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1. In which shut in procedure is the remote choke the last item to be closed?

a. Hard
b. Soft

2. In which shut in procedure is the remote choke left in the closed position?

a. Hard
b. Soft

3. A well is shut in and the following stabilised pressures observed.

SIDPP = 500 psi

SICP = 750 psi

Which of the following are correct?

(Two answers)

a. The influx is in the drillstring.

b. The influx is in the annulus.
c. The influx is lighter than the mud.
d. The influx is heavier than the mud.
e. The influx is in both the drill pipe and annulus.

4. Which of the following affects the SIDPP?

a. Kick size.
b. Influx type.
c. Annular capacity.
d. Formation pressure.
e. All of the above.

5. Which of the following affects SICP?

a. Kick size.
b. Influx type.
c. Annular capacity.
d. Formation pressure.
e. All of the above.
6. In the following shut in well, calculate the shut in casing pressure.

Depth (vertical well) 11,500 ft

Mud weight 11.3 ppg

SIDPP 500 psi

Drill collar/OH Annular Volume 0.0292 bbl/ft

Length of drill collars 500 ft

Kick size 12 bbls

Kick density(assuming gas) 0.12 psi/ft

SICP psi

7. A well is shut in with the bit 1,000 ft of bottom.

Hole size 8 1/2 in

Hole capacity 0.0702 bbl/ft

Kick size 20 bbls

SICP 350 psi

Would you expect the SIDPP to be?

a. Lower than the SICP.

b. Same as the SICP.
c. Higher than the SICP?

8. A well is shut in and the following stabilised pressures observed.

SIDPP = 850 psi

SICP = 1,000 psi

Mud weight 13.2 ppg

Kick size 20 bbls

DC/OH annular volume 0.0292 bbl/ft

DC length 800 ft

Calculate the density of the influx psi/ft

9. With a saltwater kick when is the SICP likely to be maximum?

a. When the well is first shut in.

b. When the influx is at the shoe.
c. When the influx reaches surface.

10. In OBM a gas kick behaves differently than in a WBM. Which of the
following are correct statements concerning gas kicks?
(Two answers)

a. There is no pit gain in OBM.

b. There is a smaller pit gain in OBM.
c. There is a larger pit gain in OBM.
d. There will be no SICP in OBM.
e. The SICP will be greater in OBM.
f. The SICP will be lower in OBM.

11. a. Based on the following information:-

Will the Wait and Weight method give lower shoe pressures than the
Driller's method?

TVD = 10,000 ft.

Shoe Depth = 8,830 ft.
Surface to Bit Strokes = 1,629 stks.
Bit to Shoe Strokes = 1,304 stks.
Bit to Surface = 6,480 stks.
SIDPP = 500 psi
SICP = 800 psi
Present Mud Wt. = 10.3 ppg
Kill Mud Wt. = 11.3 ppg
MAASP = 1,300 psi
Pit Gain = 30 bbls

Answer - Yes or No

b. Based upon same information above will the Wait and Weight Method
give lower surface casing pressures than the Driller's method.

Answer - Yes or No

12. The Wait and Weight method will always result in lower casing shoe

True / False

13. The Wait and Weight method will result in lower casing shoe pressures if the
open hole volume is less than the drill pipe capacity.

True / False

14. The Wait and Weight method usually results in lower surface pressures.

True / False

15. Both the Driller's and the Wait and Weight methods of well control will result
in the same pressure on the casing shoe if the open hole volume is less than the
drill pipe capacity.

True / False

16. Company policy states "when killing a well you will always attempt to kill the
well using a method that minimises the pressure on the stack and upper

Which method would you choose?

Drillers or Wait and Weight

17. Which of the following would be your main consideration in selecting a kill

a. Mud Gas Separator capacity.

b. Rating of choke manifold.
c. Rating of mud manifold.
d. Choke size.

18. In bringing the pump to kill rate on a rig with a surface BOP how do we
ensure BHP remains constant?

a. By holding the drill pipe pressure constant.

b. By holding the casing pressure constant.
c. By holding both drill pipe and casing pressure constant.
d. By keeping the choke 1/4 open and bringing on the pump as fast as

19. While a well is being killed, the casing (Annulus) gauge will react before the
drill pipe gauge when the choke is adjusted.

True / False

20. Place the following statements in the correct order if you are using the Driller's
Method. The well is already shut in.

a. Bring pump up to kill speed holding casing pressure constant.

b. Allow drill pipe pressure to fall ICP - FCP as kill mud is pumped to the
bit. (Or hold casing pressure constant as kill mud is pumped to the bit.)

c. Maintain pump pressure at ICP until influx is out.

d. Maintain drill pipe pressure constant at FCP until kill mud reaches

e. Shut-in well and check SICP and SIDPP are equal.

f. Bring pump up to kill speed holding casing pressure constant.

g. Line up suction to kill mud.

h. Shut-in well and check for zero pressure.

i. Hold ICP until surface lines are displaced then reset pump stroke










21. Place the following statements in the correct order if you are using the Wait
and Weight method to kill a well. The well is already shut in.

