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144 câu thành ngữ tiếng Việt về động vật

1. The bird has flown;

2. Free as a bird;
3. A bird of passage;
4. Bird's eye view;
5. Crow's-nest;
6. Eat like a bird;
7. For the birds;
8. The early bird catches the worm;
9. A little bird told me;
10. Birds of a feather (flock together);
11. Fine feathers do not make fine birds;
12s. A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush;
13. Kill two birds with one stone;
14. A rare bird; As the crow flies;
15. Go the way of the dodo;
16. Hawk-eyed;
17. As happy as a lark;
18. A magpie;
19. As proud as a peacock;
20. Stool pigeon;
21. Swan song;
22. Nine lives of a cat;
23. A cool cat;
24. A fat cat;
25. A catnap;
26. Looked like the cat that ate the canary;
27. Grin like a Cheshire cat;
28. Look like something the cat dragged in;
29. Like a cat on hot bricks;
30. Like herding cats;
31. Has the cat got your tongue;
32. Curiosity kills the cat;
33. Let the cat out of the bag;
34. More than one way to skin a cat;
35. Set a cat among the pigeons;
36. No room to swing a cat;
37. Bell the cat;
38. The cat’s pyjamas (or whiskers);
39. Have kittens;
40. Fight like cat and dog;
41. Raining cats and dogs;
42. When the cat's away,
43. the mice will play;
44. Playing cat and mouse;
45. Face like a bulldog's;
46. Work like a dog;
47. Dog tired;
48. Sick as a dog;
49. Lead a dog's life;
50. Treat somebody like a dog;
51. Every dog has its day;
52. In the doghouse;
53. Love me, love my dog;
54. Top dog;
55. Underdog;
56. Gone to the dogs;
57. Why keep a dog and bark yourself;
58. A barking dog never bites;
59. His bark is worse than his bite;
60. Let sleeping dogs lie;
61. Dog eat dog;
62. Call off the dogs;
63. A dog in the manger;
64. You can't teach an old dog new tricks;
65. The tail wagging the dog;
66. If you lie down with dogs,
67. you will get up with fleas;
68. Put on the dog;
69. A dog and pony show;
70. Drink like a fish;
71. Swim like a fish;
72. Fish out of the water;
73. A pretty kettle of fish;
74. Other fish to fry;
75. Not the only fish in the sea;
76. Fishing in troubled waters;
77. Fishing for a compliment;
78. A red herring;
79. Packed like sardines;
80. A loan shark;
81. A whale of a time;
82. Happy as a clam (at high tide);
83. Clam up;
84. Slippery as an eel;
85. The world is his oyster;
86. Sly as a fox;
87. Crazy like a fox;
88. Like the fox guarding the chicken coop;
89. A lone wolf; Keep the wolf from the door;
90. Wolf in sheep's clothing;
91. To wolf down;
92. Hungry as a bear;
93. A bear market;
94. Gruff as a bear;
95. Horse sense;
96. Horse around;
97. Horseplay;
98. Eat like a horse;
99. Eat a horse;
100. Back the wrong horse;
101. A dark horse;
102. Straight from the horse's mouth;
103. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth;
104. Put the cart before the horse;
105. Lock the stable door after the horse has bolted;
106. Get on one's high horse;
107. Horse of a different colour;
108. Hold one's horses;
109. You can take a horse to the water but you can't make it drink;
110. Change horses in midstream
111. Get on one's hobby horse;
112. Flog a dead horse;
113. Ants in one's pants;
114. Have a bee in one's bonnet;
115. Make a beeline for;
116. Put a bug in someone's ear;
117. Bug someone;
118. Bug-eyed;
119. Don't let bed bugs bite;
120. Snug as a bug in a rug;
121. Have butterflies in my stomach;
122. Flea in one's ear;
123. As happy as a flea in a doghouse;
124. A flea market;
125. Would not hurt a fly;
126. Fly in the ointment;
127. Fly on the wall;
128. Knee-high to a grasshopper;
129. Mad as a hornet;
130. Stir up a hornet's nest;
131. Like a moth to a flame;
132. A barrel of monkeys;
133. Monkey business;
134. Monkey see, monkey do;
135. Make a monkey of;
136. Throw a monkey wrench into;
137. Sweat like a pig;
138. Pigs might fly;
139. Pig out;
140. Hogwash;
141. Live high off the hog;
142. Casting pearls before swine;
143. Make a pig's ear of;
144. Squirrel away

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