR than white sugar. Some people Canker sores, also known as mouth
Coarser grained, somewhat sticky attribute negative side effects such ulcers and aphthous ulcers, are little
crystals with a clear molasses flavor. as Attention Deficit Disorder white bulges that open into stinging,
(ADD), autoimmune conditions, red circles of pain and can be excru-
“I don’t believe in an afterlife, so I don’t have to spend my whole life fearing hell, or fearing heaven even more.

MILLED CANE headaches and poor concentration to ciatingly uncomfortable. They

Golden-colored, small-grained crys- using some of these products. Other appear on the inside of your cheeks
For whatever the tortures of hell, I think the boredom of heaven would be even worse.” -Isaac Asimov

tals with a subtle molasses flavor. artificial sweeteners have been or lips or the loose part of your
shown to increase the risk of illness- gums for a week or so.
MUSCOVADO es like cancer and neuro-degenera-
Very fine crystal sugar that has a tive diseases. Experts disagree on what causes
unique molasses flavor. them, but the culprits that turn up
It appears that you need to deny frequently in studies include food
Another alternative natural cane your need for sweets or choose allergies, immune dysfunction,
sugar is rapadura, or panela, which between the frying pan and the fire? nutritional deficiencies, stress and
has its traditional roots in Latin Luckily, there’s another choice. viral infections. In particular, being
American countries although not Specific sweeteners, like natural short on iron, vitamin B12, or folic
technically considered an evaporat- dried cane juice, are more natural acid may bring on canker sores.
ed cane juice. Rapadura undergoes and less refined than standard white (Don’t confuse them, though, with
even simpler processing than evapo- table sugar. The use of this sub- the somewhat similar-looking cold
rated cane juice with the sugar cane stance, in moderation, has not been sores, which are caused by the her-
being easily boiled to remove its associated with any negative side pes virus and populate the outside
water content. effects or dangerous medicinal con- part of your lips and the hard areas
ditions, so you don’t have to deny of your gums.)
Over the past few centuries, a move your need for something sweet and
toward “white gold,” or refined tasty. As long as you use it careful- This is how to stop stress from caus-
sugar, occurred, resulting in the ly, dried cane juice, along with ing canker sores and how to soothe
building of many sugar refineries. honey and pure maple syrup, is a any sore that you may already have.
Only relatively recently in the natural source of sweetener that can
United States has there been a be part of a healthy diet. Activated Charcoal
renewed interest in more natural and Stop Sores before They Start
less processed form of sugar cane, canker sores At the first sign of tingling, warmth
do in large part to an increased or other discomfort of a canker sore
focus on whole foods and nutrition. inside your mouth, put a tablet of
Medi-Sign Target activated charcoal on the effected
Health Benefits area. You should keep it on until
Every once in a while, people do Activated Charcoal the sensations go away, which
need something sweet. So what you should happen within about 15 to 20
do you choose? Hopefully, not the minutes. The charcoal works to
confections made with white, absorb the virus, which will stop the
refined sugar. Staying away from eruption. People love this remedy;
foods with white sugar makes sense literally, hundreds of people have
because studies have shown that used it successfully to prevent
challenging conditions like adult- canker sores. There is one draw-
onset diabetes and colon cancer are back, though. The charcoal turns
tied to this over-processed food the treated area black and may turn
product. your stools slightly black. There is
nothing toxic or dangerous occur-
What are your options — artificial ring; the charcoal just dyes your
sweeteners? stools. Fun?
OK, the truth is that artificial sweet-
eners are even worse for your health

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Reduce your stress by showing would quickly unveil a mystery: a was originally cultivated around
yourself some kindness; by doing cantaloupe is not really a can- 1700 from seeds brought from
something you love to do. This is a taloupe. Instead, muskmelons have Armenia, which is part of the home-
very important part of disease pre- been masquerading as cantaloupes land of melons.
vention, including the prevention of in the United States for many years.

“The worst bankrupt in life and in the world is the person who has lost his enthusiasm for being alive.”
canker sores. The North American cantaloupe, or
A cantaloupe, or rockmelon muskmelon, was thought to have
CANOLA OIL (Cucumis melo reticulatus), is the been brought by Columbus on his
North American name for a variety second voyage to the New World in
of muskmelon. In Europe, the dis- 1494. It was then crossed with the
Medi-Sign Target tinction is commonly made between French variety of cantaloupe by the
cantaloupes, which have green or W. Atlee Burpee Company.
Skin orange flesh with deep grooves and
a hard warty rind, and muskmelons. Taking its present shape, it was
The muskmelons that most introduced in 1881 as the “Netted
This oil originated in Canada and
Americans call “cantaloupes” have Gem” because of being a round
has become known as the Canadian
a distinctly netted or webbed rind. melon with firm, orange, moderately
oil or canola. Canola oil is second
sweet flesh. It also has a thin, retic-
only to flaxseed oil as the highest
In the first century CE, a Roman ulated and beige to light-brown rind.
vegetable source of the essential
naturalist and writer named Pliny The more uncommon varieties with
omega-3 fatty acids making it one
The Elder wrote about a plant called redder and yellower flesh exist, but
of the heart-healthy oils. Like flax
melopepo (meaning, apple – gourd). are not considered to be as flavorful
oil, it contains both omega-3 and
He describes a plant that grows on a as the more common orange variety.
omega-6 fatty acids but in a differ-
vine lying on the ground; it does not
ent ratio. Canola oil contains an
hang like the cucumber. He also The most widely cultivated variety
omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 2:1.
said that its fruit were spherical and of true cantaloupe is almost exclu-
Flax oil is 0.3:1. Canola oil is
yellowish, and he even notes that sive to France and is called the
reported to keep platelets from
the fruit detaches easily from the charentais. It looks different from
sticking together, lower serum
stem. These are all qualities that the North American variety because
triglyceride levels and reduce cho-
describe the cantaloupe. of its lightly ribbed, pale green skin.
lesterol levels. Because of the high
Pope Innocent XIII, who reigned
omega-3 content, heating canola oil
Origin from 1721 to 1724, is said to have
above 120°F may change some of
Cantaloupe was named after the enjoyed sipping a kind of port wine
the fatty acids into trans fats,
commune Cantalupo in Sabina. from the cavity of a half-melon at
though. This will raise total choles-
Sabina is located in the Sabine Hills the beginning of a meal as an apÎri-
terol and lower the levels of good
near Tivoli, Italy, a summer resi- tif.
dence of the Pope. It
The harvesting of can-
The rapeseeds are often sprayed
taloupes is done by
with pesticides so make sure to buy
hand beginning in
organic canola oil.
May although the
peak season is
CANTALOUPE June through
August. Nature
has created the
Medi-Sign Target perfect system
Breasts, Skin & Brain of determin-
ing when the
melons are
If CIA agents were to launch a just ripe for
Great Cantaloupe Investigation, they picking.

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When the sugar content reaches its ple, and introduced it into Scandi-
peak a buffer layer develops navia, where it remains popular to
between the stem and the melon this day.
forming a shield that prevents more
nutrients from entering the melon. Cardamom is an expensive spice,
Only those melons that separate eas- second only to saffron. Because of
ily from the vine with light pressure its expense, it is often adulterated.
“Thank goodness I was never sent to school; it would have rubbed off some of the originality.”

are considered mature. There are many inferior substitutes

from cardamom-related plants, like
Siam cardamom, Nepal cardamom,
Cantaloupes belong to the family Due to complex chemical reactions winged java cardamom and bastard
Cucurbitaceae, which also includes in the brain, eating carbohydrates cardamom. It is only Elettaria car-
nearly all melons and squashes. has a mild tranquilizing effect on damomum, though, that is the true
Like all melons, cantaloupes grow the body. They can be beneficial for cardamom. Indian cardamom is
best in sandy, well-aerated, well- people who suffer from seasonal known in two main varieties: Mal-
watered soil that is free of weeds. affective disorder and/or depression. abar cardamom and Mysore car-
damom. The Mysore variety is
Nutrition Glucose, which is the name for the more aromatic because it contains
Cantaloupe is the ideal summer kind of sugar that ends up in our higher levels of cineol and
fruit. Its cooling ability is not so blood, is a source of energy for the limonene.
surprising when we realize its brain.
weight is 95% water while the sugar Spice Description
content is only 5%. Galactose is another simple sugar, Cardamom comes from the seeds of
also a carbohydrate, which can be a ginger-like plant. The small,
Cantaloupe is a dieter’s delight! It’s converted to sugar in the liver. It is brown-black sticky seeds are con-
extremely low in calories, has zero a major component of the myelin tained in a pod in three double rows
fat and its flavor is positively sheaths that cover the axons of the with about six seeds in each row.
ambrosial. Cantaloupe really shines brain’s neurons. Carbohydrates are The pods are between 1/4”-3/4”
when it comes to vitamin A, iron, fuel for the brain. long. The larger variety is known as
potassium and calcium. Though it’s “black,” although they are brown,
hardly mentioned, cantaloupe also while the smaller variety is green.
provides vitamin B and folic acid. CARDAMOM White-bleached pods are also avail-
able. The pods are oval or oblate
CARBOHYDRATES Medi-Sign Target and roughly triangular in cross sec-
tion. Their dried surface is rough
and furrowed. The large “blacks”
Male/Female Sexual Desire
have deep wrinkles. The texture of
Medi-Sign Target & Intestinal Cleanser
Nature’s Carbohydrates the pod is of tough paper. Pods are
Feed the Brain (Elettaria cardamomum)
Cardamom is one of the world’s
ancient spices. It grows wild in the
Carbohydrates supply the body with forests of the Western Ghats in
energy it needs to function. They Southern India where it originated.
are found almost exclusively in It now also grows in Sri Lanka,
plant foods, like peas, beans, fruits Guatemala, Indo China and
and other vegetables. Fruits are one Tanzania. The ancient Egyptians
of the richest natural sources of sim- chewed cardamom seeds as a tooth
ple carbohydrates. Foods rich in cleaner, and the Greeks and Romans
complex carbohydrates include used it as a perfume. The Vikings
peas, beans, other vegetables and came upon cardamom about one
whole grains. thousand years ago, in Constantino-

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available whole or split and the Attributed Medicinal Properties What causes cardiac arrest?
seeds are sold loose or ground. To A stimulant and carminative, car- Coronary heart disease is the most
keep the cardamom flavorful, buy damom is not used in Western medi- common underlying reason for peo-
the whole pods instead of the cine for it own properties. Instead it ple to die suddenly from cardiac
ground variety. is used as a form a flavoring. It is arrest. Most cardiac arrests that
also mixed with other substances to lead to sudden death occur when the
Bouquet: Pungent, warm and aro- cause a synergetic relationship for electrical impulses in the diseased
matic. the basis of medicinal preparations heart become rapid, called ventricu-
for indigestion and flatulence. lar tachycardia, or chaotic, called
Flavor: Warm and eucalyptine with Featured regularly in Arabian ventricular fibrillation, or both.
camphorous and lemony undertones. Nights, the Arabs attributed aphro- This irregular heart rhythm, called
Black cardamom is blunter because disiac qualities to it. The ancient arrhythmia, causes the heart to sud-
the eucalyptus and camphor sugges- Indians regarded it as a cure for denly stop beating. Some cardiac
tions are very pronounced. obesity. It has been used as a diges- arrests are due to extreme slowing
tive since ancient times. A medici- of the heart called bradycardia.
Culinary Uses nal, or perhaps aphrodisiac, cordial Other factors besides heart disease
The pods can be used whole or split can be made by macerating seeds in and heart attack that can cause car-
when cooked in Indian substantial hot water. diac arrest are choking, drowning,
meals such as pulses. Otherwise, electrocution, respiratory arrest and
the seeds can be bruised and fried cardiac trauma. Cardiac arrest can also

“Impatience is a form of control.”

before adding main ingredients to occur without any known cause. To
the pan. They can also be pounded arrest prevent sudden cardiac death,
with other spices as required. Keep underlying problems like coronary
the pods whole until use. The pod artery disease, diabetes, elevated
itself is neutral in flavor and not Medi-Sign Target cholesterol, high blood pressure and
generally used. It can, though, Strong Coughing & Water smoking need treated.
impart an unpleasant bitter flavor
when left in dishes. Heart experts including
the American Heart
Cardamom is used mainly in the Association (AHA) have
Near and Far East. Its most com- now recommended
mon Western manifestation is in omega-3 in the prevention
Dutch “windmill” biscuits, of heart attack, stroke and
Scandinavian-style cakes and pas- sudden cardiac death. The
tries and in akvavit. It is in curries, decreased mortality asso-
is essential in pilaus (rice dishes) ciated with foods may be
and gives character to pulse dishes. in part due to a reduction
Cardamom is often included in by omega-3 fatty acids of
Indian sweet dishes and drinks. At fatal arrhythmias leading
least partially because of its high to cardiac arrest.
price, it is seen as a “festive” spice.
Other uses of cardamom are in pick- If you or someone you
les, in punches and mulled wines. Cardiac arrest is the sudden, abrupt know is suddenly having a heart
Cardamom flavors custards and loss of heart function with a victim attack, have them cough repeatedly,
some Russian liqueurs. Cardamom, that may or may not have a diag- loudly and strongly, in order to save
like nuts, is chewed habitually nosed heart disease. It’s also called them. Have them then drink 1/2
where freely available, as in the sudden cardiac arrest or unexpected gallon of water immediately as they
East Indies and in the Indian masti- cardiac arrest. Sudden death, also are able to. It works.
catory betel pan. It is a flavoring called sudden cardiac death, occurs
for Arab and Turkish coffee, which within minutes after symptoms
are served with an elaborate ritual. appear.

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 300

CAROB median nerve and tendons. Carpal A person with carpal tunnel syn-
tunnel syndrome occurs when the drome may wake up feeling the
median nerve, which runs from the need to “shake out” their hand or
forearm into the hand, becomes wrist. Some people are unable to
Medi-Sign Target
Parastaltic Action & Soothes pressed or squeezed at the wrist. tell the difference in touch between
“Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.”

Emotions The median nerve controls sensa- hot and cold.

tions to the palm side of the thumb
and fingers, except for the little fin- As symptoms worsen, people might
Carob is also called locust, or St
ger. It also controls impulses to feel tingling in their wrists during
John’s, because he ate locust pods,
some small muscles in the hand that the day. Decreased grip strength
bread and honey.
allow the fingers and thumb to may make it difficult to form a fist,
move. The median nerve can be grasp small objects or perform other
Carob is a whole food. Carob has
compressed when thickening from manual tasks. The muscles at the
excellent nutritional value as well as
irritated tendons or other swelling base of the thumb may waste away
health benefits obtained by substi-
narrows the tunnel. The result may in chronic or untreated cases.
tuting carob for cocoa and synthetic
be pain, weakness or numbness in Carpal tunnel syndrome is often the
sweeteners in our diet. Along with
the hand and wrist that radiates up result of a combination of factors
up to 80% protein, it contains bari-
the arm. Carpal tunnel syndrome is that increase pressure on the median
um, calcium, copper, iron, magne-
the most commonly and widely nerve and tendons in the carpal tun-
sium, nickel phosphorus, potassium
known of the entrapment neu- nel, rather than a problem with the
manganese, and the vitamins A, B,
ropathies in which the body’s nerve itself. In some cases, no caus-
B2, B3 and D. It can also be used
peripheral nerves are compressed or es can be identified although many
medicinally for the treatment of
traumatized, although painful sensa- times the disorder is due to a con-
coughs and diarrhea.
tions may indicate other conditions genital predisposition. In other
words, the carpal tunnel is
Carob is rich in tannins that have an
simply smaller in some people
astringent or binding effect on the
than it is in others. Other con-
mucous membranes of the intestinal
tributing factors include trau-
tract, which is good for treating
ma or injury to the wrist that
diarrhea. A double blind clinical
causes swelling. These fac-
trial suggested it may be particularly
tors can include: development
useful for young children and
of a cyst or tumor, fluid reten-
infants with diarrhea. Some health-
tion during pregnancy or
care professionals recommend carob
menopause, hypothyroidism,
powder mixed with applesauce, for
mechanical problems in the
flavor, when given to children.
wrist joint, overactivity of the
Carob can also be used for treating
pituitary gland, repeated use
adult diarrhea.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel usually of vibrating hand tools, rheumatoid
start gradually. Frequent burning, arthritis, a sprain or fracture and
CARPEL TUNNEL tingling, itching or numbness in the work stress.
SYNDROME palm of the hand and the fingers
may occur. This is especially true in Begin doing gentle hand exercises
the thumb, the index and middle fin- when the tingling begins.
Medi-Sign Target gers. Some carpal tunnel sufferers
say their fingers feel useless and One exercise is a simple circle exer-
Hot Water Salt Soaks & Ice swollen, even though little or no cise of rotating the wrist that
swelling is apparent. Since many requires you to move your hands
people sleep with flexed wrists, the around in gentle circles for about
The carpal tunnel, a narrow, rigid
carpal tunnel symptoms often first two minutes. This will exercise all
passageway of ligament and bones
appear during the night. the muscles of the wrist. It also
at the base of the hand, houses the
restores circulation and gets your

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 301

es, such as the ones described, gling feeling. To do this, press your
should be done at least four times a fingers into your palm, then stretch
day. them way back and hold. Repeat.
Knumb Me
THE STRAIGHT FACTS ON If you begin waking from sleep
10 Garlic cloves (crushed) STAYING PAIN-FREE because of pain in your hands, try
3 Hot peppers (crushed) the same exercises that you do dur-
1 tsp Clove Oil Then, when working… ing the day. Tingling or pain might
2 cups Olive Oil Keep your hands and wrists as also be an indication that a night
Mix the crushed garlic and
straight as possible since carpal tun- splint might help.
nel results when pressure is con-

“We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.”
crushed hot peppers with the clove
oil. Let this mixture soak in the stantly applied to the median nerve Try a splint for relief. Use a wrist
olive oil for at least 7 days before when the wrist is flexed up or down. splint that keeps your wrist straight
you use it. Then massaged into If the wrist is repeatedly flexed and to relieve symptoms of carpal tun-
the wrist, this can alleviate pain
as well as help to break apart
extended, the pressure is increased. nel syndrome. Theses splints help
and remove arthritic plaque. Not bending your wrists when you take pressure off the nerve. Buying
are typing or driving, for example, a wrist splint is not as easy as buy-
may seem unnatural, but over time ing a glove, though. A splint that
and with practice the awkward feel- gives support without being com-
ing will subside. pletely rigid is one with a metal
insert and Velcro fasteners. The
On the other hand…It Could Be splints made from plastic usually are
wrist out of the bent position that Arthritis hard and are also hot and sticky.
normally brings on the symptoms of Wrist and hand pain is not always Whatever kind of splint you choose,
carpal tunnel syndrome. the result of carpal tunnel syndrome it should fit into the palm of your
and could actually be the sign of hand while leaving the thumb and
After you finish with the first exer- arthritis. If a crackly or crunchy fingers free.
cise, take your hands off the key- feeling happens in your wrist when
board and put them into the air. you exercise, it may not be a sign of Use the right grip. If you have to
Raise your arms above your head carpal tunnel syndrome; it may carry anything with a handle for
and rotate your arms, while rotating instead be a symptom of congealed long periods, be sure the grip is not
your wrists at the same time. This calcified plaque. too small or too large, but fits your
helps to put your shoulder, neck and hand. If the grip is too small, build
upper back into a better position. It Put the pain on ice. Cold packs it up with tape or rubberized tubing.
also helps to relieve the stress and will work to bring the swelling If the grip is too large, get another
tension. Another exercise is to rest down. handle.
your hands on a desk or a table, and
rotate your head for about two min- CARROT

Make sure to bend your neck back-

Medi-Sign Target
ward and forward, and then tip your Eye Function, Occular
head to either side. Also do some Chiasma & Visual Cortex
neck turns, looking over your right
shoulder, then your left shoulder. It CARROT’S CURE CRAZY
is important to make exercise as CREEPY CRAWLIES!!
routine as eating. To exercise every
day and relax all the muscles in the Dissolves accumulations such as
body that are giving you problems is Put the squeeze on your pain.
stones and tumors; diuretic; elimi-
essential. This is even true when Doing squeezing motions with the
nates putrefactive bacteria in the
you’re not in pain. Motion exercis- fingers will help to relieve the tin-

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 302

also been used as a poultice over Travel sickness can occur in about
cancerous growths to reduce any mode of travel like cars, planes,
inflammation, odor boats, buses, cruise ships or by ani-
and remission. mal.

What causes travel sickness?

intestines that
Travel sickness, in any form, is usu-
cause poor assimilation; improves
ally caused by the brain confusing
liver functions; stimulates the elimi-
Eating received messages. Even though
nation of wastes treats indigestion
cooked carrots are ben- our eyes see very little motion, the

including excess stomach acid and

eficial when the discomfort is diar- inner ear detects the vehicle’s move-
heartburn; strengthens the spleen-
rhea. When cooked and pureed or ment. The brain then receives two
pancreas; used for diarrhea and
as a soup, they can benefit infants types of conflicting messages, from
chronic dysentery; contains an
with weak digestion. the eyes and the equilibrium (inner
“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”

essential oil that destroys pinworms

ear). This confuses the brain, and it
and roundworms!
Carrots contain alpha-carotene, sends conflicting messages to other
beta-carotene, gamma-carotene, organs. This, in turn, causes you to
Carrots are alkaline-forming. They
lutein, lycopene, xanthophylls and feel uncontrollably ill.
also clear acidic blood conditions
zeaxanthin. They are all nutritional
including acne, tonsillitis and
marvels, but beta-carotene has
rheumatism. They are one of the
stolen the spotlight with its numer-
richest sources of beta-carotene,
ous cancer preventing properties.
which protects against cancer as
Carotenes in general possess life
well as treats night blindness, ear
extension properties that protect us
infections, earaches and deafness.
from the toxic effects of free radi-
Carrots ease coughs including
whooping cough. They heal burns
Carrots are best known for helping
when the juice is applied directly.
our eyes. Beta-carotene, lutein, and
They help ripen measles and chick-
zeaxanthin all concentrate in the
en pox for early recovery. Carrots
retina of the eye.
are useful for skin lesions and lung,
digestive tract and urinary tract
Juice Em’2 Symptoms may include:
infections. Carrots increase the
Have a 24 carrot cocktail today • Depression
milk supply of nursing mothers and
(and everyday)! • Drowsiness and weakness
help regulate all hormones. They
• General feeling of discomfort
strengthen the connective tissues
and aid calcium metabolism. Their carsick/ • Headache
• Nausea and vomiting
silicaceous fiber and ability to lique-
fy the bile make them useful in
travel • Sweating, excessive salivation,
treating constipation. sickness pale skin

When children eat carrot sticks on a

What signs should I look out for?
daily basis, it helps strengthen their Medi-Sign Target
• Dry and funny tasting mouth
teeth. In some cases, they reduce Look out the Window • Feeling removed and confused
overcrowding of the teeth by
• Headaches
encouraging the development of the
• Unexplainable quietness
lower jaw. Travel Sickness (Motion Sickness)
Travel sickness, or motion sickness, These feelings are followed by
Eating grated carrots are best for is an unpleasant experience whether uncontrollable rushes of vomiting
parasites and dysentery. They have you travel for business or pleasure. and an overall sick feeling.

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 303

The best way to treat travel sickness • For toddlers in car-seats, posi- dizzy. Also, pay attention if she
is to actually prevent the symptoms tion the seat so that the child can see loses her appetite, or appears pale or
from occurring in the first place. outside. sweaty.

• Apply cool packs of ice to the 1. Avoid Rear Seats CASHEW

eyes and neck. • Many families now have mini-
vans. Kids seem to feel the van’s
• Avoid reading. motion more in the rear seat. Medi-Sign Target
Fetus Development, Bones &
• Avoid spicy or greasy food. • Facing backward is to be avoid-

“To different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.”

ed too. Some station wagons have
• Look forward, or out a window, back-facing seats in the rear.
keeping the eyes fixed on the hori-
zon. 2. Fresh Air
• A child on the verge of queasi-
• Peppermint oil works wonders. ness may feel better if the window
is open.
• When traveling by car, sit in the
front seat rather than in the back • Also, no one should be smoking
seat. in a vehicle with kids inside!
The delicately flavored cashew nut
• When traveling by plane, request • Avoid strong-smelling foods or
makes wonderful nut butter. It is a
seats in the most stable part of the snacks.
wonderful addition to stir-fry dishes
airplane, which is over the wing.
and salads.
3. Settle the Stomach
• A child with queasiness may feel
Actually, cashew nuts are kidney-
better if he munches on a dry crack-
shaped seeds that adhere to the bot-
tom of the cashew apple. These
apples can look like a developing
• An empty stomach is not best for
fetus and are the fruit of the cashew
avoiding motion sickness.
tree, which is native to the coastal
areas of northeastern Brazil.
• Avoid greasy and hard-to-digest
Cashew apples are not highly appre-
ciated in the United States, but they
are seen as great delicacies in
4. Smoother Driving

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Brazil, the Caribbean, India and
Help for kidz • The less braking and swaying
South Africa.
• Bring along books or songs on the better.
cassettes or CD’s; your child can lis-
To be fit for eating, cashews are
ten while looking out the window. • A suspension system in poor
always sold shelled because the
shape can make things worse.
interior of the shells contains a caus-
• Encourage your child to focus
tic resin. Known as cashew balm, it
on a distant point outside the car. 5. Make FREQUENT STOPS!
must be carefully removed. This
• Plan enough time on your trip to
caustic resin is used in industry to
• Limit activities such as reading stop and let your child(ren) get out
make varnishes and insecticides.
or playing hand-held video games, of the car.
where the eyes stay focused within
Health Benefits
the car. 6. Watch for Early Signs of
• Bone up and relax with cashew
Motion Sickness
• Play car games like “I Spy” that • Make sure to listen to whether
• Copper for energy production,
get the child to look outside. your child says he’s feeling sick or

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 304

bones and blood vessels lence. It is soothing to the nervous CAULIFLOWER

• Heart-protective monounsaturat- system and calming to the stomach.
“Research has shown that boredom with school is closely related to frustration and that the effect of too much frustration

ed fats In diluted form, it is sometimes used

• Help prevent gallstones as an enema to cleanse and heal the
Medi-Sign Target
lower bowel.
Brain Function, Bones &
Catnip is harvested when essential
oil production reaches its peak and
• Banishes Bruises
is invariably, withdrawal, rebellious opposition or aggressive rejection of the whole show.”

Medi-Sign Target leaves and fragrant flowers are care-

• Guards against Heart Disease
fully air-dried to preserve the essen-
• Keeps you Healthy
Raw Goat and Cow Milk &
tial oils at their best. Felines are
All Fermented Foods • Protects from Breast Cancer
attracted to this aroma causing a
• Protects from Prostate Cancer
harmless “high.” Although many
A cataract is a condition in which • Strengthens Bones
cats will eat catnip, scientists say
the lens of the eye becomes milky
they’re reacting to the smell rather
or dark with plaque and reduces or “Cauliflower,” Mark Twain once
than the taste. Felines may bite,
shuts off vision. said, “is nothing but cabbage with a
chew, rub against and roll in catnip
college education.” He’s right in
to release the volatile oil trapped
Foods that help prevent cataracts many ways. Along with other cru-
within the leaves.
are: ciferous vegetables like Brussels
Foods that are rich in sprouts, broccoli and kale, cauli-
About 80% of adult cats,
vitamin C; apricots, flower and cabbage both add a pow-
including lions, pumas
black currants, erful nutritional punch to your diet.
and leopards, react to
cabbage, cher- But while the humble cabbage has
this plant! It is irre-
ries, chives, fed the masses for centuries, many
sistible, intoxicating
grapefruit, green people may view cauliflower as a
and an analgesic sop-
peppers, guavas, more elegant vegetable.
orific. The tendency
oranges, parsley,
to like or ignore catnip
persimmons, rose Cauliflower has unique colors and a
is inherited, and it’s true
hips, spinach, neat appearance causing it to stand
that some cats are
strawberries, water- out from other plain vegetables in
immune to its influence.
cress, etc. Other foods the supermarket produce section.
are also beneficial such as; There are different kinds of cauli-
Catnip, Nepeta cataria, is a mint
cheeses, corn oil, cottage cheese, flower like your typical cauliflower
family member said to be an import
eggs, human milk, raw cow’s milk with its fancy cream-colored florets.
that went wild and now flourishes
and sunflower seeds. Then you have the hard-to-
everywhere. Catnip grows
find types like the vio-
to be about 2’ tall.
CATNIP The leaves are
let-colored variety
that turns green
downy above and
when cooked and
below and are a
Medi-Sign Target the kind that
little larger than
grows the
Prevents Premature Birth &
shade of broc-
leaves. By the
coli. Perhaps
Soothes Anxiety Disorders
1890’s, Ojibwe
the most exotic
Catnip, taken as a hot infusion, women were
cauliflower is
helps to prevent miscarriages and drinking catnip,
the Romanesca.
premature births while calming or its native name
It’s lime-green
morning sickness. It promotes Gajugensibug, as a
stalks that spiral
sweating and is beneficial for colds, pleasant tasting, effec-
upward into points, like
flu’s, fevers infectious childhood tive tea to bring down fevers.
the spires of a castle.
diseases, colic, diarrhea and flatu-

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 305

Remember though, not only is cauli- person as of 2005. How can I avoid CELERY
flower an interesting addition to cavities? Regular brushing of the

“Everywhere I go I’m asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don’t stifle enough of them.
your plate, it is loaded with vitamin teeth, at least twice a day for two to
C, folate, vitamin K and fiber; all four minutes per time, and flossing Medi-Sign Target
nutrients that can protect you from can significantly reduce the chances
osteoporosis, bruises and heart dis- of tooth decay. Brushing removes Bones
ease. Just like the other cruciferous bacteria as well as the food debris

There’s many a best-seller that could have been prevented by a good teacher.” -Flannery O’Conner
vegetables, cauliflower stands up to that bacteria thrive on. What else
cancer. In over 21 studies, cauli- can I do to prevent cavities? Wash
flower’s pack of nutrients seemed to off food particles that remain on the
protect your lungs, stomach and teeth by following each meal
colon from cancer. or snack with water.
Eating cheese can help
CAVITIES to prevent tooth decay
researchers say. They
aren’t certain why this
works, but it may be
Medi-Sign Target
Celery…celer ah’…celery…
that cheese contains com-
Sing it Bob!
Brush with Salt &
Bicarbonate of Soda pounds that neutralize acids in the
mouth before they do damage.
Along with carrots, onion and pota-
Other foods like peanut butter coun-
Cavities form from having food par- toes, celery has become a common
teract the acids in the mouth that
ticles left in the mouth and on the household staple. With a crunchy
wear down the tooth enamel. Be
surface of your teeth. The bacteria texture and distinctive flavor it is a
careful, though, to buy plain, all-
in your mouth devour the food and a popular addition to salads and many
natural peanut butter without added
by-product of their feast is acid, cooked dishes.
sugar of any kind. In other words
which can eat a hole, or cavity, in
make sure it’s made from peanuts,
the tooth’s enamel. Left untreated, Celery can grow to a height of 12 to
unlike Skippy which is flavored
the cavity can cause considerable 16 inches and is comprised of leaf-
Crisco shortening.
pain. It can also destroy the dentin, topped stalks arranged in a conical
pulp and the tooth’s nerve. shape that unite at a common base.
Other tooth-saving foods include:
It belongs to the Umbelliferae fami-
What foods cause cavities? C Eggs ly, of which members include car-
Although many kinds of food can
cause cavities, foods high in
C Nuts and seeds rots, fennel, parsley and dill. Celery
is primarily associated with its
processed sugar, starch and simple C Olives and dill pickles prized stalks, the leaves, roots and
carbohydrates are particularly prob-
lematic because they provide the
C Raw milk, plain yogurt and seeds, but can also be used as a food
and seasoning as well as a natural
aged cheese’s
bacteria with a high-energy source. medicinal remedy.
If you need fillings from a dentist,
Diet, including consumption of poor Health Benefits
get ceramic, not metal.
food choices, plays a major role in Since celery contains coumarins and
tooth decay. For example, pthalides, it can helps in cancer pre-
according to the Department vention and help to lower choles-
of Nutrition and Food Studies, terol and blood pressure. Celery
soda consumption has also contains vitamin C and hun-
increased from 22.2 gallons of dreds of other active compounds
cola per person per year in that enhance health.
1970 to more than 53 gallons
per person per year in 2000. Pthalides
It then went to 62 gallons per Recently, scientists have discovered

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 306

how celery reduces blood pressure, Celiac disease is considered an • Failure to thrive in infants
a quality recognized by practitioners autoimmune disorder because the • Fatigue
of Chinese medicine for many body’s own immune system causes • Gas
years. the damage. It is also classified as a • Missed menstrual periods (often
disease of malabsorption because because of excessive weight loss)
-Albert Einstein

Pthalides serve to relax the muscles nutrients are not absorbed. • Muscle cramps
of the arteries that regulate blood • Pain in the joints
pressure. This allows these vessels Celiac disease is a genetic disease, • Painful skin rash, called dermati-
to dilate. Pthalides also reduce meaning that it runs in families. tis herpetiformis
stress hormones, one of whose Sometimes the disease is triggered, • Pale, foul-smelling stool
effects is to cause blood vessels to or becomes active for the first time, • Pale sores inside the mouth,
“Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another. It is the only means.”

constrict. When researchers injected after surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, called aphthus ulcers
3-n-butyl pthalide derived from cel- viral infection or severe emotional • Recurring abdominal bloating
ery, the blood pressure dropped 12 stress. and pain
to 14 percent. To obtain an equiva- • Seizures
lent dose orally would be to eat What are the symptoms? • Tingling numbness in the legs
about four stalks of celery. Celiac disease affects people differ- (from nerve damage)
ently as some people develop symp- • Tooth discoloration or loss of
• Cancer Prevention toms as children, others as adults. enamel
• Cholesterol-lowering Benefits One factor thought to play a role in • Unexplained anemia (low count
• Diuretic Activity when and how celiac appears is of red blood cells)
whether and how long a person was • Weight loss
celiac breast-fed; the longer one was
breast-fed, the later symptoms of Not everyone with celiac disease
disease celiac disease appear and the more shows symptoms because the
atypical the symptoms. Other fac- undamaged part of their small intes-
Medi-Sign Target tors include the amount of gluten tine is able to absorb enough nutri-
eaten and the age at which one ents to prevent any symptoms.
began eating foods containing However, people without symptoms
Mother’s Milk & All
gluten. are still at risk for the complications
Fermented Foods
of celiac disease.
Celiac disease, also known as celiac Symptoms may or may not occur in
sprue, nontropical sprue and gluten- the digestive system. For example, The Ingestion of Wheat
sensitive enteropathy, is a disease one person might have diarrhea and The “Celiac Affliction” was first
concerning the digestive system in abdominal pain, while another per- reported by Gee in 1888, however it
that it damages the small intestine son has irritability or depression. In was not until 1950 that wheat was
and interferes with absorption of fact, irritability is one of the most proposed to be the cause of celiac
nutrients from food. The protein common symptoms in children. disease. During World War II when
gluten, found in wheat, rye and bar- Other symptoms are especially con- wheat grains were scarce in Hol-
ley, cannot be tolerated by people cerning for children because
with celiac disease. When people they need the nutrients to
with celiac disease eat foods con- develop properly.
taining gluten, their immune system
responds by damaging or losing the Symptoms of celiac disease
villi, tiny finger-like protrusions, on may include one or more of
the lining of the small intestine. the following:
Nutrients from food are absorbed
into the bloodstream through these • Behavior changes
villi. Without villi, a person • Bone pain
becomes malnourished regardless of • Chronic diarrhea
the quantity of food eaten. • Delayed growth

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 307

land, a Dutch physician named nosed and treated before their cheese. Also plenty of veggies,
Dicke observed that children with growth stops may have a catch-up nuts, seeds and fruits are beneficial.
celiac disease improved on a wheat- period. Slowly reintroduce grains into the
poor diet. Since then the offending diet starting with a mix of flax and
substance has been named as gluten, • Seizures, or convulsions, result oats, then tiny amounts of others
the large water-insoluble protein. from inadequate absorption of folic until the body is fine with them.
Extraction of gluten with alcohol acid. Lack of folic acid causes cal- This works if one is consistent and
has further narrowed activity to cium deposits, called calcifications, patient.

“A fool’s brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry.
smaller proline-rich proteins called to form in the brain, which in turn
gliadins, which are capable of pre- cause seizures. There is nothing wrong with the list-
cipitating disease in previously ed foods that people with celiac dis-
asymptomatic celiacs. Other grains • Avoiding all foods with wheat, ease have to avoid. They are all
like barley, oats and rye have this barley, rye or oats. Oats may later powerful healthful foods for people
protein and therefore these grains be gradually reintroduced into the without the disease. So, the prob-
are also capable of exacerbating diet. lem is not the food; the problem is
celiac disease. The specific peptide in the individual.

Hence university education.” -George Bernard Shaw

sequence of the gliadins responsible • Not drinking beer, even nonalco-
for triggering intestinal inflamma- holic versions. cerebral
tion has not yet been identified.
What can be done? aneurysm
What are the complications of celi- • Eating meals that include rice,
ac disease? corn and buckwheat. Medi-Sign Target
A person with celiac disease is
at risk for several diseases and
Grapefruit & the White
health problems because of Pulp Pectins from the
damage to the small intestine Peeling...just eat it!
and the resulting problems with
nutrient absorption. Causes, incidence, and risk factors
An aneurysm is an artery that has
• Lymphoma and adenocarci- ballooned out, and the process,
noma are types of cancer that which could take years, dilates and
can develop in the intestine. renders the wall of the artery thin
and fragile making it susceptible to
• Osteoporosis is a condition leaks and rupture. Aneurysms in the
from poor calcium absorption in brain occur when there is a weak-
which the bones become weak, ened area in the wall of a blood ves-
brittle and prone to breaking. sel. This is typically caused by
plaque build up. The blood pressure
•Miscarriage and congenital inside the artery exerts a tremendous
malformation of the baby, such dynamic force against the arterial
as neural tube defects, are risks wall, like water in a dam, and any
for untreated pregnant women leak rapidly leads to a rupture, caus-
with celiac disease because of ing massive and often fatal hemor-
malabsorption of nutrients. rhage.

• During the years when nutrition The number one solution for celiac A saccular aneurysm, or berry
is critical to a child’s normal growth disease is a changed diet. aneurysm, is usually small in size.
and development, short stature may This diet should consist of tons of More common in adults, the
results when childhood celiac dis- fermented foods that are not wheat aneurysm resembles a sack of blood
ease prevents nutrient absorption. based especially homemade yogurt, attached to one side of the blood
However, children who are diag- kefirs, sour cream and cottage vessel by a narrow neck. Multiple

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 308

berry aneurysms are not unusual. or ischemic, meaning poor blood to the brain. Perhaps due to an
They most happen in the large arter- supply to the arterial wall. It can embolus, or blood clot, that origi-
ies at the base of the brain although then be aggravated over time by fac- nates from a diseased carotid artery
they can occur in any part of the tors like untreated or uncontrolled that has formed arteriosclerotic
“The sound heard when people crack their knuckles is actually the sound of nitrogen gas bubbles bursting.”

brain. Berry aneurysm is also asso- hypertension, high blood pressure, plaques. A blood clot or a piece of
ciated with polycystic kidney dis- lifting weights or heavy objects, or this plaque in the carotid artery
ease and coarctation of the aorta. viscous plaque. could travel to, and block, the cere-
Rarely, berry aneurysm can run in bral artery, resulting in stroke.
families. Aneurysm not only involve the (See: Aneurysm)
brain but frequently involve
the abdominal aorta, largest cerebral
artery in the belly, the tho-
racic aorta, largest artery in palsy
the chest as it takes off from
the heart, femoral artery,
groin or popliteal artery, back
Medi-Sign Target
of the knee. Actually Coconut Oil, Olive Oil,
aneurysm can develop in Nuts & Seeds
practically any artery in the
The word “cerebral” means per-
Is an aneurysm dangerous? taining to the brain, while “palsy”
Yes, it is dangerous if it refers to uncontrolled muscle move-
grows large enough, which is ment or weakness or paralysis; thus
Other types of cerebral aneurysm two times or more than its normal the term “cerebral palsy” actually
may involve widening, or dilatation, diameter. The other common dan- refers to a number of conditions in
of the entire circumference of the ger of an aneurysm is thrombus, or which the brain controls the muscles
blood vessel in an area. Or they blood clot formation within the of the body. The reasons of cerebral
may appear as a ballooning out of dilated, ballooned out, artery. A palsy are varied and can affect each
part of a blood vessel. These types piece of this clot could tear off and person differently, meaning the need
of aneurysms can occur in any part travel to an extremity like an arm, of each person affected with cere-
of the brain with plaque being the hand, leg or foot, or to vital organs, bral palsy differs.
major cause. Complications from like the brain, lungs, or kidney.
the aneurysm cause symptoms to Cerebral palsy is not hereditary. A
appear. The most frequent type of Is stroke due to ruptured baby can have cerebral palsy if the
bleeding, or subarachnoid hemor- aneurysm? mother is affected with
rhage, is the most common compli- A ruptured cerebral infectious disease like
cation. Weakness, numbness, or artery aneurysm rubella, there is lack of
other loss of nerve function, or neu- could definitely oxygen at the time of
rological deficits, may occur result in stroke birth or if the brain is
because of pressure from the when it breaks injured at a very early
aneurysm on adjacent brain tissue. open. The more age.
They may also occur because of common cause is (See: Disease: The
reduced blood flow caused by a cerebral ischemia, Mystery Solved)
spasm of other blood vessels near a or lack of blood,
ruptured aneurysm. due to blockage of Based on the types of
plaque, or harden- disorder faced by the
What causes an aneurysm? ing of the artery, in affected person, cere-
Aneurysm results from an inherent the carotid artery. bral palsy can be
weakness of the wall of the artery. This artery normal- grouped under three
This could be genetic, degenerative ly supplies blood main headings:

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 309

Spasticity • Problems of movement in Cere- cervical

Affected Area; Motor Cortex bral Palsy cases vary from very
Muscle Tone; High slight to very severe. cancer
Muscle Type; Tight/Stiff
Movements; Rigid; Scissoring of Together with movement prob- Medi-Sign Target
hands and legs lems, children with Cerebral Palsy
may have one or more of the fol-
Go Raw Food Vegetarian,
Atheosis lowing problems:
Nuts, Ferments & Vaginal
Affected Area; Basal Ganglia 1. Epilepsy Yogurt Infusions Nightly
Muscle Tone; Fluctuating 2. Hearing Defects
Muscle Type; Jerky Movements 3. Mental Retardation
Movements; Slow, writhing move- 4. Visual Defects
Ataxia • Difficulties during birth of the

“The man who commissioned the Mona Lisa refused it.”

Affected Area; Cerebellum baby.
Muscle Tone; Low • Illness or infection during
Muscle Type; Shaky at distal ends pregnancy.
Movements; Lack of co-ordination • Infections like encephalitis of
and balance meningitis affecting the child.
• Injury to the child’s brain.
Cerebral Palsy can also be classified Who gets it and what are its caus-
according to the parts of the body Help: es?
that are affected: • A child with cerebral palsy is Cervical cancer is the second most
Monoplegia – One limb is affected. never too young to help – THE common cancer among women with
YOUNGER THE BETTER. over 400,000 new cases diagnosed
Diplegia – The legs are more affect- each year. It’s a real moneymaker,
ed than the hand. • CORRECT physiotherapy helps kind of like appendix and tonsil
to minimize the physical problem. operations used to be.
Triplegia – Any three limbs are
affected. • Special education gives the child A possible cause of cervical prob-
confidence and develops his skills to lems comes from engaging in sexual
Quadriplegia – Whole body is be more independent. activity at a young age. The cells
affected. There may also be signifi- lining the cervix do not fully mature
cant impairment of facial muscles • Even if no immediate help is until the age of 18 and, therefore,
which are used in feeding and in available, treat your cerebral palsied are more susceptible to cancer caus-
speaking. child as normally as possible. ing-agents and viruses, especially
from males who lack genital
Hemiplegia – One side of the body Foods: Walnuts, pecans, all hygiene. The natural secretion that
is affected. legumes, sunflower seeds, pista- moistens and protects the glands of
chios, all nut butters, avocados, lots the penis is called penis smegma.
Double Hemiplegia – Whole body of coconut and coconut oil as a When the penis is not washed regu-
is affected and the hands are more body rub and to eat. larly, smegma develops viruses and
affected than the legs. Feeding and bacteria. During intercourse, they
speech problems are also seen in can be deposited onto the cervix
most children. where the moist environment gives
them a home for propagation.
• The main problem is always one More than 90% of women with can-
of movements. cer of the cervix are infected with
the human papilloma virus (HPV),

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 310

which is the single most important The way to prevent cervical cancers Raw Foods & Cervical Cancer
factor for cervical cancer. HPV usu- is to avoid the risk factors. When In nutritional value, raw food like
“Polar bear fur is not white. Their hair shafts are hollow and transparent, but reflect light making them appear white.”

ally causes warts in the genital area. engaging in sexual activity use uncooked fruits, vegetables, seeds,
Having unprotected sex allows the appropriate precautions to avoid etc., are superior to cooked foods.
virus to be passed from one person HPV infections. For more protec- All forms of cooking reduce some
to another. Having multiple sexual tion, a saline warm water douche of the nutritional qualities of any
partners increases one’s risk of get- after sex or just two to three times a food. Many vitamins such as vita-
ting this cancer. This is because the week provides huge protection. min C, vitamin B and vitamin E are
greater number of sexual partners a destroyed when food is cooked.
person has means a greater risk of Stop Smoking Cooking also destroys vital enzymes
acquiring HPV infection. Even if a Smoking is a known risk factor for and essential fatty acids become
woman has only one sexual partner, many cancers. Smoking exposes unstable in high temperatures. A
but the man has several partners, he your entire body to many cancer- greater emphasis on raw fruits and
is considered a “high-risk male” causing chemicals not just your vegetables is recommended by the
and can transmit HPV to the lungs. The toxins from the smoke United States Academy of Sciences
women. are absorbed by your lungs and then based on a survey done of over
carried throughout the body by the 10,000 research papers. Vitamins A,
Smoking causes abnormal changes bloodstream. In women smokers, C and E, which are found in all
in cells and these cells have a higher tobacco by-products have even been fresh green leafy vegetables and
lielihood of becoming cancerous. found in their cervical mucus. A fruit, have been shown to prevent
This may be why smoking is con- very common male complaint is the cancer.
sidered a risk factor for cervical “cigarette butt, ashtray smell” of
cancer. There are also studies that the vagina of women who smoke. Fruit, Vitamin C & Cervical
show that use of oral contraceptives Cancer
“the pill” put a A link was found between high lev-
woman at a higher els of vitamin C and low levels of
risk of developing cancer by The National Cancer
this cancer. Institute (USA). This paper entitled
“Vitamin C and Cancer Prevention:
What are the symp- The Epidemiologic Evidence” sites
toms? 46 different studies looking at the
The early symp- role of vitamin C.
toms of cervical
cancer are bleeding Folic Acid & Cervical Cancer
or spotting between Women with cervical dysplasia,
periods or after especially those who have been on
intercourse. Most the pill, have lower levels of folic
women, though, acid than those who do not. Foods
have no early high in folic acid include bran, cit-
symptoms. rus fruits, dark green leafy vegeta-
bles, fresh squeezed orange juice,
Eventually, a nuts, potatoes, turnips and whole
woman who has cervical cancer will Whole food Vitamin E & Cervical grains.
notice abnormal vaginal blood- Cancer
stained discharge at unexpected The richest sources of Vitamin E Vegetables & Cervical Cancer
times. These times can be between are: dark green vegetables, extra vir- Vitamin A and beta carotene are
menstrual periods, after intercourse gin olive oil, nuts (especially found in carrots, broccoli, spinach
or after menopause. Abnormal almonds), cold-pressed sunflower and eggs. Vitamin B2, riboflavin, is
vaginal discharge may be cloudy, and safflower oils, wheat germ, found in cereals, green leafy vegeta-
bloody or contain mucus. In whole grain bread and whole grain bles and milk. Vitamin B3, miocin,
advanced stages there may be pain. cereals. is found in whole grains and milk.

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 311

Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, nutritional yeast and sesame seeds. Macrobiotic Diet & Cervical
apples and green leafy vegetables, In West Germany a study of 101 Cancer.
while vitamin E is found in nuts, people with skin cancer was con- Eat beans, legumes, lentils, nuts and
seeds, cold pressed vegetable oils, ducted at the University of Bonn. seeds.
soya and lettuce. The mineral sele- Blood selenium levels were com-

“The sight of oranges in all three Godfather films signal that death (or a close call) is about to happen.”
nium is found in grains, seaweed pared with a control group of
and nuts. The Laboratory for healthy people. They found that
Cancer Research has found that people with skin cancer had signifi-
rosemary, green tea and curcumin, cantly lower levels of selenium.
or the spice used to turn a curry yel- Researchers then concluded that low
low, all suppress cancer growth. levels of selenium may have con-
tributed to the cause of skin cancer
Selenium (Brazil Nuts) & Cervical but they were definitely present dur-
Cancer ing the onset of skin cancer. Skin Meat & Cervical Cancer
A research done at the University of cancer relates to cancer of the cervix There are countless studies reveal-
California has stated that between because the cervix is made of mem- ing that meat like beef, fish, poultry
250-300 micrograms of selenium branous tissue like the skin. and pork, are related to all forms of
can protect against most cancers. Seaweed: Breast cancer is much cancers. One study was conducted
Most people consume only about lower in Japan than in the US or in in Israel over 25 years, and it found
100 microgram’s a day. Supple- the UK. This may be because the that as the consumption of animal
ments of selenium can be toxic, Japanese regularly consume sea- fat increased, so too did the rate of
though. It has been found that weed in their diet. cancer deaths. Another study con-
doses of 900 microgram’s per day ducted in Hawaii found that there
can make your hair fall out. These Seaweed is thought to bind pollu- was a positive correlation with con-
dosages also affect males and the tants, inhibit the formation of car- sumption of animal fat and animal
nervous system (Red Book 1989). cinogens, reduce cholesterol and protein when specifically consider-
Selenium works best in conjunction perform as a protector. ing cancer of the uterus.
with vitamin E. Both are pro-
tectors and by using them Interestingly, many studies are indi-
together you can increase the cating that a vegetarian diet helps
production of inhibitor cells in protect against all forms of cancer.
your body by up to 30 times. This is because in vegetarian popu-
By doing this, you greatly lations there is no meat consumption
enhance your immune system. and meat consumption is positively
An interesting study done linked to the incidence and mortality
across the United States found of cancer. Some of the explanations
that those States with low lev- being offered for these findings
els of selenium in the soil had include the conditions in which the
the highest incidents of cancer, animals are reared. Many animals
whereas those States with high lev- Cabbage and cruciferous vegetables: are raised in intensive farms with
els of selenium in the soil had the Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, the proliferate use of hormones and
lowest rates of cancer. Brussels sprouts and kale all contain antibiotics are used by the meat
“secondary plant constituents.” industry. However, many physiolo-
A further report in the British Medi- These are compounds that seem to gists agree that humans are not by
cal Journal 1985 suggested that inhibit the onset and growth of can- nature omnivores but rather herbi-
dietary selenium deficiency is asso- cers. vores like other primates; the levels
ciated with an increased risk of fatal of fat and protein in meat is not con-
cancer and that low vitamin E intake Brazil nuts have the highest natural- ducive to good health and does
may enhance this risk. Selenium is ly occurring incidence of selenium. cause cancers.
found in asparagus, garlic, mush- Six of these nuts a day is a cancer (See: Disease: The Mystery Solved)
rooms, Brazil and cashew nuts, knockout.

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 312

chalazion Natural oils from the eyelid’s oil Prevention

glands must drain through ducts out To prevent sties and chalazions
to the eyelashes. If debris blocks practice good hygiene; keep your
Medi-Sign Target this normal drainage, it may cause a hands clean, don’t rub your eyes and
Warm Compresses, Garlic, sty or chalazion. Blapharitis, or a don’t share eye makeup. This is
long-standing inflammation of the particularly important for people
“If a surgeon in Ancient Egypt lost a patient while performing an operation, his hands were cut off.”

edges of the eyelid, is sometimes to who have had sties or chalazions

Onions & Honey
blame for the accumulation of more than once. Pus should never
Chalazion: What am I guy,
debris. This will lead to crusts, red- be removed by squeezing. A sty
if I’m NOT a sty?
ness, thickening and scales. that fails to drain can be lanced
A sty or chalazion begins as a tender
red lump or bump within the eyelid If you are prone to recurring sties,
at the base of the eyelash. This sty bone up on Garlic and onions.
or chalazion may cause tearing, Drain the sties with warm compress-
light sensitivity and the sensation of es. At the first sign of a sty or cha-
having something in the eye. lazion, place a warm, damp wash-
Swelling usually involves only a cloth over your closed eyes for at
small area of the lid. Sometimes, least five minutes at a time and four
though, it can lead to irritation and times a day for two weeks. This
redness of the whole eyelid. When will help the sty break open or the
the pus collection expands to chalazion to become absorbed.
become visible just beneath the
skin, a small, yellowish spot eventu- Wrap the washcloth around a hot
ally appears in the center of a sty. baked potato or a boiled egg to keep
When the sty ruptures and pus it warm.
drains through an opening in the
What Is It?
skin, pain usually is relieved. Hands off. As with a pimple on
A sty, also called hordeolum, is a
your face, if you try to pop a sty, it
small abscess of the oil gland asso-
A chalazion may be red and swollen may rupture beneath the surface
ciated with an eyelash hair follicle.
for a few days at first, but eventual- only further aggravating matters.
It typically contains staphylococcus
ly it changes to a painless, slowly
aureus bacteria; the cause of staph
growing, round mass in the eyelid. Take a vacation from eye makeup.
infections. When a sty develops, a
The skin around this firm, rubbery Let your eye heal and your clogged
small area of the upper or lower
lump can be moved loosely over the oil glands clear before you apply
eyelid or the corner of the eye
swelling. any eye makeup again. This means
becomes red, tender and swollen.
no mascara, eyeliner or shadow. If
Swelling in the eye subsides gradu-
A sty or chalazion can be diagnosed you continue to wear makeup, you
ally, over a period of days, after the
by looking at it. Both sties and cha- may end up with several sties and
sty develops an opening and pus is
lazions usually go away on their chalazia instead of just one.
able to drain.
A chalazion, like a sty, is a swelling chancroid
Expected Duration
within the eyelid caused by inflam-
A sty usually goes away in a week
mation of an oil gland. A chalazion
or two. Chalazions generally take
differs from a sty in that it does not Medi-Sign Target
longer but disappear after a month
contain an active bacterial infection.
or more. Warm compresses can Sexual Hygiene with Saline
A chalazion is sometimes the after-
help both sties and chalazions go
effect of a sty. It is often less ten-
away sooner.
der, but it lasts longer. Chancroid is a sexually transmitted
disease (STD) caused by a bacteri-

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 313

um. It is common in tropical coun- Does past infection with chancroid Chapped lips can have several caus-
tries but rare in other parts of the make a person immune? es, including dry weather, overexpo-
world. No it does not. In fact, reinfection sure to the sun, lip biting and suck-
can readily occur immediately after ing, riboflavin (vitamin B-2) defi-

“Polar bears’ blubber can measure 4.5 inches thick. They are so insulated that they give off no detectable heat
Vacationers, be careful. Any sexual- chancroid has been cured. There is ciencies and ill-fitting dentures.
ly active person can be infected with also no evidence of natural resist-
chancroid. It is more commonly ance. The saliva will evaporate your lips
seen in men than in women, particu- and leave them dry so avoid licking
larly uncircumcised males. How can the spread of chancroid your lips.
be prevented?
Chancroid is spread by sexual con- • Limit the number of your sex Drink plenty of water to prevent
tact with an infected individual. A partners. dehydration.
small cut or scratch could increase • Use a condom.
the chances of contracting this dis- • Carefully wash the genitals after
ease since the bacteria are more sexual relations.
likely to invade the sexual organs at
the point of a pre-existing injury. Lesions and ulcers can be expected

and do not show up in infrared photographs.”

The likelihood of transmission is to heal within two weeks because
greater if a person is very sexually chancroid may be successfully treat-
active and does not practice person- ed with pre & pro biotic foods.
al hygiene.

The first sign of infection is usually

the appearance of one or more sores
or raised bumps on the genital
organs. Sores are surrounded by a Consider moistening the air in your
narrow red border which soon home with a humidifier.
becomes filled with pus and eventu-
ally ruptures, leaving a painful open Keep in mind that cracks at the cor-
sore. In 50 percent of untreated ners of your mouth can indicate
cases, the chancroid bacteria infect riboflavin deficiencies.
the lymph glands in the groin.
Within five to 10 days of the Eat nutritional yeast on grits or
appearance of primary sores, the wheat germ cereal. Eat lots of
glands on one side, sometimes both legumes and beans of every kind.
sides, of the groin become enlarged, What to use. Try a 32-bean soup for lunch each
hard and painful. The result is a Create a salt water soak in a bath- day for 30 days. Also, apply bag
rounded painful swelling which may tub. Use saline douches with one balm to your lips in the in the morn-
eventually rupture. tsp to a quart of water. Eat fresh ing and the evening.
garlic and sautéed onions with
After exposure, symptoms usually mushroom meals. Use hydrogen chapped skin
appear four to seven days. Open peroxide rinses in the morning and
sores contain bacteria and any con- at night.
tact with these sores can result in Medi-Sign Target
infection making chancroid conta- chapped lips Cold-Presseed Coconut
gious. Butter & Olive Oil
Untreated chancroid often results in Medi-Sign Target
Chapped skin has a rough texture
ulcers occurring on the genitals for
which sometimes causes the skin to
Water, Salt & Lanolin Lip
sometimes weeks or months. Balm crack. The skin becomes dry, sore
and cracked when the natural oils

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 314

are depleted and the defense system white of an egg, mix in one ground
“A wonderful bird is the pelican, his bill will hold more than his belican. He can take in his beak food enough for a week,

is overburdened. almond and apply this to the face.

Body Glow When it feels dry, wash it off with
The causes for chapped skin are: water and apply home-made nour-
• Extended exposure to the ele- ishing cream of cow butter, soy but-
ments especially the wind, cold and 1 tsp Watercress Juice ter or cocoa butter.
sun. 1 tsp Carrot Juice
1 tsp Spinach Juice • Moderate sun exposure is
• Friction of clothing, often due to 2 tsp Wheat Germ Oil healthy for the skin. It activates the
harsh detergents present in the fab- 1 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast production of vitamin D in the body
8 oz Tomato Juice
rics rough, tight-fitting clothing. which will promote healthy skin.
but I’m damned if I see how the helican.” -Margaret Tolman’s favorite diddy

Drink this vitamin rich drink in

• Lack of fluids or oils in the form the morning. • Half an hour before you take
of essential fatty acids. your bath, massage yourself either
with warm olive, avocado or
• Neglect. coconut oil. After bathing, blot
yourself dry. Make sure to not rub
• Not using rubber gloves when vigorously with a bath towel.
cleaning, scrubbing or holding the
hands in water for extended periods. Common Sense Remedies for • Apply home-made cold-pressed
Chapped Skin oil every night before going to bed.
• Repeated contact with soaps, • In winter, use a humidifier or It is a good idea to use cold-pressed
chemicals and water. place bowls of water near the heater oils every night after crossing the
to counteract the moisture loss cre- age of 25 if you want to cherish the
Nutrition for Chapped Skin ated by central heating. youthful loveliness of a flawless
• For skin growth and repair, eat complexion.
carrots, tomatoes and green, leafy • A healthy diet is essential for
vegetables for vitamin A. healthy skin. Vitamin C is required
for collagen production, while beta-
• Use unrefined vegetable oils for carotene is converted into vitamin
the essential fatty acids to promote A, a substance essential for main-
moist skin. taining skin tissue. Vitamin E is
vital for skin condition, and vitamin
• Eat whole grains, legumes, B helps repair the skin.
wheat germ and nutritional yeast for
pantothenic acid, vitamin B5. This • Make sure to get sufficient sleep
is needed for the synthesis of fats at night as the skin’s cellular repair
and oils. activity is at its optimum during this
resting phase.
• Do not wear wool or other rough
• Exercise benefits skin clothing next to your skin because
because it boosts circulation and they will aggravate it causing itch-
encourages blood flow; regular ing and scaling.
exercise will nourish and cleanse
your skin from within. • If you have developed scales the
best remedy is to take a saline bath.
• Dry brush your skin in the morn- Add six pounds of sodium chloride,
ings to stimulate circulation and the which is table salt or rock salt, to 25
sebaceous glands. gallons of warm water in a tub.
Soak in this water for about 15 to 20
• Every day at bedtime, take the minutes twice a day. Blot dry and

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 315

then massage gently either with Chayote (chay-O-tay) is a mild, Varieties

almond or olive oil. This simple firm-textured, squash-like vegetable. RAW COTTAGE CHEESE
treatment often brings about a great Some say it tastes like a cucumber The traditional and certainly healthy
reduction in chapping and scaling, or zucchini. Although Chayotes can “dieter’s delight,” cottage cheese
while giving considerable relief be many colors, the one most com- exhibits the first stage of all cheese
from itching. mon is pale green. Chayote has one making; the separation of milk or
large seed that is soft and edible. cream into curds and whey. To
Choosing mild detergent is a good Chayote seeds taste like a cross make cottage cheese, the curds are
idea. Some very strong detergent between a lima bean and an almond drained and sometimes pressed to
soaps, particularly those with addi- when they are cooked. Chayote is form a soft, white, spoonable
tives, cause chapping. After all, the available year-round. cheese. Creamed cottage cheese is
word “detergent” means “to take small curds and added cream, while

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.”

out oil.” Avoid using strong deter- dry curd cottage cheese is usually
gents on your child’s clothing until slightly salted. It is also available in
the chapped areas have cleared up. an unsalted variety and there are
Consider trying, All (Clear), Dreft even lactose-free versions.
Medi-Sign Target
or Ivory Snow instead of harsh A Ferment for the Emotions
detergents. The detergent residues & Bones CREAM CHEESE
on freshly laundered clothes are just This is the familiar creamy white
as likely to take out oil as the deter- cheese liberally spread on whole
gent in your washer.

Toss out dryer sheets. The residue

from dryer sheets mixed with fabric
softener can also cause chapped
skin. It stays on the clothes and
may leach moisture out of your
child’s skin. Instead of using sheets,
switch to a liquid softener, or try
one that’s combined with your
detergent. Drink more water, stay
hydrated, and use extra virgin olive grain, wheat and multi-grain toast
oil on your skin. and bagels. It comes in a range of

-George Bernard Shaw

Cheese, Raw
fat contents. Full-fat cream cheese
To turn milk into natural cheese, it
CHAYOTE is first cultured, like buttermilk or
can be from 90% calories, and non-
fat cream cheese can have no fat. In
SQUASH yogurt, with bacteria. It is then cur-
between the two extremes are
dled or broken into curds, which
reduced-fat cream cheese, also
are solids, and whey, which are liq-
called Neufchatel cheese or “1/3-
uids. This is done by the use of a
Medi-Sign Target Less Fat” cream cheese, and low-fat
culturing agent such as the enzyme
cream cheese.
Heart Function rennin, or rennet. When shopping,
look for veggie sources. The whey
In 1872 in New York State, cream
is drained from the curds, which,
cheese was invented. The
depending on the type of cheese
“Philadelphia Brand” was born by
being made, may be pressed to
a cheese distributor who soon com-
remove more moisture. This fresh
missioned the enterprising dairyman
cheese may then be sold as is, aged
to produce the cream cheese in vol-
or ripened to further dry it and
ume. In 1928 the company was
develop its flavor.
bought out by Kraft Foods and still
remains the most widely recognized

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 316

duces a firm, rather whole milk, part-skim and fat-free

grainy white loaf, with a forms. The part-skim version has
mildly tart flavor. about 40% less fat than the whole-
There is a seven letter word in the English language that contains ten words without rearranging any of its letters,

Farmer cheese can be milk cheese. Ricotta has, ounce for

sliced or crumbled, and is ounce, four times more calcium than
a good baking ingredient. cottage cheese, which it closely
Sometimes farmer cheese resembles.
is combined with
chopped chives or with STRING CHEESE
fruit to make a savory or Although snack-size sticks of moz-
sweet cheese. zarella are now sold under this
name, true string cheese originated
MASCARPONE in Syria and often comes in a braid-
“therein”: the, there, he, in, rein, her, here, ere, therein, herein.”

This Italian curd cheese ed rope. The flavor is similar to

brand of cream cheese in the United is like the thickest whipped cream mozzarella, but it is saltier.
States. and is usually served as a dessert

Cream cheese is similar to French

Neufchatel in that it is made from MOZZARELLA
cow’s milk. It differs from This familiar pizza cheese is fresh,
Medi-Sign Target
Neufchatel in that it is unripened meaning that it is not aged, but it Plant Chemistry Heals and
and often contains emulsifiers to undergoes a process that differenti-
lend firmness and lengthen shelf-
Doesn’t Kill
ates it from other fresh cheeses.
life. Cream cheese is an unaged The warmed curds are kneaded.
cheese and is thus categorized as a The resulting cheese can be separat-
fresh cheese. As a result, it has a ed into layers or strips. Freshly
relatively short shelf life. The fla- made mozzarella is sold in Italian
vor is mild, fresh-tasting and sweet, grocery stores and is now available
yet has a pleasing slight tang. in many supermarkets, is a soft,
Cream cheese has a smooth and bland, delicate cheese. Factory-
creamy texture and spreads easily at made mozzarella, which is drier and
room temperature. It is sold in foil- has more salt in it for longer shelf
wrapped blocks or in a soft-spread life, can be sliced or shredded and
form which has air whipped in to used as a topping for pizzas, pastas
make it spread able right from the and sandwiches.
refrigerator. CHEMOTHERAPY: He who sups
with the devil should have a long
Fresh mozzarella only comes in
Cream cheese selection and storage spoon.
whole-milk form; it contains less
Fresh cheeses are highly perishable, water.
and cream cheese is no exception. Over the years I have studied C.F.I.,
It should always be kept refrigerat- the Cancer Financial Industry; a cru-
ed. This is one cheese that you do sade of study that I began after per-
Whey remaining from making other
not want aged. Check the expira- sonally witnessing dozens of unnec-
types of cheese was originally the
tion date and buy the freshest you essary deaths from surgery,
sole ingredient in ricotta, but Ameri-
can find. chemotherapy and radiation. I have
can ricotta is now made from a
been shocked by the “weapons of
combination of whey and whole or
Farmer cheese, also called hoop, mass destruction,” this most ruth-
skim milk. Ricotta is like a fine-
pot, or bakers’ cheese: This cheese less and dangerous of financial
textured cottage cheese and can be
can be described like if cottage industries has relentlessly deployed
eaten by it’s self, although it is more
cheese were placed in a form and against the public.
commonly used in Italian pasta
the liquid were pressed out, it pro- dishes and desserts. It comes in

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 317

During the course of my research • Why does the cancer industry

into the real cancer war, I discov- and their charities employ the five- • Why do thousands continue to
ered there were questions you year survival rule to falsify their overcome their cancer using whole
shouldn’t ask, and questions the success rates? How can you die in foods, and yet nothing is ever men-
“experts” most definitely want to your sixth year of cancer and still be tioned in the media, including the
avoid. Around the world, I would accounted as cured? medical studies that showed how
speak on TV and radio shows about they did it?
the safe, natural and medically • Why do we have cultures on the
proven alternatives to being infused Earth today (without a single med- • Are these people, and the doc-
with radiation (who doesn’t know ical degree amongst them) and they tors who treat them to fasting and
that radiation causes cancer?) and have no trace of cancer in their cul- whole foods, all wrong? Perhaps
chemotherapy (some of which, like ture? Read Albert Schweitzer, Sir they never had cancer in the first
Alkeran, are banned, as inhumane Robert McCarrison, Dr. Weston place?
chemical, warfare agents that cause Price, Dr. Francisco Contreras, etc.

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

cancer), yet these questions were and discover the real reason why Were the lab’s wrong?
blustered over with academic drivel, their work is an embarrassment to •Why are people who seek alter-
and never answered by the medical science. native treatments for cancer sudden-
“experts” who were wheeled along ly “gullible, sad individuals” who
and set-up to counter me. • If the human body becomes cannot make up their own minds
what it absorbs, why don’t and are having the wool pulled over
they train our doctors in their eyes?
whole food nutrition?
• Why are cancer clinics around
• If the tumor is the cancer the world, which use simple, whole
and therefore the oncolo- food treatments for cancer, being
gist’s target (chemo, radia- shut down and vilified by pharma-
tion and surgery all target ceutically sponsored initiatives?
the tumor), why doesn’t
removing or destroying the • When it comes to cancer and the
tumor always cure the can- diagnosis of it, who can we really
cer? Why in the majority of trust?
cases (96%) does it return?
Nature’s Chemotherapy: • What if, “preventative tests for
There are over 500,000 • Is the advice we receive disease” is nothing more than the,
chemicals in these foods, from cancer charities tainted “hook and bait” to get you into the
and none are toxic!!! with the chemical breath of slaughter house for skinning?
the drug industries monetary
donations? • What if most lab tests are over
70% inaccurate?
• Why are hundreds of thousands •Why are almost all chemotherapy
of cancer people feeling the need to drugs themselves hideously toxic • What ever became of those
look for cancer treatment alterna- carcinogens? Fighting fire with fire pesky apricot kernels and vitamin
tives at all? Is it because they’ve almost always leads to more fire. B17 from other seeds and nuts?
seen what traditional treatments do Sometimes water is the obvious
to a person? That they do not work answer! • Why do we support hundreds of
for the majority of the cancers? predatory organizations, raising cash
That they sense there must be an • Why, in spite of the hundreds of for more chemical research that will
easier way? That these treatments billions that have been poured into never work, or worse, kill many
fail and speed them into early cancer, do we have the worst cancer thousands more? Is it really
death? survival rates of all industrialized because we think they are charities?

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 318

• Are you aware that ments cause awful side effects with
studies show the majority their “patients.” This experience
of oncologists polled would becomes routine! People become
not themselves take their numbers rather than living, breath-
own treatments if they ing human beings. It becomes com-
developed cancer? monplace for, “patients,” to die
from the treatments as much as from
There is an old proverb: the disease. The response is always
Fools ask questions wise the same, “We did all we could.”
men cannot answer. In the And that’s true…for once. Yuck!
meantime, “fools” keep
“No words in the English language rhyme with orange, silver or purple.”

disobeying their medical You hear medics discussing some-

masters with whole food thing called “Quality of Life.” To
treatments for cancer, and the medical profession this “quality
those pesky testimonials of life” is a broad term that includes
keep coming in. whatever condition results, and what
shape you are in, after receiving
I honestly believe that fellows in the “medical club” is an their treatments. What can you
many doctors really and truly important aspect of being a, “pro- expect when you are trying to keep
believe that they are doing the best fessional.” the patient alive “at all costs” (Usu-
that can be done to treat cancer. ally the patient’s insurance or pock-
They have been conditioned and Anything that may reduce the size etbook). Surely, it is normal to
taught to believe that surgery, radia- of a tumor and hopefully make it expect that a dread disease will
tion therapy and chemotherapy are disappear, justifies the use of what- require extreme measures to “fight”
really the only scientific and possi- ever treatment helps make this pos- it. “Patients” have to expect this!
ble ways to treat cancer. They sible, even if the benefits are only And so it goes on and on ‘til death
believe this even if the proofs are temporary like they didn’t get to the do you part. Don’t go to war.
only those of drug company cause of the tumor. In other words, Don’t get into the “fight.” Lay
research, which is the case with why did the body grow that little down our weapons; it’s your body
nearly every medical research study container in the first place? Was it for heaven’s sake! Don’t be a gang
that is published. trying to store something, in order member, or a sheep lead to the
to keep it contained? slaughter. The number one solu-
They honestly, sincerely believe that tion is a strong will to live. The
the methods they use are beneficial. This justifies treating you – the number two solution is clean air,
They believe in the treatments they “patient” – with combinations of sunshine, walking and a raw food
use, even when the benefits of these drugs and/or surgery that will make diet.
treatments may be uncertain, mini- you extremely ill, and probably (See: Disease; The Mystery Solved).
mal or have serious side effects that leave you with a lifetime (1-5 years)
produce pain and distress. They of problems that you have never Hey Honey! Bee Pollen Propolis,
believe that cancer is a disease that dreamed possible. This is consid- Royal Jelly Nature’s Chemotherapy
has but one ending which is ered scientific and right. Those Bee pollen is a mixture of bee sali-
DEATH! Cancer is final! It is treatments do not have to be pain- va, plant nectar and plant pollen. It
incurable! less, free of side effects or even pro- differs from the sort of pollen that is
vide benefits to you, the “patient.” implicated in allergies. Propolis is
The medical profession has fos- You are no longer a person or even collected by bees from flowers,
silized into a way of doing things a “civilian” you are a numbered trees and vegetables. It is mixed
that does not, “rock the boat.” “patient.” with their own secretions, including
Accepted medical procedures are beeswax, to form a gummy, resinous
their standards. They require that It is unfortunate, but true, that doc- substance. Royal jelly is a viscous,
treatments to be used be “proven,” tors treating cancer have become honey-like liquid secreted by trees
documented and repeatable. Being accustomed to seeing their treat- to feed their infants and queen. The

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 319

queen lives on it her entire life, and symptoms of prostatitis. CHERRIES

it is thought to be the reason for her
longevity and larger size. Queen Bee products can also benefit cancer
bees live up to five years, whereas people. Propolis has been proven Medi-Sign Target
the common female worker bees effective in killing liver cancer cells, Heart, Blood, Capillaries &
live only forty days. Honey is very while lung cancer patients who ate Pain Remover
healthful and delicious, but is no bee pollen lived longer and were
match for the nutritional potency of better able to tolerate chemotherapy.
its sister bee products.
The oxidant and microbial activity
Bee’s gather potent, safe, nutritional of propolis and royal jelly also make
chemicals from ten’s of thousands them awesome probiotics. They
of plants in a single day, lets see a contain potent bacterial proteins that
pharmaceutical drug lord and his make them effective for everything
hive of workers do that. from the common cold to candida

“The largest tumor ever removed intact weighed 303 lbs.”

albicans, e-coli,
salmonella and

Bee pollen is
35% protein,
including lots of
lysine, leucine, and
valine. It contains
• Cancer
2% fat made up of
• Eases Arthritis
healthy phos-
• Ends Insomnia
phatidylcholine and
• Get out Gout
linoleic acid. Bee
• Protects your Heart
Users claim that bee pollen pollen also contains a wealth of
• Pain Relief
improves their athletic performance minerals including iron, zinc, potas-
• Shields against Alzheimer’s
and relives fatigue. Centenarians in sium, magnesium, calcium, copper,
• Slows Aging process
Dagestan attribute their longevity to sodium, and selenium. It also con-
a lifelong practice of eating bee tains an equal percentage of vita-
Sweet and tart cherries date back to
pollen and royal jelly. The Swedes mins, especially riboflavin, nico-
300 B.C. and have been enjoyed for
and the French, who also eat lots of tinic, pantothenic and folic acids,
centuries. North America was intro-
bee pollen, claim that it makes them B2, inositol, lots of vitamin C and
duced to cherry trees from European
look more youthful. It may improve even some B12. Bee pollen also
settlers. In 1852, the “Cherry capi-
the appearance of our skin and contains the essential chromosomal
tal of the world” was started when
retard wrinkles by increasing the nucleic acids DNA and RNA, as
the first cherry orchard was planted
flow of blood to skin cells and by well as a whopping 5,000 different
near Traverse City, Michigan.
stimulating the growth of new skin healthful enzymes and phytochemi-
tissues. cals, including lycopene, quercetin,
Cherries, especially the tart ones,
carotenes, and flavonols. Propolis
are great for pies, juices and jams.
Be pollen is an important food for contains a wealth of polyphenols.
Sweet cherries are great for eating
men with enlarged prostate or pro- Royal jelly is high in B vitamins
right off the stem. Dried cherries,
statitis. In double-blind studies and and is a beneficial fatty acid.
which are similar to raisins, are
long-term treatments, urological
great for eating. These fruits are
researchers reported that bee pollen Give them a try and see what all the
not only in great taste but plenty
reduced enlarged prostates in 53% buzz is about.
healthy also.
of men with severe and chronic

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Puts Insomnia to Bed LAMBERT

Are you having trouble sleeping? The second most popular sweet
Cherries are your key to dreamland. cherry is the Lambert. This type of
Melatonin, a hormone that helps cherry is smaller, heart-shaped, red
you sleep, is found within cherries. and very similar in taste and texture
Cherries to this point have the high- to the Bing cherry.
est amount of melatonin measured
in any fruit to date. Melatonin acts RAINIER
either as a direct sleep-inducing sub- The Rainier cherry is a sweet cherry
stance or by opening what experts with yellow or pinkish skin. It is
refer to as “the sleep gate,” which milder and sweeter in taste than the
puts you in the right frame of mind Bing cherry and grown in limited
to sleep. Eating cherries just before quantities.
bedtime will give you the most ben-
Royal Ann is another light-skinned
“Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete.”

Storing Solutions variety of cherry. It is often canned

Like a Chinese restaurant, cherries or made into maraschino cherries.
Cherries contain flavonoids, fiber, offer both sweet and sour flavors.
potassium and traces of vitamins A When shopping for either variety, SOUR CHERRIES
and C, so they have plenty of look- look for ones that are brightly col- Montmorency, the best known sour
outs to guard your health. They are ored and plump. Sweet cherries cherry, is normally canned or frozen
also known to rid inflammation and should be more firm than sour cher- for use as pie fillings or sauces just
cancer. ries. You can buy them with or like most commercially grown sour
without stems. Those cherries with varieties of cherries are. Occasion-
Soothes Arthritis and Gout stems last longer, but those cherries ally, though, you can find fresh sour
Cherries can relieve pain. Cherries without stems are cheaper. Storage cherries during the summer months
have long been used as a folk reme- for cherries can be a plastic bag in at farmers’ markets and roadside
dy for gout, and now they carry the the refrigerator. stands. Sour cherries are bright
clout of scientific evidence. Twenty scarlet and smaller than sweet cher-
tart cherries were tested and the Varieties of sweet cherries include ries.
conclusion was: they were as effec- Bing, Lambert, Tartarian and Royal
tive as other pain-killing remedies, Ann, which are often used to make CHESTNUT
including aspirin, ibuprofen and maraschino cherries. Varieties of
other nonsteroidal, anti-inflammato- sour cherries include Early Rich-
ry drugs. These fruits were actually mond, Montmorency and Morello.
much better, and they carried no A typical cherry tree has about Medi-Sign Target
toxic side effects. For pain relief, 7,000 tart cherries. In other words, Heart & Blood
try eating a bowl full of cherries. If a cherry tree has enough tart cher-
you don’t feel up to eating a whole ries to make 28 pies.
bowl of cherries, you can get the
same benefit from much fewer dried BING
ones. When it comes to pain relief, There are many commercial
one dried cherry equals about eight varieties of sweet cherries.
fresh ones. The leading sweet cherry is the
Bing. It is a large, round,
Sidesteps Cancer extra-sweet cherry with pur-
Cherries contain a mighty cancer ple-red flesh and a deep red
chemical called perillyl alcohol that skin that verges on black when
has been shown to inhibit tumors. fully ripe.

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:48 AM Page 321

Benefits: Aspirin should not be given to treat At that point, having studied a bit
• Cancer Prevention the pain and fever that accompany more about the history of vaccina-
• Controls Blood Pressure chickenpox. This is because aspirin tion and the evolution of public per-

“I eat my peas with honey, I’ve done it all my life; it makes the peas taste funny but it keeps them on the knife!”
• Lowers Cholesterol has been associated with Reye’s ception about specific illnesses once
• Promotes Weight Loss! syndrome, which is a life-threaten- a vaccine is introduced, I remember
• Protects your Heart ing neurological disorder. Reye’s making a comment to a friend. I
syndrome has no known definite said, “Just wait, in twenty or thirty
Chestnuts have been a prized nut as cause, but it has been associated years when childhood cases of
far back as 1600 BC for the with the use of aspirin by children chickenpox become rare due to the
Chinese. The Japanese and who have viral infections like chick- lack of news coverage, everyone
Europeans also enjoyed them for enpox or influenza. will be talking about what a DAN-
centuries. Until the early 20th cen- GEROUS disease chickenpox
tury, chestnuts flourished and were was!” As it turns out, I was wrong.
popular in North America too. The No Harm It didn’t take twenty or thirty years,
blight struck and virtually wiped out No Fowl it happened almost as soon as the
the entire North American chestnut. vaccine was released. The truth is
So today most of the chestnuts seen that no one has ever died of chicken
1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
in North America are imported. 1/2 cup Baking Soda
pox, but pharmaceutically spun arti-
It is easy to see why this particular 2 Tbsp Virgin Olive Oil cles and news reports began appear-
nut has been so popular. Chestnuts ing that emphasized that chickenpox
reveal under a smooth, hard shell Have a good (bath) soak with is not a benign disease. First they
and bitter skin a delicious sweet this for 15 to 20 minutes. After said that there were about ten deaths
the bath, apply coconut butter or
meat with a taste similar to corn. soy butter. This relieves itching
a year due to chickenpox. A year
Chestnuts also offer help for your later, I saw an article that claimed

-Margaret Tolman
better than anti-itch formulas,
heart, weight and even cancer. and since it doesn’t crust like that there were a hundred deaths a
those other drying agents, year due to chickenpox. Next was a
chicken pox there’s less chance of scarring. heart-rending article, splashed all
over the newspapers complete with
color pictures. This was all for a
Medi-Sign Target poor child who had a “normal” case
Saltwater Baths & Eat Raw of chickenpox but then developed
Honey some serious heart complication.
When I first heard press reports The child’s doctor was quoted as
about the new chickenpox vaccine, I saying, “Chickenpox is NOT harm-
Chickenpox, or varicella, is a conta-
remember thinking to myself, less!”
gious disease caused by a virus.
“That’s crazy. How in the world
The technical name for this virus is
will they sell a new vaccine with
varicella-zoster, which is a member
unknown long term dangers to the
of the herpes virus family.
public? Nobody’s scared of chick-
Chickenpox is relatively harmless
enpox.” But very soon my question
childhood disease. The symptoms
was answered. While reading a
of chickenpox can include a fever,
popular parenting magazine one
runny nose, sore throat and an itchy
day, I noticed a slick multi-page
skin rash. This rash can appear any-
advertisement that compared the
where on the body. These symp-
cost of this vaccine to lost wages of
toms normally subside within one to
the working parent who must miss a
two weeks. The good news is that
week of work to care for their sick
the disease confers permanent
child. It was a shock to see the
immunity. This means once a child
health of our children so shameless-
contracts the virus, they will not
ly traded for the “work ethic” of our
contract it again.

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:49 AM Page 322

I’m sure sales of the vaccine adding chickenpox to the list of nature. Children’s bodies are meant
increased after that story came out. immunizations required for entry to be exposed to dirt, germs and
It’s funny how in the previous fifty into school. This is hideously pets, etc; it builds their bodies self
years, prior to introduction of the ridiculous! Why should any parent protection systems.
vaccine, the media never had a story be forced into presenting their
-Thomas Sowell

like that to run! healthy child for administration of a How is Chicken Pox treated?
biological agent with still-to-be-
What the media never seem to men- determined, long-term risks (but • Baking soda bath.
tion in all these alarmist articles is risks that are most certainly there!).
that most of the children who die These parents are expected to do • Coconut oil as needed to the
from chickenpox were already this in order to possibly prolong the skin.
“There are only two ways of telling the complete truth – anonymously and posthumously.”

immuno-compromised; they already lives of a very few already sick chil-

had their chicken pox vaccine. dren, who might be less likely to get • Warm water-hydrogen peroxide
Many of these children are suffering chickenpox if there were fewer rinses for sores in mouth.
from cancer or leukemia. Also active cases in the community.
nobody even thinks to question what • Keep the sores clean by bathing
other lifestyle choices these families Furthermore, what will be the risk daily. If the sores look infected,
are making that may place their to these children’s babies? The vac- wash them well with a light saline
child at greater risk. A question cine, which takes a series of three solution 1/4 tsp to 2 cups warm
might be is the child exposed to cig- shots to provide immunity, cannot water. They’ll be just fine!
arette smoke? Or, does the child possibly protect a newborn from the
consume a lot of sweets, hydro- illness. It would be pretty naive to CHICORY
genated fats, refined carbohydrates believe that a mother who had only
and/or animal protein (in other received the vaccine, but never actu- (CURLY ENDIVE)
words the typical American diet) ally contracted the disease to devel-
that may be depressing his immune op full immunity, would actually be
system? able to pass on sufficient immunities
Medi-Sign Target
to her newborn. Neo-Cortex & Blood
In addition, most people are unfa- Quality
miliar with the fact that there are Maybe some parents believe that
numerous accounts by parents they can’t keep their children from Chicory, also known as curly
whose children developed neurolog- eating a junky diet, so they need this endive, is the name of a wide vari-
ical or immune problems shortly and other vaccines to protect them ety of greens including, Belgian
after a vaccination. These parents, from possibly becoming quite ill. endive, escarole, frisÎe and radic-
however, could not get their doctor Because of a poor diet, a child’s chio. Curly endive is normally the
to even consider that the vaccine immune system may not be able to preferred name when listed as an
was responsible for their children’s adequately protect itself from seri- ingredient. Chicory is crisp. It has
problems. The parents could also ous harm from common diseases. curly, green leaves and a pale heart.
not get their doctor to report it as a
vaccine adverse event to the govern- In a free country, though, does that
ment agencies that keep track of mean that families who DO take
such data. No wonder the CDC personal responsibility for their
bean-counters are so quick to claim health and DO eat healthy whole-
that the dangers of the natural dis- foods, plant-based, low in processed
eases are a greater risk to children foods and trans-fatty acids diets
than the dangers of the vaccinations! MUST forfeit their right to an
When are parents going to stop undamaged immune system?
destroying their children, or a least Families are faced with this dilem-
stop putting them directly in harms ma all because the masses, persuad-
way? ed by drug manufacturers, choose to
Already many states are considering put their faith in science over

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:49 AM Page 323

Chicory increases in bitterness with Signs of Labor home births are not recommended.
age, so it is best eaten when young. Remember the signs of true labor so So, get a life for nine months, if not
It is usually mixed with other milder that you will know when you are for you, for the baby.
greens because it is considered too having the “real thing.”
strong to be eaten alone. Roasted You also can choose what type of
chicory comes from the roots of • Contractions at regular and health care provider you would like
some chicory varieties. Popular in increasingly shorter intervals that to deliver your baby. An obstetri-
Louisiana, roasted chicory is used to become stronger in intensity. cian (OB) is a medical doctor who
flavor or extend coffee. Chicory is specializes in prenatal care and in
available year-round. • Lower back pain that doesn’t go delivering babies in a hospital. A
away. You might also feel premen- certified nurse-midwife (CNM)
CHILDBIRTH strual and crampy. also specializes in prenatal care,
labor and delivery. A CNM can
• Your water breaks. This can be deliver your baby at the hospital, in
a large gush or a continuous trickle. a birth center or at home. There are
It is accompanied by contractions. other types of midwives to choose
from as well. Some women also
• A bloody, brownish or blood- choose to have a doula assist with
tinged, mucous discharge appears. labor and delivery. A doula is a

“The average person thinks he isn’t.”

This is the mucous plug that blocks professional support person who
the cervix. Labor could be at any helps give physical encouragement,
time, or days away. such as advice on breathing, relax-
ation, movement and positioning
• Your cervix is dilating, or open- during labor. Doula’s also give
ing up, and becoming thinner and continuous emotional support and
softer, also called effacement. comfort to women and their partners
During a pelvic exam, your health during labor and birth. Doula’s and
care provider will be able to tell if midwives often work together dur-
these things are happening. ing a woman’s labor.

Birthing Options: Several options Childbirth preparation classes are

are available for where you will also an option. One of these choic-
have your baby. These include at es is Lamaze, which emphasizes
home, in a birth center or, the most minimal medical intervention,
dangerous, at a hospital. Birth cen- teaches coping methods for labor
ters usually can administer oxygen and delivery and helps guide new
and are able to repair episiotomies. parents in the many decisions they
They also have basic equipment to will make before and during the
start emergency treatment if it is birthing process. This is great stuff.
Managing Pain - Really think
Hospitals have more advanced med- about this one.
ical equipment to care for a baby A concern for most mothers is the
whose health or life is in danger. amount of pain to anticipate during
They will be able to provide a labor. Unfortunately, pain is a vari-
cesarean section, or epidurals, for able that cannot be determined; it
just thousands of dollars. If your differs for every person. During the
pregnancy is considered to be at labor process, your health care
high risk as in women who smoke, provider may ask you if you need
use drugs or have medical complica- pain relief and will help you decide
tions due to a known condition, what option is the best for you.

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:49 AM Page 324

Your options may include: a local or CHIVES are typically used for seasoning sal-
intravenous analgesic, a pain ads and omelet’s, or as a topping for
relieving drug; an epidural, injec- baked potatoes. In Chinese cuisine,
tion which blocks pain in the lower Medi-Sign Target long cuts of chives are commonly
part of your body; spinal Blood Tube (Veins & used as a garnish in a number of stir
anesthesia, used when the delivery Capillaries) Strengther fry dishes. They are often tossed in
will require forceps; or a pudenal after cooking is complete for both
block, numbs the vulva, vagina and color and their mild flavor.
anus during the second stage of
labor and during delivery. chlamydia
These things do kill pain, but they (trachomatis)
are known to impair the baby’s
brain as well. I know this for a fact Medi-Sign Target
because it happened to my first
child. She is 30 with the capacity of
“After all is said and done, more is said than done.”

Yogurt Vaginal Infusions;

a four year old. We had our other
Chives influence the kidneys, liver
Eat Garlic & Onions
babies at home after that. I have ten
and stomach. They dry sweaty con-
beautiful children. My oldest is a Chlamydia is a common sexually
ditions, increase energy circulation
sweetheart; I wish I had it to do transmitted disease (STD) caused by
and are noted for treating blood
over. Nuff said. the bacterium, chlamydia trachoma-
coagulations like bruises and
tis, which can damage a woman’s
swellings, especially when these
Since then, I have had the opportu- reproductive organs. Serious com-
occur from injuries. They are also
nity to assist with over 150 home plications causing irreversible dam-
good for treating the pain of the
births with no complications. Your age like infertility can “silently”
cold type of arthritis by applying the
progression through the different occur before a woman recognizes a
juice from either the whole crusted
stages of labor and delivery will problem, even though symptoms of
chive plant or its leaves. For best
determine how quickly the baby is chlamydia are usually mild or
results, eat fresh or lightly cooked
coming, and whether you have time absent. For men, chlamydia can
chives or drink chive tea.
to get to the hospital, birth center or cause discharge from the penis.
back home to deliver. Having infor-
Both the stalks and roots are used in
mation about your choices for Chlamydia is the most frequently
the East and West to treat high
birthing will help with some of the reported bacterial STD in the United
blood pressure and are a safe reme-
stress you may feel during labor. States. In 2002 the 50 states plus
dy for high blood pressure during
the District of Columbia reported
834,555 chlamydial infections. This
amount is skewed by under-report-
Chives (Allium
ing because most people with
schoenomprasum) are a
chlamydia are not aware of their
member of the onion
infections and do not seek testing.
family (Alliaceae) used
Also, testing is not often done if
as an herb and grown
people are treated for their symp-
for their leaves. Chives
toms. So, an estimated 2.8 million
have a much milder fla-
Americans are infected with
vor than onions or gar-
chlamydia each year. Women are
lic. They are referred
frequently re-infected when their
to only in the plural,
sex partners are not treated.
because they grow in
clumps rather than
Chlamydia can be transmitted dur-
ing vaginal, anal, or oral sex.
Chopped raw, chives
Chlamydia can also be passed from

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:49 AM Page 325

an infected mother to her baby dur- chlamydial infection in the rectum, Symptoms
ing vaginal childbirth. which can cause rectal pain, dis- Symptoms from cholera include
Any sexually active person can be charge, or bleeding. Chlamydia can abdominal cramps, dehydration,
infected with chlamydia. The also be found in the throats of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Fur-
greater the number of sex partners, women and men having oral sex ther symptoms from the dehydration
the greater the risk of infection. with an infected partner. include anuria, circulatory collapse,
Teenage girls and young women are cyanosis, loss of tissue turgor, mus-
at particularly high risk for infection Treatment cle cramps, severe metabolic acido-
because the cervix, the opening to • Salt, salt, salt, and more salt. sis with potassium depletion, sunken
the uterus, is not fully matured. eyes and wrinkled skin, thirst and
Men who are sexually active with • Lots of water to drink even salt weakness. Death from this illness is
other men are also at risk for con- water - 1 tsp. per 1/2 gallon of generally due to the dehydration and
tracting chlamydia because it can be water. circulatory volume shock; it can
transmitted by oral or anal sex. occur within hours. The mortality
• Salt water soaks in a tub. rate of cholera tends to be high

“Faith is believing what you know ain’t so.”

Because about three quarters of when it is left untreated.
infected women and about half of • Saline douche’s twice a day,
infected men have no symptoms, a.m. and p.m. 1 tsp to 1 quart of An intravenous rehydration regimen
chlamydia is known as a “silent” warm water. is usually the aggressive treatment
disease. If symptoms do occur, they given for cholera. This treatment
usually appear within 1 to 3 weeks continues until the diarrhea ceases.
after exposure. Treating cholera by drinking salt
water is also an effective. When
In women, the bacteria initially treatment is given, the mortality
infect the cervix and the urine rates plummet.
canal, urethra. Symptoms in
women might include an Susceptibility
abnormal vaginal discharge or Because carriers of the cystic fibro-
a burning sensation when uri- sis gene don’t lose water as quickly,
nating. When the infection they are protected from the severe
spreads from the cervix to the fal- • Eat lots of fresh garlic and effects of cholera. This explains the
lopian tubes, tubes that carry eggs uncooked onions on salads. high incidence of cystic fibrosis
from the ovaries to the uterus, some among populations which were for-
women still have no signs or symp- cholera merly exposed to cholera.

-Mark Twain
toms. Other women have lower
abdominal pain, low back pain, nau- Recent genetic research has deter-
sea, fever, pain during intercourse or Medi-Sign Target mined that a person’s susceptibility
bleeding between menstrual periods. Drink Saltwater and Eat to cholera and other diarrheas is
Chlamydial infection of the cervix Onions, Honey & Garlic affected by blood type. People with
can spread to the rectum. type O blood are the most suscepti-
Cholera, also called Asiatic
Men with signs or symptoms might
cholera, is an infectious dis-
have a discharge from their penis or
ease of the gastrointestinal
a burning sensation when urinating.
tract caused by the Vibrio
Men might also have burning and
cholerae bacterium. These
itching around the opening of the
bacteria are typically ingested
penis. Pain and swelling in the tes-
by drinking water contaminat-
ticles are uncommon.
ed by improper sanitation or by
eating improperly cooked fish
Men or women who have receptive
especially shellfish.
anal intercourse may acquire

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:49 AM Page 326

ble. People with type AB are the mission path at which the spread nerves fibers. People get into,
most resistant; virtually immune. may be halted: “troubles,” with cholesterol when
With the remaining A and B blood they eat animal carcasses. In death,
types, type A is more resistant than • Sickbed: Proper disposal and cholesterol is spent. When you eat
type B. treatment of waste produced by it, it’s no longer cholesterol made by
-Mark Twain

cholera victims. your body. Instead it is called bad

About one million vibrio cholerae cholesterol. Good cholesterol is pri-
bacteria must be ingested to cause • Sewage: Treatment of general mary; it hasn’t gone into making a
cholera in normally healthy adults. sewage before it enters the water- living independent entity. Good
Increased susceptibility may be ways. cholesterol comes from milk and
“In the first place, God made idiots. That was for practice. Then he made school boards.”

observed, though, in those with products like raw cheese, yogurt,

a weakened immune system, a eggs and lots of plant foods. Your
system with decreased gastric body uses it to work its magic. If
acidity from antacids, or those you eat too much spent (BAD) cho-
who are malnourished. lesterol, your body is overwhelmed
and can wind up in trouble. The
Origin fats turn into clogging masses that
Cholera likely originated in block arteries, cover brains and eat
India or elsewhere in Asia with away nerves and organs.
the Ganges River serving as a
contamination reservoir. You have a choice. Stop eating so
• Sources: Warnings about many animals, kick up your grains
Discovery cholera contamination posted and veggies or take drugs. The
Cholera was first described in a sci- around contaminated water sources. drugs can kill you.
entific manner by the physician Gar-
cia de Orta in the 16th century. Ital- • Sterilization: Boiling, filtering These are the naked facts: 73%
ian anatomist Filippo Pacini isolated and chlorination of water before more gastrointestinal cancers and
the bacterium in the mid 1800’s use. 800% more deaths occurred in
although his results were not widely people taking the drug
known. Later, John Snow found the The most effective means to stop “Cholestyramine” (it has many
link between cholera and drinking the transmission of cholera is filtra- names). Those taking this drug had
water, and Robert Koch identified tion and boiling. Education and 45% more incidence of gallstones
vibrio cholerae as the bacillus caus- sanitation are the limiting factors in than those not taking it and 44%
ing the disease. the prevention of cholera epidemics. more required gallstone-related sur-
For complete remission of cholera, gery, with all the risks of that opera-
Prevention overdose on garlic. tion.
Although cholera can be life-threat-
ening, it is easily preventable and CHOLESTEROL The anti-cholesterol drug-takers had
treatable. In the United States, 22% more bile duct disease and
because of advanced water and sani- 170% more heartburn. There were
tation systems, cholera is not a Medi-Sign Target 175% more deaths as a result of
major threat. The last major out- accident or violence among the drug
break of cholera in the United States Helps to keep you Hydrated takers including, 100% more sui-
was in 1911. However, everyone, cides, 100% more homicides and
especially travelers, should be aware 220% more accidents.
Cholesterol is a substance in which
of how the disease is transmitted
80% is made by the liver and 20%
and what can be done to prevent it. Now the drug-pushers want choles-
comes from plants. Cholesterol is a
terol tests and a monitoring of cho-
fat that helps all 76 trillion cells
Simple sanitation is usually suffi- lesterol levels for everybody age
maintain their shape. Cholesterol
cient to stop an epidemic. There two and older. They seem deter-
protects the myelin sheathes of the
are several points along the trans- mined to get us away from good

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/14/06 9:49 AM Page 327

nature-made whole foods like raw tion in cholesterol control. Eggplant 16. Yams and Sweet Potatoes,
milk, free range eggs, real butter appears to block blood levels of which contain tons of water-soluble
and yogurt, kefirs, sour cream and cholesterol from rising when fatty fiber in addition to beta-carotene,
cottage cheese. Even though, as foods have been eaten. contribute to cholesterol control.
some authorities say, only one out of Yams proved the best of twenty-
every 500 people need to be con- 7. Garlic, a daily ration of five fresh eight fruit and vegetable fibers for
cerned (sufferers from familial cloves minced into other food, has binding with cholesterol and remov-
hypercholesterolemia, an inherited been shown to lower blood serum ing it.
super-high cholesterol condition) cholesterol, to normal levels in just
everyone on earth ought to eat 14 days. 17. Yogurt is a real winner in low-
these; they are natural cholesterol- ering cholesterol.

“If you look like your passport photo, you’re too ill to travel.”
lowering foods: 8. Grapefruit Pectin, the white
fiber of the rind gelatinous stuff that chordoma
1. Apples eaten on a daily basis holds jelly together, can lower cho-
have been shown in various studies lesterol.
here and in Europe to lower blood
Medi-Sign Target
serum cholesterol. Researchers put 9. Raw Milk lowers cholesterol, as A 20-40 Day Fast on
test subjects on two to three apples a demonstrated by several researchers. Water and they are Gone!
10. Oat Bran, a water-soluble fiber
Chordomas are benign, slow-grow-
2. Barley is a star at reducing blood is one of the most effective foods
ing tumors that are usually seen in
serum cholesterol levels; barley for reducing cholesterol.
people 50 to 60 years old. They are
scores by lowering the liver’s ability
most commonly located at the base
to produce cholesterol. It can be 11. Virgin Olive Oil keeps choles-
of the skull and the lower portion of
used several times a week as a terol in line by taking two teaspoon-
the spine. They tend to invade the
cooked cereal or in bakery goods. fuls daily.
adjacent bone and put pressure on
nearby neural tissue even though
12. Onions...they rock!
they are benign. These are rare
tumors, constituting only 0.2% of all
13. Plaintains
primary brain tumors.
14. Soybeans and products derived
from them like soy milk, lecithin
Although the symptoms normally
and tofu help break down fatty
relate to the size and location of the
deposits so that they can be flushed
tumor, the following signs may be
from the body more readily and, in
helpful. For people with tumors
the process, also lower blood cho-
involving the skull, the most com-

-Will Kommen
mon symptoms are headache and
3. Beans of every kind with as little
double vision. For tumors involving
as a cup, lowered cholesterol. (No 15. Spinach
the spine, symptoms could include
back pain and progressive problems
with leg strength, leg sensation or
4. Carrots of medium size with 3
bowel/bladder problems. Juice
eaten daily.
and water fasting can shrink these
tumors and even totally remiss
5. Chili Peppers reduce blood
serum cholesterol level by suppress-
(See: 40 Days: The Noumenon of
ing the liver’s ability to produce

6. Eggplant serves a special func-

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chromium A rarely understood cause of fatigue the heavy blood is a tax on the heart
is overeating. It would seem that and arteries, useful of energy and
-Thomas Jefferson

meals would be the very thing to results in fatigue. In order to bring

Medi-Sign Target help cure fatigue, but the reverse is the hemoglobin down try these addi-
actually the case. While a heavy tives: more exercise, eating more
supper may enable some to sleep the fruits and vegetables prepared sim-
Stabilizes Blood Sugar
sleep of the drugged, it does not ply or eaten raw, avoidance of all
cause refreshment; putting the rich or concentrated foods, avoid-
Chromium is needed for energy
morning person in a partial stupor. ance of overeating, consumption of
“I do not take a single newspaper, nor read one a month, and I feel myself infinitely the happier for it.”

because it is involved in the metabo-

plenty of water and prevention of
lism of glucose. This essential min-
Too little exercise is another com- stresses.
eral maintains stable blood sugar
mon cause of fatigue. Again it
levels through proper insulin utiliza-
would appear that exercise would Stressful stimuli are known to be
tion and can be helpful for both peo-
cause fatigue in itself. Not so! As fatigue producers include working
ple with diabetes and people with
the out-of-condition person begins in a noisy environment, being in a
to exercise, chronic fatigue may dis- stressful or anxious state, having
appear like magic. The less you do, periods of lack of rest, and depres-
the less you can do. The more you sion. One of the first indications of
Brown rice, cheese, dried beans,
do, the more you are capable of depression is fatigue. Overweight,
mushrooms, nutritional yeast, pota-
doing. overwork, and depression are often
toes and whole grains.
related, and may cause fatigue.
Another cause of weakness and
chronic fatigue is the use of too little water. An irregular schedule causes the
fatigue Drinking water will perk you up just body to not have the ability to con-
as a wilted flower perks up in water. trol the expenditure of energy; this
Chronic dehydration is often caused means fatigue.
Medi-Sign Target by diuretics such as coffee, tea, cola,
Increase Salt and chocolate and Constipation uses
Rejuvinate with Fasting over-eating. Eat- up energy and
ing concentrated, can cause fatigue
rich, or heavy by the constant
food or consum- transmission of
ing protein food electrical signals
supplements pro- from the gastroin-
mote chronic testinal tract to
dehydration. the central nerv-
ous system.
There are other conditions of the
body associated with fatigue like Poor air, especially in the bedroom
thyroid problems, blood sugar prob- while sleeping, is a common cause
lems and many chronic diseases. of early morning fatigue as well as
headache. If exhaled impurities are
You may feel fatigue if your blood taken again into the blood, the body
iron or hemoglobin level is either must expend double energy to throw
too high from supplements or too them off. Concentrated foods like
low from not enough green foods. refined oils, processed sugars and
Many people are aware that a low all animals are another cause of
Fortunately, there are a number of
hemoglobin level is associated with fatigue.
simple causes of fatigue. If we
fatigue, but it is the rare person who
would eliminate these causes,
understands that rich, heavy blood Because we are designed for pleas-
fatigue would normally disappear.
also causes fatigue. Pushing around ure the recovery time from certain

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:21 PM Page 329

fatigue is quick after the excesses of more precious than gold, cinnamon circulation
one’s pleasures. was used in Egypt to preserve bod-
ies after death. blockage in
Make a self-evaluation and correct legs

“Middle age is when you’ve met so many people that every new person you meet reminds you of someone else.”
all those things that are known to be Cinnamon comes from a bushy
causes of fatigue. evergreen tree that grows in Sri
Lanka, India, Indonesia, South Medi-Sign Target
Check Your Medicine Cabinet America and the West Indies. This
Medication may also be a culprit of fragrant spice, wildly popular for its Walking, Water & Salt
fatigue because the bottom line is ability to perk up a pie, has a new
that most medications can have role. Recent evidence shows that
Circulation blockage in the legs,
fatigue as a side effect. cinnamon can also make mincemeat
intermittent claudication, is pain in
out of germs.
the legs caused by atherosclerosis,
The label isn’t a certain determiner
hardening of the arteries, of the
to whether your medicine is causing The inner bark of this tree is dried
lower extremities.
your fatigue. If fatigue isn’t a rela- and used as a spice, while the oil is
tively common side effect, it may distilled and used in food, liquors,
Because atherosclerosis decreases
not be listed. If you have become perfumes and drugs.
the supply of blood and oxygen to
more tired since taking prescription
the legs, people with intermittent
or over-the-counter medication, talk Cinnamon is a strong stimulator of
claudication experience leg pain
to your doctor or pharmacist about insulin activity, very helpful for
after walking a certain distance.
how to stop taking them. those with Type 2 diabetes, also a
mild blood thinning activity.
What are the symptoms of intermit-
CILANTRO tent claudication?

-Ogden Nash
Health Benefits
LEAVES • Blood Sugar Control
Initial symptoms of intermittent
claudication develop during walking
• Clotting, Blood Thinning
and are quickly relieved by rest.
• Kills Germs Dead
These symptoms are pain, aching,
Medi-Sign Target • Microbial Activity
cramping or fatigue of the muscles
• Peps up Digestion
in the lower limbs. Symptoms typi-
Cleanser & Nerve Tonic
• The Scent Boosts Brain Function
cally occur in the calf but may also
be located in the foot, thigh, hip or
Great nutrients, superb flavor… Although it is available throughout
buttocks. In more advanced stages,
if you like it! the year, the fragrant, sweet and
the painful symptoms are present
warm taste of cinnamon is a perfect
even at rest and are worsened by
• Improve Digestion spice to use during the winter
elevating the legs.
• Prevent Infection months. The two varieties of cinna-
• Relieve Colic mon, Chinese and Ceylon, have a
Lifestyle Changes that may be
• Soothe Arthritis Pain similar flavor. The cinnamon from
Ceylon is slightly sweeter, more
Smoking is directly linked to inter-
CINNAMON refined and more difficult to find in
mittent claudication. So people who
local markets.
have intermittent claudication, or
Medi-Sign Target wish to prevent it, should not
Brain Function & smoke.

The best way to treat circula-

Pancreatic Function
tion blockage in the legs
Historians will tell you that in the is walk each day and
ancient world, people were dying become more active.
for cinnamon…literally. Considered Exercise, rehabilitation therapy and

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:21 PM Page 330

weight loss are also recommended. • A disease characterized by rigid more athletic individuals yearning
muscles, muscle weakness, slow for greater physical activity.
The best things to eat are grains, movements and tremors.
seeds, wheat germ, and any kind of (See: Parkinson’s Disease) Foods That Help Keep Arteries
nut. Clear
• Senility Beets, black soybean, buckwheat,
circulatory citrus peel, lentil, omega-3 oils, rye,
• Stroke soybeans and water.
• Varicose veins cirrhosis
Medi-Sign Target
Exercise: Good Stuff! Add water,
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

lots of it and ya gotter did. Medi-Sign Target

Citrus, Legumes, Water &
Salt 1 Cup Lemon Juice Daily,
Individuals who cannot manage Macadamias & Grapes
If nutrients and oxygen-carrying stress properly often resort
blood cannot efficiently pass to vigorous physical exer-
Causes and Symptoms
through arteries to and from your cise to relax. This is
Symptoms of alcoholics include: a
76 trillions of cells because your excellent because physi-
puffy face with bloodshot eyes,
circulation is limited, you may cal activity helps release
hoarse voice, rapid pulse, vomiting,
soon be out of circulation stress and, at the same
“Truth is beautiful without doubt; but so are lies.”

delirium and impaired judgment.

with one or more serious, time, keeps arter-
They are also suspicious, irritable
if not critical, medical ies and capillar-
and over-emotional. Excessive
disorders: ies supple and
drinking damages the liver and
gradually leads to cirrhosis as well
• Agina pectoris,
as disorders of the stomach and
obstruction of arteries to Inactive cap-
bowels. It can cause damage to the
the heart and cramping illaries often
brain cells and also affects the heart,
with pain in the chest collapse.
which becomes weak and flabby.
Then they
• Heart infarct, an cannot pro-
Alcoholism begins with the occa-
area of heart tissue vide enough
sional drink that gradually progress-
which has died food and
es to a habit and leads to a state
because blood supply oxygen to
where the person cannot do without
has been cut off muscles,
alcohol. Some people drink alcohol
to enliven social gatherings under
• Cerebral thrombosis, they’re sup-
social pressure. Other people use
blockage of a blood vessel to posed to service.
alcohol as an escape from the
the brain
responsibilities or stresses of life.
A simple, no-cost-for-
• Impeded blood flow to the equipment exercise
leg like brisk walking for
Grapes: The most important home
a half hour or more
remedy for alcoholism is an exclu-
• Diabetic complications daily can send the
sive diet, for a month or so, of
blood rushing to the
grapes. Since this fruit contains the
• Emphysema farthest outposts of
purest form of alcohol, grapes are
the body. Brisk walk-
an ideal yet healthy substitute for
• Kidney disorders ing, bike riding, jog-
distilled alcohol. Alcoholics should
ging, running or
take three meals a day of fresh
• Deterioration of the eye’s swimming may be a
grapes at five-hourly intervals. The
retina better alternative for

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:21 PM Page 331

success of this treatment for ceasing CITRUS It isn’t clear as to why the fruit
to drink depends on the determina- spots. It is thought that the soil
tion of the alcoholic. does have something to do with this,
Medi-Sign Target though. The fruits grown in Califor-

“Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”
Apples: Apples are another effec- Breasts, Deplaquer & nia are nearly entirely reddish-pur-
tive remedy for alcoholism. A gen- ple with little or no “orange” color-
erous intake of apples help to ing in the flesh. Three of the most
Shrinks Tumors
remove intoxication and reduce the popular varieties are Tarocco, San-
Lemon, Orange and Grapefruit:
craving for wines and other intoxi- guinelli and Moro. The Sanguinelli
for cancers, heart problems, strokes
cating liquors. blood orange, found in Spain in
and nerves.
1929, is characterized by its
Dates: Dates are considered benefi- red-pigmented skin, very
cial in te treatment of alcoholism. few seeds and sweet and
The person should rub four or five tender flesh.
dates together in a half glass of
water then drink it. This remedy Americans traveling
should be taken twice daily for a in France, Italy or
month. It will bring definite relief. Spain would drink a
glass of regular blood
Celery: The juice of raw celery has orange juice, sometimes
also been found useful in alco- believing it to be a mixture of
holism. It is a neutralizer to alcohol regular orange juice with raspberry
so it has a sobering effect on the and other juices.
If you thought it was only the vita-
person. Half a glass of celery juice
min C in citrus fruits that make
mixed with an equal quantity of The Sanguinelli variety produces
them such a healthy choice, listen
water should be taken once daily for small fruit size and is more compact
up. Deep inside the white rind and
a month. than most other sweet oranges.
membranes of these fruit are the
Trees grown in the interior valleys
miraculous group of plant com-
Fresh lemon juice: One cup daily of California seem to produce fruit
pounds of bioflavonoids, citric acids
can restore liver function to normal with the most consistent color.
and pectins. So the next time you
in 90 days or less assuming that no
pick citrus, dig deep into the rind
alcohol in ingested at that time. How They Get Their Color
when juicing it.
A pigment called anthocyanin is
Eat complex carbohydrates such as found in blood oranges. This is
brown rice, whole grain bread and unusual because it is not typically
In the Mediterranean, a third of all
pasta. A sensible whole food, high found in citrus fruits but rather in
oranges are blood oranges. The
carbohydrate diet can at least help to other red fruits and flowers. Both
name “blood orange” refers to the
prevent further deterioration. the inside of the orange and the out-
internal flesh having reddish purple
side can be darkly pigmented.
spots. These fruits are smaller than
a baseball and particularly sweet
tasting. In Florida, the blood
Clementines are also called Algerian
oranges are a novelty because the
tangerines. They are small, sweet-
reddish coloring is not as prevalent
tasting and are seedless. The mem-
as it is in California with the same
branes covering the carpels are thin-
-Mark Twain

cultivars. The calcareous soils of

ner than other tangerines, and the
Florida do not bring out the color
texture of the fruit is very delicate.
like soils in other areas of the coun-
Most clementines are imported from
try. Nonetheless, the taste is the
North Africa and Spain.
Season: November through April.

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KUMQUAT the region where it is grown. The inside of a pummelo is white or

Fresh kumquats can be Pummelo’s nutritional benefits pink with thick membranes sur-
eaten raw and whole. match that of other citrus fruits, but rounding the flesh. The skin of a
This is especially true they seem to target brain function. pummelo is commonly used as an
of the Meiwa type of As an ancestor of the common ingredient in preserves. Pummelo
fruit. They have the grapefruit, this large, exotic citrus skin is also used medicinally in
nutrition inherent to fruit originated in the East and is some cultures like in Southeast
other citrus. still grown in Asian in countries Asia. There raw pummelo skin
“I was in New Zealand watching women chatting as they hung laundry on the clothesline;

including China, Japan, India, Fiji, pieces are given to people to eat
Many canned kumquats are export- Malaysia and Thailand. It is also when they are having problems with
ed from Taiwan and often served as now grown in the Caribbean and in excessive coughing or with epileptic
warm sunshine, fresh air, friendship. How lucky are we to have dryers?”

dessert in Chinese restaurants. To California and Florida of the United seizures.

preserve a kumquat, wait until they States.
lose some of their moisture and TEMPLE
acquire a richer flavor. They are eas- Temples are also called a royal man-
ily preserved whole in honey syrup. darin. A cross between a tangerine
Kumquats are excellent for making and an orange makes this fruit is a
marmalade, either alone or half-and- tangor. Temples are very seedy and
half with calamondins. resemble overgrown tangerines.
They are very sweet and juicy;
To pickle a kumquat, pack them their flavor is similar to that of
in jars of water, vinegar and an orange. Season: Jan-
salt that are partially uary through March.
sealed for four to five
days. Then change UGLI FRUIT
the brine, seal and This citrus fruit was
let them stand for bred by crossing a
six to eight weeks. grapefruit with an
To make sweet orange or tangerine.
pickles, cut the The ugli fruit is
kumquats in half grapefruit-sized but
and boiled them loose-skinned like a
until they are tender. tangerine. It has pink-
Then drain them and ish-orange flesh, it’s
boil again this time sweeter than grapefruit and
with a mixture of honey it’s nearly seedless. The skin is
syrup, vinegar, water and thick, rough and puffy. It’s coloring
maple syrup. You can add cloves it normally somewhere between
and cinnamon to your liking. Then Pummelos come from the pummelo greenish-yellow to orange. Ugli
bake the mixture until it is thick and tree, which can grow to heights of fruit now grows in places like Flori-
transparent. Another way to cook a up to 50 feet. These trees produce da although it originated in Jamaica.
kumquat is by chopping them and very attractive, fragrant and large It can be found in specialty produce
mixing them with honey, orange white flowers. The flowers are markets in the winter and early
juice, salt and butter for kumquat often used in Asia to make per- spring. The ripest fruits for eating
sauce. fumes. The pummelo fruit, which are those that give slightly to finger
can be eaten raw, is like the grape- pressure. Just like you eat oranges
PUMMELO fruit in that it is tangy in taste, but it and grapefruit in salads, deserts and
For the Brain is a little sweeter. breakfast, eat ugli fruit the same
Pummelo is also known as pample- way.
mousse, pomelo, Bali lemon, Limau Pummelo’s are easily spottable by
besar and shaddock depending on their large size and thick outer skin.

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CLEFT LIP (approximately 1 per 2,500 births). CLOVES

Males are affected more frequently
than females. Cleft palate occurs
alone less often, appearing in
Medi-Sign Target Medi-Sign Target
Micro-Surgeries Until approximately one in 2,000 babies.
Unlike the risk for cleft lip/palate,
Bone & Joints
the risk for isolated cleft palate

“The learned are seldom pretty fellows, and in many cases their appearance tends to discourage
appears to be similar across all
A cleft is a separation in a body
racial groups. Females are affected
structure. Clefts that occur in the
more than males in cleft palate mak-
oral-facial region often involve the
ing this another difference. A well-
lip; the roof of the mouth, called the
established risk factor that can cause
hard palate; or the soft tissue in the
fetal alcohol syndrome with associ-
back of the mouth, called the soft
ated craniofacial-oral-dental birth
palate. There are two major types
defects is hard alcohol.
of oral-facial clefts. They are cleft
lip/palate and isolated cleft palate.
Environmental insults or teratogens
Babies with cleft lip/palate have a
can produce severe human birth

a love of study in the young.” -H. L. Mencken

cleft lip which usually is accompa-
defects involving the face, jaws and
nied by cleft palate. In isolated cleft Cloves have cleansing and ver-
teeth. If these teratogens were elim-
palate, the cleft palate occurs by mifuge properties, and acts as a
inated before conception and during
itself, without cleft lip or other mal- digestive aid. They have oil that is
pregnancy, many thousands of cran-
formations. These two forms of applied for relief of toothache and
iofacial-oral-dental birth defects
oral-facial clefts are considered sep- mouth pain. This oil is also a
could be prevented every year. This
arate birth defects. Here we refer to soother for rheumatic diseases.
would result in significant human
each specific type of cleft by name, They contain a compound called
benefits and cost
and use the term oral-facial cleft eugenol, a powerful nutrient that
when the information applies can help keep your arteries clear of
to both. cholesterol. This agent is a great
A major risk
relief from infections also.
factor for cleft
When Do Oral-Facial
lip, with or with-
Clefts Develop, and In Latin, the word “clove,” or
out cleft palate, is
How Common are clavus, means “nail.” The clove is
smoking. Other
They? native to the Spice Islands of
types of drugs taken
These separations nor- Indonesia. It is cultivated in Brazil,
in pregnancy may
mally are present in early the West Indies, Mauritius, Mada-
also increase the risk.
fetal development. The lip gascar, India, Sri Lanka, Zanzibar
These include anti-
usually closes by five to six and Pemba. As early as 400 B.C.
convulsives, usually
weeks after conception. The the Chinese wrote of cloves. There
taken for epilepsy, and
palate usually closes by ten is even a record from 200 B.C. of
drugs for insomnia and anxiety
weeks after conception. In courtiers keeping cloves in their
such as diazepam and corti-
approximately one in mouths to avoid offending the
every 1,000 babies emperor while addressing him. The
born, the lip or the lip Romans had their cloves delivered
Other possible causes include
and palate together fail to close. to them by Arab traders.
infections during pregnancy and
Cleft lip/palate occurs more often
deficiency of the B vitamin folic
among Asians (about 1.7 per 1,000 Health Benefits
births) and among certain groups of A main benefit from cloves is the
American Indians (more than 3.6 production of eugenol. This has
Micro surgeries can assist the sever-
per 1,000 births). It occurs less fre- made cloves the subject of numer-
ity of this condition.
quently among African-Americans ous health studies, including studies

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on the prevention of toxicity from is only endemic in regions of the This combination is the perfect
environmental pollutants like carbon Western Hemisphere. In the United assistance to allow your body to
tetrachloride, digestive tract cancers, States, the endemic areas include heal itself.
and joint inflammation. southern Arizona, central California,
Southern New Mexico and west COCOA
-Mickey Mantell

Eugenol extracts from clove have Texas. The endemic region extends
often been used in dentistry in con- southward into Central and South
junction with root canal therapy, America. An arid climate, alkaline Medi-Sign Target
temporary fillings, and general gum soils, hot summers, few freezings
pain in the United States. This is and yearly rainfalls ranging between
Heart & Emotions
because eugenol and other compo- five to 20 inches characterize these
nents of clove, including beta- areas. Outbreaks
“If I had known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself.”

caryophyllene, combine to make occur following dust

clove a mild anaesthetic as well as storms, earthquakes
bacterial agent. For these beneficial and earth excavation
effects, you’ll also find clove oil in where dispersion for
some over-the-counter sore throat arthroconidia is
sprays and mouth washes. I say, favored.
“Why not make your own?”
Inhalation of the
With their intense orangy scent and spores, arthroconi-
piquant flavor, cloves nicely com- dia, is the cause of
plement autumn-ripe vegetables like coccidioidomycosis.
pumpkin and squash. They also do Once in the lungs, the arthroconidia
Chocolate has had a long history as
well in rice dishes and baked goods. transform into spherical cells called
a favored food of many cultures
“spherules.” An acute respiratory
including the Aztec and Mayan.
Phytochemicals: Beta-carotene, infection, that normally resolves
Today, commercial chocolate is con-
beta-pinene, beta-sitosterol, campes- quickly, occurs seven to 21 days
sidered a luxury food that should be
terol, carvone, caryophyllene, chavi- after exposure. However, the infec-
eaten sparingly as it can contribute
col, cinnamaldehyde, ellagic acid, tion may instead result in a chronic
to migraines, acne and obesity.
eugenol, gallic acid, kaempferol, pulmonary condition or disseminate
linalool, methyleugenol, methylsali- to the meninges, bones, joints or
Cocoa is a rich source of procyani-
cylate, mucilage, oleanolic acid, subcutaneous and cutaneous tissues.
din flavonoids including epicate-
stigmasterol, tannin, vanillin. Nutri- About 25% of the people with dis-
chins and its derivatives. The pro-
ents: Calcium, iron, magnesium, seminated disease have meningitis.
tective content is significantly high-
manganese, phosphorus, potassium,
er in cocoa than in tea. Oligomeric
zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C. Coccidioidomycosis occurs in a pri-
polyphenols in cocoa are stronger
mary and in a secondary form. Due
than monomeric polyphenols in tea
coccidiodo- to inhalation of wind-borne spores,
also. Oligomeric polyphenols inhib-
the primary form varies in severity
mycosis from symptoms like the common
it reactive oxygen species which can
damage cell membranes. This can
cold to symptoms like influenza.
then lead to diseases such as arte-
The secondary form is a virulent
riosclerosis, cancer and the ageing
and severe, chronic, progressive and
Medi-Sign Target
granulomatous disease resulting in
involvement of cutaneous and sub-
Water, Salt & Honey
Any health benefits?
Infused Garlic cutaneous tissues, viscera, the cen-
Studies are now indicating that there
tral nervous system and lungs.
are components in the cocoa beans
Coccidioidomycosis is the infection
used to make chocolate that are
caused by the dimorphic fungus Treatment consists primarily of rest
good for us and may help prevent
Coccidioides immitis. The disease with water, salt, garlic and time.

