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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 12097-2 Fst eaition TMH Road vehicles — Airbag components — Part 2: Testing of airbag modules Véhicules routiers — Composants des sacs gonflables — Partie 7° Fssais ces modules de sac gontiable 180 12097-2:1996(E) Contents 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Definitions 4 General test conditions 4:1 Purpose of environmental testing 42 Test sequence 43 Measurements and test report 4A Test programme 5 Environmental testing 5.1 Drop test 5.2 Mechanical impact test 53 Dust test 5.4 Simultancuus vibration (einerature Lest 55 Thermal humisity cycling test 5.6 Solt epray test 5.7 Solar radiation simulation test 5.8 Tomporaturo chock toct, 6 Performance testing 6.1 Static deployment test 62 Tank test 63 Bag test © 130 1896 AM ight Page 0 “ “ 8 6 wed Unless otherwise spectied, no part of this publeaton may bo egruduced or uized inary form or by afV Means, elecvonio of mechanical incudia Photccoaying and miratien, without permission n writing fern the publcnor Intemational Organization for Standariaton Case Postal 56 « Cr+ 1211 Genove 70 Sitting Prone i Sterns 1s ISO 12097-2:1996(E) Annexes A Determination of temperature build up time tg 7 B__ Origin of environmental test procedures 19 © Bibliography = 20 iso Foreword SO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide fed- ~ration of national standards bodies (ISO momiber bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO Technical cammitteas Fach mamher hody interested in a subject for Which a technical committee has been established has tha right to he represented om thal cortiniltee, International organizations, governmental end non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the Internationel Electrotechnical Commission IEC) on all mattors of oloctrotechnical etandardization, Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Intarnational Standard requires approval by al least 75 % of the member bodies casting avote. International Standard ISO 12097-2 was prepared by Technical Com mittees ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 12, Restraint sys- tems 80 12097 consists of the following parts. under the general title Road vehicles — Airbag components: — Part 1: Vocabulary — Part 2: Testing of airbag modules = Part: Tasting of inflator assembies Annex A forms an integral part of this pert of ISO 12097. Annexes B and C {are for information only. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ©1SO ISO 12097-2:1996(E) Road vehicles — Airbag components — Part Testing of airbag modules 1 Scope ‘This part of 'SO 12097 establishes uniform test methods ‘and specifies environmental procedures and require- ‘ments for aitbag modules in road vehicles. Part 3 of ISO 12097 covers testing of inflator assemblies. 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of 1S 12097. At the time of publication, the editions indiceted were valid. all standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this, part of ISO 12097 are encouraged to investigate the possibilty of applying the most recent editions af the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid Intemational Stan: aids. 180 6487:1987, Road vehicles — Measurement tech piques in impact tests — Instrumentation. ISO 17108-1-— 0, Hoad venules — Jest dust tor titer evaluation — Part |: Arizona test aust. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this part of ISO 12097, the defi- nitions given in IS 1709/-1 and the following defi- nitions appv. 3.1. aitbag module: Assembly consisting of at least ten inflator easembly and @ bag with a cover, if appli- cable. 1) To bo published. 3.1.1. driver airbag module: Airbag module which is ‘normally installed in the steering wheel 3.1.2 front passenger airbag module: Aichag mod- tle which is normally installed ahead of the front seat passenger. 3.2 unexposed sample: Tost sample not subjected to environmental testing. (Also referred to as base- Ine.) 3.3. exposed sampl vironmental testing, fest sample subjected to en- 3.4 intact: State of the test sample, after completion of the test, in which the sample is sufficiently undam- aged to enable the test sequence to continue 4 General test conditions firing of the airbag during any of the tests di scribed in this part of ISO 12097. Appropriate pre- cautions should therefore be taken both in terms vf handling the module and in terns vf the desi of test equipment. 