Place the following statements in the correct order.

a. Allow drill pipe pressure to fall from ICP to FCP as kill mud is pumped
to bit.

b. Bring pump up to speed holding casing pressure constant.

c. Maintain drill pipe pressure constant at FCP as kill mud is pumped

from bit to surface.

d. Shut down and check the well is dead.

e. Hold drill pipe pressure at ICP until surface lines are displaced then
reset pump stroke counters.

1st __________

2nd __________

3rd __________

4th __________

5th __________

22. Which of the following statements are True or False concerning the Wait and
Weight method?

a. In the Wait and Weight method the casing pressure should be kept
constant during 2nd circulation.

True / False.

b. In the Wait and Weight method, surface annulus pressures are usually
lower than with the Driller's method.

True /False.

c. Only the Wait and Weight method maintains constant bottom hole

True / False

d. In the Wait and Weight method the drill pipe pressure is held constant

True / False

e. In the Wait and Weight method the well is dead when you reach FCP.

True / False

f. In the Wait and Weight method the SIDPP would read zero, after
surface to bit strokes have been pumped.

True / False

g. The Wait and Weight method must be used if insufficient barite is


True / False

h. The Wait and Weight method does not require you to draw a graph or
step down chart.

True / False

i. The Wait and Weight is the preferred method if MAASP is critical and
the open hole capacity is greater than the drill string capacity.

True / False

23. Which of the following statements are correct?
(Two answers)

a. Surface line volume, will affect the point at which kill mud will
increase mud hydrostatic on bottom.
b. Pump must be brought up to speed holding casing pressure constant.
c. Surface line volume does not need to be considered when starting to
kill a well.
d. Maintain the drill pipe pressure constant when starting up the pump to
kill speed.

24. In the case of a gas kick, what happens to casing shoe pressure as:

a. the influx is circulated up the open hole?

i. Increase.
ii. Decrease
iii. Constant.

b. the influx is circulated past the shoe?

i. Increase.
ii. Decrease
iii. Constant.

c. the influx is circulated up the casing?

i. Increase.
ii. Decrease
iii. Constant.

25. Which one of the following statements is TRUE concerning wellbore

pressures when circulating a gas influx to surface.

a. So long as the correct kill procedures are followed, that part of the
wellbore which is above a gas influx will have a constant pressure.

b. So long as the correct kill procedures are followed, that part of the
wellbore which is below a gas influx will have a constant pressure.

c. So long as the correct kill procedures are followed, that part of the
wellbore which is below a gas influx will have an increasing pressure.

26. A gas kick is being circulated out using the Drillers method. What happens to
the pressures at the following parts of the wellbore?

Effect in Pressure
LOCATIONS Increase Decrease Stays the same Increase initially, then
drops and remains
Gas Bubble
Surface Casing
Casing Shoe
Bottom Hole
At any point
below Gas
At any point
above Gas

27. In the Wait and Weight method at what point will the kill mud first affect
pressure in the annulus?

a. As it is pumped along the surface lines.

b. As it enters the string.
c. As it reaches the bit.
d. As it enters the annulus.
e. As it reaches the shoe.

28. On a rig with a surface BOP, how would you change pump speed during a kill

a. As fast as possible.
b. Holding the casing pressure constant.
c. Holding drillpipe pressure constant.
d. Keeping choke position constant.

29. A well has been shut in and the pressure monitored until stabilised. After a
short time, both SIDPP and SICP start to increase.
What might be the cause of this?

a. Gas migration up the annulus and drillpipe.

b. Gas migration up the drillpipe.
c. Gas expansion in the annulus.
d. Gas migration up the annulus.

30. With gas migration taking place, which is the correct statement regarding
pressures in the wellbore?

a. SICP increases, BHP constant, SIDPP constant.

b. SICP increases, BHP increases, SIDPP increases.
c. SICP increases, BHP constant, SIDPP increases.
d. SICP decreases, BHP constant, SIDPP decreases.

31. How would you deal with gas migration?

a. Bleed mud from choke keeping SICP constant.

b. Bleed mud from choke keeping SIDPP constant.
c. Attempt to keep both SIDPP and SICP constant while bleeding mud.
d. Nothing.

32. In which of the two following cases is the "Volumetric Method" a valid

a. All swabbed kicks.

b. When the string is plugged and gas is migrating.
c. With no pipe in the hole and gas migrating.
d. In horizontal wells.

33. While pulling out of the hole a kick was taken.

Depth (MD/TVD) 12,643 ft

Mud weight 11.7 ppg

Bit depth 6,545 ft

Drillpipe capacity 0.01776 bbl/ft
Drillpipe metal displacement 0.0065 bbl/ft
Drillpipe closed end displacement 0.02426 bbl/ft
Drill collar/OH annular capacity 0.0292 bbl/ft

How much would you bleed off for each 93ft stand stripped back into the

a. 1.65 bbls
b. 2.25 bbls
c. 0.6 bbls
d. 2.71 bbls

34. In Question 33, in order to maintain constant BHP, which pressure would be
held constant as each stand is stripped in?

c. Both SIDPP and SICP


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