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heart disease, cancer and other and skin) and functioning of the or exacerbate acne. Chocolate was
degenerative illnesses. It is worth central nervous system. indicated as one of the main food
considering these studies, as the culprits. To date, there is no pub-
findings are very interesting. All • Flavonoids – cocoa beans, a lished scientific evidence to back up
the studies used ground cocoa beans main ingredient of chocolate, espe- this long-held belief. Sometimes,
in the form of a warm drink. cially dark chocolate, contain more though, people need to go with

“Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don’t know and I don’t care.”
than 600 plant nutrients that can experimental evidence and not wait
Heart protect against heart disease and for experts because scientists do not
Phytonutrients called flavonoids that cancer. always get funding to do research
are found in cocoa have two posi- when it could be negative toward an
tive effects. One effect is that they industry. Some scientists now do
block arterial damage caused by free suggest that a high glycemic index
radicals or unstable molecules. food, combined with a high intake
These free radicals, may damage the of refined carbohydrates, like sug-
arterial walls by blocking the artery ars, white flour etc., “may” be
wall lining. The second indicates linked to pimples. These are all
that chocolate inhibit platelet aggre- ingredients that commercial choco-
gation which could cause a heart late has!
attack or stroke. There have also
been studies indicating that cocoa Obesity
flavonoids relax the blood vessels Obesity is not caused by specific
which inhibit an enzyme that causes foods. Instead, general overeating
inflammation. and inactivity are the cause. If a
person regularly eats more food than
Nutrients and other active compo- their body needs, they will store the
nents of cocoa beans: excess energy as body fat. Choco-
late is energy-dense.
• Protein – needed for cell main- The link to migraines
tenance and repair. Migraines are debilitating headaches Regularly eating energy-dense foods
caused by spasms and constrictions can be a fast way to gain excess
• Fat – varies, but generally about of the arteries leading to the brain. weight. It would be wrong, howev-
30% fat, of which about 50% is The underlying mechanisms remain er, to say that regularly eating
plant based saturated fat or called unclear, but a number of triggers chocolate will lead to obesity.
good fats. seem to be needed to start the
migraine process. Certain foods Chocolate can be eaten in modera-
• Vitamin E – a fat-soluble vita- including commercial chocolate tion by a person with a healthy diet
min essential for cell membranes. because of added alkalis, sulfites, and lifestyle without fear of weight
nitrates, theobromine, etc., are com- gain. Traditional Mexican cuisine
• Calcium, phosphorus and mag- monly cited as triggers. However, uses dark chocolate in savory veg-
nesium – minerals essential for for some sufferers, chocolate can’t etable dishes. Chocolate eaten this
strong bones and teeth. start the migraine process by itself. way has a lower energy density,
Numerous international trials have which is desirable if watching your
• Iron – needed to form haemo- found that other factors like hor- weight, because it is being ‘diluted’
-William Safire

globin, the oxygen-carrying com- mones and stress as a result of tired- by the less energy-dense vegetables.
pound in blood. ness, excitement or anger need to be
present at the same time. Diabetes
• Caffeine and Theobromine – Studies have shown that small
nervous system stimulants. Acne and pimples amounts of chocolate can be eaten
A recent Melbourne study has by people with diabetes without any
• Copper – assists iron metabo- shown that around 70% of people significant adverse impact on their
lism, formation of melanin (in hair believe that certain foods can cause glucose control.

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Cocoa versus chocolate depends on coconut to some degree swelling, syphilis, toothache, tuber-
Try drinking ground or organically for their food and their economy. culosis, tumors, typhoid, ulcers,
prepared chocolates instead of eat- upset stomach, weakness, and
ing commercial chocolate to boost The coconut is highly nutritious and wounds.
your intake of nutrition while keep- rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
ing your fat intake low. It is classified as a “functional Coconut In Modern Medicine
food” because it provides many Modern medical science is now con-
Commercial Chocolate is not a health benefits beyond its nutritional firming the use of coconut in treat-
“health food” content. Coconut oil is of special ing many of the above conditions.
While there may be some healthy interest because it possesses healing Published studies in medical jour-
things in commercial chocolate, it properties far beyond that of any nals show that coconut, in one form
does have other components that are other dietary oil. It is extensively or another, may provide a wide
not good for you especially when used in traditional medicine among range of health benefits. Some of
there are too many of them in your Asian and Pacific populations. these are summarized below:
diet. Chocolate should not be Pacific Islanders consider coconut
described as some sort of ‘health oil to be the cure for all illness. The • Kills viruses that cause influen-
food.’ At the same time, the evi- coconut palm is so highly valued by za, herpes, measles, hepatitis C,
dence so far can help take away the them as both a source of food and SARS, AIDS and other illnesses.
“If today was a fish, I’d throw it back in.”

guilt of eating chocolate in modera- medicine that it is called, “The Tree

tion. So, eat all you want of the of Life.” Only recently has modern • Kills bacteria that cause ulcers,
organic cocoa bean prepared by you medical science unlocked the secrets throat infections, urinary tract infec-
or a trusted supplier. to coconut’s amazing healing pow- tions, gum disease and cavities,
ers for themselves…hey, they may pneumonia, and gonorrhea and other
Dark chocolate vs. milk chocolate catch up. diseases.
Dark chocolate is more cocoa nutri-
ent dense than milk chocolate and is • Kills fungi
not as chemically added to. and yeasts that
cause candidiasis,
COCONUT ringworm, ath-
lete’s foot, thrush,
diaper rash and
Medi-Sign Target other infections.
All 76 Trillion Cells & A
Panacea Food like Apples • Expels or kills
tapeworms, lice,
giardia and other
The coconut’s scientific name is
cocos nucifera. Early Spanish
explorers called it coco, which
• Provides a
means “monkey face” because the
In traditional medicine around the nutritional source of quick energy.
three indentations, or eyes, on the
world coconut is used to treat a
hairy nut resembled the head and
wide variety of health problems • Boosts energy and endurance,
face of a monkey. Nucifera means
including the following: abscesses, enhancing physical and athletic per-
“nut-bearing.” The coconut has fed
asthma, baldness, bronchitis, bruis- formance.
and nourished worldwide popula-
es, burns, colds, constipation,
tions by providing a nutritious
cough, dropsy, dysentery, earache, • Improves digestion and absorp-
source of meat, juice, milk and oil.
fever, flu, gingivitis, gonorrhea, tion of other nutrients including
On many islands, coconuts are the
irregular or painful menstruation, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
majority of the food eaten and there-
jaundice, kidney stones, lice, malnu-
fore are essential in the diet. Nearly
trition, nausea, rash, scabies, scurvy, • Improves insulin secretion and
one third of the world’s population
skin infections, sore throat, utilization of blood glucose.

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• Relieves stress on pancreas and • Supports and aids immune sys- • Dissolves kidney stones.
enzyme systems of the body. tem function.
• Helps prevent liver disease.
• Reduces symptoms associated • Helps protect the body from
with pancreatitis. breast, colon and other cancers. • Is lower in calories than all other
• Helps relieve symptoms and • Is heart healthy; improves cho-
reduce health risks associated with lesterol ratio reducing risk of heart • Supports thyroid function.
diabetes. disease.
• Promotes loss of excess weight
• Reduces problems associated • Protects arteries from injury that by increasing metabolic rate.
with malabsorption syndrome and causes atherosclerosis and thus pro-
cystic fibrosis. tects against heart disease. • Is utilized by the body to pro-
duce energy in preference to being
• Improves calcium and magne- • Helps prevent periodontal dis- stored as body fat like other dietary

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.”

sium absorption and supports the ease and tooth decay. fats.
development of strong bones and
teeth. • Functions as a protector to cells • Helps prevent obesity and over-
from oxidation. weight problems.
• Helps protect against osteoporo-
sis. • Helps to protect the
body from harmful free
• Helps relieve symptoms associ- radicals that promote pre-
ated with gallbladder disease. mature aging and degener-
ative disease.
• Relieves symptoms associated
with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative • Coconut oil does not
colitis and stomach ulcers. deplete the body’s nutrient
reserves like refined oils
• Improves digestion and bowel do.
• Improves utilization of
• Relieves pain and irritation essential fatty acids and protects • Applied topically helps to form a
caused by hemorrhoids. them from oxidation. chemical barrier on the skin to ward
off infection.
• Reduces inflammation. • Helps relieve symptoms associ-

ated with chronic fatigue syndrome. • Reduces symptoms associated
• Supports tissue healing and the psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.
repair. • Relieves symptoms associated
with benign prostatic • Supports the natural chemical
hyperplasia (prostate balance of the skin.
• Softens skin and helps relieve
• Reduces epileptic dryness and flaking.
• Prevents wrinkles, sagging skin
• Helps protect and age spots.
against kidney disease
and bladder infec- • Promotes healthy looking hair
tions. and complexion.

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• Provides protection from damag- • Boosts your daily energy. Dispel any lingering notions you
ing effects of over-exposure to ultra- may have that all saturated fats are
violet radiation from the sun. • Helps you lose weight, lowers dangerous; only animal saturated
cholesterol. fate are, plant saturated fats are not.
• Helps control dandruff.
• Helps those with diabetes, thy- Depending on how many carbon
• Does not form harmful by-prod- roid, chronic fatigue. molecules the fats contain, they are
ucts when heated to normal cooking categorized as short, medium, or
temperature. • Improves Crohn’s, IBS, and long-chain. Close to two-thirds of
other digestive disorders. the saturated fat in coconut oil is
• Has no harmful or discomforting made up of medium-chain fatty
side effects. • Reduces your risk of heart dis- acids, which have microbial proper-
-Lily Tomlin

ease and other diseases. ties. These fats are easily digested
• Is completely non-toxic to by the body for quick energy and
humans. • Rejuvenates your skin, prevents are beneficial to the immune sys-
wrinkles. tem. Far from being dangerous, the
Coconut OIL saturated fat in coconut oil is actual-
“Reality is a crutch for people who can’t cope with drugs.”

Coconut oil is truly one of the ly health promoting.

healthiest oils you can consume. It
Medi-Sign Target contains no trans fat and is rich in So how could such a bad reputation
lauric acid, which is known for hav- emerge from an oil that is so good
ing viral, bacterial and fungal prop- for you? The answer comes down
Heart, Brain & Skin
erties. Coconut oil can even help to to simple economics and politics. A
prevent wrinkles when used on your powerful hate-saturated fat move-
The Skinny on Fat
skin. ment began based on some flawed
Fats are not all alike. To lose body
studies performed over four decades
fat, replacing the fats you now eat
Because coconut oil contains satu- ago, which sometimes used primari-
with coconut oil may the wisest
rated fat, there is a widespread mis- ly hydrogenated coconut oils.
decision you could make. We often
conception that it is bad for you.
think that the less fat we eat, the
Remember that hydrogenated
better off we’ll be. However,
oils are oils with trans-fatty
you don’t necessarily need to
acids. These have been altered
reduce your fat intake; you sim-
from their original chemical
ply need to choose a fat that is
composition and have been
better for you. In other words
shown to raise cholesterol lev-
you need to choose a fat that
els. They also have been shown
doesn’t contribute to weight
to lead to heart disease and other
gain. You can lose unwanted
health problems. You should
body fat by eating more plant
not consume hydrogenated oils,
saturated fat, in the form of
whether it is coconut or another
coconut oil, and less polyunsatu-
vegetable oil.
rated fat, in refined vegetable
oils. Coconut oil has many
Around this time the refined oil
remarkable qualities one of
industry began to denounce all
which is that it can help you
saturated fats and heavily pro-
lose weight. Yes, there is a
mote polyunsaturated fats such
dietary fat that can actually help
as refined canola, corn, soybean,
you take off unwanted pounds.
safflower, and other seed and
Coconut oil can quite literally
nut oils. However, these refined
be called a weight loss fat.
oils easily become rancid when
exposed to oxygen and produce

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 339

large amounts of damaging free rad- with excessive consump-

icals in the body. What is not com- tion. They are not, howev-
monly known is that these oils can er, adjusted to include
actually cause aging, cancer, clot- tobacco use, junk diet and
ting, inflammation and weight gain. hard alcohol consumption
in their results. Also, neg-
Fortunately, researchers have begun ative studies that are
to realize coconut oil’s health-pro- flawed and have subse-
moting qualities, and it has started quently been disproved or
to gain some positive media expo- withdrawn are just more
sure. Note, though, that coconut oil exciting to report. When

“We don’t know a millionth of one percent about anything.”

can vary widely in terms of the you hear of any study,
types of coconuts used and the man- Pete’s sake! Coffee can ruin the make sure to do research on your
ufacturing processes used to make parasite’s environment making it an own to find out how the results are
the oil, among other factors. All of important factor in disease protec- interpreted and what is unreported.
these factors play a major role in the tion from the bad bacteria and para-
effectiveness of the oil. sites. Coffee has health benefits with a
wonderful flavor, enjoyment and
Most commercial coconut oils are Have you ever considered that cof- even romance. Coffee also is an
RBD (refined, bleached and deodor- fee can do this? Many studies show easy ethical choice so as not to
ized). RBD oils contain the medium no negative health effects and even exploit third world farm workers
chain fatty acids; however, they also health benefits when drinking a few fair trade. So, if you drink coffee,
contain chemicals used in process- cups of coffee per day. This is even organic coffee should be on your
ing. as compared to no coffee intake at must buy list. Most, but not all, of
all. coffee’s negative impact comes
Use only virgin coconut oil, not from its high concentration of caf-
only certified organic, but also, Studies have shown coffee con- feine a psychoactive drug. Caffeine
including no GMO ingredients, sumption offers significant risk can be a mood elevator and mental
bleaching, deodorizing, refining or reduction in many diseases. They energizer depending on an individ-
hydrogenation, and come from fresh include: type two diabetes, ual’s biological makeup. Coffee
coconuts (not “copra” or dried Parkinson’s disease, certain cancers improves mental performance in
coconuts like most oils) that come like colon cancer and pregnancy some, is an emergency remedy for
from a rural region of the complications along with others. asthma and dilates bronchial pas-
Philippines untainted by urban pol- sages.
lution. Why do so many people believe the
opposite? The media features nega-
COFFEE tive sensational stories about coffee

-Thomas Edison
consumption. These
studies seem to
Medi-Sign Target show problems
The Adrenals

Coffee Kills: Not!! (Except

Coffee as a health drink? Are you
sure? Yes, this is a brazen plug for
fair trade organic coffees. Some
people are unaware of the healthy
nature of coffee; it’s a “bean” for

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 340

“Processed caffeine,” on the other ing horseradish, hot pepper sauce,

hand, can trigger headaches, anxiety hot mustard or curry. As a rule of
and panic attacks in some. In thumb, if it makes your eyes water,
excess, it may cause psychiatric dis- it will also make your nose run,
-Jim Price upon moving to Southern California

turbances, promote insomnia and which clears it up.

aggravate heartburn. It promotes
bowel movements in many, causes Pump your legs. A daily 45-minute
diarrhea in others and can promote walk can help speed recovery from
fibrocystic breast disease in some colds. A daily walk helps shake up
women. Processed chemical caf- and spread out the cells of your
feine is used in soft drinks, sports immune system making them more
drinks, OTC drugs, prescription vigilant. Don’t push yourself,
drugs and is even infused into some though, because exhaustive exercise
commercial coffee beans. can actually impair the immune sys-
Decaffeinated coffee is a chemical tem. If you pace yourself so that
mess; avoid it! you can comfortably talk while you
walk, you’re going at the right
COLD pineapple. This can help you get
over a cold if you need to drink at
Snort salt water. For a stuffy nose,
least five glasses a day. Studies
Medi-Sign Target nasal sprays are safer and better
show it takes that much whole food
than oral decongestants and other
“He who hesitates is not only lost, but miles from the next exit.”

vitamin C to reduce sneezes and

Exercise, Fresh Air, Peppers
drugs. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt
& Salt coughs in cold sufferers.
in a pint of water, and then use a
nose dropper to drop it in your nose.
Colds: Find a cure and millions Serve a steamy bowl of comfort.
Gently blow your nose on a tissue.
upon millions will die because a Any hot liquid can help cut through
Sit in a sauna or hot tub. There’s no
cold is the body’s method of elimi- congestion. Tomato soup and lemon
sure way to prevent a cold, but the
nation by dumping toxins, viruses juice work. You may like to add a
Swedes may be on the right track.
and bacterial overwhelm. little cayenne even.
Researchers found that if you
indulge in a sauna twice a week or
Eating foods high in vitamin C is Keep a glass of water on your
more, you’re less likely to catch a
the number one best thing you can nightstand because taking sips of
cold because the high temperature
do for a cold. water during the night is another
blocks the cold viruses from repro-
way to moisten the nose and help
A great thing to do for colds and a breathing. This will also help to
sore throat is to eat sliced onions. combat the dehydration that can
Make your home tropical. A major
Eat them raw or cooked slowly, do result from a cold.
issue in causing colds is not so
not brown them though. Put them
much the cold weather, but it’s the
then in water until they are almost a Try a ginger brew. For chills, drink
stale air and lack of humidity.
syrup and add a squirt of lemon and tea made with a teaspoon of ground
When our nose and tonsils are dry,
a tablespoon of honey and mix well. ginger in boiling water.
they cannot trap floating particles
Some people strain the onion out,
and germs efficiently and it
and others drink it down with the Eat south of the border. Hot
becomes increasingly difficult to
syrup. Mexican or Indian foods are good
sneeze, cough
and expel
Garlic is also a renowned remedy busters so break
germs from the
for colds. up congestion
body. Turning
with a bowl of
down the ther-
Drink vitamin C-rich juice like meatless chili or
mostat and
orange, tomato, grapefruit or other spicy
turning on a
foods contain-

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Because they may lead to increased blood volume. So, be sure to drink
narrowing of blood vessels over at least eight ounces of water, cider,
time, you should avoid unhealthy herbal tea or broth before venturing
fats found in meats, cooked dairy outdoors, and likewise drink as
products, lard fried and processed much when you return indoors.
cold sores
Make sure to include plenty of
healthy fats like extra virgin olive
room humidifier keeps virus-laden oil, seeds, nuts, and avocados Medi-Sign Target
mucus flowing out of the body. Air because they seem to improve circu-
electrically dies when it doesn’t lation in the long term. Also, avoid
Ear Wax as a Topical

“I’m trying to arrange my life so that I don’t even have to be present.”

move; it stagnates like water. Air processed caffeine, like soda pop, as
re-electrifies, purifies and freshens this generally leads to constriction
as it moves every 16 feet though. Signs and symptoms of cold sores
of blood vessels.
Chill out. People reporting low • Small, painful, fluid-filled blis-
Train yourself with a warm soak.
stress levels are two times less like- ters on a raised, red, painful area of
This may sound obvious, but to
ly to develop a cold than those your skin.
keep blood flowing to your finger-
reporting high stress levels accord- tips, place your hands in warm
ing to a study involving more than • Pain or tingling, called the pro-
water before venturing into the cold
400 people. drome. It often precedes the blisters
weather. This is because the cold
by one or two days.
environment normally makes your
The number one cause of colds is peripheral blood vessels constrict,
breathing trapped lifeless air like • Usual duration of seven to ten
but the sensation of the warm water
the air in cars, offices, homes and days.
makes them open.
other closed buildings. Even in the
winter, open the doors, windows and Cold sores usually appear on your
When you repeatedly get the blood
vents even for just 15 minutes or lips although occasionally, they
vessels to open despite the cold, you
use ceiling fans, box fans or hand occur on your nostrils, chin or fin-
are effectively “training” your hands
held fans just so you’re moving the gers. It’s rare, but they may occur
to counter the constriction reflex.
air. inside your mouth only on your
Most people can go into the cold
gums or hard palate, the roof of
without losing circulation in their
your mouth. If the sore appears on
cold hands hands after about 50 times of trying
other soft tissues inside your mouth,
and feet it may be a canker sore, but it’s not
a cold sore.
Scorn cigarettes – even their sec-
Medi-Sign Target ondhand smoke. Cigarette smoke
Symptoms usually last seven to ten
decreases blood flow by narrowing
Hot Salt Water Soaks & days after exposure to the herpes
the blood vessels of the fingers and
simplex virus although they may not
toes; thus increasing circulation
A Raw Food Diet
start for as long as 20 days after
problems. These effects can be
exposure. The blisters form, break
especially hard on people with Ray-
and ooze before a yellow crust
naud’s. In fact, if you have Ray-
forms and finally removes itself to
naud’s, it’s a good idea to even stay
uncover pinkish skin that heals
away from other people who are
without a scar.
Watch what you drink and how
Certain strains of the herpes virus
much you drink. Dehydration
cause cold sores. Herpes simplex
aggravates chills by reducing your

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 342

virus type one usually causes cold

sores, and herpes simplex virus type
two is usually responsible for geni-
tal herpes. Either type of the virus
-John W Raper

can cause sores in the facial area or

on the genitals, though. Cold sores
come from another person who has
an active lesion through transmis-
sion by things like shared eating
utensils, razors or towels.
“There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not doing it.”

Once you’ve had an episode of cold

sores, the virus lies dormant in the
nerve cells in your skin and may
emerge again as an active infection
on or near the original site. An itch
or heightened sensitivity may pre-
cede each attack. Factors that could In general, babies start exhibiting a variety of nipple types like the
cause a recurrence are fever, men- colic symptoms around three weeks Playtex disposable nurser. Breast-
struation, stress and exposure to the of age. It usually is at its worst feeding is best, always. It kills me
sun. around six weeks of age and then when women don’t breast-feed.
stops around three or four months of
The number one solution to cold age. Even though it is a relatively Check out the diet connection.
sores is your earwax. It cold cocks short time period in your baby’s life, There may be some foods the moth-
it in one night. Kinda sounds that three or four months will seem er eats while breast-feeding that do
sick…but it’s true. like years to the parents who have to not agree with the baby’s system.
The minute you feel a cold sore “deal” with their screaming baby. Try to pay attention to any such
coming on, you may want to try foods. Some of the culprits may be
rubbing the spot all day. Try the colic carry. the “processed caffeine” drinks,
To try this maneuver, extend your chocolate, strongly spiced foods and
COLIC forearm with your palm up and put
your baby chest down on your arm.

Make sure that his head is in your Wrap him up.

Medi-Sign Target hand and his legs are on either side For some reason, wrapping a baby
Movement & of your elbow. Keep the baby in snugly in a blanket has a calming
this position, support him with your effect. Wrapping a babe is very
other hand and walk around the popular in some cultures, and some-
Vacuum/Dryer Noise
house. This will definitely help the times it helps to stop colic. Don’t
Colic: uncontrollable crying over 3
baby. worry; it won’t spoil an infant who
hours for 3 days or more.
wants physical contact.
Burp that babe.
Some colicky babies may be more Use a vacuum instead of a lullaby.
difficult to burp because they have Although science has failed to
more abdominal gas. explain this mystery, and it’s true
that nature detests a vacuum, col-
Be aware of the position of the baby icky babies seem to love it. One
when feeding him. If he is being technique that parents try is to tape-
fed while sitting upright, that is record the sound of a vacuum clean-
good. Remember to burp him fre- er and play it back when the baby
quently. When bottle-feeding the gets fussy. Another technique is to
baby, burp after every ounce and try simply start vacuuming the carpet

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and hope the child outgrows colic Sometimes changing the diet, a Although having a chronic inflam-

“In Rome I am weighed down by a lack of momentum, the inertia of a spent civilization. In New York I feel plugged into
while the carpet is still intact. To baby bulb syringe enemas or a matory condition like colitis is no
two-time colic, put the baby in a warm bath helps. Occasionally, picnic, there is encouraging light on
front pack and vacuum at the same milk intolerance or a food allergy your health horizon. You can keep
time. This makes the colicky baby may be the culprit of colic. Experi- colitis under control and ease some
fall fast asleep. ment a little with diet and note any of the discomfort with good care,
changes. proper diet and a less stressful
Do the dryer dribble. approach to life. Flare-ups do hap-
Put the baby in an infant seat and colitis pen, though, and when they do, the
rest it against the side of running first thing you’ll be looking for are
clothes dryer so the baby gets the some fast-track roads. The best
buzzing sound and vibration through Medi-Sign Target thing to do is to phase out fiber dur-
the seat. If you think that sounds ing the flare-ups because you want
too far-fetched, wait until baby fuss- to pass as little undigested residue
Fermented Foods & Colonics

a strong alternating current of hope and despair.” -Ted Morgan

es for another three hours or so. through the bowel as possible. As
There is something about the vibra- soon as the flare-up is over, return
tion that really soothes a colicky to a normal or high-fiber diet.
For pain, try: cayenne, chamomile,
Warm that tummy. comfrey, ginger, papaya, pepper-
Put something warm over the babe’s mint, psyllium husks or slippery
tummy like a hot-water bottle or elm.
heating pad set on low. Make sure
you put a towel between the baby Use friendly fruits especially melons
and the hot-water bottle to make during flair-ups. Sweet potatoes
sure he doesn’t get burned. Swing smooth things out.
into action. Motion-type rhythms
help colic. Many babies will at
least be quiet for a few minutes
while they are swinging. If you
learn to eat fast, that twenty minutes
of peace could mean a Sunday din-
Colitis is caused by not enough
whole foods especially legumes and
If the swing is not effective or
whole grains. If you have been
available method, try this: Lay the
diagnosed with chronic colitis, you
babe in front of you on his back.
are already familiar with some of its
Start at his rib cage and gently rub
unpleasant symptoms like diarrhea,
him going down the abdomen using
abdominal pain and rectal bleeding.
one hand then the other for about
six to eight strokes. Then slowly
Colitis is one of a group of condi-
bring his knees toward his chest and
tions known collectively as inflam-
down again three to four times in
matory bowel disease. Ulcerative
successive movements. Lastly, start
colitis causes open sores in the large
at the lower left abdomen and make
intestine and almost always results
a semi-circle by following the lower The number one solution is to use
in bloody, watery stools. Plain coli-
border of the ribs from left to right fermented foods like homemade
tis, which is less severe, doesn’t
and down to the lower right sauerkraut, yogurt, buttermilk, raw
involve ulcers and tends to be con-
abdomen. This movement will look kefirs, sour cream, homemade beer,
fined to the upper part of the large
like a half moon stroke when com- etc.

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COLLARD • Broad cellular protection. • Reduce PMS symptoms during

the luteal phase, or the second half,
GREENS • Calcium, a mineral for a lot of the menstrual cycle.
more than strong bones.
• Optimizing Immune Function
Medi-Sign Target • Help protect colon cells from with loads of zinc.
Lungs & Brain cancer-causing chemicals.
• Protection against emphysema.

Collard greens, unlike their cousins • Create cardiovascular protection.

kale and mustard greens, have a
-Robert Byrne

very mild, almost smoky flavor and • A healthy transition through

are a staple to the southern United menopause.
States. Although collard greens
share the same botanical name as If you or someone you love is a
kale, they have their own unique smoker, or if you are frequently
qualities. Like kale, collards are exposed to secondhand smoke,
“Tumescence is the period between pubescence and senescence.”

one of the non-head forming mem- make collard greens because they
bers of the Brassica family. The are rich in vitamin A.
dark blue-green leaves that are
smooth in texture and relatively Give yourself the gift of health with
broad, separating them from the collard greens.
wavey edged leaves of kale.
Kale, cauliflower, broccoli and col-
lards are relatives of the wild cab- cancer
bage — a plant from Asia Minor
thought to have been consumed as Medi-Sign Target
food since prehistoric times. Even-
tually, it spread into Europe and was
Fermented Foods & A Raw
introduced by groups of Celtic wan-
Plant Food Diet
derers around 600 B.C. Since the
times of the ancient Greek and Ninety-eight percent of colon cancer
Roman civilizations, collard greens is caused by a low fiber diet and not
have been cultivated. Its first men- enough water. A low fiber diet is
tion of collard greens in the United very bad, but when it is coupled
States goes back to the late 17th with a high intake of animal car-
century, although they may have casses, ground up or not, you’ve got
been introduced earlier. Collards problems; the more animals a per-
are a key food in traditional south- son eats the more prone to bowel
ern American cuisine. cancer they are.

Health Benefits Eat only fiber-rich whole wheat

As members of the Brassica genus • Help prevent the bone loss that bread. Stop eating wonder bread
of foods, collards stand out as a can occur as a result of menopause and Twinkies and other white flour
great cancer food; especially in or certain conditions such as processed foods.
breast and ovarian cancers. rheumatoid arthritis.
Some of the best foods to eat to pre-
• Rich in removing cancer phy- • Help prevent migraine vent and help put colon cancer in
tonutrients. headaches in those who suffer from remission are: broccoli, Brussels
them. sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 345

turnips. Other beta carotene-rich

veggies are also good like carrots,
sweet potatoes, tomatoes, red pep-
pers, orange peppers and yellow bell
peppers among others.

Top-grade, chemical and additive-

free yogurt made from raw certified
milk bought at health food stores is
great. It usually is well-tolerated by

“Hope is the feeling you have that the feeling you have isn’t permanent.”
even the milk intolerants and helps
reduce toxic waste matter enzymes,
which can lower the body’s ability
to slough off cancer-causing plaque.

Vegetables, fruits and grains are a

few of the champions guarding us
from “toxic sludge build-up,” an
epidemic disease which now claims
the lives of one in three Americans.
(See: Disease: The Mystery Solved)
ited traits through genes, which than the color receptors, which is
determine everything about your why we have poor color perception
body, including how tall you’ll be in the dark.
and whether your hair will be
straight or curly. Color blindness comes as a result of
a lack of one or more of the types of
Parents, eye doctors and even some color receptors. Most color percep-
school nurses test for color blind- tion defects are for red or green or
ness by showing a picture made up both and is a result of a lack of red
of different colored dots, like the receptors.
one above. If a person can’t see the
picture or number within the dots, Yellow-blue is the second most
he or she may be color-blind. common form of color blindness
although it’s extremely rare. Also, it
Boys are far more likely to be color- is possible to have the color recep-
blind. Think of 12 boys you know. tors missing entirely, which would
One of them is probably at least a result in black and white vision.
little color-blind. So girls, the next
color time a boy asks you if something Twenty-one days of drinking noth-
blindness matches, you'd better lend him a ing but carrot juice and eating
-Jean Kerr

hand! orange sweet potatoes with crushed

garlic helped two guys I know of
Medi-Sign Target Color blindness is an inaccurate get full color vision. One was a
term for a lack of perceptual sensi- “spotter” in airplanes for camou-
tivity to certain colors. Absolute flaged ground targets meaning that
Carrots & Carrot Juice
color blindness is almost unknown. people with color vision couldn’t
Color Blindness is Passed Down Red, green and blue are the three see them, and he could. He love’s
Color blindness is almost always an types of color receptors in our eyes his new full color world. Will this
inherited trait, which means you get although we also have black and work for everyone? Who knows.
it from your parents. You get inher- white ones. They are more sensitive

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congestive pared to persons who have not.

Typically, CHF people will not
heart failure/ change their diets; they take pills
heart disease instead.

Survival following diagnosis of

Medi-Sign Target CHF is worse in men than women.
Swear off Animal Carcasses Even in women, though, only about
20 percent survive much longer than
-Sydney Smith on Macaulay

eight to 12 years and one in five

and Go Raw Food
persons dye within one year. CHF
Vegetarian & Ferments
Keep your blood pressure well con- remains a highly lethal condition.
What is it?
trolled. High blood pressure strains With the use of angiotensin-convert-
Congestive heart failure (CHF)
your heart and further weakens it. ing enzyme (ACE) inhibitors as a
means that your heart has lost some
possible exception, advances in the
ability to pump blood. This can
Exercise; you’ll be healthier if you treatment of hypertension, myocar-
cause shortness of breath, weakness
do. dial ischemia and valvular heart dis-
and fluid buildup. CHF is serious,
ease have not resulted in substantial
but many treatments can help you
Common arthritis medicines like improvements in survival once CHF
feel better. Knowing a lot about
“He not only overflowed with learning, he stood in the slop.”

naproxen (brand name: Naprosyn) ensues. “I’d rather die than give
CHF, means you have a good
and ibuprofen (brand name: Advil) up meat!” is the testy battle cry.
chance of staying out of the hospi-
can cause fluid retention. Don’t
take them. The death rate for congestive heart
failure increased most between 1968
An estimated 4.8 million Americans and 1993. These increases are in
have CHF with an estimated addi- contrast to mortality declines for
tion of 400,000 per year. Half of most heart and blood vessel dis-
the people diagnosed with CHF and eases. In 1993, there were 42,000
get on medications will be dead deaths where CHF was identified as
within five years. the primary cause of death, and
another 219,000 deaths where it was
CHF is the most common diagnosis listed as a secondary cause on the
in hospital patients age 65 years and death certificate. The death rate for
older. In that age group, one fifth of CHF in 1993 was nearly 1.5 times
all hospitalizations have a primary higher in black men and women
What causes CHF?
or secondary diagnosis of heart fail- than in white men and women.
The most common causes of CHF
Investigations also are being done
• Heart attacks
Although the magnitude of the prob- into improving heart transplantation
• Plaque
lem of CHF is large now, it is for CHF people because this is
• Too much hard alcohol
expected to get much worse. sometimes the only option doctors
• Uncontrolled high blood pres-
give their patients. There is, howev-
Incidence of CHF is as equally fre- er, a shortage of donor hearts. A
• Viral infection of the heart
quent in men as women. After a possible solution to this critical
person reaches 65 years of age, the shortage may be the use of a heart
What can I do to help my CHF?
annual incidence approaches 10 per from another animal. This proce-
Although drinking alcohol seems to
1,000. Incidence is twice as com- dure is called xenotransplantation,
be helpful in some people with heart
mon in persons with hypertension as and it once was made difficult
disease, drinking too much may
opposed to a normotensive person. because of the rejection of the heart
cause heart failure. Stick to moder-
It is five times greater in persons by the CHF patient’s immune sys-
ate amounts of weak beer and wine.
who have had a heart attack com- tem. However, new technologies

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 347

have been forged that can overcome anxiety or an obstruction like plaque which are pouches in the intestinal
such a barrier. For example, scien- and parasites. walls that catch waste material and
tists have been able to alter genes in hold it while it putrefies, and diver-
the heart of a pig to diminish the CONSTIPATION: Death begins in ticulitis, the swelling and inflamma-
immune system reaction in a the colon tion of these pouches.

“If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.”
baboon. Scientists still need to dis- You are suffering from constipation
cover how to turn such genes on and if your bowel movements are infre- Take this simple test to see if you
off to prevent human rejection, quent, uncomfortable and the stools have a bowel problem: if your stools
though. are small and hard. Regularity of float, they have enough fiber; if they
bowel movements is important sink, you don’t.
Maybe at some point vegetables, although the frequency may vary.
fruits and juice cleansing used to For optimum health, you should Constipation has causes so discov-
remove arterial sludge will be more have one to three good bowel move- ering the cause will point the way
desirable than meat and transplants. ments a day. It is quite surprising to toward using the appropriate reme-
Who knows? know that many people have a dy.
(See: Disease: The Mystery Solved) bowel movement only every few
days, or even once a week. This is • Poor dietary habits of eating
certainly not good because decaying junk and foodless foods
fecal material and toxins in your
intestines can contribute to many • Lack of exercise and a sedentary
other diseases. It is vital to get fecal lifestyle.
material out as quickly as possible;
transit time is everything! • Lack of fiber in your diet. Fiber
adds bulk to your stools, stimulates
As mentioned above, the waste mat- proper bowel contractions and pro-
ter in the colon may contain toxins, motes healthy bacteria in the colon.
and the longer they are in your One of the problems here is the high
intestines the greater the chance intake of refined white flour and
they have to develop other diseases, animal meals in the modern diet.
CONSTIPATION such as colon and colorectal cancer. Products with refined flour have lit-
Other intestinal problems caused by tle or no fiber, and subsequently the
constipation are diverticulosis, intestines have nothing to help the
Medi-Sign Target
Colonics, Raw Foods, Water,
Salt & Oils From Foods.
No Supplements or Drugs

Types of Constipation
There are two basic kinds of consti-
pation. The first is called atonic,
which is a lazy bowel. The second
is spastic, which is the narrowing of
-Abraham Lincoln

the colon with small, ribbon-like

stools. For atonic constipation, a
high fiber diet and increased fluid
intake is recommended. Once the
problem has gone away it will be
necessary to retrain the bowel, as
explained below. Spastic constipa-
tion may be caused by nervousness,

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 348

normal wave-like, called peristalsis, a day to help digestion, removes the • Beans, legumes and grains con-
motion pass digested material toxins from our body. It may tain insoluble and soluble fiber to
through the body. become congested by exposure to help guard against constipation.
toxic substances, alcohol, prescrip-
• An insufficient amount of fluid tion, recreational drugs or hepatitis. • Whole grain cereals and bread
intake. In this case, coffee, tea and Nutrients that can spur better liver provide insoluble fiber and help
sodas do not count toward fluid function include: lemons, dandelion, constipation.
intake and can actually exacerbate milk thistle, turmeric and artichoke.
the problem. Drinking 8 eight A liver flush would be beneficial. • Fruits like prunes, raisins, apri-
ounce glasses of water is recom- (See: Cirrhosis) cots, figs and apples.
mended for everyone, not just those
with constipation. Constipation is a • Lack of certain digestive Try a natural laxative like psyllium
-Jimmy Hoffa

sign of chronic dehydration. One of enzymes produced by the pancreas. or ground flax.
the main functions of the large This problem often occurs as we Use fluids to fuel the fiber. Drink at
intestine is to take excess water out age. least one gallon a day of fluids,
of the excrement so that it is not too especially water.
loose. When the body does not con- • Lack of certain kinds of fat in
“I may have my faults, but being wrong ain’t one of them.”

sume enough water, the excrement the diet. Many people who try to Get your body moving and your
becomes hardened, leading to con- avoid all fats in their diet end up bowels will, too. Exercise can help
stipation. with a deficiency of essential, unsat- that lazy bowel to function better;
urated fats, such as the omega 3 and move it to lose it!
• Many of today’s over-the-count- omega 6 fatty acids. Dry, scaly skin
er laxatives cause you even more around the eyes and red eyes are Listen when your body talks. If
problems than the constipation. other symptoms you may exhibit if nature calls, answer her on the first
They kill friendly intestinal bacteria, you are deficient in the essential ring! Sometimes people who are
lessen the absorption of nutrients, fats. If these are your symptoms, constipated ignore ‘the urge’ and
get rid of necessary vitamins and you need to eat, nuts, seeds, grains, wait until later actually aggravating
create addicts out of users; they are avocado, unrefined oils. Git ‘er the problem. When your body tells
easy to get hooked on! Done! you it’s time to go, head for the
bathroom as soon as possible.
• Medications like some of the More Causes:
ones used to reduce blood pressure • Vitamin D supplements.
and cholesterol, among others do
not work. They are dangerous. • Pregnancy.

• Bowel diseases. • A deficiency in whole food

folic acid.
• Metabolic disorders.
• Endocrine problems, espe-
• Exposure to toxic substances, cially hypothyroidism, or low
such as pesticides, insecticides and thyroid function.
heavy metals, etc. Hypothyroidism slows down
many bodily functions, includ-
• Coral calcium and other calcium ing contractions necessary to
supplements (they create tumors). make the bowels function
• Some people who are anemic
and take iron. Natural relief for constipation
• Whole foods prevent con-
• Poor liver function. The liver, stipation, piles and diverticuli-
which produces about a quart of bile tis.

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Drug-Free Relief from to prevent constipation. To get seem sluggish in spite of your
Constipation enough fiber, eat a minimum of five efforts to eat more fiber, there are
Anything from three bowel move- servings of fruits and vegetables, plenty of alternative remedies to
ments a day to three a week is nor- three servings of whole-grain foods help you get them moving.
mal. That’s the word from no less and one serving of beans a day.
an authority than the National Experiment with the following
Institutes of Health. Alternative Water: Stimulate the Intestines remedies to see which work best for
doctors will tell you that what is Drink a lot of water! you.
generally considered normal is not
necessarily healthy. Psyllium: Concentrated Fiber
Some people may need to take fiber
A minimum of one complete, to alleviate constipation. Be sure to
soft bowel movement a day is follow it with a full glass of water.
Prune Juice: Chemical Action
If you have fewer bowel Prune juice contains compounds that
movements, toxins from the appear to stimulate the intestinal
stool can be reabsorbed into action needed for bowel move-
the bloodstream causing or ments. Mix prune juice half-and-

“The future isn’t what it used to be.”

complicating many different half with water and drink it once a
health problems. You can also get the benefits of cit- day.
rus without the peel. Squeeze the
It doesn’t take a conventional or juice of a lemon into an eight ounce Break Up the Log Jam with Colon
alternative doctor to tell you that not glass of warm or hot water and Massage
having a daily bowel movement is drink it first thing in the morning to Massaging your colon, which is the
just plain uncomfortable. This is help stimulate a bowel movement. final section of the digestive tract,
why Americans spend $725 million where constipation occurs, is a sim-
a year seeking relief with laxatives. Healthy Oils: Lubricate Your Pipes ple, completely natural and highly
Olive, canola, and other monounsat- effective method of helping your
Just because you can buy laxatives urated and polyunsaturated oils act elimination. Here’s how:
over the counter, however, doesn’t as digestive lubricants and are very
mean that they’re without risk. In helpful in clearing Lie on your back
fact, consistent use of a laxative up constipation. with your feet
weakens the muscles of the bowel Try a tablespoon or flat on the floor
so that you can actually become two of oil on your and your knees
addicted to them. This means that high-fiber salad for bent.
you will have trouble having a a perfect constipa-
bowel movement without taking tion breaking meal. Beginning in the
one. Laxatives can also drain your abdominal area
body of energy-giving minerals and When Food Isn’t on the right side
protein. Enough just above your
A high-fiber diet hip, use the fin-
Most importantly, though, you don’t accompanied by gertips of both
need them. plenty of water is hands to press as
usually enough to deeply as is
Almost everyone can clear up con- beat constipation. comfortable,
stipation with drug-free methods. But if you can’t then move your
seem to get enough fingertips in a
Fiber: Double Your Intake fiber in your diet circular, massag-
Most Americans get only half the on a daily basis, or ing motion.
daily amount of fiber that they need if your bowels still

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 350

Continue upward to just below your Dietary Changes FOLK REMEDIES

ribs. Then, using the same pressing, • The basis of your
circular motion, move across your healthy diet and long-term Apples have a laxa-
abdomen just above your belly but- wellness program should be tive effect and
ton. Continue to massage down to to change your diet by contain pectin,
your left hip. eating a high-fiber diet which will
with plenty of fresh add bulk to
Next, move to the about three inch- fruits and leafy green your stools,
es to the right and one inch down. vegetables, legumes, and their
Repeat the entire massage. whole grains, nuts and cleansing
“If it weren’t for Philo T. Farnsworth, an Idaho farmer and inventor of television,

seeds. action will

Do the massage for five to 20 min- encourage
utes a day. You’re helping to push • Eliminate sugar and bowel move-
through the fecal matter that’s stuck white flour from your diet. ments. Drink
in the colon as well as restoring cir- apple cider vinegar
we’d still be eating frozen radio dinners.” -Johnny Carson

culation and muscle tone. • No soda pop as a fermented version

of apples. They have some of the
POTTED REMEDIES • Avoid constipating foods and same beneficial properties. Take
drinks, such as white flour, process two teaspoons twice a day with a
Aloe: Soothing the Way cheese, fried foods, sweets, beef, glass of water.
Aloe gel lubricates the intestines, pasteurized milk, all junk food and
helping the bowels move more easi- carbonated drinks. Bananas are high in fiber and can
ly. It’s also a natural laxative. For help restore normal bowel function.
someone who is very constipated, • For problems of constipation as
eat a tablespoon or two of the gel well as diarrhea, it is important to Beets – Take two small beets, scrub
three times a day until the constipa- maintain a good bacterial flora in them clean, and eat them in the
tion is relieved. Buy an aloe plant the intestines so they can function morning. You should have a bowel
and peel the skin to get at the gel. properly. Overuse of laxatives, movement 12 hours later.
antibiotics and enemas can remove
Magnesium: You May Need Extra the beneficial bacteria from the Bran – Put at least 1/3 cup of bran
Magnesium deficiency contributes intestines. Take yogurt containing on your cereal each morning.
to constipation because the mineral live cultures, or whey, kefir or but-
relaxes the intestinal muscles. termilk to enhance the presence of Carrot juice – This juice will get
friendly bacteria. the bowels functioning properly
Wellness Program because of the essential oils in car-
For constipation, we suggest you try • Juice fasting is one suggested rot juice. It has an effect on the
some of the remedies listed below way to eliminate toxins from the mucous membranes in the stomach.
and follow the wellness program. body and get various systems going Take juice several times a day. This
again. will help regain proper digestion.
As a general rule, if This is good for children, too.
you are prone to
being constipated Dates – Soak six dates in a glass of
you will need to hot water. When they are cool,
make some dietary drink the water and eat the dates.
and lifestyle changes
to get your bowels to Epsom or Rochelle salts – Drink a
function properly. mixture of one teaspoonful in a half
glass of water before bed. This is
Take these steps: very bitter, but very efficient.
• Exercise
• Fiber Flaxseed – This is a safe laxative.

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Mix one or two rounded teaspoons of olive oil in the morning, and one CONVULSIONS
of flaxseed in a glass of water and tablespoonful an hour after dinner
take after meals. for results.
Medi-Sign Target
Fruit – Eat at least three raw Pepper – Make a mas- All Green Foods and Tubers.
fruits daily. The citrus helps sage oil of black No Processed Sugars or
promote regularity. pepper, marjoram
Strawberries, prunes and and rosemary to
Synthetic Sweetners.
spinach are laxa- rub into the
Convulsions, or seizures, are tempo-
tives. abdominal area.
rary alterations in brain function due
To do this, use

“Nothing is illegal if a hundred businessmen decide to do it.”

to temporary activity of a group of
Garlic – one drop of each
brain cells. They express them-
It soothes, in a light carrier
selves into a changed mental state,
cleanses and oil.
tonic or clonic movements and vari-
reduces inflammation. Garlic is
ous other symptoms. They are typi-
also very rich in potassium, which is Persimmon – Eat a persimmon if
cally classified as being motor, sen-
essential for proper contractions of they are available.
sory, autonomic, emotional or cog-
muscles, including the intestines.
The muscles can become partially Rhubarb – The vegetable helps
paralyzed which results in constipa- with regularity because it is a good
Convulsions can cause involuntary
tion when they don’t undergo proper source of water and fiber. Adding
changes in body movement or func-
contractions. The potassium is also bulk with rhubarb to your stool will
tion, sensation, awareness or behav-
important in the body’s electrolyte keep your bowels moving.
ior associated with
system. Dice some garlic and take
sudden and invol-
with juice, milk, soup, honey or Sauerkraut – Drink
untary contraction
salad two or three times a day. You an eight ounce glass
of muscles. A con-
may also cook the garlic. of warm sauerkraut
vulsion can last
juice followed
from a few seconds
Honey has mild laxative properties. immediately by an
to status epilepti-
Start by taking a tablespoon three eight ounce glass of
cus, a continuous
times a day or add it to foods or unsweetened grape-
seizure that will not
drinks. Licorice is a laxative. Make fruit juice.
stop without inter-
a tea out of licorice and drink it
vention. However,
before meals to enhance the produc- Senna – Drink an
a seizure can also
tion of stools. This is not recom- infusion of senna
be as subtle as
mended for use by pregnant women once daily, as need-
numbness of a part
as it may increase the risk of prema- ed. This is not rec-

-Andrew Young
of body, a brief loss
ture delivery. It’s an old wives tale, ommended for use
of memory,
but I trust historical by pregnant women
sparkling of flashes, sniffing an
experience…quite often. because senna contains
unpleasant odor, a strange epigastric
anthraquinone, which may increase
sensation or a sensation of fear.
Nutritional Yeast/Wheat Germ – the risk of uterine contractions.
Take half a teaspoonful each of
There are more than 20 different
nutritional yeast and wheat germ Spinach – Drinking a pint of
types of seizures. The cause of the
with all meals. After several days if spinach juice daily has often cor-
seizure can be many factors like
you haven’t gotten the needed rected constipation in a short period
epilepsy and related seizure disor-
results, increase the amount by 1/4 of time.
ders, abscesses, head trauma, intoxi-
teaspoon two or three times until
cation, infection, metabolic distur-
you do. Sunflower seeds – They promote
bances, tumors, withdrawal from
regularity. Take a handful of raw,
sedatives symptoms and space-occu-
Olive oil – Take one tablespoonful shelled, unsalted seeds every day.

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 352

called an absence seizure. or not. In general, a person who has

Typically these happen sud- two or more episodes of seizures
denly, often with myoclonic has epilepsy also known as a seizure
jerking around of the eyes. disorder. Many people with epilep-
They can be induced by sy have “auras.” These are telltale
hyperventilation and may sensations prior to their seizure like
present learning difficulties. strange lights, unpleasant smells or
odd sensations. The most dangerous
“The difference between Los Angeles and yogurt is that yogurt has an active, living culture.”

• Partial seizure: This is situation regarding seizures is a per-

also known as a focal son, who is going into seizures of
seizure. It is usually a motor any kind continuously, with little or
or sensory seizure that is no time separating one from the
restricted to one side of the next. This person is said to be in
body. “status epilepticus.” If an individ-
ual has a generalized grand mal
pying processes in the brain. • Partial complex seizure: Often seizure, the first thing a witnesses
Seizures during of after pregnancy also considered frontal lobe and must do is understandably calm
can be a sign of eclampsia. temporal lobe seizures. It is charac- down, stop panicking and help the
terized by a brief loss of conscious- victim. They need to ensure that the
Some medications produce an ness, behavioral and emotional victim’s airway is clear and open to
increased risk of seizures and elec- symptoms, loss of memory and maintain breathing. This is done by
troconvulsive therapy (ECT). These automatisms. putting the individual into a semi-
deliberately set out to induce a supine position and applying strong
seizure. Many seizures that appear • Generalized tonic-clonic upward pressure on the chin. And
to have unknown causes, can usual- seizure: This is also called a grand so the individual does not harm
ly be linked to soda pop. mal seizure. It is a motor seizure of himself, potentially sharp or danger-
Depending on where in the brain the both sides of the body. It rarely ous objects should be moved from
disturbance in electrical activity involves auras. It can be preceded the vicinity.
occurs determines the symptoms by a sense of general depression.
experienced by a person. Some The tonic phase involves vocaliza- 1. When a seizure occurs, the main
seizures may be frightening to tion, severe hyperextension, possible goal is to protect the person from
onlookers. A person having a tonic- respiratory arrest, cyanosis and injury by trying to prevent a fall,
clonic seizure, also known as a reflex bladder/bowel emptying. The laying the person on the ground in a
grand mal seizure, may cry out, lose clonic phase involves rhythmic gen- safe area and clearing the area of
consciousness and fall to the eralized jerking, followed by uncon- furniture or other sharp objects.
ground. They may also convulse, sciousness. During the post-seizure,
often violently. A person having a most people have aches, pains, 2. Cushion the person’s head.
complex partial seizure may appear headache, lethargy and a bitten
confused or dazed and will not be tongue. 3. Loosen tight clothing, especially
able to respond to questions or around the person’s neck.
direction. Some people have • Atonic seizure: Also known as a
seizures that are not noticeable to “drop attack,” during which brief 4. Turn the person on his or her
others. Sometimes, the only clue loss of muscle tone and conscious- side. If vomiting occurs, this helps
that a person is having an absence, ness cause abrupt falls. make sure that the vomit is not
also known as petit mal, seizure is inhaled into the lungs.
rapid blinking or a few seconds of • Myoclonic seizure:
staring into space. Characterized by abnormal, jerky 5. Look for a medical I.D. bracelet
movements on both sides of the with seizure instructions.
Some seizure types are: body at the same time. It is not def-
• Petit mal seizure: This is a very inite whether a febrile seizure has to 6. Stay with the person until recov-
brief loss of consciousness, also be regarded as an epileptic disorder ery.

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In an infant or child, if the seizure tion of bone, hemoglobin and red diuretic properties like the water
occurs with a high fever, cool the blood cells. It also works with zinc pill. Coriander is nutritional being
child gradually with tepid water. and vitamin C to form elastin, an rich in vitamins and minerals, and
important skin protein. Copper is some studies show it lowers blood
• DO NOT immerse the child in a involved in the healing process, sugar.
cold bath. energy production, hair and skin
coloring, taste and sensitivity. Specifically, Coriander Seed can
• DO NOT restrain the person. help to:
Sources of Copper: Copper is • Calm Upset Stomach
• DO NOT place anything found in your kitchen and plumbing • Control of Blood Sugar,

“It was such a lovely day I thought it was a pity to get up.”
between the person’s teeth during a but is also in: almonds, avocados, Cholesterol and Free Radical
seizure. This includes your fingers. barley, beans, beets, garlic, green Production
leafy vegetables, lentils, mushrooms, • Phytonutrient-dense Herb
• DO NOT move the person nuts, oats, oranges, peaches, pears, • Relieve Flatulence
unless he or she is in danger or near pecans, pumpkins, prunes, radishes, • Revive Appetite
something hazardous. raisins, sesame seeds, soybeans and • Spice Up Your Life and Subdue
whole grains. the Salmonella
• DO NOT try to make the person
stop convulsing. He or she has no Coriander, both in the whole and
control over the seizure and is not ground powder form, is available
aware of what is happening at the throughout the year. It provides a
time. fragrant flavor that is reminiscent of
both citrus peel and sage.
• DO NOT give the person any-
thing by mouth until the convulsions The two seeds of the coriander plant
have stopped and the person is fully when dried are the portions used as
awake and alert. the dried spice. The seeds are yel-
lowish-brown in color with longitu-
The leading cause of seizures today dinal ridges when they are ripe.
is synthetic sweeteners. Avoid
aspartame, Splenda and the 35 other CORIANDER Attributed Medicinal Properties
brand names of these products. Coriander seed oil is strongly bacte-
Instead, high calcium plant foods SEEDS rial against several organisms and is
can assist in recovering of the beneficial to the nervous system.
seizures and epilepsy. Medi-Sign Target The seed is a stimulant, that repress-

-W. Somerset Maugham

High calcium foods restore brain
Pancreatic Function &
function and overcome return
Coriander has a long history of folk
copper uses from a mild digestive aid to
stomach-calming teas to muscle-
soothing salves. These benefits are
Medi-Sign Target attributed to the action of tiny
amounts of an aromatic volatile oil
found in coriander seed and minute-
Hair & Skin
ly in the plant’s leaves.
Copper has many functions includ-
The essential oil has been shown to
ing keeping nerves and joints
rid some fungal and bacterial infec-
healthy while aiding in the forma-
tions, and the dried seed has shown

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 354

es flatulence, and helps the stomach Corn grows in “ears,” each of out the Americas, from Chile to
and intestines with digestion. which is covered in rows of kernels Canada. It was eaten both as a veg-
Coriander cakes were once the med- that are protected first by the silk- etable as well as a grain in the form
icine taken against “St. Anthony’s like threads called “corn silk,” and of cornmeal. Prized corn was spot-
fire,” or “Rose,” a severe strepto- finally, encased in a husk. Zea mays ted or striped with colorful kernels,
coccal skin infection now called is the scientific name for corn. This not just yellow and white varieties.
“erysipelas,” which caused many reflects its traditional name, maize,
deaths before the advent of corian- by which it was known to the Health Benefits
der oil. Native Americans as well as many • A high-fiber food
other cultures throughout the world. • Cancer activity equal to or even
In Asia the herb is used against higher than that of vegetables and
piles, headache and swellings. The Description fruits
fruit is used in colic, piles and con- An icon of American culture, corn • Corn for cardiovascular health
junctivitis. The coriander oil is used represents our Native American tra- • Maintain your memory with thi-
in colic, rheumatism and neuralgia. ditions and serves as a symbol of amin (vitamin B1)
The seeds are used as a paste for both summertime fun and a night • Support for energy production,
mouth ulceration and a poultice for out at the movies. In the form of even under stress
“Good behavior is the last refuge of mediocrity.”

other ulcers. corn syrup, it is also an added ingre-

dient in many other foods that we Preparation Ways
CORN consume in our daily diets. This • Boiling
corn syrup is not consumed health- • Corn off the cob
fully. • Popped
Medi-Sign Target • Roasting
Although we often associate corn
Teeth, Bones & Cell Wall
with the color yellow, this vegetable
actually comes in host of different
varieties that range in colors like
Corn is one of the top nutritionally
red, pink, black and blue.
dense foods in the world. What Medi-Sign Target
vegetable is more synonymous with
Blood Builder
the coming of summer than freshly
In Central America amongst the
picked corn on the cob? Although
Carrib Indians is thought to be the
corn is now available in markets
origination point of corn. Around
year-round, it is the locally grown
7,000 years is how far back we can
varieties that are best. You can pur-
trace the corn meals meaning it was
chase the local corn during the sum-
a food even for primitive peoples.
mer months and it not only tastes
Corn as a vegetable on the cob was
the best but is usually the least
developed; it was not made. The
expensive and the healthiest.
Carrib Indians say God whis-
pered in their ears how to
develop it; hence the name
for corn is an “ear” of
corn. Botanists cannot
replicate how it was

When Christopher
Columbus and other
explorers came to the
New World, they saw
corn growing through-

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This popular oil contains mostly Corns and calluses may be a sign Support your arches. People with
unsaturated fat. It is usually highly that you have an underlying foot high arches are particularly suscepti-
refined and hydrogenated, though. disorder, such as a joint that is out ble to corns. If you are concerned
Like other polysaturated oils, corn of alignment. about your arches, check for corns
oil does lower total cholesterol. on three pressure points on your feet
While it lowers LDL, it also lowers The symptoms of corns and callus- that carry your weight: on the ball
HDL cholesterol a bit. The end es can include: of the foot, right below the smallest

“Many a man owes his success to his first wife, and his second wife, to his success.”
result is still an improved HDL-to- • Thickened patch of hard skin on toe and on the heel. If this is your
LDL ratio. the foot. problem, try store-bought arch sup-
corns & • Hard, small bump of skin that
may have a central core. Be a beachcomber. Walking bare-
calluses foot can get rid of your calluses. A
• White and rubbery bumps of beach walk can help the sand acts as
Medi-Sign Target skin called ‘soft’ corns often a natural pumice stone and file
Apply Crushed Garlic, between the toes. down your calluses.
Lemon Juice & Water • In some cases, the callus pushes Don’t use medicated corn pads.
into the foot, rather than spreading These pads have “medication”
across the skin’s surface. called salicyclic acid, which turns
the corn white and blister-free, so it
• Pain when pressure or friction is can peel off. What happens fre-
applied to the area. quently is that the acid is so strong
it goes through the corn and eats at
Anyone can develop corns or cal- the toe, causing an ulcer in the toe.
luses, but some groups are partic- So, these pads are a lot of the time
ularly at risk, including: more trouble than they are worth.

• Elderly people – because ageing

A corn or callus, normally formed in skin loses elasticity and fatty tissue.
response to pressure of friction, is Barefoot Cruise
an area of hard, thickened skin on • People who spend a lot of time
the foot. They are part of the body’s standing up – because of the contin-
defense system to protect the under- uous weight-bearing pressure on 5-6 Garlic Cloves
lying tissues. Calluses can become their feet. 1/2 tsp Lemon Juice
painful if the cause of pressure is 1/2 tsp Water
not relieved. If pressure becomes • People with feet that roll Apply this paste to all hard-skin
concentrated in a small area, a inwards (flat feet) – flat feet place areas. Wrap your entire foot
‘hard’ corn may develop. A corn excessive pressure on the ball of the with a warm towel, and then
has a central core. foot beneath the big toe, and the cover with a plastic bag. After
inside of the heel. sitting still for at least ten min-
utes, remove the coverings and
Corns and calluses normally form
-Jim Backus

file the callus with a pumice

on ball of the foot, under the big • A person with foot complaints stone. Caution: Don’t try this
toe, the tips and the tops of toes. (such as a hammer toe, bunions or remedy if you are sensitive to
‘Soft’ corns may develop between arthritis) – because a bony promi- garlic.
the toes, where the skin is moist nence can rub against the shoe or
from sweat or inadequate drying. neighboring toes.
Sometimes, the pressure of the corn
or callus may produce inflamma- • People who regularly wear shoes
tion, which can result in acute pain, that are narrow, tight, ill-fitting or
swelling and redness. high-heeled.

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 356

coronary a discomfort, heaviness, pressure,

aching, burning, fullness, squeezing
artery disease or painful feeling. It is mistaken for
indigestion or heartburn. Angina is
Medi-Sign Target usually felt in the chest, but it may
also be felt in the left shoulder,
arms, neck, throat, jaw or back.
Grapefruit, Olive Oil &
“The Jewish position on abortion is that a fetus is a fetus until it gets out of medical school.”

Raw Foods
Other symptoms that can occur
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is with coronary artery disease
Soaking your feet in Epsom salts
sometimes called coronary artery include:
and warm water should relieve pain.
disease (CAD). A coronary artery is • Faster heartbeat
Soak them twice a day, for ten min-
a blood vessel that carries blood to • Nausea
utes each time.
your heart. Arteries are like narrow • Palpitations (irregular heart
tubes. The flow of blood and oxy- beats, skipped beats or a “flip-flop”
For footwear, think round. Many
gen through the arteries can be feeling in your chest)
women who wear pointy-toed shoes
blocked or slowed by a fatty build- • Shortness of breath
get corns on the fourth or smallest
up of a substance called plaque. • Sweating
toe. Even without corns, you’re
This can happen in any artery, but • Weakness or dizziness
much better off with round-toed
it’s more serious when it happens in
shoes with a large toe box. If corns
the coronary arteries. When this What can I do to prevent coronary
are a recurring problem, get a pair
happens your heart doesn’t get the artery disease?
of open-toed shoes or sandals and
blood and oxygen it needs to work • Start your day out right. Have
wear them as often as possible.
properly. CHD can lead to serious some form of grain, like whole-
There is less discomfort because
health problems including pain or grain bread or whole-grain cereal,
there is less friction on the toes.
pressure in the chest and heart and fruit for breakfast.
This way you are less likely to
develop new corns.
• Think of grains and vegetables
as your main dish in lunches and
Pump up the padding. If the corn
continues to hurt when you walk,
place “horseshoe” foam pads
• Add beans to leafy salads, pasta
around it, but be careful that these
salads and stews. Chick peas, kid-
pads don’t pressure the skin around
ney beans and navy beans have been
the corn too much. Put a bandage
shown to reduce LDL cholesterol
over the corn to help reduce friction
when wearing nylons that can irri-
tate the skin.
• Try soy products. Soy has come
a long way in the last few years.
• Soak the foot in warm water
Today, you can find soy products in
until the hardened skin softens.
many grocery stores and health food
stores. Try veggie-soy burgers, soy
• Gently use a pumice stone or
pepperoni, tofu, soy milk or even
callus file over the area.
nut milks.
• Repeat several times if needed.
• Serve raw or cooked fruits with
low-fat yogurt for dessert.
• Protect the area with a bandage
or light pad. Foam can be trimmed
The most common symptom of • Try virgin olive oil or canola oil
to fit the spot and relieve pressure.
CAD is angina or “angina pec- instead of oils high in polyunsaturat-
toris.” Angina can be described as ed fats, like refined corn oil and

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 357

margarine for cooking. Both olive 2. Instead, eat more of these COUGH
oil and canola oil are high in foods:
monounsaturated fat, which decreas-
es LDL and total cholesterol levels.
C Whole-grain breads and Medi-Sign Target
pasta, brown rice, bagels.
Saltwater, Peppermint Oil &
• Eat only small amounts of
C Fresh, frozen, baked or
steamed fruits and vegetables.
• Cook with garlic. Several stud-
ies have shown that garlic reduces
LDL cholesterol and lowers blood
C Steamed, baked or fresh

• Eat nuts that improve cholesterol C Soy products and dried beans.
levels and are rich in monounsatu-
rated fat, like hazelnuts, almonds,
pecans, cashews, walnuts and
C Egg’s.

“Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.”

macadamia nuts. Garnish food with
one tablespoon of chopped nuts per C Fig bars, graham crackers,
person. Snack ‘em throughout the air-popped popcorn, and yogurt.

What else can I do if I have CAD?

C Virgin Olive oil or canola oil.
Go walking 5 times a week.
Using 2 tablespoons of virgin olive
oil per day in place of other fats
1. Eat less of these foods:
may be enough to produce this LDL There are 3 kinds of coughs:
• Potato chips, french fries and
lowering effect. This means our
other “junk” foods.
arteries have a better chance of stay- Productive. This brings up mucus
ing clear. or phlegm.
• Cooked vegetables, processed
cheese or cream sauces.
COTTONSEED Nonproductive. This is a dry
Reflex. This is a cough that comes
Medi-Sign Target from a problem somewhere else,
like the ear or stomach.
Use on Furniture
Cottonseed oil is one of the most • Allergies and postnasal drip
inexpensive, readily available and
widely used oils. It is added to • Asthma
many processed foods like cereals
and potato chips. Yet, cottonseed • Dry air
oil is on our list of worst oils for
• Lard Fried foods, bacon, sausage
several reasons. Firstly, cotton is a • Infections. Examples are bron-
and organ meats, like liver.
crop that is heavily sprayed with chitis, colds, and the flu.
pesticides, so cottonseed oil may be (See: Colds & Flu)
• Cheesecake, pastries, doughnuts,
loaded with pesticides. Secondly,
ice cream, margarine and cooked
cottonseed oils are likely to be • Tobacco smoke.
hydrogenated to extend shelf life.

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 358

Other causes include having some- ably wheaty flavor. It cooks in

“After analyzing cancer survival statistics for several decades, Dr Hardin Jones, a professor at the University of California,

thing stuck in your windpipe and about 15 minutes and retains a slight
acid reflux from the stomach that crunchiness afterward. It can be a
comes with heartburn. breakfast cereal, mixed into baked
goods or substituted for bulgur in
Lounge with a lozenge. Make ‘em tabbouleh, a Middle Eastern cold
yourself using honey, peppermint, grain salad, among other dishes.
eucalyptus oils and mashed raisins.
Roll them into little balls, suck and It’s possible to make cracked wheat
relax. This decongests and reduces been precooked and dried. It is high at home by processing wheat berries
swelling. in B vitamins and iron and different in a heavy-duty blender. Process
from both Western and Asian pasta two cups of wheat at a time on high
Water your cough. Drink plenty of because the tiny grains resemble speed for about four minutes.
water while you’ve got that trouble- rice or grits more than they do noo-
some tickle. Keeping the body dles. There are quick cooking,
“instant,” couscouses available that CRADLE CAP
hydrated will help thin the mucus.
simply require steeping in boiling
Nurture your nostrils. Oftentimes broth or water. There are also larger
concluded;...people are better off, untreated.”

coughing is a response to some couscouses, which are the size of a Medi-Sign Target
nasal irritation. Use saline nasal small pea, called toasted Israeli Massage with Olive Oil
sprays and vaporizers to inhale the couscous that require longer cook-
steam from a boiling pot of water. ing.
Cradle Cap: No worries mate!
Up with phlegm. Hacking up CRACKED What is it?
phlegm, what’s called a productive
cough, is your body’s way of getting
WHEAT Cradle cap is temporary and harm-
less condition of the scalp in babies,
rid of mucky mucus. Make sure
characterized by greasy, yellow,
you don’t swallow it. Spit the Medi-Sign Target scaly patches on the skin of the
phlegm into a tissue and throw the
tissue away, if you’re a girl. Guys All Cells
should go for a new record, by
What causes it?
hauking it as far as you can, just not
This product is made from wheat The cause is unknown. It is not due
where people walk.
berries that have been ground into to infection, allergy or inadequate
coarse, medium and fine granula- washing.
A new study shows a diet high in
fiber from fruits like apples and tions for faster cooking. Cracked
wheat can replace rice or grains in What are the symptoms?
grapes and soy foods may reduce
most recipes, and it has an agree- Greasy, yellow scaling patches that
the incidence of chronic respiratory
may, eventually, cause the
symptoms. This is especially true in
baby’s scalp to be covered
coughs with phlegm.
in a thick, scaly layer.
The condition is not itchy
COUSCOUS and the child is not dis-
tressed by it.

What can I do at home?

Medi-Sign Target
Brain Cells The following treatment
can be effective in con-
trolling the problem, but it
Couscous is popular in North Africa may have to be repeated.
and is made from semolina that has The baby can be made

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more comfortable by loosening or COMMON CRANBERRY OR ends tell of how cranberries were a
removing any clothing covering the NORTHERN CRANBERRY gift from the Great Spirit sent to
scalp. (Vaccinium oxycoccus or Oxycoccus earth in the beak of a crane. In
palustris) is widespread throughout Massachusetts around 1620, the
• Rub a little olive oil into the the Northern Hemisphere, including Native Americans are reported to
baby’s scalp before bed. Comb the northern Europe, northern Asia and have introduced the cranberry to
hair with a fine-toothed comb in the northern North America. It has starving English settlers, who incor-
morning. porated the berry into the traditional
small leaves with dark pink flowers
Thanksgiving feast. Soon there
and purple central spike that are
• When the scales have been after, some areas passed laws to pro-
produced on finely hairy stems. The
removed, wash the baby’s hair with tect the wild berries; only certain
fruit is a small pale pink berry, with
a mild baby shampoo. people could harvest them at certain
a sharp, acidic flavor. times and lawbreakers were heavily
• Cradle cap is a temporary condi- SMALL CRANBERRY fined. Then around 1816, American
tion, which will disappear by itself (Vaccinium microcarpum or Oxy- Revolutionary War veteran Henry

“Cogito ergo spud. I think, therefore I yam.”

after a while. coccus microcarpus) is in northern Hall allegedly was the first to culti-
Europe and northern Asia. It differs vate the cranberry commercially, in
CRANBERRY from V. oxycoccus in that the leaves the Cape Cod town of Dennis.
are more triangular, and the flower
stems are hairless.
Medi-Sign Target
(Vaccinium macrocarpon or Oxy-
coccus macrocarpus) native to the
northeastern part of the North Amer-
ica from Canada to North Carolina.
It differs from V. oxycoccus in that
the leaves are larger.

The cranberries are related to the

bilberries, blueberries and huckle-
berries, all in Vaccinium subgenus
Vaccinium. The berries differ
because of a stouter, woodier stem,
The cranberries are a group of ever- taller shrubs and the bell-shaped

green dwarf shrubs in the genus flowers not having the petals
reflexed. Commercial cranberry fields today
Vaccinium subgenus Oxycoccus, or
are diked in order to be flooded.
sometimes, in the distinct genus
Uses and cultivation When the berries are ripe, they float,
Oxycoccus. They are found in
Cranberries are popular for harvest- making harvesting a matter of flood-
acidic bogs throughout the cooler
ing in the Nordic countries and in ing the field, shaking the bushes a
parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
Russia. They have been eaten by bit, and skimming off the berries
Cranes favor cranberries; hence
arctic peoples for hundreds of years. into waiting trucks. Usually cran-
their name. Although, some sources
Scotland used to wild harvest the berries are served as a compote or
claim the name is really “craneber-
berries but cannot now because of jelly, but sometimes they are incor-
ry” because when the flower
the loss of their habitat and scarcity porated in other ways like cranberry
expands, its stem, calyx and petals
of the berry. In North America, juice. The berry is often used in
resembled the neck, head and bill of
Native Americans were the first to baking things like muffins and
a crane. In North-Eastern Canada a
recognize and use the cranberry as a cakes. Today, modern science is
cranberry is also referred to as a
source of food, some calling them proving what the Natives and Pil-
‘sassamanash.’ Certain tribal leg- grims knew from experience, that

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 360

cranberries are good for you. The Cream is the fatty layer that rises to general slowness of movement and
list of benefits is long, like preven- the top of unhomogenized milk. speech. Growth may become nor-
tion of urinary tract infection, gum Cream was once the sine qua non of mal and mental facility greatly
disease, stomach ulcers, heart dis- gourmet cooking. Today’s misdi- improved if it is discovered early
ease, cancer, spinal paralysis among rected health-conscious cooks have enough and treated with sufficient
others. New research is being con- found ways to make rich tasting iodine intake throughout life. If the
ducted daily. sauces, soups, and desserts without condition commences after adult-
“Put simply, chemotherapy is an intravenously administered poison that kills all living matter.”

cream, by using artificial and syn- hood is reached, it is called myxede-

Cranberries are a good source of thetic ingredients. But a small ma.
ellagic acid, a compound that has quantity of any type of cream, does
raised high hopes in cancer add a unique flavor and texture to Causes: Endemic cretinism is
research. Ellagic acid has been recipes. caused by iodine deficiency, occa-
shown to prevent tumors from sionally exacerbated by naturally
growing and to disarm cancer-caus- SWEET CREAMS occurring goitrogens. Congenital
ing agents. Examples are: half-and-half, a mix- hypothyroidism can be caused by
ture of milk and cream; light cream, any of the following:
Cranberries have strong nutrient coffee cream or table cream; light
properties with unusual abilities whipping cream and heavy cream. • Dysgenesis of the thyroid gland
to prevent infectious bacteria
from sticking to the cells lining SOUR CREAMS • Agenesis (complete absence of
the bladder and urinary tract. Cholesterol-free sour cream alterna- thyroid gland)
Thus, it helps prevent recurring tive is made with skim milk and
urinary tract (bladder) infections. refined vegetable oil. • Ectopy (lingual or sublingual
Cranberries also have viral activi- thyroid gland)
ty. cretinism
• Maternal autoimmune disease
CREAM Medi-Sign Target (transient or permanent)

Sea Salts, Mushrooms, all • Iatrogenic causes – Maternal use

Medi-Sign Target Nuts, Seeds & Hard Squash of thioamides, iodine excess and
radioactive iodine therapy
Intestines & Emotions
Cretinism is a condition produced in
infants and children due to the lack
Eat lots of mushrooms. They con-
of a thyroid hormone. It usually
tain a high incidence of naturally
results from a congenital defect, like
occurring iodine. Use sea salt with
the absence of the thyroid, presence
naturally occurring iodine. Also,
of only a rudimentary gland or
eats lots of pumpkin seeds, walnuts,
inability of the gland to produce
flax, turnips, cabbage, mustard
thyroxine. It can develop later,
greens, millet and pine nuts.
however, if there is a lack of iodine
in the diet, or if the thyroid is dis-
eased or surgically removed. Retar-
dation of physical and mental devel-
opment is a serious cause if the con-
dition is left untreated; the growth is
stunted and the physical stature
attained is that of a dwarf. Also the
skin is thick, flabby, and waxy in
color while the nose is flattened, the
abdomen protrudes and there is a

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 361

CROHN’S journals; thousands of converging women equally and seems to run in

lines of evidence that tell us that some families (because they all eat
disease eating dead cows is not good. the same stuff). About 20% of peo-
ple with Crohn’s disease have a
Medi-Sign Target Crohn’s disease causes inflamma- blood relative with some form of
tion in the small intestine. Although IBD, most often a brother or sister
it can affect any part of the digestive and sometimes a parent or child.
Fasting, Colonics & 1 Shot

“Orthodox (anit-cancer) therapies have harmful if not fatal side effects, but medical professionals
tract from the mouth to the anus, it

continue to inflict them on their patients as a matter of course.” -Dr. Leonard Smith Oncologist
Glass of Olive Oil Daily
usually occurs in the lower part of Crohn’s disease may also be called
S - W = CROHN’S the small intestine, called the ileum. ileitis, enteritis or a poor diet.
“The smoothage, minus water, The inflammation extends deeply
equals disease.” into the lining of the affected organ. What causes Crohn’s disease?
The inflammation can cause pain No theory about what causes
An estimated more than one million and can make the intestines empty Crohn’s disease has been proven
Americans have ulcerative colitis or frequently, resulting in diarrhea. although there are many. The most
Crohn’s disease, the two most com- Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory popular theory is that the body’s
mon forms of inflammatory immune system reacts to a virus
bowel disease (IBD). These or a bacterium by causing ongo-
two often painful and debilitat- ing inflammation in the intestine.
ing diseases cause chronic
inflammation of the digestive People with Crohn’s disease tend
tract. to have abnormalities of the
immune system, but doctors do
YOU ATE YOUR OWN not know whether these abnor-
PROBLEM malities are a cause or result of
the disease. We do know that
Don’t miss this now: Crohn’s disease is not caused by
The nine million cows in the emotional distress.
United States, for the most part,
are not healthy. Half of the What are the symptoms?
herds in the United States have Diarrhea and abdominal pain,
cows affected with bovine often in the lower right area, are
leukemia virus and half the the most common symptoms of
herds have cows infected with a Crohn’s disease although rectal
disease called Crohn’s disease, bleeding, weight loss and fever
which is caused by a bacterium may also be evident. Bleeding
called mycobacterium paratu- may be serious and persistent,
berculosis. The irritable bowel leading to anemia. Children
syndrome that 40 million Americans bowel disease (IBD), the general with Crohn’s disease may suffer
have came from this. name for diseases that cause inflam- delayed development and stunted
mation in the intestines. Crohn’s growth.
Every person with Crohn’s dis- disease can be difficult to diagnose
ease tests positive for mycobacteri- because of the similarities in the • Fake fatty foods like: cooked
um paratuberculosis. Every one! symptoms to other intestinal disor- dairy product, fried or battered food,
One hundred percent! This was ders such as irritable bowel syn- lard, fast food, margarine, meat
published in 1965 for the Proceed- drome and ulcerative colitis. Ulcer- gravies, meats, processed snacks
ings for the National Academy of ative colitis causes inflammation like cookies and crackers, and
Science. So we’re talking about and ulcers in the top layer of the lin- refined vegetable oil, trigger and
real science here, not things I’m ing of the large intestine. cause the abdominal symptoms. If
making up. You’ve got thousands you develop gas and diarrhea after
of studies published in scientific Crohn’s disease affects men and you eat fatty or greasy foods, you

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:22 PM Page 362

may be suffering from malabsorp- croup similar to viral croup, except that
tion, a condition in which fat is not there are no accompanying symp-
easily absorbed and passes quickly toms of an infection. The cough
through the intestine. To help with frequently begins at night in a no-
“In summoning even the wisest of physicians to our aid, it is probable that he is relying upon a scientific ‘truth’,

Medi-Sign Target
this, avoid eating fatty foods and Fresh Air, Cold Air, Salt, airflow closed room with a sudden
instead use easily absorbed fat. Liquids & Rest onset. The child usually does not
have a fever. The symptoms are
• Abdominal discomfort can also treated the same for either form of
The term croup does not refer to a
be caused by eating foods high in croup.
single illness. Instead it refers to a
fiber. They increase diarrhea
group of conditions involving
because they are not fully digested. Stay calm. You should stay calm
inflammation of the upper airway
Then, when these foods enter the because you want your child to stay
that leads to a bark-like cough par-
intestine, they trigger contractions. calm. When the child is agitated the
ticularly when a child is crying.
the error of which will become obvious in just a few years’ time.”

Limiting fiber during a flare-up can symptoms of croup worsen.

keep symptoms in check. However, Because he gasps for more breath,
Symptoms may occasionally be
there is no concrete evidence that a he breathes faster. If you can calm
caused by bacteria or an allergic
long-term, low-fiber diet can perma- him, he’ll breathe slower and more
reaction, although most causes are
nently decrease the symptoms of air can get in and out.
from a virus. The viruses most
Crohn’s. In fact, it’s actually how
commonly involved are adenovirus,
you get Crohn’s! Turn on the hot water. If your
respiratory syncytial virus, influen-
child is having breathing difficulties,
za, measles and parainfluenza virus,
• Alcohol and caffeine stimulate turn on the shower to make the
which accounts for most cases.
the intestines and can intensify diar- bathroom really steamy. The child
rhea. Try to avoid them when your will be able to breathe more easily
Most children with viral croup are
symptoms act up. Bit the bullet by in the steam. No one is really sure
between the ages of three months
drinking water and eating real food why this works, but it may decrease
and five years old. Croup is most
so that your body can heal. the inflammation so that the
likely to occur during the early
(See: Earth: Body Sculpting) swelling goes down. Heating water
spring and winter months. Symp-
on a stove can do this also.
toms are most severe in children
younger than age three.
Hit the cold air. A curious thing
Homes with no ceiling
about croup is what happens when
fans or box fans in
panicky parents bundle their child
winter are the
into the car for the drive to the hos-
number one
pital; the problem suddenly stops.
cause of croup
For some reason, cold air, like
because dead air
steamy air, can be really beneficial.
resides there. Most viral
You may be able to help your child
croup cases are mild and
just by opening the window if it’s a
can be treated at home.
cool night, or by taking him into an
air-conditioned room in the summer.
Croup can on occasion
be severe and even
Use a humidifier. Your cool-mist
life-threatening. Some
vaporizer should be on high. You
children are more
can either let the vaporizer douse
prone to developing
the entire room, or direct it toward
croup, like those who
the child. You need to get a lot of
were born prematurely or
moisture into the air before this will
who were born with nar-
be effective.
rowed upper airways. Spas-
modic croup refers to a condition
Control the fever. Children who

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:23 PM Page 363

have a fever tend to breathe faster to and decongestants (such as pseu- conditions, including stomach

“The next time you are asked to donate to a cancer organization, bear in mind that your money will be used to sustain an
cool off their bodies, so their breath- doephedrine [for example, Sudafed inflammation, conjunctivitis, sore
or Triaminic] or oxymetazoline [for

industry which has been deemed by many eminent scientists as a qualified failure and by other’s as a complete fraud.”
ing becomes more difficult. A bulb throat, acne, inflamed skin diseases
enema will stop the fever. Make example, Afrin or Neo-Synephrin]). and discharges. Even when cucum-
sure to give plenty of fluids. We all bers are cooked, the cooling proper-
lose some fluid from the body with Give plenty of fresh citrus juice, ty is active.
each breath, but for the child breath- water, salt, and raw or steamed veg-
ing harder and faster with croup, a gies, rest and hugs. To beautify the skin, place a pack of
real problem can arise. Frequently grated cucumber on the face. If
give the child saline water and CUCUMBER placed over the eyes, it relieves hot,
honey. Any clear liquid like veggie inflamed, swollen, dry or irritated
broth or apple juice will help restore eyes.
fluids to the child’s body. Medi-Sign Target
Skin, Penis Function & Cucumber contains erepsis, a diges-
Sleep with the child because croup Vermafuge tive enzyme that breaks down pro-
is scary. It might be best to sleep in tein and cleanses the intestines.
the same room as your child for This property also enables cucumber
your own piece of mind because to destroy worms, especially tape-
you’ll be right there if he experi- worms.
ences breathing difficulties. For
some reason, croup tends to get • A Radiant Complexion
worse at night. It may be because • High Blood Pressure
the body produces less of the hor-
mone cortisone at night. There’s CUMIN
some evidence that cortisone can
Cucumbers should be eaten freely
help on a miniscule level with
by people who live in a desert or in
croup. If you can’t sleep in the Medi-Sign Target
other hot climates because it is the
same room as the child, use a moni-
most cooling food proving to be 20 Testicles, Ovaries &
toring device that will alert you if
degrees cooler than other crops in
there’s any problem.
the same garden. Cucumbers are
indicated for fevers, constipation, Even though the tiny cumin seed
Do not smoke, especially in the
skin eruptions, high blood pressure, looks rather unassuming, its promi-
rheumatism, obesity acidosis and a nent, nutty peppery flavor packs a
mild diuretic. punch. Cumin adds flavor to chili
and other Mexican and Tex-Mex
Cucumbers counteract toxins and dishes, and plays an important role
lift depression; cleanses the blood; in Indian and Middle Eastern cui-
influences the heart, spleen-pan- sine where it is a key component of
creas, stomach and large intestine; curry powder. Whole and ground
quenches thirst, moistens the lungs, cumin are both available yearround.
purifies the skin; and acts as a
digestive aid, especially in the form Cumin seeds resemble caraway
of pickles. seeds — oblong in shape, longitudi-
nally ridged, and yellow-brown in
The juice from cucumbers relieves color. This is not surprising, since
Do not use medications designed
all burns, especially sunburn. both cumin and caraway, as well as
for the common cold, which may
Drinking the juice helps treat kidney parsley and dill, belong to the same
include anti-histamine (such as
and bladder infections. Consuming plant family (Umbelliferae).
chlorpheniramine [for example,
whole cucumbers or the juice cools
Chlor-Trimeton] or diphenhy-
most other inflammatory or heat One can find Biblical references to
dramine [for example, Benadryl])

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:23 PM Page 364

the foreign object. to (tie his little hands up) just kid-
Apply direct pressure ding, protect the area.
by using a clean band-
age or towel to stop any If the injury becomes swollen, ten-
“Whole foods have longstanding success in cancer prevention and treatment, yet the orthodox medical profession

bleeding. Once the der or infected, wash it with mild

bleeding stops, gently soap and water and cover it with
wash the wound with honey. Honey will not let bacteria
soap and water for five live.
minutes. If your child
strenuously objects, try What if a cut won’t stop bleeding?
soaking the wound in If the cut or scrape is deep and
the bathtub. bleeding, apply pressure with a
cumin as a seasoning for soup and clean cloth, paper
bread, and also as a currency used Should I use an anti- towel or bandage
to pay tithes to the priests. For the septic? until it stops.
ancient Egyptians, cumin was not Antibiotic ointments
only used as a culinary spice, it was such as Polysporin or How do I know if
also an ingredient used to mummify Bacitracin can actual- a cut needs stitch-
pharaohs. ly slow the healing es?
process. So instead Cuts that are more
continues to deny their benefits.”

Health Benefits rinse with hydrogen than 1/4 inch deep,

Since cumin is good tasting and full peroxide and cover have jagged edges
of health benefits, it explains why it with honey. or gape open, usu-
made it into the stellar ranks of Indi- ally require a but-
an, Middle Eastern and Mexican What’s the best way terfly bandage.
cooking. to bandage a cut or For cuts caused by
• Cancer Prevention scrape? dirty objects or for
• Iron for Energy and Immune It’s best to not band- deep puncture
Function age small cuts and wounds, a doctor
• Seeds of Good Digestion scrapes because they’ll heal faster may recommend a tetanus booster.
unbandaged. For deeper cuts and Two of my cousins from the same
Used in a poultice, it relieves scrapes, use an ordinary adhesive family died from the tetanus shots
swelling of the breast or the testi- bandage, but make sure the skin is given for minor wounds. You’d
cles. clean and dry. think at the very least my Aunt or
the doctor would have learned from
cuts & If you are covering a cut, position the first child. I certainly would
the bandage so it gently pulls the never recommend a tetanus shot.
scrapes edges of the skin together, but try to
make sure the bandage isn’t too Clean the wound. This is important
tight to cut off circulation. Remove in preventing infection and decreas-
Medi-Sign Target it daily to examine how the wound ing the chance of permanent discol-
Salt & Honey is healing and replace the bandage if oration or tattooing. Wash the area
the skin still looks raw or open. The with water and soap if available.
sooner it stays exposed, the quicker The object is to dilute the bacteria in
What’s the best way to treat a cut it will heal. the wound and remove debris. Also,
or scrape? if you don’t remove stones or sand
Make sure the wound is free of After a scab forms on a scrape or a from the cut, they can leave pigment
glass, dirt and other foreign materi- cut closes, you no longer need a under the skin, which acts like a tat-
al. If you see anything abnormal, bandage. If your child has a tenden- too. Gently clean your cut twice a
flush it out with cool running water cy to pick at scabs, however, you day.
or use tweezers to carefully remove may want to keep using a bandage

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:23 PM Page 365

sis and presents cellular change. It provides an ideal environment for

is necessary for the formation of the bacterial growth. Bacterial chest
skin, which aids in the recovery infections are a serious risk for peo-
from burns and surgical operations. ple with CF.
Hair and skin are made up 10-14%
Cystine. About half of the people with CF
have repeated chest infections and
cystic pneumonia. If they are not treated
early and properly, they become
fibrosis very difficult to treat.

Medi-Sign Target Symptoms include; persistent

coughing, excess production of spu-

“The age of imagination has on one side, those ineterested in new ideas
Strap it up. When the bleeding tum (saliva and mucus), wheezing,
Raw Milk, Red Raw
stops or slows, tie the wound firmly
Potatoes & Peppermint Oil and shortness of breath with ordi-

and on the other side, those who feel threatened by them.”

with a cloth or wrap it with an elas- nary activities.
tic bandage so there is pressure
against the cut. Make sure to not Other problems associated
cut off circulation, though. If the with CF can include:
cut is on an arm or leg, you can • Small growths (polyps)
check circulation to that area by in the nose.
squeezing a fingernail or toenail.
The nail should turn white, then • Increased roundness of
when you release it, pink again. If finger and toe nails with loss
necessary, loosen the bandage a lit- of the shallow groove
tle. between the bottom of the
nail and skin (clubbing).
Be wary of over-the-counter drugs
that contain neomycin or ointments • An enlarged liver and
that contain a lot of preservatives. spleen.
They can cause an allergic reaction.
If you have an allergic reaction to • Diabetes.
the ointment, your scrape will get
red and itchy and may become • Infertility in men,
infected. because the tube that carries
sperm, or the vas deferens,
CYSTeINE Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a “multi-sys-
may fail to form.

tem” disease, meaning that it affects • Fertility problems in women,

Medi-Sign Target many bodily organs. Most of them due to thicker mucus making fertil-
deal with the lungs and the gut, ization difficult.
Blocks Microwaves &
This inherited disease commonly
There is a constant flow of mucus affects breathing and digestion.
(Non-Essential Amino Acid) over the surfaces of the air passages Most affected individuals survive to
Cysteine aids the body in protection in the lungs of a healthy person. about age 30, though some die in
against radiation and pollution and it This flow removes debris and bacte- childhood and others live to age 40
functions to heal oxidation. It can ria. In someone with CF, this or beyond. Digestive problems are
help slow down the aging process, mucus is excessively sticky and also a side effect due to blockage of
deactivate free radicals and neutral- can’t work properly. In fact, the digestive chemicals from the pan-
ize toxins. It aids in protein synthe- sticky over production of mucus creas. Affected children often have

C__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 12:23 PM Page 366

a large appetite, although they gain

weight or grow slowly.
C Two ounces of red potato
juice a.m. and p.m. for six months.
Though the stamina in CF children
is generally reduced, some children C Horseradish grated and in sal-
are well enough to attend school, ads, soups, etc.
participate in some exercise and
recreational activities and go on to
college and rewarding careers.
C Essential peppermint oil to
drink in tea and breathe has done
Others, however, are too ill to
wonders for these kids and adults.
attend school regularly.
Some folks have written me letters
Best Solutions
after doing this and swear the dis-
C Hot peppers, garlic, red pota- ease is totally remitted, although
toes eaten raw with lemon juice and medical experts say that it’s impos-
salt. sible.
“The most powerful force on earth is imagination.”


D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 367

~D d~
History: The Letter D

First drawn to resemble the door of a tent, “D” was written as a simple triangle. The
Roman influence once again inflicted a curved stroke and the contemporary character was
created. No one knows exactly why the lowercase figure developed opposite to the cap-
ital figure, as it would make very good sense for the lowercase “d” to have its straight side
on the left to match it counter part capital. Scribes are probably to blame for this since
it was their contribution to the development of the alphabet to create small letters with
more rounded forms making scribing an easier job. Roman stonecutters, by the way, were
responsible for creating, “serifs” which seemed to finish off their work, and probably cov-
ered up a few mistakes. While everyone is bound to make a few mistakes, everyone who
helped type the FDR tried not to.

Mystery: The Celtic Letter Key

The letter is a rather negative symbol, a closed door, which must be fought against by the
name-bearer, particularly if it is the dominant letter. It indicates a tendency to give in and
not fight for survival. It is the letter of laziness, also of small-mindedness. More positive-
ly, the letter is associated with travel, but even this may be a metaphoric kind of traveling,
a flight of fancy that represents an attempt to escape from problem’s. Other elements in
the name-print will be able to overcome the influence of this letter, but the name-bearer
should guard against apathy and indifference. Learn to open the door!
D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 368

dandruff ears and eyebrows. There has been Dates are one of the oldest cultivat -
an association with the yeast pity- ed trees having been grown in North
rosporum ovale, a member of our Africa for at least 8,000 years.
Medi-Sign Target natural flora, and dandruff and seb- Being known for their sweetness,
Hydrate & Moisturize with orrhea. luckily, the trees are extraordinarily
Olive Oil fruitful, producing up to 200 dates
Dandruff should not be treated with in a cluster.
just shampoo but diet as well. Dan -
Everyone has dandruff. It is a natu-
druff occurs partially because the Fresh dates are classified as soft,
ral process caused by the turnover
skin oils in the scalp are thick and semi-soft and dry, depending on
and renewal of skin on the scalp and
acidic largely from a diet of saturat- their moisture content. In the Unit -
even elsewhere, for that matter. It
ed fat, or animal fat. These thick ed States most varieties are semi-
becomes a cosmetic problem when
secretions of skin and dried oil flake soft, which are marketed fresh as
shedding of old skin exceeds our
off, essentially defining dandruff. If well as dried after part of their
ability to remove it. It shows up as
you should get a person to clean up moisture has evaporated.
dry flakes on our collar, and it clogs
their diet, however, by exchanging
our comb. The itching cause by
the junk food and animal fats with Dates are among the sweetest of all
dandruff can be a problem too.
the good fats found in nuts and fruit having 60 to 70 percent of their
seeds, dandruff often greatly total weight as sugar. Their potassi-
“The left one is not the right one.”

improves or disappears. um level is several times higher than

Don’t Be Flaky
other fruits high in potassium like
Dandruff may also be a sign that the banana and the orange. Dates
circulation is blocked. To remedy also contain iron, niacin, vitamin B6
Here is an aromatic formula to this problem, massage the scalp and fiber.
treat dandruff. After using a with sesame oil for five to ten min -
dandruff shampoo, let your hair utes once a week. Apply the oil The date has a long, narrow seed,
dry thoroughly and pour a few before your evening shower and papery-thin skin and sweet flesh.
drops each of rosemary and
then wash it out in the shower. Dates grow in thick clusters on date
lemon essential oils into your

palms. Massage the oils into palm trees. Their length varies from
your scalp and brush your hair one to two inches, depending on the
with a soft brush. variety, and their color varies when
ripe from golden brown to deep
Medi-Sign Target brown. Fresh dates are available
Ovaries & Pancreatic Cells from late summer through mid-fall.

Until 1927, the medjool date was
originally grown in Morocco only
On average, the scalp skin replaces
for royalty because of their soft,
itself about once every 28 days. If
sweet, succulent flavor and velvety
turnover should speed up to every
texture. Then disease struck threat-
11 days, the net result is obvious
ening to destroy the trees, and
dandruff. If turnover rate is
Morocco sent 11 off-shoot to the
increased still further like in psoria-
United States to prevent them from
sis, where the replacement is every
becoming extinct.
4 days, a patch of red, thick, adher -
ent scale develops. There are other • An excellent source of potassium
These are the largest dates grown in
times called seborrheic dermatitis • A good source of iron and calci-
North America and they are consid-
when larger flakes and itchy red um
ered the ultimate delicacy. Jumbo
areas are scattered around the scalp • High in fiber
medjools are twice as large as the
along the hairline including in the
other dates, yet they have a relative -

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 369

ly small pit. They are great for eat- year, those taking the folic acid saw compared to a roller coaster. Rich
ing alone or stuffing with your their depression lift significantly. In man, poor man, beggar man, thief;
favorite filling like cheese, pecans, some cases their depression was lift- doctor, lawyer, Indian chief. Every-
cream cheese or peanut butter. ed by as much as 40 percent. one has ups and downs. Even the
top experts on depression occasion-
DEGLET NOOR DATE Is life without your morning bagel ally get bottomed out.
The deglet noor variety of date is a not worth living? Does your pas-
chewy, drier date with a slightly sion for pasta know no bounds? Eat What these depression experts know
nutty flavor, not as sweet as our up; your moods will thank you for from experience, though, is that

“How much better is it to weep at joy than to joy at weeping!”

other varieties. They are excellent to it. Eating whole wheat and whole nearly all cases of depression,
snack on. grains are the best. Diets high in including the most serious ones, can
carbohydrate-rich foods have been be reversed. For the not-so-serious
HALAWI DATE shown to increase brain concentra- cases, like the blues, the blahs, or
Halawi are originally from Iraq and tions of the amino acid tryptophan. the I-just-don’t-want-to-get-out-of-
their name means sweet. They are The tryptophan then is converted in bed days, some very simple tech-
medium sized, soft golden brown the body to mood-boosting sero- niques can work wonders. So if
with a rich creamy sweet flavor and tonin. Green-leafy vegetables can you’re feeling down in the dumps,
a caramel like texture. also boost your serotonin levels. melancholy, like life is dragging you
down and dragging you out, try one
KHADRAWY DATE This could be why many people of these proven methods for making
Khadrawy dates are also originally view their comfort foods as those your spirits soar.
from Iraq. They are a small dark high in carbohydrates. These foods
mahogany date with a dry flaky can help ease feelings of depression, Sit back and enjoy (or at least tol-
skin. They have a high moisture anxiety, and fatigue. For others, not erate) the tumble. Benjamin
content, less sugar and a mild flavor. eating carbohydrates may leave Franklin said that nothing is certain

them grouchy and depressed. in this world but death and taxes.
He missed something…sadness.
You’ve probably experienced the
droopy, let-down feeling that some- Realize that feeling a little sad is no
Medi-Sign Target times occurs after sipping a large big deal. Understand that the down
Sunshine, Walking & all cappuccino or binging on your feelings are temporary. In other
favorite cookies. This is not your words, don’t get sadder because
Yellow Foods imagination. For sensitive individu- you’re sad.
als, the consumption of too much
Nothing in life is certain but death
sugar or caffeine definitely con- Do something active. Hanging
What you eat can either lift your

-William Shakespeare
tributes to feelings of depression. around the house and moping is sure
mood or sink your mood. More-
over, what you don’t eat can have as
Experts aren’t sure why
great an impact as what you do.
sugar gives some people
the blues, but it may be
In your brain there are 200 billion
related to the amount on
brain cells called neurons and every-
sugar you consume. While
thing you do from thinking and feel -
indulging in an occasional
ing to taking a walk is influence by
candy bar or doughnut can
trigger a “sugar buzz” that
temporarily boosts your
In a study in England, researchers
spirits, a steady diet of
gave people with clinical depression
sugar seems to be linked
200 micrograms of folic acid, the
with depression.
amount in about 3/4 cup of cooked
spinach, or a placebo. After one
Life (oweeeee!) might be

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 370

“A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, ‘That was awesome’.”
to make you more depressed. So the source of your depression, you’ll
this home remedy involves getting feel better. Once you understand
away from home. It doesn’t really the problem, you can begin to figure
matter much what you choose to do out how to fix it.
as long as it’s something active. So,
go for a walk, take a bike ride, visit Try and try again - then quit. As
a friend, play a game of chess, read kids and adolescents, we have ideas
a book or become a Big Brother. of what life will bring, and some -
Please note, though, that turning the times we hang on to them even
knob on the television set is not when life dictates that these ideas
being active. are unrealistic. Chasing elusive
goals can lead to depression. This is
Search your memory for fun things when you simply have to say “I’ve
to do. The best way to pick an given it my best shot then give up.”
activity is to start by jotting down a
list of things you enjoy. The prob- THE ALTERNATE ROUTE
lem, of course, is that nothing looks
too enjoyable when you’re down The Nutrition Prescription
and out. What to do? List activities Nutrition, more than anything else,
that you used to enjoy, pick one and controls your state of mind. The
do it! most beneficial nutrients for depres-
sion is whole food B vitamins and
Talk it out. It’s always helpful to ment. Don’t trivialize the situation amino acids.
share your feelings with someone. by saying things like “Oh, cut it out,
Find friends who care about you and you have no reason to be Exercise. Numerous studies show
tell them what’s on your mind. depressed.” that exercise can help overcome the
blues. If you are already in good
Helping Others through Depres- Don’t offer easy solutions like “You physical shape because of regular
sion: know, all you need is...” Instead, let exercise, but you’re in poor mental
the person find his own solutions, shape, consider going for total
What’s the best thing to do if using you as a sounding board for exhaustion. This a good way to dis-
someone close to you gets ideas. charge your tensions.
Do try to get the depressed person Pick up a box of crayons. A great
“Listen,” more than anything; your involved in physical activities like way to express your feelings is by
friend needs an ear. If someone you exercise. writing them down, or better yet, by
care about seems depressed and drawing them. If you sit down
hasn’t said anything about it, go Do try to keep the person interested immediately after something upsets
ahead and ask, “Do you feel in finding solutions because you and start to draw, you might be
depressed?” Follow this up with remember, depression could be surprised at the insight you’ll gain
open-ended questions like, “When defined as a loss of interest in all into your emotions. Use lots of
did you first start feeling this way?” things. color. A choice of red could suggest
This is a good question, because anger; black, sadness; and gray, anx-
determining when a depression Have a good cry. If talking about iety.
began often helps uncover the inci- your problems leads to tears then let
dent or incidents that might have them flow. Crying is a wonderful Adjust the facts, ma’am.
sparked it. release especially if you know what Sometimes when you start to gauge
you’re crying about. your assumptions against reality,
As your friend opens up and starts you may find things aren’t as you
talking about his depression, do Sit down and analyze the situation. think they are. For instance, if you
your best to create a safe environ - A lot of times, if you can pinpoint suspect your lover may be cheating

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 371

on you, which is a good reason to times. If you suspect your depres- Close the refrigerator. Eating
be depressed, go ahead and ask. sion is from over scheduling, you binges of junk food also have a
You may be wrong. may simply need to relax. Give boomerang effect. While a junk
yourself more time for things like binge might make you feel good at
Do you suffer from? warm baths or massages. the moment, it can add depressing
• Persistent sad, anxious or empty inches to your waistline. Get out of
feelings? the house, if you have to, to over -
come the urge to eat.

“Our bodies are our gardens, to which our wills are gardeners.”
• Feelings of hopelessness and/or
pessimism? Vigorous exercise can be an effec-
tive antidote to bouts of depression.
• Feelings of guilt, worthlessness During exercise, the brain produces
and/or helplessness? pain killing chemicals called endor-
phins and enkephalins. When cer-
• Loss of interest or pleasure in tain endorphins and other brain
ordinary activities, including sex? chemicals are released in response
to exercise, people say they feel
• Sleep disturbances (including really good. This may explain why
insomnia, early-morning waking exercise and sunshine are the best
and/or oversleeping)? ways to rid yourself of depression.
Music can also have a powerful
• Eating disturbances (changes in effect on mood and useful for allevi -
appetite and/or weight loss or ating depression.
gain)? (See: Feeding Your Emotions)

• Decreased energy, fatigue and/or dermatitis

a feeling of being “slowed down?”

• Thoughts of death or suicide or

Medi-Sign Target
suicide attempts? Avoid making major decisions. Salt Baths, Sunshine & Raw
You can’t really trust your judgment Oils; Internally and
• Restlessness and/or irritability? when you’re depressed. Major life Topically
decisions should be put off till
• Difficulty in concentrating, you’re feeling better because if you
Dermatitis is a common non-conta-
remembering and/or making deci- should make the wrong decisions, it
gious inflammatory skin disease. It

-William Shakespeare
sions? can only drag you down further.
is characterized by redness, itching,
swelling and blistering.
Find something really boring to Treat others with respect. Being
Chronically, the outermost skin
do. depressed, you may be inclined to
layer may appear thickened and
What you may need to snap you out be snippy with other people. Don’ t
become dry, scaly and sensitive.
of the blues is simply something to do it, for others may be snippy right
There are multiple forms of dermati-
distract you; to shift your attention back, which is the last thing you
tis, the most common being atopic
away from your woes. To do this, need when you’re down.
dermatitis, contact dermatitis and
pick something dreadfully boring to
seborrhea dermatitis. Complicated
do and do it. Like what? Well, you Stay out of department stores.
by an invasion of external toxins
could clean your bathroom tiles with Just as snapping at other people can
(irritant’s or allergens). Internal
a toothbrush, or study the same leaf have a boomerang effect on your
and external toxins combine and
again and again and again. depression, so can shopping binges.
accumulate in the skin and produce
That is, while they can be loads of
a variety of lesions.
Slow down. Life in the twentieth fun, they can come back to haunt
century can be mighty hectic at you when the bills come in.

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 372

Heal from inside. Clean toxins tree after tea is made) dried nettles, on layers of fat to protect yourself,”
inside your body to get rid of der - and witch hazel, and apply it to the and the body responds to the mes-
matitis and improve your immune scalp after shampooing with a natu- sage.
system to prevent dermatitis from ral shampoo.
coming back. To relieve itching and 2. Complex sugars are “slow” sug-
promote healing mix goldenseal root Leave on scalp for ten or fifteen ars. They are unrefined and occur
powder with wheat germ oil, then minutes. Massage tea tree oil into in nature as fruits, nuts seeds,
add a little honey until it is the con - the skin after contact with water or grains, and contrary to public
sistency of loose paste, apply this irritants. option, even sweet potatoes and
mixture to affected area. (See: Disease: The Mystery Solved.) honey. They cross the blood-brain

barrier slowly, sending a message
Sea salt bath. Restore minerals to through the blood to the body that
your skin. It can help heal damaged all is safe and well. This causes the
“You’re rather attractive for a beautiful girl with a great body.”

skin barrier caused by dermatitis or pancreas to release glucagons,

improper topical treatment. Medi-Sign Target which energize you, making you
Raw Whole Food Diet, want to walk, run and play.
Diet. To avoid the aggravation of Fasting, Walking & Snack Glucagons even cause you to burn
your dermatitis, you need to elimi- Cashews stored fat.
nate certain food, which might gen-
erate toxins inside your body. These
No junk, no pop, no sodas, no sports
foods include hard alcohol, seafood
drinks. Only whole foods which are
and red meats.
80 percent raw and 20 percent heat -
ed. Exercise and be patient.
Add brown rice, millet peanuts, soy
Diabetes will resolve in 14 days to
foods, wheat, and raw dairy prod-
six months.
ucts to your diet. Avoid sugar,
white flour, fats, lard fried foods,
Only two types
and processed foods.
of sugars exist
That’s it. That’s the big mystery.
and they are the
Use a natural body butter containing Diabetes testing, also known as test-
nut, seeds, and vegetable oils that ing your blood sugar, is nuts. It’s
dollar, medical
heal, daily. nothing more than an open invita-
mystery of Dia-
tion to turn your health, your money
and your life over to a lifetime of
ritual invasion.
1. Simple sugars, called fast sugars,
are all processed, refined or
People have long recognized that
artificial, synthetic sugars.
what you eat can play a critical role
Simple sugars cause diabetes.
in both preventing and controlling
Their molecular size is so
Type II diabetes. Perhaps the best
small that they cross the
way to understand the effects of
blood brain barrier quickly,
one’s diet on diabetes is to look at
hence their name, “fast” sug-
two similar groups of people who
ars. This causes the brain to
differ primarily in what they eat.
tell the pancreas to release insulin.
Insulin in the blood stream sends
Consider the Pima Indians.
messages to the body, which tell it
Researchers discovered that the
that it is in “extreme danger” and to
Pimas, who live in Mexico and eat a
“lie down.” Insulin zaps your ener-
For dermatitis of scalp, make a lot of corn, beans and fruits, are sel -
gy so you’ll have to rest or take a
strong, concentrated tea of rose- dom overweight and rarely develop
break. It also tells your body to “put
mary, comfrey, tea tree oil (ad tea diabetes. By contrast, the Pima

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Indians in Arizona eat an American- quickly by forming a gummy gel in so it takes a long time to see serious
ized diet that is high in sugar and the intestine. This in-turn helps effects. One effect that is clearly
fat. They commonly develop dia- keep blood sugar levels from rising visible though is excess weight gain.
betes by the age of 50. or dipping too drastically. Because every cell requires fatty
acids to function, when you eat bad
Just as a bad diet can aid in the Nutritional approaches have worked fats, you eat six times more than
cause of diabetes, a good one can to reverse diabetes. When the body you would with high-quality fats in
help control or even prevent it. A is viewed as a system, and its the diet.
good diet consists mainly of high- inputs, outputs and processes are

“The shortest distance between two points may be a straight line, but the real trick
fiber, high-complex carbohydrate examined, the mystery disappears. In addition to transporting oxygen
foods such as taro, poi, greens and and nutrients to and through the cell
fruits. Carbohydrates, which are walls and the “active” parts of the
found nearly all foods except ani- brain, nervous system, hemoglo-
mals - fish, pigs, cows and poul- bin, hormones and immune sys-

is figuring out how to get the two points closer together.”

try - are the body’s main source tem, it is the electrons’ fats
of energy. supply (in the right time, at
the right place) that is responsi-
There are two types of carbo- ble for synapses firing, hormones
hydrates, starches and sim- communicating, destruction of
ple carbohydrates. Starches, invaders by immune cells, etc. It’s
include foods like rice, clear that good health requires elim-
beans, potatoes and pasta. inating the bad fats and supplying
Simple carbohydrates, called the good ones.
sugars, include the natural sugars
found in milk, fruits and vegetables, The Role of Chromium
as well as honey. The body turns Chromium is needed to activate
both complex (slow) and simple Diabetes starts insulin. Without it, insulin won’t
(fast) carbohydrates into glucose, out as an “insulin resistance” con- work. Chromium is generally found
which is either immediately convert- dition before it turns into an in foods that contain sugar, therefore
ed into energy or stores until need- “insulin insufficiency” condition. placing the mineral you need to
ed. Contrary to former belief, most The major cause of the condition metabolize the sugar right there at
people with diabetes should eat a lies in the heat-processed fats and the same time. Pretty cool. Except
diet that’s higher in carbohydrates, oils we have been consuming for that when we refine things to make
particularly the complex kind. Fruit decades in this society. white foods like white sugar, white
is it. Eat up! flour and white rice, we remove all
The bottom line is that millions of the chromium and any other miner-
A high-fiber diet has been shown to years of evolution, or for some, cre - als. Left behind are the sugar and
relieve everything from constipation ation, have never prepared the body starch that make the food products
to heart disease. It also plays a to recognize and avoid the transmo- taste great, but they no longer
powerful role in controlling blood grified fatty acids. Therefore they include the chromium needed to
sugar. act, quite literally, as metabolic poi- metabolize them.
sons. In the same way that cyanide
There are two types of fiber, soluble connects with hemoglobin and pre- That wouldn’t be so bad if we were
and insoluble. Insoluble fiber, vents oxygen from doing so, trans- taking chromium in from other
which does not dissolve in water, mogrified fatty acids are built into sources.
speeds food through the intestine, the cell walls, preventing the chemi-
thereby preventing constipation. It’s cally-active versions from doing so. The result is an overproduction of
the soluble form of fiber, however, insulin as the body attempts to han -
that stabilizes blood sugar. Soluble There are many cells, though, and dle the sugar in the blood stream,
fiber helps prevent glucose from there are always some good fats coupled with a deficiency of
being absorbed into the blood too among the bad ones and vice versa, chromium.

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 374

Reversing Diabetes Note: For home cooking, butter is

“I decree it to be an annual holiday to be observed by the entire group. Severe Admonishment shall come to those who

When you go to the doctor, semi-ok, because butter is straight-

diabetes becomes a death sen- line, not horseshoe-shaped. Heating
tence. You get medications butter does not really change it.
to “control” the problem.
You take insulin injections To reverse the condition, it is
for the rest of your life and necessary to eliminate the bad
make sure your blood-sugar fats and supply good fats. In
testing kit is always within addition, it is necessary to do
reach. But eventually, you everything possible to avoid
abstain from the folly. So let it be written, so let it be done!” -Dave Grimm

know it’s going to kill you. the worst secondary conditions.

These result from the excessive
Nutritional whole-food practi- sugar-induced oxidation, which
tioners, on the other hand, have can damage the eyes and many
been reversing diabetes for other bodily functions.
decades. Their “miracle cures”
result from a simple fact, given the When the diet is optimal, it still
right whole-food nutrients, the body takes about two years for the com -
is fully capable of healing itself. plete healing cycle. That’s how long
it takes for the soft tissues of the
Nutritional whole-food practitioner, body to be replaced. Where do you
Farmacists, make sure that the body find good fats?
Correcting Fatty Acid Intake
gets the nutrients it needs, while
The trans-fats, or the bad guys,
making sure to avoid the metabolic • Take a tablespoon of unrefined
come from:
poisons that are so prevalent in the oils from the health food store every
• Margarine and partially
American food supply. The result, morning in a glass of water.
hydrogenated oils. These are
predictably, is yet another “mira-
found in cookies, most breads, and
cle” that modern medicine can’t • Avocado, olives, raw seeds and
many refined foods.
explain. It’s another sad reflection raw nuts. (See: Oils)
on a long list of medical ignorance.
• Refined oils. Most of the oils
At the very least, one would expect Fasting
on the supermarket shelves have
modern medicine to understand how To speed up the healing process,
been treated so they won’t spoil. At
such cures work when they repeat- you may also want to consider fast -
best, this means they have been ren -
edly occur. ing. A lot of housecleaning goes on
dered chemically inactive, making
during a fast and many triglycerides
them useless in the body. At worst,
Some of the protocols that nutri- (fatty acids) are eliminated. Fasting
treatments turn them into metabolic
tional whole-food practitioners do can speed up the process of elimi -
are: nating bad fats that have already
• Correct fatty acid intake accumulated.
• Fried foods. Commercial, deep,
• Fasting
lard-frying is the worst. Also bad is
• Raw foods Raw Foods
frying in refined vegetable oil.
Consistent consumption of raw veg-
These protocols, and others like etables and fruits has a surprisingly
them, limit sugar, supply whole- beneficial and speedy effect on dia-
food chromium to activate insulin betes, provided the person has not
and make the body’s cells receptive taken insulin or, at most, only small
to insulin once again by providing quantities of it for a year or two.
high quality fats. So, of course they Whole foods help when the person
work! has taken large doses of insulin for
several years, but the process does
take longer.

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 375

Several raw vegetables contain eat. This extra insulin “unlocks” • Extreme hunger
insulin, especially Jerusalem arti- your cells so that more sugar can • Weight loss
chokes. In their raw state, most enter, providing your body with • Blurred vision
vegetables contain the precursor of energy as well as maintaining a nor - • Fatigue
insulin. mal level of sugar in your blood.

“Things without all remedy should be without regard; what’s done is done.”
Five chemists and three physicians Your liver also plays a key role in
in America carried out a protracted maintaining a normal blood sugar
examination of 4,000 diabetics and level. If you have more glucose
concluded that only one percent than your cells need for energy, your
actually needed insulin. The rest of body can remove the excess glucose
them recovered on whole foods from your bloodstream and store it
alone. in your liver as glycogen, a form of
stored glucose. When your body
By definition, A raw plant food runs low on glucose, which happens
eliminates 100 percent of the bad, if you haven’t eaten for a while,
fatty acids from the diet and sup - your body can tap into the stored Lots of walking, running and sport,
plies the pure and natural fatty acids glucose and release it into your as well as water and raw, whole
that are required for health. In addi - bloodstream. foods can help manage your condi-
tion, they come with, what amounts tion and lead to a long, vital, healthy
to, their own insulin supply. Again, life.
if you have started taking insulin, it
really makes sense to eat raw foods. DIABETES MELLITUS: TYPE 2
During digestion, your body breaks
Finally, raw foods and other down carbohydrates from foods
unprocessed, natural foods supply such as bread, rice, pasta, vegeta-
the chromium needed to potentiate bles, fruits and milk products into
insulin, along with other vitamins various sugar molecules. One of
and minerals. Together, the all work these sugar molecules is glucose,
to heal you. the main energy source for your
(See: Fasting: Words from Gaea) body. Glucose is absorbed directly
into your bloodstream after you eat,
DIABETES MELLITUS: TYPE 1 but it can’t enter your cells without
In Type 1 diabetes, the body has lit - the help of insulin.
tle or no insulin. This happens
because the immune system, which Your pancreas, a gland located just
normally rids harmful bacteria or behind your stomach, produces
viruses, has destroyed the insulin- insulin continuously. When the
-William Shakespeare
producing cells in the pancreas, a When your pancreas functions nor- amount of blood sugar increases
gland located just behind the stom- mally, your blood glucose fluctuates after eating, insulin production also
ach. Similar immune problems in response to exercise, stress, infec- increases. The extra insulin
occur on different body tissues in a tions, food and a variety of other “unlocks” your cells so that more
number of other diseases, which are factors. But your hormonal system, sugar can enter, providing your
known as autoimmune diseases. which includes the insulin-produc- body with energy and maintaining a
Such diseases include multiple scle- ing pancreas, continuously makes normal level of sugar in your blood.
rosis and rheumatoid arthritis. complex adjustments that keep your
blood sugar levels within set limits. Your liver also plays a key role in
Normally, your pancreas produces maintaining a normal blood sugar
insulin continuously, raising its out- Typical symptoms may include: level. If you have more glucose
put in response to the increase in • Increased thirst and frequent uri- than your cells need for energy, your
blood sugar that occurs after you nation body can remove the excess from

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 376

your bloodstream and store it in Stop eating crap. Get a life of f the Diaper rash can come from excess
your liver as glycogen. Then, when couch. Lose the doughnuts, sodas, moisture, chafing or rubbing skin,
you run low on glucose, which hap- candy and synthetic chemical sweet- prolonged contact of urine or feces
pens if you haven’t eaten for a eners, go for a walk and kiss Type 2 with skin, yeast infection, allergic
while, your body can tap into the goodbye! reaction to diaper, soap or laundry

stored glucose and release it into detergent or an allergy to new food.
your bloodstream.

