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Hostel Life: Not Suitable for All (Title)

I. Introduction
A. Thesis statement: Hostel life introduces students to maturity and helps them
become more involved in the university community, however, due to certain
disadvantages, home life might be more suitable for others.

II. Body Paragraph #1 (Merit)

A. Topic Sentence: Hostel life allows for students to taste maturity.
B. Supporting detail #1
1. Developing the sense of responsibility and personality (example: time
management for completing daily works, confidence growing, active, etc.)
C. Supporting detail #2
1. Forces them to perform daily acts alone as opposed to having parents do it
for them (examples: handling money, ironing, arranging clothes etc.)
D. Supporting detail #3
1. Students often mimic the opinions of their parents so hostel life will allow
them to form their own opinions (examples: political opinions, career
choices, etc.)

III. Body Paragraph #2 (Merit)

A. Topic Sentence: Hostel life ensures that students are on campus at all times which
means they have easier access to university activities and are overall more
involved in the university community.
B. Supporting detail #1
1. They are more inclined to join or attend university activities (examples:
festivals, join clubs)
C. Supporting detail #2
1. Students live with and interact with others from across the country which
results in a more significant exchange of ideas (example: student from
rural area living with student from the city)
D. Supporting detail #3
1. Since students share the same living space and experiences, they create
more formidable friendships.

IV. Body Paragraph #3 (Demerit)

A. Topic sentence:Despite the multitude of merits in hostel life, there are some
demerits that might make home life more appealing and suitable for certain
B. Supporting detail #1
1. Some political works and ragging in hostel create detrimental impacts.
C. Supporting detail #2
1. Students can become distracted from their regular studies.
D. Supporting detail #3
1. Under the influence of bad company, students can move towards bad

V. Conclusion:
A. Concluding line:Due to the various merits and demerits of hostel life, students
must decide for themselves whether they are more suitable to live on campus or
commute from home.

"The merits and demerits of Hostel life"

Hostel life introduces students to maturity and helps them become more involved in the
university community, however, due to certain disadvantages, home life might be more suitable
for others.

The first advantage of hostel life is that it allows for students to taste maturity. For example, it
plays an important role in developing the sense of responsibility and personality of a student. The
students who live in hostel become more confident, self-dependent and active. It helps them to
become more responsible about their time management for completing daily works. Moreover,
hostel life forces them to perform daily acts alone as opposed to having parents do it for them.
For instance, students living in hostel themselves wash and arrange their clothes, clean their
reading space and also handle their money. Sometimes they cook food for eating. Students often
mimic the opinions of their parents so hostel life will allow them to form their own opinions. For
example, they can join any political organisation and express their views. They able to make
their own decisions and choose their career choice also. So, living in hostel, a student can be
responsible, well behaved, self dependent and matured which change his life in positive way.

Another advantage of hostel life is it ensures that students are on campus at all times which
means they have easier access to university activities and are overall more involved in the
university community. Living in hostel, they can go their classes easily. And also they are more
inclined to join or attend university activities like festivals, competitions etc. Again,Students live
with and interact with others from across the country which results in a more significant
exchange of ideas. For example, student from rural area living with student from the city can
exchange their ideas which can improve their attitude also. Since students share the same living
space and experiences, they create more formidable friendships. They can help each other, study
together, do their tasks by sharing opinions and their friendship help them to forget their sorrows

Lastly, despite the multitude of merits in hostel life, there are some demerits that might make
home life more appealing and suitable for certain students. Some dirty political works and
ragging in hostel causes detrimental effects on student lives. Some students who have political
power tortures the other students and sometimes commit killing also. Senior students practice
ragging also and disturb the junior students. Again, students can become distracted from their
regular studies. Sometimes it is difficult to concentrate on studies in the hostel atmosphere that is
full of youth and fun. Some students waste their time in enjoyment and joking and sleep late.
Sleeping late may hamper concentration in class on the next day. Also under the influence of bad
company, students can move towards bad work like smoking, drugs, drinking etc and these can
harm their lives.

To sum up, hostel life makes a student more discipline, capable for work, adaptive, matured and
competent also and sometimes it makes the students annoying, drug addicted, victim of torture
or ragging too. So hostel life has both merits and demerits and whether it should be praised or
cursed depends on the students. Thus, due to the various merits and demerits of hostel life,
students must decide for themselves whether they are more suitable to live on campus or
commute from home.

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