4.1 Purpose of environmental testing Environmental tests simulate the effects of environ mental loads on the airbag module with respect to its functional behaviour and service life. The tests are based on the typical life cycle of an air- bag module covering shipping, storage, mounting into the vehicle and operation. maintenance, and repair of the vehicle ISO 12097-2:1996(E) ‘The complete environmental test programme ss cam posed of individual test methods which simulate automobile related influences such as mectanical shocks and vibration, heat and cold, humidity, sun- light, dust and corrosive agents. Simulating the total service ie may require more severe Test levels than those saan in real wind eon- itions to accelerate ageing and degradation pro- The environmental test programme for airbag mod ules as specified in this part of ISO 12097 shall be a minimum requirement to ensure the ventication of environmental robustness, Table 1 gives an overview of the complete test pro- gromme opplied to 10 identical test sempies. lable 2 lists the performance tests which shall bo applied to 10 exposed samples and additionally to nine unexposed samples, e180 42 Test sequence Itis imperative that the sequence of the tests, Nos. 1, 2.3.8, 7 and 8, is in accordance with tahla 1. The se ‘uence of tests 4 and 5 may be reversed if required ‘The test purpose and sequience are based on life cycle considerations and on possible tallure mechanisms which are described in 4.2.1 104.26. 4.2.4. Tho drop tost and the mechanical impact test reflect handling, transportation and mounting which ‘occur mainly during an early stage ofthe ife cycle, 42.2 Dust may penetrate during all phases of the ine cycle, tis important tu catty out the dust test before the vibration test because of the damaging effect of abracive particles. However, the dust test is per formed after the mechanical impact test which can cause fissures, cracks and sealing damages, Table 1 — Airbag module environmental test programme ‘Sample number Test No. Test ‘Subelause Exposed samples Unexposed samples afz}3}als]e|7[ sf 9 r0}11] 12] 13] 14] 15] 16] 17] 19] 19 1 [Drop test 1 [x] x] x] «| x] x] x] x 2 | Mechanical impact test at 52 35°C x| x] xf x} x] x] x] « 23°C x|x|xfxl x] x] x] x 526 xf ef xf sf | |e 5c 8 [Dust toat ca [x] x]x[«[alalala 4 | simuttaneous vibration 3a 1x{x[x|x]x]x]x]« temperature tost 5 [thermal humidity cycing test] 55 [|x| x[x[=[=[x]x 6 _| Sak speay test 50 [x[alx[ x] x] x] «| « 7_|Solar radiation simulation test] 57 x]= 8 [Temperature shock tost 58 x ‘Table 2— Performance test programme ‘Sample number Test No, Test Subelause, Exposed samples Unexposed sarnples tfz{a{a]sfol7]s| afro} if iz} rs] ral 15] 16] 17] 15) 19 1 | Stan denlayment test at a °C x x] |x] 23°¢ x x]x 85°C x|x x xix 2 | Tanktestat 02 95°C x 85°C x Bag test 63 a[x x ‘Share units = xp x e1so. 4.2.3 The simultaneous vibration temperature test simulates the combined action of vibration and ter perature which occurs during the life cycle. Dynamic loads during driving can be described as broadbend random vibrations. Additionally, increased vibration levels occur at several characteristic frequency ranges. Dynamic Inads may calise damage due to friction. abrasion. fatigue. and other effects. Iris im- portant to apply vibrations lo the lest sarivle al var fous temperatures, as many of the materials, ‘opecially polymers, have mechonical properties which vary with temperature. A simultanoous vi bration/temperature regime simulates the real vehicle enviranment 4.2.4 The thermal humidity cycling test simulates changing climatic influences with special emphasis on the penetration of water into the module during periods when the airbag module temperaturo is bolow the dewspoint temperature of the ambient air. This test can cause electrical failures, material swelling shrinking, corrosion and fouling due to biodegradation. 425 Salt spray is an accelerating agent for any kind ‘of chemical alteration, especially for corrosion. The salt epray test ie used to identify compatibility of tho airbag module materials. 4.2.6 The solar radiation simulation test and the tem- perature Shuck test seive do determine the ageing behaviour of polymer parts, in their original installation ‘equipment and types of mounting. Complex groups of componente are used, and it is theroforo suitable to establish the reciprocal effects of various materials within a component, or between several components. ‘This test is used to evaluate changes in all he charac- teristics relevant to use and the consequences of various thermal expansions through the effects of synthetic global iradiation, heeticold and humicity. 4.3. Measurements and test report Tho following items shall be measured and recorded on 2 data sheet before andor during each tost of rahle 1 = test number, sample number, (est temperature and date; — visual inepoction of the camploe and, if necese: ary, photographic documentation; — definition of the three main axes (see example in figure 1) — ambient temperature during the test in degrees Colsius (°C); — squip resistance of tne intiator assembly tif appi- cable) Al relevant observations and any unusual event shall bo noted and includod in tho test roport. ISO 12097-2:1996(E) Figure 1 — Definition of airbag modulo main axoe 44 Test programme This part of 1SO 12097 specifies a test programme with 19 identical samples of an airbag module thet are numbered in accordance with table 1 and table 2, Ten airbag modules are subjected to the environmental test programme (multiple expoaure) and nine airbag modules are unexposed samples. ‘The plug and ignition cabla shall be connected, if ap plicable; the test current (an example is shown in fig ure 2) shell be applied according (0 thie systern used (with the exception of the mechanical impact test, the drop test, tho solar radiation simulation test and the temperature shock test). After each test measure and record the squib resistance. 