Some natural remedies that may
When your pancreas is functioning help are: Sea salt in bath before bed,
normally, the amount of glucose in which works over night. This treat-
your blood fluctuates in response to Medi-Sign Target ment may need to be repeated.
a number of factors, including the Also, try applying extra virgin olive
type of food you eat, exercise, stress Stricked Raw Food Diet, oil when changing if the rash almost
and infections. The complex rela- Salt & Walking never happens. Apply natural aloe
“Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.”

tionship among insulin, glucose, vera gel when changing for hard-to-
your liver and other hormones Diabetic neuropathies are neuro- clear rashes. You may also want to
ensures that your blood sugar stays pathic disorders that are associated keep a plant in the window sill.

within set limits. with diabetes mellitus. These condi-
tions usually
In type 2 diabetes, result fromna
your pancreas diabetic
makes some microvascular Medi-Sign Target
insulin but one or injury involv-
two other prob- ing small blood Saline Enema
lems develop: vessels that
supply nerves
Diarrhea is loose, watery stools
• Your muscles (vasa nervo-
occurring more than three times in
and body tissue rum). Diabetic
one day. This common problem
become resistant to neuropathies
usually lasts a day or two and goes
insulin. occur in both Type 1 and Type 2
away on its own without any special
diabetes, and they are most common
treatment. However, prolonged
• Your pancreas doesn’t make in those whose blood glucose, or
diarrhea can be a sign of other prob -
enough insulin. blood sugar, levels have not been
lems. People with diarrhea may
controlled well. Raw, whole foods
pass more than a quart of stool a
When your cells become resistant to are the answer.

diaper rash
insulin, they refuse to accept it as
the key that unlocks the door for
Diarrhea can cause dehydration,
sugar. As a result, sugar accumu-
which means the body lacks enough
lates in your bloodstream. Excess
Medi-Sign Target fluid to function properly. Dehydra-
weight, inactivity and animal-fatty
tion is particularly dangerous in
tissues create a plaque which is why Saltwater Rinse & Apply children and the elderly and must be
the cells become insulin-resistant.
Coconut Oil treated promptly to avoid serious
health problems. People of all ages
This plaque can lead to:
can get diarrhea. The average adult
• Flu-like symptoms
has a bout of diarrhea about four
• Weight loss or weight gain
times a year. Make sure to drink
• Blurred vision
one half-gallon of water throughout
• Slow-healing sores or frequent
the day in order to avoid dehydra -
• Nerve damage (neuropathy)
• Red, swollen, tender gums

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 377

What causes diarrhea? after stomach surgery or because an Diarrhea in Children

Diarrhea may be caused by a tempo - increase in bile in the colon can Children can have acute or chronic
rary problem, like an infection, or a occur after gallbladder surgery. forms of diarrhea. Causes include
chronic problem, like an intestinal bacteria, viruses, parasites, medica-
disease. A few of the more common In many cases, the cause of diarrhea tions, functional disorders and food
causes of diarrhea are: cannot be found. As long as diar- sensitivities. Infection with the
rhea goes away on its own, an rotavirus is the most common cause

is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils...let no such man be trusted.” -William Shakespeare
• Bacterial infections. Several extensive search for the cause is not of acute childhood diarrhea.

“The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,
types of bacteria, consumed through usually neces- Rotavirus diarrhea usu-
contaminated food or water, can sary. ally resolves in three to
cause diarrhea. Common culprits nine days.
include Campylobacter, Salmonella, People who visit
Shigella and Escherichia coli. foreign countries Diarrhea can be danger-
are at risk for ous in newborns and
• Viral infections. Many viruses traveler’s diar- infants. In small chil-
cause diarrhea, including rotavirus, rhea, which is dren, severe diarrhea
Norwalk virus, cytomegalovirus, caused by eating lasting just a day or two
herpes simplex virus and viral hepa- food or drinking can lead to dehydration.
titis. water contami- Because a child can die
nated with bac- from dehydration within
• Food intolerances. Some peo- teria, viruses, or a few days, the main
ple are unable to digest some com - sometimes, para- treatment is rehydrating
ponent of food, such as lactose, the sites. Traveler’s the child.
sugar found in milk. diarrhea is a par-
ticular problem Although water is
• Parasites. Parasites can enter for people visiting developing coun- extremely important in preventing
the body through food or water and tries. Visitors to the United States, dehydration, it does not contain
settle in the digestive system. Para - Canada, most European countries, electrolytes. To maintain electrolyte
sites that cause diarrhea include Japan, Australia and New Zealand levels, you could have broth or
Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba his- do not face much risk for traveler ’s soups, which contain sodium, and
tolytica, and Cryptosporidium. diarrhea. fruit juices, soft fruits or vegetables,
which contain potassium.
• Reaction to medicines, such as What are the symptoms?
antibiotics, blood pressure medica- Diarrhea may be accompanied by
tions and antacids containing mag- cramping abdominal pain, bloating,
nesium. nausea or an urgent need to use the
bathroom. Depending on the cause,
• Intestinal diseases, like inflam- a person may have a fever or bloody
matory bowel disease or celiac dis- stools.
Diarrhea can be either acute (short-
• Functional bowel disorders, term) or chronic (long-term). The
such as irritable bowel syndrome, in acute form, which lasts less than 4 Tips About Food
which the intestines do not work weeks, is usually related to a bacter - Until diarrhea subsides, try to avoid
normally. ial, viral or parasitic infection. cooked milk products and foods that
Chronic diarrhea lasts more than 4 are greasy or very sweet. These
Some people develop diarrhea after weeks and is usually related to func - foods tend to aggravate diarrhea.
stomach surgery or removal of the tional disorders like irritable bowel
gallbladder. The reason may be due syndrome or inflammatory bowel As you improve, you can add soft,
to the change in how quickly food diseases like celiac disease. bland foods to your diet, including
moves through the digestive system bananas, plain rice, potatoes, toast,

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 378

crackers and carrots. For children, Attributed Medicinal Properties diverticulitis

try the BRAT diet - Bananas, Rice, Dill seeds contain carvone as an
applesauce and Toast. essential oil. Dill is considered
Medi-Sign Target
carminative, stomachic and slightly
stimulant. Dill water is given to Drink and Eat Whole Food
-Groucho Marx

children for digestive problems. Oils, Raw Food Diet &

Also, it “destroyeth the hiccups.” Especially Ferments.
Medi-Sign Target
To brew a stomach-soothing tea, use
Brain, Dreams & Intuition
two teaspoons of mashed seeds per
cup of boiling water. Let the seeds
“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.”

seep for ten minutes. Drink up to

The word “dill” comes from the
three cups a day.
Norse “dilla,” meaning “to lull.”
Drinking dill tea is recommended to
Dill is one of the easiest herbs to
overcome insomnia. A native to
grow and would make a great first-
Europe, it is a Russian favorite and
herb for someone who has never
can be cultivated near the Arctic
grown herbs before.
Circle. Both the seeds and the
leaves are edible.
When growing in containers, use a
deep one to accommodate the long
It was known as a medicinal herb to
roots, remembering you will eventu-
the ancient Greeks and Romans. Diverticulosis refers to a condition
ally have a plant that is three feet
Soldiers placed burned dill seeds on in which the inner, lining-layer of
tall. Plants grown in containers may
their wounds to promote healing. the large intestine (colon) bulges
require staking.
Medieval Europe could not grow it out, or herniates, through the outer,
fast enough for love potions, casting muscular layer. These outpouchings
Culinary Uses
spells and for protection against are called diverticula. Diverticulitis
The taste of dill leaves resembles
witchcraft. “Therewith her Veruayne refers to the development of inflam-
that of caraway, the seeds being
and her Dill, That hindreth Witches mation and infection in one or more
pungent and aromatic. Freshly-cut,
of their will” (Drayton, Nymphidia, diverticula.
chopped leaves enhance the flavor
1627). Carrying a bag of dried dill
of dips, herb butter, soups, vegeta-
over the heart was considered pro- Description
bles and salads. Both the flowering
tection against hexes. Diverticula tend to occur most fre-
heads and seeds are used in fla -
quently in the last segment of the
vored vinegars, oils and
large intestine, the sigmoid colon.
They occur with decreasing frequen-
cy as you move further back toward
the beginning of the large intestine.
The chances of developing
diverticula increase with age,
so that by the age of 50,
about 20 to 50 percent of all
people will have some
diverticula. By the age of 90,
the developed some divertic-
ula is almost inevitable.
Most diverticula measure
about threee mm to just over
three cm in diameter. Larger
diverticula, termed giant diverticula,

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 379

are quite infrequent but may meas- Some people with diverticulosis sigmoid. The elderly have the most
ure as large as 15 cm in diameter. have symptoms such as constipa- serious complications from divertic-
tion, cramping and bloating. It is ulitis, although very severe infec-
Causes & Symptoms unclear whether these symptoms are tions can also occur in people under
Diverticula are believed to be actually caused by the diverticula the age of 50. Men are three times
caused by overly forceful contrac- themselves, or whether some other as likely as women to develop
tions of the muscular wall of the gastrointestinal condition, such as diverticulitis.
large intestine. As areas of this wall irritable bowel syndrome, might be
spasm, they become weaker and responsible. A complication of Diverticulitis is believed to occur
weaker, allowing the inner lining to diverticulosis occurs because many when a hardened piece of stool,
bulge through. Diverticula com- diverticula develop in areas very undigested food and bacteria, called
monly occur in the anatomically near blood vessels. This can lead to a fecalith, become lodged in a diver -
weakest areas of the intestinal wall, bleeding, a serious risk of diverticu- ticulum. This blockage interferes
which are next to blood vessels that losis. Even though this is an infre - with the blood supply to the area

“Totus mundus agit historonem...All the world’s a stage.”

course through the wall. quent complication, the bleeding and infection sets in.
can be quite severe. Seventy-five
Diverticula are most common in the percent of such bleeding episodes An individual with diverticulitis will
developed countries of the West, occur due to diverticula located on experience pain, especially in the
North America, Great Britain, north- the right side of the colon. About lower left side of the abdomen, and
ern and western Europe. This is 50 percent of the time, such bleed - fever. The abdominal muscles may
thought to be due to the tendency ing will stop on its own. begin to spasm in response to the
towards the low-fiber diet of these infection and the irritation of nearby
countries. A diet low in fiber results One of the most common and poten - tissues within the abdomen.. About
in the production of smaller vol- tially serious complica- 25 percent of all peo-
umes of stool. In order to move this tions of diverticulosis is ple with diverticulitis
smaller stool along the colon and inflammation and infec- will have some rectal
out of the rectum, the colon must tion of a particular bleeding, although this
narrow itself significantly and does diverticulum, called rarely becomes severe.
so by contracting down forcefully. diverticulitis.
This causes an increase in pressure, Walled-off pockets of
which, over time, weakens the infection, called abscess-
muscular wall of the intestine es, may appear within the
and allows diverticular wall of the intestine or even
pockets to develop. on the exterior surface of the
intestine. When a diverticu-
The origin of giant lum weakens sufficiently and
diverticula development is bulging with infected pus, a
is not completely under- perforation in the intestinal wall
stood, although one theory may develop.
involves gas repeatedly entering and
becoming trapped in an already- The severe infection called peritoni-
existing diverticulum. This process tis may occur when the infected
causes stretching and expansion of contents of the intestine spill out
the diverticulum. into the abdomen.
Diverticulitis is three times more
The great majority of people with likely to occur in the left side of the Peritonitis is an infection and
diverticulosis will remain symptom- large intestine. Since most divertic- inflammation of the lining of the
free. Many diverticula are quite ula are located in the sigmoid colon, abdominal cavity, or the peritoneum.
accidentally discovered during the final segment of the large intes- Other complications of diverticulitis
examinations for other conditions of tine which empties into the rectum, include the formation of abnormal
the intestinal tract. most diverticulitis take place in the connections between two organs

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 380

which normally do not connect. For Diverticulosis did not become a of the colon, thereby increasing the
example, fistulas can occur, which is problem in the United States until risk of developing diverticulosis.
“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flames by an encounter with another

the connection between the intestine the early 1900’s, when processed
and the bladder. Scarring outside of foods were being introduced into the Most people who have diverticulosis
human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” -Albert Schweitzer

the intestine can also result from American diet. Whole grain cereals do not suffer from any symptoms.
diverticulitis, which squeezes off a were replaced by white flour, which But symptoms such as abdominal
portion of the intestine, obstructing is very low in fiber content. High- pain can develop suddenly and with-
it. fiber vegetable intake out warning due to infec-
also began to tions caused by bacte-
Prevention decrease as ria that lodge in the
While there is no absolutely certain consumption small pouches.
way to prevent the development of of more high- When this happens,
diverticula, it is believed that high- energy, low- the condition is then
fiber diets are of help. Foods which nutrient foods known as diverticulitis.
are recommended for their high such as
fiber content include whole grain refined sugar, The most common symp-
breads and cereals and all types of began to increase. tom of diverticulitis is
fruits and vegetables. abdominal pain. Fever,
Countries whose citizens nausea, vomiting, chills,
A low-fiber, high-meat diet can generally consumed a lot of cramping and constipation
lead to diverticulosis fiber and traditionally had may occur as well. The
Diverticulosis is a condition in had a very low incidence of severity of symptoms depends
which small pouches or pocket-like diverticulosis also began to on the extent of the infection
openings develop in the walls of the see an increase in the diver- and complications.
colon. This happens when a per- ticulosis during the mid to
son’s stool is too hard and bowel late 1900’s. This was also when the Increasing the amount of fiber in the
muscles have to strain to move it intake of refined, processed foods diet reduces symptoms of diverticu-
along. The straining muscles create increased while the intake of fruits losis and prevents complications of
increased pressure in the colon, and vegetables decreased. In gener- diverticulitis. Increasing fiber keeps
which causes pouches to form at al, diverticulosis is more common in the stool soft and lowers pressure
weak spots along its walls. This developed or industrialized coun- inside the colon so that bowel con -
condition generally affects people tries where low-fiber diets are con- tents can move through easily. Until
who are 50 years of age or older. sumed and less common in coun- recently, foods with small seeds and
Though the main cause of diverticu- tries where people eat diets contain- insoluble fiber were not recom-
losis is not really known, it is ing high levels of fiber. mended to people who were diag-
believed that a low-fiber diet may nosed with diverticulosis. These
be the dominant factor, while high Studies have found that people with foods were thought to increase the
meat consumption may also play a diverticulosis, in addition to eating a risk of infection in pouches that are
role. low-fiber diet, also eat more meat formed. Studies now show that they
and cooked dairy products than peo- are safe and cause no complications.
ple who do not have the condition.
This may be because a diet high in The American Dietetic Association
meats may lack fiber-rich foods recommends that everyone should
such as vegetables and beans. Meat eat 20 to 35 grams of fiber each day .
itself does not play a role on stool Fiber is the part of grains, vegeta -
weight and transit time. bles, fruits and legumes that the
body cannot digest.
High meat consumption also
increases bacterial metabolism in There are two types of fiber, soluble
the colon. This increases the level fiber and insoluble fiber. Soluble
of metabolites that weaken the walls fiber dissolves in water and takes on

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a soft, jelly-like texture in the intes - may recall nausea, veering and stag- times light-headedness is more per-
tines. Soluble fiber is found in gering. You tended to veer a certain sistent. This occurs with anemia
foods such as oat bran and fruits way depending on your direction of from blood loss or volume loss from
such as apples and peaches. spin. If you had spun around with a sweating, leaves your body short on
friend you may have witnessed nys- fluids.
Insoluble fiber passes almost tagmus, the jiggling of his eyes, at
unchanged through the intestines. the time he had vertigo. Medicines that affect blood pressure
Insoluble fiber is found in foods regulation include anti-hyperten-
such as whole wheat bread, nuts and You can observe nystagmus if you sives, diuretics and antidepressants.

“We know what we are, but we know not what we may be.”
broccoli. Both kinds of fiber help watch a person look out the window Some people experience visual
make stools soft and easy to pass, in a train or car. As they move past darkening or near fainting when
thereby preventing constipation and telephone poles or trees you see a they stand. Light-headedness with
ultimately decreasing the risk of repeating jumping eye movement. near fainting is common in the frail
developing diverticulosis. The eye slowly goes in one direc - elderly and in adolescents in a
(See: Earth: Body Sculpting) tion and quickly back to its original growth spurt. It is part of diabetes

position in the opposite direction. when it affects peripheral nerves
responsible for blood pressure and
Is the dizziness vertiginous or non- Parkinson’s disease. Light-headed-
vertiginous? This is a basic ques- ness is usually worst in the morning
Medi-Sign Target tion we spend considerable time try- or after a long period of recumben -
An Eye Patch & Warm Oil ing to nail down. Many people cy.
in Ears won’t commit themselves. Vertigo
can be compared to love. When it’s When you stand, your circulation
there you know. If you can’t say has to make adjustments. Your
whether you have vertigo, chances body is a fluid-filled container,
are you don’t. where blood naturally gravitates to
your legs. When you stand, auto-
Non-vertiginous dizziness is in a matic responses, mediated by the
separate category. If you veer in sympathetic nervous system - adren-
one direction or the spinning seems aline, the heart, veins and arteries -
to be in one direction, either clock - come into play. Blood suddenly
wise or counterclockwise, this is needs to be shunted up to the head.
Dizziness is an uncomfortable inner
consistent with vertigo. For many Arteries, have muscle in their walls,
feeling of confusion. Because the
people, vertigo is worse when they which constrict, maintaining blood
word is used to describe so many
are in a particular position, laying pressure and causing the heart to

-William Shakespeare
different sensations, we need to
supine, for example, or with one ear beat faster and harder.
have a firm grasp of exactly what a
down. Nausea and vomiting often
person means when he or she com-
accompany severe vertigo. As you get older, or if you’re sick or
plains of dizziness. Our first task
affected by drugs, this response
then, is to extract a personal
What if you have dizziness but not tends to be less brisk. This is what
vertigo? Then things get more is meant by orthostatic hypotension.
hairy. You may suffer from com- One criterion for orthostatic
We need to determine if dizziness is
mon light-headedness, hypotension is a systolic or upper
vertiginous or not. Vertigo is a spe-
which occurs when not
cific spinning sensation; an illusion
enough blood is get-
of motion. You may remember as a
ting to your brain.
child spinning like a top and the
This is what you feel
sensation you would have when you
when you get up too
stopped. This is vertigo. It was fun
fast. A certain small
then but it can be disconcerting
amount of transient light-
when it happens on its own. You
headedness is normal, but some-

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 382

blood pressure drop of more than 20 mouth. Nervousness or agitation cal consequences will arise because
mm in the lying versus the standing accompanies this and air hunger, a of hyperventilation. Occasionally,
position. feeling that you can’t get your similar symptoms occur in young
breath. women with Mitral Valve Prolapse,
When a lightheaded dizziness leads an anomaly of a heart valve where
to Syncope, or an actual loss of con - These symptoms are associated with one can experience palpitations or a
sciousness, we look for problems hyperventilation. In hyperventilation racing, irregular or strong heartbeat.
that affect the function of the heart syndrome, you breathe more than This problem usually isn’t serious
and blood vessels, whcih lead to you need to. It’s a physical problem either.
poor blood circulation. The Carotids connected to a drop in Carbon Diox -
and Vertebral arteries supply blood ide, a gas your lungs try to get rid Diplopia or double vision warns of a
-Katharine Hepburn

to the brain and partially clog and of, in the blood. When Carbon more serious problem. A lot of peo-
harden from atherosclerosis. Dioxide goes down blood vessels in ple equivocate but it is easy to tell
head, extremities automatically con- whether you have it or not. Simply,
One interesting problem is the sub- strict. The smaller blood vessels you’re seeing two of things where
clavian steal syndrome. The subcla- then don’t deliver enough blood to you should be seeing one.
vian artery carries blood both to the the brain and you feel dizzy.
arm and the brain. It gets If you cover one eye, diplopia goes
blocked in such a way that away. In this condition, there is a
“If you obey all of the rules, you miss all of the fun.”

blood actually flows from subtle imbalance in the tiny

the brain into the arm! This eye-movement muscles.
causes dizziness and prob- When you look at an
lems with circulation to object with two eyes,
the head. Many it is focused or
processes impairing thrown on the
peripheral nerve same exact spot
function alter blood on both of your
pressure regulation. retinas. When
one eye is turned
Many people who slightly the wrong
say they feel dizzy way, the image is thrown
are really just feel- onto a very different area of
ing unsteady on their the eye. At a certain point, the
feet. They may be afraid to walk two images are too far apart for the
or even to drive. Usually these brain to fuse them together as one
fears are well-founded and these and you see double.
people may be likely to fall. Some - Hyperventilation usually occurs
thing may have affected their bal- when you’re nervous. Very often Diplopia is more serious symptom
ance mechanisms or coordination you will have trouble putting your that may point to diseases affecting
when they tried to walk. A stroke in finger on specifically what is aggra- the brainstem, which is a warning
the brain or multiple sclerosis may vating you. Over breathing may not of a serious stroke and other
be to blame. Multi-sensory deficit, be apparent to you or another processes.
the accumulation of multiple sepa- observer because you’re simply
rate problems over time, may be the breathing more than your body Slurred speech or Dysarthria point
cause in the eldery. The sense of needs to. Breathe into and out of a to a process affecting the brain
dysequalibrium can also come from brown paper bag can help remedy itself, especially if they are associat-
burnt-out chronic vertigo. It’s the problem. If hyperventilation is ed with dizziness and vertigo. Any
important to talk about any ancillary recurrent, a test called a blood gas numbness on one side of the face or
symptoms. You may experience will show low carbon dioxide con- body is of more concern. Here we
certain numbness and tingling in the centrations during the episode. No exclude numbness and tingling con-
fingers, toes and around your permanent harm or profound physi- nected with hyperventilation.

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A lot of people have a vague dif fuse tic aura. This is rare. Another pos- Domestic
weakness when they are dizzy. This sibility is that the subject is not very

“Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain cool and unruffled under all circumstances.”
is of less concern. Nervous people verbally adept as often happens in
tend to be weak in the knees. children who are dizzy or with
Clumsiness or unsteadiness can be a someone with poor verbal skills.
problem. Frequently accompanying Dizziness can even occur from Medi-Sign Target
dizziness are nausea and vomiting, being nervous in a doctor ’s office. The Courage to Leave
Tinnitus, which is a very annoying
ringing or roaring in one or both The majority of persons with vague
ears, and hearing loss, especially dizziness have an anxiety equiva- What is Domestic Violence?
when it occurs on one side as in lis - lent. They are just nervous. This Domestic violence, also called bat-
tening to the telephone receiver with may seem ridiculous at first glance tering, is any emotional, physical or
one ear or experiencing trouble but a number of good studies have sexual abuse by an “intimate part-
understanding speech. shown this to be true and laboratory ner.” Intimate partners can be peo-
tests for other causes are almost ple who are married or not married,
Sometimes, you may have a gener- always negative. When a vague heterosexual, gay or lesbian, living
alized pressure or full sensation nondescript headache accompanies together, separated or dating.
associated with sinus problems. dizziness, it nearly always indicates
This clues us in to a problem with anxiety.
the balance organs in your ears
rather than elsewhere in the brain. Dizziness, especially vertigo, can
sometimes also occur as part of
The last kind of dizziness is vaguely a migraine headache syndrome.

-Thomas Jefferon
described. It isn’t light-headedness, Lastly, dizziness may be a panic
nor a near fainting episode nor is attack equivalent, a kind of ago-
there true vertigo. The person just raphobia or fear of being outside
figures that there is something in a public place.
wrong but can’t describe it.
Memory for the dizzy events may People who report severe dizziness
be affected, leading us to suspect say it is often accompanied by other Domestic violence is a pattern of
partial alteration of consciousness symptoms, palpitation, anxiety, behavior, repeated over time, by
which can occur with some kinds of sweating, on leaving the safety of which one partner controls and
epileptic seizures. their own home, perhaps in going harasses the other through fear and
out in a car or in a supermarket or the threat or use of violence. It
Dizziness can be a premonitory sen- being out in a public place where rarely happens “just once,” almost
sation before a seizure or an epilep - they may not be able to get into always getting worse over time.
safety. They feel there is no escape, Domestic violence will almost
should an episode happen to occur. always continue, even when the
This sensation is most often partner promises that it won’t. This
described as “dizziness,” though it is part of the sick cycle.
is truly a form of phobia or anxiety.
As you can see, the history of the Any abuse in a relationship situation
complaint can point to a certain can be described as domestic vio-
direction, which is the first step in lence. The abuse is most commonly
helping yourself with your problem. perpetrated by a male towards his
female partner. It can be physical
It can be as simple as an eye patch assault, rape or other sexual assault
for two weeks and warm oil in the or emotional and psychological
ears with cotton balls. abuse such as demeaning and mak-
(See: Disease: The Mystery Solved ing threats. Very often the abuse is
& Ears: Candling) a combination of these. It occurs in

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 384

all socioeconomic, cultural and edu- women a lower socioeconomic sta- A women who wants to leave an
cational backgrounds. tus than men still exist in many abusive relationship, particularly if
parts of the world. Even where these she comes from a lower socioeco-
Domestic violence is the major traditional laws have been replaced nomic background, may often have
cause of injury to women in the 15 there are still vestiges of male pro - to choose between the abuse and
to 44 age group in the US. The most prietarial rights over the women and living on the streets. Shelters and
common victims of sexual assault children in their family. Jewish, refuges that have been established
and domestic violence are the 15 to Muslim, and Christian are prime for women and children in this situ -
-George Bernard Shaw

25-year-olds. This abuse is the cause examples of this male dominational ation are frequently filled to capaci-
of one-third of the murders of doctrine. ty, which can add to a woman’s
women. It was not until dilemma. Victims will
the women’s movement often leave a violent rela-
of the 1970’s that domes- tionship and then return
tic violence became a because of the economic,
matter for the courts. emotional, cultural and
social difficulties that they
Experts believe that it is encounter once they leave.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

widely under-reported
because family matters Escaping from a violent
are still thought of by situation is the best course
many as private, even of action when children
when they include vio- are involved. Research
lence. There is often an reveals that domestic vio-
element of denial of the lence is the fastest-increas-
situation, and those ing crime in the United
involved are frightened of States. It also indicates
the legal consequences. that children who come
Some research indicates from violent homes where
that nearly 30 percent of they are either the witness-
those in relationships are believed to There is usually more than one rea - es to domestic violence, the victims
have suffered from violence at some son why violence occurs in a rela - of it or both, are likely to grow up
stage. tionship. Causes include low to become violent adolescents and
income, alcohol or substance abuse, adults.
Men can also experience domestic growing up in a violent family,
violence. Because they are more unemployment and low job satisfac- Once a woman, with or without
likely to report it than women are, it tion, sexual difficulties and not children, has found a place in a
can seem that the percentage of men knowing other ways to cope or shelter or refuge, she will then have
who suffer from domestic violence behave. The age of the couple access to a number of different pro-
is higher than the actual incidence involved can also be a factor. Vio- grams, including legal aid and coun-
of abuse. However, data indicate lence is more common in couples seling. There are also an increasing
that women are six times more like - under 30 years of age. number of treatment programs being
ly to be victims than men. established to which courts may
The effects of domestic violence are send offenders.
Historically, women have been both physical and emotional. Physi-
regarded as the property of men. cal injuries include bruises, cuts, We must be able to impact the root
Wife beating was acceptable and burns, stab wounds, broken bones of the problem. Domestic violence
even considered necessary in and miscarriage. Consequent emo- in any relationship will not just dis -
medieval times. Patriarchal, or tional problems include eating disor- appear on its own. Without inter-
male-dominated, societies with tra- ders, alcohol and substance abuse, vention, it will not end. We can
ditions that allow husbands to pun- psychological disturbances, anxiety directly impact violence in the home
ish wives physically and afford and depression. by working directly with people

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who abuse others. When working • Positive relationship skills you are struck in traffic, for exam-
with victims and survivors, one • Conflict resolution ple, you might first think, “Great!
must always insure that they are in My boss will be mad.” Then,
no way held responsible for what If these don’t work try these: “She’ll fire me for missing her meet-
has happened to them. However, • Rise and smile. Start your day ing.” Then, “Won’t she be sorry
without directly working with the with a smile and see how long you when she finds me still sitting here

“If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you’ve made me smile, the entire evening sky
people who are responsible for the can go. next week, still clutching the steer-
violence, it is always been difficult ing wheel with cobwebs in my
to create a lasting impact. Even hair!”
though we may impact a survivor ’s
life and assist her/him with informa- This game of exaggeration gives
tion, renewed self-determination, you distance from your little stress-
support and encouragement to stay es, keeping them from becoming
safe and to keep their children safe, major stress.
without working with the ones who
caused the violence in the first • Create a joy journal. To con-
place, we know that too often, the vert doldrums into delights, consider
violence will simply be bestoyed on scribbling down phrases, quotes or
someone else in the future. observations that make you laugh.

would be in the palm of my hand.”

Stockpile them. Tape them on your
The Domestic Violence Treatment computer or refrigerator door and
Program read them whenever you feel down
Counseling programs focus on or angry.
working with batterers to change
abusive patterns in an atmosphere • Stock up on silliness. Keep a
that is caring, compassionate and clown’s red rubber nose or a pair of
safe. They work on behavior alter- Groucho Marx glasses handy. The
natives that stop the cycle of vio - next time deadlines, telephone calls
lence. They also help people to or your boss’s demands send your
grow in ways that enable them to stress level soaring, open the drawer
live lives free of violence and abuse and slip on the fake nose or glasses.
by: Stop and take a gander at yourself in
the mirror. Watch how quickly your
Stopping the violence cycle of the • Be a humor hunter. Make a attitude changes.
abuser through: point of seeking out life’s amusing
• The development of personal little treasures every day. Read car- If these don’t work…suck on St.
power toon books like “The Far Side” by John’s Wart (oops) wort! It’s
• Acceptance of responsibility Gary Larson and “Dilbert” by Scott nature’s prozac – OR, remember, as
• Letting go of the need for Adams. Dip into a funny book. Get it’s been said, if you truly love
unhealthy power and control a funny audiotape to listen to in the something, let it go. Then, if it
• Issues of gender and develop- car. It doesn’t matter which writer comes back, KILL IT! (Kidding,
ment or comedian you choose. The point kinda).
• The development of a healthy is to make humor a small daily goal.
self identity Memorize great jokes. Watch the Domestic violence can come from a
• Anger management Comedy Channel. Put yourself in grandeur scale. I wrote this years
• Effective communication the path of funny people. ago in a story that was published
• Assertiveness and felt the need to include it.
• Emotional awareness • Magnify mayhem. Exaggerate
• Self trust minor nuisances to the point they’re A master-slave relationship is no
• Body awareness stupid. It’s all just puppy Doo Doo! different than the relationship of
• Stress reduction This is known as catastrophizing. If captor and hostage, assailant and

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victim or leader and follower. You upon her. He sometimes reverts to This personality practices his cun-
grew up, David, watching your physical abuse such as throwing or ning ways on his unfortunate vic -
father abuse your mother, physical- pushing her. He may even threat- tim by giving just enough hope,
ly and emotionally. This filled you en her or subject her to verbal just enough reward to make her
with confusion and rage. You abuse. He will humiliate her by believe he can change, that things
could never understand why she telling her no one else wants her, will improve. His attacks are laced
took it, why she didn’t leave. Not that she’s unattractive and lucky to with shows of repentance and small
having experienced the conditions have him and that another man kindnesses, which create the chains
and situations that created your would treat her worse. He makes of intense and sinister bonds that
mother’s perception of reality, you rules for her to follow, then con- profoundly brainwash the victim
could see clearly her options, her vinces her that she would mess up into a cyclic love-hate syndrome
choices and her escape. She, sadly her life without his rules. He tries that generates personal death and
“How ‘bout a nice greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray?”

enough, could not see them. You to make her think she is the cause hell.
excused your confusion by simply of his aggravations and bad luck,
believing she wanted and liked the and that she is responsible for his Captors use four conditions to gen -
whole thing. You were wrong, rages. He tells her he could erate this same syndrome in prison-
David. She was truly trapped in change if she were more obedient ers of war. First, the hostage per -
the invisible reality of her feelings and sensitive to his needs. He may ceives the terrorist as having the
and her beliefs. threaten to take the children away power of life and death over him.
if she leaves. Second, he believes there is no
Today, I share with you escape and survival
the steps that led to her depends on his captor.
belief that she had no Third, he is isolated from
choices, the steps that outsiders, creating the
bonded her so tightly to unrealistic assumption that
her tyrant husband. I do the captor’s perspective is
this so you may under- the only viable approach.
stand how in the same The fourth and final step is
ways, society binds many a show of kindness to the
so tightly that they do hostage by the captor.
not see their options for
escape, so much so that When violence is alternat-
the thought of leaving ed with warm, friendly
society seems life-threat- kindnesses, the traumatic
ening to them. It is a bonding becomes awesome
process of continuing in its strength and power.
education from mass Children of abusive par-
media, parents, religious ents do not want to be sep -
leaders, schoolteachers arated from them. Pets will
and society in general. Because women are sensitive and cleave to cruel owners. In the
nurturing, she finds this rationale absence of loving and supporting
A man intent on controlling a believable. She deeply internalizes relationships, victims bond to their
woman often tries to isolate her, to all of his incredible propaganda. abusers as whores do to pimps.
control what she does, who she She may plead for forgiveness, Victims internalize the window of
sees, who she talks to, what she praising her man and thanking reality of their captors. They pro-
reads and watches, what she wears him for taking care of her. She tect and side with them, identify
and where she goes. He may try to fails to recognize the danger of the and even imitate them.
prevent her from getting a job, relationship to her very survival.
make her ask for money or give her She misinterprets his possessive The overt displays of power and
a small allowance from the money control as love. kind actions of abusive husbands
she makes. He is likely to force sex are nothing more than a mask. It

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covers a fundamental weakness doctrine of your faith for your eter- in what people have come to accept
and hides the fear that the attack- nal salvation? Do you find your- as normal, that they are all the
ing husband feels of being aban - self associating only with people of more potent for being subcon-
doned himself. The very nature of the same persuasion? When a con- scious, rather than conscious.
his dominance is to twist and hide fessional system is created and an
this reality. unquestioning leadership suprema- When an abused person realizes
cy with infallible decrees estab- there is no moral obligation to the
Now David, I have told you these lished, then you truly are in the attacker or controller, not even an
things so you might see that in the clutches of hell and death, you are obligation to correct or change
same way that a man will abusively enslaved. him, only an obligation to one’s
bond a woman to him, dark self, the marriage or traumatic
political movements will trau- bonding is over.
matically bond many people to
its society and its institutions. The truth is that society and all
Their citizens show all of the of its institutions have been
signs of emotional paralysis. killing and poisoning and

“My bowels wait for no one.”

They believe the lies and accept destroying you for thousands of
their own incompetency, believ- years. Some have tried to point
ing they cannot survive econom- this out, but to no avail. Most
ically without the present soci- won’t listen. The majorities still
ety’s structure. They are heard side with society, their husband
to say, “Of course our present and taskmaster. They placate.
society isn’t perfect, but where is They praise. They are docile,
a better one? With all of its obedient servants. Their sub-
faults and problems, it is still the servience is necessary to main-
best system around.” Like an tain and promote society’s ways,
abused woman, they cannot its courts, banks, hospitals,
think clearly or they would churches and its military and
question the need for such a political leaders.

-Antonio Altobelli
controlling factor in their lives.
What is being perceived as secu- And if anyone did leave society
rity is in reality a situation that right now, would they be thrown
can become deadly to all life, into irreparable poverty? There
lethal to the animals, the plants are always choices. It takes two
and forests, the soil, the air, the for tyranny to exist. When one
water and the people. stops, the game is over. Tyran-
ny ends when slaves stop
Does a religious institution hold responding.
your eternal life in its hands?
Are you made to feel guilty? You probably cannot imagine
Are you told to confess and ask life without the husband of gov-
for forgiveness? With a show of Now David, be mindful that not all ernment, churches, the courts, the
repentance are you forgiven by an captors and assailants are blatant hospitals, the banks; a life of non -
earthly tribunal which you then and so obvious in their control. traditional, non-historic, non-habit-
serve, imitate and identify with? The manipulation and control of ual, non-customary, nonconform-
Are you isolated to this belief sys - one person by another can be a ing paths. But as battered people,
tem, and told that to investigate subtle thread that permeates the you have nothing to lose and
other avenues of spiritual learning relationships. This is accomplished absolutely everything to gain. You
would be detrimental to your salva- by looks, words, phrases, traditions, don’t have to wait until you die to
tion? Are you told that you need to dogmatic teachings, gestures and get your castle in the sky. You can
know only what is contained in the assumptions that are so embedded have it this year, this month, this

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week, if you choose it. You will without a country. When you first usually have some mental retarda-
soon develop in your growth to a step into the path of life from the tion, which means they may have
point where life without zest and path of death it is what is best for trouble learning. But despite their
fulfillment will disgust you. you is also best for everyone challenges, kids with Down syn-
around you. Your free, imaginative drome can go to regular schools,
When I tell you that you can have and inventive mind sets light on make friends, enjoy life and get jobs
this vital existence now, I will not fire with new possibilities. You when they’re older.
leave you wondering as to how, but begin to act with the authority that
rather you shall learn to know all comes from within.
things past, present and future
through your gift of the sight of Soon you will be part of a group of
memory. people that are forming communi-
-Frank Lloyd Wright

ties of extended families built upon

You will learn to change your daily a new concept of life, a new order
behavior, thoughts and perceptions. of abundance and peace and the
You will learn that in today’s age, elegance of simplicity. You will
self-education is the only true edu- begin to see that just as the sun
cation. This is an age of informa- and moon and stars have a pro -
tion access. Information that was found effect upon your lives, your
“The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.”

once on the earth and in the hearts lives in turn have just as profound
of people has been lost and is no an effect upon each other.
more, but soon shall be again. The Jezalia Dawn Tolman
greatest of all knowledge is the Remember David, there are many
knowledge contained within, in the within who are watching your My wife Amber and I have a little
record of one’s own flesh. To act labors. Remember what I have girl, Jezalia (Jezzy) who is Down’s.
upon living ordinances in your taught you and act upon your She is an absolute joy to the entire
body of flesh, your personal lot of knowing. family. In many ways she seems
living earth, a living temple work (See: Feeding Your Emotions) brilliant. She has a lot of joy and
that unlocks the pages of time and happiness on our 40 acre home.
experience, is to perform the Mag- DON’T CONTINUE TO BE A Jezzy has been very healthy after
nus Opus, the Great Work, a mar- VICTIM! her first six months of her life. Lots

velous work and a wonder, for the of fruits, veggies and juices have
wonder of immortality shall fill made her strong and vital.

one’s frame unto the building of a
temple of strength, a house of To understand why Down syndrome
Good made of the elements of your happens, you need to understand a
mother the Earth, the Goddess of Medi-Sign Target little about chromosomes. What’s a
Heaven, the Creatress of Immortal A Great Diet, Exercise & chromosome? They are thread-like
Godlings, both male and female. structures within each cell and are
Oils of Primrose, Borage & made up of genes. Genes provide
True liberty, absolute freedom of Black Currant... the information that determines
thought, which can lead to an LOTS OF LOVE! everything about people, from hair
immortal condition, depends upon color to whether they are girls or
The Great Work. Deprogramming You have probably seen people who boys.
one’s self from society’s brainwash- have Down syndrome. They have
ing is the single most crucial task certain physical features, such as a Most people have 23 pairs of chro -
before you. Not to drop out of flatter face, upward slanting eyes mosomes, for a total of 46. But
society physically, but rather men- and a somewhat larger tongue. something goes wrong with the
tally with eyes wide open. It is also chromosomes for a baby with Down
the most difficult because you feel They may also have medical prob- syndrome. He or she either has an
small and out of focus, a person lems, such as heart defects, and they extra chromosome,47 instead of 46,

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Do a Lot of People syndrome, but the older the mother,

Have Down Syn- the greater the risk.
About one out of Is There a Cure?
every 800 babies At one time, most kids with Down
born has Down syn- syndrome did not live past child-
drome, no matter hood. Many would often become
what race or nation- sick from infections. Others would
ality the parents are. die from their heart problems or
It is not contagious, other problems they had at birth.
so you can’t catch it Today, most of these health prob-
from someone else. lems are minimal and most kids
You are born with who have it will grow into adult -
it. No one gets hood.
Down syndrome
later in life. Someone with Down syndrome has
or one chromosome has an extra a good chance of living to be 50

“Amor vincit omnia...Love conquers all.”

part. This extra genetic material Now you know that Down syn - years old or more.
causes problems with the way their drome is caused by a problem with
bodies develop. a chromosome. You might already But there is no known cure yet for
know that we get our chromosomes Down syndrome. It is something a
Some babies with Down syndrome from our mother and father. person will have all of his or her
also may have problems in their Remember the 23 pairs of chromo- life. But people continue to do
stomachs or a blockage in their somes-half are from your mom and research in the hope of finding ways
intestines that prevents them from half are from your dad. to prevent Down syndrome or at
digesting food properly. Kids with least improve the health and lives of
Down syndrome are more likely to But we aren’t sure why this chromo- people who have it.
get infections that affect their lungs some problem happens in some
and breathing. When these kids do babies. It’s nothing the mom or dad BLACK CURRANT, BORAGE
get infections, they often last longer. did before the child was born. Any- AND EVENING PRIMROSE
They may have eye or ear problems one can have a baby with Down OILS
or digestion problems like con- These are popular “health oils”
stipation. Some may develop because they are rich sources of the
leukemia, a type of cancer. Each essential fatty acid GLA, gammali-
person with Down syndrome is nolenic acid, a vital ingredient for
different and may have one, sev- making important hormones, such
eral or all of these problems. as prostaglandins. Black currant oil
has two advantages over evening
We’ve mentioned a little about primrose oil. For one, it is less
the features people with Down expensive, and it is one of the few
syndrome often have. In addition oils that contain omega-3 in addition
to the eyes and face, they may to omega-6 fatty acids. These oils
have small or misshapen ears, a have been touted as cure-alls for
large space between the big toe many ailments. The fact that most
and the second toe and a crease of them are extracted by chemical
that goes across the palms of processing may render these tonics
their hands. It’s important to less healthy than advertised. Propo-
note, though, that not all people nents of these oils claim that some
with Down syndrome look alike people, especially aging persons,
or have all these features. may be unable to convert dietary
essential fatty acids to GLA. GLA-

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sports and participate in drugs

activities, such as
music lessons or dance
classes. Medi-Sign Target
Because they look dif-
Colonics, Salt & Water
ferent, some kids may
tease or bully kids who
Addiction is said to exist when the
have Down syndrome.
body becomes accustom to foreign
But these kids have
substance and can no longer func-
feelings just like any-
tion properly if the substance is
body else. When they
containing oils, as well as the essen - withdrawn. Not everyone that uses
get teased, it hurts their feelings.
tial fatty acid DHA, are popular drugs, illegal or legal, becomes
They want to be accepted and have
ingredients of a flurry of brain- addicted to them. The three most
friends. If you know someone with
boosting nutrients collectively commonly used drugs alcohol,
Down syndrome, you can be a big
known as “targeted nutritional tobacco and caffeine, are legal and
help by not teasing him or her.
“Smash forehead on keyboard to continue.”

intervention,” TNI, and are being freely available, but they do not
Instead, offer a helping hand and a
studied for use in children with pose an addiction problem for all
friendly word of encouragement.
Down Syndrome. whose who use them.
They also love hugs.
What’s Life Like for Kids With Not everyone that drinks becomes
You might wonder what kids with
Down Syndrome? an alcoholic; some people smoke
Down syndrome do after they grad-
Many kids with Down syndrome go only on weekends; many people
uate from high school. They often
to regular schools and may attend who drink coffee don’t crave it all
go to work. You may have seen a
regular classes. Some need special the time. Research is focusing on
person with Down syndrome on the
classes to help them in areas where the question of why some people
job maybe helping in an office, a
they have more trouble learning. become addicted while others do
grocery store or restaurant. In fact,
Their parents work with teachers not. Scientists and nutritionists are
they are known for their enthusiasm,
and others to come up with a plan providing some answers to the com-
reliability and dedication. For all
for the best way for each child to plex question of chemical dependen-
their hard work, they can feel a
learn. Kids with Down syndrome cy. According to most research, the
sense of accomplishment.
like their playtime, too. They play reasons for addiction lie in the
brain. A group of chemicals called
neurotransmitters carry the signals
between neurons in the brain.

One of these neurotransmitters,

dopamine, plays a pivotal role in
transmitting feelings of satisfaction,
arousal and reward. Every time we
experience these feelings, we have
the desire to replicate them by
repeating whatever it was that
caused them before. This may
account for the repetition inherent in
addictive behavior. We appear to be
hard-wired to want pleasure. Alco-
hol, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine
Jezalia & Don Tolman and amphetamines are a few of the
substances that increase dopamine

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black currants and white heroin, to the shakes of crack,

material just beneath the cocaine powder and meth, to uncon-
peel of citrus fruits, apricots, sciousness and death. Drug users
blackberries, cherries, grape- are constantly flirting with the risk
fruit, grapes, lemons, of a drug overdose. There is a fine
oranges, plums and elderber- line between the high they’re seek-
ries. ing and serious injury or death.

Detoxification Mixing drugs such as heroin, pills

A detoxification diet is and alcohol is the most common
intended to relieve the body cause of death by overdose. Drugs
of chemical toxins such as taken together can interact in ways
levels in the brain, and the more drugs, pesticides and heavy metals. that increase their effects. With
they are used, the more deeply these Liver detoxification diets are as var- depressants, drugs that slow you
substances are associated with ied and customized to the individual down, the risk of passing out or

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”

pleasure and the more profound the as there are naturopaths prescribing stopping breathing increases. With
dependency. them as a course towards wellness. stimulants, drugs that speed you up,
the risk of seizures or heart attacks
The nutrients listed may help those increases. Changes in your health
recovering from drug addiction. or body can put you at risk for an
Vitamins from natural raw food Liver Detox overdose. Getting sick or losing
sources are best. weight affects your tolerance and
your body’s ability to adjust to the
Vitamin B complex-whole grains, 1 cup Lemon Juice (fresh) drug. Using alone also increases the
brown rice, nuts, legumes, cheese, 13 drops Lemon Oil
chance of fatality overdosing
wheat germ, asparagus, brewers This is the best I’ve seen for liver because there is no one there to call
yeast, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, detox. Mixed in; drink it, put it for help or take care of you if you
dulse, kelp oatmeal, plums, dried on salads, sweet potatoes or what pass out.
prunes, raisins and watercress. ever whole foods you enjoy – do it
everyday for 90 days.
All drugs have the potential to be
Herb teas with chamomile, fennel misused, whether legally prescribed
seed, peppermint, red clover, rose by a doctor, purchased over-the-

-Walt Disney
hips, sage and yarrow. Vitamin B counter at the local drug store or
12 is not found in many vegetables bought illegally on the street. Taken
or sea vegetables such as dulse, in combination with other drugs or
kelp, kombu and nori nor in soy with alcohol, even drugs normally

products like tofu and tempeh. considered safe can cause death or

serious long term consequences.
These will help remove stress and Accidental drug overdose may be
protect the liver. Natural forms of the result of misuse of prescription
calcium from foods will help nour- medicines or commonly used med-
ish the central nervous system and Medi-Sign Target ications like pain relievers and cold
help control tremors by calming the remedies. Symptoms differ depend-
body. Magnesium sources are dark Colonics, Salt & Water ing on the drug taken.
green vegetables, legumes nuts and
pineapple. Natural forms of zinc While many victims of drug over-
A drug overdose occurs when you
are pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dose recover without long term
consume more drugs than your body
mushrooms and soybeans. effects, there can be serious conse-
can tolerate. Overdose is a relative
Bioflavonoids detox the system and quences. Some drug overdoses can
term, with symptoms that range
lessens the craving for drugs. Natur- cause the failure of major organs
from the uncontrollable nodding of
al sources are peppers, buckwheat, like the kidneys or liver, or failure

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of whole systems like the respirato- drugs are illegal, all are used in pre - your eyes are dry, red, burning or
ry or circulatory systems. People scription drugs. gritty, you reach for over-the-count-
who survive drug overdose may er eye drops such as Visine or
need kidney dialysis, kidney or liver The number one solution is a diet Murine to make them feel better.
transplant, or ongoing care as a of nothing but fresh bananas, Unfortunately, it’s likely that you’re
result of heart failure, stroke or pineapple and fresh squeezed orange making the problem worse.
coma. Death can occur in almost juice. Nothing else, not even water
any drug overdose situation. for 14 days. Many people use these products for

dry eyes/
dry eyes and should not be doing so.
Drugs are generally classified as These products “get the red out” by

eye problems
either: constricting the blood vessels in
• Prescription Drugs your eyes, which doesn’t do any-
“Scan-disc is now checking your hard drive. You can start praying.”

These require a doctor’s authority to thing to effectively moisten them.

purchase them. Some common Medi-Sign Target
examples are “Valium,” Having dry eyes is a problem that
Carrot Seed Oil & a Soaked
“Morphine” and you definitely want to solve. Dry
“Benzodiazepines,” which are Flaxseed under the Eyelid eyes are more than a nuisance.
sleeping tablets. Chronically dry eyes can damage
It’s great to learn that drinking the tissue of the eye, possibly even
water, eating the right foods, scarring the cornea and leading to
simple eye exercise, and relax- irreversible loss of vision.
ation methods can be just as
powerful in many cases, if not The first step in restoring moisture
better than, medicines, lasers to your eyes is to use eye drops, but
and surgery. they have to be the right kind; natu -
ral and preservative-free artificial

First of all, tears are critical to

• Non-Prescription Drugs eye health.
These are drugs which may be pur-
chased without prescription. They Tears are not just water. They
consist of headache compounds, have three separate components:
cough elixirs and similar mild med- 1. Oil from the Meibomian oil
ications and can be purchased at vir - glands in the eyelids
tually any chemist or retail outlet.
Common examples are “Panadol,” 2. Mucous from the goblet cells
“Aspro,” “Vick’s Cough Syrup,” deep inside the eyelid
alcohol and nicotine, which can be Artificial tears preserve your eyes
purchased in the form of cigarettes. 3. Watery tears, which are the without preservatives.
“aqueous” tears from the lachrymal
• Illicit Drugs gland and accessory lachrymal
These are drugs that are imported, glands located in the conjunctiva of
grown or manufactured illegally. the eyelids.
All illicit drugs are dangerous and
usually imply a degree of depend- ARE YOUR EYES DRY?
ence, or in some cases, addiction.
Examples are heroin, cocaine, Natural Eyedrops Work Best For
amphetamines, “ecstasy”, marijua- Dry Eyes
na, meth and LSD. Although these If you’re like most Americans, when

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 393

The first line of defense in treating likely to evaporate quickly. To the risk of developing macular
dry eyes is to replace the tears that solve the problem, soak and wash degeneration and cataracts.
are not there with artificial ones. Of your eyelids twice a day. Conjunctivitis is usually caused by
the many dozens of different types bacteria, viral infection, allergies

“I learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget
of artificial tears available, I feel the 1. Environment: Take a careful and other irritants. Lack of water in
best is carrot seed oil. Use by put - look at your home, especially bed- the tear ducts is usually the cause of
ting one drop in each eye at night. room and workplace. Is it too dry? dry eye.
Is there any humidity? Are there
Eyes Dry? Practice Blinking plants? If you suffer from dry
To stay lubricated, the eye needs to eye symptoms especially in the
blink about 12 times a minute, or winter, place a humidifier in
once every five second. People who your bedroom. Any changes
use computers stare intensely at the in your environment, such
screen and blink as seldom as once as adding a humidifier to
a minute. The lubrication that they your heating system will
get is second-rate. The result is dry, be helpful. Have lots of
red, burning eyes. live plants.

2. Evaluate your diet:

Are you drinking enough
water? Drink at least six to eight

how you made them feel.”

glasses of water a day, and dump the
sodas and hard alcohol. Include soy Foods That Help
and other legumes and seeds, such Grapes, grape seeds and the berry
as flaxseed, in your diet. These pro- family of blueberries, raspberries,
vide essential fatty acids to protect blackberries and strawberries, con-
cells and stabilize the tear film. tain plentiful amounts of antho-
Green, leafy vegetables and grains cyanidins and pro-anthocyanidins.
supply the necessary B vitamins. These belong to the same family as
Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, which isoflavonoids and bioflavonoids.
come from plants such as flaxseed, These wonderful phyto-medicines
nuts and the oil of evening primrose protect our eyes against cell degen-
and borage are loaded with these eration by improving the integrity of
good fats. Try putting flaxseed oil the capillaries that supply blood to
How can you fix computer-caused on potatoes and salads. the retina.
dryness? Deliberate blinking.
Practice blinking when you’re at the Infection, vitamin and mineral defi- Fresh wheatgrass juice, strained and
computer. Each time, make sure ciencies and foods and environmen- dropped into the eyes, is a home
that you close your eyes so that you tal factors can lead to damage of the remedy used to relax eye muscles
can’t see and keep them closed for eyes. Changes in the eyes can also and soothe eyestrain. Green,
just a second. If you consistently be caused by diseases in other parts chlorophyll-rich vegetables in gen-
slowdown your blinks, your subcon- of the body. Artificial sweeteners, eral should be added to the diet for
scious mind will soon take over the caffeine, alcohol, sugar, lactose, eye health because they contain
task, and you’ll be blinking the way tobacco, steroids, mercury, exces- vitamins A, B, C and E. Yellow-
you should. sive computer use and direct sun- orange vegetables, such as carrots,
light can all cause eyestrain and, pumpkins and sweet potatoes, are
Hydro-healing: Soak your eyelids more threateningly, rob the eyes of also rich in pro-vitamin A, beta-
It’s very common for people with perfect vision. Avoiding the entire carotene, which the body converts
dry eyes to have blocked oil glands list of hazards can protect the eyes to vitamin A. Juices made from car-
in their eyelids, a condition that as well as the rest of our bodies. In rots, kale, spinach, tomatoes and
makes tears less stable and more particular, avoid smoking to reduce melons are a delicious way to get

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 394

these eye-essential carotenoids. As These two herbs are famous for gen-
a source of protectors and pro-vita- eral eye care and for relieving
mins A, carrot juice guards against Eye Blend symptoms of inflammation and
eye infections and prevents cellular fatigue. They bring nutrients to the
deterioration from free radicals. eye by improving circulation. The
Kale and spinach are especially 1/2 cup Blueberries major natural tea manufacturers
good protection against macular 1/4 cup Raspberries package these teas in bags, but they
1/4 cup Blackberries
1/2 cup Strawberries
degeneration. Eating whole grains are also available in capsules.
and nuts adds fiber and minerals to 1+ cups Soy milk Whichever way you consume these
the diet as well as a good supply of beneficial herbs is fine. The loose
vitamin E, which protects cells, Make this drink whenever fresh tea can be found in herb stores and
including eye cells, from damage. berries are in season. Just add requires a strainer.
soy milk and blend until smooth.
If you cannot find all the berries,
you can make this recipe with
Green Eye
Flaxseed oil can improve our per-
only blueberries and strawberries.
Monster Juice!
ception of color eyesight because of
their docosahexaenoic acid content.
“Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue...”

2 oz Wheatgrass juice
Flaxseed oil is a rich source of alpha
linolenic acid, which the body con- 5 oz Carrot juice
verts into DHA. A tea made from 2 oz Kale juice
fennel or its seeds, clears and 2 oz Spinach juice
refreshes the eyes and is claimed to 3 oz Tomato juice
1/2 inch Ginger root
1 clove Garlic
improve vision. Fenugreek seeds
also improve general eye health. Blueberries are closely related to the pinch Cayenne pepper
Reishi mushrooms have been known most healing of “eye” herbs, which
to clear inflammation associated The juice is about as green as you
can get. Wheatgrass by itself is
is bilberry. All these berries contain
with conjunctivitis. plentiful amounts of anthocyanidins powerful eye healer. If any of the
and pro-anthocyanidins, powerful ingredients in this juice are
Nutrients and Herbs That Help flavanols that nourish the cells of unavailable, it will still be power-
Ginkgo biloba is often cited for its the retina. They protect against cell fully healing.
powerful abilities that neutralize the degeneration, in general, and there-
free radicals that cause eye damage fore also possess cancer and life
and degeneration. Ginkgo biloba extension properties. Cranberries
also brings nutrients to the eye by and grapes are also rich sources.
improving circulation, as do gotu
kola, hawthorn berry, marjoram,
cayenne pepper, ginger and garlic. Eating orange and green foods for
Eye Power Tea the eyes are miracle workers. A bag
Topical treatments for conjunctivitis of baby carrots a day keeps the eye
that are soothing and healing doctor broke.
include sterile, cold water, vitamin 1 bag or tsp Bilberry
1 bag or tsp Eyebright
C solutions, calendula tea, gold-
enseal ointment and chamomile Steep for 5 minutes, but do not
compresses. Drinking eyebright tea, boil. For variety and flavor, add
as its name implies, helps to relieve other helpful “eye” herbs such as
conjunctivitis symptoms as well as fennel, hawthorn berry and mar-
general eye inflammation and
fatigue. Applying eyebright topical-
ly is not recommended because con-
tact of eyebright with the eyes can
cause itching and redness.

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 395

dry hair utes and then wash with a shampoo MOUTH-WATERING RELIEF
designed specifically for dry hair. FOR DRY MOUTH
Medi-Sign Target If you have a dry scalp, warm up Water overload is your
Olive Oil & Avocado mixed some castor oil by putting a small number one solution.
together and put into hair amount into a pot and heating it on
for 30 min. a very low setting until it is warm to A temporary bout of dry mouth is
the touch. Then, massage it into nothing to worry about. In fact,
your scalp. Wrap your head in a worrying is probably what’s causing
Dry hair is a relative symptom. Dry
hot, steamy towel for 15 minutes your problem to begin with. Stress
hair may be described as hair with

“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
and wash. To get this effect, you and nervousness can leave your
insufficient moisture and oil content
can run towels through the washing mouth feelings like the Sahara. If
needed to maintain a normal sheen
machine using hot water but no that’s the case, here are a couple of
and texture. Dry hair may result
detergent, or you can wrap your tips from alternative healers to help
from excessive washing, harsh
oiled-up head in a dry towel and sit with occasional dry mouth.
detergents, a dry or hostile environ-
under a hair dryer set on low for 10
ment, inadequate diet or underlying
minutes. Breathing: The Darth Vader
You can fix stress-caused dry mouth
Abnormal hair texture, sheen
by breathing through your nose.
and even abnormal hair color
may be seen in various states
Just breathe deeply in and out
of malnutrition, such as kwa-
through your nose for about 10 min -
shiorkor, or zinc deficiency,
utes. This method of breathing fills
and marasmus. Metabolic
the lower parts of your lungs,
diseases such as hypothy-
which, in turn, activates that
roidism and Menkes kinky
parasympathetic nervous system, the
hair syndrome produce brit-
part of your nervous system that
tle, dry hair.
calms you down.
Common Causes
Castor oil is very hard to get out of
• Excessive washing, harsh deter-
your hair, so you’ll need to wash
gents or alcohols, excessive blow-
your hair with hot, but not scalding,
water and plenty of suds. If you
• Environmental dryness
don’t have castor oil on hand, olive,
• Anorexia nervosa
mineral, avocado or even vegetable
• Malnutrition
oil should work just as well.
• Hypothyroidism
• Hypoparathyroidism
Mayonnaise makes an excellent
conditioner. Leave the oily, white
Home Care
goo in your hair for anywhere from
• Shampoo less frequently – per-
5 minutes to an hour before washing Eating natural sources of
haps only once or twice a week
it out. Vitamin C.
• Add conditioners

dry mouth
Vitamin C is found in berries, citrus,
• Avoid blow drying and harsh
fruits and green vegetables. Good
styling products
sources include asparagus, avoca-
dos, beet greens, black currants,
Oil it up If the ends of your hair are Medi-Sign Target broccoli, Brussels sprouts, can-
dry, but not your scalp, apply the Water & Sucking on Rock taloupe, collards, dandelion greens,
heated oil only to the ends of your
hair. Leave it on for 10 to 15 min -
Salt dulse, grapefruit, kale, lemons, man-
gos, mustard greens, onions,

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 396

oranges, papayas, green peas, sweet occur with normal aging or with • Itching, or pruritus, that some-
peppers, persimmons, pineapple, certain medical conditions also can times may be intense.
radishes, rose hips, spinach, straw- affect the moisture content of your
berries, Swiss chard, tomatoes, skin. • Slight to severe flaking or scal -
turnip greens and watercress. Herbs ing.
that contain vitamin C include alfal- Dry skin can be a temporary prob -
-Kurt Russell as Wyatt Earp in Tombstone

fa, burdock root, cayenne, chick- lem, one you experience only in • Fine lines or cracks.
weed, eyebright, fennel seed, fenu- winter, for example, or it can be a
greek, hops, horsetail, kelp, pepper- lifelong concern. Although skin is • Severe redness.
mint, mullein, nettle, oat straw, often driest on your arms, lower
paprika, parsley, pine needle, plan- legs and the sides of your abdomen, • Deep fissures that may bleed.
tain, raspberry leaf, red clover, rose this pattern can vary considerably
hips, skullcap, violet leaves, yarrow from person to person. What’s The following measures can help
and yellow dock. more, signs and symptoms of dry keep your skin moist and healthy:

dry skin
skin depend on your age, your
health status, your locale, the • Wash ‘n’ Go. For most people,
amount of time you spend outdoors a once-daily bath or shower is
and the cause of the problem. enough to maintain good hygiene.
Medi-Sign Target If your skin is very dry, bathing
“Are you going to do something, or just stand there and bleed?”

Rub on Cocnut Oil, Drink every other day may be best. Keep
the Dry Skin Shake Dry Skin in mind that the longer you’re in
Shake water, the more protective oils you
lose. For that reason, and because it
takes just a few minutes to wash
2 oz Virgin olive oil
1 Banana
thoroughly, limit baths and showers
Soy milk to 15 minutes or less. Also, use
warm, rather than hot, water. Less
Mix together to create a banana is more when it comes to washing
and soy milk shake – everyday. your face, too. Although it may be
1 month will do it. I’ve never seen
it miss.
difficult to break the habit of cleans -
ing your face morning and evening,
once a day should be enough to
remove dirt and oil. If your skin
doesn’t feel fresh on this abbreviat-
Ordinary dry skin, or xerosis, usual-
ed schedule, modify it by rinsing
ly isn’t serious, but it can be uncom -
with cool water in the morning and
fortable and unsightly, turning
using a cleanser only at night.
plump cells into shriveled ones and
creating fine lines and wrinkles long
If you have dry skin due to envi- • Avoid harsh, drying soaps. If
before you’re due.
ronmental factors or normal you just don’t feel clean without
aging, you’re likely to experience soap, choose mild soaps that have
Fortunately, most dry skin results
one or more of the following: added vegetable or nut oils and fats.
from environmental factors that can
• A feeling of tightness or taut- Avoid deodorant and antibacterial
be wholly or partially controlled.
ness, especially after showering, detergents, which are especially
These include exposure to hot or
bathing or swimming. harsh. You might want to experi-
cold weather with low humidity lev-
ment with several brands until you
els and to wind, long-term use of air
• A loss of plumpness. Your skin find one that works particularly well
conditioning or central heating,
may appear shrunken or dehydrated. for you, or make your own. It’s
excessive bathing, especially tub
easy. A good rule of thumb is that
baths and the use of strong soaps or
• Skin that feels and looks rough your skin should feel soft and
detergents. Metabolic changes that
rather than smooth. smooth after cleansing, never tight

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 397

or dry. Try to use soaps and much faster than others. Both these standards. Forte Numen is what I

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
cleansers of any type only on your traits would be helpful for certain call Dyslexia. It means, “strength of
face, underarms, genital area and creative endeavors. genius.”
your hands and feet.
Dyslexics often excel as engineers, Originally a “catch” word, which
After a bath or shower, rub yourself plumbers, inventors and at crafts or covers various disorders, the term
down with raw organic coconut or artistic pursuits because they can “dyslexia” came to refer to all types
soybean oil. manipulate objects in their head for of reading, writing and spelling

the purpose of drawing them, problems.

Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” -George Bernard Shaw
designing them or repairing them.
All educators and psycholo-
gists will use the term,
Medi-Sign Target Dyslexia. As it is now gener-
Master the 52 Phoneme’s & ally understood, Dyslexia’re a Genius! refers to its key feature, a
substantial difficulty in gain-
ing effective reading skills.
The Gift of Dyslexia
The gift of dyslexia is the ability to
Dyslexia was originally
think multi-dimensionally. While
thought of a as a disability
the ability to see in pictures and to
produced by poor sight, but it
change one’s point of focus or refer-
is now seen as a result of
ence point is a handicap in reading,
abnormal brain function.
it can also be a source of creativity
There is no proven genetic
and brilliance.
basis for the condition, but
current research into families
Many famous people have been
with many affected members
dyslexic. The list includes Albert
suggests that it may be inher-
Einstein, Thomas Edison, Alexander
ited. The degree of intellec-
Graham Bell, Leonardo daVinci,
tual ability plays no part, as
Walt Disney, Winston Churchill,
dyslexia sufferers often score
Hans Christian Anderson, Woodrow
above average in non-lan-
Wilson, Whoopi Goldberg, Danny
guage based intelligence
Glover, Tom Cruise, Dan O’Brien,
tests. Unlike the ability to
the U.S. Olympic decathlete gold
Since the number of dyslexics is speak, which is innate in humans,
medallist and many others. The
increasing, one wonders whether reading skills are learned.
question is whether these individu-
dyslexia could be an evolutionary
als succeeded in spite of dyslexia, or
change in which new brain func- Children with normal vision learn to
in some way because of it.
tions are manifesting in more and read after a gradual acquisition of
more children. The problem for pre-reading skills such as the ability
For example, Albert Einstein said he
most dyslexics is they are labeled, to follow a sequence of characters,
came up with the theory of relativity
“learning-disabled” in school and the development of a vocabulary of
because he imagined himself riding
are so frustrated they often have to language, the identification of
on a light wave. This task requires
quit their education in order to pur - sounds and the recognition that
a radical shift of perspective that
sue and develop their formal abili- sounds can be represented by letters.
might be much easier for a dyslexic
ties without the judgment and pain
than someone without the dyslexic
of remedial training by “special- This last process is one which
trait. Recall that dyslexics can see
ists.” dyslexic children are unable to
perspectives that a normal person
develop. They are unable to decode
cannot. According to research,
Dyslexia: Is a non-disease of speech into the individual sound
dyslexics also process information
today’s formal academic educational components, known as phonemes

D__ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 1:03 PM Page 398

used to build words. There are 52 identification and special instruction Teaching Dyslexics to Read and
phonemes in the English language. it is possible to make dramatic Write
improvements in reading ability in Correcting the symptoms of dyslex-
To pronounce the word pit, for most affected children. ia involves several steps. First, a
example, you have to be able to perceptual ability test to rule out
associate the individual letters p, i Many words, nouns for example, are other conditions. Most who take the
and t with the sounds they represent easy to picture such as house, car, test are found to perceive differently
before one can recognize the written cat and dog. Others such as a, the but are not brain-damaged in any
word. Where the brain cannot hear and and have are far more dif ficult way.
the individual sounds it cannot make to picture. Most teachers, even in
the association between sounds and special education programs, do not Correction involves explaining to
letters and reading skills will not know how to help a person picture the dyslexic individual how his or
properly develop. these words. As the dyslexic indi- her brain works. A series of exer-
vidual tries to make sense of these cises can help the dyslexic person
Dyslexia is suspected when reading symbols, they shift their perspective. to:
skills fail to match a child’s intellec- This causes letters on a page to
tual level, with the key indicator move around, reverse themselves 1. Make a pictorial representation of
being the inability to decode and even to disappear completely. all words and symbols.
phonemes. This inability may affect
“Given the option, be in charge.”

one child in five severely enough to Here is a series of events that 2. Stabilize the point of reference.
persist into adulthood, and at this occur when a dyslexic individual
level it may not improve with time attempts to read or write as a nor- These two basic skills are usually
or instruction, causing “academic mal person would: mastered in about 30 hours of basic
standards” to fall gradually behind. 1. The person encounters an unrec- instruction, with a few follow up
ognized word, symbol or object. exercises. After the training,
Identification dyslexics often make dramatic
Before confirming a diagnosis of 2. The person begins to examine the progress in reading and writing.
dyslexia it is important to investi- object or word from many different Some skip up several grade levels in
gate other possible reasons for points of view. This causes words reading within a few weeks. For
delayed reading development, or letters to reverse, turn upside more specific details go to
including poor hearing, poor sight, down or disappear as the person
emotional disorders, environmental changes their focal point.
or family problems and especially
poor teaching. Dyslexia produces 3. Incorrect information is collect-
poor readers and writers in children ed about the word or object.
who are otherwise intellectually
able, even above average. It has 4. Mistakes are made in learning
been identified in other cultures or reading.
with written languages different in
form and structure from English, 5. The mistakes cause emotional
notably Chinese, and it can affect reactions and frustration.
6. Compulsive solutions are
Treatment adopted, such as intense concen-
Treatment should always be tration.
attempted. It will usually take the
form of special instruction aimed at 7. These compulsive solutions
developing awareness of phonemes inhibit the learning process and
before moving on to improving lead to frustration and low self-
word recognition, pronunciation and esteem.
read comprehension. With early

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 399

~E e~
History: The Letter E

It is the most frequently used letter in the English alphabet. In fact, the most frequently
used letter in the previous sentence. And that sentence. But in the one just before this
one, the letter “T” was used most frequently. During World War II, an American flag
bearing the letter “E” was presented to army and navy contractors who met or surpassed
production schedules. The “E” stood for “Excellence.” This is contrary to baseball’s
use of the letter “E,” which stands for “Error.” While some errors are worse than others,
the absolute worst occurred in the summer of 1931 when Joe Sprinz of the Cleveland
Indians tried to catch a ball dropped from an airplane at 800 feet. The ball was caught but
his jaw was broken. He obviously didn’t respect (m) V = M or E = MC2. But, the whole
foods mentioned in the FDR will give you lots of Energy.

Mystery: The Celtic Letter Key

The letter “E” is a symbol of recovery, showing the ability to get back to normal after phys-
ical or emotional setbacks. An essential characteristic in most people’s name-prints, it
includes a certain amount of optimism. When things are going well the letter indicates that
the name-bearer will be looking ahead and making plans for improvements. The negative side
of the letter can be summed up by the word muteness. This is a tendency to let others have
say, but not to speak about one’s own views. Nevertheless, as a dominant letter, it shows
someone who will be able to cope resolutely with the ups and downs of life.
E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 400

ear An acute ear infec-

tion is very painful.

Acute ear infections
typically produce a
lot of pain and are
usually accompanied
Medi-Sign Target by a fever, loss of
Saltwater Irrigation appetite, feeling of
dizziness or loss of
Your middle ear is a pea-sized
chamber behind your eardrum, the Candling can help.
tympanic membrane, a small circle Ear candling, or ear As the particles are drawn from the
of tissue that vibrates in response to coning, is a century’s old technique ear and into the bottom of the can -
-Benjamin Franklin

sounds. It contains three tiny bones that has seen increasing interest in dle, the airflow becomes disrupted.
called ossicles that send vibrations the past decade throughout the This is why it is important to
from your eardrum to your inner holistic community. This technique remove the candle and “tap out” the
ear. This is where they are convert- is thought to have originated with contents.
ed into the nerve impulses repre- the Egyptians for spiritual cleansing
senting sound. These impulses are and physical cleaning. Why candle?
what allow you to hear. The purpose of candling is to
Called cyclosyphonology in classi-
“Well done is better than well said.”

remove wax buildup, especially the

A narrow passageway connects cal Greece, the Egyptians original heavy impacted wax that normal
called the Eustachian tube connects style of coning used hollow reeds or cleaning cannot remove. The Ear,
your middle ear to the back of your rolled papyrus. Today, coning/can- Nose and Throat Journal of U of U
nose and your throat. Normally, this dling uses a hollow candle, much Medical lab reported that candling
tube helps equalize the pressure like a large straw. Although they helps with bacteria in the ears
inside and outside your ear and differ, most candles are made of including anaerobic bacteria,
helps to drain fluids from your mid - 100% unbleached cotton, or muslin, influenza A and B, staphylococcus
dle ear. fabric coated with purified paraffins aureus and streptococcus pneumo-
and/or bees’ wax. There are also nia.
some specialty candles that contain
herbs and oils. A lifetime of residues can build up
in the ear canal!
Candling applies simple laws of sci- Candling can be done on all ages of
ence. When the candle is properly people. Results from candlers
seated in the ear, the flame of the include children and even babies.
candle creates a draw or vacuum Often candling has been used as a
that pulls the wax, fungus, candida last effort for treating chronic ear
yeast, and other particles of debris infections and to avoid ear tubal
out of the ear and up into the bottom placement, which are leading causes
Most ear infections begin with an of the candle. The vacuum is for hospital admittance in young-
upper respiratory infection like a caused by the warmed air from the sters. As well as treating the ear,
cold. This can cause swelling and flame and the colder existing air candling can work on the sinus and
inflammation in the eustachian tubes moving through the hollow chamber lymph system by removing impuri-
and can cause fluid to build up of the candle. The movement and ties there as well.
behind the eardrum. This fluid itself compression between the ear canal
isn’t necessarily a problem; it’s the and the candle chamber generate air Because of all the intricate crevices
bacteria and viruses bred here that flow with increasing velocity, thus in the ear, unbelievable amounts of
is. producing the “sucking” vacuum. debris can accumulate within it.

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 401

This buildup within the ear creates a ebola

breeding ground for problems, and
Ear 1
can also interfere with correct hear-
ing. The sound waves become Medi-Sign Target
blocked by impacted wax built up Garlic, Saltwater & Honey
against ear ducts. This lifetime Grind a few Holly basil
accumulation may explain some of leaves and extract some
the hearing problems we develop as juice. Apply 2 drops inside

“Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
Ebola hemorrhagic fever (Ebola
we age. It is reported that 20% of the ear. HF) is a severe, often-fatal disease
adults between 65 and 74 have hear -
in humans and non-human primates,
ing problems.
like monkeys and chimpanzees, that
has appeared sporadically since its
Candling is simple when done with
initial recognition in 1976.
a partner. Generally, three candles
are used in each ear. This amount
The disease is caused by infection
varies from person to person, as
with Ebola virus. It was first recog -
does the frequency of candling. The
nized in Africa and named after a
one being candled is to lay on
river in the Democratic Republic of
his/her side or to place their head
sideways on a table. Make sure Ear 2 the Congo, which was formerly
known as Zaire. The virus is one of
they are comfortable, as candling
two members of a family of RNA
can take between 15-20 minutes per
Boil 3-4 cloves of Garlic in some viruses called the Filoviridae. Three
candle, depending on the type of
water. Mash them and add a of the four species of Ebola virus
candle. The one end of a candle pinch of salt. Wrap this poultice identified so far have caused disease
should be placed snugly into the ear. in a flannel or woolen cloth and
in humans. These species are:
You may opt to insert the candle place on the aching ear.
Ebola-Zaire, Ebola-Sudan, Ebola-
through a paper plate covered with
Ivory Coast and Ebola-Reston,
aluminum foil to protect the face
which is the only one out of the four
and hair first. The candle must fit
to not have caused disease in
snugly in the ear to allow proper air
humans but in non-human primates.
draw. As the bottom fills, gently tap
it out in a bowl and carefully cut
How is Ebola virus spread?
back the burned wick. The “suc-
Humans do not carry the Ebola
tion” sound is like the hum of a
virus so infection is incidental.
seashell being placed against the
Because the natural reservoir of the
ear. When the candle has burnt Ear 3 virus is unknown, it has not been
down to about three inches above
determined the manner in which the
the ear, pull it out and douse it into
virus first appears in humans. How-
a shallow bowl of water. You can A bulb syringe with 1 tsp of salt
in warm water and a bulb
ever, researchers have hypothesized
tap it on a plate to inspect the debris
syringe, just stock your head that the first person becomes infect-
-T.S. Eliot
if desired.
over a sink, (ear towards the ed through contact with an infected
drain) and give yourself an ear animal.
After candling, it is recommended enema – you’ll be shocked at the
to gently rinse the ears and place a crap in your head – no wonder
people think you’re full of _ _ _ _.
In an outbreak setting, which is
couple drops of oil of garlic into the
often called the index case, when
ear. The normal wax will be
the first person is infected it can be
replaced within 24 hours so during
transmitted in several ways. People
that time, it is best to protect the
can be exposed to Ebola virus from
ears from wind, cold, and excessive
direct contact with the blood and/or
amounts of water.
secretions of an infected person like

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 402

through feeding, holding and other- numbers of people can become eczema
wise caring for an individual where infected.
close contact is required. This is
Medi-Sign Target
-Roger Simon

why the virus has often been spread Ebola-Reston appeared in a primate
through the families and friends of research facility in Virginia. It may Hot Oatmeal Bath, Coconut
infected persons. People can also have been transmitted from monkey & Soy Oil Rub
be exposed to Ebola virus through to monkey through the air in the
contact with objects, such as nee- facility. Even though under research
Eczema is characterized by scaling,
dles, that have been contaminated conditions, all Ebola virus species
“The reason most people play golf is to wear clothes they would not be caught dead in otherwise.”

thickened patches of skin that can

with infected secretions. have displayed the ability to be
become red and fissured and may
spread through airborne particles,
also appear as tiny blisters, called
Nosocomial transmission has been called aerosols, it has not been doc -
vesicles, that rupture, weep, and
associated frequently with Ebola HF umented among humans in a real-
crust over. The most troublesome,
outbreaks. It includes both types of world setting, like a hospital or
prevalent, and often constant symp-
transmission described above, but it household.
tom of eczema is itching.
is used to describe the spread of dis -
ease in a health-care setting like a What are the symptoms of Ebola
clinic or hospital. For example, in hemorrhagic fever?
African health-care facilities, people The signs and symptoms of Ebola
are often cared for without the use HF vary on the individual.
of a mask, gown, or gloves. The Symptoms of the dis-
exposure to the virus has occurred ease, according
when health care workers treated to the frequen-
individuals with Ebola HF without cy with which
wearing these types of protective they have been
clothing. In addition in these clin - reported in known
ics, when needles or syringes are cases, are as follows:
used, they may not be cleaned prop -
Coconut oil may
erly or may not be disposable. So, Within a few days of becom-
be applied to the
the needles are then reinserted into ing infected with the virus:
patches containing
multi-use vials of medicine; if nee- High fever, headache, muscle aches,
eczema. Drinking carrot juice and
dles or syringes become contaminat- stomach pain, fatigue, diarrhea, sore
spinach juice in combination is
ed with virus and are then reused, throat, hiccups, rash, red and itchy
highly beneficial for eczema. Also,
eyes, vomiting blood and
drink plenty of water and take fruit
bloody diarrhea
juices like freshly squeezed orange
Within one week of becoming
infected with the virus:
Beware of dry air. Eczema is aggra-
Blindness, bleeding, chest pain,
vated by dehumidified air, especial-
shock, and death
ly during winter months when
forced-air heat circulates in the
Garlic and horseradish may be
the only possible remedies
because it creates an internal
Forced-air heat is somewhat more
environment that the Ebola
drying than other types of heat.
virus cannot thrive in. It’s what
Since dry air tends to aggravate the
I would eat exclusively along
itching of eczema, or dermatitis,
with large amounts of salt and
keeping indoor air moist should be a
water if I were to ever become
primary concern of sufferers and
their families. Try countering dry

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 403

air with a good humidifier so that Avoid antiperspirants. Metallic

forced-air heat is not as much of a salts such as aluminum chloride,
Milk Soak
problem. aluminum sulfate, and zirconium
chlorohydrate are the active ingredi-
Don’t expect a single room humidi- ents in many antiperspirants. These
fier to do it all, though. People have been known to cause irritation Put milk into a glass with ice
think that if they put a humidifier in in people with sensitive skin. Usual- cubes and let it sit for a few min-
their house, they’ve take care of it. ly it’s the antiperspirant, as opposed utes. Then pour the milk onto a
gauze pad or thin piece of cotton

“Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.”
Humidifiers are like air condition- to the deodorant, that’s irritating.
and apply it to the irritated skin
for 2 or 3 minutes. Resoak the
ers, you really need a big unit to do
anything. If you sleep next to it, Take comfort in cotton. Cotton cloth and reapply, continuing the
you’ve found the key; put it next to clothing worn next to the skin is process for about 10 minutes.
your bed. much better than either wool or
polyester, especially wool. Avoid
Like it lukewarm. The long-held synthetics or itchy fabrics, as well
belief that people with dermatitis as tight or ill-fitting clothes. In
should avoid bathing is most likely addition to looking tacky, such
wrong. Regular bathing reduces the clothing can trigger itching.
chances of infection and helps soft- always avoid hot baths or showers.
en the skin. Stay away from fake nails. Recent A little forethought can help cut
research at the Cleveland Clinic down on this type of itch trigger.
Foundation has shown that acrylic
Oatmeal Bath
manicure products can cause fre- Use white to wipe. For controlling
quent and obvious cases of the itch of contact dermatitis, white
dermatitis. Such acrylics may be toilet paper is best because the dyes
2 cups Oatmeal present in artificial fingernails, fin- irritate.
1 Bathtub gernail extenders or sculptured nails
and can cause eye, nose and respira - Beware of baby lotions. Sometimes
Take an oatmeal bath. Pour oat- tory irritation in addition to allergic
meal into a tub of lukewarm
baby lotions aren’t the best for
contact dermatitis. Avoid contact childhood eczema. Some of the
with these products if you suspect artificial, chemical fragrances and
For an additional soothing treat, you have allergic reactions from active ingredients in baby lotions,
use as a soap substitute, wrap col- them. like lanolin and mineral oil, are
loidal, oatmeal available in super-
market farmacy section, in a
common causes of a skin allergy.
handkerchief, place a rubber band
Compress to Soothe. Cold, wet

-Fellowship of the Ring

around the top, dunk it in water, dressings can help soothe and Instead try cold pressed oils, oint-
wring it out, and use as you relieve the itching associated with ments of soy or coconut.
would a normal washcloth. contact dermatitis. I tell people to
try cold milk or cream instead of Wash once, rinse twice. This is the
water. It seems to be a lot more formula for doing laundry for peo-
soothing. ple with eczema or dermatitis

Avoid quick changes in air

temperature. If you have eczema,
rapid temperature changes like
Go for the oil. Regular soap does going from a warm room out into
not need to be avoided in your bath cold winter air, or even from an air-
as long as an oil moisturizer is conditioned room to a hot shower,
applied after its use to keep the skin can trigger itching. Wear layers of
from drying out. Try extra virgin, cotton clothing to protect yourself.
coconut and soy butter oils. Also, persons with eczema should

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 404

because you’ve got to make sure the most excess retention because of the effect on the amount of fluids you
detergent is washed out thoroughly. effect of female hormones on the will notice within yourself. For
body’s metabolism and circulation. instance, after you have been in bed
Don’t over-detergent your clothes all night, you will see and feel more
when washing and always use a sec- To gage your own weight based on swelling in your face and hands. By
ond rinse cycle to get out all soap. fluctuation in fluid retention, check bedtime, though, this fluid will

your weight first thing in the morn - gravitate to your feet and legs, so
ing and at bedtime. you will see and feel it there. When
it is very prominent, you can press
“I installed a skylight in my apartment...the people who live above me are furious.”

Remember that this can vary based your thumb firmly against the side
Medi-Sign Target on your diet. Vegetables, fruits and of the shinbone, hold for a half-
carbohydrates have more water in minute and note a thimble-sized
Salt & Water them than fats and proteins. Salt dimple that was left behind.
intake makes a difference because a
lack of salt causes your body to Water, water is everywhere. It just
Fluid retention is part of everyday
retain water. Your physical activity needs to be of the right amount and
living for the body. The fluids are
will make a difference also; the in the right places.
mostly water and contain a mixture
more active you are, the more water
of waste products, minerals and a
you get rid of. Edema is resolved by using lots of
wide variety of metabolic chemi-
salt and drinking lots of water.
cals. It is not exaggeration that the
Don’t forget that gravity has an
living body is made up mostly of
water; after living is no longer and
all the water leaves us, there is only
a handful of what was us, left.

We acquire water through our diet

of foods and liquids. Many people
do not actually drink water itself, so
most of our body fluids come from
the foods we eat.

Water gets out of our system

through the kidneys, bowel, lungs
and skin. We also lose water
through noticeable and unnotice-
able, also known as insensible,

Depending on fluid balance and

fluid retention, body weight can
vary as much as three to five pounds
a day.

Fluid retention can vary with dis-

ease conditions that affect circula-
tion. Some conditions include
hypothyroidism, high and low blood
pressure, heart and kidney disorders
and diseases of the arteries and
veins. Women seem to carry the

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 405

EGGS quate supply in our diets. Choline One yolk of an egg contains choline
deficiency can also cause deficiency and phosphatidylcholine. It is the
of another B vitamin, folic acid, phosphatidylcholine that is the most
Medi-Sign Target which is critically important for common form in which choline is
health. incorporated into cell membrane
Eyes phospholipids.
A good supply of choline is definite-
ly a nutrient Choline has an impact on cardiovas-
needed for cular health in addition to its signifi -
good health. cant effects on brain function and
Choline is a the nervous system. It is one of the
key component B vitamins that help to convert
of many fat- homocysteine, a molecule that can
containing damage blood vessels, into other
structures in benign substances. Eggs are also a
cell mem- good source of vitamin B12, another
branes, whose B vitamin that is of major impor -

“It’s a date. You eat ‘em.”

flexibility and tance in the process of converting
integrity homocysteine into safe molecules.
depend on ade-
quate supplies Helping to Prevent Blood Clots
of choline. Eating eggs can help prevent blood
Two fat-like molecules in the brain, clots and lower the risk of heart
You’re a Good Egg
phosphatidylcholine and sphin- attacks and strokes. It can provide
I personally do not support a junk
gomyelin, account for an unusually protection against the food-borne
food diet, but do support a whole-
high percentage of the brain’s total pathogen, E. coli.
some food raw lacto/ovo vegetarian
mass, so choline is particularly
diet. Some people feel an egg is a
important for brain function and Another benefit of eggs is that a
liquid chicken. That is like saying
health. protein building block called, pep-
an acorn is an oak tree. Let’s see

-Indiana Jones
tide, found in egg whites binds to
you build a house or cabinet out of
Choline is also a highly important the food-borne pathogen, E. coli,
acorns. These same folks feel eat-
molecule in a cellular process called thus preventing infection. Eggs are
ing an egg is the same as killing a
methylation. Many important an excellent source of vitamin K,
chicken. Again, that’s like saying
chemical events in the body happen selenium, iodine, and vitamin B2.
eating an apple, killed the tree. But
by methylation, in which methyl They are also a good source of pro-
go with what you feel or believe.
groups are transferred from one tein, molybdenum, phosphorous,
place to another. Genes in the body vitamin B5 and vitamin D.
Eggs are a good source of inexpen -
can be switched on or turned of f in
sive, high-quality protein and the
this way, and cells use methylation Eggs provide vitamin A, and eating
structure of humans and animals is
to send messages back and forth. them help to maintain good night
built on protein. We depend on
Choline, which contains three vision. Because of the vitamin D,
eggs, milk and vegetable protein for
methyl groups, is highly active in eating them helps in calcium
our required amino acids. Our bod -
this process. absorption. The vitamin E intake
ies then rearrange the nitrogen to
for riboflavin also provides signifi-
create the pattern of amino acids we
Choline is also a key part of acetyl - cant amounts of zinc, magnesium,
choline, a neurotrasmitter that car- phosphorus, calcium and iron.
ries messages to and from nerves.
Eggs also contribute choline to our
Acetylcholine is the body’s primary Eggs are good for your eyes!
diets. Although our bodies can pro-
chemical means of sending mes- Macular degeneration, a serious
duce some choline, we cannot make
sages between nerves and muscles. age-related eye disease, can be pro-
enough to make up for an inade -
tected against by the lutein and

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 406

zeaxanthin in eggs. A recent study EGGPLANT bunches of small red, bluish or

published in the American Journal black berries. The berries are a very
“I’ve always had an idea that my retirement would be the greatest contribution to science the world has ever known.”

of Clinical Nutrition argues that egg valuable food resource for many
yolk’s fats allow the carotenoids in Medi-Sign Target birds.
egg yolks to be better absorbed. Tumor Reduction,
Unlike what was earlier thought, Deplaquer & Womb Common North American species
lutein in eggs may be found in even include the American elder
higher amounts than in green veg- (Sambucus Canadensis) in the east
etables like spinach. and blueberry elder (Sambucus
glauca) in the west. Both of these
species have blue-black berries.

The common European species is

the common elder or black elder
(Sambucus nigra) that has black

The red-berried elder (Sambucus

racemosa) is found throughout the
colder parts of the Norther
Hemisphere. European and Asian
Eggplant reduces swelling; clears
plants are treated as (S. racemosa
stagnant blood by dissolving con-
-Captain Spaulding

var. racemosa), and North American

gealed blood and accumulations
plants as (S. racemosa var. pubens).
such as tumors resulting from stag-
As the name suggests, the berries
nant blood especially in the uterus;
are bright red.
and reduces bleeding with hemostat-
ic action. It is used for bleeding
Elderberry flowers and berries can
hemorrhoids, blood in the urine, and
both be made into wine. In
bleeding in general. It is a rich
Hungary an elderberry brandy is
source of bioflavonoids that renew
produced that requires 50 kg of fruit
arteries and prevent strokes and
Combine eggs with spinach to maxi- to produce one liter of brandy. The
other hemorrhages.
mally boost your lutein absorption. berries are mildly poisonous and

Try dressing your spinach with a lit - cause vomiting, so don’t eat them
tle olive oil and a chopped hard- raw especially if they are unripe.
boiled egg when eating your spinach When cooked, the mild cyanide tox-
steamed, sautÎed or fresh in spinach Medi-Sign Target icity is destroyed, and the berries
salad. For a flavorful, quick meal, Cells, can be made into jam or pies.
try eggs over spinach and mush-
rooms. Especially Breast Cells

Eggs are soft to chew and easy to Elder or Elderberry (Sambucus) is a

digest. Easily digestible eggs are genus of fast-rowing shrubs or small
also soft. This means that they are a trees that used to belong in the hon -
good protein food choice for the eysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae),
very young as well as anyone with but are now classified in the
chewing problems or ill-fitting den- moschatel family (Adoxaceae).
tures. Creamy custards are especial-
ly well suited to those who need They bear bunches of small white or
especially easy-to-swallow foods. cream colored flowers in the spring.
These flowers are followed by

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 407

The flowers are made into a syrup likely to become worse as the dis - • Fatigue. You’re likely to feel
or cordial in Hungary and Romania ease progresses. Over time, breath- tired both because it’s more difficult
(in Romanian: socata), which is ing while lying down may become to breathe and because your body is
diluted with water before drinking. difficult, and it may become espe- getting less oxygen.
The popularity of this traditional cially hard to breathe during and
drink has recently encouraged some after respiratory infections, like Stay away from passive smoke.
commercial soft drink producers to colds or the flu. When the smoke from your own
introduce elderflower-flavored cigarettes can harm you, so can the
drinks. Other signs and symptoms of air in a smoky dance hall or your

emphysema include: spouse’s cigarette smoke. A non-
smoking spouse can develop lung
• Chronic, mild cough. You may cancer by inhaling the cigarette
produce sputum or phlegm when smoke from a smoking spouse after
Medi-Sign Target you cough. many decades of living together.

“The purpose of all learning is to throw away the book.”

Mustard Leaf Salds, Hot
Peppers, Peppermint Oil, • Loss of appetite and weight loss. Avoid allergens. When you have
Garlic Onions, Salt & Water It’s a vicious cycle. Emphysema emphysema it’s doubly important to
can make eating more difficult stay away from allergy inducers that
because eating can rob you of your affect your breathing.
Emphysema is a lung disease that
breath. The result is that you simply
involves damage to the alveoli, or
may not feel like eating much of the Control what you can. Increase
air sacks. With emphysema, the air
time. how efficiently you breathe, use
sacs are unable to completely
your muscles and approach your
deflate, called hyperinflation, and
work. For instance, if you can
are then unable to fill with fresh air
rearrange your kitchen to do in five
to ensure adequate oxygen supply to
steps what used to take you ten
the body.
steps, it is better.
The most common cause of emphy-
Exercise. Regular exercise is vital-
sema is cigarette smoke. The
ly important to the emphysema suf-
release of chemicals from within the
lungs that damage the walls of the
air sacs is thought to be caused by
What kinds are best?
cigarette smoke and other pollu-
Walking is probably the best overall
tants. This damage becomes worse
exercise. Also exercise to tone the
over time, affecting the exchange of
muscles in your upper extremities.
oxygen and carbon dioxide in the
Try using one or two pound hand
weights to work the muscles in the
neck, upper shoulders and chest.
A naturally occurring substance in
This is important to the lung disease
the lungs called alpha-1 antitrypsin
sufferer because they use their neck
may protect against this damage,
and upper respiratory chest muscles
however, people with alpha-1 antit-
more than other people.
rypsin deficiency are at an increased
risk for this disease.
People who have asthma and
emphysema seem to really benefit
from swimming because the activity
The main symptoms of emphysema
allows them to breathe humidified
are shortness of breath and a
reduced capacity for physical activi-
ty. Both of these symptoms are
Eat a little and often. As emphyse-

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 408

ma progresses and there is more have to breathe harder and expend can make your emphysema worse.
obstruction to airflow, the lungs more energy. If you’re under- When you’re in a constant state of
enlarge with trapped air. These weight, conscientiously add high- alarm, you’re demanding a lot of
“If you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does.”

enlarged lungs push down into the protein foods like nuts, seeds, oxygen. Alarm is created by the
abdomen leaving less room for the legumes and grains. thought process, which you can con-
stomach to expand. trol, meaning you can also control
Become a champion breather. There the physiological mechanisms.
This is why six small meals will are several things you can do to get
make you feel better than three lar ge the maximum oomph from each Shift your focus to the present.
ones. Your best bet is to reach for breath you take. When you find yourself feeling
foods that pack a lot of punch into guilty about bring on your disease,
small volume like high-protein Breathe from your diaphragm. This shift your orientation to the present
selections of nuts, seeds, grains, is the most efficient way to breathe and concentrate on what’s happen-
beans, lentils and all legumes. and babies do it naturally. If you ing now. You can’t deal with events
watch them, you’ll see their bel- that happened in the past; you can
lies rise and fall with each only learn from them. Remember
breath. Not sure whether you’re that anger and self-blame are nor-
breathing from your diaphragm mal, so the best bet is to talk about
or your chest? Lie on your back it and let it go.
-Groucho Marx as Captain Spaulding

and watch what happens when

you breathe. Set small goals. One way to shift
your focus from “emphysema is
Keep those airways open. You incapacitating” to “emphysema is
can strengthen your breathing something I have control over” is to
muscles if you blow out slowly set realistic small goals for yourself.
through pursed lips for 30 min- Exercise is a great way to boost
utes a day. Try to exhale twice your confidence. Set some real
as long as it took you to breathe objective goal’s based on your abili-
in. This will help you rid the ty. Use charts and graphs to meas-
lungs of stale air so fresh air can ure your progress. This gives you a
enter. very objective measure of your abil-
ity to do something.
You can also buy a device from
your pharmacy that offers resist- Have a family member play
Also be aware, that prolonged ance when you blow against it. It “coach.” Your significant other can
digestion draws blood and oxygen looks like a little plastic mouthpiece become your coach and help you
to the stomach and away from other with a ring on the end. When you through those times when you’re
parts of the body, which may need turn the ring, the opening at the short of breath by using the basic
them more. Ever notice how it can mouthpiece changes size. Start with relaxation technique. They can sit
be harder to breathe after you eat? the largest opening, take a deep down with you and ask you about
breathe in and blow out. Once you your thought processes just before
Maintain your ideal body weight. master one setting, move on to and during the episode. People with
Some emphysema sufferers gain another one. emphysema are psychologically
weight and retain fluid. It takes very normal; once they verbalize
more energy to carry extra body Try whole foods that have high vita - what they’re thinking, they can see
weight. The closer you are to your mins C and E but do not supple - it’s pretty ridiculous. The moment
ideal weight, the better it is for your ment. they start laughing, they relax and
lungs. their breathing comes back.
Relax. If you cognitively view the
The true emphysema tends to make disease as a threat, you’ll arouse Don’t isolate yourself socially. You
the person very skinny because they some physiological mechanisms that need to avoid generalizing about the

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 409

shortness of breath. Some emphy- That means no tight belts, bras, or Add lemon to oregano and basil.
sema sufferers think, “Well, I prob- girdles. Women may find camisoles Basil is not widely known as an
ably can’t do this.” Because more comfortable than bras. Men expectorant. It, like black tea, con -
they’re scared they might get out and women might substitute sus- tains six expectorant compounds
somewhere and get short of breath, penders for belts. Red pepper helps and one theophylline that can help
they quit going places they’d nor- protect lung tissue from damage at mucus move up from deeper in the
mally enjoy. Don’t let it isolate the cellular level. Secondly, it helps lungs. It also contains some caf -
you. thin mucus and moves it out of the feine, which studies have shown has
respiratory tract. some mood lifting value. That com-
Pace yourself. The other thing bination with its stimulant effect can
emphysema sufferers have to learn Red pepper is far from the only help people with emphysema feel
to do is to take their own time. spicy plant with expectorant value. better.

They really can do what they want The ancients used all of the hot
to do, but they have to do it at their spices to help with thinning mucus

“Every once in awhile, give the silent wheel some grease.”

own pace. Learning to walk slower to propel it out of the lungs. Partic -
is not an easy thing to do. ularly, they used ginger, mustard,
horseradish and garlic. Medi-Sign Target
Work smarter. Little things can Celery, Bok Choy,
make a big difference. Can you Cardamom (Elettaria Horseradish & Salt
rearrange your workspaces so you cardamomum). This herb is very
can get more done with less ef fort? high in cineole, a potent expectorant
What about setting your table with compound. If I had emphysema, I’d
dishes directly from the drying rack add a teaspoon or two of powdered
instead of putting them away? cardamom to fruit juice or tea.

Try this: Use a three-shelf utility Other herbs high in cineole (in
cart to help you with your house - descending order of potency)
work. Small efficiencies like these include spearmint, ginger, pepper-
pay back with extra energy. mint, tansy, cinnamon, turmeric,
Coordinate your breathing to your lemon leaf, fennel, eucalyptus and
lifting. Housework will be easier if licorice.
Enamel covers the vast majority of
you remember to lift while you
the visible surface portion of a
exhale through pursed lips. Inhale Peppermint contains nine expecto-
tooth. It is true that tooth enamel is
while you rest. Similarly, if you rant compounds. In addition, its
the hardest tissue found in the
have to climb steps, climb while main active component, menthol,
human body. Enamel is over 95%
you exhale through pursed lips and reportedly has mucus-thinning prop-
mineral in composition. Most of
inhale while you rest. erties. Use basil (Ocimum
this mineral is a compound called
basilicum). Eat pasta sauce made
hydroxyapatite which, as you proba-
Don’t use unnecessary sprays. You with garlic and fresh basil.
bly already know, has high calcium
don’t need to add to your respiratory
problems by inhaling
unknown substances. Use
liquid or gel-type hairdress-
You may be surprised to learn that
ings and roll-on or solid
teeth are not solid enamel. Only the
deodorants. Avoid aerosol-
portion of a tooth that nature intend -
spray household cleaners.
ed to be exposed is covered by
enamel. Both its root and inner
Let loose, on your clothing,
aspects, which are the bulk of the
that is. Choose clothing
tooth, are composed of another cal-
that allows your chest and
cified material called dentin. Dentin
abdomen to expand freely.

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 410

also contains the mineral hydroxya- because the acidic plaque rests The pain may become worse when
patite, but to a lesser degree than against the tooth. The surface will you:
enamel. Only about two thirds of eventually form a hole when enough • Breathe in cold air
the content of dentin is mineral so, calcium dissolves from the tooth • Brush your teeth
relatively speaking, dentin is “soft- surfaces forming a cavity. An active • Chew food or gum
er” than enamel. lesion demineralizes the tooth and • Eat hot or cold foods or drink
can be diagnosed based upon color, hot, cold, or acid-containing liquids
When you eat or drink foods con- surface texture and x-rays. White • Eat sweets
taining processed and artificial sug- spots can be active lesions if they
“How happy I could be with either of these two, if both of them just went away.”

ars or processed starches, plaque is are not glossy and feel rough. Other common symptoms of tooth
formed. The bacteria in plaque pro- decay include:
duce acids that attach to tooth enam - Your mouth and tooth in question • A broken tooth or a tooth that is
el. The stickiness of the plaque become susceptible to decay sensitive to pressure
keeps these acids in contact with because of: • Bad breath or a foul taste in the
your teeth. After many such attacks, • A diet is rich in processed foods mouth
from what you eat, the enamel can and synthetic sweeteners. • Loose fillings
break down and a cavity forms. • White, gray, brown, or black
• Bacteria that produce acid. spots on the teeth Severe tooth
Any part of a tooth can decay, from decay may cause a pus-filled sac, or
the roots below the gum line to the • Poor brushing and flossing abscess, to form in the bone at the
chewing surface. A tooth has an habits. base of a tooth.
outer layer, called the enamel, a
middle layer, called dentin, and a Symptoms of abscess include:
center, called pulp. The damage • Deep throbbing pain
progressively gets worse depending • Fever
on the layers of the tooth af fected. • Swollen glands
If plaque bacteria reach and damage • Swollen jaw
the pulp, the tooth will likely die.
This is because the pulp contains A child is susceptible to decay as
nerves and blood vessels. An soon as a baby’s first teeth appear,
abscess may form in the bone at the usually by age six months or so.
end of the root after a decayed tooth This condition is often referred to as
dies. Baby Bottle Tooth Decay or Early
Childhood Caries (cavities). In
Cavities have been identified as a some unfortunate cases, infants and
bacterial infection caused by specif- toddlers have experienced severe
ic bacteria. Acid and around 500 tooth decay that has resulted in den -
different products are formed by the tal restorations or extractions. The
bacteria. This acid produced from good news is that decay is preventa -
plaque interacting with food ble.
deposits on your teeth will slowly • The presence of risk factors,
dissolve the calcium in your teeth. such as smoking or secondhand Commercial toothpastes can actu-
The tooth enamel is 97% calcium smoke. ally cause dental problems.
meaning that this will cause tooth Avoid toxic chemicals like whiten-
decay by bacteria called streptococ- In its early stages, tooth decay usu - ers, fluorides and tarter controls.
cus mutans. Some of the other ally does not cause symptoms. Most people are shocked to learn
products cause gum disease and bad When tooth decay has been present that tooth decay is the result of poor
breath. for a while, though, toothache is the oral hygiene. We assume that since
most common symptom. It is we brush our teeth at least once a
The acid dissolves the calcium mol- caused by infection or irritation of day, we are preventing tooth decay
ecules from the tooth surface the pulp. in our mouth. What we don’t real-

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 411

ize, though, it that in the vast major - An effective oral hygiene routine How can you avoid gum disease and
ity of cases, the brushing routine is consisting of brushing at least twice its unpleasant consequences? The
inadequate because it doesn’t reach a day and entirely flossing once answer is simple. Exercise good
the back of the mouth and between every 24 hours is the best way to judgment by brushing properly with
the teeth properly. If flossing were protect yourself against tooth decay. salt and soda and floss every day.
part of the daily routine chances are Oral irrigation machines are very
a lot more tooth decay would be helpful for flushing out hard to Gingivitis and periodontitis are the
avoided. Far too many of us, how- reach plaque and tarter also. A cou- two stages of gum disease.
ever, feel that flossing is too time ple of examples would be the Water Gingivitis is an inflammation of the
consuming. Pik and the Hydro Floss. gums caused by bacteria in plaque.
The gums become red, swollen and
Salt and bicarbonate of soda is a bleed when brushed.
Tooth decay often begins with gum Normal bacteria in the mouth form a

“Well timed silence hath more eloquence than speech.”

inflammation that turns into gingivi- thin film of plaque on the tooth sur -
tis and then periodontal disease. A faces. This is that sticky feeling on
sour taste with bad breath can be the your teeth when you wake up in the
result of acids from bacteria that morning. Calculus, or tarter, can
feed on plaque and food debris. form if plaque is not removed every
They irritate the gums, causing them day. Once tarter is formed, it can
to shrink and recede eventually eat- only be removed with special instru-
ing into the tooth enamel. This A powered toothbrush is recom- ments by your dentist or hygienist.
process triggered by the acids is mended by some dentists because it Gingivitis is curable with treatment
called demineralization and it results can remove plaque and bacteria from your dentist, followed by prop-
in a hole in the tooth enamel. Once more effectively than an ordinary er brushing and flossing at home.
this has happened, tooth decay can toothbrush. After eating if you are
proceed fairly rapidly. stuck without at toothbrush, rinse Periodontitis can form if the gingivi-
your mouth thoroughly with water tis is not corrected. Periodontitis is
until you can brush your teeth. a low grade infection of the gums.
Don’t, however, be tempted to rinse Because of the amount of calculus
your mouth with a drink such as accumulated around the teeth, even
soda pop, as this may very well add a high quality tooth brush may not
to the problem. control the disease. Toxins and
volatile sulfur compounds are creat-
Bicarbonate of Soda and Salt ed by bacteria in this calculus.
Try mixing bicarbonate of soda and
salt mixed 4-bicarbonate to 1-salt, Periodontal pocket can result from
for teeth cleaning and as an oral the toxins destroying the bone and
rinse. gums around the teeth and are a per -
fect environment for infection. A
Gum disease affects many people, in pocket is an abnormal deepening of
fact, by age 35, three out of four the natural crevice or space between
Any kind of food can give the bac - adults develop some form of gum the teeth and gums. These spaces or
teria a meal. The fallacy is if you disease. It can occur at any age, but crevices in healthy gums are nor-
don’t eat sweets or soda that you recent studies indicate a greater mally one to three mm deep. In
can’t get tooth decay. Any food can incline in those over 35. The dis- periodontal pocket, they can surge
set up a cycle of plaque and bacteria ease is painless and if untreated will deeper, and if the pocket progresses
in the mouth that will eventually destroy the gums and bone sur- beyond the normal depth of three
lead to calcified tartar plaque rounding your teeth and may even- mm and reaches a depth of five mm
deposits and produce acid that will tually lead to tooth loss. it is known as moderate periodontal
eat away at your tooth enamel. disease. The leading cause of bad

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 412

breath is the volatile sulfur com- immune systems (i.e., those with Sometimes encephalitis has charac-
pounds produced by the bacteria. HIV/AIDS or cancer). teristic signs and symptoms before-
hand because it can follow or
A commonality amongst us is that Although several thousand cases of accompany common viral illnesses.
we want to look and feel our best; encephalitis, which is also called Often, though, it appears without
we get new hair styles, set aside acute viral encephalitis or aseptic warning.
time for the gym and buy new encephalitis, are reported to the U.S.
clothes. High self esteem enables Centers for Disease Control and What Causes It?
us to feel good and make a good Prevention (CDC) every year, Encephalitis can be spread in sever-
impression on others. An important experts suspect that many more may al different ways because it is
“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.”

part of self esteem is your smile. A go unreported because the symp- caused by many types of germs. Of
beautiful smile, clean teeth and toms are so mild. the many different kinds of viruses
fresh breath are important assets for that can cause encephalitis, one of
business and your personal life. Symptoms in milder cases of the most dangerous and the most
Unfortunately, periodontal gum dis- encephalitis usually include: common is the herpes simplex virus
ease can destroy self esteem. Peo - • Fever (HSV). HSV is the same virus that
ple may actually shy away due to • General sick feeling causes cold sores around the mouth.
mouth odor and unsightly gums. • Headache When this virus makes it to the

• Loss of energy brain it may be fatal. Fortunately,
• Poor appetite HSV encephalitis is rare but, half of
the cases newborns infected end
In more severe cases of encephalitis, fatally as does 28% of individuals
Medi-Sign Target a person is more likely to experi - after the newborn period.
Raw Honey, Garlic, Onions ence high fever and any of a number
& Horseradish of symptoms that relate to the Some forms of encephalitis are
central nervous system including: transmitted by insects or animals.
• Coma Encephalitis can be caused by lyme
• Confusion disease and rabies, which can be
• Convulsions (seizures) carried by ticks and other animals.
• Disorientation Another insect transmitter is the
• Drowsiness mosquito. They can the viruses for
• Hallucinations several types of encephalitis, includ-
• Memory loss ing West Nile encephalitis, St. Louis
• Nausea and vomiting encephalitis, and Western Equine
• Personality changes encephalitis. In the United States
• Problems with speech over the last several years, there’s
or hearing been concern about the spread of
• Severe headache West Nile virus. This is transmitted
• Stiff neck to humans by mosquitoes that pick
up the virus when they bite infected
It’s harder to detect some of these birds. (This is a theory).
symptoms in infants, but there are
still some important signs to look Milder forms of encephalitis can
Encephalitis literally means an
for including: follow or accompany common
inflammation of the brain, but it
• A full or bulging soft spot childhood illnesses like measles,
usually refers to brain inflammation
(fontanel) mumps, chickenpox, rubella
caused by a virus. It’s a rare disease
• Body stiffness (German measles) and mononucleo-
that only occurs in approximately
• Crying that doesn’t stop or that sis. Chickenpox among other virus-
0.5 per 100,000 individuals. It most
seems worse when an infant is es spread mostly via the fluids of
commonly occurs in children, the
picked up or handled in some way the nose and throat, usually during a
elderly and others with weakened
• Vomiting cough or sneeze.

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 413

Encephalitis can result • Have your child wear

from a bacterial infection, long-sleeved, light-colored
such as bacterial meningi- shirts and long pants.
tis, although it is less com-
mon. It may also be a • Check your child and
complication of other infec- your pets frequently for

“Familiarity breeds contempt, and isolation breeds a noxious hybrid of arrogance and ignorance.”
tious diseases like rabies or ticks.
syphilis. In people with
weakened immune systems, 1. Colonics for fevers.
certain parasites, like toxo-
plasmosis, can also cause 2. Garlic, onion, peppers,
encephalitis. cayenne, horseradish and
all melons can knock it
Is It Contagious? out. Avoid meat and junk
The viruses that cause foods and especially Splen-
encephalitis can be contagious, but severe symptoms, or the acute da and aspartame.

brain inflammation itself is not. phase, usually last up to a week.
Keep in mind that because a child Full recovery can take much longer,
gets a certain virus does not mean often several weeks or months.
that he or she will develop
encephalitis. Still, to be safe, chil - In areas where mosquito bites and Medi-Sign Target
dren should avoid contact with any- other insects can transmit encephali-
one who has encephalitis. tis children should: Bones

How Is It Treated? • Avoid being outside at

Some children with very mild dawn and dusk when mos-
encephalitis can be treated at home. quitoes are most active.
Since antibiotics are not effective
against viruses, they are not used to • Wear protective cloth-
treat the disease. ing like long sleeves and
long pants.
Most people with encephalitis make
a full recovery. In a small percent- • Use insect repellent like deem
age of cases, permanent brain dam- oil, citronella, garlic etc. Be careful
age can occur from swelling of the when using deet since it is toxic.
brain leaving lasting complications
like learning disabilities, speech Also, all standing water around
problems, memory loss or lack of your home should be drained,
muscle control. In these cases, including buckets, birdbaths and
speech, physical or occupational flowerpots because these are
therapy may be necessary. breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
(Cichorium intybus) The word
Rarely, encephalitis can lead to Ticks can also spread viruses that
“endive” comes with some confu-
death, but only if the damage is can cause encephalitis.
sion. The English and the Germans
severe. Infants younger than one
mean it to be the sharp-tasting salad
year old and adults older than 55 are Some things you can do to avoid
plant with serrated leaves. The
at the greatest risk of death from tick bites:
French, Belgians and Americans
encephalitis. • Limit your child’s contact with
view it as the cone-shaped, white to
soil, leaves and overgrown vegeta-
yellow plant resembling a small ear
How Long Does It Last? tion.
of corn.
For most forms of encephalitis, the

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 414

It is also and more frequently called During your menstrual cycle, hor- ful for anyone who is not a vegetari -
Belgian endive because the Belgians mones have the lining of your uterus an. Vegetarians have high blood
have been the plant’s major devel- thicken to prepare for possible preg- and urine levels of lignans. Eating
-Thomas Edison

opers and promoters. More confu- nancy. If a pregnancy does not meat, however, suppresses lignans
sion comes in when we know that it occur, your hormone levels substantially. So if you’re accus-
is called chicory to the French, the decrease, causing the thickened lin- tomed to meat in your diet, you may
Belgians and the North Americans, ing of your uterus to shed. This need an extra supply of lignan to
while in England and Germany produces bleeding that exits your compensate for this suppressant
chicory means Belgian endive! Fur- body through the vagina; hence your effect, which is what led to your
thermore, there is wild chicory. monthly period. condition in the first place, proba-
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

This plant blossoms with distinctive bly.

bright blue flowers along roadsides When endometrial tissue is
in both Europe and North America. located in other parts of
It’s roasted or ground root is some- your body, it continues to
times substituted for coffee, or act in its normal way by
added to coffee. thickening, breaking down
and bleeding each month as
An accident is responsible for the your hormone levels rise
Belgian endive that we eat today. and fall. Because there’s
The story goes that a Belgian farmer nowhere for the blood from
was growing chicory for its root. this mislocated tissue to exit
The root was used as a cof fee sub- your body, it becomes
stitute in Europe. He threw some of trapped and surrounding tissue can Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea).
these roots into the soft soil of a become irritated. When peanuts are analyzed, it turns
dark shed and forgot them. Three out that they contain many of the
weeks later, he found that tight Trapped blood may lead to the same healthful substances as soy-
blanched heads had grown. So, Bel - growth of cysts. Cysts then may beans and other beans and legumes.
gian endive has been systematically form scar tissue and adhesions, Chow down.
cultivated since. Endive is also a which are abnormal tissue that binds
nutrient champion. organs together. This process can Given two foods with equal poten-

cause pain in the area of this mis - tial for health benefits, the one you
placed tissue, usually the pelvis, enjoy should be better for you.
especially during your period. That’s assuming, as immunologists
Endometriosis can also cause fertili- claim, that pleasure is good for the
Medi-Sign Target ty problems like preventing preg- immune system. Let’s face it, who
Nuts, Seeds, Green Foods & nancy due to the scars and adhe - doesn’t prefer peanuts to soybeans?
all Plant Oils sions.
There’s an extra bonus if you select
Endometriosis is a common and Flax (Linum usitatissimum). Spanish peanuts. The papery red
often painful disorder of the female Flaxseed contains generous amounts membrane around Spanish peanuts
reproductive system. A specialized of compounds called lignans, which is the original source of oligomeric
type of tissue that normally lines the help remit endometrial and breast procyanidins (OPCs), or substances
inside of your uterus, called the cancer. Endometriosis is not the that also may help control hormone-
endometrium, becomes implanted same as endometrial cancer, but dependent cancers and possibly
outside your uterus. This happens because both involve uncontrolled endometriosis.
most commonly on your fallopian growth of endometrial tissue, I’d
tubes, ovaries or the tissue lining suggest that you try flaxseed for Alfalfa sprouts contain phytoestro-
your pelvis. Endometrial tissue preventing or treating endometrio- gens, so use them liberally on sal -
rarely may spread beyond your sis. ads. They are green vegetables, and
pelvic region. eating more green vegetables lowers
Flaxseed might be particularly help- cancer risk.

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 415

epilepsy Three kinds of partial seizures by short-term or lasting scarring or

are: damage to the brain from:
• Simple partial seizures. This
Medi-Sign Target type of seizure affects a small area • Alzheimer’s disease or other dis-
Salt, Bananas, Green Leafy of the brain. It lasts no more than a eases that change the brain’s struc-

“If not every day, at least once a week, spend time being creative. Draw, write, play music; whatever;
Foods 6 times a day few seconds in most cases. Simple ture
partial seizures do not affect con- • Brain abscess
sciousness; sometimes the person • Brain surgery
Epilepsy is a general term that
just notices unusual feelings. • Brain tumors
includes various types of seizures.
• Hardening of the arteries or any
People with diagnosed epilepsy
• Complex partial seizures. These condition that keeps blood or oxy-
have had more than one seizure, and
seizures occur through a larger area gen from getting to the brain
one kind of seizure. Epilepsy is a
of the brain. A loss of conscious- • Head injury
brain disorder. It occurs when the
ness occurs; sometimes the person • Serious brain infections, such as
electrical signals in the brain are
will stop speaking, act strangely, or meningitis
disrupted. This change in the brain
have repetitive movements. • Stroke
leads to a seizure. Seizures can

but produce something, and make it personal.”

cause brief changes in a person’s:
Secondarily generalized seizures. For a person with epilepsy, certain
Simple and complex partial seizures things can “trigger” a seizure,
• Awareness
that start in one part of the brain can including:
• Body movements
spread through the entire brain • Alcohol
• Emotions
called secondarily generalized • Certain medications
• Senses, such as taste, smell,
seizures. Once the entire brain is • Fevers (in children)
vision or hearing
affected, there can be a loss of con - • Flashing lights or strobe lights
sciousness and shaking of all of the • Infection
Some people may only have one
limbs. • Lack of sleep
single seizure during their entire
• Starvation or dehydration
lives. One seizure does not mean
Generalized seizures occur when the • Stress
that a person has epilepsy. People
changes in electrical signals spread • Withdrawing from an addictive
with epilepsy have repeated
through the entire brain at once. drug (including alcohol)
The most common generalized
seizures are: The number one cause of epilepsy
There are two types of seizures each
in young people today is soft drinks.
with its own set of symptoms. Par-
• Generalized tonic-clonic You should avoid soda pop and any
tial seizures are the most common
seizures, also known as a grand mal other product that has synthetic
type of seizure in adults with epilep -
seizure. It causes rapid movements sweeteners such as aspartame,
sy. They occur when changes in
of all limbs for one to two minutes Splenda, etc.
electrical signals begin in one area
or more. It also causes a person to
of the brain.
become unconscious with recovery The number two cause is not
sometimes taking hours. enough plant based whole food cal-
cium with vitamin C present.
• Absence seizures, also known as
petit mal seizures. They occur
mostly in children. It causes staring
and changes in the level of con -

In 70% of people with epilepsy, the

cause is unknown. However, in
some cases of epilepsy, seizures
either run in families or are caused

E_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/22/06 2:10 PM Page 416

“Um, he’s sick. My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going

After every seizure, blood calcium Fruits (except apples, cherries, cancer can spread to the eye from
is extremely low. Without calcium, dates, pomegranates), Grapes, another part of the body called a
neurons short circuit into chaos. We Green beans, Melons, Millet, secondary eye cancer.
call this a seizure. Onions, Pears, Pineapples, Squashes

and Tapioca. This is most likely to happen with
breast and lung cancers.
It is generally accepted that high
with a girl who saw Ferris pass-out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.”

levels of estrogen are associated Melanoma is a type of skin cancer

Medi-Sign Target with: cancer of the breast, uterus that can affect the inside or outside
Seeds, Legumes & and cervix; cystic breast disease, of the eye.
One Stone Fruits uterine fibroids and endometriosis;
heavy bleeding and premenstrual Melanoma inside the eye is
syndrome; depressed thyroid func- “intraocular;” melanoma outside
A number of different foods and
tion; and fluid retention and weight the eye is “extraocular.”
herbs are sources of natural plant
estrogens and can be very helpful
Melanoma of the eye can start in
during menopause. The following is
Cruciferous vegetables are an essen- the: Iris, the colored part around the
a list of some of the best food
tial daily must for protection against pupil
sources of estrogen. These foods
diseases that may be induced by
are also high in vitamins, minerals,
exposure to environmental estro- Ciliary body, the muscle that con-
fiber, essential fatty acids and they
gens. Since raw cruciferous vegeta- trols the focusing of the eye
are low in saturated fat. In other
bles contain goitrogens, it is best to
words, they are nutritious and
eat them fermented because fermen- Choroid, one of the layers lining the
should be part of your diet on a reg -
tation neutralizes these thyroid- inside of the eye
ular basis.
depressing substances; cooking neu-
tralizes the goitrogens, but also Conjunctiva, covering of the front
Alfalfa, Anise seed, Apples, Baker’s
deactivates I3C. In fact, low rates of the eyeball
yeast, Barley, Beets, Carrots, Cher-
of breast cancer in Polish women
ries, Chickpeas, Clover, Cowpeas
have been attributed to their daily Foods that greatly help prevent eye
(black-eyed peas), Cucumbers,
consumption of sauerkraut. cancer are deep yellow and dark
Dairy Foods, Dates, Eggs, Eggplant,

eye cancer
green vegetables and fruits: apri-
Fennel, Flaxseeds, Garlic, Hops,
cots, cantaloupes, carrots, peaches,
Licorice, Oats, Olive oil, Olives,
pumpkin, sweet potatoes, squash,
Papaya, Parsley, Peas, Peppers,
yams, yellow melons and zucchini
Plums, Pomegranates, Potatoes, Medi-Sign Target squash.
Pumpkin, Red beans, Red clover,
All Yellow & Green Foods;
Rhubarb, Rice, Sage, Sesame seeds,
Soybean sprouts, Soybeans, Split Salt & Water
peas, Sunflower seeds, Tomatoes, O! Eye See
Wheat and Yams. Eye cancer is quite rare. Melanoma
and lymphoma are the two main
1-drop Carrot seed oil
Estrogen Inhibiting Foods types that can affect adults.
If you are suffering from breast can- Retinoblastoma is a type of eye can - 1-drop Flax seed oil
cer, PMS, fibroids, ovarian cysts, cer that nearly always affects chil-
and other situations that estrogen dren from an inherited faulty gene Put a drop of each in the eyes just
might exacerbate, the following that leads to cancer developing. before sleep as you lay down.
estrogen inhibiting foods might be
of interest to you. There are other types of eye cancers
such as basal cell eye cancer, but
Berries, Broccoli, Buckwheat, Cab- they are even rarer than melanomas
bage, Citrus Foods, Corn, Figs, or lymphomas of the eye. Rarely, a

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 417

~F f~
History: The Letter F

Long ago “F” was actually “digamma” which had a “W” sound. This was prior to the Latin “F”
which was drawn much as “F” is today. Originally, “F” was a portrayal of a hook as in fishing,
probably around 1300 B.C. Historically, “F” was drawn to show a sound of “PH;” hence our
current words beginning with “PH” and which command pronunciation as “F.” Don’t hold your
lungs. “F” stands for “fathom” which is a standard unit two yards long. Common among ship cap-
tains, a fathom shows how far down a particular point is. “F” is usually as common in words or
copywriting as a lot of alpha-symbols. This paragraph is unusual and hard to fathom for it con-
tains many “F’s.” In fact, if you look, a highly common alpha-symbol is missing. Don’t miss read-
ing Wisdom’s Symptoms. Also do this: How many “F’s” are in this next sentence?

