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Act of Sensitivity

Not everyone is a morning person. There are people who find it hard to rise up early because of
the good mood that they don’t have within. Numerous number of students comes late for class for the
reason that several hindrances that learners face every morning and the school didn’t even bother to
know the issues, rather they strengthen the implementation of 7 o’clock as the call time in class. If the
Department of education together with the school staff will have an act of sensitivity within them, they
can make better plans and implementation that would be fair enough to everyone.

“Ma’am good morning, I am sorry for I am late,” this is what most students says when they
come in class not on time. Some are from distant places and 1 hour is not enough to prepare the selves
and travel, some students have to do chores that takes them minutes that do not allow themselves to
put in order. With this, it can be inferred that 7 am is not the right time for the first period of classes.

A student has homework, assignment and chores o be accomplished at home. It takes one to
two hours just to complete or finish these tasks. Technically, the students nowadays sleep from 10
o’clock in the evening and will woke up before dawn. If this will be the routine of every students how
can the condition of their body or their health be in a good state?

Forcing students to come to school before seven in the morning is just like jeopardizing them.
The students wanted to learn but it comes out that learning results to illness because of lack of
relaxation and rest. Therefore, do not blame students when they are not active in class because
everything has its reason. “Time management kids,” this is what most teachers and parents utter when
youth are late from class. But if you look at those learners can you see screws, metals, chains and
batteries in their body? Of course not, precisely they are not machineries that can take all the work done
in just a snap of a finger.

Time management has an essential and a vital role in the life of a student. But this time
management is just erroneous, it is just a word not an action. There are 8-10 subjects a student must
face every day. They make sure to comply for each activity and exercises given to them. When this ideas
are gathered a person can conclude that the Philippine learning system if more on compliance not in
learning. If a student comply even though he doesn’t know the lessons very well, good grades will be
gained by

8:30 is the proposed time for the class for the reason that learners nowadays say that the school
is violating the personal rights of the students. Meaning to say that if you are late, you will miss the
discussion because for some instance, schools and teachers won’t allow students to enter their room
once they are late and some school says that if a student has 3 lates he or she will be suspended and
some school. It can be concluded that in school, you won’t be able to learn once you are late.

Yes, a person must have discipline in his self but people must know the background of this
person before given judgment and forbid to be given equity. With the 8:30 call time, students and
learners can prepare themselves before time and rest can be deeply experience due to the long period
of time allotted to it. It is not acceptable that a person will be mistreated just because of his late.
Disciplinary actions are enough but not violating the rights of the students. A small act of sensitivity is
needed to be able to not deprive the moralities of the students.

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