ITAR Registration Instructions Rev2 Form DS-2032

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ITAR Registration Instructions Doc # GOV-001 Rev 01 (11/12/19)

Rev 02 (06-02-20)

Purpose: This document explains the process of renewing CompanyX, LLC’s ITAR registration. This needs to
be done annually around the beginning of November to ensure the renewal takes places before the document
expires (December 31st of each year) on current schedule. The processing can take 30 to 45 days.


ITAR = International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) is a United States regulatory regime to restrict and
control the export of defense and military related technologies to safeguard U.S. national security and
further U.S. foreign policy objectives.

Reference Materials:

#1004-01 – Registration Form DS-2032 (U.S. State Dept. Instructions)

#1004-02 – Completing Form DS-2032 (U.S. State Dept. Instructions)
#1004-03 – Submitting Form DS-2032 (U.S. State Dept. Instructions)

Materials Needed (Supporting Documentation):

Form # DS-2032 (blank) to be filled out and submitted unsigned and signed
CompanyX – Articles of Organization
CompanyX - Organization Chart
ITAR Registration Payment – Wire Transfer Report

Work Instruction: To start the registration process, payment must first be made, refer to Document # 1004-01
(U.S State Dept. Instructions for registering for ITAR (FormDS-2032)). Once payment has been made follow
The instruction to complete filling out Form DS-2032, Document # 1004-02 (U.S State Dept. Instructions for
completing Form # DS-2032)
In form DS-2032, ownership of the company (CompanyX) is stated in Block 7, whomever signs the DS-2032
needs to be included in Block 7.
Notate any changes in ownership or company structure on CompanyX Org Chart (make sure if is the most
current copy with updated employee info).
Once the form is filled out, follow the instructions in Document # 1004-03 (U.S. State Dept. Instructions for
submitting Form # DS-2023). This includes the needs for supporting documentation. The submission is
electronic via the governments EFS system. Once logged in, you will be required to submit and upload forms in
the following order.

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1. a. First, attach the UNSIGNED version of the DS-2032.

You will receive an "Error 21" screen message if you try to upload your signed, scanned version of the

DS-2032 first.

b. Second, attach support documentation.

Based on the selections in Block 12 ("Statement of Registration: Additional Supporting Documentation")

of the DS-2032, EFS will highlight (in red) documents that must be uploaded with your registration


⁃ Please upload the correct document at the appropriate time.

⁃ Only select "Other Amplifying Data" if you have supporting documents that are not specifically

prompted by EFS (e.g., a Federal Firearms License)

c. Third, upload the SIGNED pdf copy of the DS-2032.

2. Select the ‘Submit’ button

Once all the required attachments are uploaded, the Submit' button will become active.

Save the “Electronic Forms Submission Receipt” as proof of submission.

- After successfully submitting your registration package, an "Electronic Forms Submission Receipt" containing

a transaction number will be displayed on your screen.

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