Finished files are the result of years of scientific study

combined with the experience of years.
(Most count three)

Mystery: The Celtic Name Key

“F” contains an indication of violence - perhaps a deep-rooted but strongly suppressed wish to
be involved in violent action. It hints at a sadistic streak, which may nevertheless, be kept tightly
under control. Here, too, are signs of contempt for rules and regulations, and willingness on
occasions to go beyond the law. As a dominant letter, “F” is dangerous, but it can virtually be
cancelled out by other personality factors. Coupled with ambition, however, it can lead to ruth-
lessness. Uncontrolled, the name-bearer will be given to violent changes of mood and sudden
F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 418

facial nerve
“When you don’t have any money, the problem is food. When you have money, it’s sex. When you have both, it’s health.

Facial weakness occurs when there that are distributed through the

is nerve damage. If these nerve course of the temporal bone. They
fibers are irritated, movements of go to the tear gland, to the stapes
the facial muscles appear as spasms muscle, to the tongue and to the
Medi-Sign Target or twitching. The facial nerve not saliva glands.
only carries nerve impulses to the
Garlic, Onions, Avocado’e & muscles of the face, but also to the Bone Tapping
Bone Tapping tear glands, saliva glands and mus- One of the most profound recoveries
cle of the stirrup bone in the middle from facial nerve paralysis, twitch-
ear, otherwise called the stapes. It ing and palsy is bone tapping. Tap
also transmits taste from the front of the bone surrounding the area with
the tongue. Since the function of the tip end of the middle finger for
the facial nerve is so complex, many one to two minutes, two to three
If everything is simply jake, then you’re frightened of death.”

symptoms may occur when the times a day. Within just three to
fibers of the facial nerve are disrupt - four weeks, you’ll notice improve-
ed. A disorder of the facial nerve ment. Tap the bridge of the nose as
may result in twitching, weakness, well to speed recovery.

paralysis of the face, dryness of the
eye, dryness of the mouth or in dis-
turbance of taste.
Facial Nerve Disorders
Facial Nerve Disorders, including How Does the Facial Nerve Work? Medi-Sign Target
paralysis, develop from a variety of The anatomy of the facial nerve is
Brain Cells & Nerves
causes. Most are idiopathic, mean- very complex. The facial nerve
ing the cause remains unknown. goes through the base of the skull to
Twitching, weakness and paralysis the muscles of facial expression.
of the face are symptoms of this dis - After leaving the brain, the facial
order, not a disease within itself. nerve enters the temporal bone of
Abnormal movement or paralysis of the ear through the internal auditory
the face can result from canal, which is in very
infection, injury or close association with
tumors. the hearing and balance
(See: Lymphatic nerves. Along its inch-
Immune System) and-a-half course
through the small canal
What Is the Facial within the temporal
Nerve? bone, the facial nerve
The facial nerve resem- winds around the three
A gift from Areya the Earth God-
bles a telephone cable middle ear bones in
containing about ten back of the eardrum,
Farina is also sold as Cream of
thousand individual and then through the
Wheat. Farina is made from the
nerve fibers. Each spe- mastoid, which is the
endosperm of the grain, which is
cific facial muscle bony area behind the
milled to a fine granular consistency
receives impulses from part of the ear that is
and then sifted. This cereal is some-
each fiber. Information visible. After the facial
times enriched with B vitamins and
passing along the fibers nerve leaves the mas-
iron, although the bran and most of
of this nerve allows us toid, it passes through
the germ are removed. Farina is
to laugh, cry, smile or frown; hence the salivary gland in the face and
usually served as a breakfast cereal,
the name, “the nerve of facial divides into many branches, which
but can also be cooked like polenta.
expression.” supply the various facial muscles.
The facial nerve has many branches

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 419

FATS high heat, which removes all the Trans Fats

healthy nutrients like vitamin E. Trans fats are invented, not natural.
Extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil, Scientists began to “hydrogenate”
Medi-Sign Target however, is a “good” fat. liquid oils so that they could with -
stand the food production process
Nerves & Emotions Certain essential fats such as and have a better shelf life. As a
omega-3s, found in nuts, and the result of hydrogenation, trans fatty
occasional omega-6, found in acids form. Trans fatty acids are
~Build Your Emotional Base~
evening primrose oil and walnuts, found in many commercially pack-

“If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead.”
have been used to treat everything aged goods. These are products like
Your body uses fat to transport vita-
from bipolar depression to skin cookies, crackers, commercially
mins as well as to create some
problems. Sometimes we can bene- fried food (french fries from fast
important substances out of fats.
fit from them during weight-loss food chains), other packaged snacks
Think of fats as building bricks; the
programs. The terms “omega-3” (microwaved popcorn), vegetable
better the bricks, the stronger the
and “omega-6” are technical terms shortening and hard stick margarine.
building. If there are only broken or
having to do with the last occur - They even make synthetic oils out
damaged bricks available, the con-
rence of a carbon double bond in the of polyester such as, olestra.
tractor will use them, but the house
fatty acid chain (omega means Hydrogen + oil = plastic that melts
won't be as strong and eventually
“last”). In general, when you see at low temperatures. This is why
there will be problems.
things like “omega-3” on the label, there is so much disease from
it’s a good sign that you’re not eat - hydrogenated foods. Most commer-
Good fats are the naturally occur-
ing food. Whole foods don’t have cial peanut butter, for instance, is
ring, traditional fats that haven’t
labels; you just peel an orange and flavored shortening cooking plastic.
been damaged by high heat, refin-
eat it.
ing, processing or other man-made
The Good Fats
tampering like “partial hydro-
Monounsaturated Fats
genation.” The best of these
Monounsaturated fats lower
kinds of fats are found in nuts,
total cholesterol and LDL cho-
avocados, seeds and, believe it
lesterol, which is the bad cho-
or not, fresh creamery butter.
lesterol, and increase the HDL
cholesterol, which is the good
Animal fats have a bad reputa-
cholesterol. Nut, unrefined
tion. Many observers believe
canola and olive oils are high in
it is not animal fat from milk,
monounsaturated fats.
butter, cream, etc, but the com-
bination of animal bodies as
Polyunsaturated Fats
food and low-fiber junk foods
Polyunsaturated fats also lower
that is the problem. Fats from
Saturated Fats total cholesterol and LDL choles-
non-organically raised, non free-
Saturated fats raise total blood cho- terol. Corn, soy, safflower and sun-
range animals should be used with
lesterol as well as LDL cholesterol, flower oils are high in polyunsatu-
prudence or not at all because of the
which is the bad cholesterol. Satu - rated fats. Omega 3 fatty acids
horrible factory-farming methods,
rated fats are mainly found in ani - belong to this group.
antibiotics and steroid use. Among
mal products such as meat, dairy,
the worst of the “bad” fats are mar-
eggs and seafood. Some plant foods • Bad fats don’t grow on trees or
garine and the fats found in any -
are also high in saturated fats such in gardens; they are raised in facto -
thing fried in lard. If you see “par-
as coconut, palm oil and palm ker - ries and led to slaughter. Bad fats
tially hydrogenated” on any food
nel oil, but the body responds are also made in clean, sanitary
label avoid it like the plague.
healthfully to plant saturated fats, manufacturing plants and then bot-
Refined vegetable oils are also on
free range eggs and raw dairy tled and sold to commercial food
the bad fats list. These oils oxidize
because these are primary where processors and grocery stores.
easily and have been processed with
flesh is secondary.

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 420

growth and development. In addi- known in North America, this

tion, fatty acids are the basic com - hearty, ancient legume grows readi-
ponents for several hormone-like ly on most continents. They are
components. They are used to huge beans with tough outer skin
“I worked in a health food store once. A guy came in and asked me, “If I melt dry ice, can I take a bath

maintain healthy skin, hair and that you should peel off after soak-
transport fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, ing. They have a creamy texture.
E and K). Fat cells also act as insu - Their nutty, sweet earthy flavor is
lation against cold temperatures and often used in soups, marinated in
cushion nerves and organs. salads or puréed into pâté with
rosemary, olive oil, garlic, lemon
List of Good Fats: and fresh herbs. Try with blanched
 Avocado cauliflower pieces, vinegar, olive
oil, chopped red onion and balsamic
 Extra virgin olive oil vinegar. Fava bean juice is com-
 Flax seeds monly used to help cure diarrhea.
• Food processors add the bad fats
to hundreds of products found on
 Grape seed oil Health benefits: diuretic effect
 Nuts-Almonds, pecans, strengthens the spleen-pancreas,
the grocers’ shelves. These are
lowers blood pressure and cures
products like bread, crackers, cook- cashews, macadamia (raw)
hypertension. Fava bean sprouts are
ies, cakes, snack foods, dips,
spreads, dressings and so on. In
 Sesame seed good for promoting digestion.
without getting wet?””

addition to being added to processed  Virgin coconut oil Parkinson’s Disease

foods, bad fats are attractively pack-
aged and sold directly to people just
 Wheat germ oil Fava beans contain naturally occur-

ring L-dopa, which is a precursor to
like you and me. There are over
the neurotransmitter dopamine. L-
300,000 items people eat that don’t
dopa is also available as a drug used
qualify as food.
to treat Parkinson’s disease. Anec-
Medi-Sign Target dotal cases of symptomatic
• We buy the bad fats in bottles,
Neurons, Nerves & improvement after fava bean con-
cans and jars and use them for bak -
ing, frying, melting and spreading Red Blood Cells sumption have been described in
people with Parkinson’s disease. In
on our food.
one small clinical trial, 250 grams,
almost 9 ounces, of cooked fava
Understanding fat is an important
beans produced a significant
part of good nutrition. Fat is essen -
increase in L-dopa blood levels.
tial to proper functioning of the
This correlated with a substantial
body and should constitute 25-30%
improvement in movement control
of the diet. It is important to realize
lasting at least four hours in some of
that not all fats are created equally.
the subjects.
Some have been shown to be pro-
tective against disease, and some
However, people taking medications
have been shown to increase dis-
like Sinemet and L-dopa should be
ease. Everyone should be con-
aware that fava bean consumption
cerned with the types and amounts
may increase L-dopa levels exces-
of fat in their diet, no matter what
sively. Therefore, Parkinson’s dis-
age, gender or weight they happen
ease patients should talk with a doc -
to be.
tor before adding fava beans to their
diet because you may not need the
Fat supplies the body with essential Fava bean is also known as horse or
drugs anymore…bummer.
fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, broad bean. Although not well
which is responsible for proper

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 421

FENNEL fever dried thyme, linden flowers and

chamomile flowers. Thyme has
cleansing properties, chamomile
Medi-Sign Target Medi-Sign Target reduces inflammation and linden
Enema’s/Colonics & promotes sweating. Steep one tea-
Bones & Nerves spoon of the mixture in one cup of
No Meat
boiling water for five minutes, strain
and drink warm several times a day.
Don’t fight it. If you do have a
fever, remember this: Fever itself is
Linden tea. This tea by itself is
not an illness; it’s a symptom of one
good and can induce sweating for

“I’m desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets.”
bodily process of healing. In fact,
fever relief. Use one tablespoon of
it’s one of the body’s defense mech-
flowers in one cup of boiling water.
anisms from infection.
Prepare as above and drink hot
Fever serves a useful purpose. It
shortens an illness, increases the
Willow bark. This bark is rich in
power of biotics and makes an
salicylates, which are aspirin-related
infection less contagious. These
compounds, and is considered
When raw, fennel’s flavor is sweeter possibilities should be weighed
“nature’s fever medication.” Brew
and more delicate than anise, and against the discomfort involved in
it into a tea and drink it in small
when cooked, it becomes even mel- letting a slight fever run its course.
lower almost elusive. The fennel An enema or colonic stops the toxic
bulb, stalks and flowery greens are overwhelm immediately, and the
Black elder. This is another old-
all edible. Fennel seeds come from fever disappears within minutes. If
time fever treatment. Black elder is
a non-bulbous fennel and are used the fever returns, do it again and
sometimes preferable to willow
in flavorings. Look for fennel from like magic, it’s gone! This is espe-
bark. Again, brew into a tea and
late fall to early spring. cially true in infants and children.
drink as desired. Ice. If you’re too

nauseated to drink, you can suck on
If you feel the need for extra relief,
ice. For variety, freeze fruit juice in
try the following steps. Liquefy
an ice-cube tray. To entice a fever-
your assets. When you’re hot, your
Medi-Sign Target body perspires to cool you down. If
ish child, embed a grape or straw -
Pancreatic Cells berry in each cube.
you lose too much water, though, as
Regeneration you might with a high fever,
your body turns off its sweat
ducts to forestall further water
loss. This makes coping with
a fever more difficult. The
moral of this story is…drink
up. Drink water and lemon or
just water. You might also try
fruit and vegetable juices.
Fenugreek spice, common in the
Botanical teas. Although any
Middle East and available in many
tea will provide needed fluid,
U.S. food markets, has diabetic
several are particularly suited
powers. It helps to control sur ges of
for fever. You should look for
blood sugar and insulin. It also
the following unusual botani-
helps diarrhea, ulcer, cancer, blood
cals in health food stores. One
pressure and helps prevent intestinal
mixture combines equal parts

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 422

“Did you ever see the customers in health-food stores? They are pale, skinny people who look half dead. In a steak house,

Get compressed relief. Wet com- child or leaving him in a hot place
presses help reduce the body’s tem- like a car, can actually cause a fever.
perature output. Ironically, hot,
moist compresses do the job. When Create a healing atmos-
you start to feel uncomfortably hot, phere. Do your best to
remove those compresses and apply make the sickroom
cool ones to the forehead, wrists and conducive to healing.
calves. Be sure to keep the rest of Don’t overheat the
you see robust, ruddy people. They’re dying, of course, but they look terrific.” -Bill Cosby

the body covered. If the fever rises room; the tempera-

above 103°F, do not use hot com- ture should not
presses at all. Instead, apply cool exceed 65°F. Allow
ones to prevent the fever from get - enough fresh air to pro-
ting any higher. Change them as mote recuperation but not to create a
they warm to body temperature and draft, and keep the lighting subdued
continue until the fever drops. so it’s properly relaxing. through the digestive tract and assist
the muscles of the digestive tract.
Sponge off. Evaporation also has a Eat if you want to. Don’t fret over Consuming high fiber foods prevent
cooling effect on body temperature. whether you should feed a fever or and treat constipation. In addition,
Cool tap water helps the skin dissi - starve one. I prefer juice fasting dietary fiber can play an important
pate excess heat. Although you can until the fever is nearly back to nor - role in the prevention or treatment
sponge the whole body, pay particu- mal. Others feel that you should eat of various diseases and disorders
lar attention to spots where heat is during a fever because the body’s including obesity, diabetes, cardio-
generally greatest, like the armpits increased heat uses up calories. vascular disease, colon cancer,
and groin. Keep the rest of the Ultimately the choice is yours and diverticular disease and irritable
body covered and with a sponge hinges on your appetite. Just bowel syndrome, as well as consti-
wipe one section at a time. Body remember to keep up your fluid pation.
heat will evaporate the moisture, so intake.
Soluble and Insoluble Fibers
you don't need to towel off.
Dietary fiber is usually classified as
Dress the part. Use common sense soluble or insoluble. Soluble fibers
as far as clothing and blankets go. dissolve in water and consist of
If you’re very hot, take off extra Medi-Sign Target pectins, gums and some hemicellu-
covers and clothes so body heat can 7 Nutritional Fibers loses. Whereas insoluble fibers do
evaporate into the air; if you have a not dissolve in water and consist of
Clean the 7 Body Systems
chill, bundle up until you’re just cellulose, lignin and some hemicel-
comfortable. Be especially careful luloses. Soluble fiber works in
~Lifts and Supports Moods~ reducing the risk of cardiovascular
to monitor infants, who cannot
undress themselves if they become disease and diabetes by regulating
Dietary Fiber blood sugar levels and by reducing
overheated. In fact, overdressing a
Dietary fiber is found only in plant total blood cholesterol. Insoluble
foods. Plant food is composed of a fiber reduces the risk of colon can -
group of these structurally related cer, prevents diverticular disease
substances: cellulose, hemicellulos- and treats constipation.
es, lignin, gums and pectin’s. Good
sources of dietary fiber include Sources of Soluble and Insoluble
whole grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts, Fibers
seeds, mushrooms, molds and fer- Ideally, we should incorporate both
ments. soluble and insoluble fibers in our
diets. Good sources of soluble fiber
Dietary fibers are used to increase include oats, barley, legumes, dried
fecal bulk, soften stools, stimulate beans, peas and some vegetables
the healthy movement of foodstuffs

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 423

and fruits. Good sources of insolu- system faster so that less of it is almost identical to “white bread”
ble fiber include nuts, seeds, some absorbed. except that caramel coloring has
vegetables, whole grain products been added to make it look more
like breads, cereals, rice and pasta. Fiber is the part of plant-based natural.
foods that your body can’t digest.
Fiber generates micro-electric ener- Meat and dairy products contain no Refined grains like white rice and
gy for movement. All seven known fiber and refined grains have had those used to make white bread and
dietary fibers are either completely most of their fiber removed. To sugary breakfast cereals have had
or partially fermentable by intestinal increase your intake of fiber, eat most of their fiber and nutrients
bacteria. For example, pectins and more whole and natural foods and striped away. They turn into blood
gums are completely fermentable less processed foods. sugar (glucose) so fast that, like
and cellulose and lignins are partial- sugar itself, they can cause a spike
ly fermentable. The end products of Some good examples of fiber-rich in our insulin level telling our body
this natural fermentation are short- foods include: that plenty of energy is readily

(“If you can’t hear me, it’s because I’m in parentheses.”)

chain fatty acids like acetate, propi- • Brown rice available and that it should stop
onate, and butyrate used for micro- • Fruits burning fat and start storing it.
electric energy sources by the • Legumes (beans, lentils, peas)
epithelial cells and larger cellular • Vegetables However, the greater concern with
constructs of tissues and organs. • Whole grains (wheat, oats, bar- the insulin spike is not that it tells
Fiber helps to keep our bowel ley) our body to start storing fat; the
movements regular and to ward off greater concern is that the insulin
diseases. Carcinogens in spike is followed by a drop in
our intestines bind to fiber ’s insulin level that leaves us
and move through our feeling tired and hungry and
colon more quickly than wanting to eat more. This is
they otherwise would, because whatever we eat that
negating colon cancer. we don’t burn up eventually
Fiber also helps our body gets turned into fat anyway.
transport out cholesterol
reducing our risk for heart The unfortunate result of this
disease to zero. scenario is that it makes us
want to eat something else
Populations that eat greater with a high sugar content.
amounts of fiber-rich foods When we do, we start the
are healthier. While all of cycle all over again - like
the reasons for this are not attracts like - water makes
exactly known by scientist, you want more water; soda
it may be because the fiber- pop makes you want more
rich foods themselves are soda pop. Eating foods with
healthier…duh. Perhaps plenty of fiber will help keep
fiber’s greatest value, how- our blood sugar level more
ever, is in helping to keep us slim. Products labeled “whole grain” are consistent.
made with the complete grain kernel
Fiber makes us feel full sooner and whether the grain remains intact as Adding more fiber to your diet will
longer because it stays in our stom - in oatmeal, or it is ground to make likely help you lose weight and
ach longer, slowing down our rate bread, pasta or cereal. “Cracked improve your health. Rapid fiber
of digestion. Due to its greater fiber wheat” is also made from the com- increases may result in gas or diar -
content, a single serving of whole plete kernel. Don’t be mislead, rhea until your body adjusts, it’s
grain bread can be more filling than though, by wording like “100% natural. Be sure to drink plenty of
eight servings of white bread. Fiber wheat,” “multi-grain,” or by color, fluids when adding fiber to your
also moves fat through our digestive either. Most “wheat bread” is diet. While fiber is usually helpful

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“Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying in front of a beautiful sunset? And he’s carry-

to your digestive system, without trans fatty acids, found in hydro- very rare occasions, they can also
ing a beautiful rose in his beak, and he’s also carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet. And also, you’re drunk.”

adequate fluids it can cause consti- genated oils, and saturated fats in cause infertility although normally
pation instead of helping to elimi- animals. they are harmless.

nate it. Eat whole foods, drink
water…pretty simple. If problems arise take to a vegetari -

an, whole food diet to stop their
growth and just or water fasting to
Medi-Sign Target
shrink and remit them.

Water & Juice Fast
for 21 Days
Medi-Sign Target
Nuts, Seed & All Oils
Fibroids are benign, non-malignant, Medi-Sign Target
tumors of the womb. Fibroids are
Walking, Salt Bathes, Water,
present in 20 per cent of women of
reproductive age but uncommonly Oils & Organic Chocolate
A Non-Disease
detected in women under 30.
Fibrocystic breast disease is very
Fibromyalgia often means a low
treatable and preventable for many
They are growths of varying size of magnesium level in the sufferer.
women. Recent research has
smooth muscle and fibrous tissue Adequate amounts of magnesium
offered new hope. It has shown a
that may become very large. They promote proper cellular functioning
strong connection between the wear-
sometimes lie just under the inner and energy production.
ing of bras to benign fibrocystic
lining, deep in the muscle wall or
lumps, cysts and pain. For example,
near the outer surface. Occasionally The leading food sources of mag-
it has been found that over 90% of
they are almost free inside the nesium are: almonds, amaranth,
women with fibrocystic changes
womb only being attached by a nar - avocados, barley, Brazil nuts, buck-
find improvement when they stop
row stalk. They are enclosed in wheat, organic chocolate, pumpkin
wearing their brassieres. This excit-
fibrous capsules and seeds, quinoa,
ing new “treatment” has NO side
do not spread to spinach and sun-
effects, costs nothing and is some-
other parts of the flower seeds.
thing that women try for themselves
body. Often several
by making a personal and ALL-
occur together. Easing the Ache
NATURAL clothing choice.
If you’re certain
Malignant, cancer- that fibromyalgia is
Best things to eat: Almonds,
ous, growths on the your ailment and
asparagus, avocados, barley, brazil
smooth muscles not a similar condi-
nuts, broccoli, cabbage, cashews,
inside the womb can tion like chronic
corn, hazelnuts, oats, olive oil,
develop called fatigue syndrome,
peanuts, safflower nuts, sesame oil,
leiomyosarcoma of these at-home
sunflower seeds, walnuts, wheat
the uterus, though, strategies can
germ and whole wheat. Nuts have
only in very rare enhance comfort.
essential fatty acids that prevent
breast ailments. Stay away from
Get moving - even
Symptoms if you hurt. For
The majority of someone who is
fibroids show no symptoms. Some hurting all over, it’s hard to believe
may cause prolonged, heavy men- that exercise is the best treatment,
strual bleeding, symptoms of pres- but it’s true. The good news about
sure on the bladder that cause fre - the pain of fibromyalgia is that the
quent urination, interference with pain has no purpose, meaning that
pregnancy, labor or delivery. On even though you hurt, exercise

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 425

won’t do any damage. Exercise can ents. Highly processed and pack- accumulating chemicals, metals and
significantly control the pain of aged foods are very acidic. Instead, toxins into your body faster than the
fibromyalgia. eat foods that come out of the detoxification pathways can elimi-
ground, or off a tree or plant. Avoid nate them, eventually symptoms,
Start slowly and set realistic goals. fully or partially hydrogenated oils; degeneration and disease will begin.
Try for one brisk five-minute walk. they contribute to cancer and heart “Targeted” nutritional support for
Then gradually increase the time disease and are often found in cook - the liver, kidneys, lungs and large
and intensity until you’re walking ies, crackers and breads. Read intestine can reverse health condi-
briskly for 20 minutes three times a labels on foods as manufacturers tions caused by toxicity. It can also
week. will say “low fat” or even “no fat,” prevent future disease and related
but if you look closer they may con - health conditions from occurring.
Try warm-water exercise. Many tain partially hydrogenated oils.
people avoid aquatic exercise Another important factor is drinking
because the thought of getting into a Environmental Factors and bathing water. Tap water can be
cold pool is too much. Check with Exposure to low-doses of the thou- a major source of metals, toxins and
your local Y or with the health clubs sands of chemicals, heavy metals chemicals especially chlorine. Have
in your area about special “aqua- and naturally occurring toxins and your water tested to see what it
cize” programs held in heated pools. microorganisms found in food, air, actually contains. For drinking, use
Water at body temperature, or tem- water and personal environments only filtered or “spring” water; for
perature between 90° and 100°F, is showering and bathing, use filtered
best. water. Whole home under-
counter/above-counter water filters
Hop into a hot tub. Fibromyalgia and shower filters are available on

can be soothed by heat. Soaking in many Internet sites and health-ori-
a hot bath or a hot tub with a ented retail stores, as well as any
whirlpool are very effective. While Wal-Mart.
in the water, try some stretching.
Avoid Sugar. This includes all arti- Stress is a direct underlying factor
ficial sweeteners and synthetic white to all dis-ease and disease. Your
sugar, which provide only empty body cannot differentiate between
calories and no nutritional value. “good” and “bad” stress. Some-
Processed sugar also depletes the times “good” things like a promo-
immune system for up to 14 hours tion at work or getting married can
after ingestion. As an alternative to be very stressful. Other “bad”
sugar try Stevia, a natural sweetener potentially have a major impact on stressors include financial stress,
that does not impact blood sugar health. Examples include chemical- emotional stress, fear, anxiety, lack
levels. It is also great for diabetics. based cleaning products; personal- of sleep, caffeine overload, exces-
care products like commercial tooth- sive work schedules and lack of
Sodas/all Carbonated Drinks. paste, shampoo, soaps, etc.; and exercise.
Sodas are dehydrating. Carbonated synthetic chemicals off-gassing
drinks acidify the body and leach from the construction materials in All stress can negatively affect your
calcium out of our bones. Especial - our homes like new carpets, paints health. Stress negatively affects the
ly avoid diet sodas and anything and plastics. adrenal, thyroid and thymus glands,
with nutra-sweet/aspartame, which which eventually leads to fatigue
adversely alters the chemistry of the Become aware and attentive to the and lowered immune function. To
brain. Alternatives: drink more “chemical menace” in your person- reduce stress, it is very important to
purified spring water. al products and environments. Most first identify major sources of stress
health food stores offer non or low- in your life and modify or eliminate
Packaged foods. Try avoiding chemical versions of all personal these situations.
foods with many chemical ingredi- care and hygiene products. By

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 426

Begin a regular physical stress inches long and 1-1/2 inches wide. The fig is the first tree mentioned in
reduction program like gentle exer- They have a flavor like an aspara - the Bible. When Adam and Even
cise, swimming, walking, dancing, gus-green bean-okra cross and a had eaten the forbidden fruit and
or through a hobby or community chewy texture. realized they were naked, they
service. Get your mind off of your sewed fig leaves together to make
troubles and have some fun. Some - Fiddleheads should be washed and aprons. Figs were presumably
times the “little boy or girl” in each the ends trimmed before being abundant in Eden, so maybe the
of us gets so fed-up with stressful cooked; steam, simmer or sauté “fruit of knowledge” was actually a
life situations that your body them. They may be served cooked fig tree instead of an apple, orange
responds with pain to show you that or used raw in salads. Fiddlehead or apricot tree. It would make sense
life changes are needed. ferns are a good source of vitamins and put a stop to the ar gument!
“I put instant coffee in a microwave oven and almost went back in time.”

A and C. Moreover, the fig and the fig tree

Nutrients that have been shown to are important symbol and sacred in
support the functions of the glands all ancient religions and are general-
of the body that deal with stress ly linked to knowledge.
include, nearly every raw food on
the planet, especially avocados, Medi-Sign Target The symbols of figs precede those
legumes, nuts, olives, organic of the tree. Figs are thought of as
chocolate and seeds.
Testicles abundance and initiation. Ancient

Egyptian priests ate them during
their consecration ceremonies, and

Figs are a symbol of male fertility.
the first desert hermits ate them too
Like testicles, they hang in two’s
(their nutritional value is obvious).
and are full of seeds that are con -
The seeds in the fig are supposed to
tained in a sack. Studies show figs
signify unity and the universality of
Medi-Sign Target increase sperm motility and quanti-
true understanding, knowledge and
Balance, Choclea of the Ear sometimes faith. The same idea is
found in the symbolism of the
Figs are of the most nutritious, edi -
ble fruits. A half-cup of figs has as
much calcium as a half-cup of milk.
Both extract of figs and the fig com -
Calcium is needed for strong bones
pound, benzaidehyde, help to pre-
and teeth. Figs have more fiber
vent cancer. According to Japanese
than any other common fruit with
test, figs have helped shrink tumors
28% of the fiber being soluble fiber.
in humans. Also laxative, ulcer,
Studies have shown that soluble
bacterial and parasitic powers are
fiber aids in the loss of weight.
contained within figs.
Plato called figs a food
for athletes. The
Greeks were well
aware of the fig’s
value and compared
Fiddle head fern, often referred to as
them to gold. In fact,
ostrich fern, is a young, edible,
they were never picked
tightly coiled fern that resembles the
before the priests,
spiral end of a violin (fiddle).
known as “syco-
phants,” declared that
Shoots are in their coiled form for
they were ripe and
only about two weeks before they
could be gathered.
unfurl. Fiddlehead ferns are a rich,
deep green color and are about two

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 427


• Whole seeds can be stored at
room temperature for up to one
Medi-Sign Target year. If you suspect they are old,
Mucosal Cell Function & taste a few. If they are off in flavor
Deplaquer and not pleasantly nutty, discard

“Call this an overgeneralization if you must, but old people are no good at everything.”
For around 8,000 years, humans
• Ground flaxseed should be
have consumed flaxseed as a source
stored in an airtight opaque contain-
for sustaining energy. Before 5000
er and refrigerated or frozen.
BC, Egyptians carried flaxseed in
Refrigerated ground flaxseed should
their medical bags. In some of his
be used within 30 days.
writings, Hippocrates stated
flaxseed was used for the relief of
• Store flax oil in the refrigerator
abdominal pains.
in a container that blocks light.
During the eighth century, King
• Stir one tablespoon of ground
Charlemagne passed laws requiring
flax into your morning hot cereal
the consumption of flaxseed by his
after cooking.
subjects to ensure their good health.
• Sprinkle ground flax over a
During recent centuries, flaxseed
reducing blood pressure. Flaxseed salad, cooked vegetables or cold
use has grown across Europe, Africa
also helps lower cholesterol because breakfast cereal.
and North America. Although it is
used throughout history, its full it is a great source of insoluble and
soluble fiber. • For a crunchy topping, garnish
nutritional value is still a mystery
homemade baked goods such as
and gaining popularity within the
Along with the all-important muffins, yeast and quick breads with
nutritional world.
Omega-3 fatty acids and added ground flax.

Flaxseed oil
Just for starters, flaxseed seems to fiber, flaxseed also contains a phy-
help many health threats like: car - toestrogen, a naturally occurring
diovascular health and digestion, the plant estrogen called lignans. Lig-
inhibiting of tumor formation, a nans also benefit health with the
decrease in the symptoms of prevention of bone loss, reduced Medi-Sign Target
menopause, and increase in stamina, risk of colon cancer, reduced risk of Blood Builder
the reduction of the inflammation of estrogen related breast cancer and
arthritis and the production of silky decreased symptoms of menopause.
smooth skin and shiny hair. Flaxseeds and soybeans both are What Is It?
two of the richest food sources for Flaxseed oil, also known as linseeds
The flaxseed has a nutty, butter fla- plant estrogens. (Linum usitatissimum), has a long
vor and contains many nutrients. It history of being a healing herb. It
is one of the richest sources of Flaxseed and flax oil can be found was first cultivated in Europe for
alpha-linolenic acid, one type of in health food stores and larger gro- treatment with inflamed skin and
fatty acid in the omega-3 family, cery stores where you can often pur- constipation. Today this oil is
considered super-unsaturated fat or chase it in bulk. You can also usual- known to be therapeutic. It is rich
a “good” fat. The Omega-3 fatty ly find many sources of ready-to-eat in essential fatty acids, or EFAs, and
acids, also found in leafy vegetables foods containing flaxseed. The is known for treating many illnesses
and nuts, help reduce the risk of seeds and the oil both have benefits. from heart disease to lupus.
heart disease by lowering elevated Most people prefer to use the seeds,
blood fat (serum triglycerides) and though, for the additional high fiber
and lignin content.

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 428

Health Benefits • Promote healthy hair and nails. A good cleanser for your body is
The EFAs in flaxseed oil are the key natural apple cider vinegar because
healing components. EFAs are • Prostrate problems, male infertil- it helps your body to rid itself of
needed by the body to function ity and impotence. poisons and gets your system back
properly, but the body can’t manu- in balance. Mix two teaspoons of
facture them on its own. EFAs • Reduce cancer risk and guard vinegar and one or two teaspoons of
work throughout the body to protect against the effects of aging. honey in a glass of hot or
cell membranes, keeping them effi- cold water.
cient at admitting healthy substances • Treat acne, eczema, psori-
while barring damaging ones. asis, sunburn and
-Dennis Miller

Flaxseed oil contains alpha-linolenic

acid as one of its EFAs, and it is • Treat
known as an omega-3 fatty acid. menopausal symptoms, menstrual
These are omega-3s found in dead cramps, female infertility and
fish, although plant primary is not endometriosis. Get into deep water. As any skin
diver knows, water pressure forces
“Whose cruel idea was it to put an ‘s’ in the word ‘lisp?’”

dead fish, they are not the same.

Plant primary nutrition is what our fluid out of tissues and into the
cells recognize. It appears to reduce bladder. You can get similar results
the risk of heart disease and numer - by exercising in a swimming pool.
ous other ailments.
Avoid using diuretics. Diuretics set
Just one teaspoon of flaxseed oil is up the potential for something called
an excellent source of primary rebound edema. This is a cycle for
omega-3 fatty acid because it is minor fluid retention, the diuretics
equivalent to more than twice the turn on a lot of salt and water -
amount most Americans get through retaining hormones. When you stop
their diets. Flaxseeds also contain taking them, the high levels of hor -
omega-6 fatty acids in the form of mones cause a lot more sodium and
linoleic acid; omega-6s are the same water retention, thus the cycle con-

healthy fats found in vegetable oils. tinues.

Although it must be kept refrigerat- While you’re at it, shake a leg.
ed, liquid flaxseed oil is the easiest Spent salt and excess fluid can
form to use. escape the body through exercise
with sweating, increased respiration
Specifically, flaxseed oil (and Medi-Sign Target and increased urine flow. Walking
flaxseeds) may help to: Lots of Salt & Water is the magic.

• Control constipation, hemor-
rhoids, diverticular disorders and
gallstones. Fluid retention is most often caused
by a lack of fluids in your diet.
• Counter inflammation associated Fluid retention is recognized by Medi-Sign Target
with gout, lupus and fibrocystic your body holding water resulting in Too Much Sugar &
breasts with its Omega-3. swollen hands and feet. Animal Cardasses
• Lower cholesterol. To overcome fluid retention, drink Flu: pharmaceuticals phantastically
lots of water and pick up your salt phenomenal phantom phantasy
• Minimize nerve damage that intake. Your body may be afraid to phluke.
causes numbness and tingling as release water because you are not
well as other disorders. letting any in. Influenza, also called the flu, is an

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Oh by the way, flu vaccines are Never want to have “flu” again?
made from eggs created by pharma- Ever wonder why the, “flu season,”

“Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me.”
ceutical factory manufactured chick- is from the beginning of the holiday
ens fed over 10,000 drug chemicals season until three weeks after the
and dozens of antibiotics. So, if you New Years?
are allergic to eggs, don’t get flu
shots. It’s called, flu-idic cadaverinous
pustulant fermentation (Dietary
Do you remember the swine flu filth). People starting at
shots that killed over 10,000 peo- Thanksgiving, “pull out” the fun
ple? festive feasting. They gorge
themselves on the carcasses of
infection that causes fever, chills,
MASS MEDIA SAYS: turkeys, chickens, pigs, pheasants,
cough, body aches, headaches,
cows, baby cows, sheep, rodents
earaches and sinus problems. The
Avoid crowds. Because the virus (yes rodents), fish, fish eggs,
flu is caused by the influenza virus.
spreads easily, stay away from oysters, crabs, shrimps, lobsters
A virus is a microorganism, which
movies, theaters, shopping centers (water insects) and more. Then
means it’s so small that you can’t
and other crowded places during an come desserts: pies of every kind;
see it without a strong microscope.
epidemic. fudge; chocolates, in every
conceivable presentation; cookies;
For most people, the flu is a drag,
Come in from the cold decorative candies by the bowlful;
but it goes away in a week or two.
soda pop; lots of hard alcohol;
For some people, though, the flu can
Kiss at your own risk. Kissing is and more and more. People
make them very sick.
one of the most efficient ways for attend home parties, office par-
the flu to spread. In fact, just sleep - ties, industry parties,
These people include:
ing in the same room with a spouse church parties, which are the
• Babies and toddlers under two
is asking for trouble. So, if possi- worst for foodless foods, typically.
years of age
ble, move to another room for the They also attend, club parties,
duration of the epidemic. association parties, neighborhood
• People older than 65
parties and community parties.
Keep up your strength; don’t get Afterwards they take acid reflux
• Adults and kids who have health
tired or run-down. Paint the living pills, headache pills, pain pills, gas
problems like diabetes and asthma
room, clean the attic, or build a pills, bloat medications and more
basement playroom some other are swallowed on top of the
time, not during flu season. regular daily annual medications.
Outsmart this hideous virulent
Don’t forget the miracle
Reach for pain relief. Aspirin, supplement pills, capsules, tonics
Individual immunity and the partic-
acetaminophen or ibuprofen. and potions that are meant to save
ular strain of flu virus circulating in
(Although these could lead to Reye’s you and keep you healthy as well.
a given year play a large role in
syndrome, a life threat-
determining who will knuckle under
ening neurological ill-
to the flu.
-Sir Winston Churchill

ness, especially in chil-

dren who take aspirin).
Do the following! (NOT!)
Get a flu shot. Every year, scien-
Flagrant Flu
tists develop a vaccine against the
most recently circulating strain of
All of the above is the
the virus. (Wow! An annual phar-
flummery, deceptive
maceutical marketing miracle; an
ignorant non-sense, of
industry’s dream come true! There
flu now the truth…you
is a Santa Clause after all.)
can test it yourself.
One flu over the cookoo’s nest

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From ground up body’s cure. That is

mountain and deep how people get in
water ocean rocks deep trouble, espe-
to “bio-massives” cially if they med-
that are dirt from icate and supplement
the deserts, for long periods of
foothills and time.
woods. From the
Chinese herbals NEVER HAVE THE
and Native Ameri- FLU AGAIN
can Indian Rituals
performed over Each year do this
-Jim Carrey

newly bottled from October 31st,

vitamin A capsules, to January 13th:
to the structured
water, functional 1. Starting on, “All
water and Hollow’s Eve,” Octo-
“Wait a sec..I think I just...yea, I just had an idea.”

powdered water - ber 31st, drink one

Flu is the result. If you fight flu, First, it is my strong opinion based gallon of water every day until Jan -
you fight yourself. The vomiting, on years of experience and uary 13th. Do the same time frame
the fever, the chills, the headaches, observation, people don’t “die of the for the following:
the dizzy weakness, is your body’s flu,” ever. They die of the,
health systems trying to protect “treatments” of the flu as is the case 2. Snack every two hrs throughout
you from your own weaknesses with so many diseases. Flu “ the day on whole foods; knock of f
and ignorance. You don’t “get the symptoms” are the methods of the the three squares a day thing till the
flu” you cause the flu! body’s healing its autogenic 14th of January.
response uses to get you from
A case in point. Literally tens of chaotic overwhelm back to a peace 3. Be a whole food vegetarian from
thousands of people know me, state, homeostasis. When you take Halloween until January 13th.
thousands know my wife and chil- anything other than air, water,
dren. I have ten children; seven sunshine, walking or whole foods 4 If number three is too tough, eat
were born at home, three in hospi - for nausea, fever, chills, headaches, bites of your favorite animal fol-
tals, this was not my choice-because etc., you are curing (stopping) the lowed by lots of veggies, beans and
that choice is the mother ’s. None of legumes. Transit time for meals is
my children have been to a doctor everything.
or to a hospital because of illness,
ever. My seven children and I who 5. Stop all supplements; instead go
are whole food vegetarians have for a 20 to 40 minute walk.
never had the flu – ever. They
range in ages from five to 31. My 6. Talk to your doctor and get of f of
wife, Amber, had the flu from time or cut down every drug you’re on.
to time, almost every year, until age
19 when we married, and she 7. If you pig out at feast meals,
became a whole food vegetarian as excuse yourself and go purge.
well. She has never had it since. That’s right, do what the Ancient
Our close friends who eat meat cultures did at their feasts; they
nearly always get the flu during the always set up for the guest’s what
holidays have done the following to were called, vomitoriums. Don’t
test it. They are shocked when they suffer your indulgence, stick your
don’t get the flu. Here it is. finger down your throat and get rid
of the offensive mass. If you think

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:40 AM Page 431

that’s offensive or hard, try the flu. • Put olive oil or soy butter on poisonous than arsenic according to
your sore nostrils, do it every time the Clinical Toxicology of
8. Drink more and eat less at feasts before and after you blow your Commercial Products handbook. It
if you can. nose, even start doing it before it is a cumulative poison that accumu-
gets that way. lates in bone over the years. It has
If you over do it and get flu symp - been reported that fluoride can
toms (healing), try this to ease • Do hot water and salt foot soaks, cause skin eruptions and other side
them… they really do work. affects like atopic dermatitis, exze-
ma, urticaria, gastric distress,
Here’s how to help yourself: • Dress warm but get fresh air – headache and weakness. Once the
Don’t take any supplements or med- lots of it. fluoride has stopped being taken,

ications even over the counter ones, these symptoms subside.
yeh, they can give what appears as
relief by stopping the healing

“It must be symbolism; ‘cause otherwise it’s just stupid.’”

response, but it is only buried,
masked, and you will deal with at a
later time as a chronic condition
(cancer, heart disease, diabetes,

Fluoridation: Teeth to die for

About half of the United States’
drinking water supply is fluoridated
to try and reduce dental cavities in
children. Is this state of af fairs jus-
tified? Is it safe?

Unbeknownst to most Americans

Another study found that hip frac-
including most dentists, physicians
tures and bone fragility are linked to
and scientists, ingesting fluoride is
fluoride in the water. This is from
harmful. In 1988, an article was
the Journal of the American Medical
published in the Chemical and
Association, which published three
Engineering News stating that since
• Rest, lounge and drink lots of separate articles on the matter.
1950, when the Public Health
fluids. Proctor and Gamble reported that
Service first endorsed fluoridation,
fluoride resulted in a significant
opposition toward fluoridation has
• Gargle with salt water for sore increase in genetic damage. Also
been suppressed. This suppression
throat about every two hours. fluoride has been linked to around
was led by power tactics including
10,000 fluoridation-linked cancer
threats, ridicule and frank censor-
• Drink one quart of mild saline; deaths yearly in the United States.
ship toward people knowledgeable
1/4 teaspoon per quart of water. These types of cancer include, liver
about fluoride’s destruction.
cancer, oral tumors and bone cancer.
• Sit in a hot tub or hot bath Since 1991, the New Jersey
Facts About Fluoride
Department of Health found that the
So, what are some of the facts about
• Use ceiling fans and humidifiers incidence of osteosarcoma, a type of
fluoride? Fluoride is more poison-
and, as an added joy, your favorite bone cancer, was far higher in
ous than lead and just slightly less
essential oil fragrance. young men exposed to fluoridated

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So, what can you do to protect

“I was born by Caesarian section...but not so you’d notice. It’s just that when I leave a house, I go out through the win-

yourself from fluoride?

The first thing to do is to avoid
fluoridated water. Most city water
is artificially fluoridated. Boiling
water removes chlorine, but concen-
trates fluoride. Water filters do not
remove fluoride, unless there is a
reverse osmosis component.

At the dentist, children should avoid

fluoridated vitamins, fluoride treat-
ments and fluoridated toothpaste.
The concentration of fluoride in
water is one ppm, in toothpaste
1,000 ppm and in fluoride dental
rinses 10,000 ppm. Another way to
protect yourself from fluoride is to
water as compared to those who ent, what could possibly be the push write to your legislatures telling
were not. for fluoridation? Fluoride was them to get fluoride out of the water
regarded as an environmental pollu- supply.

Fluoride has also been linked to, tant prior to 1945 responsible for
dow.” -Steven Wright

even at dosages of one part per mil - many lawsuits against industries like

lion, damage of the immune system, the aluminum industry and the phos-
contributing to calcification of soft phate fertilizer industry. These
tissues, worsening arthritis and, of industry’s waste products contained
course, causing dental fluorosis in large quantities of fluoride that Medi-Sign Target
children. These are unsightly white, destroyed crops and animals, lead- Drink Water, Force Yourself
yellow or brown spots that are ing to the lawsuits. At that time,
found in teeth exposed to fluoride public view was that fluoride was an
to Puke & Have an Enema
during childhood, which over half environmental pollutant that needed
of the children living in fluoridated to be eliminated from the environ- Food poisoning is from eating
areas have. Malnourished people, ment. organisms or toxins in contaminated
particularly children, usually target- food. Most cases of food poisoning
ed for fluoridation, are at greater Public relations campaigns can work are from common bacteria like
risks to experience fluoride’s harm- wonders as it did for the fluoride Staphylococcus or E. coli.
ful effects. campaign. Fluoride was trans-
formed from an environmental pol- Food poisoning can affect only one
Surprisingly, the most recent studies lutant to an essential part of clean person, or it can occur as an out -
do not even show that water fluori - and healthy teeth; the science was break in a group of people who all
dation is effective in reducing tooth poor, but the P.R. campaign was ate the same contaminated food.
decay. The United States Public great. To be against fluoride was Food poisoning is relatively rare in
Health Service records indicate that like being against motherhood or the United States. Worldwide,
tooth decay was virtually the same apple pie. Industries made millions though, it affects between 60 and 80
in fluoridated and non-fluoridated from selling this environmental pol- million people resulting in around
areas expressing that there is no sig - lutant to water companies and tooth- six to eight million deaths.
nificant effect from taking fluorida- paste companies. More importantly
tion when comparing it to tooth to the company, it saved billions of Food poisoning occurs many times
decay. dollars that would be required to at picnics, school cafeterias and
clean this environmental pollutant. large social functions; during situa-
With the scientific information pres- tions where food may be left unre -

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Symptoms spurt or have an “off” odor when

The symptoms from the most com- opened. These all could contain
mon types of food poisoning gener- dangerous bacteria. Discard them
ally start within two to six hours carefully so that household pets can-
within eating the responsible food. not come in contact with them.
That time may be longer or shorter,
up to a number of days, depending If you feel sick: Don’t interfere with
on the toxin or organism responsible progress. Your body is trying to
for the food poisoning. flush the toxic organism out of your
body. Sometimes taking “anti-diar-
The possible symptoms include: rheal” products like Imodium or

“I have an existential map; it has ‘You are here’ written all over it.”
• Abdominal cramps Lomotil can interfere with the
• Diarrhea (may be bloody) body’s ability to rid the infection.
• Fever and chills Stay away from them, and let nature
• Headache take its course. If you feel like you
• Nausea and vomiting need to do something, sip water
• Weakness (may be serious and through a straw.
lead to respiratory arrest, as in the
frigerated for too long or food
case of botulism) Reintroduce bland foods. Usually
preparatory utensils and techniques
within a few hours to a day after the
are not clean. It mostly occurs from
Botulism is a very serious form of diarrhea and vomiting have sub-
undercooked meats or dairy prod-
food poisoning that can be fatal. It sided, you’ll be ready for some
ucts that have sat out too long like
can originate from improper home “good” food. But go easy.
mayonnaise mixed in coleslaw or

potato salad.
Fill up on fluids. The bacteria irri-
Food poisoning can be caused by:
tate your intestinal tract and trigger
• Bacillus cereus
a great deal of fluid loss, possibly Medi-Sign Target
• Botulism
from both ends. You’ll need to Salt & Apple Cider Vinegar
• Campylobacter
drink plenty of fluids to prevent Soak, Go Barefoot
• Cholera
becoming dehydrated. Water is the
• E. coli enteritis
best replacement fluid followed by
• Fish poisoning Foot odor is caused by bacteria or
other clear liquids like apple juice or
• Listeria fungi that rots old skin. Your skin
veggie broth.
• Salmonella turns over every 28 days. A new
• Shigella cell starts on the bottom layer of
• Staph aureus
• Yersinia
Decrease your chances of getting
The people at greatest risk for food
food poisoning by not eating
poisoning are infants and the elder-
ly. Also at risk are people with a
serious medical condition like kid-
• Raw protein food like fish, fowl
ney disease or diabetes, or people
or meat. Avoid sushi and oysters on
with a weakened immune system.
the half shell, raw meat can harbor
Those who travel outside of the
United States to areas where there is
more exposure to food poisoning
• Cracked jars or swollen,
causing organisms are also at risk.
dented cans of lids, clear
Pregnant and breast-feeding women
liquids that have turned
must be especially careful.
milky or cans or jars that

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Scrub gently with a soft brush, even woolen pair on the outside. Avoid
between your toes, and be sure to synthetics because they only encour-
dry your feet thoroughly. age perspiration.

Do Your Feet Work Harder Than Show shoe sense. Closed shoes
You Do? Believe it or not, some- aggravate sweaty feet and set up a
times feet perspire because they perfect environment for bacteria to
work harder than they should. A grow, leading to more odor and
structural defect like flat feet or a more sweat. Choose sandals and
job that keeps you hopping all day open-toed shoes when appropriate.
could be the underlying culprit. Stay away from rubber and plastic
Either of these things would shoes, which don’t allow feet to
increase the activity of your foot breathe easily. Never wear the same
muscles. The harder your feet shoes two days in a row. It takes at
-Victor Hugo

work, the more they perspire in an least 24 hours for shoes to dry out
attempt to cool themselves. thoroughly.

Although feet that perspire do not

necessarily smell bad, the wetness is
“Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.”

an invite for bacteria that do pro -
skin, then another skin cell forms duce odor. The sweat produced can
beneath it. This process continues be reduced if you correct the under -
until the bottom cell reaches the top lying problem with an arch support 1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1 qt Water
and is sloughed off as dander or or some other orthotic shoe insert.
dandruff. If the muscles don’t have to work as Soak for 15 minutes twice a
hard, they don’t give off as much week.
If you don’t wear socks, the old skin heat.
remains in the shoes; it rots and
emits an offensive odor. Socks pre- Powder your toes. After washing,
vent the old skin from getting into apply foot powder, cornstarch or
your shoes and washing socks gets fungal spray. Also try to treat your
rid of the old skin and prevents shoes with talcum power or corn-
them from smelling. starch to keep your feet cool and
The bacteria that rot your old skin
grow when the skin is wet. Powder Change your socks – often. The Take frequent soaks. Soaking
in the toes of your socks before you logical approach to excessively agents can help keep feet dry, which
put them on will help to keep your sweaty, odoriferous feet is to change also controls odor.
feet dry during the day and prevent socks as frequently as possible.
bacteria from growing. Avoid wear- This means even three or four times Tea. Tannin, which can be found in
ing the same pair of shoes more a day. Always wear socks made of tea bags, is a drying agent. Boil
often than every third day so they natural fibers like cotton because three or four tea bags in one quart of
can dry out between uses. they are more absorbent than syn- water for about ten minutes. Then
thetic materials. Double up on add enough cold water to make a
Wash – often. This may sound ele- them. Try wearing two pairs of comfortable soak.
mentary, but you should keep your socks at a time to reduce perspira -
feet scrupulously clean, the experts tion. This may seem like a contra- Soak your feet. For 20 to 30 min-
agree. Use warm, soapy water and diction, but the air spaces that form utes, dry them and apply corn starch
wash your feet as often as needed, between the two layers of material as foot powder. Do this twice a day
which may be several times a day if actually enhance cooling. Wear cot- until you get the problem under con -
you perspire a lot or notice an odor. ton socks next to the skin and a trol. Repeating it twice a week

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:41 AM Page 435

thereafter should keep odor from fractures/ Therefore, there are two critical

recurring. factors in determining why a frac-
ture occurs:
Kosher salt. For extra-sweaty feet, • The energy of the event
soak in a solution of 1/2 cup kosher • The strength of the bone
salt, which is coarser than ordinary Medi-Sign Target
table salt, in one quart of water. Rest, Celery & Bok Choy The energy can being acute, high-
energy like a car crash, or chronic,
Sodium bicarbonate. This makes low-energy like a stress fracture.
the foot surface more acidic, thereby
cutting down on the amount of odor The bone strength can either be nor -

“Albsorb what is useful, add what is uniquely your own.”

produced. Use one tablespoon bak- mal or decreased like osteoporosis.
ing soda in one quart of water. A very simple problem, the broken
Soak twice a week for about 15 bone, just became a whole lot more
minutes at a time. complicated!

Hot and cold water. Alternate hot Do this:

and cold foot baths because this pro - • Eat half a pineapple every day
cedure constricts the blood flow to until it’s completely healed. Pineap-
your feet, reducing perspiration. Fix ples contains Bromelain, an enzyme
yourself a third footbath of ice that helps to reduce swelling and
cubes and lemon juice. Finally, rub inflammation. Do not eat canned or
your feet with alcohol to cool and processed pineapples.
dry them. In hot weather, when
your feet perspire a lot, you could
probably do this every day. Warn-
ing: diabetics and those with
impaired circulation should not use
this treatment.

Heed sage advice. Europeans

sometimes sprinkle the fragrant herb
sage into their shoes to control odor.
Perhaps a dash of these dry, crum- Is it a Fracture or a Break?
bled leaves will do the trick for you. A broken bone, despite what you
may have heard, is not worse than a

-Bruce Lee
Try inserts. Some shoe inserts, like fracture; they both mean the same
Johnson’s Odor-Eaters, contain acti- thing.
vated charcoal, which absorbs mois-
ture and helps control odor. In fact, the word fracture, according
to the Oxford English Dictionary is
Stay cool. The sweat glands in your defined as “the act of being bro-
feet, similar to those in your armpits ken.” There are different types of
and palms, respond to emotions. fractures and broken bones, but
Whether it is good or bad emotion, these words mean the same thing!
it can trigger excessive sweating.
That, in turn, can increase bacterial Fractures occur because an area of • It is very important to regain
activity in your shoes, leading to bone is not able to support the ener - bone strength as soon as possible to
extra odor. So try not to get fraz - gy placed on it. This is quite obvi- avoid future injuries and to insure a
zled. ous, but it becomes more complicat- solid bone fusion.

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:41 AM Page 436

• Do not eat red meat and avoid Broken Bones headache. Some people may expe-
colas and all products containing This one is where the medical tech - rience sharper pain especially with
processed caffeine. nology of today can be brilliant. an open fracture. If the fracture is
small, a kid may not feel much pain
• Avoid eating foods with preserv- Your bones are tough stuff, but even at all. Sometimes, a kid won't even
atives; they contain phosphorous, tough stuff can break. Like a wood - be able to tell that he or she broke a
which can lead to bone loss. Soda en pencil, bones will bend under bone!
pops typically contain phosphorous. strain, but if the pressure is too
much or too sudden, bones can Breaking a bone is a shock to your
• Boron + Calcium + Magnesium snap. whole body. It’s normal for unaf-
+ Potassium + Zinc. They are fected parts of your body to receive
essential to repair bone damage and You can break a bone by falling of f strong messages. Sometimes people
-Victor Hugo

to maintain a good muscle and heart a skateboard or crashing down from feel dizzy, woozy, chilly or faint
condition. Eat grains, nuts and the monkey bars. When a bone until their bodies adjust. A lot of
seeds. breaks it is called a fracture. people cry for a while. Still others
There’s more than one way to break don’t feel any pain right away
or fracture a bone. A break can be because of the shock of the injury.
anything from a hairline fracture,
“There is nothing like a dream to create the future.”

which is a thin break in the bone, to If you think you or someone else
the bone that’s snapped in two has broken a bone, the most impor -
pieces like a broken tree branch. tant things to do are to:

• A complete fracture is when the • Stay calm

bone has broken into two pieces.
• Make sure the person who is
• A greenstick fracture is when the hurt is as comfortable as possible
bone cracks on one side only, not all
the way through. • Tell someone

• A single fracture is when the • If there is no one around, call

Butt out. Smoking can delay the bone is broken in one place. 911 or the emergency number in
healing of bones up to five months your area
longer for serious fractures and less • A comminuted (kah-muh-noot-
for minor breaks. If you’re a smok- ed) fracture is when the bone is bro - The worst thing to do for a broken
er, expect a longer-than-average ken into more than two pieces or bone is to move it because it will
healing time. crushed. (Think community-many)! hurt the person and can make the
injury worse! In the case of a bro-
Put a bag of frozen vegetables on • A bowing fracture, which only ken arm or leg, you may be able to
the fracture for about 20 minutes, happens in kids, is when the bone cushion or support the surrounding
and remove it for ten. Make sure bends but doesn’t break. area with towels or pillows.
you put a washcloth between your
skin and the ice bag to prevent an • An open or compound fracture is One super-important tip: If you’re
ice burn. Since you want to avoid when the bone is sticking through not sure what bone is broken or you
pressure on the area, the cold com - the skin. think the neck or back is broken, do
press should be applied gently. not try to move the injured person at
What Happens When You Break a all. Wait until a trained person has
Do this even if you can’t take off a Bone? arrived!
soft cast. You can apply ice to the It hurts to break a bone! It’s differ-
outside of the cast, and it will help ent for everyone, but the pain is What Does the Doctor Do?
chill the area underneath. often like the deep ache you get The doctor needs to know what type
from a super bad stomachache or of fracture it is in order to treat it.

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:41 AM Page 437

This is when a doctor uses an X-ray. the fracture. These will rebuild the • Feed your bones the calcium and
This gives the doctor a map of bone. The cells cover both ends of vitamin D they need to stay strong.
where the bones are compared to the broken part of the bone and That means getting your share of
where they should be, so that they close up the break until it’s as good calcium-rich foods and drinks and
can be reset. as new. sunshine. Your entire skeleton is
new every two years due to bone

“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”

With breaks in larger bones or when What Should You Do When the that is constantly in a state of
a bone breaks in more than two Cast Comes Off? turnover even when not damaged or
pieces, the doctor may need to put A saw that does not hurt your skin injured. We continually absorb and
in a metal pins to help set it. You will be used to remove the cast. replace the cells that make up our
will be unconscious for this opera- Once the cast is off, the injured area bones. Because of this natural
tion. Afterwards, when the bone has will probably look and feel strange. turnover, the process of healing
healed, the doctor will remove the The skin might be pale, dry or flaky. bone also comes about quite natural-
pins. Body hair might look darker, and ly.
the body part itself might look
smaller because of loss of muscle Underlying Problems The most
from healing. common cause of fractures is from
trauma. Especially in the elderly,
Don’t worry. broken bones often occur where an
This is all temporary. In underlying process has weakened
some cases, special the bone, however. This is called a
exercises may be “pathologic fracture,” which means
recommended by that there is some pathology, or dis-
your doctor for ease process, that caused the bone to
improvement of be weak and highly susceptible to
strength and fracture. Common diseases that
flexibility. lead to pathologic fracture include

-Frank Morgan as The Wizard in The Wizard of Oz

osteoporosis and tumors.

After your bone has been set, a cast sex drive
needs to secure it. The cast normal- Go slow and ask the doctor if there
ly lasts one to two months; the time are any activities you should avoid
it takes for a break to mend. Casts like hanging from the monkey bars. Medi-Sign Target
are made of bandages soaked in Ask the doctor how long you will Seed, Peanuts & Banana’s
plaster, which harden to a tough need to wait before return to a sport.
shell. This is why they last so long!
How can you be sure you don’t Frigidity, properly known as sexual
Sometimes casts are made of fiber- break any more bones? arousal disorder (SAD), is a condi-
glass or plastic. Some are even Realize that accidents do happen. tion where a woman or man is
waterproof, meaning showering and To minimize these risks, wear safety unable to achieve or sustain sexual
swimming is allowed. Sometimes helmets, pads and the right protec- arousal. Unresponsiveness, rare
they come in colors or patterns that tive gear. Also you should build experiences of orgasm and complete
you can choose. If not, buy some strong bones. avoidance of sexual activity are
markers! some characteristics. This does not
How do you do that? mean that any woman who is not
How Do Broken Bones Heal? • Get a lot of physical activity, regularly experiencing orgasms
Your bones are natural healers. especially stuff like jumping and through coitus (vaginal sex) is
New cells and tiny blood vessels running. frigid. SAD is the express condition
will be produced at the location of where a woman is rarely, if at all,

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:41 AM Page 438

able to experience an orgasm touch, texture and of course, taste, thought as they helped spread its
through any form of sexual stimula- allows us to see our sustenance with reputation throughout the world as a
tion (e.g., cunnilingus, masturba- new eyes. With these characteristics powerful stimulant.
tion, etc.). in mind, gathering the ingredients
for a “sensual” new way of eating The tomato, or “love apple,” a
-Lincoln Karim

SAD can be from either a psycho- can be fun. potent source of the powerhouse
logical or physical condition and is lycopene, was once a highly sought-
often very complex. HERE ARE SOME TIPS after libido enhancer. Other foods
that may turn up the heat
Psychological causes may and fortify the body
include: lack of knowl- include: alfalfa sprouts,
“I always wanted a friend like Yoda, you know, someone who was pure knowledge.”

edge about sexual tech- avocados, beans, chives,

niques, stress, deep-seated eggs from free range hens
religious beliefs from only, garlic, leeks, nuts,
childhood and conflict olive oil, onions, parsley,
with a partner. These fac- peppers, pumpkin seeds,
tors are usually accompa- seeds, sesame oil, soy-
nied by anxiety, fear, beans, soy oil, spinach,
depression or guilt about truffles, turnips, water-
sexual activities. cress and wheat. Serve
these foods often for opti-
Physical causes may mal sexual health.
include: hormonal imbal-
ances, such as hypothy- Avoid red meat (cows),
roidism, low progesterone poultry (birds), pork
levels and low testosterone (pigs) and products con-
levels; excess weight; lack of exer- Feast on fruits. Fruits are filled taining sugar.
cise; menopause; surgery, particular- with nutrition and many are thought
ly ovarian or uterine; exhaustion; to have aphrodisiac properties. Avoid smoggy conditions. Smog is
childbirth; conditions that inflict Apples, apricots, bananas, cherries, highly toxic and dangerous. It
pain during intercourse; abnormal coconut, dates, figs, grapes, man- affects the whole immune function
physical structures in, on, or around goes, papayas, peaches, pears, and hormonal activity in the body.

frost bite
the woman’s body; and obstructions. plums, pomegranates, quince, rasp-
berries and strawberries are included
Some women find intercourse in erotic literature around the world.
painful due to poor lubrication, Whichever fruits you choose, enjoy
inadequate stimulation, some illness them often, and with a new appreci - Medi-Sign Target
or infection and so on. This pain ation of their attributes. Warm Saltwater Soak
causes women to shrink and fear Immediately
from sexual contact with the partner. While you’re at it, try some veg-
Vitamin deficiency can cause a lack etables. Asparagus, carrots, celery,
of estrogen levels and lead to corn, cucumbers, carrots, eggplant
improper lubrication. Low sexual and several other phallic-shaped
desire can also be due to a chronic vegetables have long been prized for
illness, the use of some medications, their aphrodisiac effects. They may
low testosterone levels or a certain be hard to think of as “erotic,” but
medical condition. at the very least they will fill your
body with vitamins and minerals.
Taking the time to investigate which The avocado is a vegetable that is
fruits and vegetables appeal most in definitely sensual. This is even
terms of their fragrance, shape, what the Spanish conquistadors

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:41 AM Page 439

getting out of the elements into a

warm place is a good idea, but if
that’s impossible, at least get out of
the wind. Wind-chill factors con-
tribute significantly to frostbite.

Think before warming. Don’t use

dry, radiant heat, like a heat lamp or
campfire if your skin appears to be
frostbitten. Frostbitten skin is easily

Use yourself. If you can’t get

indoors, take advantage of your own
body heat. To warm fingers and
hands, for example, place them
under your armpits. Rolling your-

“Listen, you smell something?”

Know the signs. Frostnip is the could be enough to kill a human self into a ball also makes you more
least severe form of frostbite and being. Below 92°, cardiac arrest energy efficient.
typically leaves skin somewhat can occur.
numb and white. Frostbite: Don’t Delay Action
Hypothermia is simply defined as Severe frostbite demands attention
The most frequently frostnipped are low body temperature. It begins in because tissue is dying. This opens
the cheeks, tip of the nose and ears. its mildest stage at about 96°. the door to some dark possibilities
Peeling and blistering are also possi- Symptoms of hypothermia include like infection and loss of fingers or
ble after the affected area is shivering, slow pulse, lethargy and a toes, in extreme cases, loss of an
warmed. general decrease in alertness. If arm or leg.
body temperature drops low enough,
Superficial frostbite, a more serious muscles turn rigid and the person Deep frostbite makes the skin cold,
condition, is more likely to produce may lose consciousness. hard, white and numb. When

peeling and blistering after warm- rewarmed, the skin may turn blue or
ing. Frostbite is an injury in which Falling into an icy pond would bring purple. It also may swell and blis -
the tissues of the body freeze caus - on hypothermia in less than an hour, ters might form. The idea, of
ing damage to the tissue. The skin but most cases result from pro- course, is to treat frostbite quickly
is also frozen harder than with frost - longed exposure to cold tempera- and effectively so none of that hap-
nip, but not so deeply that all is lost. tures. Elderly people are at pens. Here’s what you should do.
increased risk for hypothermia
Frostbite is the body’s way of trying because their bodies regulate tem- Thaw quickly. The trend now is to
to preserve heat by shutting down perature less effectively. very painfully thaw severe frostbite
circulation to an extremity. Unfor- as fast as is safely possible. Typi-
tunately, as you develop frostbite, If hypothermia occurs: cally this is done in warm water
you might not even know that you • Move the person to a warmer 104° to 108°F; water conducts heat
have it because of the numbness. place. better than air.

MEDICAL ALERT • Wrap the person with blankets. Do not allow a frostbitten part to
refreeze. Never. The water crystals
Hypothermia: The Cold Inside • Give the person warm liquids, are bigger when the part refreezes,
The human body was designed to but no alcohol. Alcohol gives an which causes even more tissue dam-
operate at an internal temperature of artificial feeling of warmth. age.
98.6°F. A six 1/2-degree drop, hard-
ly noticeable in air temperature, Hide from the wind. Obviously, Use your head to save your foot.

F_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 9:41 AM Page 440

“Some stock fund managers are so down on the market, they have moved a substantial percentage of their investors’ holding’s

It’s not advisable to walk Hang loose. To protect cir-

on frozen feet, but it’s bet- culation, wear loose clothing
out of stocks and into cash. Next, they plan to move that cash into a suitcase, and then into Mexico.” -Jon Stewart

ter than allowing a frozen and don’t wear any jewelry

foot to thaw and refreeze. on your fingers.
So, if you think walking
may be your only route to Use the “buddy system.”
survival, try it. Don’t, You watch a friend’s face,
however, take a shoe or specifically the ears, nose
boot off a frostbitten foot. and cheeks, for any notice-
The foot could blister and able change in color, and he
swell, and you wouldn’t or she does the same for you.
be able to get the boot
back on. Avoid contact with metal.
Just a few moments with
Don’t rub with snow. It your bare hand on a metal
just causes friction with the skin, Alcohol actually causes more heat wrench can lead to frostbite in
plus, you lose more heat when you loss. severe cold.
get extremely wet.
Don’t smoke. Smoking decreases Stay in your vehicle. If you get
Don’t get wet. Heat loss is greatly peripheral circulation, thereby mak- stranded in your vehicle on a sub -
accelerated by contact with water. ing the extremities more vulnerable. freezing night, don’t venture to the
unknown. Instead stay where you
Make Mom proud. Wear are because you could devel-
mittens instead of gloves op hypothermia or an abnor-
because mittens are mal drop in body tempera-
warmer. Also wear a ture. Many of the stranded
stocking cap to protect people who’ve tried to walk
your ears. for help and were found,
were found dead.
Don’t drink. You only
think alcohol is warming
you from the inside out.

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 441

~G g~
History: The Letter G

It’s one of only four letters in the English alphabet, which did not reach its full development
two thousand years ago. If you’re reading this note sheet much after the year 1990, add
accordingly to the “2000 year ago” reference. The other letters are “J,” “U,” “W” and “G”
share development with “C” as mentioned on another note sheet. Both share their shapes
to that of the Phoenician’s original symbol for the camel. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote
that when he was a child the capital “G” always impressed him as genii swooping down to
drink out as a handsome cup. I wasn’t familiar with his use of “genii,” so I looked it up. He
was probably referring to angels.” I would like for you to think of your guardian angel for,
“quality of life,” as the FDR (oh by the way, there are 6 “F’s” in the exercise under “F”).

Mystery: The Celtic Name Letter Key

Movement is the essential concept contained in the letter “G.” It indicates a restlessness of
mind and body, dissatisfaction with settled situations. This will be nagging constantly at the
name-bearer, causing thoughts of a new job or new partner to be lurking in the mind. As a
dominant letter “G” clearly indicates someone who would be happiest traveling about and a
job that involves mobility would be satisfying. In human relationships the name-bearer may
find it difficult to remain faithful to one person. More positively, this letter also hints at
speed of thought and action.
G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 442

gallbladder Gallstones
nourish a body right down to the cellular level. For that reason, we like to think of these emotions as “quantum nutrients.”
“Heartfelt positive feelings create far more than a healthy psychological effect. They fortify our internal energy systems and

ing the cleanse, avoid all foods high

infection &
in animal fat, meats and cooked

dairy. Eat unrefined grains, vegeta-
bles, fruits and legumes to help
Medi-Sign Target
clear the gallbladder. Grapefruit Juice &
Olive Oil Drink
Medi-Sign Target These foods hasten gallstone
Saltwater & Fermented removal:
Solid material that forms in the gall -
Foods  Lemons bladder is called gallstones. Gall-
 Limes stones form when substances in the
The gall bladder is a hollow inactive bile form hard, crystal-like particles.
organ supplying bile to the digestive  Parsnips This is caused primarily by choles-
tract that is mainly used to emulsify  Pears terol and bile pigments.
fats and oils.
 Seaweed White or yellow cholesterol stones
The gall bladder can be damaged  Turmeric account for 80 percent of the gall -
by: stones. They are made primarily of
• Excessive amounts of fat and cholesterol. Accounting for the
Radishes also remove stones. To
oil; refined, hydrogenated and syn- other 20 percent of gallstones, pig-
cleanse the gall bladder, eating one
thetic oils ment stones are small, dark stones
to two radishes a day between meals
• Stress made of bilirubin and calcium salts
and drinking three cups of cleavers
that are found in bile.
tea or five cups of chamomile tea a
The gall bladder can be protected
day during the 21 days helps.
from infections by eating: Cirrhosis, biliary tract infections,
• Beer (light) and hereditary blood cell disorders,
• Good quality (grape, wine or like sickle cell anemia are risk fac -
apple cider) vinegar tors for pigment stones.
• Pickles
• Sauerkraut and other fer- The varying sizes of gall-
ments stones range from a grain
of sand to a golf ball. The
Sediment in the gall bladder gallbladder may develop a
can lead to infection. Symp- single large stone or many
toms are: smaller ones, even several
• Bitter taste in the mouth thousand.
• Chest pain
• Indigestion Cholesterol gallstones develop
• Periodic pain below the right when bile contains too much
side of the rib cage cholesterol, and not enough bile
• Tension in the back of the shoul - salts. Two other factors seem to be
der near the neck important in causing gallstones
besides a high concentration of cho-
A gradual gall bladder cleanse can lesterol. The first is how often and
clear the cause of infections as how well the gallbladder contracts;
Use five teaspoons of cold pressed
well. It takes 21 days and is slower incomplete and infrequent emptying
flax seed oil for every 160 pounds
and gentler on the body. This works of the gallbladder may cause the
of your body weight. Pour the flax
for those unsure of how much sedi- bile to become over concentrated
oil over your food during one meal
ment or stones they may have. and contribute to gallstone forma-
of the day or divide it into half and
Cleansing two or three times a year tion. The second factor is the pres-
use on two meals. Take the flax oil
ensures a healthy gall bladder. Dur- ence of proteins in the liver and bile
six days a week for two months.

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 443

that either promote or inhibit choles- When you get too much fat and cho - free of infection. The tissue become
terol crystallization into gallstones. lesterol in your diet, there’s a ten- dry and shriveled and is usually

“Commercials are not the only junk food in the speech market – indeed, when compared to shallow news reporting,
dency for these particles to come brought on by a blood clot, frostbite,

vacuous television shows or political doublespeak; commercials are not even the most harmful to mental health.”
Whole Grains Help Prevent together and form gallstones; there- or poor circulation.
Gallstones fore, it makes sense that the best
A study published in the July 2004 advice for people who are prone to Wet Gangrene. This is also
issue of the American Journal of stones is to avoid meats and cooked referred to as gas gangrene. In this
Gastroenterology shows that eating dairy foods and less of anything else form of the disease, dead tissue
foods high in insoluble fiber, such that contains large amounts of fat becomes a breeding ground for bac -
as cereals and breads made from and cholesterol like lard fried foods teria, typically Clostridium, which
whole wheat, can help women avoid or even beans with lard. thrives in the absence of oxygen.

gallstones. This causes the area to become
moist and foul smelling.
How do foods rich in insoluble
fiber help prevent gallstones? Signs/Symptoms
Insoluble fiber not only speeds
Medi-Sign Target Signs and symptoms include, the
intestinal transit time or how quick- Walking, Swimming, Garlic skin looking pale at first, then
ly food moves through the intes- Onions & Lots of Salt become red or bronze, and finally
tines, but also reduces the secretion turning dark red or purple.
of bile acids, increases insulin sensi- Infection makes the skin warm and
The word gangrene comes from the
tivity, and lowers triglycerides or swollen. As the tissue swells,
Latin word gangraena, an eating
blood fats. excessive amounts of inflammation at the site of the infec -
sore. Gangrene is, due to deficiency
bile acids contribute to gallstone tion can become extremely painful.
of blood supply, the death and decay
formation. Abundant in all whole Gas produced by the infecting bac-
of a body part, and is a frequent
grains, insoluble fiber is also found teria may produce, when the
complication in the diabetic foot.
in nuts and the edible skin of fruits swollen area is pressed, a crackly
and vegetables including tomatoes, sensation. The margins of the infec-
It can occur in the skin, the muscles,
cucumbers, many squash, apples, tion expand so rapidly that changes
or even the internal organs.
berries, and pears. In addition, beans are often noticeable within minutes.
Symptoms usually starts suddenly
provide insoluble as well as soluble A foul-smelling brown, red or
and then steadily become worse.
fiber. bloody discharge may drain from
The problem is most commonly
the afflicted tissues that are com-
found in the arms and legs.
pletely destroyed.
A Gallstone Causes
Purge The death of tissue that defines gan -
The infection soon produces sweat-
ing, fever and increased heart rate
grene begins when a section of the
1 cup Olive Oil body loses its blood supply. It’s
elsewhere in the body. If left
1 qt Grapefruit Juice often the result of a serious accident
untreated, the victim will develop a
shock like syndrome with decreased
Mix Olive Oil and Grapefruit Juice in which an arm or leg is crushed.
blood pressure, kidney failure, coma
into a quart jar. Put a lid on it Less commonly, it follows an inter-
and finally death.
and drink it just before bed. Lay nal blockage, such as a
down don’t get up except to go clogged or artery
potty. In the next 24 hours you’ll obstructed by
see the calculi stones pass. They’ll Urgent evalua-
be different colors, sizes and hard- plaque.
tion and
ness. You may have to repeat this treatment is
once again. There are two
needed with
major types
of gangrene:
In general,
Dry Gangrene.
dead tissue
This variety is
should be

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 444

removed to allow healing and pre- A Fiber All Star ing complex carbohydrates. Partic-
vent further infection. Depending Legumes are leader of the pack ularly for menstruating women, who
on the area affected, the condition of when the fiber is compared in foods. are more at risk for iron deficiency,
the person, and the cause of the gan - Like other beans, garbanzos are rich boosting iron stores with garbanzos
grene, treatment may include: in dietary fiber. Soluble fiber forms is a good idea. Iron is an integral
• Amputating the affected body a gel like substance in the digestive component of hemoglobin, which
part. tract that snares bile, which contains transports oxygen from the lungs to
• An emergency operation to cholesterol, and ferries it out of the all body cells, and is also part of
explore or remove dead tissue. body. Research studies have shown key enzyme systems for energy pro-
• An operation to improve blood that insoluble fiber not only helps to duction and metabolism. Remem-
supply to the area. increase stool bulk and prevent con- ber: If you’re pregnant or lactat-
“The most wasted of all days is that on which one has not laughed.”

• Repeated operations to remove stipation, but also helps prevent ing, your needs for iron increase.
dead tissue (debridement). digestive disorders like irritable Also, growing children and ado-
• Treatment in the intensive care bowel syndrome and diverticulosis. lescents also have increased needs
unit (for severely ill people). for iron.
Garbanzo’s Give You Energy to
Life is movement. Whole foods, Burn While Stabilizing Blood Manganese for Energy Production
especially peppers, move and clear Sugar The trace mineral manganese, an
the blood as do onions, horseradish, Soluble fiber helps to stabilize blood essential cofactor in a number of
garlic and mint. Insulin as medica - sugar levels in addition to its benefi - enzymes important in energy pro-
tion eventually creates clogs in the cial effects on the digestive system duction and oxidant protection, is in
body vessels. Control your blood and the heart. Beans like garbanzos contained in garbanzos. For exam-
sugar with high fiber foods, fruits, can really help you balance blood ple, the key oxidative enzyme
exercise and lots of water and salt. sugar levels while if you have superoxide dismutase, which dis-

insulin resistance, hypoglycemia or arms free radicals produced within
diabetes, providing steady, slow the mitochondria or the energy pro-

burning energy. Studies of high duction factories within our cells,
fiber diets and blood sugar levels requires manganese. Just one cup of
have shown the dramatic benefits garbanzo beans does the trick.
provided by these high fiber foods.
Medi-Sign Target Protein Power Plus
Heart Deplaquer Iron for Energy If you’re wondering how to replace
Garbanzos increase your energy by red meat in your menus, become a
helping to replenish your iron stores fan of garbanzo beans. Garbanzos,
Signature of the Heart! in addition to providing slow burn- are a good source of protein. Com -
bine them with a whole grain such
as whole wheat pasta or brown rice
and they can provide protein compa-
rable to that of meat or cooked dairy
foods without the plaque making
calories or saturated fat found in
these foods. When your protein
comes from garbanzos, you also get
the blood sugar stabilizing and heart
health benefits of the soluble fiber
provided by these versatile legumes.

Beneficial to pancreas, stomach,

heart and contains more iron than
other legumes. Garbanzo beans are
also a good source of unsaturated

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 445

fats. There are many varieties, To help clear infections, place a

varying in size and color: red, white, drop of garlic oil in the ear canal
black and brown. once a day. The oil mollifies the
acrid, pungent smell, quality of
Accent on Enjoyment: For turning the garlic, making this a safe rem -
a green salad into a substantial meal edy even for children. Crush sev-
chickpeas are perfect. They add a eral cloves of garlic and soak in
nutty taste and new texture and are three ounces of olive oil for at
particularly good with minced onion least three days. Then strain the
and marinated artichoke hearts. You Garlic promotes circulation and oil through a cloth. Since the

“The foods that promote longevity, virtue, strength, health, happiness and joy;
could also try chickpea dip. It’s a sweating, removes abdominal dawn of civilization, garlic has been
snap to make in the food processor obstructions and stagnant food and used to treat an array of ills. In high
or blender. Just puree the beans and inhibits the common cold virus as doses it has cured encephalitis, low-
add olive oil, tahini, nut butter and ered blood pressure and blood cho-

are juicy, smooth, substantial and agreeable to the stomach.”

well as viruses, amoebae and other
garlic. This can be served with pita microorganisms associated with lesterol and discouraged dangerous
bread or raw vegetables. degenerative diseases like cancer. It blood clotting. Two or three cloves
eliminates worms, unfavorable bac- a day cut the odds of subsequent
How about trying this compromise teria and yeasts including Candida heart attacks in half in heart prob -
if you are faced with a die-hard albicans. It promotes the growth of lems. Garlic tops the National
meat fan? Make meat loaf or meat - healthy intestinal flora, used for Cancer Institute’s list as a cancer
balls, substituting finely chopped dysentery, pneumonia, warts, preventative food because it con-
chickpeas for all of the ground abscesses and hepatitis. Garlic must tains multiple cancer compounds
meat. be taken regularly for several weeks oxidants.

to initiate substantial improvement
in chronic conditions. Garlic lessens chances of stomach
cancer in particular and is a good
Garlic eliminates toxins from the cold assist because it acts as a
decongestant, expectorant, spasmod-
Medi-Sign Target body, including poisonous metals
ic and inflammatory agent. Garlic
such as lead and cadmium. Poul -
Feed, Heals & Cleanses all tices made with chopped garlic draw also, boosts immune responses,
of the Cells out swelling will relieve poison ivy, helps relieve gas, has estrogenic and
poison oak, and nettle stings. Sim- diuretic activity, and appears to lift
mer four cloves of chopped garlic in mood and has a mild calming ef fect.
one cup water for twenty minutes. Aged garlic may be better than
For protection against dysentery cooked garlic. Eat garlic raw, aged
such as when traveling in foreign and cooked for all around health.

countries, chew up a clove of garlic
before consuming suspected food or

water. For amoebic or other forms
of dysentery, eat one half clove
three of four times a day for the
duration. Medi-Sign Target
Bicarbonate of Soda & Water
For the common cold, sore throats,
and sinus headaches, hold a clove of Before Bed
garlic in the mouth for at least 15
minutes, and then consume it. Eat Abdominal bloating is when the
It’s a pure probiotic or “life giving,”
garlic at least once a day to ward of f abdomen feels full and tight. It is
which beats, hands down, any
mosquitoes. When combined with usually caused by intestinal gas.
known pharmaceutical antibiotic or
life destroyer. pet food, garlic also helps repel
fleas from dogs and other pets.

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 446

Oxygen and nitrogen make up the mouth. Any work your teeth don’t
gas swallowed. Most of the swal- do, your stomach will have to do
lowed oxygen is absorbed by the later.
mucous lining of the gut or is used
up by colon bacteria. Very little Gas and Flatulence after High-Fat
appears in the flatus. In contrast, Meals
nitrogen is poorly absorbed by the When bicarbonate is released to
mucous lining and most of the swal - neutralize stomach acid and fat dur-
lowed nitrogen appears in the flatus. ing meals carbon dioxide is pro-
For this reason I call them, “Nitro- duced in the small intestine. Eating
gen Bombs.” a high fat meal can generate a lar ge
amount of carbon dioxide, some of
Treatment Strategies which is released as gas.
1. Avoid lying down after eating.
Gas from the stomach passes into Treatment Strategies
the intestines more readily in this 1. Eat five smaller meals instead of
position. three large meals.
“Laughter is the most healthful exertion.”

2. Relaxation techniques to reduce 2. Avoid high fat meals. In general,

anxiety. fat intake should be about 30 per -
cent of total dietary intake and
3. Self-awareness of aerophagia. should include plenty of monounsat-
Conscious breathing. urated and essential fats. Unhealthy
Common Causes saturated or hydrogenated fats
• Air swallowing (a nervous habit) Poorly Absorbed Carbohydrates should be limited.
• Constipation In the presence of poorly absorbed
• Irritable bowel syndrome carbohydrates, hydrogen and carbon Odorous Flatulence and Gas
• Lactose intolerance and other dioxide are produced by colon bac- Gas that has a strong odor usually
food intolerances teria. If flatulence is accompanied results from the metabolism of sul-
• Overeating by diarrhea and weight loss, it may fur containing proteins and amino
• Partial bowel obstruction indicate a malabsorption disorder acids in the intestines.
such as lactose intoler-
Causes and Treatment of Intestinal ance, a lack of good Eating Foods that
Bloating, Intestinal Gas and Flatu- gut bacteria. Eat Produce Gas
lence ferments especially Certain foods are
Excessive bloating and flatulence yogurt and sauer- inherently gas pro-
are no fun any way you pass it. kraut. ducing including
Flatulence can cause social embar- beans, cabbage,
rassment and discomfort or pain More common is onions, Brussel
when accompanied by intestinal excess flatulence after sprouts, cauliflower,
bloating. Find out the causes of eating large amounts broccoli, and fluffy
your excessive flatulence, gas and of poorly absorbed car- wheat products like bread,
bloating and learn about treatment bohydrates such as beans apples, peaches, pears,
strategies. or foods that the body may prunes, corn, oats, potatoes
be sensitive to. Common and sometimes cheese. This
Swallowed Air carbohydrate sensitivities include kind of gas is healthy.
Aerophagia is when a person habitu- cooked milk and refined grain prod-
ally swallows air. The people that ucts. There are also foods that produce
do this are usually unaware, and the minimal gas. They include, rice,
cause is often anxiety related. Chew Food Carefully bananas, citrus, grapes, hard cheese,
Carbohydrate digestion begins in the eggs, peanut butter, noncarbonated

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 447

“There are certain things that are fundamental to human fulfillment. The essence of these needs is captured in the phrase “to
beverages and yogurt made with like certain illnesses, such as dia-
live bacteria. betes. Studies have shown that
severe or long lasting stress can
Gas: Not a Problem change the balance of chemicals in
Although most children can drink the brain that control mood. People
milk and eat cheese all day long, with certain anxiety disorders have
many adults don’t produce enough changes in certain brain structures
of the enzyme needed to fully digest that control memory or mood, as
the sugar, called lactose, found in have been shown by other studies.
cooked dairy foods. As in legumes In addition, studies have shown that
and beans, this can lead to flatu - anxiety disorders run in families,
lence. like hair or eye color, which means
that they can be inherited from one
We all know how important it is to or both parents. In people who have
get more fiber in your diet. Unfor - an inherited susceptibility to devel-
tunately, the same fiber that lowers oping the disorder, certain environ-
cholesterol and protects against mental factors, like a trauma or a
heart disease is also responsible for significant event, may trigger an

live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy.”

producing large amounts of gas. anxiety disorder.
This is especially true when you’ve
only recently started eating more How Common Are Anxiety Disor-
fiber rich foods. The more you fart ders?
(sorry…release gas), the healthier • Nausea About 19 million adult Americans
you are. That’s the bottom line. • Nightmares are affected by anxiety disorders.

• Numbness or tingling in the Most anxiety disorders begin in
hands or feet childhood, adolescence and early

• Palpitations adulthood. They occur slightly

• Problems sleeping more often in women than in men,
• Repeated thoughts or flashbacks and occur with equal frequency in
of traumatic experiences Caucasians, African Americans and
• Ritualistic behaviors, such as Hispanics.
repeated hand washing
Medi-Sign Target • Shortness of breath There are some things you can do
Foods Grown Under the • Uncontrollable, obsessive to control or lessen symptoms:
Ground & Lavender Oil thoughts • Stop or reduce your consump-
tion of products that contain phar-
What Causes Anxiety Disorders? maceutical caffeine, such as
This disorder involves excessive, The exact cause of anxiety disorders “enhanced” coffees, some teas, cola
unrealistic worry and tension, even is unknown. Anxiety disorders, like and commercial chocolate.
if there is little or nothing to pro - other forms of mental illness, are
voke the anxiety not the result of personal weakness, • Seek counseling and support
a character flaw or poor upbringing. from loved ones or professions after
Symptoms vary depending on the
As scientists continue their research a traumatic or disturbing experience.
type of anxiety disorder, but gen-
on mental illness, it is becoming
eral symptoms include:
clear that many of these disorders Mental Health:
• An inability to be still and calm are caused by a combination of fac - Generalized Anxiety Disorder
• Cold or sweaty hands tors, including changes in the brain As a normal reaction to a stressful
• Dry mouth and environmental stresses. situation, most everyone, at some
• Feelings of panic, fear and
point in their life, experiences tem-
uneasiness Anxiety disorders may be caused by porary anxiety, or a feeling of nerv-
• Muscle tension chemical imbalances in the body, ousness or fear. However, people

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 448

who experience anxiety that is over- and/or abuse drugs or alcohol. treatment is dependency on anti
whelming and consuming may have anxiety medications, or benzodi-
a condition called generalized anxi- What Causes Generalized Anxiety azepines. Other side effects of med-
ety disorder (GADzukes!). Disorder? ications include sleepiness and sexu-
The exact cause of GAD is not fully al problems.
People with GAD characteristically known but the following things
exaggerated anxiety and worry appear to contribute to its develop- What Is the Outlook for People
about everyday life events. They ment: genetics, brain chemistry and with Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
can’t stop worrying about health, environmental stresses. Most people gain substantial relief
money, family, work or school, and from their symptoms with diet,
tend to always expect disaster. This • Genetics relaxation, essential oils, exercise
worry often is unrealistic or out of Research suggests that family histo- and visualization.
proportion for the situation. ry can play a part in increasing the
-Pubilius Syrus

likelihood that a person will develop Social Anxiety Disorder

Daily life becomes a constant state GAD. This means that the tendency When a person has an excessive and
of worry, fear and dread for GAD to develop GAD may be passed on unreasonable fear of social situation,
sufferers. Eventually, the anxiety so in families. it is called social anxiety disorder,
dominates the person’s thinking that or social phobia. Anxiety, intense
“There are some remedies worse than the disease.”

it interferes with daily functioning, • Brain chemistry nervousness and self-consciousness

including work, school, social activ- GAD has been associated with arise from a fear of being closely
ities and relationships. abnormal levels of certain neuro- watched, judged and criticized by
transmitters in the brain. Neuro- others.
What Are the Symptoms of GAD? transmitters are special chemical
GAD affects the way a person messengers that help move informa- A fear that a person with social anx -
thinks, but the anxiety can lead to tion from nerve cell to nerve cell. If iety disorder has is making a mis -
physical symptoms, as well. the neurotransmitters are out of bal- takes and being embarrassed or
ance, messages cannot get through humiliated in front of others. The
Symptoms of GAD include: the brain properly. This can alter fear may be made worse by a lack
• An unrealistic view of problems the way the brain reacts in certain of social skills or experience in
• Being easily startled situations, leading to anxiety. social situations. The anxiety can
• Difficulty concentrating build into a panic attack. Because
• Excessive, ongoing worry and • Environmental factors of this, the person endures certain
tension GAD may be brought on by stress - social situations in extreme distress
• Headaches ful events, like abuse, the death of a or may avoid them altogether. In
• Irritability loved one, and divorce, changing addition, people with social anxiety
• Muscle tension jobs or schools. The use of and disorder often suffer “anticipatory”
• Nausea withdrawal from addictive sub- anxiety, or the fear of a situation
• Restlessness or a feeling of stances, including alcohol, caffeine before it even happens, for days or
being “edgy” and nicotine, can also worsen anxi- weeks before the event. Even
• Sweating ety. A potential complication of though many times the person is
• The need to go to the bathroom aware that the fear is unreasonable,
frequently he is unable to overcome it.
• Tiredness
• Trembling False beliefs about social situations
• Trouble falling or staying asleep and the negative opinions of others
contribute to the distorted thinking
In addition, people with GAD that people with social anxiety dis-
often have other anxiety disor- order suffer from. Without
ders, like panic disorder, obses- treatment, social anxiety disor-
sive compulsive disorder and der can negatively interfere
phobias, suffer from depression, with the person’s normal daily

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 449

routine, including school, work, palms facing up. This pose relieves or separation, bereavement, moving,
social activities and relationships. fatigue due to stress or anxiety. serious injury or illness and job loss.

“America’s health care system is second only to Japan...Canada, Sweden, Great Britain...well, all of Europe.
People with social anxiety disorder Anxiety is an emotional and physio- When the body produces extra
may be afraid of a specific situation, logical state. It encompasses feel- adrenaline, it is naturally responding
but most people with social anxiety ings of unease, fear, and apprehen- to a stressful event. This increases
disorder fear more than one social sion and symptoms such as the heart rate and blood flow to the
situation. Other situations that increased heartbeat, palpitations, muscles and slows down other
commonly provoke anxiety clammy skin, disturbed sleep and processes, such as digestion, so that
include: appetite, muscle tension, inability to we are equipped to run or fight if
• Asking questions or giving relax, restlessness and digestive necessary. This is known as the
reports in groups problems. The physical symptoms “fight-or-flight” response. The
• Being the center of attention of anxiety can be severe enough to body responds automatically in this

But you can thank your lucky stars we don’t live in Paraguay!”
• Eating or drinking in front of mimic a heart attack in some peo - way even though most stressful
others ple, with chest pains, breathlessness, events are unlikely to necessitate
• Interacting with people, includ- pallor, and sweating. such a severe response.
ing dating or going to parties
• Talking on the telephone Although some anxious feelings are The way we respond to stress, not
• Using public toilets normal, like before an exam or pub - so much the stress itself, determines
• Writing or working in front of lic speech, and these serve to whether the impact will be large or
others improve performance, other anxious small. Coping poorly by turning to
feelings disrupt normal everyday alcohol or ignoring the stressor usu-
Social anxiety disorder may be activities. This is when it becomes ally makes the situation worse.
linked to other mental illnesses, a problem. Anxiety can be caused
such as panic disorder, obsessive by a personal, social or physical Over time, unrelieved stress may
compulsive disorder and depression. problem such as a failing marriage, lead to anxiety, insomnia and
financial concerns or illness. depression, or physical symptoms
• Physical symptoms of anxiety such as headaches, fatigue or pains
include confusion, pounding heart, One of the most widely used and in the abdomen or back. Chronic
sweating, shaking, blushing, muscle versatile essential oils is lavender. stress is also considered a risk factor
tension, upset stomach and diarrhea. It helps reduce tension and can be for serious illnesses such as hyper-
used in massage, a compress, a bath tension and heart disease and should
or its vapors can be inhaled from a be taken very seriously.
bowl of hot water.

When viewed calmly, many prob-
lems seem far less insurmountable.
Relaxation and deep breathing may
help you keep your problems in per -
Passionflower spective.
The sedative properties of passion-
flower make it useful for calming Anxiety from Stress
the nervous system and promoting Stress can be anything that disturbs
sleep. Avoid passionflower during a person’s sense of well being
pregnancy. although it is difficult to define.
What might be stressful for one per -
The Child’s Pose son may be an enjoyable challenge
Kneel on a soft surface and let your for another. However, there are
head sink toward the floor, resting events that nearly everyone consid-
your arms loosely by your sides, ers to be stressful, such as divorce

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 450

Conventional medicine now calm when. For instance, if you are Deep abdominal breathing
embraces a wide range of natural sitting in a traffic jam or about to To practice deep abdominal breath-
therapies to manage stress, includ- ask the boss for a raise, take one ing, set aside at least ten minutes
ing relaxation techniques, creative deep, slow breath in, then breathe and find a warm place where you
visualization. out very slowly, relaxing as you do can lie down without being dis-
so. turbed. Place a rolled blanket or
It is important to find the time to towel under your head and neck,
relax and unwind if you are under a Deep Muscle Relaxation and let your legs relax. Close your
great deal of stress. Meditation is It is possible to moderate feelings of eyes, place one hand on your chest
an effective stress reliever because it tension and alleviate your body’s and the other on your abdomen, and
helps to achieve a deep sense of reaction to stress simply by lying concentrate on the rhythm of your
inner calm. Other options include down, closing your eyes, tuning out breathing. Inhale deeply into your
massage and exercise that help by external noises, and allowing all abdomen and then breathe out slow-
reducing muscle tension and your muscles to relax. ly.
As you feel the rhythm of your
Meditation breathing slow, start consciously to
“Happiness lies, first of all, in health.”

Techniques for meditation are wide- pull in your abdominal muscles

ly taught. There are various ways to when you exhale, notice which one
meditate, but focusing on words, of your hands is moving when you
mantras or chants, breathing or breathe in and out, it should be the
images are common in most types hand on your abdomen. When you
of mediation. Massage helps mus- feel that you are breathing into your
cles relax and relieve tension and abdomen, place your hands by your
pain by increasing the circulation of sides with the palms facing up.
blood to the muscles.
Continue breathing in and out, con-
Exercise centrating only on your breath and
Exercise for at least 20 minutes the movement of your abdomen.
three times a week for an excellent Remain in this position for five to
way of reducing tension due to ten minutes.
stress and improving sleep quality.
Walking briskly, jogging, swim- Prevention of Anxiety
ming, playing tennis or cycling are • Keep yourself in good physical
all good forms of exercise that dis - Lie flat on the floor with a blanket, health and you likely will be emo -
charge tension and reduce levels of towel or small pillow under your tionally healthy as well.
stress related hormones in the body. head and neck for support. Let your
Other movement based therapies arms fall out, palms up, about a foot • Eat a balanced diet rich in nutri -
that can help relieve the symptoms away from your body and let your ents, especially the foods listed.
of stress include Yoga and Tai Chi. legs fall slightly apart.
• Get plenty of exercise and sleep.
Beating anxiety and stress with Close your eyes, putting something
Relaxation such as a towel over them can help Acupressure: Press the spot on the
With practice, other stress reducers you relax even more, and take a crease on the inside of your wrist
like deep abdominal breathing and deep breath. As you inhale, tighten that’s directly in line with your little
meditation are easily mastered. all the muscles in your body as finger to alleviate sleep disorders
Some activities, such as listening to much as you can, then, as you brought on by anxiety. Squeeze
music, reading, and gardening, you breathe out, allow them to relax firmly with your thumb and index
can do on your own to unwind. completely. Repeat this twice, tak- finger for one minute, and then
When you’re in a stressful situation, ing a few normal breaths in between repeat on the other hand.
breathing exercises help keep you deep breaths.

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 451

“The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like and do what you’d rather not.”
Aromas: One way to raisins, spinach, win- legumes, mushrooms, nuts, whole
relax is through essen- ter squash, wheat rye flour and whole wheat.
tial oils of lavender, bran, yams and
jasmine and yogurt. Copper: Almonds, avocados, bar-
chamomile. Put a ley, beans, beets, garlic, lentils,
drop or two on a tis- Vitamin D: Dandelion mushrooms, nuts, oats, oranges,
sue and inhale, and greens, oatmeal, sweet pecans, radishes, raisins, soybeans
then rub the oils into potatoes and parsley. and green leafy vegetables.
your temples. Or add Get lots of relaxed
five to six drops to a sunshine, walk or lay Manganese: Avocados, nuts, seeds,
steam inhalation or down. seaweed, whole grains, blueberries,
bath. legumes, dried peas, pineapple and
Vitamin B-12: green leafy vegetables.

genital warts
Exercise: Force your- Soybeans and soy
self to exercise when products, sea vegeta-

you are anxious. Exercise promotes bles such as dulse, kelp, nori and
blood circulation and produce kombu.
endorphins, the body’s natural
painkillers. Vitamin B-3: Nutritional yeast,
broccoli, carrots, corn flour, dande- Medi-Sign Target
Whole Food Cure for Anxiety lion greens, dates, peanuts, pota- Thuja Oil & Garlic
Disorder toes, tomatoes, wheat germ and
Vitamin B-6 sources: Nutritional whole wheat products.
yeast, carrots, peas, spinach, sun- More commonly known as genital
flower seeds, walnuts, wheat germ, Calcium: Dark green leafy vegeta- warts, Condyloma Acuminatum is
bananas, beans, broccoli, brown ice, bles, almonds, asparagus, brewer’s fleshy growths that appear in the
whole grains, cabbage, cantaloupe, yeast, broccoli, cabbage, collards, genital area. Condyloma is caused
corn, dulse, plantains, potatoes, rice dandelion greens, dulse, figs, fil- by the Human Papilloma Virus
bran and soybeans. berts, kale, kelp, mustard greens, (HPV). This is a microscopic virus
oats, prunes, sesame seeds, soy- particle that affects the skin. It
Magnesium natural sources: beans, tofu, turnip greens, water- affects millions of people each year
Apples, apricots, avocados, cress and yogurt. and is extremely common. There is
bananas, nutritional yeast, brown an easy treatment or remedy for
rice, cantaloupe, dulse, figs, garlic, Vitamin A: Green and yellow fruits condyloma although many people
grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, and vegetables. Apricots, asparagus, do not know that there is.
kelp, lemons, lima beans, millet, beet greens, broccoli, cantaloupe,
nuts, peaches, black- carrots, collards, Condyloma Acuminatum is the most
eyed peas, sesame dandelion greens, contagious type of HPV. They are
seeds, soybeans, dulse, garlic, kale, easily passed on from one person to
tofu, watercress, mustard greens, another during sexual intercourse
wheat and whole papayas, peaches, due to their location, in the genital
grains. pumpkin, red pep- region. Many people with HPV
pers, spinach, may not even have any visible warts
Potassium: Whole sweet potatoes, and are unaware that they are
grains, apricots, Swiss chard, turnip spreading HPV, but are carriers of
avocados, bananas, greens, watercress the virus.
lima beans, brewer’s and yellow squash.
yeast, brown rice, Condyloma Symptoms
dates, dulse, figs, Vitamin B-5: Condyloma appears as growths that
dried fruit, garlic, Nutritional yeast, can be whitish, red, or skin color. It
nuts, potatoes, fresh vegetables, is quite common for them to group

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 452

together to form a cauliflower like against such irritants as alcohol and thrombotic and inflammatory agent
cluster. They may become extreme- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory in humans to thin the blood and
ly itchy, but are not usually painful. drugs. It effectively assists nausea soothe the inflammation. It kills
associated with morning sickness, salmonella and staph-bacteria and is
What about Treatment? motion sickness, chemotherapy, and an ulcer agent. Also, it has depres-
A condyloma remedy must not con- anesthesia. sant, diarrhea, and strong oxidant
tain acids or drugs. Many people activity. Ginger is high in preventa-
use medicines or creams that con- Found in the underground stem or tive cancer activity.

tain acids to burn the warts away. rhizome of this perennial herb are
This is the wrong approach! It is the medicinal qualities of ginger.

gum disease/
also not a good idea to have them About one to four percent of dried

“He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.”

burnt off or frozen using cryothera- rhizome is made up of volatile oils.

py. All of these methods usually Even though research is inconclu-

fail, and the warts end up growing sive as to how ginger acts to combat
back. nausea, the pungent constituents in
the volatile oils, gingerol and
A successful, effective treatment shogaol, are believed to be for nau - Medi-Sign Target
should draw the warts out from the sea and vomiting.
root upwards, so that once those
Bicarbonate of Soda, Salt,
warts flake away, they NEVER Inflammation is also reduced by Water & A Good Toothbrush
grow back. Heal Warts is a treat- ginger. It is potent as an inhibitor of
ment, which does exactly that! Gar - prostaglandin and thromboxane for- You’re not alone if your gums are
lic is your answer along with thuja mation and has strong nutrient prop- swollen, tender and bleed easily
oil. (See warts). erties similar to that of bromelain when you brush your teeth. Nearly

for inflammation. Daily doses of 80 percent of American adults have
ginger were prescribed to seven some form of gum, or periodontal,
people suffering from rheumatoid disease. One of the most common
arthritis in one clinical study. of these is gingivitis, which devel-
Medi-Sign Target Conventional drugs had offered lit- ops when bacteria builds up
An Overall Nerve & tle relief. However, after the ginger between your teeth and gums, lead-
Joint Tonic treatments each person reported sub- ing to irritation, inflammation and
stantial improvement in pain relief bleeding. It can progress to more
and joint mobility, and a decrease in serious gum diseases such as peri-
Ginger: Health Benefit
swelling and morning stiffness. odontitis and eventually to the
It may look gnarly and stubby, but
destruction of bone and to tooth
it’s got talent! Ginger is the classic
Ginger is used to treat nausea, vom - loss, if not treated.
tonic for the digestive tract and a
iting, headaches, chest congestion,
staple of traditional Chinese medi-
cholera, colds, diarrhea, stomach Gingivitis is both preventable and
cine for more than 2,500 years.
ache, rheumatism and nervous dis- treatable. Factors such as medica-
eases. Ginger is a proven nausea, tions and lowered immunity make
Classified as an aromatic bitter herb,
motion sickness remedy that match- you more susceptible to gingivitis.
it stimulates digestion, keeps the
es or surpasses drugs such The most common cause of gingivi-
intestinal muscles
as Dramamine. tis is poor oral hygiene.
toned, and
Significantly reduce your risk of
Ginger helps thwart and developing this potentially serious
prevent migraine condition through daily brushing,
bloating, vom-
headaches and osteo- flossing and regular professional
iting, and diar-
arthritis. It cleanings. Professional cleaning
rhea. It may also
relieves symptoms can reverse the damage if you
serve to protect the
of rheumatoid already have gingivitis.
stomach lining
arthritis, acts as

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 453

You can have gingivitis without bones in the rest of your skeleton glaucoma
even knowing it because early stage can shrink and get brittle, so can
gum disease is seldom painful. your jawbone. Bolster your bones
Medi-Sign Target

“I have every sympathy with the American who was so horrified by what he has read of the effects of smoking
Often, though, you’re likely to have with plenty of calcium, found in raw
warning signs such as: dairy products, almonds, and dark Carrot Seed Eyedrops &
greens, exercise, and institute a no Carrot Juice Daily
• Swollen, soft, red gums. smoking policy.
Without warning and often without
• Gums that bleed easily, even if Try a gum massage, grip your
symptoms, glaucoma is a group of
they’re not sore. Many people first gums between your thumb and
eye diseases that gradually steals
detect a change in their gums when index finger, with your index on the
sight. Vision loss is caused by dam-
they notice that the bristles of their outside, and rub. This will increase
age to the optic nerve. This nerve
toothbrush are pink. This is a sign healthy blood circulation to your
responsible for carrying the images
that gums are bleeding with just gums.
we see to the brain and acts like an
slight pressure.
electric cable with over a million
Eat up on vitamin C foods. They
• A change in the color of your can cure gingivitis.
gums from a healthy pink to dusky
The two main types of glaucoma are
open angle glaucoma, or primary
open angle glaucoma (POAG) and
Don’t just take 30 seconds any -

that he gave up reading.”

angle closure glaucoma.
more; if you want to get rid of gin -
givitis, you have to take time to
floss and brush correctly. You’re
going to have to block out three to
five minutes twice or three times a
day for good oral hygiene.

Brush at the gum line. The plaque

Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
catching area around the gum line is
This is the most common form of
where gingivitis starts, and it is the Eat raw vegetables everyday. It
glaucoma, affecting about three mil-
most neglected area when we brush. will keep gingivitis away. Hard and
lion Americans. It happens when
Place your brush at a 45 degree fibrous foods clean and stimulate
the eye’s drainage canals become
angle to your teeth so half of your teeth and gums.
clogged over time with plaque.
brush cleans your gums while the
Because the correct amount of fluid
other half cleans your teeth. Then, Try the baking soda and water
cannot drain out of the eye, the
shimmy your brush, don’t scrape. solution. Take plain baking soda,
inner eye pressure, also called
mix it with a little bit of water , and
intraocular pressure or IOP, rises.
Have two toothbrushes, alternate apply it with your fingers along the
between them. Allow one to dry gum line in a small section of your
With open angle glaucoma, the
and air out while using the other. mouth, then brush. You’ll clean,
entrances to the drainage canals are
polish, neutralize acidic bacterial
clear and should be working correct-
Get a power tool. Studies show an wastes, and deodorize, all in one
ly. The clogging problem occurs
electric rotary toothbrush typically swoop.
inside the drainage canals, like the
removes 98.2 percent of plaque, ver-
clogging that can occur inside the
sus 48.6 percent removed by hand Say aloe to your window sill.
pipe below the drain in a sink.
brushing. Some people brush their gums with
aloe gel because it’s a healing agent
For most people there are no symp -
Bank some bone. Gingivitis is the and it will reduce some of the
toms and no early warning signs. It
beginning of what some call peri- plaque in your mouth.
can cause a gradual loss of vision, if
odontal osteoporosis. Just like the

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 454

open angle glaucoma is not diag- Secondary Glaucoma on the iris and over the eye’s
nosed and treated. Sometimes with- Eye injury, inflammation, tumor or drainage channels. This type of
out noticeable sight loss for many in advanced cases of cataract or dia - glaucoma never occurs on its own
years, this type of glaucoma devel- betes can result in the formation of and is always associated with other
ops slowly. Glaucoma. It can also be caused by abnormalities, most often diabetes.
certain drugs such as steroids. This Causing an increase in eye pressure,
form of glaucoma may be mild or the new blood vessels block the
severe. eye’s fluid from exiting through the
trabecular meshwork.
Pigmentary Glaucoma
This is a form of secondary open Irido Corneal Endothelial
angle glaucoma. It occurs when the Syndrome (ICE)
pigment granules in the back of the This is a rare form of glaucoma,
iris, or the colored part of the eye, which usually is found in only one
break off into the clear fluid pro- eye. In this condition, cells on the
“Health and intellect are the two blessings of life.”

duced inside the eye. Causing eye back surface of the cornea spread
pressure to rise, these tiny pigment across the surface of the iris as well
granules flow toward the drainage as over the eye’s drainage tissue.
canals in the eye and slowly clog This causes an increase in eye pres -
them. sure, which can damage the optic
nerve. These cells also form adhe-
Traumatic Glaucoma sions that bind the iris to the cornea,
Caused by an injury to the eye, this further blocking the drainage chan-
is a form of secondary open angle nels. ICE occurs more frequently in
Angle Closure Glaucoma glaucoma. This type of glaucoma light skinned females. Symptoms
This type of glaucoma is also can occur both immediately after an can include the appearance of halos
known as acute glaucoma or narrow injury to the eye or years later. It around lights and hazy vision upon
angle glaucoma. It is much rarer can be caused by injuries called awakening.
and is very different from open blunt trauma, which “bruise” the
angle glaucoma. With angle closure eye, and injuries that penetrate the Buy an eyecup at a pharmacy or
glaucoma the eye pressure usually eye. health food store, a glass one, and
goes up very fast. This is caused by get an herb called eye bright.
the iris and cornea not being as wide Pseudoexfoliative Glaucoma Follow the directions for drinking it
and open as they should be, when This is a form of secondary open as a tea and straining it for an eye
the pupil enlarges too much or too angle glaucoma. It occurs when a rinse.
quickly, the outer edge of the iris flaky, dry plaque, dandruff like
bunches up over the drainage material peels off the outer layer of Every four months, do a ten day
canals. This can happen when the lens within the eye. Causing carrot juice and water fast. At night
entering a dark room. Symptoms of eye pressure to rise, the material put one drop of carrot seed oil in
angle closure glaucoma may include collects in the angle between the each eye and go to bed.
headaches, eye pain, nausea, rain- cornea and iris and can clog
bows around lights at night and very the drainage system of the
blurred vision. eye. Long recognized as
common in those of Scandina-
Normal Tension Glaucoma (NTG) vian descent.
Normal tension glaucoma is also
known as low tension glaucoma or Neovascular Glaucoma
normal pressure glaucoma. In this This is a form of secondary
type of glaucoma, the optic nerve is open angle glaucoma. It is
damaged even though intraocular caused by the abnormal for-
pressure (IOP) is not very high. mation of new blood vessels

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 455

GLUTAMIC The golden nugget squash is a small Improved varieties were probably

variety only weighing in around one first raised by the skilful gardeners
pound. Both the skin and the flesh of Holland, whose name for the
are orange, making it look like a fruit, Kruisbezie, may have been
Medi-Sign Target small pumpkin. The flesh of a gold- easily corrupted into the present
Strengthens the Emotional en nugget can be sweet, but it will English word gooseberry. Towards
be bland if not mature. It is avail - the end of the 18th century the
Fabric able from late summer through early gooseberry became a favorite object

“True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.”
winter. of cottage-horticulture, especially in

(Non-Essential Amino Acid) Lancashire. Here the working cot-
By improving mental capacities, it ton spinners have raised numerous
is considered to be nature’s “Brain varieties from seed, and their efforts
food.” It helps to speed the healing were chiefly directed to increasing
of ulcers, it gives a “lift” from Medi-Sign Target the size of the fruit.
fatigue and helps control alco-
holism, schizophrenia and the crav- Blood Purifier
ing for sugar.

The gooseberry is a well known
fruit bearing bush. Closely related
species are found in northern and
central Europe, Ribes grossularia,
Medi-Sign Target and in North America, Ribes hirtel-
Pure Neuro Intelligence lum.

Piedmont and Savoy, it is uncertain

(Non-Essential Amino Acid) whether the Romans were acquaint-
Helps trigger the release of oxygen ed with the gooseberry. It’s possible
to the energy requiring cell making that it happened in a vague passage
process. It is also important in the of Pliny because the hot summers of
manufacturing of hormones respon- Italy, in ancient times as at present,
sible for a strong immune system. would be unfavorable to its cultiva-

tion. Abundant in Germany and
France, it does not appear to have

The early settlers introduced the
been much grown there in the
United States to the gooseberry. In
Middle Ages, though the wild fruit
certain portions of New England
was held in high esteem medicinally
large quantities of the green fruit are
for the cooling properties of its acid
Medi-Sign Target produced and sold for culinary use
juice in fevers. While the old
in the towns. The excessive heat of
Liver, Skin & Muscles English name, Feaberry, still surviv-
the American summer is not adapted
ing in some provincial dialects, indi-
for the healthy maturation of the
cates that it was similarly valued in
berries, especially for those of the
Britain, where it was planted
English variety. Though the goose-
in gardens at a comparative-
berry does not readily hybridize,
ly early period.
perhaps if some of these, or those
raised in the country, could be
William Turner describes the
crossed with one of the indigenous
gooseberry in his Herbal 1
species, kinds might be obtained
and also in one of Thomas
better fitted for American conditions
Tusser’s rhymes about ordi-
of culture.
nary object garden culture.

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:06 AM Page 456

GRAINS kernel of grain: the endosperm, or By increasing the flow of gastric

central core, which is about 80 per - juices, grapefruit juice eases consti-
cent of the entire kernel; the germ, pation and improves digestion. It
Medi-Sign Target which comprises about three per- can also aid in weight loss.
cent; and the bran, which encom- Research shows by slowing the
Brains passes 15 percent of the kernel. emptying of the stomach, the pectin
Whole grain products have a high content of grapefruits reduces
concentration of nutrients and con- appetite.
tain all three parts of the grain.
However, when grain is refined in Grapefruit pectin also strengthens
milling to produce white flour blood vessels and capillaries and
products, the germ and bran are reduces the accumulation of athero-
removed, leaving only the sclerotic plaque in people afflicted
endosperm. Leaving a devital- with atherosclerosis. Pectin even
ized product as a result, most of halted the metastasis of prostate
“Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body.”

the essential nutrients of the cancer in a study conducted in

grain are removed. Copenhagen.

Whole grains nutrients help promote Owing to its significant stores of the
good, overall health. They also bioflavonoid naringenin, grapefruit
Grains for Brains
have a tremendous effect on reliev- prevents the metastasis of melanoma
An optimum diet containing an
ing the symptoms and reducing the and arrests the spreading of breast
abundance of high nutrient, low
risk of a wide variety of female cancer cells. In the area of colds,
stress, real foods is the basis for
related health problems. Whole grapefruit juice helps reduce fever
good health, energy and a sense of
grains have a very potent effect on and soothes coughs and sore throats.
regulating estrogen levels in the Consumed at night, grapefruit juice
body, through their high levels of promotes sleep and alleviates
Whole grains are the seeds of vari -
phytoestrogens and natural plant insomnia and weight loss.
ous grasses and are often referred to

estrogens, their fiber content and
as “cereals.” They have acted as
their high levels of vitamin B com -
our body’s main source of fuel and
plex, vitamin E and over 9,000
energy and have been the mainstay
of the human diet for thousands of

years. While the grains consumed Medi-Sign Target
in different societies vary greatly, Heart & Blood
such as wheat in the United States
and rice in the Orient, they provide
the backbone for all diets. In fact, a Medi-Sign Target Better than Chemo
meal without grain often feels Breasts, Heart & Blood A feast of love, life and health. Ter-
incomplete and somehow lacking. minal cancer people have totally
remised their condition by
Within themselves, whole grains are eating nothing but
almost complete meals. When they grapes and drinking
are sprouted they contain fiber, pro- water for 40 days.
tein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins
such as B and E complexes, and Other Reasons to
many minerals like calcium, magne- Eat Them
sium, potassium, iron, copper and Grapes can grow in
manganese. almost every type of cli-
mate, and while they do
There are three main parts to each particularly well in regions

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:07 AM Page 457

vines must be staked or trel- ed and seedless, grown in this coun-

lised as they grow; to try.
support the heavy
bunches of fruit. EUROPEAN VARIETIES
Leaves and Our familiar table grapes are

“As Miss America, my goal is to bring peace to the entire world and then to get my own apartment.”
shoots are derived from a single European
pruned species, Vitis vinifera. Varieties of
from the vinifera grapes were grown by the
vines and, ancients, and now are made into the
depending on the world’s wines and dried to produce
variety, to improve raisins. These types of grapes have
the quality of the fruit, the relatively thin skins that adhere
flower clusters or the berries closely to their flesh. When seeds
such as the Mediterranean, where themselves must be thinned by are present, they can be slipped out
they have long been established, hand. of the pulp quite easily, some vari-
they are now cultivated on six conti - eties are seedless. Spanish mission-
nents. They are served as a fresh Grapes develop sugar as they ripen, aries moving north from Mexico
fruit, preserved or canned in jellies but will become no sweeter once established vineyards in California
and jams, dried into raisins, and picked. So timing the harvest is of in the late 18th century. There,
crushed for making juice or wine. the utmost importance. Table commercial cultivation of several
grapes are harvested by hand to varieties was established by 1860.
The grape is one of the oldest cul- ensure that they reach the consumer
tivated fruits. Fossils indicate that in full, handsome clusters. Grapes About 97 percent of all European
the cultivation, or at least the con - intended for processing can be varieties of grapes in the United
sumption, of grapes goes back to

-Jay Leno
removed from the vines with States today are produced by Cali-
early times, perhaps to the Neolithic mechanical pickers. fornia. A large proportion of the
era. Hieroglyphics show that Egyp- California crop is used for wine-
tians were involved in grape and Varieties making and raisins; however, the
wine production, and the early There are two basic types of grapes, remainder is sufficient to provide a
Romans were known to have devel- American and European. Today, bountiful supply of fresh fruit for
oped new varieties. Of course, the both are grown in the United States, American tables during most of the
grape is mentioned but the European year. The major varieties are har-
in the Old Testament grapes are cer- vested in different seasons, and
as the “fruit of the tainly more popu- importing grapes from Chile and
vine.” lar and versatile. Mexico extend the period of market
Seeded varieties availability for some types.
Today, although are thought to
modern equipment is have better flavor BLACK BEAUTY (BEAUTY SEEDLESS)
employed in certain than seedless, but These are the only seedless black
aspects of grape Americans, who grapes. They are spicy and sweet,
growing, much of tend to eat grapes resembling Concords in flavor.
viticulture, as grape as a snack rather Season: late May to early July.
growing is called, is than as a dessert,
still done by hand. seem to prefer the CALMERIA
Grapes grow on convenience of These are pale green oval fruits.
woody vines that are seedless grapes. They have a mildly sweet flavor,
not raised from The list that fol- comparatively thick skin and a few
seeds, but are propa- lows covers the small seeds. The grapes are so elon-
gated from cuttings major, and a few gated that they are sometimes called
or grafted onto exist- minor, varieties of Lady Finger grapes. Season: Jan-
ing rootstocks. The grapes, both seed- uary and February.

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:07 AM Page 458

CARDINAL flavor is quite delicate.

A cross between the Flame, Tokay Season: September
“Our doctor would never really operate unless it was necessary. He was just that way. If he didn’t need the money,

and Ribier, these large, dark red through January.

grapes have a pearly gray finish, a
full, fruity flavor and few seeds. RED MALAGA
Season: mid-May through mid- Ranging in color from
August. pinkish red to purple,
these grapes are crisp and
CHAMPAGNE mildly sweet. Their rather
(BLACK CORINTH) thick skins make them
These grapes are tiny, purple and good shippers. Season:
seedless with a deliciously winy July through September.
sweet-tart and crunchy. Season:
sweetness. Some are dried to pro-
mid-June through September;
duce currants. They are called
Chilean imports are available from
champagne grapes because the These large, blue-black grapes,
December through April.
grape clusters resemble champagne which grow in generous bunches,
bubbles. They are available prima- have tender skins. They are sweeter
rily at gourmet produce markets. than the look-alike Exotic, and
Season: September and October. arrive at market later in the summer.
he wouldn’t lay a hand on you.”

