Amazon Case Study Solution q3,4

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1) Proper IT Infrastructure: Even though, Amazon has implemented a satisfactory

Management Information systems in their business processes, there are some lacking they need

to overcome. The solid IT infrastructure will provide them with more efficient data transfer and

connect their MIS- tools to fullest potential. Amazon needs to rely on third party Information

infrastructure and network service providers like Cisco, 128 Technology, and Apstra. This will

give Amazon efficient and reliable IT resources that can cut cost and give superior service;

Which may be very good competitive advantage in competitive market.

2) Enhanced Cyber Security: Cyber threats are becoming more and more common and many

online customers fear the possibilities of Data theft and Identity theft. However, Amazon can

provide a strong, multilayer, distributed, and consistent Cyber safety tools and prevent

cybercrime. Amazon must implement the multi-layer Data-Encryption method and multilayer

password to ensure the safety of the data of the customers. Amazon needs to keep their servers

and other confidential server deep monitoring zone to ensure no hard data theft can be made.

3) Adapting New Technologies: Amazon needs to Implement newer and state of the art

technologies to help their business. Newer technologies sometimes causes problems in terms of

operational excellence. Good and trained IT workers will solve the problem in the coming years.

4) Adapting and Implementing AI-suite: Artificial Intelligence is at the time, apex of human

creation in information technology world. It can provide Amazon with best business core

competency but they need to make sure they can handle the process and bear the expenses. AI
malfunctions and a rouge AI can cost billions. They must follow the conventions and proper law

of ethics and backup of their systems to be prepared in worst case scenarios.

Q 4:

Management Information Systems has helped Amazon to create their business in first place.

Without MIS, Amazon could not be able to achieve a good DBMS, distributed and functional

data transfer between their business processes. MIS had streamlined their business modules and

cut the cost of many fields. Gave operational excellence in the delivery system. Amazon has

unique customer data and website preferences which could not be possible without investing in

MIS. Also MIS is providing software, hardware and customer data security for the good of their

business. In terms of office tools, MIS has been helpful to finding out the business problems,

market data analysis, solid data and data mining process to make their business more competitive

in the competitive digital market. To conclude, MIS is the backbone of the Amazon’s business.

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