5 Environmental testing The following test procedures are based on the documents listed in annex B. Certoin modifications from these International Standards were made in or der to recognize vehicle specific conditions, 5.1 Drop test 5.1.1 General ‘The purpose of this test is to determine whether the ‘complete airbag module experiences any detrimental effect when dropped from a specified height and crientation 5.1.2 Equipment ‘A steel impact plate of minimum dimensians mx 1mx 10 mm. resting on a solid floor and a ti ture that supports the sample at the specified height ‘shall be used :1996(E) e1so Figure 2— Example of a test current for environmental simulation 519 Test cample Eight aittag modules shail be tested In the sequence siven in table 1 5.1.4 Test conditions iow hight. 11m 482m ‘The ambient temperature shall be (23.1.5) °C 5.15 Test procedure Mount test sample No. 1 onto the support fixture at the specitied height above the impact plate and oriented stich that it wil fallin one of the sx directions indicated in figure 1. Disarm the tigger device, if in- ‘luded in the module, Release the module, allowing it to free fall onto the impact plate. Repeat the tost using test camplos Nos. 2 to 8, each arranged to fallin a difforont diroc tion 8 follows: — long one of the remaining directions indicated in figure 1, for samples Nos. 2 to 6, — along two other appropriate diroctions selected by the test engineer, for samplas Nos. 7 and 8. 5.1.8 Requirements On completion of the test, the airbau module shall be intact (0.4), ‘Any visible damage shall be noted. The unit under tost must continue the tost programme according to table | avan if thare is visible damage. It 1s permiss: ible to repair any damage To the airvag module which Drevents rnounting, lo alow the test to proceed. 5.2 Mechanical impact test 52.1 General The purpose of this test is to determine whether tho complete airhag module experiences any detrimental effect whon cubjoctod to a corice of chock impacto at normal and extreme temperatures. 5.22 Equipment ‘A climate chamber shall be used which is capable ot Maintaining Ue test conditions stated in 6.2.4, ‘A shock testing machine, onto which en airbag mod+ Ule can be fastened to its fixture or table, shall bo used. ‘The characteristics of the shock testing machine shall be such that the true value of the actual pulse, as measured in the intended direction at the check point, is within the tolerances shown in figure 3. The check point is the fixing point of the airbag mod- tule wich is nearest to the centre of the table surface of the shock testing machine, unless thera is a fixing point having # more rigid connection to the table, in which case this latter point shell be used. The fre quency response of the overall shock testing machine, Which includes the accoleromoter, can have a signifi cant effect on accuracy and shall be within the limite shown in figure 4 5.2.2 Preparation of test sample Eight airbag modules shall he preconditinned at each of the following temperatures: (95 1.2,5)°C (23-4 5)°C (aot 201°C Before mounting onto the test rig, each sarnple shal be preconditioned in the climate charnber at te 1e- quired temperature for at least 4h or for the time fe, which is determined in accordance with the procedure specitied in annoy. A, NOTE 1 The reference point for measurina 1, should be at the slowest point of temperature adaptation within the beg folded inta the airbag medulla 1s ie 4 wea 180 12097-2:1996(E) Nominal pulze Bins or tolerance uration ot nominal suse 280 Minimum tine during which the pulse shal be monitored fer shorke praca ing x ranuentinnsl exer teting ‘2 Manmum tne during woicn the pulse shall de monitored for shocks produces using vibration generator Figure 3 — Half sine pulse 5.24 Test conditions Each airbag module shall be eubjected to a total of 36 shacks; 12 shocks at each of the test tempera tures. Fach series of 17 shacks consists ot two suc: cessive shocks applied in each direction of the three nutuelly perpendicular axes of the airbag modules (see figure 1) 5.25 Test procedure Ihe 74 airbag modules shall he tested in the se- quence given in table 1. Each airbag modula is mounted outside the climate chamber on the test rig and subjected to the test conditions specified in §.2.4 However, if the climate chamber is large enough, the tost may be conductod inside it. Arbag modules which include a tagger device shall be tested in tne disarmed condition, Consecutive impact tests can be conducted outside the climate chamber. After Smin the airbay module shall be reconditioned for 10 min, or for the time fg, which is determined in accordance with the procedure specified in annox A, 5.25.1 Basle pulse shape The applied pulse shall be a half-sine (see figure 3). The true value of the actual pulse shall be within the limits of tolerance shown by the solid lines in figure 3. 