This variety has taken the place of

Chilean imports augment the supply
the older Muscat varieties, which
during the winter. Season: August
today are mainly used for making
These grapes are second only to through February.
wine. Muscats are large, greenish
Thompson Seedless in quantity
gold seeded grapes with a wine-like
grown. These small seeded red
sweetness and fragrance. The Italias
grapes may vary in color from red These deep red oval grapes are
have a milder flavor than the older
violet to deep purple. Their flavor sweet and juicy. Season: late
varieties. Season: August to
is mild and somewhat cherry-like. August through January; Chilean
They have lower sugar content than imports are available from January
many table grapes. Thick skinned through May.
Emperors are good shippers and
These round, crisp,
stand up well to consumer handling.
green grapes, which
Their large size and full, round These oval, amber green
have a frosty white
shape make them popular for holi- grapes are the most pop-
“bloom” on their sur-
day tables. They also store well, ular fresh variety grown
face, are the first
lengthening their period of availabil- in the United States.
arrivals from
ity. Season: California-grown They are also the fore-
California each year.
Emperors are on the market from most variety used for
They are also import-
August through March; Chilean processing into raisins.
ed from Mexico in the
imports are available in March and Season: June through
early summer.
April. November; Chilean
Season: May into
imports are available
early July.
from December through
These blue-black grapes are seeded April.
and firm-fleshed, and resemble the
These large, firm grapes are rusty
Ribiers. Season: June through
red in color and have a mildly sweet
flavor. Season: August and
A sweeter version of the Flame
Seedless, these grapes have large,
Flame grapes are round, deep red elongated, crunchy orange-red
and seedless. These grapes are a berries. Season: August through
These very large red grapes have a
relatively new variety. They are December.
crisp texture and large seeds. The

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:07 AM Page 459

AMERICAN VARIETIES they are generally sold locally, how- Availability Red and green grapes
Two species native to the United ever, small quantities of these are available year round.
States are Vitis labrusca and Vitis grapes reach the market as table
rotundita. Viking explorer Leif grapes. Shopping
Ericson found Labrusca grapes Grapes are thin-skinned and easily
growing so abundantly on the east All American grape varieties ripen damaged. They should be displayed

“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.”
coast of North America, which in the fall and are available only in under refrigeration and no more
resulted in his naming the newfound September and October. than two bunches deep. The bunch-
territory “Vinland.” Later settlers es may be enclosed in perforated
tried to establish European grapes plastic bags or wrapped in tissue
for winemaking in the eastern paper. Wrapped grapes are better
United States and failed. In the late protected from damage caused by
18th century Easterners started to customer handling but loose bunch-
domesticate native varieties, which es are easiest to evaluate.
were obviously well suited to the
local climate. Today, labrusca are Unripe grapes are not usually a
the primary type of American grapes problem for the consumer since
grown. grapes are not picked and shipped
until ripe. However, you can use
Because their skin separates readily color as a guide to the sweetest
from the flesh and thei seeds are fruit. Rather than an opaque grass
tightly embedded in the pulp, CONCORD green, green grapes should tend
American varieties are sometimes The major variety of American toward a translucent yellow-green.
called slipskin grapes. The most grape, large, round Concord grapes All of the fruit on a bunch of red
familiar American variety is a typi- are blue-black with a powdery grapes should be predominantly
cal labrusca grape called the bloom, sweet-tart flavor and per- crimson. Blue grapes should be
Concord. It has a thick skin and a fumed fragrance. They are most darkly hued and look almost black.
heady, sweet aroma that surpasses commonly used in grape preserves Grapes will not ripen further once
its bland to sour flavor. This variety and juice. they have been picked. If you spot
originated in Massachusetts in the a bunch with many underdeveloped,
1840’s. Discovered in the 1820’s in DELAWARE very green fruits, leave it in the
Maryland and used for making These small, pinkish-red grapes store.
wine, is another fairly well known have a more tender skin than other
American variety called the American varieties. They are sweet A bunch of grapes in the market
Catawba. and juicy. should look like plump fruit with a
silvery white “bloom,” tightly
Commercial production of American NIAGARA attached to moist, flexible stems.
varieties is still concentrated in the These large, amber colored grapes This is with the exception of
East, even though they can be have a grayish bloom.
grown in many parts of the country. Niagra may be either
New York State is the major grower. round or egg shaped.
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arkansas, They are somewhat
and the state of Washington also coarse fleshed, and are
produce some American grapes. less sweet than most
other American varieties.
Nearly the entire crop is processed
into jam, jelly, juice, wine and other STEUBEN
food products. Cream of tartar, an These blue-black grapes
ingredient in some types of baking are similar to the
powder, is made from Concord Concord, but have less
grapes. Since they do not ship well of a wine like flavor.

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:07 AM Page 460

Emperor Grapes, which should have The scientific name for the raisin is Boron for Better Bone Health
brown, woody stems. The powdery Vitus vinifera. Raisins are made in Having been of special interest in
bloom, which is more visible on a process that either involves the women in relationship to bone
dark-colored grapes than on pale heat of the sun or a mechanical health and osteoporosis, boron is a
ones, is an important sign of fresh- process of oven drying which dehy- mineral that is critical to our health,
ness. It may fade with time and drates the grapes. Sultana, Malaga, however it has not often been spot -
handling. Wrinkled, sticky or discol- Monukka, Zante Currant, Muscat lighted in public health recommen-
ored grapes on withered, brown, and Thompson seedless are among dations. Boron is a trace mineral
limp or brittle stems should be the most popular types of raisins. required to convert estrogen and
avoided. The size of small pebbles, raisins vitamin D, respectively, to their
have wrinkled skins surrounding most active forms: 17-beta-estradiol
Storage chewy flesh that tastes like a burst and 1,25-(OH)2D3. Causing osteo-
Remove any spoiled fruit before of sugary sweetness. Raisins may clasts to become more sensitive to
storing grapes at home. Place vary in color although most of the parathyroid hormone, estrogen lev-
“Common sense is in medicine the master workman.”

unwashed grapes in a plastic bag time they are a deep brown with a els drop after menopause, this sig-
and store them in the refrigerator. hint of purple. nals them to break down bone.
They should keep for about a week. Studies have shown that boron pro-
vides protection against osteo-
Preparation porosis and reproduces many
Remove any damaged fruit of the positive effects of estro-
and wash the grapes under gen therapy in post-
cold water just before serving. menopausal women.
Leave the bunch whole, or
divide it into smaller branches History
for serving. This can be easily The drying of grapes into
done with a pair of shears. raisins has been practiced
since ancient times. With one
The American slip-skin types of their first mentions being in
of grapes are much easier to the Old Testament, raisins
use if your recipe requires peeled Health Benefits were produced in Persia and Egypt
grapes. If you still would like to Raisins have a great amount of as early as 2,000 BC. Murals from
use the European grapes, they are boron, which is a trace mineral prehistoric times show that raisins
easier to peel if you drop them into found in the United States diet. were consumed and used as decora-
boiling water for a few seconds, They have also been the object of tions in the Mediterranean region of
then immediately drain and cool phytonutrient research primarily for Europe during that era. Raisins
them in ice water. However, most their unique phenol content. were also highly prized by the
recipes that call for peeled grapes ancient Romans, who adorned their
can be done with unpeeled grapes, Fruit phenols have been show to places of worships with them and
unless you find grape skins objec- have nutrient activity to prevent used them as barter currency and as
tionable. If seeding is required, oxygen-based damage to cells in the prizes for the winners of sporting
halve each grape and pick out the body. The total nutritional activity events. In addition, raisins were
seeds with the tip of the knife. An of many fruits and vegetables has often times an integral item on the
even easier way, is to choose seed- been found to be exactly parallel to menus at Bacchanalian feasts. The
less grape varieties. their total phenol content. Raisins practice of drying grapes into raisins
take their place in this list right subsequently spread throughout the
RAISINS alongside prunes and apricots as world from ancient Rome.
When most fruits are dried, they nutrition-rich fruit. Raisins contain
keep their same name, but not the the phenols including hydroxycin- Raisins have been cultivated since
grape. The dried form of the grape, namics, caftaric and coutaric acids, the 19th century in California in a
revered throughout history, has its procyanidins, and flavanols-3. region known as the San Joaquin
own unique name: the raisin. valley where it is currently, the

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:07 AM Page 461

largest commercial producer of also typically treated with sulfur keep almost indefinitely. Once
raisins. dioxide to preserve the light color. opened, reseal the package, exclud-
Bummer… ing as much air as possible, or trans -
In 1873, when a heat wave fer the raisins to an airtight jar or
destroyed the grape harvest, a grow- MONUKKA RAISINS bag. Proper storage will deter the

“The only way for a rich man to be healthy is by exercise and abstinence, to live as if he were poor.”
er took the dried grapes, the raisins, These large, dark, seedless raisins fruit from drying out and will pre -
to a grocer in San Francisco whose come from the grapes of the same vent the sugar from crystallizing on
attempts to sell this ancient delicacy name. They’re produced in limited the surface. If refrigerated, the
were met with great response and quantities and are usually available raisins will keep for up to a year.

Grapeseed Oil
demand, beginning the rise in popu- at health-food stores.
larity of the raisin in America. In
addition to California, Australia, MUSCAT RAISINS
Turkey, Greece, Iran and Chile are Large, brown and particularly fruity
among the leading commercial pro- tasting, these raisins are made from Medi-Sign Target
ducers of raisins. big, greenish-gold Muscat grapes.
Blood & Lymph Cells
Muscats are considered a specialty
A process that has remained virtual- item and are mostly used in baking.
ly unchanged is the picking of the
grapes and laying them in the sun to DARK RAISINS
dry. Today, most raisins are still (“NATURAL SEEDLESS”)
sun-dried, though some are dried in These sun dried Thompson Seedless
ovens. Raisins were a precious grapes constitute 95 percent of the
trade item in the ancient Near East Californian raisin crop. The green
and also highly valued in ancient grapes naturally develop a dark
Rome where two jars of raisins brown color as they dry in the sun, a
could be exchanged for a slave. process that takes from two to three
Different varieties include:
CURRANTS SULTANAS Grapeseed oil is ideal for soap mak -
Made from small Black Corinth The large, yellow-green grapes that ing, salad dressing, cooking oil, fry-
grapes, currants are seedless and are dried into these raisins are par -
ing oil and baking oil. It raises
very dark in color. About one ticularly flavorful and soft. Sultanas HDL or good cholesterol, and low-
fourth the size of other raisins, cur - are more popular in Europe than in ers the LDL or bad cholesterol,
rants are sometimes labeled “Zante the United States. However, they reducing a primary risk factor for
Currants,” referring to the Greek are available in many gourmet and heart disease. For over 100 years,
island where the Corinth first grew. health food stores.
its healthful qualities have appreci-
Like natural seedless raisins, these Check that the box or bag is tightly While it moisturizes and tones,
are also Thompson Seedless grapes, sealed when buying packaged grapeseed oil is powerful and pro-
but are oven-dried to avoid the dark - raisins. Squeeze and shake the tects skin cells. A favorite of mas-
ening effect of sunlight. They are package to see if the fruit is soft; if sage folks, it quickly penetrates the
the raisins rattle inside, they are
skin. It is odorless and often used
dried out. Choose moist looking, in massage and facial oils being
clean fruit, when buying raisins in good for those folks whose skin
bulk at a gourmet shop or health does not seem to absorb easily. It is
food store. usually blended with other more
nutrient rich carries when it is used
in skin care products. It is ideal for
If stored in the refrigerator, use in products for thin, greasy,
unopened packages of raisins will damaged and delicate hair, body

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:07 AM Page 462

“Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack. We give it orders which make no sense.”
hygiene creams, lip balms, hand reduce the effect of an overworked, work. While these feelings and
creams, and regenerative products excessive liver on the stomach and behaviors are normal during grief,
for mature, damaged and stressed spleen-pancreas. They are also they will pass.
skin. known to reduce vomiting, hiccups,
belching, coughing and are a diuret- How long does grief last?
It is high in vitamin E, and a group ic and a mild laxative. Also used As long as it takes you to accept and
of bioflavonoids. It is also high in for spasms, edema, constipation, learn to live with your loss, grief
linoleic acid, one of two essential and skin eruptions, such as carbun- will last. For some people, grief
fatty acids that the human body can cles and boils. lasts a few months, or grieving may

not produce. Among all cooking take years for others. The length of
oils, grapeseed oil, like avocado oil, time spent grieving is different for
produces less smoke and less danger each person. Personality, health,
of burning. coping style, culture, family back-
Medi-Sign Target
ground and life experiences are
Humor is the Best Medicine many of the reasons for differences.
& Pet Animals The time spent grieving also
depends how prepared you were for
Medi-Sign Target the loss and on your relationship
Spleen, Pancreas & What is grief? Laughter over-
with the person lost.
comes grief.
Blood Builder Grief is the normal response of sor-
How will I know when I’m done
row, emotion, and confusion
that comes from losing some-
Every person who experiences a
one or something important to
death or other loss must complete a
you. It is a natural part of life
four step grieving process:
and is a typical reaction to
death, divorce, job loss, a
1. Accept the loss.
move away from family and
friends or loss of good health
2. Work through and feel the physi-
due to illness.
cal and emotional pain of grief.
How does grief feel?
3. Adjust to living in a world with -
It is known to strengthen the spleen- You may feel empty and numb just
out the person or item lost.
pancreas and the kidneys and after a death or loss, as if you are in
increases yin fluids. Used for dia- shock. Trembling, nausea, trouble
betes and the frequent urination and breathing, muscle weakness, dry
thirst accompanying this condition. mouth, or trouble sleeping and eat-
Also green beans are used to treat ing are some physical changes that
involuntary seminal emission, diar- you may notice.
rhea, and leucorrhea.

You may become angry, possibly at
a situation, a particular person, or
just angry in general. Almost every-
one in grief also experiences guilt.
Medi-Sign Target Guilt is often expressed as “I could
Spleen, Pancreas & have, I should have, and I wish I
Blood Builder would have” statements. Shoodda,
coodda, wooda. People in grief may
have strange dreams or nightmares,
Peas to Please! be absent-minded, withdraw social-
Regenerate the spleen-pancreas and ly, or lack the desire to return to
stomach, balance digestion and

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:07 AM Page 463

4. Move on with life. growth eventually grow to approximately

the same height as their parents.
The grieving process is over only
when a person completes the four • Illnesses that affect the whole
steps. Medi-Sign Target body, also called systemic diseases.
Breast-Feed, Mushrooms, Constant malnutrition, digestive
How does grief differ from depres- tract diseases, kidney disease, heart
sion? Nuts & Seeds disease, lung disease, diabetes, and
Depression is more than a feeling of severe stress, can cause growth
grief after losing someone or some- What causes growth problems? problems.

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

thing you love. Clinical depression The cause of a growth problem
is a whole body disorder. It can depends on the type of growth dis- • Endocrine or hormone diseases.
take over the way you think and order in question. While some Adequate production of the thyroid
feel. growth problems may be caused by hormone is necessary for normal
hormonal disorders or poor absorp- bone growth. Cushing’s syndrome
Symptoms of depression include: tion of food, others are genetic. can be caused by a multitude of
abnormalities. These
• A sad, anxious, or “empty” are the result of hyper-
mood that won’t go away secretion of corticos-
teroids by the adrenal
• Changes in sleep patterns gland. Growth hor-
mone deficiency
• Feeling guilty, worthless, or involves a problem with
helpless the pituitary gland, a
small gland at the base
• Feeling hopeless or gloomy of the brain that secretes
several hormones,
• Low energy, fatigue, feeling including growth hor-
“slowed down” mone.

• Loss of appetite, weight loss, or • Congenital, or prob-

weight gain lems present at birth in
the tissues where
• Loss of interest in what you used growth occurs. Slow
to enjoy Causes for growth problems usu- growth within the uterus occurs dur-
ally fall into the following cate- ing a pregnancy, with a condition
• Recurring aches and pains that gories: called intrauterine growth restriction
don’t respond to treatment • Inherited vaccine damage. (IUGR). In proportion to his/her
short stature, the baby is born small -
• Thoughts of death or suicide or a • Familial short stature. Familial er in weight and length than normal.
suicide attempt short stature is a tendency to follow
the family’s inherited tendency to be Having too many or too few chro -
• Trouble concentrating, remem- short. mosomes can result in health prob-
bering, or making decisions If you lems, including problems with
recently experienced a death or • Constitutional growth delay with growth.
other loss, these feelings may be delayed adolescence or delayed mat-
part of a normal grief reaction. But uration. This may describe a child The following is an example of
if these feelings persist with no lift - who tends to be shorter than average one chromosome abnormality that
ing mood, look for comic relief. and who enters puberty later than results from too few chromo-
(See: Feeding Your Emotions) average, but is growing at a normal somes:
rate. Most of these children tend to Seen in girls, Turner syndrome is a

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:07 AM Page 464

genetic disorder that causes them to mally small for his/her age, some A tropical fruit believed to have
be shorter than others and to not growth problems may be immedi- originated in Central America. The
mature sexually as they grow into ately diagnosed at birth. However, guava plant was domesticated more
“Most diseases are the result of medication which has been prescribed to relieve and take away a beneficiant

adulthood. The severity of these when the child appears smaller than than 2,000 years ago. It thrives in a
problems varies among affected his/her classmates, or when growth variety of soils, propagates easily
individuals. Other health problems appears to be insignificant over a and bears fruit relatively quickly.
may also be present involving the period of a year, many growth prob- Considered the “apple of the trop-
heart or renal system. Turner syn- lems are noticed much later. ics,” where it enriches the diet of
drome occurs in one in 2,500 millions of people, guava is com-
females born. Turner syndrome The primary symptom that may mon throughout most tropical
results from having a missing X indicate a growth problem after regions.
chromosome in each of the body’s his/her second birthday is when a
cells. child grows less than two inches a Same body impacts as apricots and
year. Symptoms of growth prob- peaches.

There are more than 50 bone dis - lems may resemble other problems
eases that affect or medical conditions as
and warning symptom on the part of Nature.”

height and growth, well.

many of which are
genetic. Achon- Not getting adequate
Medi-Sign Target
droplasia is the most amounts of protein, and Green Leafy Foods &
common. It is a type nutrient dense calories, in Ferments
of dwarfism in which your diet can also cause
the child’s arms and growth to slow, as well as
Guilt is the inability to forgive one-
legs are short in pro- a number of other chronic
self for a perceived wrongdoing.
portion to his/her medical conditions such
You believe you have done some-
body length. Further- as kidney, heart, lung and
thing wrong. The wrongdoing may
more, the head is intestinal diseases.
or may not have had negative conse -
often large and the
quences for yourself and/or others.
trunk is normal size. The number one thing
If others were involved, they may or
that helps is the mother
may not still be angry or hurt by the
If their parents are tall, some girls nursing her child for at least one
wrongdoing. A perceived wrongdo-
may have an abnormal tall stature year and up to as much as five
ing may be an action, a thought or a
for their age. A growth disorder years.
feeling. If the wrongdoing was an

called precocious puberty may result
action, you probably think of it as a
in growth stopping at an early age.
mistake. Because you cannot for-
It is characterized by an early onset
give yourself for it, you feel guilty
of adolescence in which a child is
tall for his/her age initially, but, due Medi-Sign Target for the wrongdoing. You cannot let
it go. You will not overcome the
to rapid bone maturity, they may Skin, Whole Body &
guilt if you cannot forgive yourself.
wind up short as adults. Where All Cells
other health problems are also pres-
Are Certain People Prone to
ent, there are a few genetic condi -
tions which result in tall stature.
Everyone has felt guilty at
There are several growth disorders
some time. However, some
that are idiopathic, meaning with no
people feel guilty much of the
known cause for the growth prob-
time. Any time they make a
mistake; they continually
remember it and feel badly
What are the symptoms of growth
about it. If you feel guilty
frequently, you may find
Because the infant may be abnor-
that you also have one or

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:07 AM Page 465

more of the following characteris- have found the cause, consider why Gout is a type of arthritis that feels
tics: you cannot forgive yourself. What like a bolt from the blue. Its excru -
• A need to be in control do you need to forgive yourself? ciating, throbbing pain often hits at
• Frequent anxiety Does feeling guilty serve a purpose night, turning the skin red hot and
• Inability to forgive others who for you? leaving the affected joint swollen
have wronged you and tender. Even worse, an attack
• Inability to let go of anger (at Ultimately, you will need to learn can last for days.
yourself or others) that making mistakes is an impor-
• Low self-esteem tant part of life. Mistakes are tools Gout is caused by very plebian uric
• Perfectionist tendencies for learning. When you think about acid and it was once considered the
• Tendency to be depressed the cause of your guilt, consider domain of royalty. We all have it in
what you have learned our bloodstreams. However, if you
These qualities may from it. If you feel you suffer from gout, you either you
lead to frequent guilt or haven’t learned any- produce too much, or you produce a

“Nature, time and patience are three great physicians.”

frequent guilt may lead thing, what can you normal amount and don’t excrete
to these qualities. It learn now? Are you enough. Either way, the excess
may be a never ending having trouble forgiv- turns into tiny, trouble making crys-
cycle. ing yourself because tals that inflame your joints.
you expect yourself to
The ways to overcome be perfect? If someone The big toe is the prime tar get
guilt are as numerous as else made the same although almost any joint can
the individuals who feel mistake, what would become a sore point. While anyone
guilty. An important you tell them? can fall prey to gout, the typical vic -
step towards self-for- tim is a middle-aged male, who may
giveness may be the act You probably will not be overweight and may have a fami -
of discussing your feel- overcome guilt in a ly history of the disease.
ings out loud. When day. If you have a ten-
you share your “wrong dency towards guilt,
doing” with another you will need to use
person, you also will tools on a regular basis
see that what you did, to accept and learn
thought or felt, was not so horrible. from your mistakes. Imagine your
It is a good idea to be sure that you life without guilt. Imagine how
trust the person with whom you are you’d feel about yourself if you did -
sharing. Before you are able to for - n’t regret your mistakes. Practice
give yourself, you may find that you letting go, practice acceptance, prac-
need to work on other issues. If tice forgiveness.
your self-esteem is low, you may Cherries. There is no hard evidence
need to work on that before you Often times, simple little random saying that cherries relieve gout,
believe you are worthy of forgive- acts of kindness to animals and oth - many people for thousands of years
ness. You may need to learn to let ers act as an emotional enema. It have found them beneficial. The
go of tendencies first, because, per- washes the guilt away by focusing benefits from cherries do not stem
fectionism and the need to be in on what you can do, not what you from the variety. In other words,
control may be major blocks in try - did. (See: Feeding Your Emotions) they can be sweet or sour, canned or

ing to overcome guilt. fresh. Reported amounts vary from
a handful, about ten cherries, a day
You may not know why you are up to a half pound. People have
feeling guilty. If this is the case, it also reported success with one table-
may be time to sit down and explore
Medi-Sign Target spoon of cherry concentrate, made
your feelings. Journaling may be a Water, Salt & Lots of from soaking ten cherries in a cup
useful tool in the process. Once you Cherries of water overnight.

G_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 10:07 AM Page 466

Avoid aspirin or acetaminophen. By

inhibiting excretion of uric acid,
both can actually make gout worse.

Apply ice. Try applying a crushed-

ice pack if the affected joint is not
too tender to touch. The ice will
have a soothing, numbing effect.
Place the pack on the painful joint
and leave it for about ten minutes.
Cushion it with a towel or sponge.
Reapply as needed.
“Symptoms are in reality nothing but a cry from suffering organs.”

Avoid high purine foods. Those

foods most likely to induce gout
contain anywhere from 150 to 1,000
milligrams of animal or secondary
purine in each three and a half
ounce serving. They include high-
protein animal products such as
anchovies, brains, gravy, heart, her-
ring, kidney, liver, meat extracts,
mussels, sardines and sweetbreads.

Eat other purine-containing plant

foods instead for a relief effect.
These foods include asparagus, dry
beans, cauliflower, lentils, mush-
rooms, oatmeal, dry peas, spinach,
whole-grain cereals, whole-grain
breads and yeast.

Drink lots of water. Large amounts

of fluid can help flush excess uric
acid from your system before it can
do any harm. Most people just
don’t drink enough water or eat
enough salt. Drinking large
amounts of water may also help dis -
courage the kidney stones that peo-
ple with gout are prone to.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 467

~H h~
History: The Letter H

Picket, barbed wire, board, electric, hedge, intertrack, rail, snow, stone, worm, wrought iron
and woven-wire are all types of fences. Our modern “H” developed from the Phoenician’s
early symbol meaning fence. The Greeks modified the letterform to the point where it has
not changed much to this day. It is interesting to note that the Greeks wrote from left to
right on one line and then from right to left on the next. This form of writing is termed
“boustrophedon” which is taken from the way an ox plow works a field, going down one fur-
row and back on the next. This may explain why some letters have been reversed from one
era to the next but sheds no light on how a worm fence got its name. The FDR is
designed to take you one-way: UP.

Mystery: The Celtic Name Letter Key

A determination to achieve success and wealth is the keynote of the letter “H.” It also
indicates a yearning for world recognition rather than the satisfaction of personal self-
respect quietly enjoyed. This personality trait in its most disagreeable form can lead to
demeaning oneself in any way to gain advancement. It can also lead to a deliberate
exploitation of bodily attraction. Properly controlled, however, this characteristic can
indicate dedicated hard work over a long period, provided that others express apprecia-
tion constantly.
H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 468

hair loss/ are good sources of soy protein. ALOPECIA

Additional food sources include: Alopex is Greek for fox. When the
beans, cheese, eggs, nutritional fox, and other furry animals, get
“An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets, the more interested he is in her.”

yeast and yogurt. mange, their hair falls out. Alope-

Medi-Sign Target cia literally means, “fox-mange.”
Vitamin E is important for hair Not the greatest analogy to associate
Scalp Massage, Nuts, Seeds,
growth and health. Add avocados, with losing ones hair. “I lost my
Oils & Fermented Foods nuts, seeds and olive oil to your hair, and I’m still a fox (yeah
daily diet. right)!”

Silica is another important nutrient Alopecia can be the result of a vita -

for hair health. Studies in the for - min deficiency. Add foods rich in
mer Soviet Union have shown that zinc to your diet. Natural sources
silica therapy can reduce the rate of include: Brewers yeast, dulse, egg
hair loss. Adding organic silica to yolks, kelp, legumes, lima beans,
shampoo was found to help prevent mushrooms, pecans, pumpkin seeds,
baldness, stimulate hair growth and soybeans and whole grains.
provide luster, sheen and strength.
Some scientists claim that they can Food sources containing Vitamin B6
effectively stop further hair loss by for healthy hair include: avocado,
adding silica to shampoo. Silica is bananas, beans, broccoli, brown
found in the outer coverings of pota - rice, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots,
toes, green and red peppers and corn, peas, plantains, potatoes and
Anemia is frequently a cause of hair cucumbers. Bean sprouts are also rice bran, spinach, sunflower seeds,
loss. Include a good serving of rich in silica. Enjoy plenty of whole walnuts and wheat germ.
iron-rich foods in your diet, such as foods like sprouts.
dark green leafy vegetables, dates, Folate acid can facilitate hair
eggs, raisins and whole grain cere- If hair loss is due to thyroid dys- growth. Natural sources of folate
als. function, include more foods rich in acid include: asparagus, barley,
vitamin A and iodine to your daily dates, green leafy vegetables,
Vitamin C improves the absorption diet. Eat vegetables such as carrots oranges, root vegetables, and split
of iron. Eat plenty of fruits and or spinach in unrefined, cold- peas.
vegetables. pressed seed oils such as flax,
pumpkin seed or walnut and sea Iron also helps with hair loss. Food
The hair is mainly composed of pro - salt. Cabbage, millet, mustard, sources include: almonds, beets,
tein. To encourage hair growth, peanuts, pine nuts, soy beans and kidney beans, millet, peaches,
adhere to a diet rich in protein. Try turnips, are rich sources of iodine. pumpkins, rice, sesame seeds and
adding two tablespoons of granulat- Mushrooms also have a high con- watercress.
ed lecithin, nutritional yeast and centration of naturally occurring
wheat germ to your daily diet. In iodine. Vitamin B2 aids in delivering oxy-
addition to protein, these foods gen to tissues of the hair, nails,
are also rich in B vitamins, a and skin. Natural food sources
key nutrient for hair mainte- are: Brussels sprouts, dandelion
nance. greens, mushrooms, and nuts.

European studies have cited evi- Hormones regulate the develop-

dence that soy protein strength- ment of hair that appears after
ens hair and stimulates its puberty. The male hormone,
growth. In one study, hair testosterone, governs beard,
growth increased by as much as body and armpit hair. The
15 percent. Soy milk and Tofu female hormone, estrogen, typi-

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 469

4. For fast hair growth, drink a juice hammer toe

made of alfalfa and fresh spinach or

“If misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.”
fresh coriander. Repeat daily.
Medi-Sign Target
5. Grind equal parts lime seed and Walking Barefoot, Salt Soaks
black pepper in water. Apply to & Oil Rubs
scalp regularly.

6. Make a paste by grinding fenu-

greek seeds with water. Oil the hair
and massage paste on scalp. Leave
on for one hour and rinse. Repeat
every morning for a month.

7. Make a paste of hot olive oil,

honey and one teaspoon cinnamon
powder to hair. Apply before bath
or shower. Leave on for 15 min-
utes. Repeat three to four times a
cally prevents hair growth on the Hammer toe is a condition where
chin and encourages the growth of the toe is contracted at the PIP (or
hair on the head. Low estrogen lev - middle) joint, causing severe dis-
8. Massage a paste of honey and
els can cause women to develop comfort. The condition occurs when
egg yolk into the scalp. Leave on
signs of hair loss or baldness. a muscle imbalance causes liga-
for thirty minutes and rinse.
Treatment with estrogen rich foods ments and tendons to tighten, forc-
has been successful in restoring hair ing the toe’s joints to curl down-
9. Massage coconut milk or Aloe
growth and slowing hair loss. wards. Arthritis may also be a caus-
Vera gel into the scalp. Leave it for
Include plant foods rich in protein in ing factor.
30 minutes, and rinse with warm
your daily diet. water. Repeat three times a week.
There are two types of hammer toe,
Good sources are: green leafy veg- classified by the mobility of the toe
10. Mix equal parts warm castor and
etables, carrots, mango, dried apri- joints – flexible and rigid. In a flexi -
almond oil. Massage on scalp
cots, green leafy vegetables, lentils, ble hammer toe, the joint has the
mango, sprouts and whole grain ability to move and can be straight -
cereals. ened manually. In a rigid hammer
11. Soak raw mango pulp in some
toe, movement is very limited and
oil for a year. Massage on the scalp
Here are some self-care tips for hair can be extremely painful. Foot
regularly. (Hawaiian’s swear by this
movement may also be restricted,
loss (fox-mange). concoction).
lending to added stress at the ball-
1. Boil one cup mustard oil and four of-the-foot and causing pain and the
12. Scrub the bald portion of scalp
tablespoons henna leaves. Filter development of corns and calluses.
with onions. Follow by applying
and bottle. Apply to scalp regularly. honey.
Treatment and Prevention
2. Drink a banana, honey, yogurt Changing the type of footwear worn
13. To boost hair growth, rinse hair
-Charles Darwin

and raw milk smoothie everyday for is an important step in the treatment
with a solution of apple cider vine -
40 days. of hammer toes. When choosing a
gar and sage tea.
shoe, make sure the toe area is high
3. Drink one teaspoon apple cider and broad and will provide enough
14. To prevent hair loss, massage
vinegar and eight ounces water with room in the forefoot area so that
almond oil on scalp two to three
meals for two to three weeks. there is less friction against the toes.
times a day.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 470

Forefoot products designed to • Massage olive oil into your cuti - Eat Honey.
relieve hammer toes, such as ham- cles two to three times a day. Honey is a very concentrated source
mer toe crests and hammer toe of fructose, and eating a little the
splints, may offer some comfort. • To fight infection, tape on a slice morning after is another way to help
These devices will help hold down of fresh garlic and keep for 20 min - your body flush out whatever alco-
“Instead of getting married again, I’m going to find a woman I don’t like and just give her a house.”

the hammer toe and provide relief to utes. hol remains.

the forefoot. Gel toe shields and gel
toe caps are also recommended to Drink Plenty of Water.
eliminate friction between the shoe Alcohol causes dehydration. Con-
and the toe, providing comfort and suming large amounts of water is
Medi-Sign Target the best way to overcome a hang -
Honey, Fruit Juice & over. Drink plenty of water
Walk barefoot whenever possible Lots of Water between and after alcoholic drinks.
and make an effort to lift or flip Drinking water before you go to bed
your toes in the air as you walk. and again when you get up the
Unfortunately, there is no one thing

morning after may help relieve dis-
that cures a hangover except time.
comfort caused by dehydration.
There are a few things, however,
that you can do to relieve the symp -
toms – headache, nausea, dry
Medi-Sign Target mouth, sensitivity to light and
Garlic & Olive Oil fatigue – so that you can get through
the day with as little pain as possi -

Drink Fruit Juice.

Fruit juice contains fructose, which
helps the body burn alcohol faster.
A large glass of orange juice or
tomato juice will accelerate the
removal of the alcohol still in your
system the morning after a night
A hangnail is a strip of skin that
separates from the side of the cuti -
cles. A minor infection may devel-
op if you bite or chew on your
hangnails, causing the skin around

the nails to become swollen and ten -


Treatment for a Hangnail

Simple home treatment can help
prevent problems with hangnails. Medi-Sign Target
• Clip off the hangnail with sharp, Pineal Gland & Pituitary
clean cuticles scissors.
Hazelnuts are rich in calcium,
• Do not pull at or attempt to bite
complex carbohydrates, dietary
off a hangnail.
fiber, iron, protein and vitamin E.
Hazelnuts, similar to other trees

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 471

them into electrical signals that are

sent to the brain, and translated into
meaningful information, such as
language or music.

The Ear
The ear contains three parts: the
outer ear, the middle ear, and the
inner ear. The outer ear is the visi-
ble part of the ear. The soft, outer-
most part of the outer ear collects
sound waves, which travel down the
ear canal into the eardrum.
nuts, are cholesterol-free and over ward and be careful to avoid touch -
80% of the total fat in Hazelnuts is ing your eyes! Sound waves cause the eardrum to
mono-unsaturated. vibrate. Vibrations from the ear
To relieve the pain of a headache, drum are sent to the middle ear.

“My poverty is not complete: it lacks me.”

• Amino Acids massage the scalp and the soles of Small bones in the middle ear,
• Calcium the feet with olive oil. You may called ossicles, amplify the vibra-
• Copper also rub olive oil on the neck, shoul - tions and send them to the inner ear.
• Iron ders and upper back. Follow by The cochlea, of the inner ear, a
• Magnesium taking a hot shower. small organ shaped like a snail, con-
• Niacin Phosphorus tains tiny cells called hair cells.
• Phosphorus Food Therapy Hair cells move in response to the
• Potassium Try drinking a cup of coffee. vibrations passed from the ossicles.
• Riboflavin Caffeine constricts blood vessels Movement of the hair cells produces
• Sodium and is often an ingredient in pain an electrical signal that is conveyed
• Thiamine relievers. to the brain through the auditory
• Vitamin B6 nerve.
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E Causes of Hearing Loss
• Zinc There are two basic types

of hearing loss: conductive
and sensorineural.
Conductive hearing loss
occurs when something
Medi-Sign Target interferes with the transmis-
Water, Water, Water & Salt sion of sound from the
outer to the inner ear.

The cool scent of peppermint may hearing loss Possible causes include:
relieve headache pain. Add a drop • Blockage of the outer ear (wax)
of peppermint essential oil behind
the ears and underneath the nose. Medi-Sign Target • Collection of fluid in the middle
Inhaling the fragrance of peppermint ear (“glue ear” in children)
Ear Colonic Hygiene
may also take the edge off a
headache. Warm two or three drops • Damage to the eardrum by infec -
of peppermint oil in your hands, by Sound and the Ear tion or an injury
rubbing together. Cup your nose Sound consists of vibrations in the
and mouth and breathe deeply about form of waves. The ear is able to • Middle ear infections (otitis
six times. Wash your hands after- pick up these vibrations and convert media)

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 472

• Otosclerosis, a condition in • Viral infections of the auditory helpful for most people, whether the
which the ossicles of the middle ear nerve (such as mumps and rubella) hearing loss is the result of conduc -
become immobile because of tive or sensorineural problems.
growth of the surrounding bone • Viral infections of the inner ear Many different types of hearing aid
(caused by viruses such as mumps are available. An audiologist can
• Rheumatoid arthritis, which can or measles) help pair individuals with hearing
affect the joints between the ossicles aids that are best suited their needs.
(rarely this occurs) • Multiple sclerosis
Ear hygiene is critical. Bulb
Sensorineural hearing loss is due to Deafness in Children syringe, cotton tip cleaning, warm
damage to the pathway from the Pregnant women who develop oil drops, and warm saline and
inner ear to the auditory nerve and rubella face the risk of their baby water solutions for the ear. People
the brain. being born with profound deafness who are older and deaf or losing
“Ah Mozart! He was happily married – but his wife wasn’t.”

(among a host of other pos- there hearing often times get it back
sible abnormalities). during or after extended fasting.
Cochlear implants can be (See: Ear Infections/Candling)
valuable for deaf children
when they are implanted
around the age of two or
three, when language skills
are developing fastest.

Diagnosing Hearing Loss

Hearing loss may occur

gradually in adults, as in
age-related hearing loss, or

it can occur very suddenly,

Possible causes include: as in some viral infections of the
• Acoustic neuroma, a benign inner ear.
tumor affecting the auditory nerve
Treating Hearing Loss
• Acoustic trauma to the hair cells The treatment of hearing loss Medi-Sign Target
(caused by loud noise) depends on the specific cause. A 7 Day Water Fast or
bacterial infection of the middle ear 14 Days on Apples
• Age-related hearing loss can be treated with probiotic foods,
which include: fermented foods,
What is Heartburn?
• Brain tumor garlic, onions, peppers, yogurt and
Despite its name, heartburn does not
et cetera, biotics; blockages of the
affect the heart. Heartburn, also
•Drugs, such as aspirin, quinine middle and outer ears can be
called acid reflux disease or gastroe-
and some antibiotics, which can cleared; damaged eardrums can be
sophageal reflux disease (GERD), is
affect the hair cells repaired surgically; and ossicles
a burning sensation in the lower
affected by otosclerosis can be
chest, accompanied by a bitter or
• Infections or inflammation of the replaced with artificial bones. Some
sour taste in the mouth and throat.
brain or brain covering (meningitis) causes of sensorineural hearing loss
It usually occurs after eating a big
can also be improved. An acoustic
meal or while lying down and can
• Meniere’s disease (abnormal neuroma, for example, can be
last for up to a few hours.
pressure in the inner ear) removed surgically.
What Causes Heartburn?
• Multiple sclerosis In many cases, there is no cure for
When you eat, food passes from
hearing loss (as with age-related
your mouth into a tube (about 10
• Stroke hearing loss). Hearing aids are

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 473

ever, it can lead to serious problems. Will Antacids Take Care of

Esophagitis, an inflamed lining of Heartburn?
the esophagus, can lead to bleeding Antacids neutralize the acid that
and trouble swallowing. Heartburn your stomach makes and most peo-
can also be a sign of ulcers. ple find fast, short-term relief.
However, antacids contain alu-
What Can I do to Feel Better? minum hydroxide. They may lead

“Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.”
You may find relief from heartburn to diarrhea and ultimately neuro
by making some simple changes in toxic effects of the brain and nerv-
your lifestyle. ous system. Instead try bicarbonate
of soda, or a piece of hard white
Tips on Preventing Heartburn cheese. Three days on water knocks
the condition totally out. Raw foods
• Avoid overeating. do the trick as well, but take seven
to ten days.
• Avoid wearing clothes with tight
waistlines and belts that are too RECOMMENDATIONS
tight. 1. Avoid stress.

inches long), called the esophagus. • Lose weight if you’re over- 2. Change your eating habits. Eat
Before entering the stomach, food weight. more raw vegetables. Eat smaller,
travels through an opening at the more frequent meals. Chew your
end of the esophagus. This opening • Raise the head of your bed by food well. Eat slowly and enjoy
acts like a gate, which allows food placing four-to-six-inch blocks your food. Following a disciplined
to pass into the stomach. under the legs at the bed’s head. diet is an important aspect of man -
aging acid reflux.
The opening to the stomach closes • Try to eat at least two to three
as soon as food passes through. If hours before lying down. If you 3. Do not consume caffeine prod-
the opening does not close, acid in take naps, try sleeping in a chair. ucts, carbonated beverages, fats,
the stomach can leak into and travel
through the esophagus. This phe-
nomenon, called reflux, is cause of

Hiatal hernia can also cause heart-

burn. This is a condition in which
part of the stomach is pushed up
through the diaphragm and into the

What Factors Add to Heartburn?

Heartburn is most common after
overeating, when bending over or
when lying down. Other factors
affecting heartburn include: eating
certain foods, pregnancy and stress.

Can Heartburn be Serious?

Having occasional symptoms of
heartburn is not very serious. If
heartburn continues to persist, how-

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 474

fried foods, processed foods, sugar 12. Maintain an exercise program

or tobacco. that includes walking, biking, or
low-impact aerobics. Avoid running
4. Do not eat for three hours before and weight lifting, as these activities
bedtime. Wait at least three hours put pressure on the stomach. Do
after eating before lying down. not exercise after eating.

5. Do not take multienzyme com- 13. Sip one tablespoon of raw apple
plex containing hydrochloric acid cider vinegar, mixed with a glass of
(HCl). water, while eating a meal. Do not
drink any other liquids with meals.
6. Do not wear clothes that fit tight -
“Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don’t have film.”

ly around the waist. 14. Try raw potato juice. Do not

peel the potato – just wash it and
7. Drink a big glass of water at the put it in the juicer. Mix with equal
first sign of heartburn. This often parts water. Drink it immediately
helps. after preparation, up to three times
Three to five servings per day are
Apple cider vinegar. One teaspoon suggested for women, and seven to
of apple cider vinegar in half glass ten for men.
of water sipped during a meal defi -
nitely works. • Red wine – a glass daily can
help lower cholesterol. Eat a bare
Gingerroot. Absorb stomach acid minimum of saturated fats and trans
and has a secondary effect of calm- fats (such as, fats found in desserts,
ing the nerves. fried foods, lard, margarine, salad
(See: Disease: The Mystery Solved/ dressings, snack foods and sweets).
Cabala Juice)

heart disease
Enjoy grains, nuts and seeds. If you
use added fat, use those high in
monounsaturated fats (for example,
fats found in virgin olive oil and
Medi-Sign Target peanut oil).
Raw Whole Plant Foods,
Water, Walking & Salt Limit cholesterol consumption.
Dietary cholesterol can raise blood
There are several things you can do cholesterol levels, especially in
8. Drink a glass of fresh cabbage or to reduce the risk for heart disease:
celery juice every day.
• Balance caloric intake with
9. Eat a fresh papaya and/or pineap- activity to maintain a healthy
ple to aid digestion. Chew a few of weight.
the papaya seeds as well.
• Eat flax, linseed oil, or soy as
10. Elevate the head of your bed. sources of healthy fat.
11. If you are taking any medica- • Eat more fiber, including whole-
tions, ask your doctor if heartburn grain breads, cereals, and pastas.
may be a side effect.
• Eat more fruits and vegetables.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 475

high-risk individuals. (Since choles- and/ or humid environment

terol and saturated fat are usually
found in the same foods, by cutting • Cardiovascular disease
back on foods that are high in cho-
lesterol, you will also be cutting • Dehydration
back on saturated fats). Get energy
by eating complex carbohydrates • Illness (or chronic disability)
(sweet potatoes, whole-grain breads
and whole-wheat pastas) and limit- • Obesity

“Poverty sits by the cradle of all our great men and rocks all of them to manhood.”
ing simple carbohydrates (soft
drinks, sugar and sweets). If you • Physical exertion in hot environ-
have high cholesterol, simple carbo- ments (athletes, outdoor laborers
hydrates may aggravate the condi- Keep yourself adequately hydrated. and military personnel run a higher
tion and increase your risk for heart risk)
disease. • Enjoy every bite. When you
enjoy what you eat, you feel more • Pregnancy
Nourish your body regularly. positive about life. In addition, you
Eating five to six mini-meals is the eat less when you eat the foods you • Respiratory disease
best way to control blood sugar, love, which helps control weight,
efficiently burn fat, and regulate reduce cholesterol levels and makes • Taking medications that interfere
cholesterol levels. changes easier to do. with the body’s heat-regulation sys-

tem. They include: antipsychotics,
tranquilizers, antihistamines, tri-

cyclic antidepressants, and some

heat stroke
over-the-counter sleeping pills

Signs and Symptoms

Heat exhaustion is accompanied by
Medi-Sign Target the following signs and symptoms:
Hot Foods, Cool Bath’s, • Dizziness, fainting
Water & Salt • Dehydration
• Fatigue and malaise
What Causes It? • Fever (below 104°F)
Heat exhaustion is most frequently • Headache
caused by exposure to high tempera- • Heavy sweating or no sweating
ture and dehydration from not drink- at all.
ing enough fluids. It can also occur • Muscle cramps
when large amounts of sweat are • Nausea, vomiting
replaced with fluids that contain too • Rapid heartbeat
little salt.
If body temperature surpasses104°F,
Who’s Most at Risk? or if coma or seizure occurs, this
Other Heart-Healthy Strategies The following factors increase the signals that heat exhaustion has pro-
• Exercise. Exercise helps control risk of developing heat exhaustion: gressed to a condition called heat
blood sugars and body weight, stroke. Heat stroke is a more dan -
improves blood flow, reduces high • Age (Small children—under gerous condition, placing the indi-
blood pressure, raises HDL choles- five— and the elderly) vidual at risk of cardiovascular col-
terol (“good” cholesterol) and lapse and possibly death.
strengthens the heart muscle. • Alcohol consumption
• Hydrate. Water is central to life. • Being unaccustomed to a hot To prevent heat exhaustion, individ-

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 476

• When possible, choose heat rash

cooler times of day for out-
door exercise and work
Medi-Sign Target
Treatment Garlic & Honey Smears on
To treating heat exhaustion, Rash and Cool Pool Swims
“Ah yes, Divorce ...from the latin word meaning to rip out a man’s genitals through his wallet.”

rest in a cool environment

and take in plenty of fluids.
Water is adequate under
most circumstances.

Eat a diet of whole foods
high in:
• Calcium
• Magnesium
• Potassium

Foods rich in these nutri-

ents include: bananas,
blackstrap molasses, dark
leafy greens, nuts, sea veg-
What Is Heat Rash?
etables, seeds, and whole
Heat rash – also referred to as prick -
ly heat or miliaria –is a prickly rash
uals working and exercising in the that develops on the skin due to
Also note:
heat should drink plenty of fluids overheating. Small, itchy red
before, during, and after the activity Cayenne pepper contains the ingre-
bumps develop on the skin. The
as well as keeping the following dient capsaicin, which may lower
rash may feel prickly, stinging, or
precautions in mind: body temperature by stimulating
sweat glands.
• Avoid substances that may be It usually occurs on clothed parts of
dehydrating, such as, alcohol, caf- the body, such as the abdomen,
feine and sugar armpits, back, chest, groin, neck or
stomach, and goes away on its own
• Monitor individuals who are vul- within a few days. When severe,
nerable to the heat (the elderly, for however, heat rash can interfere
example) with the body’s heat-regulating
mechanism causing fever, heat
• Increase fluid intake to prevent exhaustion, and even death. Heat
heat exhaustion and its complica- rash occurs most often in hot, humid
tions including muscle damage and conditions. The condition typically
kidney failure appears a few days to a few months
after exposure. It’s most common
• Stay in cool or air-conditioned in infants. Active people, bedridden
environments on hot days people, and newborns in incubators
also are more likely to get heat rash.
• Take cool baths
What Causes It?
• Water and salt are essential Heat rash begins with excessive per-
spiration. The perspiration damages
• Wear lightweight clothing

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 477

cells on the surface of the skin. If the rash does not go away within Plantar fasciitis, a common diagno-
Sweat becomes trapped beneath the a few days, or if you develop an sis of heel pain, is usually caused
skin’s surface, and as it builds up, infection, apply crushed garlic for from a biomechancial problem, such
causing red bumps to appear. As 15 to 20 minutes and rinse in cold as over-pronation or flat feet. The
bumps burst and sweat is released, water. plantar fascia is a broad band of
you may feel the prickly, stinging fibrous tissue that runs along the
sensation that gives this condition To prevent heat rash, avoid condi- bottom surface of the foot, from the
its characteristic name. tions that can lead to excessive heel through the mid-foot and into
sweating, such as hot, humid envi- the forefoot. Over-pronation can
ronments and strenuous activity. In cause the plantar fascia to be exces -
hot weather, use air conditioning, sively stretched and inflamed,
fans, and cool showers and baths to resulting in pain in the heel and arch
stay cool; dry your skin thoroughly; areas of the foot.
and wear lightweight, loose-fitting
clothes. Often the pain will be most intense

“You can’t get rid of poverty by giving people money.”

heel pain
after a prolonged period of rest or
first thing in the morning. The pain
will gradually subside as the day
Medi-Sign Target
Cherries, Salt Soaks, Barefoot Treatment and Prevention
Walking in Sand or Grass To properly treat heel pain, you
must absorb shock, provide cushion-
ing and elevate the heel to transfer
pressure. This can be accomplished
with a heel cup, visco heel cradle or
an orthotic designed with materials
that will absorb shock and shear

Footwear selection is also an impor-

What Are the Treatments? tant criterion when treating heel
Usually, heat rash will clear up on pain. Shoes with a firm heel count -
its own in a few days. Keep the er, good arch support and appropri-
affected area cool and dry. Cool ate heel height are the ideal choice.
down in an air-conditioned environ- Eat lots of cherries and have warm
Heel pain is a common condition in
ment. Take a cool shower or bath salt water soaks; this will help won -
which weight stresses the heel and
and let your skin air-dry. If you derfully.
causes extreme discomfort.
can’t cool down right away and you
continue to sweat, do not wear
There are two different categories of
antiperspirant, insect repellent,
heel pain. The first, resulting from
lotion or powder to your skin, which
too much impact on a specific area
may trap more sweat, making your
of the foot, is caused by over -use
symptoms worse.
repetitive stress which refers to a
soreness. This condition often
Once the skin is cool and dry, apply
referred to as “heel pain syndrome,”
fresh onion juice to relieve itching.
can be caused by shoes with heels
Avoid petroleum oil-based product,
that are too low, a thinned out fat
which might block your sweat
pad in the heel area, or from a sud -
den increase in activity.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 478

HEMAtoma The treatment can involve draining place local pressure on the brain,
the accumulated blood, but depends notably when dealing with epidural
on the location and size of the and subdural hematomas.
Medi-Sign Target hematoma. A hematoma in or near
“If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast

Saltwater Infusions, the brain is particularly dangerous. Hematomas that occur intracranially
Citrus & Garlic typically require immediate special-
The word “hematoma” came into ized medical attention.
usage around 1850. It was devised
from Greek roots: hemat, referring For contusions or bruises, treatment
to the blood, and oma, from soma consists of initially applying ice or
meaning body = a “bloody body”, cold packs a few times a day, to pro-
or a collection of blood. duce vasoconstriction or a reduction
in arterial blood flow, which helps
The many different kinds of to decrease hemorrhage and edema
hematomas are defined by loca- other wise known as bleeding and
tion and include: swelling.
• Epidural hematoma
• Extradural hematoma In general, less bleeding will result,
• Intracerebral hematoma the quicker you apply ice after the
on the back of a cat and drop it?”

• Intracranial hematoma injury.

• Nasal septum hematoma
• Subcutaneous hematoma If possible, elevate the bruised limb.
• Subdural hematoma Blood will leave the area of the
wound and there may be less
Hematomas can occur almost any- swelling. Resting the limb will also
where in or on the body. In minor help to prevent further injury.
injuries, the blood is absorbed
unless infection develops.
Contusions or bruises, and black
eyes are familiar forms of

Less serious types include subun-

gual hematoma or under a finger-
nail or toenail; hematoma auris, in
the tissues of the outer ear, better
known as cauliflower ear; and peri-
anal hematoma, under the skin
around the anus.
Usually situated within an organ or
a soft tissue space, such as within a
muscle, a hematoma is an abnormal
localized collection of blood in
Apply gentle heat with warm tow-
which the blood is usually clotted or
els, a hot water bottle or a heating
partially clotted.
pad if the area is still painful after
48 hours. The heat is applied for 20
A hematoma is caused by a break in
minutes at a time to promote
the wall of a blood vessel. The
With a fracture, hematomas are absorption and repair. Since heat
break may be spontaneous, as in the
almost always present. They are causes swelling and increases tissue
case of an aneurysm, or caused by
especially serious when they occur fluid, which may impair function,
inside the skull, where they may hot compresses may be followed by

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 479

cold applications to minimize the cause discomfort because internal How to prevent hemorrhoids?
secondary effects of heat. anal membranes lack pain sensitive If you are suffering from hemor-
nerve fibers. However, you may rhoids, avoid using laxatives and
Pressure in the form of an elastic experience a feeling of fullness in limit time straining at stool to well
adhesive bandage may be helpful to your rectum following a bowel under one minute, or ideally ten sec -

“A lot of what passes for depression these days is nothing more than a body saying that it needs work.”
reduce hemorrhage and swelling. If movement. onds daily. Reducing time spent sit-
infection should develop in the ting, increasing physical activity,
wound, the signs and symptoms Occasionally, straining can push an improving posture, and losing
might be increasingly severe pain, a internal hemorrhoid through the anal excess body weight, are all lifestyle
fever of 101 degrees or more, opening. If a hemorrhoid remains changes that can help prevent hem-
swelling with surrounding redness, displaced or prolapsed, it can cause orrhoids.
and pus. pain and irritation.
• Eat high-fiber foods. Eat more
Have lots of liquids, citrus, garlic External hemorrhoids. Blood may fruits, vegetables and grains. Doing
and onions. pool in an external hemorrhoid and so softens the stool and increases its

form a clot or thrombus, causing bulk, which will help lessen the
severe pain, swelling and inflamma- straining that can cause hemor-
tion; needless to say, these hemor- rhoids.
rhoids tend to be painful. External
Medi-Sign Target hemorrhoids can itch or bleed when • Drink plenty of liquids.
Water, Oils, Green Foods & irritated. Hemorrhoids can develop
Seeds from any increase in pressure in the • Exercise. Stay active to reduce
veins in the lower rectum. pressure on veins, which can occur
with long periods of standing or sit-
Hemorrhoids are swollen and
Common sources of pressure ting, and to help prevent constipa-
inflamed veins in your anus and rec -
include: tion. Exercise can also help you
tum and are often called piles. They
• Constipation and the accompa- lose excess weight.
may result from straining when hav-
nying extra straining
ing a bowel movement or the
• Diarrhea and the continuous • Avoid long periods of standing
increased pressure on these veins
expulsion of loose stools or sitting. If you must sit for long
during pregnancy.
• Heavy lifting periods, don’t use an inflatable
• Obesity doughnut cushion to pad your chair.
Hemorrhoids are common although
• Pregnancy and childbirth It can increase the pressure on the
they can be a sometimes embarrass-
• Sitting or standing for a long veins in the anus.
ing topic of discussion. By age 50,
about half of adults deal with the
itching, bleeding and pain that often
signal the presence of this condition.

Signs and symptoms usually

depend on the location of the hem -
Internal hemorrhoids. These are
hemorrhoids that can’t be seen or
felt, but straining or irritation from
passing stool can injure a hemor-
rhoid’s delicate surface and cause it
to bleed. You may notice small
amounts of bright red blood on your
toilet tissue or in the toilet bowl.
These hemorrhoids usually don’t

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 480

• Drink eight to ten glasses of heavy objects, always exhale as you

water each day. Fruit juices are lift the object. Don’t hold your
another good choice. Avoid liquids breath when you lift.
that contain caffeine, such as coffee
and tea, or alcohol. These liquids • If you are pregnant, sleeping on
may cause dehydration, which can your side will reduce the amount of
-George Burns

lead to constipation. pressure on the blood vessels in

your pelvis. This can help keep
• Stool softeners containing bran hemorrhoids from becoming bigger.

or psyllium can be helpful. You
can save money by buying bran or
psyllium, available in bulk at most
“Retirement at sixty-five is ridiculous. When I was sixty-five I still had pimples.”

health food stores, and sprinkling it

on foods or stirring it into fruit
Medi-Sign Target
juice. Avoid laxatives, another type Lots of Fresh Lemon Juice,
of medication that affects the bow- Orange & Yellow Foods
• Don’t strain. Straining and els, because they may cause diar-
holding your breath when trying to rhea, which can irritate hemor-
pass a stool creates greater pressure rhoids.
in the veins in the lower rectum.
• Avoid foods and beverages that
• Go as soon as you feel the seem to make your symptoms
urge. If you wait to pass a bowel worse.
movement and the urge goes away,
your stool could become dry and be • Regular, moderate exercise,
harder to pass. along with a high-fiber diet, pro-
motes smooth, regular bowel move-
• Avoid constipation ments.

• Eat more fiber. Include foods Practice Healthy Bowel Habits

such as whole grain breads and • Go to the bathroom as soon as
Alcohol hepatitis
cereals, raw vegetables, raw and you have the urge.
dried fruits, and beans. Limit your Hepatitis is a gastroenterological
intake of low or fiber free foods, • Avoid straining to pass stools.
disease, featuring inflammation of
such as ice cream, soft drinks, Relax and give yourself time to let
the liver. The clinical signs and
cheese, white bread and red meat. things happen naturally.
prognosis, as well as the therapy,
depend on the cause.
• Avoid holding your breath while
passing stools.
Signs and Symptoms
Hepatitis is characterized by abdom-
• Avoid reading while sitting on
inal pain, fever, hepatomegaly, or an
the toilet. If hemorrhoids persist,
enlarged liver and jaundice, other-
get off the toilet as soon as you have
wise known as icterus. Some
chronic forms of hepatitis show very
few of these signs and only present
Modify Your Daily Activities
when the longstanding inflammation
• Avoid prolonged sitting or stand-
has led to the replacement of liver
ing. Take frequent short walks.
cells by connective tissue. The result
is cirrhosis. Certain liver function
• If possible, avoid lifting heavy
tests can also indicate hepatitis.
objects frequently. If you must lift

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 481

What are the Symptoms of • Hepatitis B

Alcoholic Hepatitis • Hepatitis C
• Abdominal pain and tenderness • D-agent (requires presence of
• Ascites (fluid collection in the the hepatitis B virus)
abdomen) • Hepatitis E
• Dry mouth • Hepatitis G
• Excessive thirst
• Fatigue Hepatitis A is an enterovirus trans-
• Fever mitted by the oral-fecal route, such
• Jaundice as contaminated food. It does not
• Loss of appetite have a chronic stage as it causes an
• Mental confusion acute form. The immune system
• Nausea makes protective cells against

“Noble deeds and hot bath’s are the best cures for depression.”
• Swollen abdomen or increased Hepatitis A that confer immunity
abdominal circumference (from in an effort of prevention, needle
against future infection.
enlarged liver) exchange programs have been creat-
• Unintentional weight gain ed.
Hepatitis B this type of the virus can
(because of fluid collection) cause both acute and chronic hepati-
In the United States, 95 percent of
tis in some people who are unable to
Additional symptoms that may be people clear their infection and
eliminate the virus. Identified meth-
associated with this disease: develop protection against Hepatitis
ods of transmission include blood,
• Abnormally dark or light skin B virus. Five percent of people do
blood transfusion, tattoos, sexually
• Agitation not clear the infection and develop
or vertically like from mother to her
• Altered level of consciousness chronic infection. Only these peo-
unborn child. In about half of the
• Bloody or dark black or tarry ple are at risk of long term compli -
cases, however, the source of infec-
bowel movements (melena) cations of Hepatitis B. People with
tion cannot be determined.
• Breast development in males chronic hepatitis B have protection
• Confusion (encephalopathy) against Hepatitis B, but these pro-
• Difficulty paying attention tections are not enough to clear the
(attention deficit) infection that establishes itself in
• Fluctuating mood the DNA of the affected liver cells.
• Hallucinations The continued production of virus
• Impaired ability to concentrate combined with antibodies is a like-
• Impaired judgment ly cause of immune complex dis-
• Impaired long-term memory ease seen in these people.
• Impaired short-term memory
• Light-headedness or fainting, Hepatitis B infections result in
especially with upright posture 500,000 to 1,200,000 deaths per
• Paleness year worldwide due to the compli-
• Rapid heart rate (tachycardia) cations of chronic hepatitis, cirrho-
when rising to standing position sis and hepatocellular carcinoma.
• Redness on feet or hands In a number of mainly South-East
• Slow, sluggish, lethargic move- Asian countries, Hepatitis B is
ment endemic, making cirrhosis and
• Vomiting blood or material that hepatocellular carcinoma big
looks like coffee grounds killers.
Blood contact can occur by sharing
Types of Hepatitis Hepatitis C, originally “non-A non-
syringes in intravenous drug use,
Most cases of acute hepatitis are B hepatitis” is probably not trans-
shaving accessories such as razor
due to viral infections: mitted sexually but only by blood
blades, or touching wounds on
• Hepatitis A contact. It leads to a chronic form
infected persons. In many countries
of hepatitis, culminating in cirrhosis.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:17 AM Page 482

It can remain asymptomatic for ten • Methyldopa (antihypertensive) tis when taken in an overdose. The
to twenty years. People with hepati - • Nifedipine (antihypertensive) severity of liver damage can be lim -
tis C are prone to severe hepatitis if • Nitrofurantoin (antibiotic) ited by prompt administration of
they contract either hepatitis A or B. • Oral contraceptives acetylcysteine.
• Phenytoin and valproic acid
Two other hepatitis viruses are (antiepileptics) • Carbon tetrachloride (“tetra”, a
known, hepatitis D and E. The D • Some herbs and nutritional sup- dry cleaning agent), chloroform,
agent, an RNA passenger virus, plements and trichloroethylene, all chlorine
because its genome lacks certain • Zidovudine (antiretroviral i.e. containing carbohydrates, cause
essential genes, it cannot proliferate against AIDS) steatohepatitis (hepatitis with fatty
without the presence liver).
of hepatitis B virus. Depending on the
Hepatitis E produces drug and the person’s Metabolic Disorders
a picture quite simi- tendency to react to Some metabolic disorders cause dif-
lar to hepatitis A, the drug, the clinical ferent forms of hepatitis.
“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”

although it can take a course of drug Hemochromatosis, which is due to

fulminate course in induced hepatitis is iron accumulation, and Wilson’s dis-
some people, particu- quite variable. For ease, which is copper accumulation,
larly pregnant example, halothane can cause liver inflammation and
women; it is more hepatitis can range necrosis.
prevalent in the from mild to fatal as
Indian subcontinent. can INH-induced Cholestatic
Another kind of hep- hepatitis. Oral con- Longstanding obstruction of the bile
atitis, hepatitis G, has traceptives can cause duct by gallstones or external
been identified. structural changes in obstruction by cancer leads to
the liver. destruction and inflammation of
Other viruses can cause infectious Amiodarone hepatitis can be liver tissue.
hepatitis: untreatable since the long half life
• Cytomegalovirus of the drug, up to 60 days, means
• Epstein-Barr virus that there is no effective way to
• Mumps virus stop exposure to the drug. Statins
• Other herpes viruses can cause elevations of liver func-
• Rubella virus tion blood tests normally without
indicating an underlying hepatitis.
Drug Induced Hepatitis Lastly, human variability is such
A large number of drugs can cause that any drug can be a cause of
hepatitis. The, “anti-diabetic” drug hepatitis.
troglitazone was withdrawn in the Carcinogenic Effects
year 2000 for causing hepatitis. Toxins and drugs can cause hepa - When alcohol is in small amounts it
titis: does not act as a carcinogen. Many
Other drugs associated with hepa- • The Amanita (death-cap) mush- studies have shown, though, that
titis: room (Amanita) contains amatoxins large amounts of alcohol greatly
• Amiodarone (antiarrhythmic) such as alpha-amanitin. A single increase the risk of developing can-
• Amitriptyline (antidepressant) mushroom can be enough to be cer. Cancers of the upper digestive
• Halothane (a specific type of lethal (10 mg of Ç-amanitin). tract, including the esophagus, the
anesthetic gas) mouth, the pharynx, and the larynx
• Ibuprofen and indomethacin • Yellow phosphorus (a metal) is are the strongest link between alco-
(NSAIDs) an industrial toxin used in soda pop. hol and cancer. Less consistent data
• Isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin link hard alcohol consumption and
(tuberculosis-specific antibiotics) • Paracetamol (acetaminophen in cancers of the liver, breast and
• Ketoconazole (antifungal) the United States) can cause hepati- colon.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:18 AM Page 483

Beneficial Effects of Alcohol are generally not made from a

Several studies have shown that reg- “beer” that would normally be
ular consumption of moderate palatable as fermentation is normal-
amounts of alcohol lowers the inci- ly completed, but no aging is
dence of coronary heart disease and involved until after distillation.
raises the level of high density Most distilled liquors are 40 percent
lipoprotein cholesterol, or “good alcohol by volume.

Types of Alcoholic
Alcoholic beverages
include low alcohol
content beverages

“To a man with an empty stomach food is God.”

Upper Digestive Tract. When a
produced by fer-
person is a chronic heavy drinker,
mentation of sugar
he has a higher incidence of
or starch containing
esophageal cancer than do the gen-
products. High alco-
eral population. In fact, nearly half
hol content bever-
of the cancers of the mouth, phar -
ages are produced
ynx and larynx are associated with
by distillation of the
heavy drinking. It appears that as
low alcohol content
alcohol consumption increases the
beverages. Sometimes, the alcohol Non-distilled Beverages
risk seems to increase. An estimat-
content of low alcohol content bev- • Beer
ed 75 percent of esophageal cancers
erages is increased by adding some  Ales
in the United States are attributable
of the distilled product, particularly  Barley wine
to chronic, excessive alcohol con-
in the case of wines. Such fortified  Bitter ale
wines include Port wine and Sherry.  Mild ale
Liver. When discussing liver can-  Pale ale
The process involved, as well as the  Porter
cer, prolonged, heavy drinking has
resulting alcohol content, defines  Stout
been associated in many cases. It is
the finished product. A “beer”  Real ale
liver cirrhosis, whether caused by
involves a relatively short (incom-  Stock ale
alcohol or another factor, which is
plete) fermentation process and an  Fruit Beer
thought to induce the cancer.
equally short aging process (a week  Lager beer

or two) resulting in an alcohol con-  Bock
tent generally between three and  Dry beer
Since ethanol inhibits the production
eight percent, as well as natural car -  Oktoberfest
of protector diuretic hormone, con-
bonation. In many countries, non-  Pilsner
sumption of ethanol has a rapid
forced ferments of beer or mead are  Schwarzbier
diuretic effect, meaning that more
not only considered a health drink,  Small beer
urine than usual is produced.
but a beverage of longevity. A  Wheat beer
“wine” involves a longer (complete) • Cauim
Over consumption can therefore
fermentation process, and a relative- • Chicha
lead to dehydration or the loss of
ly long aging process lasting • Cider
water. It is difficult to replenish the
months, years, even decades. This • Kumis
body’s fluids using only alcoholic
results in an alcohol content • Lappish hags love potion
beverages. As large amounts of
between 7-18 percent. Note that • Mead
alcohol are consumed, the diuretic
sparkling wine is generally made by • Perry
effect causes the body to lose more
adding a small amount of sugar • Pulque
water than is contained in the bever -
before bottling. Distilled products • Sake

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:18 AM Page 484

• Wine hepatitis a
 Spritzer
 Palm wine
 Wine cooler
Medi-Sign Target
 Fruit wine Lots of Fresh Lemon Juice,
Orange & Yellow Foods
Distilled Beverages
• Cocktails
• Liqueurs
• Spirits

In the United States, cider often

means unfermented apple juice,
while fermented cider is called hard
cider. Unfermented cider is some-
times called sweet cider. Also,
it be Scotch, Rye, Bourbon, general-
“Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.”

applejack was originally made by a

freezing process, which was equiva- ly determines the primary grain
used, with additional grains usually Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused
lent to distillation but more easily
added to the blend, most often bar - by the hepatitis A virus. Hepatitis A
done in the cold climate of New
ley and sometimes oats. can affect anyone. In the United
England. In the UK, cider is always
States, hepatitis A can occur in situ-
alcoholic, and in Australia it can be
Vodka and gin are two common dis - ations ranging from isolated cases of
tilled beverages. Vodka can be dis- disease to widespread epidemics.
tilled from any source, grain and
potatoes being the most common, Good personal hygiene and proper
also industrial cellulose for the sanitation can help prevent hepatitis
cheapest! However, the main char- A.
acteristic of vodka is that it is so
thoroughly distilled as to exhibit SIGNS & SYMPTOMS
none of the flavors derived from its Adults will have signs and symp-
source material. Gin is a similar toms more often than children.
distillate which has been flavored by • Abdominal pain
contact with herbs and other plant • Diarrhea
products, especially juniper berries, • Fatigue
from which it gets its name. • Fever
• Jaundice
In my experience, “distilled alco- • Loss of appetite
hol,” “hard liquors,” “spirits,” • Nausea
have a place in mouth washes,
cleaning wounds and bathing skin, a CAUSE
shot for someone with the, “chills” Hepatitis A virus (HAV)
and for use in deodorants, and other
personal care items, not for internal LONG-TERM EFFECTS
consumption. I would also avoid • There are no chronic (long-term)
Beer can sometimes contain a mix
overly sweet drinks or “preppy infections.
of other grains, although generally
made from barley. Whisky is some- drinks,” such as Zima, wine coolers,
“hard lemonade,” etc. These are • Once you have had hepatitis A
times made from a blend of dif fer-
not ferments; hard or distilled, alco- you cannot get it again.
ent grains, especially Irish whiskey,
which may contain several different hol is simply added, typically.
• About 15 percent of people
grains. The style of whisky whether

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:18 AM Page 485

infected with HAV will have pro- • HBV is spread through having
longed or relapsing symptoms over sex with an infected person without
a six to nine month period. using a condom (the efficacy of
latex condoms in preventing infec-
TRANSMISSION tion with HBV is unknown, but their
• HAV is found in the stool or proper use may reduce transmis-
feces of people with hepatitis A. sion), by sharing drugs, needles, or
“works” when “shooting” drugs,
HAV is usually spread from person through needle sticks or sharps
to person by putting something in exposure on the job, or from an
the mouth, even though it may look infected mother to her baby during
clean, it may have been contaminat- birth.

“Poverty is no disgrace to a man, but it is confoundedly inconvenient.”

ed with the stool of a person with
hepatitis A. • People at risk for HBV infection
might also be at risk for infection
PERSONS AT RISK OF INFEC- with hepatitis C virus HCV or HIV.
• Household contacts of infected RISK GROUPS
people. • Health care and public safety
• Men who have sex with men Signs and symptoms are less com-
mon in children than adults. • Household contacts of chronical-
• People, especially children, liv- • Abdominal pain ly infected.
ing in areas with increased rates of • Fatigue
hepatitis A during the baseline peri- • Jaundice • Infants born to infected mothers.
od from 1987-1997. • Joint pain
• Loss of appetite • Infants/children of immigrants
• People traveling to countries • Nausea, vomiting from areas with high rates of HBV
where hepatitis A is common. infection.
• Sex contacts of infected people. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) • Injection drug users.

hepatitis-b LONG-TERM EFFECTS • Men who have sex with men.

Chronic infection occurs in:
• 90 percent of infants infected at • People on Hemodialysis.
Medi-Sign Target birth
Lots of Fresh Lemon Juice, • 30 percent of children infected at • People with multiple sex part-
Orange & Yellow Foods age one to five years. ners or diagnosis of a sexually trans-
• Six percent are infected after age mitted disease.
A serious disease caused by a virus five years.
• Sex contacts of infected people.
that attacks the liver is called hepati -

tis B. The virus, which is called Death from chronic liver disease
hepatitis B virus or HBV, can cause occurs in 15 to 25 percent of chroni -
lifelong infection, cirrhosis or scar- cally infected people.
ring of the liver, liver cancer, liver
Medi-Sign Target
failure and death.
• Occurs when blood or bodily Lots of Fresh Lemon Juice,
SIGNS & SYMPTOMS fluids from an infected person enters Orange & Yellow Foods
About 30 percent have no signs or the body of a person who is not
symptoms. immune.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:18 AM Page 486

Hepatitis C is a disease of the liver CAUSE safety worker, always follow routine
caused by the hepatitis C virus or Hepatitis C virus or (HCV) barrier precautions and safely han-
HCV. You may be at risk for hepa - dle needles and other sharps; get
titis C and should contact your med - LONG-TERM EFFECTS vaccinated against hepatitis B.
ical care provider for a blood test if • Chronic infection: 55 percent to
you: 85 percent of infected people. • Consider the risks if you are
thinking about getting a tattoo or
• Chronic liver disease: 70 body piercing. You might get
percent of chronically infect- infected if the tools have someone
ed. else’s blood on them or if the artist
or piercer does not follow good
• Deaths from chronic liver health practices.
disease: one to five percent of
infected may die
“I couldn’t wait for success, so I went ahead without it.”

• Leading indication for

liver transplant.

• Have ever been on long-term • Occurs when
kidney dialysis. blood or body fluids
from an infected person enters the
• Have ever injected illegal drugs, body of a person who is not infect -
even if you experimented a few ed.
times many years ago. • HCV can be spread by sex, but
• HCV is spread through sharing this is rare. If you are having sex
• Have evidence of liver disease needles or “works” when “shoot- with more than one steady sex part -
(e.g., persistently abnormal ALT lev- ing” drugs, through needle sticks or ner, use latex condoms correctly and
els). sharps exposures on the job, or from every time to prevent the spread of
an infected mother to her baby dur - sexually transmitted diseases.
• Received a blood transfusion or ing birth.
solid organ transplant before July, If you are HCV positive, do not
1992. People at risk for HCV infection donate blood, organs or tissue.

might also be at risk for infection
• Were a recipient of clotting fac- with hepatitis B virus (HBV) or HIV.
tor(s) made before 1987.
• Were notified that you received • There is no vaccine to prevent Medi-Sign Target
blood from a donor who later tested hepatitis C. Licorice, Eat Aloe Vera
positive for hepatitis C. Leaves/Gel
• Do not shoot drugs; if you shoot
SIGNS & SYMPTOMS drugs, stop and get into a treatment
A sexually transmitted disease or
80 percent have no signs or symp- program; if you can’t stop, never
STD caused by the herpes simplex
toms. share needles, syringes, water or
viruses type 1 and type 2 is known
• Abdominal pain “works.”
as genital herpes. Most genital her -
• Dark urine
pes is caused by type two. Most
• Fatigue • Do not share personal care items
individuals have no or only minimal
• Jaundice that might have blood on them
signs or symptoms from HSV-1 or
• Loss of appetite (razors, toothbrushes).
HSV-2 infection. They typically
• Nausea
appear as one or more blisters on or
• If you are a health care or public

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:18 AM Page 487

around the genitals or rectum, when These recurrences usually decrease Hiccups occur when a spasm con-
signs do occur. The blisters break, in frequency over time. The herpes tracts a large sheet of muscle that
leaving tender ulcers or sores that infection can be severe in people separates the chest cavity from the
may take two to four weeks to heal with suppressed immune systems abdominal cavity called the
the first time they occur. Typically, andgenital herpes can cause recur- diaphragm. This spasm causes an
another outbreak can appear weeks rent painful genital sores in many intake of breath that is suddenly
or months after the first, but it adults. Regardless of the severity of stopped by the closure of the vocal
almost always is less severe and the symptoms, genital herpes fre- cords or glottis. This closure causes
shorter than the first outbreak. The quently causes psychological dis- the characteristic “hiccup” sound.
number of outbreaks tends to tress in people who know they
decrease over a period of years, are infected.

“For every talent that poverty has stimulated it has blighted a hundred.”
although the infection can stay in
the body indefinitely. Genital Herpes: Natural
Vitamin C enhances immunity
by acting as an oxidant, hista-
mine, viral and fungal
remover. It may also enhance
white blood cell activity and
promote production of interfer-
on-specific immunoactive pro-
teins released by blood cells in
response to viral infections. What causes hiccups?
A very full stomach can cause bouts
Zinc has been shown to reduce the of hiccups that go away on their
frequency and severity of herpes own. Full stomach can be caused
outbreaks in several clinical trials. by:
Although most people infected with It may inhibit the ability of the her - • Drinking too much alcohol.
HSV-2 are not aware of their infec - pes virus to reproduce itself, partic- • Eating too much too fast.
tion, during the first outbreak, if ularly when applied topically to • Emotional stress or excitement.
signs and symptoms occur, they can lesions. • Smoking.
be quite pronounced. The first out- • Sudden change in stomach tem-
break usually occurs within two Aloe vera, is excellent for ulcers perature, such as drinking a hot bev -
weeks after the virus is transmitted, and is a vulnerary, and can be erage and then a cold beverage.
and the sores typically heal within applied topically to lesions and also • Swallowing too much air.
two to four weeks. During the pri- taken internally for its viral effect.
mary episode, other signs and symp- THE LAUNDRY LIST
toms may include a second crop of Lemon has been shown to have viral
sores, and flu like symptoms, effects as well. The truth must be told. Doctors
including fever and swollen glands. approach non-persistent hiccups
Licorice is a viral worker known to exactly the same way you do, by
However, most individuals with reduce inflammation and heal ulcers running through a list of favorite
HSV-2 infection may never have as well. treatments until they find one that

sores, or they may have very mild works.
signs that they do not even notice or
that they mistake for insect bites or Thoughtfully, the Journal of Clinical
another skin condition. After being Gastroenterology published a list of
diagnosed with herpes, most people
Medi-Sign Target suggested hiccup cures to help those
can expect to have several, typically Apple Cider Vinegar & doctors whose personal lists were a
four or five, outbreaks or sympto- Bicarbonate of Soda little weak. Here are the journal’s
matic recurrences within a year. recommendations.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:18 AM Page 488

• Yank forcefully on the tongue.

• Lift the uvula (that little boxing

bag at the back of your mouth) with
a spoon.

• Tickle the roof of your mouth

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.”

with a cotton swab at the point

where the hard and soft palate

• Chew and swallow dry bread.

• Suck a lemon wedge

• Compress the chest by pulling

conditions in various functions of suffer from high blood pressure.
the knees up or leaning forward.
the body, such as general toxemia,
impaired kidney function, glandular 4. Hypertension is often asympto-
• Gargle with water.
disturbances, defective calcium matic.
metabolism, degenerative changes
• Hold your breath.
in arteries, arteriosclerosis, over- Advanced warning signs include
weight, emotionally caused dysfunc- headaches, sweating, a rapid pulse,
Two other treatments that the jour-
tion in vaso-motor mechanism, etc. shortness of breath, dizziness, and
nal didn’t list but that may warrant a
Blood gets forced through narrow vision disturbances.
try include:
passageways when the arteries
become obstructed with plaque and 5. It is important to eliminate the
• Suck on crushed ice.
cholesterol, they harden and con- reason for elevated blood pressure
strict with arteriosclerosis and the and not just treat the symptoms.
• Place an ice bag on the
circulation of blood through the ves-
diaphragm just below the rib cage.
sels becomes difficult. As a result, The objective of the biologically

high blood
the blood pressure becomes elevat- oriented healer or one who treats

ed. people through the natural healing
process, is not to lower blood pres-
2. Hypertension is precipitated by a sure with drugs or even with specif-
number of factors. ic vitamins and supplements, but to
Medi-Sign Target eliminate the reason for the eleva-
Salt, Water, Walking & In addition to arteriosclerosis, tion. Basically they attempt to
Colonics hypertension is often precipitated by remove the causes of the condition.
cigarette smoking, stress, obesity, When these are removed, the blood
excessive use of stimulants such as pressure will go down by itself.
1. High blood pressure is not a dis-
coffee or tea, drug abuse, and the
ease! It’s plague and toxins!
use of contraceptives. 6. High blood pressure can be of
emotional origin.
High blood pressure is the body’s
3. People with a family history of
defensive and corrective measure,
hypertension may be more likely to It can be caused by stress, worries,
initiated to cope with pathological
fear, pressures competitive life, or
prolonged nervous stress. These
underlying causes of emotional ori-
gins must be removed before any
nutritional or biological solutions
can be successful.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:21 AM Page 489

7. A junk-free diet is essential Brazil nuts, Amaranth, Buckwheat,

for lowering blood pressure. Almonds, Quinoa and Barley.

Some foods and food Omega-3 Fatty Acids

additives that should Researchers theorize that omega-3
be avoided on a heart fatty acids foster good circulation
healthy diet include: due in part to their alpha-linolenic
Accent flavor-enhancer acid content. The presence of
(monosodium glutamate); omega-3 fatty acids makes blood
baking powder (alu- platelets less likely to clump togeth-
minum); canned vegeta- er and form clots that lead to heart
bles; commercially pre- attacks. Some sources of
pared foods; certain denti-

“Poor and content is rich, and rich enough.”

frices and over the counter Omega-3 Fatty Acids are:
medicines that contain ibuprofen, nism by which calcium appears to Almonds, walnuts and pecans.
such as Advil and Nuprin; diet soft lowers blood pressure. Whole food
drinks; food with mold inhibitors, Potassium
calcium also reduces the risk of
preservatives and most sugar substi- pregnancy induced hypertension and Potassium is an important dietary
tutes; and meat tenderizers. preclampsia, so studies have shown. electrolyte that helps maintain blood
pressure levels. Studies indicate
8. A high fiber diet is recommended. Leading food sources of calcium that people who consume optimal
include: Broccoli, Bok choy, Raw amounts of foods high in potassium
A high fiber diet including seeded Milk, Amaranth, Kale, Beans, white generally have lower blood pressure
foods like brown rice, buckwheat, Cheese, Tofu and Soybeans, flaxseed than those whose potassium intake
millet and oats are recommended and flaxseed oil. is low.
along with plenty of raw fresh fruits
and vegetables, such as apples, Flaxseed oil can help protect against Sources of Potassium: Beets, Bok
asparagus, bananas, broccoli, cab- high blood pressure by inhibiting Choy, Apricots, Pomegranates,
bage, raisins, squash and sweet inflammatory reactions that cause organic Chocolate, beans, Oranges,
potatoes. Eat small meals and do artery hardening plaque and poor Water chestnuts, Tomatoes,
not overeat. Remember, obesity is circulation. Potatoes, Quinoa, Cantaloupe,
one of the main causes of high Bananas, Figs, Avocados, Yogurt,

-William Shakespeare
blood pressure and heart disease. Garlic Broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
Several large double blind clinical
9. Avoid foods that are high in ani - studies demonstrate that garlic sig-
mal fat and animal cholesterol. nificantly lowers blood pressure in
people with hypertension, not garlic
Foods such as aged meats and supplements.
orange cheeses, anchovies, chicken
liver, commercial chocolate, pickled Magnesium
herring, hard alcohol, bacon, corned Foods high in magnesium can help
beef, pork sausage, smoked or to lower blood pressure.
processed meats, gravies and bouil- Magnesium plays a part in reducing
lons. elevated blood pressure by relaxing
the muscles that control blood ves-
Whole Food Calcium
sels, allowing blood to flow more
Increasing calcium intake appears to freely.
possess a greater blood pressure
lowering effect in hypertensive than Sources of Magnesium: Spinach,
normotensive individuals. Scientists Avocados, organic Chocolate,
are attempting to isolate the mecha- Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds,

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:21 AM Page 490

Vitamin C preliminary research has suggested Kiwifruit is perfect on the high

“USA Today has come out with a new survey: Apparently three out of four people make up 75 % of the population.”

Vitamin C can widen blood vessels, that all fermented foods such as blood pressure front, too, because
thus helping to lower blood pres- miso and tempeh also contain it. it’s rich in potassium.
sure. Scientists speculate that con-
stricted arteries are caused by the It’s little wonder that so many new
type of cell damage that vitamin C foods made with soybeans are
corrects. appearing every year. Of course, Find Escape
many people prefer to buy uncooked
Sources of Vitamin C: Cabbage, soybeans and prepare them at home.
Red Peppers, Bell Peppers, “The Pressure Cutter”
Tangerines and other mandarins, Brain grain
Oranges, Kiwi fruit, Strawberries A Grain of Truth 1-2 Grapefruits, juiced
3 oz Pineapple Juice
and Potatoes. The whole grain, and nothing but
1 tsp Flaxseed Oil
the grain, for the heart. This
Soy to the World includes whole wheat, whole rice,
All you boys and girls barley, oats and more.
Once sold only in health food
stores, soybeans are now on the Great Gobs of Golden Grapefruit
shelves at the local supermarket. It’s the soluble fiber solution. With
We suspect that in coming years, tons of vitamin C, vitamins, miner-
more and more soybean products als and 5,000 unnamed nutrients.
will join the plain bean. The rea-
sons are many: Soybeans are inex- Kiwifruit
Tubular Rinse
pensive, popular, and very nutri- Over 8,000 nutritional constituents
tious. Consider just a few nutrition - In China, kiwifruit is known as
al facts. “Chinese gooseberry,” and it origi-
nally was known in the United “The Arterial Scrubber”
• Soybeans are amazingly high not States by the same name. New
only in protein but also in key min - Zealand growers suspected that a 1-2 cups Pure Water
erals. Calcium, potassium, and iron more exotic name would fare better 1/2 cup Pineapple Juice
are all present, the latter two in lar ge in the marketplace and changed the 2 Tbsp Oat or Rice Bran
amounts. name to “kiwi” in honor of their 1 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
1/2 tsp Flaxseed Oil
national bird.
• The fat in soybeans is unsaturat- Lowering blood pressure include
ed, making them great for choles- Some value kiwifruit for its striking allspice, grapes, bilberry, black
terol lowering diets. Coupled with appearance, others for its unique fla- cohosh, cat’s claw, chili, devil’s
their low sodium content and the vor. In China, where it is still claw, dong quai, goldenseal,
gotu kola, olive leaf, rosemary,
stevia, valerian and green tea.
calcium and potassium mentioned known as the gooseberry, the
above, the balance of fats in soy - emphasis is on kiwifruit’s healthful-
beans makes them perfect when ness.
blood pressure is a con-

• The fiber in
soybeans has
shown a choles- What about low blood pressure?
terol lowing effect. Within certain limits, the lower your
blood pressure reading is the better.
• Contrary to the long held In most people, blood pressure isn’t
belief that vitamin B12 is too low until it produces symptoms,
present only in animal foods, such as light headedness or fainting.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:21 AM Page 491

In certain disease states, it’s possi- 7. Drink tea made from steeped
ble for blood pressure to be too organic banana peels.
8. Eat a soup made of corn silk and
Examples include: white mushrooms regularly.
• Certain nerve or
endocrine disorders 9. Make a tea from buckwheat and

“Neurotic is a man that builds a castle in the air. A psychotic is the man who lives in it.
• Decreases in lotus roots.
blood volume due to
severe bleeding 10. Avoid smoking, hard alcohol,
(hemorrhage) or spicy foods, all stimulants, fatty or
dehydration lard fried foods and pork.

• Prolonged bed rest

Blood pressure less than
120/80 mm Hg is generally consid- 2. Eat two raw tomatoes on an

A psychiatrist is the man who collects the rent.”

ered ideal. Levels higher than this empty stomach every day for a
increase your risk for cardiovascular month. Medi-Sign Target
Legumes, Grapefruit & Stop
3. Eat three apples daily. Eating Animals
It’s no mystery...
Blood pressure is the force of the 4. Eat garlic and garlic oil to clean
blood against artery walls when the Why is Cholesterol Important?
out the arteries.
heart beats and rests. Heart disease causes have a lot to do
5. Steam tofu, cool to room temper- with blood cholesterol; high blood
The Wrap up cholesterol is one of the major risk
ature and add vinegar and sesame
Ten Food Remedies for Reducing factors, or chance of causing the
oil. This can be combined with
High Blood Pressure disease. In fact, the higher your
soupy rice for a nutritious breakfast.
1. Drink warm celery juice three blood cholesterol level, the greater
times a day or drink lukewarm cel - 6. During the summer, make water- your risk for developing heart dis-
ery juice on an empty stomach at melon juice or eat watermelon every ease or having a heart attack. Heart
least once a day. day. disease is the number one killer of
women and men in the United
States with each year, more than a
million Americans known to have a
heart attacks, and about a half mil -
lion people die from heart disease.
Actually, treatments kill most of
these people.

How Does Cholesterol Cause Heart

Bad cholesterol, which is a fat like
substance from dead animal carcass-
es, builds up in the walls of your
arteries when there is too much bad
cholesterol. Over time, this buildup
causes “hardening of the arteries”
so that arteries become narrowed
and blood flow to the heart is
slowed down or blocked. The blood

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:21 AM Page 492

carries oxygen to the heart, and you Saturated fat is the main culprit,
may suffer chest pain if enough but cholesterol in foods also mat-
blood and oxygen cannot reach your ters. Reducing the amount of
heart. If the blood supply to a por - saturated fat and cholesterol in
tion of the heart is completely cut your diet helps lower your blood
off by a blockage, the result is a cholesterol level. This is a nice
heart attack. way of saying, “Quit eating
foods that have a face or a
Since high blood cholesterol itself mommy.”
does not cause symptoms, many
people are unaware that their cho- • Weight. Being overweight is
“The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.”

lesterol level is too high. It is the cholesterol our body’s produce, a risk factor for heart disease. It
important to find out what your cho - which can happen when we eat the also tends to increase your choles-
lesterol numbers are because lower- all American diet of cheeseburgers, terol. Losing weight can help lower
ing cholesterol levels that are too steaks, pizza, ice cream or any food your LDL or bad cholesterol and
high lessens the risk for developing that has an animal or includes an total cholesterol levels, as well as
heart disease and reduces the chance animal product. raise your HDL or good cholesterol
of a heart attack or dying of heart and lower your triglyceride levels.
disease, even if you already have it. Leading to angina pain, heart attack
Cholesterol lowering is important or stroke, animal cholesterol settles • Physical Activity. Not being
for everyone, younger, middle age, along your arterial walls, and that physically active is a risk factor for
and older adults, women and men excess can clog arteries and restrict heart disease. Regular physical
and people with or without heart blood flow. Animal cholesterol is activity can help lower LDL or bad
disease. also a leading cause of gallstones. cholesterol and raise HDL or good
cholesterol levels. It also helps you
Not all cholesterol is entirely bad What Affects Cholesterol Levels? lose weight. You should try to be
though. The human body actually A variety of things can affect cho- physically active for 30 minutes on
needs it, and produces it; this is lesterol levels. most, if not all, days. Walk…its
good cholesterol. The body uses it fun.
to help protect nerves and build new These are things you can do some-
cells and hormones. In fact, our thing about: • Nibble throughout the day.
bodies get all the cholesterol they • Diet. Saturated fat and choles- One way to lower your cholesterol
need by making it on their own. terol in the food you eat make your is simply to change how often you
The trouble starts when we add to blood cholesterol level go up. eat. Research has shown that lar ge
meals trigger the release of large
amounts of insulin. Insulin release,
in turn, stimulates the production of
an enzyme that increases cholesterol
production by the liver. Having
smaller, more frequent meals, but
not increasing overall calories, may
limit insulin release and play a role
in cholesterol control and heart dis-
ease prevention.

• Add whole food vitamin C to

your menu. Vitamin C is especially
beneficial when you get it from
fruits and vegetables that also have
a cholesterol lowering fiber called
pectin. Pectin surrounds cholesterol

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:21 AM Page 493

and helps transport it out of your

digestive system before it gets into
your blood. Vitamin C rich, pectin
rich foods include citrus fruits,
tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries,
apples and spinach.

• Go heavy on garlic. Vampires

aren’t the only thing garlic keeps
away. In large doses, at least seven • Reach for grapefruit. People

“Depression is rage spread thin.”

cloves daily, this food can signifi- who ate at least one and a half cups
cantly reduce cholesterol. Of of grapefruit sections every day
course, that’s probably more garlic lowered their cholesterol over seven Medi-Sign Target
than most people eat in a month, but percent in two months. Grapefruit
do it. Nerves
is among the fruits that contain cho -
lesterol-lowering pectin.
• Don’t depend on decaf. Pharmaceutical companies fear, hate
Decaffeinated coffee, solvent and (Non-Essential Amino Acid)
and despise grapefruit! Their litera-
poly styrene leached, actually raises Is found abundantly in hemoglobin;
ture tells doctors to tell you not to
LDL levels more than regular brew, has been used in the treatment of
eat it. Because if you did, Lipitor
so it’s the worst beverage selection rheumatoid arthritis, allergic dis-
would die and go away.
if you have high cholesterol. eases, ulcers and anemia. A defi-
ciency can cause poor hearing.
• Cook up some beans. Lima

• Gravitate toward grapes. beans, kidney beans, navy beans,
There’s a cholesterol-lowering com- soybeans and other legumes can all
pound in virtually all products con- help lower your cholesterol. The
taining grape skin, including wine. reason these high fiber legumes are
You can take advantage of these so effective is because they, too, Medi-Sign Target
cholesterol clobbering qualities by contain pectin. The more of these 14-21 Day Water Fast
drinking grape juice or simply eat- beans you can eat, the greater the
ing grapes. benefits you receive.
Hives are usually an allergic reac-
• Munch a couple of car- tion to food or medicine. They are
rots. Bugs Bunny’s favorite raised, often itchy red welts on the
entree is a boon to arteries, surface of the skin.
because carrots have plenty
of cholesterol-lowering When you have an allergic reaction
pectin. It may be possible to a substance, histamine and other
for people with high choles- chemicals are released into your
terol to lower it ten to twen - bloodstream, causing itching,
ty percent just by eating two swelling, and other symptoms.
carrots a day. Hives are a common reaction, espe-

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:21 AM Page 494

Treatment thing, is a malignant cancerous

Treatment may not be needed if the growth of cells in the lymph system.
hives are mild. They may disappear Hodgkin’s disease is the better
on their own. To reduce itching and known form of lymphoma. The
swelling: other lymphomas are grouped into
“Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance or a stranger.”

• Apply cool compresses to the what is called the Non-Hodgkin’s

welts. This may reduce swelling Lymphomas.
and pain. If a large part of your
body is affected, soak in a cool bath. The disease was named after an
cially in people with other allergies Avoid hot baths or showers. English scholar and Quaker physi-
like hay fever. cian working at Guy’s Hospital in
• Avoid irritating the area with England named Thomas Hodgkin
When swelling or welts occur tight-fitting clothing. (1798-1866). Lymphatic disease
around the face, especially the lips was first described in 1666 by
and eyes, it is called angioedema; Especially in chronic cases, allergies Malpighi although it was in
swelling from angioedema can also to foods and food additives are a Hodgkin’s 1832 paper that cases of
occur around your hands, feet and common cause of hives. Citrus Hodgkin’s lymphoma were well
throat. fruits are among those foods most documented. Hodgkin’s name was
commonly reported to trigger hives. attached to the disease in 1865 in a
Many substances can trigger hives: Numerous clinical studies demon- paper by Wilks.
• Animal dander (especially cats) strate that diets that are free of foods
• Insect bites that commonly trigger allergic reac- What now differentiates Hodgkin’s
• Medications tions typically produce significant lymphoma is the presence of Reed-
• Pollen reductions in symptoms in 50 to 75 Sternberg cells, and variations on
• Shellfish, fish and other foods percent of people with chronic this cell, in the cancerous area, a
hives. People with hives should cell specific to Hodgkin’s disease.
Hives may also develop from: investigate the possibility that food There is definitive evidence that the
• Emotional stress allergies are causing their problem. cancerous cells are of B-cell lym-
• Excessive perspiration
• Extreme cold or sun exposure Food allergies typically indicate
• Infections like mononucleosis or an extreme deficiency of the nutri-
illness (including lupus, other ents in those foods. The body
autoimmune diseases, and leukemia) reacts violently trying to get to
them. Small, sometimes infinitely
Symptoms: small amounts of the food or just
• Itching exposure of them to skin can help
• Swelling of the surface of the to resolve the allergic response.

skin into red or skin colored welts

(called wheals) with clearly defined

The welts may enlarge, spread, and lymphoma

join together to form larger areas of
flat, raised skin. They can also
change shape, disappear, and reap- Medi-Sign Target
pear within minutes or hours. The 14 Days on Cabala Juice
welts tend to start suddenly and
resolve quickly. When you press
the center of a red welt, it blanches Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or Hodgkin’s
or turns white. disease, two terms for the same

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:21 AM Page 495

phocyte or white blood cell, in ori - HOMEOPATHY WARNING: Maybe. Not always.

“Psychiatry is probably the single most destructive force that has affected the american society within the last fifty years.”
gin. The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) Be careful, even small amounts of
also appears to be a factor, at least drugs are still drugs.
in some cases, appearing in about Medi-Sign Target
40 to 50 percent of Hodgkin’s cases. A First Step in the Right Homeopathy lost its roots and
In people who have contracted Direction. meaning along the way
infectious mononucleosis, It is important to note that immu -
Hodgkin’s may be more prevalent. nizations and allergy treatments are
This can be a first step to get away
Also there are links between two of the very few applications in
from drugs.
Hodgkin’s and the measles virus. It modern medicine today that
has recently been found that Inter- actually set off the body’s
leukin-13, a natural cytokine in the own defenses in the attempt at
body, may be overproduced by prevention or treatment of
Hodgkin’s cancerous cells. What specific diseases, and it is
causes Hodgkin’s lymphoma is still NOT simply a coincidence
being researched. Dollars to dough- that both of these treatments
nuts it’s cadaverine plaques. are derived from the homeo-
pathic principle of similars.
Hodgkin’s can occur in children and
adults. It is more common in two WARNING: Immunization
age groups; early adulthood usually and allergy treatments have
around 25 or 30, and late adulthood permanently disabled and killed tens
The word “homeopathy” is derived
after 55. This lymphoma is rare in of thousands of people including
from two Greek words: homoios
children under five. About ten to babies, and do so every year.
which means “similar” and pathos
fifteen percent of cases are diag-
which means “suffering.”
nosed in children 16 years old and Homeopathic medicine is so widely
Homeopathy’s basic premise is
younger. Children don’t naturally practiced by physicians in Europe
called the “principle of similars,”
like to eat meat, they have to be that it is no longer appropriate to
and it refers to recurrent observation
trained. By age five their of f and consider it “alternative medicine”
and experience that a medicinal sub-
running to McDonald’s. there. Approximately 30 percent of
stance will elicit a healing response
French doctors and 20 percent of
for the specific syndrome of symp-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma is not conta- German doctors use homeopathic
toms or suffering that it has been
gious and the person does not pose a medicines regularly, while over 40
proven to cause when given to a
risk to others in any way. There are
healthy person in overdose.
some symptoms for
The principle of similars encourages
Hodgkin’s but they are not specific.
a respect for the body’s wisdom and
Often a lymph node swells, espe-
initiates a healing response. It
cially in the upper body area. Other
makes sense to utilize a medicine
times one feels they have a lack of
that helps and mimics this defense
energy. More serious symptoms can
rather than that inhibits or suppress-
include weight loss, fever and
es it, because symptoms represent
drenching night sweats. Some peo-
the best efforts of our body in its
ple have itching and others a lower
defenses against infection or stress.
back pain that is unexplained. The
The principle of similars may be
lower back pain may be caused by
one of nature’s laws that, when used
growing lymph nodes pressing on
well, can be one of our most sophis-
nerves. In occasional cases the
ticated healing strategies, except
involved nodes are painful after
when applied to drugs.
alcohol consumption.
(See: Disease: The Mystery Solved)

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:21 AM Page 496

mental, it seemed to many people to colonists to mean processed corn.

be more rather than less scientific Unfamiliar with corn, the colonists
than orthodox medicine.” had to learn from the Indians how
make the tough grain edible. The
I personally would like to see peo- pioneers prepared hominy by soak-
ple replace their pharmaceutical ing the kernels in weak wood-based
drugs with homeopathic medicines; lye until the hulls floated to the sur -
then replace all of that with fasting face.
and whole foods, walking, salt,
water, clean air and Near their kitchens, Colonists usual-
sunshine. ly kept both a samp mill and an ash
hopper. A samp mill was a giant
mortar and pestle made from a tree
stump and a block of wood, which

“If at first you don’t succeed, failure may be your style.”

was hung from a tree branch. The

percent of British physicians refer branch acted as a spring. The samp
people to homeopathic doctors, and mill was used to crack hard kernels
almost half of Dutch physicians of dried corn into coarse meal. The
consider homeopathic medicines to Medi-Sign Target ash hopper was a V-shaped wooden
be effective. The fact that the Bri- funnel. Wood ashes were put into
Bones & Muscle Power the funnel, and then water was run
tish Royal Family has used and sup-
ported homeopathy, reflecting its through the funnel to make lye. The
longstanding presence in Britain’s lye was then used to soften the
national health care system, since corn hulls and create hominy.
the 1830’s.
An English traveler in 1668
Homeopathic medicine also once once described hominy as simi-
had a major presence in American lar to the English dish, “Hasty
society and in American medical Pudding.” Hasty pudding and
care. In 1900 there were 22 homeo - hominy were the instant cereal
pathic medical schools in the United of colonial times.
States, including Boston University,
University of Michigan, New York After “samp” fell out of use,
Medical College, Hahnemann “hominy” was used inter-
University, University of Minnesota, changeably with “grits” In the
and even the University of Iowa. rest of America, hominy
Further, many of America’s cultural referred to the whole kernels
Hominy is the corn without the
elite were homeopathy’s strongest which were skinned but not ground;
germ. Hominy is served both whole
advocates, including Mark Twain, in most of the South, “hominy”
and ground; it can be either a cereal
William James, John D. Rockefeller, came to mean the coarsely ground
or a vegetable, hominy is boiled
Susan B. Anthony, Louisa May skinned kernels used to make the
until cooked. Hominy may also be
Alcott, Henry Wadsworth Longfel- dish known as “hominy grits” or
pressed into patties and fried. This
low, Henry David Thoreau, and just plain “grits.”
dish is especially popular in the
Harriett Beecher Stowe, amongst southern United States. Samp is
many others. In New Orleans, the whole kernels
another name for coarse hominy.
are still called “big hominy” and the
Hominy ground into small grains is
In his Pulitzer Prize winning book ground ones are known as “little
sometimes called “hominy grits.”
The Social Transformation of Amer- hominy.” In the American South-
ican Medicine, Paul Starr noted, east, to this day, grits are eaten with
“Hominy” and “samp” are words
“Because homeopathy was simulta- everything; cheese, nutritional yeast,
used interchangeably by American
neously philosophical and experi- butter, vegetables, etc.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:21 AM Page 497

In the Southwest, hominy is called HONEY removal properties are used to break
“posole,” and it is used to make the cycle of alcoholism. Alcohol is a
hearty stews of hominy, chile pep- sugar. Give honey by the spoonful
pers, and more South Westerners Medi-Sign Target when more alcohol is craved during
and Mexicans will also grind small Brain, Heart & Nerve a hangover. Honey’s harmonizing
hominy until it is very fine and use Cleanser effect is also beneficial when a per -
it for tamale and tortilla dough. son is overworked, having menstru-
al problems, or
Quick or instant grits are available is exhausted.
in cans but the quality seems to suf -
fer in the canning process. The A small amount
result is grits that are usually of honey is nor-

“There is no psychology; there is only biography and autobiography.”

described as tasting like “library mally adequate
paste.” for those whose
diet is primarily
The word “grits” comes from Old grains and veg-
English grytta meaning to grind, etables. For
like gritting ones teeth. Yellow grits most purposes,
include the entire kernel, while dilute one to
white grits use dehulled kernels. three teaspoons
Grits are prepared by simply boiling of honey in
Honey is replacing white sugar
into porridge; normally they are warm water or mix with other food
because more and more people are
boiled until enough water evapo- to reduce its strong effect. Heat
realizing that white sugar is one of
rates to leave them semi-solid. processed honey should not be used
the worst foods around. Honey is
by people with copious amounts of
much sweeter than white sugar and
mucus. Raw, completely
is assimilated directly
unprocessed, unheated honey is
into the bloodstream very
preferable; it has the ability to dry
quickly. Honey contains
up mucus and is helpful for those
more minerals and
with edema and too much weight.
Raw honey is not recommended for
Honey has been used as
infants under 12 months. Raw
medicine for centuries.
honey can be obtained from some
All types of honey, both
grocery and natural food stores, or
raw and heated, work nat-
from beekeepers.
urally to harmonize the
liver, neutralize toxins
Honey has strong probiotic proper-
and relieve pain. Its
ties. It also has sleep-inducing, seda-
warming/cooling energy
tive and tranquilizing properties.
is neutral. Honey mois-
tens dryness and treats
The nutrients in honey are believed
dry or hoarse throat and
to assist in cancer, heart and other
dry cough. Both raw and
diseases. According to the United
heated types of honey are
States researchers, dark colored
useful for treating stom-
honey, such as buckwheat honey, is
ach ulcers, cancer sores,
generally thought to contain higher
high blood pressure, and
levels of nutrients than the light col -
constipation and can be
ored varieties. Honey also has the
applied directly to burns.
same level of disease resistant nutri-
Honey’s sweet and toxic
ents as fruits.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:21 AM Page 498

HONEYDEW While some Vaccinium species,

such as the Red Huckleberry, are
always called huckleberries, other
Medi-Sign Target species may be called blueberries or
huckleberries depending upon local
Breasts Deplaquer custom. Similar Vaccinium species
in Europe are called bilberries.
-Peter O’Toole, on psychoanalysis

Note: There is much confusion in

naming of berries in American Eng-
lish. Huckleberry is also sometimes
used for the unrelated Solanum
melanocerasum, which is a small
annual bush producing “pea” sized
black fruit. Although the fruit is
similar the plant is not otherwise
like the huckleberries. Huckleberry
has the same nutrient powerhouse as
Horseradish is utilized by European
herbalists both internally and exter-
“I don’t go for this auto-cannibalism. Very damaging.”

The honeydew is a type of edible nally. It causes reddening when

melon. It is a member of the family applied to the skin and was used on
cucurbitaceae, and a cultivar, of the arthritic joints or irritated nerves.
species Cucumis melo L. subspecies Internally, it was considered to be a
melo L. This includes other cultivars diuretic and is used by herbalists to
such as the cantaloupe, casaba, treat kidney stones or edema. It is
musk melon and several ornamental also recommended as a digestive
gourds. stimulant and to treat worms,
coughs and sore throats.

The honeydew has a smooth,
creamy white rind with a pubes- It has the qualities of ginger and
cence or a soft, invisible, downy garlic in activity for cancers, heart
texture that disappears when ready and heavy metal detoxification.
to eat, a light green flesh, its juicy Removes and breaks up disease Medi-Sign Target
and sweet. Newer varieties include plaque. Salt in Wound
orange fleshed honeydews. They
can grow to be five to seven
pounds. Honeydew has the same Human bites result from fights, sex-
benefits as cantaloupe. ual activity, medical and dental
Medi-Sign Target
treatment and seizures. Bites also
Brain & Blood Deplaquer raise the possibility of spousal or

child abuse. Children often bite
other children, but those bites are
Huckleberry is a name used in hardly ever severe. Human bites are
Medi-Sign Target North America for several plants in capable of transmitting a wide range
two closely related genera in the of dangerous diseases, including
Bones, Stem Cells, family Ericaceae, Gaylussacia and hepatitis B, syphilis and tuberculo-
Deplaquer & Lungs Vaccinium. sis.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:22 AM Page 499

“dance” and refers to begin to have difficulty making

the incessant quick, decisions, learning new information,
jerky, involuntary answering questions and remember-
movements that are ing important information. Your
characteristic of this family and friends may notice these
condition. changes before you become aware
of them.
Huntington’s disease
is an inherited disease Early physical signs and symptoms
and signs and symp- of Huntington’s disease may include

“People who do not understand themselves have a craving for understanding.”

toms usually develop mild balance problems, clumsiness
in middle age, and and involuntary facial movements
men and women are such as grimacing. As the disease
Human bites fall into two cate- equally likely to develop the condi- progresses, you may develop:
gories: occlusional or true bites and tion. Younger people with
clenched fist injuries. The occlu- Huntington’s disease often have a • A wide, prancing gait
sional bites present a low risk of more severe case as their symptoms
infection. The latter, which are very may progress more quickly. It is • Dementia
infectious and can permanently rare for children may develop this
damage the hand, usually result condition. • Difficulty shifting your gaze
from a fist hitting teeth during a without moving your head
fight. Because people often wait An estimated one in 10,000
before seeking treatment for Americans has Huntington’s dis- • Hesitant, halting or slurred
clenched fist injuries, the result is ease, with about 30,000 known speech
that about half of such injuries are cases in the United States. About
infected. 150,000 Americans may be at risk • Inability to swallow
of inheriting Huntington’s disease
Wash with soap and water for five from a parent. • Severe problems with balance
minutes, put salt into the wound, and coordination
then rinse and bandage.

• Sudden jerky, involuntary
movements (chorea) through-

out your body

Including muscle rigidity,

Medi-Sign Target tremors and slow movements,
young people who develop
Walking, Weights, Tennis,
Seizures may develop during
Salt & Water early onset and other symp-
toms may mimic Parkinson’s
Huntington’s disease or disease.
Huntington’s chorea is a progres-
sive, degenerative disease that caus- The disease usually develops
es certain nerve cells in your brain Signs and Symptoms slowly, and the severity of signs and
to waste away. Uncontrolled move- The earliest signs and symptoms of symptoms is related to the degree of
ments, emotional disturbances and Huntington’s disease often include nerve cell loss. Death occurs about
mental deterioration are symptoms. personality changes and decreased 10 to 30 years after signs and symp-
The disorder was documented in cognitive abilities. You may toms first appear. Having
1872 by American physician George demonstrate symptoms such as irri- Huntington’s disease presents a
Huntington. The name “chorea” tability, anger or paranoia or show number of challenges that require
comes from the Greek word for signs of depression. You may also daily or regular attention.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:22 AM Page 500

The following steps may improve tions. Treatment can occur at home. Hyper-
how you feel:
• Exercise regularly. People with Lifestyle changes can reduce high
Huntington’s disease who exercise blood pressure, including weight
regularly tend to fare better than loss, exercise, and dietary adjust- Medi-Sign Target
those who don’t exercise, and physi- ments. Stop eating meat of any Extended Fasting,
-Larry the Cable Guy

cal activity can help you feel better kind. Drink one quart of water for
Mushrooms & Ferments
mentally and physically. Keep your every 50 pounds of weight. Walk
home free of sharp, hard objects in one hour every day.
case you fall while moving around.
Consider wearing special padding to • Lose weight if you are over-
protect yourself from falls that may weight. Excess weight adds to
happen while you’re on walks. strain on the heart. Weight loss is
Wearing sturdy, properly fitting the only treatment needed in most
“That don’t make no sense. That’s like wiping your butt before you poop.”

shoes may help with stability. cases.

• Exercise to help your heart.
• Maintain proper nutrition.
People with Huntington’s disease
need to get adequate nutrition to
maintain body weight. You may
need assistance while eating because
Huntington’s disease can impair Your thyroid is a butterfly shaped
coordination. Allow plenty of time gland located just below your
for meals. Cutting food into small Adam’s apple at the base of your
pieces or eating pureed food may neck. Even though your thyroid
make swallowing easier and prevent weighs less than an ounce, it has an
choking. Using cups with lids and enormous impact on your health.
suction cups and tableware designed Every aspect of your metabolism is
for people with disabilities may pre- regulated by thyroid hormones,
vent spills. from your heart rate to how quickly
you burn calories.
• Drink plenty of water.
Huntington’s disease can make you Your metabolism functions normally
vulnerable to dehydration. Drink as long as your thyroid produces the
large amounts of water, especially right amount of these hormones.
during hot weather. Some people Sometimes, though, your thyroid
find that bendable straws make gland produces too much of the hor -
drinking easier. For the best results, mone thyroxine, a condition known
read, (Disease: The Mystery Solved) as hyperthyroidism or overactive

thyroid disease. This can accelerate
your body’s metabolism sometimes
by as much as 60 percent to 100
percent, causing sudden weight loss,
Medi-Sign Target Walk! a rapid or irregular heartbeat and
nervousness or irritability.
Walking & Red Foods • Increase fruits, vegetables, and
fiber. Stop the crap food intake. When it comes to having hyperthy-
Treatment Now! roidism women are more likely than
The goal of treatment is to reduce (See: High Blood Pressure and men to develop it. Although the
blood pressure to a level where Heart Disease) condition usually occurs in young or
there is decreased risk of complica- middle aged adults, it can also af fect

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:22 AM Page 501

adolescents and older adults. Even Older adults are more likely to have mus. Your hypothalamus is an area
though hyperthyroidism can be fatal either no symptoms or very subtle at the base of your brain that acts as
if it’s ignored, most people respond ones including an increased heart a thermostat for your whole system.
well once the condition is diagnosed rate, heat intolerance and a tendency Here’s how the process works:
and treated. to become tired during ordinary
activities. The hypothalamus signals your pitu-
Hyperthyroidism can be difficult to itary gland to make a hormone
diagnose because it can mimic other Sometimes, affecting your eyes, is a called thyroid-stimulating hormone
health problems. problem called Graves’ ophthal- or TSH. Your pituitary gland then
mopathy. With this disorder, the tis- releases TSH. The amount depends
Most common symptoms include: sues and muscles behind the eyeball on how much thyroxine and tri-
• An enlarged thyroid (goiter), swell causing the eyeball to protrude iodothyronine are in your blood.
which may appear as a swelling at forward. This causes the front sur- Finally, your thyroid gland regulates
the base of your neck. face of your eyeball to become very its production of hormones based on

“Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering.”

dry. the amount of TSH it receives.

Other signs and symptoms of Normally, your thyroid releases the

Graves’ ophthalmopathy include: right amount of hormones, but
• Excessive tearing or discomfort sometimes it can produce too much
in one or both eyes. thyroxine. This may occur for a
number of reasons, including:
• Light sensitivity, blurry or dou-
ble vision, inflammation or reduced • Graves’ disease. Most hyperthy-
eye movement. roidism is caused by Graves’ dis-
ease. Graves’ is an autoimmune dis-
• Red or swollen eyes. ease in which bodies produced by
your immune system stimulate the
• Changes in bowel patterns, espe- thyroid to produce too much thyrox-
cially more frequent bowel move- ine.
• Hyperfunctioning thyroid nod-
• Changes in menstrual patterns. ules. This form of hyperthyroidism
occurs when one or more adenomas
• Difficulty sleeping. of your thyroid produce too much
• Widening of the space between thyroxine. An adenoma is a part of
• Fatigue, muscle weakness. your eyelids. Your thyroid gland the gland that has walled itself of f
produces two main hormones, thy- from the rest of the gland, forming
• Increased sensitivity to heat. roxine and triiodothyronine. Their noncancerous or benign lumps that
job is to maintain the rate at which may cause an enlargement of the
• Nervousness, irritability, tremor. your body uses fats and carbohy- thyroid.
drates, help control your body tem-
• Rapid or irregular heartbeat perature, influence your heart rate • Thyroiditis. Sometimes your
(arrhythmia) or pounding of your and help regulate the production of thyroid gland can become inflamed
heart protein. Calcitonin, which is a hor - for unknown reasons. The inflam-
mone that regulates the amount of mation can cause excess thyroid
• Sudden weight loss, even when calcium in your blood is also pro - hormone stored in the gland to leak
your appetite and food intake duced by your thyroid. into your bloodstream.
remain normal or increase.
The rate at which these hormones Eat lots of mushrooms, pumpkins,
• Sweating are released is controlled by your pumpkin seeds, sauerkraut, fresh
pituitary gland and your hypothala- cabbage, greens and pine nuts.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:22 AM Page 502

HYPOGLYCEMIA as the goal for treating people with Can the body protect itself from
diabetes becomes tighter blood hypoglycemia?
sugar control. When the circulating level of blood
Medi-Sign Target glucose falls, the brain actually
Sweet Potatoes & I thought high blood sugar was senses the drop. The brain then
Lots of Fruit bad. Why is low blood sugar also sends out messages that trigger a
-G. K. Chesterton

bad? series of events, including changes

The body needs fuel to work. One in hormone and nervous system
of its major fuel sources is sugars, responses that are aimed at increas-
which the body gets from what is ing blood glucose levels. Insulin
consumed as either simple sugar or secretion decreases and hormones
complex carbohydrates. For situa- that promote higher blood glucose
tions such as prolonged fasting, the levels, such as glucagon, cortisol,
“The world will never starve for want of wonders; but only for want of wonder.”

body stores a stash of sugar in the growth hormone and epinephrine,

liver as glycogen. If this store is all increase. As mentioned above,
needed, the body goes through a there is a store in the liver of glyco -
biochemical process called gluco- gen that can be converted to glucose
Hypoglycemia is the clinical syn-
neo-genesis, meaning to “make new rapidly.
drome that results from low blood
sugar,” and converts these stores of
sugar. The symptoms one experi-
glycogen to sugar. This backup In addition to the biochemical
ences from hypoglycemia can vary
process emphasizes that the fuel processes that occur, the body starts
from person to person, as can the
source of sugar is important. It is to consciously alert the affected per-
severity. Hypoglycemia is classical-
important enough for human beings son that is needs food by causing
ly diagnosed by a low blood sugar
to have a system of storage to avoid the signs and symptoms of hypo-
with symptoms that resolve when
a sugar drought. glycemia discussed below.
the sugar level returns to the normal
What are symptoms of hypo-
glycemia, and how low is too low?
Who is at risk for hypoglycemia?
The body’s biochemical response to
While people who do not have any
hypoglycemia usually starts when
metabolic problems can complain of
sugars are in the high to mid 60’s.
symptoms suggestive of low blood
At this point, the liver releases its
sugar, true hypoglycemia usually
stores and the hormones mentioned
occurs in people being treated for
above start to activate. In many peo -
diabetes, either type one or type
ple, this process occurs without any
two. If their high circulating insulin
Of all the organs in the body, the symptoms.
levels are further challenged, people
brain depends on sugar, which we
with pre-diabetes who have insulin
are now going to refer to as glucose, While there is some degree of vari -
resistance can also have low sugars
almost exclusively. Rarely, if ability among people, most will usu-
on occasion. There are other rare
absolutely necessary, the brain will ally develop symptoms suggestive
causes for hypoglycemia, such as
use ketones as a fuel source, but this of hypoglycemia when blood glu-
insulin producing tumors or insuli-
is not preferred. The brain cannot cose levels are lowered to the mid
nomas and certain medications.
make its own glucose and is 100 50’s. The first set of symptoms is
percent dependent on the rest of the called neuro-genic or sympathetic,
In large scale studies looking at
body for its supply. If for some rea- because they relate to the nervous
tight control in both type 1 and type
son, the glucose level in the blood system’s response to hypoglycemia.
2 diabetes, low blood sugars
falls or if the brain’s requirements
occurred more often in the people
increase and demands are not met, People may experience any of the
who were managed most intensive-
there can be effects on the function following:
ly. This is important for people and
of the brain. • Intense hunger
physicians to recognize, especially
• Nervousness

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:22 AM Page 503

• Often have trouble speaking not getting enough glucose. At this greatest risk for developing thyroid
• Palpitations point, symptoms progress to confu- problems. A woman faces as high
• Sweating sion, drowsiness, and changes in as a one in five chance of develop -
• Trembling behavior. ing thyroid problems during her life-
• Weakness time. This risk increases with age
How is hypoglycemia treated? and especially for those with a fami -
In most, these symptoms are easily Fruit works like a miracle. ly history of thyroid problems.
recognizable. The vast majority of (See: Blood Sugar)

people with diabetes only experi- The only cells in the body capable
ence this degree of hypoglycemia if of absorbing iodine are in the thy -

they are on medications or insulin. roid. The thyroid takes in iodine,
People, either diabetic or with obtained through food, iodized salt,
insulin resistance, with high circu- sea kelp, etc, and combines it with
lating levels of insulin who fast or Medi-Sign Target the amino acid tyrosine. The thy-

“Your just a sesame seed on the bun of life.”

lower their carbohydrate intake roid then converts the iodine/tyro-
Water, Carrots, Salt, Nuts,
drastically should also be cautioned. sine into the hormones T3 and T4.
These people may also experience Seeeds, Grains & Mushroom The “3” and the “4” refer to the
modest hypoglycemia. number of iodine molecules in each
thyroid hormone molecule.
Anyone who has experienced an
episode of hypoglycemia describes a When it’s in good condition, 80 per-
sense of urgency to eat and resolve cent of the hormone produced will
the symptoms. This sense of be T4 and 20 percent will be T3. T3
urgency is exactly the point of these is considered the biologically more
symptoms. They act as warning active hormone. It is the one that
signs. At this level, the brain still actually functions at the cellular
can access circulating blood glucose Thyroid disease affects an estimated level, and is also considered several
for fuel. The symptoms provide a 27 million Americans, but more times stronger than T4.
person the opportunity to raise than half are undiagnosed. About
blood glucose levels before the six million to seven million of them Once released by the thyroid, the T3
brain is affected. are women older than age 40 who and T4 travel through the blood-
have an under active thyroid. Only stream in order to help cells convert
If a person does not or cannot about half of all cases are diagnosed oxygen and calories into energy.

