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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

9 February 2020 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A



n this 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Jesus challenges us to be “the
light of the world.” If we want to be real disciples of him who is,
“the Light of the world,” our consciences have to be clear and
transparent; our behavior must have the refulgence of love, honesty,
purity, respect, and sincerity . . . Our life then will become bright and
meaningful as we become ever-more Christ-like. Let us ask the Lord to
enable us to let our light shine in this world darkened by sin, by proclaim-
ing the Gospel with our words and deeds.
Let us remember that February is “PRO-LIFE MONTH.” We are all
called to appreciate and protect life. In this Eucharistic celebration let us remember with admiration
and gratitude all those who are involved in the “Pro-Life Movement” which bravely opposes the numer-
ous assaults against life.

All –Lord, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-

P –Lord Jesus, you enjoined gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
your disciples to be light of God, Son of the Father, you take
the world through the holi- away the sins of the world, have
Entrance Antiphon ness of our behavior, but mercy on us; you take away the
(To be recited only when no Entrance we often sandalize others sins of the world, receive our
Hymn is sung.) through our bad examples. prayer; you are seated at the right
O come, let us worship God Christ, have mercy! hand of the Father, have mercy
and bow low before the God All –Christ, have mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
who made us, for he is the Lord P –Lord God, you are the One, you alone are the Lord, you
our God. source of our life and joy, alone are the Most High, Jesus
but we often fail to be the Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
Greeting same to our neighbor. Lord, in the glory of God the Father.
P –Blessed be the Lord, the light have mercy!
All –Lord, have mercy! Amen!
and life of the world. May His
grace and peace be with you all! P –May almighty God have
All –And with your spirit! Collect (Opening Prayer)
mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
Penitential Act and bring us to everlasting life. P –Keep your family safe, O
All –Amen! Lord, with unfailing care, that,
P –As we begin this Eucha- relying solely on the hope of
ristic celebration, let us call to Gloria
mind our sins especially the sins heavenly grace, they may be de-
against life. (Pause) All –Glory to God in the high- fended always by your protec-
est, and on earth peace to people tion.
P – Lord Jesus, you enjoined
your disciples to be salt of of good will. We praise you, Through our Lord Jesus
the earth with the wisdom we bless you, we adore you, we Christ, your Son, who lives and
of our thoughts, but we of- glorify you, we give you thanks reigns with you in the unity of
ten follow the foolishness for your great glory, Lord God, the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
of materialism. Lord, have heavenly King, O God, almighty and ever.
mercy! Father. All –Amen!
* He shall never be moved; P –A proclamation from the
the just one shall be in ever- holy Gospel according to
lasting remembrance. An evil Matthew
report he shall not fear; his All – Glory to you, O Lord!
1st Reading Is 58:7-10 heart is firm, trusting in the Jesus said to his disciples:
In a world darkened by sin, Lord. R. “You are the salt of the earth.
virtuous acts are like a source But if salt loses its taste, with
* His heart is steadfast; he
of light. In today’s passage, the what can it be seasoned? It is
shall not fear. Lavishly he gives
prophet Isaiah proclaims with no longer good for anything
to the poor; his justice shall
clarity the “deeds of light” that but to be thrown out and tram-
endure forever; his horn shall
are more pleasing to the Lord pled underfoot.
be exalted in glory. R.
and the wonderful fruits that You are the light of the
such a behavior will produce. world. A city set on a mountain
2nd Reading 1 Cor 2:1-5
R – A proclamation from the Paul’s preaching in Corinth cannot be hidden. Nor do they
Book of the Prophet Isaiah was characterized by simplic- light a lamp and then put it
ity of presentation, focus on the under a bushel basket; it is set
Thus says the Lord: on a lampstand, where it gives
“Share your bread with the crucified Christ, and trust in the
power of the Holy Spirit. This is light to all in the house. Just so,
hungry, shelter the oppressed your light must shine before
and the homeless; clothe the what he recalls in the passage we
are about to hear proclaimed for others, that they may see your
naked when you see them, and good deeds and glorify your
do not turn your back on your our edification and imitation.
heavenly Father.”
own. R – A proclamation from the
Then your light shall break First Letter of Paul to the The Gospel of the Lord!
forth like the dawn, and your Corinthians All –Praise to you, Lord Jesus
wound shall quickly be healed; Christ!
When I came to you, broth-
your vindication shall go be- Homily
ers and sisters, proclaiming the
fore you, and the glory of the
mystery of God, I did not come Profession of Faith
Lord shall be your rear guard.
with sublimity of words or of (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
Then you shall call, and the
wisdom. For I resolved to know All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
Lord will answer; you shall cry
nothing, while I was with you, ther almighty, maker of heaven
for help, and he will say: ‘Here
except Jesus Christ, and him and earth, of all things visible
I am!’ If you remove from your
crucified. and invisible.
midst oppression, false accu-
I came to you in weakness I believe in one Lord Jesus
sation and malicious speech;
and fear and much trembling, Christ, the Only Begotten Son
if you bestow your bread on
and my message and my proc- of God, born of the Father be-
the hungry and satisfy the af-
lamation were not with persua- fore all ages. God from God,
flicted, then light shall rise for
sive words of wisdom, but with Light from Light, true God from
you in the darkness, and the
a demonstration of Spirit and true God, begotten, not made,
gloom shall become for you like
power, so that your faith might consubstantial with the Father;
rest not on human wisdom but through him all things were
The Word of the Lord! on the power of God. made. For us men and for our
All –Thanks be to God! salvation he came down from
The Word of the Lord!
All –Thanks be to God! heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
Responsorial Psalm Ps 112 Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
R –The just man is a light in Gospel Acclamation Jn 8:12 gin Mary, and became man.*
darkness to the upright! For our sake he was crucified
All –Alleluia! Alleluia! under Pontius Pilate, he suf-
“I am the light of the fered death and was buried, and
world,” says the Lord; rose again on the third day in
“whoever follows me will accordance with the Scriptures.
have the light of life.” He ascended into heaven and is
Alleluia! Alleluia! seated at the right hand of the
Father. He will come again in
Gospel Mt 5:13-16 glory to judge the living and the
Soon after having pro- dead and his kingdom will have
claimed the Beatitudes, Jesus no end.
challenged his disciples to be I believe in the Holy Spirit,
* Light shines through the “salt of the earth” and “light of the Lord, the giver of life, who
darkness for the upright; he is the world.” Such is the mission proceeds from the Father and
gracious and merciful and just. he assigns to us today. the Son, who with the Father
Well for the man who is gra- and the Son is adored and glori-
cious and lends, who conducts P –The Lord be with you! fied, who has spoken through
his affairs with justice. R. All –And with your spirit! the prophets.