5.252 Velocity change tolerance ‘The actual velocity change at the pulse shall be within £18 % of lie value corresponding to the nominal pulse. Where the velocity change is determined by itr tegration of the ectual pulse, this shall be done from 0,4D before the pulse to 0,1D boyond the pulse, where Dis the duration of the nominal pulse. 5.2.53 Transverse motion The positive or negative peak acceleration al the ccheck point, perpendicular to the intended shock di- roction, shall not excced 20% of tho value of the peak acceleration at the nominal pulse in the intended direction, when determined with a measuring system in arenrdanea with h? 7 525.4 Seve ‘The shock severity shall correspond to the values of table 3 5.2.6 Requirements On completion of the test, the airbag module shall be intact (3.4), Any visible damage shall be noted. The unit under test ust cuntinuy the test proyiamnie according to table 1 even if there is visible damage. It is permiss- ible to repair any damage to the airbag module which prevents mounting, to allow the test to proceed, ISO 12097-2:1996(E) eueney respurse, 8 0 e180 1 i: ] Frenne. Duration of pulce | Low frequency cut ott | Hightrequencycutot_| Feaveney beyond whieh he response He the Le fa 198 70 50 20 20 20 10 10 4 4 nu | os 2 2 tendo | _o2 1 2 NOTE Fer choca ot dation aque bas an 8 othe vcs ol fond read a Table 3 — Shock severity levels Parameter Driver airnag madule| Front passenger | Other types of airbag Peak acceleration of nominal pulse, a 10087" 408 Speci values are to be Duration ofthe nominal pulse, D ame ems deterrrined 1) Lower ¢lvels minimum Ay) may he ane fr certain types of steering column. e180 5.3 Dusttest 5.3.1 General The purpose of this test is to determine whether the complete airbag module experiences any detrimental effect when subjected to a dust environment. ISO 12097-2:1996(E) 532 Equi A teat chamber as shown in figure § shall be used Tho dust used ehall conciet of approximatoly 1 kg of ISO 12103-1-Ad test dust (coarse grade}. Dimensions in milimetres Support plate - ontice __ Thread rat — nirbag node Figure 5 — Dust test chamber ISO 12097-2:1996(E| 5.33 Test sample Eight airbag modules shall be tested in the eequence given in tanie 1 5.3.4 Test conditions The airbag modules shall be mounted in an orientation Similar 19 that in which they are maunted in the ve- hice 5.3.5 Test procedure The airbag modules shall be positioned in the test chamber. For a period of Sn, the dust shall be ag- tated every 20 min for 5's by compressed ait fee of oil and moisture et 8 gauge pressure of {650+ 60) KP9!) BAtaning through an onitice at diam eter (1,5+0,1) mm, 5.3.6 Requirements On completion of the test, the airbag module shall be intact (34) ‘Any visible damage shall be noted. The unit under test must continue the test proyanme according to table 1 even if there is visible damage. It is pen niss- ible to repair any damage to the airbag module which prevents mounting, to allow the test to proceed. 3. cens'y (5h, 2873 e180 5.4 Simultaneous vibration temperature test 5.4.1 General Tho purpose of thio toat ia te determine the ability of the airbag module to withstand combined vibration and temperature conditions. 5.4.2 Equipment ‘A vibration table mounted within a climate chamber capable of maintaining the temperature during the test in accordance with shall bo used. The table shall be capable of producing the vibration loads serified in 41 543 Test sample Eight sirbag modules shall be tested in the sequence given in table 1 5.4.4 Test conditions Vibration load Random vibration shall be applied according to fig- ure 6. Alternatively, a vehicle specific or driving con: tition spacitic bration load more severe than that specified (@.9. f.m.. > 1.349) n tigure i may e used, subject 10 agreement between the airbag: moriule supplier and the client é cond [eS 2 1 2 3 60 $0 6 7 60 90 10 TH ww Wo wo GO wO WO WO MU 200 Fronimacy 8.47 numberof ines: 400 Te a Fange of analysis. 500 Hz core] | Goss | a0ss [oor | 0005 (ter bondith 1,25 He) 5.5 134g degrees of freedom: 154 abort limits lines: +5 dB anor limits of acceleration. 5.1 + a Figure 6 — Vibration toad 1) 100 KPa bar = 14,5 ps 1s. 5.4.42 Temperature cycle ‘The temperature of the chamber shall be maintained a the levels, anid for the durations, shown in figure 7. ‘The tolerance on temperature is 4 2,5 °C. 5.4.5 Tost procedure Fach aithag module is subjected to the specified vi bration load in each of the three main axes shown in figuie 1. The load shall be applied for 24h along each of the three main axes, The temperature shall be varied simultaneously in accordence with 5.4.6 Requirements (On completion of the test, the airoag module shall be intact (3.4). Any visible damage shall be noted. The unit under test must continue the test programme according t0 table 1 even if there is visible damage. It is permiss- thle to repair any damage to the althag mosiulle which prevents mounting, to allow the test to proceed. 