-Tracy Jones
respond by eating something to raise early because hypothyroidism usual-
blood glucose, the levels of glucose ly develops very slowly. Frequently As mentioned, the thyroid produces
continue to drop. Somewhere in the misunderstood, and too often over- some T3, but the rest of the T3
45 mg/dl range, most people looked and misdiagnosed, thyroid needed by the body is actually
progress to neuro-glyco-penic disease affects almost every aspect formed from the mostly inactive T4.
ranges. This is where the brain is of health, so understanding more This is done by a process sometimes
about the thyroid, referred to as “T4 to T3 conver-
and the symptoms sion.” This conversion of T4 to T3
that occur when can take place in some organs other
something goes than the thyroid, including a part of
wrong with this your brain called the hypothalamus.
small gland, can help
you protect or regain The thyroid is part of a huge feed -
good health. back process. The hypothalamus in
the brain releases Thyrotropin
Seven times more Releasing Hormone (TRH). The
often than men, release of TRH tells the pituitary
women are at the gland to release Thyroid Stimulating

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:22 AM Page 504

Hormone (TSH). This TSH, circu-

lating in your bloodstream, is what
tells the thyroid to make thyroid
“Cows love their calves, sows love their piglets and chickens love their chicks. Farmed animals love their families

hormones and release them into

your bloodstream.

Causes of Thyroid Disease

What causes thyroid problems?
There are a variety of factors that
can contribute to the development of
thyroid problems:

• Exposure to radiation, such as

occurred after the Chernobyl nuclear
meltdown. through 1960’s, as a treatment for Its symptoms include drowsiness
tonsillitis, colds and other ailments, and intense intolerance to cold fol-
• Some drugs, such as lithium and or as a military submariner and/or lowed by profound lethargy and
the heart drug cordarone, can cause pilot who had trouble with drastic even unconsciousness.
hypothyroidism. changes in pressure.
Thyroid – Natural Remedies
• An over consumption or short- • Over consumption of foodless Dietary changes for Hyperthy-
and mourn their loss.”

age of iodine in the diet can also food. roidism

trigger some thyroid problems. This Eat a healthy diet filled with plenty
also applies to iodine containing When hypothyroidism isn’t treated, of vegetables and fruits, especially
supplements, such as processed symptoms can gradually become broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage,
herbs and bladderwrack. more severe. Constant stimulation cauliflower, kale, mustard greens,
of your thyroid to release more hor - peaches, pears, rutabagas, soybeans,
• Radiation treatment to the head, mones may lead to an enlarged thy- spinach and turnips. Avoid com-
neck or chest, such as radiation roid or goiter. You also may mercially processed dairy products
treatment for tonsils, adenoids, become more forgetful, your for three months or more after being
lymph nodes, thymus gland prob- thought processes may slow, or you diagnosed with hyperthyroidism.
lems, acne, or even just too many x- may feel depressed. Do not consume stimulants such as
rays. nicotine and soft drinks.
Advanced hypothyroidism, known
• Nasal Radium Therapy, which as myxedema, is very rare, but when Eat lots of mushrooms.
took place during the 1940’s it occurs it can be life threatening.
To treat hypothyroidism properly
you need to avoid certain foods.

These foods include:

• Antibiotics

• Aspartame

• Avoid algae’s chlorella, spiruli-

na, etc…

• Baking powder (aluminum)

• Carcinogens

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:22 AM Page 505

• Chlorinated water • Flaxseed oil/food grade Linseed • Carrots, spinach and kale.
oil, extra virgin olive oil
• Food additives • Carrots, wheat grass and kale.
• Fruits are able to stop free radi -
• Hard alcohol drinks cal chain reactions • Tomato, cucumber parsley, cel-
ery and broccoli.
• Junk foods (hamburgers, pizza, • Garlic, Onion – Garlic and
hot dog, nachos, etc.) onions contains chemicals: (allyl • Tomato, green pepper, celery,

“I never give them hell. I just tell the truth and they think it’s hell.”
sulfides) which help limit the pro- cucumber, parsley and a pinch of
• Margarine and other hydrogenat- duction of cancer causing chemi- sea salt.
ed fats cals.

• Meat and fish • Rice, barley malt, carob, fruits,

carrots, organic chocolate
• MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate)
• Soy (miso, tamari, shoyu and
• Pesticides soy sauce; without fish)

• Processed synthetic oils as well, • Tomato

like olestra (polyester based)
• Unrefined sea salt – preferably
• Refined oils solar prepared (sand free)

• Vegetable juices

• Whole food Calcium, Magne-

sium, Vitamin D (sunshine; see food

Raw vegetable juices for thyroid

you can make combinations of, or Water
have alone include: Water is the one important ingredi-
• Refined, table salt (aluminum, • Carrots and small amounts of ent that everyone has and is neces -
silica’s, etc.) garlic, onion and ginger. sary for proper health. Over half of
your body is made up of water. It’s
• Soft drinks/soda pop • Carrots, cucumber and celery. in every cell and every tissue. It is
vital for those with hypothyroidism
• Sorbitol • Carrots, parsley and celery. to drink enough water. Biological
-Harry S. Truman
processes like circula-
• Splenda tion, digestion, absorp-
tion and excretion
• Sugar, commercial chocolate, depend on water. It
and other concentrated sweeteners forms the foundation of
blood and lymph, main-
Instead, eat foods that can heal tains hearty muscles
you. These foods include: and young-looking
• Eat rooted aquatic plants. skin, lubricates joints
and organs and regu-
• Essential fatty Acids (avocado’s, lates body temperature.
nuts and fruits) You can’t function
without it.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:22 AM Page 506

As you grow older, it becomes vital HYSTERECTOMY is estimated that 97 percent of all
to pay attention to your water con - hysterectomies are unnecessary.
sumption. Mature persons hold less
cellular water, with a loss of ten to Medi-Sign Target How is a Hysterectomy Performed?
15 percent of previous capacity by Hysterectomies are done through a
Soybeans & Yams
the age of 65. A contributing factor cut in the abdomen, an abdominal
is the loss of thirst sensitivity. A hysterectomy, or the vagina, a vagi-
lack of fluid in your body might nal hysterectomy. Sometimes an
make it more difficult for you to instrument called a laparoscope is
digest food because water is impor- used to help see inside the abdomen.
tant for digestion. You may suffer The type of surgery that is done
from cramps, bloating, gas, consti- depends on the reason for the sur-
pation, diverticulosis or even colon gery. Abdominal hysterectomies are
cancer. Drinking more water, com- more common than vaginal hys-
bined with a high fiber diet, can pre - terectomies and usually require a
“Often the test of courage is not to die but to live.”

vent these problems and even assist longer recovery time. This makes
remission of them. hospital administrations very happy.

To overcome the loss of fluids, the Why do women have hysterec-

answer is simple. Drink more tomies? Do alternatives exist?
What is a hysterectomy?
water. Six to ten glasses of pure Hysterectomies are most often
First, it’s a moneymaker the way
water each day are necessary to done for the following reasons:
appendectomies used to be.
enhance your body’s functioning. • Money.
A hysterectomy is an operation to
Beyond helping your digestive sys-
remove a woman’s uterus or womb.
tem, getting enough fluids will give • Uterine fibroids. Fibroids are
The uterus is where a baby grows
you fresh skin, clear eyes and shin - common, benign or noncancerous
when a woman is pregnant.
ing hair. Signs of hunger may be a tumors that grow in the muscle of
Sometimes the fallopian tubes,
warning flag that your body is need the uterus. More hysterectomies are
ovaries, and cervix are removed at
of a good drink. Try consuming done because of fibroids than any
the same time the uterus is removed.
several glasses of water before div- other problem of the uterus.
These organs are located in a
ing into a snack to see if that takes Fibroids often cause no symptoms
woman’s lower abdomen. The
care of your craving. Because fruits and need no treatment, and they
cervix is the lower end of the uterus.
are largely made up of water, they usually shrink after menopause. But
The ovaries are organs that produce
are perfect choices. sometimes fibroids cause heavy
eggs and hormones. The fallopian
bleeding or pain that typically clears
tubes carry eggs from the ovaries to
Consume a diet that includes foods itself.
the uterus.
that enhance thyroid function, such
as whole grains, raw seeds, prunes,
How common are
apricots, potatoes, dates, apricots,
egg yolks, molasses and parsley.
Hysterectomy is the second
Avoid processed and refined foods,
most common major surgery
like white flour and sugar.
among women in the United
States. The most common
Commit to a moderate exercise pro-
major surgery that women have
gram, like walking. Avoid fluoride
is cesarean section delivery.
and chlorine because these sub-
Each year, more than 600,000
stances tend to block iodine recep-
hysterectomies are done. About
tors in the thyroid gland. Do not
one third of women in the
take sulfa drugs or antihistamines.
United States have had a hys-
terectomy by the age of 60. It

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:22 AM Page 507

There are alternatives to hysterecto- pregnant. Endometriosis is usually chronic pelvic inflammatory dis-
my to treat fibroids, which may be not a problem for women after ease, or the woman just wants it all
especially important for younger menopause. Eat a vegetarian diet taken out.
women who hope to have children. and lots of legumes, especially soy.
Sometimes fibroids are treated with What should I do if I am told that I
medicine or other treatments • Uterine prolapse. This is a need a hysterectomy? Get a new
designed to shrink the fibroids. But, benign condition in which the uterus doctor first.
this is only temporary, when the moves from its usual place down If you have a condition that is not
medicine is stopped, the fibroids into the vagina. Uterine prolapse is cancer, such as fibroids, endometrio-
will grow again. A type of surgery due to weak and stretched pelvic sis, or uterine prolapse, there are
to remove only the fibroids without ligaments and tissues. Other organs often other treatments that should be
removing the uterus is called a such as the bladder can also be tried first. In most cases, a hys-
myomectomy. A relatively new pro- affected. Childbirth, obesity, and terectomy need not be done immedi-
cedure to shrink fibroids is called loss of estrogen after menopause ately. There is time for you to get
uterine artery embolization. It may contribute to this problem. more information and look into pos-
involves placing small plastic parti- Uterine prolapse accounts for about sible alternatives.
cles in the blood vessels feeding the 16 percent of hysterectomies.
fibroids. But there are even better In cases of serious disease, such as

“The greatest remedy for anger is delay.”

ways, with whole foods and fasting. Treatment may include estrogen cancer, a hysterectomy may not
foods, exercises to strengthen pelvic appear to be optional and may be a
• Endometriosis. This is another floor muscles, or use of a pessary, a life saving choice. Before you
benign condition that affects the plastic ring inserted into the vagina decide what to do, it is important
uterus. Endometriosis is the second to help support the uterus. In more that you understand your condition
leading reason for hysterectomies. severe cases, surgery can restore the and your options for dealing with it.
It is most common in women in sagging organs to their normal loca- If you are suffering from continuing,
their thirties and forties, especially tion and repair the supporting tis- severe problems with pelvic pain
in women who have never been sues. Sometimes a hysterectomy and abnormal uterine bleeding, and
pregnant. It occurs when endome- may be done if the prolapse is caus - other treatments have not helped, a
trial tissue, the inside lining of the ing severe problems. hysterectomy may provide welcome
uterus, begins to grow on the out- relief. Studies have shown that a
side of the uterus and on nearby Cancers affecting the pelvic organs hysterectomy often improves sexual
organs. This condition may cause account for only about ten percent functioning and quality of life for
painful menstrual periods, abnormal of all hysterectomies. Endometrial women suffering from these prob-
vaginal bleeding, and sometimes cancer or cancer of the lining of the lems.
loss of fertility or their ability to get uterus, uterine sarcoma, cervical
cancer, and On the other hand, a lot of women
cancer of the suffer serious complications from
ovaries or fal- hysterectomy, even death. Most
lopian tubes complications are less serious, and
often lead to may include reactions to anesthetics,
hysterectomy. pain, infection, bleeding, and
fatigue. Sometimes other pelvic
Other reasons organs such as the bladder and
why hysterec- bowel are injured during a hysterec-
tomies are tomy. Hysterectomy is also linked
done include to urinary incontinence or problems
chronic pelvic holding your urine, and loss of ovar-
pain, heavy ian function and early menopause.
bleeding dur- Some women experience depression
ing or between and sexual dysfunction after hys-
periods, and terectomy.

H_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/23/06 11:22 AM Page 508

If you are told that you should Most often if a woman gets serious
Issac Asimov

have a hysterectomy: about taking charge of her health,

• Ask about possible complica- she can restore vitality and function
tions of surgery. through self care.

• Get a second opinion from A vegetarian plant based raw food

another health care provider diet and walking for five miles a
“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”

day will turn the corner on symp -

• Keep in mind that every woman toms. Fresh juice fasting of seven
is different and every situation is to ten days out of every month until
different. A good treatment choice symptoms remit can do miracles.
for one woman may not be the best Legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, and
choice for another. grains to snack throughout the day
are just plain smart.
• Talk to your health care provider (See: Disease: The Mystery Solved).
about your options. Ask about other

treatments that are available for
your condition.

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 509

~I i~
History: The Letter I

It’s not only a letter, but also the first of the Roman numerals. Roman numerals are confusing and
who ever decided to do away with their everyday use should go down in history as a saint.
Understanding Roman numerals is as easy as the following rule: I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100,
D=500 and M=1000. By combining the numerals you add the equal or lesser valued numerals to
those which precede or subtract the lesser valued numerals from those which follow remembering
to subtract the value of a numeral from the following numeral when it falls between two greater val-
ued numerals and then adding that value to the preceding lesser value numeral and, if you choose,
adding a bar over individual numerals to indicate a value one thousand times greater. Call me at:
MDCZLMMCDXXVIV (just kidding).

Mystery: The Celtic Name Letter Key

Of course, “I” is the letter that indicates egotism, a supreme interest in one’s own affairs at the
expense of others. As an element in a complete character reading it plays a necessary part, for
everyone must protect personal interests to some extent. (Absence of this letter in a name-print
should therefore be considered significant.) When “I” dominates a name-print the effect will most
clearly be seen on a name-bearer who is young. Others are likely to find such a person oppressive-
ly self-centered. Some are able to control this characteristic in themselves, or at least control its
public display. But a person who is dominated by “I” and who appears to be sitting quietly, listen-
ing to others, is almost certainly considering how his or her own interests can be advanced as a result
of the conversation.
I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 510

ichthyosis skin because it irritates and dries the infertility

Medi-Sign Target • After bathing do not rub the skin
dry but rather blot your skin gently. Medi-Sign Target
Make sure to then apply virgin olive
Oil, Salt, Sunshine & Urine
oil or raw coconut oil to your skin. Figs, Seeds Bananas,
Pomegranites & Watermelon
• Ichthyosis generally improves in
people who live in a warm

Ichthyosis involves the devel-

opment of dry, scaly skin.
The legs usually are the most
“You cannot get to the top by sitting on your bottom.”

severe, but the condition in

some cases may also involve
the arms, hands and trunk.
The condition can also be
associated with the presence
of many fine lines over the palm of Having a baby is considered one of
the hand. It also tends to flare up life’s most exciting moments.
and often becomes more noticeable However, getting pregnant can be a
in the winter. long, difficult process for as many
as 15 percent of couples trying to
It may be linked with atopic der- conceive. While there are many
Ichthyosis: fish scale disease
matitis , keratosis pilaris (small physical problems that can lead to
Ichthyosis is a skin disorder, which
bumps on the back of the arms), or infertility, for some couples just
causes the formation of dry, fish-
other skin disorders. changing what’s on the menu may
like scales on the skin’s surface.
• Skin lesion/rash put them back on the baby track.
The condition is usually life long
For example, research has shown
and often begins in early childhood.
• Dry skin, severe scaly appear- that a man’s sperm may not be up to
ance, thickening of adherent scales the job if he does not get enough of
a few key nutrients in his diet.
• Normally inherited from one’s
• Mild itching of the skin
biological parents.
The number one way to ensure that
Although ichthyosis may be annoy- a man gets enough of these nutrients
• Cold dry weather worsens
ing, it seldom affects a person’s is by going on a raw plant food
medical health. The condition usu- diet.
ally improves during adulthood but
• People with ichthyosis are char-
tends to reoccur when a person Men should add lots of bananas and
acterized by having a defect in their
becomes elderly. figs, nuts, seeds and legumes to
skin, which causes the skin to lose
their diet.
moisture. This particular defect is
Even though it may sounds strange,
not yet known.
the condition will typically remit in Women should add pomegranates,
90 days or less if a person applies cranberries, oranges and watermelon
their own urine to the scales. to their diet.
• Do not take hot baths or showers
Excrete your first urine of the day
because they tend to dry out the
into a glass jar and apply to your • It is essential to have a well bal-
skin. Instead use water that is cool
skin with cotton balls. Then let it anced diet in order for the body to
or warm. Avoid using soap on your
dry and leave it on. function property. Adequate nutri-

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 511

tion should be the basis for treat- In order to assist the sperms swim Today vaccines are typically made
ment of any illness, including infer- for life race, use the sexual position from pustulant animal fluidiums of

“”The innate resourcefulness of the common man is was, and shall always be a threat to those of unworthy position.”
tility. Zinc is important for the in which the women lies face down infection. At best vaccines are sim-
health of reproductive organs, and with a pillow under her stomach and ply controversial and at worst they
therefore eating pumpkin seeds buttocks in the air. This regimen are harmful. For instance: autism,
would be very beneficial. Further- works! seizures, and death have been
more, bee pollen and royal jelly are directly linked to today’s pharma-
extremely nutrient-rich bee products immunization ceutical vaccinations.
that help stimulate fertility.
Pig organs are used as the bases for
• Processed caffeine found in Medi-Sign Target DPT vaccines. Vaccines for
colas and sport drinks promote measles, chicken pox, small pox,
infertility. Hepatitis A and others are now
Don’t Do It!!!
made from the remains of deceased
• Smoking and drugs also human babies and aborted fetuses.
decrease fertility and should be The disgust goes on and on. Drug
avoided. companies also add toxic mercury to
ground up animal brains, hoofs, fish
• To ensure that the ovaries pro- skins and chicken beaks and use it
duce healthy eggs, one should as a host for other vaccines and
increase their intake of whole foods medications.
that are rich in vitamins and miner-
als. I have a close friend whose four
year old son Danny was happy,
• Increase the intake of essential healthy and vital, but was found
My vote is do away with vaccines)
fatty acids because they stimulate Most people do not realize that the dead after crying non-stop for 18
the production of sex hormones. word vaccine literally means blue- hours after receiving a vaccine
Good primary sources of these berry. The words vaccine, vacci- meant to protect him from getting
include seeds, nuts, pulses, beans nate, vaccinator and vaccination sick. Another friend’s child is now
and unrefined vegetable oils. come from the Latin word permanently brain injured and will
require total custodial care for as
vaccini(um) which means to inocu-
• Eat Vitamin A rich foods. late for the prevention of disease long as she lives. She got her vac-
with the use of blueberries, whortle- cines at school at age five and two
• Exercise regularly. berries, cranberries, strawberries and hours later she started having
the like. The word berry itself seizures and is now severely dis-
• Drink at least 48 ounces of water abled by vaccine induced brain
comes of the basi meaning “funda-
daily. injury.
Observation shows that slight vita- Vaccines were literally taken from Every year millions of mothers and
min and mineral deficiencies and the world’s first Cornicopiate Far- fathers take their babies to doctor’s
exposure to chemical toxins general- macy; literally Garden Farmaceuti- offices and public health clinics to
ly interfere with sperm and egg pro- cals, the study of food as medicinal be vaccinated. We have been taught
duction and can encourage a miscar- produce. The 76 treatises contained
riage. in corpus Hippocraticum are bril-
liant observational reductions of
The acidity in the cervical mucus nature spread over millennia and
can inhibit sperm and thus it is nec- captured by Hippocrates the modern
essary to eat alkaline foods such as day father of medicinal health pro-
bean sprouts, peas, and milk to off- cedures before the take over of the
set this acidity. Also avoid acidic medical community by a virus
foods, such as meat. called the pharmaceutical industry.

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 512

that vaccinations are necessary to It is estimated that the DPT vaccine The Army said 100 soldiers have
“Only on paper has humanity yet achieved glory, beauty, truth, knowledge, virtue and abiding love.” -George Bernard Shaw

rid the nation of devastating dis- will kill over 900 babies each year. gotten pneumonia in Iraq and south-
eases with the potential for massive The influenza vaccine, which is sta- western Asia, two of those have
deadly outbreaks. However, evi- tistically proven ineffective against died and another 13 have had to be
dence is surfacing linking these very the flu, has been linked to serious put on respirators.
vaccines, intended to save lives, neurological diseases including
with serious and even fatal side Guillain-Barre syndrome. “The common denominator is small-
effects, including: autism, diabetes, pox and anthrax vac-
Guillain-BarrÎ syndrome, and more. cinations,” Moses
Lacy said in a tele-
Many vaccines contain Thimerosal, phone interview
a preservative that enables vaccine from his home in
manufacturers to massively produce Lynwood, Ill.
and ship large quantities of vac- “These young people
cines. Previously, vaccines were have given their lives
packaged individually and thus did to the military and
not require the use of preservatives. they are getting a
Thimerosal has been linked to caus- raw deal. The
ing mercury induced autism in chil- Department of
dren shortly after receiving vaccines Defense is closing
containing this preservative. The their eyes.”
autism rate in the United States
has literally skyrocketed since the The father of a dead soldier The Army did not mention vaccines
vaccine producers started using claims army cover up in the story on Tuesday when it held a press
thimerosal. below. conference on the pneumonia inves-
tigation. Officials said the pneumo-
The Hepatitis B vaccine is also By Mark Benjamin nia does not appear to be conta-
linked to serious side effects in Investigations Editor gious, and are close to ruling out
infants. Drug companies, such as Published 8/7/2003 6:13 PM biological or chemical warfare,
Merck, were instrumental in push- WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 (UPI) – SARS and Legionnaire’s disease.
ing government scientists to adopt a The father of a soldier who died of
policy that required the administer pneumonia this spring said Col. Robert DeFraites of the Army
of the Hepatitis B vaccination at Thursday the Army has excluded Surgeon General’s office said at the
birth even though the vaccine was her death from its investigation of press conference that the Pentagon
never tested in newborns and no deadly pneumonia because it wants launched the investigation because
other vaccines had ever been man- to cover up vaccine side effects. of the severity of the pneumonia.
dated at birth before. It is widely “Are we seeing more cases in gen-
recognized that newborns have “The government is covering this up eral than we might expect? Despite
under-developed immune systems, and it is a dog-gone shame,” said the harsh environment, the answer
which can be overwhelmed or Moses Lacy, whose daughter, Army is no...But again, we are still con-
shocked. Spc. Rachael Lacy, died April 4 at cerned about these severe ones.”
the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,
The hepatitis B vaccine has been Minn., after getting pneumonia. DeFraites told UPI on Wednesday
linked to Guillain-BarrÎ Syndrome, that the Pentagon would look into
which causes the rapid onset of Lacy said his daughter “was a whether vaccines, among other fac-
muscle weakness and often, paraly- healthy young woman” but got ill tors, might have triggered the pneu-
sis of the legs, arms and breathing within days of getting anthrax and monia cases. “Among all of the
muscles. Serious side effects have smallpox vaccinations on March 2 possible causes or contributing fac-
also been linked to the DPT vaccine in preparation for deployment to the tors, we are looking at the immu-
and the Influenza. Persian Gulf. She was too ill to nizations that the soldiers received
ever be deployed. as well,” DeFraites said. “It is pre-

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 513

mature to say that there is any rela- Other members of the armed forces ed with this ever since I got sick has
tionship at all.” not in the Pentagon investigation been like a cover-up,” Girard said.
say the anthrax vaccine has made He said he “was perfectly 100 per-
The Army said it is excluding them very sick with pneumonia-like cent healthy” before getting the vac-
Lacy’s death from its investigation symptoms. Michael Girard, a cine. “I was in the gym for an hour
because Lacy never made it to Iraq Senior Airman at Patrick Air Force to two hours per day. I was running.
or southwestern Asia where it says Base in Cocoa Beach, Fla., got his I was energetic.”
the cases are clustered. “She was second anthrax shot on March 4.
never deployed to Iraq,” Army Sur- He developed flu-like symptoms – He said he was not scheduled to
geon General Spokeswoman Vir- runny nose and a “heavy chest” – deploy anywhere.
ginia Stephanakis told UPI Thurs- starting March 6 and by March 12
day. She said the military is partici- developed a rash on his left arm In its pneumonia investigation, the
pating in an investigation of Lacy’s where he had gotten the shot. Army is looking into the July 12
death separate from the pneumonia death of Army Spc.
investigation. “It is a whole differ- Joshua M. Neusche,
ent issue.” 20, of Montreal, Mo.

“Man is an intelligence in servitude to his organs.”

The Pentagon has
Moses Lacy disagreed. described his death as
“She should be on that list (of “other causes.” The
deaths to investigate) because my Army is also looking at
daughter’s first symptoms were the June 17 death of
pneumonia,” Lacy said. “It hap- Army Sgt. Michael L.
pened immediately” after the vac- Tosto, 24, of Apex, N.C.
cines, Moses said. “You don’t have His death is listed as
to be a rocket scientist to figure it “illness.”
out. If I were a medical official it
would be the first thing I would look Stephanakis said she
into.” (If he wanted to lose his job, “Then basically it started attacking was unfamiliar with the June 26
or possibly his life. –Author) my body, section by section,” Girard death in Kuwait of another soldier,
said. He said he has since suffered Army Spc. Cory A. Hubbell, 20, of
Steve Robinson, executive director bouts of vomiting up blood, pain in Urbana, Ill. His death is listed by
of the National Gulf War Resource his feet that made them turn blue, the Pentagon under “breathing diffi-
Center, told UPI, “We should chest pain, constipation, pain in his culties.” Hubbell’s mother, Connie
include in this study any illnesses or legs, headaches, stomach aches and Bickers, of Urbana, Ill., told the
deaths that appear to be pneumo- extremely high blood pressure. In Champaign News-Gazette that the
nia-related that occurred in theater one weekend he went to the emer- Army had not told her how her
or out of theater.” (Theater? What gency room four times. He says he apparently healthy son died. “I
a sweet, “distant removed from real- suffers from insomnia and fatigue. wish I had answers, but I don’t
ity” way of looking at war. –Author) know if I’m ever going to get them,”
At one point, he developed a horri- Bickers told the paper.
Dr. Eric Pfeifer, the Minnesota coro- ble cough. “They did do a chest X-
ner who performed Lacy’s autopsy, ray because they thought it might be On Thursday, the Pentagon
told the Army Times that the small- pneumonia. A nurse told me that it announced the death of Sgt. David
pox and anthrax vaccines “may was, but a doctor came in and said L. Loyd, 44, of Jackson, Tenn. The
have” contributed to Lacy’s death. that it was not.” announcement said Lloyd died on
“It’s just very suspicious in my Aug. 5 when he “was on a mission
mind...that she’s healthy, gets the Girard said Air Force doctors first when he experienced severe chest
vaccinations and then dies a couple suspected the anthrax vaccine pains. The soldier was sent to the
weeks later.” He listed “post-vac- caused his problems, but since have Kuwait hospital where he was pro-
cine” problems on the death certifi- backed away from that diagnosis. nounced dead.”
cate. “Everything that has been associat-

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 514

A co-author of a government-spon- reports and do not necessarily show

sored study of possible side effects a cause-and-effect relationship.
from the anthrax vaccine told UPI
that the Army should look at Moses Lacy said he believes the real
whether that vaccine is behind the story is about vaccine side effects.
cluster of pneumonia cases. “Unless somebody breaks this story
wide open, we are going to have a
“As physicians, I would think they lot more deaths. I am afraid we are
would be looking at all possible going to lose a lot (of lives) because
causes. I would think vaccines of this vaccine.” order for a man to have an erection
would be part of that,” said Dr. and to keep it. Men may also notice
that orgasms are less intense, the
John L. Sever of George impotence/ volume of ejaculate is reduced and
Washington University Medical
School, who was one of six authors erectile recovery time increases between
of the study. dysfunction
Last year’s anthrax vaccine study, However, when erectile dysfunction
“Men! The only animal in the world to fear.”

printed in the May 2002 issue of proves to be a persistent problem it

Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug
Medi-Sign Target can interfere with a man’s sex life,
Safety, found that the vaccine was
Peanuts & Fantasy as well as his self-image. The con-
the “possible or probable” cause of dition many also be a sign of a
pneumonia among two soldiers, physical or emotional problem that
according to Sever. The U.S. requires treatment.
Department of Health and Human
Services convened the group, called Physical causes
the Anthrax Vaccine Expert Men whose erectile dysfunction is
Committee, which studied 602 of a physical origin often experience
reports of possible reactions to the a gradual onset of erectile failure,
vaccine among nearly 400,000 which tends to occur with all sexual
troops who received it, Sever said. activities.

Impotence, now called erectile dys- Physical causes of erectile dysfunc-

In addition to identifying pneumonia
function (ED), refers to the inability tion include:
and flu-like symptoms among troops
to obtain an erection for sexual pur-
(people) who received the vaccine,
poses. Fifteen to 30 million • Poor or deficient blood flow to
the group also looked at four other
American men are affected by this the penis; such as resulting from
cases of potentially serious reac-
disorder. blocked arteries
tions, including severe back pain
and two soldiers who had sudden
Although more prevalent and com- • Excessive drainage of blood
difficulty breathing in a possible
mon in men 65 and older, erectile from the penis (“venous leak”)
allergic reaction to the vaccine.
dysfunction can occur at any age.
An occasional episode of erectile • Damage to or diseases affecting
Sever described the two cases of
dysfunction is perfectly normal and the nerves that travel to or from the
pneumonia as “wheezing and diffi-
happens to many men. In fact, in penis
culty breathing going into a pneu-
most cases it is nothing to worry
monia-like picture.”
about. It is also normal to experi- • Hormone abnormalities
ence changes in erectile function as
To conduct the study, the Anthrax
men age. It may take longer for the • Side effect of prescribed drugs
Vaccine Expert Committee exam-
man to “get it up” than in the past.
ined reports from the U.S. military
More direct stimulation may be • Abuse of alcohol and drugs
to the Centers for Disease Control
required in some circumstances in
and Prevention; they are anecdotal

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 515

• Diabetes drug-induced impotence. • Reduce stress.

• Heavy smoking One should also beware of recre- • Get enough sleep.
ational drugs such as cocaine, mari-
• High cholesterol juana, opiates, heroin, morphine, • Deal with anxiety or depression.
amphetamines and barbiturates
• Diseases affecting the erectile because they have been identified as EAT PLENTY OF:
tissue of the penis troublemakers. It is important to Foods rich in zinc. Many minerals
remember that what is good for the are thought to be essential to good
• Neurological diseases, stroke arteries is good for the penis. The reproductive health and zinc is
penis is a vascular organ. The very among them. Zinc may be impor-
• Severe chronic diseases such as things that clog your arteries – tant for male sexual health since it is
liver and kidney failure dietary cholesterol and saturated fat found in very high levels in the

“Modern man is the missing link between apes and human beings.”
– also affect blood flow to the penis. seminal fluid, even though zinc
Psychological causes intake may not have a direct effect
An erectile dysfunction with a sud- Do not smoke. Studies have shown on potency.
den onset in men who can achieve that nicotine can act as a vasocon-
erections under some circumstances strictor, and thus constricts the Good sources of zinc include veg-
but not others suggest a psychologi- blood vessels. The inhalation of etables, wheat germ, cereals, whole
cal cause. Identifying the triggering cigarette smoke blocks erection by grains, and yogurt. However, zinc
factor is sometimes easy; such as a inhibiting the smooth muscle relax- supplements are not recommended
serious disagreement with the part- ation of the erectile tissue. and when used in high doses can
ner; being interrupted while making interfere with the absorption of cal-
love or excessive worry at work. The following steps will help to cium and copper.
decrease the likelihood of occur-
Psychological causes of erectile dys- rences: Obese men suffering from impo-
function include: • Limit or avoid the use of hard tence can improve their sexual per-
alcohol and other similar drugs. formance simply by exercise and
• Anxiety or stress from work or weight loss. Exercising more will
home • Stop smoking. help you sleep better and eating the
right healthy foods will improve
• Marital conflicts and dissatisfac- • Exercise regularly. things greatly.
tion (as can also occur with prema-
ture ejaculation) Relax. If your mind is filled with
problems from the office then it is
• Depression very hard to be erect. Stress con-
tributes to impotence. Stress is the
• Sexual boredom major cause of this problem in most
• Unresolved sexual orientation
Learn to meditate and try to imag-
A drug that your doctor has pre- ine yourself in beautiful,
scribed might be the root of the peaceful surroundings.
problem and thus one should con- Once you begin to
sider his current medication. relax and develop
Moreover, it might be an over-the- confidence,
counter antihistamines, diuretics, or things will slow-
sedatives that one is using. More ly change. Let
than 200 drugs have been identi- things evolve slowly.
fied as problematic. It is most Be peaceful. Believe.
common that men over 50 have

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 516

You do not have to go through life In order to help your body to relax,
without sex. As stated earlier, it try to exhale through your mouth
could be a state of mind, or it could and then inhale through your nose
be your body is telling you some- for four seconds. Then hold your
thing. Sometime it just comes down breath for seven seconds. For eight
to the fact your playmate does not seconds exhale through your mouth.
stimulate you sexually. Repeat the cycle three times.

ingrown Sleeping problems develop in one Exercise:

out of every three people. Twice as In order to help you develop healthi-
hairs many women as men describe them- er sleep patterns, exercise moderate-
“The chief obstacle to the progress of the human race is the human race.”

selves as insomniacs. Moreover, ly for 30 minutes three times a

since sleep patterns change as we week. Calming exercises such as
Medi-Sign Target age, more elderly are frequently sex also promote sleep.
Witch Hazel plagued by sleep disorders.
And remember…
There appears to be three types of Try a relaxing pre-sleep ritual, such
At its early stage, an ingrown hair insomnia. The first type is called as a warm bath with Epsom salts.
will appear as a little white bump. sleep-onset insomnia, which is when
Do not try shaving it off because people who have trouble getting to Have a light snack or read ten min-
you will end up ripping off your sleep. The second type is called utes before sleep.
skin and cause it to scar. Instead, sleep-maintenance insomnia and is
disinfect the area with grain alcohol when people have trouble staying It has been found by Italian
and use a sanitized pair of tweezers asleep. The final type is early- researchers that people who sleep on
to straighten out the hair follicle. awakening insomnia in which peo- linen sheets fall asleep faster than
ple find their eyes blinking open those who use cotton or other fab-
A sign that a hair is trapped under long before the rooster crows. rics. Linen disperses body heath
your skin and that the area is irritat- better than other fabrics and thus
ed is a reddish bump. Do not “dig” There are many contributing factors this is thought to be the reason in
for it with tweezers forcefully or too to insomnia, such as: anxiety, inap- which one falls asleep faster.
abruptly in this case. Instead, gently propriate use of medications, physi-
squeeze the surface. A gentle cal conditions such as sleep apnea Paint your bedroom a different
squeeze should be enough to or restless leg syndrome, poor diet color. The color green evokes feel-
remove both the hair and pus from and lack of exercise. ings of serenity and lowers the heart
your skin. If this does not work and rate. Or try the color blue, which
the hair remains attached to the fol- Symptoms: spurs the brain to secrete tranquiliz-
licle, clean the area and use tweez- Persistent trouble falling asleep ing hormones.
ers or a razor to shave it off. Failure to sleep through the night
Waking up earlier than usual. To help prevent insomnia eat
Once the ingrown hair is properly onions, celery, cabbage, avocados
treated, remember to apply some Prevention: and apples.
cold water and a splash of witch Avoid drinking caffeinated bever-
hazel. ages after three p.m. Eat complex
carbohydrates late in the day.
Use any of these relaxing essential
oils by either adding five drops to
Medi-Sign Target bath water or applying two drops on
Eating Salt at Bedtime your pillow: chamomile, lavender,
neroli, rose or marjoram. Breathing:

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 517

It would also be beneficial to drink ized by painful urinary symptoms Researchers in recent years have
a warm non-caffeine drink and have that may not meet the strictest defi- isolated a substance found almost
a hot 20-minute soak with 2 cups of nition of IC. The term IC/PBS exclusively in the urine of people
salt and 30 drops of essential laven- includes all cases of urinary pain with interstitial cystitis. Because
der oil before bed. that cannot be attributed to other this substance appears to block the
causes, such as infection or urinary normal growth of the cells that line
INTerstitial stones. The term interstitial cystitis, the inside wall of the bladder, it has

“Such is the human race, often it seems a pity that Noah...didn’t miss the boat.
or IC, is used alone when describing been named antiproliferative factor,
cystitis cases that meet all of the IC criteria or APF. Researchers anticipate that
established by the National Institute learning more about APF will lead
Medi-Sign Target of Diabetes and Digestive and Kid- to a greater understanding of the
ney Diseases (NIDDK). causes of IC and even to possible
Saline Douches, Yogurt
Infusions, Salt & Water The bladder wall may be
irritated and become
scarred or stiff in many
cases of IC/PBS. Pinpoint
bleeding caused by recur-
rent irritation, known as
glomerulations, often
appear on the bladder wall.
Ten percent of people with
IC also have Hunner’s
ulcers. Some people with
(Painful Bladder Syndrome) IC/PBS find that their
Interstitial Cystitis (IC) is a condi- bladders cannot hold much
tion that results in recurring discom- urine, which increases the
fort or pain in the bladder and the frequency of urination. Frequency, Diet
surrounding pelvic region. There however, is not always specifically There is no, “scientific” evidence
are numerous symptoms. People related to bladder size and in all linking diet to IC/PBS. Nonethe-
may experience mild discomfort, actuality many people with severe less, many doctors and people find
pressure, tenderness, or intense pain frequency have normal bladder that hard alcohol, irradiated spices,
in the bladder and pelvic area. capacity. People with severe cases commercial chocolate, caffeinated
Symptoms may include an urgent of IC/PBS may urinate as many as sport drinks and soda pops and
need to urinate (urgency), a frequent 60 times a day, including frequent high-acid foods contribute to blad-
need to urinate (frequency), or a nighttime urination (nocturia). der irritation and inflammation. It
combination of both. The level of has also been noted by some people
pain may change in intensity as the IC/PBS is far more common in that after eating or drinking products
bladder fills with urine or as it emp- women than in men. It is estimated containing artificial sweeteners,
ties. The symptoms in women often that of the one million Americans especially Splenda and aspartame,
get worse during menstruation and with IC, up to 90 percent of them that their symptoms worsen. People
-Mark Twain

they may sometimes experience are women. may try eliminating various items
pain with vaginal intercourse. from their diet and reintroducing
What causes IC? them one at a time in order to deter-
Most researchers believe that IC is Some of the symptoms of IC/PBS mine which, if any, affect their
not one, but several diseases resemble those of bacterial infec- symptoms. However, maintaining a
because it varies so much in symp- tion. However, tests reveal no varied, well balanced diet is impor-
toms and severity. In recent years, organisms in the urine of people tant in all aspect of health, and thus
scientists have started to use the with IC/PBS. Furthermore, people one should be encouraged to eat
term Painful Bladder Syndrome with IC/PBS do not respond to whole foods.
(PBS) to describe cases character- antibiotic therapy.

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 518

cystitis and is also commonly • Reduce your sugar intake

advised to do when treating cystitis because high-sugar diets stimulate
if symptoms start. the growth of yeast.

• Do not wear tight fitting trousers • Add one or two cloves of raw
or tights. Bacteria like warm, moist, garlic to your diet. A clove, which
airless conditions and this helps is one segment from a bulb, eaten
eliminate such conditions around once a day is a powerful natural
Smoking your genitals. Again, there is no medicine that has specific yeast
It is often thought by many people proof that this advice helps, but it effects. Eat it with a meal by mash-
that smoking tends to worsen their seems sensible. I mean really, think ing or chopping it finely and then
symptoms. However, it is unknown about it! mixing it with food. One may also
exactly how the by-products of cut it into chunks and swallow the
tobacco that are excreted in the • Drink seven ounces of cranberry chunks like pills. Fresh-grown gar-
urine affect IC / PBS. Smoking is juice daily. Remember to buy 100% lic is much better than any garlic
the major known cause of bladder cranberry juice, not cranberry juice supplements, which truly are pathet-
cancer and thus, one of the best drinks or cocktails because they ic. If you are concerned about the
things smokers can do for their contain much less cranberry juice. odor, just chew a little parsley after-
bladder and their overall health is to ward. Try it because it really works.
“Men are cruel, but Man is kind.”

quit. • Home remedies: Try douching It is also important to make sure you
(See: Stop Smoking) with pure tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is are getting adequate amounts of
a nontoxic treatment that is very iron, zinc and selenium from whole
Exercise useful for fungal infections. The oil food sources.
Many people feel that gentle stretch- is extracted from the leaves of
ing exercises help relieve IC / PBS Melaleuca alternifolia, a native tree intermittent
of New South Wales. Mix one tea-
spoon of the oil in a cup of warm claudication
Bladder Training water and use it as a douche once a
By using bladder-training tech- day. However, if you experience Medi-Sign Target
niques, people who have found ade- any irritation, discontinue its use. Walking, Garlic, Honey &
quate relief from pain may be able
You may also use water and apple
Fermented Foods
to reduce frequency. Methods vary,
but basically people decide to void, cider vinegar – a quarter of a cup of
or empty their bladder, at designated vinegar in two cups water. The vine-
times throughout the course of the gar makes the vagina more acidic,
day. They use relaxation techniques and thus more inhospitable to yeast.
and distractions in order to keep to You can also try inserting either 2
the schedule. Gradually, these peo- tablespoons of yogurt containing
ple try to lengthen the time between live acidophilus or insert one table-
scheduled voids. When keeping spoon of liquid culture directly in
track of progress, it is often helpful the vagina via a rubber bulb syringe.
to keep a diary in which one can These harmless bacteria counteract
record voiding times. This is basi- the growth of the offending yeast.
cally a mental game that works.
The brain ultimately controls the • Synthetic underwear traps mois-
drain. ture which contributes to yeast
growth and therefore, one should What is intermittent claudication?
Self-care Review wear only cotton or silk underwear. This condition is one of the mani-
• Flush out your bladder frequent- It is also important to change your festations of peripheral arterial dis-
ly by drinking lots of fluids each underwear frequently. ease. Claudication comes from the
day. This is thought to help prevent Latin word for “limp.” In arterial

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 519

disease within the extremities, clau- iodine

dication is the most important symp-
tom. It develops whenever blood
flow to an exercising muscle is Medi-Sign Target
unable to meet the requirements of
increased metabolic activity.

The main features of intermittent

Iodine is important for physical and
mental development and help’s to
There are three main features. First,
metabolize excess fat in the body. It
the person always experiences the
is extremely necessary to ensure you
pain in a functional muscle group,
have adequate amounts in your diet
such as the calf, the thigh or the but-
in order to maintain a healthy thy-
tock. Secondly, it is precipitated by
roid gland and prevent the develop- conditions of tissues in the human
a consistent amount of exercise.
ment of a goiter. Mental retardation body can be revealed through the
People will say things like, “I can

“You never test the depth of a river with both feet.”

may result in children with iodine iris, with most organs, glands, and
walk a block and then the pain
deficiencies. In addition iodine has tissues being represented.
starts.” The third hallmark is that
been linked to breast cancer, and
the pain stops immediately when the
associated with fatigue and weight Iridology came about through Dr.
exercising stops.
gain. Ignatz von Peczely of Egervar, Hun-
People who typically develop inter- gary, near Budapest. At age eleven,
Sources – Asparagus, garlic, lima while trying to help a trapped owl
mittent claudication
beans, mushrooms, sea salt (which free itself from his garden he acci-
Typically men develop it more often
provides natures own balance of dentally broke the owl’s leg. While
than women. Furthermore, the peo-
minerals), sesame seeds, soybeans, observing the owl he noticed the
ple are usually smokers, have high
spinach, summer squash, Swiss appearance of the dark stripe in the
blood pressure and may have a his-
chard and turnip greens. lower region of the bird’s iris.
tory of diabetes.
Eventually, this black streak became
Exercise a tiny black spot, around which
Studies have shown that continuing were white lines and shading. The
and increasing exercise, along with incident made a lasting impression
smoking cessation, will improve the on the boy, who eventually became
condition and remit it. Thus, exer- a medical doctor. Later, he had an
cise is strongly encouraged. opportunity to observe the eyes of
people after accidents and before
Dietary Changes and after operations while in the
In order to prevent intermittent clau- college hospital surgical ward. He
dication it is important to change iridology was then able to construct a chart of
your diet by avoiding meat and the iris through this and other
cooked dairy, increasing fiber and research. In 1861, he began diag-
avoiding foods containing trans fatty
Medi-Sign Target nosing eyes. Over the years he pub-
acids or refined oils. Brillant Record of the Body. lished books on iridology and
improved the chart slightly. In
It has been tested and found that 1952, Bernard Jensen, D.C., Ph.D.,
whole foods rich in Vitamin E, the EYES, (it has been said forever) are published books on iridology in the
amino acid arginine, magnesium and the WINDOWS TO THE SOUL United States and updated the chart
garlic can be used as a treatment for that is commonly used today. I
intermittent claudication. Iridology is the art, method and sci- stayed with him for a month at his
(See: Feeding Your Emotions) ence of reading the conditions of the home in Escondido, CA. He was a
body through the iris. Abnormal great man.

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 520

There is a place in the iris into the heart and actually

for all areas of the body. prevent it from getting stone
From signs indicated in cold and “past feeling.”
these areas one is able to Behind the rhythm and har-
determine inflammation mony we need in our life lies
(whether it is in an acute, the infinite intelligence that
sub-acute, chronic, or seems to permeate the cos-
destructive condition) by mos.
shadings from bright white,
white, gray, dark gray, or The healing effects of music,
black. Various symptoms rhythm, and harmony may be
and conditions of tissues and found in many modalities
organs are reflected, as are such as vocal/instrumental
signs of healing. Iridology music, drumming, chants,
detects the inherent structure and vibrational tones.
and the working capacity of Numerous harmonic experi-
“Success comes before work only in the dictionary.”

an organ. It also indicates ences are also provided by

whether the organ contains nature itself.
toxins or has stress placed sound. We integrate the conscious
on it. Whether the body’s systems and subconscious by incorporating Through science we have discov-
are causing pain and irritation can these modalities in healing, thus ered that color and light, just like
also be revealed by the iris. accessing powerful tools for heal- sounds, have vibrational patterns
ing. Music and color can alter our that affect our emotional well-being.
By studying the iris, one can detect moods, reduce or increase tension, Color, light, and sound help us
numerous ailments. Some examples as well as aid in problem solving, explore life in all its shades and
are allergies, anemia, arthritis, asth- healing, and staying aware. hues, colors and facets. Each day
ma, atherosclerosis, cataracts, coli- we identify emotionally with color.
tis, diabetes, ear-nose-throat prob- We live in a time when many people We hear phrases such as “In the
lems, high blood pressure, hormone have absorbed and endured so much pink,” “Green with envy,” “I am so
imbalance, hypoglycemia, infec- emotional pain that they have hit a blue,” “So angry I see red,” “In a
tions, immune deficiencies, kidney point where they do not want to hurt dark mood,” “Light-hearted,” or
stones, nerve problems, osteoporo- anymore. Thus, they often have a “Bright spirit.” Various color reme-
sis, parasites, poor circulation, tendency to “shut down” their abili- dies include energy work through
stress, tumors and ulcers. It is ty to feel anything. By transcending the chakra/auric (neuro-endocrine)
taught that by having an iridologist the defenses of the mind, music, systems, light therapy, visualization,
analyze your eyes and chart the rhythm and harmony go directly etc.
findings, you will become aware
of the condition of the organs, When one pushes all the distrac-
glands, and tissues in your body. tions and everything else in the
I feel it’s a great art but is given world aside and it becomes quiet
way to much credit as a diagnos- enough to listen to their inner
tic science. desires and dreams, we can see
our surroundings with all its
LIGHT AND SOUND incredulous shades and
HEALING melodies. The inner self teaches
us that “healing miracles” are
Music/Sound and Color are a simply natural expressions of
“Slam Dunk” path to the soul. love, gratitude and kindness.
(See: White Stone Carillon &
We organize and conceptualize Feeding Your Emotions)
our world through color and

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 521

iritis • Nontraumatic iritis is frequently for maintaining a healthy immune.

associated with certain diseases, There are numerous Iiron deficiency
such as ankylosing spondylitis, Reit- symptoms including: anemia, brittle
Medi-Sign Target er syndrome, sarcoidosis, inflamma- hair, digestive disturbances, fragile
Soak Flaxseed in Saltwater tory bowel disease and psoriasis. bones and hair loss.

Sources of Iron: Apricots, Dark

& Put under Eyelid
• Iritis may also be caused by
infections such as Lyme dis- Green Vegetables (Spinach, Swiss
ease, tuberculosis, toxoplasmo- Chard, Mustard Greens, Kale),
sis, syphilis and herpes simplex Dried Beans and Peas, Dried Fruits
and herpes zoster viruses. (Raisins, Figs, Prunes), Nuts
(almonds, cashews, peanuts,

“A ship in the harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”
Iritis Symptoms pecans), Peaches, Pears, Seeds
Iritis generally affects only one (pumpkin, sesame, squash, sun-
eye and usually will develop flower), Whole Grains.
rather quickly.

Signs and symptoms

may include any or all
of the following:
• Blurred vision
• Headache
• Pain in the eye or
The iris is a circular, pigmented
brow region
membrane that forms the pupil of
• Reddened eye, especially
the eye and gives the eye its color.
adjacent to the iris
The iris is made up of muscular
• Small or odd shaped
fibers that control the amount of
light entering the pupil and ultimate-
• Worsened eye pain with
ly allows us to see clearly. The
exposure to bright light
muscles of the iris contract to make
the pupil smaller in bright light and irritable
One can heal this condition by plac-
larger in dim light. This contraction
ing a single flax seed under the bowel
ensures that the right amount of
light passes through the eye to make
upper eyelid and leave sit for sever- syndrome
al hours each day. It is also recom-
us see. Iritis occurs in some people
mended that one use saline eye
and causes the iris to become
drops every evening before bed. Medi-Sign Target

Drink Olive Oil, Raw Foods
Iritis Causes & Lots of Water
Iritis may be a consequence of trau-
ma (traumatic iritis) or nontraumat- Living with Irritable Bowel Syn-
ic causes. However, in a significant drome (IBS) is not easy and that’s
number of cases, no cause for the exactly what any person with this
Medi-Sign Target
iritis is found. Blood condition will tell you. This condi-
tion is also known as mucous coli-
• Blunt trauma to the eye can tis, spastic colon, spastic constipa-
cause traumatic inflammation of the Iron is essential for many enzymes, tion and variations of these, but IBS
iris. Thus, it is recommended that including catalase, which is impor- is the preferred term these days.
one never mow the lawn without tant enzyme for growth. Iron is also Naturally, symptoms vary depend-
goggles. required for energy production and ing upon the person. However, even

I_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/24/06 10:55 AM Page 522

The Direct Cause: Eating too many high in fiber, and have been shown
foods that have little or no fiber, not to help relieve the pain of IBS, as
walking enough, taking too many well as the diarrhea and constipation
laxatives, not drinking enough water that may accompany it.
and not getting enough of what is (See: Earth: Body Sculpting & So
considered “good” sleep. What’s the Big Stink?)
“I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am.” -Sir Francis Bacon

Synthetic, hydrogenated animal fats

are a common cause of IBS flare- ISOLEUCINE &
ups. This is due to the fact that the
bowel normally contracts following LEUCINE
a meal high in fat. These normal
contractions can be extremely Medi-Sign Target
painful in people with IBS.
Therefore, it is usually easier for the
Mental Vision &
body to handle several small meals Brain Energy
through out the day rather than two
just having one of the following or three big meals. Essential Amino Acid)
symptoms is likely to be at the least They provide ingredients for the
annoying and at worst, disabling. Licorice root can help relieve irrita- manufacturing of other essential
tion in the bowel due to the fact that biochemical components in the
The most typical are: it is a natural soothing and coating body. These components are then
• Abdominal pain agent. People with IBS were able to utilized for things such as the pro-
• Anxiety and/or depression eliminate all or most of their symp- duction of energy, stimulating the
• Erratic bowel movements or toms simply by adding peppermint upper brain and helping you to be
diarrhea oil to warm water and drinking it. more alert.
• Headache, fatigue, and/or Peppermint tea can also be very
impaired concentration effective. Psyllium seeds are very
• Nausea or weight loss

J_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:43 AM Page 523

~J j~
History: The Letter J

The first calligraphic variation “I” which by the year 1630 was given a place in the alphabet all
to its own. Very few English Language words contain two “J’s.” “Jejune” meaning “not inter-
esting or dull” is one and “jejunum,” the middle part of the small intestine is another. Adaptable
double-“J” words from other cultures include “jipijapa,” a South American plant, “jojoba” a
small oil-producing shrub, “jujitsu” a Japanese system of wrestling, “juju” a West African magic
charm, “jujube” a tropical fruit tree and “jujubes” a pseudo-candy commonly displayed in movie
theatre lobbies. Learning these words is easy if you can master the following sentence: “It was
as if Jungle Jim Price had the magic of juju as he filled his jejunum with jujube fruit and jujubes
coated with jojoba oil and jupijapa leaves that the crowd of jujitsu fans jaculated through the
door jamb because of their jujune attitude toward eating junk.”

Read about the “J” foods in the FDR…Then jam’em into yer juxtaposed jaw!

Mystery: The Celtic Name Letter Key

The letter “J” is a sign of fair-mindedness and a well-balanced outlook. It indicates a faculty of
judgment that others will value. Also inherent in this letter is a concern for the past. Memories
are important, and a person whose name-print is dominated by “J” will probably keep a diary and
collect souvenirs. “J” mostly reveals characteristics that will be valued by others, but the total
name-print needs a dynamic element to help counteract the rather static quality that it also sug-
J_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:43 AM Page 524

jaundice blood cells. Malaria can cause jaun - day 14. Without any intervention
dice in this manner in some tropical required, serum bilirubin normally
countries. Glucose 6-phosphate, drops to a low level. Presumably
Medi-Sign Target which is a genetic disease, also jaundice is consequence of metabol-
Orange & Yellow foods, referred to as dehydrogenase defi- ic and physiological adjustments
Lemon Juice & Sunshine ciency can lead to increase red cell after birth. Typically infants with
lysis causing hemolytic jaundice. neonatal jaundice are treated with
Any defects in bilirubin bili lights, exposing high levels of
metabolism also are present colored light to them to break down
as jaundice. the bilirubin. The photo oxidation
process works because of the occur-
Hepatic ring bilirubin in the subcutaneous
Hepatic can be caused by tissues of the neonate. The light
acute hepatitis, hepatotoxicity energy creates isomerization of the
and alcoholic liver disease. bilirubin causing transformation into
This less common cause compounds that the newborn can
includes primary biliary cir- excrete via urine and stools.
“Who lies for you will lie against you.”

rhosis, also referred to as Typically, blue light is used for this

Gilbert’s syndrome and purpose. More effective at breaking
Jaundice is technically known as
metastatic carcinoma. Another down bilirubin is green light. It is
icterus. Caused by increased levels
example of hepatic jaundice is that not commonly used, though,
of bilirubin, it is the yellowing of
seen in newborn babies. It is typi - because it makes the babies appear
the skin, white of the eyes and
cally gone within 48 hours when sickly, which can be disturbing to
mucous membranes. Itchiness of
they are placed in sunshine. observers. Increased feeding and
the skin is also a symptom of
sunlight each day in brief exposures
Jaundice. Jaundice originates from
Post-hepatic do the job fine. Do not expose a
the French word jaune, meaning
newborn to direct sunlight for more
Post-hepatic jaundice is also than ten minutes as this may cause a
referred to as cholestasis. It can be danger of sunburn. Sunburn is
Causes of jaundice
caused by an interruption to the much more painful to the thin skin
Red blood cells die causing the
drainage of bile in the biliary sys - of newborns than to adults.
heme of their hemoglobin to be con -

Jet Lag
tem. Some common causes are
verted to bilirubin in the spleen.
gallstones in the common bile duct
Bilirubin is the product processed
and pancreatic cancer in the head of
by the liver; it enters bile and is
the pancreas. Others are structures
eventually excreted through feces.
of the common bile duct, ductal car - Medi-Sign Target
There are three different classes of
cinoma, pancreatitis and pancreatic Sunshine, Walking, Salt &
pseudocysts. Obstructive jaundice, Water
causes for jaundice. Pre-hepatic or
Mirizzi’s syndrome, is a rare cause.
hemolytic is caused when too many
red blood cells are broken down,
Because normal feces gets its color
hepatic is caused when the process-
from bile pigments, pale stools sug-
ing of bilirubin in the liver does not
gests an obstructive or post-hepatic
function correctly and post-hepatic
or extra hepatic is caused when the
removal of bile is disturbed.
Neonatal jaundice is usually harm-
less. This is a condition that is often
seen in babies around the second
The cause of pre-hepatic jaundice is
day after birth. It normally lasts
cause by an increased rate of hemol -
until the eighth day in normal births,
ysis, meaning breakdown of red
or in premature births until around

J_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:43 AM Page 525

Jet lag, or desynchronosis, is a con- Insomnia, or abnormal sleep pat- The environment of an airplane,
dition that some people experience terns do not necessarily cause Jet meaning the dry air (humidity in an
following air travel across several lag. Even travelers who normally airplane is low), pressurization,
time zones in a short period of time. sleep prior to transmeridian travel noise, vibrations and cramped envi-
This condition can cause a traveler ’s are not immune to jet lag. The ronment, are some examples that
internal clock not to match the acclimation involving circadian may actually contribute to symp-
external environment. rhythms, among other functions, can toms of jet lag. These symptoms
be associated with the body’s man- include dry eyes, dry and irritated
Some people experience jet lag by agement of sleep. nose and sinuses, headaches, ear-
having a difficult time maintaining aches, muscle cramps and abdomi-
their internal routine, sleep-wake Signs and Symptoms nal distention (bloating).
pattern in their new location. This After a long, rapid, air travel travel - Sometimes, dizziness or swollen

“Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.”
is because sunshine, an external ers often have a “tired-wired,” feet and ankles may occur.
stimuli, and local timetables dictate “soar-crash” feeling. These feeling
a different pattern. This can cause can cause numerous symptoms that
one to feel lethargic one moment may occur with jet lag, like insom -
and excited the next. Jet lag also nia, daytime fatigue, stomachaches,
can create a double bind for vaca - headaches, irritability and decreased
tioners and business people who awareness. The disruption may vary
cross several time zones to reach among people; some may not be
their destination, but who also want bothered at all.
to maximize sightseeing or produc-
tivity. Symptoms result with vary- Jet lag is a transient sleep disorder
ing intensity as travelers attempt to and is classified differently than
adjust their internal clock to a new other, more serious disorders. Jet
external environment. lag may lasts for a week or more,
most travelers usually return to their
Jet lag also occurs with the rapid normal sleep-wake pattern after a
crossing of time zones, or, more day or two. Jet lag may catalyze
specifically, when crossing the effects of certain other conditions Before, during and after your flight
Earth’s meridians. The meridians associated with the head and nerv- drink water. The planes air is
are demarcate geographic positions ous system not specifically related extremely dry, and experts believe
relating to the Earth’s poles ulti- to sleep-wake patterns. dehydration could be the leading
mately define as time zones. cause of jet lag. Most experts agree
that dehydration makes jet lag

During your flight, alcohol and

any caffeine should also be avoided
because alcohol and caffeine can
both increase dehydration. Included
in these drinks are coffee, tea and
some soft drinks.

If it is nighttime at your destina -

tion, try to sleep on the plane.
Some people use earplugs, head-
phones, eye masks or other sleep
aids to help diminish noise and
light. A travel pillow may make
you more comfortable also.

J_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:43 AM Page 526

If your destination is daytime, stay Stay in the sunlight once you jock itch
awake through your flight by read- arrive, if possible. This is the most
ing, talking to other passengers, critical.
watching a movie or walking the Medi-Sign Target
aisles. When you are awake on • Exercise. Maintain your regular
Salt Rinse & Garlic
your flight, exercise as much as you routine, or if you don’t have one, do
can by stretching your back, arms simple calisthenics in your room.
and leg muscles. If the seat belt Better yet, walk for
signs are off, walk the aisles or an hour to explore
squeeze a rubber ball or pair of your destination.
socks for good stimulation for circu-
lation. This may also help prevent • If it is raining,
jet lag. try a tanning bed
(they are not evil).
Eat strategically, eat lightly. Some Research about the
people adhere to various “jet lag multibillion-dollar
diets,” but I’ve never found one that industry called, “sun
was worth the trouble it took to fol - scam” proclaims UV
“I’d kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.”

low it. Sensible eating foods that rays are actually very
support your needs should help you healthful as is sun-
avoid the unnecessary “jet lag” shine that contains
Jock itch (tinea cruris) causes red-
condition. High-protein meals are UV rays.
ness, scaling, severe itching and

most likely to keep you awake,
moistness on the skin of the groin
foods with high in carbohydrates,
and upper thighs. Usually the red,
fruit, and veggies are most likely to
scaly, raised areas on the skin weep
promote sleep and fatty foods are
or ooze pus or clear fluid. Fungus
most likely to make you feel slug - Medi-Sign Target infection usually causes jock itch.
Eye Cells Also resulting from a bacterial
infection or a reaction to chemicals
• Establish regular routines,
in clothing, irritating garments or
including regular bedtime and rising
The jicama (hee-ka-mah) is a tuber- the medicines you take.
time, for at least two days before
ous root resembling a large, beige
your trip.
turnip. The jicama is crunchy. It’s The name jock itch comes from an
juicy, sweet and nutty texture resem- athletic supporter worn, stored in a
• Get at least fifteen minutes
bles a water chestnut. Its peak time locker and worn again without being
extra sleep for two nights before
is fall to spring, but it is available laundered. This provides the ideal
your trip.
year-round. The nutritional benefits environment in which a fungus
are the same as parsnips. thrives. Women’s clothing can
• Fly during the day instead of at
develop this problem also, under the
same conditions. Jock itch most
likely occurs after taking antibiotics.
• Drink plenty water
during the flight.
Symptoms of jock itch in the groin
and thigh area are:
• When you reaching
• Redness of the skin in the groin
your destination don’t
and/or scrotum area
nap; stay up until what
would be a slightly early
• Itching
local bedtime. Limit your
sleep to one hour if you
• Patches of skin are scaly
must nap.

J_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:43 AM Page 527

• Wearing tight, close-fitting • Bananas

clothing is not recommended.
Instead try briefs that are, loose-fit- • Celery
ting similar to boxer shorts.
• Tomatoes
• Changing of underwear needs to
be frequent, especially after hot, • Include vegetables such as kale,
sweaty tasks. cabbage, parsley, green-leafy veg-
etables and foods high in bromelain
• Shower or bath right after work- (pineapple).
outs. Dry the area of the groin well.
• Foods with a high vitamin C
• Powder or talc applied to groin content, which are red cabbage, red
area will help keep area dry. If you bell peppers, tangerines, mandarins,

“It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles.”
are sweating a lot or are very over - Symptoms oranges, potatoes etc.
weight, try a drying powder, like a • Pain in the joints, often at the
cornstarch. conclusion of activities. • Drink fruit juices and purified
water (8 glasses of water per day).
• Avoid storing damp clothing in a • Swelling
locker or gym bag. • Raw dairy products.
• Joint might feel warm
• Sleep in the nude or in a night - • Complex carbohydrates like
shirt. • Eventually mild stiffness may breads, cereals, pasta, rice, as well
become worse over the years as aforementioned vegetables and
• Antibacterial (deodorant) soaps Lifestyle changes. fruits.
should be avoided.
• Changing activities to avoid • Chocolate, organic cocoa.
Food Healing repetitive damage, such as bicycle
Quicker relief may come from garlic riders switching to running. • Essential fatty acids (flaxseed,
because of its fungal qualities. At nuts, & seeds).
the first sign of jock itch, eat as • Keep weight under control.
much raw garlic as possible. Keeping within the ideal weight • Tofu, a legume and made from
Avoiding yeast products such as range reduces pressure on joints. soybeans…they work!

breads, baked goods and alcohol,
which may make some people more • Avoiding chemicals that inhibit
prone to getting jock itch, is a good healing, for example those found in
idea. alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.
Medi-Sign Target
joint pain Dietary changes Bladder, Blood Cleanser &
According to research, animal pro- Deplaquer
Medi-Sign Target teins have been found to add to the
arthritis and other inflammatory dis-
Peppermint Oil Applied & eases because they trigger joint
Eat Lots of Celery pain.

Many types of injuries or conditions Foods Recommended

may cause joint pain. Joint pain can
be very bothersome, no matter what • Fresh cherries, strawberries,
the cause. blueberries and other red-blue

J_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:43 AM Page 528

Juniper Berry is also known by the ins from the body, stimulating an
names juniper bush and juniper action against bacterial and yeast
bark. Juniper is a small shrub, four infections. Juniper berries may also
to six feet high, being distributed help increase the flow of digestive
“Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everybody agrees that it is old enough to know better.”

throughout the Northern fluids, improve digestion and elimi-

Hemisphere. Juniper berries take nate gas and stomach cramping.
two or three years to ripen, resulting Juniper berries are used as a diuretic
in blue and green berries on the to help eliminate excess water reten-
same plant at the same time. Only tion, thus contributing to weight
ripe blue berries are picked. loss. The inflammation properties
of juniper berries are ideal for
Early Arabian and Greek physicians relieving pain and infection related
used juniper berries. In order to to rheumatism and arthritis. Addi-
produce a clean, fresh aura and to tionally, juniper berries may be ben-
prevent infections, some people eficial in reducing congestion, treat-
stored a couple of berries in their ing asthma and colds. The condi-
mouths during the Bubonic Plague. tion of cystitis may be helped by
To disinfect a surgeon’s tools, juniper berries.
Included in the primary chemical
juniper tea was used. The Indians of
constituents are essential oils (cam-
the American plains would use Either way of eating juniper berries,
phene, cineole, myrcene, pinene,
juniper berries for food and medi- raw or brewing them in a spicy
terpinene), sesquiterpenes
cine. In history, many conditions sweet tea, is an effective remedy of
(cadinene, elemene), flavonoids,
were treated with juniper berries by relieving gas, stimulate digestion
glycosides, tannins, podophyllotoxin
many cultures, including gout, warts and relieving colic. Generally
and vitamin C. Some of the bene -
and skin growths, cancer, upset juniper berries are recognized as a
fits of today’s juniper berries are
stomach, and various urinary tract safe herb, caution is given to preg -
treating infections, especially within
and kidney diseases. Additionally nant women to avoid consuming
the urinary tract, bladder, kidneys
they were used in herbology; juniper juniper products due to the likeli-
and prostate. Juniper berries pos-
berries are used as a flavoring agent hood of increased contractions of
sess cleansing properties useful in
in gin. the uterus.
the removal of waste and acidic tox -

K_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 10:26 AM Page 529

~K k~
History: The Letter K

A silhouette of the open hand discloses the origin of the letter “K.” The ancient cultures
practiced palmistry and the early term “kaph” was used to mean “K.” The Greeks added
their favorite vowel sound; “a” and thus they formed their letter “kappa.” The Romans
had no real use for “K” was accepted and this has, no doubt, pleased Carl Eller, head of
Circle K Corporation. “K” is an integral part of “O.K.” which some attribute to the
Democrats abbreviation of Martin Van Buren’s hometown of “Old Kinderhook.” More
accurately, used first by Mr. C. G. Greene, editor of the Boston Morning Post, to
denote the amusing misspelling of “all correct” as “oll correct.” Both theories are proba-
bly O.K. So is our winning attitude toward whole foods. The FDR is truly, O.K!

Mystery: The Celtic Name Letter Key

The letter “K” refers exclusively to money and the acquisition of wealth. Other letters
contain indications of success, and may well include financial success, but here is a naked
need for money and the power associated with it. As dominating letter in a name-print
“K” gives a clear indication of someone who values worldly goods above all else. Coupled
with such factors as ambition and ability, it will lead to riches. Lacking the opportunity to
acquire wealth the name-bearer is likely to become soured, being unable to apply other
sets of values.
K_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 10:26 AM Page 530

KALE The raised, reddish nodules that done to get rid of or remove them.
develop at the site of an injury are
known as Keloids. When the skin is By using a pressure dressing, sili-
Medi-Sign Target wounded, both the skin cells and cone gel pad or paper tape over an
connective tissue cells (fibroblasts) injury site, one can often prevent the
begin multiplying rapidly to repair formation of a keloid. These must
Brain Food
the damage. The connective tissue, be left on for 23 of the 24 hours
or more precisely, the gristle-like each day and this treatment is usual-
fibers deposited in the skin by the ly affective within a month, or sim-
fibroblasts, forms a scar that holds ply after the healing of the wound or
the wound closed. However, with injury.
keloids, the fibroblasts continue to
multiply even after the wound is Things such as the sunshine or a
“Woman who cooks beans and peas in same pot very unsanitary.”

filled in. Thus, keloids project poultice of crushed garlic, salt and
above the surface of the skin and olive oil can assist the shrinkage of
form large mounds of scar tissue. keloids.

Keloids are prone to form on the

Kale is very beneficial to the stom-
upper chest, shoulders and back but
ach and can alleviate lung conges-
may essentially form on any part of
tion. Due to the fact that it is an
the body. Pigmentation of the skin,
ancient member of the cabbage fam-
itchiness, redness, unusual sensa-
ily, it is abundant in sulfur. There-
tions and pain are all possible symp-
fore, its juice can be used to treat
toms of Keloids.
stomach and duodenal ulcers.
Unfortunately, Kale is not cold-
It is estimated that about 10% of
weather green so its flavor does not
people suffer from keloids. Some
become sweeter with a touch of
people develop keloids after minor keratosis
frost. Yet, during its growing sea-
son in the fall, winter and early
injuries such as insect bites or pim- pilaris
ples, where as most people never
spring, Kale is an exceptional
even form keloids. It has been
source of calcium, chlorophyll, iron
found that darkly pigmented people Medi-Sign Target
and vitamin A.
seem to be more prone to forming Salt Scrub &
keloids than lighter pigmented peo-
Kale is a rich source of various can- Lots of Sunshine
ple. Men and women are equally
cer activity chemicals. It has more
beta carotene than spinach and twice
as much lutein, which is the most of
Hypertrophic scars, which are more
any vegetable tested. Kale is also a
commonly formed, look similar to a
member of the cruciferous family,
keloid. They do not grow to
endowing it with cancer indoles that
become nearly as big as keloids and
help regulate estrogen and removes
actually may fade with time. They
colon cancer.
occur in all racial groups. Keloids,
which are mainly just a cosmetic
keloids nuisance, are normally considered a
benign tumor and never become
malignant. If one would operate on
Medi-Sign Target Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition
a keloid, it would usually stimulate
commonly seen on the upper arms,
more scar tissue to form. Therefore,
Crushed Garlic, Salt &
buttocks and thighs. Skin cells that
people with keloids are usually told
normally flake off as a fine dust
Olive Oil Poultice
that there is nothing that can be

K_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 10:26 AM Page 531

from the skin plug the hair follicles. veggie scrubber, but a coarse wash- Many times, more than one solar
These then appear as small pimples cloth, stiff brush, or “Buff-Puff” can keratosis will develop at about the
that have a dry, sandpaper feeling or also be used. same time, and often in or around
texture to them. Usually they are the same area of skin. Several of
white, but on occasion they can be Seborrheic Keratosis these may sometimes even join
rather red. On the up side, they tend These lesions are light to dark together and form a large, flat,
to neither itch nor hurt. brown papules, which usually rough area of skin. Typically, solar
appear somewhat greasy and in a keratoses will develop on areas of
In teenagers, keratosis pilaris is par- way as though they were “stuck- skin that have been overexposed to
ticularly common on the upper on.” the sun. Examples include the face,
arms. In babies, it occurs most neck, bald patches on the scalp and
noticeably on the cheeks. It gener- Solar Keratosis (actinic) the backs of the hands. They may

“Man who walk through airport door sideways is going to Bangkok.”

ally gradually disappears usually Caused by overexposure to the sun also appear in other areas in people
before age 30, but in some cases it over the years, a solar keratosis who do a lot of sunbathing. Usually
may occur for years. Although ker- appears as a small lump on the skin. no other symptoms arise, but you
atosis pilaris is unsightly, it is com- It is often common that several may on a rare occasion get an itchy
pletely harmless. It usually worsens lumps develop and although they or pricking sensation from affected
during times of low humidity when are unsightly, they are usually harm- areas of skin.
the skin has a tendency to dry out, less. Applying fresh squeezed
such as the winter months. It may lemon juice every two to three hours kidney
also become worse during pregnan- will clear them up. One may also
cy or after childbirth. substitute the lemon juice with disease
onion juice if they choose.
It is unnecessary to treat keratosis Medi-Sign Target
medically, and unfortunately often What does a solar keratosis look
has disappointing results. However, like? Each one can vary in size from
Satwater, Kidney Beans, Oils
most people get achieve satisfactory as small as a pinhead to as large as
& Walking
improvement on their own if they two to three centimeters across.
just have persistence. Their color can range from either
light, dark, pink, red, the same color
If a person’s skin can tolerate it, as your skin or even a combination
then aggressive home treatment can of more than one of these. They
be done. One can remove the tend to be slightly raised from the
plugged pores by taking long, hot surface of the individuals skin and
soaking, salt water baths and then usually feel rough and dry. The top
applying real butter mixed with of the solar keratosis may even have
honey as a moisturizer in a tub bath. a yellow-white crust like appear- There are a number of different
It is then best to rub the areas with a ance. Often times the surrounding kinds of kidney disease. A disease
skin may turn red- of the kidney may sometimes be a
dish. Typically short-term problem, and thus, may
one can normally or may not cause any permanent
feel a solar kaer- kidney damage. Short-term prob-
atosis more easily lems include things such as kidney
than seeing one. infections or kidney stones. Kidney
Sometimes a cuta- function can also be altered by such
neous horn, which factors as dehydration, trauma and
is a finger-like some medications. “Acute renal
growth of hard failure” is a sudden or rapid loss of
skin, may appear kidney function. Acute failure may
to come out of a be reversed, but other times it may
solar keratosis. lead to permanent loss of kidney

K_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 10:26 AM Page 532

function. Diseases that affect the from this basic toxemia. If the kid- and “live” (just squeezed) juices:
kidney are more commonly chronic neys do indeed become over- organic cranberry promotes healing
problems. “Chronic renal failure” whelmed and cannot function prop- of the bladder and removes bacteria,
is a loss of kidney function that erly to excrete wastes then edema where as celery, parsley and carrots
occurs gradually. It is often will result. A condition, known as are good diuretics.
“silent,” which means it may go uremia, will also result when the
undetected for months or even toxic wastes accumulate in the • Eat a diet containing foods that
years. bloodstream. heal, which include: raw fruits, veg-
etables, legumes, juices and whole
A person is diagnosed with “end- Symptoms grains. Particularly eat watermelon,
stage renal disease” when the kid- Chills, fever, urinary urgency, fluid garlic, potatoes, asparagus, parsley,
neys permanently lose ninety per- retention (bloating), abdominal pain, watercress, celery, cucumber,
cent or more of their function. In appetite loss, back pain, nausea and papaya and bananas.
order to stay alive, people with end- vomiting. The urine may also
stage renal disease must either appear cloudy or be bloody. • Drink an eight to sixteen ounce
“He who sitteth on an upturned tack shall surely rise.”

undergo dialysis or receive a donat- glass of water every hour. This is

ed kidney by transplantation. The How to Reverse Kidney Disease essential for urinary tract function.
fact of the matter is that it is vital Naturally
that an individual takes care of his • Perform a kidney and bladder • Vitamin E has been shown to
or her kidneys. cleanse. This cleanse will rid your prevent lesions and can arrest renal
kidneys and bladder of thousands of damage associated with kidney dis-
What is it? toxins and poisons. It will also be ease. An excellent source of all nat-
The kidneys are the body’s primary effective in removing old fecal ural Vitamin E is cold-pressed
blood filters. When the kidneys waste and obstruction from your Wheat Germ Oil. It is also benefi-
start to be overloaded with toxins, digestive tract. This can be used to cial to take organic, unrefined, cold-
they become overwhelmed and clear urinary tract infections, dis- pressed Flaxseed Oil everyday
begin to break down. These toxins solve kidney stones and renal gravel because it has been shown to have
can take the form of drugs, pesti- or even just eliminate thousands of favorable results with Kidney dis-
cides, herbicides, antibiotics, heavy toxins and poisons from the kid- ease.
metals, solvents, chemotherapy neys.
agents, sports drinks, soda pops, Things to Avoid
Splenda and all synthetic sweeten- In addition, this cleanse will clean • Avoid all animals and animal
ers, etc. Even though there are is a the bloodstream and colon of toxins, products. Do not eat fish, chicken,
wide variety of different types of pollutants, heavy metals and other turkey, lard, fried and greasy foods,
kidney disease, each type stems waste which are putting stress on margarine or any other processed
your kidneys and bladder. foods and animal derived products.
Remove these foods from your diet
Kidney Flush: Drink eight to six- because they contain high levels of
teen ounces of distilled water, the saturated fats and are typically laced
juice of one lemon and lime, a pinch with chemicals, pesticides and tox-
of cayenne pepper and a touch of ins that are very damaging to the
maple syrup for taste. This drink draining effect of the kidneys.
will help eliminate toxins in the kid-
neys and dissolves kidney stones. • Avoid tobacco, processed caf-
Do this drink first thing in the morn- feine, sodas sugar and refined white
ing, at noon, and again at six p.m. flour such as breads, pastas and
for seven days. You should only eat cereals, which can be replaced with
fruit during this period. It may also whole-wheat pastas, breads and
be beneficial to consider doing a cereals. Also note that processed
fast for two to three days. This fast food products are extraordinarily
should consist of only spring water destructive to the kidneys.

K_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 10:26 AM Page 533

kidney stones Introduction to the Urinary Tract crystals remain tiny enough, will
The urinary tract, or system, con- travel through the urinary tract and
(calculi) sists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, pass out of the body in the urine
and urethra. The kidneys, which are without being noticed.
Medi-Sign Target two bean-shaped organs, are located
below the ribs toward the middle of Kidney stones may contain various
the back. The kidneys work to combinations of chemicals. The
Sauerkraut, Tomato &
Peppermint Juice Mix remove extra water and wastes from most common type of stone contains
the blood and then convert it to calcium in combination with either
Kidney stones make more money urine. The kidneys also maintain a oxalate or phosphate. These chemi-
annually than the Rolling Stones. stable balance of salts (minerals) cals are part of a person’s normal
“Come on MICK, and other substances in the blood, as diet and make up important parts of
what’s your problem?” well as produce hormones that help the body, such as bones and mus-
build strong bones cles.
and form red blood
cells. Not only can chemicals create kid-
ney stones, but they can also be
Ureters, which are caused by an infection in the urinary

“Man who fart in church sit in own pew.”

narrow tubes, carry tract. This, however, is a much less
the urine from the common type of stone. This type of
kidneys to the blad- stone is called a struvite or infection
der. The bladder is an stone. Even less common than the
oval-shaped chamber struvite stone is the uric acid stone.
in the lower abdomen Among all of the types of kidney
that acts like a bal- stones, the cystine stone is the
loon in that its elastic rarest.
walls stretch and
Kidney stones are one of the most expand to store urine. When the The medical term used to identify
painful of the urologic disorders and urine is excreted through the urethra stones found in the urinary tract is
unfortunately, are also one of the to the outside of the body, the walls urolithiasis. The terms urinary tract
most common. Interestingly, kidney of the bladder flatten together. stone disease and nephrolithiasis are
stones are not a product of modern also frequently used. Doctors also
day life. Scientists have actually commonly use terms that describe
found evidence of kidney stones in a the location of the stone in the uri-
7,000-year-old Egyptian mummy. nary tract. For example, a kidney
In 2000, kidney stone problems stone found in the ureter is called a
brought 600,000 people to emer- ureteral stone (or ureterolithiasis).
gency rooms made and caused 2.7 To keep things simple, however, we
million visits to doctors. Billions will just talk about “kidney stones.”
were made. Bring on the stones What is a kidney stone?
baby. A kidney stone develops from the Gallstones and kidney stones are not
crystals that separate from the urine related in any way and they actually
Most of the time, kidney stones will and becomes a hard mass that ulti- form in different areas of the body.
pass out of the body without any mately builds up on the inner sur- Contrary to common belief, if you
type of doctor intervention; howev- faces of the kidney. In a normal have a gallstone, you are not neces-
er, some stones can cause lasting functioning kidney, the urine con- sarily more likely to develop kidney
symptoms or complications that tains chemicals that prevent or stones.
may then need to be treated by vari- inhibit the crystals from forming.
ous techniques, none of which nor- Nevertheless, some people from Who gets kidney stones?
mally involve major surgery. stones because these inhibitors fail Over the past thirty years, the num-
to work. Some crystals, if they ber of people in the United States

K_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 10:26 AM Page 534

with kidney stones has been increas- dissolve in urine, it can lead to the used to treat HIV infection, also
ing. The reason for this increase is formation of stones made of cystine. increases the chance of these people
currently unknown. The prevalence In people with hyperoxaluria, the developing kidney stones.
of stone-forming disease rose from body produces too much of the salt
3.8 percent in the late 1970’s to 5.2 oxalate. When the amount of What are the symptoms?
percent in the late 1980’s and early oxalate exceeds that which can be More often than not, kidney stones
1990’s. Statistics have shown that dissolved in the urine, the crystals do not cause any symptoms. Usual-
white Americans are more prone to settle out and form stones. ly, when the stone acutely blocks the
develop kidney stones than African flow of urine, the first symptom of a
Americans and they occur more fre- kidney stone will arise. This symp-
quently in men than in women. As tom is extreme pain. The pain often
men reach their forties, the preva- begins suddenly when a stone
lence of kidney stones rises dramati- moves in the urinary tract, causing
cally and continues to do so even irritation or blockage. Typically, a
“He who eats to many prunes, sits on toilet many moons.”

into their seventies. For women on person feels a sharp, cramping pain
the other hand, the prevalence of in their back and side, around the
kidney stones peaks when they are area of the kidney or in the lower
in their fifties. It has also been abdomen. Some people will also
found that once people develop one Over half of the people that get kid- experience nausea and vomiting.
stone, they are likely to develop ney stones develop them from Pain may also spread to the groin
more in the future. hypercalciuria, a condition that is later on.
inherited. With this condition, calci-
What causes kidney stones? um is absorbed from food in excess If the stone is too large to pass easi-
The exact cause of the formation of and is then lost into the urine. This ly, pain continues as the muscles in
a stone is not always clear. It is high level of calcium in the urine the wall of the tiny ureter try to
known that eating certain foods may causes crystals of calcium oxalate or squeeze the stone along into the
promote stone formation in people calcium phosphate to form in the bladder. A common symptom is
who are susceptible, but scientists kidneys or urinary tract. blood in the urine, which occurs as
do not believe that eating any spe- the stone grows or moves. Once the
cific food can cause stones to form Another cause of kidney stones is stone moves down the ureter closer
in people who are not susceptible. A hyperuricosuria, which is a disorder to the bladder, the individual may
person with a family history of kid- of uric acid metabolism. Such feel the need to urinate more fre-
ney stones may be more likely to things as gout, vitamin D supple- quently or experience a burning sen-
develop stones themselves. Urinary ments, urinary tract infections and sation during urination.
tract infections, kidney disorders blockage of the urinary tract can
such as cystic kidney diseases and also cause kidney stones. Certain The presence of an infection can be
certain metabolic disorders such as diuretics called water pills or calci- identified if fever and chills accom-
hyperparathyroidism are also linked um-based antacids may also pany any of the other symptoms.
to stone formation. increase the risk of forming kidney
stones by increasing the amount of How are kidney stones diagnosed?
In addition, more than 70 percent of calcium in the urine. Sometimes during a general health
people with a rare hereditary disease exam, “silent” stones, which are
called renal tubular acidosis develop People who have a chronic inflam- those that do not cause symptoms,
kidney stones. mation of the bowel or who have can be found on x-rays. If these
had an intestinal bypass operation, stones are small, they usually will
Although very rare, cystinuria and or ostomy surgery, are also likely to pass out of the body unnoticed.
hyperoxaluria are two inherited form calcium oxalate stones. As
metabolic disorders that often cause mentioned above, struvite stones More often, kidney stones are found
kidney stones. In cystinuria, too can form in people who have had a when someone complains of blood
much of the amino acid cystine is urinary tract infection. The protease in the urine or sudden pain.
voided. Because cystine does not inhibitor indinavir, which is a drug

K_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 10:26 AM Page 535

How are kidney stones treated? tion. The trial also showed that
Fortunately, surgery is not normally, lemonade was far more effective
or ever, necessary. Drinking plenty than orange juice. The particular
of water, at least four to six quarts a lemonade used in the trial was made
day, will help move the stones along by making two liter, with four
and pass them through the urinary ounces of lemon juice and the rest
system. water. It is recommended that the
smallest amount of sweetener possi-
To help speed up the excretion ble be added to make the taste of the
process and reduce the pain, try this: lemonade acceptable.
This process can be done entirely at

“Support bacteria – it’s the only culture some people have!”

Kidney Stone
Medi-Sign Target
Purge content. Recent studies have shown Blood Flow to Eyes &
that foods high in calcium, includ- Visual Cortes
ing dairy products, actually help
1 quart Tomato juice
1 quart Sauerkraut juice prevent calcium stones! However, A Blood Thinning Alternative to
12 drops Peppermint oil taking calcium in either the pill or Aspirin
powder form does increase the risk Enjoying just a couple of kiwi fruit
Drink one in the a.m. and 1 in of developing stones nearly two each day can significantly lower
the p.m. till passed. hundred percent! your risk for blood clots and reduce
the amount of fats (triglycerides) in
One should avoid food with, “added your blood. These benefits make
vitamin D” and antacids that have a kiwi a delicious, blood-thinning
calcium base. It would be wise to alternative to aspirin for protecting
eat less meat, fish and poultry if an cardiovascular health. Aspirin (and
individual has very acidic urine. other NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-
Foods such as these increase the inflammatory drugs, such as Tylenol
The First Step: Prevention amount of acid in the urine. and Ibuprofen) can cause inflamma-
If an individual has had more than
tion, ulcers and bleeding in the
one kidney stone, then they are like- To prevent cystine stones, you intestinal tract. The effects are so
ly to form another. Therefore, pre- should drink enough water each day severe that each year around
vention is extremely important. To to dilute the concentration of cystine 100,000 people are hospitalized and
prevent stones from forming, it that escapes into the urine. Surpris- between 10,000 and 20,000 people
comes down to lifestyle changes: ingly, more than a gallon of water die from NSAID-related complica-
may be needed every 24 hours. tions.
The most important and simplest
change in ones lifestyle they can Found in citrus fruits, citric
make is to drink more liquids; water acid may protect against the
is best. If you tend to form stones, formation of kidney stones.
you should try to drink enough liq- The best and most accessi-
uids throughout the day to produce ble food sources of citric
at least two quarts of urine in every acids are lemons. One pre-
twenty-four hour period. liminary trial found that
drinking approximately two
It was once thought that people who quarts of lemonade per day
form calcium stones should try to improved the quality of the
avoid dairy products and other urine in ways that are asso-
whole foods that have high calcium ciated with stone preven-

K_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 10:26 AM Page 536

ular degeneration, a reduced risks of heart disease.

leading cause of Another advantage is the fact that
blindness. This kiwifruit contains no saturated fat or
carotenoid functions cholesterol and thus, is a part of a
mainly as a cell pro- healthy diet.
“Our duty as men is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation.”

tector. Moreover, a
single serving of It is especially important that all
kiwifruit, which con- woman of childbearing age consume
sists of two medium the recommended amount of folate
sized ones, is the each day. Folate is a major contrib-
richest source of utor in helping to prevent neural
lutein in the plant tube defects. Hence, a single serv-
food world, right ing of kiwifruit containing folate,
behind yellow corn. helps protect against birth defects,
cancer and heart disease.
Read that again!
Unlike NSAIDs, the consumption of
A single serving of kiwifruit con- The magnesium found in a serving
regular kiwi has only beneficial
tains both soluble and insoluble of kiwifruit, is a vital mineral,
effects. Kiwi fruit is an excellent
fiber. Soluble fiber protects the whose intake often falls short in the
source of vitamin C, and polyphe-
heart and pancreas, while insoluble American diet. This is very detri-
nols. It is also a good source of
fiber reduces the risk of some can- mental because magnesium is
vitamin E, magnesium, potassium
cers, constipation and diverticulitis. important for bone formation, heart
and copper. All of these may func-
rhythm regulation, muscle relax-
tion individually or in concert to
Copper for Kids ation and nerve function.
protect the blood vessels and the
California kiwifruit is high in cop-
heart. In a recent study, human vol-
per. Copper is vital for the growth The Vitamin E found in one serving
unteers who ate two to three kiwi
of infants, bone strength, brain of kiwifruit can help reduce the risk
fruit per day for twenty-eight days
development and building immuni- of heart disease, cancer and exer-
reduced their platelet aggregation
ty. Copper is essentially a mineral cise-induced oxidative damage.
response (potential for blood clot
involved in making red blood cells
formation) by 18 percent compared
and developing a strong immune Kiwifruit is also high in vitamin C
to controls eating no kiwi. In addi-
system. and thus, is commonly prescribed in
tion, kiwi eaters’ triglycerides
traditional Chinese medicine to treat
(blood fats) dropped by 15 percent
More Potassium than Bananas stomach and breast cancer.
compared to controls. Most people
The heart works more efficiently
know that kiwifruit is packed with
more vitamin C than an orange.
with the help of potassium from knee pain
fruits and vegetables. Potassium is
also significant in controlling blood
What many people do not know is
pressure, which is often known as Medi-Sign Target
that recent studies have shown that
the “silent killer.” In addition, it
kiwifruit is the most nutrient dense
also aids in controlling heart activity
Cherries, Cherry Juice &
of all the major fruits. But here are
and maintaining fluid balance. A
Salt Soaks
a few of the other healthful nutrients
single serving of kiwifruit outranks
you will get when you enjoy a fresh
bananas as the top, high-potassium
California kiwi or one from New
Not to Mention
Folate, magnesium and vitamin E
Lutein is a phytochemical that is
are all well represented in kiwifruit,
very effective in reducing the risk of
which offers health benefits that
cancer and heart disease. It may
range from bone formation to
also help prevent cataracts and mac-

K_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 10:26 AM Page 537

• It is most common in younger KOHLRABI

people (15-35 years old).

• Dislocating Kneecap Medi-Sign Target

A dislocating kneecap causes acute
symptoms during the dislocation, Blood Flow
but can lead to chronic knee pain in
the future.
Kohlrabi consists of a long stalk and
Knee pain is a very common com- big leaves protruding from a spheri-
plaint due to the fact that there are a • Baker’s Cyst
cal base. The base, which is a root
variety of common causes. Some of A Baker’s cyst is swelling in the
tastes like radishes when it is raw,
these common causes include: back of the joint. Usually this is a
but broccoli when it is cooked.
sign of another underlying problem,
• Arthritis such as a meniscus tear.
There are different varieties includ-
Arthritis is among the most common ing purple and pale green. Kohlrabi
causes of knee pain and hence, there • Bursitis
improves general circulation and
are many treatments available. There are a number of bursas sur-
eliminates blood coagulations and
rounding the knee, but the most

“Man who run behind car get exhausted.”

stagnancies, which are congealed
• Ligament Injuries common bursa affected around the
platelets. It is also used for hypo-
During athletic activities it is com- joint is just above the kneecap. This
glycemia and diabetes because it
mon for ligament injuries to occur is generally seen the most in people
can treat indigestion and blood
and they can cause both discomfort who kneel for work, such as garden-
sugar imbalance. It is also effective
and instability. ers or carpet layers.
in relieving painful or difficult uri-
nation, stopping the colon from
• Anterior Cruciate Ligament • Plica Syndrome
bleeding, reducing swelling of the
(ACL) Injury Plica syndrome is an uncommon
scrotum and alleviating the effects
cause of knee pain, and can be diffi-
of intoxication from drugs or alco-
• Medial Collateral Ligament cult to diagnose.
hol. The juice may also be drunk as
(MCL) Injury a remedy for persistent nosebleeds.
• Osgood-Schlatter Disease
• Posterior Cruciate Ligament Osgood-Schlatter disease is a
(PCL) Injury condition seen in adolescents and
is due to irritation of the growth
• Cartilage Injuries/Meniscal plate just at the front of the joint.
Cartilage tears are seen in young • Osteochondritis Dissecans
and old people alike, and are also an Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD)
extremely common cause of knee is another condition seen in ado-
pain. lescents due to the growth of the
bone around the joint.
• Patellar Tendonitis
Tendonitis that occurs around the • Gout
joint is generally of the patellar ten- Gout is an uncommon cause of
don, which is the large tendon found knee pain, but it must be consid-
over the front of the knee. ered as a cause for new onset
knee pain in people who have it.
• Chondromalacia Patella
Chondromalacia is due to the soft- • The best remedies for gout
ening of the cartilage around the are cherries, cherry juice, rest,
knee and typically causes knee pain soaking and wrapping the knee.
under the kneecap. (See: Arthritis and Gout).

K_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/14/06 10:26 AM Page 538

Good Timber
The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out on the open plain
and always got it’s share of rain,
Never became a forest king

But lived and died a scrubby thing.

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.”

The man who never had to toil

To gain and farm his patch of soil,
Who never had to win his share
Of sun and sky and light and air,
Never became a manly man
But lived and died as he began.

Good timber does not grow with ease

The stronger wind, the stronger trees.
The further sky, the greater length,
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow.

Where thickest lies the forest growth

We find the patriarchs of both.
And they hold counsel with the stars
Whose broken branches show the scars
Of many winds and much of strife
This is the common law of life.

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 539

~L l~
History: The Letter L

The ox goad, or whip lash, gave rise to the letter “L.” An ox goad is a flexible stick
used for hitting the beasts to make them move. To the Phoenicians, herding oxen and
sheep was an important occupation of their slaves and they used a symbol represent-
ing this simple tool as a part of their writing. The Greeks gave way to their fetish of
adding an “a” and changed the original name from “lamed” to “lambda” and drew it as an
inverted “V.” Strangely, the Romans ignored the Greek letter and developed the
character more closely to the original Phoenician form. While most people seem to
need ox goads to get their nutrition from whole foods, Farmacist don’t. Thank you

Mystery: The Celtic Name Letter Key

“L” is a sign of coordination, both physical and mental, but perhaps one or the other in
an individual. Physical coordination may well lead to success in sports or other activi-
ties when young. The facility for mental organization will be very useful for an adminis-
trator. The drawback of this letter lies in indecision, for while the name-bearer may be
able to cause a group of people to contribute their various skills to a common under-
taking, policy decisions at the outset may cause great problems. Nevertheless, a name-
print dominated by this letter shows ability to cope with complex situations.
L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 540

lack of dysfunction. Still, many people hes- • Premature ejaculation: This

itate to discuss this problem, though. refers to ejaculation that occurs
before or soon after penetration and
“I think if you want to eat more meat you should kill it yourself and eat it raw so that you are not blinded

What Causes Sexual Problems? is the most common form of sexual

Both physical or psychological dysfunction in men. Psychological
Medi-Sign Target problems often result in sexual dys- factors, that may sometimes cause
Frequency & Fantasy function. premature and inhibited ejacula-
tions, include: a strict religious
• Physical Causes. Sexual func- background that causes the person
tion can result from many physical to view sex as sinful, a lack of
and/or medical conditions. These attraction for a partner and past trau -
conditions include: diabetes, heart matic events. It is often due to
disease, neurological diseases, hor- nervousness over how well he will
monal imbalances and menopause, perform during sex. Certain drugs,
as well as chronic diseases such as including some antidepressants, may
kidney disease, liver failure, alco- also effect ejaculation, as can nerve
by the hypocrisy of having it processed for you.”

holism and drug abuse. In addition, damage to the spinal cord or back.
sexual desire and function can be
affected by the side effects of cer- • Inhibited or retarded ejacula-
tain medications especially some tion: This is when ejaculation does
antidepressants. not occur.

• Psychological Causes. Work- • Retrograde ejaculation: This

related stress and anxiety, concern occurs when, at orgasm, the ejacu-
about sexual performance, marital late is forced back into the bladder
Lack of Orgasm (Anorgasmia) or relationship problems, depres- rather than through the urethra and
It is the absence of sexual climax, or sion, feelings of guilt and the ef fects out the end of the penis. Retrograde
orgasm. Many causes can con- of a past sexual trauma are often ejaculation is most common in
tribute to this like sexual inhibition, linked to sexual dysfunction. Who males with diabetes who suffer from
inexperience, lack of knowledge and Is Affected by Sexual Problems? diabetic neuropathy, otherwise
psychological factors such as guilt, All ages of both men and women known as nerve damage. This is
anxiety, or a past sexual trauma or may be affected by sexual problems. due to problems with the nerves in
abuse. Anorgasmia may also occur Commonly affected is the geriatric the bladder and the bladder neck
due to other factors, including insuf- population. This may be related to a that allow the ejaculate to flow
ficient stimulation, certain medica- decline in health associated with backward. In other men, retrograde
tions, and chronic diseases. aging. ejaculation occurs after operations
on the bladder neck or prostate or
Sexual Problems in Women How Do Sexual Problems Affect after certain abdominal operations.
This is also known as sexual dys- Men? Many medications, especially those
function and refers to a problem In men, ejaculation dis- used to treat mood disor-
during any phase of the sexual orders, erectile dysfunc- ders, will add to ejacula-
response cycle that prevents the tion and inhibited sexual tory problems.
individual or couple from experienc- desire are some of the
ing satisfaction from the sexual most common sexual Remedy:
activity. The sexual response cycle problems. The human body is
has four phases: excitement, plateau, designed for pleasure, so
orgasm, and resolution. What Are Ejaculation make sure your partner
Disorders? is pleasurable to you.
Research suggests that 43 percent of There are different types Also, make sure that you
women and 31 percent of men have of ejaculation disorders feel comfortable with
some sort of difficulty with sexual including: yourself, meaning clean-

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 541

liness, body odor, etc. Use pleasure For the dairy-sensitive individ-
oil, like olive, sesame, etc., for ual, the list of foods to avoid
lubrication and massage if neces- seems endless. Any such
sary. Finally, the number one reme- foods should be avoided, such

“Honesty is the rarest wealth anyone can possess, and yet all the honesty in the world ain’t lawful tender
dy is your imagination and frequen- as creamy soup and sauces;
cy; the more you do the more you milk chocolate, cheesecake,
can do. ice cream, and other desserts

(except fresh berries); butter,
cheese, lasagna, pizza, pasta

alfredo; etc.

Until you correct it.... prevent constipation that occurs

It is important to understand that when it is difficult to have a bowel
Medi-Sign Target 100 percent avoidance is necessary movement.
Fermented Foods in the case of severe milk protein
allergies. To those with severe mild What types of laxatives are there?
protein allergies, any product with #1. Nature’s laxatives.
labeling “may contain trace
amounts of milk protein” is off-lim- #2. Man-made laxatives– Avoid
its. In contrast, the lactose-intoler- man-made; they will destroy your
ant individual can usually ingest bowel.

for a load of bread.”

trace amounts of dairy without any
symptoms whatsoever. There are four types of nature lax-
atives for preventing or treating
The symptoms of dairy intolerance constipation:
are varied making it hard to diag -
nose the list of problems that can be • Bulking agents. By absorbing
linked to dairy sensitivity can liquid in the intestines and increas-
include: asthma, bloating, constipa- ing the size of the stool, foods such
tion and diabetes tract infections. as bran or flaxseeds ease constipa-
tion. The bowel then is stimulated
Fortunately, the human body can by the presence of the bulky mass.
overcome the problem of lactose Regular use of bulking agents is
intolerance by eating and drinking
ferments like sauerkraut and reju-
Lactose intolerance refers to any velac and slowly adding yogurt, cot-
condition that causes unpleasant tage cheese, sour cream, kefirs, but-
side effects as a result of ingesting termilk, raw cheeses and finally raw
milk or milk-derived products. Lac- milks to the diet.
tose intolerance affects nearly one in
five individuals. Avoid commercially cooked dairy.
Also, most organic milk sold in
When the body stops producing a stores is irradiated making it neces-
sufficient amount of the enzyme sary to avoid them too.

necessary to digest lactose, the natu-
ral sugar found in milk lactose intol -
erance occurs. The significance is
enormous when you consider that an
A laxative is a substance that helps a
estimated 80 million Americans are
bowel movement to occur.
Laxatives are used to relieve and

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 542

safe and often increases the number Amblyopia has many causes. Most • “Squint”/strabismus (eyes not
of stools you are able to have. often it results from either a mis - positioned straight)
“While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on this earth”?

alignment of a child’s eyes, such as

• Stool softeners. Consuming crossed eyes, otherwise known as • Uncorrected high myopia or
fruits, vegetables, and large amounts strabismus. A difference in image hyperopia in one eye (one eye focus-
of water help to soften stools. • quality between the two eyes, also es differently from the other)
Osmotic laxatives. Eat salt on foods known as anisometropia in which
to draw moisture to the intestine; one eye focuses better than the other • Uncorrected high near-sighted-
this is osmotic action. is another cause. In both cases, one ness (myopia) or far-sightedness
eye becomes stronger, suppressing (hyperopia) in both eyes
• Stimulant laxatives. Salsa’s, the image of the other eye. If this
peppers, peppermint and senna all condition is not treated in early Why Does Amblyopia Develop?
stimulate bowel function as does childhood, the weaker eye may Amblyopia develops because two
walking. become permanently impaired. different pictures are sent to the
With early diagnosis, amblyopia can brain when one eye is turned, as in
There are many other ways to treat be treated and loss of vision pre - squint. In a young child, the brain
constipation other than healthfully vented. learns to ignore the image of the
using nature. However, regular deviated eye and see only the image
walking and drinking more water or What Are the Different Types of of the better eye. Similarly when
adding more fiber, fruits and vegeta- Amblyopia? there is a difference in refractive
bles to your diet are the only cures. In strabismic amblyopia, the child power between the two eyes, the

lazy eye
-George Bernard Shaw

has strabismus and the eyes are not blurred image formed by the eye
aligned correctly so that one eye with greater uncorrected power is

sees a different image from the avoided by the brain. A moderate or
other. In the eye that is deviated, high degree of refractive power is
the images seen by visual brain cells present in both eyes, when not cor -
Medi-Sign Target are suppressed to avoid double rected early and adequately, results
vision. in amblyopia.
Eye Patch & Lots of
Cherries With anisometropic amblyopia, the The retina needs adequate light and
eyes possess differing refractive visual stimulus so that it may regis -
powers. For example, one eye ter an object. An absence of these
may be near-sighted while factors, as in the presence of
the other is far-sighted or cataract in an infant, results in
strongly astigmatic. As amblyopia.
a result, the brain will
favor the eye with the Symptoms
clearer image and begin
to ignore signals from • Closing one eye (particularly in
the other one. bright sunlight)

What Causes Amblyopia to • Eye turning in, out or up

Amblyopia develops when any • Headaches or eyestrain
of the following conditions occur
Amblyopia, also known as “lazy in an infant or young child: • Squint
eye,” is reduced vision that is
uncorrectable with lenses in an eye • Congenital cataract (clouding of Risk Factors
that has not received adequate use the lens in an infant) Those at the highest risk of ambly -
during early childhood. There is no opia are children under nine years of
visible anatomical defect. • Severe ptosis (droopy eyelids) age whose vision is still developing.

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 543

Generally, the younger the child, the When occlusion is decided upon, • Method of patching should be
greater the success of treatment. An the treatment may vary from a few according to the circumstances of
older child may not achieve normal hours to months or even years the child: Patch should be placed
vision even with treatment. depending upon the age of the per - directly on the face over the eye. If
son, the type and severity of ambly - the child wears glasses, the patch
What You Can Do to Reduce Risk opia and the response. Partial should be placed over the eye, not
Since amblyopia is caused by many occlusion, like making one glass on the glasses.
conditions, such as strabismus, near- frosted, in some less severe ambly-
sightedness, called myopia, or far- opia cases may be sufficient. Older Glasses can also be used as an
sightedness, called hyperopia, the children can do reading exercises at occluder in older children.
diagnosis and successful treatment home while patching the normal
of these vision conditions should eye. Those people who are patching Many children try to take the patch
reduce the risk. their eyes need periodic follow-up. off. This problem usually disap-
This should be scheduled with an pears as the child grows accustomed
Treatment optometrist or ophthalmologist eye to wearing the patch.
If it is detected and treated early, testing.
amblyopia can often be Precautions must be taken

“A lie has speed, but truth has endurance.”

reversed, or at least to prevent the child from
reduced. Cooperation of peaking around the edge
the child and parents is of the patch.
required to achieve good
results. If left untreated or Patching schedules
if not treated properly, the should be followed strict-
reduced vision of ambly- ly.
opia becomes permanent
and vision cannot be Patching should not be
improved by any means. stopped abruptly. They
should be tapered into a
To encourage the child to slow cessation.
use the amblyopic eye is
the most effective way of Vitamin E and AMD:
treating amblyopia. Warning
Covering or patching the Reports have stated that
good eye to force use of taking large dosages of
the amblyopic eye may be necessary Facts on Patching vitamin E in supplement form
to ensure equal and normal vision. • Initially the child may be reluc - increase the risk of death. On the
This can be achieved by: tant to patching since it is not pleas - other hand, vitamin E in whole
ant. It is our duty to encourage the foods has also been associated with
• Prescribing proper spectacles if child to understand the importance reducing the chances of developing
the child is found to have refractive of cooperation. advanced age-related macular
error or accommodative esotropia. degeneration (AMD).
• In a young child, patching is
• Occluding the normal eye, for done for shorter periods initially. Preventing Eye Disease
example, with a patch. Later, the duration is gradually While there are no known definitive
increased to obtain better compli- cures for certain eye diseases such
• This is one of the few cases ance. as cataract, diabetic retinopathy,
where surgery, when amblyopia is glaucoma and macular degeneration,
accompanied by strabismus and is • Acceptance is good as soon as many studies have pointed to strate-
unresponsive to conservative self- vision is increased in the amblyopic gies for reducing your risk of devel -
care treatment, can be recommend- eye. oping these eye conditions.

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 544

Risk Factors Diet Suggestions

Be aware of risk factors that can Foods, nutrients, and fresh
affect your sight. Make eye health a herbs can strengthen the eyes
“You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles,

priority by eating nutritiously and by improving circulation,

quitting smoking. infection, and retarding the
damage created by natural
Safety oxidation. A diet high in
Safety, including eye safety, should nutrient-rich vegetables,
be your first priority. This includes fruits, soy products and whole
at home, in the workplace, while grains is the best strategy for
playing or watching sports, and out- getting the basic vitamins and
doors. Keep your eyes safe and pre- minerals that the body needs
vent needless eye injuries. Wear for general well-being and
safety glasses when an activity puts good eyesight.
your eyes in harms way.
Foods That Help
Some Causes of Eye Problems Vegetables, fruit, citrus, soy
Infection, vitamin and mineral defi- and grasses promote overall
there is peace.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

ciencies, and foods and environmen- eye health because they

tal factors can lead to damage of the strengthen the capillaries that
eyes. Diseases in other parts of the prevent lens damage. Grapes,
body can cause changes in the eyes. grape seeds and the berry
Artificial sweeteners, hard alcohol, family (blueberries, raspber-
processed lactose, tobacco, steroids, ries, blackberries, and straw-
mercury and excessive computer use berries) contain plentiful improvement of short-sightedness,
can all cause eye strain and, more amounts of anthocyanidins and pro- reduced inflammation, and
threateningly, rob the eyes of perfect anthocyanidins. These belong to the decreased sensitivity to bright lights.
vision. Avoiding the entire list of same family as isoflavonoids and
hazards can protect the eyes as well bioflavonoids. These wonderful A home remedy used to relax eye
as the rest of our bodies. To reduce phyto-medicines protect our eyes muscles and sooth eyestrain is fresh
the risk of developing macular against cell degeneration by improv- wheat grass juice, strained and
degeneration and cataracts, avoid ing the integrity of the capillaries dropped into the eyes. In general,
smoking in particular. that supply blood to the retina. One green, chlorophyll rich vegetables
of the best approaches should be added to the diet for eye
to healthy eyesight is health, because they contain vita-
bilberry, a variety of mins A, B, C and E. Yellow-orange
the blueberry, also vegetables such as carrots, pump-
known as huckleberry. kins and sweet potatoes are also rich
in pro-vitamin A, beta-carotene,
Bilberry improves which the body converts to vitamin
blood circulation to A. Juices made from carrots, kale,
the eye, retards spinach, tomatoes and melons area
cataracts, glaucoma, delicious way to get these eye-
macular degeneration essential carotenoids. As a source
and relieves eye of nutrients and pro-vitamin A, car-
fatigue caused by rot juice guards you from eye infec -
Conjunctivitis is usually caused by reading, driving and using comput- tions and prevents cellular deteriora-
bacteria, vital infection, allergies, ers. The list of bilberry’s scientifi- tion from free radicals. Kale and
and other irritants. Lack of water in cally documented attributes includes spinach are especially good protec-
the tear ducts is usually the cause of relief from both day and night blind - tion from macular degeneration.
dry eye. ness, increased range of vision, Eating whole grains and nuts adds

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 545

fiber and minerals to the diet as well inhales lead dust because some of be a problem even if the paint is not
as a good supply of vitamin E, the poison can stay in the body. A peeling. Lead paint is very danger -
which protects cells, including eye single high, toxic dose of lead can ous when it is being stripped or
cells, from damage. cause severe emergency symptoms. sanded. These actions release fine
However, it is more common for lead dust into the air. Infants and
Nuts, seeds and vegetable oils can lead poisoning to build up slowly children living in pre-1960’s hous-
improve our perception of color over time from repeated exposure to ing, when paint often contained
eyesight because of their docosa- small amounts of lead. In this case, lead, have the highest risk of lead
hexaenoic acid content. DHA is the there may not be any obvious symp - poisoning. Small children often
super-unsaturated fatty acid that is toms, but the lead can still cause swallow paint chips or dust from
vital for the development of the reti - serious health problems over time, lead-based paint.
na. These oils, especially flaxseed such as difficulty sleeping or low-
oil, are a rich source of alpha ered IQ in children. Because it can
linolenic acid, which the body con- affect developing nerves and brains,

“When you stretch the truth, watch out for the snapback.”
verts into DHA. lead is much more harmful to chil -
dren than adults. The younger the
A tea made from fennel or its seeds child, the more harmful lead can be
clears and refreshes the eyes and is making unborn children are the
claimed to improve vision. Fenu- most vulnerable.
greek seeds also improve general
eye health. In addition, reishi mush - Children get lead in their bodies
rooms have been known to work when they put lead objects in their
magic on inflammation associated mouths, especially if they swallow
with conjunctivitis. the lead object. They can even get • Toys and furniture painted
(See: Poverty Sucks/charts) lead poison on their fingers from before 1976.

touching a dusty or peeling lead
object, then putting their fingers in • Painted toys and decorations

their mouths or eating food after- made outside the United States
ward. Tiny amounts of lead can
also be inhaled. Many children have • Lead bullets, fishing sinkers,
Medi-Sign Target too much lead in their blood accord - curtain weights.
ing to tests. Overall, about one in
21-28 Days on Just Apples
20 preschoolers have high levels of • Plumbing, pipes, faucets. Lead
& Water lead in their blood and any child can can be found in drinking water in
be affected. Children living in cities homes whose pipes were connected
or older houses are more likely to with lead solder. While new build-
have high levels. ing codes require lead-free solder,
lead is still found in some modern
In the United States, lead was, at faucets.
one point in time, a common ingre -
dient in gasoline and house paint. • Soil contaminated by decades of
Lead is still a health problem even car exhaust or years of house paint
though these items are no longer scrapings. Thus, lead is more com-
made with lead in them. Lead is mon in soil near highways and
everywhere, including dirt, dust, houses.
new toys and old house paint.
Unfortunately, it can’t be seen, tast- • Hobbies involving soldering,
Alternative name; Plumbism Lead ed, or smelled stained glass, jewelry making, pot-
is a very strong poison. Serious tery glazing, miniature lead figures
health problems happen when a per- Lead is found in: (always look at labels).
son swallows a lead object or • House paint before 1978. It can

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 546

“I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals, as

• Headaches.
• Let tap water run for a minute
• Reduced sensations. before drinking or cooking with it.

• Loss of previous develop- • If your water has been tested

mental skills in young chil- high in lead, consider installing an
dren. effective filtering device or switch
to bottled water for drinking and
• Anemia. cooking.

• Constipation. • Avoid canned goods from for-

eign countries until the ban on lead
surely as the savage tribes have left off eating each other.” -Thoreau

• Abdominal pain and soldered cans goes into effect.

cramping. This is usually the
• Children’s paint sets and art sup- first sign of a high, toxic dose of • If imported wine containers have
plies (always look at labels). lead poison. a lead foil wrapper, wipe the rim
and neck of the bottle with a towel
• Pewter pitchers and dinnerware. • Very high levels may cause moistened with lemon juice, vine-
vomiting, staggering gait, muscle gar, or wine before using.
• Storage batteries. weakness, seizures or coma.
• Don’t store wine, spirits or vine-
Symptoms Home Treatment gar-based salad dressings in lead
Lead affects different parts of the You can reduce your exposure to crystal decanters for long periods of
body and there are many possible lead. Consider the following time, as lead can leach into the liq -
symptoms of lead poisoning. steps: uid.
Overtime, even low levels of lead • If you suspect you may have
exposure can harm a child's mental leaded paint in your house, get Adults who have had mildly elevat-
development. The possible health advice on safe removal from the ed lead levels often recover without
problems get worse as the level of Housing and Urban Development problems. In children, though, even
lead in the blood gets higher. (HUD) at 800-RID-LEAD or the mild lead poisoning can have a per -
Possible complications include: • National Information Center at 800- manent impact on attention and IQ.
Reduced IQ LEAD-FYI.
People with higher lead levels have
• Slowed body growth • Keep your home as dust free as a greater risk of long-lasting health
possible. problems. These problems must be
• Hearing problems followed carefully. Their nerves
• Everyone should wash their and muscles can be greatly affected
• Behavior or attention problems hands before eating. and may no longer function as well
as they should. Other body systems
• Kidney damage • Throw out old painted toys if may be harmed to various degrees,
you do not know whether the paint such as the kidneys and blood ves-
The symptoms of lead poisoning contains lead. sels. People who survive toxic lead
may include: levels may suffer some perma-
• Irritability. nent brain damage. Children
are more vulnerable to serious
• Aggressive behavior. long-term problems.

• Low appetite and energy. A complete recovery from

chronic lead poisoning may
• Difficulty sleeping. take months to years.
Symptoms resembling chronic

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 547

strokes. Lecithin can be considered

a food component that protects
against heart attack and stroke as it
supports fat metabolism and has
been shown to aid in bringing down
high blood cholesterol levels.

The neurotransmitter, acetylcholine,

“I’m living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart.”
also contains part choline. A suffi-
cient intake of choline, primarily via
the consumption of lecithin, is
believed to have a positive effect on
some mental functions, especially
those connected to memory.
intoxication may be developed over Lecithin and phosphatidylcholine
a period weeks or months. are often used as synonyms. When supporting sexual functions,
Phosphatidylcholine is a phospho- eggs, of course, have a longstanding
The number one solution is to go on lipid that is the major component of reputation. The reason may be the
a 21-day diet of red, green, orange a phosphatide fraction which may lecithin content of egg yolk.
and yellow apples and drink one be isolated from either egg yolk, Lecithin is not only as a precursor to
gallon of water each day. These eat- like in Greek lekithos, or soy beans. choline but also a component in
ing habits allow the pectins to cross Why isolate it, though…just eat sperm. It’s an established fact that
the blood brain barrier and bind ‘em. isolated soy lecithin granules
with lead in order to carry it from increase ejaculation volumes. In
the body. Lecithin is widely attributed with Europe it’s called “Learning the

positive effects on one’s health and Ropes.”
is a component of a number of
foods. Lecithin is a major source of
choline, hence the many positive
Medi-Sign Target effects of lecithin consumption.
Nerves & Blood Choline is a lipotropic substance Medi-Sign Target
that functions in the body’s metabo-
Liver Cells &
lism as an agent that aids in the
digestion of fats. Bone Marrow Stem Cells
Lecithin is a fat-like substance
called a phospholipid. It is pro - For the Liver
Choline may help the body burn fat
duced daily by the liver assuming Leeks have a sour flavor and are
acting as an agent that supports
that the diet is adequate. It is the considered an astringent and with
weight loss. It lowers blood choles-
key building block of cell mem- the liver. They are also very pun-
terol as choline increases fat metab-
branes and is needed by every cell gent. Leeks can be used to treat
olism. As is commonly known, a
in the body. Without lecithin they dysphagia, which
wide range of health problems are
would harden. Lecithin protects is difficulty
connected to blood cholesterol lev-
cells from oxidation and largely swallowing.
els deemed too high. High blood
comprises the protective sheaths
cholesterol leads to a congestion of
surrounding the brain. It is com -
blood vessels and is often an impor -
posed mostly of B vitamins, phos-
tant factor
phoric acid, choline, linoleic acid
in heart
and inositol. Although it is a fatty
substance, it is also a fat emulsifier.
Hence, it supports the circulatory
system; its choline is useful for
making acetylcholine.

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 548

They can also be used for their women, for people with electrolyte What causes a leg cramp?
astringent properties to counteract disturbances, which means not eat- Even though the exact cause of a leg
bleeding and diarrhea. ing enough salt and bananas, called cramp is not well understood, there

leg cramps
hyponatremia, and in people on are some factors that are thought to
hemodialysis. contribute to this condition:

Spasms, which are abnormal move- • Dehydration

Medi-Sign Target ments of muscle, may arise from
Bare Feet on Cold Floor & abnormal electrical activity of the • Electrolyte imbalances – (not
“Impress people here, Lisa. You don’t win friends with salad.” -Homer Simpson

Saltwater central nervous system (CNS) medi- enough salt in the diet)
ated via the motor neuron. They
may also occur within the motor • Heavy exercising
Charlie’s Horse Can Kick!
neuron or muscle fiber itself.
• High weight (not necessarily
Causes of LEG CRAMPS obesity)
Most of the time, it is impossible to
determine the cause of the leg • Muscle fatigue
cramps. Muscle cramps can arise
from spontaneous firing of special A common cause in leg cramps is
nerve groups followed by contrac- from exercising in an unusual way,
tion of certain muscle fibers. When doing more activity or doing a dif -
the cramps are recurrent and local- ferent activity. This normally
ized to one muscle group, it may affects people who regularly get leg
suggest nerve root problems. cramps, adolescents and seniors,
those over 65. Also, people who
When the muscle suddenly and weigh more are more prone to
forcefully contracts leg cramps developing leg cramps, and some
A cramp is a term often used to
occur. The most common muscles medications can cause side effects
refer to a painful, involuntary con-
to contract in this manner are mus - of leg cramping.
traction of a single muscle or a mus -
cles that cross two
cle group. They are sometimes
joints. These muscles
referred to as a “charley horse,” or
include the calf,
leg cramp, since most cramp occur
which crosses the
in the legs.
ankle and knee; the
hamstring, which
In elderly people, leg cramps fre-
crosses the knee and
quently occur and can be extremely
hip; and the quadri-
painful. If severe leg cramps are
ceps, which also
present, they may be followed by
crosses the knee and
residual tenderness and evidence of
muscle fiber necrosis.
Although leg cramps
Normal cramps are those in the calf
usually last less than
muscles. More generalized cramps,
one minute, it may
though, may be a sign of chronic
take several minutes
disease of the motor neuron. For
before the contraction
cramps, complaints of muscle pain
subsides. In some
and muscle fatigue are among the
people, the leg
most frequent symptoms offered by
cramps occur primari-
people. Muscle cramps can be par -
ly at night, and can
ticularly troublesome for pregnant
wake you from sleep.

