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Name: Hajra Waqar

Roll No. 52
BBA 8th (A)
Consumer Behaviour
Assignment no. 2
Mam Sabita Mariam
Reference Groups and its Types

Reference group includes groups or individuals that affect our behaviours, beliefs, attitudes
and opinions. They also serve as inspiration and role models. These groups handle in selling
decision a lot. They set there pattern of purchase, living standards Etc.

Types of Reference

Primary Groups Secondary Groups

Aspiration Group Dissociative Group

Primary Group

These are the groups of people who have strong influence on our behaviours and values. We
spend more time with these people, feel comfortable being around, value opinion of.
Examples of this groups family, close friends, roommates etc.

Secondary Group

These are the groups of people having less control on our values and actions example of this
group is co-workers. They can be your elder at job, professionals, consultant etc.

Primary groups have straight influence on our lives. They also effect on our every decision of
life. The people of these groups are very close to us. These are our role models and very
important to us. We are always the member of these groups.

Secondary groups have less influence on our behaviour, norms and values. We have small
interaction with these peoples. We are not the permanent member of these groups. We have
the membership with group, but we does not believe in the norms values, behaviours,
attitudes of the group and its members. So we acts as a deviant and behaves in manner which
is in opposition to how others in the group behave.

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