5.6 Thermal humidity cycling tect 55.1 General ‘The purpose of this tast is to determine the ability of {an alrbag module to withstand high humidity and tem- perature variations, 5.5.2 Equipment A climatic chamber with recirculating air shall be used, Tenperatire’c 1SO 12097-2:19961E) 552 Test sample Eight aitoag modules shall be tested in the sequence diver in table 1 5.5.4 Test conditions ‘The temperature and relative humidity of the chamber shall be maintained at the lovele, and for the dur- ations, shown in figure 8. The tolerance on temper ture ig #2,5 °C The relevant temperature buildup times 14 may be used instead of the values specified in figure &. In this case, the values shell be determined, prior to the test, by the mothod stated in annox A. Tho roferonce point for the determination of build-up times is the approxi- mate point of slowest temperature adaptation an the bag (folded in the airbag module) 558 Test procedt Put the aitbeg modules into the climatic chamber and subject them to 30 thermel humidity cycles in ac cordance with 5.6.4 5.5.6 Requirements (On completion of the test, the airbag module shall be intact (84) Any visible Uatniaut shall be noted, The unit under lest must continue the test programme according to table 1 even if there is visible damage. It is permis ible to repair any damage to the airbag modulo which prevents mounting, to allow the test to proceed. 2 = uration of on Tine 8 rin 6) Figure 7 — Temperature cycle ISO 12097-2:1996(E) ISO * : \ = SSS | | of ON | o ~ | | lime. * NOT — the htc ae sow he cpt emperture change. Figure ®—Thormal humility ele 56 Salt apray test 1 ho. chamber is properly vented to provent 5.6.1 General The purpose of this testis determine the ability of the airbag module to resist corrasion. 5.62 Equipment Salt mist chamber “The chiarnibet fur tis test shall be constructed of such materials that will not influence the corrusive effects of the salt mist. The deteiled construction of the chamber, including the method of producing the salt mist is optional, provided that a) the conditions in the chamher are within the limits specitiod b) a sufficiently large volume with constant con- ditions (that are not affected by turbulence and are not influenced by the specimens undor tost) 's available no ditevt soray impinges upon the specimens une der test, d) drops of liquid accumulating on the ceiling, the ‘walls and other parts cannot drip onto tho epoci 10 Pressure bulup and allows uniform distribution of the sat mist: 4) the discharge end of the vent is protected from strong draughts which would cause eir flow in the ‘chamber. 5.6.22 Atomizerts) The atorniger(s) shall be uf such a design and con- struction as to produce a finely divided, wet and donso mist, The atomizer shall be made of material that ie non rosetive to the salt aolution Sprayed solution The sprayed solution shall not be reused, Air supply If use is made of compressed air it chall bo essontially tree trom all purities, such as oll and dust, when en. tering the atnmier(s) The cit pressure shall Ue suui tat each atomizer pro: duces the mist described in To encuro againet clogging of tho atomizerla) by salt deposition, itis recommended that the air has a rela tive humidity of at least Ho % (at the point of release 1s from tho nozzle). A satisfactory method of achioving this is to pass the air in very fine bubbles through a tower containing water. which shale he alitomatically maintained at a constant level. The temperature of this water shall be not less than that of the chamber Means shall be provided for adjusting the air pressure ‘such that the collection rate specified in 6.6.6 can be maintained. Salt solution ‘The salt used for the test shall be high quality sodium chloride (NaCI) containing, when dry, not more than 10,1 % sodium iodide and not more than 0,3 % of total impurities. The mass traction of the salt solution shall he (5 + 1) %. The solution shall ba prapared by disso: Ing 9 | parts by mass of sait in 95 parts by mass of Uistiled of detrinetalzed water. The pH value of the solution shall be between 6,5 and 7,2 at 2 tempera- ture of (20 +2)°C. The pH value shall be maintained within this range during conditioning; for this purpose, dilute hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide may be Lusert ta adjust the pH value, provided that the cancan- ration of NaCl remains within the prescribed limits. The pH values shill be measured when preparing each new batch of solution. 