9 February 2020
I believe in one, holy, cath- All –May the Lord accept the proclaim your Death, O
olic and apostolic Church. I sacrifice at your hands, for the Lord, until you come
confess one Baptism for the praise and glory of his name, again!
forgiveness of sins and I look for our good and the good of all
forward to the resurrection of his holy Church.
the dead and the life of the world
to come. Amen! Prayer over the Offerings
P –O Lord our God, who once
Prayer of the Faithful established these created things All – Our Father . . .
P –Being a real disciple of the to sustain us in our frailty, P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
Lord and an apostle is not easy, grant, that they may become for All –For the kingdom, the
for we are expected to live the us now the Sacrament of eternal power, and the glory are
Gospel to the full. Aware of our life. yours, now and for ever.
weakness, we pray: Through Christ our Lord.
All – Lord, make us salt of the All –Amen! Sign of Peace
earth and light of the Breaking of the Bread
world! Preface I
C –That the Church may remain All – Lamb of God, you take
true to herself and zealously ac- P –The Lord be with you! away the sins of the world: have
All –And with your spirit! mercy on us. (2×)
complish the mission entrusted
P –Lift up your hearts! Lamb of God, you take
to her by Jesus, let us pray! R. All –We lift them up to the away the sins of the world:
C –That the Pope, the bishops, Lord! grant us peace.
the priests may constantly con- P –Let us give thanks to the
firm us in our effort to live as real Lord our God! Communion
disciples of Christ, let us pray! R. All –It is right and just!
P –Behold the Lamb of God,
C –That all educators may in- P –It is truly right and just, our behold him who takes away the
still in their students respect for duty and our salvation, always sins of the world. Blessed are
the sacredness of human life and everywhere to give you those called to the Supper of the
from the moment of conception thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- Lamb.
until death, let us pray! R. mighty and eternal God, through All – Lord, I am not worthy
C –That all parents may value Christ our Lord. that you should enter under my
the gift of children, and raise For through his Paschal roof, but only say the word and
them with a sense of responsi- Mystery, he accomplished the my soul shall be healed.
bility to be good Christians and marvelous deed, by which he
honest citizens, let us pray! R. has freed us from the yoke of Communion Antiphon
C –That all pregnant women sin and death, summoning us to (To be recited only when no
who are tempted to abort their the glory of being now called a Communion Hymn is sung.)
child may realize the gravity of chosen race, a royal priesthood,
Let them thank the Lord for
this crime and may be open to the a holy nation, a people for your
his mercy, his wonders for the
alternative of giving their child own possession; to proclaim ev-
children of men, for he satisfies
for adoption, let us pray! R. erywhere your mighty works, for
the thirsty soul, and the hun-
you have called us out of dark-
C –Let us pray in silence for our gry he fills with good things.
ness into your own wonderful
personal intentions. (Pause)
Let us pray! R. Prayer after Communion
And so, with Angels and
P –Lord Jesus, true light of the Archangels, with Thrones and P –O God, who have willed
world, strengthen our determi- Dominions, and with all the that we be partakers in the one
nation to fulfill our task of be- hosts and Powers of heaven, we Bread and the one Chalice, grant
ing salt of the earth and light sing the hymn of your glory, as us, we pray, so to live that, made
of the world. Sustain us in our without end we acclaim: one in Christ, we may joyfully
endeavor to follow your example All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God bear fruit for the salvation of the
and thereby overcome the moral of hosts. Heaven and earth are world.
darkness of sin. full of your glory. Hosanna in Through Christ our Lord.
You who live and reign for the highest! All –Amen!
ever and ever. Blessed is he who comes in
All –Amen!
the name of the Lord. Hosanna
in the highest!