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 549

• Train Gradually. Gradually What is the infectious agent that

build up an exercise program, and causes legionellosis?
try to avoid sudden increases in Legionellosis is caused by
activity. The “10% Rule” is a good Legionella pneumophilia, a bacteri-
rule of thumb: never increase your um.
exercise over one week by more
than 10% compared to the week Where is legionellosis found?
before. Sudden changes in activities The disease likely occurs worldwide
can cause leg cramps. although cases of legionellosis have
been identified throughout the
What is the best way to make a leg United States and in several other

“Join the army, see the world, meet interesting people, and kill them.”
cramp go away? countries. Legionella bacteria are
Massage and stretch the sore muscle widespread in natural, industrial,
when a leg cramp begins. Many and recreational water sources in the
times people instinctively do this, environment because the bacteria
which is good because it often live best in warm, stagnant water.
solves the problem. The best steps They have been found in creeks and
are: ponds, hot and cold water taps, hot
water tanks, and water in cooling
• Massage the cramped muscle. towers and condensers of large air-
How can leg cramps be prevented? conditioning systems.
• Stay Hydrated. It is not well • Stretch the muscle (gently!).
known exactly how dehydration and How do people get legionellosis?
muscle cramping are related, but it • Take a hot shower or bath to When people inhale aerosols, or
is known that dehydration can pre- warm and relax the muscle. water mist, that carry the Legionella
dispose leg cramps. Drink at least bacteria, people get legionellosis.
eight to ten full glasses of water • Put bare feet on a cold floor or People can be exposed to aerosols
each day, including one before bed- bathtub bottom and often relief is from mist-producing devices, espe-
time. Also drink plenty of fluid immediate. cially water heaters and air-condi-

before, during, and after exercise. tioning systems, in their homes and
in workplaces, hospitals and other
• Stretch Regularly. Stretching public places.
can relax muscle fibers. When
working out, a good post-work out
Medi-Sign Target Groups of persons who are exposed
stretching routine can help relax Onions, Garlic, Horseradish to a common source of water mist
muscles and prevent cramps. Make & Lots of Salt can be exposed to the bacteria at the
sure you cool down after exercising same time because Legionella bacte-
and do not exercise vigorously just ria live in the environment. When
What is legionellosis?
before going to bed. this happens, a legionellosis “out-
Legionellosis is a lung infection that
break” occurs among some mem-
can be mild or severe enough
bers of the group. Legionellosis
to cause death. Pontiac fever
outbreaks have been traced to
is what it is called in its mild
whirlpools, showers, room humidi-
form, and Legionnaires’ dis-
fiers and decorative spraying foun-
ease is what the more sever
tains. The water source responsible
form of pneumonia is called.
for infection is not known for most
Legionnaires’ disease got its
cases not associated with outbreaks.
name in 1976 when an out-
Legionellosis is not spread from
break of pneumonia occurred
infected persons to uninfected per-
in people attending an
American Legion convention
in Philadelphia.

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 550

What are the signs and symptoms rettes or have chronic lung disease.
of legionellosis? People whose immune systems are
Persons with Pontiac fever have weakened by cancer, kidney failure
fever and muscle aches but do not requiring dialysis, diabetes or
have pneumonia. They usually get HIV infection are also at high
better in two to five days without risk.
What complications can
Legionnaires’ disease generally result from legionellosis?
makes people much sicker. They A major complication is respiratory
usually have fever, chills and a failure requiring use of a respirator.
cough, which might be dry or might Also, there is a risk of multiple
“It takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen.” -Homer Simpson

produce sputum. Some people also organ failure and shock that can
have muscle aches, headache, tired- lead to death. The overall death rate
ness, loss of appetite and, occasion- for those with legionellosis who

ally, diarrhea. There are signs of develop pneumonia is about 15 per-
pneumonia and temperatures often cent. The rate is higher for people
reach 102°F-105°F. with underlying diseases.
Medi-Sign Target
What is the treatment for legionel- Honey, Garlic & Onion
No treatment is required for Pontiac
Infusions to Diet
fever. Legionnaires’ disease is treat-
able with probiotics of garlic, onion Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by
horseradish and ferments. When protozoa, and it affects as many as
Legionnaires’ disease is treated by 12 million people worldwide. There
the pharmaceutical community, are between 1.5 and 2 million new
they give antibiotics, thus weak- cases each year. The global inci-
ening the person. Outbreaks dence of this infectious disease has
can usually be controlled by increased in recent years because of
identifying and cleaning con- increased international leisure and
taminated water sources. military related travel, human alter-
ation of vector habitats, and con-
How common is legionellosis? comitant factors that increase sus-
Each year an estimated 15,000 ceptibility, such as HIV infection
to 30,000 persons get and malnutrition. In 2004 alone, the
Legionnaires’ disease in the recent conflicts in Iraq, Kuwait and
United States. An additional Afghanistan have led to 600 cases
unknown number are infected with of cutaneous leishmaniasis and four
How soon after exposure do symp - Legionella. These people have no cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL)
toms appear? symptoms, or only a mild illness, in American soldiers.
Between exposure and the begin- and are never diagnosed and report-
ning of symptoms for Legionnaires’ ed. Cases occur singly and in out - The range of leishmaniasis ranges
disease the time is two to ten days. breaks. Although outbreaks of from a self-resolving cutaneous
For Pontiac fever, it is shorter, usu- Legionnaires’ disease receive more ulcer to a mutilating mucocutaneous
ally a few hours to two days. attention, legionellosis most often disease to a lethal systemic illness.
Who is at risk for legionellosis? occurs as a single, isolated case. It is transmitted by the bite of a
Although anyone can get legionel- Although cases occur year-round, sand-fly. The clinical spectrum,
losis, the illness is most often found outbreaks occur most often in the although once believed to be pre-
in middle-aged and older people, summer and early fall. dictable, continues to evolve
especially those who smoke ciga- because many leishmania species

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 551

transmit the disease. Diagnosis may America and South America, and it Eureka lemons may have a few
be difficult because of the small size produces cutaneous, mucocuta- seeds and a somewhat pitted skin,
of the protozoa sequestered within neous, and visceral disease. while Lisbon lemons are commonly
macrophages of the skin, bone mar- seedless with smoother skin. Both
row and reticuloendothelial system. Causes: types have medium-thick skins and
Therapy has long been a challenge In the vast majority of cases, sand- are abundantly juicy. Florida-grown
in the more severe forms of the dis - fly bites transmit leishmaniasis; lemons are likely to be Lisbon-type
ease and is made more difficult by however, infection may be transmit- fruit called Bearss (This is not a
the emergence of drug resistance; no ted through a congenital route or misspelling; it’s the name of the
effective vaccine or drug for leish- through blood transfusions and con- California grower who developed
maniasis is available. Thank the taminated needles. the variety).

“If God wanted us to fly, he would have given us tickets.” -Mel Brooks
gods...vaccines are dangerous. (See: Malaria for Self Care)
The lemon is the most potent detox -
History: ifier of all the citric fruits. It kills
In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, intestinal parasites such as round-
the discovery of parasites in lesions worms and dissolves gallstones.
of cutaneous or VL was reported. Limonene, the volatile oil responsi-
The transmission and life cycle of ble for the distinctive lemon aroma,
the Leishmania organism had been even helps treat some forms of can -
confirmed scientifically by the mid cer particularly breast cancer.
1900’s. Since that time, many clini - Lemon juice is known to improve
cal syndromes and at least 20 mor - liver function and has been used to

phologically similar species and help eliminate kidney stones when
subspecies of the protozoan have taken in the morning. The organic
been, and continue to be, discov- acids in all citrus fruits stimulate
ered. No single categorization is digestive juices and relieve consti-
generally accepted and the taxono- Medi-Sign Target pation.
my of Leishmanis organisms is
complex. The two simplest and Energy & Deplaquer This citrus fruit has many healing
most widely used disease catego- uses and is ranked very high in its
rization systems are based on clini- medicinal value. Lemon juice is a
Although most markets don’t label
cal disease and geographic occur- natural protector that may be safely
their lemons as anything buy
rence. applied directly to cuts, bruises and
“lemons,” most common everyday
infections. It is good for asthma,
lemons are either Eurekas or
• Clinical disease: The three pri- headaches, pneumonia and arthritis.
Lisbon. Eureka lemons have a short
mary clinical forms of leishmaniasis It is also a good general blood puri -
neck at the stem end; Lisbon lemons
are cutaneous, mucocutaneous and fier, body purifier and a mild diuret -
have no distinct neck, but the blos -
visceral disease. Cutaneous leish- ic. Lemon juice is also beneficial
som end tapers to a pointed nipple.
maniasis can be further divided into for removing poisons in
localized, diffuse cutaneous, recidi- the form of old drug
vans, and post–kala azar dermal residues from the body.
leishmaniasis (PKADL).
Meyer lemons: This
• Geographic occurrence: particular type of lemon
Producing cutanious or visceral dis- is named for Frank N.
ease, Old World leishmaniasis is Meyer. In 1908, Meyer
caused by Leishmania species found was the first to import
in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the the fruit from China. It
Mediterranean, and India. New is a cross between a
World leishmaniasis is caused by lemon and either an
Leishmania species found in Central orange or a mandarin.

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 552

“It is only by softening and disguising dead flesh by culinary preparation that it is rendered susceptible of mastication or diges-

It has a thin, smooth, orange-yellow Esau for his birthright and as a

skin is sweeter than a lemon. They part of a bread that was made
tion, and that the sight of its bloody juices and raw horror does not excite intolerable loathing and disgust. -Shelley

are more widely available in during the Babylonian captivi-

California where they’re the most ty of the Jewish people.
popular variety for home growing, Lentils have traditionally been
although they can sometimes be eaten with barley and wheat.
found in specialty food stores.
Diuretic Lemons are beneficial to Health Benefits
the heart and circulation. They A small but nutritionally pow-
stimulate the adrenal system and erful member of the legume
increase the vitality of the kidneys. family, lentils are a very good

source of cholesterol-lowering
fiber. Not only do they help
lower cholesterol, they are of
other foods and seasonings, are high special benefit in managing blood-
in nutritional value and are available
Medi-Sign Target throughout the year.
sugar disorders. This is because of
their high fiber content that keeps
blood sugar levels from rising rapid-
Along with other types of beans, ly after a meal. Although these
lentils are legumes. They grow in nutritional facts are impressive, this
pods that contain either one or two is far from all lentils having to of fer.
lentil seeds that are round, oval or Lentils also provide excellent
heart-shaped disks. amounts of five important minerals,
two B-vitamins, protein, and thou-
The different types of lentils offer sands of other nutritional compo-
different consistencies. The brown nents. This diminutive nutritional
and green ones are better at retain - behemoth fills you up but doesn’t
ing their shape after cooking. The turn you into a blimp.
other colors: black, yellow, red and
Lemongrass has a bulbous base and orange, generally become soft and Lentils are used in disorders like
is a member of the grass family. mushy. They generally feature a irritable bowel syndrome and diver-
Several narrow, pale yellowish- hearty dense somewhat nutty flavor ticulosis.
green stalks grow from the bulb. although their flavor differs slightly
The citral is located inside the stalk among the varieties. Other benefits:
and is an oil found in the skin of
• Iron for Energy
lemons. Lemongrass can be used History • Lentils Give You Energy to Burn
raw or cooked and is cornerstone of Lentils are believed to have origi- • Love Your Heart – Eat Lentils
Thai cooking. It is available year - nated in central Asia, and been con- • Stabilize Blood Sugar
round. sumed since prehistoric times. They

are one of the first
foods to have ever
been cultivated with
lentil seeds dating
Medi-Sign Target back 8000 years.
These seeds have been
All Cells, Brain & Heart
found at archeological
sites in the Middle
Lentils are quick and easy to pre - East. Lentils were
pare compared to other types of mentioned in the
dried beans. They readily absorb a Bible both as the item
variety of wonderful flavors from that Jacob traded to

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:48 AM Page 553

leptospirosis can reach all parts of the body and Leptospirosis is not common at all.
cause signs and symptoms of illness Only 50 to 150 cases are reported
once in the bloodstream. each year.
Medi-Sign Target
Honey, Garlic, Onions & What are the signs and symptoms Is leptospirosis an emerging infec-
Horseradish of leptospirosis? tious disease?
Like many other tropical diseases, Yes. The increase in awareness of
most infected people have a mild to the disease has led to an increase in

“I’m a man of the world, Andy. Why, I’ve even been to Raleigh!”
• Leptospirosis (lep-to-spy-RO-
moderate illness. Symptoms include recognition. A leptospirosis epi-
sis) is a potentially serious bacterial
fever, headache, chills, nausea and demic killed at least 13 people and
illness that is most common in the
vomiting, eye inflammation and made more than 2,000 others sick
tropics. It can affect many parts of
muscle aches. In more severe cases, after a 1995 widespread flood in
the body.
the illness can result in liver damage Nicaragua. In 1997, nine whitewa-
and jaundice, which is the yellowing ter rafters from the United States
• The urine of infected animals,
of the skin and whites of the eyes, were infected during a river trip in
wild or domestic, can spread lep-
kidney failure and internal bleeding Costa Rica. In deteriorating inner
tospirosis to people when they con-
cities that are infested with rats, let -
tact fresh water, wet soil, vegetation
How soon after exposure do symp - pospirosis is also a problem.
or mud that has been contaminated.
toms appear?
Flooding after a heavy rainfall helps
Symptoms usually begin about ten How can leptospirosis be prevent-
spread the bacteria in the environ-
days after infection. ed?
• Minimize contact with water,
Who is at risk for leptospirosis? mud and vegetation that might be
• Leptospirosis is treatable.
• People who take part in recre - contaminated with the urine of
ational water activities in areas infected animals, especially rodents.
What is the infectious agent that
where leptospirosis is common,
causes leptospirosis?
especially during the rainy season or • Wear protective clothing, such as
Leptospirosis is caused by Leptospi-
in times of flooding. waterproof boots or waders, when
ra interrogans, which
participating in recreational or work
is a corkscrew-shaped
activities that might result in contact
bacterium, or spiro-
with contaminated water.
• If your travel plans might put
Leptospirosis is a
you at risk for leptospirosis, take the
problem for those who
proper precautions.
work in contaminated

flood plains or wet

-Deputy Barney Fife

agricultural settings.
People who canoe,
raft, wade or swim in
contaminated lakes,
Medi-Sign Target
rivers, and streams can get lep- Blood Brain Flow
• Farmers, workers in rice fields,
sewer workers and others whose
jobs involve contact with water or
When there is broken skin and
mud that is contaminated by animal
mucous membranes, leptospirosis
urine, especially the urine of
bacteria can enter the body. Ingest-
ing contaminated food or water,
including water swallowed during
• Veterinarians and others in con-
water sports, is another way the bac -
tact with leptospirosis-affected ani-
teria enters the body. The bacteria

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 554

Since most salads are made predom- nically lettuce, these greens are When cholesterol becomes oxidized,
“If only we do not allow our heart to grow callous, it’s protests against cruelty, is always clearly heard; and yet we go on

inantly with the green, crispy leaves often used interchangeably with let- it becomes sticky and starts to build
of lettuce the words lettuce and tuces in salads. up in the artery walls forming
salad are practically interchange- plaques. These plaques, if they
able. Most varieties of lettuce become too large, can block off
perpetrating cruelties easily, merrily of us-in fact, anyone who does not join in is dubbed a crank.”

exude small amounts of a white, blood flow or break causing a clot

milky liquid when their leaves are that triggers a heart attack or stroke.
broken. This “milk” gives let- The fiber in romaine lettuce adds
tuce its slightly bitter flavor another plus in its column of
and its scientific name, Lac- heart-healthy effects. While in
tuca sativa since Lactuca is the colon, fiber binds to bile
derived from the Latin word salts and removes them from
for milk. the body. This forces the body
to make more bile, which is
Lettuce can be classified helpful because it must break
into various categories with down cholesterol to do so. This
the most common being: is just one way in which fiber is
able to lower high cholesterol lev-
Also known as Cos, this variety of
head forming lettuce has deep Health Benefits Romaine lettuce also has folic acid
green, long leaves with a crisp tex - If you want to maximize the health that is equally beneficial to heart
ture and deep taste. benefits of your salads, start the health. This B vitamin is needed by
salad with romaine lettuce for a the body to convert a damaging
CRISPHEAD salad guaranteed to be packed with chemical called homocysteine into
The best known variety of crisphead nutrients. Romaine lettuce is other, benign substances. If not
lettuce is iceberg. With green leaves packed with the vitamins and miner- converted, homocysteine can direct-
on the outside and whitish ones on als that are especially good for the ly damage blood vessels, thus great-
the inside, this variety of head let - prevention or alleviation of many ly increasing the risk of heart attack
tuce has a crisp texture and a common health complaints. and stroke. In addition, romaine let -
watery, mild taste. tuce is a very good source of potas -
Even though romaine lettuce is sium, which has been shown in
BUTTERHEAD often overlooked in the nutritional numerous studies to be useful in
These types of lettuce feature tender world, it has an extremely low calo - lowering high blood pressure,
large leaves that form a loosely rie content and high water volume another risk factor for heart disease.
arranged head that is easily separat- and is actually a very nutritious Romaine lettuce can significantly
ed from the stem. It has a sweet fla - food. Based on its nutrient density, contribute to a heart-healthy diet
vor and a soft texture. The best our food ranking system qualified it because of its folic acid, vitamin C,
known varieties of Butterhead let- as an excellent source of beta- beta-carotene, potassium and fiber
tuce include Boston and Bibb. carotene vitamin A, folate, vitamin content.
C, manganese and chromium.
LEAF Romaine lettuce also emerged from
Featuring broad, curly leaf varieties our ranking system as a very good
that are green and/or red, the leaf source of dietary fiber.
lettuces offer a delicate taste and a
mildly crispy texture. Best known Salad Days Keep Your Heart Young
varieties of leaf lettuce include Romaine’s vitamin C and beta-
green leaf and red leaf. carotene content make it a heart-
healthy green because vitamin C
While vegetables such as arugula, and beta-carotene work together to
watercress and mizuna are not tech- prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 555

diseases that have two dioxide from the tissues back to the
important factors in lungs. The red blood cells give
common. The first blood its color.
factor is that certain
cells in the body Platelets (thrombocytes) help form
become abnormal. blood clots that control bleeding.
While the second fac-
tor is that the body Bone marrow, the soft, spongy cen-
keeps producing large ter of bones is where the blood cells
numbers of these are formed. Immature, or new, blood
abnormal cells. Both cells are called blasts. Some blasts
History of these factors are stay in the marrow to mature. Some
Lettuce has a long history. It is the body’s natural response to keep travel to other parts of the body to
native to the eastern Mediterranean you healthy. mature.
region and western Asia. Lettuce
cultivation is thought to date back to Leukemia is cancer of the blood Normally, blood cells are produced
at least 4,500 BC because of the cells. Nearly 27,000 adults and in an orderly, controlled way as the
drawing of lettuce appearing in more than 2,000 children in the body needs them. This process
ancient Egyptian tombs. Both as a United States learn that they have helps keep us healthy.
food and for medicinal purposes, the leukemia each year. To understand

“Truth fears no questions.”

ancient Greeks and Romans held leukemia, it is helpful to know When leukemia develops, the body
lettuce in high regard. Lettuce rep - about normal blood cells and what produces large numbers of abnormal
resents good luck in China, where it happens to them when leukemia blood cells. In most types of
has been growing since the 5th cen - develops. leukemia, the abnormal cells are
tury. white blood cells. The leukemia
Normal Blood Cells cells do not function properly and
In China, lettuce is served on birth - The blood is made up of fluid called usually look different from normal
days, New Year’s Day and other plasma and three types of cells. blood cells.
special occasions. During his second Each type of cell has special func -
voyage in 1493, Christopher tions. What are possible causes of
Columbus introduced varieties of leukemia?
lettuce to North America. White blood cells (WBCs or leuko- At this time, medical scientists do
California is the lettuce capital of cytes) help the body rid infections not know what causes leukemia.
the United States and was first and other diseases. Researchers are trying to solve this
planted there by Spanish missionar- problem. Scientists know that
ies in the 17th century. Centuries Red blood cells (RBCs or erythro- leukemia occurs in males more
later, with the development of cytes) carry oxygen from the lungs often than in females and in white
refrigeration and transportation, let- to the body’s tissues and take carbon people more often than in black
tuce finally increased in popularity people. However,
in the United States. they cannot explain
why one person gets

leukemia and another
does not. I think we
know, though. Hint:
Medi-Sign Target Study vaccines!!!!
Then study junk
Phi Pi, Cabala Juice & Raw
Researchers have
Leukemia is a type of cancer. found certain risk fac-
Cancer is a group of more than 100 tors that increase a

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 556

person’s chance of developing These are the most common types

“I’ve seen, for example, pigs waiting to be slaughtered, and their hysteria and panic was something I shall never forget.”

leukemia by studying people all of leukemia:

over the world. For example, expo - • Acute lymphocytic leukemia
sure to large amounts of high-ener- (ALL) is the most common type of
gy radiation increases the risk of leukemia in young children. This
contracting leukemia. Such radia- type of leukemia also affects adults,
tion was produced by the atomic particularly those 65 years of age
bomb explosions in Japan during and older.
World War II. In nuclear power
plants, strict safety rules protect • Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
workers and the public from expo- occurs in both adults and children.
sure to harmful amounts of radia- This type of leukemia is sometimes
tion. The medical world ignorantly called Acute nonlymphocytic
uses this same radiation to fight and leukemia (ANLL).
rage against cancer. How smart is are blasts that remain very immature
that? and cannot carry out their normal • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
functions. This disease quickly (CLL) most often affects adults over
Electromagnetic fields are a type of worsens because the number of the age of 55. It sometimes occurs
low-energy radiation that comes blasts increases rapidly. In chronic in younger adults, but it almost
from power lines and electric appli- leukemia, some blast cells are pres- never affects children.
ances. Exposure to electromagnetic ent, but in general, these cells are
fields is a factor for leukemia. more mature and can carry out some • Chronic myeloid leukemia
(CML) occurs mainly in adults. A
-Cloris Leachman

of their normal functions. Also, the

Certain genetic conditions, like number of blasts increases less rap- very small number of children also
Down’s syndrome, can increase the idly than in acute leukemia so develop this disease.
risk for leukemia. Children born chronic leukemia worsens gradually.
with this syndrome are more likely What are symptoms of leukemia?
to develop leukemia than other chil- Leukemia can arise in either of the Leukemia cells are abnormal cells
dren. two main types of white blood cells: that cannot do what normal blood
lymphoid cells or myeloid cells. cells do; they cannot help the body
Workers exposed to certain chemi- When leukemia affects lymphoid with infections. For this reason,
cals, like benzene, over a long peri - cells, it is called lymphocytic people with leukemia often develop
od of time are at higher risk for leukemia. When myeloid cells are infections and have fevers.
leukemia. Also, some of the drugs affected, the disease is called
used to treat other types of cancer myeloid or myelogenous leukemia. People with leukemia also often
cause a person to develop leukemia. have less than the normal amount of
healthy red blood cells and
What are the types of platelets. As a result, there
leukemia? are not enough red blood
There are several types of cells to carry oxygen
leukemia. They are through the body. With this
grouped in two ways. One condition, called anemia,
way is by how quickly the people can look pale and
disease develops and gets feel weak and tired. When
worse. The other way is by there are not enough
the type of blood cell that is platelets, people bleed and
affected. bruise easily.

Leukemia is either acute or Like all blood cells,

chronic. In acute leukemia, leukemia cells travel
the abnormal blood cells through the body. People

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 557

nervous system or Health Benefits

CNS. The result When you think of licorice, think of
may be headaches, your stomach, your lungs, your liver
vomiting, confusion, and your immune system. When it
loss of muscle con- comes to ulcers, you cannot find a

“People who are brutally honest get more satisfaction out of the brutality than out of the honesty.”
trol and seizures. In better friend in the herbal treasure
men, leukemia cells chest. The active ingredients in
also can collect in licorice are glycyrrhizin and gly-
the testicles and cyrrhetic acid. These compound
cause swelling. inflammation, viral, bacterial, aller-
Some people devel- genic and asthmatic overwhelm.
op sores in the eyes The Chinese, for whom licorice is a
or on the skin. traditional healing herb, believe that
Leukemia also can it absorbs stomach acid, promotes
affect the digestive pH balance, and coats and soothes
tract, kidneys, lungs the stomach to relieve spasms.
or other parts of the Licorice has proven to be an ef fec-
body. tive healing agent in gastric, duode-
nal and peptic ulcers resulting in
with leukemia can have a number of In chronic leukemia, the abnormal drastic healing properties. In one
symptoms depending on the number blood cells may gradually collect in study, 2300mg per day caused a
of abnormal cells and where these various parts of the body. Chronic reduction in gastric ulcer size in 78
cells collect. leukemia can affect the skin, central percent of people tested and caused
nervous system, digestive tract, kid- complete healing in 44 percent of
Symptoms appear and worsen neys and testicles. the people tested.
quickly in acute leukemia; whereas
symptoms may not appear for a long How is leukemia treated? Think licorice if you have rheuma-
time in chronic leukemia. When (See Disease: The Mystery Solved tism and arthritis. Licorice is ef fec-
symptoms do appear, they generally and Foods High in Folic Acid) tive because glycyrrhizin activates

are mild at first and get worse grad - cortisol, our own body’s hormone
ually. that removes inflammation.

These are some of the common Licorice is famous for its ability to
symptoms of leukemia: Medi-Sign Target heal asthma and bronchitis. It is the
• Bone or joint pain most often recommended treatment
• Easy bleeding or bruising
Lungs, Liver & Bones
• Fever, chills and other flu-like
• Frequent infections
(Glycyrrhiza glabra)
• Loss of appetite and/or weight
If you think you’re getting licorice
• Sweating, especially at night
at the candy store, read the ingredi -
• Swollen or bleeding gums
ents. In fact, that licorice is mostly
• Swollen or tender lymph nodes,
sugar and molasses. The real
liver or spleen
licorice looks like a root “cigarette”
• Tiny red spots (called petechiae)
and is only slightly sweet. This
under the skin
earthy stick is what you need to beat
• Weakness and fatigue
away the winter bugs and build the
autoimmune system.
In acute leukemia, the abnormal
cells can collect in the brain or
spinal cord, also called the central

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 558

quercetin, rutin, polyphenols, gly- Lima beans are among the most
“‘Thou shalt not kill’ does not apply to murder of one’s own kind only, but to all living beings; and this Commandment

cyrrhetic acid, liquiritin, glycosides popular shell beans in the United

and flavonoids. The goddess who States. They are smooth, flat
made licorice is quite a chemist shaped and sweet tasting. They also
because it has been used for thou - have a rich, starchy, meaty texture
sands of years as a proven herbal and a creamy, distinctive flavor.
medicine. In modern times, we Lima beans are nutrient-dense pro-
was inscribed in the human breast long before it was proclaimed from Sinai.” -Leo Tolstoy

have taken to sucking tobacco viding feeling of satiety. In other

sticks. Should you get the urge to words, they make you feel full.
lick the cigarette trick, simply chose They have often been referred to in
a licorice stick. some southern states in the United
States as “butter beans.”
Licorice contains strong cancer
powers, possibly because of a high They are believed to have been trad -
concentration of glycyrrhizin. It ed along routes that led into North
also kills bacteria, ulcers and diar- America, and eventually were car-
rhea. Licorice may act as a diuretic. ried to Europe, Asia and Africa.
However, only real licorice has Recognizing that lima beans were a
these powers. Licorice “candy” nutritious and highly concentrated
sold in the United States is made food source for the sailors, early
with anise instead of real licorice. explorers stored dry lima beans for
If the label states the inclusion of long period on their ships.
“licorice mass,” then it is real; imi-
tation licorice is labeled “artificial In fact, lima beans are a good
for respiratory ailments, including licorice” or “anise.” source of: B vitamins, vitamin B6,
chronic coughs, allergies and sinus niacin, folate; protein, including the
infections in Europe. Its viral and Licorice contains Vitamin E, B- important amino acid lysine; fiber,
bacterial properties make it an effec- complex, biotin, niacin, pantothenic especially soluble fiber in the form
tive prophylactic for the cold and flu acid, lecithin, manganese as well as of pectin; iron; potassium; and
season. It is powerful enough to many other trace elements. magnesium. Lima beans also con-

lower a fever and to be used in the tain very little fat. Studies suggest
treatment of AIDS because of its that intake of beans can help to
immune building properties. lower LDL cholesterol levels, prob-
ably due to their soluble fiber con -
Medi-Sign Target tent. Lima beans also contain the
Pure glycyrrhizin licorice extract is
widely used for liver problems Builds & Cleanses the phytochemicals coumestrol and
including cirrhosis and hepatitis B Kidneys saponin, which are compounds that
in Japan. Licorice contains a rich may impart cancer benefits.
supply of powerful flavonoids that
protect the liver form the oxidizing In the United States most of the
effects of LDL (bad) cholesterol. lima beans are grown along the
California coastal areas. They are
Nutrients also produced in other states includ-
People don’t normally take licorice ing Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon,
for vitamins, even though it contains Idaho, Delaware, New Jersey and
biotin, choline, PABA, inositol and New York. Fresh varieties sold in
vitamin E. Licorice can also be their pods can sometimes be found
used for its other fabulous phyto- in local markets. A bean similar to
chemicals. Licorice suppresses our the lima bean was thought to be
coughs, decongests our sinuses and grown by the Native Americans in
soothes our arthritis with its the southwest United States before

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 559

European settlers reached the known as an ingredient in “Key

Americas. When these beans were Lime Pie.”
harvested, they were often times
mixed with corn. This is where the LIMEQUATS
side dish succotash originated. A cross between limes and
kumquats, limequats are small,
Lima beans are thought to have round and yellowish with an
originated in Peru or Guatemala. acidic lime flavor.
Since 6000 B.C. they have been cul -
tivated in Peru, and their common RANGPUR LIMES
name comes from Lima, Peru’s cap- These limes have a decidedly

“Beware of the half truth. You may have gotten hold of the wrong half.”
ital city. Another name for the lima orange flesh. They are tart,
bean is the “chad bean.” acidic and very juicy. They

resemble oranges or tangerines.
by an optional stage of solvent
They are probably a cross between a
lemon and a mandarin orange, but
because they have a lime-like
Medi-Sign Target aroma, they have been dubbed
Cold-pressed oil, obtained without
solvent extraction, is marketed as
Clears Lymph Plaque from limes.
flaxseed oil. It is suitable for
the Breasts
human consumption, though not
recommended for cooking, and is
Most of the limes in the supermar -
used as a nutritional supplement
ket are a Tahitian strain. They are
which is high in omega-3 fatty
called Tahitian limes because
acids, especially alpha linolenic
they are believed to have
originated on that island.
They come in two simi-
Boiled linseed oil was used as paint
lar varieties: Persian
binder or as a wood finish on its
limes, which are oval,
own. Heating the oil makes it poly -
egg-sized fruits cultivat-
merize or oxidize more readily.
ed in Florida; and a
Limes contain limonene Today, though, metallic dryers are
Bearss variety, which is a
phytochemicals in the peel. used instead of heat. The use of
smaller, seedless California-
These nutrients seep into the metallic dryers makes boiled linseed
grown lime. Both are greenish-yel-
juice and can confer cancer benefits oil inedible.
low when fully mature. They are
possibly by blocking abnormal cell
sold, though, at their earlier deep-
growth and detoxifying cancer pro- Its uses include:
green stage for better flavor.
moters. • Animal care products

Linseed oil
• Animal feeds
KAFFIR LIMES • Brake linings
These round, nobly-skinned limes • Caulking compounds
have very little juice. What juice • Foundry products
they do have is very bitter. They are Medi-Sign Target • Leather treatment
used in Thai cooking for their zest. Furniture Oil • Linoleum
They are also used for their leaves • Polishes, varnishes and oil paints
which are fragrant with volatile oils. • Putty
Don’t eat it Linseed oil is a yellow - • Sealants
KEY LIMES ish drying oil derived from the dried • Synthetic resins
These are smaller, rounder and yel- ripe seeds of the flax plant (Linum • Textiles
lower than Tahiti limes with a high- usitatissimum, Linaceae). Linseed • Wood preservation
er acid content. They are best oil is obtained by pressing, followed

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 560

Although it is rare, it does occur Pregnant women who develop liste-

“Today I bent the truth to be kind, and I have no regret, for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.”

most frequently in pregnant women, riosis may provoke premature deliv-

newborns and children and adults ery although only experiencing only
whose immunity is weakened by a mild, flu-like illness.
diseases such as cancer or AIDS or Contagiousness Generally, listeria is
transplants. not contagious from person to per-
son; however, it can be transmitted
Listeria may be transmitted through from a pregnant woman to her fetus.
food, soil and water and has caused Incubation A newborn infant may be
local outbreaks. There have been born with the disease. If acquired at
documented cases of its transmis- birth, the incubation period is seven
sion through a variety of items: deli to 28 days. It may take up to three
In cricket playing countries, linseed
meats and cold cuts, undercooked weeks for a child to become ill after
oil has a special cultural place as
chicken, uncooked hot dogs, shell- ingesting the Listeria bacteria in
treatment for the raw willow wood
fish and coleslaw made from meat older babies and children. The aver-
used to make cricket bats.
contaminated cabbage. age incubation period is reported to
be 31 days with a range from 1 1 to
Safety Note: Rags soaked in lin-
If a pregnant woman is a rectal or 47 days.
seed oil can self-ignite if stored in a
vaginal carrier of
confined space. They should be
Listeria bacteria,
washed with water and disposed of
meaning she is infect-
carefully. In the past, fairies and
ed with Listeria, but
garden elementals were blamed for
does not have symp-
these fires, but now they’re off the
toms, her newborn
could become infected

at the time of delivery.
She could also trans-
mit the infection to the
fetus across the pla-
Medi-Sign Target centa. Fortunately,
Protect Nerve Sheaths newborns are rarely
infected with Listeria.

Lipids are an organic compound It has been reported that in the Prevention
composed of carbon atoms that have United States about 2,500 people It’s recommended that you follow
two hydrogen atoms attached. develop listeriosis each year. food safety guidelines to prevent
Lipids belong to the family of mole - your family from becoming infected
cules known as hydrocarbons and Signs and Symptoms with the bacteria:
are commonly known as fats and Listeria infection can cause a variety
oils. of serious illnesses, including pneu- • Always cook food, especially

monia, meningitis and sepsis, a meat and eggs, thoroughly to the
severe, generalized blood-borne proper internal temperature.
infection. Signs and symptoms of
serious infection may include fever, • Wash fruits and vegetables thor-
Medi-Sign Target difficulty breathing, poor feeding, oughly before eating because of
Honey, Garlic & Onion vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy and irri- feces, urine, etc.
Paste - Snack it! tability. It is most often seen in very
young infants, the elderly and peo- • Reheat precooked, prepackaged
ple whose immune systems have foods, like deli meats or hot dogs, to
Listeriosis is a disease caused by the
been weakened. steaming hot temperatures, especial-
bacteria Listeria monocytogenes.
ly if you’re pregnant.

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 561

liver disease neys. The liver also has the unique liver
ability to convert certain amino
acids into sugar for quick energy.
Medi-Sign Target

“Truth is mighty and will prevail. There is nothing the matter with this, except that it ain’t so.”
1 Cup of Lemon Juice Daily Fats cannot be digested without bile, Medi-Sign Target
for 90 Days or bile acids, which is made in the
Drink 1 “Hot Mama”
liver, stored in the gallbladder and
released as needed into the small Everyday for 90 Days
Liver disease is an acute or chronic
intestine. Bile acts somewhat like a
damage to the liver, usually caused
detergent, breaking apart the fat into Liver Problems: Lupus, Hepatitis,
by infection, injury, exposure to
tiny droplets so that it can be acted Jaundice, Halitosis
drugs or toxic compounds and
upon by intestinal enzymes and A healthy liver is related to overall
autoimmune process. A genetic
absorbed. Bile is also essential for health and vitality; it is the lar gest
defect, like hemochromatosis, is
the absorption of vitamins A, D, E internal organ of the body. Within
another cause of liver disease. The
and K, the fat-soluble vitamins. the body, the liver performs several
disease can also be categorized by
After digestion, bile acids are reab- important tasks including; storing
the effect it has on the liver.
sorbed by the intestine, returned to blood and constantly filtering it to
the liver and recycled as bile once remove harmful toxins; it rids the
To be used in maintaining normal
again. body of dead blood cells; secretes
bodily functions, the liver performs
hormones and enzymes; supports
many unique and important meta-
digestion, converting what we eat
bolic tasks as it processes carbohy-
into life-sustaining nutrition; and
drates, proteins, fats and minerals.
even regenerates its own damaged
Carbohydrates, or sugars, are stored
as glycogen in the liver and are
When the liver is malfunctioning,
released as energy between meals or
the consequences range from slug-
when the body’s energy demands
gishness to life-threatening illness.
are high. The liver helps to regulate
Skin conditions like: jaundice,
the blood sugar level and to prevent
which is yellowing of skin and eyes;
a condition called hypoglycemia, or
fatigue; and digestive disorders, like
low blood sugar. Because of what
halitosis, which is bad breath, can
the liver does, it enables us to keep
all result form liver malfunction.
an even level of energy throughout
Hepatitis, cirrhosis and lupus are
the day. Otherwise we would need
more serious liver conditions, which
to eat constantly to keep up our
can be fatal if not treated. Hepatitis
is an inflammation of the liver, cir-
rhosis is a chronic, progressive
Proteins reach the liver in their sim -
Good nutrition, which is a balanced inflammation of the liver, and lupus
pler form called amino acids. Once
diet with adequate calories, proteins, is an autoimmune disease that
in the liver, they are released to the
fats and carbohydrates, can actually affects primarily women and causes
muscles as energy, stored for later
help the damaged liver to regenerate the body to attack its own connec -
use or converted to urea for excre -
new liver cells. In fact, in some tive tissues. This includes connec-
tion in the urine. Certain proteins
liver diseases, nutrition becomes an tive tissue in the liver.
-Mark Twain

are converted into ammonia, which

essential form of treatment. Indi-
is a toxic metabolic product. This is
viduals are strongly advised not to Liver spots, which are also known
done by bacteria in the intestine or
take megavitamin therapy or to use as age spots because they occur in
during the breakdown of bodily pro-
nutritional products bought in spe- older people, are deposits of extra
tein. Once the ammonia is broken
cial stores or by catalogues. These pigment on areas of the skin that
down by the liver and made into
supplements can be dangerous to the have been exposed to light. Liver
urea, it is then excreted by the kid -
liver. spots are signs of an aging liver that

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 562

has accumulated an excess of the

pigment lipofuscin, which is a
“Think of me tonite for that which you savor did it give you something real, or could you taste the pain

The causes of liver disease are many
partially because of the many func-
tions of the liver. Toxic buildup
may manifests as skin disorders like
psoriasis and acne, as well as diges -
tive disorders, jaundice, fatigue and
neys, water retention and increased melons and citrus, are especially
Hepatitis is usually caused by a risk of miscarriage. cleansing. Drinking hot lemon tea
virus, but some medications and can help to arouse a sluggish liver
conditions like lupus can also cause Halitosis can be caused by many with a teaspoon of olive oil to stim -
of my death in its flavor.” “Food For Thought”

hepatitis. Liver problems may also factors, including liver ailments and ulate the release of excess bile that
be caused by mineral and metal tox - digestive blockages related to liver congests the liver. Fatty animal
icity, especially from arsenic, sodi- functions. foods tend to be harder on the liver
um, nickel, mercury and aluminum. than a diet rich in plant foods. Sun -
Liver function can result from over- Diet Suggestions flower seeds, soybeans, wheat germ
worked or damaged adrenal glands. It is important to periodically and their oils, are great sources of
cleanse the liver with a detoxifica- vitamin E.
Lupus is likely initiated by genetic tion diet since toxic substances can
predisposition, supplemental estro- harm the liver. Fresh organic veg- Nutrients and Herbs That Help
gen and environmental factors. Sys- etables, fruits, lemon juice and Vitamin C protects the liver and
temic lupus erythmatosus (SLE) can grasses are the best way to cleanse effectively treats liver disease. Cho-
lead to hair loss, muscle weakness, the liver, and the rest of you, of tox- line, a B-vitamin factor, works to
numbness, inflammation of the kid- ins. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, ease symptoms of hepatitis and peo-
processed foods and sugar, ple with lupus benefit from vitamins
especially if you have liver A, B and E. In one study, large
problems because they can amounts of whole food vitamin B5,
further damage the liver. also called pantothenic acid, and
Steer clear of animal fats whole food vitamin E generated
that are adulterated, saturat- improvement in 100 percent of the
ed or hydrogenated because people. Vitamins B12 helps heal
they are hard to digest and lesions and vitamin A rebuilds a
pose special problems for a healthier immune system in those
compromised liver. with lupus. The hormones DHEA,
pregnenolone and testosterone from
Foods That Help whole foods help treat and prevent
Start juicing regularly with further development of lupus. The
beets and greens rich in minerals germanium, potassium and
magnesium, chlorophyll and magnesium are needed for general
vitamins A, C and E. These liver health.
inlcude wheat and barley
grass, kale, collards, Swiss Carrots are the most famous source
chard, parsley, alfalfa, of beta-carotene, which is the pre-
spinach and cabbage. Fruits cursor we need to manufacture vita-
rich in minerals, B vitamins min A.
and vitamins A and C, like

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 563

tion of the liver caused by alcohol is ease. Malnutrition develops as a

1 Hot Mama
called alcoholic hepatitis. result of empty calories from alco-
hol, reduced appetite and malab-
“What am I...
chopped liver?”
Causes and Symptoms sorption, which is an inadequate
Inflammation of the liver can be absorption of nutrients from the
1 cup Lemon, squeezed fresh caused by a great variety of agents intestinal tract. Also contributing to
1 tsp Fennel or dill seeds like poisons, drugs, viruses, bacte- the development of alcoholic liver
ria, protozoa and even larger organ- disease is the toxicity of ethanol to
Drinking hot tea stimulates a isms like worms. If taken in more the liver, individual susceptibility to
sluggish liver and flushes tox-
ins. Of all the citric fruits,
than modest amounts, alcohol is a alcohol-induced liver disease and
lemon is the most potent detoxi- poison. Alcohol favors destroying genetic factors.
fier for the liver and gall blad- stomach lining, liver, heart muscle
der. Fennel and dill seeds are and brain tissue. The liver is a pri- Drunkenness is not essential for the
both highly aromatic herbs used mary target because alcohol travels development of the disease. It does
for treating halitosis.

“Always tell the truth. Even if you have to make it up.”

to the liver after leaving the intes - not affect all heavy drinkers, and
tines. Since alcohol provides ample women may be more susceptible
calories but little nutrition, those than men.
who drink enough to get alcohol
poisoning have a tendency to be The rate of alcohol metabolism can
undernourished. It’s suspected that be high enough to allow for the con -
both the alcohol and the poor nutri - sumption of large quantities of alco-
tion lead to this condition. hol without raising the blood alco-
hol level to detectable concentra-
Alternative Names: tions by conventional breath analyz-
Liver LibR8R
Liver disease due to alcohol; Cir- er in some people.
rhosis or hepatitis. Alcoholic;
Laennec’s cirrhosis Changes start within the liver as
8 oz Carrot Juice
inflammation, also known as hepati-
2 oz Wheat grass Juice Alcoholic liver disease involves an tis, and progress to fatty liver and
acute or chronic inflammation of the cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is the final
Vitamin A heals lesions and liver induced by alcohol abuse. phase of alcoholic liver disease and
rebuilds the immune system of the symptoms may not be present
those with lupus and hepatitis.
Alcoholic hepatitis usually occurs until the disease is relatively
after years of excessive drinking; advanced.
the longer the duration of alcohol
use and the greater the consumption Serious complications are associated
of alcohol, the greater the probabili- with advanced disease such as alco-
ty of developing liver disease. holic encephalopathy, which is dam-
age to brain tissue, and portal hyper -
In order to help the liver, use organ- Malnutrition contributes to liver dis- tension, which is high blood pres-
ic carrots to avoid adding more pes - sure within the liver.
ticides. Wheat grass is renowned as
a liver detoxifier and stimulant. It is
so potent that many people cannot
tolerate more than two to three
ounces at a time. Carrots make
wheat grass more palatable. Larger
amounts wheat grass juice can be
taken in rectal implants, which
deliver wheat grass from the colon
directly to the liver. An inflamma-

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 564

Symptoms tetanus, occurs in newborns who are

Common first signs of tetanus are a delivered in unsanitary conditions.
headache and muscular stiffness in This is especially true if the umbili -
the jaw called lockjaw. This is fol- cal cord stump becomes contaminat-
lowed by stiffness of the neck, diffi- ed. In developed countries natural
culty swallowing, rigidity of abdom- maternal protector cells and sanitary
inal muscles, spasms, sweating and cord-care techniques have made
fever. newborn tetanus very rare.
Solution…stop drinking alcohol.
Symptoms usually begin eight days Home Treatment
To regenerate the liver drink one
after the infection, but may range in Any skin wound, especially a deep
cup of fresh lemon juice everyday
onset from three days to three weeks puncture or a wound that may be
for three to four months; it works
contaminated with feces, soil or
miracles. It even makes stopping
Once the bacteria are in the body, saliva, should be cleaned and
alcohol consumption easier to do.
they produce a neurotoxin, which is dressed right away. Use a disinfec-

a protein that acts as a poison to the tant soap or rinse like witch hazel or
-Robert Frost

body’s nervous system, known as hydrogen peroxide when cleaning it.
tetanospasmin that causes muscle Bandage dressing should be
spasms. The toxin first affects changed twice a day and rinsed with
nerves controlling the muscles near hydrogen peroxide each time.
Medi-Sign Target
the wound. It can also travel to
“The only way around is through.”

Salt, Salt, Salt & other parts of the body through the
Lots of Water bloodstream and lymph system.
The toxin interferes with the normal
Tetanus, commonly called lockjaw,
activity of nerves throughout the Medi-Sign Target
body, leading to generalized muscle
is a bacterial disease that affects the Liver, Breast & Heart Cells
spasms as it circulates more widely.
nervous system. It is contracted
Tetanus can be fatal without treat-
through a cut or wound that
becomes contaminated with tetanus
bacteria. Deep puncture wounds or
Tetanus is very rare in the United
cuts like those made by nails or
States today as fewer than 50 cases
knives are especially susceptible to
of tetanus have been reported since
infection with tetanus even though
1995. Injuries that involve dead
the bacteria can get in through even
skin like burns, frostbite, gangrene
a tiny pinprick or scratch. Tetanus
or crush injuries are highly suscepti-
bacteria are present
ble to tetanus. Wounds
worldwide and are
contaminated with soil,
commonly found in The loganberry (Rubus loganobac-
saliva and feces, espe-
soil, dust and manure. cus) is a hybrid produced from
cially if not properly
Infection with tetanus crossing a blackberry and a raspber-
cleaned, are high risk.
causes severe muscle ry. James Harvey Logan developed
This is along with skin
spasms, leading to this berry in 1881 in Santa Cruz,
punctures from nonster-
“locking” of the jaw California. He was an American
ile needles like drug
so the person cannot lawyer and horticulturist. A thorn-
use or self-performed
open his/her mouth or less variety of the loganberry was
tattooing or body pierc-
swallow, and may developed in 1933. Uses for logan -
ing, which are high
even lead to death by berries include eating raw, jam and a
suffocation. Tetanus type of country wine. They are
is not transmitted great for vaccinating yourself
Another form of
from person to per- against disease.
tetanus, neonatal

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 565

lung cancer • Drug-induced lupus, which

1 Potato – occurs because of a reaction to
Medi-Sign Target 2 Potato – drugs. Symptoms, however, usually
3 Potato – disappear once the drugs are discon-
Red Raw Potatoes, Lemons 4

“To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling
& Salt Red Potato
Lemon Juice • Crossover, or overlap, syndromes
Sea Salt indicate features that overlap with
another rheumatic disease.
Red potato juice, 2 oz. twice daily
is a lung cocktail. Eat sliced raw What Are the Symptoms?
red potato with sea or rock salt
and lemon juice. • Malar rash, which is a butterfly

to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body.” -Gandhi
shaped rash over the cheeks and
across the bridge of the nose.

• Discoid rash, which is a scaly,

disk-shaped sores on the face, neck
and/or chest.

lupus • Sensitivity to sunlight.

erythematosus • Oral ulcers.
Medi-Sign Target • Arthritis, which is pain and stiff-
Raw Food Fasting, Garlic, ness in the joints.
Onions & Raw Honey
• Serositis, which is inflammation
People who smoke are at more than
of the lining around the heart, lungs
80 times greater risk of contracting Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and/or abdomen, causing pain and
lung cancer than non-smokers. (SLE) is a chronic, or long-lasting, shortness of breath.
Smokers live shorter lives and die rheumatic disease, affecting joints,
more painful and prolonged deaths. muscles and other parts of the body. • Kidney problems, which can be
Lupus involves inflammation, which a protein leak.
Smokers make the choice to smoke is the immune system’s response to
and then become hooked; they are foreign agents, virus and bacteria. • Central nervous system prob-
victims of slow suicide. Non-smok-
ers who opt not to smoke don’ t need Systemic lupus erythematosus
to suffer deteriorated health due to involves chronic inflammation • Blood problems, like anemia.
someone who happens to share the that can affect many parts of the
same environment. body, including: • Problems with the immune sys-
• Blood-forming organs tem provoke the risk of infection.
The top foods to eat to help prevent • Heart
lung cancer are carrots, broccoli, • Joints • Antinuclear antibodies, that are
kale, spinach, pumpkin, squash, • Kidneys autoantibodies that react against the
tomatoes, turnips, sweet potatoes • Lungs body’s own cells…I don’t believe it,
and yams. These foods even pro- • Nervous system though.
tected long-time smokers, but not • Skin
nearly to the degree that they protect
Other Symptoms Include:
non-smokers. There are several types of lupus: • Anemia
(See: Disease: The Mystery Solved) • Discoid lupus, which affects the • Fatigue
skin. • Fever

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 566

common in families where one regions. All of these ticks are con-
member already has the disease, due sidered vectors.
to the probability of similar diet and
Lupus Snupus lifestyle. The growing concern is that
(See Disease: The Mystery Solved). Dermacentor variabilis, the

lyme disease
American dog tick, may also be
Celery capable of transmitting Lyme dis-
Carrots ease. Transmission by biting
Red Potatoes
insects, like flies, fleas and mosqui-
Medi-Sign Target
-Roger Crawford

toes, are speculated to be carriers

Juice fasting on celery, carrot, red 21 Days on Cabala, Onions but that threat appears to be quite
potato, and onion for 21 days & Garlic rare.
can typically remit all symp-
toms of lupus.
Not all ticks are infected. Infection
rates in tick populations vary by tick
species and geographic region from
“Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.”

as few as two percent to 90 percent

or more.

The Deer Tick

• Muscle aches In the northeastern United States,
• Nausea Ixodes dammini is responsible for
• Sensitivity to cold (Raynaud's most of the cases of Lyme disease.
phenomenon) These ticks are found in grassy
• Skin rash areas, including lawns, and in
Lyme disease is an illness caused by
• Swollen glands brushy, shrubby and woodland sites.
a spirochete bacteria, Borrelia
• Lack of appetite They are even present on warm win -
burgdorferi, which is transmitted to
• Vomiting and diarrhea ter days and prefer areas where
animals and man through the bite of
• Weight loss some moisture is present.
infected ticks.
Treatment Options The tick has three life stages:
The disease is reported worldwide
• Diet/rest larva, nymph and adult. Each stage
and throughout the United States.
• Exercise takes a single blood
Although the states of New
• Medications make it worse and meal. The entire life
York, Massachusetts, Con-
get you nowhere cycle requires three sep-
necticut, Rhode Island and
arate hosts and takes
New Jersey account for the
Who Is At Risk? about two years to com-
majority of cases in the
• Lupus affects women about plete. They feed on a
United States all geograph-
eight to ten times as often as men variety of warm-blood-
ic regions of the country
and often occurs between the ages ed animals including man, dogs,
are affected.
of 18 to 45. cats, horses and cows. Tick bites
are painless so most victims do not
Different ticks are carriers in the
• Lupus occurs more often in know they have been bitten.
different regions. Ixodes dammini,
African Americans. or the deer tick, in the Northeast and
The nymphal stage appears to be
Midwest is a tick carrier. Ixodes
• Lupus can occur at any age from responsible for most Lyme disease
scapularis is the black-legged tick
young children to older people. cases. Both the larval stage, which
in the South. Ixodes pacificus is
is about the size of a grain of sand,
the western black-legged tick in the
• Studies suggest that certain peo- and nymphal stage, which is about
West. Amblyomma americanum
ple may inherit the tendency to get the size of a poppy seed, attach to a
is the lone star tick found in several
lupus. New cases of lupus are more variety of small mammals. They

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 567

severe and chronic. These symp- • Inspect clothes often for ticks.
toms include: muscle pain and Have a companion inspect your
arthritis, usually of the large joints; back.
neurological symptoms include
meningitis, numbness, tingling and • Apply repellents according to
burning sensations in the extremi- label instructions. Applying directly
ties; Bell’s palsy, which is loss of to clothing appears to be most ef fec-
control of one or both sides of the tive.
face; severe pain and fatigue, which
prefer the white-footed mouse, and is often extreme and incapacitating; • Upon returning to the home,
consequently this is the main reser- and depression. Heart, eye, respira- remove clothing and wash it, or put
voir of the Lyme disease bacteria. tory and gastrointestinal problems it in the dryer for 30 minutes to kill
can also develop. Symptoms are any ticks.
The adult ticks, which are about the often intermittent; lasting from a

“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.”

size of a sesame seed, prefer to feed few days to several months and • When you get in from the field,
on white-tailed deer. sometimes years. Because of its shower and inspect your body thor-
diverse symptoms, chronic Lyme oughly. Especially check your
Larval and nymphal deer ticks also disease mimics many other diseases groin, navel, armpits, head and
attach to birds. Birds may be a pri - and can be difficult to diagnose. behind knees and ears. Have a
mary means for which the ticks are companion check your back or use a
spread from one area to another and Treatment: Both in man and ani- mirror.
some species of birds also function mals, medical pharmaceutical treat-
as a reservoir of infection. ment failures and relapses have been • Inspect children at least once a
reported. day for ticks. When in heavily
Lyme Disease Symptoms in Man infested areas, inspect children
In about half of the cases in Lyme every three to four hours.
disease a characteristic rash or
lesion called erythemamigrans is • When hiking stay in the middle
seen. This rash begins a few days to of trails; do not bushwhack.
a few weeks after the bite of an
infected tick and generally looks • Clear brush from around your
like an expanding red ring. The premises and keep grassy areas
rash is often described as looking mown.
like a bull’s-eye with alternating
light and dark rings, but it can vary • Avoid plantings that especially
from a reddish blotchy appearance attract deer and other animals.
to red throughout. This can be con-
fused with poison ivy, spider bite, • Limit watering of lawns.
insect bite or ringworm. Around the
same time the rash develops, flu- • Use judiciously environmentally
like symptoms may appear with How to Avoid Tick Bites safe insecticides to kill ticks. This
headache, sore throat, stiff neck, When out of doors several precau- may be necessary in some areas.
fever, muscle aches, fatigue and tions can minimize your chances of
general malaise. In some cases the being bitten. Lyme Disease in Domestic Animals
flu-like symptoms may appear with- Lyme disease has been described in
out the rash. • Tuck your pant legs into your dogs, cats, horses, cows and goats.
socks and your shirt into your pants. Symptoms can include fever, lame-
More serious problems can develop ness, soreness, listlessness, loss of
months to years later if the early • Wear light colored clothing. appetite, swollen glands and joints.
symptoms are ignored. The later Dark ticks are more easily spotted Heart, kidney, liver, eye and nervous
symptoms of Lyme disease can be against a light background. system problems are also described

L_ rev_2006-1.qxp 12/11/06 9:49 AM Page 568

• Dogs and cats can be brushed as • Lyme disease is not considered

soon as they come in. Brush over a to be contagious between people or
lightly colored surface so any ticks directly from animals to man.
removed can be seen and discarded.
• Although some deaths have been
• The most effective method of attributed to Lyme disease, this is
protecting animals from infection probably incorrectly attributed, as it
and to keep those that travel from is not generally considered to be
in animals. In horses and cows, bringing ticks home is the regular fatal.
laminitis is reported, as are poor fer - use of tick repellent and control
tility, abortions and chronic weight products. Veterinary assistance is • Once an animal or person has
loss. In dogs and horses, tempera- important in selecting safe and apparently recovered from the dis-
ment changes have been reported. effective tick control products and ease, it appears to be possible to be
Untreated animals can develop designing a control program. reinfected.
chronic progressive arthritis.
How to Remove Attached Ticks • Miscarriages, premature births,
Symptoms can mimic many other To decrease the chances of getting still births, birth defects and

conditions and can be intermittent Lyme disease, promptly remove transplacental infections of the fetus
and vary in intensity from mild to ticks. The proper and easiest have been reported in animals and
quite severe. method is to grasp the tick with fine man. Immediately wash the bite
tweezers, as near the skin as you area with hydrogen peroxide. Place
Where to Find Ticks on Animals can and gently pull it straight out. a crushed garlic clove over the bite
Ticks are most commonly found Be careful not to squeeze the tick for about two to three minutes.
“Genius is eternal patience.”

around the head and neck. They can when removing it, which could (See: Bacterial Infections)

also be found between the toes, on result in more bacteria being inject-
or in the ears and in the armpit and ed. Do not try to remove the tick
groin areas. Because the ticks are with your fingers or attempt to
so small, look very carefully. The remove with lighted cigarettes,
symptoms of illness may not devel- matches, nail polish or Vaseline. Medi-Sign Target
op for several weeks or months fol -
lowing tick bites in animals.
Bones & Cartilage
• Animal ownership does not
If you travel into tick-infested areas directly increase a person’s risk of
with your animals, it is possible to (Essential Amino Acid)
Lyme disease. However, allowing
bring home ticks on the animals that Insures the adequate absorption of
your animals to roam in tick habitat
can infest your home. You should calcium; helps form collagen, which
or venturing into tick habitat with
be alerted that you are also at risk if makes up bone cartilage and con-
your animals does increase your risk
animals in your area develop Lyme nective tissues; and aids in the pro -
of exposure to ticks.
disease. duction of immune cells, hormones
and enzymes. Recent studies have
Tick Control on shown that lysine may be effective
Animals at healing herpes by improving the
• As much as possi- balance of nutrients that reduce viral
ble keep animals out of growth. A deficiency may result in
tick habitat. tiredness, inability to concentrate,
irritability, bloodshot eyes, retarded
• Check animals growth, hair loss, anemia and repro-
daily for ticks and ductive problems.
remove any found (See: Feeding Your Emotions)

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 569

~M m~
History: The Letter M

The Phoenicians loved the ocean and it was this love that created the forms for both “M”
and “N.” In the Mediterranean Sea they became the first navigators to sail by night and it
is believed that the North Star was discovered by them. Their word for water was pro-
nounced “mem” and it was the basis for their letter “M.” The Semitic and Egyptian forms
were often written as wave-like scribbles similar to our “M.” “M” written in upper or lower
case and with or without a period following it can be used to abbreviate over forty different
meanings which, while it is a lot, it’s not as many as “S,” “P” or, well let’s leave the big winner
for another note sheet. Since “M” is “mem” or “water,” let’s drink to that! Water enhances
Mem-ory! Read about it in Volume I of the FDR.

Mystery: The Celtic Name Letter Key

A concern for outward appearance and appreciation of beauty are among the main indica-
tions contained in the letter “M.” The former trait may lead the name-bearer to conceal inner
thoughts and feeling as much as possible. A certain amount of such concealment is a good
ingredient in a well-balanced personality, but it must not be taken to excess. Appreciation
of beauty is also useful in many ways, but ideally the domination of a name print by “M”
should be balanced by indication of sensitivity and deeper understanding. In a negative way,
this letter gives signs of snobbishness and pettiness. When coupled with critical ability it
hints at a person with highly developed artistic skills. Think Marilyn Monroe.
M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 570

MACADAMIA ing the macadamia with their vol- Macular degeneration affects your
canic soil, abundant sunshine and central vision, but not your periph-
lots of moisture. Efforts to grow eral vision. This means that it does-
-Channing Pollock

Medi-Sign Target macadamias commercially began in n’t cause total blindness. Still, the
Heart & Brain Blood Flow the 1920’s. It was not until 1946, loss of clear central vision, which is
with the development of improved critical for reading, driving, recog-
cultivars, that today’s largest nizing people’s faces and doing
macadamia processor, the Mauna detail work, greatly affects your
Loa Company, established a planta- quality of life. It is common that
tion on the big island of Hawaii. the damage caused by macular
“No man in the world has more courage than the man who can stop after eating one peanut.”

It’s also Australia’s most delicious degeneration can’t be reversed,

bush nut. although early detection may help

reduce the extent of vision loss.

Macular degeneration tends to get
worse with age, which is why, as an
Macadamia nut = Queensland nut
older adult has a greater risk of
= Australian nut.
Medi-Sign Target developing this disease. It is the
leading cause of severe vision loss
Mack-uh-DAY-me-uh Eat Carrots & Spinach
in people age 60 and older, and
Everyday more than 1.6 million American
These nuts are eaten as snacks or
adults have the advanced form of
incorporated into cookies or other
Age-related macular degeneration is age-related macular degeneration.
deserts in Hawaii and Australia.
a chronic eye disease that occurs
These nuts are almost always sold
when tissue in the macula deterio- Signs and Symptoms
shelled and roasted in vacuum-pack
rates. The retina is the layer of tis - Macular degeneration usually devel-
containers due to their hard-to-open
sue on the inside back wall of your ops gradually and painlessly.
shell and trickiness when it comes
eye. This disease can be serious as Depending on which of the two
to roasting. After you open these
the part of your retina types of mac-
containers, you should store any
that's responsible for ular degener-
uneaten nuts in the freezer or refrig -
central vision is dam- ation you
erator, since they’re high in good fat
aged. It may cause have, the
and therefore prone to rancidity. Put
blurred central vision signs and
some nuts in 275 degree oven for
or a blind spot in the symptoms of
about 15 minutes if you want to
center of your visual the disease
roast your own.
field, or worse. may vary.
In Australia in the 19th century the
The first sign of macular degenera- With dry macular degeneration
macadamia tree was first cultivated
tion may be a need for more light you may notice the following
by a chemist named John Macadam;
when you’re concentrating on things symptoms:
hence the name of this nut. The tree
close to the eye. Fine newsprint • The need for increasingly bright
was originally prized for its shiny
may become harder to read and illumination when reading or doing
leaves and visual appeal, but the
street signs more difficult to recog- close work.
nuts were largely ignored because
nize. Eventually, straight lines may
they were almost impossible to
appear distorted or crooked. Gray • Increasing difficulty adapting to
crack. After all, macadamia nuts
or blank spots may mask the center low levels of illumination, such as
possess the world’s hardest shell.
of your visual field. The condition when entering a dimly lit restaurant.
poses the threat of progressing rap-
In 1881, the first macadamia trees
idly, thus leading to severe vision • Printed words that appear to be
were brought to Hawaii. The
loss in one or both eyes, but usually increasingly blurry.
islands proved perfect for cultivat-
develops gradually.

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 571

• Colors that appear to be less anced diet with plenty twitching. Magnesium deficiencies
bright. of leafy greens, fruits can lead to confusion, insomnia,
and other vegeta- irritability rapid heartbeat and
• Difficulty recogniz- bles may be seizures.
ing faces. among the most

“Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread and punkin pie.”
important factors in Sources
• Gradual promoting good The largest quantities of manganese
increase in the retinal health. are found in apples, apricots, avoca-
haziness of Eat lots of raw dos, bananas, black-eyed peas,
your overall nuts and seeds, blueberries, cantaloupe, green leafy
vision. as well as vegetables, garlic, grapefruit,
foods rich legumes, lemons, nuts, peaches,
• Blurred or in vitamins peas, pineapple, seeds and whole
blind spot in the A, C and E. grains.

center of your visu- People who eat diets
al field combined with a profound rich in vegetables, particularly leafy,

drop in your central vision acuity. green vegetables have a lower risk
of macular degeneration.
• A need to scan your eyes all
around an object to provide a more Although there are no conclusive Medi-Sign Target
complete image. studies demonstrating that supple-
ments of these nutrients can slow
Raw Foods &
With wet macular degeneration, the vision loss, high levels of lutein and Saltwater Colonics
following symptoms may appear zeaxanthin in your blood help to
and may progress rapidly: protect your retina. Lutein and Malabsorption syndrome is an alter-
zeaxanthin are nutrients found in ation in the ability of the intestine to
• Visual distortions, such as high concentrations in egg yolk, absorb nutrients adequately into the
straight lines appearing wavy or corn and spinach as well as other bloodstream.
crooked, a doorway or street sign orange, yellow and green foods.

that seems out of whack or objects The number one cause is not having
appearing smaller or farther away enough whole food fiber and water
than they should. in the diet. This deficiency allows
plaque to cake onto the alimentary
• Decrease in or loss of central Medi-Sign Target walls, blocking nutrient contact.
Balance & Nerves The number two cause is antibiotics
• Central blurry spot. and other medications.
Magnesium plays an important role
Your vision may falter in one eye Protein, fats and carbohydrates,
in the formation of bones. A diet
while the other remains fine for which are macronutrients, normally
that includes foods high in magne-
years in either form of macular are absorbed in the small intestine.
sium can help prevent depression,
degeneration. You may not notice The small bowel also absorbs about
dizziness, muscle weakness and
any or much change because your 80 percent of the fluids ingested

good eye compensates for the weak daily. The intestine’s ability to
one. It is when this condition devel - absorb fluid and nutrient can be
ops in both eyes that your vision affected by many different condi-
and lifestyle begin to be dramatical- tions. A fault in the digestive
ly affected. process may result from failure of
the body to produce the enzymes
Prevention needed to digest certain foods.
Eat raw foods. A nutritionally bal-

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 572

Congenital structural defects or dis- acids can also be symptoms to This condition is thought to be relat -
eases of the pancreas, gall bladder watch out for. The individual may ed to environmental factors, includ-
or liver may alter the digestive report explosive diarrhea with ing infection, intestinal parasites or
process. Other conditions that result greasy, foul-smelling stools. possibly the consumption of certain
in absorption problems include food toxins, although its cause is
inflammation, infection, injury or • Edema, or fluid retention in the unknown. Symptoms often include
surgical removal of portions of the body’s tissues due to decreased pro- anemia, sore tongue and weight
intestine. Reduced length or surface tein absorption from a lack of drink - loss, along with diarrhea and pas-
area of intestine available for fluid ing water, is another. sage of fatty stools.
and nutrient absorption can also
result in malabsorption. Radiation • Malnutrition and weight loss due Whipple’s disease is a relatively rare
therapy injures the mucosal lining of to decreased carbohydrate, fat and malabsorptive disorder that most
the intestine, resulting in diarrhea protein absorption. Weight may be often affects middle-aged men. The
that may not become evident until 80 to 90 percent of usual the weight cause is thought to be related to bac -
several years later. The use of despite increased oral intake of terial infection, resulting in chronic

antibiotics can also affect intestinal nutrients. low-grade fever, darkening of the
function by causing harm to the bac - skin’s pigmentation, diarrhea, joint
teria that normally live in the intes - • Muscle cramping due to pain, nutritional deficiencies and
tine. decreased vitamin D, calcium and weight loss. Other organs of the
“Victory belongs to the most persevering.”

potassium levels. body may be affected, including the

Factors for malabsorption syn- brain, eyes, heart and lungs.
drome include: • Muscle wasting and atrophy due
• Excess alcohol consumption to decreased protein absorption and Short bowel syndromes, which may
• Family history of malabsorption metabolism. be present at birth (congenital) or
or cystic fibrosis the result of surgery, reduce the sur-
• Intestinal surgery • Perianal skin burning, itching, or face area of the bowel available to
• Travel to foreign countries soreness due to frequent loose absorb nutrients and can also result
• Use of certain drugs, such as stools. in malabsorption syndrome.
mineral oil or other laxatives
Inadequate levels of potassium Treatment
and other electrolytes can also Drink plenty of fluids such as herbal
lead to an irregular heart beat. teas, juices, nut milks, water and eat
Blood clotting disorders may whole, raw, fresh foods.

occur due to a vitamin K defi -
ciency. Children with malab-
sorption syndrome often exhibit
a failure to grow and thrive.
Medi-Sign Target
Several disorders can lead to Garlic, Onions &
The most common symptoms of malabsorption syndrome, including Saltwater Everyday
malabsorption include: cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis,
• Anemia, with weakness and lactose intolerance and gluten
fatigue due to inadequate absorption enteropathy, which is non-tropical
of vitamin B12, iron and folic acid. sprue.

• Diarrhea or steatorrhea, which is Tropical sprue is a malabsorptive

excessive amount of fat in the stool. disorder that is uncommon in the
Abdominal distention with bloating, United States, but seen more often
cramps and gas due to impaired in people from the Caribbean, India
water and carbohydrate absorption or Southeast Asia.
and irritation from unabsorbed fatty

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 573

Approximately 300 million people Each time it bites, plasmodium expensive drugs. Cases of severe
worldwide are affected by malaria develops in the gut of the mosquito disease including cerebral malaria
and between one and one and a half and is then passed on in the saliva require hospital care.
million people die from it every of an infected insect. The parasites
year. This disease, which was at are then carried by the blood in the People living in endemic regions
one time very widespread, is now victim’s liver where they invade the where transmission is high are con-
mainly confined to Africa, Asia and cells and multiply. tinuously infected so that they grad-
Latin America. The problems of ually develop immunity to the dis-
controlling malaria in these coun- Nine to sixteen days later they ease. Children remain highly vul-
tries are aggravated by inadequate return to the blood and penetrate the nerable until they have acquired
health structures and poor socioeco- red cells. Here, they multiply again, such immunity. Pregnant women
nomic conditions. With the increase progressively breaking down the red are also highly susceptible since the
in resistance to the drugs normally cells and causing bouts of fever and natural defense mechanisms are
used to combat the parasite that anemia in the infected individual. reduced during pregnancy.
causes the disease, the situation has In cerebral malaria, the infected red
become ever more complex over the cells obstruct the blood vessels in Malaria has been infecting people

“Seven days without laughter make one weak.”

last few years. These tiny, deadly the brain. Other vital organs can since the beginning of time, but it
creatures are stronger now thanks to also be damaged often leading to the was centuries before the true causes
the drug war. death. were understood. Previously, it was
thought that “miasma,” or bad air
Malaria is caused by protozoan par- Symptoms such as fever, headache, and gas from swamps, caused the
asites of the genus Plasmodium. joint pain and shivering, quickly disease. This hypothesis lead to
Four species of Plasmodium can disappear once the parasite is killed. some remarkably effective ancient
produce the disease in its various In certain regions, however, the par- treatments. The Chinese have used
forms: asites have developed resistance to an infusion of the plant qinghao,
• Plasmodium falciparum antimalarial drugs, particularly the Artemesia annua, for at least the last
• Plasmodium vivax drug chloroquine. It has been 2000 years. Its active ingredient,
• Plasmodium ovale reported that people in these areas artemisinin, has only been scientifi-
• Plasmodium malaria require treatment with other, more cally identified in recent years. The
helpful properties of the
P. falciparum is the most widespread bitter bark of Cinchona
and dangerous of the four. If gone ledgeriana were known in
untreated it can lead to fatal, cere - Peru before the 15th centu-
bral malaria. ry. Quinine, the active
ingredient of this potion,
Malaria parasites are transmitted was first isolated in 1820
from one person to another by the by the alchemists.
female anopheline mosquito. The
males feed only on plant juices and Unaware of the origin of
therefore do not transmit the dis- malaria and the mode of
ease. There are about 380 species transmission, protective
of anopheline mosquito but only measures against the mos-
about 60 are able to transmit the quito have been used for
parasite. many hundreds of years.
The inhabitants of swampy
The anophelines breed in water, regions in Egypt were
each species having its preferred recorded as sleeping in
breeding grounds, feeding patterns tower-like structures out of
and resting place like all other mos - the reach of mosquitoes.
quitoes. Their sensitivity to insecti- Others slept under nets as
cides is also highly variable. early as 450 B.C. The sys-

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 574

tematic control of malaria started created by the process of

after Laveran’s Noble Prize-winning tapping or piercing a tree.
discovery of the malaria parasite in This process enables the
1889 and the demonstration by Ross sap to run out freely. As
in 1897 that the mosquito was the it exits the tree, the sap
vector of malaria. These discoveries is clear and almost taste-
“Shipping is a terrible thing to do to vegetables. They probably get jet-lagged, just like people.”

quickly led to control strategies and less as it is very low in

with the invention of DDT during sugar content at this point.
World War II, so did the notion of The sap must be boiled to
global eradication of the disease. evaporate the water and produce the
Effective and inexpensive drugs of This ancient fruit is native to the syrup that we know with its charac -
the chloroquine group were also Indian subcontinent where they’ve teristic flavor and color.
synthesized around this time, but are been cultivated for thousands of
unfortunately becoming worthless. years. From there, mangos spread History
throughout the tropical and subtropi- The North American Indians have
For millenniums, the number one cal world and into Latin America. been making maple syrup tradition-
remedies are plenty of fresh garlic ally as both a food and as a medi -
and fresh onions. One large raw The flavor of mangoes is unmatch- cine. Using their tomahawks to cre -
onion daily with seven to ten cloves able, resembling a mix of peach and ate incisions in the trees, the Native
of garlic and lots of saline water is pineapple, but sweeter than both. Americans would then collect the
the perfect solution. It works for The fruits are distantly related to sap in large pieces of bark. Using
nearly all bacterial and viral para- poison ivy and poison oak as well on of two methods to evaporate the
sitic overwhelm. cashews and pistachios. For this water, syrup was created by either
reason, some people may have a

plunging hot stones into the sap or
sensitivity to the mango’s skin. But the nightly freezing of the sap. If
eating this fruit can also naturally the latter method is used, the frozen
vaccinate you from sensitivity to its layer of water must be removed
relative plants. from the top of the syrup in the
Medi-Sign Target morning.
Blood & Nerves Mangoes come in hundreds of vari-
eties and range of shapes and sizes,
from plum-sized fruits to those
Manganese is needed for protein weighing four pounds or more.
and healthy nerves, a healthy Matches apricots, papayas and
immune system and blood sugar peaches in nutritional impact.
regulation. It is used in the forma -
tion of cartilage and synovial, a Varieties are; Ataulfo, Hade, Keitt,
lubricating fluid of the joints. Man - Kent and Tommy Atkins.

ganese aids in the formation of
mother’s milk. It is also a key ele -
Settlers arriving in North America
ment in the production of enzymes
were fascinated by this traditional
needed to oxidize fats and to metab -
process and in awe of the delicious,
olize purines, including the enzyme Medi-Sign Target natural sweetener it produced. They
superoxide dismutase.
Brain & Blood developed their own methods to

reduce the syrup, using iron drill
bits to tap the trees and then boiling
Maple syrup is a gift to the world. the sap in the metal kettles in which
This viscous amber colored liquid is it was collected.
Medi-Sign Target made from the sap of black or red
Heart, Muscle & Skin maple trees. It is characterized by a Maple syrup was one of the main
earthy, sweet taste. Maple syrup is sweeteners used by the colonists

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 575

when the price and taxes on sugar Marine animals Work on alleviating the pain by
from the West Indies went up. As Several varieties of marine animals rinsing the area with alcohol,
sugar became cheaper to produce, it bite or sting. Jellyfish and stingrays ammonia or vinegar. The sooner
began to replace maple syrup as a are two such creatures that pose a you can apply it, the better. Relief
relied upon sweetener. In fact, threat to Americans who live or may last only an hour or two, so
maple syrup production is now vacation in coastal communities. reapply the liquid as necessary.

approximately one-fifth of what it
was in the beginning of the 20th Jellyfish
century. For stings from a jellyfish, pour sea-
water over the affected area for ten
Maple syrup-producing trees are minutes to deactivate any remaining Medi-Sign Target
only found in select regions of toxins. Avoid using fresh water as it
North America, with the highest releases remaining toxins instead of Brain Plaque Cleanser
population of these trees found in deactivating them, increasing the
New York, Vermont, and Quebec in pain. After rising, soak the affected

“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”

Marjoram is a member of the mint
Canada. area in vinegar and apply ice.
family and closely resembles
oregano in flavor. The leaves are
Health Benefits
oval, one-inch long and pale green.
Maple syrup is sweet, and we’re not
This leaf is commonly used in
just talking flavor. This natural treat
French and Italian cuisine and also
that is an excellent source of man -
in Scandinavian, German and Aus-
ganese and good source of zinc, can
trian dishes as it is native to the
also be sweet for your health.
Mediterranean region.
Healthy Men use Real Maple
Both the ancient Greeks and
Syrup If vinegar is not available, apply
Romans would crown bridal couples
Zinc is concentrated more highly in baking soda, rubbing alcohol or
with wreaths of marjoram to sym-
the prostate than in any other human diluted ammonia.
bolize happiness, honor and love.
tissue, and low levels of zinc in this
Over the years, marjoram has been
gland relate to a higher risk for The old-fashioned cure is using
used to aid digestion. European
prostate cancer. Healthcare practi- one’s own urine since it contains
singers have been known to pre-
tioners use zinc in therapeutic ways plenty of ammonia.
serve their voices with marjoram tea
to help reduce prostate size. Man -
sweetened with honey. Dodoen, a
ganese may also play a role in sup - Stingrays
herbalist who lived during the 16th
porting men’s health. It acts as a If you find yourself wading in water
century, claimed that smelling mar-
catalyst in the synthesis of fatty that is inhabited by stingrays, shuf-
joram “mundifieth [cleanses] the
acids and cholesterol and also par- fling while walking through these
brayne.” Fresh marjoram is avail-
ticipates in the production of sex shallow areas will disturb the water,
able year-round.
hormones, thus helping to maintain causing the animal to move before it
reproductive health. can be stepped on.

marine Animal Stingray wounds should be


washed with saltwater and
then soaked in very hot
water for 30-90 minutes to
Medi-Sign Target neutralize the venom.
Afterwards, the wound
Hot Saltwater Applied to should be examined to
Wound ensure that no pieces of
spine remain.

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 576

MEASLES the gums and inside of the cheeks. humidifier to relieve cough and sore
How soon do symptoms appear?
Medi-Sign Target Symptoms usually appear in 10-12 • Rest your eyes. Many people
days, although they may occur as with measles find bright lights both-
Rest, Water, Salt & Juice early as eight or as late as 13 days ersome. Try keeping the lights low
after exposure. or wear sunglasses even while
sleeping. Avoid reading or watching
(Rubeola, hard measles, red
When and for how long is a person television as the added light from a
able to spread measles? reading lamp or TV may be bother-
Measles is an acute and highly con -
An individual is able to transmit some. Finally, let the disease run its
tagious, viral disease. It is more
measles from five days prior to and course.
common in winter and spring and
five days after rash onset.
has the capability of producing dev-
astating epidemics.
Does past infection make a
person immune?
Who gets measles?
Yes. Permanent immunity is
-Winston Churchill

Measles can be contracted at any

acquired after contracting the
age, although it is usually consid-
ered a childhood sickness. General-
ly, preschool children, adolescents,
What is the treatment for
young adults and inadequately
immunized individuals comprise the
There is no specific treatment
majority of measles cases in the
for measles.
“Never, never, never quit.”

United States.
What are the complications
How is measles spread?

associated with measles?
Measles is one of the most readily
Up to six percent of reported cases

transmitted communicable diseases.
lead to the contraction of pneumo-
It is spread by direct contact with

nia. This severe lung infection
nasal or throat secretions of infected
accounts for 60 percent of deaths
people or by airborne transmission,
incorrectly attributed to measles.
which is much rarer.
Encephalitis, or an inflammation of
the brain, may also occur. Other
Medi-Sign Target
What are the symptoms of measles? Onions, Garlic &
complications include middle ear
The symptoms of measles generally
infection and convulsions. Measles Horseradish
appear in two stages. In the first
is more severe in infants and adults.
stage, the individual may have a
runny nose, cough and a slight What is Melioidosis?
Self-care: Avoid the drug lords and
fever. The eyes may become red- Melioidosis is an infectious disease
their licensed drug pushers.
dened and sensitive to light while caused by the bacterium “Pseu-
the fever continues to rise each day. domonas pseudomallei.”
Try these comfort measures:
The second stage begins three to
• Take it easy. Get some rest and
seven days after contraction and Where does Melioidosis occur?
avoid busy activities.
consists of a temperature of 103 to Melioidosis is most frequently
105 degrees Fahrenheit. A red, reported in Southeast Asia and
• Sip something. Drink plenty of
blotchy rash will also appear, lasting Northern Australia. The bacteria
water, fruit juice and herbal tea to
four to seven days. The rash usually that causes the disease is found in
replace fluids lost by fever and
begins on the face and then spreads the soil, rice paddies and stagnant
over the entire body. Koplik spots waters of the area. This disease in
may show up as little white spots on contracted by inhaling dust contami-
• Seek respiratory relief. Use a

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 577

 Headache melioidosis is typically accompa-

 High fever nied by anorexia, general muscle
 Rapid breathing soreness, headache and high fever.
 Vomiting A persistent cough with normal spu-
tum is the hallmark of this form of
• Septicemia – see also symptoms melioidosis, although chest pain can
of septicemia be a common as well.
 Abdominal pain
 Diarrhea Acute Bloodstream Infection
 Joint pain Folks with underlying illness such

“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.”
 Skin pustules as diabetes, HIV and renal failure
 Tender muscles are affected by this type of the dis -
ease, which usually results in septic
• Meningitis shock. Depending on the site of
nated by the bacteria. If an abraded,  Coma original infection, the symptoms of
or scraped, area of the skin comes in  Confusion the bloodstream infection vary.
contact with contaminated soil,  High fever Generally, they include development
Melioidosis can also be picked-up.  Photophobia of pus-filled lesions on the skin,
 Seizures diarrhea, disorientation, fever, mus-
Melioidosis most commonly  Stiff neck cle tenderness, respiratory distress
involves the lungs where the infec- and severe headaches. This is typi-
tion can form a cavity of pus, also • Symptoms of Chronic suppura- cally an infection of short duration
known as an abscess. It can spread tive melioidosis: and abscesses will be found
from the skin through the blood to  Abscesses throughout the body.
affect the brain, eyes, heart, joints,  Bone abscesses
kidneys and liver. People can have Chronic Suppurative Infection
 Lymph node abscesses
associated chest pain, chills, cough, Chronic melioidosis is an infection
 Organ abscesses
fever, headaches and/or loss of that involves the organs of the body.
 Skin abscesses
appetite. These typically include the bones,
Symptoms of Melioidosis brain, joints, liver, lung, lymph
List of symptoms of Melioidosis: Melioidosis can be categorized as an nodes, skin, spleen and viscera.
• Severe symptoms acute or localized infection, acute (See: Bacterial Infections)
 Chills pulmonary infection, acute blood-
 Cough stream infection or chronic suppura-
 Drowsiness tive infection. Infections that may
 Headache go undetected are also possible.
 High fever

-Victor Hugo
 Shortness of breath Acute, Localized Infection
This form of infection is generally
• Milder symptoms localized as a nodule and results
 Abdominal pain from inoculation through a break in
 Chest pain the skin. The acute form of melioi-
 Cough dosis can produce fever and general
 Irregular fever muscle aches and may progress rap-
 Weight loss idly to infect the bloodstream.

• Pneumonia – see also symptoms Pulmonary Infection

of pneumonia This form of the disease can pro -
 Breathing difficulty duce anything from clinical picture
 Chills of mild bronchitis to severe pneu-
 Cyanosis monia. The onset of pulmonary

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 578

MELONS cian, Galen, discusses the medical Marco Pole enjoyed what he consid-
benefits of melons in his writings. ered “the best melons in the world
in very great quantity which they
Medi-Sign Target The Romans started importing mel- dry in this manner. They cut them
ons from Armenia around the third all around in slices like strips of
Brain & Breasts century CE. They were not the leather and then put them in the sun
large, weighty melons we know to dry, when they become sweeter
today, but rather they were about the than honey. And you must know
size of oranges. Roman manuals that they are an article of commerce
existed that provided specific direc- and find a ready sale through all the
tions on the cultivation of melons so country around.”
many citizens grew their own.
The French had much to say about
Apicius, Ancient Rome’s first cook- melons. One poet said, “There are
“Those who forget the pasta are condemned to reheat it.”

book author, included raw melons in three things which cannot support
his Imperial cuisine. Most gourds, mediocrity: poetry, wine and mel-
also considered melons or squash, ons.” Claude Mermet, a French
A Middle Eastern proverb states,
prepared at this time were cooked. writer of the 1600’s expressed an
“He who fills his stomach with
expectation of mediocrity in melons
melons is like he who fills it with
Charlemagne was one who appreci- bye considering friends. He wrote,
light; there is baraka [a blessing]
ated new fruits and vegetables and “fifty had to be tried to find a single
in them.”
continually added new cultivars to good one.” When Mermet’s
his garden. Melons became a new thoughts were translated into Eng-
Dried and roasted melon seeds have
addition to his royal gardens about lish, it became a rhyming jingle:
long been a favorite snack through-
800 CE. It is highly possible that
out the Middle East. Even the Chi -
Charlemagne discovered the melon “Friends are like melons. Shall I
nese royalty were enjoying melon
in Spain where they were planted a tell you why? To find one good,
seeds between 200 to100 BCE. A
century before by the Moors. In you must a hundred try.”
perfectly preserved female body was
spite of Charlemagne’s love of this
found in a fairly recent archeologi-
fruit, melons didn’t become popular Another French writer, Brillat
cal site discovery. While digging in
in France until much later. Savarin, took offense at that little
1973 in the province of Hunan, the
poem. He defended melons by
woman was found in a nested cof-
Marco Polo traveled to the city of expressing that good ones were the
fin, buried sixty feet deep. Melon
Shibarghan in Afghanistan on his rule and bad ones the exception.
seeds were in her esophagus, stom-
way to China somewhere around Savarin explained that melons must
ach and intestines. The woman was
1254 to 1324 CE. During his visit, be eaten at the exact moment when
later identified as the wife of the
they had attained “the perfection
Marquis of Tai during the Han
which is their destiny.”
dynasty, pinpointing her death to
somewhere around 125 BCE.
Dried melon seeds are a common
snack in Central and South Ameri-
A wall painting depicting melons
ca, China, as well as the Middle
that were cut in half was discovered
East from Iran to Egypt. Some
in the city Herculaneum, located at
people sprinkle their cantaloupes
the foot of Mt. Vesuvius in ancient
with salt and pepper. Others add a
Sicily. This city, close to Pompeii,
dash of powdered ginger. Citrus
was buried in a volcanic eruption in
lovers sprinkle lemon or lime juice
79 CE but many treasures were
on their melon to add a definitive
found practically unharmed.
The second century Greek physi-
Medieval alchemists claimed that

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 579

melons “promoted blood moderate- very juicy. The Casaba melon SHARLYN MELON
ly, and suited phlegmatic and bil- weighs seven to eight pounds. This melon’s netted rind is greenish
ious temperaments.” It was said orange in color. It has white flesh
that they relieved “the pain of cal - CHARENTAIS and a sweet flavor that combines the
culi and cleansed the skin.” This small melon is a native of qualities of honeydew and can-
Europe and is also known as Chaca, taloupe.
A Chinese herbal claims that sweet French or Italian melon. Compared
melons cool fevers, moisten the to some, this melon’s shape is SANTA CLAUS OR CHRISTMAS
lungs and benefit the urine. These slightly elongated. Its shell can be MELON
healings seeds will also clear smooth or slightly netted, gray or This melon’s elongated shape is
phlegm and benefit the intestines. gray-blue rind with dark green fur- similar to the canary melon with
Sweet melons are also prescribed to rows. The flesh is deep orange, mottled green and yellow rind and
relieve tuberculosis cough and con- firm and sweet. The Charentais green flesh. Its name is derived
stipation. melon usually weight between a from its ability to keep for long
pound and one and a half pounds. periods of time. The Santa Claus or
Melons are helpful to people with Christmas melon can be six to seven

“Earth laughs in flowers.”

heart disease because they contain a pounds.

blood thinner called adenosine. As the others, this melon also
Melons are considered a powerful matures in the late summer. It has

cancer-fighting food because of an elongated shape, rough skin and
their very high beta carotene con- is corrugated with yellow and green
tent. Abundant in potassium, mel- mottled coloring. The flesh is pale,
ons are also beneficial for those pinkish orange and has a sweet, dis -
with high blood pressure. tinctive flavor. The Crenshaw melon Medi-Sign Target
Containing high amount of water can grow to be one of the lar ger Ear Candling
content, melons also serve as a types of melon weighing between
diuretic. seven and ten pounds.
Meniere’s disease is a very disturb-

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

cANARY PERSIAN MELON ing illness, presenting people with
This type of melon matures in the Continuing the trend, this melon hearing loss, pressure in the ear, tin-
late summer. It has an oval shape also matures in the late summer. It nitus, severe imbalance and vertigo.
similar to Crenshaw and has bright has a similar look to cantaloupe but
yellow corrugated rind. Its flesh is with a more rounded shape. The • Vertigo is the most dramatic and
pale green to white with a pale rind is a dark green with slight, tan distressing symptom of Meniere’s.
orange seed cavity and has a mild cracks and sparse netting. Its flesh It is described as a sudden loss of
and delicately sweet taste. The is orange-pink, sweet and firm. The normal balance or equilibrium,
Canary melon usually Persian melon can causing the room to suddenly begin
weighs six to seven grow to be five or six to spin and rotate at high speed.
pounds. pounds. Focusing is difficult, and if the ver-
tigo continues, nausea and vomiting
cASABA OGEN MELON may occur. Vertigo is commonly
This particular melon This melon’s netted caused by acute labyrinthitis, a viral
matures in the late rind turns golden yel- inflammation of the inner ear or
summer months. Its low when fully benign positional vertigo, a condi-
skin is corrugated and mature. It’s very fra- tion due to abnormally floating crys-
pale to bright yellow grant with sweet tals in the inner ear that stimulate
or greenish yellow and flesh. The Ogen the nerve endings of the inner ear.
not netted or ribbed. melon is smaller, Vertigo can also be the result of
The flesh is white or weighing in at three delayed symptom from a head
cream colored, sweet, to five pounds. injury or result of cervical spine
considered spicy and problems.

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:45 PM Page 580

• Hearing loss typically fluctuates The symptoms of menopause are menopause leads to atrophic
with hearing being worse some days varied, insidious and can frequently changes and reduced blood flow in
than others. The hearing loss in be misdiagnosed as endogenous the genital tract and urethra. This
Meniere’s may lead to severe per- depression, migraine or general relative ischaemia is related to the
manent hearing loss and deafness in debility. However, atrophic changes,
the affected ear. vasomotor symp- which occur in the
toms and vaginal genital tract such as
• People with Meniere’s disease dryness along with thin skin, sparse hair,
-John Kenneth Galbraith

report that tinnitus may be variable depression, tiredness vagina shortening

and often worsen before an attack of and headaches are and diminished vagi-
vertigo. Tinnitus is often described characteristic of nal and cervical
as a motor-like whirring noise pres- menopause or estro- secretion. The con-
ent only in the ear with the hearing gen deficiency. sequences of these
loss. Although these may changes are genital
not be the initial pre- tract trauma, inconti-
• Pressure or a sense of fullness in senting symptoms or nence, increasing
the affected ear is also common. the most distressing dyspareunia and
“More die in the United States of too much food than too little.”

symptoms, a woman apareunia, increased

Meniere’s disease rarely occurs in experiencing the onset of urinary frequency, loss of libido,
children, affecting both men and menopause will have them. painful urination, the urgent need to
women in their thirties or early, urinate and voiding difficulties.
middle age. The major long-term problems of
menopause include the development Muscle & Joint Pains, Hair & Skin
A diet of strictly fasting, fresh gar- of adverse changes in blood lipopro- Changes
lic, fresh juice, potato juice and raw tein concentrations, the generalized Frequent muscle and joint pain may
foods as well as patience are key atrophy of connective tissues and also have the same etiology. The
factors for this condition. the progressive reduction in bone role of collagen loss from the bone
(See: Dizziness) mass, putting women at risk of matrix in the etiology of post-
osteoporosis. menopausal osteoporosis may be of
great importance. Many women
Hot Flashes complain of pain in the joints, espe -
Hot flashes may occur at cially in the knees, around the time
any time of day or night of menopause.
and can be precipitated
by a variety of com- Psychological Changes
mon situations such as Anxiety, irritability and depression
housework, recreation, commonly arise during the climac-
sleeping stress or working. Flashes teric, or menopausal, time. They are
usually begin in the face, neck, head the group of symptoms which are

or chest. They can also ignite usually worse in the pre-menopause

episodes of chronic tiredness, eleva- period, which are a few years before
tion of skin temperature, insomnia, periods cease.
irritability, lethargy and sweating.
With successful treatment of hot Cardiovascular Diseases
Medi-Sign Target flashes, these related problems will Before menopause, heart diseases
Hot Saltwater Soaks & usually dwindle and associated are uncommon in women who do
Cold-Pressed Soybean Oil exhaustion and depression will be not have diabetes, do not have
relieved. hypertension, hyperlipidaemia,
which is an excessive saturated fats
What are the symptoms of
Vaginal Changes in their blood or smoke. Heart dis -
menopause or estrogen deficiency?
Estrogen deficiency caused by ease is five times more common in

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:47 PM Page 581

men than in pre-menopausal women menstrual ing caused by a physical problem

but once a woman reaches other than menstruation.
menopause, her risk of cardiovascu-
lar disease approaches that in men. Physical problems that can cause
Medi-Sign Target this type of cramping include:
Changes in the Skeletal System • Adenomyosis
3-7 Day Juice Fasts &
(Osteoporosis) • Endometriosis

“Laugh and your life will be lengthened for this is the great secret of long life.”
De-mineralization of bone is poten- Hot Salt Baths • Ovarian cysts
tially the most serious, long-term • Pelvic infection
consequence of human menopause. Many women suffer from painful • Pregnancy
Peak bone mass is reached in the menstrual cramps known as dys- • Structural abnormalities that
third decade of life. Thereafter, menorrhea. The number one cause were present at birth (congenital),
bone mass progressively diminishes of menstrual cramps is synthetic such as narrowing of the cervix
with an accelerated loss following fibers with added chemicals for • Use of an intrauterine device
menopause. The precise mechanism super absorbency. Use 100 percent (IUD)
of bone loss is uncertain. There is, cotton pads and tampons that are • Uterine polyps or fibroids
however, evidence that suggests it chemical free.
may be from an increase in bone
turnover, which disrupts the remod- Symptoms include:
eling process, with bone resorption • Diarrhea or constipation.
exceeding formation. • Dizziness or fainting.
• Headaches.
The leading cause of bone loss is • Mild to severe cramping in the
soda pop addiction. Women should lower abdomen, back or thighs.
eat lots of legumes and soy for the • Nausea.
“good” estrogens.
During the menstrual cycle, the lin-
The number one solution to avoid ing of the uterus produces a hor -
problem symptoms of menopause is mone called prostaglandin. This
to buy a hot tub, keep it at 104 hormone causes the uterus to
degrees and soak in the morning and painfully contract. Women with
night for at least 20 minutes. It will severe cramps may produce higher- Solution
detoxify you the way the menses than-normal amounts of Men sweat to eliminate toxic over-
does. prostaglandin or may be more sensi- load, women menstruate to do this.
tive to its effects. To relieve PMS, use a hot tub every
Become a vegetarian if you can. day for at least 20 minutes, morning
This way you avoid secondary con- Cramping is common when a and night along with a wholesome
centrate of female hormones from woman first starts having periods. diet. At the very least, soak for 20
the bodies of female chickens, cows, Primary dysmenorrhea is a term minutes in a hot bath every night.
fish, horses, pigs, sheep, etc. used to describe painful menstrual The skin is cytophylactic and will
-Og Mandino
(See: foods for Estrogen) cramping with no recognized physi- release one quart of spent toxic
cal cause. It is most com - body fluids in hot water over a 20
monly seen in women minute period.
between the ages of 20
and 24 and usually ceases Don’t do diuretics.
after a year or two when Many women think diuretics are
hormonal balance occurs. great for reducing menstrual bloat-
ing. Diuretics have the ability to
Secondary dysmenorrhea take important minerals from the
is a term used to describe body along with the water.
painful menstrual cramp- The Alternate Route

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:47 PM Page 582

Do a yoga stretch. Yoga stretches plex vitamins, calcium, fiber, mag-

during your period can also help. nesium, potassium, protein and vita-
Try the following example. Kneel min E. Both calcium and magne-
on the floor and sit on your heels. sium reduce muscular tension, fiber
Bring your forehead to the floor and will help to regulate the bowel func -
place your arms along the floor tion and potassium has a diuretic
against your body. Close your eyes. effect which can then aid in reduc -
Hold the position for as long as it is ing the bloating. Beans are also
comfortable. good sources of calcium, magne-
sium, potassium and protein.
Get a Foothold for Pain Relief
Make love. Having sex with
Relief from cramps might be just a
orgasm is great for relieving cramps. Many vegetables are high in calci-
touch away.
The vigorous muscle action moves um, magnesium and potassium,
blood and other fluids away from which help to relieve and prevent
The foot contains acupressure or
congested organs, relieving pain. muscle spasms. Fruits are an excel -
trigger points that are believed to be
lent form of natural protector sub-
connected along internal energy
A vegetarian diet has a double- stances like bioflavonoids and vita-
pathways to your pelvic area. These
whammy effect on the body’s levels min C. These nutrients provide two
“Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?”

spots will be sensitive during your

of estrogen, the hormone at the root great benefits. Not only will they
period and are located near the
of PMS. Eating less fat prevents strengthen the blood vessels that can
depressions above either side of
cells from producing too much aid circulation to areas of muscle
your heel. Gently press in with your
estrogen in the first place. Eating tension in the pelvis, but their
thumb and fingertips. Do the same
fiber-rich plant foods makes it easier inflammatory effects will also
along the sides of your Achilles ten-
for our bodies to flush out excess reduce the pain from menstrual
don, moving up toward your calf
amounts of the hormone. cramps.
To round out the healthy changes in Avoid completely:
Try this acupressure technique for a
the diet, use fruits, legumes, vegeta-
few minutes on each foot.
bles and whole grains. Whole • Animal products of any type:
grains such as amaranth, barley, caged hen eggs, cooked dairy prod -
Warm up. Warmth will increase
brown rice, buckwheat, millet, oats ucts, fish, meats and poultry.
your blood flow and relax your
and rye provide sources of B-com-
muscles, which is especially impor-
• Refined vegetable oils: all cook-
tant in your cramped and congested
ing oils, margarine and salad dress-
pelvic area. Drink lots of hot herbal
tea or hot lemonade and try a heat -
ing pad or hot-water bottle on your
• Any other fatty foods: dough-
abdomen for a few minutes at a
nuts, fake peanut butter, french fries,
potato chips, etc.

Take a mineral bath. Create your
own relaxing “health spa” bath to
relax your muscles and relieve
cramps. Add one cup of sea salt Medi-Sign Target
and one cup of baking soda to a 3-7 Day Juice Fasts &
warm bath. Soak for 20 minutes.
Take a brisk walk. Walk or engage
Hot Salt Baths
in some form of moderate exercise
at all times, but especially before First, we’ll discuss the basic biology
your period. You’ll feel better when of menstruation and then we’ll look
it arrives. at ancient traditions.

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:47 PM Page 583

Basic Biology: an egg. These pills create all kinds

The cycle begins of physiological havoc.
Did you know that when a baby girl
is born, she has all the eggs her Ovulation
body will ever have, perhaps as The blood supply to the ovary
many as 450,000? They are stored increases as ovulation approaches
in her ovaries, each inside its own and the ligaments contract. This
sac called a follicle. The girl’s body contraction pulls the ovary closer to
begins producing various hormones the Fallopian tube, allowing the
that cause the eggs to mature as she released egg, to find its way into the
grows into puberty. This is the tube. A woman’s cervix secretes an
beginning of her first cycle and this abundance of clear, characteristical-
cycle will repeat throughout her life ly stretchy “fertile mucous” just

“A good laugh is sunshine in the house.”

until the end of menopause. before ovulation. Fertile mucous
helps facilitate the sperm’s move-
Let’s start with the hypothalamus. ment toward the egg. Some women
The hypothalamus is a gland in the use daily mucous monitoring to
brain responsible for regulating the determine when they are most likely
body's endocrine functions, hunger, to become pregnant. Some women
libido, sleep patterns and thirst. It also experience cramping or other this information to avoid or encour-
releases the chemical messenger sensations mid-cycle. Basal body age a pregnancy. This is the all-nat-
Follicle Stimulating Hormone temperature rises right after ovula- ural fertility awareness method, or
Releasing Factor (FSH-RF) to tell tion and stays higher by about four FAM, of family planning.
the pituitary gland in the brain to do degrees Fahrenheit until a few days
its job. The pituitary then secretes before the next period. Uterine Changes
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) The follicle from which the egg
and a little Leutenizing Hormone The egg is carried along by tiny, burst becomes the corpus luteum, or
(LH) into the bloodstream which hair-like projections, called “cilia” yellow body, between mid-cycle and
cause the follicles to begin to toward the uterus inside the menstruation. As the uterus heals, it
mature. Fallopian tube. Fertilization occurs produces the hormones estrogen and
if sperm are present as the live egg larger amounts of progesterone

-William M. Thackeray
The maturing follicles then release reaches the uterus. A tubal pregnan- which is necessary for the mainte-
another hormone, estrogen. The fol- cy, or ectopic pregnancy, is a rare nance of a pregnancy. If the uterus
licles secrete more and more estro- but very dangerous and life-threat- is not pregnant, the follicle turns
gen into the bloodstream as they ening situation where the egg is fer - white in the later stages of healing
ripen over a period of about seven tilized inside the tube. If a fertilized and is called the corpus albicans.
days. Estrogen causes the lining of egg begins to develop into an
the uterus to thicken and the cervi - embryo inside the tube it will rup - Estrogen and progesterone are
cal mucous to change. When the ture the tube causing internal bleed- sometimes called “female” hor-
estrogen level reaches a certain ing. Surgery is required if the tube mones but both men and women
point it causes the hypothalmus to ruptures. If the pregnancy is dis- have them, just in different concen-
release Leutenizing Hormone covered before the tube ruptures, trations.
Releasing Factor (LH-RF) causing medication known as Methotrexate
the pituitary to release a large can be used to stop the development Progesterone causes the surface of
amount of Leutenizing Hormone of the embryo. This is one of those the uterine lining, the endometrium,
(LH). This surge of LH triggers the rare times modern medicine helps to become covered with mucous
most mature follicle to burst open for all the herbs that claim to work, which secretes from glands within
and release an egg, a process known don’t. the lining itself. The spiral arteries
as ovulation. Many birth control of the lining close off, stopping
pills work by blocking this LH A woman can use a speculum to blood flow to the surface of the lin -
surge, thus inhibiting the release of monitor her own ovulation and use ing if fertilization and implantation

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:47 PM Page 584

do not occur. The blood pools into • Drink ginger root tea, especially
“venous lakes” which, once full, if you experience fatigue.
burst and form the menstrual flow
with the endometrial lining. Most • Put cayenne pepper on food. It
periods last four to eight days but is a vasodilator and improves circu-
this length varies over the course of lation.
a lifetime.
• Breathe deeply, relax, notice
Bleeding – A New Theory where you hold tension in your
Some researchers view menses as body and let it go.
the natural monthly cleansing of the
uterus and vagina of sperm and bac - • Take time for yourself!
teria they carried. In other words,
this monthly cycle is the female Eliminate Nutra-Sweet, Aspartame,
“One way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life.”

detox system. Men’s, on the other Splenda, etc. from the diet will sig -
hand, is sweating. nificantly relieve menstrual cramps.
If you drink sugar-free sodas or
Cramps and Other Sensations other forms of Nutra-Sweet, try
Women can experience a variety of cooked dairy products, hard alcohol, eliminating them completely for two
sensations before, during or after processed caffeine and refined months and see what happens.
their menses. Common complaints sugar.
include backache, bloating, breast Lifestyle
tenderness, constipation, diarrhea, Natural options to alleviate cramp- The hormones in our bodies are
headaches, irritability, mood ing: especially sensitive to diet and nutri-
changes, nausea and pain in the • Increase exercise. This will tion. PMS and menstrual cramping
inner thighs. Women also experi- improve blood and oxygen circula- are not diseases but rather, symp-
ence positive sensations such as tion throughout the body, including toms of poor nutrition.
connection with nature, creative the pelvis.
energy, euphoria, exhilaration, Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS
increased sex drive invigoration, • Try not using tampons. Many PMS has haunted women for many,
more intense orgasms, new begin- women find tampons increase many years. Within the past 30-or-
ning, release and relief. cramping. Don’t select an IUD, or so years, however, pharmaceutical
intrauterine device, as your birth companies have targeted and created
Uterine cramping is one of the most control method. a market to treat this normal part of
common, uncomfortable sensations a woman's cycle as a disease. These
women may have during menstrua- • Avoid cooked milk, fatty foods, companies then benefit from the
tion. There are two kinds of cramp- red meat and refined sugars. sale of drugs and treatments.
ing. Spasmodic cramping is proba-
bly caused by prostaglandins, chem- • Eat lots of fresh vegetables, Premenstrual syndrome refers to the
icals that affect muscle tension. fruit, nuts, seeds and whole grains, collection of symptoms or sensa-
Some prostaglandins cause relax- especially if you experience consti- tions women experience as a result
ation and some cause constriction. pation or indigestion. of high hormone levels before and
A diet high in linoleic and liblenic sometimes during their periods.
acids, found in vegetables and • Avoid processed caffeine such as
pressed oils, increases the soda pops. It constricts blood ves- One type of PMS is characterized
prostaglandins for aiding muscle sels and increases tension. by anxiety, irritability and mood
relaxation. swings. These feelings are usually
• Get a massage. relieved with the onset of bleeding.
Congestive cramping causes the This type of PMS is mostly likely
body to retain fluids and salt. To • Have an orgasm alone or with a related to the balance between estro-
counter congestive cramping, avoid partner. gen and progesterone. If estrogen

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:47 PM Page 585

predominates, anxiety occurs. If Ovulation occurs about 14-16 days mercury

there’s more progesterone, depres- before women have their period, not
sion may be a complaint. 14 days after the start of their peri -
od. The second half of the cycle,
Sugar craving, fatigue and ovulation to menstruation, is fairly Medi-Sign Target
headaches signify a different type of consistently the same length. The
Avoid them or Slowly have
PMS. In addition to sugar, women first part changes from person to
may crave chocolate, noodles, white person and from cycle to cycle. In them Removed
bread and white-rice pastries. These rare cases, a woman may ovulate
food cravings may be caused by the twice in a month, once from each Amalgam (Mercury Fillings)
increased responsiveness to insulin ovary. • Dental Amalgam contains about
related to increased hormone levels 50 percent Mercury.
before menstruation. In this circum-

“If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane.”

stance, women may experience • Mercury has been scientifically
symptoms of low blood sugar, sig- demonstrated to be more toxic than
naling their brains that they are in Lead, Cadmium or even Arsenic.
need of fuel. A consistent diet that
includes complex carbohydrates will • Mercury leaves dental amalgam
provide a steady flow of energy to continuously throughout the lifetime
the brain and counter the ups and of the filling.
downs of blood sugar variations. Conception/Fertilization of an egg
can only occur after ovulation. The • Mercury vapor is the main way
Menstrual Myths egg stays alive for about 24 hours that mercury comes out of amalgam.
• Every woman’s cycle is or once released from the ovary.
should be 28 days long. Sperm usually stays alive inside a • Mercury vapor is absorbed at a
woman’s body for three to four rate of 80 percent through the lungs
• Every woman will or should days, but possibly for as long as six into the arterial blood
bleed every month. to seven. If a couple has intercourse
before or after ovulation occurs, • Mercury kills cells.
• Every woman will or should they can get pregnant. The sperm
ovulate every cycle. will be inside the women’s body at • There is NO harmless level of
the correct time. Thus a woman can Mercury Vapor Exposure.
• If a woman bleeds, she is not become pregnant from intercourse

-Jimmy Buffet
pregnant. for about seven to ten days in the • Mercury from mercury fillings
middle of her cycle. binds to sulphydryl groups. These
• A woman cannot ovulate or get exist in almost every enzymatic
pregnant while she is menstruating. Fertility Awareness is a birth control process in the body. Mercury from
method where women monitor their amalgam has the potential to disturb
The above statements are myths. cycles daily to identify ovulation. all metabolic processes Mercury
Every woman is different. They are learning to predict ovula-
It’s true that most women will have tion to prevent or encourage preg-
cycles that are around 28 days. A nancy. It requires training and dili-
woman can be healthy and normal gent record keeping.
though having just three or four
cycles a year. However, while vari- Some women can be pregnant and
ations might be healthy and normal, continue to have periods at the same
they could also be a sign of a seri - time. We also know of cases
ous underlying problem. For exam- where women have gotten preg-
ple, irregular menstrual cycles may nant during their menstrual peri-
predict Type 2 Diabetes. od.

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:47 PM Page 586

from amalgam is transported freely migrate through the tooth. trical currents, which are undoubt-
“High-tech tomatoes. Mysterious milk. Super squash. Are we supposed to eat this stuff? Or is it going to eat us?”

via the blood. edly injurious to health. These cur-

• This rate of migration is rents are measurable in micro amps.
• Mercury vapor is absorbed increased if a gold crown is placed The central nervous system and
directly into the brain. Mercury over a tooth filled with amalgam. brain operate in the range of nano-
from amalgam will result in a slow amps, which are 1,000 times less
build up of mercury in body tissues. • Teeth are living tissues and are a than a micro amp.
part of our bodies.
• Mercury crosses the blood brain • Dissimilar metals in the mouth,
barrier. • Teeth have a massive communi- such as gold and amalgam, produce
• Mercury is implicated in cation via blood, lymph and nerves higher electrical currents.
Alzheimer’s Disease. with the rest of the body.
• Brain levels of mercury are in a
• Mercury from amalgam is stored • Mercury from amalgam is direct linear proportion to the num-
in the fetus and infant from the absorbed into the body at a rate of ber of surfaces of amalgam fillings
mother. This could this be part of three to seventeen mcg per day. in the mouth.
the reason for children getting can-
cer. • Mercury is transported along • Mercury will cause single strand
nerve fibers. Mercury from amal- breaks in DNA.
• Mercury from amalgam is stored gam may be stored in every cell in
in the breast milk and the fetus up to the body. Each area affected will • Mercury levels in the blood can
eight times more than the mother ’s produce its own set of symptoms. NOT be assessed by blood or urine
tissues. levels.

• Mercury crosses the placenta. • Dental personnel are severely

affected by exposure to mercury.
• Mercury crosses into breast
• Mercury will severely reduce SONOUS!
reproductive function. Mercury rap- There is NO safe form of mercury
idly depletes the immune system. in living tissue.
Mercury will induce a number of
auto immune diseases; mercury will NOTE: Mercury is one component
cause an increase in number and of vaccinations.
severity of all allergies.
• In most country’s it’s illegal to
• Mercury from amalgam is stored use mercury in dentistry.
principally in the kidneys, liver and
brain. Mercury from amalgam Why Does It Cause Problems?
causes kidney damage. For many years, the American
Dental Association claimed that
• Mercury from amalgam causes a • Mercury binds to hemoglobin in mercury does not leak out of mercu -
50 percent reduction in kidney fil- the red blood cell thus reducing ry fillings despite considerable evi-
tration. oxygen carrying capacity. dence to the contrary. In the early
80’s, they finally admitted it does
• After chewing, mercury vapor • Mercury damages blood vessels, leak only in small amount.
levels will remain raised for at least thereby reducing blood supply to the
another 90 minutes. tissues. Urine analysis was done on people
who had mercury fillings and it was
• Mercury from amalgam will • Amalgam fillings produce elec- shown that they resulted in a modest

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:47 PM Page 587

increase in mercury output. This, the blood vessels. The tem-

however, only measures the amount poral artery enlarges during
of mercury being excreted from the a migraine. The temporal
body, not the amount being retained. artery is an artery that lies
It has been shown that significant on the outside of the skull
amounts of mercury can be retained just under the skin of the
in the body organs. temple.

Mercury is extremely poisonous. Enlargement of the temporal

“If you’re not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don’t want to go there.”

What many people don’t know is artery stretches the nerves
that it is also highly allergenic! This that coil around the artery,
may explain why mercury fillings causing the nerves to release
can cause major sinus problems. chemicals. The chemicals • Loss of appetite

can lead to inflammation, pain and • Nausea and vomiting
further enlargement of the artery, • Numbness, tingling or weakness
which magnifies the pain. • Sensitivity to light or sound

Medi-Sign Target Migraine attacks may be trig- The warning signs that a migraine is
gered by: coming include seeing stars or
Hair & Kidneys • Alcohol or caffeine zigzag lines, having tunnel vision or
• Allergic reactions temporary blind spot.
• Bright lights, loud noises, and
(Essential Amino Acid)
certain odors or perfumes Symptoms that may linger even
Methionine is a principle supplier of
• Changes in sleep patterns after the migraine has gone away
sulfur which prevents disorders of
• Commercial chocolate include:
the hair, nails and skin, while it
• Extreme dehydration and a lack • Feeling mentally dull as though
helps to lower cholesterol levels by
of salt in the diet your thinking is not clear or sharp
increasing the liver’s production of
• Foods containing tyramine, such • Increased need for sleep
lecithin. This amino acid has been
as smoked fish, chicken and livers, • Neck pain
found to reduce liver fat and protect
monosodium glutamate (MSG) or
the kidneys, as well as serve as a
nitrates like bacon, hot dogs and How can I treat a migraine at
natural chelating agent for heavy
salami home?
metals. Methionine regulates the
• Menstrual cycle fluctuations, Sometimes, at the onset of a
formation of ammonia and creates
birth control pills migraine, lying down in a dark
ammonia-free urine which reduces
• Physical or emotional stress room with a cold pack can help.
bladder irritation, influences hair
• Skipping meals
follicles and promotes hair growth.
• Smoking or exposure to smoke Stress management techniques, such
• Tension headaches
-Martin Luther
as relaxation and massage, can help
limit pain. They may also make
Migraine headaches, which can be them happen less often.
dull or severe, usually:
Medi-Sign Target • Are worse on one side of the Try avoiding any food which seems
Fasting & Saltwater head implicated and at a later stage take a
• Feel throbbing, pounding, or small trial dose of the food again to
pulsating see whether it genuinely is involved.
A migraine headache is a form of • Last anywhere from six to forty-
vascular headache. It is caused by a eight hours The number one solution is to drink
combination of vasodilatation, a gallon of water each day. At the
which is an enlargement of blood Symptoms accompanying first sign of an impending migraine,
vessels, and the release of chemicals migraines include: drink one quart of cold water and
from nerve fibers that coil around • Fatigue lay down for at least 30 minutes.

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:47 PM Page 588

milk For my part I have often wondered tion of life to which they are enti -
both by what accident and in what tled by birth and being. Every
state of mind the first man, and I eater of flesh should once in his

Medi-Sign Target say man because a woman would life experience the murder of the
never have done it, touched his life in the body he desires to eat,
Life Force...if it’s Raw mouth to gore and death and unaided by cleaver, club, or
“In eating, a third of the stomach should be filled with food, a third with drink and the rest left empty.”

brought his lips to the fleshy mus- weapon but with bare hands kill his
cles and bones of the dead corpse meal. In this, dead flesh would
Bee puke & cow pus???
of a fellow creature, set forth tables soon loose its sweet savor. Owner-
Milk is Grass Juice
of dead, stale bodies, and ventured ship of the flesh would cease and
Don’s Personal Journal:
to call food and nourishment the caring of all flesh would ensue.
The following was my first attempt
body parts that a little time before Those who feast on dead corpses
of translating a scroll written in
bellowed and cried and danced and killed by others are not innocent of
Ancient Hebrew and owned by the
cajoled, moved and lived. How the killing, rather they spend blood
British Museum. I found it when
could eyes endure the shedding of money and hire for kill and the
looking for a meal called pulse/phi
shedding of the blood that they
pi. It seems to have been a first-
thirst and hunger for, they are not
hand account of someone listening
to King Solomon teaching.
And then I am asked, ‘what of veg-
“I found myself sitting outside of
etables and fruit?’ Solomon are ye
Solomon’s Temple on a large stone
not also killing them? To someone
plate next to a pool of water.
on the path of life the answer is
Solomon was speaking and said,
abundantly clear and the reasons
‘What of milk and honey?’ Are
for it. But let me say this to the
these not the foods eaten only by
itching ears of those here so gath -
ignorant pustulant minds,
ered who could not understand the
seething with filth, pollution
crystal clarity of the simple truth.
and death?’
To you I say the answer is, yes.
Nevertheless and not withstanding
It is a perfect question and I shall
in this sacrifice of life, the plants
give you what in my mind is a per-
fulfill the measure of their creation
fect answer.
and are filled with joy in becoming
innocent blood, the slaughter when an offering to the Temple of God.
First, let me acknowledge your sov-
throats were slit and hides flayed Life begets life. Could it be that
ereignty, and freedom and liberty
and limbs torn limb from limb? living foods continue to live within
as free and independent people, as
How could his nose endure the you, just in a different form?
in all things we are free to choose.
stench? How was it that the death
We all have experiences and beliefs
and pollution did not turn away his Whereas the measure of creation
and hopes and dreams and we use
taste, which made contact with for beasts is not in providing their
these to judge whether or not
sores and bruises and then sucked dead flesh as food for man. Death
answers given to us by others are
the juices and serums from mortal begets death. Death has no life to
good and true or if they in fact are
wounds? It is not lions nor wolves give. The measure of creation and
that we eat, killed out of self- fullness of purpose of bees, cows,
defense. On the contrary, we foul and goats is to provide a
In this we must learn to ‘try’ all
ignore these and slaughter harm- resource of food and life giving
things and to ‘see’ for ourselves
less, grass-eating, tame creatures nourishment in great abundance to
what is and what is not. And in
without venom, stings or teeth to women and to the children of
this we need not fear any philoso-
harm us. For the sake of a little women throughout their lives until
phies or doctrines or those who
piece of dead corpse to eat we rob the quickening of translation to an
profess them. This being said, let
them of sun, of light, of the dura- immortal condition occurs.
me continue…

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:47 PM Page 589

Realizing that great argument at ‘Sacrament of Life.’ In this way,

this point could occur, let me we receive the information or intel-

“In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eats twice as much as nature requires.”
digress and give answer to your ligence of the plants. Could you
enquiry of milk and honey. It is visit 10,000 flowers and gather the
for this reason you have come to nectars the pollen and rare earth
hear me speak this day. Both minerals and bring them to me
honey and milk come to us as each day, as do the bees? I think
‘death free’ food. The bees do not not. And even if you did these
kill the flowers nor do the milk-giv - things would not be edible nor
ing beasts kill the grasses and desirable as food. It is the magic
herbs they eat, the grasses continue chemistry of the bees who sip water
to grow. There is no murder; there at the rivers edge then combine it
is no killing. Think about this as only they know how, to create
until your mind comprehends it. honey, an essential food along the
When you take in air, sunlight and path of those who aspire to be
water this is also, ‘death free’ offer- gods.
ings that sustain life. Wherefore in
former times a land of milk and Honey does not do for the bee what
honey did signify a land, place or it can do for godlings of purity Drink of life and feel the sensual
people, free of killing and death. A upon the path of long life and closeness and deep intimacy in the
society of beings, civilized upon quest for immortal condition and life-giving powers of nature’s crea-
principles of life and pleasure and this is wisdom in the process of tures. In this discover the secrets
joy. eternal progression or, in other of life, hidden in the nature of life.
words, evolution of
conscious experi- Life comes of life, and the life
ence in form and force offered in the milk of grass
matter. Milk is the quickened by beasts. The honey of
succor of life and flowers, quickened by bees, is ‘free
light, it is the sun of death,’ free of killing, free of
held in liquid state. murder and free of the shedding of
It is the quickened the life kept in innocent blood.
blood of grasses.
‘Rosia’ means ‘power of love from
Honey is the nectar flowers.’ ‘Amber’ means ‘the gold-
of life and light it is en light of intelligence from trees
the sun held in vis- and grasses’ or simply ‘gold from
There is upon our mother earth an cous state, it is the quickened blood green.’ It is the Pagan’s, the com-
information network amongst and of flowers. mon folk, the country dwellers,
in the flora provided here. Milk- who first took a golden ball of
giving beasts chew and grind and Now some will find it repulsive to Amber and celebrated its meaning
juice an abundance of blossoms, detest such sensual intimacy with in a feast of dancing. From this
flowers, grasses, herbs, leaves and animals, to actually drink their came the, ‘gold and green ball,’ a
water that to mankind would be body fluids. And then some are so
-Benjamin Franklin

memorial at harvest time of the

nearly impossible to consume. removed from sensual intimacy of intelligence, or gold, gleaned from
Then the dynamics of inner alche- any kind that the next step is to living things, or green. At this fes-
my in the bodies of the beasts con - mentally and emotionally castrate tivity much drink of Earthy
vert, transforms and creates a themselves even from affectionate Ambrosia with much merriment
metamorphoses of what to us we contact with others or themselves and lovemaking bonded the cele-
could not eat in so great a quanti - and in some twisted perverted ‘spir- brators even deeper in caring and
ties if at all, and provides an of fer- itual’ way feel ‘holier’ for it. Dare protection and love. From amber
ing, a food of immediate utility, a to be earthy. Dare to be sensual. and roses comes the word

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:47 PM Page 590

‘ambrosia,’ meaning ‘drink of the offering as bad. Other ’s judge fruit no spirit, no heaven, no home nor
gods and goddesses.’ This was a and fasting and some herbs in the castles in yonder skies that you can
sacrament or holy offering shared same way, this is an error that can go to with out a physical body.
in worlds and kingdoms and be tested with extended observation What if your body is in fact your
queen-doms throughout all of and doing. Also, do not forget that purpose for living, for existing, for
space and time. Our world is not the days of celebration and feast- being? If this were true, would you
the only one. We are not alone. ing, yet another sacrament called, love your body more? Would you
‘Earth Ambrosia’ shall strengthen care for it in a better, kinder and
It is ambrosia, a ones vigor and more self-preserving way?
mixture of milk vitals and
and honey, to the endurance. This Would you try to create better bod -
desire of ones taste, the locust pod, or ies for the unborn? What if they in
that when taken in carob, is ground fact are in you and you in them?
abundance shall and added to And what if when you die they
“There is a lot more juice in grapefruit than meets the eye.”

build ones constitu- Ambrosia wherein carry the seed of you and what if in
tion even if it is the, ‘drink of life’ fact they could plant that seed and
hanging by a changes its color bring you back into life? Would
thread. It shall and its purpose. you care then what kind of body
build a strong men- Fear not, for life you gave to them at their birth?
tal atmosphere, force is kept, but a Would you want to somehow
develop the brain, specific result is ensure a good if not great body for
prolong and extend given in return and yourself in your next life, if not just
ones life and help lasts but for a day for them? Ye cannot reap from
overcome the and a night and seeds ye have not sown. Be as the
desire for cooked day. Remember sewer of good seed in good soil that
foods. It will develop the supreme this always, it is not the knowing of your harvest may be all that your
personality hidden deep within the the path of life that keeps one alive, heart desires. In truth, good trees
individual. In other words the emo- it is the doing. There has been, is bring forth good fruit. Sick trees
tional stability and qualities of now and shall always be many bring forth sick fruit and must
maturity, wisdom and intelligence great and varying philosophies needs be nursed and cared for until
will come forth. Does not a babe about food, for food is diet and they become strong or until they
cry out for its mother ’s milk? Are word denoting deit or god, that wilt and are up rooted and cast
we not to be as babe’s, and then which is good. For this cause, aside. Think not that there is great
seek this life-promoting sacrament? shall there be a seer up-raised in life in death. Death is death it is
Are you so grown that false pride the beginning of each new age to not life. Only in life is there life
keeps you from being nursed and give vision and truth and a more and the quality of life is whatever
kept and filled with warmth and sure word of understanding to you choose to make it. May you
life? Are you so learned that you those who shall seek life when they create a lifestyle of civilness, ele-
have risen above so simple an hear it, and learn to do that which gance, health, joy, kindness, pleas-
understanding of these things? Or they hear, not out of sacrifice, but ure, strength, wealth and wisdom;
are you simply bloated and puffed out of love. Love for being alive a collective land of ‘milk and
up in ignorance, and the doctrines and feeling radiantly alive. honey.’ These are as living opera-
of men, and not of life, from tive symbols and collective neters of
whence more life comes? There is We only remember being alive.
life in butter, cheese, curd, honey, Think about it. We do not remem-
milk and yogurt, unless of coarse ber being dead. Only life has con-
you cook it and kill it, and destroy sciousness and memory. What if
or release the life therein, which is life here, is all that you’ll ever
the way of the world. Now some know until you learn not to die
experience the cleansing powers of anymore? A state wherein you are
milk and honey and judge the always conscious? What if there is

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:48 PM Page 591

life in great abundance. Milk and fact, milk is a nutrient-dense food min C to the meal, and you’ll get
Honey, equate to health, joy and that contains a high nutrient-calorie the mot that you can out of the iron
life.” ratio. it contains.

