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Hands 0n Activity 1

National Parks Database

You have been hired by a local travel agency to set up tours for the coming season to
the National Parks in Philippines. The travel agency wants to be able to access a
database that will let them know about several features of each park so they can best
meet the needs of prospective travelers. As clients book and then take the trips, the
database will also include client information that can be linked to the park information. Your job is to
search the Internet for information about the National Parks and set up the National Parks database.

1. Start Access and open a new blank database. Name the database National
2. Use your favorite search engine to research information on the National Parks in
3. Use at least three different Web sites, including finding the basic information on
at least five parks. Information can include the name of the park, the state in
which the park is located, the size of the park, adult admission fee, special
features, and the date that the park opens for the season.
4. Create a table named Park. Accept the default ID primary key field with the
AutoNumber data type, renaming it as Park ID. Enter at least five additional
fields, such as Name, Region, Fee, Hours, and Date Opened, in the table based
on the information you found. Be sure to define the data type appropriate for
each field and to use appropriate field naming techniques.
5. Enter at least five records in the Park table for the parks that you found during
6. Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a query that displays only the name of
the park, the state, and the hours from the Park table in the detailed result. Give
the query a descriptive name.
7. Use the Form tool to create a simple form based on the Park table that you can
use to enter additional records into the database. Enter at least five more
8. Use the Report tool to create a simple report showing every field in the Park
9. Preview the report, and then print the report.
10. Close the database and then exit Access.

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Activity 2
Movie Database

The scope of the activities covers 50 movies from 1990 through the present that won Oscars for Best
Director. Organize the movies in a simple database that you will create. Organize, and then enter the
data. The database will include two tables. The Movie table will include data such as the movie title,
release date, number of Oscar nominations, number of Oscar wins, and category (such as whether it is a
comedy, drama, horror, documentary, or other category you decide). The Director table will include the
data about the director of those movies.

1. Start Access and open a new blank database. Name the database Oscars.
2. Search information to find 50 movies that won Oscars in the Best Director category since 1950
to present
3. Create a table called Movie. Accept the default ID primary key field with the AutoNumber data
type, renaming it as Movie ID. Create the fields, such as title, release date, number of Oscar
nominations, number of Oscar wins, category, and director ID Be sure to define the data type
appropriate for each field and to use appropriate field naming techniques. Enter a custom format
for the release date field.
4. Create a table called Director that has the fields director ID, first name, last name, and any other
fields of your choice based on the research that you collected. Consider that you do not want
redundant data between the two tables. The director ID is the common field between the two
5. Review the data types and field properties for the fields in the two tables and change any that are
not appropriate.
6. Enter 50 records into the Movie table.
7. View the records in the Movie table in datasheet view. Sort the datasheet in descending order by
number of nominations, and then save the table.
8. Enter the records in the Director table.
9. View the records in the Director table in datasheet view. In datasheet view, move the first name
field to follow the last name field, and then save the table.
10. Create an Excel worksheet, adding data for three additional directors to the worksheet. The
columns in the worksheet should be the same as the columns in the Director table and in the
same order. Save and close the Excel workbook, and then import the Excel director data into the
Director table.
11. Use the Relationships window to join the two tables based on the director ID field. Enforce
referential integrity.
12. Print the datasheet for both tables.
13. Close the database and then exit Access.

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Activity 3
School Club Database
The SSG President; You hired a new assistant to help with the clubs at the school. You want to be able
to have instant access to the clubs and the faculty advisor for each club. You set up the Clubs.accdb
database with two tables, Club and Advisor. There are currently 12 clubs in the table and you need to
enter the faculty data (or add club all in MSHS). Continue to create the information on the clubs and
work with this database to complete the Club and Advisor tables.

1. Start Access and open the Clubs.accdb database. Save the database as Clubs-TA3.accdb.
2. As the director, you want the database to include in the SSG office that is a primary source of
information for each club. You also want the database to include the name of one magazine that
the club should subscribe to.
3. Add a new text field in the Club table for the magazine name. Enter a magazine for each club.
View the table datasheet, and then resize all columns to their best fit.
4. Enter yourself as a new record in the Advisor table, and resize all columns to their best fit. Enter
at least six more records in the table.
5. Edit the advisor IDs in the Club table records, leaving one advisor ID null and having one or
more advisors advise more than one club.
6. Use the Relationships window to join the two tables based on the advisor ID field. Enforce
referential integrity.
7. Create a query that displays clubs and their advisors. Include the club name, club description,
first Name, and last Name fields, and sort in ascending order by club name. Name the query
8. Create a query that displays clubs by club type. Name the query ClubsByType. Sort the
resulting datasheet in ascending order by club type.
9. View the Advisor table to view related records and find out which clubs display for each advisor
by expanding the plus sign.
10. Use the Query window to create a query displaying all advisor and club data, sorting in
ascending order by advisor ID and then in ascending order by club name. Hide the start date field
from the query. Name the query AdvisorsAndClubs.
11. View the AdvisorsAndClubs query datasheet. Change the query to display those records with
Language or Science club types. Sort the datasheet in ascending order by club name.
12. Close the database and then exit Access.

