Pearl Harbour Questions

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Weedflower Research Questions

Pearl Harbour

1. Where is Pearl Harbour?

2. What event took place at Pearl Harbour on 7th December 1941? Describe it.
3. What led to the attack on Pearl Harbour?
4. Explain the scale of destruction? How many Americans died at Pearl Harbour? In
addition to the lives lost, what other damage resulted from the Pearl Harbour
5. How did the USA react?
6. President Franklin D Roosevelt in his address to Congress on 8th December said,
“Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States
of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the
Empire of Japan.” What does he mean by ‘a date which will live in infamy’?
7. What were some of the outcomes of the Pearl Harbour attack? What role do you
think Roosevelt played in leading the nation during this era?
8. Explain the Executive Order 9066.
9. Why do you think President Roosevelt gave authorization to round up Japanese
Americans suspected of being traitors and, later, ordered the construction of
internment camps? What do you think about this decision?
10. Research about the internment camps where the Japanese Americans were held.
Where were these camps located? Describe the living conditions and medical
facilities that existed.
11. How did the Japanese Americans make the camps self-sufficient?
12. Not only were the constitutional rights of the Japanese Americans violated but many
of their basic rights as human beings too. Think about the disruptions that were
caused to their normal day to day life prior to the Pearl Harbour attack. List down at
least five or more ways in which lives changed for them after their subsequent

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