There was more to this scroll, but The following specific health bene- MINERAL
I’m sure it was meant for me some - fits of milk have been noted.
how, and so I have placed it careful - • Intake of fluid milk has been
ly into the treasure chest of my own demonstrated to reduce the risk of
hearts memory. osteoporosis, hypertension and
colon cancer. Medi-Sign Target
Milks All Raw Foods
• Fat-Free Milk • Drinking milk may help to
• Flavored Milk reduce the risk of kidney stones.

“If you lose the power to laugh, you lose the power to think.”
• Fluid Whole Milk Except in rare cases this is a myth!
• Lowfat Milk • Milk intake may help to reduce The term mineral deficiency can be
• Reduced Fat the risk of tooth decay by acting as defined as a condition where the
a substitute for saliva. In addition concentration of any one of the min -
Specialty Milks to providing moisture which helps erals essential to human health is
• Certified Milk clear cavity-promoting substances, abnormally low in the body. An
• Milk Imitation such as simple sugars like sucrose, abnormally low mineral concentra-
• Organic Milk (almost always from the oral cavity, milk buffers tion can lead to impaired function-
irradiated) oral acids, reduces the solubility of ing of a particular body part which
• Reduced Lactose tooth enamel and helps to remineral- is dependent on that mineral. In
• Substitute Milks ize tooth enamel. other cases, the convention may be
to define an abnormally low mineral
Nutrient Content of Milk, Raw • There is no evidence that intake concentration as a level lower than
Certified Organic of recommended servings of dairy that found in a specific healthy pop -
Milk has an excellent nutrient pro- foods such as milk contributes to a ulation.
file as it provides significant person being overweight. Weight
amounts of high-quality calcium, loss is achieved by reducing total
magnesium, niacin equivalents, caloric intake and/or increasing
phosphorus, protein, riboflavin, vita- physical activity.

min A, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and
when added, vitamin D, as well as
several other essential nutrients. In

Medi-Sign Target
All Cell Strengthener
The mineral nutrients are defined as
all the inorganic elements or inor-
A Grain That Grows on You
ganic molecules that are required for
While it is not as commonly eaten
life. For humans, the inorganic
in the United States than grains such
nutrients include calcium, chloride,
as wheat and rice, millet, is just the
copper, iodine, iron, magnesium,
thing to boost your intake of fiber,
manganese, molybdenum, phos-
the protective trio of carbohydrates
phate, potassium, selenium, sodium,
and vegetable protein. It’s got all
sulfate, water and zinc. Some of the
three, and in addition, it’s richer in
inorganic nutrients, such as water,
iron than grain foods such as barley,
do not occur as single atoms, but
pasta and rice. Add a source of vita-
occur as molecules. Other inorganic

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:48 PM Page 592

nutrients that are molecules include results in a number of birth defects. Dietary deficiencies in the remain-
phosphate, selenite and sulfate. Mushrooms have great amounts of ing inorganic nutrients tend to be
Phosphate contains an atom of phos- iodine. rare. Magnesium deficiency is
phorus, while sulfate contains an uncommon, but it can occur in
atom of sulfur. Our bodies do not Calcium deficiency due to lack of chronic alcoholics, in persons taking
need to have additional sulfate dietary calcium occurs only rarely. diuretic drugs and in those suffering
intake, due to the plentiful supply However, calcium deficiency due to from severe and prolonged diarrhea.
found in protein body. Selenium vitamin D deficiency can be found Magnesium deficiency tends to
occurs in foods as selenite and sele - among certain populations. Vitamin occur with the same conditions that
nate. D is required for the efficient provoke deficiencies in sodium and
absorption of calcium from the diet. potassium. Another rare condition
“Gluttony is an emotional escape, a sign that something is eating us.”

There is some evidence that other This leads to vitamin D deficiency is the lack of zinc in the body. It has
inorganic nutrients, such as chromi- in growing infants and children can been found, though, that in impover-
um and boron, play a part in human result in calcium deficiency. To ished populations in the Middle East
health, but their role is not well help this problem, get some sun- due to their dependence on unleav-
established. Fluoride from plants, shine. ened whole wheat bread as a major
not aluminum dross fluoride, has food source. Copper deficiency is
been proven to increase the also rare but can be dramatic. Two
strength of bones and teeth. genetic diseases lead to health-
There is little or no reason how - threatening changes in copper
ever, to believe that metallic metabolism, Wilson’s disease
aluminum fluoride is needed and Menkes’ disease. Eat
for human life or even healthy legumes, nuts and seeds to avoid
teeth. these conditions.

Inorganic nutrients have a Selenium deficiency may occur in

great variety of func- regions of the world
tions in the body. where the soils are poor.
Potassium, sodium Low-selenium soils can
and water deficiencies are produce foods that are also low
most closely associated with in selenium. Premature infants
abnormal nerve action and may also be at risk for seleni -
cardiac arrhythmias. Deficien- um deficiency. Another rare defi-
cies in these nutrients tend to ciency is manganese, but experi-
result from excessive losses mental studies have shown that a
due to severe diarrhea and low-manganese diet can result in
other causes. They do not occur a scaly, red rash on the skin of the
from a lack of content in the diet, upper torso. Molybdenum deficien-
except for low sodium diet, which is cy has probably never occurred, but
insane. Iodine deficiency is a global, indirect evidence suggests that if it
public health problem. It occurs in Dietary phosphate deficiency is rare could occur it would result in men -
parts of the world with iodine-defi- not only because phosphate is plen- tal retardation and death. Brazil
cient dirt and results in goiter, which tiful in plant and animal foods, but nuts have the highest naturally
involves a relatively harmless also because phosphate is efficiently occurring incidence of these miner-
swelling of the neck or cretinism, absorbed from the diet into the als.
which is a severe birth defect. Mak - body. Iron deficiency causes ane-
ing thyroid hormone is the body’s mia, which is the lack of red blood Water & Salt deficiency is real
only use for iodine. However, since cells. This deficiency results in The most serious and widespread
thyroid hormone has a variety of tiredness and shortness of breath. deficiencies in the world are sodium
roles in development of the embryo, To avoid anemia eat green foods deficiency, or hyponatremia, and
iodine deficiency during pregnancy which have a lot of iron. water deficiency. They both tend to

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:48 PM Page 593

arise after excessive loss of these diuretics is excessive loss of potassi- MOLASSES

“I doubt whether the world holds for any one a more soul-stirring surprise than the first adventure with real ice cream.”
minerals from the body during pro- um which may result in low plasma
longed and severe diarrhea or vom- potassium, or hypokalemia.

iting. The pharmaceutical drug
lords’ propaganda in the media
about the hideousness of salt causes Medi-Sign Target
people to not eat enough as well. Brain & Blood Flow
Diarrheal diseases are a major, Medi-Sign Target
world health problem and are
responsible for about one-fourth of Use on Machinery The thick, viscous syrup that we call
the ten million infant deaths that blackstrap molasses provides the
occur each year. Contamination of robust, bittersweet flavor to baked
~10/40 Havoline~
the water supply by animal and beans and gingerbread throughout
human feces and a lack of dietary the year.
salt account for nearly all of these
deaths which occur in impoverished Blackstrap molasses is just one type
parts of Africa and Asia. of molasses, which is the dark, liq -
uid by-product of the process of
The main concern in treating diar- refining sugar cane into table sugar.
rheal diseases is dehydration, which It is made from the third boiling of
is the loss of sodium and water that the sugar syrup and is therefore left
deplete the fluids of the circulatory over after the sugar’s sucrose has
system including the arteries, capil- been crystallized.
laries, heart and veins. Severe loss -
es of the fluids of the circulatory History
system result in shock, which occurs Molasses has been imported into the
when dehydration is severe enough United States from the Caribbean
Mineral oil is clear, colorless, odor-
to produce a ten percent reduction in Islands since the early colonists
less and tasteless industrial-machine
body weight. Shock can be defined arrived. In fact, it was the most
oil made from petroleum. It is used
as inadequate supply of blood to the popular sweetener used until the late
as a dissolving agent in the manu -
various tissues of the body. This 19th century due to it being much
facture of plastics and commonly
condition results in a lack of oxygen more affordable than refined sugar.
used as a laxative. It does not, how -
to all the cells of the body.
ever, have any nutritional value.
Although diarrheal fluids contain a Molasses has had a rather sticky his-
With prolonged use, mineral oil may
number of electrolytes, the main tory with at least two important his -
deplete the intestines of the fat-solu-
concern in avoiding shock is the torical events centering around this
ble vitamins A, D, E and K, as well
replacement of sodium and water. sweet food product. The Molasses
as decrease the absorption of the
Act of 1733 was a tariff passed by
valuable minerals calcium and phos-
Drugs known as diuretics, also fre- England in order to discourage the
phorus. A healthy alternative is any
quently result in sodium deficiency colonists from trading with areas of
food-based oil such as corn, flax,
and potassium deficiency. Diuretics
olive and peanut. These other
are meant to cause a loss of sodium
choices not only have laxative prop-
from the body. These drugs are
erties, but are a valuable source of
used to treat high blood pressure,
nutrition as well. Unlike mineral oil
known as hypertension, where the
which slides through the intestines,
resulting decline in blood pressure
taking vitamins with it and increas-
reduces the risk for cardiovascular
ing toxic levels in the body, food
disease. However, this can be dead-
oils facilitates use of the above vita -
ly as diuretics can lead to sodium
deficiency, resulting in low plasma
sodium levels. A side effect of some

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:48 PM Page 594

the West Indies that were not under Molasses is also an excellent source through your mid-adult years, but
“Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity.”

British rule. This legislation is of copper and manganese and a very most appear by age 20 and some
thought to be part of the cause of good source of potassium and mag- moles disappear with advancing
pre-revolutionary, colonial dissent nesium. age.

and unrest.
Moles come in a wide variety of
It is not often that a fateful tragedy colors, shapes and sizes. They can
centers around a food, but unfortu- be flesh-colored, brown, blue or
nately, in 1919, one such event did Medi-Sign Target black spots that vary in shape from
occur. It was the Great Molasses Garlic & Lemon Juice oval to round. They can be as small
Flood which occurred when a Topically as a pinhead or large enough to
molasses storage tank holding over cover an entire limb. Moles that are
two million gallons of molasses larger than eight inches in diameter
broke and its sticky content came and present at birth are a special
pouring throughout the city streets problem and may need to be
of Boston, Massachusetts. At times removed.
the molasses was traveling as fast as
35 miles per hour and creating a The surface of a mole can be flat,
thirty foot tidal wave of sweetener. raised, smooth or wrinkled. Some
Unfortunately, this was not a sweet of your moles are likely to change
matter as twenty-one people died over your lifetime as they may dark -
and significant amounts of property en due to expose from the sun.
were destroyed. Mole may also start out flat and
brown in color and later become

Blackstrap molasses gained in popu- slightly raised and lighter in color.

larity in the mid-20th century with Some may become raised enough
the advent of the health food move - that they form a small stalk and are
ment. The largest producers of eventually rubbed off, while others
molasses today are Brazil, India, the may just disappear.
Philippines Taiwan, Thailand and
the United States. There are certain times in your life
when moles may be more apt to
Health Benefits change. For example, during ado-
Moles are usually harmless collec-
Blackstrap molasses is a sweetener lescence, moles may darken and
tions of pigmented cells called
that is actually good for you. Sugar become larger. During pregnancy,
melanocytes on your skin which
and corn syrup are stripped of virtu - women may develop numerous and
appear alone or in multiples. Moles
ally all nutrients except simple car- darker moles. Moles have no
are also called nevi, while a single
bohydrates. Artificial sweeteners, known purpose, and scientists don’t
mole is a nevus. Most are present
like saccharin or aspartame, not know why they develop. Most
on the torso, but can also be com -
only provide no useful nutrients but moles are harmless and don’t
monly found on your arms, face and
have been shown to cause health require special care. If a mole is
legs. Moles can be found in more
problems and nerve degeneration. irritated or unattractive, however,
obscure locations as well including
Blackstrap molasses is a healthful you may want to have it removed.
on your scalp, under your nails, in
sweetener that contains significant
your armpits and around your geni-
amounts of a variety of minerals Treatment of most moles usually
that lead to better health. isn’t necessary. For cosmetic rea-
sons, a mole can be removed in
Most of us have between 10 and 40
Iron for Energy several ways.
moles on our bodies. The number
A Spoonful of Molasses Helps Your
of moles you have may constantly
Calcium Needs Go Down. It has Shave excision is one way to
change. New moles may appear up
lots of iron. remove an unwanted mole. In this

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:48 PM Page 595

method, a doctor numbs the area mono- an infection that is usually caused

around a mole and then uses a small by the Epstein-Barr virus, or EBV.
blade to shave off the mole close to Most people have been exposed to
your skin. the virus at some time in childhood
as the EBV virus is very common.

“At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.”
Punch biopsy is another removal Medi-Sign Target However, not everyone who is
procedure. A doctor may remove a Salt & Saltwater Soaks exposed to the virus develops the
mole with a small incision or punch symptoms of mono. As with many
biopsy technique, which uses a viruses, it is possible to be exposed
small cookie-cutter-like device. Mononeuropathy is a disorder of a to and infected with EBV without
single nerve or nerve trunk. This becoming sick.
Excisional surgery is another condition may be due to compres-
option. In this method, a doctor sion, entrapment, ischemia, infec- People who have been infected with
cuts out the mole and a surrounding tion, inflammation of a nerve or EBV will carry the virus for the rest
margin of healthy skin. These pro- stretch injury. The most common of their lives even if they never have
cedures are usually performed in the entrapments are of the median nerve any signs or symptoms of mono.
office of a doctor or dermatologist of the wrist and ulnar nerve of the People who do show symptoms of
and take only a short time. Anytime elbow. Mononeuropathy involves having mono probably will not get
you cut or irritate a mole be sure to loss of movement or sensation to an sick or have symptoms again.
keep the area clean. Another way of area caused by damage to a single Although EBV is the most common
helping a lot of moles disappear is nerve or nerve group. cause of mono, other viruses, such
taping a slice of garlic on it or dab as cytomegalovirus (sye-toe-meh-
lemon juice two to three times a day Rest and time along with salt-water guh-low-vye-rus), can cause a simi-
until it softens, fades and vanishes. soaks are able to heal this. lar illness. Cytomegalovirus stays in

molybdenum mono-
the body for the duration of a per -
son’s life and may not cause any

symptoms, just like EBV.

Medi-Sign Target How Do People Get Mono?

One common way to “catch” mono
Bones & Liver Medi-Sign Target is by kissing someone who has been
Salt, Water, Honey & Garlic infected, giving the illness its nick-
name. A quick smooch between
Molybdenum is found in the liver,
friends probably won’t do any harm.
bones and kidneys and aids in the
Infectious mononucleosis (mah-no- If you have never been infected with
activation of certain enzymes. It
noo-klee-o-sus), sometimes called EBV, kissing intimately with some-
supports bone growth and strength-
“mono” or “the kissing disease,” is one who is can put you at greater
ening of the teeth. People whose
risk for getting the disease.
diets are high in refined and
processed foods are at risk for defi-
Even if you haven’t been kissing
ciency which can lead to mouth and
anyone, you can still get mononu-
hum disorders as well as cancer.
cleosis through other types of direct
-Jean Houston

contact with saliva from an infected

person, such as by sharing a straw
This trace mineral is found
or an eating utensil. Some people
in beans, dark green
who have the virus in their bodies
leafy vegetables,
and have never had any symptoms
grains, legumes
can still spread the virus to other
and peas.
people, being most contagious while
they have a fever.

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:48 PM Page 596

How Do I Know if I Have It? mood swings anger, anxiety or stress. Some peo -
ple find relief from shifting moods
Symptoms usually begin to appear by listening to relaxing music with a
four to seven weeks after infection Medi-Sign Target slow, steady beat for about 30 min -
with the virus. Signs that you utes a day. This slows your heart
Eat Tubers
may have mono include: rate and calms your mind. Other
• abdominal pain people respond to rhythm. If you
• constant fatigue live near the ocean, another
• fever helpful idea is sitting on or near
• headaches the beach for a half-hour or so
• larger-than-normal liver and each day. Ocean waves crash on
spleen the shore at a steady rhythm that
• loss of appetite helps calm you down. This is
• skin rash why people feel so good at the
• sore muscles ocean, the constant sound is
• sore throat very relaxing.
• swollen lymph nodes, also com-
“Take twice as long to eat half as much.”

monly known as glands, located in Cup both hands over one ear if the
Food Mood
your groin, neck and underarms ocean is out of reach. It’s probably
When people have an overgrowth of
not quite as good as the real thing,
yeast in their intestines, they can
People who have mono may have but the rhythm will still be the
have a lot of emotional shifts. This
different combinations of these same.
is due to certain substances that are
symptoms, while some people may
released into their blood which
have symptoms so mild that they Exercise
affect their psyches. Other people
hardly notice them or have none at Mood swings may mean that you’ve
develop emotional reactions to cer-
all! It’s possible to mistake lost balance in your life. Try exer-
tain foods, such as refined sugar. If
mononucleosis for the flu or even cising o bring things back in line.
you’re prone to mood swings after
strep throat because these symptoms
consuming certain foods, you
are so general. In fact, some teens ~WALK~
should probably try to avoid them.
contract mono and strep throat at the While something more stable, like
same time. plutonium, will take a good 24,100
Baleneology: “Taking the Waters”
years to disintegrate to any notice-
A classic water treatment for emo-
How Can I Get Better? able degree, a good mood can dissi -
tional up’s and down’s is the neutral
There is no known cure for pate in mere minutes. After
bath. The next time you need to
mononucleosis, but the good news whistling your way through the
chill out, fill your tub with water
is that even if you do nothing, the morning commute, you can hit the
just slightly cooler than body tem-
illness will go away by itself in skids and slide into the blues or the
perature. It should feel like a hot
three to four weeks. jitters long before lunch hits the
bath that’s beginning to get a little
chilly. Soak for 20 minutes, adding
You can do some things to feel bet -
water as needed to maintain the
ter. The best treatment is to get
temperature of the bath.
plenty of rest, especially during the
beginning stages of the illness when
Juice Your Mood
your symptoms are the worst. Put
Mood swings are often caused by
yourself to bed and try to take time
problems in the pancreas. Carrot
off from on school, sports and other
juice contains natural insulin which
activities. Eat foods that clean your
stabilizes this organ. Many people
blood such as garlic, onions, salt
are able to control moods this way.
and lots of water.
Sound Nutrition
Mood swings often arise because of

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:49 PM Page 597

~WALK~ Ponder the problem again later. Treat yourself. If you’re dropping
We all have mood swings some of When you’re no longer in the throes into a depressed or anxious mood,
us are just more vulnerable to them of a mood, you can figure out why pampering yourself may help. Take
than others. Minor swings into you got upset and what you can do a bubble bath, buy yourself some
depression or anxiety are very com- about it. flowers and put them on your desk
mon. or listen to music by your favorite
Think rationally. composer, for
~WALK~ Sometimes you’re instance. Plan
Women may be more vulnerable to too depressed or for “down” days
mood swings than men. Our anxious about by making a list
research has found that women tend something to even of mood-lifting,
to focus on and worry more about temporarily take whole food treats.
negative moods which can make your mind off your
them worse. mood. In these Grab some
cases, you can get mood food. Cer-

“Hunger is the best sauce in the world.”

~WALK~ some perspective tain foods or food
Certain hormonal shifts may make and relief by ask- combinations set
women more susceptible to down- ing yourself three off a series of
ward spins. That’s why some find key questions. chemical reac-
they’re particularly moody the week One, “What evi- tions in your
before our menstrual periods, after dence supports the brain that help
childbirth or during menopause. idea that what you determine
think is going to happen actually whether you feel content or anxious
Stabilizing the Pendulum will?” If you’re anxious about los- and depressed.
Even when you’re feeling most vul- ing your job because you didn’t get
nerable, you can lessen the severity that promotion, consider the sup- If you’re spiraling into a depression,
of mood swings. Here’s how. porting evidence or lack thereof. If eat a snack that combines protein
you’re doing quality work on time, with carbohydrates. The combina-
Act, don’t brood. If you feel your- then your anxiety is probably tion helps turn on neurotransmitters
self slipping into depression or anxi- unfounded. which are naturally invigorating
ety, get up and do something. Take a brain chemicals.
walk or clean the clutter off your Two, “Are there alternative ways to
desk. One of the best ways to stop think about this situation?” Maybe Reach for a whole wheat bagel. If

a mood from getting really severe is your boyfriend is suddenly quiet you’re free-falling into anxiety, an
to do something that gives you a because he’s having problems at all-carbohydrate snack like a cinna-
sense of control and accomplish- work, not because he’s thinking of mon-raisin bagel with fresh crushed
ment. breaking up with you. Talk to him fruits for jam might help. That
about it. combination turns on calming neu-
Exercise for 20 minutes. We all rotransmitters, though it might also
know that exercise has a lifting And third, “If the worst did happen, make you sleepy.
effect. Women reported significant how would you cope?” For exam-
improvements in mood after 20 or ple, you could start looking for a Skip the alcohol. Essentially, hard
more minutes of walking. new job. Or, should you and your alcohol is a depressant. If you’re
boyfriend indeed break up, it would- already blue, it could make you feel
Distract yourself. Just about any n’t necessarily be easy, but you worse. Therefore, if your mood is
activity can help take your mind of f could start over in a new relation - floundering, don’t take solace in a
your mood. If you can stop rumi- ship. hard drink.
nating for a while, you can get per -
spective on whatever triggered the Get a second opinion. To help you Watch the caffeine. Caffeine is a
swing and think about that more think rationally, talk things through stimulant and will make you feel
clearly. with a friend. more anxious if your nerves are

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fraying. If you’re jittery, cut back on These pesky, flying critters can alive in five years. This number has
the chocolate, cola, java and tea. make you pretty uncomfortable not significantly improved in
when they decide to munch on you. decades. The death rate for oral
Get enough sleep. You’re especial- Here’s what to do. cancer is higher than that of brain,
ly vulnerable to mood swings when cervical, liver, kidney, skin (malig-
you’re sleep-deprived. Get enough Disinfect the bite. Flies and mos- nant melanoma) or testicular cancer
sleep, particularly when you know quitoes can spread disease, so make as well as Hodgkin’s disease. If you
that swings are more probable, like sure to wash the bitten area thor - expand the definition of oral cancers
-Sandra Boynton

during the week before your period. oughly with soap and water. to include cancer of the larynx, the
If you have insomnia, try different numbers of diagnosed cases grow to
remedies until you find what works Relieve the itching. Fly and mos- 41,000 individuals and 12,500
for you. quito bites may produce swelling deaths per year in the United States
and intense itching that can last for alone. The problem is much greater
If you are prone to mood swings three or four days. worldwide, with 350,000 to 400,000
eating foods in their natural state is or more new cases being found each
“Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate.”

ideal. Good choices include dairy Try one of the following to lessen year.
sources, fruits, lean protein, vegeta- the itching.
bles and whole grains. You should • Ice packs
drink a minimum of ten cups of
water per day, as dehydration is a • Salt. With water, moisten it into
major factor affecting mood swings. a paste and apply to the bite.

Limiting processed caffeine and • Baking soda. Dissolve one tea-

hard alcohol is a good idea, as they spoon in a glass of water. Dip a
are both diuretics that tend to dehy - cloth into the solution and place on
drate the body. Sugar should only the bite for 15 to 20 minutes.
be consumed in limited amounts, as
excess amounts will cause individu- Best solutions to bites of all kinds:
als to experience the “sugar-high” • Salt
which is always followed by the • Vinegar
“sugar-blues.” • Garlic
• Onion The death rate associated with this

mosquitoes &
• Ammonia cancer is particularly high due to the

cancer being routinely discovered

Flies BITE
late in its development. Often, it is

only discovered when the cancer has
metastasized to another location,
Medi-Sign Target most likely the lymph nodes of the
Bicarbonate of Soda on Bite
Medi-Sign Target neck. Prognosis at this stage of dis-
Salt, Bicarbonate of Soda & covery is significantly worse than
& Drink Saltwater when it is caught in a localized area.
Apple Cider Vinegar Besides the metastasis at these later
stages, the primary tumor has had
Rates of occurrence in the United time to invade deep into local struc -
States tures. Oral cancer is particularly
Thirty thousand Americans will be dangerous because it has a high risk
diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal of producing second, primary
cancer this year leading to 8,000 tumors. This means that people,
deaths, roughly one person every who survive a first encounter with
hour. Of those 30,000 newly-diag- the disease and its treatments, have
nosed individuals, only half will be up to 20 times the risk of develop -

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:49 PM Page 599

ing a second cancer. This height- Some Early Warning Signs of 4. Lips
ened risk factor can last for five to Oral Cancer are: • Pull your lower lip down and
ten years after the first occurrence. • Any sores on the face, mouth or look inside for any sores or color
There are several types of oral can - neck that do not heal within two changes. Next, use your thumb and
cers, but 90 percent are squamous weeks forefinger to feel the lip for bumps,
cell carcinomas. Less common and • Bumps, lumps and swelling on changes in texture or lumps. Repeat
rare forms of oral cancers exists the gums, lips or other areas inside this on your upper lip
including Oral Malignant the mouth
Melanoma, Mucoepidermoid Carci- • Numbness, loss of feeling or 5. Cheek

“The person who can bring the spirit of laughter into a room is indeed blessed.”
noma and Adenoid Cystic Carcino- pain in any area of the face, mouth • Use your fingers to pull out your
ma or neck cheek so you can see inside. Look
• Repeated bleeding in the mouth for red, white or dark patches. Put
Signs and symptoms • White, red, or dark patches in your index finger on the inside of
One of the real dangers of this can - the mouth your cheek and your thumb on the
cer is that it can go unnoticed in its outside. Gently squeeze and roll
early stages. It can be painless and To perform the oral cancer self your cheek between your fingers to
no obvious physical change may be examination, follow these seven check for any lumps or areas of ten -
present. This cancer can appear as a easy steps. derness. Repeat this on the other
white or red patch of tissue in the cheek
mouth, or a small indurated ulcer Look at and feel your...
which looks like a common canker 6. Roof of the Mouth
sore. Because there are so many • Tilt your head back and open
benign tissue changes that occur your mouth wide to see it there are
normally in your mouth, and some any lumps or if the color is dif fer-
things as simple as a bite on the ent than usual. Run your finger on
inside of your cheek may mimic the roof to feel for lumps
the look of a dangerous tissue
change. 7. Floor of the Mouth and
Other symptoms include a lump or • Stick out your tongue and look
mass which can be felt inside the at the top surface for color and tex -
mouth or neck, pain or difficulty in ture. Gently pull your tongue for -
swallowing, speaking, or chewing, ward to look at one side first and
any wart-like masses, hoarseness then the other. Look for any
which lasts for a long time or any 1. Head and Neck swellings or color changes. Exam-
numbness in the oral/facial region. • Look at your face and neck in a ine the underside of your tongue by
Other than the lips, the most com - mirror. Normally, the left and right placing the tip of the tongue on the
mon areas for oral cancer to develop sides of the face have the same roof of your mouth.
are on the tongue and the floor of shape. Look for any bumps, lumps
the mouth. Individuals who use or swellings that are only on one • Look at the floor of your mouth
chewing tobacco are likely to devel- side of your face and the underside of your tongue for
op cancer in the sulcus between the color changes that are very different
lip or cheek and the soft tissue, the 2. Face from what is normal. Gently press
gingival, covering the lower jaw, • Examine the skin on your face. your finger along the underside of
known as the mandible. In the Do you notice any color or size your tongue to feel for any lumps or
United States, cancers of the hard changes, growths, moles or sores? swellings
palate are uncommon, though not
unknown. The bases of the tongue, 3. Neck Oral Cancer can be prevented.
at the back of the mouth and on the • Press along the sides and front Oral and sinus hygiene is critical to
pillars of the tonsils are other sites of the neck. Do you feel any ten - perform of a daily basis. Brush
where it is commonly found. derness or lumps? your gums, teeth and tongue with

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:49 PM Page 600

salt, water and bicarbonate of soda. Mulberries can be grown from seed. and grows independently of the oth-
Use a saline nasal spray and clean This is often advised as seedling- ers, monoclonal growth of plasma
your nostrils out daily. Blow you grown trees are generally of better cells occurs. Such monoclonal plas-
nose out completely in warm water shape and health. However, they ma cells produce a monoclonal pro-
when you shower. are most often planted from large tein.
cuttings, which readily take root.

If you chew tobacco, STOP! Bak- These proteins may indicate multi-
ing soda brushing with apple cider ple myeloma, but also can indicate

rinsing can clear your symptoms up. other conditions as they are often

discovered during a routine exam.

Medi-Sign Target Another potential sign of multiple

myeloma is a high calcium level in
21-28 Days on Apples &
-Thomas Jefferson

Medi-Sign Target your blood. This can occur when

Water calcium from affected bones dis-
Breasts, Plaque & solves into your blood. As a result,
Cancer cleanser you may experience signs and
symptoms such as:
• Constipation
• Excessive thirst and urination
“We never repent of having eaten too little.”

• Loss of appetite
• Mental confusion
• Nausea
• Sleepiness

Anemia can occur as myeloma cells

replace oxygen-carrying red blood
Mulberry refers both to the mulber-
Multiple myeloma may not cause cells in your bone marrow, which
ry tree itself and to the fruit which is
symptoms early in the course of the may lead to fatigue, another com-
bears. It also refers to the closely
disease, but it’s likely that you’ll mon symptom.
related Paper Mulberry Broussonetia
experience symptoms as the disease
progresses. Other signs and symptoms of multi-
ple myeloma may include:
The fruit is edible and is widely
Signs and symptoms can vary from
used in some places. The Black
person to person. One is the pres- • Bone pain, particularly in your
Mulberry fruit is native to southwest
ence of abnormal proteins in your back or ribs
Asia, and the Red Mulberry is
blood or urine, which can be pro -
native to eastern North America.
duced by myeloma cells. These pro- • Unexplained bone fractures
These two varieties have the best
teins are defense cells or parts of
flavor. The fruit of the White Mul-
defense cells and are called mono- • Repeated infections such as
berry, an East Asian species which
clonal or M proteins. pneumonia, bladder or kidney infec-
is extensively naturalized in urban
tion or sinusitis
regions of eastern North America, is
Your body normally produces a
insipid in flavor.
number of different types of plasma • Weight loss
cells. These cells provide a variety
Mulberry leaves, particularly those
of defense cells that function as part • Weakness or numbness in your
of the White Mulberry, are also eco-
of the body’s immune system. legs
nomically important as the sole food
They’re considered polyclonal
source of the silkworm providing
because they represent many types Risk factors
the cocoon of which is used to make
of plasma cells. If one of these cells Multiple myeloma isn’t contagious.
escapes normal regulation, however, Most people who develop multiple

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:49 PM Page 601

myeloma have no clearly identifi- produce saliva for the mouth, are
able risk factors for the disease. found toward the back of each
cheek, between the ear and jaw.
Some factors that may increase your When a person contracts mumps,
risk of multiple myeloma include: these glands typically swell and
become painful.
• Age. The majority of people
who develop multiple myeloma are The disease has been recognized for
older than 40, with a heightened risk several centuries, and medical histo-

“Strange to see how a good dinner and feasting reconciles everybody.”

at about age 70. rians argue over whether the name
“mumps” comes from an old word
• Gender. Men are nearly twice as for “lump” or an old word for
ments in your urine, preventing kid-
likely to develop the disease as are “mumble.” Mumblump! Mumps.
ney damage.
It is very unusual to have a second
• Eat a balanced diet. One way
• Race. Blacks are about twice as bout of mumps as one case almost
to promote your overall health and
likely to develop multiple myeloma always gives lifelong protection
cope with any form of cancer is to
as whites. against another. However, other
eat well. The amount of M protein
infections can also cause swelling in
in your system isn’t affected by how
• History of a monoclonal gam- the salivary glands, which might
much protein you eat.
mopathy of undetermined signifi- lead to a misdiagnosis of a second
(See: Disease: the Mystery Solved)
cance. Every year one percent of case of mumps.

the people with MGUS in the Unit -
ed States develop a more serious Signs and Symptoms
condition, such as multiple myelo- Mumps may start with a fever of up
ma. to 103 degrees Fahrenheit, accom-
Medi-Sign Target panied by a headache and loss of
Other factors that may increase your Salt, Water, Soups & Juices appetite. The well-known hallmark
risk of developing multiple myelo- of mumps is swelling and pain in
ma include exposure to radiation the parotid glands, making the child
and working in petroleum-related Mumps is a disease caused by a look like a hamster with food in its
industries. virus that usually spreads through cheeks. The glands usually become
saliva and can infect many parts of increasingly swollen and painful
Self-care the body, especially the parotid sali- over a period of one to three days.
The following tips may help you vary glands. These glands, which The pain increases when the child
keep multiple myeloma under chews, drinks acidic juices
control: like orange juice, swallows
or talks.
-Samuel Pepys
• Stay active. If you’re
active, calcium is more likely Both the left and right parotid
to stay in your bones rather glands may be affected, with
than dissolve into your blood, one side swelling a few days
keeping your bones stronger. If before the other. In rare
pain keeps you from being cases, mumps will move to
active, ask your physician other groups of salivary
about ways to lessen the pain. glands instead of the
parotids. If this happens,
• Drink fluids. Drinking flu- swelling may be noticed
ids can help keep you from under the tongue, under the
becoming dehydrated and will jaw or all the way down to
help dilute the M protein frag- the front of the chest.

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:49 PM Page 602

Mumps can lead to inflammation through coughing, sneezing or even or cool packs to soothe the area and
and swelling of the brain and other laughing. Picking up tissues or provide extra support for the testi-
organs, although this is not com- drinking out of glasses that have cles with briefs not boxers.
mon. Encephalitis, inflammation been used by the infected person are
of the brain, and meningitis, inflam- other ways of contracting the virus. A child with mumps doesn’t need to
mation of the lining of the brain and stay in bed, but may play quietly.
spinal cord, are both rare complica- People who have mumps are most Enemas will break any fevers. Let
tions of mumps. Symptoms may contagious from two days before it run its course.

include convulsions, drowsiness, symptoms begin to six days after
headache, high fever, nausea stiff they end. People who are infected

-Mason Cooley

neck, and vomiting, as well as other but have no symptoms can still
signs of brain involvement and usu- spread the virus.
ally appear in the first week after
the parotid glands begin to swell. Incubation
The average incubation period for Medi-Sign Target
Mumps in adolescent and adult mumps is 16 to 18 days, but can Prunes & Saltwater
“At the end of every diet, the path curves back to the trough.”

males may also result in the devel - range anywhere between 12 to 25

opment of orchitis, an inflammation days.
of the testicles. Usually one testicle Cause of Muscle Cramps
becomes swollen and painful about Duration Some researchers believe inadequate
seven to ten days after the parotids Children usually recover from stretching and muscle fatigue leads
swell. This is accompanied by a mumps in about 10 to 12 days. It to abnormalities in mechanisms that
chills, high fever, headache, nausea, takes about one week for the control muscle contraction although
shaking and vomiting. Abdominal swelling to disappear in each parotid the exact cause of muscle cramps is
pain can also occur and is some - gland, but both glands don’t usually unknown. Other factors may also
times mistaken for appendicitis if begin to swell at the same time. be involved including exercising or
the right testicle is affected. Testic- working in intense heat, dehydration
ular pain and swelling, as well as and depletion of salt and minerals
the fever subside three to seven days such as electrolytes, with the lack of
later. In some cases, both testicles salt being the number one cause.
are involved. Even with involve-
ment of both testicles, sterility is When your body is poorly condi-
only a very, very rare complication tioned, you are more likely to expe -
of orchitis. rience muscle fatigue, which can
alter spinal neural reflex activity.
Additionally, mumps may affect the Overexertion depletes a muscle’s
pancreas or, in females, the ovaries, Home Treatment oxygen supply, leading to build up
causing pain and tenderness in parts You can soothe your child’s swollen of waste product and spasm. When
of the abdomen. parotid glands with
either warm or cold
In some cases, signs and symptoms packs. Serve a soft,
of mumps are so mild that no one bland diet that does not
suspects an infection. About one in require a lot of chewing
three people may have a mumps and encourage your child
infection without symptoms. to drink plenty of fluids.
Herbal teas, veggie
Contagiousness juices and water are
The mumps virus is contagious and great for this.
spreads in tiny drops of fluid from
the mouth and nose of an infected When mumps involves
person. It can be passed to others the testicles, apply warm

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:49 PM Page 603

a cramp begins, the spinal cord • Older people are more suscepti- toward buttocks. Repeat with oppo-
stimulates the muscle to keep con- ble to muscle cramps due to normal site leg. Hold each stretch briefly,
tracting. muscle loss, known as atrophy, that then release. Never stretch to the
begins in the mid-40’s and acceler- point of pain.
Heat, dehydration and electrolyte ates with inactivity. As you age,
depletion your muscles cannot typically work To prevent cramps, you should also
Muscle cramps are more likely as hard or as quickly as they used keep your body adequately hydrat-
when you exercise in hot weather to. The body also loses some of its ed. Children often do not drink
because sweat drains your body’s sense of thirst and its ability to enough liquids to replenish fluid lost
fluids, salt and minerals like calci- sense and respond to changes in during exercise.
um, magnesium and potassium. temperature.
Loss of these nutrients may also Some tips:

“He deserves Paradise who makes his companions laugh.”

cause a muscle to spasm. Treatment and prevention • Drink water at regular intervals,
Cramps will usually subside on before you get thirsty.
their own. • Drink more than your thirst
Self care: requires.
• Stop doing whatever activity • Drink fruit juice or a sports bev-
triggered the cramp. erage you make yourself with salt,
water, lemon and honey if you
• Gently stretch and mas- are working in heat or
sage the cramping muscle, sweating for more than an
holding it in stretched posi- hour.
tion until the cramp stops.
Stomach cramps
• Apply heat to tense By eating the
or tight muscles or right foods and
cold to sore or tender keeping stress under
muscles. control, you can minimize the
possibility of stomach cramps.
Work toward better overall fitness to
Stretching and muscle fatigue avoid future cramps. Do regular Get wise to water.
Muscles are bundles of fibers that flexibility exercises before and after When constipation is causing stom-
contract and expand to produce you work out to stretch muscle ach cramps, pour on the water.
movement. A regular program of groups most prone to cramping. Drinking over a half-gallon of water
stretching lengthens muscle fibers Always warm up before stretching. a day, which equals eight, eight-
so they can contract and tighten ounce glasses, should help make
more vigorously when you exercise. Calf muscle stretch: In a standing you regular in no time. Go easy on

Overexertion depletes a muscle’s lunge with both feet pointed for- cola drinks. Processed caffeine is a
oxygen supply, leading to build up ward, straighten the rear leg. Repeat diuretic and can quickly deplete the
of waste product and spasm. When with opposite leg. body’s water supply.
a cramp begins, the spinal cord
stimulates the muscle to keep con- Hamstring muscle stretch: Sit with Stay clear. When food poisoning or
tracting. one leg folded in and the other viral infections occur, stick with
straight out, foot upright and toes clear liquids, like water, until your
• Athletes are more likely to get and ankle relaxed. Lean forward distress subsides.
cramps in the preseason when the slightly, touch foot of straightened
body is not conditioned and there- leg. Repeat with opposite leg. Whole foods provide fiber especial-
fore more subject to fatigue. ly prunes.
Cramps often develop near the end Quadriceps muscle stretch: While
of intense or prolonged exercise or standing, hold top of foot with Relax. Many causes of cramping
the following night. opposite hand and gently pull heel are linked to stress making it impor -

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:50 PM Page 604

tant to get your stress level under body, like some infections including blood pressure such as enalapril and
control. Whether you walk three the flu and disorders that affect con- captopril
times a week for 30 minutes at a nective tissues throughout the body,
time or learn biofeedback, you such as lupus. • Many others
should see some relief from your
cramps. One common cause of muscle aches Home Care

muscle pain/
and pain is fibromyalgia, a condi- Rest that body part if muscle pain
tion that includes fatigue, stems from overuse or injury,

headaches, sleep difficulties and ten- Apply ice for the first 24-72 hours
derness in your muscles and sur- after an injury to reduce pain and
rounding soft tissue. inflammation. Heat often feels
more soothing after this time has
Medi-Sign Target Common Causes passed.
“My soul is dark with stormy riot, Directly traceable to diet.”

Peppermint Oil at the Site • Tension or stress

• Overuse: using a muscle too Muscle aches from overuse and
much, too soon, too often fibromyalgia often respond well to
Alternative names • Injury or trauma including massage. Gentle stretching exercis-
Muscle ache; Myalgia sprains and strains es after a long rest period are also
Muscle pain may also
be due to: Regular exercise can help restore
• Polymyositis proper muscle tone. Cycling, swim-
• Dermatomyositis ming and walking are good aerobic
• Lupus activities to try. A physical therapist
• Fibromyalgia can teach you aerobic, stretching
• Polymyalgia and toning exercises to feel better
rheumatica and stay pain-free. Begin slowly
and increase workouts gradually.
Infections, including: Avoid high-impact aerobic activities
• An abscess in the and weight lifting when injured or
muscle while in pain.
Muscle aches and pains are common • Trichinosis (roundworm)
and can involve more than one mus - • Influenza (the flu) Be sure to get plenty of sleep and
cle. Muscle pain can also involve • Lyme disease try to reduce stress. Yoga and medi-
bones, fascia, which is the soft tis - • Malaria tation are excellent ways to help you
sues that connect muscles, liga- • Rocky Mountain spotted fever sleep and relax. Even the word
ments, tendons and organs together. • Polio yoga alone puts me to sleep.
(See: also Muscle Cramps and Joint
Pain) Many others • Warm up before exercising and
• Electrolyte imbalances like too cool down afterward
Muscle pain is most frequently little potassium or calcium
related to overuse, tension or muscle • Rhabdomyolysis • Stretch before and after exercis-
injury from exercise or physically- ing.
demanding work. In these situa- Drugs, including:
tions, the pain tends to involve spe - • Cocaine • Drink lots of fluids before, dur-
cific muscles and starts during or ing, and after exercise.
just after the activity, making it • Statins for lowering cholesterol
obvious what is causing the pain. such as atorvastatin, simvastatin, • If you work in the same position
and lovastatin most of the day, like sitting at a
Muscle pain also can be a sign of computer, stretch at least every hour.
conditions affecting your whole • ACE inhibitors for lowering

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:50 PM Page 605

muscular • Weakness in lower leg muscles,

resulting in difficulty running and
• Waddling gait
• Mild mental retardation, in some
Medi-Sign Target cases
Signs and symptoms of Duchenne’s

“A good meal makes a man feel more charitable toward the world than any sermon.”
usually appear between the ages of
Muscular dystrophy, also known as two and five. It first af fects the
MD, is a group of rare, inherited muscles of the pelvis, upper arms
muscle diseases in which muscle and upper legs. Most children with
fibers are unusually susceptible to this form of muscular dystrophy are
damage. Muscles, primarily your unable to walk by their late child -
voluntary muscles, become progres- hood. Most of these children af fect
sively weaker. Fat and connective die by their late teens or early 20’s,
tissue often replace muscle fibers in often from pneumonia, respiratory
the late stages of muscular dystro- muscle weakness or cardiac compli-
phy. In some types of this disease, cations. Some people with
heart muscles, other involuntary Duchenne’s MD may exhibit curva-
muscles and other organs are also ture of their spine known as scolio -
affected. sis.

Nine major types of muscular dys- Becker’s muscular dystrophy

trophy occur. The most common This type of muscular dystrophy is a
muscular dystrophies appear to be milder form of dystrophinopathy. It
due to a genetic deficiency of the generally affects older boys and
Each type is different in the age of
muscle protein dystrophin. There is young men, and usually progresses
onset, what parts of the body the
on-going concerns that vaccines and more slowly over several decades.
symptoms primarily affect and how
or dental mercury leads to the genet - Signs and symptoms of Becker ’s
rapidly the disease progresses.
ic propensity of these diseases. We MD are similar to those of
all need to make knowledgeable Duchenne’s. The onset of the signs
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
choices. and symptoms is generally later,
from age two to sixteen. Myotonic
The types of muscular dystrophy
The various types of the disease dystrophy Also known as Steinert’s
that are due to a genetic deficiency
affect more than 50,000 Americans. disease, this form of muscular dys-
of the protein dystrophin are called
trophy produces stiffness of muscles
dystrophinopathies. The most
Signs and symptoms vary accord- and an inability to relax muscles at
severe form of dystrophinopathy is
ing to the type of muscular dystro- will, as well as the muscle weakness
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. It
phy. In general, they may include: of the other forms of muscular dys-
occurs most often in young boys
• Muscle weakness trophy.
and is the most common form of
MD that affects children.
• Apparent lack of coordination The inability to relax muscles at
will, or myotonia, is found only in
Signs and symptoms of Duchenne’s
• Progressive crippling, resulting this type of muscular dystrophy.
MD may include:
in fixation of the muscles around This form of MD doesn’t usually
your joints, known as contractures affect people until adulthood
• Frequent falls
and loss of mobility although it has been known to be
• Large calf muscles
found in some children. It can vary
• Difficulty getting up from a
Many specific signs and symptoms greatly in its severity. Muscles may
lying or sitting position
vary from form to form of MD. feel stiff after using them. Progres-

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:50 PM Page 606

sion of this form of MD is slow. Infants rarely have this form of This form then progresses to the
Besides myotonia, signs and symp- muscular dystrophy, in which case arms and legs, though progression is
toms of adult-onset myotonic dys- it’s called congenital myotonic dys- slow. Limb-girdle MD usually
“The difference between an optimist and a pessimist? An optimist laughs to forget; a pessimist forgets to laugh.”

trophy may include: trophy. The infant form is more begins in the teen or early adult
severe, although infants with years.
• Weakening of voluntary muscles myotonic dystrophy don’t experi-
that control your arms and legs, usu - ence myotonia. Facioscapulohumeral muscular
ally beginning with the limb mus- dystrophy
cles farthest from the torso the mus - Signs in infants include: Also known as Landouzy-Dejerine
cles of the feet, hands, lower legs • Severe muscle weakness disease, this form involves progres-
and forearms. • Difficulty suckling and swallow- sive muscle weakness, usually in
ing this order:
• Weakening of head, neck and • Difficulty breathing • Face
face muscles, which may result • Shoulders
in the face having a hollow, • Abdomen
drooped appearance. • Feet
• Upper arms
• Weakening of muscles • Pelvic area
involved in breathing and swal- • Lower arms
lowing. Weaker breathing
muscles may result in less oxy- The shoulder blades of someone
gen intake and fatigue. Weaker with facioscapulohumeral MD may
swallowing muscles increase stick out like wings when the person
the risk of choking. raises his or her arms. Progression
of this form is slow, with some
• Fainting or dizziness, spurts of rapidly increasing weak-
which may indicate that the ness. Onset usually occurs during
disease is interfering with the the teen to early adult years.
conduction of electrical signals
that keep the heart rate normal. Congenital muscular dystrophy
Signs of congenital MD may
• Weakening of muscles of include:
hollow internal organs such as • General muscle weakness
those in the digestive tract and the The other major types of muscular
uterus. Depending on which part of dystrophy are rare. They include: • Joint deformities
the digestive tract is affected, you • Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
may experience problems with swal- • Facioscapulohumeral muscular This form is apparent at birth and
lowing as well as constipation and dystrophy progresses slowly. A more severe
diarrhea. Weakness of the uterine • Congenital muscular dystrophy form of congenital MD called
walls may cause problems during • Oculopharyngeal muscular dys- Fukuyama type congenital muscular
childbirth. trophy dystrophy may involve severe men-
• Distal muscular dystrophy tal and speech problems as well as
• Difficulty sleeping well at night • Emery-Dreifuss muscular dys- seizures.
and daytime sleepiness and inability trophy
to concentrate because of the effect Oculopharyngeal muscular dystro-
of the disease on the brain. Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy phy
Muscles usually affected first by The first sign of this type of muscu -
• Clouding of the lenses of the this form of muscular dystrophy lar dystrophy is usually drooping of
eyes known as cataracts. include: the eyelids, followed by weakness
• Hips of the muscles of the eye, face and
• Mild diabetes. • Shoulders throat, resulting in difficulty swal-

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:50 PM Page 607

lowing. Progression is slow. Signs pressure, sticky blood platelets and meatier and more pronounced.
and symptoms first appear in adult- viral diseases, such as influenza and These mushrooms are also known as
hood, usually in a person’s 40’s, polio. Italian brown or Roman brown
50’s or 60’s. mushrooms and are available year-
There are thousands of regularly- round.
Distal muscular dystrophy harvested, edible fungi in the world,
This group involves the muscles far- in addition to literally hundreds of COMMON BUTTON
thest away from the center of the thousands of other edible species This mushroom has been known to
body, those of the forearms, feet, which are not harvested. decrease the fat level in the blood. It
hands and lower legs. The severity also helps to rid the respiratory sys -
is generally less than other forms of Some species are highly prized tem of excess mucus and has biotic
MD, and this form tends to progress because they cannot be cultivated properties that can be used to treat
slowly. Distal MD generally begins and are often harvested from natural contagious hepatitis. They increase

“Laughter is America’s most important export.”

in adulthood between the ages of 40 settings. white blood cell count and thereby
and 60. bolsters immunity from disease-pro-
ducing microorganisms. Common
Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystro- Button mushrooms can also help
phy stop post-surgery cancer metastasis.
This rare form of muscular dystro- They promote appetite and have the
phy usually begins in the muscles of ability to reduce toxic reactions
the: from eating meat.
• Shoulders A few of the most commonly con-
• Upper arms sumed fungi are Chanterelle, Chick- ENOKI
• Shins en mushroom, Common Button, Enoki mushrooms taste more like
Hen of the woods, Morel, Oyster, grapes than mushrooms. The tex-
Emery-Dreifuss MD usually begins Paddy straw, Porcini, Portobella, ture of an enoki is crisp. Enokis are
in the childhood to early teen years Shiitake, Winter mushrooms, which quite odd-looking, like cooked
and progresses slowly. are also known as “enokitake” in spaghetti topped with tiny button-
(See: Diseases: The Mystery Solved) Japan, and countless others. There caps. Enoki mushrooms are joined

is not an animal alive whose taste is at a base and are available through -
not replicated in the kingdom of out the year.
mushrooms. Chicken, cows, fish,
lobsters, pigs, turkeys, you name it HEN OF THE WOODS
Medi-Sign Target and there’s a mushroom that match- Hen of the Woods mushrooms are

-Walt Disney
Thyroid Function, es it. polypores, which means multiple
Brain & Penis mushroom caps grow from a single
CHANTERELLE stem. As with all mushrooms, Hen
Chanterelle mushrooms have a deli- of the Woods mushrooms are 90
~Iodine Plants~
cate, sometimes nutty, sometimes percent water, full of vitamins and
Current tests show that mushrooms
fruity taste. Their texture is chewy. minerals and low in calories. Caps
help prevent and/or treat cancer,
Most of the chanterelles that come are pearly white with ruffled, brown
high blood cholesterol, high blood
to market have been picked in the edges. Hen of the Woods mush-
wild. Look for chanterelles in sum - rooms are available in the late
mer and fall. spring and autumn.

Cremini mushrooms are cocoa Oyster mushrooms grow in the wild
brown and firmer than the common on trees, but are also cultivated to a
cultivated white mushrooms. Cremi- year-round supply. Oyster mush-
ni mushrooms should be cooked to rooms grow in wave-like, overlap-
bring out their true flavor which is ping clumps. They have a mild

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:50 PM Page 608

taste and a silky texture and come in the risk of cancer and other dis - caps. They vary in size from a lar ge
a variety of hues. eases. Men who eat plenty of sele - button to teacup saucer. Glossy
nium-rich foods can reduce their brown or black, wood ears have a
PORCINI risk of prostate cancer. mild flavor. They are often sold
Like morels and truffles, porcini dried, but when soaked in hot water,
mushrooms are prized for their taste they expand to six times their size!

and rarity. Their flavor is rich and
buttery. The name is Italian for “lit-
tle pigs”. They resemble swollen
common mushrooms with tan to
brown tops and bulbous stems and Medi-Sign Target
are available in the spring and fall.
Lungs & Deplaquer
“Let your head be more than a funnel to your stomach.”

Portobello’s, also spelled Portabella

Mustard has been recognized for
or Portabello, make an excellent
centuries as a decongestant and
meat substitute and are a hearty
expectorant. It breaks up mucus in
addition to stir-fry dishes As most mushrooms do, shiitake has
the air passages and is a good reme -
and sauces. These viral and immunity-boost-
dy for congestion caused by colds
large tan giants of ing properties and are
and sinus problems. It also
the mushroom used nutritionally for
increased metabolism, burning off
world are one of viruses as well. They
extra fat.
the most popular lower cholesterol and

types of mushrooms. regulate blood pres-

They have a flavor sure. Raw shiitake
many people describe eaten daily for one
as “meaty” when week lowered
grilled. Portobellos serum cholesterol by
are large cremini-like 12 percent. Shiitakes Medi-Sign Target
mushrooms that are have been used to treat
sometimes the size of a big cut AIDS, cancer, diabetes,
Lungs & Deplaquer
steak! These fungi are circular, flat fibrocystic breast disease and other
and long, with a dense, chewy tex - conditions. Shiitakes get their name
Mustard Green dissolves stagnant or
ture. Portobellos are excellent for by translating “shii” which is
congealed blood, clears chest con-
grilling or roasting. Japanese for “oak” and “take”
gestion, improves energy circula-
which means “mushroom.” Shi-
tion, influences the lungs and mois-
One portobello mushroom has more itakes provide high levels of B vita -
tens the intestines. It also reduces
potassium than a banana. White and mins, calcium, magnesium, niacin,
cold mucus, which is clear or white
crimini mushrooms are also good phosphorus, protein and potassium.
and copious, associated with lung
sources of potassium. Potassium The mushroom has all of the
infections. Use mustard greens in a
helps the human body maintain nor- known, essential amino acids.
tea for colds or coughs.
mal heart rhythm, fluid balance and
muscle and nerve function. WOOD EAR
Wood ear mushrooms are widely
• It can also keep your ticker tick - respected in China. Many Asians
ing and your brain thinking. prize their consistency, which has
been variously described as springy-
• Mushrooms also pack a lot of soft and gelatinous with a crunch.
selenium, which partners with vita- Wood ear mushrooms grow in clus-
min E to neutralize the cell-damag- ters and actually resemble the shape
ing free radicals that can increase of ears with curled edges around flat

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:50 PM Page 609

myasthenia vary because it can be difficult to without pattern, frequently or infre-

diagnose, but it’s been estimated quently.
that the two and three people per
every 10,000 in the United States Most often myoclonus is one of sev-

“The alimentary canal is thirty-two feet long. You control only the first three inches of it. Control it well.”
are affected. This disease most eral symptoms in a wide variety of
Medi-Sign Target commonly affects muscles of the nervous system disorders such as
14 Days on Cabala Juice arms, eyes, face and legs, as well as Alzheimer’s disease, Creutzfeldt-
those muscles involved in chewing, Jakob disease, multiple sclerosis or
swallowing and talking. Muscles Parkinson’s disease. Familiar exam-
that control breathing and the move- ples of normal myoclonus include
ment of your arms and legs can also hiccups and jerks or “sleep starts,”
be involved. which some people experience
while drifting off to sleep.
Signs and symptoms may include:
• Facial muscle weakness, includ- Severe cases of pathologic
ing drooping eyelids myoclonus can distort movement
• Double vision and severely limit a person’s ability
• Difficulty in breathing, talking, to eat, talk and walk. Myoclonic
chewing or swallowing jerks commonly occur in individuals
• Muscle weakness in your arms with epilepsy. The most common
or legs types of myoclonus include action,
• Fatigue brought on by repetitive cortical reflex, essential, palatal,
motions The more often a muscle progressive myoclonus epilepsy,
action is repeated, the worse the reticular reflex, sleep and stimulus-
weakness becomes. In myasthenia sensitive.
gravis, good days may alternate
with bad days. Remissions may Although myoclonus is not a life-
occur, however, and can last for threatening condition, it may result
Myasthenia gravis is a chronic dis- months. in serious, debilitating impairments.
order characterized by weakness and (See: Disease: The Mystery Solved)

rapid fatigue of any of the muscles Tapping the muscle with two
under your voluntary control. It’s extended fingers for 60 seconds sev-
caused by a breakdown in the nor - eral times each day and strictly a
mal communication between nerves diet of raw food for one year can
and muscles. Medi-Sign Target remit this condition.
Muscle Tapping &
The disorder affects only the func- Raw Red Foods
tion of your nerves and muscles.
The muscle weakness you experi-
Myoclonus is a term that refers to
ence improves when you rest. In
brief, involuntary twitching of a
moderate to severe cases, myasthe-
muscle or a group of muscles. It
nia gravis may cause difficulties
describes a symptom and is general-
with breathing, chewing, speech or
ly not a diagnosis of a disease.
swallowing and as well as weakness
of your limbs.
The myoclonic twitches or jerks are
usually caused by sudden muscle
Myasthenia gravis can affect people
contractions, although they also can
of any age, but it’s more common in
result from brief lapses of contrac-
women younger than 40 and in men
tion. Myoclonic jerks may occur
older than 60. Estimates of the
alone or in sequence, in a pattern or
number of people with this disorder

M_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 1:50 PM Page 610

myopia cence and stabilizes in early

adulthood. It is an inherited
Medi-Sign Target
Carrots, Kiwi Fruit & Signs and Symptoms
13 Knot Rope • Blurry distance vision
• Vision seems clearer when
Nearsightedness or myopia, occurs
when light entering the eye focuses
Try eye exercises with a 15 foot
in front of the retina instead of
string and knots tied every foot.
directly on it. This is caused by a
Loop the string onto a door knob
cornea that is steeper or an eye that
and sit in a chair. Try to focus
is longer than a normal eye. Near -
on each knot until you can see it
sighted people typically see well up
as clearly as you are able, mak -
close and have difficulty seeing far
“Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods.”

ing your way to the door knob.

Then reverse it and work your
way back. Do this three times in
This problem is often discovered in
the morning and again at night
school-age children who report hav-
each day, for 90 days. Eat and
ing trouble seeing the chalkboard.
drink lots of orange foods and
Near-sightedness usually becomes
their juices, especially carrots.
progressively worse through adoles-

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 611

~N n~
History: The Letter N

As mentioned, “N” derived its form from the ocean, as did “M.” The early letter was drawn to
resemble the head of a fish, probably suspended after being caught. The Greeks later reversed
the stroke and called it “Nu.” The Romans didn’t change it much and gave it the name “en” “n” is
used to abbreviate the word “nail” or “nails.” And speaking of nails, it’s about time someone cleared
up the confusion regarding how nails are measured. First there are several different types of nails;
common wire, flooring, finishing, boat, screw-type, masonry scaffold and roofing. Common wire
nails used to be measured by how many pennies it would take to buy a pound. Apparently no one
ever thought the value of a penny would change enough to change the corresponding number
assigned to nails. Nails are now classified by a series of standard number designations. For exam-
ple, there are about 876 No. 2d (1x 15 gauge) nails to one pound. It’s always a good idea to keep
your nails clean, too. Especially when the FDR teaches that eating with your fingers is healthy
and most utensils are radioactive. (See: Nuclear Spoons.)

Mystery: The Celtic Name Letter Key

The letter “N” indicates lack of confidence, and a name-print in which it is a dominant letter will usu-
ally indicate a worrier, always uncertain about the future. It reveals a slightly pessimistic outlook
that may come to the fore on occasions. At other times it can be kept in check by more positive
characteristics. A person whose name is dominated by “N” may also be uncertain emotionally,
afraid to make a complete commitment to another person. The basic lack of self-confidence will
often be hidden by a superficial show of supreme self-confidence that crumbles away upon close
N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 612

NAIL BITING a bendable toy or finger puppets that include hair twisting or pulling,
will keep his hands busy. There is nose-picking, tooth-grinding, pick-
nothing to tempt him to bite his ing at the skin, nail-biting and
Medi-Sign Target nails when they are short, so keep thumb-sucking. The most common
them cut. of the typical “nervous habits” is
Apply Tea Tree Oil to Nails nail-biting.
Be hopeful and patient. Once you
have provided toys and diversion, You might be reading, talking on the
it’s best to ignore the habit. Nail phone, watching television or
biting is an unconscious habit, engaged in another activity, and
“Relationship: see it as a place you go to give, not a place that you go to take.”

which means that you toddler does without realizing it, you may be bit-
not realize he is doing it. Nagging ing your nails.
and punishing are not helpful.
Calling attention to it by explaining There is more to the habit of nail-
how nasty you think the habit is will biting than biting only the nail. The
probably make him want to do it cuticle and soft tissue around the
Why it Occurs
more. And, if your toddler is in his nail may also be bitten.
You may worry that your toddler is
contrary “no” stage, your pleas for
anxious about something if he is bit-
him to stop may actually increase Nail-biters are people of all ages.
ing his nails. Actually, nail biting is
his nail biting habit. Drugstores sell • At one time or another, approxi-
described by many people as a
bitter tasting nail painting solutions, mately half the children between the
“nervous habit.” One explanation
but these are rather unjust punish- ages of ten and 18 bite their nails.
for why children bite their nails is
ments for a toddler. When he is an The habit is most frequent while
anxiety. But there are many other
older child in his elementary years, teens go through the changes caused
less worrisome reasons. Your tod-
he will probably want to stop biting by puberty.
dler may be nail biting out of bore-
his nails, and these solutions will
dom or curiosity, to pass the time, to
serve as a helpful reminder to him. • Between the ages of 18 and 22,
relieve stress or just because it has
just less than one in four young
become a habit. Nose picking,
It is common for children to indulge adults bites their nails.
thumb sucking and hair twisting are
in one or more habits (playing with
all nervous habits. Nail biting is the
the nose and thumb sucking is a • The percentage of other adults
most common of all the nervous
normal combination), and most will who bite their nails is small. By age
habits. While nearly all kids bite
stop them without encouragement. 30, most people stop nail-biting by
their nails at one time, this nervous
Try to ignore the habit and one day themselves. Over the age of 30,
habit is the most likely to be carried
you will discover that it has disap- about one in ten men continue to
into adulthood. Approximately one
peared, like teething bite their nails.
in three elementary school children,
rings and diapers.
and one in two adolescents, experi-
• After the age of
ence a brief period of nail biting.
Onychophagia ten, more boys bite
Odds are in your favor that your
(nail-biting) is a their nails than girls.
child will lose interest in this habit
common habit for
or be teased by his peers and stop
stress-relief. Stress, What are the treat-
the habit on his own.
excitement, inactivi- ments for nail-bit-
ty or boredom, may ing?
What to do
contribute to nail There are several
His hands need to be kept occupied.
biting. Sometimes treatments, including
Try to notice where and when your
it is a behavior behavioral changes
child likes to bite his nails – for
learned from other and physical barri-
example, when he is riding in a car
members of the ers, which may help
or watching TV – and provide a
family. Typical you to stop the habit
diversion such as a squeezable ball,
“nervous habits” of nail-biting.

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 613

•File and trim your nails on a reg- school with your child and his or Because of this, treatment of infect-
ular basis. Attractive nails can her teachers. When children under- ed toenails require a longer treat-
lessen your nail-biting habit. stand what triggers their nail-biting, ment time than fingernails require.
they are more likely to stop. Allow-
ing your child to help choose a Fungal infections are comprised of
treatment method is an important four major types. Dermatophytes is
step towards successfully ending his one type of fungus, responsible for
or her nail-biting habit. approximately 90% of all fungal
nail infections. Distal subungual
What health problems develop from onychomycosis is the most common
nail-biting? fungal nail infection.
Red and sore fingertips and bleeding
• Keep your nails manicured and cuticles can result from nail-biting. Fungal nail infections are common.
polished. A clear polish can be used Increased risk of infection around At any given time, two to 18 per-
by men. the nail-beds and in the mouth, cent of the world’s population is

“When are you going to do something unusual and new?”

including dental problems and infec- afflicted with a fungal nail infection.
• You may want to try wearing tions of the gums, may also result However, these infections rarely
artificial nails. They will protect from nail-biting. Interference with occur in children, affecting less than
your own nails as they grow out, normal nail growth and deformed one percent of the world’s children
and they may discourage you from nails can be the result of long-term at any given time. The people the
biting them. nail biting. age of 60 are most commonly
• Products such as CONTROL-IT nail
or Thum, are bitter-tasting polishes What are the causes of a fungal
which remind you to stop you nail- infections nail infection?
biting. If you come in contact with the
Medi-Sign Target fungi and they begin to grow under
• Keep your hands busy. When your nail, you can get a fungal nail
you find yourself nail-biting, try infection. Warm moist areas, like
Soak in Saltwater &
another activity, like writing, draw- Apply Hydrogen Peroxide around your toes, allow fungi to
ing, squeezing a stress ball or play- grow best. Distal subungual ony-
ing with silly putty. Keeping a chomycosis can be transmitted
record of the times you bite your through person to person direct con-
nails will make you more aware of tact or through contact with com-
your habit and increase your ability monly used items such as nail clip-
to quit. pers, nail files, shoes or even floors.
This type of fungal toenail infection
• Use reminders to quit nail-bit- can also be caused by athlete’s foot.
ing, such as wearing gloves, adhe-
sive bandages or colored stickers on Tight fitting shoes that are moist
your nails. What is a fungal nail infection? and do not permit air to circulate
Onychomycosis is commonly around your feet can contribute to
• Create a negative physical known as a fungal nail infection or fungal infections.
response, (neuro-responsive condi- ringworm of the nail. This occurs
tioning), such as snapping a rubber when a fingernail or toenail and/or What are the symptoms?
band on the inside of your wrist the nail bed or the skin underneath Cracked, discolored, thickened,
when you start to bite your nails. the nail is invaded by fungi. Toe- spotted or streaked nails can be the
nails grow very slowly and are more result of a fungal nail infection. As
Problems at school or with friends often affected than fingernails. The the infection progresses, the nail
may increase nail-biting habits in slow growth of the nail allows the becomes unsightly.
children. Discuss any new stress at fungi a longer time to develop.

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 614

Yellow streaks under the nail, a bruising under an injured nail. The have gone unnoticed. It may take
buildup of pieces and bits of skin blood may have to be drained from weeks or even months for these
and nail fragments under the nail, a under the nail. As the injury heals, marks to go away on their own
discolored and thickened nail that the black appearance will usually go without requiring treatment.
may separate from the skin, and a away, but this may take weeks.
brittle, thickened and broken nail • An injury, skin condition or
are symptoms of distal subungual • On occasion, the black appear- infection may cause the nail to sepa-
onyshomycosis, the most common ance under the nail may be due to a rate from the nail bed (onycholysis),
fungal infection. damaged nail matrix. The matrix is causing yellow nails. Certain med-
the beginning area of nail formation. ical problems, such as chronic lung
Wearing narrow or tight shoes, If the nail matrix is injured, it may disease or cancer, may also cause
standing for a long time or even be necessary to remove the nail and yellow nails. Some nail polishes,
walking can become uncomfortable repair the matrix. especially red polish, and smoking
and even sometimes painful as a cigarettes can also cause nails to
result of a fungal nail infection. • An uninjured nail which appears stain yellow.
black or irregular may be the result
Permanent nail damage can result of melanoma. Changes in nail shape and texture
“Relationship, communicate clearly up front.”

from a fungal nail infection over There are many causes which lead
time. The longer the infection • Some medications may cause to the change in nail shape and tex-
invades the nail, the more difficult it nails to become blue. Problems that ture. Some changes are normal and
becomes to cure. A nail infection reduce the amount of oxygen in the occur with aging, such as the forma-
which goes untreated can spread to blood, such as exposure to cold or tion of ridges or minor pitting.
other nails and skin. high altitude, asthma and COPD,
peripheral vascular disease, shock, Other changes include the follow-
or severe anemia may also cause ing:
blue nails. • Pincer nails are tube-like nails
that curve inward. They are more
• Some medications may cause commonly found in toenails rather
brown streaks in nails. Malnutrition than fingernails, and are often
is another cause of brown streaks. caused by tight shoes. If pincer
It is normal for people of dark-skin nails are accompanied by pain or
to have occurring brown streaks, infection, they may need to be surgi-
and they should only cause concern cally removed or reconstructed.
if they are new or changing. Wearing shoes that fit properly may
There are those who believe tea tree allow the nail to return to normal
oil or cream is an effective alterna- • Bacterial and fungal infections shape.
tive treatment that prevents athlete’s may cause green discoloration of the
foot and mild fungal nail infections. nail. • Spoon-shaped nails may occur
Tea tree oil is normally used to treat from iron-deficiency anemia or
burns, acne, minor cuts, vaginal • Nutritional disorders, such as other diseases. In children, spoon-
yeast infections, mild fungal nail zinc deficiency, anemia or other shaped nails are common, and usu-
infections, athlete’s foot and respira- problems may be the cause of pale ally temporary. Once the underlying
tory problems (added to a bath or white nails. cause is corrected, spoon-shaped
candle heat vaporizer).
• Mild injury to
Changes in nail color. nails may cause
• An injured nail may become white specks, spots
black. or bands (leukony-
chia) in the nail and
• A black or purplish appearing are common. The
nail is the result of bleeding or injury may even

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 615

nails usually return to their normal redness, swelling, increasing heat, and prevent the nail from cutting the
appearance. tenderness and a puss like drainage. skin.
Watch for these signs.
• Minor nail pitting may be nor- • Change the cotton daily. Allow
mal. Skin diseases, such as eczema • If an artificial nail separates the nail to grow out so that it can be
or psoriases, may cause deep nail itself from the nail bed, remove the trimmed.
pitting accompanied by thick or yel- nail. The long artificial nail can tear
low nails, or separation from the the nail bed if not removed. Preventing ingrown toenails:
nail bed. • Cut your toenails carefully. Cut
Treating a fungal nail infection at them straight across. Leaving them
• Ridging may be caused by infec- home: a little longer at the corners will pre-
tion, illness or injury. It can also be • Paint the affected nails two to vent sharp ends from cutting into
a part of the normal aging process. three times a day with tea tree oil you skin.
(melaleuca oil). Nails should be
• Fungal infections, poor circula- soaked in Listerine mouthwash or a • Wear shoes that are comfortable
tion or injury may cause nails to grain alcohol each day for five min- and roomy.
thicken. Thickened nails may utes.
become brittle, yellow or ridged. Home treatment
The nail may become loose or fall • Raw garlic is a for a hangnail:
off. An unusually thickened nail is very strong agent for • A strip of skin
known as a “ram’s horn nail,” and fungal prevention which separates
occurs with aging. and removal of fun- from the side of

“Thank you for caring.”

gal infections. Add the cuticle is
• A condition known as clubbing one to two cloves of called a hangnail.
occurs when the ends of the fingers raw garlic to your
and toes swell and the nails bulge diet daily. Raw gar- • Do not try to
outward. Raised, curved and extra lic may be directly bite or pull off a
shiny nails wrap around thickened applied to the nail, using an adhe- hangnail because this may rip the
fingers and toes. Persons with this sive bandage. This may be enough skin.
condition may have chronic heart, to kill the fungus totally.
liver, lung or thyroid disease. This • Use clean, sharp cuticle scissors
condition may also occur normally. • Do not use artificial nails. to clip off the nail.

Ways to prevent infection: • Two to three times a day, mes-

• Dissolve one teaspoon sage vegetable oil into your cuticles.
of salt in four cups of warm
water. Soak the hand or Home treatment for artificial nail
foot in the solution two to problems:
three times each day for a • Remove the artificial nail if you
period of 20 minutes. suspect an allergic reaction to the
Repeat this for three days. artificial nail or an infection. Do
Cover the affected area with not apply a new artificial nail.
a clean adhesive bandage in
between soakings. Home treatment for an ingrown • If an artificial nail separates
toenail: from you natural nail bed, remove
• Cover the clean nail bed with tea • Soften the nail by soaking your the nail to prevent it from catching
tree oil and an adhesive bandage. If foot in warm water for 15 minutes. and tearing the nail bed.
the nail gets wet, change the band-
age. • Wet a small piece of cotton and • If an artificial nail has separated
wedge it under the corner of the from your natural nail and you do
• Signs of infection include pain, nail. This will slightly lift the nail not suspect infection, clean the

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 616

space between the two nails. Soak • If you suspect an infection, do will examine the nails which may
your fingertip for 15 seconds in not wear artificial nails. hold clues to many diseases. Iron
grain alcohol and then reattach the deficiency anemia may be indicated
artificial nail. • Dampen the suspect finger or toe by soft spoon-shaped nails that
and then dip it into salt and cover it curve upwards. Serious lung disor-
Home repair treatment for split, with a bandage. ders or impaired circulation may be
“Don’t allow familiarity to habituate you to the intense excitement and gratitude you feel for having

brittle or weak nails: indicated by rounded, club shaped

• Protect your nails from water Healing nail problems with nutri- nails. Thickened, discolored nails
and harsh chemicals by wearing dis- tion: may indicate a fungal infection.
posable plastic or rubber gloves. • Increase consumption of citrus Pitting may be caused by psoriasis.
fruits for whole food vitamin C. Nails with horizontal ridges may
• Rub oils such as cold pressed indicate a systemic infection or a
coconut oil, soy oil, or extra-extra • Increase your consumption of serious illness.
virgin olive oil directly onto your foods containing vitamin B.
nails. Repeat this at bedtime, and Vitamin B may be found in whole A healthy nail will be strong and
cover you hands with white cotton grain products, legumes and dark appear smooth and slightly pink.
gloves or socks. green leafy vegetables and fruit Nails are similar to hair, in that they
juices. need moisture to remain flexible.
• To slow the evaporation of water Without enough moisture, nails will
from your nails, apply nail polish. Unhealthy nails may reflect a nutri- become yellowish and chip or
This should not be removed more tional deficiency or an underlying break. Nails require nutrients and
someone special in your life.

than once a week as nail polish health problem. However, most nail oxygen to grow and remain strong.
removers may increase breakage problems are caused by abuse of the The human body is very efficient in
and splitting of nails if it is used too nail. Biting, picking, harmful chem- delivering nutrients to the areas of
often. icals, overuse of polish removers its body that need in most. Because
and even excessive manicuring can the nails are not a vital body organ,
• If you think your nail problem lead to nail problems. they are one of the first areas to
could be caused by polishes, adhe- show signs of health problems with-
sives or nail lacquers, do not use Healthy nails grow at a rate of 1/4 in the body.
them. inch every month. This growth rate
can be slowed by illness, old age or narcolepsy
even cold weather. Nails are com-
posed of keratin. Keratin is the hard
protein found in hair, animal hooves Medi-Sign Target
and the outer layer of skin (the epi- 10-21 Day Water Fast &
dermis). The part of the nail which
can be seen is known as the nail
Smell Peppermint Oil
plate. The nail plate grows out of
Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that
the lunula, the pale half-moon at the
affects an estimated 250 of every
base, and rests over the tips of the
one million people in the United
Treating a skin infection around fingers and toes.
States. This disorder causes inter-
your nail at home: The seal between the skin and the
mittent episodes of uncontrolled
• Dissolve one teaspoon of salt nail is the cuticle. The lunula is the
falling asleep during the daytime.
into four cups of warm water. Soak nail’s only living tissue. The rest of
your hand or foot in the solution. the nail is composed of dead cells
Repeat this two to three times each that have been pushed up from the
day. base.

• No part of the affected nail Nails are an important indicator of a

should be removed. person’s health. Though nails are
mostly dead tissue, a good doctor

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 617

Additional symptoms include cata- hours. A person usually wakes up

plexy, hypnogonic and hypnopom- feeling refreshed, begins to tire
pic hallucinations and sleep paraly- slowly within the next hour or two
sis. Cataplexy is short-lived inter- and then falls asleep again. This
mittent muscle weakness. sleeping-waking cycle then repeats
Hypnogogic and hypnopomic hallu- itself. Some people experience
cinations occur when falling asleep extreme sleepiness during the day
or waking, and sleep paralysis is a but do not actually fall asleep. EEG
paralysis that occurs while falling sleep paralysis are less common. studies have shown that the occur-
asleep or waking. Narcolepsy typi- Hallucination occurs in approxi- rence of excessive daytime sleepi-
cally begins in a person’s the teen mately one of every four cases, and ness is associated with abnormal
years or early twenties. Narcolepsy sleep paralysis occurs in nearly biorhythms. Stimulants, such as
and subsequent cataplexy are treated three in every ten cases. In nar- caffeine or drugs, are used to help
with stimulants and antidepressants. coleptic people, these symptoms overcome the overwhelming urge to
The causes of narcolepsy are rarely occur on their own; they are sleep. People with narcolepsy, who
unknown, although they have been usually accompanied by cataplexy. face uncontrollable sleepiness and
linked with depression and blood The symptoms are intensified when continual efforts to resist it, often
pressure management. they occur together. experience significant live disrup-

“You never know when it may happen.”

tions. Typically, the compounded
Although both young children and sleepiness of the day results in short
the elderly may experience nar- sleep episodes. People with nar-
colepsy, it usually begins between colepsy do not have normal noctur-
the ages of ten and 20. Both man nal sleep habits. Polysomnography
and women suffer from this disor- shows that they demonstrate non-
der. An estimated 125,000 people in specific changes in their sleep pat-
the United States suffer from it. terns, including less time spent in
The hallmarks of narcolepsy are stage one sleep, and increase in the
excessive daytime sleepiness and number of arousals, and sleep main-
the sudden onset of sleep. tenance insomnia.
Controversy exists as to
weather or not narcolepsy is Cataplexy
a life-long disorder. While some Cataplexy is almost exclusively
studies suggest that it is, others associated with narcolepsy, and it is
show that symptoms decrease in Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and the most associated secondary
older age. Sleep Knockouts symptom. Cataplexy is the sudden,
Sudden and unexpected falling temporary loss of muscle tone in the
Symptoms of Narcolepsy asleep during the day is the most body. A severe case may affect all
Excessive daytime sleepiness and prevalent symptom of narcolepsy. the voluntary muscles in the body,
sleep knockouts when accompanied Most narcoleptic episodes occur at causing a complete collapse. A mild
by one or more auxiliary symptoms inappropriate times. People may case can be very subtle, involving
technically define Narcolepsy. The fall asleep during a meeting, while only a few muscle groups and mild
auxiliary symptoms may include driving and even during sex. For loss in muscle strength. An exam-
cataplexy, hallucination and sleep people who experience these ple is partial head muscle weakness,
paralysis. Only one in ten cases episodes, the consequences are sig- which causes a person to work hard
involves the entire tetrad of symp- nificant. to keep their head from drooping.
toms. The most common auxiliary Individuals can move their eyes dur-
symptom associated with narcolepsy Typically, the unexpected sleep may ing a cataplectic episode because the
is cataplexy. This symptom afflicts last from 15 minutes to one hour. It eye muscles are not affected.
nearly 70 % of narcolepsy patients. is rare for sleep to last more than Cataplectic episodes produce all-
The symptoms of hypnogogic and one hour. However, the sleep may consuming effects, and it is very dif-
hypnopompic hallucinations and occur again within one to several ficult and nearly impossible for an

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 618

ry, visual or tactile. They can Affective disorders, including some

include frightening noises and types of depression, also share nar-
shapes. A person experiencing colepsy symptoms. The amount of
hypnogogic or hypnopompic depression associated with narcolep-
hallucinations may be awoken sy still needs to be examined.
without causing additional Depression or stress often accompa-
stress or harm. nied with complaints of tiredness
and sleep disruption. Both condi-
These hallucinations are usually tions respond to REM sleep manipu-
more intense than mild dreams lation. The ability to distinguish
individual to be guided out of an
or daydreams. They are more like narcolepsy from these conditions
episode by anyone else. Sometimes
nightmares. People who suffered may call for a thorough lifestyle
the loss of muscle function is not
from these hallucinations were assessment.
easily seen, and the person has only
sometimes misdiagnosed in the past
a vague feeling of weakness.
“What is something you can do today for someone you love?”

as schizophrenic. Treating Narcolepsy

Cataplectic episodes vary in length
Good sleep practices, including suf-
from a few seconds to 30 minutes.
Sleep paralysis, which has been ficient evening sleep, and whole
They almost never exceed 30 min-
documented since the early nine- foods are some ways to remedy nar-
teenth century, is the inability to colepsy. A consistent sleep schedule
move immediately before falling is important. Shift work should be
Extreme emotional states such as
asleep or when awakening. A avoided, as well as hard alcohol.
winning the lottery or extreme anger
description of sleep paralysis is a
are thought to bring on cataplexy.
feeling of fear, as if someone or Short naps are often refreshing to
Narcolepsy, the host condition of
something is holding you down or people with narcolepsy. Excessive
cataplexy, does not discriminate by
sitting on your chest. daytime sleepiness may be alleviat-
reacting to emotional states.
ed by scheduling short naps during
Sleep paralysis is a nonexclusive the day. A short nap following
A person is completely awake dur-
secondary symptom of narcolepsy, lunch and another in late afternoon
ing a cataplectic event and will be
as are hypnogogic and hypnopompic may help lessen the severity of day-
able to remember it. Hallucination
hallucinations. Sleep paralysis is time sleepiness and impart alertness.
may occur if the episode lasts longer
usually accompanied by hypnogogic
than a few minutes. Occurrence of
and hypnopompic hallucinations and The most important aspect of man-
a cataplexy event apart from nar-
lasts from a few seconds to 30 min- aging cataplexy is good sleep prac-
colepsy is very rare.
utes. Just as hallucinations, sleep tices. People who are sleep-
paralysis can be temporarily relieves deprived and maintain poor sleep
Hypnogogic and Hypnopompic
by an observer who awakens the
Although hypnogogic and
hypnopompic hallucinations occur
Additional Concerns with
at a very high rate of frequency in
most narcolepsy cases, they are not
Serious physiological diseases and
peculiar to it. They appear in only
disorders from heart disease to ane-
five percent of narcolepsy cases,
mia to brain tumors may also
even though they are the predomi-
express symptoms such as excessive
nant subsystem. They also appear
daytime sleepiness. The uncon-
in other disorders. Hypnogogic hal-
trolled sleep related to these condi-
lucinations occur when falling
tions differs from narcolepsy. These
asleep. Hypnopompic hallucina-
conditions last longer, are more
tions occur upon awakening. They
extensive and the person usually
both last only a few minutes. These
does not feel refreshed upon awak-
hallucinations are often terrifying
and upsetting. They can be audito-

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 619

habits often experience much worse vomiting episodes is the resulting the day rather than three large meals
cataplectic events. dehydration. The speed with which • Rest after you eat and raise your
your body dehydrates is determined head one foot above your feet
These conditions have been known by the frequency of the vomiting, • Suck on peppermint or honey
to disappear completely after ten your body size and weather or not drops
days on water, in a comfortable you are experiencing diarrhea. • Try acupressure
environment. • Press the tip of the right index
Possible causes of adult vomiting: finger on the underside of the left
NAUSEA • Chemotherapy wrist, about one and one half inches
• Food allergies (3.9 cm) from your left hand
• Food poisoning • Use moderate pressure for two
Medi-Sign Target • Medications to three minutes
• Migraine headaches • Repeat as necessary
Drink Water & Puke! • “Morning sickness” associated
with pregnancy Your nausea may be caused by
• Seasickness or motion sickness stomach contractions. Peppermint

“Get off the bench and step into the game of life.”
• Too much alcohol oil is a spasmodic that can help
diminish the contractions.
Nausea is the feeling of uneasiness
in the stomach that often precedes
vomiting. For normal bouts of nau-
sea, drink one quart of water, stick
your finger down your throat to
induce vomiting, and you should
feel much better in minutes.

The cause of the nausea may some-

times be determined by the timing
of the nausea. If you begin to feel
ill shortly after eating a meal, the
What is nausea?
nausea may be a result of gastritis
The sensation of having the urge to
(inflammation of the stomach
vomit is nausea. When the stomach
lining), food poisoning or an ulcer.
contents are forced up through the
Other treatments for nausea
esophagus and out of the mouth, a
Some serious conditions may result When you suffer from nausea, there
person is vomiting. There are many
in nausea. These conditions include are things you can do to help your-
conditions of which nausea and
appendicitis, brain tumors, concus- self feel better. Drink a glass of
vomiting are common symptoms.
sions, intestinal blockage and cold fresh water. Eat a light diet,
Usually, they do not demand med-
meningitis, which is an infection of beginning with whole-wheat toast
ical attention. Vomiting and nausea
the membrane linings of the brain. and bland foods. Refrain from eat-
are the body’s natural way to signal
ing any kinds of meat until you are
that something is wrong.
Ways to prevent nausea: symptom free. Eat vegetables and
• Acupressure bands, which are nuts that you can tolerate. Don’t eat
If these symptoms become severe, if
used for seasickness and motion artificial sweets. Eat only small
they continue for days, or if you are
sickness, can help to reduce nausea meals. Eat slowly. After eating,
unable to keep and fluids or food in
• Chew a stick of peppermint gum rest.
your stomach, your body may be
• Drink eight glasses of water
experiencing a more serious condi-
every day to prevent dehydration Persistent nausea
which can cause nausea There are a lot of causes for persist-
• Eat slowly ent nausea, but not all of them are
The most important concern with
• Eat several small meals during serious. If you continually suffer

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 620

from nausea, you may experience a Other possible causes of Nausea:

loss of appetite which will cause • Acidosis
you to eat less and lose weight. • Acute appendicitis
• Balance disorders
Possible causes of weight loss and • Brain disorders
persistent nausea include: • Cancer treatments
• Anxiety or depression • Chronic smokers
• Cancer • Colitis These small white beans are called
• Digestive tract problems includ- • Concussion navy beans because they were once
ing infection, inflammation, irrita- • Diabetic ketoacidosis a staple food on U.S. Naval ships.
tion or a digestive disorder • Diabetes, when heading towards Dry or canned navy beans are avail-
• Heart, lungs, liver or kidney diabetic ketoacidosis able all year in the local grocery
“Decide that it’s more important for you to be in love than to be right.”

problems • Digestive disorders store. They are the perfect bean for
• Side effects of medications • Emotional disorders making baked beans.
• Stress or an emotional situation • Food intolerances
• Food poisoning These small, creamy white beans
Once you know the cause of the • Gallbladder disorders, usually are mild-flavored. The beans are
nausea and vomiting, it is important causes nausea dense and smooth. The navy bean
to treat the underlying cause. Do • Gallstones is one of 13,000 species of the
not ignore it. • Gastroenteritis legumes family. Legumes are plants
• Hepatitis, nausea is an early sign that produce edible pods. If there
No matter what is causing the vom- of hepatitis even before any jaun- are 13,000 kinds of beans, chances
iting, it is necessary to drink as dice are good that we should be eating
much fluid as possible without caus- • Heart attack them! When navy beans are com-
ing further stomach upset. Slowly • Hiatus hernia bined with a whole grain such as
drink herbal teas or clear fluids • Infections from bacterial over- rice, they provide a high quality
including water. Brewed pepper- whelm in meat protein that is fat-free. They taste
mint oil tea and gingerroot tea are • Kidney disease really good and they are really good
both beneficial for dealing with nau- • Kidney disorders for you.
sea. “Morning sickness,” associat- • Labyrinthitis
ed with pregnancy, is also aided by • Liver disorders Healthy benefits
drinking these teas. • Medications All beans, including navy beans,
• Metabolic disorders provide a good source of fiber
• Migraine which lowers cholesterol. While the
• Morning sickness high fiber content lowers choles-
• Motion sickness terol, it also prevents spikes (quick
• Peptic ulcer rises) in blood sugar levels after a
• Postnasal drip meal. This is important for people
• Pregnancy with diabetes, hypoglycemia or
• Traveler’s diarrhea insulin resistance. When Navy
• Vertigo beans are eaten with rice or other
Things to remember whole grains, they are a source of
That queasy feeling of unease NAVY BEANS high quality protein which is virtual-
known as nausea is something ly fat-free. Navy beans are a won-
familiar to everyone. Nausea often derful nutritional source. They pro-
precedes or is accompanied by vom- Medi-Sign Target vide the body with folate and man-
iting. It is possible to experience ganese, vitamin B 1. They also pro-
nausea with or without vomiting. vide minerals such as copper, phos-
Blood Cells
The human body is intelligent. phorus, magnesium and iron, along
Nausea is the body’s way of react- with 15,000 other nutritional com-
ing to a condition or an infection. ponents!

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 621

An All Star of Fiber it in relation to the risk of heart dis- nesium deficiencies. If the body is
If you check the fiber content in ease related death. The Southern lacking sufficient amounts of mag-
foods, you will find that legumes Europe pattern where there was high nesium immediately following a
are at the top of the list. All beans, legume consumption was also asso- heart attack, the heart is open to free
including navy beans, are rich in ciated with a lower risk of heart radical injury.
fiber. Just one cup of cooked navy attack was lower by an amazing
beans provides the body with a full- 82%! A happy heart is a heart fed by navy
load of fiber. In the digestive tract, beans. A one cup serving of navy
soluble fiber forms a gel-like sub- There is more to the navy bean than beans provides all the magnesium
stance that combines with bile and fiber. These beans contain large your body needs for the day. Those

“If you were to look up your name in the dictionary, how would you be defined?”
carries it out of the body. Bile con- amounts of folate and magnesium, who know will tell you to eat your
tains cholesterol, which is why high which also contribute to a healthy navy beans!
fiber foods help to reduce choles- heart. Folate helps to lower the lev-
terol. Studies have shown that els of homocysteine. This is an Potassium is another mineral essen-
insoluble fiber increases stool bulk amino acid that is an intermediate tial for maintaining heart function
which helps to prevent constipation product in an important metabolic and normal blood pressure. It is an
and it also helps to prevent irritable process called the methylation important electrolyte involved in
bowel syndrome and diverticulosis. cycle. High blood levels of homo- nerve transmission and the contrac-
Can you hear those navy ships cysteine are an independent risk fac- tion of all the muscles, including the
blowing their whistles? tor for stroke, heart attack and heart. It’s the navy bean to the res-
peripheral vascular disease. Twenty cue as it is a good source of potassi-
Lower Your Risk of Heart Attack to 40 percent of people with heart um too. A one cup serving of navy
Researchers studied more than disease have elevated blood levels beans provides 669.8 mg of potassi-
16,000 middle-aged men in the of homocysteine. Americans could um. These beans are ready to pro-
United States, Finland, Italy, The reduce the number of heart attacks mote good cardiovascular health,
Netherlands, Greece, the former they suffer each year by 10%, just protect against high blood pressure
Yugoslavia and Japan for 25 years. by eating whole food folate. One and atherosclerosis.
They examined their food eating small cup of cooked navy beans
patterns and their risk of dying from provides a huge amount of folate. If You Want Energy to Burn While
coronary heart disease. The Stabilizing Blood Sugar, Go For
researchers broke down the The healthful cardiovascular the Navy
typical food patterns by effects of the navy bean are This bean is beneficial to the diges-
regions. The United augmented further by its good tive system, the heart, and the
States had a higher con- supply of magnesium. dietary fiber helps stabilize blood
sumption of meat. In Magnesium is a natural sugar levels. Navy beans can help
Southern Europe, calcium channel blocker. balance blood sugar levels and pro-
they found a higher When the body has vide steady, slow-burning energy.
consumption of veg- enough magne- This is especially important if you
etables, legumes, sium, the veins have insulin resistance, diabetes or
fish and wine. and arteries hypoglycemia. Studies show the
In Northern relax. This large benefits that high fiber foods
Europe, they allows blood, provide in managing blood sugar
saw a higher oxygen and levels. People with Type II diabetes
consumption of nutrients to were separated into two groups.
dairy products. flow more Each group was fed a different
There was a higher freely through- amount of high fiber foods. The
consumption of out the body. first group ate 24 grams of fiber a
cereals, soy products Studies indicate day, which is the amount of fiber in
and fish in Japan. The that heart the standard American diet. The
researchers looked at attacks are asso- second group was given just over
this date and examined ciated with mag- twice that amount of fiber each day.

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:39 PM Page 622

energy and metabolism. Children is essential for memory. Lack of

and adolescents need a lot of iron, acetylcholine has been found to be
as do pregnant and lactating women. an important contributing factor in
Eat a one-cup serving of navy senility (age-related impairment in
beans, and the iron in them will get mental function) and Alzheimer’s
“The most common reason financial success eludes people is that they have mixed feelings about money.”

to work. disease. Alzheimer’s disease is clin-

ically characterized by a decrease in
Copper and Manganese – Aides for acetylcholine levels. A one-cup
Energy Production and Defenses serving of navy beans provided thi-
Copper and manganese, trace miner- amin, and its fiber helps remove
als, are essential cofactors of a key brain plaque. Eat navy beans so
oxidative enzyme called superoxide you won’t forget!
dismutase. Navy beans are a good
source of copper and a very good Protein Power Punch
source of manganese. Super dismu- Are you thinking about reducing
tase disarms free radicals produced your consumption of red meat (sec-
The group who ate the higher fiber within the mitochondria (the facto- ondary protein)? You might try
diet (50 grams/day) had wonderful ries in our cells that produce ener- becoming a fan of the navy bean!
results. They had lower levels of gy). These beans are a good primary pro-
blood sugar (plasma glucose) and tein source. Combine them with a
insulin, the hormone which helps Copper is also necessary for the whole grain, such as whole wheat
the blood sugar get into the cells. activity of the enzyme lysyl oxidase. pasta or brown rice, and they pro-
They also saw improvements in This enzyme is involved in cross- vide more protein than meat. And
their cholesterol levels. The group linking collagen and elastin. Both they don’t contain the high calories,
lowered their total cholesterol by collagen and elastin provide the fluidiums of carcass decay or satu-
almost seven percent, their triglyc- ground substance and flexibility in rated fat found in meat. When you
eride levels dropped by 10.2%, and joints, bones and blood vessels. eat navy beans you get more than an
their Very Low Density Lipoprotein excellent source of protein. You
(VLDL), which is the most danger- As you have read, the primary use gain the additional benefits of blood
ous form of cholesterol, decreased for iron in the body is as part of sugar stabilization and healthy heart
by 12.5%. hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the benefits because of the soluble fiber
molecule which transports and in these marvelous legumes. A cup
Energy and Iron releases oxygen throughout the of navy beans provides a get protein
You know that the navy bean pro- body. But hemoglobin synthesis power punch.
vides slow burning complex carbo- also requires copper. Iron cannot be
hydrates, but did you also know that
they help to replenish you stores of
utilized properly in the red blood NECK PAIN
cells without copper. Lucky for us,
iron? This is particularly important the navy beans engineered by
for women who are menstruating Mother Nature supply both miner- Medi-Sign Target
because they are at risk for iron als. That one little cup of navy Essential Peppermint Oil
deficiency. Navy beans are a pri- beans supplies the body with man-
mary source of iron. Boosting the
Rubbed into Site
ganese, copper and iron too.
iron stores in the body by eating
navy beans is a good idea because Thiamin (Vitamin B1) to Maintain
they are low in calories and virtually Your Memory
fat-free, unlike red meat, which is a Thiamin is critical for brain
source of secondary iron. cell/cognitive function. It also takes
Hemoglobin, which carries oxygen part in enzymatic reactions central
from the lungs to all body cells, to producing energy. Thiamine is
needs iron. Iron is also part of key needed to synthesize acetylcholinem
enzyme systems which produce an important neurotransmitter which

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:40 PM Page 623

What is Neck Pain? injuries. Neck pain may also be • Fatigue, irritability, and sleep
When you feel pain between the top caused by certain medical condi- disturbances
of your shoulders and the bottom of tions, such as an infection in the • Hearing Disturbance
you head, you are experiencing neck neck area, rheumatoid arthritis, or a • Trouble concentration
pain. Sometimes the pain will narrowing of the spinal canal in the
spread to the upper back or arms. It neck known as cervical spinal steno- If you experience long lasting or
may become difficult to move your sis. chronic neck pain, coping with
neck and head freely. These are symptoms of lack of neck everyday life may be difficult.
movement and proper exercise and a Common side effects of chronic

“Take a cue from the wondrous imagination that fills the heart and soul of any child.”
Neck pain is a common problem. diet lacking in whole foods. pain include depression, anxiety and
Older adults experience neck pain fatigue.
more frequently. Approximately Activities That Cause Neck Pain
half of the people over the age of 50 Activities that cause repeated or When neck pain is caused by activi-
have neck pain at one time or anoth- prolonged movement of the neck’s ties, such as a poor sleeping position
er. muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments or computer use, improvement is
or joint are responsible for most possible. When treatment is initiat-
neck pain. These repeated or pro- ed which includes modifying activi-
longed movements can cause a ties, exercising or physical therapy
strain, as an over-stretched or over- and steps to relieve pain, improve-
used muscle, a sprain, which is an ment should be seen within four to
injury to a ligament, spasm of the six weeks.
neck muscles, or neck joint inflam-
mation. Neck pain resulting from injury,
such as a fall resulting in a herniated
These activities include: disc, usually improves without sur-
• Holding your head in an gery in three months or less. Neck
odd position or a forward posi- pain resulting from an injury, such
tion for a long time while talk- as whiplash, usually improves over
ing on the phone, watching TV, a longer period of time.
working or reading Improvement is usually seen within
Causes of Neck Pain six to 12 months. Occasionally the
Neck pain is usually caused by • Resting your forehead on your pain recurs.
movements of the neck muscles, upright fist or are for long periods
tendons, bones, ligaments or joints of time (Imagine the Thinker’s When neck pain occurs with other
that are repeated over an extended Pose) health conditions, it may become
length of time. The result can be a chronic or long-lasting. Some con-
strain, sprain, spasm of the neck • Sleeping on your stomach while ditions which may contribute to this
muscles, or inflammation of the your head is bent or crooked, or are associated with aging. These
neck joints. A strain is an over- sleeping on a pillow that is too flat, include cervical spondylosis, which
stretched or overused muscle. A too high, or just doesn’t properly is arthritis of the neck, and cervical
sprain is an injury to a ligament. If support you head spinal stenosis, which is the narrow-
you are painting a ceiling, for exam-
ple, or slouching, or you sleep with • Work and exercise that involves
your neck twisted, or you stay in the arms and upper body, such as
one position for a long time, you reaching overhead to paint a ceiling
may end up with neck pain. or stock shelves

Neck pain may be caused by an Other Symptoms that May Cause

injury. Whiplash, which occurs in Neck Pain Are:
an automobile accident, and falling • Blurred eyesight or eye fatigue
from a ladder are examples of neck • Dizziness

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:40 PM Page 624

ing of the spinal canal. Chronic warm pack or a heating pad on the home. Engage in muscle relaxing
neck pain may also result from low setting. There are some who exercises. Consider having a mas-
repeated and prolonged movements recommend applying alternating hot sage. Quit smoking; smoking
such as spending long hours in front and cold treatments. decreases the blood supply, which
of a computer. slows the healing process and delays
(See: Arthritis and warm Oatmeal) • To relieve pain and encourage tissue repair. Exercise regularly and
blood flow, gently massage or rub include walking and aerobic exer-
Nerve- related symptoms caused the area. If it causes pain, stop. An cise.
by pressure on the spinal nerve application of helichrysum can do
roots or spinal cord include: wonders. • By paying attention to your body
• A burning feeling when touched mechanics (how you move and hold
on the skin of the arm or and Chronic (long lasting) pain can be yourself), you can help prevent
treated by taking the same pain future neck pain. Pay attention to
• A shock like pain that extends relief measures as used for acute the following:
into the arm or hand pain. The only difference is that
you don’t have to worry about • Avoid slouching or leaning with
• Leg numbness or weakness, and swelling. you head forward. When you sit in
loss of the ability to control urina- a chair, sit straight up with your
tion (bladder control). This occurs There are things you can do to aid lower back supported, relax your
“Financial mastery: create wealth.”

when there is considerable pressure healing in both acute and chronic shoulders and place your feet flat on
or injury to the spinal cord. neck pain and to prevent further the floor. Avoid sitting in one posi-
injury. They include: tion for a long length of time. Take
• Numbness, tingling or weakness short breaks every few minutes and
in the arm or hand • Keep your neck flexible, strong stretch your neck muscles.
and prevent stiffness by doing
For Sudden (acute) Neck Pain: stretching and strengthening exercis- • If you work at a computer sta-
• During the first 24 es for your neck. tion, you can make changes to your
to 48 hours, place an workspace. Adjust the monitor so
ice pack or a cold • Resume your nor- that the top of the screen is at eye
pack on the painful mal daily activities level. Keep your work at the same
muscles. This will and routine as soon as level as the screen by using a docu-
lessen the pain, possible. To heal ment holder.
swelling and muscle faster, research sug-
spasm. If the pain is gests continuing your • If you use the telephone a lot, do
on the upper back or normal routine and not cradle the phone on your shoul-
shoulder, place ice activities after neck- der. Consider using a headset or a
pack on the back of strain injuries helps to speakerphone.
the neck. Or, you heal symptoms faster
may want to try ice than neck immobi- • Make adjustments to the inside
massage. Rub ice lization and time of your car, starting with the seat.
over the painful area away from work. Your seat should be in an upright
for two to seven min- position that supports your head and
utes, until the pain is numbed. • Avoid or change any activities lower back. Position the seat near
that may have caused the neck pain enough to the steering wheel so that
• Hot showers, hot tubs, hot packs to begin, such as working overhead you are not reaching for the wheel
or alcoholic beverages should be with your arms or prolonged com- while you are driving. Your arms
avoided for the first 48 hours after puter work. should be in a comfortable, slightly
an injury, because they might bent position.
increase the swelling. If the • Maintain good health habits.
swelling is gone after 48 to 72 Make an effort to reduce tension • Your neck pillow needs to keep
hours, apply heat. You can use a and stress at work and in your your neck straight. It shouldn’t be

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:40 PM Page 625

too high. It shouldn’t be too flat. It Prunus persica var. nectarine with color and fragrance. Don’t buy
should be just right. There are spe- Family: Rosaceae those that are bruised or
cial cervical support neck pillows, Nectarine: Type of peach blemished, or those that are
called cervical pillows or rolls, with a thin smooth skin hard or too green. If you
which may relieve neck stress. You and firm flesh. purchase nectarines which
can also make a neck support for are not quite ripe yet, just
yourself. Fold a towel lengthwise It’s really strange, but the allow them to sit at
into a pad that is four inches wide. nectarine is never described or room temperature for
Wrap the pad around your neck and even mentioned in the time before a few days and they
position it to provide good neck Christ, but it is mentioned immedi- will ripen. If the
support. Pin it to keep it in place. ately afterwards. The first mention fruit is ripe, it

“What more can I be? What more will I be? Who am I becoming now?”
And try to avoid sleeping on your of nectarines in America was in should be kept under
stomach, when you may twist or 1720, growing between the refrigeration and used
bend your neck. peach trees in Virginia. In within five days.
1857, A.J. Downing regis- Nectarines are wonderful to
• If you read in bed, it is impor- tered 19 nectarine races in bite into and eat right from your
tant to have correct posture. Don’t America. Today, there hand. They can also be used in
use your arms to hold a book up and are many types of nec- salads, desserts, both fresh and
don’t bend your neck forward. tarines grown. cooked and as a garnish for a
Instead, try propping the book up. A variety of dishes. Vitamin A,
wedge-shaped pillow which sup- Most people eat nec- vitamin C and thousands of
ports your arms and keeps your tarines with the skin other nutritional compo-
neck in a neutral position is worth on. nents are contained in
considering. nectarines.
There are types of
• Use proper lifting techniques. nectarines that grow THE BENEFITS
Lift with your knees and legs, not with the pulp attached • They are a
your back, to help prevent neck to the stone, and there moderately good
pain. are types that have the source of beta
pulp loose from the stone. carotene and
• Maintain a healthy body weight The pulp of the nectarine potassium
to help prevent neck pain. ranges in color from white to yellow • They provide moderate amounts
to pulp with red stains. The skin of of vitamin C
NECTARINE nectarines varies in color, from • They are high in pectin, a solu-
dark-red to green. The downy skin ble fiber
of the nectarine is remarkable.
Medi-Sign Target Nectarines and peaches are genetic
The nectarine is a relative of the cousins, although nectarines are
Heart, Muscles & Skin peach. The flesh of the nectarine is sweeter and more nutritious than
sweet, succulent and firmer than their cousin the peach. Named after
that of the peach. A ripe nec- the Greek god Nekter, the juice
tarine has smooth skin, and is from the nectarine came to be called
colored a brilliant golden yel- the “drink of the gods.” Some
low with wonderful blushes describe this juicy fruit as a peach
of red. July and August are with no fuzz.
the peak months for nec-
tarines, but they are available It is a myth that the nectarine is a
from mid-spring to late cross between a peach and a plum.
September. The best nectarine It really is a genetic variant of a
will be just slightly soft to the peach.
touch, and it will look bright

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:40 PM Page 626

Nectarines are high in pectin. Pectin NEOPLASM capable in some specialized func-
(a soluble fiber) helps control blood tions of the tissues where they came
cholesterol levels. The skin of the from, and malignant cells are inva-
nectarine is insoluble fiber, and that sive. They enter into surrounding
Medi-Sign Target
helps to prevent constipation. 21-28 Days on Apples or normal tissue, and then at a later
Grapes time spread by way of the blood and
When a nectarine is peeled or cut, lymph system to other sites.
an enzyme is released that makes Malignant cells metastasize.
Neoplasm, or tumor, is tissue com-
the flesh darken. Even though the
posed of cells that grown in an
browning fruit may not look as
abnormal way. Normal tissue is
appetizing, its flavor and nutritional
growth-limited. The cells that repro-
value remain the same. There are
duce are equal to the cells that die.
ways to prevent the flesh from dis-
After a certain number of cells have
coloring. The fruit can be dipped in
developed, feedback controls limit
an acidic solution, such as one tea-
the cell divisions. This allows
spoon of vinegar diluted in one sup
for tissue repair but not expan-
of water, or tossed with a little
sion. Tumor cells behave less
lemon or lime juice.
responsible to these constraints.
They are able to proliferate to
the point of disrupting tissue
Choose a nectarine that is moderate-
structure, distorting the flow of
ly firm and brightly colored. The
“Maintain your wealth.”

nutrients and doing damage.

fruit is ripe and ready to eat when it
Tumors may be either benign or
gives in to gentle pressure and has a
sweet, fruity fragrance. If the nec-
tarine isn’t ripe, just put it in a
Benign tumors remain localized as a
brown bad and keep it at room tem- Tumors, both malignant and benign,
separate mass. They may be very
perature. In two or three days, it are classified by the type of tissue
different from normal tissue in
should be perfect. Avoid buying or where they are discovered.
arrangement and excessive growth
eating a nectarine that is hard or has Fibromas are neoplasms of fibrous
of cells, but rarely are they fatal.
green skin. It was taken from the connective tissue. Melanomas are
Still, even benign tumors can grow
tree too early, and even though it abnormal growths of melanin (pig-
large enough to interfere with the
will soften, it will never reach its ment) cells.
normal functions of the body.
full sweetness and flavor.
Benign uterine tumors, some of
Carcinomas are malignant tumors
which can weigh as
that originate from epithelial tissue,
much as 50 pounds, are
such as skin, bronchi and stomach.
capable of moving adja-
Adenocarcinomas are malignancies
cent organs. This can
of epithelial glandular tissue. These
cause reproductive and
are found in the colon, prostate and
digestive disorders. The
the breast. Sarcomas are malignant
usual treatment for
growths of connective tissue, such
benign tumors is com-
as muscle, bone, cartilage and
plete surgical removal.
lymph tissue.
The cells of malignant
Malignancies among the white
tumors, (cancers), are
blood cells are known as lym-
different from normal
phomas and leukemias. Malignant
cells in many ways
tissue is classified according to its
other than cell prolifera-
degree of malignancy. Grade one is
tion. They may be less
barely malignant. Grade four is

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:40 PM Page 627

highly malignant. It is hard to Symptoms of Nervous Exhaustion mones may result in weakness and
determine, and sometimes not possi- • Anxiety fatigue. Prolonged high levels of
ble to determine the degree of • Chronic headaches adrenal hormones may result in irri-
malignancy. It is sometimes hard to • Chronic muscle aches table bowel and insomnia. Do you
determine whether a tumor tissue is • Fatigue know people who lie around
malignant or benign. • Inability to concentrate exhausted all day, only to be alert
• Insomnia and lie awake all night? This may
Tumors are not your enemy. They • Irritability and mood swings be caused by another abnormal pat-
house filth from the sludge that is • Irregular bowel syndrome tern which causes daytime fatigue
created by your diet and lifestyle. • Upset stomach and nighttime alertness.
Drink Cabala juice for 21 days to
prove it. Don’t eat or drink any- The Causes of Nervous Exhaustion Apart from spending a few weeks
thing else. When you are finished, Let’s put it in to two simple words – on a secluded beach in a Caribbean
the tumor will be gone. chronic stress. Stress makes your hideaway sipping from an umbrella
(See: Disease: The Mystery body produce adrenal hormones that adorned glass, the treatment for

“Go put your creed into your deed.”

Solved/Cabala Juice) excite your nervous system. It does- adrenal burnout may lie in specific
n’t matter if the stress comes from dietary changes. The B vitamins,
NERVOUS your gossiping sister-in-law or the and the foods in which they are
tax increase notice you find in the found, are most useful in counter-
EXHAUSTION mail, the result is the same. Your acting the effects of stress.
heart rate increases. You become
Medi-Sign Target short of breath and emotionally Fatigue, insomnia, irritability, nerv-
upset. This is your body’s mode of ousness and depression are symp-
self-preservation, and on a short toms of low levels of B vitamin
Blueberries &
term basis it can be a good thing. whole foods, particularly B5 and
Eat Salt Before Bed
B6. If you could be the poster child
Troubles begin when you are expe- for these symptoms, just add the
riencing this type of stress on a effects of stress to them, and you
daily basis. Your mind doesn’t dis- have super-sized your challenges.
tinguish the difference between an

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

annoying relative and a new finan- The B vitamin whole foods are criti-
cial burden. Your body is in a state cally important for proper metabo-
of a continual output of adrenal hor- lism of adrenal hormones and carbo-
mones. High blood pressure, irri- hydrates. These nutrients are impor-
tability and headaches can all be tant in turning sugar into usable
effects of a long-term output of forms of energy.
adrenal hormones. Eventually, the
adrenal glands lose their
“oomph” and you face the
risk of developing severe

In a perfect world, our

body would produce lots of
adrenal hormones in the
morning when we are run-
ning and busy, and then
Nervous exhaustion is a disorder decrease the production by
that leaves you exhausted and evening, allowing us to fall
unable to work. asleep easily. Prolonged
low levels of adrenal hor-

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:40 PM Page 628

There are things you can do to pre- Symptoms of nervousness may Eat foods that are blue, indigo or
vent nervous exhaustion. You can include: violet for 21 days. Eat no other
reduce your intake of processed • An upset, jittery stomach foods. This will calm, soothe and
sugar. It sounds easy until you • Cold or hot flashes heal nerves and release emotional
crave that piece of chocolate cake, • Dizziness or faintness molecules for healing. It is also
but you can do it because you have • Frequent need to is the bathroom good to smell lavender essential oil
a lot to gain. You will notice a big for urination or diarrhea for one minute every two hours and
change in your mood. Increase your • Lack of concentration again just before bedtime.
intake of fresh fruit, nuts and seeds. • Restlessness and agitation
These foods will help to keep your • Sweaty hands, dry mouth and
rapid heartbeat
sugar level even and avoid mood
swings and tension headaches, as
well as supplying loads of whole Each of us has experienced nervous- Medi-Sign Target
food B vitamins. Another wonder- ness at one time or another. When
we are afraid of new situations we
Fasting, Walking &
ful whole food source is nutritional
yeast. find our selves in, we become nerv-
Hot Salt Baths
(See: Feeding Your Emotions) ous. We may experience job pres-
sures, or relationships, or parenting
nervousness issues that make us nervous. In
most instances, the issues resolve
themselves and so does the nervous-
ness associated with them.
“Increase your wealth.”

Sometimes, however, the nervous-

Medi-Sign Target
Tubers & Beans ness begins to affect our ability to
get through the day normally. When
our ability to perform the
normal day’s tasks becomes
difficult, it’s time to ask for
help. That’s what friends
are for. Often talking to a
friend will help us resolve a
situation or find a solution
to or a means of coping
with a problem.

Other causes of nervous-

ness may be related to
medical condition, such
Nervousness is an emotional as:
response to stresses, good, bad or in • Conditions such as anxiety dis-
between. It’s a broad term used to orders, panic attacks or manic
signify many emotions such as episodes
apprehension, uneasiness, nervous- • Medical conditions such as
ness or being tense, afraid, or jumpy seizures, stroke, thyroid or hormone Neuropathy is the disease of the
and edgy. When you hear the terms imbalances nervous system. It is a disturbance
“stage freight,” “the heebie-jee- • Overuse of caffeine or other in the function of a nerve or a par-
bies,” “going to pieces,” or “an stimulants ticular group of nerves. Lots of
attack of nerves,” you are hearing • Side effects of medication people who have had diabetes for
expressions of nervousness. At one • Withdrawal from alcohol or awhile experience nerve damage.
time or another, it happens to all of drugs There are three major types of nerve
us. damage. They are: peripheral neu-

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:40 PM Page 629

ropathy, autonomic neuropathy and damage to the nerves outside the nomic neuropathy requires you to
mononeuropathy. Peripheral neu- spinal cord and brain. keep your blood glucose levels well
ropathy, which mainly affects the Mononeuropathy is caused most controlled by eating plant whole
feet and legs, is the most common often by damage to a local area foods.
form. which is the result of trauma or
injury. Occasionally, systemic dis- There is abnormal conduction of
Neuropathy can decrease a person’s orders may cause isolated nerve nerve impulses from the input (usu-
ability to walk about. It can also damage as with mononeuritis multi- ally peripheral in the extremities) to
lead to disability, amputation and plex. Usually, cases are the result of the spinal cord and brain in all neu-
ulceration of the leg and foot due to direct trauma, prolonged pressure on ropathy and neuropathic pain. The
loss or damage to nerves which feel the nerve or compression of the nerve impulses that originate in the
sensations on the lower limbs. An nerve from swelling or injury to peripheral nerves are processed

“Destiny depends on how you condition your metabolism and muscles.”

increased risk of ulcers exists, due nearby body parts. Included in the abnormally. The result of this is
to the changes that can occur in the destruction are the myelin sheath pain. The terms neuropathy and
biomechanics of the feet and legs. (the covering) of the nerve or the peripheral neuropathy both describe
A diabetic person who has neuropa- axon (part of the nerve cell). This the same process. Neuropathy can
thy doubles their risk of having an damage prevents or impedes the cause bizarre and very unpleasant
extremity amputated. impulses from being conducted sensations in the affected area.
through the nerve. These may include tingling or
Peripheral neuropathy is numbness (paresthesia), burn-
the general term used in ing sensations (causalgia),
referring to disorders of unpleasant burning, crawling,
peripheral nerves. The tingling, numb sensations or
nerves that branch out itching (dysesthesia).
from the spinal cord to all Neuropathy can cause plain,
parts of the body make up simple pain.
the peripheral nervous
system. The three main The pain associated with neu-
parts of the peripheral ropathy can be very intense.
nerve cell are the cell People may describe the pain
body, axons and den- as burning, crushing, shooting,
drites. Although any part stabbing, cutting, grinding or
of the nerve can be affect- gnawing. Something as soft as
ed, the most common is a feather being drawn across
damage to the axons. The the skin may be thought to be
axons transmit signals excruciating in some cases.
between nerve cells. Most axons Autonomic neuropathy effect nerves Non painful stimuli may produce
are surrounded by myelin, a sub- of body parts that we cannot con- perceived pain, and in some cases,
stance which helps signal transmis- sciously control. Most often affect- pain may be felt with no stimulus at
sion. Peripheral neuropathy can be ed is the digestive system. The all. If a motor nerve has experi-
directly linked to poor nutrition, intestine and stomach, blood ves- enced a problem for a length of
trauma or pressure and a number of sels, heart and urinary system are time, atrophy (or muscle shrinkage),
diseases. There are many people especially affected. Autonomic neu- or lack of muscle tone may become
who suffer from peripheral neuropa- ropathy can affect the return of nor- noticeable. Autonomic nerve dam-
thy who are never able to have the mal blood sugars following a hypo- age can occur and is very noticeable
cause identified. glycemia episode. The ability to when a person stands up and
sense low blood sugars frequently becomes light headed or experiences
Mononeuropathy involves the dam- results from this type of nerve dam- changes in blood pressure. Lack of
age or destruction of an isolated age. It can also affect the nerves sweat, tears and saliva, urinary
nerve or group of nerves. It’s a type that control the muscles of the eyes retention and impotence are all indi-
of peripheral neuropathy which is and sex organs. Prevention of auto- cators of autonomic nerve damage.

N_ rev_2006-1.qxp 11/29/06 2:40 PM Page 630

ing occurs: Excess sugar circulating whole food fiber intake on a daily
in the body interacts with an basis.

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