Activity 4

School Club Database

The clubs at the Makati Science High School has been expanding and you have decided that each club
advisor would benefit greatly from forms and reports based on the Clubs-TA3.accdb database. You
want each advisor to be able to maintain advisor data, club data, and advisor and club data through
forms. Currently there are 12 clubs in the database. You have been charged with creating five more
clubs. You will also be creating several reports and iamges

1. Start Access and then open the Clubs-TA3.accdb database you completed in Tutorial 3.
2. Open “School Clubs “You can use the keyword “School Clubs” to begin your search to get
3 MS Access Activity 2 rreyes
3. Search for a public domain image that represents at least one of the clubs. Save the image to
your computer. Be sure you can use the image in your work.
4. Create a form that you can use to maintain records in the Club table. Try different layouts and
designs for the form. Once the form works best and is most attractive, save it as ClubEntry.
5. Use the ClubEntry form to enter the data for the five new clubs you are suggesting based on your
Internet search.
6. Create a form that you can use to maintain records in the Advisor table, using the same layout
and design as you used for the ClubEntry form. Save the form as AdvisorEntry.
7. Use the AdvisorEntry form to add two new advisors to the Advisor table using the names of
friends or fictitious names.
8. Create a form with Advisor table data in the main form and Club table data in the subform,
saving the form as AdvisorClubEntry.
9. Use the AdvisorClubEntry form to assign each new advisor to one of your new clubs, and then
assign other advisors to the other three new clubs.
10. Create a query that displays all fields from the Advisor table and all fields from the Club table,
sorted by the advisor last name and saving the query as AllAdvisorAndClubData.
11. Create a report based on the AllAdvisorAndClubData query, saving it as AdvisorAndClub.
Include the image that you found in your Internet search in the report. Format and enhance the
report. Print the report.
12. Create at one report based on the Advisor table, saving it as Advisor, and a second report based
on the Club table, saving it as Club. Enhance each report’s appearance with an image, and
format and enhance the reports to be consistent with the AdvisorAndClub report.
13. Apply conditional formatting to the values (for example, if the club is a certain club type) in at
least one of the reports. Print the report.
14. Close the database and then exit Access.

Activity 5

Adventure Outdoors

Adventure Outdoors, a youth-oriented travel company, has hired you to develop a database that the staff
can use to quickly access information about National Parks. Adventure Outdoors uses grant money to
pay the way for Maksci students who cannot afford to take trips. They intend to use the database to help
plan Maksci students travel during the summer months. The database will also include the names of the
Philippine Park from each of the Region. The adventure outdoors will request sponsorship to the Mayor
(or others person) asking to grant money for the said programs. Three basic tables are in the rough draft
of the database to get you started(national park database). Open the database and see which fields and
tables have been created. You will add fields that you think will be useful, relate the tables, and enter
data for several Regions. Start Access and then open the National park.accdb database on activity 1.
File name should be adventuredatabase.accdb
1. Create the tblPark, tblSponsor, and tblregion tables. Become familiar with the fields in
these tables. (Note: The Region, City or Town, and Phone fields in the tblPark table pertain
to the park’s location.)
2. Consider and add any additional fields. Include a memo field in one of the tables, and include
a data validation rule for at least one field in one of the tables. Create an input mask for the
Phone field in the tblPark and tblSponsor tables

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3. Enter the data you found into the tblRegion table, the tblSponsor table, and then the tblPark
table. Resize the datasheet columns to their best fit in each table.
4. Create a parameter query that will display the sponsor’ information based on the value
entered by the user. The query should show the parks in the region’ Name the query
5. Run the qrySponsorParameter query for your region. Print this datasheet.
6. Create at least five other queries, to extract information that would be useful in planning trips
and getting grants. Print the datasheets.
7. Create a trusted folder to store the Adventure Outdoors database. Make a backup copy of the
database. Close the database and exit Access.

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