6.6.2 Tost camplo Fight airhag modulas shall ba tested in the sequence ven in table 1 5.6.4 Test conditions Tho sevority of the test fo defined by the combination ‘of the number of spraying periods and the duration of the storage period in the salt mist chamber following ‘each spray There shall he theae spraying cycles. Fach cycle consists of 2 h with the spray on, followed by a sloraye petiou of 201 in which 110 spraying uccurs: (see figure 3) Spray ott ISO 12097-2:1996(E) 5.6.5 Test procedure he specimens shall he placed in the salt mist chamber, and sprayed with the salt solution, 19 ac- cordenive with 5.6.4, at a temperature between 30 °C and 35°C. The ealt mist conditions shall bo maintained in ail parts Cf the exposure zone, such that a clean collecting re- centacle with a honzontal collecting area of 80 emé, placed at any point in the exposure zone, shall collect between 1 mi and 2 mi of salt solution per hour, aver- aged over the collecting period. A minimum of two re ceptacles shall be used. The receptacles shall be placed such that they are not shiclded by the speci mens and so that no condensate from any source shall be callactad! NOTE 2 When calibrating the spray rate of the chamber minimum spraying period of 8h should be used, for accu fale measurement purposes. ‘The specimens shall not be in contact with each other ror with other metal parts and shall be 0 arranged es +0 oxcludo any influence of ono part upon anather. After the last storage period, clean ott the salt water with a moist sponge and ary the specimens in air at (6542)°C forth, 5.6.6 Requirements (On completion of the test, the airbag module shall be intact (8.4), Any visible damage shall be noted, The unit under test must continue the test programme according to table 1 ovon if thore is visible damage. It is permis ible to repair any damage to the airbag module which prevents mounting, to allow the test to proceed. o 2 6 6 8 © 2 4 % 2 Timah seyete 22h) | Figure 9 — Salt spray cycle " 1SO 12097-2:1996(E) 5.7 Solar radi 5.7.1 General ion simulation test ‘The purpose ot this tast 1s to determina the ahilty of an airbag module to withstand the effects of solar raUialiv 8s experienced inside a vehicle (inlerior cor ditions). This test shall be performed on airbag mod- ules whose padded cover is subject to direct solar radiation (airbag modules which do not mest this condition are excepted from this toxt), 5.7.2 Equipment 57.21 General ‘test chamber shall be used which is capable of: A) maintaining temperatiita and celative humility in the test cyCle specified in 9.4: providing solar radiation conditions from lamps: ‘mounted on the ceiling. 57.22 Test box ‘Tne solar radiation simulation is achieved using glass filters placed directly under the lamps or by placing a leas box which contains the test samples inside the chamber. Pidin window glass of 4 mi thickness is used as the standaid glass pane. Due to transmission in the UV range, the use of this glass makes it possible to simulate the worst case econario. Of cource other typer of glass can be used by agreement. Although it must be considered that the use of other glass will change te transmission factor and tneretore tne spectral uistiibution. The use of other glass shall be indicated in the test report e180 5. 3 Radiation ut The main components of the radiatinn unit are the light source. reflector systems (it required) and fier systems, The radiation unit shall provide an irauiance (of (090 # 60) Wim?. The tolerance on iradiance at the reforonce plane shall be +5 %, where the reference plane is an imaginary surface inside the empty test box at which the specilied climate parameters, such a irtadianca and temperature are measiired The senisors shall be protected from direct rauiation The spectral distribution of the simulated radiation shall correspond to table 4 57.3 Test sample ‘Two airbag modules shall be tested. In accordance with lable 1 these shall be sample No. 9 and sample No, 10. 5.7.4 Test conditions AA salar radiation simulation test is conductert accord ing to the dry climate conditions specified in figure 10. The tolerance on temperature is 13°C. 5.7.8 Test procedure Tha aithag madiiles are planed in the chamher or test box ( in an orientation similar to that in which they aie mounted in the vehicle, Before and after testing, the airbag modules shall be preconditioned for 24h at ambient temperature. The airbag modules are subjected to 18 dry climate cyeles in accardance with figure 10. Peano din] OM ar] Re gar 360 10 400 aah 0.88 3a” ‘40 10 600 173 7%" 0.08 Wath” 2 elso ISO 12097-2:1996(E) 100 £ : fase ef ruse2 |_| phase 3 2 a & 4 20 A 206 6 8 @ 2 W % w 2% 2 x Tmen __teyete 2 n1 Parameter Pace Phase? Phased iradtanea RANE AH We ™ Petaive hanaty <30% 380% ambient climate to Heating gradiont 1°Chnin allow checkina of the test item in the Going gradient a3 "Gm test box arin the Constant test chamber temperature: 80°C 10°C test chamber Tee oh 25h Figure 10 — Dry climate cycle for solar radiation simulation (interior conditions) Temperature and relative humidity shall be recorded continuously. Because of the unaveudable ageing and clouding ot the lamps. glass filters or the glass test box, the radiation level shal! be checked as follows: 2) prior to each test, measure the spectral dist bution; bb) during each