Memorial Acclamation P –The Lord be with you.

P –The mystery of faith! All –And with your spirit!
Preparation of the Gifts All –When we eat this Bread P –Bow your heads and pray
P –Pray, brethren . . . and drink this Cup, we for God’s blessing. (Pause)

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)

May the Lord make you salt shines forth in the midst of All –Amen!
of the earth in a society that so much corruption.
has lost the appreciation of All –Amen! P –May almighty God bless
you: the Father, and the
the values that really mat- P –May He empower you to Son, and the Holy Spirit.
ter. defend and promote human All –Amen!
All –Amen! life against all attempts to
P –May the Lord enable you destroy it through abortion, P –Go in peace, glorifying the
to be light of the world euthanasia, terrorism, and Lord by your life!
through a behavior that other forms of violence. All – Thanks be to God!

The Call to Be Salt of the Earth

and Light of the World
by Jess P. Balon

o be “a light to the nations” was an essential life well spent.
aspect of the mission of the Messiah. (See The challenge to be (become) “salt of the
Is 42:6 and 49:6.) Jesus Christ fulfilled this earth” and “light of the world” is addressed to all
prophecy through his words, attitudes, and ac- the baptized and not just the members of the clergy
tions in such a way that in all truth he could and the religious. The Second Vatican Council De-
claim: “I am the light of the world” (Jn 8:12 and cree “Apostolicam Actuositatem” (On the Aposto-
9:5). late of the Laity) has reminded all believers about
We understand and gratefully accept all this. this very important truth and task.
But when we hear him say to his disciples: “You The Gospel foundation and practical implica-
are the salt of the earth . . . You are the light of the tions of this truth were discussed during the Synod
world,” we know that he was not stating a fact, but of Bishops held on 1-30 October 1987, and were
was giving them a mission. He was describing masterfully presented by Pope John Paul II in his
what all his disciples – in all times and places – Apostolic Exhortation “Christifideles Laici” (The Lay
should strive to become. Faithful).
St. Paul understood this perfectly. That is why The Second Plenary Council of the Philippines
he reminded his converts that, since they were (PCP II), in 1991, picked up the Pope’s appeal to
“children of light and of the day,” they should be- have the laity fully involved in the life and mission
have accordingly. (See 1 Thes 5:5.12-22.) of the Church and listed the lay faithful as the
The mission entrusted by Jesus to his disci- first “workers of renewal” (See Acts & Decrees
ples and the exhortation of St. Paul are as valid of PCP II, pp. 139-154.)
today as they were two thousand years ago. In 1999, the CBCP issued a Pastoral Letter
If we want to be real disciples of Christ, our con- titled “Landas ng Pagpapakabanal” (The Filipino
sciences and behavior must have the refulgence of Way to Holiness) which outlined the religious and
Christ’s love, honesty, purity, respect, sincerity . . cultural values through which all Filipinos – each
.. in his/her own way – can attain holiness.
Then even other people’s lives will take on Nineteen years later (in 2018), the Holy Father
meaning and brightness too, because our authen- Pope Francis issued the wonderful Apostolic Ex-
tic Christian life will have become an inspiration for hortation “Gaudete et Exsultate” (Rejoice and Be
all those who live in a world darkened by sin in its Glad!) on the universal call to holines in today’s
many forms. world.
Becoming the light of the world is a chal- With such authoritative exhortations and the
lenge worth accepting and living up to. If we abundance of sources and means to attain such a
persevere in this effort, at the end of our life, the sublime result, we are, indeed, immensely fortunate
Lord himself will declare in all truth: “You have done and well equipped. All of us are called to be saints.
your best to be the salt of the earth and the light of All of us can do that. Kayang-kaya! Hence, let us
the world!” That will be a wonderful synthesis of a do it!

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