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Release Notes

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

NITON Analyzers Release Notes for Small Spot Quick
Reference Guide
The information contained in this release note supercedes all related information in the instrument User’s Guide
and NDT User’s Guide, as well as any information contained in previous software release notes.

Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Attaching the Video Cable ................................................................................................................................................ 1
How to Use the Small Spot Technology ......................................................................................................................... 2
Adding Text to the Bitmap Image.................................................................................................................................... 3

NITON Analyzers Release Notes Small Spot Quick Reference Guide

Release Notes

This document is a quick reference on how to use the “Small Spot” video
capabilities of the NDTr software. The Small Spot video feature is only
usable with properly configured NITON 797X Small Spot analyzers. The
computer must also have at least one open USB port for the video feed
from the analyzer’s built in camera.

Attaching the Video Cable

Connecting the NITON XLt 797X to a PC is done via two cables. The
Video Connector Cable is the cable with two rounded yellow RCA Figure 1: The Video Connector Cable
connectors. The USB Live Adaptor, shown in Figure 2, connects the Video
Connector Cable to the PC via a USB port.

Plug the USB Live Adapter into your computer’s open USB port. Install
the USB Live Adapter, following the installation instructions
accompanying the Adapter package.

Connect the USB Live Adapter to the Video Connector cable. The cable Figure 2: The USB Live Adapter
will fit onto only one of the two short ends of the adapter, so don’t force it
into the wrong end. It should be a smooth, easy fit.

Plug the other end of the Video Connector cable into the matching video
port in the Analyzer. The video port is located at the back of the Analyzer,
next to the wrist lanyard anchor.

When NDTr is running and the video feature is activated, video

connection between the analyzer and the PC will be made automatically.

Figure 3: Plugging the Connector Cable

into the Analyzer

NITON Analyzers Release Notes Small Spot Quick Reference Guide

Release Notes
How to Use the Small Spot Technology

When an XLt 797X Small Spot analyzer is connected

with the NDTr application, the Video toggle button on
the NDTr toolbar will be enabled. (If the Camera View
window is already open, the Video button will be
greyed out.) Clicking the enabled Video button brings Figure 4: Set Display Units Path
up the Camera View window.

Figure 5: Enabled and

Disabled Video Icons
Two red concentric circles will appear on the Camera View
display. The small circle marks the center of the x-ray
analysis spot, while the larger circle marks the area analyzed.
NDTr is provided the details of the spot location from the
connected XLt analyzer.

Before taking a measurement, you want to have “Download”

feature enabled.

Click on the Download button, and the File Dialog Box,

shown in Figure 7, will appear.
Figure 6: Camera View Window

If you would like to display the bitmap image of the target area
on the Camera View after the measurement, make the “Show
bitmap after measurement in Camera View” checkbox is

Click OK. When you take a measurement, the bitmap image will
be saved in the same directory as the ndt file.

Analysis results will be saved as an NDT file (and a csv file if

selected) in the specified "Dest Folder" directory. When
activated, the analysis bitmap will be saved in the same
directory, under the filename "MyBitmapXXXX.bmp", where
XXXX is the reading number.
Figure 7: File Dialog Box

NITON Analyzers Release Notes Small Spot Quick Reference Guide

Release Notes
Adding Text to the Bitmap Image

To add text to a bitmap image, write in the text box

located below the Camera View image before the
measurement is initiated. The Text Box has room for
100 characters, but the text actually displayed on the Figure 8: Click and Enter Text Into the Field
saved bitmap image depends on what characters are
used, and may vary. Your text may be cut short if it takes too much room to be displayed

When you take a measurement, the text will be saved and overlain onto the saved bitmap image.

Figure 9 shows a saved bitmap image with

saved text.

The reading number appears in the top left

hand corner of the bitmap image. The
current date (read from the PC) is located in
the bottom left hand corner. The entered
user text is located just above the date. The
analyzed RoHS elements are listed in the
top right hand corner of the bitmap image.

If you click on the “Live” button, the

“Camera View” video returns back to the
actual video.

You must click “Live” if you want to Figure 9: The Bitmap Image with User Text
capture a new bitmap on your next

Note: The small center hash, , does not get saved to the bitmap, only the spot (the circle).

NITON Analyzers Release Notes Small Spot Quick Reference Guide

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