tast, measure radiation at a raterance point on the airbag module. To monitor any influences, which cannot be meesured, end to achieve comparable results in dif foront tost chambers, itis rocommended that tho ox posure conditions are checked using a roferonce material with known ageing properties 82 Requirements, On completion of the test, the aithag module shall ba imact 3.4) Any visible damage shall be noted. The unit under test must continue the test programme according to table 1 even if there is visible damage. It is permiss- ible to repair any damage to the airbag module which prevents mounting, to allow the test 1o proceed 5.8 Temperature shock test 58.1 General ‘Tho purpose of this tost is to determine the ability of the airbag module to withstand major temperature changes, in particular in respect to the tear seams. 5.8.2 Equipment Temperature chambers with recirculating air shall be used 5.8.3 Test sample Two aitbag modules shall be tested in the sequence uiven in table 4 3 ISO 12097-2:1996(E) 5.8.4 Test conditions ‘The test cycle shall correspond to figure 11, One tem= porature chamber shall be maintained at the tempera se Ty = (-35+2,5)°C, and the other chamber at Ty = (85 + 2,5) °C. Prior 10 resting, determine the temperature bule-up tine te by the method oiven in annex A, The reference point for the determination of build-up times is @ point fon the inside aurface of the cover that coincides with the tear seams. BRS Test procedure Put the girbeu modules in the high temperature chamber with the highest temperature (Tg) and relo- cote after Gh, or the temperature build-up time re, to the other tompersture chamber (at temperature Ta) in less than 3 min. Continue relocation of the airbag modules for x00 tast cycles 5.8.6 Requirements (On completion of the test, the airbag module shall be intact (3.4) Any visihia damage shall be noted Particular attention shall be paid to the integrity of the tear seams. 6 Performance testing The performance of the airbag module shall be de- teimined in accordance with table 2 after the com- Tenpessture,“C e180 pletion of all environmental tests. The following ams shall be measured arid recuided on @ dala sheet ut high-speed film: — squib resistance of the inflator assembly (if appli- cable); ignition time and ignition current curve plotted cayainst tine, bag inflation time (in accordance with 6.1); — time at which hag cover hagins to apan lin ac- cordance with 6.1), 6.1 Static deployment test 6 1 Diver abe module The airbag module shall be rigidly mounted on a fix- tue nthe poston n whch it wit besa nthe Serie altanatey, the un iy be sen uch 2way tat the arbaounflis nether the vec or the hwo direc The tee temperatures a (-35.55) (381°C (25 22°) sc nin \\_Retecation tne — Arycte | Figure 11 — Cycle of temperature shock test “ e180 The aiibay module shall be preconditioned until all components are within the required test temperature range. The test may be performed outside the pre~ conditioning chamber provided that temperatures ro main within the test temperature range at ignition, ‘The ignition conditions depend on the type of ignition cr trigger system in use. During the test. a high-speed camera (at least 1 000 frarns/s) shall be used to film the inflation process both from the front and from the side, in order to determine the exact inflation times. Front passenger airbag module ‘The airbag module shall be proconditioned until all components ars within the required test tomporaturo range. Ihe test may be performed outside the con- tioning chamber provided that temperatures remain within the test temperature range at ignition. Location and cabling of the object to be tested shall correspond to the installed position in the vehicle. ‘Alternatively, the unit may be located in euch a way that the atbag unfolds in either the vertical or the nonizontal airaction. 6.1.3 Requirements During and aftor tho static deployment teat no pro jected airbag module fragments shall strike @ normally seated occupant. During the static deployment test. the hag surface region which would contact @ normally seated occu- fant shall not tear or burn through. Outside tis 1e gion, holes of less than 3 mm diameter are allowed Bag seams shall romain intact. ‘The inflation tima at the unexposed and exposed air- bag modules shall be within the defined tolerances, depending on Ue type of airbag module. 6.2 Tank test 62.1 General The purpose of this test is to compare inflator as- sembly samples frm the modules of the enviran. ‘mental test programme {table 1) with unexposed inflator assembly samoles from the modules of the performance test programme table 2), The perform- ‘ance of an inflator assembly is determined by igniting it in a closed volume container (tank) at a given tom perature level 62.2 Equipment ‘An appropriate tank to test the inflator assemblies shall be used) ISO 12097-2:1996(E) 62.3 Test samples Two unexposed and two expused inflator assembly samples, see table 2, shall be tested in the tank. 624 Test conditions Each sample shall be preconditioned in a temparatiie chamber so that the required test temperature given in table 2 is reacted. The point of reference for measuring temperature is on the propellant of the in- flator assembly. 62.5 Test procedure The inflaiur assernbly shall be fixed tigntly to an ap- Propriote tank su that yoses aid Sulid particles are ‘captured in the tank during ignition, It applicable, the intator assembly shall be ignited with a defined nominal currant pulse (amplitude and duration). Record pressure and time using ait appropriate arise ducer. 62.5.1 Measurement of tank pressure a) Transducer Measuring principle: transducer for measuring absolute pressure Calibration range. shall be appropriate Lsahle fraquency range: 0 to 2 kH2 Error: linearity and hysteresis < + 1% bh) Measuring and titerng ot pressure channel: CAC. 01 500 KPa CFC: class 1 000 of ISO 0487 Enron <+25% €) Measuring point: The pressure probe orifice shall not be in the di- rect gas flow from the exit purls of the infiator Measurement of tank temperature: The tank temperature shall be measured at the Mounting point of the inflator assembly and shall re- main at the ambient temperature. Squib resistance (where applicable) a} Resistance measurement: Object: squib with connector. D) Ignition current supp: Current impulse depending on the squib type, cl Measurement of ignition current: ISO 6487 - CFC 1000 He 6 ISO 17097-2:1996(E) 9) Digital itoring: 1S0 6487 - CAC 60m/s2- CFC 100 Hz 62.6 Requirements The pressure versus (lime curves of tlie unexpused tend exposed inflator assemblies shall correspond to the defined performance diagrams, supplied by the manufacturer for the appropriate type of inflator as- sembly, ‘The structural integrity of the inflator shall be main: tained. 6.3 Bag test 6.3.1 General Ine purpose ot this test 1s to compara hags tom the airbag modules of the environmental test progremme (table 1) with unexposed bags from the airbag mou Ules Of te perfurrnarice tot prugrattinie (lable 2) 16 e180 6.3.2 Equipment Appropriate equipment tor textile testing shall be used. 63.3 Test samples ‘Two unexposed esmplee and two exposed samplos, ‘00 table 2, shall be tested, 6.3.4 Requirements ‘The following items shall be within defined tolerences: bag volume; — tabric permeability = fabric visual inspection, seam strength; — fabric strength; fabric tear strength. e1so. ISO 12097-2:1996(E) Annex A (normative) Determination of temperature bt The temperature build-up time te is the time required, after @ change of the surrounding temperature from T; to Ty, for a defined reference point of the test eample to reach the temperature Ty — within 3 °C, n the case of |7)=T)| > 60%: or within 69% of the obsoluto value of tho tomporature difforonee (7, 7), in tho case of Ira- 1 <60°C. The temperature build-up time begins at the point where the desired target value curve reaches the surrounding temperature 7 (see figures A.1 end A.2). The tempereture build-up times shall be determined in the apparatus for the relevant test. Tho tost samplo tomporature shall bo measured at tho proscribed reforence point. [rr eore Tengersure re n — nwirnment temaerature Test anject tomperatire Figure A.1— Temperature build-up time /, tor |T;~T| > 60% a 180 12097-2:1996(E) iso Tear — Enviroment temperature ass Test objet temperature Figure A.2 — Temperature build-up time (, for |12-1)| <60°C 18 1s ISO 12097-2:1996(E) Annex B {informative} Origin of environmental test procedures Test procedure Ori 51 | Drop rest TEC 682-27 ‘Mechanical mpact test TEC R297 [ Dusttest _ UNECE Ri6 (FMvSS200) 54 | Simultaneous vibration temperature test TEC 082-53 55 | Thormal humidity eyaling test, TEC 65.2 38 56 | Saltspray test TEC 682.52 5.7__| solar radiation simulation test fn e770 58 | Temperature sock West TEC 66-2-63 19 ISO 12097-2:1996(E) mm (21 (31 Annex C e180 (informative) Bibliography IEC 62-27-1987, Basie environmental testing procedures — Part 2: Tests — Test Ea and guid- ance. Shuck. 1EC68.2.38:1974, Basic onvironmontal_tosting procodures — Part 2: Toste — Test Z/AD: Com posite temperature/humdity cycle test IEC 68-2-52:1984, Basic environmental testing procedures — Part 2. Tests — Test Kb. Salt mist, eyelc (sodium chloride solution) tal '6) ‘61 IEC BeL2-b319H4, Basic environmental testing procedures — Part 2: Tests — Guidance to Tests Tiare and Z/BFe. Combined wenperature (cold ‘and ary heat) and vibration (sinusoidal tests. DIN 76220:1902, Altorung von Kis Boutoilen in ‘Sonnensimulatiansanlangen. UNECE, Regulation No. 16. Uniform provisions conceming the aporoval of safety belts and 1 straint systems for adult occupants of power driven vehicles. This page intentionally left blank This paye intentionally left blank ‘This paye intertionelly left blank 2180 ISO 12097-2:1996(E) vironmental eats, perfomance testa, testing ICS 43.040.60 208 vehicles, esfoty oveee, a bage chile satety, modules, tose, Deceriptore conan, Price bases on 20 pa

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